Factors That Affecting User Experience! If you are owning a website and that is related to your business, then it is very important for you to provide your registered customers and new users the best web experience. Better the experience your users get more will be the chances of them to convert into your customers. User experience is the quality of interaction users get while they are accessing your business website. User experience is directly proportional to your sale. If you fail in delivering good web experience to your users then they may leave your website in search of better one.
There are several factors that affecting user experience. Here I am going to tell you some of the major factors.
COMPLEX AUTHENTICATION PROCESS No one likes complexity. Before accessing website users have to authenticate themselves. Traditional forms are one of the options for registration. But this is very complex and timeconsuming process. Users have to fill many fields. If they wish to access multiple websites or web services of your business website then they need to register each time for different websites. This takes lots of users time. Filling long forms is irritating too. But you can avoid such situation by simply implementing a single signon method on your business
websites. It is a revolutionary technique that allows your users or registered customers to authenticate themselves to the multiple web applications by having only single ID credential. They do not need to enter passwords and username again and again when they wish to access different websites of your business.
Not Having Responsive Web Design Today is the era of smartphones. Most of the people are using their phones to make online shopping. So, if you are selling something online and your business website is still not optimized for mobile, then my friend you are in big trouble. Your competitors are already on mobile and making great profits. So, this is a peak time for you too to optimized your website for mobile.
Slow Website Loading Speed For internet users delay of a second is similar to a year. They do not wait for your website to load, instead of waiting they prefer to leave the site in search of new one. Web loading speed is one of the most important points to keep in mind if you wish to deliver great user experience. Remove unnecessary web plugins, images, videos etc. to improve web speed. These are some factors that you need to focus more on to boost up the experience of users and to improve sales and make more profit.
Source: http://identityblog.jigsy.com/entries/business/factorsaffectinguserexperience