5 minute read
Laura Daly goes for a bit of sparkle – in more ways than one – to bring a bit of cheer into the current climate
I’m writing this whilst listening to our new Prime Minister’s first Questions in Parliament. The third PM in as many months and, quite honestly, by the time this piece is published, I wouldn’t entirely rule out the possibility of a fourth having been perhaps elected or, who knows, by some other means inserted in the role. You’ll almost certainly be relieved to know that I’m not going to get into politics here but I’ve a feeling that many of you may agree with my sentiment that it’s all a bit of a mess.
Uncertainty seems to be the UK’s middle name and I take no great comfort in knowing that the rest of the civilised world doesn’t seem to be faring much better either. In fact, having to trade with some of those troubled countries in order to run my business makes me worry even more!
My coping strategy in the face of such wobbly times as these has always been to be proactive, to have a plan and a list, and to seek out the humour and light in even the darkest corners. So, for the umpteenth time in the past three years, I’ve found myself doing just that.
Sometimes, little gems of ideas become much bigger, more sparkly jewels that can enrich not only our own lives, but also the lives of those around us, so I thought I’d share some of my twinkly thoughts.
1. Make sure your workforce is okay doors in troubled times are the ones said it! It can be easy sometimes Ask them what keeps them awake at who have kept the faith. They are still just to vent your frustration at night; reach out to them more than out searching for the perfect dress, whoever has taken your call. But you’ve ever done. Let them know still planning on getting married, and bear in mind that they are nearly just how much you appreciate them still as excited as any other bride at always dealing with a situation all. Keep the conversation flowing any other time in history. created by others which they are and your office door always open. In When the going gets tough, it’s easy simply trying to help resolve. If you difficult trading times, when there’s to expose a layer of desperation feel that things may not be playing nothing but doom and gloom on which, in other times, remains hidden out quite the way you would like the news and fewer customers are from our customers. Now is NOT the and you’ve just been shouted coming through the door, it doesn’t time for a hard sell. at by an unhappy customer, it take much for staff room doesn’t mean that you get talk to turn to job security “In the face of such wobbly times as to pass these things on to worries. the next person. Quite the Be very careful about how these, I choose to be proactive, to contrary. Be the pacifier, not you express your concerns for any financially- based have a plan and a list, and to seek the warmonger. You’d be surprised how much easier business matter. If you have out the humour and light in even the life becomes! Do you want anyone in your employ, then you absolutely have to know darkest corners.” to be the person that causes another to drive home that, if they hear this, they crying? Or would you rather will be worried too. Don’t expect This bride chose you. Over all the be a happy highlight of someone’s them to be worried for you, or feel other shops in her area, she chose day? sympathy for your situation; they will you! It’s now more than ever a time be worried about how it will affect to celebrate, to embrace and ensure 4. Reach out to fellow retailers them and their job, and their ability she has the time of her life. When Call your bridal buddies! Reach out to pay their mortgage. Don’t take it she buys, you can be sure that you’re and be there for them. Meet for a personally. the business she has trusted for her drink, send that message and build Remember also that job burn-out, most precious and prized purchase your bridges wisely. Now is not the especially in times of slim pickings, because she got the experience time to pull back and stay home. is real. So keep an eye on your and the love that she needed, not The only people in the whole world workforce sick leave levels. A poor because you forced her into a sale! who understand exactly what you’re sickness record can easily be to do Disrupt a customer’s personal buying going through and the sacrifices with job worries, so make sure that pattern at your peril, it will come you sometimes have to make are you’re having those awkward talks back and bite you on the bum! those as crazy as you –other bridal and be proactive when you identify retailers! I’d go as far as to say that a problem. 3. Take time to reach out to your my bridal buddies are my biggest, suppliers shiniest jewels! They are gems to be 2. Love your customers Suppliers and their customer service cherished. They bring sparkles to my The brides that make it through our teams are people too - there, I’ve life. Let’s all sparkle for each other!