2017 Folk by the Sea - Souvenir Program

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22-24 September 2017

Jan Preston

The Hillbilly Goats

Big Erle

Alan Whitbread

Well it’s it’s on on again again and and it’s it’s our our 5th 5th Folk Folk by by the the sea. sea.As As usual usual it’s it’s full full of of some some of of the the best best folk folk artists artists from from Well aroundAustralia Australia as as well well as as some some of of the the wealth wealth of of talent talent that that exists exists right right here here inin the the Illawarra. Illawarra. around As usual usual our our festival festival isis conducted conducted entirely entirely by by volunteers volunteers and and it’s it’s aa big big thank thank you you to to all all of of them. them.I’d I’d As especially like like to to thank thank our our Festival Festival Co-ordinators Co-ordinators Rod Rod and and Judy Judy Cork, Cork,Bruce Bruce and and Robyn Robyn Jackson, Jackson, especially David De De Santi, Santi,Graeme Graeme Morrison, Morrison,Steve Steve McClure, McClure,Peter Peter Davis Davis and and Ian IanWood Wood as as well well as as our our publicity publicity David ‘machine’ Nick Nick Hartgerink, Hartgerink,Gail Gail Norris, Norris,Lana Lana Patrin, Patrin,and and Liz Liz and and John JohnAitken. Aitken. ‘machine’ Once again again our our biggest biggest supporter supporter isis the the culturally culturally progressive progressive Kiama Kiama Municipal Municipal Council Council whose whose Once contribution allows allows us us to to run run the the free free concert concert on on Sunday Sunday inin Hindmarsh Hindmarsh Park. Park.Also Also the the Kiama Kiama Bowling Bowling Club Club who who provide provide contribution our Sunday Sunday night night venue venue again again for for aa free free concert. concert.We We also also have have great great support support from from the the Kiama Kiama Rugby Rugby Club Club and and the the our Anglican and and Uniting Uniting Churches. Churches.We We will will also also be be using using the the very very fine fine old old sandstone sandstoneAnglican Anglican Church Church for for two two acoustic acoustic Anglican performances on on Saturday. Saturday. performances Finally I’d I’d like like to to thank thank the the people people and and businesses businesses of of Kiama Kiama for for their their support. support.II believe believe Kiama Kiama isis the the cultural cultural hub hub of of the the Finally Illawarra (if (if not not the the state). state).Look Look forward forward to to seeing seeing you you there. there. Illawarra Russell Hannah Hannah Oam, Oam,President President Illawarra Illawarra Folk Folk Club Club Russell FROM THE THE FESTIVAL FESTIVAL CO-ORDINATORS CO-ORDINATORS FROM Again welcome welcome to to Folk Folk by by the the Sea. Sea.This This Again one isis number number five five so so itit looks looks like like we we are are one here for for the the long long haul. haul. here Again we we have have added added another another venue. venue. Again This time time it's it's the the beautiful beautiful Christ Christ Church Church This for two two afternoon afternoon acoustic acoustic concerts. concerts.With With this this addition addition we we for now use use all all the the possible possible venues venues on on the the Kiama Kiama Church Church Point Point now precinct.The The Church Church isis one one of of the the few few places places inin Kiama Kiama precinct. where you you can can see see the the original original cedar cedar used used and and inin the the small small where graveyard you you can can see see the the grave grave of of aa first first fleeter, fleeter,Royal Royal graveyard Marine,John John Gowen. Gowen. Marine, Kiama's wonderful wonderful asset, asset,the the Pavilion Pavilion has has also also been been Kiama's modified with with all all the the upper upper balconies balconies now now fenced fenced with with modified glass panels panels so so you you get get an an even even better better view view of of the the surf surf as as glass you enjoy enjoy aa drink drink at at the the Festival Festival bar. bar. you Againwe wethank thankour ourtwo twomajor majorsponsors, sponsors,Kiama KiamaCouncil Counciland and Again KiamaBowling Bowling Club, Club,We We are are very very fortunate fortunate to to have have such such aa Kiama supporting local local community community who who promotes promotes the the arts arts scene scene supporting all its its forms. forms. inin all On behalf behalf of of the the presenters presenters of of Folk Folk by by the the Sea, Sea,the the Illawarra Illawarra On Folk Club, Club,we we would would like like to to welcome welcome everyone everyone to to Folk Folk Folk by the the Sea Sea number number five. five.With With the the performers, performers,sound sound by technicians,volunteers volunteers and and audience audience that that we we have, have,we we technicians, know this this will will be be aa great great little little Festival Festival inin aa great great location. location. know Thanks Kiama. Kiama. Thanks Rod and and Judy Judy Cork Cork Rod Festival Co-ordinators Co-ordinators Festival

Festival Sponsors

FROM THE THE MAYOR MAYOR FROM Welcome to to Folk Folk by by the the Sea Sea Welcome The Folk Folk by by the the Sea Sea festival festival isis one one of of the the The highlights inin the the annual annual events events calendar calendar highlights for the the Kiama Kiama Local Local Government GovernmentArea Area for and given given the the tremendous tremendous success success of of this this and festival inin previous previous years, years,there there can can be be no no doubt doubt as as to to why. why. festival Kiama Council Council has has been been aa long long term term supporter supporter of of Folk Folk by by Kiama the Sea Sea which which promotes promotes and and celebrates celebrates traditional traditional folk folk the music,playing playing host host to to some some of of the the very very best bestAustralian Australian music, and International International artists. artists.The The festival festival produces produces high high and quality entertainment entertainment inin music, music,dance dance and and spoken spoken word word quality performances inin aa number number of of local local venues. venues. performances Fromthe theopening openingfamily familybush bushdance danceon onFriday Friday22 22September September From to the the free free folk folk concert concert in in Hindmarsh Hindmarsh Park Park on on Sunday Sunday 24 24 to September,at at this this festival festival there there isis something something for for everyone. everyone. September, Kiama Council Council welcomes welcomes all all performers performers and and festival festival goers, goers, Kiama and we we encourage encourage visitors visitors and and locals locals alike alike to to engage engage and and and participate.And And ifif you you are are aa visitor visitor we we also also urge urge you you to to participate. take time time to to not not only only enjoy enjoy the the folk folk festival festival but but to to explore explore take our beautiful beautiful local local area. area. our Finally,huge huge congratulations congratulations to to the the organisers organisers and and Finally, volunteers of of the the Folk Folk by by the the Sea Sea Festival Festival for for again again making making volunteers this event event such such aa huge huge success. success.II wish wish everyone everyone attending attending this an enjoyable enjoyable and and memorable memorable time time and and hope hope to to see see you you at at an one of of the the venues. venues. one Mark Honey Honey Mark Mayor of of Kiama Kiama Municipal Municipal Council Council Mayor

TheIllawarra IllawarraFolk FolkClub Clubpresents presentsthe thefifth fifthFolk Folkby bythe theSea Seaatatthe theKiama KiamaShowground Showgroundand andsurrounds, surrounds, The NSWwith withsupport supportfrom fromthe thefollowing followinggenerous generoussponsors: sponsors: NSW

This may may be be your your first first folk folk festival, festival,so so This here’s some some idea idea about about what what to to do. do. here’s Buy your your pass pass on-line on-line to to save save §§ Buy you money money and and time. time. you Main Festival Festival entry entry isis at at the the Kiama Kiama §§ Main Showground,Bong Bong Bong Bong Rd. Rd. Showground, Study the the program program to to decide decide §§ Study who you you want want to to see see and and when, when, who or just just take take pot pot luck! luck! or Just walk walk the the site! site!You’ll You’ll discover discover §§ Just music you’ve you’ve never never heard heard or or you’ll you’ll music end up up dancing, dancing,reciting reciting or or just just end watching.IfIf you you don’t don’t like like what what you you watching. see move move onto onto another another venue. venue. see Remember to to have have fun, fun,but but §§ Remember be courteous courteous to to your your fellow fellow be festival goers goers when when leaving! leaving! festival USEFUL PHONE PHONE NUMBERS NUMBERS USEFUL Ambulance,Police, Police,Fire: Fire:000 000 §§ Ambulance, NRMA Roadside RoadsideAssistance Assistance 13 13 1111 1111 §§ NRMA Radio Doctors Doctors 4228 4228 5522 5522 §§ Radio Shellharbour Hospital: Hospital:4295 4295 2500 2500 §§ Shellharbour Wollongong Hospital Hospital 4222 4222 5000 5000 §§ Wollongong FESTIVAL OFFICE OFFICE FESTIVAL The Festival FestivalTicket Ticket Office Office isis located located inin §§ The the Kiama Kiama Showground Showground Pavilion. Pavilion.This This isis the where you you purchase purchase passes passes or or exchange exchange where your pre-purchased pre-purchased pass pass voucher voucher for for aa your wristband.Please Please wear wear itit at at all all times! times! wristband. FESTIVAL OFFICE OFFICE OPENING OPENING TIMES TIMES FESTIVAL Friday 10am 10am –– 10pm 10pm §§ Friday Saturday 7.30am 7.30am –– 9pm 9pm §§ Saturday VISITOR INFORMATION INFORMATION VISITOR Festival Info Info line: line:1300 1300 887 887 034 034 §§ Festival For local local tourist tourist information, information, §§ For call the the Kiama KiamaVisitors Visitors §§ call Centre,1300 1300 654 654 262 262 Centre,

Alma Salero Salero Alma

Carefree Road Road Band Band Carefree

FESTIVAL VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEERS FESTIVAL The Festival Festival runs runs entirely entirely on on §§ The volunteers who who appreciate appreciate aa helping helping volunteers hand and and the the odd odd thank thank you! you! hand FESTIVAL BAR BAR FESTIVAL The Festival Festival organises organises its its own own bar bar §§ The and the the proceeds proceeds help help keep keep ticket ticket and prices down. down.Please Please patronise patronise itit prices but do do drink drink sensibly! sensibly!The The bar bar isis but conducted strictly strictly according according to to conducted licensing regulations, regulations,ieie under-aged under-aged licensing and intoxicated intoxicated persons persons will will not not be be and served and and no no alcohol alcohol isis to to be be taken taken served inside or or outside outside licensed licensed areas. areas. inside LOST AND AND FOUND FOUND LOST All lost lost and and found found items items including including §§ All persons should should be be reported reported persons to the the Festival Festival Office. Office. to

LATE NIGHT NIGHT PARTYING PARTYING LATE noise curfew curfew will will apply apply to to §§ AA noise all camping camping areas areas after after 10pm. 10pm. all Anyone wishing wishing to to session session Anyone on can can go go to to the the Pavilion. Pavilion. on CHILDREN CHILDREN The Festival Festival aims aims to to provide provide aa safe safe §§ The environment for for families. families.Parents Parents environment and guardians guardians are are responsible responsible and for their their children children at at all all times. times. for TRANSPORT TRANSPORT Taxi (02) (02) 4237 4237 7505 7505 §§ Taxi Train times times && Fares Fares 131 131 500 500 §§ Train Bus Services Services Premier Premier Illawarra Illawarra §§ Bus (02) 4271 4271 1322, 1322,Kiama Kiama (02) Coachlines (02) (02) 4232 4232 3466 3466 Coachlines QANTAS 131 131 313 313 ••VIRGIN VIRGIN 136 136 §§ QANTAS 789 •• JETSTAR JETSTAR 131 131 538 538 789

CAMPING CAMPING FIRST AID AID FIRST Campers quickly quickly settle settle into into §§ Campers Festival First FirstAid Aid staff staff will will be be wearing wearing aa §§ Festival the relaxed relaxed village village atmosphere atmosphere the Green vest. vest.The The Festival Festival First FirstAid Aid room room Green and musical musical environment. environment. and the lower lower level level of ofThe The Pavilion Pavilion isis inin the Please no no campfires campfires or or pets. pets. §§ Please at the the Surf Surf Beach Beach (southern) (southern) end. end. at There isis to to be be aa minimum minimum of of §§ There the First FirstAid Aid room room isis not not attended attended §§ IfIf the 2.5 metres metres between between tents. tents. 2.5 please contact contact aa Festival Festival staff staff please Please recycle recycle waste waste where where possible. possible. §§ Please member inin aa green, green,red red or or blue blue vest. vest. member Children and and youth youth who who are are §§ Children camping must must be be accompanied accompanied camping by aa responsible responsible camping camping adult. adult. by Please do do not not leave leave any any §§ Please valuables inin cars cars or or tents. tents. valuables SHOWERS SHOWERS There are are hot hot water water showers showers §§ There available inin the the Rugby Rugby Club Club available building.Please Please conserve conserve water water building. and keep keep your your showers showers short. short. and

SMOKE FREE FREE FESTIVAL FESTIVAL SMOKE Folk by by the the Sea Sea isis aa §§ Folk Smoke Free Free Festival. Festival. Smoke Smoking isis not not permitted permitted §§ Smoking anywhere on on the the Festival Festival site, site, anywhere including camping camping areas. areas. including

Lizzie flynn flynn Fred Fred Smith Smith Band Band Lizzie

JaneThompson Thompson && James James Rigby Rigby Jane

SatSat 4 -4 5pm - 5pm Kendall Kendall Room Room Curse Curse of of Verse Verse


Feature Concerts (These events have multiple performers) WELCOME TO COUNTRY & OPENING Fri 6.45 - 7.15pm Norfolk Room VOX FM CONCERT Sat 10am - 12.15 pm Norfolk Room MORNING TRAD Sat 11am - 12pm Kendall Room BLACKBOARD Sat 12 - 1.45pm Kendall Room THE BEST MEDICINE (funny songs) Sat 1 - 2pm Saddleback Room AFTERNOON TRAD Sat 3 - 4pm Kendall Room SIRENS OF THE SEA Sat 3.30 - 5pm Anglican Hall

FriFri 7.15 7.15 - 8pm - 8pm Saddleback Saddleback Room Room SatSat 12.30 12.30 - 1.30pm - 1.30pm Anglican Anglican Hall Hall Sun Sun 10.30 10.30 - 11am - 11am Anglican Anglican Hall Hall

CAREFREE CAREFREEROAD ROADBAND BAND LIZ FRENCHAM SatSat 1010 - 10.15am - 10.15am Norfolk Norfolk Room Room VOX VOX FMFM

Sat 3.30 -- 5pm Anglican HallPeter, Sirens of the Sea SatSat 5 -5 6pm 6pm Norfolk Norfolk Room Room Peter, Paul Paul && Mary Mary


Sun 12.40 - -1.20pm Hindmarsh Park Main Folk in the Park Sun Sun 10.30 10.30 11.05am - 11.05am Hindmarsh Hindmarsh Park Park Main Main Folk Folk in in the the Park Park


Fri 9.15 - 10pm Norfolk Room Sun Sun 2 -2 2.30pm - 2.30pm Hindmarsh Hindmarsh Park Park Main Main Folk Folk in in thethe Park Park Sat 10.45 - 11am Norfolk Room VOX FM DENIS DENIS MCKAY MCKAY Sat 3.30 - 5pm Anglican Hall Sirens of the Sea SatSat 12pm - 12pm Kendall Kendall Room Room Morning Morning Trad Trad Sat 611am - 11am 7pm- Rugby Club SatSat 3O’SHEA -3 4pm - 4pm Kendall Kendall Room Room Afternoon Afternoon Trad Trad LUKE

THEY ALSO SING (singing poets) Sat 4 - 5pm Kendall Room

FISHAIN’T BITIN’ BITIN’ FriFISH 8.15 -AIN’T 9.15pm Rugby Club Sun Sun 7.45 7.45 - 8.30pm - 8.30pm Kiama Kiama Bowling Bowling Club Club Folk Folk at at thethe Bowlo Bowlo Sat 3.30 - 4.30pm Norfolk Room

‘REMEMBERING DENGATE’ PARODIES Sat 5.30 - 6.45pm Saddleback Room


BLACKBOARD Sat 7 - 9pm Kendall Room

ALAN WHITBREAD Fri 6 - 6.45pm Kendall Room Sat 11am - 12pm Kendall Room Morning Trad Sat 5.30 - 6.30pm Kendall Room Sat 9 - 9.30pm Verandah Shanties Singalong

ALLAN STONE Sat 9 - 10.15am Kendall Room Morning Poets Sat 2 - 2.45pm Kendall Room Feature Poets Sat 4 - 5pm Kendall Room Curse of Verse

ALMA SALERO Fri 8.15 - 9pm Saddleback Room Sat 2 - 3pm Anglican Hall

ANDY GORDON Sun 6 - 6.30pm Kiama Bowling Club Folk at the Bowlo

AZ-I-AM Sat 3 - 3.45pm Anglican Church Acoustic Sun 4.30 - 5pm Kiama Bowling Club Folk at the Bowlo

BIG ERLE Sun 5.15 - 5.45pm Kiama Bowling Club Folk at the Bowlo

BLOWHOLE BUSKERS Sun 9.30 - 10am Hindmarsh Park Main Folk in the Park


Sat 9 - 10.15am Kendall Room Morning Poets Sat 2 - 2.45pm Kendall Room Feature Poets Sat 4 - 5pm Kendall Room Curse of Verse


Fri 7.15 - 8pm Saddleback Room Sat 12.30 - 1.30pm Anglican Hall Sun 10.30 - 11am Anglican Hall

Sat 8.30 -- 9.30pm Saddleback FriFri 7.15 7.15 8pm - 8pm Norfolk Norfolk Room RoomRoom Sat Sat 11.15 11.15 11.30am 11.30am Norfolk Norfolk Room Room VOX VOX FMFM MICHAEL WAUGH SatSat 6.30 6.30 -- 7.30pm - 7.30pm Norfolk Norfolk Room RoomVOX FM Sat 10.30 10.45am Norfolk Room Sat 12.30 &- & 1.30pm Norfolk Room GALLIE GALLIE PADDY PADDY Sat 76 --68pm Saddleback Room FriFri -6.45pm 6.45pm Saddleback Saddleback Room Room SatSat 11.45am 11.45am - 12pm - 12pm Norfolk Norfolk Room Room VOX VOX FMFM MUNSTERBUCKS SatSat - 9pm Norfolk Norfolk Room Room Sat 108 -8 9pm 11am Saddleback Room Sat 12 - TUNES 12.15pm Norfolk Room VOX FM GOOD GOOD TUNESSESSION SESSION Sat 9.30 - -10.30pm NorfolkSession Room SatSat 1.30 1.30 2pm - 2pm Verandah Verandah Session

SatSat 7.30 7.30 pmpm 8pm 8pm Verandah Verandah Session Session MURMUR Sun 6.45 ENCHILADA - 7.30pm Kiama Bowling Club Folk at the Bowlo HAPPY HAPPY ENCHILADA NO SUCH THING FriFri 10.15 10.15 - 11.15pm - 11.15pm Saddleback Saddleback Room Room FriSat 8Sat -129.30pm Uniting Church 12 - 1pm - 1pm Rugby Rugby Club Club Hall Bush Dance Sat 7 - 8.15pm Uniting Church Hall Bush Dance HILLBILLY HILLBILLYGOATS GOATS Sat 10.30 - 11.30pm Verandah Aussie Singalong FriFri 8.15 8.15 - 9pm - 9pm Norfolk Norfolk Room Room REEDY RIVER SHOW SatSat 7.30 7.30 - 8.30pm - 8.30pm Rugby Rugby Club Club Sat 2 - 3pm Norfolk Room


Sat 10.15 11am Kendall Room Morning Poets SatSat 8.30 8.30 -- 9.30pm - 9.30pm Anglican Anglican Hall Hall Sat 11.30 - 11.45am Norfolk Room VOX FM JANE JANE & &JAMES JAMES RIGBY RIGBY Sat 2.20THOMPSON -THOMPSON 3pm Kendall Room Feature Poets Fri Fri 10.15 10.15 11.15pm 11.15pm Kendall Kendall Room Room Sat 4 - 5pm Kendall Room Curse of Verse SatSat 3.30 3.30 - 5pm - 5pm Anglican Anglican Hall Hall Sirens Sirens of of thethe Sea Sea RUSSELL HANNAH SatSat 7 -7 8pm - 8pm Anglican Anglican Hall Hall Sat 1 - 2pm Saddleback Room ‘The Best Medicine’ JOE JOE &HARMONY’S HARMONY’S TRIPPY TRIPPY HIPPY HIPPY BAND BAND Sat 3 -&3.30pm Verandah Verandah Verse FriFri - 11.15pm Norfolk Norfolk Room Room Sat 410.15 -10.15 5pm- 11.15pm Kendall Room Curse of Verse SatSat 9 -9 10pm 10pm Rugby Rugby Club Club Room ‘Remembering Sat 5.30 -- 6.45pm Saddleback JOHN JOHNFEGAN FEGAN Dengate’ Parodies FriFri 9.15 9.15 10pm - 10pm Kendall Kendall Room Room RUSTY &-THE SAINT 11 - 11.15am - 11.15am Norfolk Norfolk Room VOX VOX FMFM FriSat 6Sat -116.45pm Rugby Club Room Sat Sat 1.30 1.30 2.30pm 2.30pm Rugby Rugby Club Club Sat 11am - 12pm Kendall Room Morning Trad

KIAMA KIAMA PIPEBAND BAND Sat 2.30 -PIPE 3.30pm Saddleback Room Sun Sun 3.45 - 4pm - 4pm Hindmarsh Hindmarsh Park Park Side Side Folk Folk in in thethe Park Park Sat 4 3.45 - 5pm Kendall Room They Also Sing LISA LISALAZULI LAZULI


3.45 - 4pm Hindmarsh FriSun 6 - 6.45pm Rugby Club Park Side Folk in the Park LISA LAZULI SatCAREFREE 11am - 12pm Kendall Room Morning Trad ROAD BAND 7.15 8pm Kendall Room SatFri 2.30 Saddleback Room Sat 10- --3.30pm 10.15am Norfolk Room VOX FM - 12.30pm Saddleback Room SatSat 4 -11.30am Kendall Room They AlsoPaul Sing Sat 55pm - 6pm Norfolk Room Peter, & Mary Sat 3.30 - 5pm Anglican Hall Sirens of the Sea CHORD-EAUX Sun 10 - 11am Anglican Church Service Sun 10.30 - 11.05am Hindmarsh Park Main Folk in the Park

12.00pm MORNING Fri 11am 8.15 - -9pm Kendall Room TRAD - DENIS MCKAY, ALAN WHITBREAD, TONYNorfolk ROMEO,Room RUSTY & THE Sat 10.15 - 10.30am VOX FM SAINT Kendall Room 11.00am-12.00pm RYEBUCK BUSH Anglican BAND WHOA Sat 11am - 12pm Hall MULE Anglican Hall Sat11.30am-12.30pm 2.30--5pm 4pmAnglican Uniting Church Hall of Contra Dance Room LISASirens LAZULI Saddleback Sat 3.30 Hall the Sea Sat11.15am-12.00pm 8.15 - 9.30pm UnitingRUSTY Church Hall Bush Dance WOLLONGONG WELSH CHOIR & THE SAINT Kendall Room





SALTY Sun 2.30 - 3pm Hindmarsh Park Side Folk in the Park * Entry with 2 day pass, evening pass * Entry with Sun 11.30am - 12.10pm Hindmarsh Park Main Folk in the Park LIZ FRENCHAM LIZ FRENCHAM CURIOUS RENDITION ORCHESTRA RYEBUCK BUSH BAND 12.00 Kendall- Room 5.00- -1.45pm 5.45pm BLACKBOARD THE PUMPS CONCERT Norfolk Room 5.00 5.45p Sat 3.30 - 5pm AnglicanAnglican Hall Sirens of Hall the SeaSirens of the Sat 3.30 - 5pm Sea SENOR CABRALES 2.30pm Hindmarsh Main Folk in the Park SatSun 2.302 -- 4pm Uniting Church Park Hall Contra Dance 12.00 ENCHILADA BOOGIE Rugby Club 6.00- -1.00pm 6.45pm HAPPY JAN PRESTON’S CIRCUS 6.00 - 6.45p LIZZIE BENNETT Fri 9.15 10pm Saddleback Room LIZZIE BENNETT Sat 8.15 - MCKAY 9.30pm Uniting Church Hall Bush Dance 12.30 - 1.30pm MICHAEL Norfolk WAUGH Room Norfolk Room DENIS Sun 12.40 - 1.20pm HindmarshHindmarsh Park Main Folk in Park the ParkMain Sat12.30 3Folk - 4pm in Rugby Sun 12.40 - 1.20pm theClub ParkWATSON Anglican Hall 6.00- -1.30pm 6.45pm BRUCE GALLIE & PADDY Saddleback Sat 11am - 12pm Kendall Room Morning Trad SALTY 6.00 -Room 6.45p LIZZIE & THERoom RECKONING 1.00 - 2.00pm BESTWHITBREAD MEDICINE IS HUMOUR - HOST SHANTY CLUB LIZZIE FLYNN & THE RECKONING 6.00 - 6.45pm THE ALAN Kendall Room Sat 3 - FLYNN 4pm Afternoon Trad Sun 11.30am - Kendall 12.10pm Hindmarsh Park Main 6.00 - 6.45p Friin9.15 - 10pm Norfolk Norfolk Room Fri 11.15pm - 12am RUSSELL Verandah Singalong Fri 9.15 - 10pm Room HANNAH Saddleback Room 6.00 6.45pm RUSTY & THE SAINT Rugby Club Folk the Park 6.00 6.45p FISH AIN’T BITIN’ Sat 10.45 - 11am Norfolk Room VOX FMRoom VOX FM Sat1.30 Sat 10.45 - 11am Norfolk 4.30 Verandah Singalong - -2.00pm GOOD TUNES TO SESSION Verandah 6.45 -5pm 7.15pm WELCOME COUNTRY / OPENING 6.45 - 7.15p Sun 7.45 8.30pm Kiama Bowling the Bowloof the Sea SENOR CABRALES Sat 3.30 5pm Anglican Hall SirensClub of Hall theFolk Seaat Sat 3.30 - 5pm Anglican Sirens Sat1.30 6 - 6.30pm Singalong - 2.30pmVerandah JOHN FEGAN Rugby Club Norfolk Room FriSat 9.15 10pm Saddleback Room Sat 66-SMITH 7pm Rugby Club FRED BAND WITH LIZ FRENCHAM & CARL - 7pm Rugby Club 2.00 - 3.00pm REEDY Room 7.15 - 8.00pmKIAMA FREDRIVER SMITHSHOW BANDNorfolk Norfolk Room SING AUSTRALIA 7.15 - 8.00p SatPANNUZZO 3 - 4pm Rugby Club 2.00 3.00pm FEATURE POETS ALLAN STONE, BRIAN LUKE O’SHEA LUKE O’SHEA 7.15 8.00pm BRUCE WATSON Saddleback Sun 12.10 - 12.40pm Hindmarsh Park Side 7.15 Folk in the Park -Room 8.00p SHANTY CLUB Fri 8.15 7.15 8pm Norfolk Fri -- 9.15pm RugbyRoom Club BELL, ROBYN SYKES Kendall Room Fri 8.15 - 9.15pm Rugby Club 7.15 8.00pm LISA LAZULI Kendall Room 7.15 8.00p SINGONGO om FriSat 11.15pm 12am Verandah Singalong Sat 3.30 11.15 11.30am Norfolk Room VOX FM Sat - -4.30pm Norfolk Room 2.00 - 3.00pm ALMA SALERO Anglican Hall - 8.00p 3.30 - 4.30pm Norfolk Room 7.15 - 8.00pmHindmarsh STEVE TYSON Rugby Club Sun 10 - 10.30am Park Side Folk7.15 in the Park SatSat 4.30 - 5pm Verandah Singalong 6.30 - 7.30pm Norfolk Room 2.00 - 2.45pm Anglican Church 8.00 - 9.30pm TANGO BUSHROSE DANCE - NO SUCH THING MALUMBA 8.00 - 9.30p MALUMBA SatGALLIE 6 - 6.30pm Verandah Singalong STEVE 2.30 -TYSON 3.30pm RUSTY & THE SAINT PADDY Uniting Church HallSaddleback Room Fri 9.30 -&10.30pm Rugby Club Fri 9.30 - 10.30pm Rugby Club Fri2.30 7.15 8pm RugbyCONTRA Club --4.00pm DANCE - PASTRAMI ON SING KIAMA Fri 6AUSTRALIA - 6.45pm Saddleback Room Sat 8.30 - 9.30pm Saddleback Room 8.15 - 9.00pm HILLBILLY GOATS Norfolk Room Sat 8.30 - 9.30pm Saddleback Room 8.15 - 9.00p Sat 48.15 - 5pm Saddleback RoomSALERO RYEBUCK Uniting Church Hall Room SunSat 12.10 - 12.40pm Hindmarsh Park VOX SideFM Folk in the Park 11.45am 12pm Norfolk Room 9.00pm ALMA Saddleback 8.15 - 9.00p MICHAEL WAUGH MICHAEL WAUGH 3.00 -ROSE 3.45pm Church Sat 10.30 8 - 9pm Norfolk Room TANGO 8.15 - 9.00pm AZ-I-AM WHOA Anglican MULE Kendall Room - 9.00p 8.15 SINGONGO Sat - 10.45am Norfolk Room VOX FM Room VOX FM Sat 10.30 - 10.45am Norfolk - 4.00pm TRAD Kendall Sat3.00 10.30 11.30amAFTERNOON Rugby 8.15 - 9.15pm LUKEClub O’SHEA Rugby ClubRoom 8.15 - 9.15p Sun 1012.30 - 10.30am Hindmarsh Side Folk in the Park Sat - 1.30pm Norfolk Park Room GOOD TUNES Sat 12.30 -SESSION 1.30pm Norfolk Room 3.00 3.30pm VERANDAH VERSE Verandah Sat 2 2.45pm Anglican Church Acoustic 9.15 10.00pm LIZZIE FLYNN & THE RECKONING 9.15 - 10.00 Sat - 8pm Saddleback Room Sat 71.30 2pm Verandah Session Sat 7 - -8pm Saddleback Room STEVE TYSON SENOR CABRALES Rugby Club Sat3.00 5.30- -4.00pm 6.30pm Anglican Hall Norfolk Room Sat pmRugby 8pm Verandah Session MUNSTERBUCKS FriMUNSTERBUCKS 7.157.30 - 8pm Club 3.30 - 4.30pm LUKE O’SHEA Norfolk Room Sun 8.30 --10am El Corazon Breaakfast Folk 9.15 10.00pm SENOR CABRALES Saddleback Room 9.15 - 10.00 Sat - ENCHILADA 11am Saddleback Sat 4 -10 5pm Saddleback RoomRoom HAPPY Sat 10 11am Saddleback Room 9.15 10.00pm JOHN FEGAN Kendall Room 9.15 10.00 THE CON ARTISTS Sat 12 - 12.15pm Norfolk Room VOX FMRoom VOX FM Sat 12 12.15pm Norfolk Fri 10.15 - 11.15pm Saddleback Room TANGO ROSE - 10.30pm MALUMBA Rugby Club 9.30 - 10.30p Sun 39.30 - 3.45pm Hindmarsh Park Main Folk in the Park Sat 9.30 - 10.30pm Norfolk Room Sat 9.30 -Rugby 10.30pm Norfolk Room Sat 12 -- 1pm Club Club TE- 11.15 Sat 10.30 11.30am Rugby TO-11.15pm HINDMARSH 10.15 JOE &PARK HARMONY’S TRIPPY 10.15HIPPY RR BAND THE HUMPHREYS MURMUR MURMUR Sat 2 - 2.45pmGOATS Anglican Church Acoustic HILLBILLY Norfolk Room Sun 8.45 Kiama Bowling Club Folk at the BowloAL Sun 6.45 7.30pm Kiama Bowling Club Folk at the Bowlo Sun 6.45 -Norfolk 7.30pm Kiama Bowling Club Folk at- 9.45pm the Bowlo Sat 5.30 - 6.30pm Anglican Hall Fri 8.15 - -9pm Room 10.1511.15pm HAPPY ENCHILADA Saddleback RoomON 10.15 - 11.15 Sun 8.30 - 10am ElTHING Corazon Breaakfast Folk Sat 7.30 - THING 8.30pm Rugby Club THE PUMPS NO SUCH NO SUCH 10.15 - 11.15pm JANE THOMPSON & JAMES RIGBY 10.15 - 11.15 5 - 5.45pm Norfolk Room Fri 88-PRESTON’S 9.30pm Uniting Church Hall Church Bush Dance Hall Bush Fri Fri 9.30pm Uniting Dance THE CON ARTISTS JAN BOOGIE CIRCUS Kendall Room EL CORAZON 9 TO BOWLING CLUB Sat 4.30 5.30pm Rugby Club TIME - SHANTY Sat 7 8.15pm Uniting Church Hall Bush Dance Sat 7 8.15pm Uniting Church Hall Bush Dance SunFri3 6- 3.45pm Park Main Folk in the Park - 6.45pmHindmarsh Norfolk Room 11.15pm -12am SHANTY CLUB Verandah 11.15pm -12 Sat 10.30 -9.30pm 11.30pm Verandah Aussie Singalong Aussie Singalong Sat 10.30 - 11.30pm Verandah Sat 8.30 Anglican Hall TONY ROMEO THE HUMPHREYS AN REEDY SHOW Sat 11am - 12pm Kendall Room Morning Trad REEDY RIVER SHOW Sun 8.45 THOMPSON - RIVER 9.45pm Kiama BowlingRIGBY Club Folk at the Bowlo JANE & JAMES UNITINGTrad ANGLICAN CH Sat 10.15 22- 3pm Norfolk Room Sat 3 - 4pm Kendall Room Afternoon Sat - -3pm Norfolk Room 11.15pm Kendall Room THEFriPUMPS CHURCH 7 * Entry with 2 day pass, day pass * HALL ROBYN Sat 3.30SYKES - 5pm Anglican Entry with THE WATER RUNNERS SYKES FriROBYN 5 - 5.45pm Norfolk RoomHall Sirens of the Sea Sat 10.15 11am Kendall Room Morning Poets Sat 7 8pm Anglican Hall HALL 6 Sat 10.15 11am Kendall Room Morning Poets Sat 10 11pm Saddleback Room Sat 4.30 - 5.30pm Rugby Club Sat - 11.45am Norfolk VOX FM Room VOX FM 9.00 - 10.15am MORNING POETS - ALLAN Sat 11.30 - 11.45am Norfolk 9.00STONE, - 10.15 JOE11.30 & HARMONY’S TRIPPYRoom HIPPY BAND THREE SIXTY TONY ROMEO BOROBYN SYKES KendallBRIAN Sat 2.20 - 3pm Kendall Kendall Room Feature Poets Feature Poets BRIAN BELL AND Sat 2.20 3pm Room Room BELL Fri 10.15 11.15pm Norfolk Room Sun 11.05 11.40am Hindmarsh Park Side Folk in the Park N Sat 11am --12pm Kendall Room Morning TradCurse of Verse Sat 44- 5pm Kendall Room Curse of Verse Sat 5pm Kendall Room G FM ‘LIVE TO THE10.00 10.00 - 10.15am VOX WORLD’--10.15 Sat 9 10pm Rugby Club BO Sat 3 - 4pm Kendall Room Afternoon Trad TONY CAREFREE ROMEO ROAD BAND, WHOA MULE,RUGBY MICHAEL CAREFREE RUSSELL HANNAH RUSSELL HANNAH NMorning JOHN FEGAN Sat 11am 12pm Kendall Room Trad JOHN FEGAN, G RECKONING, 5 LIZ THE WATER RUNNERS WAUGH, LIZZIE FLYNN & THE Sat 11- 2pm Saddleback Room ‘The Best Medicine’ WAUGH, Sat 2pm Saddleback Room ‘The Best Medicine’ S CLUB Fri 9.15 - 10pm Kendall Room T GALLIE Sat 10 11pm Saddleback Room TRILOGY FRED SMITH BAND, ROBYN SYKES, & PADDY, Sat 3 3.30pm Verandah Verandah Verse FRED SMIT Sat 3 --11.15am 3.30pm Verandah Sat 11 Norfolk Room VOX FMVerandah Verse Sun 1.20 pm 2pm Hindmarsh Side Folk inMUNSTERB the Park KIA MUNSTERBUCKS NorfolkPark Room Sat 44 - 5pm Kendall Room Curse of Verse Sat - -5pm THREE SIXTY Sat 1.30 2.30pmKendall Rugby Club Room Curse of Verse FESTIVAL SHO Sat 5.30 6.45pm Saddleback Room ‘Remembering 10.00 11.00am MUNSTERBUCKS Saddleback Sat 5.30 - 6.45pm Saddleback Sun 11.05 - 11.40am Hindmarsh Park Side Folk in Room the Park ‘Remembering 10.00 Room - 11.00 WHOA MULE KIAMA PIPE BAND ENTRY Dengate’ Parodies 10.30 11.30am TANGO ROSE Rugby Club Dengate’ Parodies 10.30 11.30 Fri 8.15 9pm Kendall Room TONY CORONATION SunROMEO 3.45 - 4pm Hindmarsh Park Side Folk in the Park 11am- -10.30am 12.00pmNorfolk MORNING TRAD DENIS MCKAY, ALAN 11am - 112.00 Sat 10.15 Room VOX-FM RUSTY THE SAINT RUSTY & THE Sat 11am -&12pm KendallSAINT Room Morning Trad PARK THE Kendall Room LISA WHITBREAD, TONY ROMEO, SAINT 2 WHITBREAD Sat 11am - 12pm Anglican Hall RUSTY & THE Fri 66-LAZULI 6.45pm Rugby Club Fri 6.45pm Rugby Club CAMPING TRILOGY 4 PAVILLION Fri 7.15 - 8pm Room 11.00am-12.00pm WHOA Hall 3.30 - 5pm Anglican Hall SirensMULE of theAnglican Sea 11.00am-12. Sat 11am - 12pm Kendall Room MorningRoom Trad Sat 11am -Kendall 12pm Kendall MorningSat Trad Sun 1.20 pm 2pm Hindmarsh Park Side Room Folk in the Park AREA 3 Sat 11.30am 12.30pm Saddleback 11.30am-12.30pm LISA LAZULI Saddleback Room Sat 2.30 - 3.30pm Saddleback Room 11.30am-12. Sat 2.30 - 3.30pm Saddleback Room WOLLONGONG WELSH CHOIR WHOA MULE Sat 43.30 5pm Anglican Sirens theThey Sea Also Sing 11.15am-12.00pm RUSTY & THE SAINT Kendall Room Sat - 5pm Kendall RoomHall They Also of Sing Sat 4 - -5pm Kendall Room Sun 2.30 - 3pm Hindmarsh Park Side Folk in11.15am-12. the Park Fri Sun 8.1510 - 9pm Kendall RoomChurch Service - 11am Anglican Sat 10.15 - 10.30am Norfolk Room VOX FM SURF Sat 11am - 12pm Anglican Hall




11.00am-12.00pm at 11am - 12pm Kendall Room Morning Trad 11.30am-12.30pm at 2.30 - 3.30pm Saddleback Room 11.15am-12.00pm at 4 -CAREFREE 5pm Kendall Room They ROAD BAND Also Sing

WHOA 11.00am-12.00pm MULE Anglican WHOA MULE Hall Anglican Hall 9.3 LISA 11.30am-12.30pm LAZULI Saddleback LISA LAZULI Saddleback Room Room 10. RUSTY 11.15am-12.00pm & BUSH THEBAND SAINT RUSTY & THE Kendall SAINT Kendall Room Room RYEBUCK 10. Sat 2.30 - 4pm Uniting Church Hall Contra Dance Sat 10 - 10.15am Norfolk Room VOX FM Sat 8.15 - 9.30pm Uniting Church Hall Bush Dance Sat 5 - 6pm Norfolk Room Peter, Paul & Mary 3.30 - 5.00pm SIRENS OF THE SEA - LISA LAZULI, SALTY CHORD-EAUX YEBUCK BUSH BAND LIZ FRENCHAM, LIZZIE FLYNN, Kendall JANE THOMPSON, WHOA 12.00 - 1.45pm BLACKBOARD CONCERT Room 12.00 - 1.45pm BLACKBOARD CONCERT Kendall Room 11. Sun 11.30am Hindmarsh Park Main Sun 10.30 11.05am Hindmarsh Park Main Folk in the Park at 2.30 - 4pm Uniting Church Hall Contra Dance MULE Hall 12.00 - 1.00pm HAPPY ENCHILADA Rugby Club 12.00 - Anglican 1.00pm- 12.10pm HAPPY ENCHILADA Rugby Club 11. * Entry with 2 day pass, evening pass FolkWAUGH the Park MICHAEL at 8.15 - 9.30pmRENDITION Uniting Church Bush Dance MICHAEL 4.00 -in-5.00pm STEVE TYSON Saddleback Room 12.30 - Hall 1.30pm Norfolk Room 12.30 1.30pm WAUGH Norfolk Room 12. CURIOUS ORCHESTRA 4.00 - -5.00pm THEY ALSO SING - SINGING POETS SENOR CABRALES 12.30 -Park 1.30pm BRUCE WATSON Anglican Hall 12.30 1.30pm BRUCE WATSON Anglican Hall 12. Sun 2 2.30pm Hindmarsh Main Folk in the Park ALTY 5.00 - 5.45pm THE PUMPS Norfolk Room Kendall Room Fri 9.15 - 10pm Saddleback Room 1.00 - 2.00pm THE BEST IS HUMOUR - HOST 1.00 -MEDICINE 2.00pm THE BEST MEDICINE IS HUMOUR - HOST 1.2 un 11.30am 12.10pm Hindmarsh Park Main 6.00 6.45pm JAN PRESTON’S BOOGIE CIRCUS DENIS MCKAY 4.30 SHANTY CLUB Verandah SatHANNAH 3- -5.00pm 4pm Rugby Club RUSSELL Saddleback Room RUSSELL HANNAH Saddleback Room 2.0 olk inSat the11am Park - 12pmNorfolk KendallRoom Room Morning Trad 4.30 5.30pm THE PUMPS Rugby ClubVerandah 1.30 - Afternoon 2.00pm GOOD TUNES SESSION Verandah 1.30 - 2.00pm GOOD TUNES SESSION 2.3 SHANTY CLUB Sat 3 4pm Kendall Room Trad 6.00 - 6.45pm GALLIE & PADDY Saddleback Room ENOR CABRALES 5.00 6pmRugby CAREFREE ROAD BAND 1.30 - 2.30pm JOHN FEGAN Club 1.30 -- 2.30pm JOHN FEGAN Rugby ClubNorfolk Room Fri 11.15pm - 12am Verandah Singalong 3.0 6.00 6.45pm ALAN WHITBREAD Kendall Room ri 9.15 10pm Saddleback Room FISH AIN’T BITIN’ 5.30 6.45pm REMEMBERING DENGATE' 2.00 - 3.00pm REEDY RIVER SHOW Norfolk Room 2.00 -- 3.00pm REEDY RIVER SHOW NorfolkPARODIES Room Sat 4.30 - 5pm Verandah Singalong 3.4 6.45pm & Bowling THE SAINT Rugby Club at 3 6.00 -Sun 4pm-7.45 Rugby ClubRUSTY - 8.30pm Kiama Club Folk at the Bowlo HOST HANNAH Saddleback RoomSTONE, 2.00 - 3.00pm FEATURE POETS ALLAN STONE, BRIAN 2.00 FEATURE POETS - ALLAN BRIAN Sat 6- 3.00pm -RUSSELL 6.30pm Verandah Singalong 6.45 7.15pm WELCOME TO COUNTRY / OPENING 5.30 - 6.30pm ALAN WHITBREAD HANTY CLUB ROBYN SYKES Kendall Room BELL, ROBYN SYKESKendall KendallRoom Room FRED SMITH BAND WITH LIZ FRENCHAM & BELL, CARL Norfolk Room SING- 6.30pm AUSTRALIA KIAMA 5.30 TANGO ROSEHall Anglican ri 11.15pm - 12am Verandah 2.00 -Singalong 3.00pm ALMA SALERO 2.00 - 3.00pmAnglican ALMA SALERO AnglicanHall Hall PANNUZZO Sun 12.10 12.40pm Hindmarsh Park Side Folk in the Park 7.15 8.00pm FRED SMITH BAND Norfolk Room at 4.30 5pm- Verandah Singalong - 2.45pm TANGO ROSE Anglican Church 2.00 - 2.45pm TANGO ROSE Anglican Church Fri -7.15 8pm 2.00 Norfolk Room 7.15 8.00pm BRUCE WATSON Saddleback Room KIA at 6 -Sat 6.30pm Singalong SINGONGO 11.15Verandah - 11.30am Norfolk Room VOX FM RUSTY & 2.30 - 3.30pm THE SAINT Room 2.30 - 3.30pm RUSTYSaddleback & THE SAINT Saddleback Room 7.15 - 8.00pm LISA LAZULI Kendall Room Sun 10 10.30am Hindmarsh Park Side Folk in the Park Sat 6.30 - 7.30pm Norfolk Room 2.30 - 4.00pm CONTRA DANCE PASTRAMI ON ON 2.30 - 4.00pm -CONTRA DANCE - PASTRAMI ING7.15 AUSTRALIA - 8.00pmKIAMA STEVE TYSON Rugby Club 4.3 * Entry with 2 dayChurch pass, day pass, evening pass Uniting Hall Church Hall un rk12.10 12.40pm Hindmarsh Park- Side Folk in theRYEBUCK Park STEVE TYSON RYEBUCK Uniting GALLIE & PADDY 8.00 -- 9.30pm BUSH DANCE NO SUCH THING 5.1 - 3.45pm AZ-I-AM Church 3.00 -- 3.45pm AZ-I-AM Anglican Church FriAnglican 7.15 - 8pm Rugby ClubCLUB Fri 6 - 6.45pm3.00 Saddleback Room 6.00 6.30pm SHANTY Verandah INGONGO Uniting Church Hall 6.0 Sat 4 5pm Saddleback Room 3.00 4.00pm AFTERNOON TRAD Kendall Room 3.00 4.00pm AFTERNOON TRAD Kendall Room Sat 11.45am - 12pm Norfolk Room VOXinFM 6.00 - 7.00pm LIZZIE FLYNN & THE RECKONING un 10 - 10.30am ParkGOATS Side Folk the Park 8.15 - 9.00pmHindmarsh HILLBILLY Norfolk Room 6.4 3.00 - 3.30pm VERANDAH VERSE Verandah 3.00 - 3.30pm Sat 8- -9.00pm 9pm Norfolk Room Rugby Club VERSE Verandah TANGO ROSE VERANDAH 8.15 ALMA SALERO Saddleback Room TEVE TYSON 7.4 3.00 - 4.00pm SENOR CABRALES Rugby Club 3.00 -- 4.00pm SENOR CABRALES Rugby 6.30 7.30pm FRED SMITH BAND NorfolkClub Room Sat 10.30 - 11.30am Rugby Club 8.15 - 9.00pm WHOA MULE Kendall Room GOOD TUNES SESSION ri 7.15 - 8pm Rugby3.30 Club 8.4 - 4.30pm LUKE O’SHEA Norfolk Room 3.30 4.30pm LUKE O’SHEA Norfolk Room 7.00 MICHAEL WAUGH Saddleback Room Sat 2- -8.00pm 2.45pm Anglican Church Acoustic - 9.15pm LUKE O’SHEA Rugby Club 1.30 - 2pm Verandah Session at 4 8.15 -Sat 5pm Saddleback Room 3.30 -- 5.00pm SIRENS OF Hall THECONCERT SEA - LISA LAZULI, 7.00 9.00pm BLACKBOARD Kendall Room Sat 5.30 - 6.30pm Anglican 9.15 7.30 - 10.00pm FLYNN & THE RECKONING pm 8pmLIZZIE Verandah Session ANGOSatROSE LIZ FRENCHAM, FLYNN, JANE THOMPSON, WHOA 7.00 -8.30 9.30pm BUSH DANCE - NO SUCH THING & Sun - 10amLIZZIE El Corazon Breaakfast Folk Norfolk Room HAPPY ENCHILADA T E TE at 10.30 - 11.30am Rugby Club MULE Anglican TO HINDMARSH PARK TO PARKChurch Hall RYEBUCK BUSHHall BAND Uniting 9.15 - 10.00pm CABRALES Saddleback Room Entry with 2 daySENOR pass, evening pass THE CONHINDMARSH ARTISTS R 10.15 - 11.15pm Saddleback Room at 2*-Fri 2.45pm Anglican Church Acoustic RRA RA 4.00 -- 5.00pm STEVE TYSON Saddleback Room 7.00 8.00pm JANE THOMPSON & JAMES RIGBY 9.15 - 10.00pm JOHN FEGAN Kendall Room Sun 3 - 3.45pm Hindmarsh Park Main Folk in the Park LO Sat- 12 - 1pmAnglican Rugby Club at 5.30 6.30pm Hall 4.00 - 5.00pm THEY ALSO SING - SINGING POETS L ONN Anglican Hall 9.30--10am 10.30pm MALUMBA Rugby Club 5.00 5.45pm THE PUMPS Norfolk Room un 8.30 El Corazon Breaakfast Folk THE HUMPHREYS G G Kendall Room 7.30 8.00pm GOOD TUNES SESSION Verandah HILLBILLY GOATS 10.15 -11.15pm JOE & HARMONY’S TRIPPY HIPPY BAND ST 6.00 - 6.45pm JAN PRESTON’S BOOGIE CIRCUS 99 EL CLUB CORAZON EL CORAZON Sun --8.45 - 9.45pm Kiama Bowling Club Folk at the Bowlo 4.30 5.00pm SHANTY Verandah 7.30 8.30pm HILLBILLY GOATS Rugby Club Fri 8.15 - 9pm Norfolk Room HE CON ARTISTS Norfolk Room Norfolk Room TORugby BOWLING TO BOWLING 4.30 --PUMPS 5.30pm THE PUMPS RugbyNorfolk Club Room 8.00 9.00pm CLUB GALLIE & PADDY Sat 7.30 -Hindmarsh 8.30pm un 36.00 - 3.45pm Park Main Folk in the CLUB ParkRoom THE 10.15 11.15pm HAPPY ENCHILADA Saddleback Room - -6.45pm GALLIE &Club PADDY Saddleback 5.00 ---6pm CAREFREE ROAD BANDRoom Norfolk Room 8.30 9.30pm MALUMBA Saddleback Fri 5 5.45pm Norfolk Room JAN- PRESTON’S BOOGIE CIRCUS&Kendall HE HUMPHREYS 10.15 -6.45pm 11.15pm ALAN JANE THOMPSON JAMESRoom RIGBY 6.00 WHITBREAD AN 5.30 -- 6.45pm REMEMBERING DENGATE' PARODIES - ANGL 8.30 9.30pm JAN PRESTON’S BOOGIE CIRCUS Sat 4.30 5.30pm Rugby Club Fri 6 6.45pm Norfolk Room oun 8.45 Bowling Club Folk Rugby at the Club Bowlo Kendall Room 6.00--9.45pm 6.45pmKiama RUSTY & THE SAINT HOST RUSSELL HANNAH Saddleback RoomANGLICAN CHUR CH Anglican Hall ANGLICAN UNITING UNITING Sat 8.30 - 9.30pm Anglican HallCOUNTRY TONY ROMEO 11.15pm -12am SHANTY TIME - SHANTY/CLUB Verandah 5.30 6.45 - 7.15pm WELCOME TO OPENING HE PUMPS -- 6.30pm WHITBREAD Kendall Room 9.00 9.30pm ALAN SHANTIES - ALAN WHITBREAD Verandah HALL HALL CHURCH CHURCH 7 7 Sat 11am - 12pmTANGO KendallROSE Room MorningHall Trad Norfolk Room RIGBY THOMPSON & JAMES ri 5 - JANE 5.45pm Norfolk Room 5.30 Anglican 9.00 -- 6.30pm 10.00pm JOE & HARMONY’S TRIPPY HIPPY BAND Sat 3 - 4pm Kendall 6 Room Afternoon Trad HALL HALL 7.15 -5.30pm 8.00pm FRED SMITHRoom BAND Norfolk Room 6 Fri -10.15 - 11.15pm Kendall at 4.30 Rugby Club Rugby Club CA 7.15 3.30 - 8.00pm BRUCE WATSON Saddleback Room THE-WATER RUNNERS 9.30 10.30pm MUNSTERBUCKS Norfolk Room ONY Sat ROMEO - 5pm Anglican Hall Sirens of the Sea B BO 7.15 - 8.00pm LISA LAZULI Kendall Room AR O Sat 7 8pm Anglican Hall * Entry with 2 day pass, day pass Sat 10 11pm Saddleback Room 10.00 -11.00pm THE WATER RUNNERS Saddleback Room NG NG at 11am - 12pm Kendall Room Morning Trad 7.15 - 8.00pm STEVE TYSON Rugby Club * Entry with 2 day pass, day pass, evening pass 10.30 11.30pm - NO SUCH THING B HARMONY’S TRIPPY HIPPY at 3 -JOE 4pm&Kendall Room Afternoon Trad BAND THREE SIXTY AUSSIE BSINGALONG O-N ON 8.00 -- 9.30pm BUSH DANCE - NO-SUCH RUGBY RUGBY 9.00 10.15am MORNING POETS ALLANTHING STONE, Verandah Fri 10.15 11.15pm Norfolk Room Sun 11.05 11.40am Hindmarsh Park Side Folk in 5 the5Park G G HE WATER RUNNERS 6.00 - 6.30pmS SHANTY CLUB Verandah Uniting Church BRIAN BELL AND ROBYN SYKESHall Kendall Room SCLUB CLUB Sat 9 10pm Rugby Club T T at 108.15 11pm Saddleback Room TONY ROMEO 6.00 7.00pm LIZZIE FLYNN & THE RECKONING GOATS Norfolk Room * FREE EVENT 10.00- -9.00pm 10.15am HILLBILLY VOX FM ‘LIVE TO THE WORLD’ KIAM KIAMA JOHN FEGAN ALMA SALERO Saddleback Room Sat 11am - 12pmRugby Kendall Room Morning Trad Club 8.15 - 9.00pm HREE SIXTY CAREFREE ROAD BAND, WHOA MULE, MICHAEL FESTIVAL FESTIVAL Fri 9.15 10pm Kendall Room 6.30 7.30pm FRED SMITH BAND Norfolk Room 8.30 10.00am BREAKFAST FOLK TANGO ROSE SHO SHOWG 8.15 -- 9.00pm WHOA&MULE Kendall Room un rk11.05 11.40am Park Side Folk inJOHN the Park TRILOGY WAUGH, LIZZIE Hindmarsh FLYNN THE RECKONING, FEGAN, Sat 11 - 11.15amLUKE Norfolk RoomRugby VOX FM 7.00 -1.20 8.00pm MICHAEL Saddleback Room ElHindmarsh CorazonWAUGH ENTRY ENTRY 8.15 9.15pm O’SHEA Club Sun pm 2pm Park Side Folk in the Park FRED SMITH BAND,Rugby ROBYN SYKES, GALLIE & PADDY, ONY Sat ROMEO CORONATION 1.30 - 2.30pm Club 7.00 - CORONATION 9.00pm BLACKBOARD CONCERT 10.00-11.00am CHURCH SERVICE - LISA Kendall LAZULI,Room BRUCE 9.15 10.00pm LIZZIE FLYNN & THE RECKONING MUNSTERBUCKS Norfolk Room at 11am -- 12pm Kendall Room Morning Trad 1 1 WHOA MULE 7.00 - 9.30pm DANCE NO SUCH THING & PARK PARKBUSH WATSON Anglican Hall THE THE KIAMA PIPE BAND Norfolk Room 2 2 10.00 - 11.00am MUNSTERBUCKS Saddleback Room Fri 8.15 - 9pm Kendall Room CAMPING CAMPING RILOGY RYEBUCK BUSH BAND Uniting Church Hall 44 Sun -3.45 - 4pm Hindmarsh Park SideSaddleback Folk in theRoom Park 9.15 10.00pm SENOR CABRALES 10.30 TANGOPark ROSE Rugby Sat 10.15 - 10.30am RoomPAVILLION VOX FM PAVILLION un 1.20 pm- 11.30am 2pm Hindmarsh Side FolkClub in the Park 7.00 - 8.00pm JANENorfolk THOMPSON AREA AREA * FREE EVENT 3 & JAMES 3 RIGBY 9.15 FEGAN Kendall Room LISA- -10.00pm LAZULI 11am 12.00pm JOHN MORNING TRAD - DENIS MCKAY, ALAN Sat 11am - 12pmAnglican AnglicanHall Hall WHOA MULE 9.30 - 10.30pm MALUMBA Rugby&Club Fri 7.15 - 8pmTONY Kendall Room HINDMARSH PARKTUNES Sat 3.30 - 5pm Anglican Hall Sirens of the Sea WHITBREAD, ROMEO, RUSTY THE SAINT Kendall Room 7.30 - 8.00pm GOOD SESSION Verandah ri 8.15 - 9pm Kendall Room 10.15 -11.15pm JOE &WHOA HARMONY’S TRIPPY HIPPY BAND Sat 11.30am - 12.30pm Saddleback Room Hall 11.00am-12.00pm MULE Anglican 7.30 8.30pm HILLBILLY GOATS Rugby Club WOLLONGONG WELSH CHOIR 9.30 - 10.00am BLOWHOLE BUSKERS at 10.15 - 10.30am Room VOX FMof the Sea Norfolk Room Sat 3.30 - 5pmNorfolk Anglican Hall Sirens SURF SURF 11.30am-12.30pm LISA LAZULI Saddleback Room 8.00 -2.30 GALLIE & PADDY Norfolk Sun - 3pm Hindmarsh Park Side FolkRoom in the Park 10.00 -9.00pm 10.30am SINGONGO at 11am -10 12pm Anglican HallENCHILADA 10.15 11.15pm HAPPY Saddleback Room Sun 11am Anglican Church Service 11.15am-12.00pmBEACH RUSTY & THE SAINT Kendall Room 8.30 9.30pm MALUMBA Saddleback Room BEACH 10.30 11.05am CHORD-EAUX at 3.30 - 5pm Anglican HallTHOMPSON Sirens of the&Sea 10.15 - 11.15pm JANE JAMES RIGBY 8.30 - 9.30pm JAN PRESTON’S BOOGIE CIRCUS

2.30 - 4pm Uniting Church Hall Contra Dance 8.15 - 9.30pm Uniting Church Hall Bush Dance


11.30am - 12.10pm Hindmarsh Park Main in thFriday e Park


1.15pm - 12am Verandah Singalong 4.30 - 5pm Verandah Singalong 6 - 6.30pm Verandah Singalong








15 - 10pm Saddleback Room 3 - 4pmSaturday Rugby Club



12.00 - 1.45pm BLACKBOARD CONCERT Kendall Room 12.00 - 1.00pm HAPPY ENCHILADA Rugby Club 12.30 - 1.30pm MICHAEL WAUGH Norfolk Room F Saturday 12.30 - 1.30pm BRUCEevening WATSON Anglican Hall 1.00 - 2.00pm THE BEST MEDICINE IS HUMOUR - HOST RUSSELL HANNAH Saddleback Room 1.30 - 2.00pm GOOD TUNES SESSION Verandah 1.30 - 2.30pm JOHN FEGAN Rugby Club 2.00 - 3.00pm REEDY RIVER SHOW Norfolk Room Saturday evening 2.00 - 3.00pm FEATURE POETS - ALLAN STONE, BRIAN Sunday BELL, ROBYN SYKES Kendall Room 2.00 - 3.00pm ALMA SALERO Anglican Hall Folk in the Park 2.00 - 2.45pm TANGO ROSE Anglican Church ST



- 11.05am CHORD-EAUX 1.00 - 2.00pm THE BEST MEDICINE IS HUMOUR - HOST 10.30 1.20 - 2.00pm TRILOGY 11.05 -- 11.40am 11.40am THREE THREE SIXTY SIXTY RUSSELL HANNAH Saddleback Room 11.05 11.40 12.10pm SALTY 2.00 2.30pm RENDITION ORCHESTRA 11.05 THREE 11.40 - 11.40am 12.10pm CURIOUS SALTY SIXTY 12.10 11.40 12.10pm SALTY 12.10 -- 12.40pm 12.40pm SING SING AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA KIAMA KIAMA 1.30 - 2.00pm GOOD TUNES SESSION Verandah 12.40 1.20pm BENNETT 12.10 12.40pm SING KIAMA 12.40- --3.00pm 1.20pm LIZZIE LIZZIEAUSTRALIA BENNETTWELSH 2.30 WOLLONGONG CHOIR 1.20 12.40 1.20pm TRILOGY LIZZIE BENNETT 1.20 -- -2.00pm 2.00pm TRILOGY 2.00 1.20 TRILOGY 1.30 - 2.30pm JOHN FEGAN Rugby Club 2.00 -- 2.30pm 2.30pm CURIOUS CURIOUS RENDITION RENDITION ORCHESTRA ORCHESTRA 3.00 - 2.00pm 3.45pm THE CON ARTISTS 2.30 WELSH CHOIR 2.00 2.30pm CURIOUS RENDITION 2.30 -- 3.00pm 3.00pm WOLLONGONG WOLLONGONG WELSHORCHESTRA CHOIR 3.00 -- 3.45pm THE CON ARTISTS 2.30 3.00pm WOLLONGONG WELSH CHOIR 3.00 3.45pm THE CON ARTISTS 2.00 - 3.00pm REEDY RIVER SHOW Norfolk Room 3.45 4.00pm KIAMA PIPE BAND 3.45 PIPE BAND 3.00 3.45pm THE CON ARTISTS 3.45 --- 4.00pm 4.00pm KIAMA KIAMA PIPE BAND Sunday 2.00 - 3.00pm FEATURE POETS - ALLAN STONE, BRIAN 3.45 - 4.00pm KIAMA PIPE BAND Folk at the Bowlo **FREE FREE EVENT EVENT BELL, ROBYN SYKES Kendall Room Folk at the Bowlo * FREE EVENT KIAMA BOWLING CLUB KIAMA BOWLING CLUB KIAMA BOWLING CLUB 4.30 2.00 - 3.00pm ALMA SALERO Anglican Hall 4.30 -- 5.00pm 5.00pm AZ-I-AM AZ-I-AM *FREE EVENT 5.15 4.30 5.00pm AZ-I-AM 5.15 -- 5.45pm 5.45pm BIG BIG ERLE ERLE Folk Park 6.00 GORDON 5.15 5.45pm BIG ERLE 6.00 -- 6.30pm 6.30pm ANDY ANDY GORDON 2.00 - 2.45pmin the TANGO ROSE Anglican Church 6.45 -- 7.30pm MURMUR 6.00 6.30pm ANDY GORDON 6.45 7.30pm MURMUR KIAMA BOWLING CLUB 6.45 7.30pm MURMUR 7.45 -- 8.30pm 8.30pm FISH FISH AIN’T AIN’T BITIN’ BITIN’ 2.30 - 3.30pm RUSTY & THE SAINT Saddleback Room 7.45 8.45 7.45 8.30pm FISH AIN’T BITIN’ 8.45 -- 9.45pm 9.45pm THE THE HUMPHREYS HUMPHREYS 8.45 - 9.45pm THE HUMPHREYS 2.30 - 4.00pm CONTRA DANCE - PASTRAMI ON 4.30 - 5.00pm AZ-I-AM TTE TO PARK TO HINDMARSH HINDMARSH PARK ER R RYEBUCK Uni t i n g Church Hal l R TE RA HINDMARSH PARK 11.05 TO - 11.40am THREE SIXTY RRALLO 5.15 - 5.45pm BIG ERLE 1. ALON 11.40 - 12.10pm SALTY NG 1. NORFOLK NORFOLK ROOM ROOM 3.00 - 3.45pm AZ-I-AM Anglican Church O NG S S 12.10 - 12.40pm SING AUSTRALIA KIAMA 1. NORFOLK ROOM 2. ROOM EL CORAZON CORAZON 99 G TT 2. SADDLEBACK SADDLEBACK ROOM EL 6.00 6.30pm ANDY GORDON S 12.40 1.20pm LIZZIE BENNETT TO BOWLING CLUB 2. SADDLEBACK ROOM 3. KENDALL ROOM T 9 EL CORAZON TO BOWLING CLUB 3. KENDALL ROOM 3.00--2.00pm 4.00pm CLUB AFTERNOON TRAD Kendall Room 1.20 TRILOGY TO BOWLING 3. KENDALL ROOM 4. VERANDAH 4. VERANDAH ANGLICAN 2.00 - 2.30pm CURIOUS RENDITION ORCHESTRA ANGLICAN 6.45 - 7.30pm MURMUR 5.4.5. RUGBY VERANDAH 3.00--3.00pm 3.30pm WOLLONGONG VERANDAH VERSE Verandah RUGBY CLUB CLUB 2.30 WELSH CHOIR CHURCH ANGLICAN ANGLICAN UNITING CHURCH ANGLICAN UNITING 5. RUGBY CLUB 6. UNITING CHURCH 3.00 - 3.45pm THE CONCHURCH ARTISTS 6. UNITING CHURCH HALL HALL CHURCH HALL ANGLICAN UNITING 7.4588- 8.30pm FISH AIN’T7.6.7.BITIN’ 77 HALL CHURCH 3.45 PIPE BAND Rugby Club UNITING CHURCH HALL ANGLICAN HALL 3.00--4.00pm 4.00pm KIAMA SENOR CABRALES ANGLICAN HALL HALL CHURCH 66 HALL 8 7 HALL 7. HALL 8. ANGLICAN CHURCH CAMPING 8. ANGLICAN CHURCH 8.45 - 9.45pm THE HUMPHREYS CAMPING 6 HALL B 3.30 - 4.30pm LUKE O’SHEA Norfol k Room BO 8. ANGLICAN CHURCH 9. AREA CAMPING 9. EL EL CORAZON CORAZON AREA ON Folk at the Bowlo * FREE EVENT N

Folk at the Bowlo


8.00 - 9.00pm GALLIE & PADDY Norfolk Room 8.30 - 9.30pm MALUMBA Saddleback Room 8.30 - 9.30pm PRESTON’SCONCERT BOOGIE CIRCUS 12.00 -- 1.45pm BLACKBOARD Kendall 12.00 1.45pm JAN BLACKBOARD CONCERT Kendall Room Room Anglican Hall 12.00 1.00pm HAPPY ENCHILADA Rugby Club 12.00 - 1.45pm CONCERT 1.00pm BLACKBOARD HAPPY ENCHILADA RugbyKendall Club Room 9.00 - 9.30pm - ALAN WHITBREAD 12.30 -- 1.30pm MICHAEL WAUGH Norfolk 12.00 1.00pm HAPPY ENCHILADA RugbyRoom ClubVerandah 12.30 1.30pm SHANTIES MICHAEL WAUGH Norfolk Room 9.00 10.00pm JOE & HARMONY’S TRIPPY HIPPY BAND 12.30 1.30pm BRUCE WATSON Anglican Hall 12.30 - 1.30pm MICHAEL WAUGHAnglican Norfolk Room BRUCE WATSON Hall Club 1.00 THE MEDICINE IS 12.30 1.30pm Rugby BRUCE WATSON Anglican Hall -- HOST 1.00 -- -2.00pm 2.00pm THE BEST BEST MEDICINE IS HUMOUR HUMOUR HOST 9.30 Norfolk Room Room RUSSELL Saddleback 1.00--10.30pm 2.00pm MUNSTERBUCKS THE BESTHANNAH MEDICINE IS HUMOUR - HOST RUSSELL HANNAH Saddleback Room 10.00 -11.00pm THE WATER RUNNERS Saddleback Room 1.30 SESSION Verandah RUSSELL HANNAH Saddleback Room 1.30 -- 2.00pm 2.00pm GOOD GOOD TUNES TUNES SESSION Verandah 10.30 -- 11.30pm AUSSIE SINGALONG -Club NO SUCH THING 1.30 2.30pm JOHN FEGAN Rugby 1.30 - 2.00pm TUNES Rugby SESSION 2.30pm GOOD JOHN FEGAN ClubVerandah VerandahRIVER SHOW Norfolk Room 2.00 1.30 2.30pm JOHN 2.00 -- 3.00pm 3.00pm REEDY REEDYFEGAN RIVER Rugby SHOWClub Norfolk Room 2.00 POETS -- ALLAN STONE, 2.00 -- 3.00pm 3.00pm FEATURE REEDY RIVER SHOW Norfolk RoomBRIAN FEATURE POETS ALLAN STONE, BRIAN * FREE EVENT ROBYN SYKES Kendall 2.00 - 3.00pm BELL, FEATURE POETS ALLAN STONE, BELL, ROBYN SYKES Kendall Room RoomBRIAN 2.00 3.00pm ALMA SALERO Anglican Hall BELL, SYKES Kendall Room 2.00---10.00am 3.00pm BREAKFAST ALMA ROBYN SALERO Anglican HallROSE 8.30 FOLK - TANGO 2.00 2.45pm TANGO ROSE Anglican Church 2.00 - 3.00pm SALERO AnglicanChurch Hall 2.45pm ElALMA TANGO ROSE Anglican Corazon 2.30 3.30pm RUSTY THE SAINT Saddleback Room 10.00 SERVICE - LISA LAZULI, BRUCE 2.00 2.45pm TANGO ROSE Church 2.30 ---11.00am 3.30pm CHURCH RUSTY & & THE Anglican SAINT Saddleback Room 2.30 CONTRA DANCE --Hall PASTRAMI ON 2.30 -- 4.00pm 3.30pm RUSTY THE SAINT Saddleback 4.00pm WATSON CONTRA&Anglican DANCE PASTRAMI ON Room Uniting Hall 2.30 - 4.00pm RYEBUCK CONTRA PASTRAMI RYEBUCKDANCE Uniting-Church Church Hall ON 3.00 Church RYEBUCK Uniting Church Hall EVENT 3.00 -- 3.45pm 3.45pm AZ-I-AM AZ-I-AM Anglican Anglican Church * FREE 3.00 TRAD Kendall 3.00 -- 4.00pm 3.45pm AZ-I-AM Anglican 4.00pm AFTERNOON AFTERNOON TRADChurch Kendall Room Room HINDMARSH PARK 3.00 3.00 -- 3.30pm 4.00pm AFTERNOON TRAD Verandah Kendall Room 3.30pm VERANDAH VERANDAH VERSE VERSE Verandah 3.00 4.00pm SENOR Club 3.00---10.00am 3.30pm VERANDAH VERSE Rugby Verandah 4.00pm BLOWHOLE SENOR CABRALES CABRALES Rugby Club 9.30 BUSKERS 3.30 LUKE Norfolk Room 10.00 10.30am SINGONGO 3.00 4.00pm SENOR CABRALES Rugby Club 3.30 --- 4.30pm 4.30pm LUKE O’SHEA O’SHEA Norfolk Room 10.30 11.05am CHORD-EAUX 3.30 -- 4.30pm LUKE O’SHEA Norfolk Room









1. 2. 3. 4. 5.






55 5










Folk by the Sea is an intimate festival featuring the sounds of folk, world, roots, Celtic, bluegrass and gypsy music in 100 concerts over 3 days in the picturesque seaside town of Kiama, famous for its blowhole. The festival is a combination of ticket only entry, Friday and Saturday and a free day of local folk artists on Sunday. The festival is presented by volunteers from the Illawarra Folk Club Inc., presenters of the Illawarra Folk Festival held each year in January at the Bulli Showground.


Ticket Prices





Senor Cabrales


EARLY BIRD Until 19 September 2 day Adult pass (Friday & Saturday) 2 day Adult pass with camping 2 day Youth pass (U18) 2 day Youth pass with camping Child (U12)

$ 60 $ 90 $ 30 $ 55 FREE

AT THE GATE from Kiama Showground Pavillion 2 DAY PASS (Friday & Saturday) Adult 2 DAY PASS with camping 2 DAY PASS Youth (U18) 2 DAY PASS Child (U12) FRIDAY night Adult FRIDAY night Youth SATURDAY full day/eve Adult SATURDAY full day/eve Youth SATURDAY evening from 5pm Adult SATURDAY evening from 5pm Youth SUNDAY

Tickets available online at: www.folkbythesea.com.au or phone: 1300 887 034

The Pumps

$ 75 $ 105 $ 30 FREE $ 30 $ 10 $ 70 $ 25 $ 40 $ 20 FREE

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