Twitter marketing Tips that you should Follow !
Submitted by: Mirian Sha
Introduction Professional Branding is a necessity. Twitter is one of the biggest influence for Marketers Making a brand visible on Twitter is not Easy Maintaining a brand identity is the key Source:
Don’t Forget Keywords While Tweeting Need to use keywords while tweeting from the official account Find the sweet spot in between and use optimal amount of keywords Don't Overdo (#keywords #keyword #keyword etc) Source:
Share Useful Content Tweet interesting or informative. Come up with funny and interesting topics Use images, interesting graphs while Tweeting
Send Your Followers to Blog and Vice Versa Incorporate links of your blog posts in the tweets Encourage blog readers to share Use a Social Share Plugin Share on other social networks also Source:
Build Up Relationship Followers are driving force that keeps a brand alive Offering occasional freebies Personalize your offers Help Selflessly Source:
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