21 minute read
A Voz dos Alunos
from ESF.ON N.º 22
Visita de estudo a Arcos de Valdevez
No dia 13/10/2022, participei numa visita de estudo à localidade de Arcos de Valdevez e à Aldeia de Sistelo. Na minha opinião, esta visita de estudo foi bastante interessante e enriquecedora. No período da manhã, ocorreram as visitas às 4 Igrejas do Centro de Arcos de Valdevez. Foram extremamente profícuas. Considero benéfico poder visitar estes locais a c o m p a n h a d o d e u m a p e s s o a especializada. Faz-nos perceber melhor o que estamos a ver, torna a visita mais cativante, pois aguça a nossa sensibilidade para aspetos artísticos e históricos que, de outro modo, fugiriam ao nosso olhar. Seguidamente, após o almoço, fizemos uma agradável caminhada. A meu ver, a baixa dificuldade do percurso e o belo e harmonioso cenário criado pela natureza tornaram a mesma um momento de alegre convívio. Em síntese, gostei bastante desta visita de estudo e, realmente, momentos como este, devem continuar a ser dinamizados pela escola.
Paulo Meireles, 11º D Querido diário, Hoje foi um dia interessante, com uma visita de estudo aos Arcos de Valdevez e Sistelo. Nos Arcos, pude conhecer vários tipos de igrejas. Por fora elas eram simples, mas por dentro… por dentro, eram lindas! Muitas delas eram douradas, revestidas de folhas de ouro (estilo barroco), outras eram mais claras (estilo rococó) e outras tinham a mistura das duas. Eram todas lindas, mas duas das igrejas chamaram-me mais a atenção. O problema é que eu não sei o nome delas, mas deixo-te aqui três fotos das coisas que me encantaram nas duas igrejas. Depois da visita fomos almoçar e adivinha quem teve que estar à espera do senhor do autocarro para poder almoçar! Pois bem, isso mesmo, fui eu e uns tantos. Após isto, seguimos caminho para Sistelo, onde fizemos uma caminhada pelo trilho dos socalcos. Passámos por sítios bonitos e, perto do final, tivemos que subir umas quinhentas escadas, pequenas, altas e estreitas que só de lembrar, dá-me uma dor nos gémeos. Depois de subir as escadas e as minhas pernas estarem a pedir por socorro, estivemos numa pequena vila. E, a partir daí, ai, ai, querido diário, nem te digo nem te conto… Quem estava lá sabe o que aconteceu e acho que tu não queres saber, pois não? Depois seguimos caminho para a escola e , agora, já estamos a ansiar pela próxima oportunidade de conhecer um pouco mais do nosso lindo Portugal. Obrigada por me ouvires, Querido diário, volto em breve,

Being a teenager is not easy
Between classes, homework, chores, we barely have time for ourselves. Our hormones don't help either. Many of us have anger issues or mood swings and I know most of us have problems with our parents, at least I do. As a younger generation, we have opportunities our parents didn't have, but we also have different challenges. For example, our parents didn't have phones and we do. That's both an opportunity and a challenge for us that our parents didn't have. I know a lot of teenagers don't have dreams, either because they're too closed off in their own world to realize there's more out there, or because they have already given up on their dreams. But I have a dream. I want to move to New York and become a Broadway actress. I know it's near impossible for me to succeed, but I'm still going to try. There are lots of things that concern me, both about older generations and my own. It seems almost impossible for some of us to think that homophobia is still a big thing, but, as backwards as that seems, it's the truth. I have no idea how, but there are people my age who still don't understand anything about different sexualities and gender identities, even with the incredibly facilitated access to information that we have nowadays, some people just don't want to learn and that, in some extreme cases, can result in violence towards LGBTQ+ people. One of the leading causes of teenage suicide in the United States right now is homophobia, transphobia and general LGBTQ-phobia. So, I'm set out to teach people, especially of my generation, about the LGBTQ+ community and get them to understand that it's just something that people are, it's not bad and it's not a choice. It may not be doing much, but I'm trying to do my part to make the world a better place, and I think other teenagers should too.
Maria Teixeira, 10 D Oh, 10th grade, what a roller coaster you were... Without any doubt that overcoming this year was not easy, but I think I speak for everyone when I say that it was an important phase in each one's lives. Romanticizing it a bit, it was a year full of learning, both at school and at personal level. It helped me to grow a lot as a person, to develop my self-control and reasoning and, above all, the organization. Yes, because when they say that organization is the key to everything, they are not lying. in the middle of the necessary hours of sleep, homework and accumulated school stuff it's hard to find a balance, but once you get there, all this work doesn't seem so scaring. Now speaking about the negative side, there will be days when you will have to stay up to finish work, you won't be able to go out because you have tests and probably start to stress because the 24 hours a day don't seem enough compared to all the work to do. But with calm and serenity everything is achieved. Now, in the 11th grade, I hope to recover all that adjustment time spent in the 10th grade. I want to improve my knowledge both at an academic level and at the rest. And let it be another box of surprises but only the good ones!!! I hope you have a great year friends.
Ana Couto, 11 A
The school… what now?
Now is a new beginning, now is the moment when you can redeem yourself for everything you did and didn`t do. Every year we promise ourselves we`re going to do better, but most of the times that energy lasts for about a month, let`s be different this year. I mean, we`re finally free after almost 3 years of countless guidelines because of covid, so don't waste the time and the opportunity that is being given to you. Make it smarter, make it better. Filipa Marques, 11 A After more than three years in a pandemic, the question is: When will our lives go back to the way it was before? It is a tricky one, because the pandemic will never be over, we are still living that so, we have just adapted ourselves. Last year it was harder than I thought it would be. After two years studying from home without learning the basics for future grades it's complicated. Right now, I know that with all the teachers and friends, we will overcome all obstacles and make this year and future years easier. Jessica Pereira, 11 A
School is the main place of wisdom, because it is from there that we are given wings to our future. This allows us to have access to any kind of knowledge, preparing us for our future lives. School helps us to overcome different challenges and overcome the ups and downs of life. Despite being considered tiring by many, this tiredness will be rewarded later in life. In conclusion, school is a place through which we can achieve many things, including success, if we give it a chance.
Juliana Costa, 11 A
School is very present in the lives of all teenagers and as I fit into this group, I will talk a little bit about my experience and try to give some tips. I am currently attending the 11th grade and I must say that the 10th grade was very challenging and at times difficult and exhausting. The transition from the 9th grade to the 10th grade was a new experience for me because they are very different years, both in terms of subjects and also in the amount of work and study. Throughout the year I adapted. I started to study regularly and ended up with a good average and I was proud of myself because I saw my effort rewarded. Now, in the 11th grade my goals are the same: get good grades, be concentrated and focused in classes, study regularly, get good grades on the exams and at the end of the year have a good average. This year with the exams it will be more challenging but I will try to live up to the "challenge". My tips for all teenagers are to study and be focused to be able to achieve their goals and above all don't be nervous because everything will go well and your effort will always come to the top. The school… what now?
My 10th grade experience was an adventure! with ups and downs. I chose Science and Technology course. All the testimonies I heard about this one told me that it was a complicated course and that I had to study a lot, after all my journey in the 10th grade you can agree with them. First of all, the beginning of the 10th year was a little hectic, at the end of the first period I wanted to change course but with some persistence I continued in science and I don't regret my choice, because I met amazing people in my class, I realized that this was the course I really wanted to take, and I tried to overcome my barriers by trying harder. Secondly, I had some difficulties, as expected, mainly in the physics and chemistry subject, because the subject I was taught in the 9th grade in one week, I had to learn it all in one day in the 10th grade. With the other subjects I managed to evolve over the school terms, although they need the same requirement. To conclude, the 10th year was a new evolutionary cycle, with new learning and a new cycle of my life that was entering secondary school. In the 11th grade I hope to achieve my goals, to finish the school year with the best possible average and of course to develop a lot more as a person.
Margarida Teixeira, 11 A School, sometimes, can be very frightening, hard, challenging, and after covid-19 it got even worse. During these times, we, students felt very tired and lonely and that just made us feel like giving up. We even asked questions ourselves, “Can school really help me get the future I want?”, “Is this really worth it?” As a normal student, my answer to those questions is, Yes. I feel like school is the right path for us to take to achieve our dream job and have the best life full of happiness and joy. We just need to find the best way to overcome those challenges like seeking professional help to learn tips to use during study time or even ask for help to our own family and friends, work hard, not only at school but also on our own mental health because a good mental health helps a lot on concentration. So, it is obviously another step forward to success. Finding a hobby is also very important, it helps us refresh our head and rest for a bit. Everything is possible and as a wise friend once told me: “The hardest challenges have the best rewards. Don´t give up! Take risks.” Margarida Sousa, 11 A
There are so many questions that appear in my head when it comes to school. “Will I succeed?”, “Will I achieve my goals?”, “Am I going to pass the exams?” among other serious questions… The truth is that nobody knows but one thing I am sure is that: if we like what we do and we work to achieve your goals we will succeed for sure. To be honest, I am very apprehensive about this school year. The questions that I mentioned on top are always appearing on my mind but one day a teacher told me that it's not just me who's scared, everyone is!
Matilde Freitas, 11 A
School again… and now!!
Last year was a huge change in my life, as the 10th year was the beginning of my professional future. My 10th year was not the best but it wasn't the worst either, I just couldn't fully achieve my results, those I had in mind despite the fact that I adapted well to the rhythm of my study course and the teachers were very understanding with us, in this case the whole class. I hope that this year, 11th year, goes better, and that this time I can fully achieve my goals and that I am able to achieve everything I can and do everything I want. I know that the 11th grade is considered the most difficult year of the three years, 10th, 11th and 12th but that's not why I'm going to give up now, I don't even think about giving up, because to achieve the most difficult things we have to go through challenges, and I will face each challenge as if it were the last Sérgio Fernandes, 11 A Hello everyone!!! I can't believe we are back in the school routine and that I am already in 11th grade! Let's talk about what 10th grade was like and how I felt going back to school. Last year it was very hard, mainly because I was not used to such a demanding study routine, even more so with Covid that we were all at home so much, the effort to study was not the same and when I got to 10th grade and saw all the subjects that were so hard, I had to change that routine. I was proud of myself because I managed to overcome several difficulties and several fears I had, but it was not easy! I had to study a lot and every day, and it was very hard and tiring. But going through all this made me become a better person and know that I can do anything with effort and also in some ways made me see what was really important in my life, and I realise that family and love is the key to that, and they can help you with everything. Now we are back to school and of course I haven't learned enough yet, and there are still many things to improve and overcome. The 11th grade is still a bigger challenge than the 10th grade, now with exams, but I will do my best and try to get the best grades possible to achieve everything I want in my future. So, a word of advice, if you are afraid of failing or getting a bad grade, it can happen, but there is nothing like learning a lesson and going with your head held high to the next one. Good luck in this school year and I wish you the best!
Rita Cruz, 11 A
Hi everyone! I'm Miguel Fernandes, a high school student at Felgueiras Secondary School and I have a lot of dreams. When thinking about my future I feel fear but I also feel excitement at the same time. Finishing high school with a good average is one of my goals. I really hope going to university to take a course related to medicine, because I like to help all living beings. The most important people have to be in my school and life path. In my future, what I want for myself and for the people I love the most is to be happy and healthy. I will always fight for my dreams so that they are fully achieved.
My experience in the 10th grade was a new, difficult and very heavy experience since I came from the 3rd cycle without knowing anything about secondary school and it was very heavy for me at the beginning, but luckily everything ended up going well. In these moments there were happy moments and some sad ones that made me my study using different methods and there were also many concepts from the teachers that made me learn and change later. The grades weren't any better, but they should have been a lot better since I have the capabilities to have much better grades. For the 11th year I hope to be able to improve my grades and increase my total average because for what I want to follow in college education it is important to increase my final school average. I hope that this school year will also be a year of great happiness, many good moments and many games. Hope this is the best year ever!! Pedro Cunha, 11 A My Future
The future is uncertain, especially when the world we live in is in degradation (caused by ourselves). It's weird to think about it, but we don't know if, in 10 years, the world will be the same as we know it now. This makes it hard to think of expectations for the future, because as the world is now, the probability is to get worse, unfortunately. However, I do have some expectations and desires for the future, such as solving the environmental problems that our planet is suffering, as well as diminishing global hunger and improve health conditions in the least developed countries. Now speaking of expectations for my future life: I would like to be financially independent and be able to help the most disadvantaged. But for that to be possible, we have to help the planet first. And I hope that the world's population will stop turning its back on environmental problems, and start taking action. Ana Beatriz Ferreira Teixeira, 11 B
Time goes by and we go along with it. As I'm growing, I have been experiencing a lot of good situations in my life. Before I was a quiet kid, but now I think I'm able to choose the right path and become a more caring person. All this to, as a young adult, decide what my next steps are, as I have to choose my future job. In my future I can see myself having a job that makes me feel fulfilled and that I will be proud of, having a whole family behind my back ready to support me and most of all I want to be happy. I want to reach all my goals, fight for my objectives and to be a hard working person. Besides all of that, I want to have a prosperous life, I want to be healthy and to have my family right by my side.
Text about my future Schule aus und jetzt?
Nach der Schule möchte ich auf die Universität gehen. Ich habe noch Zweifel, welchen Studiengang ich wählen soll, aber ich möchte unbedingt Jura an der Universität von Minho oder Porto studieren. Ich will Strafrecht studieren und später als Rechtsanwalt arbeiten. Ich hoffe, dass alles gut geht und ich meine Ziele erreichen kann. Andreia Teixeira, 11 H Was ich in der Zukunft machen will? Ich bin noch nicht sicher. Ich weiß, dass ich gerne zur Universität gehen würde, und mit Sprachen wie Englisch und Deutsch umgehen wollte, wie zum Beispiel als Übersetzerin. Inês Silva, 11 H
Schule aus - und jetzt?
In Zukunft möchte ich nach der Schule zur Universität gehen, weil meine Familie mir gesagt hat, dass es eine gute und einzigartige Erfahrung ist, dorthin zu gehen, und ich bessere Chancen habe, mehr Geld zu verdienen. Ich würde gerne Diplomat oder Hotelmanager werden, bin mir aber noch nicht sicher. Nicht alle von uns haben die gleiche Willenskraft und deshalb entscheiden sich einige für Kurse, um nach zwölf Jahren Schule in den Arbeitsmarkt einzusteigen. Ob du zur Universität gehst oder nicht, ist deine Entscheidung und es hängt auch davon ab, wovon du träumst und nicht von anderen. Luís Ribeiro, 11 H Schule aus. Und Jetzt?
Ich denke, das ist eine Frage, die wir uns alle stellen, wenn die Schule zu Ende ist. Manche Leute wollen einfach sofort arbeiten. Manche Leute wollen weiter studieren und an der Universität ihr bestes geben. Manche Leute machen am Ende nie das, was sie sollen. Nun, ich möchte internationale Beziehungen and der Uni studieren. Sprachen sind meine Leidenschaft, und es wäre großartig, mit Menschen aus verschiedenen Ländern kommunizieren und arbeiten zu können. Nach dem Universitätsabschluss wäre es mein Traumberuf, in einer europäischen Institution zu arbeiten. Ich habe das Gefühl, es wäre der Ort, an dem ich mich wie ich selbst fühlen würde.
Vasco Castro, 11 H
Wenn ich mit der Schule fertig bin, möchte ich auf die Universität gehen und einen Studiengang im Bereich der Kriminalistik, der Kriminalpsychologie oder der Fremdsprachen belegen. Patrícia Alves, 11 H
26. September - Europäischer Tag der Sprachen Dia Europeu das Línguas 26 de setembro

O Dia Europeu das Línguas foi instituído no Ano Europeu das Línguas de 2001, por iniciativa conjunta do Conselho da Europa e da Comissão Europeia e celebra-se, anualmente, a 26 de setembro. Este dia tem como objetivo a celebração do património linguístico e da diversidade cultural comuns ao continente europeu. Deste modo, para fomentar o interesse pela língua alemã e pela aprendizagem de línguas em geral, a turma do 10.ºF, de alemão, procedeu à elaboração de pequenos trabalhos de pesquisa sobre os países de expressão alemã.

Capital: Berlim Governo: República parlamentar federal (16 estados) Presidente: Frank-Walter Steinmeier Chanceler: Olaf Scholz População: 82,2 milhões Moeda: euro AAlemanha localiza-se na Europa Central e está limitada a norte pelo mar do Norte, Dinamarca e mar Báltico, a leste pela Polónia e República Checa, a sul pela Áustria e Suíça e a oeste pela França, Luxemburgo, Bélgica e Países Baixos. O território da Alemanha abrange 357 021 quilómetros quadrados e é influenciado por um clima temperado sazonal. A Alemanha é uma grande potência com a quarta maior economia do mundo por PIB nominal e a quinta maior em paridade do poder de compra. O alemão é a terceira língua mais ensinada no mundo. Curiosidade: 65% das autoestradas na Alemanha não têm limite de velocidade e chamam-se Autobahn. A tradição de ter uma árvore de Natal começou na Alemanha. E além disso eles têm dois pais natais, um bom e um mau. Na Alemanha, os comércios fecham aos domingos. AAlemanha é um país muito culto, com 6.200 museus, 820 teatros, 130 orquestras
Bianca Monteiro, Bruna Pereira, Mariana Correia, 10 F

Capital: Viena Presidente atual: Alexander Vander Bellen População: 8,8 milhões Moeda: euro AÁustria tem uma das bandeiras mais antigas do mundo AÁustria ostenta um dos maiores índices de qualidade de vida do mundo – o país figura na 11ª posição mundial. A Áustria integra a Zona do Euro desde 1999 (antes, a moeda era o xelim austríaco).

Capital: Vaduz Governo: Monarquia constitucional População: 39 mil Moeda: euro O Liechtenstein é um minúsculo principado localizado no centro da Europa, encravado nos Alpes entre a Áustria, a leste, e a Suíça a oeste. O Liechtenstein integra a Zona Euro desde 1995. É um dos países mais pequenos e mais ricos do mundo, mas não tem aeroporto. Tem a pior equipa de futebol
Daniela Fonseca; Fabiana Pereira; Mariana Dias; Cátia Pereira , 10 F Capital: Berna Governo: Democracia direta População: 8,5 milhões Moeda: Franco suíço A Suíça é uma república federal composta por 26 estados, chamados de cantões. O país está situado na Europa Central e faz fronteira com a Alemanha a norte, com a França a oeste, com a Itália a sul e com a Áustria e o principado de Liechtenstein a leste. A Suíça é um país sem costa marítima. A Suíça é constituída por quatro principais regiões linguísticas e culturais: alemão, francês, italiano e romanche. A Suíça é um dos países mais ricos do mundo. Zurique e Genebra foram classificadas como as cidades com melhor qualidade de vida no mundo. A Suíça não integra a Zona do Euro. Os setores bancário e financeiro são muito importantes para a economia do país, e os chocolates e relógios suíços têm fama em todo o mundo. O país também é conhecido pelas suas estações de ski.

Diana Magalhães, Vânia Fernandes, Margarida Rebelo, Luís Teixeira, 10 F

Time Capsules
Este ano a ESF inicia a atividade “Time Capsules” à boa moda americana. “Como serei no final do 9.º ano? Ou “que acontecimentos marcaram a minha vida até ao momento?” São o mote de um conjunto de reflexões que os alunos das turmas do 7.º ano colocaram na sua cápsula do tempo! Aguardamos ansiosamente por junho de 2025 para verificarmos as respostas. Até lá…have fun!
O Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras