Learn to Live with Coronavirus

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Learn to Live with Coronavirus

Coronavirus has created havoc in the whole world, and has affected more than 6.6 million people worldwide. The deadly virus has also claimed about 391,161 lives globally till date, and the figures are expected to increase. The worst part this global crisis is that there has been no definite medicine or vaccine which has cure the affected people from this deadly virus. It is precisely what is the most problematic situation for the world at the moment. But the present condition suggests that the world should learn to live with Coronavirus. Several health ministries of the world have made it quite clear that it is high time that the people of the world should learn to live with this deadly virus. Till the time, a definite vaccine or medicine does not come up, it is of immense importance for the people to learn to live with the virus. The main criteria involved here is to take precautionary measures to avoid the spread of the disease yet carry on with the normal life. To learn more about how to live with Coronavirus, please read through.

What are the Steps to Follow? It has been a long time that world has been dealing with Coronavirus without any definite approach to its cure. So, till the time a definite cure is available, it would be ideal to know how to live with this virus. Following some precautionary measures, along with a few changes in habits and lifestyle can not only prevent the rapid spread of the virus but also allow you to be back to your normal life without much difficulty. Here are as few ways as to how you can live with Coronavirus.

1. Social Distancing is a Must

We all know that Coronavirus spreads through direct contact from affected individuals to other persons. The virus gets transmitted through respiratory droplets of an affected person while coughing or sneezing. The transmission of droplets occurs at the time when a person is in close contact that is within a distance of one metre from the affected individual. So, if you have to live with this deadly virus, it is immensely important to practice social distancing and cannot be avoided at any cost.

2. Frequently Wash Your Hands

Coronavirus needs an entry point in the body to affect. Our mouth is the major place where the virus can enter our body and cause havoc. Moreover, our hands are the area where the virus can stay when you are going out or coming close to an infected person. Therefore, it is extremely important to frequently wash your hands with soap or sanitize your hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. It is even more important to wash your hands before intaking any food because the virus can easily get in through your mouth that were present on your hands.

3. Covering Mouth and Nose

We already know that mouth is an important entry point for the virus. Similarly, the nose is another area of entrance of the deadly virus. So, if you have to live with Coronavirus, it is essential to cover your mouth and nose with a mask or any other covering when you are out of your home for shopping, banking, going to work, or for any other reason. By covering your mouth and nose, you are able restrict the entry points of the virus. During the times of Coronavirus, we should try to do as many things online as possible such as online shopping, online banking, and others. If you wish to get fresh groceries delivered to you at your doorstep, get it touch with Indo Asian Groceries at the earliest.

4. Avoid Touching Your Eyes

Eyes are another entry point for the virus and hence, you should avoid touching your eyes frequently especially with unwashed hands. The conjunctiva of eyes is exposed to the infective respiratory droplets. It would also be a great idea to use a face shield that acts as a barrier for the virus to enter into the body. The face shield covers eyes, nose, and face together, therefore a very good option to be used.

5. Eat Healthy Food

To deal with the Coronavirus, you need to be strong and healthy. Your immune system should be strong enough to fight infection. Now, to make your immune system strong and appropriately functional, you need to consume healthy foods. It is better to avoid too much junk foods or fast foods. The focus should be on consuming a protein rich diet, along with a lot of fresh fruits and green vegetables. It provides the body with required vitamins, minerals, and other necessary elements to the body for building resilience against infections. It is also extremely important to stay hydrated at all the times which helps in flushing out toxins from the body. If you are looking for fresh foods, you can conveniently order it online at Indo Asian Grocery and have them delivered at your doorstep without needing to step out of the house.

6. Avoid Excessive Consumption of Alcohol and Refrain from Smoking

If you are an avid drinker and a smoker, then it is time to stop if you wish to live with Coronavirus. Both consumption of alcohol and smoking should be reduced to bare minimum since these can readily weaken the immune system, thereby making the body prone to infections.

7. Exercise Regularly and Sleep Well

Following all of the measures that are mentioned above would not only help you to live with Coronavirus pandemic at present but also, slowly and steadily bring back normalcy in your life.

Source: https://www.indoasiangroceries.com.au/learn-to-live-with-coronavirus

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