We thank The Children’s Society’s Appropriate Language in Relation to Child Exploitation, The National Autistic Society, The SAFE Project, The Promise – Independent Care Review and Each and Every Child for their suggestions, which have informed this guide.
Getting our Language Right
One of the things the Independent Care Review (2017) highlighted was that we need to change the way we speak and write about care. Consultation with hundreds of care experienced people led to a commitment to ensure ‘language must be easily understood, be positive and must not create or compound stigma’ (The Promise, p.87) and ‘simple, caring language must be used’ (p.69). Language determines how people view themselves and how they relate to their world. We all play a role in shaping culture for the people who experience services’ involvement in their lives.
Our Principles
Includem have developed this guide with help from some of the young people we support. It outlines some of the principles that we can use to guide our communication, highlights some words and phrases that we would like to stop using and why, and suggests some alternatives. We have included some quotations from the young people we support about how the language in this guide made them feel.
• Includem’s
This guide offers suggestions and is not definitive. It will evolve as we identify how our language affects people. Remaining conscious of the words that we use and the impact they have is key. This process often involves pausing and thinking when we speak or write, drawing our team’s attention to words, and breaking habits. Some words can be appropriate or inappropriate depending on the context; some young people we spoke to said that the word 'violent' was a misleading label for young people in distress, however, another young person who experienced domestic abuse was keen that 'violence' was labelled as such.
We should always assume children, young people and families could read what we write about them, and talking to people about how terms make them feel could be a helpful conversation to have. Individuals ultimately have the best knowledge of what language is unhelpful or supportive to them.
If you could use a simpler or more ordinary word, use it
Describe situations, don’t label
Our language should not suggest undue responsibility
Our language should not reinforce stigma or shame
language should help to normalise the experience of our service
If you could use a simpler or more ordinary word, use it
Includem shouldn’t use words with overly technical or medical associations, when this is unnecessary; young people and families are only likely to hear some of these terms through care experience.
One young person we spoke to asked that we stop using words which have “bad vibes, computery vibes”.
Unhelpful terms Alternatives
“This is such a weird word, I’d never heard of that word before I was in care”
Run away Placement
Ask the child how they describe where they live.
Use the name of the place or someone who they live with.
“I think that it should be up to the child how they describe how they live.”
Moving Placements
“I don’t like siblings. He’s my brother. My brother doesn’t know what sibling means. Say his name.”
Moving to a new house
A new start/chapter
Brothers and sisters (but sibling may be good non-gendered word).
Describe situations, don’t label
Some terms can be misused or overused, or they can be too vague to tell us much about a person or situation. It is important for us to consider the factors which underlie a situation or a person’s response; equally, it is not appropriate for us to construct our narrative for what people feel and why. Instead, we should be posing questions and exploring this with people. This links to emotional intelligence.
When describing situations, be mindful of whose perspective is being taken. It may be appropriate to explain your thinking or acknowledge your own perspective and feelings, e.g. ‘The young person’s behaviour caused me to feel unsafe’. This is better than trying to maintain an objective perspective, when this is not possible for you.
Unhelpful terms
This term suggests the emotional response was wrong.
Violent Acting Out Kicked/ Kicking Off
Challenging behaviour
Escalated (without context)
“Violence means lots. Say the behaviour.”
Describing context, behaviours and emotions e.g. Distressed response to [context]
Name what we observe, give context and consider why. This refocuses our attention on the experience of the person and what may have caused them to react in this way; this will not be apparent much of the time, and we can acknowledge this. By exploring this with the person, we can move away from understanding behaviour only as anger, but as a manifestation of different emotions. ‘Angry’ behaviour may signal a need.
Distressed response to [highlight context] which started as… and led to… e.g. ‘John threw a remote at the wall when his mum asked him to get ready for school. John has said he gets angry in the morning, it may be due to being worried about school. This is something we will explore with him.’
‘Mary was shouting and telling Jane to clean her bedroom. Jane responded to this by shouting and then hitting and punching her mum on the head’
The Anger Iceberg
Icebergs are large pieces of ice found floating in the open ocean. What you can see from the surface can be misleading. Most of the iceberg is hidden below the water.
This is how anger works. Often when we are angry, there are other emotions hidden under the surface.
distrustful overwhelmed
disgusted frustrated grumpy
grief stressed
disrespected disappointed uncomfortable regret lonely
guilt trauma
hurt offended
nervous trapped attacked
helpless rejected annoyed
embarrassed scared shame tricked
Source: Anger Iceberg, The Gottman InstituteUnhelpful terms Alternatives
They react to [some situations] by shouting and using swear words.
They used personal insults including ‘xyz’.
Verbally aggressive
This is a label, it might undermine the person’s agency and sense of possibility.
“I do not like the word vulnerable. I prefer ‘unsafe at points’.
e.g. ‘Jack suddenly started to shout close to my face and wave his arms. Includem are unsure why Jack reacted in this way, the team will explore different ways that we can approach this.’
Unsafe at points.
With vulnerabilities - This term acknowledges risk but allows that the person is more than the vulnerabilities that they may have.
Our language should not suggest undue responsibility
Some terms can mask an abusive or exploitative context, contributing to victim blaming. ‘Adultification’ can sometimes occur, when children and young people are described using terms that imply they are more grown up or have more responsibility than they do. These concerns can come down to a subtle but important emphasis. Some terms put undue responsibility on children, young people and families to trust us, we need to consider that they may have been let down before.
Unhelpful terms
The child/young person is being criminally exploited to distribute drugs.
Drug running/involved in a gang
Non engaging/engagement
Hard to Reach
Part of a friend group who have been doing illegal things such as...
We have not been able to engage yet.
Services have not yet found the best way to build relationships with them.
Support was offered that did not meet the needs of the young person at that time.
Includem needs to find a way to build trust. They are not in a place just now to seek support
“you could just say they’re not talking to you yet”
“Try a different way”
Our language should not reinforce stigma or shame
Some peoples’ experiences may have caused them to view their lives through a lens of shame, and we don’t want to reinforce these narratives. Some terms are heavily loaded with stigma; in our collective imagination we can have images and thoughts which come to mind when we use them. Some terms may frame things in relation to norms and standards which have not been made clear.
Unhelpful terms
Substance misuse
Unhelpful coping strategies
Addict Addiction Drug User
Offending, young offenders
This term has come to be associated with unhelpful images, it alienates the people described this way.
Problems related to using substances person who misuses substances
Some research has shown a preference for ‘person first’ language in relation to substance use, always trying to put the person first in sentences; their relationship to substances should not define them.
Young people in conflict with the law
This term reorients our thinking, to consider the young person’s relationship to organisations like the police, and how this may have been damaged.
There are risks to… There are a lack of protective factors
Children’s unit [Name the place] House
“Issue sounds like there is something wrong with you, and there’s not!”
Challenges, barriers, things you’re not happy about, difficult situation, something they want to change, goals they want to set
“I prefer ‘things not working’”
Not beyond help
Even framed positively, this term is alienating and is not empowering
Poverty (or how we describe it) Families not being able to make ends meet Breadline
These terms can create shame and create barriers to seeking assistance or sharing views. Some terms imply that the responsibility for difficulty lies with families.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Person has autism
Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) Autistic person/child
Some research has noted a preference for positive ‘identity first’ language in relation to autism, so autism is not ‘something you carry around in a bag’ rather it is a positive part of who you are.
Focused Work
Moving On Moving On Review Moving On Evaluation
‘Frontline’ us a combative term. ‘Staff’ is a term which frames roles within a hierarchy.
Family Support Team Includem Support Team Intensive
and responsive As often as families need
This word is associated with clinical disorders and implies interference.
Support Elements of A Better Life
sustained changes The difference it has made Reasons for referral to includem Reasons for moving on from our support Unplanned
This word is often used to frame our support, however, if used inappropriately when talking with people it may reduce peoples’ experiences to ‘tick boxes’. “Missed/Cancelled/ Refused” Unannounced Visit Responsive Visit Flexible response
Acronym Guide
Legal/Social Services
ATR: Alternative To Remand
CHS: Child Hearings Scotland
CCE: Child Criminal Exploitation
CP: Child Protection
CPO: Child Protection Order (Children’s Legislation)
CPO: Community Payback Order (Criminal Justice Legislation)
CSE: Child Sexual Exploitation
CSO: Compulsory Supervision Order
CTO: Compulsory Treatment Order (Mental Health Legislation)
FGDM: Family Group Decision Meeting
JII: Joint Investigative Interview
ICSO: Interim Compulsory Supervision Order
IRD: Initial Referral Discussion
LAAFH: Looked After Away From Home
LAC: Looked After Child
LAAC: Looked After and Accommodated Child
SCIM: Scottish Child Interview Model
TAC: Team Around the Child
VPD: Vulnerable Person Database
VRI: Visual Recorded Interview
YPOC: Young Person Of Concern
GIRFEC: Getting It Right For Every Child
SHANARRI(H): Safe, Healthy, Active, Nurtured, Achieving, Respected, Responsible, Included, (Hope)
CADS: Community Alcohol and Drug Service
CAMHS: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
CPN: Community Psychiatric Nurses
IFSS: Intensive Family Support Service
ISMS: Intensive Support & Monitoring Service
STAR: Siblings Reunited
ACES: Adverse Childhood Experiences
ARC: Anchor positive emotions, Reflect, Consistency
DDP: Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy
LEAPS: Listen, Empathise, Ask questions, Paraphrase, Summarise
PACE: Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity, Empathy
PALMS: Position, Attitude, Look & Listen, Make space, Stance
PSRM: Pro-Social Role Modelling
RAIN: Recognise feelings, Allow them, Investigate, Nurture
RRR: Regulation, Relate, Reason
SMART Goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time bound
STARR: Structuring, Teaching, Accounting, Reflecting, Relating
START:AV: Short-term Assessment of Risk & Treatability: Adolescent Version
AIM 3: Assessment Intervention and Moving on
ABL: A Better Life- Includem's practitioner toolkit