Making Sure Your Environmental Claims Stick With no standardised way to measure whether materials are sustainable or not, consumers face confusing claims and counterclaims. Follow the key Green claims checklist detailed here
ccompanying the Green Claims Code, the Green claims checklist sets out 13 key statements with which businesses must be able to agree when making a green claim. These are the five key statements in the checklist and the actions that brands can take to enable compliance and so avoid claims of greenwashing. Read on and take careful note...
1.Evidence, Evidence, Evidence A key element to supporting your brand’s green claim is making sure that all green claims are credible and are capable of being evidenced. This goes back to the start of the supply chain. Where a ‘Green’ or ‘Responsible’ label is used on clothing products or in respect of ranges you must be able to clearly show that these claims are accurate and are in place across the entire supply chain.
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This is key to avoid greenwashing claims. According to the Green Claims Code, ‘green’ claims must be capable of being substantiated. This overarching point is covered by a range of statements within the checklist. Conversely, it is important to avoid ‘puff’ or hyperbole. It follows that, if using generalised and subjective wording such as “We have the most sustainable fashion collection in the UK”, there needs to be evidence to substantiate such