Module Title: Extended Practice
Student Name: Imogen-Mary Hoefkens
Studio Brief Title: Alternative Christmas Synopsis: Lizzie curated this brief and in support I submitted an entry. We had to select a Christmas film or song to create a postcard and create a design with illustrative or type based. I got the song by Whizzard ‘I wish it could be Christmas everyday’ and my colour was red and it had to be typographic. I chose a typeface that appeared like cross stitch and imitated a hand stitched aesthetic to represent Christmas. List of deliverables
(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
Christmas Postcard
1 set of boards displaying the brief resolution
1 x A6 risograph postcard
Evaluation: I did this brief very quickly but also most to quickly and didn’t get to consider the design layout and typographic elements. I don’t think this is one of the strongest briefs I have done and I think it’s because I left it to the last minute. I could of done something a lot more interesting but I find it hard to design things like this. I find it much easier when it’s a substantial piece of work that needs a concept and background rather than something atheistically pleasing. Type also isn’t my strongest skill set so I feel that if I was to get illustration I may of been able to play more to my strengths. If I was to revisit this brief and improve it I would of took more consideration in my approach. A feel a better idea would have been to imitate a day calendar page in midjune with the event Christmas day on it. This is a much more creative and appropriate response to this song. I think brief has showed me that when you do a piece of work you don’t like its hard to forget it as you want to improve it to a standard you are happy with. In the future I want to firstly select briefs im interested in working as the result with be better and also push my work till the point where I’m happy with it.
Module Title: Extended Practice
Student Name: Imogen-Mary Hoefkens
Studio Brief Title: Bead Hive Synopsis: Bead Hive is a store in the corn exchange where people can buy and create their own jewellery. It’s audience is mid 20’s to 30’s females. The brand want to be seen as a boutique rather than a craft shop and this evident through the store interior and atmosphere.
List of deliverables
(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
1 set of boards displaying the brief resolution
Brand Identity
Logo, business card
Online presence
Mock up of website
Evaluation: For this brief I interviewed the owner of the store and this really opened up my creative idea generation, as I could understand the brand and what the client wanted to be perceived as. I wouldn’t of initially thought the audience was what it was and the fact it was meant to be more of a boutique without having the discussion with him. I feel that this approach really helped focus in the brief and I was able to understand what I was aiming for in the end result. Due to this interview I think my response ended up being more appropriate and relevant to the store as I knew the history of the name and its importance as well as the aesthetic style he was trying to achieve. I created a bespoke symbol that combined a visual of the bee as well as the letter ‘B’. I think this really worked and the style of the symbol was appropriate to the audience and the boutique aspect whilst maintain the brand history and story by including the bee. It transformed the icon of a bee from childish to mature, sophisticated and adult. I don’t normally create my own illustrations so this meant expanding my skill set further and exploring different avenues to normal. The colour palette again changed the audience from children to adult as before it was a baby blue and yellow with clipart imagery and now it was a rich deep purple and soft grey. This colour palette is sophisticated, luxurious and defiantly more mature. I went back to the owner to show him the work I had done as I thought he might like to see and it would be interesting to see if I’d done something he felt was right for his brand. I made a presentation of the process, breaking down my decisions and analyse so he could see how I could come up with the idea. He was really impressed and pleased with my rebrand and even suggested wanting to use it in the future. This was great clarification that I answered the brief I set myself and by communicating with the client I learnt a lot. It was defiantly beneficial to hear from them what they wanted in the brand and in return it really aided my response, design skills, professionalism and client relationship communication skills.
Module Title: Extended Practice
Student Name: Imogen-Mary Hoefkens
Studio Brief Title: Fashion Branding - Black Label Synopsis: This brief was to create and design a high end fashion store. In this brief I had to name, brand, create a concept, apply and form a campaign for the store. This was a long brief that took a lot of development, exploration and experimentation to create the brand and concept. List of deliverables
(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
Brand Identity
Printed Material
1 set of boards displaying the brief resolution
Name, logo
Carrier bag, inner packaging, gift box, mailing list form, receipt holder, gift cards Print based promotional posters, promotional video
Evaluation: In reflection this brief was initially very open and I hadn’t focused the type of store it was and what direction I wanted to take it. Due to this it meant I spent a lot of time unclear about where I wanted to take it and the kind of aesthetic I was going for. The unclarity meant a lot of initial ideas and development, which was very time consuming. However when I finally pinpointed the concept of the store this led to a much more focused design process. I established an appropriate aesthetic through a handwritten script type giving the brand an immediate stand point in the market as its almost like a signature, connecting with it selling the signature pieces of black fashion for the season. This design works for the target audience as brands at the high end spectrum of fashion are all about the name and reputation. It’s minimal but powerful in giving the brand personality. I enjoyed using a different approach through vintage photography in addition to this as it gave the brief an edge rather than just applying the logo across different formats. I think the strength in this brief was the brand identity. I feel it really came together at the end after an initial bad start and the design decisions I made are appropriate and effective for the industry and target market. If I were to do this brief again I would defiantly pinpoint the direction I was going in and be less vague in the brief. I’d make decisions quicker in order to move the project forward at a reasonable pace.
Module Title: Extended Practice
Student Name: Imogen-Mary Hoefkens
Studio Brief Title: Brabantia Synopsis: Brabantia was a quick competition brief for a company that designs product concepts for living. The competition was to design a new canister tin. It had to be fresh and contemporary but I had total creative freedom on the medium I chose to work in. List of deliverables
(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
Competition Entry
1 set of boards displaying the brief resolution
A mocked up design of the canister tin
Proof of entry into the competition
Evaluation: This brief was a really quick one that I entered to get back into entering competitions. Looking back it was at a time when I wasn’t feeling very inspired and motivated by my work and I think this is reflected in my lack of design consideration and decisions. I chose to look at the function of a canister and linked it to a well known lyric ‘spoon full of sugar’. To demonstrate this quote I drew inspiration from the Mary Poppins poster typeface. I think this is one of my weakest briefs in terms of innovative response however I understand why this was the case. In reflection I properly shouldn’t of done this brief as I wasn’t motivated by it or to do it but at the same time I’m glad I did because I kept pushing myself to do work and try over and over until I pushed through the barrier and became inspired by the work I was doing. This has allowed me to see what work I want to be involved in, what I’m interested by and the kind of work that I want to do. I think that the comparison between this brief and the latest work I have produced is a strong contrast which demonstrates how much I’ve progressed over the year but also how I’ve learnt about myself as a designer. I’ve realised what it is that makes me work well, what I need to do to change my patterns and to adapt my abilities and self direction to maintain a consistent standard of work.
Module Title: Extended Practice
Student Name: Imogen-Mary Hoefkens
Studio Brief Title: D&AD Synopsis: Me and Seb collaborated on D&AD and chose to do the British Council brief. This involved creating a bilingual exhibition identity for fashion film. We based our design on the concept of parallels using the diagram as the key influence. The diagram represented contemporary media and fashion film the genre growing at the same pace with the featured artists combining the two elements making the key focus the collaboration between all three elements. List of deliverables
(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
1 set of boards displaying the brief resolution
Brand Identity
Logo, brand system
Signage, invite, envelope, captions, catalogue front and back cover, 2 x spread layouts, way finding, 2 x promotional posters, end credits animation, end credits scroll design
Competition Entry
Proof of entry into D&AD competition
Evaluation: I enjoyed working with Seb as we had different strengths and weakness resulting us balancing each other out. I feel this brief was successful because we worked well together personality wise as well as design abilities. We weren’t afraid to discuss and debate ideas and were able to criticise our decisions without causing confrontation. This relationship within the brief meant that our decisions were considered and critiqued making the concept and design application more appropriate and relevant to the brief. The time management in this brief was our weakest point. We didn’t organise and dedicate a time to do the brief till a lot later in the year than we had originally planned. Due to having different schedules and plans such as placements and projects this meant it got pushed back until we could both really dedicate time to it together. This meant we had less time on it and we were pushed for time with the deadline. If I was to do this again I would of moved this time to earlier in the year so we could of revisited it, made alterations and had time to fully mock up our design to give it the best possible representation. It also would of meant being able to explain our idea a lot clearer on the boards and expand upon the aspects of our design more such as augmented reality. We did revisit it after the deadline and did better mock-ups but ideally it would have been better to have these as our submission boards. However despite this we were really fortunate to of won ‘in book’ in the new blood awards with our submission. This was a huge achievement for us both and we were really pleased with the success of our idea. I think this was because we answered the brief by creating a working brand system for the bilingual element of the exhibition as well as allowing it to be transportable. This with a combination of pushing the concept across all elements such as layout, application and interaction made our entry strong. I hadn’t collaborated much over the year but I realised that I defiantly enjoy working with others more as you can bounce ideas of one another and push one another’s limits. I learnt to look differently at things as Seb pointed out things I didn’t think about or consider. This alone developed me as a designer and added to my skill set.
Module Title: Extended Practice
Student Name: Imogen-Mary Hoefkens
Studio Brief Title: Dr.Me Synopsis: This brief I had to work alongside Sam and create a flag for an exhibition by Dr.Me. We were directed to collaborate and to use only hand rendered techniques and media to create our flag. We both used our own tastes and desires to explore processes to generate an inspired resolution. List of deliverables
(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
1 set of boards displaying the brief resolution
1 x flag
Displayed at Islington Mill
Evaluation: I really enjoyed this brief as it was a chance to experiment and do something craft based which was a nice break from the digital aspect. By restricting ourselves to hand rendered methods it meant our ideas had to be creative and we had to generate them in different ways. We hand drew from images of natural patterns we sourced to create outlines which meant we got this really natural line to cut the stencil. I really enjoyed trying a new process and loved the results from the experimentation as well as the final result. Considering we hadn’t tried it before, with each other to encourage one another, we were able to trial different things with the marbling process. I enjoyed working with Sam and felt we were on the same level in what we wanted to do. The flag really represented our collaboration because the two aspects of it, the pattern and marbling technique, were brought together from each of us. It was a really good opportunity to get our work displayed not only outside of uni but also outside of Leeds. I’m proud with our approach as no other pair used the materials that we did and therefore we stood out. If I was to do this brief again I would possibly expand past the flag and see what other formats we could use this design for and possibly alter the brief so that instead of a flag we turned our idea into another brief as I would of loved to try more with the process.
Module Title: Extended Practice
Student Name: Imogen-Mary Hoefkens
Studio Brief Title: Elmwood Synopsis: Elmwood gave us a life brief where we were to brand the boring. They wanted us to approach average companies with an interesting perspective in order to make them stand out from the crowd. This brief was about pushing the boundaries of branding to display a service in a unique point of view to gain attention in the market. I had to brand a scaffolding hire company. List of deliverables
(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
1 set of boards displaying the brief resolution
Brand Identity
Name, logo, brand language
Outdoor environment, company vehicles, mail out, promotional flyer, leaflet
Evaluation: I really enjoyed this brief and thought the idea was really relevant to the design working world. It meant I could be creative with a brand concept and push this in new avenues. I had to work with a subject matter I wasn’t familiar with so this meant researching into the service in order to establish a angle in which to promote this company giving it a unique selling point or brand strategy. I decided to twist the purpose of scaffolding, to get to the highest point, on its head by twisting the language used. This mean working with copy that I didn’t normally do but I quite enjoyed. I always wanted to improve my copy skills and this brief allowed me to experiment with the English language. This created a strong tone of voice for the brand and created impact and presence in the environment engaging the audience with unexpected puns. Scaffolding hire companies don’t normally have such a voice to interact and attract the audience so this twist as well as the bright colour scheme would instantly make it stand out. I think this brief made me less afraid to work with copy, push the language to the edge of the boundaries as well as look at a company’s purpose in a unique perspective. It actually made me excited to work on brands that are less interesting on first glance as it meant I would have to push my creativity to make it something with substance and interest to gain the audience. It gave me a new outlook on the way to approach a subject matter. If I was to do this brief again I would of defiantly worked more on pushing the copy into the design in different ways as well as other forms of displaying the concept. I feel it could of gone further and I could explore different avenues of process and application. The weakest aspect of this brief was the presentation boards, the initial ones I did for the interim crit were poorly executed and I should of considered the design of them more to create a clearer narrative of my design decisions. I don’t think I displayed my idea in the best possible way and I think this effected my progression in this brief with Elmwood. This brief taught me I need to be a better communicator of my ideas and to systematically break down the decisions in a clear and concise way getting to the point quickly.
Module Title: Extended Practice
Student Name: Imogen-Mary Hoefkens
Studio Brief Title: FemFresh Synopsis: Femfresh was a competition brief set by YCN. After my success last year I wanted to do a YCN brief as I felt they were often interesting and fun topics. This brief was about attracting a new target audience to the product femfresh that has past negative connotations. I repositioned the brand by facing the issue head one by focusing on the ‘taboo’ but steering clear of the connection with smell. List of deliverables
(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
1 set of boards displaying the brief resolution
Brand Identity
Repositioned brand language
2 x poster designs, online presence and application
Competition Entry
Proof of entry into YCN competition
Evaluation: This was a really quick brief I did in a day or two as that was what timeframe I did my last YCN. I wanted to make decisions quickly and by doing it before the deadline it meant I couldn’t extend the time frame I had set. The quick turnaround meant I didn’t get to push the outcomes as much as I had wanted due to the fact I spent an extended period of time finalising the approach in which to target the audience. This aspect was really important to get right, as it was such a difficult topic. I also illustrated the design myself which really advanced my software skills as I normally form visuals by combining pre sourced imagery however this time I did it completely from scratch. I was really pleased with the result of the illustration and I think it added a different reflection and depth to my skill set for my portfolio. My normal approach I’d shy away from ideas that meant pure illustration but I came out my comfort zone and this meant I was able to generate my idea to the strongest representation, as the design aesthetic was appropriate to the idea and audience. After improving my copy skills from other briefs I didn’t shy away from pushing the boundaries of copy again and this is evident in this brief. My campaign ideas were normally visual and had a bit of text hidden in the design however this brief I made the copy the key aspect of the design and made it stand proud in terms of hierarchy. Overall I am pleased with my entry but I do feel it could of gone further in terms of applications and expanding the idea to different formats making the campaign stronger.
Module Title: Extended Practice
Student Name: Imogen-Mary Hoefkens
Studio Brief Title: Gift Synopsis: Gift is a gifting range that was to bring together very simplistic and basic products under one brand. It needed to create a presence in store against louder and brighter gift products and to generate a loyal customer base. This brief involved a lot of mock-ups, product function and conceptual development. List of deliverables
(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
Brand Identity
1 set of boards displaying the brief resolution
Logo, brand system, icongraphy
10 forms of packaging for different products
Evaluation: I started this brief with an idea of what I wanted to do so the branding fell into place quite quickly however it was making the concept clear and understandable to the audience that meant development. Initially the icon was an asterisk and the products came off the brand categorised with key words describing the products function. However this was hard to adapt to the other iconography I had created to label the occasions connected to different gifting ranges under the brand. Therefore I had to adapt the composition of the logo and place the icon at the beginning. I created this branding system to organise and aid the customer in hope it would generate a brand loyalty. Pushing this brief further I also did some product design where I used tools of other items to inspire and develop my packaging to aid the function of the product and the use by the customer. This was another way to bring brand loyalty by going further to help and engage the customer than other gifting ranges. It also meant the packaging stayed part of the product increasing brand presence outside of the store environment. It was difficult to source the stock I wanted to use for the packaging so I had to substitute for a thinner version to represent the transparency. I had to experiment and adapt my design decisions when mocking up the packaging. This meant a lot of adaptation of my ideas throughout the project. I enjoyed working with packaging in a different way and pushing the boundaries of a brand identity to a more extensive point and I think this is a strength from this brief. I think it gave the brand more substance and personality because of it. I gained a lot of skills in creating packaging as well photographing work. I think my final production of the products came out a lot better than the past and I’ve really developed my finished quality.
Module Title: Extended Practice
Student Name: Imogen-Mary Hoefkens
Studio Brief Title: Impersonators Synopsis: This brief was sourced through college emails and was an exhibition being held in the centre of town. As it was a friend curating I wanted to support her and also I’ve always been a fan of the initial location the White Cloth Gallery and therefore thought it would be good if my work could be displayed there. List of deliverables
(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
Exhibition piece
1 set of boards displaying the brief resolution
Set of 10 cards
Evaluation: I think I interpreted the brief in an interesting and engaging way however I think the execution is weak. I struggle to work with pure typography so I tried to push myself out of comfort zone and work only with type. I enjoyed the idea of my concept however due to my weakness of type I feel it didn’t demonstrate it powerfully enough. Again this was at a point in the year were my motivation wasn’t high and my inspiration low and this is evident in the effort of the final production and design. I could of tried to work with the type more, gained advice from peers and developed the design to something more interesting and engaging. This is a weak brief for me but again a learning curve where I was establishing myself as a designer and what worked for my process and what I needed to accomplish something I could be proud of.
Module Title: Extended Practice
Student Name: Imogen-Mary Hoefkens
Studio Brief Title: Lollie&Gigi Synopsis: This brief was a live brief I found online on a design jobs website. I’d never sourced a brief like this before but I though I’d be interesting to work in a different way. This brief was based on a custom painted furniture company which was created by a collaboration between two friends.
List of deliverables
(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
1 set of boards displaying the brief resolution
Competition entry
Series of logo colour ways provided to the client
Evaluation: This brief was unusual as communication was strictly online and it you competed against hundreds of other people. I chose it because of the topic of the brand but the brief was difficult to work to because of their uncertainty and lack of clear communication. There examples of what they liked were very poorly designed logos so I was hoping to offer them something a lot more substantial and better designed. This brief taught me to work fast as the deadline was only over an hour away. I had to make decisions quickly and self initiated in order to work to it. In this time I was able to create a bespoke ampersand symbol for the logo and experiment with different compositions and colour ways. I was pleasantly surprised with the end result after such a short time period and I think this brief pushed me to work at speed and decide on design attributes. Unfortunately I didn’t get picked however I think this brief did teach me new skills and made me realise where I was lacking in other on going briefs. The weakness in this brief that I think could be improved is the execution of the ampersand. I traced around other letterforms hand rendering different elements together to create bespoke one and then scanned this in to generate a digital version. However I didn’t feel there was a good flow in the line and that it could be neater now I’ve developed my software skills.
Module Title: Extended Practice
Student Name: Imogen-Mary Hoefkens
Studio Brief Title: Louise Monk Synopsis: Louise Monk is a photography student who’s interested in food photography in particular. We collaborated on one of my briefs and in return I created a brand identity for her to give her a presence within the industry.
List of deliverables
(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
1 set of boards displaying the brief resolution
Brand Identity
Name, logo
Online presence
Evaluation: This brief was difficult because there are a lot of visual connotations with photography branding as well as food. I initially was trapped with these and found it hard to break the mould. I wanted something simplistic but expressed her passion for food photography. Eventually I was able to do this by extending the first initial of her last name. Working with Louise was good as she was easy to contact and was quite clear in the kind of attributes she wanted to portray. She responded quickly when I needed to communicate with her, which meant the brief could move, and a good pace and I wasn’t halted waiting for her reply. It was also good getting her to make a decision between a few final logos as it meant she was part of the process and engaged with her branding. She was really happy with the final result and really liked what I did for her website. This brief taught me to communicate with a client and work within someone else deadlines. These qualities help me for the professional world, as I will be working with lots of other people and clients. If I was do revisit this brief I would of liked to have the time to apply the branding to printed pieces as well as her online presence. It would of be nice to use her images more myself as I’m interested in food photography. I would of also conferred with her at the earlier stages of my design ideas when I was stuck. I feel I could of resolved the direction in the style of design a lot quicker if I’d involved her in this part of the process.
Module Title: Extended Practice
Student Name: Imogen-Mary Hoefkens
Studio Brief Title: Megan McAulay Synopsis: Megan McAulay is an advertising student who is graduating this year. The brief was to create an identity, which represented her personality as well as her career passions. Is interested in working within the fashion industry. I therefore created an identity that represented her bold, friendly and stylish personality maintaining a level of professionalism. I focused more on the fashion aspect of the design style as the audience it will be attracting are those working in the industry. List of deliverables
(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
Brand Identity
1 set of boards displaying the brief resolution
Logo, business card, letterhead, envelope, 2 x cvs
Evaluation: I feel my design approach was considered and appropriate to the client and the application was consistent across the different formats. I was really pleased with the final result of this project as knowing Megan personally I knew that it really reflected her personality. She had good feedback from people including her internship at River Island. I would of like to have explored the digital aspect of her brand and see how it could have been applied digitally if I was to have had more time on this brief.
Module Title: Extended Practice
Student Name: Imogen-Mary Hoefkens
Studio Brief Title: Merci Synopsis: Merci is a Parisian store that sells fashion, design and household goods. It has a really strong brand ethos and acts as a launch pad for young designers. This brief meant working with an already established brand that was out of the country. List of deliverables
(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
Printed Promotion
1 set of boards displaying the brief resolution
Concept, look-book, mail-out, envelope, invite
Evaluation: This brief was different to my self-initiated ones as it was working with an already established brand identity and ethos. I had to work with their brand to create a concept to push there branding further to create promotional material. I created a concept that worked alongside their current name as well as with their company ethos. I did separate pieces of promotional material applying the concept to different aspects of the store. This was to show the concept working in different ways to advance the stores personality and promotion. The weakness in this brief was thinking I had a good idea in the first place and trying to design it digitally to quickly. I hadn’t really finalised a strong concept at this stage it meant time wasted trying to design without a key idea to work to. This rushing ended up adding length to the brief however the mistake made me realise my initial idea wasn’t strong enough which led me to develop it, making it stronger and clearer. Once the concept was in place the design ideas were straightforward and my sketches were easy to transfer across to digital format, which in turn meant this end of the brief was a lot quicker. I actually produced more variations of each item of promotion than originally planned and altered the brief so the pieces of promotion, promoted different aspects to fully display the potential fo the concept. Therefore I think the concept of this brief is one of the strengths as it meant the brief got pushed further than intended. I also think the finished design decisions such as stock and layout increase the brand identity and enhance the design.
Module Title: Extended Practice
Student Name: Imogen-Mary Hoefkens
Studio Brief Title: Nest Synopsis: Nest was a brief based on my personal interest into interior design and home ware furniture. I really wanted to push this brief and create a different outcome and deliverable to my other briefs. I had to pinpoint the store personality by deciding on the kind of products they sold in order to create a relevant identity. List of deliverables
(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
Brand Identity
1 set of boards displaying the brief resolution
Evaluation: This brief was supposed to be one of my longest as it was a topic that I enjoyed. However, I pushed the start date back and struggled with the initial decisions of focusing the stores personality, as the brief was so open. This led to the brief getting lost amongst my other longer briefs, which were taking more of a leading role in my schedule. I regret this happening as I had hoped to do something different with this brief to expand the deliverables in my portfolio. Therefore I think because it was something I was passionate about I found it harder to make decisions on it, as it was more important to me personally to get it right. I did want to not do something for this project though as I had put a lot of time into the initial areas of the brief and I wanted to accomplish the battle I was having with the branding. To effectively answer this brief I decided to cut back on the deliverables I was planning on producing and focus on creating less attributes to a higher standard rather than rushing it. I think the strengths in this brief is my identification of the brand personality and the visual language that displays this attributes to create an overall image to the audience. The weakness is that I didn’t time manage it very well and it took me a long time to realise that the problem was that I hadn’t focussed the store by identifying the kind of things it sold. If I were to do this brief again I would defiantly make decisions quicker and ask for feedback in a crit at the early stages to help aid me in focussing the brief.
Module Title: Extended Practice
Student Name: Imogen-Mary Hoefkens
Studio Brief Title: Posh Nosh Synopsis: This brief was creating an extension from a currently established brand, Selfridges. It had to have its own identity as well as be in unity from the Selfridges brand. This brief explored different processes and deliverables that advanced my design skills and interests. List of deliverables
(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
1 set of boards displaying the brief resolution
5 x food packaging
5 x posters Banner design
Web Brand Identity
Evaluation: This brief allowed me to learn so many skills as it meant collaborating, using copy, packaging, art direction and organisation. There were so many elements to this brief that I had to arrange, purchase and create therefore I really needed to be in control and organised in order to have everything ready for particular stages in the project. I realised during this brief that I really enjoyed putting my ideas for campaigns into action and creating my sketches myself. The collaboration with the photographer meant working with other people and also meant getting really good results. This was idea of what industry would be like and how two skill sets can form a better result. The art direction of the shoot was one of my favourite parts of this brief. I think the production, effort and time that went into the campaign aspect benefited the result and as I enjoyed it made me realise the kind of work I want to do in the future. The design aspect of the brief was a varied journey. The brand identity came together quite quickly and I was really pleased with the logo. The design of the packaging however was a lot harder to formulate and took a lot of development. I found that through crits and feedback I was able to realise design decisions and create something appropriate to the brief and Selfridges brand. I used my art direction skills and new studio experience to photograph the final products myself. This went really well and I realised how much it made a difference in the final result of my project. I decided this is something I wanted to push for my other briefs to. Due to the two photographic elements of this brief I really got to grips with using photoshop which I’d steered clear of before. This really advanced my knowledge and skills in the software, which as a whole massively improved my work both on this project and others. If I was to do this brief again I would defiantly do a bit of a mock shoot before hand to get the composition of the objects and to see the spacing and scale of the items as my sketches didn’t really do this. I would of also been able to practice the different angles rather than be determined on just front on shots. I realised after food photography is normally shot from a birds eye angle so it would have been interesting to trial this with my advert.
Module Title: Extended Practice
Student Name: Imogen-Mary Hoefkens
Studio Brief Title: Redcross Synopsis: This brief was a self-initiated and was with an existing brand of the charity, Red Cross. I paid particular attention to one aspect of the charity which is aimed at young target audience. The brief was to create a campaign to advertise the volunteer internship programme they have as an opportunity to work within the charity. List of deliverables
(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
1 set of boards displaying the brief resolution
Promotional Flyer
5 x promotional flyers
Online presence
Mock up of website
Evaluation: This brief I generated in the middle of the year after having an idea. Although it wasn’t within the normal retail sector that I tended to work in it meant I worked on something different with an alternative angle than selling or promoting. This topic was more serious than my other briefs, which I meant I had to approach the tone of voice in a different way whilst still attracting the audience. I decided to do a concept that was pushing the boundaries of the charity in order to engage with the young market. This meant a powerful tagline that caught attention but also left a bit to the imagination so not to be crass and create a bad connotation with the charity’s brand. I ended up pushing this brief a lot further than I intended and created a web aspect to the promotional flyer. This added substance to the concept and deeper purpose. I had worried that I hadn’t done enough digital aspects to briefs and that my portfolio might look a bit behind the times if I didn’t look like I considered online as a platform. I wanted to show that I could design for web therefore I did a website mock up for this brief. I actually enjoyed doing this brief and therefore it had a quick turn around. I felt that this brief picked up out of a rut in my designing and I realised that I was capable of doing these things. I think my decisions in the design as well as the interactive features and functionality of the site are appropriate with engaging with a young audience as its modern, interesting and breaks up the information.
Module Title: Extended Practice
Student Name: Imogen-Mary Hoefkens
Studio Brief Title: Self Synopsis: Self is an attempt to create a skincare and make up beauty range for a young target audience promoting natural beauty. To do this I created a brand, packaged multiple products, shot and art directing a modelling shoot and produced an advertising campaign promoting the range. List of deliverables
(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
1 set of boards displaying the brief resolution
5 x outer skincare packaging, 5 container skincare packaging, 3 x outer makeup packaging, 1 x container make up packaging
2 x magazine spreads 2 x mock up point of sales, 2 x poster board designs
Point of sale Brand Identity
Evaluation: Self was a project that I started at the end of the year and I think it is evident how much I’ve learnt and developed over the last year through the quality of finish and depth that I expanded the brief. I think the strength in this brief is defiantly the final outcomes and overall consistency of brand application across different ranges and formats. In the past my final outcome quality has been poor and particularly my photography of my deliverables. However I shot the products properly in a studio that meant experimenting with different lighting and a different form of studio set up. I enjoyed doing this as it meant art directing the composition of the products and getting shots that display the brand personality in the images. I did this by creating a reflection and getting an overcast shadow across the top creating a misty landscape to sit the items in. This increased the brand identity even further in the final images. I also had to learn editing in photoshop to enhance the products and small glitches in the photography. These are skills I hadn’t had before and I think it pushed this brief up a notch. I pushed this brief further by buying containers to do the inner packaging as well as the outer, which showed the full extent of the brand being applied to the products. This led to a better overall result as I had both pieces to photograph with. I think the design decisions for this brief are appropriate to attract the audience and answer the brief. I wanted to create an organic and natural image but in a different way to the connotations of visual communication for this topic. I did this through the use of colour palette, typeface, layout and devices such as reflection. These work for the young target audience as well as the brand ethos. I liked working with different processes and outcomes such as photographing models and gaining my own imagery. I think this brief was most realistic in terms of outcomes as I got images directed for the brand rather than sourcing them offline and moulding the design around them. If I was to do this brief again I would work harder on the copy of the campaign and brand as I feel this is the weakest aspect of the brand.
Module Title: Extended Practice
Student Name: Imogen-Mary Hoefkens
Studio Brief Title: Typeface Synopsis: This is the one brief that was a personal exploration just for myself. I wanted to recreate something I had invented as a child bringing together the young designer I was unaware of to life now I had learnt the skills and traits of the craft.
List of deliverables
(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
1 set of boards displaying the brief resolution
A full alphabet
Evaluation: I wouldn’t say working with type was my biggest skill so this was an interesting brief for me to do. Although I was generating my own letterforms I did it in a way that best suited my skill set and this was visually. I am often inspired by things around me, past experiences and use these to influence my design decisions and direction. Therefore this brief was using these personal influences to create something for myself for my own gratification. It was a quick brief as I had technically done the designing about 10 years ago but I really enjoyed bringing something to life that I had once invented. If I had the time I would of liked to of pushed the alphabet and possibly created glyphs, different weights and a different case. This project clarified to me how much I am inspired by things around me past and present. This has taught me to understand myself as a designer and the way that I create and think.
Module Title: Extended Practice
Student Name: Imogen-Mary Hoefkens
Studio Brief Title: Tigerprint Synopsis: Tigerprint set a competition brief for a set of five Christmas greeting cards. They were open with the choice of medium you worked with and asked you represent Christmas in icons. I chose to use food as my representation of Christmas by creating illustrations of different items at a birds eye angle so they were all circular. List of deliverables
(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
Greeting cards
1 set of boards displaying the brief resolution
5 x greeting card designs
Evaluation: This brief made me think about process and how I could create the illustrations in a different format to a vector like I normally would. I don’t really do illustration that much in my design so this was a brief that opened up my response. I wanted to use watercolour wash effect for the illustrations and initially I had planned to do this myself however in the end I used images sourced online to get that texture. If I was to do this brief again I would of experiment with the hands on method and process myself as I feel this would of enhanced my illustration and brief. I feel it was a weak option to opt to use premade images when the brief was about using methods. The texture was key and I tried to continue this further onto the choice of stock. I did quite enjoy this brief as I felt it was a nice break from the other longer extensive briefs and it broke it up a bit for me. However I feel if I’m going to do a break out of personal interest then it should be one I want to be more involved in as its not as pleasurable as a break.