Meet with Staff
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Study Abroad
Activities & Trips
St. Lawrence College International Office is located in Kingston campus with international staff. Barry Keefe, the director, and Laura Caldwell, the student advisor are from Canada, Cesar Balbuena, the associate director is from Mexico, and Ivy Zhang, the office assistant is from China. They provide resources to help you find employment, provide assistance for inquiries about accommodation, health insurance, work permit, academic tutoring. They are always here to help you.
You started here, and now, want to continue your education at university, or another post-secondary institution? St. Lawrence College has partnerships with educational institutions around the world, giving students the opportunity to study abroad, and gain knowledge about different culture. College also offers exchange programs for those who does not feel that they are ready for degree program. It is possible to transfer your credits, and continue studying in a different country. Location: Kingston Campus Student Services Room #11013 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-4pm
Every year, there are almost 100 new students start their journey from St. Lawrence College to reach their dreams. No need to feel lonely with this number of students. Look around, there are so many international students that they may be from your country, even, may be from the same city that you came from. You will feel at home. St. Lawrence College is a big family, and welcomes everyone from all over the world. You will find your best friends during your journey.
Studying is essential to be successful and reach the goal, but how about having fun? International Office thinks and organizes everything for you. There are various amount of activities that happen in the city and campus. English Conversation Club is for all of you who need to improve their language, meet new people, and have some fun time while practicing. Also, for travel-history lovers, there are some trips to Ottawa and Toronto, where you can enjoy visiting and discovering new places. Slc-International Kingston