College of Technology Strategic Plan 2019-2024

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Strategic Plan for 2019-2024 Empowering Students. Inspiring Success.

Table of Contents A Message from the Dean................................ 3 Our Numbers at a Glance................................ 4 Highlights from the Surveys............................. 7 Graphic of the Plan......................................... 8 The Strategic Plan.......................................... 9 Framework of the Plan with Metrics................ 12 Thanks to Participants.................................. 20



A Message from the Dean What an exciting opportunity it is to work with the faculty, staff, and students in the College of Technology! We are acutely aware that technology has major implications for how we live now and will live in the future. The College has a solid history of achievement in technology programs. It serves as the foundation for the teaching, research, and service we do in our programs. As an integral part of the University, the College promotes the quality and value for which Indiana State is widely known. Our challenge is to build on the College’s strong foundation to advance our diverse programs and further enhance our contributions to the city, region, state, and beyond. This strategic plan for 2019-2024 is bold. It will provoke us to make changes. It will ensure that we prepare our students even more effectively. We expect you to judge us by our results. I am eager to lead the effort. Thank you to the faculty, staff, students, and board of advisers for joining me.

Neslihan Alp, Ph.D., P.E. Dean, College of Technology


Our Numbers at a Glance College of Technology by the Numbers—Fall 2018 Full-time Faculty Headcount 57 Grants Submitted (FY 2018-2019)


$ 262,929

Awards Received


$ 126,375

Undergraduate = 2,201

Graduate = 200


542 (B.S.)

6 (M.S.)


364 (B.S.)


656 (B.S.)

61 (M.S.)


316 (B.S.)

31 (M.S.)


313 (B.S.)

46 (M.S.); 2 (G Certificate)

Other (Technology/non-degree)

14 (B.S.)

Student Enrollment

Technology Management

56 (Ph.D.)

New Freshmen = 331 New Transfers = 262 New Graduate Students = 39

Retention and Graduation Rates First-Year Retention


70.7 %

Four-Year Graduation Rate


38.6 %

Six-Year Graduation Rate


54.7 %

Degrees Conferred

Undergraduate Graduate

(AY 2017-2018)


77 (64 master’s; 13 doctoral)

Placement (AY 2017-2018) Full-time Employment

86.4 %

Mean Salary of Full-time Employed

$ 58,658.65

Medium Salary of Full-time Employed

$ 47,500.00

Graduate School Admission

4.3 %

AETM: Applied Engineering and Technology Management AVT: Aviation Technology BE: Built Environment ECET: Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology HRDPT: Human Resource Development and Professional Technologies Source: Institutional Research 9-20-2018




Highlights from the Surveys Student Survey Results, Highlights Questions with Highest Satisfaction, using “Strongly Agree” and “Agree” • I am satisfied with my academic progress so far in my classes.


• I have adequate opportunities to develop my writing skills.


• My critical thinking skills have developed.


Questions with Lowest Satisfaction, using “Strongly Agree” and “Agree” • Courses reflect emergent technologies I will need in my career.


• Face-to-face courses keep me engaged with the professor.*


• If I encounter difficulty with understanding material in my courses, I have access to tutoring.*


• Online courses are well designed to provide similar academic rigor and academic discussions and interactions as face-to-face courses.*


Alumni Survey Results, Highlights Questions with Highest Satisfaction, using “Strongly Agree” and “Agree” • My education in the College has improved the quality of my life.


• The College is headed in the right direction.


• An internship experience helped prepare me to be effective in business/industry.*


• The College prepared me to analyze and integrate knowledge.


Questions with Lowest Satisfaction, using “Strongly Agree” and “Agree” • Courses prepared me to communicate effectively in writing.


• Courses prepared me to speak effectively.


• The College communicates satisfactorily with me.


• I participate in College events.*


*Percentages were adjusted to reflect those who chose “Not Applicable.”


Graphic of the Plan RING STUDE E W NT PO S M E A L V U E R S U : O









The Strategic Plan A Strategic Plan for the College of Technology Empowering Students. Inspiring Success. 2019-2024 Values • Students. The College of Technology values its students. We make them #1 in everything we do. • Academic Quality. We transform students’ abilities and social mobility through the quality of our programs. We prepare students for the advanced technological workforce. • Diversity. We value and respect the diversity of individuals, ideas, and expressions. • Integrity, Reputation, and Professionalism. We respect the integrity of people and processes as essential to our College’s reputation and professionalism.

Vision The College of Technology will prepare students for a globalized workplace and be recognized as a premier talent provider in the nation.

Mission The College of Technology offers high demand educational programs, providing theoretical and experiential learning that ensures students’ career success. 9

Priorities 1. Student Success A. Recruit and enroll highly motivated students 1. Review articulation agreements 2. Publicize COT opportunities 3. Arrange visits each semester with students at other institutions

B. Increase the retention of students 1. Contact all advisees each semester 2. Expand faculty rapport with students 3. Maintain a balanced student/faculty ratio 4. Update the degree map for each undergraduate student 5. Track the annual retention rate of each class

C. Set a culture of accountability for students 1. Develop a student handbook to provide information and set expectations 2. Monitor and improve student attendance in classes 3. Evaluate each undergraduate student’s degree map

D. Encourage student engagement with industry 1. Utilize experiential learning, internships, and seminars; Set a baseline of participation and seek 10% increase each year 2. Assist graduating students in obtaining employment within their career field

E. Improve the six-year graduation rate of COT undergraduate students 1. Identify the May 2019 graduation rate and strive for 10% increase each year 2. Monitor and improve the four-year rate 3. Monitor and improve the six-year rate

2. Employee Success: Faculty and Staff A. Promote and increase scholarly research 1. Strengthen the emphasis on graduate programs; Increase the number of publications and presentations by 10% each year

2. Enhance undergraduate research; Increase the number of publications and presentations by 10% each year 3. Examine and implement ways to obtain resources to support faculty efforts

B. Increase the number of external grants written and submitted to funding agencies 1. Promote collaboration with graduate programs and the Grants Office; Increase submissions by 10% each year 2. Collaborate with other programs internally and externally; Increase submissions by 10% each year 3. Examine and implement ways to obtain resources to support faculty efforts

C. Enrich the professional development of faculty within the College of Technology 1. Conduct an orientation program for new faculty 2. Develop a faculty mentoring program 3. Support faculty attendance at professional development programs

D. Support career development opportunities for staff members as appropriate 1. Share professional development opportunities with staff 2. Initiate department- and college-specific workshops

3. Academic Curriculum A. Streamline resources across the College of Technology 1. Analyze and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of foundational courses, course offerings, course scheduling, and online programs

B. Ensure the currency and alignment of all curricula to industry needs 1. Seek and apply input from industry through active COT advisory boards and alumni

C. Seek accreditation or external review for all undergraduate and graduate programs 1. Create and implement a college-wide accreditation review schedule


4. Facilities and Infrastructure A. Renovate facilities (external and internal) in the greatest need 1. Create a list of facilities with greatest need for renovation by 2021 and identify key areas appealing to external funding sources 2. Work with the University leadership to raise awareness of major needs

B. Enhance the use of laboratory spaces 1. Employ a technician/student assistants for technical laboratory spaces 2. Determine a schedule of days/hours for students to use the laboratories

C. Improve the safety, security, and use of all facilities 1. Install cameras for safety and security inside laboratories and hallways as needed 2. Create and implement a policy for the safe use, maintenance, and renewal of laboratory equipment 3. Display safe-operating instructions for all machine tools and equipment 4. Provide swipe-access for entrance to all laboratories 5. Ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in all COT buildings/facilities

D. Enhance features of sustainability in all buildings 1. Replace fluorescent lights with LED fixtures 2. Seek LEED certification for renovated facilities

E. Develop company and individual sponsorships for room and laboratory spaces 1. Write proposals to industry and other prospective donors for sponsorships

5. External Relations A. Establish new, and expand current, partnerships with business, industry, and other educational institutions

B. Develop working relationships with state and local legislators 1. Partner with the ISU liaison concerning COT needs and opportunities

C. Strengthen relationships with alumni and other COT friends 1. Recognize alumni awards and achievements 2. Initiate a guest speakers series

D. Increase the number of donors and the amount of contributions 1. Collaborate with the offices of Advancement, Marketing, and Career Center

6. Recognition and Reputation A. Promote and highlight student/faculty engagement and scholarly work 1. Showcase student achievements to promote engagement with external partners 2. Increase the publicity of faculty research in local and regional media 3. Participate in regional student competitions in different disciplines

B. Implement and expand the marketing of the College and its accomplishments 1. Continue the use of billboards and publications 2. Encourage students to attend career fairs and outreach events to increase recognition of COT programs 3. Encourage programs and student organizations to use social media to promote programs 4. Develop and implement a college-level career fair

C. Increase the ranking of programs at the regional and national levels 1. Establish an active industry advisory board for each program 2. Submit surveys to national organizations for ranking purposes in different areas

1. Improve middle/high school and community college relationships 2. Embrace professional networking 3. Utilize a partnership with the Chamber of Commerce to help build community partnerships


Framework of the Plan with Metrics PRIORITY 1—Student Success OBJECTIVE A. Recruit and enroll highly motivated students

B. Increase the retention of students

C. Set a culture of accountability for students






1. Review articulation agreements

1. Articulation agreements

1. Dean; Director of Outreach

1. Annually

2. Publicize COT opportunities

2. Current promotional materials

2. University Marketing

2. Annually

3. Arrange visits each semester with students at other institutions

3. Number of visits with students

3. Department Chairs; Director of Outreach

3. Each Semester

1. Contact all advisees each semester

1. Record of appointments within first 4 weeks; Calls at 4th week

1. Student Services; Faculty

1. Each Semester

2. Expand faculty rapport with students

2. Student satisfaction survey yearly; COT exit survey at graduation

2. Student Services

2. Each Semester

3. Maintain a balanced student/ faculty ratio

3. Comparison with ratios at peer institutions

3. Dean

3. Annually

4. Update the degree map for each undergraduate student

4. Completed degree maps

4. Department Chairs; Student Services

4. Each Semester

5. Track the annual retention rate of each class

5. Published retention rates

5. Institutional Research; Associate Dean

5. Annually

1. Develop a student handbook to provide information and set expectations

1. Publication of handbook

1. Student Success

1. 2021

2. Monitor and improve student attendance in classes

2. Attendance records

2. Faculty

2. Each Semester

3. Evaluate each undergraduate student’s degree map

3. Completed degree maps

3. Student Services; Faculty; Associate Dean

3. Annually

PRIORITY 1—Student Success D. Encourage student engagement with industry

E. Improve the six-year graduation rate of COT undergraduate students

1. Utilize experiential learning, internships, and seminars; Set a baseline of participation and seek 10% increase each year

1. Exit interviews or surveys

1. Director of Outreach; Faculty

1. Annually

2. Assist graduating students in obtaining employment within their career field

2. Determine number in fall 2019; Strive for 10% increase each year

2. Director of Outreach; Department Chairs; Faculty

2. Annually

1. Identify the May 2019 graduation rate and strive for 10% increase each year

1. Graduation data

1. Institutional Research; Dean

1. Annually

2. Monitor and improve the four-year rate

2. Graduation data

2. Institutional Research; Dean

2. Annually

3. Monitor and improve the sixyear rate

3. Graduation data

3. Institutional Research; Dean

3. Annually


PRIORITY 2—Employee Success: Faculty and Staff A. Promote and increase scholarly research

B. Increase the number of external grants written and submitted to funding agencies

C. Enrich the professional development of faculty within the College of Technology


1. Strengthen the emphasis on graduate programs; Increase the number of publications and presentations by 10% each year

1. Number of publications and presentations; Number of students participating

1. Associate Dean; Department Chairs; Faculty

1. Annually

2. Enhance undergraduate research; Increase the number of publications and presentations by 10% each year

2. Number of publications and presentations; Number of students participating

2. Associate Dean; Department Chairs; Faculty

2. Annually

3. Examine and implement ways to obtain resources to support faculty efforts

3. Number of seminars conducted with OSP; List of funding opportunities

3. Associate Dean; Department Chairs; Faculty

3. Annually

1. Promote collaboration with graduate programs and the Grants Office; Increase submissions by 10% each year

1. Number of grants submitted

1. Associate Dean; Department Chairs; Faculty

1. Annually

2. Collaborate with other programs internally and externally; Increase submissions by 10% each year

2. Number of grants submitted

2. Associate Dean; Department Chairs; Faculty

2. Annually

3. Examine and implement ways to obtain resources to support faculty efforts

3. Number of seminars conducted with OSP; list of funding opportunities

3. Associate Dean; Department Chairs; Faculty

3. Annually

1. Conduct an orientation program for new faculty

1. Plan for orientation program

1. Dean’s Office

1. Annually

2. Develop a faculty mentoring program

2. Plan for faculty mentoring

2. Department Chairs; Associate Dean

2. December 2019

3. Support faculty attendance at professional development programs

3. Establishment of a professional development fund; record of attendance at programs

3. Dean’s Office; Department Chairs

3. Annually

PRIORITY 2—Employee Success: Faculty and Staff D. Support career development opportunities for staff members as appropriate

1. Share professional development opportunities with staff

1. Number of opportunities shared; Satisfaction surveys of staff

1. Department Chairs

1. Annually

2. Initiate department- and college-specific workshops

2. Number of workshops held

2. Department Chairs; Associate Dean

2. Annually

PRIORITY 3—Academic Curriculum A. Streamline resources across the College of Technology

1. Analyze and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of foundational courses, course offerings, course scheduling, and online programs

1. Completion of data form; Analysis at Chairs Council

1. Chairs Council; Associate Dean; Department Chairs

1. December 2019; Annually

B. Ensure the currency and alignment of all curricula to industry needs

1. Seek and apply input from industry through active COT advisory boards and alumni

1. Number of meetings with advisory boards; Analysis of survey data of alumni; Evidence of input integrated into courses

1. Dean; Associate Dean; Department Chairs

1. December 2019; Annually

C. Seek accreditation or external review for all undergraduate and graduate programs

1. Create and implement a college-wide accreditation review schedule

1. Establishment of a schedule

1. Dean; Associate Dean; Department Chairs

1. December 2019


PRIORITY 4—Facilities and Infrastructure A. Renovate facilities (external and internal) in the greatest need

B. Enhance the use of laboratory spaces

C. Improve the safety, security, and use of all facilities


1. Create a list of facilities with greatest need for renovation by 2021 and identify key areas appealing to external funding sources

1. Memoranda sent to COT and ISU leadership

1. Mechanical Technologist; Building Technologist; Dean; Facilities

1. May 2020

2. Work with the University leadership to raise awareness of major needs

2. Agenda/minutes indicating discussion

2. Dean; Associate Dean

2. May 2020

1. Employ a technician/student assistant for technical laboratory spaces

1. Evidence of new hires

1. Dean; Department Chairs

1. May 2020

2. Determine a schedule of days/hours for students to use the laboratories

2. Publication and display of a lab schedule

2. Department Chairs

2. December 2019

1. Install cameras for safety and security inside laboratories and hallways as needed

1. Number and placement of cameras

1. Facilities; University Police

1. December 2020

2. Create and implement a policy for the safe use, maintenance, and renewal of laboratory equipment

2. Documentation of a policy

2. Department Chairs

2. May 2020

3. Display safe-operating instructions for all machine tools and equipment

3. Documentation of instructions

3. Department Chairs with laboratory technician/ assistants

3. May 2020

4. Provide swipe-access for entrance to all laboratories

4. Number of entrances with swipe-access

4. Office of Information Technology

4. December 2020

5. Ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in all COT buildings/facilities

5. Facilities report showing compliance

5. Facilities

5. December 2020

PRIORITY 4—Facilities and Infrastructure D. Enhance features of sustainability in all buildings

1. Replace fluorescent lights with LED fixtures

1. Number of LED lights installed

1. Facilities; Building Technologist; Dean’s Office

1. December 2021

2. Seek LEED certification for renovated facilities

2. Proposal submitted for certification

2. ISU Architect; Dean’s Office

2. December 2024

E. Develop company and individual sponsorships for room and laboratory spaces

1. Write proposals to industries and other prospective donors for sponsorships

1. Number of proposals submitted to companies; success rate

1. Faculty; Advancement; Director of Outreach

1. Annually


PRIORITY 5: External Relations 1. Improve middle/high school and community college relationships

1. Number of visits to companies; educational institutions

1. Director of Outreach; Faculty; Director of Corporate Partners

1. Each Semester

2. Embrace professional networking

2. Number of contacts

2. Director of Outreach; Faculty

2. Each Semester

3. Utilize a partnership with the Chamber of Commerce to help build community partnerships

3. Number of visits

3. Dean

3. Annually

B. Develop working relationships with state and local legislators

1. Partner with ISU liaison concerning COT needs and opportunities

1. Number and record of meetings

1. Executive Director of Government Relations; Dean

1. Annually

C. Strengthen relationships with alumni and other COT friends

1. Recognize alumni awards and achievements

1. Number of news releases posted on Web site, social media, or in publications

1. Director of Alumni; Director of Outreach; Director of Development; Marketing; Dean

1. Each Semester

2. Initiate a guest speakers series

2. Number of speakers

2. Dean; Associate Dean; Director of Outreach

2. Annually

1. Collaborate with the offices of Advancement, Marketing, Career Center

1. Identify the number of donors and amount of contributions; Increase by 20% yearly

1. Director of Development; Director of Outreach; Dean

1. Each Semester

A. Establish new, and expand current, partnerships with business, industry, and other educational institutions

D. Increase the number of donors and the amount of contributions


PRIORITY 6—Recognition and Reputation A. Promote and highlight student/faculty engagement and scholarly work

B. Implement and expand the marketing of the College and its accomplishments

C. Increase the ranking of programs at the regional and national levels

1. Showcase student achievements to promote engagement with external partners

1. Documentation of exhibits, presentations, publications

1. University Marketing; Department Chairs; Faculty; Director of Outreach

1. Each Semester

2. Increase the publicity of faculty research in local and regional media

2. Number of media releases

2. University Marketing; Director of Outreach

2. Each Semester

3. Participate in regional student competitions in different disciplines

3. Number of competitions; results

3. Department Chairs; Faculty

3. Annually

1. Continue the use of billboards and publications

1. Number of billboard postings and publications

1. University Marketing; Dean

1. Annually

2. Encourage students to attend career fairs and outreach events to increase recognition of COT programs

2. Number of students participating in fairs and outreach events

2. Director of Outreach; Student Services; Faculty

2. Annually

3. Encourage programs and student organizations to use social media to promote programs

3. Tracking of engagement (number of likes, posts) in Hootsuite.

3. Faculty; Director of Outreach

3. Annually

4. Develop and implement a college-level career fair

4. Evidence of a plan; number of participants (employers and students)

4. Director of Outreach; Faculty; Career Center

4. Annually

1. Establish an active industry advisory board for each program

1. Lists of board members for each program; Minutes of meetings

1. Department Chairs; Dean

1. Annually

2. Submit surveys to national organizations for ranking purposes in different areas

2. Number of surveys submitted and results

2. Dean; Associate Dean; Institutional Research

1. Annually


Thanks to Participants Thank you to the College of Technology faculty, staff, students, alumni, and Executive Advisory Board members who participated so thoughtfully in the strategic planning process over the course of spring and summer semesters 2019. With the assistance of our consultant, we began with a workshop for faculty and staff in early April and continued with small discussion sessions with the strategic plan coordinating committee and dean in the summer. We will begin implementing the plan during the fall 2019 semester and will provide an annual progress report to our constituents at the end of every academic year. With appreciation, Neslihan Alp, Ph.D., P.E., Dean


College of Technology Office of the Dean Technology Building 637 Cherry Street Terre Haute, IN 47809 812-237-3166

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