vksehØksu@¶yw nks ?kaVksa esa djsa bykt
igys y{k.kksa dks igpkurs gh mik; djuk gSA ;fn y{k.kksa dh ckr djsa rks buesa ukd cguk] lnhZ yxuk] 'kjhj esa nnZ gksuk] vpkud cq[kkj vkuk] ;k det+ksjh eglwl djus dks 'kkfey dj ldrs gSaA vkidks 'olu ra= dks ghV nsuh gS rkfd ok;jl dks 'kjhj esa vkxs tkus dk volj u feysA
Defense – Stage 1
Direct application of heat to upper airways, at the first sign of infection inhibits virus replication. Conti C, De Marco A, Mastromarino P, et al.: Antiviral effect of hyperthermic treatment in rhinovirus infection. - Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1999; 43(4): 822–829
j{kk ra=k & LVst 2 tc ge 'kjhj dks ghV nsrs gSa rks blls jDr ds ih,p esa lq/kkj gksrk gSA ;g vYdsykbu gksus yxrk gSA jDr esa ,Ydsykbu izHkko dks jksx
Defense – Stage 2
Heat stress (on body) alters blood pH, creating alkaline condition – favourable condition for immune system. Tsuji B, Hayashi K, Kondo N, et al.: Characteristics of hyperthermia-induced hyperventilation in humans. -Temperature (Austin). 2016; 3(1): 146–160