Incubate 2013 festival guide

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2013 F E S TI VA L G U I D E



I N C U B AT E 2 0 1 3

The world around us is changing at a rapid pace. What used to be cool for years is now a short lived hype and what used to be an intrinsic motivation or life calling has become a career option. Art is no longer in its own, 18th century bubble. It’s a living, breathing thing and a part of society today. It’s YouTube, it’s twerk, it’s plastic surgery, it’s a car commercial. It’s a mirror for your life, by way of trained image readers, image interpreters and image makers. A Ford with vivid and fast-changing colours. A song used to sell whatever feeling you desire. The strict separation of autonomy and commercials is slowly fading. Even people’s opinions on social media are sponsored. This year we look into this new way of working. Or rather, the same old way of working, but without restrictions as to how to use the work. A new way of presenting art and getting the

discussion going on what it means to us right now. It’s not all serious and theoretical though. We translate these theories into fun projects. We dare artists to take on new roles and try to explore other avenues. We have subwoofer wobbles of the non-dubstep variety, the sounds of boiling water for a cuppa, a bus line into the past of our city, a real Egyptian wedding, poetry, theatre, some of the finest people in experimental film and of course a massive music program which brings you the finest in black metal, acid house, indie, psych rock, pop, free folk, free jazz and all that other good stuff. I do hope you enjoy our mix of everything. Ford, Immortal, 808 State, Santiago Sierra, primary school kids. The weird, the wonderful & the elderly. Welcome to Tilburg. On behalf of the Incubate team, Vincent Koreman, artistic director of Incubate


Incubate visitors get a taxi discount at Taxi Korthout during the festival. For this set rate the taxi takes you anywhere within the city ring (Ringbaan), so all Incubate venues and the campsite, except the Peerke Donders kapel.

Set rates: € 6,50 for a regular taxi (max. 4 persons) € 9,00 for a van (max. 8 persons) Show your Incubate wristband to the driver and make sure to confirm the taxi rate before you get in the car. Taxi Korthout have Incubate signs in their cars. It’s easiest to call ahead to order a taxi and tell you are a visitor of Incubate.

TO ORDER A TAXI, CALL: +31 (0)13 – 555 555

Buro Bilan, richt zich op het ondersteunen van bedrijven bij het opzetten, continueren en optimaliseren van hun bedrijfsvoering. administratie, advies en financieel management

Een groot deel van ons klantenbestand bestaat uit ondernemers en stichtingen die werkzaam zijn in de culturele sector waaronder podia, boekings- en produktiekantoren, festivals, theatermakers, acteurs, beeldend kunstenaars en artiesten.

thuis in de culturele sector Dunantstraat 1d Postbus 3142 5003 DC Tilburg

T 013 535 87 78 F 013 542 02 71


Spoorlaan 21 i–k, 5038 CB, Tilburg

At the Ticket & Info Center you can buy tickets or exchange your e–ticket for a wristband. You can also get timetables, festival information, bus schedules and merchandise over there. Our team of ticket sellers is well informed and will gladly give you any advice on the extensive festival program. Opening hours: Monday 16 to Thursday 19: Friday 20 and Saturday 21: Sunday 22:

13:00 – 22:30 13:00 – 01:00 13:00 – 22:00

Incubate info line: Tel: +31 (0) 6 17 07 1804 For the latest festival updates check:, or download the official Incubate app from your app store.


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C O L L A B O R AT O R S & A D D R E S E S

122 C O L O P H O N

ART Last year we stood among pigs with our feet in the dirt for The Destroyed Word performance, this year we’ll watch the complete installation by Santiago Sierra in the museum. And while you can feel sound at WOW, listen to boiling water while sipping tea, or watch a car be used as a digital canvas, we’re also letting inhabitants of nursing homes and elementary school kids enjoy art.




In the art world, authenticity is key. But can an artist really keep its integrity when he or she moves his/her work into the commercial world of advertisement? Or does that simply make him or her a sell–out? Welcome to the era of the new hybrid artist, who combines his autonomous art with work for applied works for clients, without worrying about his reputation.

Showroom is a collaboration between car manufacturer Ford and artist RafaĂŤl Rozendaal (1980, Amsterdam). Rozendaal, of Brazilian and Dutch descent, belongs to the generation of artists who have made the internet their playground and their exhibition space. For several years Rozendaal has also been working on installations, in which he uses walls and shards of broken mirrors to project his work on.



For Showroom we rebuilt the original setting of the video. The car in question will be surrounded by similar cars in different colors, and other video works by Rozendaal will be shown as well. Autonomous exhibition space meets showroom. In the Americas it’s not uncommon to see art exhibitions being sponsored by car manufacturers, big banks or similar parties. Many major brands like to connect with the avant– garde of art, wanting to emphasize their own progressiveness and hoping some of the artistry and ‘edge’ will rub off on them. For a content–driven festival with a diverse audience like Incubate this is a big step. The Showroom project aims to take the conversation about hybrid art one step further and possibly discover new possibilities for doing business, without ‘selling out’.

Ford was so intrigued by this practice that they had Rozendaal make a video for Vice magazine, in which he used a completely white Ford as his canvas. The brand, impressed by the result, decided to use the video as an official campaign.




For this project we ask students of all ages to think about the things that annoy them about Tilburg. Then we challenge them to think of a creative plan to solve that problem, and give them the opportunity to share their plans with a group of transition leaders from several regional organizations called ‘the Pathfinders’. During the European Social Innovation Week students of several schools will introduce their ideas to an audience of professionals, enthusiasts and other students. By joining forces the students will be provided with all the inspiration, knowledge and practical help they need to execute their plans and improve Tilburg effectively. Some of the outcomes will become visible throughout the city during the Incubate festival, others will think of long–term solutions that will appear later this year. For more info, visit the website

We Eat Incubate is a food party. The idea is to bring home–cooked food and consume it all together. Sharing some good dishes with the best ingrediënts, having fun and sharing wisdom about food. Inspired by the idea of the Eat–In by the Youth Food Movement, now it’s time for our own Eat–In on Sunday 22nd of September between 13:00h and 16:00h. Rules of We Eat Incubate • Participants bring one or more homemade dish(es) • Subscribe in advance at or at the event We Eat Incubate 2013 on Facebook • Bring your own plate and cutlery About the food We love good, clean and fair food. Maybe sounds a bit snobbish? Not really. We’re no food–extremists, it’s no crazy hippieparty. We just love to enjoy good food. That’s why the Eat–In is cool and accessible for all kitchenprincesses, masterchefs and everything inbetween. So please do not bring frozen hamburgers, but: Applepie with apples from your grandma’s garden, salad with vegetables from the nearest organic farmer, herbs from your own garden, fresh fruit of cheese from the market... Everything’s possible. There will be a price for the best homecooked meal. Come eat with us! Sunday 22nd, 13.00–16.00




Klaman is one of the most legendary Polish artists of his generation. In Gdánsk, a city without any an avant–garde tradition, he and his colleagues built an independent art scene from the ground up and established art institute Wyspa, which still functions as a solid basis for local innovative and radical art. One of Klaman’s leading projects is ‘Subjective Bus Line’, a performance taking place on the normally closed grounds of the Gdánsk port. It was also performed in the Belgian mining town of Genk in 2012. ‘Subjective Bus Line’ is a bus tour, guided by locals with an interesting personal history. Old port areas and mines are a reservoir of collective and individual memories of an area, a perfect territory for his project. And again, the guides’ personal stories will take the lead.

During Incubate, Klaman will join forces with the TextielMuseum (Textile Museum), and the Wyspa Institute of Art for a special edition of his ‘Subjective Bus Line’ throughout Tilburg, a city with a long history of textile industry. Grzegorz Klaman is one of the pioneers of art in public space and context–related activities, moving between cultural, social and political structures. With Klaman, art and activism go hand in hand.The dynamic between the body, spatiality and politics has been the subject of Grzegorz Klaman’s artistic practice since the 1980s.


▼ MOMENT MONUMENT / DR AWINGWORKSHOP @ BIBLIOTHEEK TILBURG CENTRUM Quinten Dierick is a artist and DIY musician in different shapes and settings. Together with Berlin’s Krista Burger, Dennis Gunsing and Tim Greaves they are Drawingworkshop. They will be joined by three classes of primary school kids to create giant drawings and monumental DIY sculptures. The topic will be Memory, and everyone is invited to join in. This will be an exhibit in progress. Slowly growing and evolving into a final product, without putting to much emphasis on that final product. Its about the fun of creating something, together!

▲ EXHIBITION CORNER SHOTS: 13 CORNERS OF 013 @ DE NWE VORS T About six months ago photographer William van der Voort (Cloakture photography) started his ongoing project “Corner Shots: shooting the corners of the city Tilburg”. His goal is to document all the corners of the city Tilburg and now the project counts over 150 corners. With this project he shows the city in a different way and shows you spots which you normally just pass without noticing. In this exhibition van der Voort will show abstract and broken corners of the city. The exhibition is from September the 7th till the 28th and will be free.

FELL AND THE INCUBATE KIDS ORCHESTR A @ BIBLIOTHEEK TILBURG CENTRUM FELL is the improv lo–fi electronic freejazz band of Tom Verbruggen aka Toktek and drummer Simon Bertz. Together with school kids from Tilburg they will build electronic and other instruments from scratch during the afternoon and create a performance later the same day. All the stuff the kids (a different school class every day!) and FELL create will be recorded, and will be gathered, editted, spliced and mixed on the cd album: FELL and the Incubate Kids Orchestra – which will be handed back out to the same school kids.



▼ THE PL ANT ORCHESTR A @ GUS T VAN DI J K What would a plant sound like? Fascinated by the possibility of plant amplification and their capacity to produce actual sound, artist and musician Alexandra Duvekot started researching the sound of plants. ‘Plant sounds’ can be understood as a means of communication and it appears that plants react to mankind and it’s environment. The real sound of plants themselves is hard to capture, but data and vibrations can be converted to sound in meaningful ways. The Plant Orchestra exhibition consists of an on–going research about plant sounds and a performance in which the artist interacts with the plants on a 432 Hz pitch in a musical composition. ▲ BOILING POINTS /////// PHA SE TR ANSITIONS BY ARBE @ NS16

This project is by Alexandra Duvekot in collaboration with SEA Foundation. Exhibition: Thursday – Sunday from 13:00 – 17:00h Performances: Friday 20th at 16:00h, Saturday 21th & Sunday 22th 14:30h

Arbe, also known as Reinier Brekelmans, influenced the early House and Techno scene with a unique amalgamate of Industrial and Trance music. A true pioneer who is currently giving a literal meaning to the term ‘house music’ as his next project features recordings from sounds in his own home. He presents a spatial composition in the Musique Concrète tradition. It will be a special listening experience inspired by two of his interests: the habitual indulgence called ‘drinking tea’ and the sound of boiling water in a tea kettle. In an intimate setting a custom built 10.1 speaker installation and freshly made tea are going to transform the room daily. Seven tables will seat 42 visitors each time and the tea is for free. An hour before the performance drinks can be enjoyed in the 1BAR, a shuffle&repeat sound environment executed by four mp3 players that accompanies Boiling Points /////// Phase Transitions. 17

◄ WOW BY C ARL SCHILDE / HE AV YLISTENING @ THE SHOWROOM Four record players are connected to gigantic sub–woofers where extremely low tones emerge. On every player lies a WOW–record with a single frequency. When the records start spinning all these low tones mix and will make the air pulsate across the room. By changing pitching and touching the records these rhythms will get more and more complex. The music flows through your whole body. The project ‘WOW: The Most Minimal Record Ever Made’ will occupy its own space at Incubate. Four record players are connected to gigantic sub–woofers where extremely low tones emerge. On every player lies a WOW–record with a single frequency. When the records start spinning all these low tones mix and will make the air pulsate across the room. By changing pitching and touching the records these rhythms will get more and more complex. The music flows through your whole body.

CONCERTS IN NURSING HOMES @ NURSING HOMES IN TILBURG Relive the old days at Incubate. After a successful concert pilot in several nursing homes in Tilburg during Incubate 2012, the overwhelming positive reactions of these homes and their residents inspired us to create a platform for the elderly again to bring back memories of concerts they used to go to when they were younger. Several concerts will be held at places where the elderly live. The gentle folk music by Jozef van Wissem, the indie pop songs by I Am Oak as an exclusive acoustic set, and piano virtuoso Lubomyr Melnyk fit perfectly within the artistic norms of Incubate and the musical experience of the elderly. These artists also have a pleasant way of telling about their music and will let the elderly share their knowledge of music they love. These concerts will be held during Incubate in nursing home Kievitshorst, private service center ‘t Laar and De Hazelaar.

Sound artist Carl Schilde designed the project. He previously performed WOW at Club Transmediale 2013 and Ars Electronica Festival, for which he received praise by leading cultural website Blouin Artinfo. He studied Pop Composition at Leeds College of Music and Sound Studies at the University of the Arts Berlin under Sam Auinger and Robert Henke. He is influenced by contemporary art as much as by mainstream popular culture, seeking for universal truth in both Roman Opalka and Jersey Shore. Carl currently lives and works in Berlin Kreuzberg.



▼ GALLERY PEPPER IN RESIDENCE @ THE SHOWROOM Graphics and visual art go back to the beginning of civilization. Engravings and press printings already exist since 1400 and stories of the Bible were told by Rembrandt through some of the most well–known etchings. Nowadays, these techniques are still used by young, enthusiastic visual artists who specifically chose for the art of printmaking. With an ambitious do–it–yourself attitude, several artists united as Gallery Pepper. Gallery Pepper’s goal is to let as many people as possible enjoy their work, instead of making art exclusive for just the elite. During Incubate, you can see and buy their latest creations at the pop–up gallery next to the Ticket & Info Center as they present handprinted artworks by following artists: Akinori Oishi (Japan), Aron Vellekoop León (Netherlands), Bier en Brood (Netherlands), Godspill (Netherlands), Hedof (Netherlands), Ilse Weisfelt (Netherlands), Inez Odijk (Netherlands), Jacky Hijstek (Netherlands), Manon Bijkerk (Netherlands), Levi Jacobs (Netherlands), Marcel Ruijters (Netherlands), Ming Sin Ho (Netherlands), Ruwedata (Netherlands), Scott Minzy (USA), Studio Doeke (Netherlands), Thijs Lansbergen (Netherlands). Also a little Pepper–shop is open with small handmade items, like screenprinted zines, tote bags, tshirts and more.

The artists from Gallery Pepper disfavor dominating trends, which is why they work autonomously and only use their own style. The Gallery currently contains the work of thirty artists from the Netherlands, Sweden, Japan and the USA who create screen printings, etchings, linocuts, woodcuts and graphics.



Kunstpodium T

tm 22 september

Santiago Sierra

tm 10 november

Wilhelminapark 1 Tilburg dinsdag - zondag 11-17 uur www.depont .nl





A gas chamber erected inside a synagogue and a room full of mud: two examples of Santiago Sierra’s attempt to challenge reality and our perception of it. At Incubate 2012, Santiago Sierra will perform the latest instalment of his project ‘The Destroyed Word’.

The Spanish artist’s work revolves around the dismantling of structures that form national, political and economic systems, by the very people who are affected by those systems. He gives the underprivileged of the world the opportunity to empower themselves symbolically. Sierra has been known to hire workers to complete often pointless and/or unpleasant tasks in the name of his art, like paying a museum guard to spend 15 days behind a brick wall. Sierra’s project ‘The Destroyed Word’ is about the friction between creation and destruction. On Friday September 14th, the latest instalment of this estafette–artwork will be part of Incubate 2012, but not for long, as this project is –hence the name– based on the destruction rather than the preservation of it. As a part of the word ‘capitalism’, a 3,5 meter high character S will be created, entirely made of fruit and vegetables, ready to be eaten by pigs. A clear nod to the massive pig–farming industry that can be found in the province of Noord–Brabant.


POETRY ‘Everytime I go to a live poetry event, I see performances that completely blow me away. And each time I think: “Why do so little people care about poetry? Is it just because they don’t know?” Incubate offers me the opportunity to show the unsuspecting audience (that’s you) how wild, raw and exciting poetry can be live on stage. Each of the performing artists has a style, voice and presence of their own. Musicians will react and interact. And you will be amazed. Trust me.’



@ 013 S TAGE01

Wednesday 18 and thursday September 19, we will once again pack the stage with the best performing poets of Flanders and The Netherlands. Young, old, man, woman, they’re all here. Both nights will be supported by music, that aids to the texts and performances.

Wednesday 18 September Benne van der Velde is a longtime poet, performer, slammer, presenter and organiser, who has published several volumes of verse. Since a few years he’s also a rapper (under the alias Drs. B) and the proud owner of a second–hand book store. His verses are either sweet, bold, harsh, humoristic or emotional, and in his performance he gives every sentence the feeling it needs.

The evening will be musically illuminated by our friends from the ‘Frietboerism’ label. Apart from showcasing some of their experimental hiphop beats, they will conclude the program with a live mash–up of all the nights’ poetry. They also brought along Yogi. He works with classic beat machines. Expect lo–fi tunes and lots of humour. On top of this all, we will select a few poets from our Open Source Poetry Project to perform on this evening.

► Justin Samgar aka PoetryPusher is in The Netherlands probably best known for being the ‘resident poet’ of the notorious tv–show about sex and drugs ‘Spuiten en Slikken’, and the shows of equally notorious radio personality Giel Beelen. Tonight he will give us a sneak preview of ‘Wow – de alientape’ which is a musical project in association with Frietboer. Lotte Dodion is a young Flemish poet who pisses off many Dutchies by winning all the poetryslams up here. But Incubate’s not to fond of borders, we just like good artists. So here she is. Lotte describes herself as ‘a philosopher on speed’, and her poetry as ‘unsettling’. Malique Mohamud is a poet/comedian/ musician of Somali descent. He’s a pure– bred storyteller, treading in the footsteps of the rich East–African rhyming tradition.



Thursday 19 September Nick J. Swarth is a poet and a performer, with a long lasting love for underground culture in all its forms, and who is not afraid to make crossover here and there. He published several volumes of verse, but also placed poems in public space, rewrote Jesus’ Way of the Cross with cartoonist Jeroen de Leijer, and made an LP with his guerilla rock band Betonfraktion. As a faithful visitor of the festival, he’ll defenitely give his all tonight. ► Pom Wolff “is a man who bares your nerve, and then tells you in a fatherly voice that, that pain has to be your pain and that there is no ointment to ease it.” (Sven Ariaans) For starters. He’s also a seven time poetryslampionshipfinalist, his website is the biggest online poetry stage for poets from The Netherlands and Belgium, and he is part of all–star poetry collective Hongerlief. Daniël Dee has a resume that’s too damn long to even give a glimmer at here. Let’s just mention his flexibly flowing verses, in which despair and euphorica, emotional outpourings and social criticism, sculptured sentences and drunk brawling find each other effortlessly, under a thick gravy of black humor.

Jonathan Griffioen’s poems tackle subjects of daily life clearly, but also seem to distract themselves from it. Full of humour, yet always a little sinister. A young Dutch talent that in our opinion will get very far. Guitar and clarinet are the main sound sources of the husc ensemble, the output of both is sampled, processed and resequenced in real–time. Interacting with the sequencers and playing to the results allows for a large improvisational territory to discover. Adding to this, they love working with lyrics, both recorded and live. That’s why we’ve asked them to be the leading thread running through the evening; they’ll be improvising, and jamming with the poets.

Marco Martens truly is an allround man. He made a name for himself in the Dutch hiphop scene and he also published poems, a compilation of short stories, wrote for the stage and made the improvisation show ‘Ober, er zit een rap in mijn soep’ (‘Waiter, there’s a rap in my soup’). A true lyrical centipede, with tons of live experience. Charlotte van den Broeck is without a doubt one of Belgium’s most promising poets. Her poems flow like a clear mountain stream that in it’s path secretely carries sharp–edged stones, and uproots trees.

On top of this all, we will select a few poets from our Open Source Poetry Project to perform on this evening.


Free concerts, art and film


per month

T H E AT E R From stacking rocks to introvert contemplation to a box on a square to an all out wedding. It’s all there. We asked one of the most interesting festivals in theatre, Batard from Brussels to curate the theatre part of the program this year. A lot of DIY artists have worked with Batard in the past and they fit the dynamic of Incubate perfectly! They chose some small and challenging but fun works that may surprise you. Another great addition is the prestigious theatre group Het Zuidelijk Toneel, who set up an international Electro Cha3bi wedding with us, happening simultaneous in Tilburg and Cairo. Come enjoy some really surprising performances!




Bâtard is a festival in Bruxelles. They offer beginning artists a chance to show their work. Besides organizing performances, they stimulate artists to cooperate with eachother and with their audience. To do this, they’re setting up a festival in December 2013 alongside a congres. Bâtard is curated by Pamina de Coulon, Dries Douibi, Michiel Vandevelde and Ingrid Vranken. Congres Batard: 2 Dec – 6 Dec, Festival Batard: 5 Dec – 7 Dec

Monday 16 September THE BREAKFAST CLUB – BRYANA FRITZ & CHRISTOPHER SCHIECHE Location: Theaters Tilburg.

The Breakfast Club takes place in a desert or a swimming hole. It relies upon its scarce scenery: a scarf, cups, tables, and a bit of water. The scenery is activated and activates the performance through physicality and imperfect text. Grammar is abused, tense is inconsistent, and style strays. These elements meet and work towards generating a stream of scenes interrupted by moments of song, celebratory toasts, and what could be considered as a narrative.

“A toast to the man in the swimming hole! We see you yesterday as you will be bathing in the hole. A drink to your past health. May you have been brought up to be the man you are tomorrow. May you remember the names of all the cities you have, are, and had lived in. And may you remember their spelling to a tee. Let us drink to thee!”



Tuesday 17 September DANCE YOURSELF CLEAN (OR: WHY I AM STILL IN LOVE WITH THE IDEA) BENJAMIN POHLIG Location: outside Cul de Sac. There is not a single decision made solely by an individual as well as there is not a single decision made only by a collective. Part dance, part ritual. Part solo, part social choreography. An exercise in concrete utopianism with loud pop music. Wednesday 18 September BOX Location: Heuvelplein. a performance/installation by Giulia Mureddu in collaboration with performer Katerina Dietzova and visual artist Vladimir Slavov. Box is a location project which confronts us with the unpredictability of our perception. In this dance duo the performers bring the audience to a journey beyond the borders of gravity, reaching unexpected dimensions. Concept: Giulia Mureddu Visual design and realization: Vladimir Slavov Elaboration and performance: Giulia Mureddu, Katerina Dietzova and Maurizio Giunti Assistance: Jelte van Andel Advice: Gaia Gonnelli, Robin Tunca Costumes: Katerina Dietzova Technical support: Roland van Ulden Publicity: Frank Verhagen Grafics: Studio Zijspan Box is a coproduction between Stichting Broccoli and ADM Amsterdam. Financially supported by the Performing Arts Fund NL.


Thursday 19 September GROUND JEROEN UY TTENDAELE & DEWI DE VREE Location: the Showroom. Ground is an audiovisual performance in which graphite drawings are used as a control interface for several electronic instruments. Drawing, erasing and touching are the main gestures for an audiovisual composition. Graphite is a conductor for electricity. By using graphite as a variable resistor (instead of a standard knob) the pitch, amplitude and sound colour of sound generators can be controlled. Ground offers a field of possibilities in which auditive and visual elements are interconnected. Drawing, touching and slowly ore rapidly (re) positioning the instruments on the drawing have a direct auditive result. Live electronic music becomes a explicitly tangible and open practice.

Friday 20 September FREEZE! NICK STEUR Location: Heuvelplein. Freeze is a small performance, but major in its set–up. Nick Steur has been piling up rocks since he was little, and continuess to do just that: stacking rocks on top of eachother. There’s no glue, no cement, no tricks involved. Just very focussed concentration. It’s a performance about silence, emptiness and simplicity but also about determination, virtuosity and patience.



Saturday 21 September DREAMS OF ENVIRONMENT AHMED KHALED Location: outside Cul de Sac. Dreams of Environment is a physical theatre piece in different chapters. In every chapter a situation or an image unfolds itself slowly. The central theme is the ambiguity of the image itself, of the character, of the idea that is expressed. Is a character human or animal? Is the situation threatening, banal, or surreal? The piece is built out of contrasts: surrealism versus ordinary images, non– spoken, physical expression versus intense bodily sounds. Although the piece was originally developed as an indoor performance, it will be shown during Incubate as a street theatre performance.


Credits Created by Ahmed Khaled Performed by Simon Allemeersch and Ahmed Khaled Dramaturgy Esther Severi With the support of Bâtard Festival Brussels, workspacebrussels, detheatermaker

The main character is the island’s mind, personified as being the playwright. The playwright presents a thesis, wherein the idyll of loneliness is being correctly translated into the Great Darkness. The Great Darkness. ... where we all come from, and return to. The island’s mind is an archaism. The archaism is a lucid weave of text, of movements and of sound. Of Love from a guiding Presence. Love, Alofa. ... where we all come from, and return to. A Dance From The Guardhouse is a theatre play about the island’s mind. ... and at the ruins of the old monastery, there is the islet’s only tree scenography, performance: Siet Raeymaekers performance, music: Lieven Martens Moana





Electro Chaabi wedding party is a simultaneous wedding party in Cairo and in Tilburg on the 21st of September. The wedding is initiated by Townhouse Gallery, Het Zuidelijk Toneel and Incubate.

Live video encounter A live video stream will be used during these wedding parties in both countries. This gives you the opportunity to see each other live, meet and talk to each other in a festive setting. Talk show hosts Matthijs RĂźmke (Het Zuidelijk Toneel) and visual artist Ayman Ramadan will add some critical comment and fun, similar to Eurovision comment. Meanwhile in Cairo, theatre maker from Het Zuidelijk Toneel Lucas De Man and an Egyptian artist will do the same. The performance in Cairo will be at the Townhouse Gallery, just 800 meters from the Tahrir Square. This party shows different visions on Easter and Western youth culture than the mass media we normally use to get a view on the other.

Electro Cha3bi in Tilburg These wedding parties are all about a new music genre that’s trendsetting in Egypt. Experts are expecting that this genre will take over Europe in no time. Sadat and Alaa Fifty Cent are two most famous Electro Chaabi artists; they are praised and worshipped by many young Egyptian listeners. The lyrics of the songs will be translated and printed out in wedding books so the audience can understand where the young talents of Egypt are rapping about. Koshari wedding meals Egyptian weddings are a place where people meet with friends and family to enjoy a koshari meal. This meal is a traditional Egyptian dish made up of pasta, rice, lentils and onions. The low cost of production has made this meal a staple diet of the lower classes. The meal will be prepared by Egyptian visual artist Ayman Ramadan.


FILM A clay–animated gangster story. A documentary on people dressed up as aliens. An art video with famous actors killing their own image. What do they have in common? A lust for experiment! As do all the films in this year’s program. Vote for your favorite film in the Open Film program, see the best new films in our Short Films program or immerse yourself in film at our Long Night of Short Films. Special guest is the Lowave label from Paris. They discover emerging film and video–art scenes in places like Africa, India and the Middel East. They will present a special selection of films, complete with artist inteviews and Q&A’s. Don’t miss out on it!




Short stories, big ideas. In these programs you will find films that are truly original – in subject, narrative or visual style. Made by impassioned filmmakers that dare to experiment.

SHORT FILMS – ANIMATED WORLDS The Places where we lived Bernardo Britto – 7 min A man wakes up with a terrible feeling. His parents are selling his childhood home. A goodbye/love letter to Florida. SHORT FILMS – FEVER DREAMS

▼ Ziegenort Tomasz Popakul – 19 min Fish Boy is a teenager facing the challenges of growing up. His problems are especially severe, as he is different from all others: He is half boy, half fish.

▲ Insight Sebastian Diaz Morales – 12 min We look at a film crew; the film crew is watching us. Cinema as a mirror of reality that becomes fiction. Or is it vice versa? A world with a mirror image, one that can be accessed by crossing the mirror’s surface.

Chinese Democracy and the Last Day on Earth Federico Solmi – 10 min A fictional portrayal of a ruthless Chinese ruler who leads a surge of goose–stepping soldiers in an invasion of Times Square, the last phase of his total world domination.

C#CKFIGHT Julian Yuri Rodriguez – 10 min A deconstructed adaption of ‘Dante’s Inferno’ that takes place at a bath salt–fueled fighting ring in Miami’s underworld. More an experience than narrative, filmmaker Julian Yuri Rodriguez takes us past the thin veneer of civilization to ‘I Sol Tace’ (where the sun is silent), a place where all our preconceived notions of entertainment and beauty are challenged.

The Event Julia Pott – 3 min Love and a severed foot at the end of the world. Lonely Bones Rosto – 9 min “Hail! To all the Souls O hiding on rotting Floors. Little did they know they would make today. Rattle dem Lonely Bones.” About the making of dreams and sacrifices.

Jimmy’s End Mitch Jenkins – 33 min We’ve all been there: in the lapses after midnight, stumbling down unfamiliar gutters after one too many for the road and looking for inviting lights before they call last orders. James is trying to lose himself, but in a fractured men’s room mirror finds the eyes that have been waiting for him. Written by comics legend Alan Moore. 36


SHORT FILMS – MOVING ON ▼ Dad’s Stick John Smith – 5 min An oblique portrait of the filmmaker’s father, based upon three objects that he showed him shortly before he died. Looking back over half a century, Dad’s Stick creates a dialogue between abstraction and literal meaning and hints at the character of “a perfectionist with a steady hand”. Men of the Earth Andrew Kavanagh – 10 min A privileged encounter with a secret somber ritual of working men takes place when traffic is delayed on the edge of a roadwork site ► Mystery Chema García Ibarra – 12 min They say that if you put your ear to the back of his neck, you can hear the Virgin talk.

#PostModem Jillian Mayer & Lucas Leyva – 15 min A comedic, satirical, sci–fi pop musical based on the theories of Ray Kurzweil and other futurists, #PostModem is the story of two Miami girls and how they deal with technological singularity, as told through a series of cinematic tweets. Falling Adriano Cirulli – 4 min A study of human interaction expressed through movement and sound. Falling is the result of a painstaking combination of visual effects, choreography and electroacoustic music.



@ DUVELHOK Paris–based film & curator label Lowave has proven to be an important reference for moving images. Lowave has put forward some of the most important young experimental filmmakers and video artists from around the world. It discovers emerging scenes of experimental cinema around the globe. These series of exclusive experimental film screenings include new works along with some works from their most recognized thematics and projects. The Lowave team will be present at the screenings for Q&A’s and artist interviews.

LOWAVE: URBAN TALES Urban Tales chronicles the rapidly changing 21st century cities that deal with the relationship between the individual and his or her public space. The city takes the role of a character in the narrative and becomes intrinsic to convey the emotions in the story. These stories depict the daily negotiations between what is experienced in the human interior and the urban exterior.

▼ Kgafela oa Magogodi & Tyoti Mistry – Itchy City South Africa – 5’12 min – 2006 Itchy City is a poem by Kgafela oa Magogodi. A live performance of the poem interspersed with painted images of Johannesburg, results in a powerful commentary on life in South Africa’s economic capital. Dutch Premiere

Till Roeskens – A trip to Beersheba (a chapter from Videomappings: Aïda, Palestine) Palenstine/France – 5’39 min – 2009 In a refugee camp people are trying to live a life. With courage and with humour too. We see the maps they are drawing to represent their adventurous ways through the complex spaces around them.

The Suleiman Brothers – Rojak Malaysia – 5 min – 2009 A Rojak seller’s take on Malaysia’s multi–faceted social political tapestry. Made entirely with CGI special effects the video is visually stunning.

Tan Chui Mui – One Future Malaysia – 5 min – 2009 One Future is an edgy and powerful science fiction story of a society where everything is perfect, except no one is allowed to speak.

Nelson Yeo – The Story I forgot to tell Singapore –9 min – 2013 Shot along the train tracks in Japan, an anthropological daydream about the myth of a man who steals people’s dreams on the train. International Premiere



LOWAVE: UNDER (SELF) SURVEILL ANCE The work of Arab artists who are both local and diaspora. They examine the Arab condition from the perspective of an insider looking from the outside. They resist. They confront traditions. They contemplate about a new world. This is the Arab world through a different looking glass.

Basma Al–Sharif – We began by measuring distance Palestine – 19 min – 2009 An examination of how image and sound communicate history, tragedy, and the complication of Palestinian nationalism.

▲ Victric Thng – Locust Singapore – 3’35 min – 2003 Lost in the cold city maelstrom of random encounters, you might cling to a dream – and hope to find the one who shares it. Dutch Premiere

▼ Taysir Batniji – Ma Mère, David et moi France/Palestine – 15 min – 2012 A telephone conversation between the artist in France and his mother in Gaza. The film explores how to look at one’s home from elsewhere. Dutch Premiere

Stacy Hardy & Jaco Bouwer – I love you Jet Li South Africa – 12 min – 2005 A young woman in Africa tries to meet cult Kung Fu film legend Jet Li. Intense loneliness, desire and incomprehension in the face of movement.

Usama Alshaibi – Allahu Akbar Iraq/USA – 5’10 min – 2003 Rhythm and repetition plays an important role in the animated film Allahu Akbar. Alshaibi questions the confrontation between tradition and modernity by drawing inspiration from geometric motives of Islamic art.

Sissi Kaplan – The Incident France – 8 min – 2012 In a nocturnal urban landscape, a woman narrates her experience of an amorous night and exposes her thoughts about desire, love and fear.

Gregg Smith – Love, jealousy and wanting to be in two places at the once France – 12 min – 2011 To rekindle their passion, a wife proposes to her man to tango, the dance that first brought them together. A risqué partner– swapping form, with different partners in separate venues.


► Al Fadhil – Amer & Nasser. Iraqi Brothers Iraq – 4’25 min – 2003 How can one talk about death without showing the dead? A possible answer is found in this videogram excerpted from a documentary on the 1991 rebellion of Iraqi people, which turned into a bloodbath. Halida Boughriet – Les Illuminés Algeria/France – 1’30 min – 2007 See the world – the astounded passersby on a moving pavement inside the Montparnasse train station in Paris – through the eyes of a woman wearing a burqa. Dutch Premiere

LOWAVE: THE AFRICAN TIME MACHINE In The African time machine, African video artists and her diasporas examine a possible future of Africa by looking at its past and present. This selection from the IN/FLUX series is a journey throughout African time: travelling across the remnants of its post–colonial era to the staged revolutions, interventions and reform that led to its current civilization today.

Larissa Sansour – Tank Palestine – 6 min – 2003 A video clip showing a group of peace activists trying to hinder the progress of an Israeli tank in the occupied territories. Frédérique Devaux – K3 (Les Femmes) Algeria/France – 4’45 min – 2003 Erased from the exterior society, the marginalization of Kabili women in North Africa is depicted. However, within their own spaces, they remain loyal, they sing, dance, and resist a society that does not take into account their full worth. Dutch Premiere

► Bofa da Cara – My African Mind Angola/Spain – 6’17 min – 2010 Cut–outs of pictures flash across the screen, rendered in 3D. This film interrogates the violence of the colonial gaze and its present–day avatars. We face head–on the horror of one continent’s encounter with the other and the scars this has left on the face of the present. Dutch Premiere

Khaled Hafez – Video Diaries Egypt – 5 min – 2011 The Video Diaries, is the artist’s response to the revolution that swept through Egypt in January and February 2011. Dutch Premiere

Sammy Baloji – Mémoire Democratic Republic of Congo – 14 min – 2007 Part documentary, part dreamscape. meets the choreography of dancer Faustin Linyekula and speeches by political leaders promising renewal. These elements tell a history of colonial violence, followed by postcolonial hope and its gradual demise.

Ismail Bahri – Orientations France/Tunisia – 7’30 min– 2010 A walk in the city of Tunis. The off–screen surroundings are reflected in a glass filled with ink which serves as a compass and an illusory float for this funambulistic progression. Dutch Premiere



Aryan Kaganof – Society of the Spectacle South Africa – 3’36 min – 2011 Black and white media images flash across the screen at break–neck speed to a hypnotic soundtrack. Dutch Premiere Theo Eshetu – Lightning Strikes Ethiopia – 7’41 min – 2009 In 1935, the Italian army stole a historical monument: a 24–meter high granite obelisk dating from the 4th Century AD. In 2005, after countless delays, the monument was returned. This experimental documentary recounts this repatriation.

Ezra Wube – Hold de Door USA/Ethiopia – 4’29 min – 2011 As a person of two cultures, the artist is in a continual dialogue between here and there, past and present, tradition and modernity. With this work he has found the freedom to make art that is consistent with the flux of his life. Dutch Premiere

► Nina Barnett – River come back South Africa – 6’11 min – 2010 This animation serves as a psycho–geographical text, and an earnest request to a river to change its course. The drawn meets the real, when image becomes live action. Dutch Premiere

Julia Raynham – Ruling of the Night South Africa – 4 min – 2008 Two dancers are accompanied by a bird of prey and stalked by the ghostly presence of a mystic gorilla. It questions what the human race has done to the cities they call home. Neil Beloufa – Kempinski Algeria/France – 13’58 min – 2007 Welcome to Kempinski. The inhabitants of this mythical place are preparing to fire rockets into outer space. They will also be visiting distant galaxies. Interviewees imagine the future and bring it into the present.

Dineo Bopape – Under all means necessary South Africa – 4’35 min – 2006 A woman shakes her head slowly, looking to and away from the viewer/camera. The image, in constant and increasingly frantic movement, breaks down into a disco of dots, pixels, abstracted lines, shapes and colors.





ANIMA (LS) ▼ Pelicans Dog in the Snow Seagulls on Ice New Hope I Horse Flock Swan sitting on Grass White Dove Cats in a Window I + II Sea Lions Big Aviary Peacock After the Fire I Polar Bear* Sacrifice Persimmon Tree in Winter

“With my camera I try to capture and recreate the rythms of their movements in the air, in the water and on the ground, often confined by human interests. Their specific strength and beauty surprises me again and again. At the same time I sense and evoke their being objects looked at and used by man, wondering – as others did and do – what they experience and see behind the visible and unvisible bars. Is it possible to commune with them? Is there an affinity between us? Do they echo our own existence?” Helga Fanderl has been working with Super–8 since the 1980’s. Her films are driven by rhythm and tempo. There’s no soundtrack, only the sweet sound of a running Super–8 projector in the room. She uses an edit–in camera technique where the act of perceiving and filming are one and the same. There is no post shot editing involved, everything is done in the camera. The films show what’s happening in front of the camera as well as the simultaneous logical process of its transformation by using the chronology of the event as cinematographic writing. She will present a selection of her films under the topic of animals living in urban spaces. This compilation takes a poetic approach, exploring the phenomena of their urban dwelling.



Domicile Maéva Ranaï Vojaona – 15 min Babushka in Hyperspace Slakker – 2 min Nancy & Henry Kotaro Tanaka – 15 min Take a Dive into Rock City 2013 Sarina Missot – 4 min ▼ Bruise Néstor Fernández – 3 min A Dream in the Girl’s Room Michael Crowe – 5 min Primary Expansion Johan Rijpma – 1 min Hermeneutics Alexei Dmitriev – 3 min The Pages Wing Federico Campanale – 13 min

@ DUVELHOK The Open Film competition is the perfect platform for independent filmmakers and artists to present their new short films, art videos and visual experiments. We got a huge response to our call for work. Visually stunning experiments, beautiful stories, powerful documentaries, it’s all there. We’ve selected the best and most original films. Come and see, and vote for your favorite film. May the best film win the Incubate Film Award!

OPEN FILM EXPERIMENTAL 1 System Overload Johanna Vaude – 6 min Sailor and the Box Slakker – 3 min Catching Thoughts Noortje Haegens – 4 min Hex Suffice Cache Ten Thorsten Fleisch – 13 min Frondescence Sandrijn van der Horst – 4 min Viewfinder Wil van Iersel – 12 min Female Porky Thinx – 3 min NYC judith van der made – 2 min The Pages Wing Federico Campanale – 13 min

OPEN FILM DOCUMENTARY The Star Andrej Kolencik – 19 min China at Work Jan de Bruin – 6 min Under the Pillow Isabel Herguera – 8 min Man of my Dreams Sophie Tooten – 20 min Spaceship Alex Taylor – 7 min

OPEN FILM EXPERIMENTAL 2 #29 José Miguel Biscaya – 7 min The Journey Niels Duffhues – 4 min Division Johan Rijpma – 1 min



OPEN FILM FICTION God’s Got His Head in the Clouds Gianluca Sodaro – 14 min Symphony of Fools Volker Heymann – 5 min The Sixth Day Dorenda Verhaegen – 5 min Felix Anselm Belser – 1 min Cold Star Kai Stänicke – 7 min What are you Thinking Ruben Sainz – 8 min Arconada Asier Urbieta – 11 min ▼ Eat Moritz Krämer – 7 min

OPEN FILM ANIMATION Silent–Mind Alessia Travaglini – 5 min ▲ Nation for two Chaja Hertog, Nir Nadler – 15 min Duku Spacemarines La Mécanique du Plastique – 4 min History of Pets Kris Genijn – 6 min Hole Wouter Venema – 5 min The Hopper Alex Brüel Flagstad – 17 min

OPEN FILM MIXED Jameszoo The Clumtwins Niels de Haar – 3 min We Make 8 Martijn Schoenmakers – 19 min De Angst Voorbij Nahmlos – 4 min Locus Pocus Anna Lange – 10 min Cage Jos Meijers – 3 min Farewell to Han Julia Kaiser – 11 min Composition in Color Pépé Smit, Harm van den Berg – 4 min The Whale Story Tess Martin – 3 min

A Walk in the Woods Tess Martin – 1 min New DVD Option Respects Nationalism Ina Silina, Darius Jarusevicius – 5 min Tasty Shake Kabo Lam – 3 min Stardust Mischa Rozema – 4 min Elegy Julia Kaiser – 7 min



@ SOL AR CINEM A IN FRONT OF 013 Non–stop short films all evening long in CosyMo’s solar powered outdoor cinema. Come by, grab a seat and discover new worlds inside the belly of a whale, exciting secret fantasies of a tram driver, the fight tactics of the water shrew, what Christopher Bosh was doing in the Multiverse, and much, much more!

Notes on Biology Danny Madden, Will Madden, and Jonathan Silva – 6 min Say Yes and Dance Antti Heikki Personen – 8 min Esterhazy Izabela Plucinska – 25 min The Deep End Jake Fried – 1 min

Little Plastic Figure Samo–Sama – 3 min Dutch Darkness Steve Woods – 5 min Chump & Clump Stephan Sacher and Michael Herm – 11 min Natural Beauty Lernert and Sander – 3 min Flytopia Karni and Saul – 20 min Our Wonderful Nature Tomer Eshed – 5 min LGFUAD Kelsey Stark – 4 min A Killer Reunion Avi Krispin – 8 min The Big Leap Kristoffer Rus – 13 min Lego Dance Annette Jung – 1 min



Belly Julia Pott – 7 min Never Drive a Car when you’re Dead Gregor Dashuber – 10 min Adventures of Christopher Bosh in the Multiverse Bleeding Palm – 11 min Metachaos Alessandro Bavari – 8 min Tram Michaela Pavlátová – 8 min Der Döppelganger Bernard Gigounon – 6 min



city of dance students creativity



performances bottom up education culture events sports artistic talented sustainable

D E B AT E What I’m most proud of about this year’s Incubate Conference is that it involves a lot of personal stories. Photographer Sebastiaan ter Burg tells us how he makes money by giving away his photos; Acid House originator A Guy Called Gerald talks about his experiences of growing up in Manchester and the explosion of acid house and John Doran reads the first sentence of his debut novel. It will make you weep like a child. He promises.

B A R R Y S P O O R E N — C O N F E R E N C E C U R AT O R


@ HALL OF FA ME We live in a world where artists have become more than just artists, Red Bull and Toyota are selling and promoting music, and where photographers make money by giving away their work for free. Take a peek behind the curtains of innovation by talking with professors, artists, journalists and researchers at an informal setting at the Incubate Conference 2013. You decide what you want to pay for the two day conference (Thursday 19 and Friday 20 September) of networking and contemplation over a cup of coffee before the music kicks in again in the evening.





12:00 – 13:00 Pascal Gielen: The Artist As Hybrid Monster

12:00 – 13:00 Have Baby Boomers Stolen Music?

13:45 – 14:45 Why It’s A Good Time To Manage The Underground

13:45 – 14:45 Are Red Bull, Toyota and Converse Our New Friends Or Enemies?

15:15 – 16:15 Sebastiaan ter Burg: Earning Money By Giving Away

15:15 – 16:15 ▼ Acid Flashback: Before The Big Bang, An Interview With A Guy Called Gerald

Kleine Zaal: 12:00 – 13:00 An Idiot’s Guide To Writing A Novel, Starting With The Opening Line

Kleine Zaal: 12:00 – 13:00 What Artists Demand From The City

13:45 – 14:45 Selling Cars With Art: Hybrid Artist Rafael Rozendaal 15:15 – 16:15

13:45 – 14:45 Increasing the Social Impact of Events

How Non–Western Experimental Cinema Shaped Independent Film Label Lowave

15:15 – 16:15 Storytelling: How Great Stories Create Value



KEYNOTE PASCAL GIELEN: THE ARTIST AS HYBRID MONSTER The Hybrid Artist no longer meets the 19th Century, romantic image of a person working in seclusion on a masterpiece, but who has a wide social range and constantly and consciously makes crossovers between fine arts and commercialism. He maneuvers between seclusion and networking, inspiration and exposition, idealism and industry. Gielen has published extensive research on this subject and asks: What are the effects of these transformations for the artist? Are developing hybrid artistic practices a sufficient answer to survive? And isn’t the artist exactly the hybrid monster modernity has given birth to? Pascal Gielen is director of the research center Arts in Society at the Groningen University and author of several books on art, autonomy and repressive liberalism.

INTERVIEW ▲ SELLING CARS WITH ART: HYBRID ARTIST RAFAEL ROZENDA AL Following dr. Pascal Gielen’s keynote on The Hybrid Artist, Rafael Rozendaal will be interviewed about his collaboration with car manufacturer Ford. Rozendaal is a typical example of a modern hybrid artist: he used his autonomous work to make a commercial for the latest Ford Fiesta. What do both parties get out of it? What does hybridity mean in the arts practice of Rafael? The relationship between fine arts and commercialism is precarious to a lot of people, seeing it as a form of selling out, what does Rafael think of this? What are the reactions of car enthusiasts to Rafael’s commercial; do they look at it as art, or as beautiful decoration for their favorite car?

LECTURE/WORKSHOP SEBASTIA AN TER BURG: EARNING MONEY BY GIVING AWAY “It’s all negative energy to hunt down abusers and see where my photos are used. I just want them to be used.” Meet photographer Sebastiaan ter Burg. He is one of the few people that won’t complain if you reuse, remix or republish his work without payment. He even encourages it. He’s been doing so successfully for years and his business is growing. Most people assume that the only viable business strategy is to protect your work. In his lecture/workshop, Sebastiaan ter Burg shares personal experiences about the alternative to these old school perspectives and how to make a living out of it.

At Incubate, we rebuilt the original setting of the commercial and at our conference, Miriam van Ommeren will interview Rafael Rozendaal on these topics. She is founder and chief–editor of Dutch digital cultural magazine De Optimist.

Sebastiaan ter Burg is a Dutch photographer who has created a business model completely based upon open content.


TALK ▼ AN IDIOT’S GUIDE TO WRITING A NOVEL , STARTING WITH THE OPENING LINE Recently on his 42nd birthday, John Doran decided that he was going to write a novel. He opted to start from the beginning and set about creating a world–beating first sentence. After studying the opening words of literature’s great tomes, he devised a scientific formula to construct an opening line so powerful it will make you weep like a child. And if it doesn’t, he’ll repeat it until it does.

TALK HOW NON–WESTERN EXPERIMENTAL CINEMA SHAPED INDEPENDENT FILM L ABEL LOWAVE How do you run an independent film label? Paris–based Lowave started as an independent DVD label back in 2002 and has since developed into a curatorial platform over the last years. In a talk retracing Lowave’s history, founding director Silke Schmickl will reflect on developments in non–Western experimental cinema and what we can all learn from it. The talk will engage a discussion on the opportunities and limits of an independent platform such as Lowave that sticks to its initial objectives, being the discovery of new talent and the promotion of cutting–edge culture, in a globalized context.

John Doran has written for the BBC, the WIRE, Metal Hammer, The Stool Pigeon, VICE, the Word, Plan B, Bizarre, Classic Rock, PROG, NME, Drowned In Sound and Careless Talk Costs Lives.

Silke Schmickl is the founding director of Paris–based film and curator label Lowave and curates exhibitions and film programs for international institutions such as the Pompidou Centre, French Cinémathèque and the Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore.

PANEL WHY IT’S A GOOD TIME TO MANAGE THE UNDERGROUND This is an informal talk between managers and booking agents who aren’t only in it for the money, but who are dedicated to the music scenes they care so much about. Here, they’ll share their experiences, anecdotes and views on how money and the artist’s interests relate. How did they build up their business, what did they struggle with along the way? Join in on the talk if you’re interested in discussing how the music managers and booking agents operate nowadays. Moderating the talk is Frank Kimenai, owner and booking agent at Whipping Post Music. He’ll talk with Belmont Bookings (The xx, Mikal Cronin, Damien Jurado, Bon Iver), extreme metal agency Doomstar, Bidi Bookings and Carlos van Hijfte from See/Hear Management, representing a.o. Cat Power, Sonic Youth and Shellac.



INTRODUCTION AND DEBATE ◄ ARE RED BULL, TOYOTA AND CONVERSE OUR NEW FRIENDS OR ENEMIES? Big brands promoting black metal and electronic underground: sounds like a utopian thought, but it has become a very real marketing trend that has emerged over the last years, called ‘Content Curation Marketing’. Brands like Toyota, Converse and Red Bull are starting to act as a record label or promoter for underground music and art. Red Bull Music Academy has even become a well–respected institute within the electronic music scene. At the same time, the relation between marketing and arts is slippery as ever. Could this development become a new form of art patronage, or is it just a novel way of selling out? Dimitri Vossen writes for Gonzo (circus) magazine. Vossen will introduce the phenomenon of Content Curation Marketing, and afterwards host a discussion with advocates and opponents of the trend, involving both artists and Red Bull Music Academy. PANEL HAVE BABY BOOMERS STOLEN MUSIC? A big deal of music press and media is dominated by the post–war Baby Boomer generation, going on and on about how the 60s and 70s was the greatest period in musical history. Are readers and listeners really so sensitive for nostalgia? Is it because music develops just so quickly at the moment, disintegrating further and further into subgenres that are getting harder to pinpoint? Whatever the reason, the ongoing focus on the golden age seems to be choking off discourse about contemporary artists.

INTERVIEW ACID FL ASHBACK: BEFORE THE BIG BANG, AN INTERVIEW WITH A GUY CALLED GERALD HOSTED BY THE WIRE This year’s Incubate will include a night devoted to celebrating Acid House, which emerged 25 years ago. One of the originators of the style was A Guy Called Gerald, also founding member of 808 State. He laid the foundation for genres like drum ‘n bass and jungle through his solo acid house sounds. We’ll host a discussion with A Guy Called Gerald with British independent music magazine The Wire. Derek Walmsley talks to Gerald about his experiences as a kid growing up in Manchester during the first stirrings of UK dance music, the influence of drugs on the scene, and his personal experience of the explosion of Acid House.

So: have baby boomers stolen music and modern discourse? The Quietus/The Wire’s Rory Gibb will chair the talk, joining him are Ian Harrison (MOJO Magazine), Luke Turner (The Quietus), Theo Ploeg (Gonzo (circus), frnkfrt) and Gijsbert Kamer (Volkskrant). 53

International development organisation Hivos supports worldwide independent cultural initiatives that encourage creativity and create space for dialogue. Help Hivos to strengthen more voices, see how at


SEMINAR AND DEBATE WHAT ARTISTS DEMAND FROM THE CITY The hybrid artist relies on environments where (s)he can meet others: for inspiration, collaboration and assignments. If they value sociability, flexibility and networking opportunities rather than a specific settling place for his or her studio, what does that imply for the creative city? Isn’t our current concept of it hopelessly outdated then? In this seminar and debate with artists, experts and policy makers, PhD–researcher Nienke van Boom will explore the residential preferences of artists.

SEMINAR STORY TELLING: HOW GREAT STORIES CREATE VALUE Researcher Kristel Zegers states that although storytelling has existed for centuries, it has never been more important than in today’s society. Within an overload of available information good stories can provide meaning and even new solutions. Zegers introduces several examples of initiatives in which culture and creativity are connected to take on social challenges in innovative ways. One of the examples is Social Label, a collaboration between the arts and health care of which the initiator(s) will be present to tell about.

Nienke van Boom is a lecturer in Leisure Studies (NHTV/Tilburg University). This talk is co–hosted by Leisure Academy Brabant.

Kristel Zegers is a researcher and lecturer Leisure Management at NHTV: Breda University of Applied Sciences. This talk is co–hosted by Leisure Academy Brabant.

WORKSHOP INCREASING THE SOCIAL IMPACT OF EVENTS This is the place you need to be to learn, discuss and share the latest trends on cultural events within the framework of social innovation. Departing from studies that resulted in the publication of ‘Exploring the Social Impacts of Events’, this workshop discusses the challenges and trends for the cultural sector to increase the social impact of their events. Join us in this platform and share your opinions and experience. This workshop facilitated by Marisa de Brito, senior lecturer and manager of research at NHTV; Chris–Anne Verhoeven, project assistant communication and education at 2018Eindhoven/Brabant and Lénia Marques, lecturer in Imagineering at NHTV. This talk is co–hosted by Leisure Academy Brabant.




AMENRA + OATHBREAKER + THROW ME IN THE CRATER mma + locaties: voor complete progra 13 MRT THE VEILS 27 DEC

MUSIC I’m incredibly proud we can present an immensive music line–up with the most exciting artists of today along with some true legends: Kurtis Blow was hip hop’s first superstar. DJ Pierre made the first acid house track. I can’t imagine post–punk without Gang Of Four. Mayhem are the true black metal pioneers. EBM wouldn’t be the same without its originators Front 242. I hope you will enjoy the Incubate 2013 music line–up as much as I do.


O GER post–rock, indie, ambient / drone O’s most recent album is titled ‘Black Sea of Trees’ which is probably a reference to Aokigahara, a very large forest that lies at the base of Mount Fuji in Japan. The beautiful, and eerily silent forest is famous for being a popular place to commit suicide and somehow we think this ties in perfectly with the music O makes. A journey through pain and regret, with moments of silence and violence, darkness and hope. Post–rock how it was meant to be made, beauty through darkness. Friday 20th, V39

PROJECT ELECTRONIC 8BIT Dance club 8BitArmy from La Paz, Bolivia, is here to introduce their special brand of dance music. The club is a progressive force for dance in Bolivia, so our global dance blog Generation Bass invited them over. 8BitArmy is an open Virtual group of people who are interested in diverse sounds and visuals within lo– fi electronics. We connected them with Eindbaas, who organizes 8bit and chiptune events in Utrecht (NL). Project in collaboration with Hivos. Monday 16th, 013 – Stage01 RoccoW, Misbelievers, R10T33R, Raccoon Kingdom

030303 NL acid house DJ–collective/record label from Utrecht making you smile on the dance floor. Although they do not shy away from hipper–than–thou future bass music and glitch for the hip, they have a big place in their heart for terrible rave, euro–house and especially acid! They will be hosting our amazing Acid Flashback evening! Saturday 21st, 013

Thursday 17th, 013 – Stage01 Ninho, Men of Mega, Raccoon Kingdom, Monodeer

► 808 STATE UK electronic, acid house 808 State – named after the famous Roland drum machine – formed in the late ‘80s in rave–mecca Manchester. Their anthem ‘Pacific State’ hit the charts in 1989 but still sounds fresh after almost 25 years. Inspired by Chicago and Detroit house, 808 State were among the first in Britain to make their own variants of these enigmatic sounds. Their live–act inspires new generations with a raw performance that sends you back to the heydays of acid house. Saturday 21st, 013 – Main Stage

A GUY CALLED GERALD UK electronic, acid house As one of the masterminds behind 808 State, Manchester’s acid house movement of the 80s, Gerald Simpson’s contribution to electronic music can’t be underestimated. He was one of the earliest pioneers of electronic music in the UK and helped pave the way for jungle and drum ‘n bass. In spite of this legacy, Simpsons moniker is simply A Guy Called Gerald. While this name conveys a certain modesty, the music does not. A legend at work. Saturday 21st, 013 – Main Stage 58

M U S I C 0 –A

► A PL ACE TO BURY STRANGERS US harmonies and djingly guitar riffs. Trade indie, shoegaze, noise rock in your fuzz–pedals at the door for some A Place to Bury Strangers guitarist Oliver expertly deviously written songs that’ll stick Ackerman makes effect pedals called “Death with you. By Audio”, a phrase we could also coin to Part of project: Kicking The Habit <3 Incubate describe his band. APTBS’s live shows can Wednesday 18th, Cul de Sac quickly turn deadly: be it the intense light shows or the crushing walls of sound (partly powered by those unique effect pedals). But behind the crushing shoegaze slivers of Joy Division and My Bloody Valentine can be heard. When those slivers surface through the haze of deadly audio, they mark moments of strange beauty. Saturday 21st, 013 – Kleine Zaal

AC BERKHEIMER NL indie, shoegaze, noise pop AC Berkheimer, a Rotterdam–based quartet formed in 2005, who combine fierce guitar riffs with dark and dreamy vocals. A sound that can also be described as a wall of melancholy if you wish. Saturday 21st, Studio

AGE OF AGONY NL etal, thrash metal m Special one–off show by Age of Agony, the most technical of heavy Tilburg bands from the 90s wave . Think Watchtower, Blind Guardian. One of those bands who could have been massive in the years to come, but remain a shrouded mystery of the past... Thursday 19th, Little Devil

ABYSMAL DARKENING NL metal, doom Sometimes you just need a little bit of despair in your life. The best thing to do, is sitting alone in your room with all lights turned off, empty booze bottles laying around and let music be the only thing accompanying you. At high volume. Then throw in a bit of Abysmal Darkening and get yourself away from the happiness surrounding you. Feels good, doesn’t it? Saturday 21st, Extase

AGE OF WOE SW metal, hardcore / punk, sludge Back in 2010, a couple of Gothenburgians decided it was time for a new band to explore the vast landscapes of metal and punk. Three years and a live recorded debut album later and Age of Woe is ready to take on Europe. They like their music to be natural, raw and without digital sorcery and that’s exactly what they’ll be delivering here in Tilburg. Friday 20th, V39

AFTERPARTEES NL garage rock, powerpop T hese guys call themselves (or we call them) a garage band, but secretly, they just want to be a rocking, powerpop five–piece. This is very evident in their surf–y songs with vocal 59

ALLIE GER indie, folk, pop Allie is a solo artist from Berlin who co–scored a film with Paul Giamatti and then played solo shows in New York, Paris and all over Germany. German quality paper Die Zeit: “Folkpop von seltsamer Schönheit. Wie kann Lagerfeuermusik so synthetisch klingen?” Saturday 21st, Clancy’s Irish Pub ◄ AMBER ARCADES NL indie, folk, singer–songwriter A beautiful voice, dreamlike harmonies and catchy melodies. It sounds so simple, but anyone who listens to the folk and singer– songwriter music that’s released unto the internet knows it’s harder than it appears to be. Enter Amber Arcades with their ethereal dreamy folk. At Incubate they will play in a special and intimate setting. Friday 20th, Beans & Bites

AHUMADO GRANUJO CZ hardcore / punk, grindcore,metal Czech Republic’s goregrind squad Ahumado Granujo called it quits back in 2005, but recently decided to do live shows again, adding Jig–Ai’s bass player on vocals. What still clearly distinguishes them from other gore bands are the funny techno samples they use as interludes for their songs. Gore? Check! Rave? Check! Lyrics? Nope! Expect nothing but a spot–on goregrind rave party! Saturday 21st, Little Devil

AMEN DUNES US lo–fi, folk, psychedelic Damon McMahon is the guy you’re looking for when you are in desperate need for some time on your own. Having opened for bands like Godspeed You! Black Emperor and The Men, it’s hard to put a label on Amen Dunes’ sound: druggy and fuzzed out psych folk to clear your head, which is very welcome after our black metal Friday. You might have noticed that Amen Dunes also played Incubate last year. This year he will perform at the Pauluskerk, a place that suits his music perfectly. Saturday 21st, Pauluskerk

ALI ROBERTSON UK avant–garde / noise The moment he opens his mouth a whole range of weirdness overflows your consciousness. Ali Robertson tells deranged stories using confusing vocals and silly word pronunciations. The guy is unpredictable, you’ll never know what comes up next. Yet, he delivers a fantastic, one of a kind experience which will definitely leave a smirk on your face. Sunday 22nd, Café Babbus



▼ AND SO I WATCH YOU FROM AFAR UK indie, post–rock, math rock We’ve been watching this band from a distance, and were told by a lot of people that we needed to have this superb live band at Incubate. We’re very happy these guys were willing to come over and perform their intricate post–rock in our Tilburg. What sets this band apart from other post–rock acts? Their loads of positive energy, original songs and the group vocals. And according to their songtitles, they’ve set their guitars to kill and are helping us to all hail bright futures. Tuesday 17th, 013 – Kleine Zaal

ANNA VON HAUSSWOLFF SW indie, dark wave, ambient / drone Longing, sadness, hope, fear, joy: is it possible that a song fills us with all these things? Well, Anna von Hausswolff’s “Mountains Crave” is such a song. It calls you with an infectious organ melody, punctuated by a beautiful, plaintive, emotional voice. It is is such a perfect song on a magnificent album. We can’t wait to see von Hausswolff perform live. Friday 20th, De NWE Vorst

THE ARSON PROJECT grindcore Creating fear and anger with their massive density of noise and their sludge interludes, these guys from Sweden empower bestiality as your only way out, mentally executing your philanthropic way of thinking. This way of intervening with your peaceful life. They don’t care, though. Or to refer to one of their song titles: ‘Rest in piss.’ Tuesday 17th, Little Devil

AUS (BAUER, CL AY TON, BUCK) GER improv, free jazz Aus is one of the free jazz groups playing at Incubate this year, and possibly the one that takes the ‘free’ in free jazz to its most extreme form. We made many attempts trying to describe just what style this is or what comparisons we can make, but ‘free jazz’ pretty much covers it. Aus is formed by Johannes Bauer (trombone), Clayton Thomas (bass) and Tony Buck (drums), all residing in Berlin. It took us about 10 minutes to get into Aus...once you do the same, you are in for one hell of a performance. Sunday 22nd, Paradox

ANDREA VOETS NL contemporary composed This is a one–woman band you’ve probably never heard before. Andrea Voets focuses on the harp but also works with instruments like bells, percussion and a triangle. Besides listening to her music, you can also enjoy her collaboration with the Flemish calligrapher Yves Leterme (no, not the politician) being shown on a screen. Part of project: De Link Sessions Wednesday 18th, Duvelhok


M U S I C A– B

AXES UK indie, math rock An axe is made for chopping. In a rhythmic motion one uses the blunt instrument to cut a log in half...or maybe some teenagers. Axes is unlike the blunt tool however; it’s a precision instrument designed to make intricate songs with polyrhythmic drums and euphoric riffs. Their fast paced, punk orientated, math rock is perfectly capable to cut through an entire venue. Axes breathes sheer joy for making music in every track. Best math rock we’ve heard in ages. Friday 20th, Little Devil

BALMORHEA US post–rock, ambient, indie Bal–more–ay (that’s how you pronounce Balmorhea) creates mellow ambient post rock pieces with piano and cello that are interspersed with folky uptempo rock. In doing so, this ensemble from Austin, Texas explores solitude, nature, and night. Sunday 22nd, Theaters Tilburg

BASTIONS UK hardcore / punk Dark, intense tone–king hardcore originating from North Wales. Bastions are a visceral alternative hardcore band consisting of Jamie McDonald, Danny Garrod, Jamie Burne and Gareth Davies. We consider this band one of Holy Roar Records finest. Sunday 22nd, V39

BARN OWL US avant–garde / noise, ambient / drone It took a year and a half for Barn Owl to find their way back to Tilburg after performing at Roadburn 2012. We could talk about how packed it was or what songs they played. But to be honest, we haven’t got a clue. Our only recollection was standing there with eyes closed throughout the entire show, ignoring all surroundings. Barn Owl is a band of the slower kind. Heavy, but more in the cerebral sense. Two guys who can produce the soundtrack of an apocalypse, that’s powerful stuff. Part of: Thrill Jockey In Residence Sunday 22nd, 013 – Kleine Zaal

▲ BEHEXEN FIN metal, black metal Behexen is black metal in its blackest and rawest form. Born under a black banner in Finland in 1994, they’ve been releasing a strong line of filth–ridden albums ever since. Boasting members of other kvlt bands like Horna, Sargeist and One Tail, One Head, this horde rides out to destroy, burn and wreak havoc. Friday 20th, 013 – Kleine Zaal


BELIEFS CAN indie, shoegaze, dream pop Somewhere in the 90s people killed shoegaze. My Bloody Valentine fizzled and other shoegaze bands either delved into sub–genres or started to play “sad”–rock. 2013 seems to be a revival year, with the brand new MBV and not to mention Beliefs. This Canadian boy/girl duo is equally apt with those (in)famous walls of sound that incidentally let a sliver of a melody slip through. Beliefs’s melancholic vocal harmonies and sugary dream pop jaunts will be a fine addition to Incubate. Shoegaze is back staring at its own feet and letting us drift off, you better believe it. Saturday 21st, Cul de Sac

BIANCA BONGERS NL contemporary composed “In this program ‘Roots & Remnants’ you will experience the cello of nowadays. It will contain no less than two world premières, one of composer Merijn Bisschops and one of myself! The other piece is a wonderful piece by the Dutch composer Daan Manneke. And to make the musical experience complete, I will invite you all to join me. But that’s a surprise!” Part of project: De Link Sessions Monday 16th, Theaters Tilburg

▼ BIOSPHERE NO ambient, ambient / drone One of the best–known ambient artists around, Biosphere has been making us aware of the sounds of nature since 1991. At Incubate he’ll take up a residency (after Peter Broderick, 2011, and Leif Vollebekk, 2012) at our beloved ‘t Schop farm and will create music with whatever sounds he’ll find there. We can’t wait to listen to Brabant in this new way. Saturday 21st, Theaters Tilburg

BENEATH UK electronic, UK bass, techno Beneath a.k.a. Ben Walker is a DJ from the UK; something you can immediately hear. By mixing early dubstep with house–tempo beats he’s bringing back the grime and darkness on English dance–floors. Stripped down, bare–bones, chilling tracks, reminiscent of Digital Mystikz and early Kode9, Beneath is a rising star in the UK underground. Friday 20th, Hall Of Fame – 8.6 Stage

BERSARIN QUARTETT GER indie, ambient, contemporary composed Whoever thinks dark romanticism should only appeal to goths or doom metal better give Bersarin Quartett a try. Thick layers of sounds create a blanket of intimate ambient, filled with romantic undertones. The warm, cinematic aesthetics emitting from the speakers is occasionally underpinned by a sparse beat that seems to propel the music. Sunday 22nd, 013 – Kleine Zaal



THE BL ACK CULT NL garage rock Groningen keeps popping out great garage bands. Newest addition: the Black Cult. These young guys are ready to use their worn Converse sneakers to kick in their fuzz pedals and shake it. Lyrics about, drugs, being high all the time and slacking out, this is primo–garage stuff. Fidlar, Ty Segall, Jay Reatard distilled and wrung through a North– Netherlands mangle, this is grade–A freak out material for the first day of Incubate! Part of: Kicking The Habit <3 Incubate Monday 16th, Cul de Sac

BL ACK PUS US avant–garde / noise, noise rock Armed with his super–pimped out drum kit, which includes an oscillator connected to the kick, an assortment of effects pedals, an in–mouth microphone, and his patented assortment of serial killer masks, Lightning Bolt drummer Brian Chippendale created his solo–project Black Pus. He hurtles towards you with his thunderous, hundred–armed drumming, chainsaw–like bass notes, twisted house of horror screams, and schizophrenic time changes. It’s the perfect soundtrack to go absolutely mental on. Part of project: Thrill Jockey In Residence Thursday 19th, Extase

BRAM STADHOUDERS NL improv jazz A solo–performance by guitar expert Bram Stadhouders will definitely capture your attention. He plays an improvisation on purely acoustic guitar and challenges himself by researching new technologies in connection with his guitar playing. Trying out different moods and emotions to have a futuristic openness which facilitates unexpected directions and surprises. Friday 20th, De NWE Vorst

▲ THE BL ACK HEART REBELLION BE post–metal, post–rock Everyone knows at least one band that changed their style, but not for the good. The Black Heart Rebellion is not one of those bands. Don’t get us wrong, their earlier work is very decent, to say the least. So, how did they change? Step one: Make a split album with Amenra, and support them on tour. Step two: releasing their album ‘Har Nevo’ in early 2013, showing they can easily find the boundaries of post–hardcore, flirting with tribal influences and sludge metal. Sunday 22nd, 013 – Kleine Zaal

BROKEN DC UK hardcore / punk, post–rock, indie This London three–piece only had three songs available online to listen to. Our first reaction: Post–rock for the drifting kind. Punk fueled, dark rock songs with heavy, Slint–like drums and shredding guitars. They reminded us of a instrumental Built To Spill. Sunday 22nd, Cul de Sac


BRUTAL TRUTH US metal, hardcore / punk, grindcore Brutal Truth have been sticking their fingers into the wounds of society since 1990, taking on everything that’s wrong with politics, the social system and the environment – even if you can’t make out lyrics in their clamorous grunting. The Guiness Book of Records 2001 has officially crowned Brutal Truth’s video for “Collateral Damage” The Shortest Music Video ever. The video, produced in 1994, is exactly 2.18 seconds long. Friday 20th, V39

CARLTON MELTON US space rock, psychedelic rock The website of Carlton Melton states: “If you prefer old SST label cassette tapes or an early Spaceman 3 cassette you recently found wedged in the back seat of your car, you may dig some of this...” and we guess they are right. As a psychedelic jam band performing at Incubate, you probably shouldn’t expect more than three, maybe four songs. But do expect your eyes to close and your mind to wander. It took us three hours to write this, we couldn’t help drifting off... Sunday 22nd, Extase

CARNAL DECAY CH metal, death metal Not only do these guys pound the Swiss Mountains into piles of gore, they’ll make you vomit your intestines, eat your own feces and – while your at it– peal off some skin too. Extremely brutal death metal; a hazard to your health. If something could make our sexual appetite disappear, it’s these guys. Suitable name dudes! Sunday 22nd, Little Devil

◄ CEEPHAX ACID CREW UK electronic, acid house, 8bit Andy Jenkinson, a.k.a. Ceephax Acid Crew, is a British acid and drum ‘n bass producer who exclusively uses analogue equipment during his live–sets. Ultra party rave acid music that sounds like someone smashed a Nintendo Mega Man cassette into your brain. When he played Incubate/ZXZW in 2007 we called him “#1 Rave kid in town”, a moniker he has owned up to ‘til this day. Oh, and by the way: he is Squarepusher’s brother. Saturday 21st, 013 – Main Stage

BUILT TO SPILL US indie, indie rock, lo–fi It took ‘em five years, but Boise’s finest will finally be returning to our country and we are thrilled to welcome them to our festival. Doug Martsch’s Built To Spill is considered one of the great indie rock luminaries of the 90s, with multiple outstanding albums to boot. From transcending anthem–filled barn burner Keep It Like A Secret, alt country gem There Is No Enemy to drawn–out prog masterpiece Perfect From Now On, Built To Spill’s idiosyncratic three–pronged guitar attack sounds instantly recognizable with each incarnation. Sunday 22nd, 013 – Main Stage 66


CHAOS INVOCATION GER metal, black metal With aggressive melodies, hyperspeed drumming and – nearly – intelligible lyrics, Chaos Invocation has been sidewinding erratically across the black metal ladder. Closely related in sound and image to the Nidrosian scene, they played quite a few high regarded underground events. The kind of chaos these five Germans impose may lead the sheep straight into to the tarpits. Friday 20th, 013 – Kleine Zaal

tend to stretch the usually pretty strict boundaries of acid into electro and ambient territory, with deep resounding bass, even utilizing breaks. Mathematics Recordings, owned by Incu13–artist Hieroglyphic Being aka Jamal Moss, has actually released some of Chris Moss Acid’s material. Not sure yet if those two are related, though. Saturday 21st, 013 – Kleine Zaal

CHAPA NL hip hop A few years ago Chapa started to step his rapgame up. Representing the streets of Den Bosch & Eindhoven. Tracks are been made with lots of love for raw sounds/ boombap rhythm and head swining drums. But also inspired by new skool tunes from modren times. Chapa is on an experimental trip where he combines Dutch rap with new skool tunes & raw drums. Or sometimes even French rap on a dirty boombap beat. Friday 20th, Hall Of Fame – 8.6 Stage

▲ CLOCK DVA UK electronic, avant–garde, industrial, EBM Clock DVA emerged alongside Cabaret Voltaire and TG in the industrial scene of the late 70s, reaching the peak of their influential oeuvre with the 1989 album ‘Buried Dreams’. A masterpiece, fusing hypnotic electronic arrangements and EBM– influences with core member Adi Newton’s interests in the surreal, the occult and deviant sexuality. After a lengthy absence, Newton has recently reactivated Clock DVA for a series of concerts showcasing their mastery of both image and sound. Sunday 22nd, De NWE Vorst

CHARLES FRAIL NL folk, indie, singer–songwriter Inspired by the Great American Songbook and English poetry as much as by freak folk icons like Joanna Newsom and Devendra Banhart, Charles Frail has been playing his wayward folk since 2007. His fragile folk songs and distinct voice catch the underlining notion that he is no typical singer–songwriter. Hauntingly beautiful. Saturday 21st, Beans & Bites

CHRIS MOSS ACID UK electronic, acid house Chris Moss Acid is – you guessed it – an acid producer from the UK. His productions


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CRAZY JIM US avant–garde / noise, ambient / drone According to Nate Young, James ‘Crazy Jim’ Baljo was “the one who first coined the term INZANE and plays and lives accordingly”. This member of Wolf Eyes creates sweet folky tunes on his guitar. Part of project: Wolf Eyes in Residence Sunday 22nd, Paradox

CURLY ICE NL pop punk, punk Friendly pop punk by four young but dedicated guys, Curly Ice is working hard on getting better every day and playing more shows after performances in Spain, Italy and even Gibraltar.. Part of project: Roxxity Local Heroes Saturday 21st, V39

▲ COCOROSIE US folk, weird, experimental, psych folk Often described as freak folk, the two sisters CocoRosie utilize the subtle art of push and pull to drag people into their magic world, while dismissively casting out those that are not inclined to agree with their lyrical and visual aesthetics. One of the most polarizing bands in modern music, CocoRosie have continued to flourish while constantly fueling the –infinitely important – debate about challenging music. While everyone is duking it out the lobby, we’ll be submerged in CocoRosie’s unique world. Sunday 22nd, Theaters Tilburg

CONDOR GRUPPE BE krautrock, spaghetti western, psychedelic Clint Eastwood is glaring at you. What do you hear? Exactly, spaghetti western music. Now add some surf and you get Condor Gruppe, an instrumental psych/surf/rock n’ roll band from Belgium. Condor Gruppe would not seem out of place in any of Tarantino’s movies. Includes members from Creature With The Atom Brain and the cult band Dead Stop. Friday 20th, Extase

▲ CUT HANDS UK avant–garde / noise, techno, industrial The latest solo project of the ex–Whitehouse noise terrorist William Bennett. Cut Hands turns a venue into a modern day voodoo temple by using African percussive music and engaging visuals. His psychedelic polyrhythms and noise interferences ensure you won’t stop moving to the beat – although you’re never quite sure where it begins or ends – and whether it’s just bliss you’re feeling or the early stages of a trance. Friday 20th, Paradox 69

DALHOUS UK electronic, techno, ambient / drone Just about everyone who’s got an atrabilious taste in music is fond of record company Blackest Ever Black. If so, your new favorite ear candy will be Dalhous, formerly known as Young Hunting. This Scottish duo decided to change their name for their upcoming release An Ambassador For Laing, cause they “wanted to explore making ecstatic, intimate music”, best described as groovy darkness, if you know what we mean. Friday 20th, Hall Of Fame – 8.6 Stage

PROJECT DE LINK SESSIONS Come listen to some beautiful contemporary chamber music of young composers and musicians in Duvelhok. De Link, platform for uncommon chamber music, selected these gifted musicians. Program Mon 16 Sept Bianca Bongers – cello Tue 17 Sept Makiko Goto – koto Wed 18 Sept Andrea Voets – harp & video Thu 19 Sept Oerknal! Fri 20 Sept Oerknal!

DARKSHAFT UK hardcore / punk, rock ‘n roll Two guys playing energetic, heavy and catchy rock ‘n roll by using a guitar, a drum kit and two vocals. Obviously. We could almost do the twist to their music, except we won’t. The fear of dislodging our hips on their energetic hooks is too real. We’ll just bang our heads then. Sunday 22nd, V39

DEAD EXISTENCE UK metal, doom, sludge Dead Existence is a five–piece band conceiving a very interesting mixture of doom, sludge, and hardcore. They released their crushing work ‘Born Into the Planet’s Scars’ in 2011, which could may very well be the product of Lord Mantis and Alkerdeel working together. So if you are still wondering: This is going to be loud. Understandable considering that Dead Existence played with bands like Dragged Into Sunlight, Conan (incu12) and Yob (incu11). Friday 20th, 013 – Stage01

► DATE PALMS US ambient / drone, psychedelic rock “Date Palms (the Oakland based duo of Gregg Kowalsky and Marielle Jakobsons) elegantly fuses elements of modern drone and Eastern traditional music, using the electric bass, violin, tanpura, keyboards and guitar.” Not clear enough? Picture a scene in any movie where the protagonist plods totally dehydrated through the desert, while looking up at the sun through a sweat soaked t–shirt covering his head; this is exactly the picture Date Palms paints with their sound. Part of: Thrill Jockey In Residence Friday 20th, Paradox



THE DEVIL’S 3RD NL metal, thrash metal The Devil’s 3rd is an old school thrash metal band with a fresh twist of melody and aggression. This fourpiece is based in our home town Tilburg, The Netherlands, and released a new demo in February 2013. After playing a lot of shows after that release, they’re now on our local heroes stage to show what they’ve learned along the way. Part of project: Roxxity Local Heroes Saturday 21st, V39

▲ DEAD MEADOW US stoner rock, psychedelic rock When the first song on your debut album contains one of the best stoner riffs of the decade, performing at Incubate should be on your to–do list. Besides that, Dead Meadow was featured alongside artists like Earthless, Brant Bjork and Wino in the documentary ‘Such Hawks, Such Hounds’ which focused on the American Hard Rock Underground. So take your hippie parents with you, maybe smoke a reefer or two and enjoy this mellow trip to the seventies–era of psychedelic rock. Tuesday 17th, 013 – Kleine Zaal

DINNER DK electronic, dark wave, indie While attending the Danish Spot Festival we saw a lot of folk/indie bands trying to be mysterious (and only succeeded in the extremely dull). Then however, we saw this guy dancing on stage with some kind of blanket over his head, singing along to a dark wave track with a very deep voice. It reminded us of a slightly less depressing Joy Division. It was intense, special and weirdly beautiful. Dinner will be playing the Irish Pub. Dark wave and dark pints of Guiness, perfect combo! Friday 20th, Clancy’s Irish Pub

THE DEATH LETTER UK folk, blues, acoustic The two members of Dead Existence bring the doom on acoustic instruments through violent folk and blues–infused songs. Bleak songs that have,*memento mori* written all over them. Reminiscent of Woven Hand, The Black Heart Rebellion and Kiss The Anus of a Black Cat, this won’t lift the stone of your chest. But do you really want that after all? Friday 20th, Café Babbus

DISINTER US metal, death metal Disinter is a full–fledged demonic army marching through your children’s happy fantasies since the early 90s. Their Brutal Death Metal will bring pain and torture to every soul that crosses their path. After more than two decades it’s time for Disinter’s demonic army to march towards Incubate. Preparations are in order. Sunday 22nd, Little Devil


DISTEL NL new wave, industrial / EBM If any of the performing black metal bands don’t succeed in bringing a cold winter to Tilburg on Friday, we’re sure Distel will do it two days later. Although his music has nothing to do with black metal, it conveys you to crawl up on the side of the venue and sob for an hour. His method? Creating an intense threshold with dark industrial electronics combined with soft background vocals. And if you’re lucky, he might just light some candles on stage. How sweet. Sunday 22nd, 013 – Stage01

DJ SUESIDE NL hip hop Dj Sueside isn’t just a DJ, this guy toured with the one and only Wu–Tang Clan! He has been the official live–dj for several Wu–Tang Clan members since 2001. During our nights of hip hop this amazing DJ will spin the evening together with his keen taste in the finest hip hop music, supported by MC Milli. Friday 20th, Hall Of Fame – 8.6 Stage

DOOM UK crust, grindcore, hardcore / punk If you had to ask someone to name ten influential 80s crust punk bands without mentioning Doom, you can’t take this person seriously. This band accomplished one of the hardest things to do for a band: creating a moshpit during Roadburn. Doom plays their 90–second songs almost seamlessly after each other, fast and loud. Warning: Tie your shoes and exchange your glasses for contacts before you attend this show. Otherwise you’ll lose ‘em. “But well, you’ll lose yourself anyway.” Sunday 22nd, 013 – Kleine Zaal

DJ PATCHMAN MARCO NL truly epic cult heavy glam metal–hardrock True Hardrock Glam Thrasher from The Netherlands who organizes his own true metal fest: Tilburg Headbangers Fest. He also runs his own Tilburg Headbangers Night and events at Little Devil. This year it will be the seventh time Marco is the DJ in residence of Heavy Metal Bowling. Thursday 19th, Dolfijn Bowling / Little Devil

DJ PIERRE US electronic, acid house Dj Pierre = Legend. Why, you ask? Well, Dj Pierre was a member of Phuture, a Chicago– based acid house group who released the first acid track EVER. According to, Pierre was a ‘crucial DJ and production wizard, partly responsible for the development of Chicago acid house. We watched his set in the legendary Boiler Room, and he didn’t only look cool as hell, all the people around him had reverent looks in their eyes. And if the people in the Boiler Room can find time for reverence, you know it’s for real. Saturday 21st, 013 – Kleine Zaal



THE DOO RUN RUN NL indie, lo–fi Wonderfully lo–fi popmusic is blasting through our headphones from a relatively unknown band called The Doo Run Run. Lo and behold after some research we find out that The Doo Run Run is, in fact, Roy Santiago from Nijmegen. Still don’t know who that is? Well don’t worry. Just know that these are some magnificent pop songs with true popsongfeely songcrafting skills. He calls himself a loser but losers don’t go like: “Let’s throw some Casio in there”. ”Why not?” “Ok!”. That’s just cool. Part of: Kicking The Habit <3 Incubate Thursday 19th, Cul de Sac

DV TCH NORRI$ BE hip hop Despite the name, DVTCH NORRI$ does not hail from The Netherlands. This Belgian MC has been turning the Antwerp underground upside down and is getting ready for his first show on Dutch soil at Incubate. Saturday 21st, Hall Of Fame – 8.6 Stage

EARTH MK II NL indie, psychedelic Earth Mk. II is a contemporary psychedelic pop band from The Netherlands, heavily influended by sixties psych and fronted by Hugo van de Poel. Earth Mk. II was founded in early 2013, following the demise of The Skywalkers, in which Van de Poel played alongside his childhood friend and musical soulmate Jacco Gardner. Gardner subsequently produced Earth Mk. II’s début LP, (almost) completely written and performed by Van de Poel. Saturday 21st, Studio

DOWNFALL OF GAIA GER doom, metal, black metal, crust Combining the best of black metal, doom and crust, Downfall of Gaia assembles the best elements into a truly terrifying, gloomy experience. Crushing drum blasts combined with doom breakdowns (with a hint of screamo vocals) creates dark tapestries of sound that are hard to pin down. Well, we don’t really want to pin Downfall Of Gaia down anyway, lest they nest themselves and spawn something heinous. Friday 20th, V39

EAST INDIA YOUTH UK electronic, indie, dream pop The Quietus editor John Doran was crystal clear about the East India Youth demo he received: “I would have remortgaged my soul to get this music out there.” So they (as in The Quietus) started their own record label and brought East India Youth’s marvellous Hostel EP as their first release, on which the self–described sound gardener/architect is mixing bedroom pop with kraut–rock and techno. Imagine Sam Howard (of Halls) playing together with Factory Floor. Friday 20th, Hall Of Fame – 8.6 Stage

DRAGGED INTO SUNLIGHT UK metal, black metal, death metal Widowmaker is their latest album – a viciously haunting voyage into the macabre. This eerie masterpiece conjures a colossal atmosphere belonging as much to Swans or Neurosis as it does to Autopsy and Burning Witch. A rewarding, often beautiful and more often than not disturbing proposition. This album is one of the most powerful pieces of music to emerge in recent years from a band who really are at the forefront of British extreme metal. Friday 20th, 013 – Stage01 73






▼ EAUX UK electronic, synth pop, indie Formed by ex–members of Sian Alice Group, London–based trio Eaux sounds like they were trying to make the most warm coldwave they could imagine. Deep organic sounds with a focus on structure create a certain tension that gets under your skin. Unearthly like Warpaint, mysterious like Austra – even our favorite 74–year old Silver Apples is a big fan. I guess we’d be stupid not to reel in Eaux for this year’s edition. Friday 20th, De NWE Vorst

EMBERS BE dark ambient, electronic, industrial / EBM This Belgium duo creates trancelike darkwave and industrial noise music in correspondence with the title of their EP ‘Licht Zwart’, which means light black. Light black, isn’t that just grey? It is and it’s the best grey you get when mixing industrial, EBM, noise and the likes together into the universe of Embers. Sunday 22nd, 013 – Stage01

EMIK A UK electronic, dubstep Emika is an English electronic musician of Czech origin residing in Berlin. She creates a combination of dreamy futuristic trip hop, classical music and electronic bass music. Emika just released her second album with the appropriate title “Dva”, Russian for 2. Beautiful, atmospheric music with stunning vocals. Be sure to check out her version of Chris Isaak’s Wicked Game: now you DO want to fall in love. Wednesday 18th, 013 – Kleine Zaal

EVAN CAMINITI US avant–garde / noise, ambient / drone The serenity that Evan Caminiti brings with his dark music is remarkable. Haunting and dreamy thoughts are mixed together by softly whistled drones with echoing guitar sounds and a bit of piano. Isolation has never been so beautiful. Part of: Thrill Jockey In Residence Saturday 21st, Paradox

ED SCHRADER’S MUSIC BEAT US indie, post–punk, noise rock This name makes us wonder two things: 1) Who’s Ed Schrader? and 2) What does music beat mean? Answer one: Ed Schrader, a writer/comedian/punk conceptualist from Baltimore is one part of this post punk duo. Answer two: It appears that music beat is bass drum driven post punk with heavy, and occasionally noisy, bass lines. And just like Ed can’t stop eating sugar, we can’t stop listening to him singing about it. Sunday 22nd, Cul de Sac


FA AL NL metal, doom We are always extra proud to have a local band in our line–up. Faal are from our beloved Brabant soil and are always looking to make this ground wobble on their bass– heavy sound. Doom metal that pays homage to all the great peers that came before them, these guys don’t settle for anything less than a most physical experience of sound. Sunday 22nd, 013 – Stage01

of moving the crowd. For Incubate, however, he will be performing an exclusive solo ambient show. Only done a few times and only in special venues, this analogue electronics treatment will give you a lovely rush in the head. So take a seat and indulge yourself in this sensory experience. Saturday 21st, Theaters Tilburg

FAT WHITE FAMILY UK indie, post–punk, garage rock Fat White Family sound like the repercussions of The Fall embarking on a crazy pub crawl through Bristol, spawning a few love childs in the process. Those kids started to play garage music: lo–fi, fuzzed out songs that make you want to go out partying in a real self–destructive, fatalist manner. Just like when Fat White Family went partying with the now–famous ‘The bitch is dead’ –signs toted after Thatcher died. Sunday 22nd, Cul de Sac

FIRE! SW free jazz, experimental, avant–garde / noise When a festival is focusing on innovation, it has its reasons for getting a musician to play multiple times. Mats Gustafsson (saxophone/Rhodes piano) is playing Incubate for the third time in a row, and is still refreshing with this trio. He works together with Johan Berthling (bass/guitar/organ) and Andreas Werliin (drums). Speaking of innovation, this year Fire! assembled almost 30 musicians for their album ‘Exit’, released as Fire! Orchestra. An album that will be high in our AOTY–list. Sunday 22nd, Paradox

FENSTER GER indie, lo–fi, pop In our eyes Fenster wrote a couple of the most perfect and endearing pop songs of the past years. All kinds of sweet, quirky and a bit hipster. But hey, you can’t argue with songs like these. bittersweet indie dream pop with video clips about sending animals into space and zombies killing kids at spring break. Those are winning combinations in our eyes. Friday 20th, Cul de Sac

FORMER UTOPIA UK indie, indie rock, folk, post–punk Former Utopia’s folk/indie rock songs are graced by a voice. That voice, belonging to a man named George Gargan, guides us through some soft, minimalistic and hard, bombastic realms. Just like The National, Former Utopia’s voice (living in London by the way) provides frame for songs that fluctuate between Dinosaur Jr. and Neil Young. Sunday 22nd, Café Babbus

THE FIELD (SOLO) SW ambient, minimal, composed Known for his sensuous melodies and intense dark tech–house beats, Swedish producer Alex Willner has an immersive way 76


FOTON KUŞAĞI TUR indie, indie rock, grunge Like a lot of bands at this year’s Incubate, Foton Kuşaği is inspired by their surroundings. Unlike a lot of bands however, Foton Kuşaği are from Turkey, which apparently inspired them to make melodic 90s indie rock. Countries like Turkey are often a blind spot for Western music lovers, but we’re glad (and somewhat surprised) that this country too has denim wearing, gain–pedal blasting noise kids making melancholic rock in the vein of Dinosaur Jr. Sunday 22nd, Café Babbus

THE FUTURE DEAD BE indie, lo–fi, pop The Future Dead were easy winners of our Belgian Vi.Be contest. Why? Their croony pop songs simply stuck in our head like bubble gum beneath a pair of all–star sneakers. These five guys from Belgium have actually been making music for some time and their second album was recently released on casette by Gnar Tapes, out in Portland. We should get our hands on one of those cassettes for a day of walking with girls through parks and associated activities. Saturday 21st, Café Babbus

► FRONT 242 BE electronic, industrial / EBM “One – You lock the target / Two – You bait the line / Three – You slowly spread the net / And four – You catch the man” Front 242’s MO in a nutshell, as described in their hit ‘Headhunter’. Their groundbreaking Electronic Body Music has put Belgium on the musical map throughout the underground since 1981. So put on your marching boots and start dancing. Sunday 22nd, 013 – Main Stage

FUNERAL WINDS NL black metal Creating unrelenting raw black metal that’s only for the very elitist among the black metal devotees, Funeral Winds have always been operating from behind the shadows, from behind the curtains. One of the very first hordes to play black metal in The Netherlands, they’ve never strayed from their path in making true black metal. This cult Dutch black metal band fits perfectly within the Friday line–up next to Immortal, Mayhem, Behexen and Dutch disciples Verbum Verus, Terzij de Horde and Grift. Friday 20th, 013 – Kleine Zaal

THE FUTURE’S DUST NL indie Young five–piece, The Future’s Dust know how to translate their dark and atmospheric soundscapes into a solid core of beautiful haunting songs. With their own compelling sound of echoing drums, resonating basses, atmospheric guitars and dreamy synths they are sure to be stuck in your head for ages. Part of: Kicking The Habit <3 Incubate Tuesday 17th, Cul de Sac


GANG OF FOUR UK indie, post–punk One of the most influential bands from the late 70s, Gang of Four have inspired the likes of Red Hot Chili Peppers , Nirvana, Franz Ferdinand and Liars with their bare–bones, funk infused punk blueprint. Gang of Four were banned from the BBC twice, partly because of condom related issues and partly because of their strong political views. That political edge was, and still is, a vital part of their music and appeal. Gang of Four were at the vanguard back then, and still sounds just as essential now. Saturday 21st, 013 – Main Stage

GEHENNA NO metal, black metal The Bible describes Gehenna as a place outside of Jeruzalem where children were once sacrificed to the god Moloch. Not a pretty sight, obviously. So how does a band sound with a name like this? Filthy, aggressive and deranged you say? Spot on. This kvlt black metal band from Norway has been looming in the background of the infamous music subgenre since 1993. Never following, never leading; they’re truly independent minds, churning out some of the best music in the scene. Friday 20th, 013 – Main Stage

▲ GENEVA JACUZZI US indie, electronic, synth pop, lo–fi The Geneva Convention establishes rules for the humane treatment of prisoners of war. A Jacuzzi is the preferred way of relaxation for bachelors and creepy swingers. Then what in the hell is a Geneva Jacuzzi? Well, the music is just as strange as the name, and totally refreshing. Take the odd–ball nature of Ariel Pink (who apparently lived with her for 7 years) and mix it with some lo–fi synthesizers and we get the deliciously, otherworldly Geneva Jacuzzi. We still don’t exactly know what it is, but we want one. Saturday 21st, 013 – Stage01

GENERATION OF VIPERS US metal, post–metal, sludge A progressive sludge/post–metal/dark post– rock, or whatever you want to call it, band from Knoxville, Generation of Vipers makes dark music that will force the listener into a trance–like state of submission. Compared to bands like Neurosis, Generation of Vipers manages to transcend these easy comparisons with three killer albums, all put out through their own label, Red Witch. Come ride the sludge! Sunday 22nd, V39

GGU:LL NL noise, drone, post–metal, doom, metal You just witnessed a concert by Ggu:ll. Physically, you feel empty, but at the same time, emotionally you feel strengthened by the sheer power of the sound that cleared your head. And you still wonder: these guys don’t look all that metal, how come their performance was this overpowering, aggressive and yet melodic? Maybe next time when you see them perform you’ll find the answer. Maybe. Sunday 22nd, 013 – Stage01 78


GHÉDALIA TAZARTÈS FR avant–garde / noise, electronic, tape music A wanderer of soundscapes. Tazartès travels through music from chant to rhythm, from one voice to another whilst paving the way for the electric and vocal paths. An influential artist since the 80s who uses lots of loops, taped sample drones and synthesizers to produce strange gypsy–like folk music. The impressive vocal sounds will most likely scare or intrigue you, depending on your state of mind. Wednesday 18th, Paradox

GOOD COP / NAUGHT Y COP NL ambient / drone, avant–garde / noise First off, let us ask you a question. Are you, by any chance, called Yuri Landman? Because we might’ve found your younger estranged siblings for you to meet during Incubate. This Dutch duo is pretty conspicuous when performing their improvisational ambient on stage. Oh, and did we mention that they also use a bike to create their otherworldly sounds? You only need a Dutchman to get away with that. Bear with us, this is not a gimmick, it really sounds as good as it sounds interesting. Saturday 21st, Paradox

GIANT DRAG US indie, dream pop, shoegaze We’ll admit it, we’ve got a little crush on Giant Drag’s Ann Hardy. Perhaps it’s her twisted mind (spawning song titles like “You Fuck Like My Dad”), her strong personality (apparently she’s very eloquent on stage, especially while fending off hecklers) or her beautiful yet sharp voice. We haven’t yet mentioned her edgy, witty songs that flutter between grunge, shoegaze and dirty pop or the fact that Harry Potter also likes her. Get in line, Daniel. Friday 20th, De NWE Vorst

GRIFT NL metal, black metal When all else fails, Grift will push you over the edge. Their spiteful black metal pushes out all the life, love and laughter of those who listen to it. Aggression and animosity seems to be the sole fuel for this group. We’re not really sure if we dare to come near the stage when they take it. But if you do, don’t say we didn’t warn you. Friday 20th, 013 – Stage01

GRUMBLING FUR UK drone, psychedelic rock, stoner rock Grumbling Fur is Daniel O’Sullivan and Alexander Tucker who, when Grumbling Fur used to be a supergroup, got together for a day’s worth of epic jams resulting in their album “Furrier”; a monumental krautrock record with hypnotic grooves and drones. It takes some real tight playing to make a jam sound this well constructed. At the moment their sound has drastically changed into something... well...come find out! Part of: Thrill Jockey In Residence Saturday 21st, Paradox

GOLDEN GRRRLS UK garage rock, lo–fi, indie, pop Golden Grrrls are as care–free as they get, reminding us that frivolity is not necessarily a bad thing. Bands like this can even get us – the most cynical music connoisseurs – to want to go out into the sunshine, walk in the park and ogle at girls. Maybe even kiss them; we forget sometimes. It’s hard to believe that there are people out there somewhere that feel like this all of the time. It must be great. Someone find us a quirky girl, shoot, we’re feeling frivolous now too! Friday 20th, Cul de Sac


◄ HEARTBEAT PARADE LUX math rock, post–hardcore / punk, indie We’d like to pretend that Heartbeat Parade once had a vocalist, that he did something really terrible like, for instance, sing. The band fired this pesky singer and, to add insult to injury, replaced him with a tape–recorder. This recorder plays menacing spoken word segments that perfectly accentuates the hardcore inspired mathrock in a way no vocalist could. The lack of a front man also makes sure the attention of the audience is entirely devoted to the eerie soundscapes. Saturday 21st, Cul de Sac

HARMONY MOLINA CL lo–fi, singer–songwriter, folk, weird Harmony Molina has a very nice body and he’s not afraid to show it. Harmony Molina has an awesome accent and he’s not afraid to use it. Harmony Molina has a reputation and he’s earned it. It’s lo–fi, weird and it’ll put a smile on your face! apparently he is also out to win Scout Niblett’s heart. Good luck Harmony, we wish you all the luck in the world. Sunday 22nd, Café Babbus

HEAV Y NL hip hop Young rapper slash actor from Breda. Bringing back the funk in his hip hop, this is Dutch rap at its best with a solid golden age hip hop feel. Friday 20th, Hall Of Fame – 8.6 Stage

PROJECT HEAV Y METAL BOWLING (SOLD OUT) Bowling, whilst listening to heavy metal and drinking beer at the same time: A combination of the best of these three amazing worlds. To keep the entertainment value and the musical value high, DJ Patchman Marco will take place behind the turntables. He will take care to let it stay 1982 forever! (Well, at least for this night.) Thursday 19th, Dolfijn Bowling

HEAD OF WANTASTIQUET US folk, drone, psych folk Paul LaBrecque uses a bow to play banjo which results in some beautiful, otherworldly soundscapes. Being a member of Sunburned Hand of The Man, you know Head of Wantastiquet is one of the best in the world of contemporary outsider folk and lo–fi stringworks. Saturday 21st, Pauluskerk

► HEADWAR FR avant–garde / noise, post–punk, improv Headwar is an ubervital band at the top of the French punkscene centered around The Normals, A.H. Kraken and The Anals. Dangerously balancing on the border of insanity and instrument mastery the band is synonymous for explosive live–shows. Sunday 22nd, Café Babbus 80


HEIRS AU post–rock, post–metal, indie, dark wave “Heavy post–rock with long compositions and epic climaxes”, that is how we would describe this band if we, or Heirs, were totally boring. Which is not the case. “Heirs is a journey trough a desolate landscape torn up by the decadence of men, where everyone gets crushed by a vicious machine. This picture is painted by just guitars and drums”. Better? Friday 20th, Extase

HEXIS DK metal, black metal, post–hardcore Mixing up the cold and frostbitten elements of black metal with the manic energy of hardcore, with Copenhagen’s Hexis you’re in for one unsettling performance. The band has already been all over Europe and even managed to unleash their desolate winter storm in Cuba. Forget PMA, according to this bunch of unholy youngsters the horizon is a black hole. Hexis will get under your skin and make you quiver. Saturday 21st, Extase

HENRY & HAZEL SL AUGHTER US avant–garde / noise, improv We are dealing with an early Wolf Eyes member here. Focusing on wind instruments, John Olson uses anything he could squeeze some sound out of, from a regular flute or saxophone to the weirdest instruments we have seen in a while. With these tools he plays his compositions which usually are pretty hard to get in to, but after about five minutes it will really get to you. Part of project: Wolf Eyes in Residence Friday 20th, Little Devil

HESSIAN BE hardcore / punk, metal, doom We don’t know what is going on in Belgium, seeing as there are so many high quality metal bands sprouting there over the last couple of years. We just know we want some of that soil! Hessian is definitely one of them, bringing their aggressive hardcore metal to Tilburg. But there is more. Hessian is also part of the Church of Ra–movement (a music and art movement pioneered by Amenra) so we can already assume we’re in for a very solid and intense performance. Sunday 22nd, 013 – Stage01

▲ HIEROGLYPHIC BEING US electronic, new wave, acid house We’re not gonna be able to tag a label on Jamal Moss a.k.a Hieroglyphic Being; just like we can’t read actual hieroglyphs. All we can say is that he makes electronical music and that he is pretty eclectic, given the means of which he throws new wave, jazz, noise, acid and who knows what else into the mix. Very diverse and strangely, most of his tracks still remain viable for the dancefloor. Saturday 21st, 013 – Kleine Zaal


MEETS 27 september Eindhoven | Strijp-S Terrein

7 november Eindhoven | Klokgebouw TICKETS & INFO : WWW.STRP.NL


HOMEMADE EMPIRE NL folk, singer–songwriter, ambient / drone Mixing ambient drones, beautiful guitar arrangements and plaintive, haunting vocals, Homemade Empire will make drinking coffee seem like the most poignant thing you’ll do during Incubate. Their second album “Defenestration” was tossed out of the window last year by Subroutine Records, meaning they released it (look up the definition of Defenestration). This particular concert at Beans and Bites will have vocalist Bart de Kroon performing solo while we’ll be looking dreary because of his touching songs and moving drones. Saturday 21st, Beans & Bites

HUNTER COMPLEX NL indie, electronic Hunter Complex is the moniker of Lars Meijer. His music echoes influences by synth pop and new wave bands from the eighties, but will also appeal to fans of current electronic music. Saturday 21st, Studio

▼ I AM KLOOT UK indie, folk There are not a lot of indie bands who manage to reach the age of 15, let alone stay relevant and consistently release new material every two or three years. I Am Kloot’s sharp lyrics and great songcrafting remind us of a smarter Oasis without the drama, or even more so, of the Kinks in a post–2000 setting. There is a long tradition of bands from the UK that feel like a thinking–working–mans band if that makes any sense, and I Am Kloot is definitely one of the best in that tradition. Friday 20th, Theaters Tilburg

HOODED FANG CAN indie, surf, garage rock Canadian garage–rockers Hooded Fang sound like the Beach Boys met the Willowz on a beach somewhere and decided to make a surf/garage baby. Hooded Fang have made a living out of catchy tunes that permeate a healthy dose of wayward psychedelica. Melancholy in the sun and dancing in the dark, jamming a guitar into an amp and playing some rock tunes. Extremely well–crafted rock tunes, of course. Tuesday 17th, Cul de Sac

HORSES BE indie, singer–songwriter, lo–fi Fronted by singer–songwriter Bert Vliegen, Horses is a talented indie rock band from Belgium. Solo, Vliegen performs the fragile songs instilled with an after summer glow, making them even more disarming. Sunday 22nd, Beans & Bites


I AM OAK NL indie, folk Holland = tulips, windmills, prostitutes, weed and, of course, I Am Oak. Considered as one of the best indie bands the Netherlands has to offer, I Am Oak make music that comes close to... well, pure and simple beauty. Calm, soothing, and almost dreamlike folk with front man Thijs Kuijken’s beautiful voice definitely makes for something to cherish as a country. I Am Oak will support for I Am Kloot (no pun intended)and performs three very special shows in senior homes around Tilburg. Friday 20th, Theaters Tilburg

▼ IMMORTAL NO metal, black metal Hell freezes over at Incubate! The original creators of frostbitten black metal IMMORTAL are descending from the northern darkness to bring their trademark avalanche of epic riffage, ultrafast drumming and neverending grimness. Back in blizzard beast battle mode since 2007, Abbath and co. are now stronger than ever and ready to Überkill the faithful and unbelievers alike, Zamboni style. All shall fall! Friday 20th, 013 – Main Stage

ICE, SEA , DEAD PEOPLE UK indie, post–punk, post–hardcore Despite having a hilarious name (a combination of Titanic and The Sixth Sense), Ice, Sea, Dead People thrive with a feral yet angular no wave punk sound. Luck has it their notorious brand of loudness is also quite violent. The drummer getting ahead of himself attempting to pierce his skins with each blow, the guitar strings’s painful threshold under the tension of the fierce yet bizarre riffs and the insistent, the clamorous singing – it all signals a great need for destruction. “If it’s broken, break it more” Saturday 21st, Cul de Sac

IKONIK A UK dubstep, electronic Sara Abdel–Hamid has been releasing her vibrant bricolage of UK Dubstep/house on innovative dubstep label Hyperdub since 2008 under the moniker Ikonika. Ikonika’s new album Aerotropolis is quite a departure from dubstep towards a self–described ‘own style’ which seems to be a combination of dubby dancebeats, synth– pop and old school house. Wednesday 18th, 013 – Kleine Zaal

INFERNAL DOMINION US death metal, metal Imagine that moment when your ass is being dragged to hell. Mister Grim Reaper waves while you’re thrown into an endless gaping abyss, filled with hellfire and brimstone, terrifying screeches consuming your eardrums and cursed souls slowly feeding off your corpse. Infernal Dominion will provide the soundtrack for your demise. Pure and utter evil death metal. Sunday 22nd, Little Devil


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IRON WITCH UK metal, crust, sludge It’s not only a piece of a pie or the surface of the earth, but also a musical substyle. In Iron Witch’s case, their crust seems to cover spasmodic sludge metal core. These Liverpudlians take the raw sound of drums, distorted guitars and volatile vocal chords and add only filth. The good kind, of course. Friday 20th, 013 – Stage01

JEF BARBARA CAN indie, lo–fi, electronic, pop, psychedelic It’s people like Jef Barbara that give the world color. Not only does his appearance put big smiles on our faces, he’s also packing some wonderfully weird (and insanely catchy) pop songs. Oozing with charisma on George Michael and Prince–levels, these fancy new wave tracks should be blasting through the speakers of a red Testarossa cruising down the Miami Boulevards of the eighties. That’s the kind of swagger we’re talking about. Saturday 21st, Cul de Sac

JACKY CHECKER NL post–punk, new wave, indie “Alternative rock band who fuses eighties new wave with contemporary rock. Influenced by both Bowie and QOTSA, they’ve just recorded their debut album.” Part of project: Roxxity Local Heroes Saturday 21st, V39

JESU UK post–metal, metal, shoegaze, ambient / drone Justin Broadrick, Jesu’s core member, is like King Midas when it comes to combining and reinventing musical genres. In 1989 he released ‘Streetcleaner’ with Godflesh, one of the first albums labeled as industrial metal (and some inhumaNLy tight drumming to boot!). As Jesu he slows the pace down significantly while turning the volume way up, already one of Broadrick’s specialties. Jesu is dark and at times insanely distorted, yet soothing and warm at the same time. Monday 16th, 013 – Kleine Zaal

▼ JBM CAN singer–songwriter, folk, indie Sometimes you’re happy: about life, girls/ boys, people hurting themselves etcetera. Sometimes you’re sad: about love, rain, hurting yourself etcetera. And sometimes you feel exactly in–between, in that sweet plain of melancholy where – in likelihood – the majority of our life takes place. JBM (or Jesse Marchant) draws a roadmap for that plain with beautiful folk music that feels painfully personal. Sunday 22nd, Sounds

JESUS CRÖST NL grindcore, punk Straight out of the harbor in Rotterdam comes a shipping container worth of violence and destruction. Grindcore supreme from our lord and savior, Jesus Cröst with bursts of extreme blast beats, down tuned mayhem and catatonic shrieks. Tuesday 17th, Little Devil


JOE KICK ASS NL hip hop Creating oldskool hip hop, Dutchman Joe Kickass chops up dusty records for his beats, drawing from everyday life as inspiration for his lyrics, illustrating everything he finds along the way. It’s the mc/producer annex graphic artist’s way of maintaining complete control over his artistic outputs. As his music became more vivid, so did his visual art. Friday 20th, Hall Of Fame – 8.6 Stage

free jazz duo Kanine featuring Sheik Anorak of Neige Morte takes improvisation to the next level. Their drums and sax seem so far apart yet they blend together so naturally easy. You want creative, explosive free jazz? Look no further, you just found it. Saturday 21st, Paradox

K ATALEPSY RU death metal, metal, grindcore All the way from Russia, Katalepsy’s rigorous dirty growls, vicious drum–blasting and absolutely devastating, brutal breakdowns induce the feeling of slowly being crushed by a steam roller. It just keeps at it until your head splits open like an overripe tomato. Grisly stuff indeed. Now deal with it. Sunday 22nd, Little Devil

JON PORRAS US avant–garde / noise, ambient / drone The heart catching sounds of Jon Porras’ dark ambient are created by distorted drones and a gentle folk guitar with, every now and then, a haunting –yet longing– strike. Part of: Thrill Jockey In Residence Saturday 21st, Paradox

► JOZEF VAN WISSEM NL folk, acoustic, contemporary composed Jozef van Wissem plays the lute, an instrument we usually only associate with medieval films and country–fairs (although he did make the music for The Sims Medieval). When we listen to his music, the countless strings of his lute create a lush landscape of melodies that conjure a feeling of longing, intimacy and darkness, all at the same time. It is no wonder that Jozef van Wissem was awarded the Cannes Soundtrack Award for his work on the Jim Jarmusch film only Lovers Left Alive. Thursday 19th, Paradox

KHOLD NO metal, black metal When Norwegian black metal band Tulus went on hiatus, key remaining members founded Khold. This granted them freedom to stray from standardized blackmetal templates and focus on a mid–tempo , riff– based, black ‘n roll style. While many have attempted to do this, Khold is one of the few pulling this off convincingly. Friday 20th, 013 – Main Stage

K ANINE FR free jazz, improv Jazz improvisation is the process of spontaneously creating fresh melodies over the continuously repeating cycle of chord changes of a tune. With that said, French 86


KOSMIK KOMMANDO UK electronic, acid house, techno Kosmik Kommando is Mike Dred, who is also known under several other pseudonyms, varying in silliness. Not so silly is this man’s status as one of Acid House’s creators. He was the first DJ to release material on Rephlex (yes, Aphex Twin’s label) and is widely known as one of the flagbearers of the entire acid movement. During three decades of producing and DJ–ing a lot has changed, but Acid – and Mike Dred – are forever. Saturday 21st, 013 – Main Stage

PROJECT KICKING THE HABIT <3 INCUBATE Together with our friends of the Dutch music website Kicking The Habit, we’re presenting four days with the best new Dutch underground bands. Come check out the artists that will take Europe by storm in the coming months first. Monday 16th, Cul de Sac The Black Cult, The Sweet Release Of Death Tuesday 17th, Cul de Sac The Future’s Dust, Raaf

▼ KOWTON UK electronic, techno, house Kowton makes stripped–down techno/ garage/house, or as he describes it: “just raw dance floor tracks. Records that speak for themselves and make people move”. He has released on Hessle Audio, Idle Hands and his own imprint Pale Fire. Together with fellow– Bristol producers Vessel and Kahn he’s part of the Young Echo movement. And remember that other producer from Bristol who dominated the dancefloors in 2012? Kowton’s latest production is indeed in collaboration with incu11–artist Julio Bashmore. Friday 20th, Hall Of Fame – Foyer

Wednesday 18th, Cul de Sac Afterpartees, Suit & Tie Johns Thursday 19th, Cul de Sac The Doo Run Run, My Friend Television

KING OF PIGS UK hardcore / punk Fast–paced, old school, hardcore punk that makes you wanna whoop ass, spank butts and kick bums (and other various efforts of violence against rear–ends). These guys are no strangers to Incubate, being former members of Jesus Of we know for a fact that sh#t will hit the fan. Sunday 22nd, V39

KOSHA DILLZ US hip hop Spitting his rhymes not only in English or Spanish but also Hebrew, this Israeli– Sephardic–American Jewish MC has been emerging steadily from his home base of Los Angeles. Kosha Dillz recently opened for Snoop Dogg, Ultramagnetic Mc’s and Action Bronson in Amsterdam. Saturday 21st, Hall Of Fame – 8.6 Stage


► KURTIS BLOW US hip hop Kurtis Blow was one of the first to reach stardom out of the relatively new hip hop genre in the 80s. His single ‘The Breaks’ was the first rap song ever to become a certified gold record. His influence is noted in many lyrics by other hip hop artists like 2Pac and Ice Cube. As Kurtis Blow is a devoted Christian, he founded The Hip Hop Church in which he serves as rapper, DJ, worship leader and licensed minister. Sunday 22nd, Hall Of Fame – 8.6 Stage

Time schedule for hip hop church ceremony by reverend Kurtis Blow 12:30h: Peerke Donders chapel opens 12:30h: bus shuttle service from Hall of Fame 13:30h: Sermon by Reverend Kurtis Blow 14:30h: Departure back to Hall of Fame

L AMBCHOP US alt–country, americana, chamber pop, indie Is it even possible to kick off this year’s Incubate festival any better than with alt–country giants Lambchop? Founder Kurt Wagner, instantly recognizable with his inexplicably badass trucker hat–and–suit combination. While his band changed quite a few times in their 17 years of existence, they have yet to stray from delivering quality records. From the poignant chamber pop of most recent effort ‘Mr. M’ to the more restrained slowcore of ‘Is a Woman’, Lambchop has always remained on top of their game. Incubate will mark a special audiovisual performance together with VJ Michele van Mil. Monday 16th, Theaters Tilburg

KYLE HALL US electronic, techno, house Kyle Hall debuted on Omar S’s label FXHE when he was just 15 years old. Back then we could have easily called him a techno wunderkind. Hall combines soulful, funky and organic tracks with very metallic and robotic sounds. He has released about 10 EP’s on labels such as Hyperdub and released his debut LP on his own Wild Oates label, all that over a period of 6 years. He’s still only 21, which makes us feel like lazy bastards. Friday 20th, Hall Of Fame – Foyer

L AS KELLIES ARG indie, post–punk These three girls/ladies from Argentina slather their bare–bones post–punk tracks with sensual dub and hip hop vibes. This makes the apparent contradiction of dirty garage licks with exotic dub tinges all the more exciting. Las Kellies is exactly what Gang of Four would have sounded like if they had come from South America, although more feminine and with a bit more groovy rhythm section. Wooo! Sunday 22nd, Cul de Sac

Reverend Kurtis Blow will host a church service in the beautiful Peerke Donders Chapel. With a maximum capacity of 100, this will be a unique and very intimate experience. Bus stop: Hall of Fame, Spoorzone. Bus tickets cost €4,–


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LEMONTRIP NL electronic, post–dubstep, techno Apart from his Asian roots, Lemontrip shares his taste in music with incu11–hero Nosaj Thing. His album “Nowhere”, released by his own Fog Mountain Records, is dispersed with atmospheric beats where dark ambience, instrumental hip hop and dreamy poststep come together. According to himself, his inspiration came from cycling (yes, he’s Dutch) through the dark woods to his girlfriend’s place. We’re really curious where this magical forest is; if those woods look anything like Lemontrip’s music, WE WOULD LOVE TO GO THERE. Friday 20th, Hall Of Fame – Foyer

LINK BE crust, hardcore / punk This devious threesome, having been on the road for the past fifteen years, prefer to do things their way. With the DIY–gods on their side and strong principles against sexism, racism, fascism and animal abuse, they are dragging the crust out of the Belgian underground scene and into the world. Their global mindset has ushered them across many borders and they’ll be coming in hard this year at Incubate. Friday 20th, V39

▲ LEVON VINCENT US electronic, techno Levon Vincent productions walk a fine line between dancefloor killers and compositional depth. Deep kick drums and sharp percussion embody a proper warehouse sound technoheads are looking for. Vincent started his own imprints Novel Sound and Deconstruct in 2008, which are among the most covered labels around these days. The stamped white–labeled records were born out of economic necessity but nevertheless sell out in a matter of days after release. Friday 20th, Hall Of Fame – Foyer

LORELLE MEETS THE OBSOLETE MX indie, shoegaze, psychedelic rock An endearing combination of hushed voices, beautiful melodies and crackling, grooving psych/kraut. On the one hand it sounds lush and fresh like a tidal wave rolling through the Mexican Gulf, on the other hand it’s dry and scorching like a day in the Mexican desert. You guessed it, Lorelle and the Obsolete are from Mexico and we’re excited to welcome them to the mainland for their first European tour! Sunday 22nd, Extase

LOL A COLT UK psychedelic, psychedelic rock Wikipedia: “A very average Western filled with all the predictable cliches of the genre”. Lola Colt got their name from a (poorly received) 1967 Western–Film of the same name, although they are far from cliche. They do however, sound very Western, mixed with awesome psychedelics. It’s probably best we leave this biography to youtube–commenter ‘hypnosiscomatosis’: “PJ Harvey and Sleater Kinney dropping a tab and starring in the Good the Bad and the Ugly”. We’ve got nothing further to add. Saturday 21st, Cul de Sac



LOUIS MINUS SEIZE FR free jazz, no wave, noise Louis Minus Seize (or Louis Minus XVI ) have a refreshing viewpoint when it comes to jazz. On their 2011 debut ‘Birds and Bats’, these Frenchies renew themselves with each subsequent song. Take for instance the opening track ‘My Shoes Are More Fashionable Than Your Face’, where a rumbling bass on the background backs up the leading sax, while three songs later they wrap up with ‘666 Blues’ where good ol’ free jazz takes possession of the four band members. Friday 20th, Paradox

▼ LUBOMYR MELNYK UA contemporary composed Where Holland had Simeon Ten Holt (who sadly passed away November 2012) with his great work Canto Ostinato, Ukraine has Lubomyr Melnyk, a man who is a pioneer in the so–called ‘continuous piano music’ – a style of playing the piano in a fast, ongoing way. But very dreamy and almost hypnotic at the same time. This April, Lubomyr Melnyk released new work on the Erased Tapes–label after 11 years of silence. An album produced by Peter Broderick and Nils Frahm, who respectively played Incubate in 2011 and 2012. Sunday 22nd, Pauluskerk

▲ LUCIA LIP GER electronic, indie, synth pop Girls with synthesizers a–plenty in the world of music; sadly this combination often results in girly electropop. Not Lucia Lip. This Berlin–based artist is anything but sweet, making dark and intense synthesizer tracks with eerie lyrics that reminded us of The Knife and Grimes. Lucia Lip performs solo in a self–made costume while her backing tracks explode behind her to the point she herself explodes too. Some of you may remember her from her Gifgrond shows. Sunday 22nd, Café Babbus

LUIK NL slowcore, indie Luik usually features four members, playing a brand of music most Dutch bands seem to avoid for some reason: solemn, meticulous indie folk with some very noticeable slowcore influences. Think of a nice mix of Low and Codeine, and you’ll probably get close to the sound of Luik. This festival, Lukas Dikker will do a solo performance, stripping Luik’s sound even more. We’re very interested in what remains of the already fragile songs this band creates. Friday 20th, Beans & Bites 91

MA AN BE indie, dark wave, electronic Reintroducing the gloomy sounds of the eighties, these two young engineering students from Flanders did not waste any time and recorded their debut album ‘Manifold’ in only two days, presenting cold, pure science with sorrow. Sunday 22nd, Sounds

tal noise rock band is emphasizing life with pervasive saxophone sounds, strict rhythms and grinding guitar outbursts without losing control. Their music is often described as experimental jazz band Zu with a taste of And So I Watch You From Afar. Friday 20th, Extase

MANTRA UK electronic, acid house It took us more than 5 minutes to find this UK acid house producer known as Acid Phreex, Myriad or just Craig Stainton on the internet (thanks Google). That’s below the grid; which is the best place to enjoy acid. Straight cut, with enough house in the mix to make it go down smoothly. Can someone make sure that the Google Doodle is a smiley for the coming weeks? Saturday 21st, 013 – Kleine Zaal

MAKIKO GOTO JP contemporary composed Makiko Goto can be considered the biggest koto–superstar our puny country has to offer. The national instrument of Japan, a koto is a long board strung with at least 13 strings. Perhaps you might still not really grasp what we’re talking about, but once you hear some notes you definitely will recognise its tranquilizing sound. Part of project: De Link Sessions Tuesday 17th, Duvelhok

▼ MASTA ACE US hip hop This Brooklyn, NY underground MC is relatively unknown outside purist circles. But because of his enormous talent for improvising and storytelling, he became a highly influential rapper for a high profile generation of hip hop, which includes Eminem. Many media have mentioned Masta Ace as an underground luminary that deserves mentioning in the same breath as Rakim, KRS–One, Kool G. Rap and the like. Friday 20th, Hall Of Fame – 8.6 Stage

MAN FOREVER US drums, avant–garde / noise Man Forever is John Colpitts (aka Kid Millions), best known for being the drummer in psychedelic rock band Oneida. Why change the role that suits you best? With this project he takes the beautiful drum roll and often stretches it for dozens of minutes while also using other instruments. This creates an almost meditative drone. Man Forever will do three open–air performances during Incubate together with an assembly of other musicians from (local) bands playing at the festival. Part of: Thrill Jockey In Residence 20/21/Sunday 22nd, Pieter Vreedeplein

MANNHEIM NL indie, noise rock, instrumental With their first album ‘Super–Empowered’ freshly pressed on June 2013, this instrumen92


► MASTON US indie, chamber pop, psychedelic pop We never really understood the term bedroom music; until we heard Maston. Frank Maston makes 60s baroque pop, which means a lot of organs, flutes and catchy polka drums, also perfectly described as bedroom pop. Maston’s music lends itself just as much to spooky nightmares as bemused daydreaming outside the bedroom window. He too is part of the Trouble in Mind–stable, a label that seems to have a monopoly on great psych bands. Monday 16th, Extase

MATTHEW FRIEDBERGER US indie, avant–pop Matthew Friedberger is a member of The Fiery Furnaces, where he teams up with his sister Eleanor. But he’s got some really nice solo–work as well, and we have to say he is quite the productive fellow: through 2011 and 2012, he released nine (!) albums full of his unique style of experimental pop and indie rock songs. A combination we think is going to work really well in the Pauluskerk at Incubate. Part of: Thrill Jockey In Residence Sunday 22nd, Pauluskerk

MAYHEM NO metal, black metal Of all Norwegian black metal bands, Mayhem may very well be the most infamous. Originally formed in 1983, Mayhem were strongly influenced by Hellhammer/Celtic Frost, Venom and earlier Bathory. Mayhem have ventured a large variety of black metal styles, even going so far as delving into the areas of dark avant–garde industrial and electronica. The group is widely considered to be one of the cornerstone bands in the movement often labelled “the second wave’ of black metal”. Ever since, their influence has only increased. Friday 20th, 013 – Main Stage

MAYBESHEWILL UK post–rock, indie This post–rock band from the UK know how to balance their sound: for every ear blasting eruption there is a gutwreching piano melody; for every intricate guitar–riff there is a pulsing electronic beat. This makes Maybeshewill a post–rock band that doesn’t follow the tried and true formula. Every band can make a really loud song; it takes a really great band to juxtapose the mayhem with moments of pure beauty. Friday 20th, Extase

MEAN BE indie, indie rock, psychedelic rock Another instant success formula from the South: MEAN (or Middle Earth All Nighters). Take a part of the Hickey Underworld en mix that with fuzzy guitars, pop and electronics. End result: Tasty Flemish filth, aggression headbang material. They already played on our Incubated Flexpo but because of certain circumstances they weren’t able to play at full volume. We are very happy they are coming back for a second time! Saturday 21st, Cul de Sac


MEN OF MEGA NL 8–bit From Utrecht comes chiptune duo Men of Mega. The people who recognize the obvious tribute to one of the best arcade games ever made, know what to expect, pure catchy chiptune and 8–bit delight. On the other hand they have promo pics of themselves where they look like Immortal. Perhaps they will also delight us with some black metal chiptune? Make it happen! Part of project: 8BitArmy Tuesday 17th, 013 – Stage01

MONSTER ISL AND UK indie, post–punk Angry and insitent vocals combined with annoying guitar hooks. Sounds negative? No. It’s wonderful. Monster Island sounds like Parquet Courts being particularly annoyed and drunk while Gang of Four is throwing beers against the wall. Saturday 21st, Clancy’s Irish Pub

MOON KING CAN indie, shoegaze, dream pop Toronto’s newest export product is called Moon King, a band that has diligently found the balance between sleazy noise rock and dream pop. When you look up Moon King on Soundcloud, the almost rectangular shaped soundwaves imply the use of lots of distortion. Still, this band is able to keep their catchy songs completely intact, making this the perfect bunch to liven up the Cul de Sac. Saturday 21st, Cul de Sac

MILI (HOST) NL hip hop The host with the most. MILI has been hosting the BRRRAP events from the get go, with all the enthousiasm and wit one needs for that task! Together with DJ Sueside he will entertain us through our nights of hip–hop delight! Friday 20th – Sunday 22nd, Hall Of Fame 8.6 Stage

MISBELIEVERS NL 8–bit Misbelievers is a duo compromised of Bolivian producers Dr. Chaos and Hanny Knaudt. It’s a live–act that fuses techno with bleepy sounds coming straight out of a Gameboy (or as we used to call it, that thing that plays Pokémon). Part of project: 8BitArmy Monday 16th, 013 – Stage01

MOUNTAIN BIKE BE garage rock, indie On their Bandcamp, Mountain Bike state: “We love pop and we love garage, just cannot choose”. Well, that choice was apparently made when key band members formed Warm Toy Machine (who just might be the fuzziest garage band playing this Incubate). With Mountain Bike, they allowed their fancy for catchy 60s/70s garage (think The Growlers!) with a gooey pop–centre to be relished. See, you can have it both ways: just form two different bands. Luckily for us, we can actually watch both here at Incubate! Friday 20th, Café Babbus

MONODEER NL 8–bit Dirty 8–bit electronics and chipbass... and it sounds like the best Nintendo/Sega, hight testosterone soundtrack you’ve ever heard. Pump up, collect some power–ups and bliep, bloep the night away with Monodeer. Part of project: 8BitArmy Tuesday 17th, 013 – Stage01 94


MUJERES ESP garage rock, indie, surf In the world of garage rock our attention is often pointed across the ocean; one would almost forget that there are plenty of slacking, beer drinking kids on our own continent. Mujures sneak up on us from Barcelona, Spain. If we’d pull off their Zorro masks we would discover a band not entirely uNLike the Black Lips (or Labios Negros). Plucky guitar riffs, deliciously thrashy drums and lyrics concerning whether they’re amusing. The answer is: ¡Sí, ellos son divertidos! Friday 20th, Cul de Sac

MY CAT IS AN ALIEN IT avant–garde, experimental, ambient / drone The first show this Italian duo did was a support for Sonic Youth back in 2007, Thurston Moore went on to write: “Italy’s MY CAT IS AN ALIEN is the finest two–brother band from Italy since the end of the Great War” and in 2011 they were featured on the cover of WIRE magazine. Did that all sink in? We can throw accolades at MCIAN until something breaks, but we can also let their brilliant ambient musings and audiovisual shows transcend our mortal realm. They don’t do many live shows; we’re thrilled to be showcasing one of them. Saturday 21st, Paradox

▼ MÚM ICE indie, electronic, folktronica, post–rock We have no idea what it’s like growing up in Iceland, but if it’s anything like the childlike sense of wonder that Múm evokes, we want a do–over. Múm conjure a sense of atmosphere with the use mainly electronic instruments, something we can only describe as ‘Icelandic’, combined with wonderful intricate melodies and hushed vocals. Múm makes us feel like we’re infants again, rediscovering the world in all its complicated beauty. Thursday 19th, 013 – Kleine Zaal

MYLETS US math rock, indie After listening to a few songs we were shocked to find out Mylets consists of just one (very young) guy. This guy, Henry Kohen, uses a guitar and effect–pedals to create songs that sound as if they were played by an entire band. Sometimes these tracks sound like Animal Collective, other times they sound like whatever Kohen wants them to sound like. Very impressive, or as one Youtube commenter so eloquently put it: “This bastard is only like 17”. Saturday 21st, Clancy’s Irish Pub

NEIGE MORTE FR black metal, avant–garde / noise, free jazz France has been pushing some excellent black metal out of its orfices the last couple of years with Deathspell Omega and Blut Aus Nord as their most striking examples. Meet Neige Morte: these guys play black metal infused with a hint of jazz delivered with the intensity of crust. It’s filthy yet intelligent, noisey but with focus, and experimental without getting brainy. Friday 20th, 013 – Stage01



▼ NEIL HALSTEAD UK folk, singer–songwriter, indie As we’re writing this very moment it’s spring, but during Incubate autumn will slowly come creeping up on us. No reason to be sad, especially since we’ve got Neil Halstead to take us by the hand, softly hushing in our ears, making the shorter days seem like a blessing. The founding member of the legendary shoegaze band Slowdive is here for us, echoing the cold days with his warm and cozy folk, all the while slowly breaking our hearts. Swoon. Saturday 21st, Pauluskerk

NIGHT BEATS US garage rock, psychedelic rock All your former terrified “rock music” demons fleeing out of your nostrils and tie dying your denim jacket with wine vomit the first time you see this band. In the moment it seems everything was nothing but a crappy dream except the raw soul power psych of Blackwell’s dungeon reverb slang and jagged guitar squelch nailed to James Traeger’s wild animal voodoo one man drum circle jerk rhythm by Tarek Wegner’s visible sonic manic maniac bass swirl repetition reputation. Wednesday 18th, Cul de Sac

NINHO BO 8–bit Ninho is an 8bit/chiptune live act that mixes latin sounds such as reggaeton and cumbia with pop vocals to create mashups full of Latin flavor. It is also influenced by all type of bass music, such as drum and bass, fidget, dubstep, trap, etc. Part of project: 8BitArmy Tuesday 17th, 013 – Stage01

NOHOME GER avant–garde / noise, noise rock, free jazz Explosive freejazz trio with Caspar Brötzmann (last year at Incubate with his Massaker), Michael Wertmüller and Marino Pliakas (who both played Incubate 2010 with Caspar’s father Peter Brötzmann). Put these three great musicians in a room and let yourself be overwhelmed by their intricate rhythms, ingenious guitar attacks and controlled chaos. Sunday 22nd, Paradox

NICK MILLEVOI US avant–garde, experimental, ambient / drone We could describe Nick Millevoi as a man shredding his guitar, but that would be wrong. When you see him perform, he plays very slowly, stretching his chords in a way that bring the band Earth to mind. And just when you get back with a fresh beer, you’ll promptly find the guy torturing his guitar and producing some pretty raucous sounds. Not meant to please everyone’s ears, but at least you’ll have a fresh beer, right? A nice flow of ambient and harsh noise, performed solely on electric guitar. Sunday 22nd, Synagoge 97

NUNWHORE COMMANDO 666 GER hardcore, grindcore, electro punk, metal Nunwhore Commando 666 was formed by members of Gut and Libido Airbag back in 1995 to create goregrind raves with their ‘Electronic Pumpgun Grind’ across the globe. Imagine Atari Teenage Riot on chrystal meth, with chaotic drumcomputer sounds, weird keyboards and b–horror movie samples. Bandmembers Demon–Lord Sarcofuck 666, Cuntshredding Electro Jesus and Pumpgun Messiah are on a mission for World Whore III. Total destruction! Saturday 21st, Little Devil

PARALYZED SOCIET Y NL grindcore With ‘Life Is Life’ as the title of their release in July, it sounds as if this band accepted life as it is. Nothing is farther from the truth. While trying to burst themselves out of that same life with their outraged music, they describe it with aspects such as social genocide and global depression, corroding your stomach and your brain. Tuesday 17th, Little Devil

OERKNAL! NL contemporary composed Oerknal (literally translated: Big Bang) is an international ensemble based in the Netherlands that breaks down walls between the artists and its audience by moving out of concert halls and playing in cafes and other unconventional venues. Musically, there is a strong focus on post 1950s composed music, often made by young, talented musicians who are not widely known for their work. Oerknal will play in various formations every day. Part of project: De Link Sessions Thursday 19th, Friday 20th, Duvelhok

▲ PART TIME BANDITS GER garage rock, grindcore, hard rock Garage rock doesn’t often veer from the trodden path; experiments are for people who think too much. But somehow, Part Time Bandits do sound like an experimental garage band. Dissonant and energetic (like all great garage bands) but also with interesting tempo changes and even some grind–core influences. Oh, and the band name was taken from the epic Terry Gilliam film Time Bandits. That’s always a plus in our book. Saturday 21st, Café Babbus

ORTHODOX ESP metal, doom, drone Try to define ‘em and you won’t capture the full essence of Orthodox. Maybe they’ve somehow captured the heat of the Andalusian sun because when the darkness in their music briefly lifts, it’s hot, suffocating, rays shine through. Maybe it lies in the spirited vocals, floating guitar lines or the descent into a jazzy chaos. We can’t put our finger on it and that is probably for the best. Saturday 21st, Extase



PELGRIM NL Metal A local progressive metalcore band, combining earth shattering screams, compelling rhythms and virtuoso guitar stylings to a devastating effect. These young musicians are ready to make a raging impression on all you metalheads. Saturday 21st, V39

PETRELS UK indie, post–rock, ambient / drone If you google ‘Petrels’, one of the first hits is a Wikipedia page that contains this warning ‘Not to be confused with petrol.’ So we won’t. And to be sure, we’re not expecting the band to be consisting of the seabirds, or bringing a British research rocket, both bearing the same name. This playful, almost magical ambient made by Oliver Barrett is inspired by speculative science and immense time scales. Sunday 22nd, Paradox

▼ PETE SWANSON US avant–garde / noise, techno, electronic As a festival, you can’t say you’re refreshing if you never got Pete Swanson to perform. As a former member of the renowned duo Yellow Swans, Pete Swanson definitely knows what he is doing when it comes to amorphous, intense electronic music. With his 2013 release ‘Punk Authority’ he creates some of the darkest and noisiest techno you will ever hear in your life. If you’re interested in noise you should definitely go check it out. Saturday 21st, 013 – Kleine Zaal

PHÈDRE CAN indie, avant pop, Avant–garde pop, slathered in a very catchy and lo–fi wad of synth honey. Think Ariel Pink and Grimes together. Surprise has it, that Phédre is a side project by two members of Hooded Fang, the poppy garage band that is also playing Incubate. When you listen closely you´ll hear the resemblances but the bands are very different at the same time. Phèdre’s music actually sounds like their video, slathering yourself in honey and rubbing yourself against bodies. Lovely. Tuesday 17th, Extase

PIATCIONS IT space rock, psychedelic rock Psychedelic kraut rock may not be that clear of a description for all of our readers, so we’ll try it another way. Piatcions make rock music... and now we have a bad taste in our mouths. Piatcions songs are driven by guitars, propulsed by drums, supported by Oasis like singing and explode in a frenzy that most Òrock music could only dream of. Thursday 19th, Extase


PIGHEAD GER metal, death metal Imagine yourself standing in a slaughterhouse surrounded by squealing pigs, waiting for their turn to meet the butcher. It is time for death, death through sick, stomping guteral brutal death metal and the butchers are Carnal Decay. These Germans are as vile, vicious and as gruesome as it can get. Breeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Sunday 22nd, Little Devil

PL ANET ASIA US hip hop With two Independent Album of the Year records according to influential hip hop magazine The Source, music used in a John Travolta film, a Grammy nomination and being a judge on TV–show Ultimate MC, Planet Asia has a lot more under his belt than most people in hip hop. This is the place to be for the Grammy nominee MC extraordinary and mix–tape prodigy. Saturday 21st, Hall Of Fame – 8.6 Stage

▲ POLTERGEIST UK indie, prog rock, space rock, psychedelic rock Will Sergeant, founding member of Echo & the Bunnymen, formed Poltergeist with original Bunnymen bassist Les Pattinson & current Bunnies–drummer Nick Kilroe. This “dynamic instrumental powertrio’’’ concocted a mix of Morricone and Korzynskyi & long drawn–out progressive grooves that inevitably hint to the magisterial soundscapes the Bunnymen often discharged. You can also be forgiven for hearing echoes of Wolfgang Dauner & Klaus Doldinger. Saturday 21st, De NWE Vorst

PL ANKTON WAT US raga, folk, psych folk Plankton Wat is what Bon Iver would have sounded like if Justin Vernon would have actually looked around instead of whining about some girl. Dewey Mahood creates a landscape of psychedelic drones, folky guitar riffs and ambient musings which creates a sense of seclusion. That is, the best kind of seclusion: the one were you can look around, take it all in and not cry about some girl named Emma. Plankton Wat is not concerned with such earthly problems. Part of: Thrill Jockey In Residence Friday 20th, Paradox

POPPY ACKROYD UK indie, ambient, contemporary composed What is it with piano and violin that moves us? Every time this particular combination of instruments comes into play, everyone starts crying, especially when set with a romantic movie scene. Poppy Ackroyd takes it even a step further, composing some fantastic neo–classical music that not only makes us bawl, but makes us laugh and look at the world with wonder as well. Sunday 22nd, Pauluskerk



▼ PRURIENT US avant–garde, electronic, ambient / drone At this point, it’s impossible to collect (let alone find) all the material Prurient has released. Calling him prolific would be an insult. As one of the hallmark names in the noise genre, Dominick Fernow has released such an abundance of material on so many different labels, it’s simply unreal. Lately Prurient has been creating more accessible material, however, he was happy to acknowledge he will play a very intense, physical noise set at Incubate. He’ll also make an appearance as Vatican Shadow. Saturday 21st, 013 – Stage01

PUBLIC SERVICE BROADCASTING UK post–rock, krautrock, electronic, indie At Incubate, we take our task of educating the festival’s visitors very seriously. But we want you to have a nice time doing so: one of the reasons we invited Public Service Broadcasting. This duo (Willgoose and Wrigglesworth) take samples out of archived propaganda material and public information films. These samples are cut and mixed into something that sounds like an electronic jam. That’s education right there. Saturday 21st, 013 – Kleine Zaal

PUBLIKK ENEMA NL metal, death metal Publikk Enema were a mystery for a very long time. No music, no pictures, just that name. That perfect name. Suddenly, like thunder on a clear day: “Death Swag”. Combined with the most perfect band photo we’ve ever seen this song absolutely destroyed our bodies. It literally raped us. Literally. We never thought we could say that about a band. Slam death metal to the max. Sunday 22nd, Little Devil

R10T33R NL 8–bit From or very own Tilburg comes R10T33R, bringing a blend of chiptune, breakcore, 8– bit. R10T33R is not afraid to take these styles to their aggressive extremes. Part of project: 8BitArmy Monday 16th, 013 – Stage01

PSYCHIC ILLS US psychedelic rock, space rock Psychic Ills have taken several shapes over the past 10 years. On their latest album “One Track Mind’”(out on Sacred Bones) they combine their usual brand of chilled psychedelic rock with wailing country guitars and distorted bass. They often sound like a more mellow and laid back version of Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, but with a knack for unexpected hooks. Perfect for lazily hanging on the porch of your ranch. Sunday 22nd, Extase 101





RA AF NL indie, noise rock, “Raaf ” being the Dutch word for “Raven”, this duo from Haarlem promise a dizzying trip at great altitude over endless stretching landscapes, alternated by intrepid nosedives that break through the sound barrier. As members of Those Foreign Kids and Treasure of Grundo, these two produce the clamouring noise of an entire flock with relative ease. Part of: Kicking The Habit <3 Incubate Tuesday 17th, Cul de Sac

RAZOREATER UK hardcore / punk, grindcore, sludge Before you decide to show up we need you to follow these instructions very carefully. First of all you you need a helmet to protect you from flying obstacles and secondly you need a ton of diapers to prepare yourself for the upcoming shitstorm. Razoreater comes at you like a pack of wild rabid dogs. Intense growls, a demonic stare and lots of aggression. You’ll feel it in every ounce of your body, don’t be surprised if you turn into a feral dog yourself. Sunday 22nd, V39

RACCOON KINGDOM BO 8–bit Raccoon Kingdom is a side project of Bolivian electronic producers Ninho, Dr. Chaos and Hanny Knaudt. Focusing on alternative electronic genres and rescuing vintage video–game consoles to generate an unique sound that goes from indie sounding songs to dirty basslines. Part of project: 8BitArmy Monday 16th, Tuesday 17th, 013 – Kleine Zaal

RECTAL SMEGMA NL grindcore, metal, hardcore / punk “Unleashing a maelstrom of blood, guts and gore, Rectal Smegma don’t only come bearing Incubate’s most appetizing name, they also manage to make distasteful music seem like art. Bukake covered blast beats with dirty, shrieks and gutheral vocals, representing the Netherlands in the sublime art of distaste. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; only this eye has been popped out of its socket and crushed under a stiletto heel. Saturday 21st, Little Devil

RAKETK ANON BE hardcore / punk, noise rock, sludge, doom These Flemish guys are notoriously deranged live–performers. Frontman Pieter– Paul Devos is violently fuming at you and everyone around you and he’ll make sure you know it. But please, don’t come just for cheap entertainment, because Raketkanon’s frantic stage antics push their hardcore infused sludge and schizoid electronic vocal effects to complete pandemonium. Raketkanon come in hard, shock, entertain, repulse and attract... and now screw you, get out in front or we’ll slap you. Line up the ambulances, Raketkanon is in town! Monday 16th, Cul de Sac

REGRESSION US avant–garde / noise, drone, experimental In this on–going solo project of Nate Young, founding member of Wolf Eyes, the darkest sounds and the most intoxicating noises are being created in the most relaxing and laid–back way. Part of project: Wolf Eyes in Residence Sunday 22nd, Paradox


REJJIE SNOW IRE hip hop Dublin rapper Rejjie Snow shared the stage with Pharell at age 11, recently signed to Elton John’s RocketManagement and opened for Kendrick Lamar. Add to this, the very well received track ‘Lost in Empathy’ about the killing of albinos in Africa and you know this is not your everyday gangsta rapper. Thought provoking and deep, the experimental hip–hop by Rejjie Snow will be talked about a lot in the future. Sunday 22nd, Hall Of Fame – 8.6 Stage

RICHARD DAWSON UK folk, singer–songwriter, blues Calling Richard Dawson a singer–songwriter feels like selling him short. Although this artist from Newcastle is in fact a guy who writes songs and sings them, it’s the intensity and ruggedness of his voice and slightly off–key (and sometimes distorted) guitar that gets you. At times Dawson reaches the same gut–wrenching, and emotive peaks of (Neutral Milk Hotel’s) Jeff Mangum; which is about the highest compliment we can give. Sunday 22nd, Synagoge

REKS US hip hop In 2008 the track, ‘Say Goodnight’ by Reks reached #3 on’s list of the top 100 rap songs of the year. Reks emerged from Lawrence, Massachusetts’ underground rap scene. He is closely associated with Statik Selektah who’s produced on every album he has released. Reks’ latest record, ‘RevolutionCocktail’ is our new soundtrack for air punching, stair running and Molotov throwing. Sunday 22nd, Hall Of Fame – 8.6 Stage

RISE A THOUSAND NL metal Combining metal and screamo to a catchy, fresh and appealing variation of both genres. These local heroes have been around for quite a while now, raising a few eyebrows in the process. The moment their tunes hit your ears it’s like staring into a serpent’s glare. Not letting you go till the serpent tells you to. Part of project: Roxxity Local Heroes Saturday 21st, V39

► RESIDUAL ECHOES US psychedelic rock, noise, space rock Residual Echoes is like a cup of tea. It always consists of water, but the leaves you put in change. In this case the water is always Adam Payne, and the flavor of leaves that are added are whichever Adam feels like. Sometimes a strict process of dipping twice, sometimes a free–for–all with three or four bags at the same time. Ok, that’s enough vague tea analogies Jam heavy, experimental noise rock that is different every time you see it live. Sounds like Wooden Shjips. Sunday 22nd, Extase



THE RESONARS US indie, pop, garage rock, psychedelic rock Must resist... urge... to compare... The Resonars to the Beatles/The Kinks. Damn, we just did. Now we have that out of the way we can tell you the Resonars (singer Mat Rendon writes and records all songs) write very catchy pop songs with hooky baselines, vocal harmonies and jingly jangly guitars. All we need now to make the 60’s throwback complete are some girls screaming hysterically in front of the stage. We won’t rule it out, those girls will be us. Monday 16th, Extase

ROME LUX folk, martial industrial, industrial / EBM Combining chanson, dark ambient and folk into one package, Jerome Reuter has been making a name for himself since 2009 through the post–industrial underground. Through collage and sampling, and influenced by artists like Camus and Brel, Rome creates an atmosphere filled with nostalgia for a time that never existed, and celebrates both the despised and the misunderstood. Sunday 22nd, Pauluskerk

► THE REVIVAL HOUR US folk, electronica, pop, indie What do Haus Arafna, King Creosote, William Basinski and Suuns, have in common musically? Well, nothing really. But maybe if they would all just sit down and created some music, it would sound great. At least that’s what DM Stith and John Mark Lapham (The Earlies) did, and the result is The Revival Hour. With its base of pop music and some musical layers around; electronica, soul and psychedelics, topped off with the high–pitched voice of DM Stith. Monday 16th, Paradox

ROSA ENSEMBLE NL avant–garde / noise, contemporary composed The perfect example of how to operate in between composed and improvised, music and theatre, light and serious, acoustic and electronic, traditional and experimental, classical and popular. Rosa Ensemble is a pleasant and comforting experience which will tickle all your senses. Friday 20th, Clancy’s Irish Pub

ROCCOW NL 8–bit It will look like he’s playing Gameboy, but actually he’s producing the soundtrack of the arcade game of your dreams. Using the Gameboy combined with LSDJ, RoccoW from makes swinging, groovy melodies, goofy covers, hard hitting kicks and deep bass lines. Part of project: 8BitArmy Monday 16th, 013 – Stage01

PROJECT ROXXIT Y LOCAL HEROES Roxxity selected six of the most promising local bands for this evening. The diverse line–up includes folk, metal, punk and pop. Support the local underground! Saturday 21st, V39 Rise a Thousand, The Devil’s 3rd, Pelgrim, Jacky Checker, Curly Ice, Trackless. 105

RUN DUST GER electronic, industrial / EBM Run Dust aka Ronald Doussier from Germany makes music that would perfectly fit the soundtrack for “”the summer of discontent”” (or at least that is what we read online about him). We also know that he played keys for Child Abuse (another fun thing to Google). Listening to Run Dust is like listening to a noise concert going out of control, with bass and treble flying all over the place, violating you in intimate ways. Saturday 21st, 013 – Stage01

SCREW HOUSTON, START SCREAMING! NL hardcore / punk Remember the times dear mommy made your lunch? How gnarly things could got when your sandwiches turned out to be tuna? If so, pack up all your frustrations because Screw Houston, Start Screaming will let you dance it off with their energetic, in your face Hardcore. We only have one rule for you: no one is allowed to stand still, because if you do there will definitely be consequences. How about a bad case of Houston, we have problem? Sunday 22nd, V39

SANATORIUM SLO slam death metal Dirty incubation of a decomposed, deceased and partially devoured, demonic abomination. This Slovakian brutal death metal band sounds as sinister and nauseating as the mental picture we just tried to sketch for you, with absolute brutally down–tuned continual breakdowns, blast beats and guttural vocals combined with demonic shrieks. Brutal death by Slovakian slam! Saturday 21st, Little Devil

▼ SCULPTURE UK avant–garde / noise, electronic Sculpture is the marvellous collaboration between audiotape mastermind Dan Hayhurst and visual visionary Reuben Sutherland. Sutherland, who earlier made music videos for Ršyksopp and The Phoenix Foundation, is making animations by zoetrope turntablism (you’re reading this correctly). In combination with the exotic analogue freakform loops of Hayhurst is this multi media project a unique example of a great fusion between two different artists. Saturday 21st, De NWE Vorst

SATAN’S REVENGE ON MANKIND GER hardcore / punk, grindcore, metal Down somewhere in the German sewers we found Satan’s Revenge on Mankind rehearsal room and managed to pull them out for a show at Incubate 2013! Their mission? Praise the name of Satan or be part of the worthless mainstream with its trendy political correctness! Hidden under a thick layer of ÒGoat Gut Gore Core’ as they call it, with the usual splatter lyrics and blubbery groovy goregrind. Saturday 21st, Little Devil


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► SEAN NICHOL AS SAVAGE CAN indie, lo–fi, soul, r&b From Arbutus Records (Grimes, Doldrums) comes Sean Nicholas Savage. His bitter– sweet croonerpop is smooth and piercing at the same time. With reflections on modern life –accompanied by soft synthesizer and delicate basses which reminded us of Destroyer he paints a vivid picture of longing and melancholy. A bit strange in the beginning, but when Savage’s voice reaches you, you can’t help being sucked in. Wednesday 18th, Extase

SERAFINA STEER UK folk, singer–songwriter, indie Remember how bedtime stories made you feel so comfortable. How your fantasy took control of your dreams, dad’s voice still echoing while you fell faster asleep. Listening to Serafina Steer will give you the same mesmerizing feeling. She uses her harp and quirky but beautiful, crisp voice to tell soothing folk stories about rivals who meet at dawn, conversations with Venus and how shit Bricklane is. Feed your imagination and escape reality. Friday 20th, Pauluskerk

SEVERE BE black metal, hardcore / punk Ultra–grim sounding black metal punk from Belgium will make your Flemish fries instantly freeze in their paper bags. Frostbitten black punk with a lethal dose of energy smacked straight through the centre. If we would have to make a comparison we would say it sounds a lot like Hexis, the Copenhagen black metal band. Sunday 22nd, V39

SEX JAMS AT indie, noise pop, garage rock Who left the door open to the Vienna underground? Damn it, they let some sunshine on the energetic, noise rockers from Sex Jams. We ordered our fuzz uncut and dark. Well, these five Austrian fuzzrockers take that visceral DIY underground attitude, take it on stage, and turn it into a poppy, catchy duel of styles. It’s still unmistakably loud and dirty, but sometimes you need some sunlight to accentuate the grime. Friday 20th, Cul de Sac

SERPENT NOIR GR black metal The lyrics of Serpent Noir are paved with the names of unholy entities. Some are pronounceable many are not. The songs are about fire, ecstasy and infamous Draconian Tradition. Vile black metal in its purest essence, We are the Dragon’s Blood and we are the Dragon’s Breath. Red Dragon of the Apocalypse rise from the Black Sea. Ho Drakon ho Megas!”” Friday 20th, 013 – Kleine Zaal


SHANNON AND THE CL AMS US surf, rock ‘n roll, garage rock Shannon and The Clams from Oakland (The same Shannon from Hunx and his Punx) live around the San Francisco bay, which basically ensures they make great garage music. Channeling the atmosphere of California surf culture, Shannon and the Clams create 50s rock ‘n roll that would make the Ronettes proud. We implore you to like, totally wave your hands before you like a dolphin and grab a girl and do the twist and like, totally mellow out dude. Shannon, take it away! Sunday 22nd, Cul de Sac

SIN FANG ICE indie, folk Iceland. It’s the country of volcanoes, beautiful landscapes and nice people. And all those brilliant musicians from that little country in the West combine these aspects in their music; soundscapes with an occasional eruption, but always nice to hear. Sin Fang is Sindri Már Sigfússon, singer from the renowned Seabear, and does exactly that. Fragile music, although bombastic when it needs to be. Folk, the Icelandic way. Thursday 19th, 013 – Kleine Zaal

SPILT MILK NL indie, poetry, lo–fi With their focus on (American) poetry, Spilt Milk create a unique and relaxing atmosphere. Their sound shows resemblance to Velvet Underground’s art rock. However, Spilt Milk describe themselves as Art Folk. “We are just another poetry cover band.” Saturday 21st, Studio

SHEEP,DOG&WOLF NZ indie, folk So where were you when you were a late teenager? What were you doing around that age? Odds are your story isn’t as awesome as the story of Daniel McBride from Auckland, New Zealand. He had mastered several instruments by the age of seventeen, when he started his bedroom project Sheep,Dog&Wolf in which he plays indie pop, dripping with musical talent. And with a little help of crowdfunding, Daniel McBride has now managed to get his European tour together. Thursday 19th, 013 – Kleine Zaal

SKY NEEDLE AU avant–garde / noise, psychedelic pop An assortment of strange instruments, many of them not intended to be played, are the weapons of choice for Sky Needle. Strange, improvised pop songs get wrung out of these instruments. Who knew a dust pan could make music? Sky Needle knows! Wednesday 18th, Paradox

► SHONEN KNIFE JP indie, pop punk Shonen Knife is like the epitome of simplicity and joy; just listen to one of their songs and you’ll get a moronic grin on your face –like one that’ll seriously hurt. These Japanese punkgirls(women) have been around for 32(!) years, dodging the pitfalls of rock stardom by just being the cheeriest rocking, candy–colour wearing, Ramones chords blasting band you’ll ever come across. One song is about a giant kitty and we’ve never been happier. Sunday 22nd, 013 – Kleine Zaal 108


SMITH WESTERNS US indie, garage rock Instead of going to college, Smith Westerns starred in their band, rocking out with some great lo–fi garage songs. Later on they showed even more potential with some tighter, almost powerpop–y songs (especially ‘Weekend’, we still just kick it with friends to that song). Present day the Smith Westerns are a household name with –especially on their latest album “”Soft Will””– some heart– breaking, almost dream–poppy songs. Their college years were spent in this band, and they certainly didn’t slack off. Friday 20th, De NWE Vorst

SONNE ADAM ISR metal, death metal, doom When have you ever come across an excellent death metal band from Israel? Today you have, because Sonne Adam is exactly this. The mid–tempo death metal filled with doom; drags you down into the marshes of their old school sound to suffocate you with mud, water and darkness. With song titles like ‘Through Our Eyes Hate Will Shine’, ‘I Claim My Birth In Blood’ and ‘Solitude in Death’, you know this isn’t going to be pretty. Friday 20th, 013 – Kleine Zaal

► SONIC BOOM PRESENTING EXPERIMENTAL AUDIO RESEARCH UK avant–garde / noise, ambient / drone Sonic Boom is the moniker of Peter Kember. His drugged out and absolutely blissful electronic sounds of Experimental Audio Research are a logical result being an ex–Spacemen 3 member. Since 1994 Sonic Boom creates this mesmerizing sea of aural ecstasy based on the obsession for analogue musical instruments and the perfect sound, alongside his band Spectrum. Close your eyes, open your mind and let everything come through... Thursday 19th, Paradox

SONIKBEATZ NL hip hop Super sonic fast fingers dart over rubber tiles, blasting out deep basses. Sonikbeatz is a prodigy behind the MPC, a device used to trigger sounds, so unlike a DJ simply playing tracks, what you hear when attending a Sonikbeatz show is all coming from a press of his lightning fast fingers, not unlike the mighty Araabmuzik. Let Sonikbeatz’ beats take you through the world of bass music. Saturday 21st, Hall Of Fame – 8.6 Stage

SPOOKHUISJE BE folk, psych folk, psychedelic rock Spookhuisje is the solo–project of Brussels based artist Raphael Absolonne. Influenced by the eclectiscism of the city, he developed his own instrumental folk, combining elements of psychedelica, stoner, drone and raga’s. At Incubate, Spookhuisje will perform as a three–piece band, bringing more depth and groove to his tunes, leaving you intoxicated and banging at the same time. Friday 20th, Extase



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STAER NO noise rock, jazz, punk This roaring three–headed beast from Stavanger (Norway) will go for the one–punch knockout with their crushing live show. Who would have thought that a guitar– bass–drum trio could sound so abstract and forward thinking? Prepare yourself; maybe listen to Noxagt or Ultralyd. Friday 20th, Little Devil

STILL CORNERS UK indie, dream pop Being one of the few forward–thinking acts within dreampop, Still Corners’ sophomore album Strange Pleasures moves from Angelo Badalamenti noir–pop sophistication, ethereal Cocteau Twins beauty, Broadcast’s wondrous, disintegrated pop sounds and a warm blooded version of The xx. Taking inspiration from 60s Italian horror movies only adds to their elusive sound. Having Tessa Murray’s graceful voice wash over you live promises to be a heavenly experience, from narcotic purr to icy falsetto. Monday 16th, Paradox

STARE CASE US blues, avant–garde / noise Stare Case is one of the branches hanging from the Wolf Eyes–tree. This time, Nate Young and John Olson have teamed up for this project, which released the album ‘Lose Today’ in 2011. Slower, a bit fuzzy and even some clear vocals on some of the tracks. But yeah, let’s be honest about this: it is still coming from two members of Wolf Eyes. It’s still noisy and weird. And that’s good. Part of project: Wolf Eyes in Residence Friday 20th, Little Devil

STOMA NL hardcore / punk, grindcore, metal Whoever thought Friesland is just the agriculture part of the Netherlands is dead wrong. The freaks from Stoma have been the official Dutch supplier of bad taste over the past years. With notorious album covers full of shit and vomit, the content of the records are nothing more than entertaining but ruthless goregrind with some crusty death metal riffs. Don’t look for subtlety here. In grind we crust! Saturday 21st, Little Devil

STEFFEN BASHO–JUNGHANS GER folk, contemporary composed, acoustic This German guitarist/composer makes a mix of experimental and traditional guitar music. Inspired by legend John Fahey and Japanese poet Matsuo Bashō (whose last name he adopted as a sign of respect) Junghans’ music will dart around our Pauluskerk in all its might, tenderness and inginuity. Friday 20th, Pauluskerk

STRANDED HORSE FR folk, acoustic, singer–songwriter Stranded Horse aka Yann Tambour plays a whole bunch of instruments including a guitar and a Kora –and although this variety is very interesting– it’s the intensity of Tambour’s singing that makes his music this intense. In one YouTube clip he is playing in an empty lobby somewhere and the experience looks just as exhilarating as if he were to play on a cliffside somewhere. Oh, and we just see that he will be playing in the Pauluskerk during Incubate, which pretty much equals death by beauty. Friday 20th, Pauluskerk 111

SUIT & TIE JOHNS NL garage rock A lot has been written and said about psychedelic garage music in the past couple of years, still, you just have to witness a good band that produces this fuzz–infused dance music in a sweaty pub to really grasp what it’s all about. Suit and Tie Johns will take you by the hand with their stoner approved rock–’n–roll in Cul de Sac. Part of: Kicking The Habit <3 Incubate Wednesday 18th, Cul de Sac

THE SWEET RELEASE OF DEATH NL indie, noise pop Don’t worry, the music doesn’t get as pessimistic as their band name, but this noise pop three–piece from Rotterdam does pack some melancholy in their music. Dark synths, menacing vocals and new wave guitar riffs make for an interesting and well, even hopefull sounding mix. On the other hand they sing “Let’s die in a fire”. Let’s wait and see if that happens. Part of: Kicking The Habit <3 Incubate Monday 16th, Cul de Sac

SULTAN BATHERY IT garage rock, indie Sultan Bathery’s backstory: A dirty, ugly city in Southern India, smoking weed in temples and shooting at schoolgirls in the jungle? (We may have read that last one wrong). Two Italian guys who met God (or a massive hangover) in a special place in India, came back home, found a drummer and started playing psyched out, 60’s garage. It’s like watching a terrible Bollywood film on acid and riding elephants while wearing denim jackets. Right on. Saturday 21st, Café Babbus

T.A .G.C. UK avant–garde / noise, drone, experimental Adi Newton originally conceived of The Anti–Group Communications as a side– project of Clock DVA for more experimental music, but it grew into a fully fledged multi– media collective. Early singles showcased hard–edged electro–funk, but T.A.G.C. quickly developed a complex electronic sound. Today, T.A.G.C. exists at the intersection of experimental industrial and dark ambient, and of science and esotericism, projected in a 360° audio/visual environment when playing live – which they rarely do. Sunday 22nd, De NWE Vorst

► SUPERSILENT FE ATURING: STIAN WESTERHUS NO avant–garde / noise, free jazz, electronic Unmoored from genre–convention, the men of Supersilent will team up with Rune Grammofon label–mate Stian Westerhus (Puma) to bring to you both the panache and the frugality of Norwegian music. After the departure of drummer Vespestad in 2009, Supersilent’s sound changed into something more introvert. But since every show is improvised, it is always a surprise as to where the impetus will lead them. So the practical thing to do is be there. Tuesday 17th, Paradox


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TEETH OF THE SEA UK indie, krautrock, psychedelic rock Damn it all to hell if we’re not able to find a better genre description for Teeth of the Sea than post–rock, a term so chewed out it could mean anything about now. Maybe 80’s sci–fi movie intro–credits music? Synthesizer sex music? Krautrock without the kraut and with the lazers? End of the world music? Demented trumpet noise for playing in spaceships? Ok, it’s post–rock, but also all of the above! Saturday 21st, 013 – Stage01

THE TWILIGHT SAD UK indie The Twilight Sad generally plays indie folk music with layers of noise. The Scottish band recently moved forward to Industrial and krautrock–like influences with their last album ‘No One Can Ever Know’ from 2012. Live the band has a reputation of playing loud and energetic with many alterations and surprises in their sound. Saturday 21st, 013 – Kleine Zaal

TERROR BIRD CAN electronic, indie, dream pop Never underestimate female vocals. Sure, Terror Birds dark synth landscapes are very pretty, but it is the otherworldly beauty –and the cold edges– of vocalist Nikki Never’s voice that shape them into feverish, beautiful landscapes. Think of the Canadian Zola Jesus; a comparison we don’t throw around lightly. Sunday 22nd, Cul de Sac

TERZIJ DE HORDE NL black metal Some think extreme metal is only played by angry teenage outcasts, trying to provoke their mothers by screaming evil things and playing inaccessible music as fast as possible. And while this may be true for some, Terzij de Horde proves otherwise. Their name taken from a Dutch poem by legendary poet Hendrik Marsman, this band consists of highly socially engaged academics. And yes; their black metal is also raw, hard–hitting and thought provoking. Friday 20th, 013 – Stage01

▲ THIS TOWN NEEDS GUNS UK indie, math rock This Town Needs Guns? In our opinion this math rock band already packs enough firepower, no need to get guns involved. No need for violence either seeing as their power is of the emotive kind, making twitchy, polyrhythmic math rock with sweet vocals that will lull you into their world. Like Hemmingway said: “the math rock is mightier than the gun”! Saturday 21st, 013 – Stage01


THOSE FOREIGN KIDS NL noise rock, indie Haarlem’s bright new noise hopes Those Foreign Kids grind up surprisingly ferocious sonic barrages, for although the name might mislead you, there are only two of them producing that tsunamic surge. They’re like an ice–shelf surfing rabid polar bear coming straight at you. Nailed to the ground in terror you can only wait to be washed away. Saturday 21st, Studio

TIMMIETEX NL hip hop Timmietex, local rapper and cowboy, who released his debut album “Texus Ranger” last year. Foreigners and non–Brabandians (people from the rest of Netherlands) would be smart to bring a translator because Timmietex sings in a thick, Brabandian accent making his rhymes very original and very true to their roots. Sunday 22nd, Hall Of Fame – 8.6 Stage

▼ TIM HECKER CAN avant–garde / noise, ambient / drone Maybe he’s born with it, maybe it’s his Mackie 1402. For all we know, Tim Hecker is one of the leaders in modern ambient noise and is sometimes referred to as ‘the Brian Eno of this generation’. Tim Hecker recorded albums with Aidan Baker (Nadja) and Daniel Lopatin (Oneohtrix Point Never, Ford & Lopatin), who both performed at Incubate 2011. With that in the back of our minds, we just can’t wait to get submerged in whatever Tim Hecker is forcing his equipment to produce. Saturday 21st, Theaters Tilburg

TINNER FIN hardcore / punk, crust Their shows are like liquor store hold–ups. Not just because Tinner likes to play with stockings pulled over their heads. More so because a typical performance of theirs is short and very abrasive. They come in d– beats blazing, shove an instrumental barrel in your face and get out before you can say Finland. Crust punk doesn’t get any better than it does in the northern parts of Europe. Friday 20th, V39

TRACKLESS NL folk, folk pop Folky singer–songwriter duo, consisting of a man and a woman, who are backed by a band in creating folkpop with a rock edge. The harmony–singing is supported by instruments like melodica, harmonica and cajon. Part of project: Roxxity Local Heroes Saturday 21st, V39 114

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TULUS NO black metal While the second wave of black metal spawned a couple of household names, some gems were left in the shadows of relative obscurity. There they were uninterupted by sensational media and could work on what they deemed most important: making black metal for the initiated. Tulus from Norway could be regarded in this fashion. Black metal based on pure riffing and attitude with members of Khold. Saturday 21st, Extase

UNHAPPYBIRTHDAY GER indie, cold wave, new wave These guys from Germany sound a lot like the Cure and New Order with their very prevalent bass, sharp guitar riffs and catchy synths. We want to celebrate someone’s (unhappy)birthday during this show, so if you are turning a year older this evening, please come over and we’ll forget your presents, eat all your cake, say unkind things to you and dance. Dance. Dance. Sunday 22nd, Sounds

URPF L ANZE BE folk, acoustic, psych folk, experimental Urpf Lanze is Wouter Vanhaelemeesch, a Belgian artists who uses an acoustic guitar and grunts to realize a very intense live performance. Think of Bill Orcut when he’s mad. Vanhaelemeesch also runs his own label AudioMER and makes drawings and paintings that have been used as album covers for Jozef van Wissem (who’ll also be playing Incubate), James Blackshaw and Smegma. He is also a dedicated Incubate visitor, so we are very glad to welcome him to our beautiful Pauluskerk! Saturday 21st, Pauluskerk

◄ T YREE COOPER US electronic, acid house We could have easily called this the Incubate: Hall of Fame edition because we have another legend for you. Tyree Cooper started a whole new genre back in the 80s, now known as hiphouse, with killer tracks ‘Turn up the Bass’ and ‘Fear the Night’ (together with Chiq!). Tyree helped widen the appeal of house music and without him we probably would not have had Eurodance and subsequently no 2 Unlimited or 2 Brothers on the 4th Floor. Go pay your respects to the awesome super duper trooper. Saturday 21st, 013 – Main Stage

USURPER UK avant–garde / noise An improv duo from Edinburgh featuring ex–members of Giant Tank. They play disabled or broken instruments at such a low volume that their gigs are almost silent. Almost, and not always. They played Incubate 2008 as well, so that shows how much we love their miniscule free–noise hissy–fits, broken instrument scrapes/ squeals and wordless vocal sputter. Sunday 22nd, Synagoge

UNCLE BERRY BE folk, indie, singer–songwriter With members from Spain, France and Belgium, this Brussels based band is certainly very varied. They make alternative folk with calm guitar melodies and hushed vocals. Understatement is the key here, because just like Tunng, Uncle Berry always hints at beautiful stories while never forcing it on the listener. For those willing to come closer, there is a lot of beauty to be discovered here. Friday 20th, Clancy’s Irish Pub


VATICAN SHADOW US electronic, techno, industrial / EBM Music is often used to convey a feeling; in Vatican Shadow’s case it’s desolation and misery. Dominick Fernow uses military themes combined with tape–recordings of war, which were filtered and mixed back together, to create an apocalyptic hellscape full of misery. Just like Fernow’s other project, Prurient (also at Incubate), it’s hard to put a label on his music, but we have rarely heard something this dark and exhilarating – while still retaining its dance–ability. Powerful stuff. Friday 20th, Hall Of Fame – Foyer

VISCERA/// IT doom, post–metal, experimental A lot of genres, despite being ill–defined, keep many fans and artists encapsulated into seperate worlds. Viscera/// is not one of those artists. They seem to come together and let the music take them wherever. The thing that keeps it all together is the common goal of making music that can be elevating and smothering at the same time. Saturday 21st, Extase

WARM TOY MACHINE FR garage rock, indie Warm Toy Machine are from Toulouse, France (but now live in Brussels) and are strongly influenced by Southern France garage bands like the Magnetix, Sonic Chicken 4 and American bands like Jay Retard and Ty Segall. Warm Toy Machine must own all the fuzz pedals in all of Belgium because their super fuzzy, devilishly simple brand of garage punk wails maniacally into the night. L’enfer oui! Friday 20th, Café Babbus

VERBUM VERUS NL black metal When bands like Verbum Verus arise in a place near you, it’s not easy falling asleep at night. Unholy disharmonies, sickening growls, rattling drums. This seems like something more than just a band. It sounds like a gathering of disturbed minds with foul intentions. With members of Funeral Goat and Sauron, you know they’re up to some mayhem. Black metal for the initiated. Friday 20th, 013 – Kleine Zaal

THE WEDDING PRESENT UK post–punk, indie We can’t help but get excited to have an inspiration for several generations of indie rock bands alike. The Wedding Present have been around since 1985 rocking up to eighteen uk top 40 hits. The continual factor has been lead singer and mastermind David Gedge who keeps surprising us with noisy guitar pop and ground breaking pop songs. Indie heavyweights, no scale needed. Tuesday 17th, Extase

VESSEL UK techno, house, electronic “How far off the grid can you stretch techno and still call it techno?” With this tough question Resident Advisor opened their review of Vessel’s ‘Order of Noise’. Tough to answer because this album lets you experience a mesmerizing mix of slow house, dark ambient and dub techno while it can also please the ears of a post–punk noisefan. To find the answer we recommend you to listen for yourself, especially if you liked the dark sounds of Andy Stott or Raime last year. Friday 20th, Hall Of Fame – 8.6 Stage



WHITE HILLS US space rock, stoner rock, psychedelic rock New York spacerock trio White Hills are the opposite of a comet. They suck up an explosion of energy on the surface of the Earth: from the history of amplified rock music, from the weather, from adrenaline, from the history of synthesized electronic music, from substance use, from philosophy, from friends and enemies alike, from mother fucking electricity, and they focus it into a blinding beam of energy which they reflect back out into the void. Monday 16th, 013 – Kleine Zaal

WHORESNATION grindcore This grindcore band from France may sound like it, but they’re far from being out of control. Their enragement is perfectly planned and will let you feel what hatred can bring and their impelling music sound as pure and clean as violence can be. With a full and self–titled album released in 2012. Tuesday 17th, Little Devil

WIFE IRE electronic, ambient / drone, dub techno From prestigious label Tri angle Records (Haxan Cloack, How to Dress Well) comes James Kelly a.k.a. WIFE. Kelly creates lush electronic landscape, filled with intimate and warm sounds, soft jangling guitars and hushed voices. On the other hand WIFE shows his roots and channels Kelly’s black metal days – he played in Altar of Plagues on Incubate 2009 – into intense and menacing post–dubstep vibrations. Burial meets José Gonzales, wearing a Darkthrone shirt. Friday 20th, Hall Of Fame – 8.6 Stage

▼ WHITE MANNA US space rock, psychedelic rock, krautrock The propulsion behind White Manna is staggering. On their eponymous debut the California psych–rockers barrel through their songs; not unlike the hamburgers – from the NJ hamburger stand they derive their name from – barrel trough your veins. While they share a following with Carlton Melton (also on Incubate Sunday), space and psych is not the destination; it’s their fuel. Holy Mountain records are famous for their high quality acts; White Manna are no exception. Sunday 22nd, Extase

WILLIE DARKTROUSERS NL indie, folk, acoustic Little is known about this strange guy from the North of the Netherlands. We do know that Willie Darktrousers is a troubadour who sings about the little twists of fate in his hometown Donkerbroek. Think of a butcher whose meat turns blue or a rabid milkman; he gets inspired by mini tragedies based on true stories. And all these little anecdotes in song are brought by a very sincere troubadour with a healthy dose of black humor. Sunday 22nd, Beans & Bites


► WILLIS EARL BEAL US blues, soul, lo–fi, indie His voice is so intimidating it could be a nightclub bouncer. His voice is so sensual it could satisfy all your girlfriends while you’re out of town. He is Willis Earl Beal. He came from the streets and over the last years has become one of the most intense soul performers around. Style over substance over style over substance, Beal knows that he needs to entertain people to get them to listen. And listen we will. Saturday 21st,De NWE Vorst

WIRWAR SOUNDSYSTEM NL acid house One of Tilburgs most infamous collectives, Wirwar Soundsystem has been banging dancefloors since 1996. Acid, tekno, breakcore, everything we can bang our heads to! Saturday 21st, foyer 013

PROJECT WOLF EYES IN RESIDENCE Because Wolf Eyes were so influential and have so many other projects going on, we’ve asked them to play with a fraction ofthe hundreds of their own splinter groups as well.

WOLF EYES US avant–garde / noise, experimental, noise The Wire magazine calls this Detroit collective “the kings of US Noise” and with tens of other branches between the members of the band, it is a royal family with more inbred going on than the royal families of Europe some centuries ago. Wolf Eyes is harsh, uncompromising and loud on every single release and live show, but somehow maintain to be interesting and refreshing. Part of project: Wolf Eyes in Residence Friday 20th, Little Devil

19th, Little Devil Stare Case, Henry & Hazel Slaughter, Regression, Crazy Jim

WORSHIP GER metal, doom For years, Worship has been on top of the doom metal game. Putting out high–quality, low volume releases has slowly but steadily earned them a dedicated fanbase among doom afficionados worldwide. These guys push thick layers of pure funeral doom metal through their speakers, with but one intention: commanding your brain into strict obedience to the riff. Sunday 22nd, 013 – Stage01



THE YAWNS UK indie, pop, lo–fi The Yawns hail from Scotland, a country where men have hair on their teeth, kill dragons and drink motor–oil for breakfast. In a country this masculine there also needs to be some room for meaningful introspection... or at least some well–crafted pop songs. Luck has it that this is exactly what the Yawns provide. Twingy–twangy guitar and bass with some melancholic lyrics for maximum Scottish catharsis. Friday 20th, Café Babbus

ZENTRALHEIZUNG OF DEATH DES TODES GER garage rock, surf There is this Youtube clip of Zentralheizung of Death des Todes, playing in some shitty, tattered basement. For a couple of seconds we see this woman violently shaking her head, and we assume she continues doing so for the entire length of the clip. That woman going beserk pretty much signifies everything we love about this band and garage music in general. This Friday, that woman is gonna be us. Friday 20th, Cul de Sac

YUCK UK indie, shoegaze Yuck’s new single is appropriately titled ‘Rebirth’, as singer Daniel Blumberg recently left the band to focus on his solo–projects. No reason to cry however; the recognizable fuzzy guitars of Max Bloom, one of the main attractions of the old album, are still there. He also takes over the vocal duties. Things change, people leave, but Yuck show that there are always possibilities to create something beautiful (again). We can’t wait to see for ourselves what these lo–fi, alt rockers have evolved into. Saturday 21st, 013 – Kleine Zaal




Project. During Incubate, Open Source Radio will once again rule the airwaves! 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, we offer the best in alternative, weird and popular music, radio–plays, interviews, debate and talks for everyone in Tilburg to enjoy on the ether, for the rest of the world there’s a live stream online. The program has been brought together by famous pirate radio jockey’s, local house dj’s, music and radio enthusiasts and with special help by the Hall of Fame crew. 10–16 September 24h a day in the air and online.

Monday 16th Wednesday 18th 00:00 – 12:00 Radio Bamsa en RadioKidoki 12:00 – 13:00 Cairo Liberation Front 13:00 – 14:00 Anker Inc. 14:00 – 16:00 Moving Furniture Records DJ Team doet Incubate 16:00 – 18:00 De Herrie van Perry 18:00 – 19:00 LEVI – Music from, for and inspired by a girl named Aurelie 19:00 – 21:00 The Nonesuch Explorer 21:00 – 22:00 Open Source Radio 22:00 – 00:00 Johnny Crash met “Radio–Banzai”

00:00 – 09:00 Radio Bamsa 09:00 – 12:00 Raakveld Radio 12:00 – 13:00 Wine and Dine Daterape 13:00 –14:00 Anker Inc. 14:00 –16:00 Herrie van Perry 16:00 –18:00 X–Rated 18:00 – 20:00 De Nightrider 20:00 – 21:00 The Plant Orchestra – Plant Hits 21:00 – 22:00 Open Source Radio 22:00 – 00:00 Tuinen

Tuesday 17th

Thursday 19th

00:00 – 12:00 12:00 – 13:00 13:00 – 14:00 14:00 – 16:00 16:00 – 17:00 17:00 – 18:00 18:00 – 20:00 20:00 – 21:00 21:00 – 22:00 22:00 – 00:00

00:00 – 08:00 Radio Bamsa 08:00 – 10:00 De Herrie van Perry 10:00 – 11:00 Open Source Radio 11:00 – 12:00 ARTxFM – L/o/u/i/s/v/i/l/l/e S/o/u/n/d/s 12:00 – 13:00 GYM 13:00 – 14:00 Anker Inc. 14:00 – 16:00 Radio Mortale 16:00 – 17:30 Majjem Radio 17:30 – 18:30 Keezus Christus 18:30 – 20:00 De Nightrider 20:00 – 00:00 RadioKidoki

RadioKidoki SCHTEVIG, your lsd trip of garage & stonerrock Anker Inc. Moving Furniture Records DJ Team doet Incubate Special Guest Special Guest De Herrie van Perry DJ Gmail Open Source Radio Johnny Crash en Fre2k met “The Other Worlds”



Friday 20th

Sunday 22nd

00:00 – 08:00 RadioKidoki 08:00 – 10:00 De Herrie van Perry 10:00 – 11:00 Open Source Radio 11:00 – 12:00 ARTxFM – L/o/u/i/s/v/i/l/l/e S/o/u/n/d/s 12:00 – 13:00 Leilani Trowell 13:00 – 14:00 Anker Inc. 14:00 –16:00 Red Light Radio met Rege Satanas & Brain Fried 16:00 – 16:30 The Real Heavy Metal 16:30 – 18:30 OORSMEER – OOG Radio 18:30 – 20:00 De Nightrider 20:00 – 00:00 Radio Bamsa

00:00 – 08:00 Radio Bamsa 08:00 – 10:00 De Herrie van Perry 10:00 – 11:00 Open Source Radio 11:00 – 11:30 Spiritual Teachers 11:30 – 12:00 Voices 12:00 – 13:00 Voice and Soundscapes: The Body and the Land by Robin Lasser 13:00 – 14:00 Anker Inc. 14:00 – 16:00 Red Light Radio met Aux Raus 16:00 – 18:00 Windmill Moth Glue & Herb Diamante 18:00 – 19:00 Burgemeesters van Torhout – Radio voor verdwaalde cultuur. 19:00 – 20:00 It finally happened, we’re going slightly mad; Variety Show – OSR Radio Team 20:00 – 00:00 RadioKidoki

Saturday 21st 00:00 – 08:00 Radio Bamsa 08:00 –10:00 De Herrie van Perry 10:00 – 11:00 Open Source Radio 11:00 – 12:00 Weerstand 12:00 – 13:00 Zip Coon & Friends 13:00 – 14:00 Anker Inc. 14:00 – 16:00 Es Gibt Samling 16:00 – 18:00 DR Klangendum 18:00 – 19:00 LEVI – Music from, for and inspired by a girl named Aurelie 19:00 – 20:00 OORSMEER – OOG Radio 20:00 – 00:00 Radio Bamsa 121



2018EINDHOVEN Eindhoven is candidate for the European Capital of Culture in 2018. It would be a great opportunity for this region. That's why we support the candidacy and 2018 supports us. FRESHHE ADS Getting sentimental about an internet company? These guys already supported us from the beginning and provide you with a kick ass website, panels during the conference and a free app. GEMEENTE TILBURG Home is where the heart is. Not only the city of Tilburg, but also lots of inhabitants of our home town support the festival.We're proud of being here. PROVINCIE NOORD -BR ABANT Supports us with connecting the festival with the local surroundings, like you can see at the Santiago Sierra project, the residency at 't Schop and the Friday night in the 013 main hall, where we connect producers from Frankfurt with visuals from Kent, Antwerp, Frankfurt and Tilburg.





Leisure Academy Brabant “Verbindt kennis aan praktijk”









Veemarktstraat 44, 5038 CV Tilburg

NS–Plein 16, 5014 DA Tilburg



Stationstraat 14, 5038 ED Tilburg

Telegraafstraat 62, 5038 BM Tilburg



Koningsplein 10, 5038 CB Tilburg

Heuvelstraat 141, 5038 AD Tilburg



Heuvel 46, 5038 CS Tilburg

Pater Dondersstraat 20, 5011 XG Tilburg



Heuvel 44–45, 5038 CS Tilburg

Nieuwlandstraat 33, 5038 SM Tilburg



Heuvel 48, 5038 CS Tilburg

Heuvel 9, 5038 CN Tilburg



Willem II straat 49, 5038 BD Tilburg

Willem II Straat 20, 5038 BG Tilburg



Wilhelminapark 1, 5041 EA Tilburg

Goirkestraat 96, 5046 GN Tilburg



Ringbaan Oost 2a, 5013 CA Tilburg

Spoorlaan 19, 5038 CB Tilburg



St. Josephstraat 133, 5017 GG Tilburg

Louis Bouwmeesterplein 1, 5038 TN Tilburg



Heuvelring 112, 5038 CL Tilburg

Spoorlaan 21 i–k, 5038 CB Tilburg



NS Plein 5, 5014 DA Tilburg

Veemarktstraat 39, 5038 CV Tilburg


Stationsstraat 27, 5038 EA Tilburg



Stichting Incubate PO Box 327 5000 AH Tilburg The Netherlands

Editorial Jasper Willems, Miriam van Ommeren Natasha Taylor, Famke van den Berg Tess Wiskerke, Erik Luyten, Jelle Agema

Chamber of commerce nr: 18079496 VAT sales tax nr: 81485166b01

Contributed to this festival guide Brent Oostrum, Jasper Willems, Jules Kersten Maarten Schermer, Martijn Nijenhuis, Rene Aquarius, Richard Foster, Ruud van Esch Thijs Gouwerok, Tom Duijkers and you, the Incubate community

Staff Vincent Koreman (artistic director) Joost Heijthuijsen (external affairs) Tineke de Mug (production, operations and finances)

Board Arend Hardorff (chairman) Bente Bollmann, Serge de Pauw, Leo Pot

Artistic team Jantien Borsboom (film) Peter Meeuwsen & Jan Vrijens (music)

Thanks Thanks to all our volunteers: You are Incubate! We couldn’t do this without y’all. All the partners of the hard–working Incubate employees: Thank you for your patience, confidence and support! We love you.

Marketing Jelle Agema, Erik Luyten, Dyon Schlebos, Niek Nellen, Jeroen Linnenbank, Koen Luijk Bob Verhagen, Joost van de Pas, Tess Wiskerke Tony Lathouwers, Yannick Verhoeven, Twan Brinkman, Bence Meijer

Disclaimer Although we tried to be good and contacted people, we may have missed on copyright issues. If you spot something of yours that we used without your permission, we’re sorry. Drop us an email and we will either remove it or credit you for the picture. Paradoxically, everything else contained within this guide belongs to everybody. We’ve created it for our community; you can do with it whatever you like.

Fundraising & Conference Barry Spooren Production Marnix Baert, Marcel Verheijen, Wout Hoste Steph Byrne, Lenny van Keulen Project Management Brechtje Sneijders, Daan Taks, Karlijn Beunder Famke van den Berg, Katrien Ligt, Veerle Lavoir Maarten Lammers, Maud van Maarseveen Natasha Taylor, Nik Hiemstra, Niki van Rooy Marinke Kerkhoff, Merijn Denkers Sanne Evertz, Suzanne Keurntjes

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Graphic design Ingo Oszkinat (art director) Tijn de Kok (lead designer) Björn Roetman, Etienne van Mil


THANK YOU! YO U A R E A M A Z I N G , S E E YO U B ACK N E X T Y E A R . 15 – 22 S E P TE M B E R 2014 TH E 10TH E D ITI O N!

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