Logos they like
Brief Design a logo for two friends who have merged their business into one. The name is Lollie & GiGi or Lollie & GiGi’s. Include ‘Custom Painted Furniture’. We would like a classy look, maybe using some scroll.
Audience: All people who enjoy DIY Mainly females 16-75 years Colour Preferences: Blues, teals, grays, browns, beige, black and possibly a pink version
Research - Competition The competition is very varied and tend to have weak branding and with this and the samples they sent as what they liked I can see they want something similar. I have to consider the qualities they are after but offer a simpler and cleaner branding identity that gives them a personality as a brand.
Research - Inspiration I tried to think of some good design in the same kind of industry and I thought of Farrow & Ball which have a good image and reputation. Reputation is what they want to build as it was will increase customers as well as maintain them. I took this as a starting point.
Icon As the colloboration between the two friends is the key to this business I tried to emphasise this using the ampersand. I took original ampersands from differnt typefaces to create a bespoke one using different features from each.
I traced this and transferred it into digital making some adjustments to neatern it. I wanted it to be slightly decorative due the nature of the business but also stlyish so I combined a serif typeface with a more elaborated one to create a good balance between the two.
Lollie GiGi
Custom Painted Furniture
Lollie GiGi Custom Painted Furniture
C u s t o m
P a i n t e d
Lollie GiGi C u s t o m P a i nt e d Furniture
Experimentation I experiemented with the positioning and scale of the different aspects of the logo trying to add features they had suggested in the brief. I didn’t feel the extra decorative features worked with the elements I had already created. I wanted the main focus of the logo to be the ampersand as that was personalised and bespoke to them.
F u r n i t u r e
Lollie GiGi Custom Painted Furniture
Colour variations I then applied some of the suggest colour themes to the final logo. I chose grey and a teal colour as this often related to the athestic of professional and restored furniture through the use of paint and interior design. These colours express experience, style and sophistication which demonstrate to the audience a knowledge in the sector.
Custom Painted Furniture
Final Logo I think this colour seperation highlights the ampersand which is the key focus in demonstrating the collaboration between the two people. I decided with the split composition because the ampersand is the most dominate due to the scale and it connects the two names in the title together, uniting them.
I'm glad with my entry and that I did it because it got me to make decisions and work fast in order to meet a deadline that wasn't able to be altered. I completed this in just over an hour and its taught me that its important to act fast and make considered decisions in order to move forward with a brief.