2 minute read

“I found several new labels at Harrogate, two that I’d never heard of before. I loved what I saw but was nervous to buy – what if they are not around next season and I have a hole in my stock? Does anyone else feel this way? Am I just being over cautious? I did, of course, check the designer’s website but unsurprisingly it was beautiful. I couldn’t find much of social media though..”

“I know a lot of people have been critical about the Bridal Buyer Awards this year, and particularly about the judging panel – or lack of one. I do wonder, however, if this is a case of sour grapes, spread by those who didn’t make it to be a finalist. I thought it was a great evening, with a great atmosphere, and have sent my best wishes to the winners. We need to be gracious in this industry of ours and share good thoughts rather than gripes. I have entered The Wedding Industry Awards and plan to enter BB’s next year.””

R0MONA KAVEZA “One of the best outcomes of the pandemic for me has been a new-found group of contacts with whom I now share thoughts, experiences and importantly, concerns. It is sad that it has taken a world-wide disaster to bring people together, but now we can all make up for lost time. I have been so impressed, too, with the attitude of so many of my brides who are now putting other people, especially refugees in need, up their in their priority list. One bride in fact, has said she would like to donate her gown, after her big day, to someone who is here because she and her family have had no choice. Is this something we retailers should be looking at ongoing, and forming some sort of collective which could supply dresses and accessories to those in need to help bringing a little joy to those less fortunate?”
Got a view you want to share with like-minded others? Want suggestions from industry colleagues? Email me – susi@rogol-goodkind.com – and we’ll get the conversation going. We are for retailers, and about retailers.