College of Graduate and Professional Studies Viewbook 2017

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The College of Graduate and Professional Studies is responsible for all aspects of graduate study and research at Indiana State.

BLU BLUE IS 75-plus graduate and professional programs on campus and online. Research. Explore. Innovate.

U UE BLUE IS making the world your research lab. Learning from others. Getting your hands dirty to get ahead.


“ The masters in dietetics program was something that combined my love of food, health and fitness, and working with people. One aspect that is really unique is that you get to do both the master’s and clinical hours you need to take the board exam. It’s hard to find a program that does both and does it in the way that Indiana State does. They recognize each one of us has different career goals and they have given us opportunities so that we can gain experience in those areas.” — ERIN STAMPER M.S. IN DIETETICS

“ As a leader in technology management, State provides an excellent program. They provide a polished, reliable, and flexible distance learning experience, combining direct professor contact. The collection of consortium universities and diverse students from around the country provides a great learning experience.” — BRYAN WAINEO PH.D. IN TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT

“ My career goal is to be a professor of journalism at the college level. The curriculum, instruction, and media technology program allows me to get a Ph.D. specifically geared toward teaching and media technology. By making it flexible, people can not only keep their fulltime jobs, but also stay in the communities they’re already invested in.” — AMANDA BRIGHT PH.D. IN CURRICULUM, INSTRUCTION, AND MEDIA TECHNOLOGY

Get ready for a challenge. Prepare for a promotion. Advance your career. Engage in personal growth. You want to keep moving. We get that. At Indiana State, you’ll join more than 2,000 graduate and professional studies students who are also investing in their futures. Whether you want to influence policy, work with cutting-edge technology, or train athletes, we are here to support your career goal.


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GLOBALIZATION Business Administration M.B.A.

At State, we go global—and we’re taking you with us. Since 2003, Dr. Aruna Chandra, professor in the Scott College of Business, has worked to cultivate global relationships with more than 70 business incubators around the world. Through her carefully curated study abroad trips, she introduces students to a new way of thinking about business and innovation. Chandra accompanies students on ten- to 12-day immersive study abroad trips where they meet with entrepreneurs, talk with university professors, visit government organizations, and see the sights. On a trip to India, Chandra and her students met social entrepreneurs at Bakeys, a business that uses rice and wheat from local farmers to make edible vegan spoons. It’s an unusual idea, but a socially responsible one: its purpose is to decrease the amount of plastic going into India’s landfills. “These entrepreneurs are engaging in what is called ‘frugal innovation.’ They manage to be so creative and so innovative despite deficits in their environment,” Dr. Chandra said.

Bringing big ideas home State’s students have the opportunity to apply what they learned abroad to their own business practices. Master of business administration student Brandon Henman, vice president at Terre Haute Savings Bank, traveled with Dr. Chandra on a study-abroad trip to Morocco. “I wanted to get a perspective on small business in Morocco and to learn more about the different ways in which entrepreneurs access capital in a frontier market, whether that’s through traditional banking environment or other types of micro-finance.” Whether you want to be an executive at a multinational corporation or open a small shop in your hometown, global experiences broaden your world view and introduce you to ideas and perspectives you can pour into your own work.


COMMUNITY SERVICE Occupational Therapy M.S.

What makes our students outstanding in community service? A whole lot of love, some creativity, and — cardboard. Indiana State’s students, faculty, and staff lead the nation for community service. Serving is integrated into the fabric of our University, just ask occupational therapy student Chelsea Dause. Inspired by a professor’s charitable work, Dause and five other occupational therapy students and professionals organized and raised money for a trip to Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. “We knew it was a way we could give back with the skills we are learning in school. It was interesting to see how the concepts we were learning in class carried over,” Dause said. They primarily worked in an orphanage that was constructing a school. The team’s mission was to evaluate the kids and see which should be in the special education classroom, what kind of accommodations they would need, and set up life-skill-based treatment plans. In a country that lacks drivable roads, little access to medicine, and homes made of sticks and tarps, the team was forced to be creative when evaluating and assisting patients. “It was fast-paced and you have to think outside the box. The solutions we came up with had to be sustainable and low cost. Just like cardboard carpentry—it didn’t cost much to make a wheelchair lap tray, whereas in the U.S. it would cost a couple hundred dollars,” she said. “The biggest takeaway is coming back to the U.S. and having more compassion for future patients. I learned many skills, but also learned it doesn’t take a lot to make someone’s life better—that’s why I got into this profession.” Caring for vulnerable populations in a culture far removed from the U.S. was an eye-opening experience she says underscored her decision to become a pediatric occupational therapist.




RESEARCH Social Work M.S.W.

First of its kind partnership to help young mothers exiting the prison system. “I am very passionate about human potential and helping those who are vulnerable and oppressed,” said Dana Simons, master of social work student. Simons is the co-founder and executive director of the Next Step Foundation, a recovery community for men and women overcoming addiction to drugs and alcohol. Next Step is partnering with the master of social work program on a federal grant to help young mothers exiting the prison system. The grant is part of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Second Chance Act and will fund a mentoring program—the first of its kind—for mothers 18-25 years old involved in the criminal justice system.

Integrating State into the community The process of researching and implementing the program is a unique collaboration between students and faculty. “Our hope is to help skill development, employment, housing, sobriety, and reuniting families, so when the women are released they have a community available,” said Robyn Lugar, professor and grant principal investigator. Students are getting true-to-life work experience while in school. “These students will be a part of this program that is looked at nationwide,” said Lugar.

“I am so pleased to help write this grant. On my own, I never would have written it because we’re a small nonprofit. It’s to the credit of the University that they wanted to be involved.” — DANA SIMONS STUDENT AND CO-FOUNDER AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AT NEXT STEP


RESEARCH Genetic Counseling M.S.

It’s in your DNA. And your DNA is taking you far. State’s new, accredited genetic counseling program is taking students around the country. “In their second year, students have six clinical rotations where they can go to hospitals, clinics, or labs,” said Megan Tucker, MS, LGC, program director. “They can travel around the country where they’ll spend time in prenatal settings, pediatric clinics, cancer clinics, and see patients. There is no other program designed this way.” The unique rotation format is why ambitious students with interests in everything from biology to psychology are choosing State to launch their careers as genetic counselors. As genetic information becomes more integrated into healthcare, we’re staying on the cutting edge. This cross-disciplinary program trains students to interpret genetic results, help patients understand their (and their families’) risks for diseases, and connect patients with appropriate resources. Before students enter the field for rotation, they complete extra lab time with faculty. “Most programs do not have a lot of laboratory practice,” Tucker said. To give students a better understanding when interpreting data, “we’ve built (the program) with the intention of focusing more on how the laboratory side of things works.” The first class will graduate in 2018—and in a field that has more job openings than graduates, students already have jobs waiting for them. “I have had clinics call us and ask to be a clinical site, in hopes to get students interested in their job openings,” Tucker said.


“In their second year, students have six clinical rotations where they can go to hospitals, clinics, or labs.� Megan Tucker, MS, LGC Program Director, Genetic Counseling Program


“When I’m in the food pantry, I see international students, minority students, all different kinds of students. I’ve been around so many types of people, and it’s vital to have those communication skills.” Damontá Madden M.S. in Student Affairs and Higher Education


DIVERSITY and INCLUSION Student Affairs and Higher Education M.S.

A passion for people. For Damontá Madden, being reared in foster care meant learning hard lessons at a young age. Those experiences have molded him into a dedicated and diligent person, and inspired his tireless work to improve the lives of others. During his undergraduate degree, his involvement in a program that supports foster youth inspired one of his future career goals: to become dean of a university. “I want to implement my own foster care transition program,” he said. When he met Dr. Mary Howard-Hamilton and Dr. Kandace Hinton, he was motivated to pursue his master’s in student affairs and higher education at Indiana State. “We have a shared passion to help people. The program allows me to take lessons I learned in foster care to help in a positive way and I know they can mold me into the best in the field,” he said.

Putting passion into action Studying at a university with the most diverse public residential university in Indiana allows Madden to reach more types of students and tie his passion for helping people into his academic experience. His pivotal work with the United Campus Ministries Food Pantry at Indiana State is improving the lives of students across campus. His efforts are paying off. He presents at conferences, hosts live news programs, and will soon start a radio show to increase awareness of food insecurity among college students of all backgrounds. He credits the faculty in the Department of Educational Leadership for those skills. “The program is awesome. Having three practicums and being able to work hand in hand with the people that are teaching you is incredible.”

“College campuses are becoming more diverse. Our nation is becoming more diverse. I think students in this program need to have those experiences within the context of the classroom and within the context of the institution. We use a social justice model where we push our students to think outside the box and to experience people who are different from them.” — DR. KANDACE HINTON PROFESSOR, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP



Creating cultural exchanges through art. Huda Hawasi, a master of art studio student from Saudia Arabia, has brought the attention of many, with her engaging ceramic pieces that represent Islamic letters. “My religion is part of my work because it’s the foundation for all of my behavior and ethics,” Hawasi said. “My favorite art piece is ‘Respect,’ which describes the proverb that says, ‘Treat people as you want them to treat you,’ because it is the unifying idea throughout all of my artwork.” Hawasi’s work has made such an impact on the university community that she received an award from the Cunningham Memorial Library. She said, “It showed how people enjoyed and interacted with my work. That’s why I was inspired to choose Islamic art—it’s a cultural exchange between my culture and America.” Hawasi’s passion is using art to build bridges of understanding by engaging with new ideas, people, and cultures. That’s what inspired her to travel halfway around the world to Indiana State. Now, as a graduate of State, she plans to return to her teaching position at Saudi Arabia’s Umm-Al Qura University so her students can benefit from her experience and the knowledge she’s gained.

“We know our students so well. We’re really able to integrate them into the fabric of the department. They become our graduate assistants and are involved in community engagement. It’s hard to let them go because they’re really part of what we do. I think that really says something about the depth of their involvement.” — DR. WILLIAM GANIS CHAIRPERSON AND PROFESSOR, DEPARTMENT OF ART AND DESIGN


“I chose Indiana State’s master of art studio program because my friends told me the school had a creative and supportive environment. I was impressed by the range of program offerings, the art facilities, and faculties’ portfolios.” Huda Hawasi M.A. of Art Studio


“Getting my Ph.D. at Indiana State was absolutely the best thing I did for my career. The courses were exactly what I was looking for.� Dr. Dean Bartles CEO of American Robotics, Ph.D. in Technology Management


CAREER ADVANCEMENT Technology Management Ph.D.

Moving U.S. manufacturing into the future. Can you imagine the possibilities for fabrics that can see, hear, convert energy, monitor health, and communicate? Or flexible electronics, like cell phones, that can roll up? While we might not be there quite yet, with Dr. Dean Bartles, it’s quickly becoming a reality. Bartles, a proud Indiana State alumnus and CEO of American Robotics, is leading the rebirth of manufacturing in the U.S. “We will truly revolutionize how parts are designed in the future,” Bartles said. “Some people call all of this new data ‘intelligent manufacturing.’” While American Robotics does not manufacture the products, they create technologically advanced tools that will manufacture products in the near future. Bartles’ expertise has taken him to the highest level of government. He was with President Obama in the Oval Office in 2014 when two new institutes were announced: Light Weight Innovations, and Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute (DMDII), which he ran until transitioning to his position at American Robotics, a Manufacturing USA innovation institute. Bartles’ journey to the upper echelons of the manufacturing industry began in 2003, when he decided to pursue a second Ph.D. He saw the direction manufacturing was moving and began searching for a college that offered a degree in advanced levels of manufacturing. Indiana State was the obvious pick—and one that’s made all the difference.


CAREER ADVANCEMENT Clinical Psychology Psy.D.

Among top programs in the Country. There are many reasons why Indiana State’s clinical psychology doctorate program is one of the top in the nation. For starters, the program has a 100% placement rate for students in highly competitive internships at American Psychological Association sites across the country. Students are placed into internships at competitive sites such as The College of William and Mary Counseling Center (Virginia) US Air Force (Texas) Sharp Healthcare (California), and Federal Medical Center (Kentucky)

The program’s structure gives students a competitive edge. “What makes us unique is we have smaller cohorts and are a university-based clinical psychology program that also requires a dissertation,” said professor Liz O’Laughlin. State’s psychology doctorate program prepares our students for competitive internships—and real world work.

Where professors are mentors, researchers, and more “Our students are more active in research than many free-standing clinical psychology programs would be. Most students also have at least one research presentation that they’ll do at a conference,” O’Laughlin said.

“I chose Indiana State because the faculty is committed to working with the students. The energy of the program felt different and more supportive than other programs.” — R ACHEL MAGIN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY STUDENT



“I wanted a doctoral degree at some point, and learned about Indiana State’s doctorate in athletic training program and knew it would be a good fit.” Zach Dougal Manchester University Professor, Doctorate in Athletic Training


ONLINE EDUCATION Athletic Training D.A.T.

Athletic training fosters leadership in a flash. The doctorate in athletic training program—the only accredited program in the U.S.—is attracting students from all corners of the country. The online program attributes much of its success to the familial atmosphere cultivated in their cohort through an on-campus experience lasting four to five days each semester. Students like Zach Dougal are able to pursue an advanced degree while maintaining a full-time job. Dougal is a licensed athletic trainer who never pictured himself going back to school for his doctoral degree. That all changed when he was approached about an athletic training education position at Manchester University in North Manchester, Indiana. He quickly found his niche and a passion for teaching. “I learned about Indiana State’s doctorate in athletic training program and knew it would be a good fit,” Dougal says, “I am contributing something to the profession I can be proud of as a clinician and a researcher and will be able to pass what I’ve learned on to my students and colleagues.” The program attracts seasoned professionals like Dougal, and recent graduates who want to advance their degree and profession. Though the focus is to develop clinical practitioners, there’s an emphasis on leadership development and research. At just 57 credit hours, it is a short and intensive program that pushes students forward with helpful classmates and faculty. “I have several other classmates in my cohort that are going through the same emotions,” Dougal said. “We share stressful and successful times. It’s nice to have a group of individuals to relate to. We’re so connected even though we are spread out all over the nation.”


ONLINE EDUCATION Occupational Safety Management M.A./M.S.

Breaking new ground in research. An opportunity with AmeriCorps in California inspired Chris Langsdale to pursue a career in occupational safety management. “I was a construction crew leader and led volunteers at a not-for-profit. They would range from having no previous construction experience to retired master carpenters. So, I really enjoyed the daily challenge of making sure everyone went home safely at the end of the day.” After speaking with safety professionals, he began to explore degree programs. Indiana State’s master’s program in occupational safety management stood out because of its reputation and the ability for Langsdale to complete coursework online.

Publishing research with faculty Melding his original interest of volunteer safety into his academic experience was seamless. Dr. Farman Moayed and Langsdale published the article, “Perception of Occupational Risk by Volunteers & Paid Construction Workers,” in the Journal of Safety, Health, and Environmental Research, a premier journal within the field of occupational safety. Only two issues are published each year, and for 2016 only six articles were selected for publication. “The biggest takeaway from the research is that the relationship between safety and unpaid labor has not been thoroughly investigated. This study might be one of the first to include volunteers,” Langsdale said. “In a lot of ways, this was a foundational study that could one day influence future research.” Langsdale stays busy traveling as the Health, Safety, and Environmental Manager for the multinational company Cummins Inc. He oversees regulatory compliance, employee training, and preventing injuries and environmental incidents for six locations in California. He was hired for the position after he graduated, and credits the graduate degree from State: “I was able to get hired after graduation very quickly. Without a doubt, the master of science degree made the difference. I wasn’t working in safety before graduation, so I know the degree is what caught their eye.”





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“I started evaluating what kind of programs would work with my schedule, and it being offered online was a big part of that. The accreditation was also important to me, so I chose Indiana State.” Chris Langsdale Health, Safety, and Environmental Manager, Cummins Inc. M.S. in Occupational Safety Management


“Students feel our professors are so much more credible when they have real world experience. It’s tough to think Dr. Mark Hamm doesn’t know what he’s talking about when he was in a Middle East terrorist prison a week ago,” Dr. William Mackey Assistant Professor Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice


EXPERT FACULTY Criminology and Criminal Justice M.A./M.S.

Professor expands the field of criminology. From careers at the CIA to the FBI to Chief of Police, the criminology faculty has helped mold some heavy-hitters in the criminology field. It’s no surprise as to why, thanks to the leadership of professors such as Lisa Decker, J.D., and Dr. Mark Hamm. Decker, a former police officer and deputy prosecutor, trains officers and prosecutors on legal matters, and Hamm is a world-renowned terrorism expert who works with the United Nations and counter-terrorism agencies. Then you have Dr. William Mackey, an innovative mind who has seen the growth of the cyber criminology field not just at State, but throughout the country. “Reports came out saying we were not getting better at cyber security. As I started looking at it I wondered why, because these are major crimes. It became evident criminology really needs a lot of people working on this.” Dr. Mackey is doing his part to keep up with the growing demand. He and two colleagues recently launched Alloy Cyber Security, a company that performs cyber security audits for businesses in Terre Haute, with the help of State’s criminology students. “Alloy Cyber Security is incredibly excited about the opportunities our interns have,” he said.

“I would have never found NCIS had it not been for Dr. (DeVere) Woods saying, ‘You should check this out.’ Had he not taken the time to talk to me, my entire life would have been entirely different.” — HEATHER RYAN, GR ’01 FORMER NCIS SPECIAL AGENT, OWNER OF SAFE IN THE CITY


EXPERT FACULTY Clinical Mental Health Counseling M.S.

Helping students become counselors. When David Johnson steps into his classroom at Indiana State, he’s keenly aware of the responsibility to his students—and the future clients they will counsel. “A lot of my research, teaching interests, and previous professional interests have centered on the training of counselors and understanding what helps students the most as they seek a career as a counselor,” said Johnson, assistant professor of counseling. A former therapist for abused and neglected children, Johnson understands a counselor’s most powerful tool is the bond they develop with clients. “If someone doesn’t grasp this idea, I think they could wind up doing a lot of lecturing and giving a lot of advice. They need something more,” he said. “I always remind my students that forming supportive relationships is what will make a difference in their clients’ lives.”

Faculty motivated by students State students get the rare opportunity to work with clients in their first year. “The Norma and William Grosjean Clinic is what sets State apart. The hands-on, live supervision we are offered by our professors and professionals in this area is invaluable,” said Vanessa Granger-Belcher, clinical mental health counseling student. Faculty in the program understand how to educate students about being the most effective counselors they can be. This knowledge influences the program’s emphasis on having early interactions with clients, which Johnson sees as central to students’ success. “In my mind,” he said, “as long as I can relate what I’m doing to helping my students be better counselors, I am motivated to continue what I’m doing.”


“A lot of my research, teaching interests, and previous professional interests have centered on the training of counselors and understanding what helps students the most as they seek a career as a counselor.� Dr. David Johnson Professor, Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology





Human Resource Development for Higher Education and Industry M.S.

The foundation of a community— educating and growing together. From a wholesale grocery in Terre Haute during the 1850s to the nation’s leading manufacturer of baking powder, Clabber Girl has grown into a brand that is known and respected among home cooks and culinary professionals throughout the country. For Terre Haute, the company represents something more: a symbol of continual growth and progress. And over the past 150 years, State has grown along with the company, educating and inspiring students in Terre Haute and around the world. One of those students is alumna Lisa Pepperworth, who is the President of Human Resources at Clabber Girl, where she oversees employee relations, recruiting, training development, strategic planning, human operations, and labor relations. She chose State’s online master’s degree in human resource development for the flexibility of taking classes online, and because of the strong training and development curriculum. Pepperworth’s passion for growing and developing employees’ potential is woven throughout her career. From the senior director of human resources at Terre Haute Regional Hospital to her current position at Clabber Girl, she has applied what she learned from the human resource development program at State to a variety of positions. “In all the organizations I’ve worked in, human capital and employee development and training have always been an important part. It’s the employee relations aspect that I enjoy the most,” she said. Clabber Girl continues to expand into new product lines and establish new partnerships. It’s this mindset of constant innovation that keeps our students and community fresh— and it’s a practice State has been doing since the beginning.




Nursing M.S.N.

Passing on the passion: educating future health care providers. Working in critical care nursing wasn’t what Jack Jaeger originally had planned. “When I was younger I was deciding between journalism and nursing, but nursing had more opportunity,” he said. After graduating from Indiana State with his associate’s in 1997 and bachelor’s in nursing in 2009, he quickly developed a passion for improving patients’ lives. He served as a nurse in critical care and open heart recovery, and eventually became a critical care educator at Union Hospital. Following his passion for nursing and education, in 2011, Jaeger jumped at the opportunity to develop the Simulation Center at the Rural Health Innovation Collaborative (RHIC) in Terre Haute. The RHIC is a 13-member collaboration of organizations (ranging from academia to health care and government) that addresses health, employment, and economic issues. The idea for the simulation center was born out of the desire to improve and expand interprofessional education, and training of future health care providers. “The Simulation Center is a training center for pretty much every health care discipline you can think of. That’s pretty special,” Jaeger said. “We have 35 disciplines that use our facilities on a routine basis, including students from Indiana States’ College of Health and Human Services. We’re also the only accredited simulation center in the state.” Jaeger always knew he wanted to continue his education and decided it was time to dive back in. “I was intrigued by the nurse educator program at State. The whole program is online, so it’s easier for my schedule. It’s been really great working with faculty and going through the courses with them. I’ve always held State in very high regard.”


“It became more of a love than a job. Moving into nursing education, it is rewarding to teach people how to save lives.� Jack Jaeger RHIC Simulation Director, Doctorate in Nurse Education




Welcome to the crossroads of America! If you love the coziness of a small town but want the convenience of city life, you’ll be at home in Terre Haute. Settled along the banks of the Wabash River, Terre Haute celebrates its rich history and culture. Our campus is located in the heart of downtown and is home to more than 13,000 students from more than 70 countries. From China to Saudi Arabia, we love integrating diverse perspectives into our campus and community. We’re a close-knit community with some hidden gems. Residents and visitors alike enjoy varied activities, like a family outing to the Children’s Museum or enjoying a beer or coffee with friends at local venues. If outdoor adventures are more your speed, have a picnic at Deming Park or grab your bike and hit the trails at Griffin Park. Plan an evening of stargazing at one of two observatories, then enjoy a special dinner at one of the dozens of culinary gems that dot the city. If you’d like to get away for the weekend, we’re a short drive from major cities like Indianapolis (71 miles), Chicago (188 miles), and St. Louis (168 miles). Just hop on the interstate and you’re on your way.



The best of both worlds. Graduate studies are a challenge that require you to prioritize those things most important to your academic success. Our graduate student housing system is built with your specific needs in mind. Whether you are single or married with kids, this is a place to call home.

The simpler things in life The last things you need to take up your time and attention are adventures in bill paying, roommate problems, or hidden costs. State’s graduate housing is designed for ease of living: A few blocks from campus, or a short bus ride away No up-front deposit No monthly bills—cable, WiFi, phone, and utilities included An early childhood education center nearby

Your success What it all comes down to is your success. Graduate students choose our housing because Residential Life keeps academic success in mind. Whether you need quiet time or space to collaborate, opportunities to meet likeminded friends or the chance to have some fun, our housing provides independence and the helping hand of community—just in case you need it.

You have options University Apartments: Our University Apartments have families in mind with an enclosed playground and community garden. These furnished apartments are available to students who are single or married, and those with families. 500 Wabash: A great location where upperclassmen and graduate students can live, work, study, and play in the same area. Popular shops and restaurants are right outside your door. Inside, units boast granite countertops, full kitchens, private bathrooms, and more. We want you to feel at home while you study at State. Call 812-237-3993 or visit for questions or to view an apartment.




We know life extends outside the classroom and beyond graduation. That’s why we provide services that support you academically, and help you thrive outside the classroom. University Early Childhood Education Center Our accredited early childhood learning center provides professional care to children from infancy through age 5. The program is affiliated with the Bayh College of Education and incorporates developmentally appropriate curriculum in an attentive and loving environment.

Career Center Our newly renovated center provides full and free access to career development assistance. Need help polishing your résumé? Preparing for a professional conference? Connecting with industry professionals in your field? We’re here for you!

Alumni Network You won’t be graduating with only a degree — you’ll be graduating into a much larger alumni family: 100,000+ strong. From the Alumni Association to travel programs and homecoming events, we want you to stay connected with State!

Graduate Student Association We take immense pride in assuring all our students’ concerns are heard and respected. We strive to provide continuous improvement of campus and implementation of student-driven programs designed to achieve awareness, unity, and pride for Indiana State.


IT Support Forgot your computer password for the millionth time? Need help connecting to Wi-Fi? The latest software? Our IT team provides you with information on education programs for your classes or quick fixes on your laptop.

Cunningham Memorial Library We’ve put a lot of work into making the library a supportive and comfortable learning space. Our library has five floors of books, tutoring services, librarians with subject expertise, quiet spaces, group convening areas, charging stations, and the Cup and Chaucer Café.

Health Resources The UAP Clinic-ISU Health Center administers everything from immunizations to health assessments, men’s and women’s health treatments, lab and X-ray diagnostics, medications, and more.

Student Recreation Center Our 100,000-square-foot facility has an abundance of amenities to choose from: shoot some hoops, jog on the track, go for a swim, work out in the fitness center, or sign up for personal training.

Student Counseling Center We have counselors who can help you deal with personal concerns that are weighing you down. Just stop by or schedule an appointment.

Professional Development As one of four Carnegie Research institutions in Indiana, we have a solid reputation for being a doctoral research university. Our Office of Sponsored Programs assists students, staff, and faculty in finding and applying for internal and external funds for research activities and scholarships for travel to professional conferences.



It’s no surprise pursuing an advanced degree is a challenge. But it’s worth it. Here are a few things to know about graduate studies at State.



We have more than 75 graduate and professional programs in the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Business, Education, Technology, and Health and Human Services.


We offer more than 300 assistantships to graduate students. These competitive opportunities offer professional work experience, stipend, and fee waiver.


Be sure you have a clear map to graduation right from the start. Some programs have classes that aren’t offered every semester.


Students ask if graduate study is possible with a family. The answer is “Absolutely!” We support students by building flexibility into many of our programs.


Join one of our 250 active clubs or check out the Center for Community Engagement to learn about the numerous ways to stay engaged.


Many of our programs offer online classes. It’s a great option for students who work full time and have families.


We’re all about connecting with the community—and each other. Plan time to get together with your cohort after class. Downtown has great local restaurants!


We have a solid reputation as a doctoral research university. Not only do students collaborate on research projects with faculty, but we also host a biannual exposium where students present their research, and provide scholarships that fund travel to conferences.


The quality of our programs is top-notch. We’ve been recognized by Forbes as one of America’s Top Colleges six years in a row for return of investment for affordability and quality.


Our students’ diverse backgrounds and perspectives enrich the learning experiences of everyone on campus. That’s why our top priority is to provide a safe and supportive environment for all our students.



Master’s Art Studio M.A.

Fine Art M.F.A.

Athletic Training M.S.

Genetic Counseling M.S.

Biology (with or without thesis) M.S.

Geography M.A.

Social Work—Advanced Setting M.S.W.

Business Administration M.B.A.

History M.A./M.S.*

Career and Technical Education M.S.*

Human Resource Development for Higher Education and Industry M.S.*

Clinical Mental Health Counseling M.S.

Mathematics M.A./M.S.*

Sport Management M.S.*

Communication M.A.

Music M.M.

Computer Science M.S.

Nursing M.S.N.*

Student Affairs and Higher Education M.S.

Criminology and Criminal Justice M.A./M.S.*

Occupational Safety Management M.A./M.S.*

Curriculum and Instruction M.Ed.*

Occupational Therapy M.S.

Earth and Quaternary Sciences (with or without thesis) M.S. Educational Technology M.S. Electronics and Computer Technology M.S.* Elementary Education M.Ed.* English M.A. Family and Consumer Sciences M.S. Family and Consumer Sciences with a Specialization in Dietetics M.S.


Health Sciences M.S.*

Science Education (with or without thesis) for Licensed Teachers M.S.


Physical Education (Coaching) M.A./M.S. Physical Education (Exercise Science) M.A./M.S. Physician Assistant Studies M.S. Psychology M.A./M.S. Public Administration M.P.A.* School Administration and Supervision M.Ed.* School Counseling M.Ed. School Psychology M.Ed.


Social Work M.S.W. Special Education M.S.* Speech-Language Pathology M.S.

Technology Management M.S.* TESL/Language Studies M.A.




Athletic Training D.A.T.*

Computer Education License and Educational Technology Facilitation

Advanced Study in Public Administration*

Biology—Ecology Ph.D. Biology—Microbiology Ph.D. Biology—Physiology Ph.D. Clinical Psychology Psy.D. Curriculum and Instruction Ph.D. Educational Administration Ph.D.* Guidance and Psychological Services—School Psychology Ph.D. Guidance and Psychological Services: Specialization in Counseling Psychology Ph.D. Health Sciences D.H.Sc. Nursing D.N.P* Physical Therapy D.P.T.

Director of Career and Technical Education Post-Master’s, Non-Degree License Program

Advanced Study in Public Personnel Administration* American Government and Politics

Director of Curriculum and Instruction Initial License Post-Master’s Non-Degree

Curriculum, Instruction, and Media Technology for Higher Education and Industry*

Director of Exceptional Needs—Initial License Post-Master’s Non-degree

Family Nurse Practitioner Post-Master’s*

Driver Education* Gifted and Talented Endorsement—Non-degree* Reading Teacher Licensure School Administration and Supervision-Initial License Post-Master’s Non-degree*

Spatial and Earth Sciences Ph.D.

School Counselor PostMaster’s, Non-degree License Program

Technology Management Ph.D.*

School Counselor— Professional License School Counselor—Standard License Visual Impairment: Nondegree License Program for Exceptional Needs

Genomic Advocacy* Human Resource Development* Instructional Design* International Politics Learning Disabilities, Emotionally Handicapped, Mental Retardation, or Gifted and Talented, Non-degree/ Endorsement Mental Health Counselor Endorsement Nursing Education Post-Master’s Piano Pedagogy Safety Management * Teaching English as a Second Language/Teaching English as a Foreign Language* Virtual Instruction*





Here’s how to apply: Select Graduate at Fill out the online application.

Pay the $45 application fee.

Request official transcripts. Official transcripts are required. They must be sent directly to Indiana State from the degree baring institution via USPS or electronically.

Submit any program-specific requirements listed on the program page.

Wait fewer than two weeks to hear the good news.

Get ready to watch your dreams turn BLUE!


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Indiana State University does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, age, national origin, sexual orientation, including gender identity or expression, religion, disability, or veteran status. In line with its commitment to equal opportunity, the University will recruit, hire, promote, educate, and provide services to persons based upon their individual qualifications meeting established criteria.

BLUE IS Indiana State University College of Graduate and Professional Studies Terre Haute, IN 47809 812-237-3005

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