Design 4 Spring 2021 Portfolio

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Design 4 SpringPortfolio2021


Micailah Cialella Professor Betty Hackney


Table of Contents Project 1: Memorial.................................................................................................................4-7 Project 2: Ascension..............................................................................................................8-12 Project 3: Verticality...........................................................................................................13-17 Project 4: Envelope.................................................................................................................18-22 Project 5: House of Peace............................................................................................23-32 3

A tribute to those lost


Design Concept: To memoralize the victims of human trafficking and use their stories to raise awareness for this widespread global tragedy that happens everyday to people in their own backyards.

Project 1: A Memorial to Human Trafficking Victims

Project Brief: Students were asked to design a memorial or monument to a event that happened or is still happening in 2020. The site location was to be chosen within the boundaries of Laurel Hill Cemetary and the entire project completed within a span of 10 days.


Transverse Section Sketch

Create a walkable journey in a low traffic area of the cemetary for visitors to stumble upon. Include quotes from and statistics about human trafficking. Have the walkway be visible to passersby from Kelly Drive. Make a personal connection to lost childhood innocence by embedding old kids toys into the path. Below them is an endless pit representing the victims that will never be found. Initailly contemplated adding lights for nighttime walking and to represent the number of victims per year but decided against it due to the cemetary not being open after dark. At the end of the journey there will be a blue heart which is the national symbol for Human Trafficking Victims and the local human trafficking hotline as a reminder to be on the lookout and to spread awareness.

Longitudinal Section Sketch

Floor Plan Sketch

Initial Thoughts and Sketches

Site Plan Center of path

Engraved quote

Longitudinal Section


Floor Plan Section Perspective 7

Project Brief: Students were given two weeks to design a stairway that would connect the Boathouse Row community with the community of the Strawberry Mansion/Sharswood area.

Design Concept: To provide a safe way to cross Kelly Drive while also connectiong to the local culture and providing for the community. Strawberry mansion is known for the straw berries it used to grow and Sharswood is known to be a food desert. Combining the history of the area with the needs of the community led to a walkable community garden where two communities converge.

Project 2: Ascension to Strawberry Mansion


A bridge between Boathouse Row and the Sharswood Area


Section with walkway in the center

Axon of bridge that crossed Kelly Dr.

Initial Section 1

Section with garden in the center

Initial Site Plan

Initial Section 2

Site Plan

Upper platform sketch

Longitudinal Section


Overhead Perspective 11

Upper platform Perspectives

Interior Bridge Perspective


Project Brief: Students were given the choice between three different functions for a vertical structure in the Strawberry Mansion region. This project was designed to function as a training space for blue collar techicians who climb vertical structures often as well as raise awareness in the community to programs that provide such jobs to people in the area.

Design Concept: To create a safe, yet challenging training space for blue collar techinicians by providing climbing spaces in an arrangement of skill levels (both vertical and curved) that can be seen from Kelly Dr. and connectiong the exterior climbing space to the interior office spaces.


Project 3: Verticality

A safe yet challenging training space for blue collar technicians


Inital Design Sketches

Main iteration 1

Main iteration 2

Main iteration 3


Axon and Section Sketch

16 Site Plan Section

Perspective 17

Project 4: Envelope

Connecting the Music Pavillion Ruins to the surrounding area


Project Brief: Students were tasked with either protecting, connecting or amplifying the ruins of the Strawberry Mansion Music Pavillion.

Design Concept: To connect the remaining architecture to the community through agressive design that envolks the feelings of abandonment and neglect. Forcing a reflection of self and the role each individual has played in the music center’s disuse. Envelope is meant to lash out as a if the architecture is trying to protect itself but also reach out as if to grab you and force you to realize the role you yourself may have played in its demise.


Initial Sketches and Models


Initial Thoughts and Sketches


Interior Perspective



Exterior Perspective


Project 5: House of Peace

A non-denominational sancturary


Project Brief: Students had 5 wweeks to design a non-denominational sancturary that wel comes people of all religions to the Strawberry Masnion area.

Design Concept: People of different faiths and backgrounds intersecting and progressing downwards to a central gathering space. Forms that overlap and intersect to represent the shared spaces and beliefs of different denominations. Three entrance points at various heights representing how people come in different and at different levels spiritually and physically. One main exit point at the bottom representing how people will leave this house different and with a better understanding of other beliefs. Concrete material makes up the language of structure while wood reprents circulation in both the exterior and inte rior spaces of the building. Natural light comes in from the main intersecting centerpoint and progresses down all the levels and into the main sancturary in the underground bot tom floor.


Initial Thoughts and Sketches

Initial Thoughts and Sketches



Initial model

Initial model of sancturary

Initial model with materials


Progression of floor plans, interior perspective and rhino model

28 Ground Floor 1. Main Sancturary 2. Open to above Third SecondFourthFloorFloorFloor 1. Custodial Closet 2. Office #1 3. Entrance Hallway 4. Office #2 5. Restrooms 1. Entrance Hallway 2. Private Meeting Room #2 3. Mechanical Closet 4. Private Sancturary #2 1. Private Sancturary #! 2. Entrance Hallway 3. Meeting Room #2 3 2 4 1 5 4 3 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 Floor Plans Interior Perspective



30 West Section

South Section


32 Exterior Perspective

Thank You!

LinkedIn: @Micailah Cialella

Instagram: @found.ation_27



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