College of Technology Annual Report 2021-2022

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The College of Technology 2021- 2022 ANNUAL REPORT

DREAMER.DESIGNER.DOER. Sycamores are pioneers of tomorrow. We create, improvise, and improve. We innovate what’s next in aviation, engineering, and automation. Our visions of architecture and design build our tomorrow.

“Change is hard at first, messy in the middle, gorgeousandattheend.”

– Robin Sharma, author of The Everyday Hero Manifesto

When the College began this process four years ago, we adopted the lodestar ‘Empowering Students. Inspiring Success.’ Even when COVID-19 changed our world, our University, and our College, we have remained flexible and resourceful, always concentrating on our drive for progress.

Welcome to the Indiana State University College of Technology’s Annual Report for 2021-22! In this report, we will share highlights of the strategic plan, including data from the past four years.

Along the way, there have been unexpected benefits: the College has become more collaborative; there have been more opportunities for professional growth; students have assumed a voice; and our donors have been ever more generous.

Neslihan Alp, Ph.D., P.E. Dean, College of Technology

Strategic planning starts as a flurry of ideas and bold hopes that, through a winnowing process, results in a thoughtful plan. The nature of a plan and its implementation compels faculty and staff to make choices. In our process, we determined six priorities, and we have focused our energy and resources on implementing them.





“The dean allowed me the opportunity to be involved in the Dean’s Student Advisory Council and the Dean’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Taskforce. Both of these have allowed me the opportunity to get more involved in the college, connect more with students and faculty, and voice my concerns about my education and the education of my peers to find ways to improve it.”

2019 – 2024

This report shares with you the four-year results of our strategic plan and concludes this particular drive of six priorities to inspire success, attain academic excellence, and empower

While we constructed our strategic plan for a five-year lifetime, several factors have caused us to pivot. First there was COVID-19 that shuttered our physical classrooms. Next was the delightful surprise of discovering that we have achieved almost all the goals, objectives, and strategies spelled out in the ambitious plan. Finally, there will be new leadership in the College beginning August 1.


As an integral part of the University, the College of Technology promotes the quality and value for which Indiana State is widely known. During the past four years, we have challenged ourselves to build on the College’s strong foundation to advance our diverse programs and further enhance our contributions to the city, region, state, and beyond.


— COT Student Survey response

2021–2022 HIGHLIGHTS

• The College sponsored Fit for the Future Annual STEM Conference, organized by Women in STEM Professions, for high school students and professional women.

• COT administrators, faculty leaders, and ISU officials discussed COT offerings and partnership opportunities with the deans of Ivy Tech Community College.

• Graduating students continue to achieve high employment success: 93 percent of COT graduates from the Class of 2021 have gained full-time work experience, part-time work experience, or are pursuing advanced education.



• More than 300 prospective students visited, in person or virtually, the College to learn about the educational opportunities.

• Faculty and staff participated in the Endress+Hauser Annual Community Career+Education Forum for 7th – 9th grade students.

COT Dean’s Student Advisory Council

Priority 1: Student Success

• The Guest Speaker Series continued, with three renowned speakers sharing their experiences and providing valuable information to students.

Priority 2: Employee Success — Faculty and Staff

7 COT Staff Council “I have been hugely impacted by all of Theyprofessors...thehaveallnotonlytaughtmewhatneededtobetaughtfromthebookbutalsotaughtmeaboutlife,whichforacollegestudentisveryimportant.” — COT Student


• The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Taskforce was developed and invited guests to present training sessions and discuss relevant topics. Survey

• The Faculty Champions for Recruitment, Retention, and Research engaged in initiatives to support the College.

• Ten new faculty participated with experienced faculty in a Faculty Mentor Program implemented this year.

• Faculty produced more than 20 articles and presentations.


• The Dean’s office sponsored its inaugural Faculty Fellow, Dr. Alina Waite.

• The ISU Board of Trustees also approved the naming of classroom TC 212 as the RQAW Engineering Classroom.

• The ISU Board of Trustees also approved the naming of the Quentin P. Smith, Sr., Observation Deck at the ISU Flight Academy. Alumnus Smith was a Tuskegee Airman.

• The ISU Board of Trustees approved the naming of the Dr. Richard Lyons Burns and Ruth Virginia Naber Burns Laboratory in the COT’s Myers Technology Center.

• Eight programs received approval for reaccreditation: Architectural Engineering; Automotive Engineering Technology; Civil Engineering Technology; Computer Engineering Technology; Manufacturing Engineering Technology; Mechanical Engineering Technology; Packaging Engineering Technology, and Safety Management.

Priority 4: Facilities and Infrastructure

• The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) approved five programs for initial professional accreditation after a rigorous review. The programs that will receive recognition in August 2022 are: Automation and Control Engineering Technology; Electronics Engineering Technology; Engineering; Engineering Technology Management, and Information Technology.

• The Master of Science in Career and Technical Education successfully passed its external reviews.

• The University celebrated the naming of the Bill and Toni Biddle Construction Management Laboratory in the Department of Built Environment. The naming recognized this gift from Troy and Pam Biddle as well as their earlier gift of an endowed scholarship for Construction Management students.

• The College created the following 4+1 programs: MS Technology Management and MS Occupational Safety Management. These programs enable students to earn an advanced degree with only one more year of study beyond the bachelor’s degree.


Priority 3: Academic Curriculum


- The Quentin P. Smith, Sr., Endowed Aviation Scholarship.

- The Ann Schneider Excellence in Industry Scholarship

- The Lester and Elizabeth Carrico Memorial Scholarship

• The social media presence for the College increased 25 percent.

• Recognition from the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology for 13 programs was a remarkable achievement and helps solidify the College’s reputation.

• Dean Alp delivered the keynote address at the 12th Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Conference in Istanbul, Turkey. She received the Distinguished Academic Leadership Award.

• New members were welcomed to the Dean’s Advancement Council, comprised of alumni and industry partners. These members include Steve Bailey, Kayla Boyll, Rick Burger, Chriss Jobe, Todd Jochem, Nicole Otte, Cheryl Roberson, and Dave Snow.

- The Susan E. Cunningham Endowed Aviated Scholarship


Priority 5: External Relations


- Endowed Civil Engineering scholarship established by Trustee Woodruff

- The Captain Ron Ranola Aviation Scholarship

• Sponsored Fit for the Future Annual STEM Conference, organized by Women in STEM Professions and attended virtually by high school students and professional women.

• In addition to the laboratories and rooms listed in Priority 4, the college announced new endowed scholarships:

- Endowed scholarship in Engineering and Technology given by Rita Burns Senseman and her husband Ken Senseman in honor of her parents. Rita’s father is emeritus faculty member Dr. Richard Lyons Burns.

Priority 6: Recognition and Reputation

- The Jennifer J. Piker Endowed Technology Scholarship,


Achieved. Career fairs and speakers series were added.

Not achieved. COVID-19 interrupted this achievement.


Status as of JULY 2022

1b. Increase the retention of students.

i. Utilize experiential learning, internships, and seminars. Set a baseline of participation and seek 10% increase each year.

1d. Encourage engagementstudentwithindustry.

i. Review articulation agreements. Achieved; also added new agreements.

ii. Assist graduating students in obtaining employment within their career field.

Priority 1: SuccessStudent

i. Develop a student handbook to provide information and set expectations.

Achieved. The Career Center provides guidance.

iv. Monitor and improve the six-year rate. Achieved.

“The College of Technology has proven to be an excellent community and resource that will provide me with tools that I will use for the rest of my life.”

Achieved. The college improved the website as well.

iii. Arrange visits each Semester with students at other institutions. Achieved.

iii. Maintain a balanced student/faculty ratio. Ongoing. The ratio is 20:1; COT is striving for better.


COT Student Survey response

1e. Improve the six-year graduation rate of COT students

1c. Set a culture accountabilityofforstudents.


Ongoing. ISU enhances COT effort.

ii. Monitor and improve the four-year rate. Achieved.

ii. Expand faculty support with students. Achieved.

v. Track the annual retention rate of each class.

iii. Monitor and improve the five-year rate. Achieved.

1a. Recruit and enroll highly students.motivated

i. Identify the May 2019 graduation rate and strive for 10% increase each year.

iii. Evaluate each undergraduate student’s degree map. Achieved.

iv. Update the degree map for each undergraduate student.

ii. Publicize COT opportunities. Achieved.

Achieved. The one-year rate in the COT is higher than that of the total university.

ii. Monitor and improve student attendance in classes.

i. Contact all advisees each Semester. Achieved.

Achieved. Each faculty members receives $300 for professional development. Dean often pays professional membership fees.

2c. Enrich developmentprofessionalthe of faculty within the College of Technology.

ii. Initiate department-and college-specific workshops Achieved.

Priority FacultyEmployee2:Success:andStaff

Achieved. The college added 4+1 programs. The Ph.D. program requires scholarly publications.

3c. Seek accreditation or external review for all andundergraduategraduateprograms. Create and implement a college-wide accreditation review schedule.

ii. Develop a faculty mentoring program. Achieved.

Achieved. Thirty-two proposals were submitted; seven awards were received for a total of $261,263

ii. Collaborate with other programs internally and externally. Increase submissions by 10% each year. Achieved.

i. Share professional development opportunities with staff.

2b. Increase the number of external grants written and submitted for to funding agencies.

iii. Support faculty attendance at professional development programs.

2a. Promote and increase research.scholarly

i. Strengthen the emphasis on graduate programs. Increase the number of publications and presentations by 10% each year.


ii. Enhance undergraduate research. Increase the number of publications and presentations by 10% each year. Achieved.

i. Promote collaboration with graduate programs and the Grants Office; Increase submissions by 10% each year.

3a. Streamlineresourcesacross the College. Analyze and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of foundational courses, other course offerings, course scheduling, and online programs.

Achieved. Budget constraints and COVID-19 accelerated these efforts. There is no duplication of courses. Emphasis is on foundational and major courses.

Achieved. Formed new staff council. Have staff retreat. Provide financial support for training.

i. Conduct an orientation program for new faculty. Achieved.

Status as of JULY 2022

Achieved. Resources are available to each faculty Member.


Achieved. Thirteen programs are ABET-accredited.

Priority Academic3:Curriculum


2d. Support developmentcareeropportunitiesforstaffmembersasappropriate.

iii. Examine and implement ways to obtain resources to support faculty efforts.

3b. Ensure the currency and alignment of all curricula to industry needs. Seek and apply input from industry through active COT advisory boards and alumni. Achieved.

i. Create a list of facilities with greatest need for renovation and identify key areas appealing to external funding sources.

A supervisor was hired to monitor safe use of labs.

Not achieved because of budget constraints.

Achieved. Hallways and door entrances have LED fixtures.

Achieved. See p. 9 in the report for the specific examples of the gifts to name classrooms and laboratories.

Achieved. Entrances, lighting, and seating equipment were emphasized.Laboratories were upgraded. Technology was supported for online students.


ii. Work with the University leadership to raise awareness of major needs.

Achieved. A student was hired; new equipment was purchased.

Write proposals to industries and other prospective donors for sponsorships.

Partially achieved. One-way windows were installed as appropriate.

v. Ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. (ADA) in all COT buildings/facilities.

Facilities Infrastructureand


4b. Enhance the use of laboratory spaces.

i. Replace fluorescent lights with LED fixtures.


Status as of JULY 2022

4e. Develop company and sponsorshipsindividualforroomandlaboratoryspaces.


i. Employ a technician/student assistant for technical laboratory spaces.

4a. Renovate facilities (external and internal) in the greatest need.

ii. Create and implement a policy for the safe use, maintenance, and renewal of laboratory equipment.

4d. Enhance features of sustainability in all buildings.


Achieved. The university prioritized the COT building in its request for state funding.

ii. Seek LEED certification for renovated facilities. Not achieved.

ii. Determine a schedule of days/hours for students to use the laboratories. Achieved.

i. Install cameras for safety and security in laboratories and hallways as needed.

ii. Display safe-operating instructions for all machine tools and equipment. Achieved.

4c. Improve the safety, security, and use of all facilities.

In progress. Renovation plans include compliance.

iv. Provide swipe-access for entrance to all laboratories.

iv. Develop and implement a college-level career fair. Achieved.

i. Improve middle/high school and community college relationships. Achieved.

5c. Strengthenrelationships with alumni and other COT friends.

5a. Establish new, and expand otherpartnershipscurrent,withbusiness,industry,andeducationalinstitutions.

i. Showcase student achievements to promote engagement with external partners. Achieved.

ii. Embrace professional networking.

iii. Utilize a partnership with the Chamber of Commerce to help build community partnerships. Not achieved.


5b. Develop staterelationshipsworkingwithandlocallegislators.

i. Recognize alumni awards and achievements. Achieved.

ii. Increase the publicity of faculty research in local and regional media.

Status as of JULY 2022


Achieved. An industry advisory council has been established.


6b. Implement and expand marketingtheof the College and accomplishments.its

i. Continue the use of billboards and publications.

Achieved. Membership in the Rotary Club enhanced visibility and networking.

ii. Encourage students to attend career fairs and outreach events to increase recognition of COT programs.

6a. Promote and highlight student/ faculty engagement and scholarly work.

i. Establish an active industry advisory board for each program.

Achieved. The Human Resources Development program and the Unmanned Systems program are ranked at a national level. The Packaging program is ranked on a global level.



Partner with ISU liaison concerning COT needs and opportunities.

ii. Start a guest speakers series. Achieved.

Achieved. Some billboards, videos, and social media are used to highlight programs.

6c. Increase the ranking of programs at regional and national levels.

ii. Submit surveys to national organizations for ranking purposes in different areas.


PRIORITY 5: RelationsExternal

Achieved. University publications are distributed to county and state representatives as well as businesses.

Achieved. The COT partners with the Honors College in this effort.

iii. Encourage programs and student organizations to use social media to promote programs.

iii. Participate in regional student competitions in different disciplines.

Achieved through a University-wide approach.

Achieved. The Career Center promotes semi-annual career fairs.


ABET accreditation is critically important for the growth of the college. It assures all constituents – students, employers, professional boards, and federal entities – of the quality of our programs.

Thirteen Bachelor of Science (B.S) programs in the College of Technology are now fully accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. This record is a remarkable achievement! ABET is a non-governmental professional organization that reviews and assesses the quality of post-secondary education programs in applied and natural science, computing, engineering, and engineering technology.


According to its website, “ABET accreditation assures confidence that a collegiate program has met standards essential to prepare graduates to enter critical STEM fields in the global workforce. Graduates from an ABET-accredited program have a solid educational foundation and are capable of leading the way in innovation and emerging technologies, and in anticipating the welfare and safety needs of the public.”

Achievement of ABET accreditation is the result of prodigious efforts by Dean Alp, Associate Dean Smallwood, and Dean’s Faculty Fellow Dr. Alina Waite. Special recognition goes to department chairs Drs. Xiaolong Li, Farman Moayed, and Randy Peters as well as departmental faculty and staff. Staff members Ms. Kristie Bigler and Mr. Jeff Larson were also instrumental in the accreditation effort. We appreciate the involvement of our Industry Advisory Council members.

There are more programs accredited in 2022 than in the past 50 years of the College’s history.

• Interior Architectural Design

• Automotive Engineering Technology

• Electronics Engineering Technology

• Engineering Technology Management

• Construction Management


The following Bachelor of Science programs in The College of Technology are accredited:

• Engineering

• Mechanical Engineering Technology

• Architectural Engineering Technology

• Manufacturing Engineering Technology

• Packaging Engineering Technology

• Technology and Engineering Education


• Computer Engineering Technology

• Information Technology

• Safety Management

• Automation and Control Engineering Technology

• Civil Engineering Technology

We are happy that the Student Outcome Assessment Results (SOARs) participation rate for all of our COT undergraduate and graduate programs was 100%. The average rating for the College was “Mature,” with a 2.46/3.00 overall score. We also had three undergraduate programs and one graduate program score 3.00/3.00 (exemplary). On behalf of the COT, we thank all of our faculty who worked hard for these results.


• Dave Snow (1981, Manufacturing Technology) / Director, Purdue Manufacturing Extension Partnership



• Cheryl Roberson (1990, Management) / Program Director, Helicopter Engines Program, Rolls Royce

• Rick Burger / District Manager, Duke Energy

• Steve Bailey (1970, Automotive Technology) / President, Diesel USA (retired)

• Todd Jochem (1990, Electronics Engineering Technology) / Jochem Consultant

• Nicole Otte (2001, Technology Education) / Director of Workforce Development, Endress+Hauser

• Chriss Jobe / Principal & Director of Construction Inspection, RQAW

The fourth annual #GiveToBlueDay on March 16, 2022 set university records for giving in a single day. The College of Technology started strong, thanks to matching and challenge gifts from alumni. Dean’s Student Advisory Council members organized events like Tie Dye shirts and Penny Wars! Thanks to all who donated from around the world!

The Dean’s Advancement Council was formed to support the Dean to cultivate resources and relationships that will boost the College’s reputation and capacity to accomplish its vision: “The College of Technology will prepare students for a globalized workplace and be recognized as a premier talent provider in the nation.” The inaugural Council members are:


• Kayla Boyll (2017, Communications) / Senior Corporate Branding Specialist, North American Lighting

Dr. Richard and Ruth Burns

RQAW, an Indianapolis-based engineering and architecture services firm, has committed $100,000 to establish the RQAW Civil Engineering Endowed Scholarship at Indiana State University. The gift advances the company’s commitment to building the pipeline of professional engineers in the state of Indiana.



“Currently, there is a real shortage of professional engineers in the state of Indiana, not just at RQAW but with companies all over the state,” Troy Woodruff, RQAW President and CEO & ISU Trustee, said. “We must be producing not only highly skilled engineers, but we need to keep them in the state of Indiana.”

Troy and Melissa Woodruff


ISU’s Board of Trustees approved the naming of the lab on the second floor of the Myers Technology Center (TC 217) to honor emeritus faculty member Dr. Richard Lyons Burns and his wife, Ruth Virginia Naber Burns. The couple’s daughter, Rita Burns Senseman, and her husband, Ken Senseman, made the gift that will create the Burns Senseman Endowed Scholarship in Engineering and Technology.

RQAW specializes in services relating to architecture, engineering, construction inspection, transportation, environmental services, and water infrastructure.


The RQAW Civil Engineering Endowed Scholarship will be available to ISU students studying civil engineering technology and engineering with civil concentration beginning with the 2022-23 academic year. Recipients of the scholarship will have the opportunity to interview for internships with RQAW.


Evelyn Reed placed 2nd in Ground Trainer (flight simulator) event Dax Dausch and Madison Malcomb placed 5th in Message Drop flying event Noah Murrmann and Joshua Senn placed 5th in Message Drop flying event Austin Anderson placed 6th in Pre-Flight ground event Noah Murrmann and Anthony (AJ) Hodge placed 6th in Navigation (unlimited) flight event Madison Malcomb placed 7th in Power Off Landings flight event Carson Hinterlong placed 8th place in Pre-Flight ground event Anthony (AJ) Hodge placed 8th place in Ground Trainer (flight simulator) event Addison Wall and Ryan Szajna placed 10th place in Message Drop flight event

This year, our guests from FedEx and its feeder airlines included four alumni: Martin Donnelly (’89, Aviation Administration), Dave Nell (‘88, Professional Pilot Technology), Tony Graf (’93, Aerospace Administration), and Zak Klinck (’95, Aerospace Administration). We also welcomed alums Shana and Jim Bowman (’77, Aviation Administration) to recognize Jim for his instrumental role in bringing the Purple Runway program to Indiana State when he was VP of Flight Operations at FedEx.



FedEx Takeover Day took place October 13, 2022 on campus and at the ISU Flight Academy. Thanks to the Aviation Technology Department and University Advancement for helping to host this annual event that brings FedEx representatives to campus to speak in classes about career opportunities, network with students, and celebrate the recipients of the FedEx Purple Runway Aviation Scholarship.

In October 2021 the National Intercollegiate Flying Association (NIFA) regional flight team competition was hosted at the Flight Academy. After a busy and successful week, the students shown on the previous page placed within the top 10 among this year’s five participating university flight schools (ISU, SIU, MTSU, Lewis, and Purdue). Ninety-four students competed.


Trustee Cynthia Powers and her husband Mr. Mamon Powers have donated $150,000 to start the Quentin P. Smith, Sr., Endowed Aviation Scholarship for students in the Aviation Technology Department. Today, ISU’s Board of Trustees approved the naming of the Quentin P. Smith, Sr., Observation Deck at the ISU Flight Academy at the Terre Haute Regional Airport. We thank Trustee and Mr. Powers for their continuous support of ISU and COT.





The Linda and Tom Huser Speaker Series took place Thursday, October 21. Thanks to alumnus Tom Huser (’00, Occupational Safety Management) for serving as our inaugural speaker. We appreciate Linda and Tom’s generous sponsorship of this Speaker Series. Thank you to the students, faculty, and staff who attended the event.


On August 26, 2021, the University held a reception with Indiana State University President Dr. Deborah J. Curtis in the Department of Built Environment to celebrate the naming of the Bill and Toni Biddle Construction Management Lab. The naming recognizes the generosity of Troy and Pam Biddle of Hannig Construction, who established an endowed scholarship for Construction Management students in honor of Troy’s parents earlier this year. The Biddle family owned Hannig Construction from 1988 to 2021, with Troy succeeding his father as president in 2007. Thank you to the entire Built Environment Department, especially Judy Johnson, Dr. Farman Moayed, Betsy Wilkinson, and Azizi Arrington-Slocum, for their help with the event.

Dean Nesli App, Troy Biddle, and Dr. Farman Moayed


College of Technology alumnus Dr. Todd Jochem ’88 visited the College Friday, January 21. Thanks to Ms. Emma Crossen (Development Director) and Dr. Alina Waite (HRDPT Faculty, Faculty Fellow, and Interim Ph.D. Director) for arranging the meeting. Thank you to Ms. Liz Metzger (Office of Sponsored Programs Director), Dr. Sheikh Ferdous (AETM Faculty), Dr. Riem Rostom (AETM Faculty), Mr. Mark Collins (AVT Faculty), Dr. Farman Moayed (BE Department Chair), Dr. Charmaine Mullins-Jaime (BE Faculty), Dr. Maria Javaid (ECET Faculty), Associate Dean Smallwood, and Dean Alp for attending the luncheon with Dr. Jochem. Dr. Jochem also spoke to students in Mark Collins’ UMS 281 Intro to Unmanned Systems class.


Congratulations to Dr. Barbara Eversole (HRD Faculty), who co-authored the article, “Perceived Work-Life Balance: Exploring the Experiences of Professional Moroccan Women” in Human Resource Development Quarterly.

Congratulations also to Dr. Amanda Muhammad (HRDPT Faculty and UC Faculty Fellow), Ms. Azizi Arrington-Slocum (BE Faculty), Dr. Lisa Hughes (Instructional Design Specialist) for their recent publication of “Capstone Courses and Major Projects for Enhancing Generation Z Career Readiness through General Higher-Education Classroom Curriculum.”

• Jaye Hueston (graduate) – $1,500

• Thiasha Thurman (graduate) – $1,500

• Jon Hall (undergraduate) – $1,000


• #15 in the nation for Best Online Master’s Degree in Human Resources of 2021 (by Best Accredited Colleges)


The Human Resources programs at Indiana State University received several notable rankings:

Congratulations to the following HRD students for receiving an undergraduate/graduate scholarship from Wabash Valley Human Resources Association (WVHRA)!


• #35 in the nation for Best Online Master’s Degree in Human Resources of 2021 (by University HQ)


• #41 in the nation for Best Master’s Degrees in Human Resources of 2021 (by Best Accredited Colleges)



Thank you to the Women in STEM Professions (WISP) Student Organization for organizing another successful Females in Technology (Fit) Annual Conference virtual event on March 18. There were 35 attendants from five different schools, who participated in hands-on workshops in biology, construction, physics and engineering organized by WISP, Society of Physics Students, and Society of Human Resource Management Students. The participants also had time to network with the WISP members and professional women in STEM fields to learn their career experiences. Thanks to our faculty, Dr. Riem Rostom (AETM Faculty), Ms. Azizi Arrington-Slocum (BE Faculty), and Ms. Edie Wittenmyer (ECET Faculty), who supported this event.




Thanks to alumnus Scott Nalls (’98, Industrial Technology) for visiting campus on April 13. Scott works as the Senior Manager of Packaging Innovation at Frito-Lay and Quaker divisions of PepsiCo. During his visit, Scott attended class with students in PKG 489: Packaging Industry Projects, where he spoke about his career in packaging and gave each group feedback on their projects. Scott stayed into the evening to meet with NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers) for an informal Q & A with pizza in the NAL Student Success Center. He also enjoyed a campus tour and lunch with Dean Alp and Dr. Marion Schafer, professor emerita. The visit was arranged by Emma Crossen, Director of Development, with help from Mr. Brian James (AETM Faculty) and Dr. Rana Johnson (Associate Vice President for Inclusive Excellence and Strategic Initiatives).

Christina Cantrell (COT Student Services Director)

Mentee Mentor

Todd Alberts (AETM)

Steve Aldrich (Earth and Environmental Systems)

Patrick Knight (AVT)


Genell Ebbini (BE)

Farman Moayed (BE Chair)

Mentorship Taskforce Committee


Randy Peters (AETM Chair)

Chris Colbert (AVT) Bo McNabb (BE)

COT New Faculty Mentorship Program luncheon was held on Friday, April 29. COT Mentees and their mentors across the university shared their experience and accomplishments. Thank you to the following mentees, mentors, and entorship taskforce members for their hard and productive work since the initiation of this unique program in Fall 2020.

Troy Allen (AVT Chair)

Jim Speer (Earth and Environmental Systems) Sheikh Ferdous (AETM) Guo Ping Zhang (Chemistry and Physics)


Charmaine Mullins-Jaime (BE) Jen Latimer (Earth and Environmental Systems)

Szufang Chuang (HRDPT Chair)

Molly Hare (Director, Faculty Center for Teaching Excellence) Liz Metzger (Director, Office of Sponsored Programs)

Mark Collins (AVT)

Associate Dean Smallwood, Chair

Maria Javaid (ECET)

Denise Collins (CGPS Dean)

Xiaolong Li (ECET Chair)

Riem Rostom (AETM) Kara Harris (AETM) | SUPPORT


ASME Student Chapter & Dean Alp

MCAA Student Chapter & Dean Alp

Dean Alp and Dr. Randy Peters

Dean Alp and Christina Cantrell

Dean Alp and Dr. Sheikh Ferdous

Dean Alp and Ben Thomson

Dean Alp and Betsy Wilkinson

Dean Alp and Dr. Farman Moayed

Dr. Alina Waite, Chair of the Awards Committee

COT Faculty, Staff, and Students in the Heritage Ballroom

Randy Peters (AETM Chairperson) Troy Allen (AVT Chairperson) Farman Moayed (BE Chairperson) Xiaolong Li (ECET Chairperson) Szufang Chuang (HRDPT Chairperson)


ASME STEM Day Hoosier Prairie Elementary School Student Organization of the Year Indiana State University Collegiate MCAA Chapter

Outstanding Community Engagement

Betsy Wilkinson (BE)

Promotion to Full Professor Alister McLeod (AETM)

Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor Ahmed Mohamed (ATM) Maria Javaid (ECET) Philip Lee (ECET) Joyce Robinson (HRDPT)

Promotion to Senior Instructor Andy Perry (BE) Kim Smith (BE)

Department Chairpersons & Ph.D. Director


Christina Cantrell (Student Services)

Ernie Sheldon (BE Faculty) Carroll Graham (HRDPT Faculty) Ann Mitchell (ECET Staff) Elaine Ross (AFROTC Staff)

Excellence in Faculty Service

Excellence in Advising Ben Thomson (AETM)

Excellence in Faculty Teaching

Faculty Council

Amanda Muhammad (HRDPT), Chair Kara Harris (AETM), Vice Chair Genell Ebbini (BE), Secretary Charmaine Jaime-Mullins (BE), Vice

Retiring Faculty and Staff

Sheikh Ferdous (AETM)

Randy Peters (BE) Staff of the Year

Mehran Shahhosseini (Ph.D. Director, Fall Alina‘21)Waite (Ph.D. Interim Director, COT Dean’s Faculty Fellow, and HRDPT, Spring ’22)

TroyDepartmentSheikhParliamentarianRandySecretaryPeters(AETM),Ferdous(AETM),RepresentativeAllen(AVT),DepartmentRepresentativeJamieMetzinger(BE),DepartmentRepresentative,Fall‘21BoMcNabb(BE),DepartmentRepresentative,Spring‘22OscarHenriquez(ECET),DepartmentRepresentativeJoyce“Robin”Robinson(HRDPT),DepartmentRepresentativeDeanNesliAlp,AdministrativeRepresentative Thank you to the College of Technology faculty, staff, and students for your dedication and hard work this year!

Outstanding Faculty Council Service Farman Moayed (BE)

Excellence in Faculty Research


EngineeringEngineering Technology*



Adult Career Education* Architectural Engineering Technology

Automation & Control Engineering Technology

Aviation Management Civil Engineering Technology Computer Engineering Technology Construction Management* Electronics Engineering Technology* Engineering Technology Management* Human Resource Development* Information Technology Interior Architecture Design Manufacturing Engineering Technology Mechanical Engineering Technology* Packaging Engineering Technology Professional Aviation Flight Technology Safety TechnologyTechnology*Management(B.A.S.)&Engineering

Education Textiles, Apparel & Merchandising Unmanned Systems UNDERGRADUATE CERTIFICATES Emerging Energy Technology* Lean Six Post-SecondarySigma*Facilitator Certificate* MASTER’S PROGRAMS Career and Technical Education* Electronics and Computer Technology* Human Resource Development* Occupational Safety Management* Technology Management* GRADUATE CERTIFICATES Human Resource Development* Organizational Leadership and Learning* Safety Management* LICENSURE Director of Career and Technical Education (Post-Master’s Licensure)* Ph.D. PROGRAM Technology Management* *Online program available “The morelearnteachingclassesdifferentandmethodsofthemhavereallyhelpedmetobetterandtounderstandinformation.” — COT Student Survey response


Automotive Engineering Technology

— Charles Kettering, American engineer, inventor, and businessman (1876-1958)

“The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress.”

Heartfelt thanks to all of you! I will always cherish my years spent as your dean and the successful drive to implement our strategic plan.

What the college has achieved in four years is remarkable, considering that just when we were in the moment, the moment changed. COVID-19 dealt us a setback, particularly in enrollment and on-campus classes, and even with new faculty hires. There were the inevitable budget constraints. The pandemic, however, accelerated our development of online classes to support our students. Our graduation rate remained high. Donors have contributed generously to our efforts. AND we have achieved professional accreditation for an unparalleled 16 programs..

Academic institutions have many goals, but they always drive for progress. This has been true of the College of Technology during the past four years. With the development of our strategic plan, we clearly defined the six priorities that would be our road map, and we implemented strategies to implement those goals and objectives.

In many ways, a flywheel symbolizes the priorities of our strategic plan: There are many interlocking parts. Students inspire us. To ensure their success, our faculty and staff have to feel empowered. When they do, the academic curriculum fits neatly into place, supported by superior facilities and infrastructure; and, in recognition of our intent and energy, external relations improve. Donors accelerate their gifts to the college to support students and faculty. And with this interlocking achievement comes the reputation our programs deserve.

As many of you know, I will be leaving Indiana State University on August 1 to become provost at the Pennsylvania College of Technology in Williamsport, PA. This is bittersweet for me because I will miss you, but I am excited by the new challenge. While I work with the faculty there to chart a new course, I will also be eager to watch the progress of the College of Technology at ISU.

I am gratified to say that our College strategic plan has been largely completed. We have achieved in four years what we had planned to do in five! This accomplishment is due to the hard work of all our faculty and staff, the associate dean, dean’s fellow, our dedicated student leaders, and our generous donors and corporate partners. You have also given the next dean a true gift: the freedom to develop a new vision and its accompanying strategic plan.

Very best wishes and sincere appreciation, Nesli Alp, Ph.D., P.E. Dean


Office of the Dean TC 101 Terre Haute, IN

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