ImagesAZ Magazine North Scottsdale, Carefree and Cave Creek

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North Scottsdale


Cave Creek

April 2012

North Scottsdale :: Carefree :: Cave Creek

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contents Take a peek...


Shelly Spence :: owner/publisher :: 623-341-8221 Stephanie Maher Palenque :: contributing writer Amanda Christmann Larson :: contributing writer Jeffrey Cody :: contributing writer Jerri Parness :: photographer Meaghan’s Dream :: graphic artist Jeff Penzone :: advertising consultant :: 623-341-0123 ImagesAZ Magazine 623-341-8221

Table of Contents 08

Meet the Laffoon Family




Youth :: Writing Their Way to Success


Scottsdale Culinary Festival 2012


Preserving Fragile Desert Landscapes


Chicks with Picks


Grape Expectations: The Five W’s of Wine Storage




Dining Guide :: Cave Creek Tap Haus




Local Index


Recipe :: Fuji Apple Salad


Real Estate Market Update

staff bio Meaghan Mitchell Graphic Designer Meaghan Mitchell has been a contributing designer for ImagesAZ since 2004. She has a passion to see a client’s ideas and concept come to life with branding and graphic design. Meaghan has provided business and merchandise branding for local businesses Dollyrockers and AndrewZ Fine Jewelry since they began business. She looks forward to being creative with ImagesAZ each month. Meaghan is also a staff pastor at Grace North Church. She served as Co-Youth Pastor for eight years and recently transitioned to the Experience Pastor. She has been in Pastoral Ministry for 8 years with ministry


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experience in the areas of Youth and Young Adults, Children’s Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Mentoring, Ministry Team Building, International Church Publications and Publicity, Hospitality, Preaching, Missions Ministries, Outreach and Events, Camps and Weekend Service Directing. Meaghan has lived in Arizona since 2002 and purchased her first home in 2005. She enjoys spending time hanging, going to the movies with her friends and family and jetting off for weekend trips to Los Angeles.



Come Beside Us on Our Journey.


Canyon church of Christ is a Bible-based fellowship of Jesus Christ followers. Our journey together is based on the Great Commandments and the Great Commission of Jesus… “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37). “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39). “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20).


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UPCOMING EVENTS Pancake breakfast (9am) and Easter Service (10:30am) - Sunday, April 8

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Interstate 17



Worship Center 34975 N. North Valley Pwy Building 2 Phoenix, AZ 85086

Carefree Hwy 74

Open House - Saturday, April 14 2-5pm

TRAMONTO GRANd OPENING SUNdAy, APRIL 15 Bible Class - 9:30am

worship - 10:30am A p ri l 2 0 1 2


welcome Editorial

Spring has sprung, and along with the greener terrain, desert wildflowers blooming, and warmer weather comes the notion of youth and new hope. CHICKSTOCK is one opportunity in our area for new talent to gain recognition and cut their chops by performing for a large crowd. The talented Lucinda Williams will be headlining and hosting the event that will take place at Harold’s Corral. Be sure to come out and support all of our impressive local talent. There is so much ambition and determination among our local talent – they truly strive to live up to their potential and to live life without regrets. As writer Amanda Christmann Larson notes in her article about Arizona fixture Edgar Shahan, “the only thing better than living a life with no regrets is living a life remembered.” It is important to treasure each day and every opportunity one has. Create happy memories and meaningful experiences, and treasure those memories forever. Here’s to taking advantage of all that we have in this beautiful part of the country, and creating memories that last a lifetime!

Sincerely, Shelly Spence Publisher, ImagesAZ Magazine 623-341-8221

Chicks with Picks P. 44 On the Cover: Cali Rodi Photography by Jerri Parness Writer Nigel Spence


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ImagesAZ Magazine is proud to be a member of:

Local First A R I Z O NA Submission of news for Community News section should be in to by the 10th of the month prior to publication. ImagesAZ is published by ImagesAZ Inc. Copyright © 2012 by ImagesAZ, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or part, without permission is prohibited. The publisher is not responsible for the return of unsolicited material.

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family Meet the Laffoon Family If you know a family you would like

Writer Amanda Christmann Larson

to nominate, please email

Writer’s Note:

As I drove to the North Scottsdale home of two and a half-year-old Wylder Laffoon and his parents, Steven and Shannon, I had in my mind that I would be writing the kind of story that gives people wider





problems – a “you think you’ve got it bad, check out these other people …” kind of thing. What I didn’t expect was to be so inspired by the wisdom of this remarkable




by their ability to balance fighting for their future and accepting that which cannot be changed. They have taken on these challenges with such dignity and grace that I couldn’t help but leave their home a little bit changed. There is no pity needed for this family, only a mind open to learning more about what it means for each of us to embrace our own journey through life, whatever it may hold.


arenting is, on the surface, a pretty simple thing. Feed your

children the right foods, enroll them in good schools, be consistent with discipline, get them through those tricky teenage years with a few shiny nuggets of wisdom, and let them spread their wings and fly. These are the rules we live by. We measure success by baseball


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trophies and spelling bee certificates,

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then corner offices and square feet. Good parenting means providing our children with the resources they need to become the people they were meant to be. What happens, though, when the rules go out the window? What happens when dreams of piling kids and soccer equipment into a minivan turn into daily realities of pain management, aspiration prevention and coming to terms with the fact that your child’s life is going to end long before your own? “It’s so unnatural, but at the same time, it’s natural,” said Steven Laffoon. “There’s no way you can prepare for what’s going to happen, even though you know what’s going to happen.” Steven and his wife Shannon are living out parenthood in ways that many people just can’t bear to hear about, but the lessons the rest of us can learn from this young couple and their toddler son, Wylder, are powerful, not for how they’ve learned to cope, but for how they’ve learned to embrace the challenges before them with a positive attitude and a fighter mentality. Three years ago, Steven and Shannon were decorating the nursery in their new home to prepare for their first child. Pictures were framed, bows were tied and teddy bears were waiting to be hugged. Shannon had an ideal pregnancy, and Wylder James was born a healthy, happy baby boy one day before his due date, May 15, 2009. Early pictures show a sweet baby with wild hair and big, brown eyes framed by his dad’s dark brows, held by proud parents. They could have posed as that perfect family that comes in new photo frames. One month later, the first warning sign appeared. Wylder developed terrible reflux. Three months later, tests showed his liver enzymes were elevated, but doctors believed Wylder had a virus. At seven months old, upon his parents’ insistence, Wylder’s doctors performed a liver biopsy. “Our doctors thought we were crazy,” Steven said. “They kept telling us it was viral, but we wanted to know if it was something more. We felt like, if we could get a diagnosis, we could do something to help before damage was done.” Jan. 7, 2010, Steven and Shannon met their pediatrician, Dr. Gerlach, at a geneticist’s office to discuss the findings. When they arrived, both doctors were in suits, and they knew something serious was happening.


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It isn’t difficult to imagine what it feels like to get the earth-shattering news that your child

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is going to die. Perhaps that’s why so many of us avoid hearing stories like the Laffoons’. It’s too close to home. It really could happen, and no one wants to entertain that possibility.

fe e d i ng tube s, hospita l v i s i t s, surg e rie s, and eve r ything e lse tha t h as c ome with Wy lder’s di a g nosis, and wha t i s le ft is profo u nd, unc onditio n a l l ove and a d eep und e r s tanding of wh a t i t m e an s to be human .

Steven, who had documented the entire medical journey up to that point to make sure he had the tools he needed to “fix” it, brought a small recorder that day, not knowing he’d record the pained crack in the doctor’s voice when he dealt the initial blow, or the sobs of he and Shannon as their world was turned upside down. In a matter of moments, the diagnosis and prognosis grew more and more grim. Wylder was born with a very rare genetic disorder called Niemann-Pick (NP) disorder. Worse to hear that fateful January day was that Wylder has the most aggressive form of NP, Type A (NPA). NPA affects Wylder’s body’s ability to metabolize a fat, called sphyngomyelin, produced by every cell in the body. Wylder does not make the enzyme that is needed to break that fat down into energy, so it accumulates in his cells, eventually killing them. Unlike other types of Niemann-Pick, Type A affects his brain, and had caused severe brain damage by the time he was a year old. It is so rare that there are only five children alive in the U.S. with this disorder, and about as many doctors who understand what it does, although no one knows how to treat or cure it.


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Over the last two years, as much as he has fought his disease, Wylder has deteriorated. It is impossible to ignore that fact. It is also impossible to ignore the changes in Shannon and Steven’s lives. They have become over-thecounter neuro-scientists, nurses and advocates, pushing the envelope on research and treatment for Wylder by trying all that Western and Eastern medicine have to offer. They’ve flown around the country, speaking to scientists, foundations, drug companies, and the FDA. They have done everything they can to find a cure or a treatment, but time is not on their side. They know a cure will not come soon enough for Wylder, their little warrior, but still, they will not give up. Their push has become selfless, searching for a cure not to help their son, but to bring meaning to his suffering. “There’s no doubt in my mind that whatever treatment will help kids with this disease in the future will come out of this house,” said Shannon. She should know; she has lived with Steven’s bulldog tenacity and drive for knowledge, and knows he will never take “no” for an answer. She has seen him buried in a pile of books and research, looking for clues. “No parent should have to hear there is no hope, no treatment. There are so many kids out there like Wylder with really rare diseases, and there is always hope.” “I want to fix it,” added Steven. “I think there is a way to fix it. I think they’ve made extreme progress in the last eight to 10 years. I don’t think it will be within Wylder’s lifetime, but I’m confident there will be a treatment in my lifetime.” Strip away the feeding tubes, hospital visits, surgeries, and everything else that has come with Wylder’s diagnosis, and what is left is profound, unconditional love and a deep understanding of what it means to be human. Shannon still counts fingers and toes, and Steven still makes growling noises to make Wylder’s eyes smile. Even though Wylder doesn’t speak a word, the three are connected in a bond so strong that, NPA be damned, nothing can tear it apart. And with that has come the biggest lesson. It’s not about learning to cope, so much as it is about accepting that there is something much bigger at work than just a disease slowly killing their little boy. Steven and Shannon have come to realize that they are doing exactly what they were meant to do, and that


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cooling zone news Spring Into Action! Avoid Cooling Breakdowns Did you know? A recent study found that more than 55% of existing AC units had refrigerant that was under or overcharged, enough to reduce its operating efficiency, and that costs you money. Cooling costs can drive over 50% of your energy bill.

Wylder is their son for a reason. Thirty pounds of love has made them strong in ways they could never have dreamed, and what comes from that strength has the potential to be something spectacular. They







different than that of other people, but they don’t assign labels like “worse” or “harder,” “easier” or “insignificant.” It simply is, because each of us has a journey of our own to teach us compassion, kindness, and make us wise. Wylder has taught them that there is only today, and making the most of it is the best we can all do. The patience and appreciation they’ve learned,

What can you do? Give your home an annual Advanced AC Tune-up which requires the use of state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment. This specialized equipment verifies the refrigerant charge and airflow of the unit is correct. It is a more precise and reliable way to keep your AC equipment in top shape. Why should I get an Advanced AC Tune-up? The Advanced AC Tune-up ensures your AC unit is running efficiently and provides a comprehensive assessment to ensure it is operating at peak efficiency which will improve the unit's performance by as much as 10% and it will also make the equipment last longer. What is the best time of year to get an Advanced AC Tune-up? When outdoor temperatures are 75 degrees or higher.

Having the right answers... priceless Helping you save money... priceless Getting the most out of your cooling... priceless

the pathways they’ve taken, have beckoned them forward and made them better people. And in the process, as they prepare to say goodbye, they have never lost hope that there


fingers through Wylder’s dark hair as he rests

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mourn,” Steven said, Shannon running her

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“Inevitably, there is going to be a time to

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stays, as long as there is love.

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Imagine having it done right the first time...



comfortably beside them. “Now is not that time.” A p ri l 2 0 1 2


community If you are interested in submitting community events, please email to by the 10th of the month prior to publication.

MIM April Concerts

The Musical Instrument Museum (4725 E. Mayo Blvd.), hosts the following concerts in the month of April: • Mariachi Apache; Sunday, April 1, 2 p.m. Tickets: Free with museum admission. • Museum Encounter – BasooNova; Saturday, April 7, 12 p.m. & 2 p.m. Tickets: Free with museum admission. • Michael Martin Murphey; Saturday, April 7, 7 p.m. Tickets: $40–$45. • Steinway Lecture Series: “The Art of Purchasing a Used Steinway” with Kevin Rindlisbacher; Saturday, April 14, 2:30 p.m. Tickets: Free with museum admission. • Arizona Chamber Orchestra Season Finale; Saturday, April 14, 7 p.m. Tickets: $30. • Museum Encounter – Katherine Palmer; Sunday, April 15, 12 p.m. & 2:30 p.m. Tickets: Free with museum admission. • MIM Musical Interludes, featuring University of Arizona School of Music: CrossTalk and the World Music Gang; Monday, April 16, 1 p.m. Tickets: Free (no museum admission required). • Music In Motion: Pete Pancrazi Trio; Thursday, April 19, 6 p.m. Tickets: $7 for performance only or free with museum admission. • Balinese Gamelan Workshop; Saturday, April 21, 10:30 a.m. Tickets: $12 per class ($10 per class when purchased with museum admission).

Arizona Chamber Orchestra

ASU Contemporary Percussion

Michael Martin Murphey

• MIM Presents: 35th Annual Paradise Valley Jazz Party; Saturday, April 21, 12 – 4:30 p.m. & 7:30 – 11 p.m. April 22, 12 – 7 p.m. Tickets: $195 (All-Weekend Pass); single-session tickets priced separately at • MIM Musical Interludes, featuring Arizona State University School of Music: ASU Contemporary Percussion Ensemble; Wednesday, April 25, 10:30 a.m. & 1 p.m. Tickets: Free (no museum admission required). • MIM Musical Interludes, featuring Arizona State University School of Music: “Picture Rachmaninoff” Stephen Cook, piano; Monday, April 30, 1 p.m. Tickets: Free (no museum admission required).

International Charter School of Arizona

For parents who have always desired that their children read, write and speak a second language fluently, the opportunity has finally arrived in Arizona. Education will take on a decidedly global feel this summer as the International Charter School of Arizona (ICSA), a tuition-free, college preparatory school, opens its doors to sixth-, seventh- and eighth-graders beginning in August.


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Paradise Valley Jazz

ICSA, which will be based in Scottsdale, will provide students with a rigorous, international middle school program that has a strong foreignlanguage component. ICSA students will gain a solid educational foundation, learn organizational skills, and develop critical-thinking and communication skills that will help them gain a competitive advantage in their future careers and educational experiences. ICSA, to be located at 10460 N. 56th St. in Scottsdale, will cultivate knowledge, curiosity and empathy in Arizona’s youth and empower them to be critical thinkers who are better prepared for college and beyond. There is limited space, so parents are invited to enroll their children immediately.; 602-733-9342

Veteran Art Dealer Opens New Gallery in Carefree

One of the Valley’s most notable art dealers, John Di Tommaso, has opened Di Tommaso Galleries, at 30 Easy Street, Carefree, AZ.

Since 1974 John Di Tommaso has owned several galleries in both Scottsdale and Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Specializing in both traditional and historic artwork for the discriminating collector, Di Tommaso Galleries is currently focusing on landscapes by well-known artists from the U.S. and other countries. In addition, the Gallery is adept at handling re-sales of fine American paintings and bronzes. Numerous artworks are also for sale from John’s own private collection. Di Tommaso has earned a reputation as a price conscious dealer, providing a good selection of hand-picked artwork that offers tremendous value. With 38 years of experience in well-known past galleries, John has been associated with placing high-end, investment caliber, living and deceased artists from the 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries. If you wish to buy, sell or trade fine art, or just hang out and have a cup of coffee, stop by Di Tommaso Galleries. 480-575-1023

Arts Council of the North Valley Awards Art Scholarship

Madison Esh, a senior at Sunrise Mountain High School in Peoria was named the 2012 recipient of the Arts Council of the North Valley Art Scholarship for artistic excellence in Photography. Madison competed against other outstanding visual and performing artists from the North Valley, and was chosen for her distinctly personal perspective on light and color. A p ri l 2 0 1 2


community If you are interested in submitting community events, please email to by the 10th of the month prior to publication.

Madison is described by the Scholarship selection committee as “a young woman whose vision and promise bode well for a future in photographic arts.” Madison has won a number of other awards for her work and is well known in her community. She plans on beginning the Graphic Arts program at Scottsdale Community College. She shares, “Photography is my passion, and being able to use it as a means of communication is what excites me about the next step in my studies. I am so honored to receive this scholarship award from the Arts Council of the North Valley. It will make a tremendous difference in my ability to pursue a higher education.” The ACNV will award the scholarship to Madison on April 28 at the Picnic Under the Stars fundraising event at the Anthem Community Park, where Madison will also be photographing the event. Congratulations, Madison!

Cafe Bink New Happy Hour

Cafe Bink announces a new Happy Hour from 3 to 5 p.m. every Monday through Friday. All beverages including draft and bottled beer, wine and well drinks are 50 percent off. Featured menu favorites include Sloppy Joe $5, Wagyu Burger - $7, Large Fries - $5, Small Baby Greens Salad - $4, Small Caesar Salad - $4, Sloppy Joe, Corned Beef, Roast Beef and Meatloaf Sliders - $2.50, Country Pate - $7 and Housemade Hotdogs - $5. Cafe Bink established in 2008 by Kevin and Amy Binkley, is located in the Carefree Marketplace at 37889 N. Tom Darlington Drive, #D1, Carefree, Arizona. The neighborhood restaurant features classic bistro and contemporary American food created with an emphasis on quality ingredients.The restaurant is open every day from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., closed on Christmas Day and Super Bowl Sunday.; 480-488-9796

Valerie Watters Named Retailer of the Year

Valerie Watters, owner of Valerie’s Furniture & Accents located at 6070 E. Cave Creek Road in Cave Creek, Arizona, was recently awarded the 2011 Retailer of the Year Award by the Arizona Home Furnishings Representatives Association (AHFRA). According to AHFRA president Scott Donk, Watters was nominated and chosen from retailers throughout markets that member representatives serve including Arizona, New Mexico, parts of Nevada and beyond.

“Everyone wants to sell to Valerie because of the quality of individual that she is. She was the overwhelming winner,” Donk said. Watters established the 6,500-square-foot home furnishings store in 1989. She built and grew her brand, market share and reputation by


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community events If you are interested in submitting

community events, please email to by the 10th of the month prior to publication.

dedicating herself to providing clients with one-of-a-kind western furniture and accessories, nearly all of which are American-made. Watters handselects each item in the store from artisans throughout the United States. “I am extremely honored. I have known many of the reps for more than 25 years. I know how hard they work. They are an essential part of our industry. I am proud to be associated with them and recognized by them,” Watters commented.; 480-483-3327

Carefree/Cave Creek Chamber to host Golf Tournament The Carefree/Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce is planning its annual Golf Tournament to take place at Terravita. There are a number of ways to get involved, including registering to play, signing on as a sponsor, or donating items for the silent auction.

Golfers will pay $150 per player, which includes a box lunch, dinner, pre-tournament clinic and a gift upon registration. Golf sponsorships are available at different levels: • Tee/Green Sponsor $250 (full color sign, you are welcome to present on the hole that you are sponsoring to greet the golfers and pass out widgets) • Registration Sponsor $1000 (Banner at registration, table at registration) • Beverage Cart Sponsorship $1000 (signage on two beverage carts) • Happy Hour/Scorecard Sponsorship $1000 (Banner at Happy Hour, table at Happy Hour) • Clinic Sponsorship $3000 (Banner at clinic, table at clinic) There are many benefits of sponsorship including the ability for exposure to 144 golfers on the day of the tournament, additional exposure to 15,000 people with mentions of sponsorship in the Chamber Guide, exposure to 500,000 people per month with mentions on the Chamber website, mentions and live spots on the Great American Golf Radio show. Support your local Chamber of Commerce, and enjoy a day of fun and networking!; 480-488-3363

March 30 – April 1 Culinary Festival of Chocolates, Confections & Fine Art

The Culinary Festival of Chocolates, Confections & Fine Art will take place from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Friday, March 30 through Sunday, April 1, at Carefree Desert Gardens in Carefree. The event takes place throughout the four acre botanical park located in the heart of downtown Carefree at 101 Easy Street, adjacent to the world famous Carefree Sundial. A culinary marketplace, fine art sale and Easter festivities including an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids will take place throughout the weekend. Creative confections, decadent chocolate creations and a variety of


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community events If you are interested in submitting

community events, please email to by the 10th of the month prior to publication.

delicious delectables will be woven throughout the gardens, with a large variety of fine art and crafts also available for purchase, directly from the artist. Musical and other entertainment will take place on the Carefree Amphitheater stage throughout the event. Admission to the event is free. The inaugural event is sponsored by Magic Bird Festivals.; 480-488-2014

April 1 Hearts and Hands Gala

This debut signature event is a fundraiser for the Foothills Community Foundation (FCF) It will be held on Sunday, April 1 at the Holland Community Center, 34250 North 60th Street, Scottsdale, 5 to 9 p.m. It includes a reception, formal dinner, live auction, raffles and entertainment. “We are bringing out the red carpet to make this a memorable and festive evening to support needed services for the community and the many important and popular FCF programs� said Diane Vaszily, Chair of the Hearts and Hands Gala Committee and an FCF board member. FCF serves all residents in the communities of North Scottsdale, Carefree, Cave Creek, North Phoenix through their support of Desert Foothills Theater, Partners in Education program, CCUSD Teacher Vision grants, Desert Awareness program, Caring Communities program, Foothills Food Bank and Holland Community Center.

April 5 University Transfer Fair

This event is your opportunity to meet representatives from local and state universities, gather admissions and tuition information, and hear about transferring your major or program of study, The event will be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the PVCC Black Mountain Campus (34250 N. 60th St.). Representatives from Arizona Christian University, Arizona State University, Grand Canyon University, Midwestern University, Northern Arizona University, Ottawa University, University of Arizona and University of Phoenix will be present to answer questions and provide information. 602-493-2600


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April 7 Inaugural Art Auction Fundraiser for Sonoran Arts League

April’s for the Arts, the Sonoran Arts League’s inaugural art auction and fundraising event, features an evening of wine, art, music, food and fun to help raise funds for the work of the League.

More than 150 works of art donated by League members and patrons will be part of the silent auction and the live auction will feature sculptures, paintings, glass and more. There is also a drawing to win the grand prize – a seven-foot tall steel sculpture by Cave Creek artist Gordon Paul Mischke. Master of ceremonies will be Cave Creek Mayor Vince Francia. Saturday, April 7 from 6 to 9 p.m. at Holland Community Center, 34250 N. 60th St., Scottsdale. Admission is free, but due to limited capacity, RSVP to 480-575-6684 or; 480-575-6624

April 7 3rd Annual Cave Creek Trail Run

The Town of Cave Creek, in partnership with Desert Foothills Land Trust and Maricopa County Parks, is holding a trail run in a monumental effort to preserve 4,000 acres of pristine Sonoran Desert lands surrounding Cave Creek. This trail run is not only a fundraising event; it is also an event to showcase the beauty and raise awareness of the desert. All of the proceeds will go towards the purchase of this open space land.

The route meanders through some of the most pristine Sonoran Desert found in Arizona. The primitive trails will take you through sandy washes, and over rolling hills all the while surrounded by incredible flora in springs full bloom. The scenery is so beautiful you’ll almost forget your running. The main event is a 10km run starting at 7 a.m. with subordinate events, the 2km Desert Awareness Kids Fun Run and 5km Run/Walk beginning at 7:10 & 7:15 a.m. respectively.;

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community events If you are interested in submitting

community events, please email to by the 10th of the month prior to publication.

April 11 Arizona Musicfest Putting Tournament

In golf, the saying is: “Drive for show; putt for dough.” Arizona Musicfest invites you to putt for dough at the worldfamous 18-hole Putting Course at Desert Highlands Golf Club to support music and music education in our community. A portion of the funds raised at the Arizona Musicfest Putting Tournament will go to the Roberta K. Pappas Memorial Scholarship Fund. The Scholarship helps underwrite the college educations of young musicians pursuing degrees in music performance. Roberta K. Pappas, the first Managing Director of Arizona Musicfest, dedicated 14 years to building the organization and was known for her devotion to young artists. The Putting Tournament begins at 2:30 p.m. (shotgun start) with a Clubhouse Party to follow the completion of play at approximately 5 p.m. You can sign up as a single, twosome or threesome and be paired up, or sign up as a foursome. Registration for the Putting Tournament and Party is $65; to attend the Clubhouse Party is $40.; 480-488-0806

April 12 Bryan’s Black Mountain Barbecue

Chef Bryan Dooley of Bryan’s Black Mountain Barbecue and co-author Leslie Bay, visit the Desert Foothills Library, 38443 North Schoolhouse Road, Cave Creek, from 2:30 to 4 p.m. to share stories (and samples!) from their new cookbook. Those in attendance will hear about Dooley’s experiences growing up in a food-centric family and his training at the Culinary Institute of America in New York. The authors will also discuss the joys and demands of the collaborative writing process. The event is free to attend. Signed books will be available for purchase.; 480-488-2286


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April 12 - 22 “Picnic”

Desert Foothills Theater presents “Picnic” running weekends from Thursday, April 12 through Sunday, April 22 at Cactus Shadows Fine Arts Center, 33606 N. 60th St., Scottsdale. Evening performances are at 7:30 p.m. with matinees on Saturday April 14, and Sunday April 15 and 22. “Picnic” will take you back in time. It is Labor Day 1953 in small-town Kansas. In this perfect world of friendly neighborhoods and white picket fences the backyards of two homes connect. In one home Flo Owens, a widow, lives with her two maturing daughters, Madge and Millie, and their boarder, a spinster schoolteacher. In the other reside Helen Potts and her elderly and invalid mother. Into this all-female setting comes a young man named Hal Carter, whose animal vitality seriously upsets the entire group and uncovers a world of longing and lust hidden beneath the perfect facade. Tickets are online at Adults $22-$30, Students $15-$20.; 480-488-1981

April 14 Canyon Church of Christ Open House Celebration

Canyon Church of Christ is moving to a permanent location in Tramonto Crossing (across from the Good Egg) on North Valley Parkway, and are hosting an open house Saturday, April 14, from 2 to 5 p.m. Canyon Church of Christ was founded by minister Tom Riley, eight years ago. A small number of families in the Anthem area would meet in two different locations, before settling in at Diamond Canyon Elementary for the past few years. In July of last year, Tom moved back to Nashville, Tennessee to be closer to his aging parents and Tim Gunnells, moved from East Tennessee to help lead the church. Initially the church planned to build on land it owns in Anthem, but later they felt the Lord leading them in a new direction. The church now owns several buildings in Tramonto as well as more acreage for future expansion. The Canyon church is excited about its new A p ri l 2 0 1 2


community events If you are interested in submitting

community events, please email to by the 10th of the month prior to publication.

surroundings and looks forward to expanding its influence into new communities. The new location is convenient to major roads and restaurants. Various new ministries and enhanced existing ministries are planned for the new location. The community is invited to share refreshments, meet the ministers and church members, and tour the facilities. 623-889-3388;;

April 21 Green Cave Creek Event

Are you interested in making Earth Day 2012 meaningful? Then celebrate by attending a free, all-day event that will teach the entire family about renewable energy and more about how to reuse, reduce and recycle to keep our planet safe. Events will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 21 at the FCF-Holland Community Center, 34250 N. 60th St. in Scottsdale and include a solar electric fair, an opportunity to meet with residential solar coaches, screenings of the motion picture Carbon Nation, a desert first aid class, story time for the kids, an opportunity to see the Nissan Leaf electric car, live music and much more., 480-420-9301

April 22 Veterans Heritage Project Reception and Book Signing

The Students of the Veteran Heritage Project in association with the Library of Congress’s Veterans History Project invites all to join in as they honor Veterans from Since You Asked VIII: Navy Edition & Volumes I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII. Colonel Robert W. “Bob” Patrick (Ret.) who served over 28 years active duty in Germany, Korea and the U.S. will be the guest speaker. Patrick is the director of the Veterans History Project, a program of the American Folklife Center in the Library of Congress to collect and preserve oral histories and documentary materials from veterans of World War I through current conflicts. Visit this reception and book signing and learn more about this very important project. Arizona State University (4701 West Thunderbird Rd., Glendale) 3 to 6 p.m.; 602-690-6122

April 22 Arizona Musicfest presents the Phoenix Youth Symphony

On Sunday, April 22 at 3 p.m. the eighty-plus member Phoenix Youth Symphony made up of talented and dedicated young professional musicians will present a program conducted by a leading maestro of his generation, Keitaro Harada, Music Director. The


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community events If you are interested in submitting

community events, please email to by the 10th of the month prior to publication.

program features great works inspired by beloved European folk music: Prelude from Die Meistersinger by Richard Wagner, The Moldau from My Country by Bedrich Smetana, and Danse Macabre, Op. 40 by Camille SaintSaëns. The concert culminates in a performance by The Phoenix Symphony’s concertmaster Steven Moeckel of Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 77 by Johannes Brahms. The piece is considered “one of the best!” The technical demands on the soloist are formidable with rapid scale progressions, broken chords and rhythmic variation, just to name a few. It makes for amazing listening! Valley Presbyterian Church, 6947 E. McDonald Dr., Paradise Valley; General admission, $20; Student (K through college) $5; 480-488-0806

April 27 Native American Flautist Mark Holland in Concert

Nationally renowned flautist Mark Holland, known for his unique soulful style of “playing from the heart,” will be playing at the Desert Foothills Library, 38443 N. Schoolhouse Road, Cave Creek on April 27. The concert begins at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 with payment due at the time of reservation. Seating is limited and advanced ticket purchase is strongly recommended. A portion of proceeds benefits the library. 480-488-2286

April 28 Grammy Award winner, Lucinda Williams to perform at CHICKSTOCK Music Festival

Grammy award winner and American Rock, folk, blues and country music star Lucinda Williams will perform along with more than 10 other talented acts at the 4th Annual CHICKSTOCK Music Festival at Harold’s Corral (6895 E. Cave Creek Rd., Cave Creek). Doors open at 1 p.m. and live performances will continue through 10 p.m.

Tickets range from $25 for General Admission standing and $35 for General Admission seating to $75 for VIP seats and $150 for Premier VIP tickets. Festival patrons are encouraged to bring their own chairs and blankets. Kids 12 and under are free with a paid adult.;; 480-488-1906

April 28 17th Annual “Sonoran Stars” Fundraiser

Yippee-kay-ay! Desert Foothills Land Trust is once again planning its biggest fund-raiser of the year to protect the beautiful, serene landscape of our fragile Sonoran Desert. The Old West will be alive and thriving during DFLT’s 17th Annual “Sonoran Stars” on Saturday, April 28 at Rancho Mañana Golf Club, 5734 E. Rancho Mañana Blvd., in Cave Creek. Some 500 guests will enjoy a gourmet dinner under Western skies


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prepared by the award-winning Tonto Bar & Grill. The outdoor benefit begins at 5 p.m. with a cocktail hour and a silent auction followed by a spectacular release of a rehabilitated raptor from the non-profit Wild at Heart rehabilitation facility. The event also features a live auction after dinner, which will include unique and coveted items. Guests are encouraged to dress in casual or Western wear, and to anticipate cool evening temperatures.

New this year: entertainment by the Sons of the Pioneers – a classic Western music act from Missouri. The Sons of the Pioneers are included in the Country Music Hall of Fame and the Western Music Hall of Fame, have two songs in the Grammy Hall of Fame, and have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. They’ve even been named a “National Treasure” by the Smithsonian Institute! Individual tickets for “Sonoran Stars” are $250 per person, and an entire table of ten can be sponsored at levels ranging from $3,000 to $10,000, or two tables can be sponsored for $15,000 or $25,000. Name or brand placement and other benefits vary at each sponsorship level. The Land Trust has also added $500 and $1,000 sponsorship levels that include name recognition for businesses and individuals, but do not include full table sponsorship. Shuttle service begins at 4:45 p.m. from 38400 N. Schoolhouse Road, in Cave Creek.; 480-488-6131

April 28-29 Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center Races for Cancer

The Foothills Food Bank is putting together a team to participate in the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. Inspired by a Food Bank volunteer who battled cancer last year, the team A p ri l 2 0 1 2


community events If you are interested in submitting

community events, please email to by the 10th of the month prior to publication.

raised the second-highest amount of dollars. to go one better.

This year they are hoping

The team is looking for both sponsors and team members to participate in the 12-hour walk, from 6 p.m. Saturday, April 28 through 6 a.m. Sunday, April 29. To make a donation, or sign up as a team member visit the Foothills Food Bank and Resource Center website and click on the Cave Creek Relay for Life tab.; 480-488-1145

April 28-29 AZDance Group’s “Simply Put” Dance Concert

Simply Put will feature regular guest artist, Astrit Zejnati, principal dancer of Ballet Arizona, the company’s professional dance roster, which boasts of dancers from Arizona to Boston to London, and their outreach programs including Movement E-Motion (MEM), a dance program for Individuals with Different Abilities. The company’s award-winning and emotional work for victims of cancer “Run For Life,” excerpts from “Moving Through Domestic Violence” and several world premieres will be a part of this concert.

“This concert will be about pure movement for movement sake as the dancers communicate their stories,” said Kenda Newbury, artistic director. “It will be pure joy, pure artistry, pure entertainment, and pure involvement. AZDance always produces something for everyone to enjoy, no matter their age.” Tickets: Adults $18, Students/Seniors $12, and Children under age 10 - $10 Saturday, April 28 at 2 p.m. Cactus Shadows Fine Arts Center, 33606 N. 60th St., Scottsdale Sunday, April 29 at 2 p.m. Center for the Performing Arts at Paradise Valley Community College, 18407 N. 32nd St., Phoenix. Online tickets; 480-215-1916


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A p ri l 2 0 1 2


youth Writing Their Way to Success If you know a young person you

Writer Amanda Christmann Larson

would like to nominate, please email

Newspapers are an integral part of the process of democracy. They educate, inform, entertain

Th ey l e ar n t hey

and inspire, and provide insight from a variety of perspectives on the world around us. At the

c an’t j u s t make s t uff

their reporting of news stories, and informed, open and honest in their editorial commentary.

up and pu t i t i n t he

As print media continues to evolve into online versions and niche-market publications,

pa p e r. Th e e th ica l

School literary magazine and newspaper staff students are learning the importance, and

pa r t i s s u c h a g ood th i ng to l ea r n.

same time, it’s critical that those providing news content are accurate, fair and balanced in

maintaining the integrity of the printed word is a constant struggle. Cactus Shadows High representing their school and community well beyond what they’re writing. For the last six years, their student-run CS Press newspaper has provided an outlet to share information, opinions, features and more in a savvy, once-a-month publication. Literary magazine “Shadows” is a more serious annual publication in which students share short stories, art, photography, stories and poetry that capture their attitudes, struggles and accomplishments.


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Both publications are not only recognized as

“It’s a whole different world,” she said. “I

outstanding by students and parents, they’ve

love it. I’ve never seen kids learn as much

consistently been rated top in the nation

about writing as they do when they’re

of high school publications, most recently

working on a publication. When other

wowing judges of the National Scholastic

peers are reading their work, it means so


much more to them than it does when






Pacemaker Award, equivalent to the Pulitzer

they’re writing a paper and turning it in.”

Prize in high school publications. Columbia University’s




Students learn more when working with the

Association has also tapped Cactus Shadows

publications. “They have to work on voice,

students to win the top prize in student

and they have to work on grammar,” Hart

writing, editing and publishing, the Crown

explained. “No one wants to read an article

Award, two years in a row. Both awards are

where every other word is misspelled. They

hard-earned, and are good reason for the

also learn a lot about the real world. In

entire community to be proud.

newspapers, there’s no option to be late. It teaches them about real-life deadlines and

Instructor Lori Hart has enjoyed watching

real-life responsibilities.”

her students learn to become better writers, graphic artists and editors, and learn to

Just as important, students learn to be

take part in the process of journalism. As

critical thinkers and to have integrity.

a former English teacher, she has seen

“They learn they can’t just make stuff up

students become engaged in writing at a

and put it in the paper. The ethical part is

level beyond English class, and let their

such a good thing to learn,” Hart added.

voices be heard in their community.

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youth Writing Their Way to Success If you know a young person you would like to nominate, please email

Last month, 21 students traveled to New York to receive their awards. While there, they attended workshops that taught them more about graphic design, writing and every other aspect of media development. They learned quite a bit about what it takes to be a professional journalist, and they were inspired.

“This has

At a time when many schools are trimming budgets and cutting back on programs like Hart’s,

been a great

the money to develop and publish the newspaper on their own. “It was a challenge at first,” said

experience,” she

CS Press was started in 2007 after several of Hart’s students went to then-new principal Sid

said. “I wouldn’t

after the first slide or two, and Hart eagerly took on the job of advising them, unsure at first

trade it for anything.”

the Cactus Shadows community has been supportive. She and her students have raised all of Hart. “We’ve built and built and built, and now we have a lot.” Bailey with a PowerPoint presentation on why the school needed a paper. He was supportive what she was stepping into. There were very few resources available at the time … just a few aging computers and a lot of enthusiasm. Help walked in the door two days later in the form of retired Philadelphia English teacher and newspaper publisher Robert Adamson. Together, the two have led students to grow the paper from eight to 24 pages, and to develop content and an award-winning reputation. “You need to have a sense of creative fulfillment as a human being,” said Adamson of why he volunteers each day. “It gives me, really, the chance to do a good thing and have a good time doing it. There is nothing more entertaining than high school students,” he added with a laugh.


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Several students have gone on to work in college publications, and several more have





in journalism. Even if life’s path takes students elsewhere, opening the doors for them to see what’s available for them, and teaching the life lessons they learn in Hart’s class are reason enough for her to enjoy her work.

The R J Team: helping BuyeRs geT The mosT home foR TheiR money helping


geT The mosT money

“This has been a great experience,” she said. “I wouldn’t trade it for anything.” ImagesAZ





Robert Adamson, and the Cactus Shadows newspaper and literary magazine student creators. Congratulations on your awards, and your continued success!

foR TheiR home conTacT us foR youR Real esTaTe needs

480.239.4412 A p ri l 2 0 1 2



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Scottsdale Culinary Festival It will be a night of meaty madness: the first-ever Burger Battle of the Scottsdale Culinary Festival! Get ready for a battle of the buns and everything in between! The Burger Battle is a competitive cook-off among the best chefs and restaurants in the Valley, including RnR Restaurant, Old Town Whiskey, Lush Burger, La Grande Orange Grocery & Pizzeria, Indulge Burgers and More, El Hefe, Chelsea’s Kitchen, Bueno Burger Mex American Grill, Bobby Q Great Steaks and Real BBQ, Whoopie Baking Company and Roka Akor. The debut event will be held on Thursday, April 19 from 7 to 10 p.m. Attendees will have a chance to Writer Stephanie Maher Palenque

sample, savor and cast a vote for the most bodacious burger of the evening. Guests can indulge in burger samples all night long while they enjoy live entertainment and sip on Leinenkugel Beer. One lucky guest will win a Char-Broil professional grill that will be raffled off so she can hold her own burger battles at home! The rest of the Scottsdale Culinary Festival will educate and inspire foodies as well.

From April 17 to

22, venues around Scottsdale will help put on the 34th annual culinary festival. The festival will host a

Thursday Ap ri l 19 7 to 10 p. m . Sample, savor and cast a vote for the most bodacious burger.

series of fun events, including the Wine Country Brunch and Bubbles & Bliss. Meanwhile, two of the Travel Channel’s biggest stars, Andrew Zimmern of Bizarre Foods, and Adam Richman of Man V. Food, will be in attendance to meet their fans and talk about their careers. The Great Arizona Picnic may be the festival’s most exciting and enjoyable event.

On April 21 and 22,

attendees can visit more than 50 exhibitors and dig into everything from hot dogs and pizza to Indian and Mediterranean cuisine. For serious foodies, the Friends of James Beard Benefit Dinner may be the event of choice. The collaborative dinner will be presented by eight of the top chefs in the country, six of whom have received a James Beard award during their prestigious careers. At the Friends of James Beard Dinner, international culinary talent comes together to blow the hoods off of the kitchen with teamwork, scorching talent and wine pairings to keep the conversations going long into the evening. This year’s collaborative dinner will include the work of the following artisans: Chef Susur Lee – Lee (Toronto, Canada), Zentan at Donovan House (Washington D.C.), Chef Levi Mezick – Restaurant 1833 (Washington D.C.), Roberto Donna – Bice (Scottsdale), Chef Todd Berry – The Westin Kierland Resort & Spa, Scottsdale, Chef Michael Ginor – Lola (Great Neck, N.Y.), Hudson Valley Foie Gras (Ferndale, N.Y.), Chef Roberto Madrid – deseo at The Westin Kierland Resort & Spa (Scottsdale), Chef Douglas Rodriguez – Alma de Cuba (Philadelphia, PA), D. Rodriguez Cuba (Miami, FL), Ola at Sanctuary (Miami, FL), deseo (Scottsdale, AZ) and Pastry Chef Nancy Silverton – La Brea Bakery (Los Angeles, CA). Cost is $200 per person, and most definitely worth every penny. This year, whether you are interested in seeing the most cutting edge dishes in the Valley, meeting the most dynamic culinary figures in Arizona, brushing elbows with culinary celebrities, or all of the above, the 34th Scottsdale Culinary Festival has it all. We hope to see you there!

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Preserving Fragile Desert Landscapes Accept the Challenge: Join the Fun

Writer Jeffrey Cody

Accepting the Challenge As you drive by the desert in your climate-controlled vehicle, it is hard to imagine that anything as rugged and indestructible looking as the Sonoran Desert could be considered

We are for tunate to live in an area so closely connected to the natural world,with wildlife, dramatic vistas,

“fragile.” In fact, it is indeed very fragile and even what many consider “minor” incursions on foot, bicycle or motorized vehicle can create damage that will take years to recover. That is why the Desert Foothills Land Trust (DFLT) was created. As DFLT Executive Director, Sonia Perillo, observes; “We are fortunate to live in an area so closely connected to the natural world, with wildlife, dramatic vistas, and fabulous plants and natural communities just outside our door. [DFLT] is continuing our work to protect these natural features that we all cherish, but we do not accomplish this work in isolation.” “The Desert Foothills Land Trust works with communities and partners to protect, preserve, and

and fabulous

steward sensitive land and species for the survival of the fragile Sonoran Desert.” That is the

plants and natural

managed to save and preserve approximately 620 acres encompassing 16 properties of biologically

communities just outside our door .

mission of DFLT. Since its inception as a nonprofit land conservancy in 1991, the DFLT has diverse significance in the Desert Foothills/Cave Creek/Carefree/North Scottsdale area. Land that might well have succumbed to development is now protected in perpetuity. Children yet unborn will enjoy the land in its wild and undisturbed state, thanks to the forward-looking, preservation-minded pioneers who had the foresight to join in common cause to protect these biologically diverse ecosystems in the Desert Foothills.

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I n t h e i r h i g h e s t p rofile

While they focus on land conservation, the DFLT works with and through people who have

i n i ti ati ve , D es er t

property; donors give generously; volunteers work to maintain preserves and spend hours

Footh i l l s L and Tr us t is p ar tn e r i ng w it h t he

accepted the challenge of preserving fragile Sonoran Desert tracts. Landowners contribute on clerical tasks; visitors share thoughts and photos; and community members question and challenge the trust to ever higher standards of excellence.

Preserving the Desert

Tow n o f C a ve C reek to

In their highest profile initiative, Desert Foothills Land Trust is partnering with the Town of

fac i l i ta te th e pu rcha s e

space. These open space lands will connect several Land Trust properties and county parks,

of 4 , 0 0 0 a c re s of Sta te Tr ust l and d e s i gna ted a s o p e n s p a c e.

Cave Creek to facilitate the purchase of 4,000 acres of State Trust land designated as open and will form a conservation and recreation corridor from the Phoenix Sonoran Preserve to the Tonto National Forest. In another example of the ongoing work of the Land Trust, they are currently looking for a “conservation buyer” for 5.7 acres in the Tonto Hills community. In addition to living in a home with spectacular views of the Superstition Mountains, the new owner will be steward to the ruins of a Hohokam village dating from 1100 AD. DFLT will work with the buyer to permanently protect this valuable archeological acquisition, while they continue stabilization and research activities. Of course, the new owner’s use of the residence and gardens would be unaffected. This brings us to another perk offered by the Land Trust – the opportunity to visit any of the pristine desert preserves. Ten are accessible only by reserving a place on one of the many steward or docent-led hikes posted on their website, as most of the properties that are “closed” are privately owned and permanently protected by conservation easement. Six of the preserves, including the


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Jewel of the Creek, PA Seitts Preserve at Go John Canyon, and Saguaro Hill are open year-round, dawn to dusk. You







interesting and informative, as your hosts have “adopted” the preserve they interpret and have devoted great time and effort learning the many aspects of the land; its biology, geology and uniqueness. My hosts on a recent “Preserve at the Cave” hike included Gary Jones, Steve Jones, and George Reiley. and I couldn’t have asked






enthusiastic supporters of the DFLT. Their hard work and enthusiasm will help educate and energize a new generation of conservationists. The Preserve at the Cave is accessible only on docent-led hikes.

Funding Preservation Sonia, who began her tenure in November of 2009, has been busy working with Diane Low, event chair, and the event committee to prepare for the Land Trust’s upcoming 17th

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An ant icip a ted 500 g ues t s will enj oy a g our me t d inne r under We s te r n s kies.

Annual Sonoran Stars fundraiser set for Saturday, April 28 at Rancho Mañana Golf Club. An anticipated 500 guests will enjoy a gourmet dinner under Western skies, prepared by the award-winning Tonto Bar & Grill. The outdoor benefit begins at 5 p.m. with a cocktail hour and a silent auction followed by a spectacular release of a rehabilitated raptor from the non-profit Wild-at-Heart, a raptor-rescue facility located in Cave Creek. Wild-at-Heart has rescued and rehabilitated thousands of owls, falcons, eagles, and small birds with their knowledge, experience and love since 1990. The event also features a live auction after dinner, which will include unique and coveted items. Guests are encouraged to dress in casual or Western wear, and to anticipate cool evening temperatures. This year’s entertainment will be provided by Sons of the Pioneers, a classic Western music act from Missouri. Sons of the Pioneers are included in the Country Music Hall of Fame and the Western Music Hall of Fame. They have two songs in the Grammy Hall of Fame, and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. They’ve even been named a National Treasure by the Smithsonian Institute! Baby Boomers will recognize Sons of the Pioneers from the years they sang with Roy Rogers. Tumbling Tumbleweed, Cool Water and Ghost Riders in the Sky have become forever entwined into the very fabric of the West. For over 75 years, Sons of the Pioneers has performed music that celebrates the American West. They celebrate its landscape, its people, its culture and the American Cowboy. “We embrace that heritage and strive to honor it. ‘Country western’ artists may sing about pickup trucks or their girlfriends. Our songs are unabashed love songs to the West. That’s one of the things that makes us different,” they assert on their website. Monies raised from this fundraiser will be put to good use. The general operation of the Land Trust involves a three-fold focus: acquisition of new, protected


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areas; stewardship of the 16 properties currently being protected; and engaging the





membership. According to Sonia, “We are always looking for people who would like to help with operations, outdoor




events like the Sonoran Stars.�

Join the Fun – Get Your Tickets Today Individual tickets for Sonoran Stars are $250 per person, and an entire table of 10 can be sponsored at levels ranging from $3,000 to $10,000, or two tables can






$25,000. Name or brand placement and other benefits vary at each sponsorship level. The Land Trust has also added $500 and $1,000 sponsorship levels that





businesses and individuals, but do not include full table sponsorship. For more information about sponsorship opportunities, including a summary of benefits





and response forms, please see the sponsorship




and individuals or the materials for businesses and corporations on their website. To reserve seats, call 480-488-6131 or visit:

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Chicks with Picks Writer Nigel Spence

The music industry has changed since Lucinda Williams was a girl trying to forge a career as a musician. Williams, who began performing as a Country Folk singer in Austin, Texas, moved to Jackson, Mississippi to record her first two albums. Later, she moved to Los Angeles,

April 2 8 t h 7 to 10 p.m .

California, where she gained a following as both a soloist and bandleader before moving back to Nashville, Tennessee. Traveling, playing and gaining underground notoriety was the way to attract attention and hopefully to gain enough traction to aquire some airtime. There were no reality television music shows such as American Idol or The Voice to launch a career, nor the advent of the Internet to post a YouTube video to demonstrate a talent. What

Fo u r th Annual C HIC K STO CK

existed was a “be in the right place at the right time” philosophy, and hope that someone would take a chance on a young performer. While Williams went on to win two Grammy

Music Fe st i va l

Awards in her career, she never garnered the commercial level of success equal to her talent,

Hoste d by Harold’s C o r ra l

Today, what we have learned from the aforementioned television shows and YouTube videos

689 5 E. Cave C re e k Ro a d

and one wonders what might have been if Williams were born in a different decade.

is that there are thousands of untapped talented musicians who write soul-searching lyrics and perform music in a way that will help to define a generation. Raw talent is being exposed to experienced individuals, growing the music industry in new directions.


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Photo by Jerri Parness

It is this same premise of having artists heard that motivated Pandy Raye and Rhonda Hitchcock to start Chicks with Picks, in October of 2007. Citing the vast talent pool of female singer/songwriters of all genres in the Phoenix area, Chicks with Picks

provides a platform to

young aspiring artists to begin a career. The group holds workshops for young musicians, covering topics in every aspect of the music industry including







mentoring. Despite the modest beginnings of Chicks with Picks, they put more than 250 artists on stage, performing 900 shows in less than four years, a testament to their desire to see more young musicians being given opportunities. On April 28th, the Fourth Annual CHICKSTOCK Music Festival, copresented by Chicks with Pick’s and Harold’s Corral is headlined by Lucinda Williams, fusing today’s talent with a legend. Chicks with Picks are hosting singing contests Valleywide during the six-week lead up to this event, with the grand prize winner to receive $1,000, eight hours of studio recording time from, and to perform a paid gig at Harold’s. The grandest part is that she will have an opening spot on the main stage of CHICKSTOCK, alongside Lucinda Williams. CHICKSTOCK, is hosted by Harold’s Corral, 6895 E. Cave Creek Road, in Cave Creek. Doors opens at 1 p.m. with live performances continuing through until 10 p.m. Tickets range from $25 for General Admission standing and $35 for General Admission seating to $75 for VIP seats and $150 for Premier VIP tickets. Festival patrons are encouraged to bring their own chairs and blankets. Kids 12 and under are free with a paid adult. If you wish to see the performances to determine the Grand Prize Winner, the semi-finals and finals will be held at Harold’s Corral, April 15 and 22 respectively. Earlier rounds are held at eight Valley locations listed on the Chicks with Picks website. 480-488-1906

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Grape Expectations: The Five

of Wine Storage

Writer Stephanie Maher Palenque

“The scope of the subject of wine is never ending, [as indeed,] so many other subjects lie within its boundaries.Without geography and topography it is incomprehensible; without histor y it is colorless;without taste it is meaningless;without travel it remains unreal. It embraces botany, chemistr y, agriculture, carpentr y, economics – any number of sciences whose names I do not even know. It leads you up paths of knowledge and by-ways of experience you would never glimpse without it.” Hugh Johnson

I first contemplated the importance of proper wine storage when I was about nine years old. My parents owned and operated a deli and liquor store, and I lived in the apartment upstairs with my family until I was married. One evening, my father was sharing how he intended to eventually transfer the towering freestanding wine shelving that took up the length of the entire deli to the other side of the store. The industrious young men who worked in the deli, and who were eager to please my father, took it upon themselves to move the shelving that evening. The boys didn’t bother to take the wine bottles off the shelving before they attempted to move it. The hulking shelves swayed to and fro in a dance that hinted it was time for everyone to scatter. The crash was probably heard all the way in the next township – the seismic activity possibly registered on the national monitors. Imagine hundreds of bottles representing thousands of dollars’ worth of everything from heavy gallon-sized jugs of Gallo wine, to top-notch champagnes swirling in a dizzying bouquet of alcohol perfumes. The smell was something we lived with for a long time, and clean up took days. The lesson learned would last a lifetime.

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Anything that is worth collecting is worth protecting.

Especially in the desert, there

are so many variables to take into consideration when building a wine collection. One summer monsoon can put an entire collection at risk if the power fails and air conditioning is compromised. Ideal wine storage conditions are a constant 55 degrees, and between 40 to 70 percent humidity (to ensure that the cork doesn’t dry out), for both red and white wine. While wine may be served at different temperatures, ideally, it should all be stored the same way. Whenever these conditions are compromised, so is your collection. Storing wine properly isn’t just a good idea – it is a necessity. Adding a wine room to your home can be one of the most exciting upgrades you can plan, and it can increase the value of your property substantially. Sandy Horwitz, owner of Innovative Wine Cellar Designs, acknowledges that with the turn of the economy, his business is represented mostly in redesigns rather than new construction. He shares, “residential wine rooms are aesthetically pleasing and create a wonderful ambiance. It’s nice to be able to look into a small room with a beautiful glass door, stone floors and low-voltage lighting. It becomes a focal point in the home – a place where


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enjoy good wine and good company.� And a wine room doesn’t just have to be for wine storage. It can also be used as a tasting room, or a room for small dinner parties, depending on how large it is. For some wine enthusiasts, building storage is not about luxury or pushing boundaries, it is about protecting an investment, which can amass quickly. Consider





add up each time you find a favorite wine, and purchase a case to have in your home. Someone who enjoys wine and entertaining may end up with a collection worth thousands of dollars without necessarily planning on it.

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Who, Where



A wine refrigerator or refrigerated storage unit is a great way to get started with your wine collection, but your collection may quickly outgrow the space. Horwitz uses cuttingedge engineering to create his designs. His company deals with both commercial and residential clients, new custom-built jobs, as well as redesigns in existing homes. When Innovative Wine Cellar Designs plans on building a space for a collection – no matter what size the collection is – they take into consideration everything from radiant heat, lighting and human interaction, in order to create the perfect space. They also like to plan on housing not only the client’s current collection, but future collection as well. According to Horwitz, the minimum space needed for a nice wine room is probably 4-by-8 foot. That would hold about 600 bottles. Ideally, a larger space is needed to truly showcase your wine collection. Storage closets, pantries and space under the stairway are the most popular choices for add-on wine rooms. Desert Wine Cellars, which has five locations through the Valley including one on Carefree Hwy. and Cave Creek Rd., provides wine storage areas for rent. These wine storage areas require an access code, and include motion sensing and alarms. These are not just any high-security storage spaces – both the temperature and humidity


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levels are constantly monitored with two separate temperature systems and a $45,000 backup generator to ensure the consistency in temperature and humidity. Both commercial and residential clients rent these storage spaces, which resemble large walk-in coolers, are rented on a monthly basis. Square footage varies depending on the needs of the customer. For residential clients, this is a good option if you do not want to go the route of building a wine room or wine refrigeration system in your home, and are interested in storing your collection offsite until it is time to pull a case or two out of storage for a party or event. Remember





Planning Prevents Poor Performance) when it comes to planning for your current wine collection, as well as any future growth.

There are a multitude

of options available for every wine enthusiast, whether you are a novice collector, or a sommelier. No matter what route you decide to take, make sure that it makes sense for your lifestyle, budget and taste. Cheers! 480-538-1288 480-488-4414 A p ri l 2 0 1 2


Lessons And the only thing better than living a life with no regrets, is living a life remembered.


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Edgar “Ed” Shahan sits in his favorite oxblood leather chair surrounded by nine decades of memories. His voice is slow but strong as he recalls names and dates and his mind remembers faces, most long gone, from another time and place. There are paintings, carvings and statues made by the hands of friends he’s cared deeply for, and pictures of days gone by: war days, wedding days and family dressed up and buttoned up with the stern smiles of sepia prints. More recent family photos sit nestled in a niche within view of his small kitchen table. Ten years younger than Arizona herself, Ed has never been one for sentimental meandering, but as of late, he’s begun to reflect on those defining moments in life. Locked behind his Writer Amanda Christmann Larson Photographer Jerri Parness

dancing eyes are the memories of people and events that no history book can fully capture. His life story is woven into the fabric of the Southwest, from the early days when the potential of Phoenix as a blossoming metropolis was a dust-covered dream. Ed grew up working with dairy cattle, moving them what was then 21 ½ miles from west Phoenix to east Phoenix, and back again, on horseback, long before interstate highways, fast food and box stores. Time ticked by to the rhythm of livestock life cycles and the changing of the moon. He was in the first graduating class of North High School in what is now the Phoenix Union High School District. He went on to attend the University of Arizona, then work in the aircraft industry in San Diego and Litchfield, Arizona. In 1942, Ed joined the United States Navy and became a naval aviator. He trained first in a Taylorcraft and was required to fly solo after just seven hours of training, but like most who grow up taking life as it comes, he mustered his courage and will, and soon was flying missions in a multi-engine sea plane, searching for enemy subs in the Atlantic Theatre. “You see these movies, ‘Top Gun,’ ‘Iron Eagle’ and all those … there’s girls everywhere,” he says, shaking his head in disgust. “That’s a crock,” he lectures. “There were never any girls, no fun like that. We had to shave every single day and make our bed so you could flip a coin on it. But once you got your wings and that stripe on your arm, it was a whole different world.” A framed photograph mounted on the wall shows a young man posing proudly with his new rank, a thin, trimmed mustache above his lip. “I grew out my mustache for the picture, but I shaved it off the next day,” he says. When he returned home, he married for love in 1947 and had two daughters and a son. He gained two stepdaughters in later years, and sees them as his own, too. He has 13 grandchildren, and as for great-grandchildren, “Boy, I don’t know,” he says. “I sure could have some by now.” He later recalls that he has “at least 17 great grandchildren.” After Ed and his first wife married, Ed got a job working for Southern California Edison Company answering their customer service lines. His tact and discernment quickly earned him a “plum job” in the field as a claims adjuster. “The only people who gave me any trouble at all were the big shots—the bankers and people like that,” he remembers. Ironically, he would later go on to be one of those big shots, although he doesn’t seem to fit into the same mold. If he ever defined himself by the things he owned, those days are long gone. These days, he’s more interested in priceless things than things that can be sold.

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Ed and his wife later moved to Arizona in 1948 and purchased their first home on 32nd Street and Indian School Road in Phoenix for $7,200

Ed and his wife later moved to Arizona in 1948 and purchased their first home on 32nd Street and Indian School Road in Phoenix for $7,200. Their neighborhood consisted more of farms and chicken ranches than anything else at the time. In 1951, his mother, Dorothy, came up with a concept for a planned community. She sketched out what would be one of the Valley’s first tract homes. Ed says she was the first to come up with the idea of an identical home plan that could be turned three different directions to create diversity in the neighborhood. Together with an architect and Ed, Park McDowell was planned near Hayden Road and McDowell. Ed drew out the original community layout with a six-inch ruler, he points out as he traces the rectangles representing residential lots. He also makes note of his name, which appears on the document sitting atop a neat pile of memories on his table. Dorothy’s plans were slick. She had an eye for design and detail that were contemporary and fresh at the time, and construction costs were minimized by some innovative elements. Also, the price was right for young parents just getting started on the Baby Boom generation. Dorothy took her idea to the bank to try to get a loan. She was initially turned down, and was told she had to sell 25 lots before she could get financing. Determined, she did just that. She put a full-page ad in the Arizona Republic, then she and Ed sat at a card table in the middle of a field and waited for buyers. One by one, they came.


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Did you know... Can you believe

we sold 25 houses and didn’t even have a model?” “Hayden Road back then was nothing more than

It’s Time for

Actual family

Luxury. Can you imagine...

a buggy track. The neighbors thought we were crazy, sitting out there like that,” Ed says. “Can you believe we sold 25 houses and didn’t even have a model?” Dorothy later became the first woman director of the National Association of Homebuilders and a co-founder of the Arizona chapter. She also traveled to Germany and bought the first Mercedes Benz to ever drive on an Arizona road. Ed and his mother helped another entrepreneur get his start in Arizona, too. Clyde Smith, also a World War II veteran, grew his business, in part, by getting in at the Shahan shopping center at Park McDowell. Long before Wal-Mart and Target, Smitty’s Big Town was the first superstore in Arizona. Within 20 years Clyde Smith became the biggest retailer in the state. The $1 million loan to build the 56,000-square-

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foot center was not easy to come by, and Dorothy had tried in vain to secure the money. Ed, knowing some bankers, made contacts and managed to secure a loan, getting done in a couple of weeks what his mother hadn’t been able to do in a year. Smitty’s had a home, and a new era of one-stop shopping was born. Ed is an encyclopedia of living history.

Convenient • Affordable • Private Rooms

His mother came to Arizona from Detroit, where Henry Ford had a bicycle shop in an alley a couple of blocks from his grandmother’s house. He had uncles that fought on both sides of the Civil War, who never spoke to each other again once the white flag was flown. One of his uncles, Bill Springer, founded the agricultural loan department at Valley National Bank. Bill Springer was also a prominent farmer with extensive holdings. It was the Springer family that was the namesake of Springerville, Arizona.

Serving the community since 2003.

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Ed was privileged to witness President Ronald Reagan’s swearing-in ceremony, which was held inside the White House Rotunda Room due to inclement weather. He was friends with people like William P. “The Judge” Clark, Barry Goldwater and Tony-award winning producer, writer and screenwriter James Lee Barrett. Ed’s brother, Harvey Shahan, was an award-winning playwright and actor, too. Harvey also worked for the Del Webb Corporation and developed a promotional film on the State of Arizona, narrated by Barry Goldwater. “I have more friends whose public education was limited who still went on to become millionaires,” Ed says. My mother always said that, if they’ve got it in ‘em, it’ll come out.” From 1952 to 1965, Ed was a highly successful pioneer farmer and feedlot owner/operator east of Yuma. He served as president for the Colorado River Reclamation Project, known as the Wellton Mohawk Irrigation and Drainage District, during the time when the Glen Canyon Dam project changed the flow of water and the face of environmentalism forever in the state. In 1965, Ed followed his heart to California with his family, where he developed a beautiful 300-acre ranch, chasing his lifetime dream to breed thoroughbred horses. Some promising foals were born and later broken at his ranch, including one named Vic’s Magic. Famed jockey Bill Shoemaker rode Vic’s Magic to his 7,500th career win, a fact Ed mentions proudly as he points out the autograph on one of what must be hundreds of race horse photos.

He’s ridden on the annual Ranchero Visitadores ride in Santa Ynez, Ca. since 1967, where he was a Maverick, or first-year guest, with Ronald Reagan. In 1985, Ed took part in the inaugural Charlie Russell Ride. Much of his artwork came from Charlie Russell Riders’ guest premier artists. Several awards are among his memorabilia. He took up golf in his late 50s and hit a hole in one at the age of 73, sinking a 157-yard shot. He is a two-time belt buckle champion at the Meadow Muffin Golf Classic, and once won a trap shooting contest on a cruise ship. His memories and lessons fill the house as he moves from room to room giving voice to the tales of each picture. He has loved, lost, learned, laughed and lived life to the fullest. Many recollections bring a smile to his face. Sometimes, a tear escapes and he pauses. “My eyes are giving me trouble these days,” he tells me. A time or two, though, I suspect the tears are less about what’s happening outside than what’s happening inside. As the years take their toll, his hands are less obedient and his feet are unreliable, but there is still a youthful spirit that glows like an ember from behind his eyes. He opens a folder and pulls out a piece of paper with five short paragraphs typed neatly in large font. These are thoughts he laid at night thinking about and had to get up to write them down, he explains. He hands it to me and I read aloud:


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And the only thing

better than living a life with no regrets, is living a life remembered.

My heart, my soul, my spirit is with the outdoors;

the animals, the birds, the moon, the sky, the water and the sun. The times when I h ave been deprived of some of these precious things have been some of the unhappiest days of my life. The things that have always pulled me through these trying times have been my unyielding optimism and dreams that had not yet been fulfilled. The unforgiving and constant passing of time has taken its toll on my body and I’m finding it more difficult to stay focused on the dreams and aspirations yet to be consummated. Sometimes I feel there is a void in matters of the heart. I am truly Nature’s boy, an incorrigible romanticist; but never will I surrender my core belief in truth and honesty. I shall continue to seek the answers to all my needs, I have faith the day will come when I can say to myself, ‘It’s been one hell of a ride’; I have no regrets. - Ed Shahan

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dining Cave Creek Tap Haus 6900 E. Cave Creek Rd Cave Creek, AZ 480-488-3300

Popular Cave Creek Tap Haus Offers it All Mix New Orleans and Old European décor with great food, the area’s largest, most exciting on-tap beer selection plus some of the Valley’s best entertainers and what do you get? The answer is the area’s newest must-visit destination -- The Cave Creek Tap Haus. The Tap Haus is drawing rave reviews from an eclectic mix of diners and beer lovers. No wonder. The recently launched 8,000-square-foot establishment boasts a luxurious, yet intimate atmosphere featuring dinner and drink menus designed to appeal to every taste. For example, the Tap Haus serves up the Valley’s largest selection of local tap brews as well as an extensive variety of imported, domestic and bottled beers. Diners can enjoy a sumptuous array of specially prepared entrees that includes steaks, seafood, pasta, chicken and salads. The appetizer and dessert menus feature some of the area’s tastiest and most imaginative treats. Patrons can enjoy themselves at the large, rectangular bar, the beautifully appointed dining room or upstairs for a panoramic view of the décor. Seating along the window or outside on the spacious patio provides a dramatic view of Cave Creek’s scenic Black Mountain. Sports fans won’t miss a minute of the action thanks to the facility’s 20 strategically placed TVs. Everyone can enjoy an eclectic mix of live musical talent on the main stage every Friday and Saturday evening. Acoustic performances accompany the Surf and Turf happy hour every afternoon, Monday through Friday from 3 to 6 p.m. The Cave Creek Tap Haus is easy to find at 6900 E. Cave Creek Rd. 480-488-3300


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Guide to Local Dining dining

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Bicycle Vibe Bicycle Vibe opened in September 2010 and has quickly achieved their goal of becoming the North Valley’s premier neighborhood bike shop, with a great coffee bar to boot! Bicycle Vibe offers top quality bikes from Trek and Cannondale, bikes from recreational/family to road to mountain, from BMX to comfort to hybrid/fitness bikes. We have a reliable repair shop staffed by friendly and experienced mechanics that can work on any bike, any problem and all the parts and accessories you need to keep you and your bicycle safe and in great shape. And to make it even more fun to come visit us at Bicycle Vibe, we have a full service espresso and coffee bar! Come in and enjoy a delicious latte or tasty drip coffee while you ogle all the great bikes or talk to our techs about repair‌or just to swap riding stories. And free Wifi too! Bicycle Vibe 623-582-3111 2605 W. Carefree Highway Phoenix, AZ


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Local Index contact ImagesAZ Magazine 623-341-8221

AIR CONDITIONING/HEATING Priceless Plumbing Heating & Air 623-444-0611 Proskill Plumbing 623-551-7473 Art Gallery Di Tommaso Fine Art Galleries 480-575-1023 30 Easy Street Carefree, AZ Wild Holly Gallery 480-595-8757 22 Easy Street Carefree, AZ Assisted Living North Scottsdale Assisted Living 602-909-9550 Bicycle Bicycle Vibe 623-582-3111

Foothills Food Bank 480-488-1145

Foothills Community Foundation 480-488-1090

Gold Mine Thrift Shop 480-488-3721

Girl Scouts 602-253-6359

Meals on Wheels 480-488-1090

Kiwanis Club of Carefree 480-488-8400

Salvation Army 480-488-3590

Little League Baseball/Softball 480-488-1244

Snake Removal 480-945-6311

New River Senior Center 623-465-0367

St. Vincent de Paul Society 602-254-3338

Rotary Club 480-585-9157

COMMUNITY organizations American Legion Post No. 34 & Auxiliary 480-488-2669 Arizona Archaeological Society 480-595-9255 Arizona Musicfest 480-488-0806 Boy Scouts 602-955-7747

Boutique Bags & Rags Ladies Fine Apparel 623-582-3111 16 Easy Street, Carefree

Cave Creek Museum 480-488-2764

Cabinet Design Gutowski Cabinet Works 623-465-5802

Desert Cactus Kickers (Foothills Dancing Grannies) 480-488-9661

COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE Alcoholics Anonymous 602-264-1341 Animal Control 602-506-7387 Community Loan Closet 480-488-8400 Foothills Animal Rescue 480-488-9890 Foothills Caring Corps 480-488-1105

For Advertising Information Jeff Penzone :: 623-341-0123

Desert Awareness Committee 480-585-5657

Desert Foothills Community Association (Fiesta Days Parade & Rodeo) 480-488-4043 Desert Foothills Community Education 480-575-2440 Desert Foothills Land Trust 480-488-6131 Desert Foothills New Horizons Band 602-992-1550 Desert Foothills Theater 480-488-1981

Sonoran Arts League 480-575-6624 Soroptimist International 480-522-6692 YMCA 480-596-9622 Cruise/vacation Cruise One Feiner & Associates 623-551-2042 Custom Home & Remodeling Chris Mellon & Company 7509 E. Cave Creek Rd. 480-575-6977 Dentist Carefree Dentists 480-488-9735 7518 Elbow Bend Ste. #1 Dentistry at Westland 480-361-2500 33777 N. Scottsdale Rd Feldhake & Associates 623-931-8898 480-661-0660 A p ri l 2 0 1 2


FIRE Fire Service 480-627-6900 Government/business Town of Carefree 480-488-3686 Town of Cave Creek 480-488-1400 Chamber of Commerce Carefree/Cave Creek 480-488-3381 Chamber of Commerce Cave Creek 480-437-1110 Motor Vehicle Department 602-255-0072 Social Security 800-772-1213 Voter Registration 602-506-1511 health care Cierra Medical Walk-In Care 480-575-0131 Desert Foothills Medical Center 480-488-9220 John C. Lincoln Deer Valley 623-879-6100 Mayo Clinic 480-301-8000

Landscape Design Azul-Verde Design Group, Inc. 480-595-0611 Iddings & Sons Landscaping, Inc. 623-465-2546 623-297-7584 Library Desert Broom Library 602-262-4636 Desert Foothills Library 480-488-2286 Outdoor Furniture Cave Creek Outdoor Living 480-575-3091 Elegant Outdoor Living 623-340-3072 Painting Daisy Mountain Painting 623-551-3156 Dino’s Painting 623-221-7911 623-986-5211 parks Cave Creek Regional Park 623-465-0431

Mayo Hospital 480-585-6296

Gateway Desert Awareness 480-488-1400

Paradise Valley Hospital 602-923-5000

Spur Cross Ranch 480-488-6601

Scottsdale Healthcare 480-324-7000 7400 E. Thompson Peak Pkwy 480-323-3000 90th St. & Shea Blvd.

Cave Creek Ranger 480-595-3300

Home Remodeling Chris Mellon & Company 7509 E. Cave Creek Rd. 480-575-6977 Interior Design Angelique Interiors 480-729-1114


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photography Jerri Parness Photography 480-650-3138 Plumbing Liberty Plumbing & Solar 623-551-9156

Pool Design/construction Azul-Verde Design Group, Inc. 480-595-0611 Eco Blu Pools 480-626-8200 7003 E. Cave Creek Road post office Carefree 480-488-3781 Cave Creek 480-488-1218 Realtor Russ Lyon - Sotheby’s International Realty 34305 N. Scottsdale Rd. 480-488-2400 The RJ Team 480-239-4412 restaurants Carefree Station 480-488-8182 7212 E. Ho Road Carefree, AZ Cave Creek Tap Haus 480-488-3300 6900 E. Cave Creek Rd. English Rose Tea Room 480-488-4812 201 Easy St. Carefree, AZ SCHOOL Annunciation Catholic School 480-361-8234 Bella Vista Private School 480-575-6001 Black Mountain Elementary School 480-575-2100 Cactus Shadows High School Main Line 480-575-2400 Attendance 480-575-2431 Career Success School 480-575-0075

Priceless Plumbing Heating & Air 623-444-0611

Cave Creek Unified School District 480-575-2000 Community Education Preschool 480-575-2072

Proskill Plumbing 623-551-7473

Desert Foothills Lutheran Preschool 480-585-8007

Desert Sun Academy 480-575-2900 Desert Willow Elementary School 480-575-2800 Foothills Academy 480-488-5583 Goddard School 480-437-1000 Horseshoe Trails Elementary School 480-272-8500 Lone Mountain Elementary School 480-437-3000 Montessori School 480-563-2929 Our Lady of Joy Preschool 480-595-6409 Paradise Valley Community College at Black Mountain 602-493-2600 Quality Interactive Montessori School 480-575-5269 Sonoran Trails Middle School Main Line 480-272-8600 Attendance: 480-272-8604 Ventana Academic School 480-488-9362 Security Doors Steel Shield Security Doors 623-581-DOOR Sheriff Sheriff’s Posse 602-256-1895 Shopping el Pedregal at the Boulders 480-488-1072 34505 N. Scottsdale Road Solar & Electric Black Platinum Solar & Electric 623-434-3340 Tile and stone Cleaning Phoenix Grout 480-395-3400

Water Softener & Filtration Rayne of the North Valley 623-234-9047 Soft Water Plus AZ 623-465-4873 Window Treatments Carefree Coverings 602-617-2920 Buttercup Interiors 480-522-0209 Worship Black Mountain Baptist Church 480-488-1975 Black Mountain United Church of Christ 480-575-1801 Canyon Church of Christ 623-889-3388 Carefree Highway Community Church 480-488-5565 Cave Creek Adventist Fellowship 602-663-1268 Christ Anglican Episcopal Church 480-488-0525 Christ the Lord Lutheran 480-488-2081 Church of Jesus Christ of LDS 480-488-3035 Coolwater Christian Church 480-585-5554

Desert Valley Baptist Church 623-465-9461 First Baptist Church of Cave Creek 480-488-2958 First Church of Christ Scientist 480-488-2665 Good Shepherd of the Hills Episcopal Church 480-488-3283 Light of the Desert Lutheran Church 480-563-5500 Lone Mountain Fellowship Church 480-818-5653 North Ridge Community Church 480-515-4673 North Valley Church of Christ 480-473-7611 Our Lady of Joy Catholic Church 480-488-2229 Pinnacle Presbyterian Church 480-585-9448 Son Rise Community Church 480-502-2834 Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center 480-488-5218 St. Gabriel the Archangel Catholic Church 480-595-0883

Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church 623-465-9461 Desert Foothills Lutheran Church 480-585-8007 Desert Hills Presbyterian Church 480-488-3384 Desert Mission United Methodist Church 480-595-1814 A p ri l 2 0 1 2


recipe Salad & Wines: Perfect Together! Writer Stephanie Maher Palenque

Believe it or not, there was a time when experts said that wines and salads don’t go together, and when eating a salad it is best to drink mineral water! Well, times they are a ‘changing! Even though sometimes it might be a bit challenging to make the right marriage between wine and salad, when you do, love is in the air! For instance, try this signature salad from Eddie V’s in The Scottsdale Quarter, with a Gruner Veltliner (grape) from Austria. According to Ryan Schwartz, COO for Quench Fine Wines, “The wine has the backbone of acidity to stand up to all of the vegetables, but it is still light and crisp on the palette.”

Fuji Apple Salad Ingredients:


Mix all dry ingredients in bowl

2 cups of mixed lettuce leaves


Add vinaigrette

2-3 golden beets, fully cooked


Top with sliced apples, walnuts, and blue cheese crumbles

5 candied walnuts


Serve chilled

6 haricot vertes (or green beans), cleaned, cooked in boiling salted water 2 oz. of ginger-orange vinaigrette 1 oz. of blue cheese crumbles 4 each dried cherries



8 slices of Fuji apples

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Market Watch real estate Real Estate data provide by Russ Lyon - Sotheby’s North Scottsdale Carefree Office Heidi Stamp

The first graph shows how listing units in the 85266, 85377, 85262, 85331 have declined about 21% in the past year and expired listings have declined around 50% in the past year. This is positive news for the area. Local agents have less inventory to show to clients, creating a trend toward increasing home values. The second graph shows how important it is to list your home to sell. This graph shows the importance of listing your home to sell from the start. When a home was priced to sell in our area without price changes the home sold on average about 94% of list price. When a home is over-priced in the market and has one or more price changes the trend on average is the home sells at around 77% of original list price. On average a new home listed will have the most buyer activity in the first couple of weeks. This is important to remember when you meet with your agent and look at a market analysis. If you have any questions please call Heidi Stamp. Information supplied by ARMLS through BrokerMetrics ÂŽ Date 2/1/11 through 2/29/2012 Information not guaranteed. Information retrieved on A p03/15/2012. ri l 2 0 1 2


$1,750,000 Beautiful Boulders Estate! Awesome golf course and mountain views! Linda Moorhead 480-650-4502

$514,500 Erika Willison

Timeless Ambiance in N. Scottsdale! 4487 SF 602-550-9595

North Scottsdale-Carefree Office 34305 N. Scottsdale Road Scottsdale, AZ 85266

$175K-1.1M Debbie O.

P. 480-488-2400

Buy Land - 1 to 5 Acres - 53 Great Choices 480-375-1522



$1,580/mo lease Elegant Office 7301 E. Sundance Trail Carefree Irma Kuhweide, 602-579-6955 Mark Hazelton, 602-399-0399

$995,000 Stunning Masterpiece in The Boulders Donna Taylor 480-980-7508

$895,000 Spectacular Views in The Boulders Gail Anthony 480-694-6830 Stacy Paluscio 602-526-9431

$739,000 Great Black Mountain Views plus Casita in Terravita Ron Bartz 602-402-3703 Charlie Majka 602-625-9205

$1,495,000 Fantastic View, 2 Acres, Contemporary Mountainside Carefree, AZ Arlene Little 480-239-7130

$985,000 Debbie O.

Ap r i l 2 0 1 2

RV Garage - 4BR/4BA on 5 Acres 480-375-1522

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