Research, Policy & Participation
Includem Head of Research, Policy & Participation, Meg Thomas, and Chief Executive Martin Dorchester launch our School Covid report.
As a rights respecting organisation, children and young people’s participation in the design, development and improvement of our services is fundamental. We are committed to facilitating the voice, space, audience and influence children and young people need to have a say about the decisions that affect them and have worked with The Promise Partnership to embed this in our culture and practice.
We have carried out a number of research projects to hear directly from children, young people and families about the things that have the biggest impact on them, like COVID-19, poverty
and their experience of school. Part of this involved the development of our peer research model, recruiting experts by experience to plan and carry out our research interviews. We are committed to delivering the recommendations from our research in all our services and in influencing others to do the same. As part of this we are working with Education Scotland to realise the recommendations of our Schools Experience report by embedding restorative justice practices across all school relationships and ensure schools deliver rights-respecting practice for all.