สารสนเทศ ประจำปี 2547

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2547 ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬·¡àøÑ“À≈«ß 8 “√ π‡∑»ªï Mae Fah Luang University

ºŸâ∫√‘À“√ / Administrators Õ∏‘°“√∫¥’ President √Õß»“ µ√“®“√¬å ¥√.«—π™—¬ »‘√‘™π– Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vanchai Sirichana

∑’˪√÷°…“Õ∏‘°“√∫¥’ Advisors to the President »“ µ√“®“√¬å ¥√. ÿ®‘πµå Prof. Dr. Sujin √Õß»“ µ√“®“√¬å ¥√. ¡“¶– Assoc. Prof. Makha »“ µ√“®“√¬å ¥√.®Õ√å® ‡Õ. Prof. Dr. George A. π“ß»“π π’¬å Ms. Sansanee 𓬮‘‚√®πå Mr. Jiroj 𓬙“≈’ Mr. Chalee

®‘π“¬π Jinahyon ¢‘µµ– —ߧ– Khittasangka Œ‘§·¡π Hickman »‘√™‘ ¡ÿ · ß Sirichomsang ÿ¿“ææß»å Suparpong ¡ß§≈√—µπå Mongkolrat

¥â“π«‘™“°“√·≈–«‘®¬— Academic and Reserach Affairs ¥â“πæ—≤𓧫“¡ —¡æ—π∏å√–À«à“ߪ√–‡∑» International Relationships Development ¥â“π°“√ √â“ߧ«“¡ —¡æ—π∏å√–À«à“ߪ√–‡∑» International Relationships Development Promotion ¥â“π°“√‡ß‘π·≈–∫—≠™’ Finance and Accounting ¥â“πÕ“§“√ ∂“π∑’Ë Buildings and Grounds ¥â“πÕ“§“√ ∂“π∑’Ë Buildings and Facilities

√ÕßÕ∏‘°“√∫¥’/ºŸâ™à«¬Õ∏‘°“√∫¥’ Vice-Presidents/Assistants to the President √Õß»“ µ√“®“√¬å ¥√.‡∑Õ¥ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ted ºŸâ™à«¬»“ µ√“®“√¬å ª√‘µπ“ Asst. Prof. Pritana ºŸâ™à«¬»“ µ√“®“√¬å ¥√. ÿπ—π∑“ Asst. Prof. Dr. Sunanta

‡∑»ª√–∑’ª Tesprateep ª√–∑’ª–‡ π Pradipasean ø“‡∫√Õ Fabre

π“ßæ√∑‘æ¬å Ms. Pornthip

¿Ÿµ‘‚¬∏‘π Phutiyothin

√ÕßÕ∏‘°“√∫¥’ΩÉ“¬«‘™“°“√·≈–«‘®—¬ Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Research √ÕßÕ∏‘°“√∫¥’ΩÉ“¬ªØ‘∫—µ‘°“√ Vice-President for Operations ºŸâ™à«¬Õ∏‘°“√∫¥’ΩÉ“¬«‘™“°“√·≈–«‘®—¬ Assistant to the President for Academic Affairs and Research ºŸâ™à«¬Õ∏‘°“√∫¥’ΩÉ“¬∫√‘À“√ Assistant to the President for Administration

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