Report 1.2 -Stakeholder Interviews and Engagement of Stakeholder Community

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608775 INDICATE Indicator-based Interactive Decision Support Information Exchange Platform for Smart Cities STREP EeB.ICT.2013.6.4 1st October 2013 36 Months


DELIVERABLE 1.2 Report on the stakeholder interviews and engagement of stakeholder community

Date 19.03.2014

Review History Submitted By Reviewed By DAPP team coordinated by A. Musetti Christian Mastrodonato (DAPP) Ruth Kerrigan (IES)

Version 1.0

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 608775

Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................................................3 1 METHODOLOGY .........................................................................................................................................................4 2 IN-DEPTH INTERVIEWS ..............................................................................................................................................6 2.1 Template to guide the narrative .........................................................................................................................7 2.2 Face to face Interview ........................................................................................................................................8 3 ENGAGEMENT OF STAKEHOLDERS COMMUNITY ...................................................................................................12 3.1 Meeting in Genoa .............................................................................................................................................12 3.2 Workshop in Dundalk .......................................................................................................................................17 4 ENGAGEMENT TROUGH INDICATE WEBSITE – ONLINE SURVEY .............................................................................20 5.3 Developer Tools ................................................................................................................................................22 5.3.1 Google Form ..............................................................................................................................................23 5.3.2 phpList .......................................................................................................................................................24 CONCLUSIONS.............................................................................................................................................................27 ANNEX I .......................................................................................................................................................................28 ANNEX II ......................................................................................................................................................................30 ANNEX III .....................................................................................................................................................................33 ANNEX IV ....................................................................................................................................................................39 ANNEX V .....................................................................................................................................................................40


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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report provides detailed information on the engagement strategy and activities for the INDICATE project. The activities outlined in the engagement plan are aligned with the activities in Task 1.2, and are grouped under the following headings: On-line engagement through INDICATE website; In-depth interviews with key Stakeholders; Workshops with the Stakeholder community and On-line survey. With these tools we are able to engage the Stakeholders identified in Deliverable D1.1 Identification of key stakeholders having direct contact with local stakeholders and indirect contact with European stakeholders.

How to read this document:     

Chapter 1 describes the methodology of whole process of stakeholders’ engagements (effort by DAPP). Chapter 2 describes the interview conducted with the key stakeholders identified in the D1.1 (effort by DAPP, LCC and EOG). Chapter 3 describes the workshop with the community in the city of Genoa and Dundalk (effort by ALL partners). Chapter 4 describes on-line survey (effort by DAPP). Chapter 5 reports the conclusion of this document. It is a summarization of the whole process of stakeholders’ engagement (effort by DAPP).


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1 METHODOLOGY In accordance with the Description on Work (DoW) this Task (1.2) concerns the engagement of the network of key stakeholders to be involved in other tasks of the WP1. The stakeholders have been identified within the Task 1.1 and details of the activities have been described in deliverable D1.1 Identification of key stakeholders. The aim of this task is the stakeholders’ engagement in order to facilitate the depth analysis of how the INDICATE methodology will be useful for the transformation of the city towards the smart city. In the future, such key stakeholders will have an active part on the development of INDICATE project in order to create a detailed understanding of the technology market for the development of an innovative business model. The INDICATE decision support tool can be used at any stage of city development and for this reasons the tool can be used by City Architects/Planners, Urban Planning, Consultancy Firms, the Public and Business Community, Construction Companies at national end European level, Manufacturers of materials, Energy Efficiency Professional, ICT/RET system suppliers and potential investors and all companies involved in activity of RTD on Energy Efficiency domain. In the D1.1 we have analyzed the possibility, and also our need to group the stakeholders in 7 clusters according to the benefits that derive from INDICATED project. The stakeholders group and the benefits investigated in T1.1 can be summarized in Figure 1.

Figure 1: INDICATE Stakeholders

As we have seen, the whole group is represented by a heterogeneous set of stakeholders, which if not properly analyzed, may represent a risk factor for the development of the project. In fact, for instance, each stakeholder has its vocabulary derived from his background, and his skills led him to be widely trained in its domain of 14/03/2014

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application but less in other domains. Therefore, since INDICATE tool wants to be useful for a wide range of stakeholders to support them in different stages of city development, we have studied an engagement plan to meet the needs of individual stakeholder groups. The engagement plan has been drafted on the 2 phases of stakeholders identification described in D1.1 about the city pilot level and European level. Concerning the engagement plan at city pilot level have been conducted two activities: (i) frontal interviews with the key stakeholders (see Chapter 2), and (ii) workshop with the local community (see Chapter 3). These kinds of activities allow us to establish a direct contact with the stakeholders in order to establish a confidential communication facilitating the communication and then the identification of their need and requirements. Also concerning the engagement plan at European level, it has been conducted by project website with online survey (see Chapter 4). This kind of activity allows reaching a wide range of potential stakeholders, thus enabling quantitative analysis on the survey results. To minimize the issue of indirect contact with the stakeholders advanced ICT tools have been used simulating a direct contact via email.


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2 IN-DEPTH INTERVIEWS In order to understand the actual needs, requirements and preferences of stakeholders in terms of key indicators we have conducted several interviews with the pilot-relevant stakeholders. In this early phase of project development, a direct approach with the stakeholders is more useful than an indirect contact as phone, mail or digital communication. By this reason local stakeholders identified in D1.1 have been engaged to have a face to face interview. The partners EOG and LCC as public authorities for Galliera hospital and Dundalk town respectively conducted such interviews, with the support of DAPP and FAC respectively on the Italian and Irish pilots. The choice of starting to investigate from local pilots comes from the need to focusing on the needs of all the actors directly involved in the three project test sites from which it is possible analyze in depth the different issues. Through the consultations with local stakeholders, it is possible to understand and highlight the requirements and the functionalities that must be implemented in INDICATE decision support tool and which will then be used as validation and demonstration of the project in the WP6. The interviews have been conducted individually in order to calibrate the lexicon, the questions and the whole interview on the direct experience of the interviewer. Unique except for the interview with D’Appolonia, OBR and Steam that although they are three different organizations, they have collaborated closely to the design of the new Galliera Hospital. One of the success factors for the interview is to achieve a high degree of confidence in the credibility of our interviewee in order to obtain quality statements; therefore the free-form technique has been used to conduct the interview. To conduct interviews in a structured and consistent way we have defined the guideline and shared with the partners. Step 1 - Professional opening and introduction:     

Duration 1 hours. Conduct the interview in a private, quiet setting. Explain the purpose for the interview, to gather important facts. Be mindful of your vocabulary. Let the subject know that you are committed to obtaining a detailed statement as part of a thorough and comprehensive investigation, encourage them to give you every detail that comes into his/her mind and not to censor or leave anything out.

Step 2 - Narrative statement:     

Listen, observe, and allow the subject to tell their “story” from start to finish. No interruption or very limited Ask clarifying questions that arose during narrative Ask any additional questions from a prepared list Obtain details and descriptions

Step 3 – Professional close:   

Thank them for their information and help. Explain what will be the next steps of the project. Ask if they are interested in being involved in follow-up.


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2.1 Template to guide the narrative To guide the narrative have been defined a template with a list of questions that can be elaborated according to the conduction of the interview. The opportunity to have a face to face meeting with the individual stakeholders, allow us to have the opportunity to investigate different issues. Therefore, different models have been customized for each group of stakeholders. The issues have been addressed with regards to the three pilot site. We have asked to the stakeholders to answer taking into account their experience in the projects of New Galliera Hospital, masterplanning in Dundalk town and the optimizations of existing systems in Dundalk. The subjects investigate in the interviews are: 1. Information on the organization: a. General information b. What the organization do c. Organization size d. Turnover / balance sheet 2. Role and background of the respondent. 3. Sustainable development a. General opinion b. How the sustainable development are manifested at the building level c. As sustainable developments are perceived by the organization, by the customers and by the public bodies (at local/national level/international level) d. Opinion on the evolution on the market 4. Project expectations and four pillars: plan, reduce, integrate, optimise a. Decisions that led to undertake the project b. Role in the project c. General objectives and expectations d. What is important to implement an energy efficiency renovation project e. What is important to monitor in the life cycle of a building and/or a district f. Which technologies have been used, and why g. Influence of local and national regulations h. Use of IT tools for decision-making 5. Project results: a. The added value that the project brings to the organization b. Success criteria, and how are measured 6. Financial aspect: a. Information on leader / manager of the project b. Budget and flow of money c. Information on investors d. Replicability of the project 7. Business model: a. Customers and final users b. Partners, stakeholders and collaboration c. Suppliers d. Competitors (in relation to the project) 8. Role of public bodies: a. Role of public bodies (local/national level/international level) 14/03/2014

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b. Interaction with public bodies c. Authorisations needs As seen above, the interviews structure has been customized for each stakeholder group. The Table 1 shows the correlation matrix between the subjects that have been investigated in relation with the stakeholder groups. The complete list of questions is collected in ANNEX II. Table 1: Correlation matrix of stakeholder-interview subject

1. General Information 2. Role & Background 3. Sustainable development 4. Project expectations & pillars 5. Project results 6. Financial aspect 7. Business model 8. Role of public bodies

Planner X X X X X X X X

Investor X X X X X X X

Developer X X X X X

RET/Tech. X X X X X



Utility X X X X X X X

Business X X

Public X X




2.2 Face to face Interview On the 27 local stakeholders identified in D1.1, 19 have been immediately available to conduct the face to face interview, others 4 have attended to the workshops (see Chapter 3), remaining 4 stakeholders will be recontacted in the future to try to engage them during the project. Table 2 summarizes the stakeholders engaged with face to face interviews. Table 2: Local key stakeholders engaged with interviews


Key Stakeholder Organization & Role GENOVA KEY STAKEHOLDERS

Owner & Planner Investor

Michele Maddalo Franco Giodice

Business Communities

Francesca Battaglia

Planners Planners Public Community Planners Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Utility companies RET Suppliers

Pier Paolo Tomiolo Pier Paolo Rossodivita Simona Brun

Technical department at EOG Vice-director of investments in health of health department and social services in Regione Liguria Economic development sector, innovation research and energy Regione Liguria Department of urban planning of regional administration Development energy plan of the Regione Liguria - ARE Development of four new hospitals in Liguria

Paolo Brescia Riccardo Curci Lisiero Enrico Rocchi Andrea Del Grosso Paolo Orlando Anna Osello (workshop) Angelo Ciribini (workshop) Bongiorni

New Galliera: urban scale and building envelope – OBR New Galliera: energy systems – Steam New Galliera: environmental impact analysis - DAPP New Galliera: responsible of the authorisation process - DAPP New Galliera: cosignatory of the project - DAPP University of Genoa, feasibility study of the New Galliera Hospital Polytechnic of Turin - Building Information Modelling University of Brescia - Building Information Modelling Energy management of the hospital - SIRAM

City Planners Developers Developers Developers 14/03/2014

DUNDALK KEY STAKEHOLDERS Catherine Duff Executive town planner at LCC Garrett Shine (workshop) Executive scientist at LCC Pamela Dagg (workshop) Executive scientist at LCC David McDonnell Chief Executive at Smart Eco Hub Grant No. 608775


RET / Technology Suppliers RET / Technology Suppliers Business Communities Public Communities

Barry Grennan

Business Centre Manager with Xerox

Damien McCann

Digiweb Group

Paddy Malone Mark Deery

Chamber of Commerce Local Green Party Councillor

Before the interview, each interviewed have signed a Consensus Document (ANNEX I), that explains the reason for the interview and how the results may be used. In the document is reported that interview response, associated notes and primary analysis will be kept confidential to only those members of the project team involved in stakeholder engagement. On completion of the study, they will be retained for a further 24 months, in a confidential manner, before being destroyed. Furthermore the analysis of the results conducted in the INDICATE project context will be public knowledge, the findings of the stakeholder engagement process will be anonymised and any extracts from interview that are quoted will be entirely anonymous. The aggregated anonymised findings of the study will form a report to the European Commission (D1.4) and will be made publicly available to building energy efficiency community; furthermore such findings may form the basis of presentations at academic conferences and/or articles to be published in research journals. The full analysis of interviews will be carried out within the T1.3. and T1.4, here we report a first overview analysis taking into account the nationality of the stakeholders. For this topic we need to take into account the nationality of the stakeholders, since there is a difference of opinion between Italy and Ireland. In Italy it is not always required an eco-friendly project: the private customers required a sustainable project for the reduction of the management cost in the long term, while the public bodies rarely are interested in this type of project. While at international level sustainability is deeply settled, at national and local level (Liguria) a constant growing conscience is reported. In fact the NEW Galliera project is an exception in the Italian country and it is for this reason that there is interest in the project. When it is undertake a sustainable project is mainly adopts the LEED methodology, and less frequently it is adopted BREAM methodology. However the LEED methodology sometimes proposes strategies best suited to the American environment and it is difficult to adopt the in Italy. This sentence will better investigate in T8.2 Standardisation. Also in Ireland is not always required an eco-friendly, but the people (private and public) are more conscious of the benefits of sustainable development, and there is more and more attention on BER rating of properties. What are lacking are a detailed plan regulator and government incentives. Both in Italy and in Ireland, in general there is a strong push by the consultant company and architect to adopt sustainable development, but not always is followed by the owner or investors. The main idea of sustainability is to concentrate on environmental conditions to achieve a designed product with maximum internal attributes of environment so that it can minimize the undesirable aspects of these constructions. Buildings must reply to environment from design stage and settling when they are to decrease confronting with nature. The aims of sustainability in environmental design as follows: 1) maximizing the human comfort, 2) efficient planning, 3) design for change, 4) minimizing waste of spaces, 5) minimizing construction expenses, 6) minimizing buildings maintenance expenses and 7) Protecting (keeping) and improving natural values. Five objectives for sustainable buildings follow: 1) resource efficiency, 2) energy efficiency (including Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction), 3) pollution prevention (including Indoor Air Quality and Noise Abatement, 4) harmonization with environment (including Environmental Assessment), and 5) integrated and systemic approaches (including Environmental Management System). 14/03/2014

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Galliera: The age of some buildings which no longer correspond to modern hospital needs, made necessary new development plans for Galliera. INDICATE project could help to solve these problems. In fact the Virtual City Model could help to simulate the whole urban environment. The Technological Centre of Galliera will host the following systems:     

 

CT Heating Plant. Hot water (80-60°C) with three generators, hot water heat (one reserve) gas-powered and diesel fuel in an emergency; CHP Cogeneration Plant. For the production of hot water and electricity with two co-generators with natural gas and related sinks external protection; CF Central Cooling. For the production of chilled water with three groups of electric cooling towers, two of which with centrifugal compressor and a smaller one with centrifugal or screw compressor; ASS Absorbers tri-generation. For the production of chilled water and hot water supplied from the fumes of co-generators. Further exploitation of renewable energy sources has been achieved through the installation on the roof of the New Hospital of thermal solar panels to pre-heat domestic hot water. During the summer season, from May to September, the thermal energy captured by solar collectors, not being used to heat the domestic hot water will feed into an absorption chiller, can produce cooling energy. Always on the flat roof of the building will be made into a photovoltaic generator in order to exploit the economic incentives of the Energy Bill and inject the energy produced for the internal use of the hospital. A further innovative system adopted allows for the recovery of heat energy normally dissipated by the equipment in hospitals and diagnostic technology to be cooled to liquid (CT, MRI, PET, PET/CT, Simulator, LINAC, etc.), from data centres, from cold storage health, food and the morgue. The designed system will be able to recover this heat and transfer it to the users that require heating unit through Energy Raiser.

The whole complex is governed by a Building Management System that will allow the staff responsible for the verification and/or change in the status of the remote operation of the plant subsystems, regulation and supervision of the building-plant system, and for ensuring a historicizing consumption data to verify the correct energy efficiency of the systems, monitor consumption and ensure effective action maintenance imprinted on the "conservation value".

Dundalk: In the Dundalk Town are active many sustainable project, each one undertaken for different reasons. Regarding the Sustainable Transport Project, the decision stemmed from a national policy initiative. The project objectives were to reduce car use and promote walking and cycling to schools. Regarding the Smart Eco Hub and the new data centre operation in Blanchardstown there ware economic benefits. In all projects there is a strong collaboration between research institutions, private companies and public bodies at local and national level. The purpose of each is to decrease the energy consumption and carbon emissions with the aim to create synergies between companies involved in renewable businesses. In companies there is a particular focus on the use of energy consumption. For example in Digiweb there is a 24/7 monitoring team who constantly monitor power consumption, temperature, air flow, routing of air flow, minimize wasted air. Customers are charged for the amount of power their equipment uses. The system collects power data for each rack unit is using. Also are monitored leaks of air, externally monitor the building for hot/cold air leaks. 14/03/2014

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The power usage, done to individual racks in order to offer advice to customers on the energy consumption of different servers make and models which are more efficient. Also monitor levels of data connectivity, consumption of data. Each rack has 16 Amps of power, depending on the type of equipment in the rack it may be full or only have a couple of servers. In the data centre the energy consumption is reduced by reusing the heat generated by the servers to heat the office space in another part of the building.


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3 ENGAGEMENT OF STAKEHOLDERS COMMUNITY In additional to the face to face interviews have been organized two meetings in the city pilot of Genova and Dundalk. The aims of the meeting is twofold on the one hand to engage the stakeholders community and investigate the needs and requirements of the stakeholders not directly involved in the pilots project; on the other hand it is useful to create a interest on the project.

3.1 Meeting in Genoa The meeting has been organized in collaboration between EOG and DAPP, with an active participation of all project partners. This was possible because the date of the workshop was chosen to coincide with the sixth month progress meeting held in Genova on 6th February. In the sixth month progress meeting the INDICATE consortium has meet the technical staff of SIRAM. SIRAM is the energy management company of the hospital and the engineer Bongiorni have organized a tour to show the actual engine and power energy system of the hospital (Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4 and Figure 5).

Figure 2: Mr. Bongiorni Show the Engine Room

Figure 3: Centralized Control System Room

Figure 4: Explanation of Hospital Energy Systems

Figure 5: Explanation of the CHP and Boiler Technical Plan

The day after the consortium meeting (7th February) has been organized the workshop with the stakholders in Genova. The workshop was held at the Congress Hall of the Ente Ospedaliero Ospedali Galliera, with topic: “THE NEW GALLIERA - Energy efficiency and renewable energy integration tools on urban scale: INDICATE an occasion to deepen opportunities, best practices and create network�. For the event was created a web page on Galliera


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website (Figure 6) and linked with INDICATE project site. The page1 collect the information useful for meeting: event brochure (ANNEX V), registration form, and press release.

Figure 6: Galliera website dissemination event

For the success of the meeting was planned everything without forgetting anything: (i) has been used a simultaneous translation service English to Italian and vice versa, in order to facilitate communication and interaction between the speakers and the audience ( Figure 7); (ii) have been invited reporters and TV in order to maximize the project dissemination (iii) have been invited local and regional public bodies in order to increase the authoritativeness of the event. These efforts have produced many dissemination activities as Tweets, articles on local newspapers, articles on websites (ANNEX III) and video reportage on regional TV2.

1 2 The video is available on the INDICATE project website: 14/03/2014

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Figure 7: Simultaneous translation service English to Italian and vice versa

The meeting has been structured in two phases, the first focused on the Smart City topic with main attentions on Association of Genova Smart City, INDICATE Project (Figure 8) and New Galliera Project; the second phase focused on INDICATE project with open discussion with the stakeholders (Figure 9). Table 3 shows the complete agenda of the meeting. th

Table 3: Agenda Genova Meeting 7 February 2014

Time Duration 09h00 09h15 09h30 09h50 10h10 10h30 10h50 – 12h30 11h00 11h45 12h30 – 13h30 13h30 – 15h30 13h30 14h15 15h00 End workshop 16h00


Topic Arrival Welcome of the Galliera Director and Brief Introductions Genova Smart City Project INDICATE Project NEW GALLIERA Coffee break WORKSHOP session I – Moderator C. Mastrodonato (DAPP) The city as system of sub-systems and the interaction between the components Sustainable Urban Indicators and Common City Index Light Lunch WORKSHOP session II – Moderator C. Mastrodonato (DAPP) Interactive Decision Support Platform Evaluation Methodology Conclusion

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Speaker and Moderator A. Lagostena G. Piaggio (Municipality GE) N. Byrne (IES) E.N. Bruno Urbina (EOG)

W. Turner (TCD) S. Purcell (FAC)

R. Kerrigan (IES) J. Loane (DKIT) E.N. Bruno Urbina (EOG)


Figure 8: Niall Byrne (IES), project coordinator

Figure 9: Workshop session

The first part of the morning was characterized by three lectures with the aid of slide, with the purpose of provide an overview of the three projects and transmit the main concepts. The three have been recorded and are available on the YouTube channel of indicate project Genova Smart City: speech conducted by Gloria Piaggio, responsible of Smart City Office of the Municipality of Genova and coordinator of Genova Smart City Association3. The speaker has focused on how the Genoa city is moving towards the smart city by improve the quality of life through sustainable economic development, based on research, innovation, technology and driven by local leadership with a logic of integrated planning. The association in collaboration with a Scientific and Technical Committee have identified 4-axis on which to focus the entire project: 1. Efficiency Buildings: isolation and integration of renewable energy systems. 2. Sustainable Mobility: increase public transport, improve of air quality, introduction of vehicles with zero emissions in both the public and private sectors, passenger and freight. 3. Energy: development of photovoltaic systems, construction of wind farms, hydroelectric and biomass systems. 4. Harbour: development of cold ironing port and automation of port services. INDICATE project: speech conducted by Niall Byrne – IES, project Coordinator. The speaker has provided an overview on the project, explaining the main objectives and how the INDICATE methodology will integrate Dynamic Simulation Modelling, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), 3D Urban CAD Modelling Tools, Sustainable Urban Indicators and algorithms for Demand Side Management and local balancing of energy use into a single software package. New Galliera Project: speech conducted by Ezio Nicolàs Bruno Urbina – EOG, head of the proceedings New Galliera Hospital4. The speaker has provided an overview on the New Galliera Hospital, focusing on the need to modernize the hospital and the choice to undertake a sustainable project. Furthermore has been explained how 3 4

Genova Smart City web page RUP - Nuovo Galliera web page


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the INDICATE approach will maximize the innovative features already present in the New Galliera Project and how the tool will be useful to optimize the massive use of renewable energy with regard to the integration of technologies and energy efficiency improvements on an urban scale. Two workshop sessions followed the lectures. The first session focused on WP2 and WP3, while the second focused on WP4, WP5 and WP6. Each session was structured with a speaking in which the WP leaders were introduced the WP, the goals and objectives and then followed by an open discussion with the stakeholder attendees. The city as system of sub-systems and the interaction between the components: speech conducted by Will Turner – TCD. The speaker has provided an overview on the WP2, focusing on the modelling approach in with a city can be represented as a system of subsystems. The city is a collection of nodes linked together, with a energy flows between the nodes. Sustainable Urban Indicators and Common City Index: speech conducted by Stephen Purcell – FAC. The speaker has provided an overview on the WP3, focusing on the selection of suitable sustainability indicators that integrate the energy characteristics of buildings (consumption/generation) with city infrastructure and governance and how these indicators will be used to aid decision support within the urban environment. Furthermore the sustainability indicators. Purcell has explained how the sustainability indicators will generate the Common City Index (CCI) and how it will be part of the tool. The final result allows end users to identify potential energy efficiency measures which can be implemented within urban areas, yielding clear urban environment / sustainability and financial benefits. Interactive Decision Support Platform: speech conducted by Ruth Kerrigan – IES. The speaker has provided an overview on the WP4 and WP5. The speaker has provided information on CitySUMs IES tool about the development of city model by using Sketch-Up Plug-In, customization of energy value of buildings, the analysis the energy demand in order to evaluate what Renewable Supply is more suitable. Furthermore the speaker has showed the interaction with other IES modules for the interaction between the citizen and the environment by using a mobile Apps. Finally has been show a demo video by Esri CityEngine that will be used for the visualization of the 3D models in the city environments. Evaluation Methodology: speech conducted by John Loane – DKIT. The speaker has provided an overview on the WP6. The speak has provided an overview on the three pilot sites, has been highlighted as them are very different, but with similar problems and how INDICATE will be useful for the construction, masterplanning and energy optimization in the three test cases. About 200 persons have been invited at the meeting , covering the 7 stakeholder groups identified in D1.1. Among these, about 100 persons have effectively attended to the meeting. The large number of stakeholders attended has been the result of the dissemination and promotion done in the months before to the workshop. Among these there was the article “Con «Indicate» il Galliera diventa sostenibile e «verde»” published on “Il Sole 24 Ore“.Il Sole 24 Ore is an Italian national daily business newspaper owned by Confindustria, the Italian employers' federation and It reports on business, politics, developments in commercial and labour law, corporate news and features. The full article is available in ANNEX IV. The INDICATE partners held a consultation meeting with stakeholders to solicit their views on the INDICATE project and tool. The meeting generated healthy discussions regarding the stakeholder’s expectations of the INDICATE tool, and around energy efficiency initiatives and activities overall. 14/03/2014

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We can assert that organization event ran very smoothly and the workshop sessions have been excellent and have provided some extremely useful feedback for the project moving forward. After the workshop have been analyzed the views of stakeholders. It has been suggested to take into account the quality of life as urban indicators, this as consequence of the economic difficulties and uncertainties throughout Italy and all the European countries. Furthermore the University of Genoa suggests to investigate the change in the urban environment with respect to the health and well-being of the citizens in the district. There is disagreement among the stakeholders if the instrument should aim to use a macro level, so useful at all, or whether it needs to focus on very specific issues. However the important factor is to describe the tool in a simple way so that it can be understood by all stakeholders. Prof. Anna Osello of University Politecnico Torino – export in Building Information Modelling – raises the question of how the issue of interoperability will be treated. Furthermore, in reference to the slide Characterisation of City (WP2 - TCD), she asks what may be the input from the different nodes of the city as system of subsystems and what could be the connections with other European Research Project (i.e. DIMMER - District Information Modelling and Management for Energy Reduction, FP7 – GA: 609084). As described in D1.1, it was highlighted the synergies with other European Research Project, including the DIMMER project (in which POLITO and DAPP are partners). The engagement with the DIMMER project is already insured with the survey (see Chapter 4), and other actions will be carried out by both sides to share the project results. The Municipality raises the issue that in Liguria, but also in other Italian regions, there are a lot of local government with less than 5000 inhabitants. Therefore for the project success will be important to analyze the granularity and the scale applied to the tool and if the tool will be suitable also for the small communities. An important contribution came from the discussion with Municipality that has highlighted that the Regione Liguria has examined energy efficiency over the last 7 years and has collected a vast amount of data in the district. The consortium has the task to retrieve this data and understand how to use them within the INDICATE project. The Stakeholders have suggested that the INDICATE tool could be also useful for the Public Authority for the development and the implementation of the local regulation, in fact the holistic view allows to analyze urban environment as a whole.

3.2 Workshop in Dundalk The second stakeholder meeting was held in Dundalk on Friday 14th, February 2014 in the county council offices at County Hall, Millennium Centre of Dundalk. The meeting has been organized in collaboration between LCC and DAPP, with an active participation of all British and Irish project partners (Figure 10).


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Figure 10: Workshop in Dundalk - County Hall

The purpose of the meeting was to have an open discussion with stakeholders and attendees, in order to investigate their needs, pros and cons in the use of existing methodologies. With respect to the meeting of Genoa, this was completely focused on the technical part of the project, without the dissemination activities. The meeting has been smaller in term of number of stakeholder attendees (26 stakeholders, covering the 7 stakeholder groups) in such a way as to give them the opportunity to provide their opinion on the methodology and the future use of INDICATE tool. Also this meeting has been structured in two phases, the first focused on the INDICATE Project with a description of all the work packages with the lectures as the Genova meeting; while in second phase the audience has been subdivided in two small groups to participate to the workshop itself. Table 4 shows the complete agenda of the meeting. Table 4: Agenda Dundalk Meeting 14th February 2014

Time Duration 09h45 10h15 10h20 10h30 10h40

Topic Arrival Welcome Address Dundalk 2020/Holistic Project Introduction to the INDICATE Project & Workshop Introduction Presentation on WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5 & WP6


11h20 11h30 12h30 13h30

Coffee Break WORKSHOP session I: Sustainable Urban Indicators and Common City Index WORKSHOP session II: City Component Matrix Light Lunch - Close

Cllr Declan Breathnach Curran (LCC) Byrne (IES), Musetti (DAPP) Turner (TCD), Purcell (FAC), Kerrigan (IES), Loane (DKIT)

As for the Genova meeting also the Dundalk workshop has generated healthy discussions regarding the stakeholder’s expectations of the INDICATE tool, and around energy efficiency initiatives and activities overall. After the workshop have been analyzed the views of stakeholders. Everyone consider innovative and interesting the INDICATE project and the tool.


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The stakeholders focused to planning consider very useful and suitable to their purpose the holistic point of view provided by the tool. Vice versa the stakeholders more operative, with a view narrower and focused on only few concept, consider the tool to be too macro level, so that it could be really difficult to use it. The stakeholders have highlighted the concern over the level of applicability of the tool across professions. It will be important for the project to understand the different users, and their needs and how different professions would use the tool. For example different users will undertake a different process to use the tool. An interesting feature is the possibility for the city planner to have a global view of energy demand compared with the renewable supply. It was highlighted because the stakeholders claim that the urban planners not always have the educational background to a proper analysis. Another interesting feature, highlighted by the stakeholders, is the ability to demonstrate the economic benefits and viability/advantage of the transformation of the city into a smart city. Furthermore this feature could be also used in rural environment, to demonstrate the cost/benefit of infrastructures and then develops renewable projects in rural areas. As already highlighted in the workshop of Genoa, a relevant feature to be considered is a connection point between the INDICATE tool and the SmartGrid, and identify a protocol for the communication with other models. This feature will be analyzed in to understand if it could be useful to a mass of stakeholders. The stakeholders stressed that it will be important to ensure that the City Component Matrix (CCM) (see WP2) must be scalable, furthermore the CCM should also take into account of social factors as population size and the city's ability to handle the impact on demand as water, waste etc. and must be taken into account climatic data and the impact of these on human behaviour.


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4 ENGAGEMENT TROUGH INDICATE WEBSITE – ONLINE SURVEY In order to better understand the actual stakeholders’ needs in terms of energy efficient neighbourhoods, we conducted several interviews with stakeholders through a questionnaire which was intended to be circulated among the European Stakeholders identified in D1.1. The questionnaire is anonymous and foresees 30 different questions subdivided in 7 sections (following interview scheme). The first section is focused on defining the goal of the questionnaire and asking for some personal information. In this part it is requested to identify the own or company role within the value chain. The survey introduction reports: “INDICATE will support stakeholders in the transition towards smart cities by providing an interactive decision support tool for urban planning and design. The tool will assess the interactions between urban objects and spaces, buildings, the electricity grid, renewable technologies and ICT and recommend options for optimising infrastructure, installing technology, and providing cost effective utility services. The aims of this survey are to identify stakeholders needs and requirements for the tool, the identification of the sustainable urban indicators and the business models to be developed within INDICATE project.” Furthermore we ask to stakeholders to answer according to his understanding and feel free to provide any other input or feedback that he may think to be needed to complete the analysis of requirements of different stakeholders involved in the energy efficient building retrofitting and renovation. The questions proposed in this first section are: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Organization name Organization size Country Stakeholder type

“4. Stakeholder type” question is a single choice answer and it is used to automatically select the next section of the survey. As it is possible to see, depending on the profile of the interviewee, he/she will be redirected to a specific set of questions tailored according to the specific role on the value chain. The choices allowed are:           

Building or District Owner Urban Planner Main Contractor Designer (engineer, architect, ee professional, ...) Materials/Solution Manufacturer Energy Supplier (service provider, network manager, network owner, ...) Occupiers / End User Investors (bank, private) Utility Manager R&D (University, centre of research, ...) City authority / Public authority

The second step regards the Business model and the proposed questions are: 14/03/2014

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5. Which type of contract model do you have for the energy supply? 6. Which aspects would you like to modify or improve with regards your current energy supply contract 7. How often do you need an external investor/financer in the implementation of an energy efficiency retrofit / renovation project? 8. Please specify the type of external investor and the type of investment needed (type, interest rate, time frame of loan,‌) All the questions are mandatory. The question 5 and 7 are single choice in order to make a numerical analysis on the whole bulk of results, while the questions 6 and 8 allow free text in order to make a qualitative analysis. The third step is related to Retrofit process / Building Construction and the proposed questions are: 9. Which phases of the retrofitting process and/or new building construction process have you been involved in and to which extent? 10. For the points in which your organization was Partially or Deep Involved, please specify how did you contribute 11. Which information types are most important for implementing in an efficient way an energy efficiency renovation project? 12. What are the main drivers that may lead to improve the energy performance of a building while undertaking a renovation project? 13. Which parameters do you think it would be important to monitor in the life cycle of a building? 14. How important is it to know the environmental impact of the materials used in the building construction? 15. Which of the following aspects in your opinion could be important for the material selection? All the questions are mandatory. For each the question (with the exception of the number 10), the stakeholders must provide his opinion in term of relevance (no relevant, low, medium, high, crucial) to a list of parameter for the retrofitting /building process. The fourth step is related to Regulation and Standardisation domain and the proposed questions are: 16. 17. 18. 19.

Which of the following methodologies you applied in the retrofitting process How did/do the methodologies used influence the operation or occupancy of a building? How the methodologies used influence the awareness and behaviour of building occupants? Why were no methodologies used in the retrofitting process?

The question number 16 is multiple choice answer and the stakeholders can select different methodologies from a provided collection (LEED, BREAM, Greenstar, Passive House...) but he it is able to add also methodologies that are not available into the list. The questions 17 and 18 are free text answers to investigate how the methodologies used by the stakeholders influence the building and the behaviour of end users. If the stakeholder does not normally use the methodology we ask him to provide the reasons with the question number 19. The first question of this section will be used to make a quantitative analysis while the other three for qualitative analysis. The fifth step regards the Sustainable indicators for the urban context and the proposed questions are: 20. 21. 22. 23.

What are the relevant Energy indicators that should be used in a master plan? What are the relevant District Energy indicators that should be used in a master plan? What are the relevant Carbon Emission indicators that should be used in a master plan? Which of the following Accessibility aspects in your opinion would be important for a master planning?


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24. Which of the following Urban aspects in your opinion would be important for a master planning? 25. Which of the following Transport Network aspects in your opinion would be important for a master planning? All the questions are mandatory and the stakeholders must provide their opinion in term of relevance (no relevant, low, medium, high) on many urban indicators. These answers will be used to make a quantitative analysis. The sixth step is related to City visualizations and incentives, and the proposed questions are: 26. How are citizens aware of the works of retrofitting in buildings? 27. How are the end users informed about the redevelopment project of a neighbourhood/building? 28. Have the end users and the opportunity to interact with the final project? If yes, how do they interact and with which tools? 29. Before the development of a new retrofitting project, have the community (owner, end user, municipality...) a 3D urban model to evaluate the potential of the project? What are the parameters shown in the model and how the community interacts with it? These are all free text answers, in order to have a deep investigation on the actual awareness of citizens on sustainable projects. The seventh and last step is related to ICT Support Tool, and the proposed questions are: 30. Do you currently make use of ICT tools for 31. Please provides information on the ICT tools used From interviews it was found that ICT systems are only used for the project design (CAD software). Within this section we want better investigate if other ICT support tool are used and for which purpose. The survey is still online and will remain active until the end of March. Therefore, the analysis of the results will be provided in task T1.3 and T1.4.

5.3 Developer Tools As we have seen the survey will be shared with the circa 1000 stakeholders identified at European Level. To do this of course, it was decided to leverage the network. Was then carried out an online survey, and to increase the authority of the survey it has been wrapped in the INDICATE web site5 (Figure 11). To develop and promote the survey, has been used ICT tools such Google Form6 and phpList7, more detail in the following sections.


INDICATE survey web page: Google Form web page: 7 phpList web page: 6


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Figure 11: INDICATE online survey

5.3.1 Google Form Google Forms is a useful tool to develop survey online, and collect information in an easy, streamlined way. Google form can be connected to a Google spreadsheet and so the responses will automatically be sent to the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet can be export in different format (pdf, csv, xls), in this way we can process the answers to make a quantitative analysis of the results. A feature provided by Google Form is to display data as chart (pie/histogram). By way of example the Figure 12 shows the chart created with the responses automatically created with Google form tool. 14/03/2014

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Figure 12: Google Form Charts

5.3.2 phpList We are going to circulate an email among the 1000 European Stakeholders identified in the D1.1 in order to engage the communities to participate to the survey. For this action have been created a reference email address managed by DAPP. This choice came from the need to identify the sender as member of INDICATE project and not use his work email address. Furthermore to ensure that the mail is not recognized as SPAM email, we will use a dedicated SMTP service that provider also the host for the project site. In the T1.1, in the process of collection of stakeholders contacts, in addition to email have been also collected the name, surname, organization and type of stakeholders. This additional information allow as to make a customized email for each recipient (Figure 13). The customized email will be automatically composed and managed by phpList tool (Figure 14). phpList is an open source web tool for managing mailing lists and end e-mail messages to large numbers of subscribers. Within the phpList tool we have create 7 distribution list, one for each stakeholders group. So doing we will be able to send bulletin email only to a dedicated class of stakeholders. One of the most useful features phpList tool is that provide statistics on the emails sent. In particular it is possible to track each email sent. By using the back-office panel we are able to investigate how many emails have been received, how have read the email, if the recipient have clicked on the link on the email (to fill the survey) and schedule additional email if the recipient does not take care of the email.


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Figure 13: Email template


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Figure 14: phpList screenshot


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CONCLUSIONS This report has been issued as a deliverable for T1.2 Engagement of stakeholder community the within the INDICATE project. The partners involved have been DAPP (leader), LCC and EOG involved for the face to face interviews, and contributions from all partners for the success of the city workshops. The Activities carried out in this task allowed INDICATE consortium to get in touch with the local and European stakeholders communities. Have been arranged 23 face to face interviews with the key local stakeholders involved in the two city pilots. These interviews have allowed us to better understand the characteristics and dynamics of the pilots, and have been investigated the needs and requirements for the development of the project. Two city workshops have been organized: in Genova meeting has been analyzed the issues to develop a green hospital in a city centre, furthermore the meeting has received a great success as number of attending stakeholders (100 persons) and as number of newspaper/website articles. The interest in the project and the success of the workshop is also measured by the several invitations to participate at dissemination events as Festival della Scienza8 and Forum Efficienza Energetica 20149. The workshop in Dundalk was also useful to validate the work done so far and investigate additional urban indicators and pilot issues. To complete the community engagement a follow-up survey has been circulated between the 1000 European stakeholders, and will stay online until the end of March. Among the main results of this task there are:      

The full interest to the project by all stakeholders. The energy efficiency data collected by Regione Liguria over the last 7 years that could be used within the project. Include the quality of life and additional social factors as a urban indicators. The need to make the system scalable and therefore useful to both large cities and small towns. The need to develop “language” that make the concepts simple, and easy to explain to all stakeholders. The need to connect the INDICATE tool with external source and models.

The main factor that must still be analyzed is the question highlighted in both workshop that the tool is considered very useful and suitable for the planning and designers stakeholders, the holistic point of view allows to have a global view of the environment and urban components. While the stakeholders more operative as plant engineers with a view narrower and focused on only few concept, consider the tool to work too macro level. Therefore it will be important for the project success to understand the different users, and their needs and how different professions would use the tool. For example different users will undertake a different process to use the tool.

8 9

Call for proposals 2014: Forum Efficienza Energetica 2014:


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Questions GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE ORGANIZATION Some general information about the organization Can you provide some information on the organization? What does the organization do? How many employees does your organisation have? What is your turnover or balance sheet?



A statement of their position, but also their views on role and responsibility. The role of the respondent will contextualise the answers. What is your background? What is your role in the organisation? How are decisions made within the organisation? B1

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT What do you understand by the term sustainable development? How does sustainable development manifest at the building level? Is it easy to sell a green property? Do you think Sustainable development issues are taken seriously by your customers or public bodies (local/national level/international level)? What do you expect will be the evolution of the market? Opportunities?


PROJECT EXPECTATIONS & F OUR PILLARS Refer to the pilots New Galliera/ Masterplanning in Dundalk/ Optimization of existing system in Dundalk. Why was the decision made to carry out this energy efficient project? What was your role in it? Energy Savings, Financial Savings ,Increased (sale/rental) value of building, Utility / Comfort, Compliance, Other Environmental concerns - give details What are your objectives and expectations? What are your organization’s roles and tasks within the project? And yours? Which information are the most important for implementing in an efficient way an energy efficiency renovation project? I.E. list of good performing energy efficient materials, list of suppliers of energy efficiency materials, list of contractors and service providers, drawings or digital model provided in a common format, personal advice on your situation, information on similar projects, etc Which parameters do you think it would be important to monitor in the life cycle of a building and/or a district? I.E.: temperature, humidity, noise, energy consumption, energy produced etc. What kind of difficulties have you encountered in the definition the project planning? How do you stepped in to


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solve them? And what kind of tool you used? How do you intend to make in the field of reduction of energy consumption and carbon emission? What technology / solutions are being used in the project? Did you consider other technical options? Why did you choose this one? What kind of choice do you implement to optimize the existing systems and buildings? What are the main drivers that may lead to improve the energy performance of a building while undertaking a renovation project? I.E: local and national regulation, interest in improving thermal comfort, interest in reducing fuel bills, interest in improving the overall aesthetic of the building, etc What constraints are you subject? How will you solve them? What do you consider the main barriers in the project? What kind of help you will need to solve them? Was there any stage of the project which you felt suffered from a deficiency of information or lack of technical know-how or support? How do you stepped in to solve them? And what kind of tool you used? Do you or your suppliers apply software or IT tools to inform decision-making in terms of product selection? Structural design, Rendering, Material selector, Energy aspect evaluation, Project management, Home management, etc. C2

PROJECT RESULTS How to measure the success criteria How do you envisage that this project will add value to your organisation’s activities? What are the success criteria which you will apply as owners/planner? i.e.: Reduced costs, emission reductions, reputation How are the successes criteria measured? Do you foresee replicability of this type of project?


FINANCIAL ASPECT Who is leading / managing the project? Do you know the flows of money in the project? Who pays who? And what for? What is the project budget? What is the planned breakdown of costs? How have you determined financial feasibility of the project? How have you calculated this figure? How is the project being funded? Have you received any grant aid or support for this project? If so, was this a decisive factor in undertaking the project? Have you received any non financial support for this project? If so, was this a decisive factor in undertaking the project?


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Are you leaning to some tool or software that gives you financial information and potential results of the project? What is it? Otherwise would you have appreciated to have a tool or software that gives you financial information about the potential results of the project? Investigate market for INDICATE D1

BUSINESS MODEL Regarding the project, who are your clients? Are they the final users? Type of relationship do you have with your clients? What are your main partners you use to collaborate with? What are your suppliers? How do you select them? i.e.: price, quality, certification In relation to this project, what is your market? And what is the size of this market? What are your main competitors? And what is your added value?


ORGANISATION PARTNERS AND STAKEHOLDERS Understanding of the other stakeholders involved Do you have a consolidated network of contacts to implement energy efficient renovation projects? Other that your organisation, who else is involved in the project? And what are their roles? Project team: architects, engineers, consultants Solution Providers & Contractors: energy co., contractors, other specialists Regulation, Policy and standards: legislators, standard bodies, certification schemes etc. Financiers: shareholders, investors, banks, grants etc There is some agreement between the stakeholders? What is it?


ORGANISATION & PUBLIC BODY What interactions does the project have with public bodies (local/national level/international level)? What authorisations did you need? Investigate how INDICATE tool could be help


CONCLUSIONS Is there anything else you’d like to add? Could you recommend two additional stakeholders who you feel it might be useful to speak to for this study? Investigate for other key actors to be involved in INDICATE project Thanks for help & if there are further questions / clarifications needed, do you mind if I get in touch with you again? Involve the respondent in the development and testing of the tool


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Figure 15:


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Figure 16:


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Figure 17:


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Figure 18:


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Figure 19:


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Figure 20:


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