16 minute read
from ESF.ON N.º 24
by Inácio Lemos
É interessante pensar que o ser humano quer algo que ninguém conhece com total certeza. Na verdade, todos os Homens querem alcançar a felicidade, mas a verdade é que esta assume tantas formas diferentesque,porvezes,ninguémsabecomoelaé.
Num primeiro momento, é indiscutível que todos, de uma forma ou de outra, já tocamos a felicidade, mas, repentinamente, ela desaparece e sentimosquealgonosficaafaltar
Por outro lado, o indivíduo quer a felicidade a todo o custo, criando, por isso, desejos e necessidades, os quais, quando alcançados, nem sempre permitem alcançar a meta original, pelo que, novos desejos e necessidades vão surgir, entrando-se num ciclo vicioso de procura da felicidade. Esta situação, muitas vezes, conduz à ansiedade, à depressão e à violência, mas nem assim se desiste de procurar a felicidade.
Para mim, alcançar a felicidade corresponde a ficar com quem me apoia, com a pessoa que eu amo, seguir a minha intuição e nem sempre acreditar ou aceitar todos os conselhos que os outros me dão. Para outros, alcançar a felicidade traduz-se na ajuda que estão a dar aos outros, ou pensar em si em primeiro lugar, aprender a dizer “não”, ounãoligaraoqueosoutrosdizem.
Por tudo isto, sou da opinião que, seja qual for o caminho, a felicidade estará sempre dentro de nós, apesar de, muitas vezes, não sabermos ondeestáachaveparaabriressaporta.
Tatiana Mendonça, 11.º L
Desdeosmeustemposdeinfância Quemefosteensinada Edesdeentãoperceboaimportância Deumalínguatãorequintada.
Graçasatifuicapazdedescobrir Obrasúnicaseincomparáveis Quetantomefizeramsorrir.
Sejamcapazesdeteconhecerumpouco Deummodotãoprofundo Ecomumamortãolouco.
Maria Beatriz Queirós, 12º D
Num dia de nevoeiro, em Inglaterra, um menino olhava pela janela Transbordado de lágrimas, o pequeno órfão, John, recordavaumdosmomentosmaistraumáticosdasuavida. Laura, uma senhora gorducha e amável que compreendia John, chegouàsalaeperguntoupreocupadíssima:
-Está a chegar o dia em que os meus pais faleceram… Já lá vão doisanos.-disseJohn,fungando.
-Podes contar comigo para desabafares! - disse Laura com um sorrisoamável.
- Ok, então vou contar-te o que realmente aconteceu. Era uma noite como outra qualquer: a única diferença era que estava ansioso pela manhã seguinte, pois seria o primeiro dia de aulas. Infelizmente,acoisaquemaistemiaaconteceu. A meio da noite, ouvi um barulho ensurdecedor… Com medo, fui até ao quarto dos meus pais e os gritos tornavam-se cada vez mais próximos.Aporta estava entreaberta, mas a curiosidade era maior Decidi então espreitar, mas preferia não o ter feito. Vi os meuspais,nochãodoquarto,mortosporumasilhuetapreta.Não sabia bem quem era. Contudo, sabia que a silhueta tinha a forma deumapessoa.
Apavorado, corri, corri e corri…. consegui sentir o sabor do perigo, pensava que era ali que ia morrer Felizmente, a esquadra dapolíciaerapertoechegueiláatempo.-disseoórfão.
-Sintomuitopeloocorrido-sussurrouLaura,consolando-o. O tempo passou. Agora John tem 30 anos e é um dos melhores cientistasdeInglaterra.
Numa das viagens ao Egito, o cientista visitou uma pequena cidade chamada Morth-dor. Lá localizava-se uma das pirâmides mais famosas do Egito, Vergohr Naquele local sagrado, John encontrou o que mais precisava, uma escritura. Esta continha um enigma: “O que mais precisas está num dos mundos.”. Com esta dica, John passou ano após ano a criar o portal que dava acesso atodososmundos.
John entrou no portal, mesmo sabendo os problemas que teria. E assim embarcou numa maré de desconhecimento, já que nem conhecia em que mundo estaria o tal objeto mágico. Num dos mundos, encontrou um velho duende, que se chamava Amêndoa. Estes tornaram-se grandes amigos e foram em busca do objeto mágico. Mais tarde, descobriram que se situava no Mundo Irongon, numa torre muito alta. Esta era protegida por um ogre,umdragãoeummago.
Quando avistaram a torre, com olhar de ódio, o duende atacou os protetores da torre, dando o primeiro passo. Os protetores retaliaram. Depois de uma batalha cheia de altos e baixos, cansados, venceram. Ao entrar na torre, John e o amigo avistaram uma infinidade de escadas. Então, John pegou no seu arco e flecha, amarrou uma corda no fim da seta, lançou-a para o topo da torre e os dois escalaram, chegando ao topo.Aí encontraram o objeto mágico, que era uma flor. Prestes a murmurar a frase “Amigo, nós conseguimos!”, Amêndoa roubou-lheaflormágica.
-Pensaste mesmo que eu te ia ajudar sem mais nem menos?!disseoDuende,dandoumagargalhada.
-Mas… porquê? Eu, eu confiei em ti, e…e tu apunhalaste-me pelascostas….Porquê?!-disseJohn,gaguejando.
Assim, prestes a empurrar John pela janela mais alta da torre, o velho Duende contou-lhe a verdade, o que o cientista mais queriasaber:
-Era de noite e os teus pais sabiam muito Hihihi! Antigamente, os teus pais viviam neste mundo e, infelizmente, eles descobriram onde estava a flor Com medo do Rei, ou seja, EU, fugiram deste mundo. Naquela noite, tentei obter informações, mas eles não cederam e tive de os matar.
Cheguei a perseguir-te, mas eras mais rápido e chegaste à esquadraantesdeeuteapanhar Subitamente, Amêndoa empurrou John. Ele viu a luz, mas foi na direção oposta e sobreviveu graças à ajuda do mago que não tinha falecido. O mago não era o mau da fita: ele só estava a tentar proteger a flor para não cair nas mãos erradas, o que, infelizmente,aconteceu.
Amêndoa, que tinha fugido para do mundo da Terra, preparava-separagovernarouniverso.
John, com a ajuda do mago, voltou para o mundo daTerra para enfrentar o inimigo. Depois de uma luta intensa, derrotou Amêndoa. Assim, John conseguiu a flor, mas tinha um último desejo: criar “Um Mundo Melhor” sem dor, sem mentiras e sem traição.Elecriouessemundo,mesmosabendoquetinhadese sacrificar… Prestes a morrer pelo bem, o mago trocou de lugar comJohneelemorreu.
Assim, todos são bem-vindos a entrar neste Mundo. Se o procurarmosbem,eleestádentrodenós.
L Ngua Materna
Certo dia, enquanto tomava o seu galão, o Sr. Copo ficou escandalizado ao ouvir o Sr. Prato pedir uma “sande de mortandela”! ComoerapossívelaqueleAmbrósiofalarassim?!
Calmamente, o Sr Copo explicou que aquela expressão não existia na língua portuguesa. O termo correto era “sande de mortadela”.
O Sr Prato, encolhendo os ombros e com ar de quem não estava interessado na explicação, afirmou que para ele tanto fazia: era comoescreverminissaiacomumsoudois.Oimportanteéquequemausassefossebonita!
Ora,comasandeeraigual:mortadelaou“mortandela”eraindiferente.Oqueinteressavaeraquefosseboa! Peranteestasafirmações,oSr Copoengoliuemsecoepensouquedenadavaliatentarensinarquemnãoqueraprender!
Diogo Meireles, 9.º E
Que cansativo ser um copo no supermercado! Normalmente, as pessoas pegam em mim para experimentar o sumo na máquina nova,masestasemanaaconteceu-meumacoisatãoestranhaqueatéduvidodainteligênciahumana. No sábado passado, aproximou-se uma criança da máquina e pegou em mim. Depois, em vez de pôr o sumo, colocou chocapic no meuinterioresódepoiséquemeencheucomsumo.Apósteringeridoessacoisaestranha,vomitouemcimadomeubelovidro.Foi umdiamuitodifícil!
Não sou o único copo exposto na prateleira da máquina. Junto de mim, está um amigo, o Gaio. O nome dele não é Gaio mas, como nuncamelembrodoseunomeecomoelemerecorda umpapagaioquenuncaparadefalar,trato-oporGaio.Eleéumpoucochato porestarsempreafalar,masfaz-merir
Por exemplo, houve um dia em que um homem, com os seus setenta anos, me perguntou se eu lhe podia indicar onde estão as salsichas. O único problema é que ele era gago, logo não percebi o que me estava pedir O senhor repetia sem parar : " chalsicha, chalsicha",maseunãoentendia.
De súbito, O Gaio interveio na conversa e esclareceu-me que o senhor estava a dizer "salsicha". O Gaio tentou explicar a maneira certa de pronunciar a palavra, mas o senhor já estava tão irritado que atirou o Gaio para o chão. Felizmente, ele não partiu mas, ao atirarocopo,ohomemnotouqueassalsichasestavammesmoàsuafrente.
Mariana Castro, 9º.ºE
Languages are such an important thing and it's providential for humans. Without languages we wouldn't understand each other and, most important of all, we couldn't communicate with our friends, teachers, family...This type of communication started to be very important many years ago, for example, in the XI century languages were very important to separate the territories, like PortugalandSpain.Anotherveryimportantthingaboutlanguagesisthelingua franca. This is very important for people around the world communicate with each other, which is very useful in exchange programmes, visiting other countries and, one of the most important ones, for work. Nowadays, it is very important when applying for a job to know more than one language. There are a lot of jobs that need us to dominate many languages, like being a translator, footballer...Today, most students around the world study English to master the lingua franca, seeing the importance of know other languages. I think that a lot of people don't realize that learning and being fluent in other languages is very important for our future. For example, it can give us better opportunities of work.
In conclusion, languages are the way that we communicate and without that, speakingwitheachotherwouldbeverydifficultandfunnyatthesametime!
Afonso Lemos, 10º A
Iin the world, there are several languages and that is very important to communicate and create our identity as a citizen of a nation. In antiquity we communicated through signals of smoke, gestures or even through paintings which made communication very difficult, but languages have solved that problem, because nowadays talk to others is so much easier Besides, our society is like what we are living because of the creation of languages that made possible the expression of all the ideas that humans had.
Now, we can say that there is a lingua franca in our planet, English, that is very important to communicate with the rest of the world. For example, in an Erasmus project the students that go to other countries need to know a little bit of English or probably they won´t understand anything of what people say Another example is the fact that, now, if a person who is looking for a job has the knowledge of this lingua franca he will take advantage of the other people who want to work in that place. And there are more examples of the many benefitsEnglishcanofferus.
We can't say that a language is more important than another, because each one has a big role in our world, so we can't say that English is the most important language of the planet because this isn't right, English is only the most spoken one which help the nations create a union Finally, it is relevant to say that languages are very important to create union and make communication easier, but we can't say that one is more significant thananother
André Maia, 10º A
Our mother language is a part of our personality because it is the language that we use to express ourselves with since we were kids. But with time we develop a will to learn other ways to express ourselves, and learning other languages is a very effective way to do it. Not just spoken languages, but also other languages like sing language, or music hath is also considered a language by many people. However, languages are not important just for expressing ourselves it is also important to be able to communicate in other countries, for example, when we travel on vacation or study in another country. Learning languages is essential because it will lead to many opportunities during our lifetime.
In conclusion, we can say that learning various languages is very important, for various reasons, so to live a better life with more opportunities and an easier waytocommunicate.
Ana Faria, 10º A
Nowadays, to communicate with each other we use a global language: English and with people that can't speak or hear, we use body language. In the past, we used to draw in the walls to comprehend each other or fire signalstoaskforhelp.
Language is important because, with it, we can communicate and understand each other, if we didn't have it, how could we ask for something or talkwithotherpeople?
Language helps express our emotions, thoughts, desires and queries to the worldaroundus.
English is probably going to become the world's lingua franca, if it's not already.Today, English is the most widely used language for newspaper, book and scientific publishing, international telecommunications, mass entertainment,diplomacyand,ofcourse,theinternet. If someone wants to keep up with the world, learning at least one foreign language is a must. We should learn it to find a good job, to be more successful,oreventoimmigrate.
Learning a new language is a time-intensive, complex task. It can be extremely challenging, but regardless of age, or the language we choose to learn,thepayoffcanbehuge.
The ability of communicate is one which we take for granted everyday Communication is ,in my opinion, the most essential part of living. In conclusion, learning new languages means getting to know new cultures, making new friends, expressing our thoughts and feelings, getting smarter andboostingourcreativity.
Language is one of the most precious things that exist in the world, because it representspeople'sidentityandisconstantlyevolving. With language we can express our feelings, build thoughts and opinions and, aboveall,wecancommunicate.
Communicating is one of the most important things that human beings do, as it allowsustofeelgoodinsocietyandconsequentlywithourselves. This factor is so important for society that UNESCO created the International MotherLanguageDay(February21)tocelebratethisculturalheritage. Of course, we must at least master our mother language, but if we have the opportunity, we must try to learn more languages in order not to have borders in theacademicworldandtoenjoyourworldwithoutlimitations.
Nowadays, schools try to develop this competence of students as much as possible, with the development of some projects like ERASMUS, giving students unique experiences in which, they know several people of different nationalitiesandthelinkbetweenthemisthelanguage. This is an example where language are the factor of union and cohesion betweenspeakers,symbolizingtheidentityofpeople.
Clarisse Sousa, 10º A
For me, the languages of the various countries are very important for many reasons.
Firstly, they are essential because they are the most important element of the identity and culture of a country Basically, a language identifies the origin of a country.
Besides this, the languages are also relevant because they allow an easier communication between countries, for example, with the English, that is a language that most people in the world can speak. This allows us to get to knowotherculturesandotherlifestyles.
Tosumup,Ithinkthatthelanguagesarecrucialforeveryone,mainlybecause they allow us to communicate with others, making this planet, basically, a smallvillage.
José Sousa, 10º A
Learning a language is always good and very important because it is with them that we communicate and achieve more effective autonomy in a new country
According to studies in Sweden, learning a language causes areas of the brain associated with memory, such as the cerebral cortex and hippocampus, to increase in size. Like any muscle in the body, exercising the brain regularly can make it stronger and more flexible. That is, the importance of languages is that wehavemoreknowledgeofthemandlearnthembecauseitiswiththemthatwe communicateandlivewithothernationalities.
Diana Vieira, 11º D
Around the world more than seven thousand languages are spoken, all of whichplayanimportantroleincommunication. Through language, feelings can be expressed, allows interaction with others,etc.
The most important language around the world is English, it plays an important role for communication worldwide, if we travel anywhere in the world the language that will be most commonly used will be English. In terms of work, if we have a good level of English, doors to any company worldwidecan beopenedforus.
Oral communication is the basis of any type of relationship, it allows us to giveopinions,speakclearly,etc...
Magda Sampaio, 10º D
We live in a world where communication is the key to connect cities, countries and allthecontinentsaroundtheglobe.
Throughout history, with the evolution of civilizations, different languages were created and spread throughout the world, but due to historical reasons, such as the colonization of the British empire, English has become a global language, this means,themostspokenlanguageintheworld.
Thisfactisalsoduetotheeaseoflearningthislanguage,whichiswhyitistaughtat schoolsinseveralcountriesaroundtheworld.
I think that knowing how to speak more than one language, especially English, is essential, as it allows us to have other experiences such as the comfort of leaving the country and not worrying about communication, after which we have more knowledge (which is never too much) and it may even come in handy in a situation ofajobthatwewanttohaveinthefuture. Sinceweallliveonce,whynotlivingitinalanguagemix!
Languages play a crucial role in the development of human civilizations and are an essential tool for communication and expression. They are a way for individuals to connect with others and convey their thoughts, emotions, and ideas. Moreover, languages serve as a means to preserve cultural heritage andpassdowntraditionsfromonegenerationtothenext. In today's globalized world, being bilingual or multilingual has become increasingly important. It allows individuals to expand their horizons, enhance their career prospects, and foster greater understanding and respect among different cultures. Furthermore, it is a valuable asset in fields such as international business, diplomacy, and tourism. Being able to communicate effectively in a foreign language can open doors to new opportunitiesandexperiences.
In addition to the personal and professional benefits, languages are also crucial for preserving cultural diversity. They are a window into the unique perspectives, beliefs, and customs of different societies, and serve as a valuable resource for future generations. By learning another language, individuals can gain a deeper appreciation for other cultures and broaden theirownculturalhorizons.
In conclusion, languages are a vital tool for communication, expression, cultural preservation, and scientific advancement. Whether for personal or professional reasons, learning a new language is an enriching and valuable experiencethatcangreatlyenhanceone'slifeandopportunities.
Rodrigo Leite, 10º D
In my opinion all the languages around the globe are important. They make the culture of each country more complex and diverse. I like learning new languages soIcanunderstandandcommunicatewithpeoplefromdifferentnationalities.Ifind really interesting hearing Portuguese people speaking, because even though I speakthelanguage,Ialwayslearnnewwordsandnewslangs.
Language isn't only used in the oral form, it's also essential to learn the written form: how texts are structured and build narratives and discourses; how discourse works; speech acts and genres; how language is used in politics, media, and online.
In one country, sometimes there's more than one language due to political and social factors in history. For example, in Spain, four official languages are spoken: Spanish,Basque,CatalanandGalicia.
To most people, language comes naturally People learn how to communicate even before they can talk and as they grow older, they will find ways to manipulate language to truly convey what they want to say with other words. Of course, not all communication is through language, but mastering a language certainly helps speed up the process. This is one of the many reasons, in my opinion, why languageisimportant.
Ana Morais, 11ºD
The benefits of learning new languages are growing as the world becomes more globalized, and the ability to speak multiple languages is perhaps the most useful real-world skill for anyone looking for newopportunities.
Basically, the advantages of learning foreign languagesaremanyandhavetheabilitytosetusup forsuccessinalmosteveryaspectoflife. Like opportunities to travel, learning a new language opens up a whole new section of the world for us to explore comfortably, the ability to understand international art and literature can really helpyouappreciatetheworldaroundyou. Another advantage of learning a foreign language is that it offers us better and more opportunities in the world of work and is a great way to stand out from the competition.As the world becomes increasingly globalized, companies' demand for people fluent in multiple languages is increasing as they expand operations into new markets. These companies therefore need language speakers to meet the demands of their customers around the world, as it is much easier to build a relationship with someone whenyouspeakthesamelanguageasthem. In addition, it improves our skills, learning a new language also demonstrates that we have a number of other skills. All these skills are very attractive to any potential employer, this can help give us that push to do things we've never done before, like movingabroad.
In conclusion, learning new languages is very important nowadays, as it provides us with very powerful tools that can open doors for us in various aspectsofourlives.Andwisdomisnevertoomuch!
Juliana Moreira, 11º D
Nowadays it is very important to know how to speak ourlanguageanddifferentones. Language is important because it is a way to communicate with others, but is also a way to get together with different cultures. This happens for example when politicians go into other countries and joinforceswithotherpoliticians.
This is important because language evolves culture. For example when we watch a movie it can be in English and we can watch with subtitles in another language but if we are watching a movie we are learning things of the country that the movie was made,forexempletypesoffoodandothers.
Language is very important, it is one of the most important ways to communicate and by that we can bring people together and with language we can introduceotherculturestotheworld.
Maria Beatriz Leite, 11º D
The importance of the English language these dayshasincreasedsignificantly More and more we need to know how to speak non-mothertonguestoachievenewgoals. The English language is one of the most spoken languages in the world, so it is important that we knowhowtospeakitwithsomeease.
One of the ways I like the most is to watch movies without subtitles so I can learn However, English classes are fundamental for thedevelopmentoflearning.
Learning new languages will help us not only on a personal level but also with job opportunities, such as international companies and foreign clients.
In short, English has become more and more essentialinthedailylives youngerpeople.
Matilde Costa, 11º D
In the world we live in, there are several people, all of them different and with that new languages, characteristics, cultures and similar traditions have emerged. Learning a foreign language is a way of communicatingandhelpstoopendoorsforourpersonal,culturalandprofessionaldevelopment. Theabilitytoprepareusforsuccesstodayistheabilitytomasterseverallanguages,especiallyEnglish. These capabilities open us up to travel, become more employable and improve our skills in our day-to-day lives.
English is the most spoken language in the world. From this, it is easy to see how much learning this language can provide professional impetus. No wonder this is one of the languages most valued by companies.
English is in every citizen's life due to the fact that we use words in our daily lives such as internet, website, shopping, email, among others, this language is so famous due to cultural contexts, due to its economic powerinofthe21thcentury.
In short, not devaluing other languages, the importance of learning another language other than our mothertongueisbeneficialatalllevels...cultural,personalandjobofferlevels.
Soraia Silva, 11º D
Languages play a crucial part in our day-to-day lives, as it is our main way of communicating with other people and one of the characteristics that separate us from other animals. Every aspect of our lives has language involved, even people who don't speak it verbally, like Braille or signing/visual languages, which is especially important for thembecauseoftheirrespectivedisabilities.
Knowing more than one language opens a whole new world of opportunities in most fields of work. For example, flight attendants and hotel entrance managers interact with people from all over the globe and it requires them to know at least the basic of a few languages so they can communicate with them. People who deal with business intercontinentally, worldwide or even just in multicultural areas would also benefit from speaking and understanding morethanjusttheirmotherlanguage.
For people who might want to move to another country it is essential for them to know the country's mother language(s), not only to be able to actually live there in a comfortable way but also to build relationships with the community - let it be friends, co-workers, and/or a romantic partner We,ashumanbeings,needemotionalconnections with other people to be happy, and we can't do that if we don'tknowhowtocommunicate.
In this world where it's never been easier to talk to people from every corner in the planet, it's crucial that we know how important their language is and the way it relates to how we interactwiththem,especiallybecauseofhowit'sconnected totheirculture.
One of the most important aspects that better defines cultures and nations around the world is language. This plays a very important role in defining identities and creating aspiritofcommunityandunity.
Firstly, I want to highlight the importance that languages have in defining cultures and nations. A nation or culture is, or usually is, a cluster of people who share something in common. For example, physical characteristics or the fact of living in the same place demarcated by specific borders. But above all, this is sharing traditions, stories, legends from a distant past, memories of the present and desires for the future. For this sharing, the main resource is language. This is what is present at all times in the history of a population. The language is the “actress” that is present in all the scenes of life and history It is from language that, in written and oral form, we can discover and explore the past, for example, great battles, historical moments and figures that define the cultureandidentityofanation.
Secondly, language is the tool with which the great tales are built. Shakespeare, Luís de Camões, Cervantes, Edgar Allan Poe, Machado de Assis, Saramago, Agatha Christie, Annie Ernaux, Liev Tolstói, Fernando Pessoa... are several writerswhostandout,andwhousedtheirlanguagetocreate narratives and documents, which mark the imaginary and idealsoftheirpeoples.
In conclusion, the language, from its inevitable presence and through various notable figures, plays a role in creating the culture of a nation, of a population, that has in the language,itsmaintool,bothfordailylifeandalsotomarkthe greatmomentsandstories.