Our company, Hygge, is a sustainable brand focusing on helping homeless people. There is such a massive homeless issue in the UK. For some people, homelessness is not just a housing issue but something that is inextricably linked with complex and chaotic life experiences. Sleep and comfort is something that we want to make a lot better and more practical for them. Homeless people tend to have a lot of carry with them that they move around with or leave on the street risking the and items being lost. And in the meantime, they also have trouble finding a warm place to sleep at night. So why not combine both? Our product is a sleeping bag that then develops in to a rucksack that they can carry their belongings in which is beneficial for them as it makes them feel safer with their items and makes transport a lot better such as if they went to a job interview but also making them comfortable when they sleep, giving warmth and durable from different weather conditions.