children to counter these stressors, as they create the download or Start by sitting upright on process time necessary to your haunches. Put your palms WHILE yoga is well-known put their sensory world into together, bending your back to for improving strength, perspective,” said Manson. close your wings. concentration and relaxation, Adding that it goes Make your eyes wide and slowly experts say it can also help without saying that when move your head from side to side. children socialise better at children learn techniques Benefits: home and school. for relaxation and inner Strengthens legs For children, there are fulfilment, they can more easily and improves balance enormous benefits to doing navigate life’s challenges. and focus. yoga. Physically, it enhances their Cami Barausse, a kids yoga flexibility, strength, co-ordination, instructor at Yogibears, said kids and body awareness. In addition, their yoga aids in establishing and concentration and sense of calmness and growing confidence in children relaxation improve. through the Socially it allows them realisation to interact with other kids in a relaxed and different environment to school and home. Suzie Manson, a senior yoga teacher of Yoga 4 Kids, says there is an increase in the number of children suffering from sensory dysfunction, ADD/ADHD, learning difficulties, dyspraxia, dyslexia, low and high muscle tone and autism, to name a few. Manson said children are becoming more and more conscious, with media-provoked body issues surfacing far earlier than we’d care to admit, and depression and anxiety becoming prevalent. “Yoga therapy and mindfulness and well-being practices can help our