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Bassim T. Albeirouti, MD, MSC, CIP, FRCPC, FACP Assistant Professor in the Hematology Department , Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University – Jeddah &Consultant of Adult Hematology/BMT, Section of Adult Hematology/BMT Department of Oncology KFSHRC – Jeddah Branch
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Comprehensive Care Rather than Solo Patient Care Bassim T. Albeirouti, MD, MSC, CIP, FRCPC, FACP
Patients with Cancer Advocate
Comprehensive Cancer Center, King Fahd Medical City (KFMC) in Riyadh (2005-2010)
Patients with Cancer Advocate Section of Adult Hematology & BMT, Department of Oncology, (2011-to present) KFSH&RC (Gen. Org.) Jeddah Branch
Patients with Cancer Advocate
Oncology Tumor Board (ex-chairman) (2011-2013) at King Abdulaziz University Hospital (KAUH), Jeddah
دين السلم The Religion Of ISLAM
A Simple Religion › For Illiterate and for the Full Professor › 5 Pillars of ISLAM & 6 Pillars of IMAN
For Every Body › For Ins and Jinn › For All Nations › Not For Arabs Only
You Take the Ajr (Reward), We take the Wizr (Sins)
Case Presentation:
A patient with a disease was given a prescription and his doctor instructed him to take these pills before the meal and these pills after the meal.
The patient replied: Doctor, I do not have any meal.
Then the doctor recognized that his patient was a poor one and he needs a social support for himself and his family since he is the only working member of the family.
A discussion of comprehensive care plan rather than a solo patient care will be presented.
Comprehensive Care Rather than Solo Patient Care ď‚ž
A patient with an illness needs a comprehensive care plan addressing his or her social, psychological, economical, emotional, and spiritual needs.
In the twenty first century patient care is not anymore centered around the patient only.
Attention to the family and family needs is an essential component nowadays.
Comprehensive Care Rather than Solo Patient Care ď‚ž
The health care system in developed countries is based on multidisciplinary approach where the care plan is not only dependent on the primary consultant of the patient but it also includes a team of social worker, psychologist, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, clinical pharmacist, dietician, health educator, case manager, and disease coordinator, and other needed services in the provision of a holistic health care plan.
All these aspects will be addressed in this presentation.
Comprehensive Care Rather than Solo Patient Care
Always forgotten issues in patient care” › Pain › Nutrition › Depression
Families also need to have their support › Social › Psychological › Spiritual › Emotional › Greave
From Patient Centered Care to Family Centered Care
In many countries they train their citizens how to kill (Obligatory Army Service)
BUT they do not train them how to save lives
If we do not involve the patient’s family in his/her care we will definitely fail in providing a cost effective health care system
Should we pay family members who are taking care of their relatives?
Absolutely yes, but we need to train them how to do so properly
& It will be cost effective
How to convince people is the real challenge?
From Patient Centered Care to Family Centered Care ď‚ž
Prevention is better than cure
If we train family members how to prevent bed sores in their relatives we will definitely decrease the incidence of serious sepsis we are seeing in bed ridden population
From Hospital Based Care to Home Health Care ď‚ž
In many occasions we do not need the patient to come to hospital instead a team of health care providers including a physician, a nurse, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, etc. can visit the patient at home and provide different levels of care at home without the need to admit the patient to the hospital
Family participation is a very important component of home health care
From Hospital Based Care to Hospice Care at Home
Patients with terminal illness can get the best care with dignity at home
A Famous statement by R.W.:
(When we a treat a disease we may lose or win, BUT when we treat a human being with a disease with dignity and compassion we always win no matter what was the outcome of the disease
My attitude toward family members who are taking care of a related patient
Very supportive of giving unlimited setter leaves as long as they are helping my patient psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, etc. (Since I can not pay them)
I always tell them that they are my partners in taking care of the patient
I always involve them from the beginning and meet with them frequently as long as needed and at least weekly when I am attending on the floor
الرحمة Compassion Compassion is love plus an inner feeling to relieve the pain and suffering of another
الرحمة Compassion
Compassion is Above Everything,
Before Anything,
In Everything,
& For Everything.
الرحمة فوق كل شيء,
وقبل كل شيء,
وفي كل شيء,
ولكل شيء.
الرحمة Compassion
Our God Described Himself as Most Merciful
& Most Compassionate
He has written Mercy for Himself
ا ربنا كتب على نفسه الرحمة,
ووسعت رحمته كل شيء
ولو عاملنا ا بعدله لهلكنا,
ولكنه سبحانه يعاملنا بفضله ورحمته.
ول ممسك لرحمته
ورحمته هي أحق ما نفرح به
& His Mercy embraces all things
None can withhold his Mercy
We should rejoice his Mercy
الرحمة Compassion
Our Messenger of Islam Mohammad Peace Be upon Him was sent by God as compassion to the whole world as described in the Quran. He was merciful and compassionate to all Muslims
ونبينا محمد صلى ا عليه وسلم ما أرسله ا إل رحمة للعالمين.
وكان بالمؤمنين رؤوفا رحيما
ولو كان فظا غليظ القلب لنفض الصحابة من حوله
الرحمة Compassion
Our Religion the Islam is the Faith of Compassion.
وديننا هو دين الرحمة.
الرحمة Compassion Our Book is full of Compassion.
وكتابنا العظيم القرآن .الكريم مليء بالرحمة
الرحمة Compassion Our relation between each other is based on compassion. وعلقتنا ببعضنا البعض لبد أن تقوم على الرحمة كما وصفنا ا تعالى في ".كتابه "رحماء بينهم
الرحمة Compassion The marital relation between the husband and his wife is based on compassion. والعلقة الزوجية قائمة على الرحمة كما وصفها ا عز وجل في كتابه بقوله "وجعل بينكم مودة ".ورحمة
الرحمة Compassion
The Mission of Medicine is Compassion Our Medical Practice in Islam and in Medicine Should be Based on Compassion. A medical Practice without Compassion is a Malpractice.
والرسالة السمى للطب هي الرحمة
تعاملتنا في السلم وفي الطب ل بد أن تقوم على الرحمة
ممارسة طبية بدون رحمة تعتبر خطأ طبيا
الرحمة Compassion
Compassion is the law that should rule this world.
الرحمة هي القانون الذي ينبغي أن يحكم هذا العالم.
الرحمة Compassion
Merciful people will have the mercy of Allah
Be merciful to people on earth Our Lord will be merciful to you in heaven
الرحماء برحمهم ا.
ارحموا من في الرض يرحمكم من في السماء.
الرحمة Compassion
Physicians without Compassion Should have their license provoked till they are practicing medicine with Compassion. The patient has the right to have a compassionate care by his/her Physician.
الرحمة لكل شيء,
ولغير المسلم,
الرحمة Compassion
We are really in need of Allah Mercy Let us be the people of Mercy from today
ما أحوجنا وا إلى رحمة ا.
لنكن من اليوم من أهل الرحمة
مؤمنين بالرحمن الرحيم
متبعين لمن أرسله ربه رحمة للعالمين
Believing in Allah the Most Merciful
Following the Merciful Prophet
رحماء فيما بيننا
Merciful to each other
رحماء مع أهلينا
Merciful to our families
Merciful to every thing and for in every thing
رحماء في كل شيء ولكل شيء من حولنا
Thank You وآخر دعوانا أن الحمد لله رب العالمين