Architecture Brochure

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p o r t o f o l i o


Ina Alexandra Neculai


interior design academic

Selected works 2014-2016

InaAlexandraNeculai architect interior designer

About I

can describe myself as a highly organized and efficient individual, with an eye for details, always looking for new ways of improving through architecture and design. The passion for architecture and the strong desire for learning new things push me to search, create and immerse myself in the field, to the best of my ability. Working as a freelance architect offered me the opportunity to collaborate with people worldwide, resulting in various projects in different places. Architectural projects, interior design projects, and competitions are spread around the globe and I tried to answer to local requirements, taking into consideration the traditions and cultural influences, as well as the client’s requests. Having worked on projects in different parts of the word opened my vision and forced me to understand and use specific building codes, or different measurement units (Imperial system, for example) from what I learned. Each project follows a series of principles, incorporating different vibes and specific cultural influences.

Architecture T

aking into consideration the fact that architecture is a team job, most of the presented projects are a result of working in a team and they represent the outcome of strong and reliable collaborations between me and other team members or clients. Having in mind the fact that the architecture job is composed of many steps, the presented projects cover most of the designing process. On each project I had a different role, covering this way, through multiple projects, the entire designing process. From drafting, the creation of technical drawings for obtaining the building permit, landscape design, technical details or concept design, each project represented a different and new approach to the design process. Also, considering the fact that most of the project came as a result of international and local collaboration, adapting to different requests as well as designing within the specific building regulations was a major achievement obtained at the end of each project. Regarding my role in each project, I had a different role each time, from 2 D drafting, concept design, sketching, to 3 D modeling, rendering and post processing for presentation purposes. Most of the presented architectural projects are small residences, for one or two families, resulting in a great attention to details, landscape designing, space usage and building details.

Koonalda Dwellings

Metricon Houses

Drafting for Dwelling Duplex, Koonalda Grove Dandenong, Victoria, Australia, in collaboration with Jonatahn Merin, client: Mutahar Hussain The project was a dwelling duplex for two families, on a site with an existing dwelling that will be demolished. On the empty site will be proposed a dwelling duplex, responding to the local building codes regarding the site limitation, as well as the required surfaces for a family house.

Landscape design for Metricon Homes, Lot 737 and Lot 738, Swan Roadm Pimpama, Queensland, Australia, in collaboration with Jamie Loft, client: Metricon The project was to create a landscape design for two dwellings in a newly developed neighborhood, to answer the requirements of two potential clients. The landscape design was made based on the existing architectural drawings if the houses, with the purpose of construction and advertising for sale.

Dinu House

Mediterranean House

Technical drawings for a single family residence, Dambovita, Romania, in collaboration with Eduard Pascu, client: Dinu Dragos The project is a single family residence located in the countryside, having small dimension and a design that will answer the requests of the clients’ everyday uses. The concept of the house tries to create a link between the interior functions and the exterior image, generating this way a different treatment of the first floor from the ground floor.

Proposed residence for a single family, Ilvesheim, Germany in collaboration with Eduard Pascu, client: G Design The project is aiming to create a house based on Mediterranean architectural styles and the personal needs. The project is looking to create segregation between the two parts needed in the house, the living area, and the guest/gym area by creating a succession of spaces, resulting in the composition of a main block that accommodates the main functions of the house.

Interior design I

nterior design represents the part of architecture and design that is the closest to people, the clients having to experience and use the space on daily basis. The interaction between the users and the objects, spaces, materials determine how the space functions if it is aesthetically appealing and if it creates a connection with the user. Designing interior spaces offers the chance of intimately connecting with the client, getting to apply his preferences and desires into a certain space, whilst keeping the space functional and usable. Most of the interior projects presented are a direct collaboration with the client, as well as with other architects and interior designers, resulting in specific jobs on each project. The projects are mostly residential, with the interior design of whole apartments or some specific rooms in the apartment, but there is also a project that implied the designing of a bigger space: a house containing a bookstore and coffee shop. Each project was based on existing plans of the spaces, my job being to design the interior, lighting system or custom furniture design, in some cases, a list of used furniture as well as providers was required. I was in charge of creating the proposal, concept design, 2 D and 3 D representations, as well as rendering and post processing with presentation purposes, each project having different tasks. Most of the projects are based on a clean, modern design using light colors and warm materials in order to create modern and cozy spaces. The designs tried to follow a functional, yet aesthetically pleasant tone, taking into consideration the requirements of the clients, as well as the existing layout of the spaces.

J Apartment Interior design for an apartment, Miami, Florida, USA, client: Steve James

The project was to design a Miami apartment for holiday use, taking into consideration the existing layout and dimensions, as well as some existing pieces of furniture (sofa, whole kitchen, and bar, bed). The aim of the project was to create an airy design, with as little furniture as possible considering the seasonal use, using light colors and natural textures, such as wood, textile, and ceramics.

4R Apartment

N. Bratescu House

Interior design SCF / 3BHK, Bangalore, India, in collaboration with OG Design, client: Mr. & Mrs. Rajat

Interior design for a converted burned historic house, Targoviste, Romania in collaboration with Eduard Pascu with Adiela Talos, client: Confidential

According to the clients’ brief and taking into consideration their family profile, objectives, design preferences and personal hobbies, the proposed interior design tries to answer all the requirements. The main theme of the design is the use of modern and contemporary design with a touch of traditional decoration. Giving the profile of the clients, the materials used in the whole apartment are warm and natural materials, like wood, stone, white plaster and warm colored textiles.

The project is a scenario of implementing the function of library and tea house in a locally, well-known, historic house.The house had a strange and sad destiny, being abandoned and set on fire, today is just a ruin that keeps some of its old characteristics. The aim of this project was to revive the house by giving it a different function, converting it to a more public usage, so people can see and understand the importance of conserving and using heritage buildings.

Competition T

he best way to improve yourself, to test your limits and abilities, as well as learning and working with a team is through competition. Architecture and design competitions are an important and a big part of the portfolio, illustrating the final results on international architecture and interior design competitions. Entering in competition with architects and designers from the whole world creates a dynamic and creative environment, where you have to improve your work with each project. Considering the fact that most of the projects are the result of collaboration with other architects, designers, and the job was different on each project, reaching this way a variety of designing tasks: I had a different role each time, from 2 D drafting, concept design, sketching, to 3 D modeling, rendering and post processing for the final presentation.


he competitions range from the concept design, new residential to remodeling or interior design, each project offering different opportunities of creating new and dynamic solutions, that can answer to specific requirements. Most of the presented projects are an illustration of the best level reached on the given moment of the competition, considering the requirements and the team. The competitions are mostly international, fact that offered the chance to answer to local requirements, taking into consideration the traditions and cultural influences, as well as the competition’s requests. Having worked on projects in different parts of the word opened my vision and forced me to adapt to certain cultural and architectural requirements.

Island Waterfront Residence and Cottage

Faรงade for Vacant Block in Sydney

Tiny Homes Competition

Tree House Competition

New Residence Competition organised by Arcbazar and Radu Oancea, St. Croix Island, Caribbean, USVI, in collaboration with Eduard Pascu, 2nd place

Remodeling Competition organised by Arcbazar and Tjinta Hulscher, New South Wales, Australia, in collaboration with Eduard Pascu, 2nd place

New Residential Competition organised by AIA Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA, in collaboration with arch. Eduard Pascu

Concept Design organised by Ins tion, in collabor Eduard Pascu


n Competition, spired Competiration with arch.

Varna Library Competition

New flat for a family Competition

Master Bathroom Competition

Concept Design Competition organised by Varna Municipality, Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria, WhAT Association, Varna, Bulgaria, in collaboration with arch. Valentina Cacescu, Ioana Sararu, Georgiana Stanciu, Ioana Voiculescu

Interior Remodeling Competition organised by Arcbazar and Sergey, Москва 82, Мoscow, Russian Federation, 3rd place

Interior Remodeling Competition organised by Arcbazar and Private, Kansas, USA



ost of the projects created during the years in Architecture School were concept projects, where it was offered the opportunity to create interesting and ideal design in order to solve one or a series of given issues, like urban regeneration through architecture, urban integration, dynamic architecture, free plan designing principles, adaptability, functionality, etc.

Considering the unlimited designing possibilities as well as the abstract aspect of project implementation, the proposal were bold and different, with functions that vary from residential, to the museum, collective housing or commercial. The presented projects are a small part of the academic projects created during the 6 years of study, combining all the learned design

principles on the given date. The

projects try to give creative answers to real urban problems through interesting and dynamic architecture. Regarding my role in each project, I had a different role each time, from 2 D drafting, concept design, sketching, to 3 D modeling, rendering and post processing for presentation purposes.

Square House

02.Hero Children’s Museum

Proposed residence for a single family, Academic project, tutors: prof. dr. arch. Cristian Drughean, conf. dr. arch. Daniela Calciu, asist. dr. arch. Mariana Nitu

Proposed museum, Diploma project, Loui Dan Serban, drd.arch. Ana Mari Vesa, conf

The residence is for one family and it’s designed based on a structural grid of 4.8x4.8 squares. The main objective of the project is to understand and apply the principle of modern architecture, free plan, and floating functions. The aim of the design is to create a functional layout within the limitation of the structural grid, that with functions that can answer all the needs of a single family house.

02.Hero museum is a children’s museum located i authorities through multiple local development pr consideration the location within the city – the ed tural program is a new one in the city, this project

Tram Museum – The regeneration of the historic center

isville, Kentucky, USA, tutors: prof.dr.arch. f.dr.eng. Adrian Iordachescu

Proposed museum, Academic project, Bucharest, Romania, tutors: prof.dr.arch. Dan Serban, drd.arch. Ana Maria Vesa, asist.drd.arch. Irina Florea

in Louisville and was a direct request of the local rojects and international competition. Taking into ducational district, and the fact that the architecrepresented a provocation.

The main aim of the project is the revitalization and reintegration of a historic part of the city center, through a project that has a big urban and social impact in the area, whilst appealing to a historic element of the area. The tram circuit in the area dates from 1872, being the first tram circuit in the city that is still used today.

Thank you! architecture

interior design academic

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