CRANMER COTTAGES essential information

terms and conditions. PROPERTY RULES

terms & conditions & property rules
These terms are between the guest and Cranmer Cottages.
1.1 When the following words with capital letters are used in these Terms, this is what they will mean:
Arrival Date: the date (and time) on which your Booking will begin and the Property will be made available to you.
Cranmer Cottages (We) Lynne Johnson and John Johnson, a partnership t/a Cranmer Cottages whose office is at Home Farm, Cranmer, Fakenham, Norfolk, NR21 9HY. Booking the confirmed reservation of the Property to commence on the Arrival Date and end on the Departure Date.
Arrival date the date (and time) on which your Booking will begin and the Property will be made available to you.
Cranmer Cottages (we) Lynne Johnson and John Johnson, a partnership t/a Cranmer Cottages whose office is at Home Farm, Cranmer, Fakenham, Norfolk, NR21 9HY. Booking the confirmed reservation of the Property to commence on the Arrival Date and end on the Departure Date.
Contact details the details found on our Contact Us page of the Cranmer Cottages website.
Departure date the date (and time) on which your Booking will end and they must vacate the Property.
Events outside of the parties control as defined in clause 8.
Guest (you) the individual who makes the Booking Reservation and will attend and make use of the Property (further to Booking Confirmation) with their party.
Property the property/properties provided for holiday letting purposes, details of which have been made available on the Website.
Property Rules specific restrictions applicable to a Property and facilities available on site as detailed on the Website.
Websites www.norfolk-luxury-cottages.co.uk.
1.2 When we use the words “writing” or “written” in these Terms, this will include email but excludes fax.
2.1 The maximum number of people who can stay in the Property will be notified to you on the Website. You guarantee that you will not exceed that number
2.2 You agree not to arrive at the Property before the Arrival Date and to depart from the Property on or before the Departure Date. The Property will not be available at any time outside of the times reserved by you.
2.3 Any illustrations, photographs and other imagery displayed are for illustrative purposes only are subject to change and no warranty or other representation is made as to the quality of the Property by us via the Website
2.4. The Property is provided for holiday letting purpose only for the specified period. For the avoidance of doubt, these Terms do not create a landlord and tenant agreement between Cranmer Cottages and the guest, and you will not be entitled to any:
2.9.1 new tenancy; or
2.9.2 assured short hold or tenancy; or
2.9.3 any statutory protection either under the Housing Act 1988 or by way of a statutory security of tenure, now or from the Departure Date of the Booking.
3.1 Cranmer Cottages may revise these Terms from time to time in the following circumstances:
3.1.1 changes in how Cranmer Cottages accept payment from the guest;
3.1.2 changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements; or
3.1.3 if Cranmer Cottages have a valid commercial reason to do so.
3.2 If Cranmer Cottages have to revise these Terms under clause 3.1, we will give you at least 14 days written notice of any changes to these Terms before they take effect. You can choose to cancel the contract in accordance with clause 9.

4.1 Cranmer Cottages will supply the Property to you for the period set out in the booking confirmation.
4.2 Access to the Property is subject to the guests’ adherence to these Terms and the Property Rules. Please note that facilities provided are to be used at the Guests own risk and must be used in accordance with the Property Rules.
4.3 Cranmer Cottages will make every effort to make the Property available to you on time. However, there may be delays due to an Event Outside of the Parties Control. See clause 11 for our responsibilities when an Event Outside of the Parties Control happens.
4.5 The Guest shall take proper care of the Property and its contents during your Booking and may lose your Security Deposit (if applicable) and/or receive an invoice for any damage caused or loss suffered if the Property and its contents are not left in the same state in which it is found at your Arrival Date.
4.6 Any Property Rules provided to you via the Website, shall be incorporated into these Terms and breach of any of the Property Rules will be treated as a breach that entitles us to cancel the contract.
4.7 Guests will be issued with a key safe code prior to the Arrival Date. All keys must be returned to the relevant Property key safe on the Departure Date. If you lose or damage a set of keys, Cranmer Cottages will deduct the cost of the replacement from your Security Deposit or invoice you separately. Failure to return the keys before or on the Departure Date will result in further charges.
4.8 Any inappropriate or aggressive behaviour towards our staff and/or other Guests will not be tolerated and may result in Guests being asked to vacate the Property immediately.
4.9 All Properties and the surrounding grounds are no smoking and no vaping areas. If it is evident that smoking or vaping has occurred during the Booking, Guests will be asked to vacate the Property immediately and will be liable for any costs incurred deep cleaning, redecorating and cancelling all or part of any subsequent bookings if the Property has been rendered uninhabitable.
4.10 Internet access is offered in all Properties, on the basis that it is provided for recreational use only. Neither a minimum speed, unrestricted bandwidth nor uninterrupted provision of access is guaranteed and we will not be liable for any form of compensation or expenses claimed by you in respect of the provision or quality of internet connectivity.
4.11 If Guests wish to have a third party to provide services on the Property premises, this will only be allowed where we have provided written approval of such third parties ahead of the Arrival Date.
4.12 Upon your arrival, please notify Cranmer Cottages of any defects within the first 24 hours in writing. Thereafter Guests will be deemed to have accepted the condition of the Property.
4.13 Please ensure you are familiar with the Property’s location and that the Property is suitable for your needs.
4.14 Please respect the surrounding properties during your stay and comply with any applicable laws and rules throughout your Booking, including but not limited to The Countryside Code.
4.15 Cranmer Cottages, or an authorised representative or agent acting on our behalf (including but not limited to tradespeople) reserve the right to enter the Property at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspection or to carry out any repair deemed necessary to the Property and its contents.
4.16 All belongings and vehicles are left at the Property at the Guests’ own risk. Please ensure all belongings are removed by the Departure Date as the return of any lost property cannot be guaranteed and will incur charges.
4.17 If Guests arrive at our premises in an Electric Vehicle you agree to abide by Cranmer Country Cottages Electric Vehicle Policy.
4.18 Domestic chargers are not suitable for use in the Property and will create a fire hazard. The use of domestic chargers is strictly forbidden.
4.19 CCTV is in use in the parking areas, at the entrance and indoors in the shared Pool Hall and the Games Room. See our CCTV policy for further details.

5.1 The Website and/or Property Rules will detail whether or not pets are permitted at the Property and any additional charges for pets.
5.2 Where pets are not permitted but have been brought with you for the Booking, Cranmer Cottages reserve the right to request immediate departure and/or charge for any damage caused and deep cleaning required as a result.
6.1 As a consumer, Guests have legal rights in relation to a Booking where it is not offered to you with reasonable skill and care, or if the service provided to you is faulty or not as described. Advice about your legal rights is available from your local Citizens’ Advice Bureau or Trading Standards office. Nothing in these Terms will affect these legal rights. However, we ask that you contact us in the first instance using our Contact Details.
7.1 No party can exclude or limit in any way their liability where it is illegal to do so, and this contract does not seek to exclude or limit any liability which cannot be excluded or limited by law.
7.2 If Cranmer Cottages fail to comply with these Terms, we are responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our breach of the Terms or our negligence. We are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if they were an obvious consequence of our breach or if it had been brought to our attention by you before the loss or damage occurred. For the avoidance of doubt, we are not responsible for any transport and/or alternative accommodation costs.
7.3 Cranmer Cottages only supply the Property for domestic and private use. Guests agree not to use the Property for any commercial, business or re-sale purpose, and we have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.
7.4 Cranmer Cottages do not have any responsibility or liability to you (other than as outlined above) for loss of or damage to any of your items, belongings or vehicles, howsoever caused.
8.1 Neither party shall be in breach of this agreement nor liable for delay in performing, or failure to perform, any of its obligations under this agreement if such delay or failure result from events, circumstances or causes beyond its reasonable control. In such circumstances the time for performance shall be extended by a period equivalent to the period during which performance of the obligation has been delayed or failed to be performed. If the period of delay or non-performance continues for one month, the party not affected may terminate this agreement by giving 5 Business Days written notice to the affected party.
8.2 Weather will only be included as an Event Outside of the Parties Control where a red weather warning has been issued by the Met Office.
8.3 In the event of a pandemic, epidemic or restriction of the movement of peoples as dictated by the government or public authority, Cranmer Cottages reserve the right to issue specific terms at such a time via the Website and will communicate this to you via the contact details provided us.
8.4 For the avoidance of doubt, self-isolation due to Covid19 and/or showing symptoms of Covid19 is not an Event Outside of the Parties Control.
8.5 Should any event or circumstance beyond our reasonable control occur which means the Property cannot be provided to you, you will be informed as soon as possible so alternative accommodation and/or a refund can be arranged for you.
9.1 Cranmer Cottages may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another individual, but this will not affect your rights or our obligations under these Terms.
9.2 Each of the paragraphs of these Terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.
9.3 If Cranmer Cottages fail to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms, or if we do not enforce our rights against you (or if we delay in doing so) that will not mean that we have waived our rights against you and will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If we do waive a default by you, we will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that we will automatically waive any later default by you.
9.4 These Terms are governed by English law. All parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. However, if you are a resident of Northern Ireland you may also bring proceedings in Northern Ireland, and if you are a resident of Scotland, you may also bring proceedings in Scotland.

1.1 Cranmer Cottages have assessed that security cameras, Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) and other surveillance systems have a legitimate role to play in helping to maintain a safe and secure environment for all staff and visitors. However, they recognise that this may raise concerns about the effect on individuals and their privacy. This policy is intended to address such concerns. Images and audio recorded by surveillance systems are personal data which must be processed in accordance with data protection laws. Cranmer Cottages are committed to complying with its legal obligations and ensuring that the legal rights of visitors and staff, relating to their personal data, are recognised and respected.
2.1 For the purposes of this policy, the following terms have the following meanings:
Fixed and domed cameras, smart doorbells, and any other recording equipment designed to capture and record images and audio of individuals and property.
Data Information which is stored electronically, or in certain paper-based filing systems. In respect of CCTV, this generally means video images with audio. It may also include static pictures such as printed screen shots.
Data Subjects
Personal Data
Data Controllers
Data Processors
All living individuals about whom we hold personal information as a result of the operation of our CCTV (or other surveillance systems).
Data relating to a living individual who can be identified from that data (or other data in our possession). This will include video images of identifiable individuals.
The people who, or organisations which, determine the manner in which any personal data is processed. They are responsible for establishing practices and policies to ensure compliance with the law. We are the data controller of all personal data used in our business for our own commercial purposes. Data users those of our employees whose work involves processing personal data. This will include those whose duties are to operate CCTV cameras and other surveillance systems to record, monitor, store, retrieve and delete images. Data users must protect the data they handle in accordance with this policy and our Privacy Policy.
Any person or organisation that is not a data user (or other employee of a data controller) that processes data on our behalf and in accordance with our instructions (for example, a supplier which handles data on our behalf).
Processing any activity which involves the use of data. It includes obtaining, recording or holding data, or carrying out any operation on the data including organising, amending, retrieving, using, disclosing or destroying it. Processing also includes transferring personal data to third parties.
Surveillance systems
any devices or systems designed to monitor or record images and/or audio of individuals or information relating to individuals. The term includes CCTV systems as well as any technology that may be introduced in the future such as body worn cameras, unmanned aerial systems, smart doorbells and any other systems that capture information of identifiable individuals or information relating to identifiable individuals.
3.1 Cranmer Cottages currently use CCTV on and around the Property. This policy outlines why we use CCTV on the Property, how we will use CCTV and how we will process data recorded by CCTV cameras to ensure they are compliant with data protection law and best practice. This policy also explains how to make a subject access request in respect of personal data created by CCTV.
3.2 Cranmer Cottages recognise that information that we hold about individuals is subject to data protection legislation. The images of individuals recorded by CCTV cameras in the workplace are personal data and therefore subject to the legislation. Cranmer Cottages are committed to complying with all legal obligations and seek to comply with best practice suggestions from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
3.3 This policy covers all guests and visitors of the Property, our staff and contractors. It may also be relevant to visiting members of the public.
3.4 The policy will be regularly reviewed to ensure that it meets legal requirements, relevant guidance published by the ICO and industry standards.
4.1 Lynne Johnson has overall responsibility for ensuring compliance with relevant legislation and the effective operation of this policy. Day-to-day management responsibility for deciding what information is recorded, how it will be used and to whom it may be disclosed has been delegated to on site managerial staff.
5.1 Cranmer Cottages currently use CCTV around our site as outlined below. They believe that such use is necessary for legitimate business purposes, including:
5.1.1 to prevent crime and protect buildings and assets from damage, disruption, vandalism and other crime;
5.1.2 for the personal safety of guests, staff, visitors and other members of the public and to act as a deterrent against crime;
5.1.3 to support law enforcement bodies in the prevention, detection and prosecution of crime;
5.1.4 to assist in day-to-day management, including ensuring the health and safety of guests, staff and others;
5.1.5 in relation to employees and workers, to assist in the effective resolution of disputes which arise in the course of disciplinary or grievance proceedings; and
5.1.6 to assist in the defence of any civil litigation, including employment tribunal proceedings. This list is not exhaustive and other purposes may be or become relevant.

6.1 CCTV monitors areas within the boundary of the Property 24 hours a day and this data is continuously recorded.
6.2 Camera locations are chosen to minimise viewing of spaces not relevant to the legitimate purpose of the monitoring. As far as practically possible, CCTV cameras will only cover entry and exit points, communal and public areas of the Property and will not focus on private spaces which are to be enjoyed by guests. Under no circumstances shall CCTV be installed in, or otherwise focus on, toilets, shower facilities, pool changing rooms, bedrooms or private offices or staff resting areas.
7.1 Where CCTV cameras are placed at the Property, Cranmer Cottages will ensure that signs are displayed at the entrance of the surveillance zone to alert individuals that their image may be recorded. The surveillance zone is the area that the CCTV covers only, not necessarily the whole property. Such signs will contain details of the organisation operating the system, the purpose for using the surveillance system and who to contact for further information, where these things are not obvious to those being monitored.
7.2 Live feeds from CCTV cameras will only be monitored where this is reasonably necessary, for example to protect health and safety.
7.3 Cranmer Cottages will ensure that live feeds from cameras and recorded images are only viewed by approved members of staff whose role requires them to have access to such data. This may include HR staff involved with disciplinary or grievance matters.
8.1 In order to ensure that the rights of individuals recorded by the CCTV system are protected, Cranmer Cottages will ensure that data gathered from CCTV cameras is stored in a way that maintains its integrity and security. This may include encrypting the data, where it is possible to do so.
8.2 Given the large amount of data generated by surveillance systems, Cranmer Cottages may store video footage using a cloud computing system. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that any cloud service provider maintains the security of our information, in accordance with industry standards.
8.3 Cranmer Cottages may engage data processors to process data on our behalf. We will ensure reasonable contractual safeguards are in place to protect the security and integrity of the data.
9.1 Data recorded by the CCTV system will be stored digitally using a cloud computing system. Data from CCTV will not be retained indefinitely but will be permanently deleted once there is no reason to retain the recorded information. Exactly how long that data will be retained for will vary according to the purpose for which they are being recorded. For example, where recordings are for the purpose of crime prevention purposes, data will be kept long enough only for incidents to come to light. We will maintain a comprehensive log of when data is deleted outside of our usual retention schedules.
9.2 At the end of their useful life, data in all formats will be erased permanently and securely. Any physical matter such as tapes or discs will be disposed of as confidential waste. Any still photographs and hard copy prints will be disposed of as confidential waste.
10.1 Prior to introducing any new surveillance system, we will carefully consider if they are appropriate by carrying out a privacy impact assessment (PIA).
10.2 A PIA is intended to assist us in deciding whether new surveillance systems are necessary and proportionate in the circumstances and whether they should be used at all or whether any limitations should be placed on their use.
10.3 Any PIA will consider the nature of the problem that we are seeking to address at that time and whether the surveillance is likely to be an effective solution, or whether a better solution exists. In particular, we will consider the effect a surveillance system will have on individuals and therefore whether its use is a proportionate response to the problem identified.
10.4 No surveillance cameras will be placed in areas where there is an expectation of privacy (for example, in changing rooms) unless, in very exceptional circumstances, it is judged by us to be necessary to deal with very serious concerns.

11.1 We will never engage in covert monitoring or surveillance (that is, where individuals are unaware that the monitoring or surveillance is taking place) unless, in highly exceptional circumstances, there are reasonable grounds to suspect that criminal activity or extremely serious malpractice is taking place and, after suitable consideration, we reasonably believe there is no less intrusive way to tackle the issue.
11.2 In the unlikely event that covert monitoring is considered to be justified, it will only be carried out with the express authorisation of Lynne Johnson. The decision to carry out covert monitoring will be fully documented and will set out how the decision to use covert means was reached and by whom. The risk of intrusion on innocent workers or customers will always be a primary consideration in reaching any such decision.
11.3 Covert monitoring will only be carried out for a limited and reasonable period of time consistent with the objectives of making the recording and will only relate to the specific suspected illegal or unauthorised activity.
12.1 We will ensure that the ongoing use of existing CCTV cameras at the Property is reviewed periodically to ensure that their use remains necessary and appropriate, and that any surveillance system is continuing to address the needs that justified its introduction.
13.1 We may share data with other group companies and other associated companies or organisations, for example shared services partners where we consider that this is reasonably necessary for any of the legitimate purposes set out above in paragraph 5.
13.2 No recordings from our CCTV will be disclosed to any other third party, without express permission being given by Lynne Johnson. Data will not normally be released unless satisfactory evidence that it is required for legal proceedings or under a court order has been produced.
13.3 In other appropriate circumstances, we may allow law enforcement agencies to view or remove CCTV footage where this is required in the detection or prosecution of crime.
13.4 We will maintain a record of all disclosures of CCTV footage.
13.5 No CCTV footage will ever be posted online or disclosed to the media.
14.1 Data subjects may make a request for disclosure of their personal information and this may include CCTV images and, if captured, audio (data subject access request) in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
14.2 In order for us to locate relevant footage, any requests for copies of recorded CCTV images must include the date and time of the recording, the location where the footage was captured and, if necessary, information identifying the individual.
14.3 We reserve the right to obscure images of third parties when disclosing CCTV data as part of a subject access request, where we consider it necessary to do so.
15.1 If you have questions about this policy or any concerns about our use of CCTV, then they should speak to Lynne Johnson in the first instance.
16.1 We recognise that, in rare circumstances, individuals may have a legal right to object to processing and in certain circumstances to prevent automated decision making (see Articles 21 and 22 of the UK General Data Protection Regulation). For further information regarding this, please contact Lynne Johnson

fire risk assessment.
Cranmer Country Cottages take fire safety very seriously. We aim to ensure the safety of all persons who are in, on, or, in the vicinity of, any premises from which we conduct our business activities. This includes safety from fire and its effects.
Fire hazards can occur in multiple ways. We expect all our staff and visitors to understand where the dangers lie, how to avoid the risks arising, and, how to handle a breakout should it occur.
Guests staying in our self-catering holiday properties are expected to take responsibility for the safety of themselves and their families during their stay with us.
We have recently updated our fire safety risk assessment in accordance with the New Fire Safety Rules for sleeping accommodation applicable from 1 October 2023.
We engaged Norfolk Fire Protection to carry out a fire risk assessment in December 2022.
About The Fire Risk Assessment - The fire risk assessment should be seen as the start of a process; the significant findings will form the basis for an action plan which will help to rectify any deficiencies found in the assessment. The action plan will be reviewed to ensure items are dealt with within the timescales provided in the significant findings. Norfolk Fire Protection has stated within the Fire Risk Statement that our properties are “not suitable for wheelchair egress therefore not suitable for non-ambulant persons with severe mobility impairments.”
“Disabilities must be identified at the point of booking to ensure guest safety and ability to escape safely in the event of a fire.”
This is how we manage and maintain our fire safety and our Fire Risk Assessment:
1. Identify fire risk hazards:
• Source of fire ignition: The main fire hazards at Cranmer Country Cottages could come, from cooking fires, embers falling from the wood burners in Wagtail, Tern & End Cottage, and use of matches, candles, and from guests smoking.
• Guest portable electrical items such as mobile phones, heated hair styling equipment, laptops, etc. when being left unattended particularly when guests are out or at night.
• Unauthorised, Electric car charging, Scooter, and bike charging.
• Unauthorised installation of larger electrical items i.e.:
• Sources of fuel: The main sources of fuel at Cranmer Country Cottages that are combustible are logs, oil, and LPG gas for cooking.
2. Identify people at risk:
• People staying on-site, visiting, or working and who might not be familiar with the premises. Including guests, staff, contractors & family
• Small children and visitors with mobility issues.
• Guests are advised that they must account for all their party in the event of a fire and to call 999 and explain that they are at Cranmer Country Cottages and quote What 3 words for their exact location.
3. Evaluate and ACT:
• Fire from the gas cookers could occur if cooking is left unattended at the hob or grill guests are required to be vigilant and supervise children in the kitchen at all times.
• Guests are provided with operational web links and electrical appliance manuals within the property and as part of the electronic Welcome Guide.
• The gas cookers are certificated annually.
• The likelihood of a cooker fire depends upon the care exercised by the guests. Fire blankets and extinguishers are provided. Instructions for their use are included in the Welcome Guide.
• The fire extinguishers are inspected and certificated annually.
• The likelihood of the logs and wood burners catching fire without assistance is viewed as unlikely. Signage is provided adjacent to the stoves to advise guests about the safe use of wood-burning stoves.
• Guests and staff are instructed not to store anything flammable onto or immediately next to the woodburning stoves as the outside walls and the top of the stove can become very hot. Log baskets must be kept at a safe distance away from the stove.
• Risk of fire from embers is minimised, there is no carpet directly in front of the stoves, and living rooms have solid floors.
• The Chimneys are swept and certificated annually. The highest risk probably comes from embers falling from the wood burners. We have four wood burners, which have been fitted by qualified fitters. None of them have carpets in front of them and therefore the risk of embers spreading fire is very remote. We provide fireguards for all guests should they choose to use them
• The biomass boiler room and wood store are a good distance from all the other buildings and the reserve oil is stored in a bunded tank.
• Chemicals for the pool are stored away from the properties.
• The LPG Gas storage cylinders are serviced and maintained by Calor Gas and are sited away from the properties.
• Gas Safety Certificates are available for inspection if required.
• Carbon monoxide alarms are provided with information and procedures in place in case of alarm.
• Guests are advised not to leave electrical items unattended, and to check for loose wires or damage to their personal small electrical items such as charging leads, hair dryers, heated hair tongs, etc.
• Our Terms and Conditions of booking state that guests must not bring larger electrical appliances for use in the properties. Guests are required to obtain permission from the owners of the business if they require any items that are not already provided in the properties. Permission must be granted in writing before arrival for items including portable heaters, air conditioning units, Air fryers, commercial catering equipment, etc. Larger electrical equipment must be proven to be pat tested.
• There is a no-smoking policy in place in all properties.

• No smoking signs are displayed in the properties and games room
• Guests are required to close all interior doors at night.
• Ground floor windows should remain unlocked at all times when the properties are occupied, as they may be required to be used as a fire escape in exceptional circumstances
• There is an EV charging policy and EV charging is provided away from the properties.
• Barbecues are provided for guest use outside of the property. Guests are advised about safe use with instructions available in the Guest Welcome Guide.
• Hot ash must be safely disposed of in the metal bucket provided on the patios. Ash must not be put in the interior waste bins. Bins are labelled accordingly.
• Barbecues are removed and not available for use during times of drought and extreme hot weather due to fire risk in the surrounding gardens and countryside.
• The properties are fitted with comprehensive fire safety guidance including a site map and fire action notice
• There is emergency lighting in the form of rechargeable torches plugged into the master bedroom and kitchen wall sockets of each single-story property for use if the power fails in an emergency.
• Fire alarms have been fitted to all kitchens and bedrooms and are connected back to the main electric supply with battery backup.
• Front doors are all fitted with turn buckle safety locks which do not require a key as a means of escape.
• All single-story properties on the main holiday complex have approved escape routes including the use of bedroom windows in an extreme emergency.
• In the case of the traditional Victorian 2-story property at End Cottage alterations are being made including the addition of fire doors downstairs. Currently, the property is fitted with fire escape-rated windows on the upper floor at the front and rear of the property (Currently under review). Fire escape windows are unlocked when the cottage is occupied. Guests are required to supervise their children at all times. 4 There is escape lighting in the hallway and ground floor exits at the front and back of the property. Both exits are fitted with turn buckle fire safety locks.
• End cottage does not have gas installed at the property. The cooker is electric and safety checked.
• Guests are provided with fire extinguishers but advised to use them to attempt to put out a fire but to exit
the building and call the fire service.
4. Record plan and Train:
• We have a fire procedure in place for staff and guests. All staff are aware of the plan and guests are provided with information in the Cranmer Welcome Guest Guide. Cleaning contractors are included in fire training.
• Electrical checks for the fixed wiring installation are being carried out for 2023 by a competent electrician.
• Pat testing is carried out by a competent person.
• Emergency lighting units are being installed where required.
• A logbook of weekly, monthly, and annual checks is maintained and recorded as part of our Bright Safe Health & Safety management system.
• There is an action plan in place to devise maintain and improve controls to reduce the fire hazards.
5. Review:
• Our assessment is kept under regular review.
• Our 2022/3 fire risk assessment is available for guests, staff, and visitors to view.
Update - 1 October 2023.
We have installed D1 tamper-proof Aico heat and smoke alarms throughout our properties. Linked hard-wired smoke detectors are now required in all bedrooms and living rooms as well as protected escape routes i.e. hallways, corridors, staircases, sitting-rooms and dining-rooms leading to the main fire exit.

swimming pool.
Our Luxury Norfolk cottages with pool provide our guests exclusive access to a superb indoor heated swimming pool. This luxury amenity is a highlight for families seeking a self-catering cottage with a private indoor pool in the UK, ensuring children are entertained come rain or shine. Open year-round, our indoor pool is larger than most holiday cottages with pools in Norfolk. The pool is 13 meters long and over 4 meters wide, perfect for morning laps or family fun. Its shallow depth is ideal for beginners or those using the pool for rehabilitation exercises and helping nervous swimmers gain confidence.
After a busy day exploring the local north Norfolk area, a dip in the swimming pool is the perfect way to end the day! The swimming pool has been designed especially with families in mind. Low, wide steps offer safe, controlled entry to the water in the shallow end. The pool water is treated with salt, which is kinder to the skin than chlorine!
Our holiday cottage guests have daily use of the private swimming pool. The pool is available for a combination of exclusive private 1 hour swimming sessions where you can enjoy the indoor pool and changing rooms all to yourself, alongside daily open timetabled shared swims available at the start and end of each day. Out of season, when we are not fully booked, we can offer additional flexible swim sessions. Guests staying in our larger self-catering holiday cottages sleeping 8,10 & 12 guests have an allocated private swim session daily.
Child friendly swimming pool
Our pool is ideal for keeping fit on holiday and teaching toddlers to swim in a calm and peaceful environment. Thanks to our managed timetable, finding some quiet time in the pool, whether early in the morning or during a private swim session, is always possible
Our indoor heated swimming pool has been designed to suit all ages and all levels of swimming ability. The pool has a deck level water line, and is heated to a comfortable 29.5 degrees. The wide, shallow steps and handrail provide easy access to the water for nervous swimmers and people who are less mobile. The pool has a maximum depth of 1.2 meters, air & water quality is carefully managed and the pool hall is fitted with an integrated climate control system.
Private and shared use of the swimming pool
• The Cranmer pool is open year-round between 7.00 am and 7.30 pm.
• We operate a fixed daily timetable with a combination of hourly open and one hour private swims available to all guests.
• Guests have at least 3 private swims during a weekly stay and at least one private swim during shorter stays.
• The open swims are two hourly timeslots available in the morning and in the late afternoon. You can turn up and swim at any time during the session up until 20 minutes before the end of the session. You can use the pool up to 3 times a day on the days when you also have a private swim.
• Outside of the peak holiday season and during mid-week breaks when we tend to be less busy, it may be possible to pre-book additional free private swimming sessions at 24 hours’ notice and in advance of your stay by contacting us via email.
Pool safety
• We do not have a lifeguard and the pool is not staffed so you are responsible for your own safety while using it.
• All children under 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult. No lone swimming.
• The pool is under CCTV surveillance and has an alarm for emergencies.
• The pool is 0.9m – 1.2m deep and 13.1 meters long – width 4.45 meters. Too shallow to dive or jump-in safely!!
• Infants under 12 months are not permitted to use the salt-dosed pool unless special arrangements have been made with the team.
• Guests agree to abide by the Pool rules as part of our booking Terms.
The pool at Cranmer has no lifeguard. It is a self-regulated site and it is therefore vital that all users read and understand the following rules so everybody can enjoy this wonderful facility safely.
All guests and members using the swimming pool and changing facilities are expected to abide by the following Terms and Conditions of Use. Cranmer Country Cottages reserves the right to deny access to the pool facilities of any guest or member who is deemed by the management to have failed to comply. In this instance the pool key would be cancelled and access denied.
Large inflatables, beach or pool toys including; water bombs, masks, snorkels, flippers, outdoor rugby or footballs are not permitted in the pool.
The Pool Safety Rules & Terms of Use forms part of your Booking Terms Contract with Cranmer Country Cottages. The pool at Cranmer Country Cottages is only available to guests staying onsite. Our pool is not available to friends or visitors of our guests or to people staying in other local Norfolk holiday accommodation.
1. Pool used strictly at user’s own risk.
2. No lifeguard.
3. Max 15 guests allowed in the pool during in a single swim session
4. All users aged under 18 years must be supervised by at least one adult in the water with them at all times.
5. No Infants under the age of 12 months. Adult supervision ratio:
A. 0 – 3 years = 1 adult:>1 child, with or without armbands.
B . 4 – 7 years = 1 adult: >2 children with or without armbands.
6. Young children & infants between the ages of 1-5 years and those who are not toilet trained must wear close fitting neoprene protective swimwear - Splash About Happy Nappy or wetsuit. https://www.splashabout.com/ baby-swimming.
7. No outdoor footwear or socks to be worn in the pool or changing rooms
8. Outdoor shoes, coats etc must be left in the entrance lobby
9. Clean feet only in the pool and pool building. Footwear must be worn between the accommodation and pool entrance.
10. Swimmers must provide their own towels and not use the cottage towels.
11. Shower before and after using the pool.
12. Do not consume alcohol or food immediately before swimming.
13. No food or drink - these are not permitted anywhere in the pool facility.
14. Do not swim whilst under the influence of any intoxicating substance or immediately after eating.
15. Do not swim if you have prior health problems: heart trouble, epilepsy, impaired hearing or sight.

16. Do not swim if you or any members of your party are unwell or have suffered with diarrhoea or sickness in the past 14 days, have a raised temperature or are suffering from a flu virus.
17. Do not enter the building when the yellow prohibition sign is located in front of the door. This is a hazard warning!
18. Strictly no diving - the pool is less than 1.5m depth.
19. No running or jumping in from the poolside.
20. No diving from objects or from standing adults’ shoulders within the pool.
21. No lone swimming.
22. No overcrowding – do not swim if the pool looks busy (with 15 swimmers max)
23. No jewellery to be worn.
24. No pool parties, no unruly behaviour – no bombing or splashing.
25. No large inflatable play structures, water bombs, masks snorkels or flippers.
26. No ball games – walls are soft red brick; the pool has large windows.
27. Time slots must be honoured - the pool hall and changing rooms must be vacated by the end of the session time indicated on our pool time table.
28. Health and safety rules must be obeyed.
29. Sickness or faecal accidents must be reported to us by telephone or email immediately. We reserve the right to make a charge to the “Lead- Booker” if we have to close or pump out the pool in the event that this becomes necessary.
30. Do not flush wet wipes or nappies down the loo they will block the drainage of the entire site.
31. Personal property is left at owner’s own risk.
32. Under no circumstances are any electrical devices to be taken into the pool hall.
33. Pool is available for the use of Cranmer Country Cottages guests only, not their guests or visitors.
34. Any damage caused to the changing rooms or pool and equipment will be charged and must be paid for.
The current pool timetable is available on our website and posted next to the pool door for pool availability and swim times.
During open swim sessions please vary the times of your swim and do not stay in the pool for any longer than 1 hour, this should allow everyone to be able to enjoy the facility. Please do not overcrowd the pool. Maximum 15 guests in the pool at any one time.
On your day of departure please beware that you must vacate the property by 10.00 am, this includes the pool facility.
Pool opening times may be subject to change depending on the season or for Health & Safety reasons. The pool may be closed for essential maintenance work, special functions or for any other reason, as we may feel necessary. We reserve the right to alter the rules and access to the pool at any time and for any reason. Guests using our pool must read and agree to abide by the above Terms & Conditions before using the pool. In agreeing to our Booking Terms & Conditions you and your party agree to abide by the Pool Safety Rules and Terms of Use.
If you need any further clarification of the above Terms, please contact us at bookings@norfolk-luxury-cottages. co.uk

At Cranmer Country Cottages we want to make everyone’s stay with us as enjoyable and as comfortable as we can. We are committed to providing suitable access for all our guests whatever their individual needs. We aim to accurately describe our facilities and services to enable you to book online with confidence.
Please get in touch if you have any questions, or wish to discuss anything in advance making your booking. Call us at 01328 823135, or email us at bookings@norfolkluxury-cottages.co.uk. We are very happy to help.
Unfortunately, as a result of our recent fire risk assessment carried out in 2023, our properties have been deemed unsuitable for wheelchair ingress. There may be no one onsite available to help with evacuation of the cottages. Fire escape in the ground floor bedrooms is via the bedroom window.
We offer several properties which may be suitable for less mobile guests depending on their specific needs. The properties we consider most suitable are as follows:
• Tern Cottage – Sleeps 4 in 2 bedrooms https://norfolk-luxury-cottages.co.uk/holidaycottages/terncottage/
• Wagtail Cottage – Sleeps 4 in 2 bedrooms https://norfolk-luxurycottages.co.uk/holiday-cottages/wagtailcottage/
• Avocet Cottage - Sleeps 5 -6 in 3 bedrooms https://norfolk-luxurycottages.co.uk/holiday-cottages/avocetcottage/
• Coot Cottage – Sleeps 3 in 2 bedrooms https://norfolk-luxury-cottages.co.uk/holidaycottages/cootcottage/
Please contact us before you make a booking to discuss any special requirements or for further information regarding the individual properties.
At a Glance
Level Access
The main entrance has 1 step. There is no lift and no ramp.
There is level access from the main entrance to:
• Bedroom: Wagtail cottage, Tern Cottage, Avocet Cottage, Coot Cottage
• 24 hour shared onsite laundry
• Cranmer Country Cottages luxury indoor heated swimming pool
• Games Room
• Green Room Meeting Room
Access with steps
There are steps from the main entrance to:
• Reception office
• Cranmer Country Cottages luxury indoor heated swimming pool changing area
• Cranmer Country Cottages Grounds and Gardens
• Wagtail and Tern Cottages have private west facing terraces at the rear of the property.
• Coot Cottage Courtyard
We have non-allergic bedding.
Level access bedrooms
• From the main entrance to the bedroom, there is level access.
• The route to the bedroom is 750mm wide, or more.
• The bedroom door is 750mm wide, or more.
• The bathroom has a level access shower.
• The (bedroom) TVs have subtitles.
• Some staff have disability awareness training.
• Some staff have disability awareness training.
Getting here
• Home Farm
Cranmer Fakenham Norfolk NR21 9HY
Travel by public transport
• You can get to Cranmer Country Cottages by car, and it is likely that you would require a car to explore the area. The nearest railway station is Kings Lynn which is 21.2 miles away (40 minutes).
• Taxis are available at the station. Unfortunately, our location is rural and does not have any nearby public transportation options within walking distance.
Travel by taxi
• You can get a taxi with Tiny’s taxis by calling 01328 888888. The taxi company has a wheelchair accessible vehicle.
• You can get a taxi with Steve’s Taxis by calling 01485 540019. The taxi company has a wheelchair accessible vehicle.
We have a car park. The parking is less than 50 metres from the main entrance. Parking is free.
• We have 2 main parking areas close to the properties. The main parking area is shingle and is located across the road and opposite the main site entrance. The parking is less than 50 metres from the individual properties, Wagtail & Tern. The paved courtyard areas are uneven in places. Parking is free. The north car park is close to Coot & Avocet Cottages. There is a gentle slope down to the car park and also a dropoff point outside Coot Cottage. The car park is a smooth tarmac with shingle pathways to the cottage entrances. There are 2 Electric Vehicle charging points available in the North car park.
• There is a drop-off point at the main entrance to the complex. The entrances to the properties, Wagtail & Tern are approximately 30 metres from the main entrance drop-off point. The surface is paved and maybe uneven in places. For Coot and Avocet cottages the drop-off point is at the roadside, or inside the gates to the north carpark. The route is bitumen & shingle 1 metre wide. Avocet & Coot Cottages are approximately 40 metres from the main entrance and courtyards one and two. There is parking for buggies in the cycle store in the north car park. From the parking to the main entrance, there is 1 step. There is no ramp and no lift. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide parking in courtyards one and two due to the layout of the properties and pedestrian areas. However, the main car parking areas are within 50 metres of the properties.

Cranmer Country Cottages sloping main entrance & drop-off point.
Pathway to the North car park and drop-off point for Coot and Avocet Cottages/Eco barns
North car park close to Coot Cottage and Avocet Cottages
Cranmer Country Cottages pathway to Coot & Avocet cottages and drop off point.
Car parking area opposite to main site entrance.
Path to main entrance
• From the street to the main entrance, there is 1 step.
There is no ramp and no lift.
• The path is sloped.
Main entrance
• The door is 800mm wide.
• The main entrance has 1 steps.
• The main door is side hung and manual.

entrance for courtyards one and two for

Reception office at the main entrance of Cranmer Country Cottages
Entrances for Coot and Avocet Cottages
Entrance to Tern Cottage
Wagtail & Tern Cottages
Wagtail Cottage entrance
Entrance to Avocet Cottage
Entrance to Coot Cottage
Reception office
• From the main entrance to reception, there is 1 step. There is no lift and no ramp.
• You can sit down at reception – space for one guest.
• Our reception office manned between 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm on standard arrival days and weekdays.
• At weekends we are contactable by email or telephone between 9.00- 6.00pm .
• We (owners) live onsite but we cannot guarantee to be around at all times. To access your property you will find keys are available from the keysafe adjacent to the front door.
• If you are going to arrive late there is low-energy LED lighting around the courtyards which stays on until 11.00 pm. Just email us if there are any issues with your property and we will get back to you as soon as we can, then address any problems in good time.

Access to the property is by Key lock box

Office and public telephone box in case of emergency
General site details
• Our drinking water comes from our borehole and is regularly tested.
• The water is softened using salt softener and is not recommended for babies on formula feed or for those on a low sodium diet.
• We allow dogs in End Cottage only.
• All other cottages are pet-free. (Unless you are accompanied by a registered working dog and have advised us prior to making your booking)),
• We provide an eco-friendly housekeeping box. We can give details of our eco-friendly cleaning products on request.
• Local produce in our welcome hampers is clearly labelled.
All bedrooms have windows.
• Bedrooms have ceiling lights, bedside lamps, spot lights and natural daylight
• Lights are fluorescent tube, LED and energy saving. Some lights can be controlled independently.
• Duvets & pillows are hypoallergenic. and
• All bedrooms are non-smoking.
• Some bedrooms have fitted carpets.
Tern Cottage, Wagtail Cottage & Avocet Cottage
Tern Wagtail and Avocet are our most accessible properties in terms of bathrooms and bedroom access.
From the main entrance to the bedroom and bathroom, there is level access.

From the main entrance to the bedroom and bathroom, there is level access.

Tern Cottage bathroom - non-slip safety floor & level access shower
Wagtail Cottage bathroom - 900mm quadrant shower enclosure
Avocet Zip & link bedroom
Wagtail Cottage Bedroom 1
Avocet en-suite bedroom

Accessible bedrooms
Accessible bedroom Wagtail cottage, Tern Cottage, Avocet Cottage, Coot Cottage.
Tern Cottage
• The route to the bedroom is 800mm wide, or more. The bedroom door is 800mm wide. There is 550mm at the side of the bed. The bed is 640mm high. There is 0mm under the bed.
• The bedroom is flexible (either double or twin). The bathroom is separate. It is not an ensuite.
• The bathroom door is 800mm wide.
• The bathroom has a separate shower. The shower has a handrail.
• The shower has a handrail. The bathroom has a level access shower. The level access shower has handrails.
• The direction of transfer onto the toilet is to the left and right. There is 350mm at the side of the toilet.
• There is 1000mm in front of the toilet. The toilet seat is 400mm high.
• The basin is 850mm high. There is space under the basin, with no pedestal or boxing.
• All 8 of our properties vary in their bathroom provision please ask for details of individual properties.

Avocet ensuite bathroom
Avocet main bathroom with walk-in shower
Coot bathroom and walk-in shower
Coot bathroom and walk-in shower
Tern cottage level entry shower bathroom

hour shared onsite laundry
From the main entrance to the laundry, there is level access. The route is 800mm wide, or more. The door is 900mm wide.
• We have an iron and ironing board. You can use the ironing board sitting down. Each property is equipped with an adjustable height ironing board and iron.
• The 24-hour laundry is available for guest use. Use of the washing machines is free, however, we do charge for tumble drying.

Coot Cottage walk-in shower room
Avocet bathroom with walk-in shower
Entrance to the 24-hour laundry in courtyard 1
Coot Cottage bedroom – Zip & Link Divan bed (2x 3ft single beds zipped together)
Avocet bedroom with 3ft zip & link beds
Onsite 24 hour laundry facility
Self catering kitchen
Tern, Wagtail, Avocet & Coot Cottages
Cottages have open plan kitchens.
• From the main entrance to the kitchen, there is level access.
• The route is 800mm wide, or more.
• The door is 800mm wide.
• The work surface is available at a height between 650mm and 900mm.
• The hob is available at a height between 650mm and 900mm.
• The sink is available at a height between 650mm and 900mm.
• The oven is available at a height between 650mm and 900mm.
• The kitchen and dining space is all on one level. There are shallow thresholds in the doorways where the flooring joins the next room. Dining tables are covered with contrasting oilcloth tablecloths. The kitchens are fitted with CO2 and smoke alarms.

Tern Kitchen
Avocet kitchen
Wagtail kitchen
Coot kitchen
Tern, Wagtail, Avocet & Coot Cottages
• The route is 800mm wide, or more.
• The sitting room/lounge has a level entry pathway from the hallway/front door.
• The door opening to the living space is 750mm The room has a mixture of seating with sofas and soft chairs with cushions (some feather) together with a low coffee table.
Furniture can be moved
• There is a widescreen Smart TV with remote control, subtitles, and a DVD player.
• Lighting is natural daylight and by night levels are controlled by dimmer switches, with overhead lighting used as well as table lamps around the room.
• The main overhead hidden beam lighting is from fluorescent tubes.
• The flooring is wooden laminate/bamboo or travertine tiles with underfloor heating in Coot and Avocet.

Tern Cottage living space
Avocet living space
Wagtail Cottage living space
Coot Cottage living space

Country Cottages luxury indoor heated swimming pool
Swimming pool
From the main entrance to the swimming pool changing area, there is 1 step.
There is no lift and no ramp.
• From changing area to the swimming pool, there is level access. The route is 800mm wide, or more.
• The door is 800mm wide.
The Indoor Pool details:
• The pool entry door is located in courtyard 2, approximately 20 metres from the main entrance and drop-off.
• There is no lifeguard on duty.
• We do not permit lone swimming for health and safety reasons.
• We cannot provide a hoist for health and safety reasons.
• Wagtail and Tern Cottages are the closest properties for pool access.
• There is no pool access from the emergency glazed doors in courtyard three.
• The pool entrance can be accessed via a ramp with a handrail to the front door.
• There is a 100mm threshold step into the lobby where outdoor shoes are removed.
• Benches in the lobby are 470mm in height.
• There is a large private changing room with a shower and a shared changing room area.
• The pool tank/water is accessed down a series of wide shallow steps at 200mm height with a handrail on the right-hand side.
• The pool slopes gently from the entry point at the shallow end of 0.9 metres to a maximum depth of 1.2 meters. The water is heated to 30 degrees centigrade, air temperature is 31 degrees C
• The pool water is sanitised using a UV salt chlorination system.
Outdoor space - Tern, Wagtail & Avocet
Outdoor space - Coot Cottage courtyard

Shallow pool steps - access to the water

Shared showers, access from the changing rooms all on one level

Shared changing rooms with 4 changing cubicles.
Pool access door with electronic entry system in courtyard 2.
Access to the pool at Cranmer
Private shower room in the pool changing rooms
The pool hall
Games Room
• From the main entrance to this area, there is level access. The route is 900mm wide, or more.
• The door is 800mm wide.
• Fully carpeted games room with kiddies play area table tennis and pool table. Tourism information & seating area. Access to guest wifi.

Country Cottages Games Room
Getting around outside
Cranmer Country Cottages Grounds and Gardens
Tern Wagtail & Avocet Cottages:

• From the main entrance to the gardens, there is 1 step. There is no lift and no ramp.
• The gardens are accessed directly through the west-facing open-plan living rooms of the properties, with the exception of Coot Cottage which is southfacing. See our site plan for details. Each property has a private fenced area of terrace and grass. The ground can be uneven due to visiting wildlife mainly rabbits we try to maintain this as efficiently as possible.
Coot Cottage:
• Coot Cottage has a small private south-facing paved courtyard off courtyard 4.
• Guests from Coot Cottage can access the gardens via the pathway and wooden gate past
Avocet Cottage. The distance is approximately 50 metres.

Cranmer Country Cottages shared west facing gardens Games Room in courtyard 1
Wagtail and Tern Cottages have private west facing terraces at the rear of the property.
• The properties have a step down to the west-facing patio terraces overlooking the gardens.
• There is a door threshold of 500mm. The step down onto the paved terrace is 120mm. • To get to a table, there are no steps.
• The paving slabs are laid on a mix of sand and cement and are uneven. Wooden table & chairs, a parasol, and a BBQ are available on the patio. There is an open shared grassed play paddock with play equipment beyond the fenced private terraces.

• From the main entrance to the terrace, there is 1 step.
• There is a 120mm step down onto the paved courtyard. The surface is uneven and the paving slabs be slippery when wet.
• The courtyard faces the pool however we cannot provide access to the pool from this courtyard.
Avocet terrace
Tern Cottage terrace
Coot south facing courtyard.
Wagtail terrace
Coot Cottage Courtyard
Green Room Meeting Room
• From the main entrance to this area, there is level access. There is a permanent ramp. The route is 800mm wide, or more. The entrance is 1000mm wide.
• From the main entrance to the area, there is 1 step.
• The Green Room is available for business and can be booked ahead of a guest stay for events, and meetings with seating for up to 16 guests staying on site.
• There is a wheelchair-access slope with a handrail to the entrance door.
• The slope continues to the entrance to the swimming pool. The Green Room has a wheelchair-accessible bathroom and a dedicated wifi service.

Main entrance to Cranmer Country Cottages
Green Room meeting room space
Green Room kitchen
Green Room entrance
Green Room meeting room bathroom
• Grab rails for the bathroom showers. Perching stool available for use in Tern & Coot cottages.
• For a list of more items, please go to http://www.mobilityequipmenthiredirect.com.
• We are in a rural location and we ask our guests to follow the countryside code and pick up after their dogs.
• We have an area to charge mobility scooters and battery powered wheelchairs.
• A battery-powered scooter/wheelchair can be charged and stored in our secure bike store in the north car park. Please request a key when you book.
• You can hire mobility equipment from https://www.kingslynnmobilitycentre-norfolk. co.uk/ by calling 01553 768751. Emergency evacuation procedures As a self-catering holiday property business, we cannot guarantee to have family or staff onsite at all times. The properties are single-story and we have carried out a full fire assessment.
Health & Safety & Fire Risk
• Due to the nature of our buildings and the layout of our complex, we are not able to provide full wheelchair accessibility up to the current standards. Our recent fire risk assessment for 2023 states that the “ properties are not suitable for wheelchair egress and, therefore are not suitable for nonambulant people or persons with severe mobility impairments.”
Customer care support
• Some staff have disability awareness training.
• We provide comprehensive electronic house guides which include our emergency contact details and emergency site procedures, along with an accessible Norfolk visitor guide with places to eat and visit.
• Mobile reception can be variable depending on your network. We provide a payphone in the red telephone box for emergency use.
• The site has rural fibre broadband throughout the site, although this service cannot be guaranteed.
• We are very happy to discuss with you the suitability of our properties for less ablebodied guests. Please contact Nikki or Lynne if you require any further information.

ev charging policy.
1. About this policy
1.1 This policy sets out how Electric Vehicles (EV) should be recharged while at the Property and the responsibilities of EV owners in respect of safe charging.
1.2 Any reference to “Property” in this policy is a reference to the Property including any garden, grounds, outbuildings, garages or communal spaces.
1.3 This policy forms part of our contract with you. A breach of this policy will constitute a breach of the contract between us.
2. Who does this policy apply to?
2.1 This policy applies to all members of the Booking Party and such other visitors of the Property. It shall be the responsibility of the Lead Guest to inform all members of the Booking Party and any visitors of this policy.
3. What is an Electric Vehicle?
3.1 For the purpose of this policy an EV is any vehicle that uses electric motors, either fully or partially, to drive its wheels. It will derive some or all its power from rechargeable batteries which requires connection to the electricity grid (plug-in). This includes fully chargeable and plug-in hybrid cars, motorbikes, buggies, scooters, mopeds, bicycles, utility vehicles and tracked vehicles.
4. Domestic chargers are not permitted at the Property
4.1 Most EVs are supplied with a domestic charger, commonly known as a ‘granny charger’ or a ‘trickle charger’. These cables recharge the EV using a domestic power source via a 3-pin wall socket.
4.2 Domestic chargers are not suitable for use in the Property and will create a fire hazard. The use of domestic chargers is strictly forbidden.
4.3 We retain the right to carry out reasonable inspection, on a without notice basis, to ensure that granny chargers are not in use in the Property.
4.4 You are solely liable for any damage or loss suffered by us as a result of your unauthorised use of domestic chargers.

5. Dedicated charging points
5.1 Cranmer Country Cottages has 2 dedicated charge points (DCP) with a maximum charging rate of 7 kW located in the lower car park, to be shared amongst guests staying in our properties. It is the user’s sole responsibility to supply a suitable charging cable to avail of the DCP.
5.2 DCPs are exclusively for the use of the Booking Party, our staff and approved contractors. Visitors to the Property who do not comprise the Booking Party are not permitted to use the facilities without our express permission.
5.3 DCPs are subject to fair usage and the following energy consumption charges:
• First hour £0.64p per kWh
• 1-3 hours £0.64p per kWh
• 3+ hours [Not permitted without our express permission]
Such charges shall be applied to the Booking and subsequently settled upon Check-Out in accordance with the Guest Terms.
5.4 You must not:
(a) use a DCP if you are not authorised to do so;
(b) use any splitting cables or modify the DCP in any way;
(c) smoke in the vicinity of any DCP;
(d) use the DCP for any commercial EV such as a taxi, ridesourcing or ridesharing EV (suchas Uber, Lyft or similar services); delivery or transport EVs including buses or for any other commercial venture;
(e) occupy a DCP once charging of the EV is complete or once your fair usage period in accordance with the table at 5.3 ends. We reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee where you fail to remove your EV from the DCP.
5.5 DCP spaces must not be occupied, or access impeded, by non-EV Vehicles or EV vehicles not using the DCP for charging purposes.
5.6 We do not guarantee the availability of, or exclusive use of, a DCP and unavailability of the DCP shall not constitute a breach of our Guest Terms.
5.7 Authorisation for the use of a DCP during your Stay must be made prior to Booking. We reserve the right to withdraw this authority at any time and for any reason.
5.8 Use of the DCP is at the owner’s own risk and we do not accept any liability for loss or damage sustained by you or your EV as a result of using the DCP unless the damage was caused directly by our negligence.
5.9 You shall be responsible to us for any damage to the DCP or loss suffered by us caused by your use of the DCP.

things to bring with you.
Provided in cottage and includes: 2 toilet rolls per bathroom; 2 x black rubbish bags; dishwasher tablets and cleaning materials.
Remember to bring extra supplies for the duration of your stay – the cottages are self-catering and we provide you with a housekeeping starter kit.
• A torch in case it is dark when you arrive.
• There is a Walsingham Farms shop welcome hamper with tea, coffee, milk, cookies and (in season) other treats.
• Cottages are heated and supplied with bed linen and towels but you must provide your own towels for the swimming pool.
• Please ensure you bring neoprene splash-about swimwear for little ones
We do not provide bed linen for a travel cot; guests must supply their own cot linen and assemble the cot on arrival. (Our travel cots are Red Kite Sleep Tight cots size 19.99 x 19.99 x 76 cm suitable for infants up to a maximum of 15kg in weight, up to 2 years and who are unable to climb out.
• Avocet & Garden house have Nespresso coffee machines, all cottages have a cafetiere – you may wish to bring some ground coffee.
• We can provide a baby bath if required however you may wish to bring a baby bath seat for little ones.

What we Include
• All beds made up on arrival
• Welcome Hamper
• All Bathroom towels, (we do not provide towels for the swimming pool or beach)
• Hairdryer
• Electricity, water and heating
• Non-slip bath mats (available upon request)
• Logs for wood-burners, eco firelighters and kindling, long matches
• WiFi, this is rural broadband, so suitable for emails and researching local attractions
• Board Games
• Tea and coffee plus milk and sugar to make a cup after your journey
• Christmas Trees and decorations at Christmas and New Year
• Eco Washing up liquid
• Eco Multi Surface Cleaner
• Eco Dishwasher Tablets
• Eco Laundry Tablets
• Zofflora
• Eco Hand Soap in kitchens and cloakrooms
• Two loo rolls per loo
• J-cloth
• Tea Towels & oven gloves
• Eco black bin liners x 2
• Sea Salt and mixed Peppercorns in grinders
• Tin foil
• Travel Cots, h ighchairs, booster seats and stair-gates on request (please discuss your requirements with us)

privacy & cookies
Lynne Johnson and John Johnson, trading as Cranmer Cottages (“We” or “us”) is committed to protecting and respecting your personal data and privacy.
This privacy policy relates to how we use and collect your personal data when you provide it to us or we obtain it from a third party.
Whenever you provide personal data, we are legally obliged to use your information in line with all applicable laws concerning the protection of such information; including but not limited to the Data Protection Act 2018 and UK-GDPR “Data Protection Laws.”
This privacy policy forms part of our terms and conditions but is not intended to override them. This policy may be amended or updated from time to time and any revisions will be posted to this page.
2.1 For the purpose of the Data Protection Laws, the data controller is Lynne Johnson. If you want to request more information about our privacy policy or information regarding data protection you should contact us using the details provided below:
FAO: Lynne Johnson, Home Farm, Cranmer, Fakenham, Norfolk, NR21 9HY
Email: Lynne@norfolk-luxury-cottages.co.uk
Telephone: 01328 823135 and ask to speak to the Privacy Officer.
3.1 We collect and process personal data. Typically the personal data we collect and process will include identity, contract, financial, transactional, technical, profile, usage and marketing and communications data such as:
3.1.1 Identity Data includes first name, maiden name, last name, username or similar identifier, marital status, title, date of birth, gender and images.
3.1.2 Contact Data includes billing address, delivery address, email address and telephone numbers.
3.1.3 Financial Data includes bank account and payment card details.
3.1.4 Transaction Data includes details about payments to and from you.
3.1.5 Technical Data includes internet protocol (IP) address, your login data, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform, and other technology on the devices you use to access this website. Ref: TCM/ BP/JOHN-705-1
3.1.6 Profile Data includes your username and password, purchases or orders made by you, your interests, preferences, feedback and survey responses.
3.1.7 Usage Data includes information about how you use our website and services.
3.1.8 Marketing and Communications data includes your preferences in receiving marketing from us and our third parties and your communication preferences. Please note that we may collect and/or process other personal data from time to time.
3.2 We also collect, use and share aggregated data, such as statistical or demographic data for any purpose. Aggregated data could be derived from your personal data, but is not considered to be personal data in law as it will not directly or indirectly reveal your identity. For example, we may aggregate your usage data to calculate a percentage of users accessing a specific feature of our services. However, if we combine or connect your aggregated data with your personal data so that it can directly or indirectly identify you, we treat the combined data as personal data which will be used solely in accordance with this policy.
3.3 We do not collect the following special categories of personal data about you: details about your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, information about your health and genetic and biometric data. Nor do we collect any information about criminal convictions and offences.
3.4 We only collect data from you directly or via third parties (see the section Third Parties below).
Where we need to collect personal data by law, or under the terms of a contract we have with you, and you fail to provide that data when requested, we may not be able to perform the contract we have or are trying to enter into with you (for example, to provide you with our services). In this case, we may have to cancel your booking you have with us but we will notify you if this is the case at the time .
5.1 We use information held about you to:
5.1.1 Carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and us and provide our services;
5.1.2 Carry out feedback and research on our services; and 5.1.3 Notify you about changes to our services.
5.2 We never sell your data to third parties or allow third parties to contact you without your permission.
5.3 We share your data with third parties where there is a legal obligation for us to do so or we have identified a valid lawful basis as set out in the table below (please also see clause 7 below, lawful basis). We may process your personal data without your knowledge or consent where this is required or permitted by law.
5.4 You can ask us or third parties to stop sending you marketing messages at any time by following the optout links on any marketing message sent to you.
5.5 We have set out below in a table format, a description of all the ways we plan to use your personal data, and which of the lawful bases we rely on to do so. We have also identified Ref: TCM/BP/JOHN-705-1 what our legitimate interests are where appropriate. Note that we may process your personal data based on different lawful bases depending on the specific purpose for which we are using your data. Please contact us if you need details about the specific lawful basis we are relying on to process your personal data where more than one basis has been set out in the table below.
To register you as a new user and customer
To process and deliver your order including: Manage payments, fees and charges Collect and recover money owed to us
To manage our relationship with you which will include: Notifying you about changes to our terms or privacy policy Asking you to leave a review or take a survey
To enable you to partake in a prize draw, competition or complete a survey
To administer and protect our business, this website (including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, system maintenance, support, reporting and hosting of data) and our mobile application.
To deliver relevant website and mobile application content and advertisements to you and measure or understand the effectiveness of the advertising we serve to you
To use data analytics to improve our website, mobile application, products/services, marketing, customer relationships and experiences
To make suggestions and recommendations to you about goods or services that may be of interest to you
Type of data
Identity Contact
Identity Contact Financial Transaction Marketing and Communications
Identity Contact Profile Marketing and Communications
Lawful basis
Performance of a contract with you
Performance of a contract with you Legitimate interests (to recover debts due to us)
Performance of a contract with you Legitimate interests (to keep our records updated and to study how customers use our services)
Identity Contact Profile Usage Marketing and Communications
Identity Contact Technical
Identity Contact Profile Usage Marketing and Communications Technical
Performance of a contract with you Legitimate interests (to study how customers use our services, to develop them and grow our business)
Legitimate interests (for running our business, provision of administration and IT services, network security, to prevent fraud and in the context of a business reorganisation or group restructuring exercise)
Legitimate interests (to study how customers use our services, to develop them, to grow our business and to inform our marketing strategy)
Technical Usage
Identity Contact Technical Usage Profile Marketing and Communications
Legitimate interests (to define types of customers for our services, to keep our website updated and relevant, to develop our business and to inform our marketing strategy)
Legitimate interests (to develop our services and grow our business)
6.1 We only process your data (which may include providing it to a third party) where we have identified a valid lawful basis to do so. These are as follows:
6.1.1 Contractual obligation – Where processing is necessary to comply with our obligations arising out of a contract, for example, where you have made a booking with us we will use the personal data you provide to fulfil our contractual obligations e.g. taking payment, providing the accommodation to you.
6.1.2 Legitimate Interest - Where we use legitimate interests we will record our decision on making this decision. We rely on legitimate interest where processing of the data we hold on you does not, in our opinion, affect your rights or freedoms and is proportionate to our interests e.g. keeping you up to date with our latest offers or obtaining your feedback on our service.
6.1.3 Consent – We will seek to obtain your consent to process your data outside our contractual obligations (see above) unless we have identified a Legitimate Interest (see above).
7.1 We will keep your information within the organisation except where disclosure is required or permitted by law or when we use third party service providers (data processors) to supply and support our services to you. We have contracts in place with our data processors. This means that they cannot do anything with your personal data unless we have instructed them to do so. They will not share your personal data with any organisation apart from us. They will hold it securely and retain it for the period we instruct.
7.2 Please see below the list which sets out the categories of recipients of personal data.
IT Support Services
Email Provider
Secure document disposal service
Online payment providers
Office cleaning services
Feedback aggregators and collectors
7.3 In addition third parties may provide us with personal data and they should only do so where the law allows them to.
Your data is stored by us and our processors in the UK, EEA or in a country where an adequacy decision has been made.
If you apply to work for us (directly or indirectly) in any role we may receive data about you from third parties. In addition, we will keep the details of your application and any additional information provided to us by you or others during your application so that we can keep you informed of future opportunities that you may be interested in. If you do not wish for us to keep your details for this reason, please let us know by contacting us using the details provided in this policy.
Our data retention policy is dictated by the Data Protection Laws and is available for inspection by submitting a written request using the contact details provided in this policy.
11.1 Under the Data Protection Laws your rights are:
11.1.1 To be informed – We must make this privacy policy (sometimes referred to as a privacy notice) available with the emphasis on transparency over how we process your data.
11.1.2 Access – You are entitled to find out what details we may hold about you and why. We strive to be as open as we can be in terms of giving people access to their personal data. Individuals can find out if we hold any of their Personal Data by making a formal request under the Data Protection Laws. Such requests should be in writing to the contact details provided in this policy. If we do not hold information about you we will confirm this in writing at the earliest opportunity. If we do hold your personal data we will respond in writing within one calendar month of your request (where that request was submitted in accordance with this policy). The information we supply will:
(a) confirm that your data is being processed;
(b) verify the lawfulness and the purpose of the processing;
(c) confirm the categories of personal data being processed;
(d) confirm the type of recipient to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed; and
(e) let you have a copy of the data in format we deem suitable or as reasonably required by you.
11.1.3 Rectification – We are obliged to correct or update your details. We will correct or update your data without delay provided you make the request in writing to the contact details provided in this policy, clearly specifying which data is incorrect or out of date.
11.1.4 Erasure – This is also known as the request to be forgotten. Under Data Protection Laws you have the right to erasure under specific circumstances. A request for your personal data to be deleted will be decided on a case by case basis and should be submitted in writing to the contact details provided in this policy.
11.1.5 Restrict processing – You have the right to ‘block’ or suppress the processing by us of your personal data.
11.1.6 Portability – You have the right to obtain and reuse your personal data that you have provided to us.
11.1.7 Object – You have the right to object to us processing your data in relation to direct marketing and or profiling.
11.1.8 Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling – We do not use automatic decision making or profiling.
11.2 Please note that you may need to provide identification in order to prove who you are if you wish to invoke any of your rights as provided by the Data Protection Laws and as summarised above.
11.3 If you agree, we will try to deal with your request informally, for example by providing you with the specific information you need over the telephone.
We keep our privacy policy under regular review and you should check back regularly to ensure you are aware of changes to it. We may display this notice to you from time to time to help ensure you are aware of its contents.
You have the right to complain about the processing of your personal data. Please contact us using the details provided above. If you are still unsatisfied you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office