First Person Laura Daly goes for a bit of sparkle – in more ways than one – to bring a bit of cheer into the current climate
’m writing this whilst listening to our new Prime Minister’s first Questions in Parliament. The third PM in as many months and, quite honestly, by the time this piece is published, I wouldn’t entirely rule out the possibility of a fourth having been perhaps elected or, who knows, by some other means inserted in the role. You’ll almost certainly be relieved to know that I’m not going to get into politics here but I’ve a feeling
that many of you may agree with my sentiment that it’s all a bit of a mess. Uncertainty seems to be the UK’s middle name and I take no great comfort in knowing that the rest of the civilised world doesn’t seem to be faring much better either. In fact, having to trade with some of those troubled countries in order to run my business makes me worry even more! My coping strategy in the face of such wobbly times as these has
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always been to be proactive, to have a plan and a list, and to seek out the humour and light in even the darkest corners. So, for the umpteenth time in the past three years, I’ve found myself doing just that. Sometimes, little gems of ideas become much bigger, more sparkly jewels that can enrich not only our own lives, but also the lives of those around us, so I thought I’d share some of my twinkly thoughts.