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Oh Lord Let them Understand What I say today! • (25) (Moses) said: "O my Lord! expand me my breast; • (26) "Ease my task for me; • (27) "And remove the impediment from my speech,so they may understand my speech
بشا ِّ َقلاَلشا َر اْشَرْحشا لِ يشا صْدِر ي َ َوَي ِّسْرشا لِ يشا أَْمِر ي َواْحلقُْلشا قُعْقَدًةشا ِّمل نشا ل َِّسلاِن ي َيْفَققُهواشا َق ْوِل ي
Spirituality and Medicine Dr M.Hassan, M.D DR Rev Carole Johannsen,(Research) Dec,29th,2013 Jeddah
Talk will cover: • • • • •
Definition Religion VS Spirituality. Data from other Research. Results of the Survey. Comments from patients. Quranic verses used frequently in helping patients coping their diseases.
Before modern day medicine Physician and spiritual leader was often “One and the same�.
Definition of Spirituality • The definition of spirituality is that which relates to or affects the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. Spirituality touches that part of you that is not dependent on material things or physical comforts.
Religion VS Spirituality • Some say spirituality and religion are basically the same thing. • Others believe that they are quite different. • In any case, spirituality and religion can touch your being in a way that little else can!
Difference Between Religion Spirituality • Outer Worship vs Inner Worship. Religion places more emphasis on outer forms and outer rituals. Spirituality is less concerned with outer rituals. Spirituality says that what is important is a seeker’s inner attitude. • Through practicing spirituality we seek to develop an inner shrine in our own heart
Divine Religion? • Religion and spirituality do conjure up differences, but at the same time they are just terms and words. Spirituality and religion can be interchangeable. The boundary between religion and spirituality is fluid. Rather than a debate between religion and spirituality we could think of the difference between human religion and divine Religion.
Islam and its teachings:
• Recognizes the needs of the body made out of clay. • Recognizes the need for the Development of Spiritual aspects.
"Spirituality is an important psychosocial resource that positively influences quality of life," notes Premal Thaker MD.
Patients were concerned that physicians are too busy, not interested, or even prohibited from discussing religion. Patients generally wanted their physician to acknowledge the value of spiritual and religious issues.
77% wanted doctors to take an interest in their religious beliefs; 37% want the interest to be more frequent. 1% indicated they wanted their doctors to know their S&R needs; ONLY 1% indicated their doctors had asked.
“Religious commitment (measured as affiliation, rate of attendance for worship and endorsement of R beliefs) has been associated not only with increased physical health and longevity, but lower anxiety, increased self-esteem, lower suicide rates, less substance abuse, less delinquency, less divorce and increased marital satisfaction..�
Spiritual well-being and depression are inversely related. Higher levels of a sense of inner meaning and peace have also been associated with lower levels of depression, whereas measures of religion were unrelated to depression.
Religion and spirituality help patients “to construct meaning in experiencing suffering inherent to the disease.�
IL-6, or Interleukin 6, is a marker of inflammation. It also plays a role in tumor growth. Dr. Thaker notes that earlier studies have linked depression with worse IL-6 outcomes and high social support with better IL-6 outcomes. This study found that those women who identified with being spiritual had lower levels of IL-6
Furthermore, having spiritual issues addressed by the medical care team had more impact on increasing the use of hospice and decreasing aggressive end-of-life measures than did pastoral counseling.
• Hagerty study: • 98% wanted docs to be realistic and still individualize their management, being expert yet collaborative in discussing their care plan. • 90% felt that if doctors were up-to-date in their knowledge of treatment, it created much hope. • 87% gained hope if their doctors knew their cancer very well and assured them their pain would be well controlled. • 80% felt hopeful if their doctor had a sense of humour.
• • • • • •
Study summarized six styles of conveying hope: realism emotional support, being open and responsive facilitating coping with the dying information provision discussing therapeutic options including second opinion • sharing personal information
Results of Survey: Solo Practice for 30 years
Do you Feel doctors should talk to their patients about faith or spirituality ?
“Yes! There are many times when a patient needs mental comfort whether it be a diagnosis or treatment. Often, calm, soothing spiritual and faith talks help greatly in the healing process. I have know Dr. Hassan for 30 years and I always look for that little bit of extra she gives me about faith. I leave the appointment always feeling better.� -Dolores
“When they sense it would be appropriate and helpful to the patient” Patti “ I think that the conversation about faith & spirituality depends on the reason the doctor is treating the patient. If there is concern for quality of life or possibility of a terminal condition the conversation can be warranted” - Janice
Do you think doctors give enough time to their patients?
“ Many Doctors do not give enough time to their patients, But dr. Hassan was different and spent lots of time explaining everything to me “ -Maryann
“ In general, not usually. Many times I know people feel rushed and not listened to or explained enough about their condition or what is being done to them” Andree
“Dr Hassan more than any other I know gives her patients all her attention, one at a time . She is never distracted by anything else and when I visit I know she is concentrating only on my needs. A true professional.� -- Dolores
Should the doctor refer patients to chaplains instead of talking to them?
• A Muslim - holds strongly to Islamic principles, but yet is adaptable to change when applying them in response to contemporary issues and challenges
How do I use my faith and my knowledge of Qur’an?
ضشا ِ الِّذيَل نشا إِل نشا ّمّكّنلاقُهْمشا ِف يشا اْلَْر صَلَةشا َوتآَتقُواشا الّزَكلاَةشا ّ أََقلاقُمواشا ال فشا َوَنَه ْواشا َعِل نشا ِ َوأََمقُرواشا ِبلاْلَمْعقُرو لشا َعلاِقَبقُةشا اْل قُقُموِر ِ ّ ِ اْلقُمنَكِرو ۗشا شا َو if We establish them in the land, establish regular prayer and give regular charity, enjoin the right and forbid wrong: with Allah rests the end (and decision) of (all) affairs . Hajj 22:41
ۡ َ بّلٱ إِّلّلٱ ِبلٱلّتِىّلٱ ِهَىّلٱ أَۡحَسُنّلٱ إِّلّلٱ ـ ت ِ ڪ ل َوَلّلٱ تَُجٰـِدلُٓوْاّلٱ أَۡهَلّلٱ ٱ ٰ ِ ىّلٱ ُأزنِزَلّلٱ إِلَۡينَ اّلٱ ٓ ٱلِّذنيَنّلٱ ظَلَُموْاّلٱ ِمۡنهُقَو ۖۡۡمّلٱ َوُقولُٓوْاّلٱ َءاَمنّ اّلٱ ِبلٱلِّذ ۬ َ ۡ ٌ ُ َ ڪۡۡمّلٱ َوإِلَٰـهُنَ اّلٱ َوإِلَٰـهُُكۡۡمّلٱ َوحٲِحدّلٱ َوزنحنّلٱ لهُّلٱ ۥّلٱ ُ َوُأزنِزَلّلٱ إِلَۡي ٤٦) )ُمۡسلُِموَنّلٱ
• Surah Al-Ankaboot And argue not with the People of the Scripture unless it be in (a way) that is better, save with such of them as do wrong; and say: We believe in that which hath been revealed unto us and revealed unto you; our God and your God is One, and unto Him we surrender. (46)
What is most heavy on our souls?
The errors/mistakes we make in our life time!
ىّلٱ ٱلِّذنيَنّلٱ أَۡسَرُفوْاّلٱ َعلَ ٰ ٓىّلٱ َأزنفُِسِهۡۡمّلٱ َلّلٱ تَۡقنَ ُ طوْاّلٱ ِمنّلٱ قُۡلّلٱ نيَٰـِعَب اِد َ بّلٱ َجِميًعِإ ۚ اّلٱ إِزنّهُّلٱ ۥّلٱ هَُوّلٱ ّرۡحَمِةّلٱ ٱ ّ لِإ ِّۚلٱ إِّنّلٱ ٱّلَّلٱ نيَۡغفُِرّلٱ ٱلّذُزنو َ ّلٱ ٱۡلَغُفوُرّلٱ ٱلّرِحيُۡم • Say: O My slaves who have been prodigal to their own hurt! Despair not of the mercy of Allah, Who forgiveth all sins. Lo! He is the Forgiving, the Merciful. 39:35
صيبٍَ۬ةّلٱ فِىّلٱ ٱ ۡ َ َ ٓ ۡ ضّلٱ َوَلّلٱ فِٓىّلٱ َأزنفُِسُكۡۡمّلٱ إِّلّلٱ ر ل م ّلٱ ن م ّلٱ ب ص ا أ ّلٱ َم ا َ َ ِ ّ ِ ِ كّلٱ َعلَىّلٱ ٱّلِّلٱ نيَِسيٌ۬رّلٱ بّلٱ ّمنّلٱ قَۡبِلّلٱ أَنّلٱ زنّۡبَرأَهَ ِإ ۚ آّلٱ إِّنّلٱ َذحٲلِ َ ڪتَٰـ ۬ ٍ فِىّلٱ ِ
• Naught of disaster befalleth in the earth or in yourselves but it is in a Book before we bring it into being - Lo! that is easy for Allah -57:22
ۡ ۡ ْ ْ ٓ ُ َ َ لَّكۡيَلّلٱ تَأَسۡواّلٱ َعلٰىّلٱ َم اّلٱ ف اتَكۡۡمّلٱ َوَلّلٱ تَفَرُحواّلٱ بَِم اّلٱ َءاتَٰٮڪُٱَو ۗۡۡمّلٱ بّلٱ ُكّلّلٱ ُمۡخَت اٍ۬لّلٱ فَُخوٍر ّ ّلٱ َوٱّلُّلٱ َلّلٱ نيُِح • That ye grieve not for the sake of that which hath escaped you, nor yet exult because of that which hath been given. Allah loveth not all prideful boasters. 57:23
سّلٱ بِِه ۦّلٱ زنَۡفُسهُّلٱ قَو ۖۥّلٱ َولَقَۡدّلٱ َخلَۡقنَ اّلٱ ٱ ۡ ِلزنَسٰـَنّلٱ َوزنَۡعلَُۡمّلٱ َم اّلٱ تَُوۡسِو ُ بّلٱ إِلَۡيِهّلٱ ِمۡنّلٱ َحۡبِلّلٱ ٱۡلَوِرنيِدّلٱ ١٦ َوزنَۡحُنّلٱ أَۡقَر ُ • We verily created man and We know what his soul whispereth to him, and We are nearer to him than his jugular vein. 50:16
The Most Unique Individual:YOU • "When I have fashioned him (in due proportion) and breathed into him of My spirit, fall ye down in prostration unto him.“ Surah Saad 38:72
َُفإَِذاشا َسّوْيقُتقُهشا َوَنَفْخ ق • تشا ِفيِهشا ِمل نشا َفَسَجَدشا اْلَمَلِئَكقُةشا قُكلّقُهْمشا أَْجَمقُعوَل ن • سجاِجِدنين َ رّوِح يشا َفَققُعواشا َلقُهشا
۬ ڪۡۡمّلٱ َوأَۡولَٰـُدُكۡۡمّلٱ فِۡتنَةٌّلٱ َوأَّنّلٱ ٱّلَّلٱ ُ َُوٱۡعلَُمٓوْاّلٱ أَزنَّم آّلٱ أَۡمَوحٲل ٢ِعنَدهُّلٱ ۤۥّلٱ أَۡجٌرّلٱ َعِظيٌ۬ۡم • And know that your possessions and your children are a test, and that with Allah is immense reward. 8:27
Relationship with parents!
• In some patients, the anger towards one or the other parent plays a role in their unhappiness.
ّ َوَو صۡينَ اّلٱ ٱ ۡ ِلزنَسٰـَنّلٱ بَِوحٲلَِدۡنيِهّلٱ َحَملَۡتهُّلٱ أُّمهُّلٱ ۥّلٱ َوۡهنً اّلٱ َعلَٰىّلٱ َوۡهٍ۬نّلٱ ىّلٱ ُ صٰـلُهُّلٱ ۥّلٱ فِىّلٱ َع اَمۡيِنّلٱ أَِنّلٱ ٱۡش َ ڪۡرّلٱ لِىّلٱ َولَِوحٲلَِدۡني َ َِوف ّ َكّلٱ إِل ۡ صيُر م ل ِ َ ّلٱ ٱ • And We have enjoined upon man concerning his parents - His mother beareth him in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years - Give thanks unto Me and unto thy parents. Unto Me is the journeying.31:13
What prevents us in reaching the “Light” or God? • Heart has been compared to a mirror. Cloudiness prevents the Light from Shining..? • Let’s look at all those factors:
Polish your mirror: Daily • Keep your Egos under control. • Follow the teachings: take care of your parents, family, relatives, friends, neighbors. • Discharge your duties to the Best of your abilities.
How we Think, Act, will lead us to become what we Are Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become character. Watch your character, they become
How as Muslim I am helping most of my patients: Medicine with Spirituality! • A Muslim - appreciates the richness of other civilizations, and is selfconfident enough to interact with others and is prepared to learn from them
• A Muslim - holds strongly to Islamic principles, but yet is adaptable to change when applying them in response to contemporary issues and challenges.
How to find “PEACE”? • Those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh) and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allâh, Verily, in the remembrance of Allâh do hearts find rest[]
Peace and Bliss: heart is at REST
Where will you find God? •
I searched for God among the Christians and on the Cross and therein I found Him not. I went into the ancient temples of idolatry; no trace of Him was there. I entered the mountain cave of Hira and then went as far as Qandhar but God I found not. With set purpose I fared to the summit of Mount Caucasus and found there only 'anqa's habitation. Then I directed my search to the Kaaba, the resort of old and young; God was not there even. Turning to philosophy I inquired about him from ibn Sina but found Him not within his range. I fared then to the scene of the Prophet's experience of a great divine manifestation only a "two bow-lengths' distance from him" but God was not there even in that exalted court. Finally, I looked into my own heart and there I saw Him; He was nowhere else. -Rumi
Kahlil Gibran I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit
Source/ reference • Thaker PH, et al. "Spirituality, depression, and interleukin-6 in ovarian cancer patients" SGO 2013; Abstract 14. • “Religion and Spirituality: the Perspective of Health Professionals” Joeima Ana Espindula; Elizabeth Ranier Martins Do Valle; Angela Ales Bello • NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE: General Information About Spirituality - 2012
Source/ reference • “Providing Hope in Terminal Cancer: When is it Appropriate and When is it Not?” • Han Chong Toh • 2011, Commentary in Annals Academy of Medicine, Jan. 2011, Vol. 40, No. 1. • “Body, Mind and Spirit: Towards the Integration of Religiosity and Spirituality in Cancer Quality of Life Research” • Johanna J. Mytko and Sara J. Knight • 1999, Published in Psycho-Oncology, 8: 439-450 (1999), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
How do we understand:Ruh •
ل نشا القُّروحِشا ِ ع َ كشا َ ل ن َ لو ُس ق ْ ي َأ َ َو ۖشا ققُِلشا الّروقُحشا ِمْل نشا أَْمِرشا ُق ُق َر ِّب يشا َوَملاشا أوِتيتمشا ِّمَل نشا اْلِعْلِمشا إِّلشا َقِليًل
• They ask thee concerning the Spirit (of inspiration). Say: "The Spirit (cometh) by command of my Lord: of knowledge it is only a little that is communicated to you, (O men!)“Surah Bani Israel 17:85
Wrong actions affects Hearts • َيلاشا أَّيَهلاشا الِّذيَل نشا تآَمقُنواشا َلشا َيْسَخْرشا َق ْوٌمشا ِّمل نشا َق ْوٍمشا َعَسٰىشا أَل نشا َيقُكوقُنواشا َخْيًراشا ِّمْنقُهْمشا َوَلشا ِنَسلاٌءشا ِّمل نشا ِّنَسلاٍءشا َعَسٰىشا أَل نشا َيقُكّل نشا َخْيًراشا ِّمْنقُهّل نۖشا شا َوَلشا َتْلِمقُزواشا َأنفقَُسقُكْمشا َوَلشا سشا ِ َتَنلاَبقُزواشا ِبلاْلَْلَقلا َ بۖشا شا ِبْئ اِلْسقُمشا اْلفقُقُسوقُقشا َبْعَدشا ِْ ا ْ ليَملاِل نو ۚشا شا َوَمل نشا لّْمشا َيقُت بشا َ ّ َفقُأوٰلِئَكشا قُهقُمشا الظلالِقُموَل ن
• 11. O ye who believe! Let not some men among you laugh at others: It may be that the (latter) are better than the (former): Nor let some women laugh at others: It may be that the (latter are better than the (former): Nor defame nor be sarcastic to each other, nor call each other by (offensive) nicknames: Illseeming is a name connoting wickedness, (to be used of one) after he has believed: And those who do not desist are (indeed) doing wrong. Al-Hujjaraat 49:11
Wrong actions
• َيلاشا أَّيَهلاشا الِّذيَل نشا تآَمقُنواشا اْجَتِنقُبواشا َكِثيًراشا ضشا الّظ ِّل نشا إِْثٌمۖشا شا َوَلشا َ ِّمَل نشا الّظ ِّل نشا إِّل نشا َبْع ً ضقُكمشا َبْع ضلاو ۚشا شا َُتَجّسقُسواشا َوَلشا َيْغَتبشا ّبْع ق بشا أََحقُدقُكْمشا أَل نشا َيأْقُكَلشا َلْحَمشا أَِخيِهشا ّ أَقُيِح اشا َ ّ او ۚشا شا إِّل نشا َ ّ َمْيًتلاشا َفَكِرْهقُتقُموهقُو ۚشا شا َواّتقُقواشا ٌ َتّوا بشا ّرِحيٌم
• 12. O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behind their backs. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Nay, ye would abhor it...But fear Allah. For Allah is OftReturning, Most Merciful.
Is it Blessing to be a Muslim? • كشا أَْل نشا َ َيقُمّنوَل نشا َعَلْي أَْسَلقُمواۖشا شا ققُلشا ّلشا َتقُمّنواشا َعَلّ يشا إِْسَلَمقُكمۖشا شا َبِلشا ّ اقُشا َيقُمّل نشا َعَلْيقُكْمشا أَْل نشا ِْ َِهَداقُكْمشا ل ليَملاِل نشا إِل نشا صلاِدِقيَل ن َ قُكنقُتْمشا
• (17) They impress on thee as a favour that they have embraced Islam. Say, "Count not your Islam as a favour upon me: Nay, Allah has conferred a favour upon you that He has guided you to the faith, if ye be true and sincere 49:17
Are we sincere? • لشا ِ ّ إِّنَملاشا اْلقُم ْؤِمقُنوَل نشا الِّذيَل نشا تآَمقُنواشا ِبلا َوَرقُسولِِهشا قُثّمشا َلْمشا َيْرَتلاقُبواشا َوَججاَهُداوا او ۚشا شا ِ ّ بِأ َْمَاوالِِهْمشا َوَأنفقُِسِهْمشا ِف يشا َسِبيِلشا َ ُق صلاِدقوَل ن ّ قُأوٰلِئَكشا قُهقُمشا ال
• (15) Only those are Believers who have believed in Allah and His Messenger, and have never since doubted, but have striven with their belongings and their persons in the Cause of Allah: Such are the sincere ones 49:15
“Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out.� Vaclav Havel, writer and president of Czech Republic.
• ّلشا َيْسَتِو يشا اْلَقلاِعقُدوَل نشا ِمَل نشا اْلقُم ْؤِمِنيَل نشا َغْيقُرشا قُأولِ يشا ضَرِرشا َواْلقُمَجلاِهقُدوَل نشا ِف يشا ّ ال اشا ِبأ َْمَوالِِهْمشا ِ ّ َسِبيِلشا ّ ضَلشا اقُشا ّ َوَأنفقُِسِهْمو ۚشا شا َف اْلقُمَجلاِهِديَل نشا ِبأ َْمَوالِِهْمشا َوَأنفقُِسِهْمشا َعَلىشا اْلَقلاِعِديَل نشا ً ّ ّ َدَرَجًةو ۚشا شا َوقُكلشا َوَعَدشا اقُشا ّ ضَلشا اقُشا ّ اْلقُحْسَنٰىو ۚشا شا َوَف اْلقُمَجلاِهِديَل نشا َعَلىشا اْلَقلاِعِديَل نشا أَْجًراشا َعِظيًملا
• Sura 4 - An-Nisa (MADINA) : Verse 95 Not equal are those Believers who sit (at home) and receive no hurt, and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods and their persons. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home): unto all (in faith) hath Allah promised good: but those who strive and fight hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a great reward
“….No human being lives in the world without having some hope in life.”