ne day, in my “Intro to Mechatronics class” taught by Professor Allen, he was discussing the engineering graduates in the U.S and showed how far behind the U.S students were compared to other countries. This got me thinking about why we were so far behind and what a possible solution could be. This lead me to the thought of education and how to justify more technological after-school programs. My question for this paper is “What are the advantages of technological after school programs, and why should we support them?” For one thing, after-school technology programs are the stepping stones in developing an interdependent, progressive, scientific, and technological future. They have many advantages such as learning skills you can build in the program. Developing these skill sets early on in children can lead to many of today’s advancing fields of technology. Technology in today’s society is the leading power behind economic stability and politics as a strong pillar for our place as a leading power in the world. These are a few reasons why I think we should invest in technological programs in order to build a stronger future for the next generation. Of course there would be
After School STEM Programs a need to increase taxes to pay for this additional education. However, portion we would have to pay in taxes is nothing when you weigh the cost versus benefits . As we call for a higher expectation rate for United States future generations of children. As robotic technology replaces more jobs, people with education in technology are needed. Since we will have low cost labor robotics, the need for outsourcing products will decrease and the U.S. economy will be stronger and more efficient in manufacturing. If we develop the necessary afterschool programs to increase education and skills in these areas, we can begin to catch up to other nations that have invested the means to put their children on a course that supersedes the U.S. in technological advance. By instituting these programs after-school, it affords the focus to be entirely on technology, therefore allowing the student to grasp specifics for this field and perhaps a better attitude for the challenges that come along with it. The number of students entering this field might grow faster as students become more adept at the subject matter. Our children will be better prepared to tackle the challenges for this crossover from the skill sets they can learn in the after-school programs, that would be dedicated to teaching them specifically about technology, therefore, they will have a much easier transition into college.The programs should be geared to create greater interest in technology and mathematics. So if students choose, they could easily assimilate into engineering fields such as mechanical, electrical, computer software, or other new fields being developed daily where these skills are need such as mechatronics.
The U.S. right now is considered a leading world power because in the past we’ve stayed on top due to our weapons and space technological developments, but now we’re off our game. With a weakened economy and low education standing in math and science, we’ll soon get knocked out of the big leagues. If we don’t keep up with our weapons technology, it’s possible that we could be put in a threatening situation. Right now certain world powers would be hesitant to attack the U.S. because no one wants to deal with or face someone with equal or more power, but if we lose that edge what then? Right now we have a strong standing in the world arena, but if we fall too far behind and become a weak link we open ourselves to being susceptible to other countries whose policies and views we may not adhere too. That is why we need to have more school programs and studies in technology.
source: https://www.lessoncast.com/2011/12/why-stem-education-matters-resources-and-statistics/
This will most likely influence new and inventive ideas that will better or help society in advancing technology, such as human prosthetics, space travel, robotics, and even global warming. Technology will help to better mankind. If that isn’t enough to make the case of the need for technological programs, then let’s talk politics, power, and life. By: Imanullah Ahmed