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Õ∏‘°“√∫¥’ President

√Õß»“ µ√“®“√¬å ¥√.«—π™—¬ »‘√‘™π–Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vanchai Sirichana

∑’˪√÷°…“Õ∏‘°“√∫¥’ Advisors to the President

»“ µ√“®“√¬å ¥√. ÿ®‘πµå ®‘π“¬π ¥â“π«‘™“°“√·≈–«‘®—¬ Prof. Dr. Sujin Jinahyon Academic and Reserach Affairs √Õß»“ µ√“®“√¬å ¥√. ¡“¶– ¢‘µµ– —ߧ– ¥â“πæ—≤𓧫“¡ —¡æ—π∏å√–À«à“ߪ√–‡∑» Assoc. Prof. Makha Khittasangka International Relationships Development »“ µ√“®“√¬å ¥√.®Õ√å® ‡Õ. Œ‘§·¡π ¥â“π°“√ √â“ߧ«“¡ —¡æ—π∏å√–À«à“ߪ√–‡∑» Prof. Dr. George A. Hickman International Relationships Development Promotion π“ß»“π π’¬å »‘√‘™ÿ¡· ß ¥â“π°“√‡ß‘π·≈–∫—≠™’ Ms. Sansanee Sirichomsang Finance and Accounting 𓬮‘‚√®πå ÿ¿“ææß»å ¥â“πÕ“§“√ ∂“π∑’Ë Mr. Jiroj Suparpong Buildings and Grounds 𓬙“≈’ ¡ß§≈√—µπå ¥â“πÕ“§“√ ∂“π∑’Ë Mr. Chalee Mongkolrat Buildings and Facilities

√ÕßÕ∏‘°“√∫¥’/ºŸâ™à«¬Õ∏‘°“√∫¥’ Vice-Presidents/Assistants to the President

√Õß»“ µ√“®“√¬å ¥√.‡∑Õ¥ ‡∑»ª√–∑’ª √ÕßÕ∏‘°“√∫¥’ΩÉ“¬«‘™“°“√·≈–«‘®—¬ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ted Tesprateep Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Research ºŸâ™à«¬»“ µ√“®“√¬å ª√‘µπ“ ª√–∑’ª–‡ π √ÕßÕ∏‘°“√∫¥’ΩÉ“¬ªØ‘∫—µ‘°“√ Asst. Prof. Pritana Pradipasean Vice-President for Operations ºŸâ™à«¬»“ µ√“®“√¬å ¥√. ÿπ—π∑“ ø“‡∫√Õ ºŸâ™à«¬Õ∏‘°“√∫¥’ΩÉ“¬«‘™“°“√·≈–«‘®—¬ Asst. Prof. Dr. Sunanta Fabre Assistant to the President for Academic Affairs and Research π“ßæ√∑‘æ¬å ¿Ÿµ‘‚¬∏‘π ºŸâ™à«¬Õ∏‘°“√∫¥’ΩÉ“¬∫√‘À“√ Ms. Pornthip Phutiyothin Assistant to the President for Administration

§≥∫¥’/ºŸâÕ”π«¬°“√»Ÿπ¬å / Deans/Directors

√Õß»“ µ√“®“√¬å ¥√.¡“¶– ¢‘µµ– —ߧ– √—°…“°“√§≥∫¥’ ”π—°«‘™“°“√®—¥°“√ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Makha Khittasangka Acting Dean, School of Management π.Õ. ¥√. ∏ß™—¬ Õ¬Ÿà≠“µ‘«ß»å §≥∫¥’ ”π—°«‘™“‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’ “√ π‡∑» Gp. Capt. Dr. Thongchai Yooyativong Dean, School of Information Technology √Õß»“ µ√“®“√¬å ¥√. ™≈Õ «àÕß«—≤π“¿‘°ÿ≈ §≥∫¥’ ”π—°«‘™“𑵑»“ µ√å Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chalor Wongwattanapikul Dean, School of Laws »“ µ√“®“√¬å ¥√. ®ÕÀåπ §’∏ ‰´‡ÕÕ√å √—°…“°“√§≥∫¥’ ”π—°«‘™“«‘∑¬“»“ µ√å Prof. Dr. John Keith Syers Acting Dean, School of Science √Õß»“ µ√“®“√¬å ¥√.®—°√æ—π∏ÿå «ß…å∫Ÿ√≥“«“∑¬å §≥∫¥’ ”π—°«‘™“»‘≈ª»“ µ√å Assoc. Prof. Dr.Chakrapand Wongburanavart Dean, School of Liberal Arts ºŸâ™à«¬»“ µ√“®“√¬å ≈—°¢≥“ √ÿ®π–‰°√°“πµå √—°…“°“√§≥∫¥’ ”π—°«‘™“Õÿµ “À°√√¡‡°…µ√ Asst. Prof. Lakkana Rujanakraikarn Acting Dean, School of Agro-Industry √Õß»“ µ√“®“√¬å °—≈≥°“ “∏‘µ∏“¥“ √—°…“°“√ºŸâÕ”π«¬°“√»Ÿπ¬å‡§√◊ËÕß¡◊Õ«‘∑¬“»“ µ√å ·≈–‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’ Assoc. Prof. Gannaga Satittada Acting Director, Scientific and Technological Equipment Center π“ß “«∑√ß √√§å Õÿ¥¡»‘≈ªá ºŸâÕ”π«¬°“√»Ÿπ¬å∫√√≥ “√·≈– ◊ËÕ°“√»÷°…“ Miss. Songsan Udomsilp Director, Learning Resources and Educational Media Center √Õß»“ µ√“®“√¬å π.Õ. ¬ÿ∑∏π“ µ√–Àßà“π ºŸâÕ”π«¬°“√»Ÿπ¬å∫√‘°“√‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’ “√ π‡∑» Assoc. Prof. Gp. Capt. Yuthana Tra-Ngarn Director, Information Technology Services Center √Õß»“ µ√“®“√¬å ¥√.ª√’™“ Õÿª‚¬§‘π √—°…“°“√ºŸâÕ”π«¬°“√»Ÿπ¬å∫√‘°“√«‘™“°“√ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Preecha Upayokin Acting Director, Academic Service Center √Õß»“ µ√“®“√¬å ¥√.ª√–æ‘≥ ¡‚π¡—¬«‘∫Ÿ≈¬å √—°…“°“√ºŸâÕ”π«¬°“√»Ÿπ¬å¿“…“·≈–«—≤π∏√√¡®’π ‘√‘π∏√ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prapin Manomaivibool Acting Director, Sirindhorn Chinese Language and Culture Center

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