D 1.4 Report on the data analysis of inputs from stakeholders

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608775 INDICATE Indicator-based Interactive Decision Support and Information Exchange Platform for Smart Cities STREP EeB.ICT.2013.6.4 1st October 2013 36 Months

DELIVERABLE 1.4 Report on the data analysis of inputs from stakeholders

Date 21/09/2014 26/09/2014 29/09/2014 02/10/2014


Review History Submitted By Reviewed By DAPP team coordinated by A. Musetti Liam Flynn (FAC) Thomas Grey (TCD) DAPP team coordinated by A. Musetti

Dissemination Level Public Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)

Version V1 V1 V1 V2


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 608775

Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................................................3 1


Input from Stakeholder Consultation ...................................................................................................................4 1.1

Local Key Stakeholder ...................................................................................................................................4


Stakeholder Community ...............................................................................................................................9


Online Survey ..............................................................................................................................................12


Market analysis ...........................................................................................................................................23

Urban Indicators .................................................................................................................................................26

CONCLUSION ..............................................................................................................................................................29 ABBREVIATIONS ..........................................................................................................................................................30 REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................................31 ANNEX I – Coding of interview ...................................................................................................................................32


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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INDICATE1 “Indicator-based Interactive Decision Support and Information Exchange Platform for Smart Cities” is a collaborative project funded under the FP7 SMARTCITY-2013 programme (Grant Agreement No. 608775). The project involves participants from across Europe including Ireland, Italy, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. INDICATE proposes a novel city-wide decision support system which accounts for all major systems and activities relevant to develop energy-efficient cities. The creation of such energy-efficient cities is a critical part of global sustainability and will require integrated smart urban planning tools for both master-planning and detailed energy optimisation. INDICATE project is centred on the creation of new interactive cloud-based tool to enable dynamic energy assessment of multiple entities within the urban environment. The tool will support key stakeholders in the transformation towards smart & sustainable cities. One of the key elements of WP1 – Stakeholder Engagement and Business Model Development – is the consultation with the stakeholder community, in order to facilitate the identification of needs, requirements and preferences of stakeholders to aid the development of the INDICATE decision support tool. This document constitutes Deliverable 1.4 - Report on the data analysis of inputs from stakeholders. It has been developed within WP1, in the framework of Task 1.4 - Data Analysis. All the activities performed in this task, are as a result of the research undertaken in Task 1.2 and Task 1.3, culminating in D1.2 – Report on the stakeholder interviews and engagement of stakeholder community; and D1.3 – Report on Technology Market Analysis for each of the aforementioned tasks. The document presents the analysis of the information obtained from interviews, consultation workshops and online surveys and the market research (activities undertaken in T1.2 and T1.3). The key findings of this study are a detailed classification of all the data gathered during the stakeholder consultation activities. To perform this analysis, some key indicators have been identified on the basis of the collected information. The indicators have been clustered in the following groups: Environmental, Social, and Economic. In the selection of the indicators have been taken into account different categories: Demographic dynamics, Accessibility to services and green areas, Urban mobility and transport, Health and safety and Awareness and behaviours. How to read this document:   


Chapter 1 contains a detailed classification of all the data gathered during the stakeholder consultation activities. Chapter 2 presents the key indicators identified over the course of this task. Chapter 3 reports the conclusion of this document.

INDICATE website: http://www.indicate-smartcities.eu


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1 Input from Stakeholder Consultation Throughout the course of the INDICATE project, partners have consulted with various stakeholders to ensure that the final interactive cloud-based tool is able to support those involved in making decisions towards transforming their cities into smart cities. During the first year of the project, INDICATE partners have received input from stakeholder engagements involving face to face interviews, consultation workshops, surveys and other dissemination activities. All the activities performed are described in the deliverables D1.1 – Identification of key stakeholders, and D1.2 – Report on the stakeholder interview and engagement of stakeholder community. Due to the variety of building types and related users, and the complexities of the various dynamics therein, a qualitative approach, through the medium of interviews, was adopted as the primary action undertaken for stakeholder engagement. Interviews were semi-structured, as this technique allowed for a more effective interaction between the interviewer and the interviewee(s). The interviews have been coded in ANNEX I. In order to maintain the confidentiality of the data was not entered the name of the interviewee/company. The interview highlights were described in the next section. Given the range of stakeholders described in D1.1, the challenge has been to solicit these diverse perspectives through workshops and open discussion settings and then incorporate this information into the design of the INDICATE tool. This has been achieved via two methods: (i) the participatory approach of affected persons, (e.g. end-users, citizens, energy providers, owner, public authorities, etc.), to articulate and discuss their perspectives on the city and its development; and (ii) the expert approach that is appropriate to describe complex problems and requires a deeper professional insight. Both approaches have been used in order to collect a variety of inputs from the stakeholder community; in particular the participatory approach has been used in the Genoa workshop, with an expert approach used in the Dundalk and Dublin workshops. In the following sections, the input from stakeholders are assessed and general conclusions are made in relation to the performance indicators.


Local Key Stakeholder

The local key stakeholders have been involved to identify all the actors directly involved in the three project test sites from which it is possible to analyse in depth the different issues. Furthermore, this consultation allows us to analyse all aspects concerning the pilot sites from the local stakeholders point of view and then obtain information useful for the development of INDICATE project. Italian test site Genoa is the capital of Liguria and the sixth largest city in Italy, with a population of 600,000 within its administrative boundary on a land area of 240 km2. Genoa is currently part of the Genoa Smart City initiative, which is aimed at improving the city quality of life through sustainable economic development based on research and technology guided by the municipality government in a project of integrated planning. The project will examine a test site within Genoa that covers an area of 60km2. The area is located in downtown Genoa, in a


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district with a dense urban form including two schools, a sports centre with a pool, the police headquarters, a number of private residential dwellings and the Galliera hospital as illustrated in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1: Genoa test site map

The Galliera hospital is a public hospital founded in 19th century by a legacy of Duchess Galliera. The hospital is composed by eighteen pavilions, nine of which are buildings under the supervision of the Italian Ministry. Each pavilion is characterized by different uses (Figure 1.2), structure, period of construction (from 1888 to 2000) and original use.

Figure 1.2: Galliera Hospital Pavilions


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The Galliera hospital is a high specialized hospital with balance sheet of about € 180M2; the hospital structure includes:         

first aid service; 10 surgery rooms; 10 specialised diagnostic equipment; 1,800 employees, divided between healthcare providers, health professionals, technicians, secretarial and management; 500 beds divided in about 30 specializations unit; 53,000/year access to emergency care; 26,000/year discharged; 1,400/year born; and 3,200,000/year health services.

Despite these figures, the Galliera hospital currently does not fulfil the requirements of a modern hospital concept and as such, the municipality has started an ambitious renovating project of the site with the aim of minimising energy consumption by designing a Green Hospital in line with the Green Guide for Health Care [1]. The renovation project affects not only the hospital but also the entire district and a considerable part of the city. This means that there must be significant engagement and management of all the stakeholders: the hospital manager, public authorities, the municipal office that manages the school, the provincial office that manages the high school and policy, energy managers and providers, experts in design, architectural, structural and plant engineering, as well as expertise in the fields of acoustics and environment. The engineering companies involved in the hospital renovation planning, have highlighted that in different nationalities there is a difference of relating to the development of sustainable projects. As reported in D1.3, at the European level, the main policy driver related to the energy consumption of buildings is the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD, 2002/91/EC). Implemented in 2002, the Directive has been recast in 2010 (EPBD recast, 2010/31/EU) with more ambitious provisions. The EPDB goes on to pledge that by 2020, all new buildings will be nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB), and that after 2018, new buildings occupied and owned by public authorities are nZEB. In Italy, the transposition of the EPBD Directive3,4,5 are addressed by national legislative decrees6,7,8,9. The National Legislative decree n.63/2013 states that in the case of any sale/transfer of property/rental of building, the building must be equipped with the Energy Performance Certificate. This decree is subjected to regional regulatory, but within Liguria and consequently Genoa, it is mandatory to show the certificate in the case of any sale/transfer of property/rental of a building. 2

Ente Ospedaliero Ospedali Galliera: http://galliera.it First Directive on Energy Performance of Building (Directive 2002/91/EC, EPBD) http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2003:001:0065:0065:EN:PDF 4 Directive 2009/28/EC promotion of the use of RES http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2009:140:0016:01:EN:HTML 5 In 2012 re-casted: (Directive 2010/31/EU) http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2010:153:0013:0035:EN:PDF 6 Legislative decree 192/2005 (issued to address 2002/91/EC) http://efficienzaenergetica.acs.enea.it/doc/dlgs_192-05.pdf 7 Presidential decree 59/2009 (minimum requirements) http://efficienzaenergetica.acs.enea.it/doc/dpr_59-09.pdf 8 Legislative decree n.28/2011 (issued to address EU RES) http://www.normattiva.it/uri-res/N2Ls?urn:nir:stato:decreto-legislativo:2011-03-03;28 9 Legislative decree n.63/2013 (issued to address 2010/31/EU) http://www.gazzettaufficiale.it/eli/id/2013/06/05/13G00107/sg 3


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The Italian stakeholders have confirmed that the European directive is not yet well-established in the Italian population, in fact the refurbish project that do not involve the sale / transfer of ownership and then outside the constraints of the national directive, it is not always required by the customer an eco-friendly project. The private customers required a sustainable project for the reduction of the management cost in the long term, while the public bodies rarely are interested in this type of project. On the other hand, at international level sustainability is well established, in both public and private sectors. However, in the last few years a growing recognition of the values of sustainable development has been reflected at national and local levels (Liguria).This growing conscience has been also analysed in the market analysis document (D1.3). The stakeholders interviewed believe that a reason for this level of apathy amongst public bodies regarding sustainable projects is due to the act that the additional time of approval and development of such projects is often longer than a political mandate. As consequence, the public bodies are rarely required to develop an ecofriendly project. The transformation plan undertaken by the Liguria region, and in particular the city of Genoa, to become smart is an exception in Italy, and it is as a result of this pioneering aspect that there is interest in the project. During the interviews, the public authorities showed interest in the INDICATE tool, and in particular, its effectiveness in simplifying and accelerating the planning, design and approval of sustainable projects. The stakeholders have cited the following as the most significant barriers and constraints to sustainable development: (i) local legislation constraints for renovation project in a district characterised by its sensitive built heritage with a number of buildings protected by the Italian Ministry; (ii) landscape constraints that greatly influence shape and material selection. To address these kinds of problems, the stakeholders require tools capable of filtering and evaluating national and local regulations with a collection of best practices carried out from similar projects. The Italian pilot is focused on the integration and optimization of new ICT and Renewable Technologies. Accordingly, the stakeholders have identified the main information required in order to integrate new technologies and services to better manage the energy supply and demand aspects. Among the most important information required, is a complete and detailed overview of the site in order to illustrate its potential and critical points (i.e. insulation, wind, soil type, topography, presence of waterways). As regards buildings, information requirements for stakeholders range from detailed information related building performance, building envelope, building energy requirements, and functional use. By collecting this information and its interrogation, stakeholders are able to support decisions relating to the distribution and balancing of energy in urban cities. The ICT and renewable technologies most investigated by the respondents are cogeneration/tri-generation systems, energy recovery technologies, solar photovoltaic and solar hot water. As regards integration within buildings, the developers are able to provide time-space pattern by analysing the building use and end-users profile. These patterns are useful to integrate automatic regulation of lightning systems, access control systems and management systems.

Irish test site Dundalk is a city in Ireland, located between the border of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and as such is equidistant with Dublin and Belfast. As a result it is on the main transportation route between this two major cities and its bus and train routes service both cities via Dundalk. The population of Dundalk is 37,816 and it covers an area of 24km2. In 2003 Dundalk was amongst nine cities to be designated Gateway status in the Irish Government's National Spatial Strategy. In the INDICATE project, there will be two test demonstrations 30/09/2014

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undertaken in Dundalk relating to: (i) the Masterplanning in Dundalk, and (ii) Optimisation of existing systems in Dundalk.

Figure 1.3: Dundalk test site map – Google Maps

In Dundalk there are a number of currently active sustainable projects (social housing, water and waste water treatment, public lighting, roads and economic development) allowing Dundalk to become Ireland’s first sustainable energy community. Regarding the Sustainable Transport Project, the decision stemmed from a national policy initiative. The project objectives were to reduce car use and promote walking and cycling to schools. Regarding the Smart Eco Hub and the new data centre operation in Blanchardstown there were economic benefits. In all projects there is a strong collaboration between research institutions, private companies and public bodies at local and national level. The public body role is to promote the overall project and lead a multidisciplinary team of engineers, behavioural change experts and teachers to change behaviour in three target schools and six observers schools. The public authorities interviewed have pointed out that before undertaking the sustainable project, they looked at similar projects in European cities and gathered guidance and data from these. In particular, Holland and Denmark offered the best contexts for similar projects, with aspects of these proving very useful for an Irish context. The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland states that “a Building Energy Rating (BER) is an indication of the energy performance of a home. It covers energy use for space heating, water heating, ventilation and lighting calculated on the basis of standard occupancy” [2]. A BER assessment and certificate may be compulsory to sell a building or shortly after its construction. Methods of calculations and legislations related to BER may be different from one country to another. BER was created as a tool to help monitoring and improving building energy efficiency. In the Republic of Ireland, each new dwelling built from January 1, 2007 requires a BER, unless the planning application for its construction was lodged prior to December 31, 2006. From January 1, 2009, it became 30/09/2014

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illegal to offer a dwelling for sale without a BER. From July 1, 2008 a BER is necessary for new non-residential buildings where planning permission is required. From January 1, 2009 a BER is required for existing nonresidential buildings, when offered for sale or to let [2] (D1.3). In the Republic of Ireland respect to Italy, there is a more attention to eco-friendly projects even if it not expressly required by directives. The stakeholders have shown how the people (private and public) are conscious of the benefits of sustainable development. For example, Viatel10 (previously known as Digiweb) it is a private company that works in compliance with energy consumption. Viatel operates an extensive European long distance network and metro networks in the main European business centres, accessing many Carrier neutral facilities and Internet Exchanges. They have 85,000km of fibre. Services include Data Connectivity, Telephony, Co-location, Managed Services and Cloud. The Company has nine date centres: two in Dublin, one in London and the rest in Europe mainland. The company has a 24/7 monitoring team who constantly monitor power consumption, temperature, air flow, routing of air flow, minimize wasted air. Customers are charged for the amount of power their equipment uses. The system collects power data for each rack unit used. Also monitored are hot/cold air leakages from the building envelope. Public and private stakeholders agree that the end users need more information about government incentives and return of investments. The end users retrieve information from the Department for Energy website11, but often these incentives are not fully exploited because not well received by end users. The public bodies believe that they are not able to economically support sustainable projects on large scale, therefore they are forced to reduce the project size. What is required by the stakeholder is a support from government bodies in order to have more economical incentives and detailed information about exploit these incentives: “incentives work only if they are well understood” (extract form occupiers interview).


Stakeholder Community

In addition to consultations with local key stakeholders, two meetings in the pilot cities of Genoa and Dundalk were also organised. The aims of the meeting are twofold: on the one hand to engage with the stakeholder community and investigate the needs and requirements of the stakeholders not directly involved in the pilots project; and on the other hand to generate interest in the project. The following section presents an overview of the engagement processes of the respective stakeholder communities from each of the pilot cities.

Genoa Meeting The Genoa meeting was held at the Congress Hall of the Ente Ospedaliero Ospedali Galliera, with the topic: “The New Galliera - Energy efficiency and renewable energy integration tools on urban scale: INDICATE an occasion to deepen opportunities, best practices and create network “. The meeting was structured in two phases, the first focused on the Smart City concept and its application with regard to Genoa involving the INDICATE Project and New Galliera Project; the second phase focused on the INDICATE project followed by an open discussion with stakeholders. 10 11

Viatel Home Page: http://www.viatel.com/ Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources: http://www.dcenr.gov.ie/


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The first part of the meeting was characterised by three lectures with the aid of visual and descriptive aids, with the purpose of providing an overview of the three projects and communicating the main concepts. These lectures have been recorded and are available on the YouTube channel of indicate project http://www.youtube.com/user/INDICATEeu. (D1.2 – Report on stakeholder interviews and engagement of stakeholder community). The second part of the meeting was characterized by two open sessions: (i) the first focused on WP2 and WP3, while (ii) the second focused on WP4, WP5 and WP6. Each session was structured with presentations in which WP leaders introduced the respective WPs, their associated goals and objectives and then followed by an open discussion with the stakeholder attendees regarding their expectations of the INDICATE tool, as well as more general discussions on efficiency initiatives and activities. The stakeholder community evaluated INDICATE as a very important project and acknowledged its innovative methodology as a decision support tool for stakeholders in all stages in the urban development of a city. Following this, stakeholders made some suggestions on its development, which were formulated from their expertise and past experiences. Since the INDICATE Project aims to be useful for a wide range of stakeholders and support them in different stages of city development, the stakeholder community suggested explaining the tool in very simple way so that it can be understood by all. Subsequently, by incorporating this information into the next meeting in Dundalk and the first dissemination workshop in Dublin enabled a more effective presentation of the INDICATE Project to a wide and varied audience. During the workshop the stakeholders have discussed about the level of data details that INDICATE could provide. The different players involved in the process of city transformation have expressed different opinions: the players that work at high abstraction level prefer a tool able to work at a macro level without going into detail, otherwise the players focused on very specific issues required of detailed data. This point is strictly related to different standard model for data exchange (IFC, COLLADA, CityGML and etc.). The stakeholders have focused the attention on which data model will be adopted in INDICATE in order to maximize the interoperability between different applications without lost data information. During the workshop, the public authorities present have questioned about the flexibility of the tool to be adapted to different case study. The small Municipalities of Liguria Region raise the issue that in Liguria, but also in other Italian regions, 80% of local governments operate with less than 5,000 inhabitants in their corresponding administrative boundaries. They have demanded to pay attention also to small towns, which have different characteristics and social behaviour from the big city. In particular in the small towns there is a greater focus to the outdoor life, the use of public and private transport is different from those of city and the interaction between the buildings is lower. The small municipalities are looking for flexible tools capable of evaluating small local environments, with methods considering geographically specific constraints such as local laws and regulations. The proposed Virtual City Model (VCM), to be developed in WP4 and used to illustrate a city and store processed output from the Dynamic Simulation Model, has generated interest in the stakeholder community, particularly its ability to display a lot of information in a 3D environment, thereby simplifying planning activities and introducing more flexibility to their application. What the stakeholders required from the tool is to keep the data available and accessible with standard and open formats, in order to integrate different software and applications. Among the key findings of the open discussion, academic stakeholders suggested to take into account the quality of life as urban indicators, as a consequence of the economic difficulties and uncertainties throughout Italy and all 30/09/2014

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the European countries. They suggest investigating the change in the urban environment with respect to the health and well-being of the citizens in the district. Therefore, the academic stakeholders suggest taking account of the possibility to integrate the tool with additional social aspects. The stakeholders suggest focusing on the final outcome of the project regarding the transformation of the city towards a smart city and to consider the well – being and health of the citizen. Incidentally, it was revealed that the University of Genoa have researched these aspects using social indicators. This problem can be assessed by examining the change in the urban environment with respect to the health and well-being of the citizens in the district. Another important aspect uncovered is the stakeholder need to add dynamic aspect into the tool, namely behaviour and attitude of people. The planners need to know how the people and end-users interact in the city and with the city components in order to define patterns and choose the appropriate methodologies on these dynamic aspects.

Dundalk Meeting The Dundalk meeting was held in at Louth County Council offices at County Hall, Millennium Centre. The purpose of the meeting was to have an open discussion with stakeholders and attendees, in order to investigate their needs regarding decision support for future development decisions, as well as the various pros and cons in the use of existing methodologies. With respect to the meeting in Genoa, this was completely focused on the technical part of the project, without dissemination activities. The Dundalk meeting was smaller in term of number of stakeholder attendees (26 stakeholders, covering the 7 stakeholder groups) in such a way as to give them the opportunity to provide their opinion on the methodology and the future use of the INDICATE tool (the meeting structure and development is described in D1.2). The following presents an overview of the main findings from the meeting conducted in Dundalk. In confirmation of the findings from previous interviews, stakeholders claimed that building regulations in Ireland were quite good. Furthermore, with respect to building cities, in their opinions it is important to keep things simple, to identify simple things that individuals can achieve with respect to sustainability, energy efficiency, etc. As highlighted in the Genoa meeting and also in Dundalk, there is disagreement among stakeholders on the levels of detail and on the scale of application. Their doubt is that INDICATE wants to be a tool suitable for both macro and micro levels that can support both at a level of abstraction that at a level of detail of each object. The stakeholders raised the risk of trying to ensure the tool is ‘all things to all men’, instead of creating views and custom interfaces to different category of stakeholders. From the open discussion with the stakeholders, confirmation of the importance in giving the opportunity to the city planner to have a global view of energy demand compared with the renewable supply was reinforced. It was highlighted because the urban planners do not always have the educational background to undertake a robust analysis of all elements and processes of an urban environment. Another interesting feature, highlighted by the stakeholders, is the ability to demonstrate the economic benefits and viability/advantage of the transformation of the city into a smart city. Furthermore this feature could be also used in rural environments, to demonstrate the cost/benefit of infrastructures and future renewable projects in rural areas. From the consultation with experts, an important cautionary aspect was highlighted with respect to building the city model, in that adequate consideration of the cost involved should be given: if the cost of building the model is high, the cost of buying and using the tool will be high as well. The final cost may be a prohibitive factor with respect to uptake and usage of the final tool. Always by reference to the model, the stakeholders stress that it will 30/09/2014

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be important to verify it, to ensure that the data collected are reasonable enough, in fact they affirm that it is not possible to provide efficient simulations and decision support with a small dataset. Therefore will be necessary to validate INDICATE showing that the tool will be able to provide good simulation also with a partial dataset. The stakeholders stressed that it will be important to ensure that the City Component Matrix (CCM) (see WP2) must be scalable. Furthermore, the CCM should also take into account social factors such as population size and the city's ability to handle the impact of demands on water, waste etc. as well as climatic data and its impacts on human behaviour.


Online Survey

In order to better understand the identified needs of stakeholders in terms of energy efficient neighbourhoods, a series of stakeholder interviews framed by a questionnaire was conducted among the European stakeholders identified in D1.1. As reported in D1.1 the European stakeholders community include public and private Organizations, European Projects and Associations inside the FP6, FP7, CIP framework and National Founding focused on topics relevant to the INDICATE project. Taking into account the Research European Project and the Energy Efficiency Communities identified, a list of 1000 contacts has been collected and contact during the activities of D1.2 in order to participate to the survey. About 500 people have participated to the survey and of these the 224 have provided useful answers with a success rate of 45%. Half of the responses were not relevant to the purpose of the survey because incomplete, missing or wrong answers. Illustrated in the following section are a number of graphs visually depicting some general results of the questionnaire and provide an immediate indication of the results. Retrofit Process / Building Construction One element of the survey investigated the degree of involvement of stakeholders for each of the phases of the Retrofit Process / Building Construction in order to evaluate their role in the value chain in Smart Cities development. The results of which are depicted in Figures 2.4 to 2.11 below. Planning Investment



Material selection




Urban Planner

Energy management


Supplier selection Relationships suppliers Figure 1.4: Urban Planner in the Value Chain


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Planning Investment



Material selection




Public authority

Energy management


Supplier selection Relationships suppliers

Figure 1.5: Public Authority Involvement in the Value Chain

Planning Investment



Material selection




Main Contractor

Energy management


Supplier selection Relationships suppliers

Figure 1.6: Main Contractor Involvement in the Value Chain


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Planning Investment



Material selection




Energy Utility

Energy management


Supplier selection Relationships suppliers

Figure 1.7: Energy Utility Companies Involvement in the Value Chain

Planning Investment



Material selection





Energy management


Supplier selection

Relationships suppliers

Figure 1.8: Developer Involvement in the Value Chain


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Planning Investment



Material selection





Energy management


Supplier selection

Relationships suppliers

Figure 1.9: Material & Solution Manufacturers Involvement in the Value Chain





Material selection





Energy management


Supplier selection

Relationships suppliers

Figure 1.10: R&D Involvement in the Value Chain


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Planning Investment



Material selection





Energy management


Supplier selection Relationships suppliers

Figure 1.11: Technology Providers Involvement in the Value Chain

Within the section of the Retrofit Process / Building Construction, the stakeholders were invited to list the main drivers that may lead to an improvement in the energy performance of a building following a renovation project. All the stakeholders agree that the end-user awareness on energy efficiency, social aspects and the environment is still limited with regard to the general population and stakeholder customers. Therefore the main drivers identified are obligation by law (23%) and reducing bill (21%) (see Figure 1.12).

15% 23%

Obligation by law

Public support scheme


Thermal comfort Reducing bill 18%


Building aesthetic Social aspect


Figure 1.12: Main drivers that lead to undertaking a renovation project


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The stakeholders have expressed a value of importance related to six fields that could aid renovation projects. Illustrated below (Figure 1.13) are the preferences given by each stakeholder category. The survey highlights (i) data provided from similar energy efficiency projects, (ii) the list of good performance energy efficiency materials and (iii) their suppliers as those fields where the most information are required.

Figure 1.13: For each Stakeholder the rate of interest of information for implementing in an efficient way an energy efficiency project.

Within the survey, the stakeholders have analysed in depth some aspects of Retrofit Process / Building Construction. The domains investigated were: parameters and life cycle in building (Figure 1.14); impact of material used (Figure 1.15); and important aspects for the material selection (Figure 1.16).

Figure 1.14: Parameters important to monitor in the life cycle of a building, expressed as the rate of interest. 30/09/2014

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Figure 1.15: Important to know the impact of the materials used, expressed as the rate of interest.

Figure 1.16: Important aspect for the material selection, expressed as the rate of interest.

Regulation and Standardisation The Regulation and Standardisation domains were investigated in order to obtain a global vision on the methodologies used in the retrofitting process by the stakeholder community. The survey proposed a list of main methodologies (D3.1 - Report on current energy efficiency monitoring and quantification methodologies), and the stakeholders had to select the most used in their renovation project, and also reporting what were the main reasons that led them to use those methodologies. 30/09/2014

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As shown in Figure 1.17 more than half of the projects (61%) developed by the stakeholders interviewed, have been implemented using standard methodologies. The most popular methodologies used were BREEAM Communities, Passive House and LEED Neighbourhood Development. The stakeholders argue that the choice of methodology depends heavily on national laws. The methodologies used have an impact on the choice of materials and the design of equipment and technological systems of the building as part of a district, taking into account the durability and future maintenance. The methodologies are based on specific indicators including the acoustic and hydrothermal comfort, during the occupancy of building. However, as it is shown in the graph, we must not underestimate that the 41% of the retrofitting projects carried out by the stakeholders interviewed have not been developed with the use of standard methodologies. The stakeholders have commented that the reason for this is due to explicit requirements from customers. Therefore, it is clearly evident that the project developers are still not fully aware about the potential of sustainability assessment methodologies and their benefits.

22% No Standard Methodology 41%

Passive House Living Building Challenge LEED Neighbourhood


BREEAM Communities Other 6% 6%


Figure 1.17: Rate of most used methodologies applied in the retrofitting process

In order to develop INDICATE tool to be effective and tailored for all stakeholders, the survey provided particular focus to the motivations behind not using standard methodologies. An example of these motivations is that many projects are too small to justify the extra cost of a standard approach and often tools that provide a "one size fits all" methodology are not flexible enough for small projects. Many stakeholders state that they use “own� methodologies (non-standard) in developing retrofitting projects that are able to reduce the cost of the building and the energy bill.


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Sustainable indicators for the urban context This section provides the opinions of stakeholders in terms of relevance (no relevant, low, medium, high) expressed as rate, regarding many urban indicators. The following tables show a quantitative analysis of stakeholders’ preferences.

Figure 1.18: Relevant Energy indicators for a master plan, expressed as the rate of interest.

Figure 1.19: Relevant District Energy indicators for a master plan, expressed as the rate of interest.


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Figure 1.20: Relevant Carbon Emission indicators for a master plan, expressed as the rate of interest.

Figure 1.21: Relevant Accessibility aspects for a master planning, expressed as the rate of interest.


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Figure 1.22: Relevant Urban aspects for a master planning, expressed as the rate of interest.

Figure 1.23: Relevant Transport Network aspects for a master planning, expressed as the rate of interest. 30/09/2014

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City visualisations and incentives Citizen awareness is one of the main problems related to urban planning and retrofitting projects. This aspect has been widely highlighted by stakeholders in the survey. With regard to large urban projects, citizens normally do not have the requisite knowledge about the subject project. Citizens are informed by websites of the municipalities and institutions involved in the project. Other communication approaches used by the public authorities to increase the citizen awareness are information boards and informative sessions associated with public events. One of the key findings of the survey study illustrated that communications are one way and that citizens do not have any particular tools capable of producing meaningful engagement within the communication process. Another important aspect that emerged from the survey related to the visualisation of the urban model generated before the development phase. Customers and citizens required this kind of information, but are often only provided 2D or 3D static images without detailed information and interactive dynamic capabilities to evaluate the environmental impact, social and economic aspect and energy performance.


Market analysis

The D1.3 - Report on Technology Market Analysis – presents a technology market analysis with the scope of quantifying and qualifying the needs and expectations of the stakeholders in the ecosystem around the realisation of the INDICATE tool. The study identified possible target groups. These target groups are specific groups of people or organisations within the target market at which the INDICATE results are aimed at. Since these target groups are possible customers of the final decision support tool developed by the project, their needs and expectations are investigated. The INDICATE tool could be used by City Architects/Planners, Urban Planners, Consultancy Firms, the Public and Business Community, Manufacturers of materials, Energy Efficiency Professional, ICT/RET system suppliers and all companies involved in activities of RTD on Energy Efficiency domain. The following table (Table 1-1) provide a summary of these target groups, highlighting their needs and how the INDICATE project proposes to satisfy them with its application and results.


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Main contractors

Urban Planners

Public Authorities




Public authorities play an important role in achieving Europe’s ambitious energy and climate targets. They include any authority that has a legal mandate to govern, administrate a part or aspect of public life, such as central government departments, national, local, regional and municipal authorities, business communities, end user communities, etc. They have the role to develop regulations and adopt standards for use within their jurisdiction.

The importance of urban planners is increasing as society begins to face issues of uncontrolled urban population growth, climate change and unsustainable development. Cities need to transform in order to meet citizens' rising expectations and to attract more investments and productive residents. At the same time they need to develop in a sustainable way. This is a complex process especially when it is associated with fast-growing populations, limited financial resources, and aging infrastructures.

The main contractors see projects through the design stage to the final inspection phase, delivering the finished product to the customer. They are responsible for the overall coordination of a project; for planning, coordinating and supervising the work of specialists, workers and other personnel on a large-scale construction project. Main contractors are also responsible for making sure that a given project adheres to all local regulations, including safety and building codes.

 

 

INDICATE benefits

Plan a sustainable Smart city (Smart environment, Smart mobility, Smart living) Reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions Integrate RET Optimise existing systems and increase energy efficiency Support to define and validate regulations and directives in urban environment.

Sustainable urban planning Optimise community’s land use and infrastructure; Optimise efficiency and minimise energy use; Understand interactions between buildings, RET, local distribution networks and the grid

Efficient project coordination Clear and global view of the process and actors involved

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 

 

Holistic vision of a city to enhance urban sustainability Dynamic Simulation Modelling 3D urban modelling to assess the impact of the integrated technologies Solutions to model the interactions between building, installed systems and the grids Tools able to understand how the regulatory requirements, policies and standards influence the approach taken to plan for development and the selection of any methodology. Holistic vision of a city to enhance urban sustainability Simulations to balance load and demand in real time. Dynamic Simulation Modelling, which allows to model the interactions between the city and its subsystems.

Simulation and energybased DST taking account buildings and their interactions with urban environment. Solutions to connect decision makers and experts to enable exchange of experience and best practice.



Energy Utility Companies

This group includes utility managers, energy suppliers, service providers, network managers and network owners. The role of architects, engineers and designers (developers) is to mediate between new infrastructures, new technologies, and the people they aim to serve. These actions are the ones that will physically create the “smart city” –meaning an integrated system of intelligent urban development.

Support to develop new energy-related solutions and test and implement solutions. More competitive prices and tariff plans

Support to optimise existing buildings and integrate new technologies in the city environment. Centralised technology portfolio to evaluate different solutions

Technology Providers

Material & Solution Manufacturers


Research and development (R&D) plays a vital role in the full exploitation of the potential of ICTs and Renewable Energy Technologies. These targeted organisations develop and improve technologies, provide basic scientific insights and respond to the more fundamental science, engineering and socio-economic challenges that are inevitably thrown up in the process of demonstrating and deploying new technologies. New materials pave the way for design innovations and new applications. They are critical in optimising energy demand, weight, cost and efficiency for new products. If integrated into the aspect of sustainable urbanisation, innovative materials can contribute to more sustainability in cities.

Support to test new research and new solution in city environment.

Increase market share of their products. New market opportunities. Support to test products and solutions in city environment.

 

The technology providers group includes all organisations that propose energy retrofit solutions, ICT devices, products, systems and tools for the energy saving. The support that they provide by supplying technologies is fundamental in the realisation of initiatives in smart cities contexts because of their linkages with all the urban life’s critical components.

 

Increase market share of their technologies. Support to the development of new technologies and solutions.

Tool to estimate the revenues and ROI for each infrastructure improvement Tool able to simulate the balance of load and demand in real time and to evaluate different tariffs plans. Tool to analyse the building’s and the district’s environment and understand how the different infrastructures of the city are related to one another. 3D urban modelling to assess the impact of the integrated technologies Dynamic Simulation Modelling, which allows to evaluate different solution Dynamic Simulation Modelling, which allows the evaluation of different solutions.

Software to simulate and demonstrate the increase of energy efficiency with the integration of new products. Solutions to analyse and compare the efficiency of different technologies and estimate Return of Investment (RoI). 3D urban modelling to assess the impact of the installed solution. Software to simulate and demonstrate the increase of energy efficiency with the integration of new technologies. Solutions to analyse and compare the efficiency of different technologies and estimate ROI. Software that provides a holistic vision of a city.

Table 1-1 – INDICATE target group, needs and benefits 30/09/2014

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2 Urban Indicators Urban sustainability indicators are important instruments for assessing the performance of cities. Urban sustainability indicators are important instruments for assessing the performance of cities. The indicators and their appropriate selection play undoubtedly an important role in successfully achieving the attainment of urban sustainability [4] [5]. Indicators have the role of measuring performance, and in the process of urban sustainability assessment there is a need of measurable indicators. All organisations involved in the development of indicators agree that indicators must be clear, simple, scientifically sound, verifiable and reproducible [5]. Urban indicators cannot include solely environmental indicators, as environmental performance is not the only factor in achieving a city's sustainability. From the stakeholder consultation has been pointed out several times (Genoa and Dundalk meeting and interviews) as it is no longer useful to continue reading environmental processes without the social and economic aspects: in urban context the relationship between social life of the people and environment in which they operate is closely connected. Therefore, in the urban sustainability indicators it is necessary take into account the following groups:   

Environmental indicators, Social indicators, Economic indicators.

The objective of this study is to establish a set of indicators that can be used for evaluation, in terms of sustainability, the socio-economic and environmental conditions of an urban area [3]. For a general description of the sustainability of an urban ecosystem, it is essential to analyse the relationships and the interaction between human activities and the main environmental aspects as air, water, soil as a whole. As suggested by Genoa University in the Genoa Meeting, the city is a social complex made up of people so it is essential not only to describe the environmental matrices that are found there, but also in its social, economic, cultural, to fully grasp the quality of life of the individuals who inhabit it. In this study have been selected a set of indicators able to represent in objective way the social dimension of a city. This study is derived from information retrieved from the consultation with stakeholders. The indicators used for this purpose of the research, belong to different categories: 

   

Demographic dynamics. The evolution of the dynamics of the population in the years gives an idea about the expansion/restriction of the city. These data allowing studying the possible environmental impacts that the expansion involves. Accessibility to services and green areas. A structured city with access to social services and green areas offers a high quality of life. Urban mobility and transport. This is considered as one of the main factors of satisfaction and priority bycitizens. Health and safety. The health services and the level of security in the city are factors that affect the wellbeing perceived by the citizen, then the degree of perceived quality of the city. Awareness and behaviours. The feelings towards environmental issues, as well as the growth of the culture are characteristic of a city that has a high quality of life.


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In order to have a picture on the urban context the relationship with the space dimensions, and evaluate their evolution over time, we sought a set of specific indicators based from the stakeholders input. The following table collect the indicators for which stakeholders have expressed greater interest in the consultation phase.



Urban Indicators

Environmental indicators

Energy consumption

Electricity consumption by type of user (per capita or per household) Energy produced from renewable sources and waste combustion compared to total consumption Fossil fuel Pro capita annual CO2 emission Total annual CO2 emission Waste collection point Extension non-urbanized areas Extension protected areas Annual average concentration of PM10 Noise pollution Total CO2 emission Urban population density [nr. person/m2] Project location population density [nr. person/m2] Floor area per capita [m2 per capita] Rate of growth/decline in population Green Space density [m2/m2] Distance to green public space, building, etc Rate of walkable streets Passenger transport Transport emissions of greenhouse gasses (CO2 and N2O) by mode Parking convenience and price Crash rates per vehicle-mile Transport emissions for air pollutants Traffic speed Walkability Rate of electrical cars Public transport lines Facilities for Bicycle/car rental/sharing Cycling network Public transport wheelchair accessible Crash rate Rate of public health services Rate of school Rate of crime Rate of accidents at work Number of information campaigns on environmental issues

Local contribution to global climate change Land use

Urban mobility and transport

Social indicators

Demographic dynamics

Accessibility to services and green areas Urban mobility and transport

Health and safety

Awareness and behaviours 30/09/2014

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Economic indicators


Urban mobility and transport

Health and safety

Number of committees relating to environmental problems Cost of life Tax Building price at m2 Maintenance cost Operational cost Fuel price and tax Public transport ticket Highway price and tax Parking price Health services price and tax

Table 2-1: Sustainable Urban Indicators


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CONCLUSION All the activities performed in this task, are as a result of the research undertaken in Task 1.2 and Task 1.3, culminating in D1.2 - Report on the stakeholder interviews and engagement of stakeholder community; and D1.3 Report on Technology Market Analysis for each of the aforementioned tasks. The main actions performed have been: (i) the coding and the analysis of the face to face interviews with local key stakeholders; (ii) the analysis of the information carried out from the open discussion with stakeholder communities that have attended the workshops; (iii) the analysis of online survey results; and (iv) the analysis of the stakeholders expectations collected in the technology market analysis. From the inputs provided by the stakeholders we have extract the urban sustainability indicators which have aroused greater interest in the stakeholder community. These urban sustainability indicators have been clustered in the following groups: Environmental indicators, Social indicators, and Economic indicators. According with the literature [5] indicators must be clear, simple, scientifically sound, verifiable and reproducible, therefore the social and economic indicators has been classified in sub categories: Demographic dynamics, Accessibility to services and green areas, Urban mobility and transport, Health and safety and Awareness and behaviours. These urban sustainability indicators will be assessed and taken into account within the activities of T3.2 – Data Catalogue. The stakeholders have highlighted the need to have a flexible application able to manage different city models according to the project scale. They have required an application able to manage information at macro and micro level, in order to be useful to those who plan and those who work in the specific domain. The stakeholders required a tool able to process the most important model for data exchange (IFC, COLLADA, CityGML and etc.) in order to be able to maximize the interoperability between different applications without lost data information. Within the key findings of this study is shown that the stakeholders’ community has a great interest in the project. The community has evaluated INDICATE as a very important project, based on an innovative methodology with a decision support tool able to support the stakeholders in all stages of urban development of a city.


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Building Energy Rating Building Information Model Carbon Dioxide Decision Support Tool Description of Work European Commission Energy Efficiency Energy Performance of Buildings Directive Energy Services Company European Union Framework Programme 7 Information and communication technology Local Financial Institutions National Energy Efficiency Action Plan nearly Zero Energy Buildings Renewable Energy Technology Return of Investment Urban Energy System Virtual City Model Work Package

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[1] GCHC, «Green Guide for Health Care,» The Green Guide for Health Care, [Online]. Available: http://www.gghc.org/. [Consultato il giorno September 2014]. [2] Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, «Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland,» [Online]. Available: http://www.seai.ie. [3] L.-Y. Shen, J. J. Ochoa, M. N. Shah e X. Zhang, «The application of urban sustainability indicators: a comparison between various practices,» Elsevier Ltd., 2011. [4] V. Mega e J. Pedersen, «Urban Sustainability Indicators,» European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Luxembourg, 1998. [5] arpa, «Proposta di indicatori per un rapporto di sostenibilità degli ecosistemi urbani». [6] IEA, «Energy Efficiency Indicators: Essentials for Policy Making,» International Energy Agency, Paris Cedex, 2014. [7] V. W. V. Maclaren, «Urban sustainability reporting,» Journal of the American Planning, vol. II, n. 62, pp. 184202, 1996. [8] P. J. Peterson, «Indicators of Sustainable Development in Industrializing Countries,» From Concepts to Action, 1998. [9] C. Ferrando, E. Delponte, M. D. Franco, S. Robert e C. Guigou, «Energy-related KPIs at building and neighborhood scale for optimization of building’s design,» 2014.


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ANNEX I – Coding of interview Italian interview ID: 01 - Investors Questions A1 GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE ORGANIZATION Some general information about the organization As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. A2


A statement of their position, but also their views on role and responsibility. The role of the respondent will contextualise the answers.


As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT What do you understand by the term sustainable development? How does sustainable development manifest at the building level?

For us it is to use resources in a weigh and responsible way, to reduce the environmental impact by maximizing the performance and minimizing the cost. At building level: building oriented to the maximum optimization of energy both for maximum insulations and for last generation systems. And also reducing the circulation of waste and supplying materials. Is it easy to sell a green property?

Nowadays it is easier for private properties; public owners are less careful in this field. Do you think Sustainable development issues are taken seriously by your customers or public bodies (local/national level/international level)?

At local level not much. Some public bodies as the Genoa municipality stars to have interest in development issues. What do you expect will be the evolution of the market? Opportunities?

To became an evaluation element of projects for public bodies as for private enterprises. C1

PROJECT EXPECTATIONS & F OUR PILLARS Why was the decision made to carry out this energy efficient project? What was your role in it?

For different reasons, but especially for the financial savings. It has an important role in the energy saving. Developing a new building does not make sense that you do not make these arguments. What are your objectives and expectations?

We expect to be developing a building that meets the needs of current health; and taking into account the urban context in which it is immersed. What are your organization’s roles and tasks within the project? And yours?

The role of the public authority is to guarantee a set of requirements to the ministry of health as defined by federal, refer to the final work; financial coverage, completeness of the project, including the various permissions. These checks are carried out with the support of the "Technical Committee" 30/09/2014

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formed by the leaders of the various health care companies in the region. Which information are the most important for implementing in an efficient way an energy efficiency renovation project?

Having the opportunity to do simulations knowing materials without neglecting suggestions by companies in the sector, if all that was available in a single software tool even better. It is fundamental to know the offer of the market, know the materials. Which parameters do you think it would be important to monitor in the life cycle of a building and/or a district?

The maintenance systems’ costs. What kind of difficulties have you encountered in the definition the project planning? How do you stepped in to solve them? And what kind of tool you used?

In fact, examination of the feasibility study and the related financial program. The problem is not yet resolved. No use of any tool support. How do you intend to make in the field of reduction of energy consumption and carbon emission?

We will have to pay attention to the materials that make up the building envelope, the consumption of individual users, and the possible recovery of energy and use of renewable energy sources. What kind of choice do you implement to optimize the existing systems and buildings?

In the existing building improve energy efficiency and achieve cost savings is not easy; it is necessary to assess the commitment of expenditure for these improvements and compare them with the results obtained. What are the main drivers that may lead to improve the energy performance of a building while undertaking a renovation project?

Fuel bill and improve internal thermal comfort. Was there any stage of the project which you felt suffered from a deficiency of information or lack of technical know-how or support? How do you stepped in to solve them? And what kind of tool you used?

We do not use any support tool. We rely on the expertise of individual experts in the "Technical Committee". Do you or your suppliers apply software or IT tools to inform decision-making in terms of product selection?

No. C2

PROJECT RESULTS How do you envisage that this project will add value to your organisation’s activities?

Yes; especially for the answer to the citizens of a modern hospital, offer health care and not least for the reducing spending. Do you foresee replicability of this type of project? 30/09/2014

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ID: 02 – Owner, Planner Questions A1 GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE ORGANIZATION Some general information about the organization As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. A2


A statement of their position, but also their views on role and responsibility. The role of the respondent will contextualise the answers.


As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT What do you understand by the term sustainable development? How does sustainable development manifest at the building level?

Development compatible with humans and the environment around him and covering the needs of human nature, economic and technical assistance, with a particular focus on the environment. At the level of building is manifested in the construction, operation and maintenance of buildings, in the early stages of recovery or restructuring taking into account the requirements set out above in the choice of materials and ergonomics of the building. Is it easy to sell a green property?

Nowadays, the sensitivity of buyers is more suited to these issues. It is easier to sell a "green" property in the current situation in the housing market. The energy saving is definitely an element of good quality. Do you think Sustainable development issues are taken seriously by your customers or public bodies (local/national level/international level)?

Still not enough, for example, is not yet developed the theme of the use of the land and recovery of existing buildings. What do you expect will be the evolution of the market? Opportunities?

There will be a greater sensitivity to issues of sustainability but unevenly, due to the sensitivity of the individual regional political and legal systems. There will be an increase in the quality of life resulting from having cleaner air. C1

PROJECT EXPECTATIONS & F OUR PILLARS Why was the decision made to carry out this energy efficient project? What was your role in it?

Because of the age of some buildings they are non-adequate to a modern hospital and Galliera has started a large project of general renovation of the site focusing the minimizing of fuel consumption, with the aim of design a Green Hospital following the Green Guide for Health Care. The goal is to improve the efficiency of available economic resources, reduce energy bills and emissions. 30/09/2014

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What are your objectives and expectations?

The goal is to get a hospital adapted to the modern needs of both sanitary and in terms of sustainability. What are your organization’s roles and tasks within the project? And yours?

The Galliera is the developer of the project. My role is alongside the project manager to solve the problems of interfacing with the existing hospital and the current maintenance services and energy management. Which information are the most important for implementing in an efficient way an energy efficiency renovation project?

The precise knowledge of the real energy needs. Which parameters do you think it would be important to monitor in the life cycle of a building and/or a district?

The most important parameter to monitor is the energy consumption, and then we may consider the production of energy, average temperature and humidity. What kind of difficulties have you encountered in the definition the project planning? How do you stepped in to solve them? And what kind of tool you used?

We had great bureaucratic and administrative difficulties, delays in the practice of energy produced tax records. To solve these problems we have chosen the experience of our energy manager. Any support systems should contain links to libraries of national and local laws, especially related to tax aspects and the possibility to use special financing or tax deductions. Often the fiscal incentives are the main tool to stimulate investment in energy efficiency.

How do you intend to make in the field of reduction of energy consumption and carbon emission?

We will have to pay attention to the materials that make up the building envelope, the consumption of individual users, and the possible recovery of energy and use of renewable energy sources. How do you intend to make in the field of reduction of energy consumption and carbon emission?

We will have to pay attention to the materials that make up the building envelope, the consumption of individual users, and the possible recovery of energy and use of renewable energy sources. What technology / solutions are being used in the project? Did you consider other technical options? Why did you choose this one?

The design of the electrical systems of the New Galliera Hospital has been guided by the highest standards of reliability, innovation and energy saving. The lighting system will be characterized by luminaires with fluorescent lamps and electronic ballasts with low losses, for some environments is scheduled automated control of lighting levels according to the presence of people and the level of natural daylight. The system envisaged will allow centralized management of groups of devices.


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The Technological Centre will host the following systems: 

CT Heating Plant. Hot water (80-60° C) with three generators, hot water heat (one reserve) gaspowered and diesel fuel in an emergency;  CHP Cogeneration Plant. For the production of hot water and electricity with two co-generators with natural gas and related sinks external protection;  CF Central Cooling. For the production of chilled water with three groups of electric cooling towers, two of which with centrifugal compressor and a smaller one with centrifugal or screw compressor;  ASS Absorbers tri-generation. For the production of chilled water and hot water supplied from the fumes of co-generators. Further exploitation of renewable energy sources has been achieved through the installation on the roof of the New Hospital in thermal solar panels to pre-heat domestic hot water. During the summer season, from May to September, the thermal energy captured by solar collectors, not being used to heat the domestic hot water, will feed into an absorption chiller, can produce cooling energy. Always on the flat roof of the building will be made into a photovoltaic generator in order to exploit the economic incentives of the Energy Bill and inject the energy produced for the internal use of the hospital. A further innovative system adopted allows for the recovery of heat energy normally dissipated by the equipment in hospitals and diagnostic technology to be cooled to liquid (CT, MRI, PET, PET / CT, Simulator, LINAC, etc.), from data centers, from cold storage health, food and the morgue. The designed system will be able to recover this heat and transfer it to the users that require heating unit through Energy Raiser. The whole complex is governed by a Building Management System that will allow the staff responsible for the verification and / or change in the status of the remote operation of the plant subsystems, regulation and supervision of the building-plant system, and for ensuring a historicizing consumption data to verify the correct energy efficiency of the systems, monitor consumption and ensure effective action maintenance imprinted on the "conservation value". To ensure high reliability of the entire system installations has been designed a system of supervision and control that will enable the constant monitoring of systems providing real-time information about the status of the plant, signaling the intervention of the guards, equipment failures, and other useful information. Due to the importance of the energy absorbed, made with multi-meters on the field, you can monitor the energy flows and identify any situations so "abnormal" in order to implement timely corrective actions. Energy savings from the implementation of the design choices taken will enable energy savings of more 30% of a new hospital built according to current regulations, which is equivalent to 5,390 tons of CO 2 emission. For problems related to the site we give up to the use of geothermal energy as the pay-back was too long. What kind of choice do you implement to optimize the existing systems and buildings?

Even this year, in the hospital we have recently installed a cogeneration plant for the production of 30/09/2014

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electricity and heat and we made saving with the control systems by regulation of temperature and pressure outputs. What are the main drivers that may lead to improve the energy performance of a building while undertaking a renovation project?

The quality of the building and the technologies used for the control of indoor comfort. What constraints are you subject? How will you solve them?

The laws in Italy are too sectorial and often not consistent with each other. In particular, a hospital building is subject to the minimum requirements of health activities, rules of fire prevention, in our case the constraints of the fine arts, as well as other regulations of local and regional authorities and not least to the streets on the union "needs" of the operators . What do you consider the main barriers in the project? What kind of help you will need to solve them?

Urban problems and comparison between the impact of actual and new Galliera hospital. Was there any stage of the project which you felt suffered from a deficiency of information or lack of technical know-how or support? How do you stepped in to solve them? And what kind of tool you used?

We did not use any support tool. The greatest difficulties are in the know in detail the energy consumption of individual users current (of a plant obsolete) and how to predict future operation (of a modern plant): not necessarily a modern plant consumes less than one facility exceeded, and not necessarily a perfectly controlled and automated system meets the needs of "comfort" and humanization of the occupants. Systems are needed that can predict these scenarios to correctly predict the possible savings in economic terms. Do you or your suppliers apply software or IT tools to inform decision-making in terms of product selection?

We partly used a planning system of maintenance activities but for now only at sperimental stage C2

PROJECT RESULTS How do you envisage that this project will add value to your organisation’s activities?

It is expected to request a "green" certificate to the Green Building Council. The Galliera is presenting a "sustainability report" in which highlight these issues. What are the success criteria which you will apply as owners/planner?

The main criterion of success is undoubtedly the ability to have savings in energy bills and use those savings to fund infrastructure investment. Secondly, it was important to involve the entire organization in the definition of the project to keep the project as close as possible to the needs of end users. How are the successes criteria measured?

The savings compared to the current energy bill. Do you foresee replicability of this type of project? 30/09/2014

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Certainly in other similar projects especially for the concept of using the savings to finance investment C3

FINANCIAL ASPECT Who is leading / managing the project?

We as Galliera Hospital are leading the project. The input has become from the hospital's administration and in particular for the economic and financial model. Do you know the flows of money in the project?

The financial model foresee that the load is divide in to tree pillars: one state grant of about €53M, the sale of some properties no more necessary to the hospital of about €48M, and a loan for the rest to be paid with the saving from energy and more efficient work in the new building (wards of 33-160 beds versus wards of 20-22 beds nowadays). Who pays who? And what for?

With the state grant we begun to pay for the design, then for the first part of the construction (for about 2 years) then we will use both the state grant and after that both the property’s value and the loan. The company who will realize the hospital will become owner of the properties we don't use any more. The hospital will refuse the bank grant by the savings in maintenance and conditioning of the new building. What is the project budget? What is the planned breakdown of costs?

The budget of the project is €180M. Divided into €53M state funding, €48.5M worth of property, €75M mortgage, €3.5M other funds. How have you determined financial feasibility of the project? How have you calculated this figure?

We were helped by Deloitte (http://www.deloitte.com/) who oversaw the economic and financial plan of the project. Deloitte has conducted a sensitivity analysis of the plan using elements from the Public Sector Comparator, which establishes the hypothetical cost adjusted with an element of risk in the event that an infrastructure project is funded and managed by a public authority. It considers any additional costs arising from increment the cost of construction, delay in completion, increased maintenance costs, increase operating costs, performance risk. How is the project being funded?

To repay the loan is an installment of the estimated €5.5M per year obtainable in part by the savings in energy and maintenance costs estimated at €2.5M, the remainder comes from savings resulting from optimizing logistics management of the new hospital. Have you received any grant aid or support for this project? If so, was this a decisive factor in undertaking the project? No.

Have you received any non-financial support for this project? If so, was this a decisive factor in undertaking the project? 30/09/2014

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No. Are you leaning to some tool or software that gives you financial information and potential results of the project? What is it? No.

Otherwise would you have appreciated to have a tool or software that gives you financial information about the potential results of the project?

It would be very helpful to have a support system and rapid prediction of possible scenarios to be used in the very early planning stages, starting from the feasibility study, it is very costly to proceed with simulations of energy consumption and economic costs without building models on which to apply the calculations of heat loss and sizing result. These systems also allow you to share with other stakeholders the results of sound scientific bases with limited costs.

ID: 03 - Planner Questions A1 GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE ORGANIZATION Some general information about the organization As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. A2


A statement of their position, but also their views on role and responsibility. The role of the respondent will contextualise the answers.


As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT What do you understand by the term sustainable development? How does sustainable development manifest at the building level?

We intend optimization that takes into account the choices based on 3 factors: economy, environment, social quality. It is a sustainable building that takes as its objective the welfare of the occupant, both economic climates. It is a building that generates well-being of the occupant. A well-being within the reach of all. Is it easy to sell a green property?

Yes it is if there were. Do you think Sustainable development issues are taken seriously by your customers or public bodies (local/national level/international level)?

At local level, the focus has increased in recent years. If certain elements are well highlighted them curious users who need to be well stimulated. What do you expect will be the evolution of the market? Opportunities?

The bulk of the work included in the regional energy plan is to leverage on the topic to encourage productive sectors in crisis, such as construction and plant engineering. From this point of view we have 30/09/2014

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had positive signals from the business world. The economic situation is not good but for the 2014-2015 trade associations have responded well, for example for building intelligent models proposed in the plan. C1

PROJECT EXPECTATIONS & F OUR PILLARS Why was the decision made to carry out this energy efficient project? What was your role in it?

The decision to establish a regional energy plan comes from afar. It starts with the energy certification of buildings and continues with the latest regulatory changes of 2012. The energy plan reflects the strategic objectives of the Europe 2020 in the field of energy efficiency. It anticipates some of the content of the transposition of European directives with respect to Italian legislation. What are your objectives and expectations?

The plan identifies possible actions to be implemented by 2020 with a well-defined objective numerical quantity. 412 kTEP of energy produced from renewable energy sources at 2020. What are your organization’s roles and tasks within the project? And yours?

Our role was to prepare a position paper that the Regional Council has approved. We then prepared all the technical drawings of detail in order to submit the plan to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). We shall then implement the plan together with the environment department and the agriculture department. Which information are the most important for implementing in an efficient way an energy efficiency renovation project?

We did a technical analysis that distinguishes the proposed interventions depending on whether they are existing buildings to new buildings: as new buildings are approximately 0.5% year on their weight is considered insignificant. We did simulation scenarios energy savings on existing buildings, assuming interventions in specific sectors. it is necessary to have a detailed overview of the current situation, the characteristics of the existing building to simulate the most common and relevant interventions; For residential buildings, we have a good quality of information, derived from censuses energy and energy certifications with a good level of accuracy to speculate classes of interventions; For buildings of the tertiary sector we have poor data, because it is a very diverse category, in structure and type of use, it is more difficult to use statistical data will deepen in the early stages of implementation of the plan, for example, dividing by homogeneous categories for end use schools, offices, hospitals, companies, etc.. Which parameters do you think it would be important to monitor in the life cycle of a building and/or a district?

Today is designed only for the specific function to carry out the building; we still do not have a broader view of the life cycle of buildings. For the energy performance of the most useful parameters are the climate, the use of artificial lighting and the consumption of drinking water. For particular tasks such as hospitals can be necessary to pay special attention to ventilation. For sustainability in general is important to minimize the environmental impact throughout the life cycle of a building, from construction to demolition through the maintenance and renewal of building products, also taking into account the disposal of construction products. 30/09/2014

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What kind of difficulties have you encountered in the definition the project planning? How do you stepped in to solve them? And what kind of tool you used?

We had great bureaucratic and administrative difficulties, delays in the practice of energy produced tax records. To solve these problems we have chosen the experience of our energy manager. Any support systems should contain links to libraries of national and local laws, especially related to tax aspects and the possibility to use special financing or tax deductions. Often the fiscal incentives are the main tool to stimulate investment in energy efficiency. How do you intend to make in the field of reduction of energy consumption and carbon emission?

We had a serious shortage of informative data and information on the potential of energy produced from renewable sources. We used software for the calculation of biomass available (the tool connects wooded areas, proximity to roads and then the availability of biomass cut, with the potential energy produced). The free software was developed in a European project. For interventions on buildings ARE simulated sets of buildings, matched for age and type, such as a single large building which have been applied simulated interventions. How do you intend to make in the field of reduction of energy consumption and carbon emission?

The objective is to achieve 412 kTEP of energy produced from renewable energy sources at 2020. What technology / solutions are being used in the project? Did you consider other technical options? Why did you choose this one?

For each source of renewable energy has been conducted a technical analysis, we also analyzed the evolutionary trend of each technology. Most of the proposed interventions at the level of building concerns the insulation of facades and upgrading of thermal power stations. What kind of choice do you implement to optimize the existing systems and buildings?

Have also been proposed management actions starting from the building heat metering until the cooling energy metering. What are the main drivers that may lead to improve the energy performance of a building while undertaking a renovation project?

The main drivers are: the training of professionals; the readiness of public offices competent to implement the new regulations; the development of the ESCO. What constraints are you subject? How will you solve them?

We have been subject to the constraints of the complex Italian authorization regulatory framework. Furthermore, especially for certain renewable energy sources, a problem is not the social acceptance of some plants. We did not find solutions to these problems, but one of the objectives of the plan is also the administrative simplification. What do you consider the main barriers in the project? What kind of help you will need to solve them? 30/09/2014

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From 2014, began the implementation phase of the plan, we will equip an information system that collects the data and generate a data base. Was there any stage of the project which you felt suffered from a deficiency of information or lack of technical know-how or support? How do you stepped in to solve them? And what kind of tool you used?

We think in terms of energy plan is not useful because you do simulations to scale too broad. Do you or your suppliers apply software or IT tools to inform decision-making in terms of product selection?

Surely those who will have to implement parts of the plan, social housing, health care, renovation of brownfield sites can usefully adopt a Decision Support System (DSS). C2

PROJECT RESULTS How do you envisage that this project will add value to your organisation’s activities?

Yes, given the transversal nature of the topics and the greater integration at the regional level. Do you foresee replicability of this type of project?

The numerical criterion of 14.1% of energy produced from renewable sources in total final consumption.

ID: 04 – Public community, Planners Questions A1 GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE ORGANIZATION Some general information about the organization As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. A2


A statement of their position, but also their views on role and responsibility. The role of the respondent will contextualise the answers.


As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT What do you understand by the term sustainable development? How does sustainable development manifest at the building level?

We intend to sustainable development of an organism, aimed at analysing its overall life. Interventions should be designed to minimize energy requirements and must be a driving force for the development of other activities, for the round. You have to have a broader view of the single lot of intervention, making a concrete analysis of costs and benefits. Is it easy to sell a green property?

Now it is difficult to sell anything and the initial investments can be a deterrent to the creation of green properties. Do you think Sustainable development issues are taken seriously by your customers or public bodies (local/national level/international level)? 30/09/2014

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Not quite, because it requires visions of long duration (more than the electoral period). Between not make a public work and not to make it sustainable you prefer the second option, it is possible to make the most of predispositions that make it feasible retrofits. What do you expect will be the evolution of the market? Opportunities?

The housing market is in great difficulty, properties of the PA remain unsold. Today they are put up for sale to cover the current deficit spending and not to make new investments. C1

PROJECT EXPECTATIONS & F OUR PILLARS Why was the decision made to carry out this energy efficient project? What was your role in it?

Regulatory compliance that requires certain levels of performance; because the culture is grown on the need to reduce operating costs as a result of financial burdens on the part of the region. Willingness to propose interventions aimed at energy savings related to the environment. Will expressed in the document's preliminary design because these measures were adopted by sacrificing other elements such as the exterior finishes. What are your objectives and expectations?

Our goal is to be able to increase the quality of the project trying to seek improvements in energy efficiency, to go beyond what until now designed. Which information are the most important for implementing in an efficient way an energy efficiency renovation project?

In our opinion there are 3 factors:  The features of the site, with all its potential and problems, for example, solar radiation, wind, soil type, topography, presence of water courses;  Performance of the building, the building envelope and its energy requirements, functional use to which it is intended;  Management aspects, management decisions subsequent to strongly influence building energy performance, the persistence of the expected standards and keeping them, rather than their possible improvement. Which parameters do you think it would be important to monitor in the life cycle of a building and/or a district?

Energy consumption, maintaining the values of measurable environmental impact of the project. What kind of difficulties have you encountered in the definition the project planning? How do you stepped in to solve them? And what kind of tool you used?

Difficulties related to site selection, acquisition of sites for the construction of a hospital in Liguria are not easy, due to lack of availability of large-scale areas of public property. So the choice of the site is not done weighing up the potential but it is defined a priori, then the subsequent choices are affected by this geographic limitation. How do you intend to make in the field of reduction of energy consumption and carbon emission?

Obtain the maximum reduction of energy consumption. What technology / solutions are being used in the project? Did you consider other technical options? Why did you 30/09/2014

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choose this one?

PV, provision for CHPF, ground water for cooling towers and cooling circuit for the fire performance of the enclosure. We expect that during the race there are proposals for improvement on the side of the BMS, in fact, the manufacturer must produce a final design and will ensure the management of the building. What kind of choice do you implement to optimize the existing systems and buildings?

Replacement of windows, check the efficiency of the plant. Introduction of renewable energy, PV, solar thermal. What are the main drivers that may lead to improve the energy performance of a building while undertaking a renovation project?

Regulations, as well as factors improving range of possibilities and the durability of the operating costs of the innovative solutions. What constraints are you subject? How will you solve them?

National and regional regulations. Solved with change of regional regulation that was inadequate to the type of building. While the landscape constraints of the site have driven certain choices. What do you consider the main barriers in the project? What kind of help you will need to solve them?

When you have a project under contract, you can have a pool of professionals adequately. In support of the first phase of the proposed instead we need a tool that helps us to air in the first instance and evaluate a number of proposals. Even a collection of examples of best practice would be helpful. Was there any stage of the project which you felt suffered from a deficiency of information or lack of technical know-how or support? How do you stepped in to solve them? And what kind of tool you used?

It is useful a tool that helps to analyse innovative proposals. Do you or your suppliers apply software or IT tools to inform decision-making in terms of product selection?

No. C2

PROJECT RESULTS How do you envisage that this project will add value to your organisation’s activities?

Yes, because we have managed the development of the project especially taking care of the management of the building once completed. Do you foresee replicability of this type of project?

The standardization is dangerous for the typicality of the sites where you work, for the differences in performance between public and private hospitals, between hospitals and other buildings; every time you have to analyse the individual case. The method of approach is not necessarily replicable solutions E1



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There is some agreement between the stakeholders? What is it?

We have opened the dialogue with its citizens, with a public debate to find common solutions, especially for the problems of the site and the positioning of some buildings specialist (nuclear medicine).

ID: 05 - Planner Questions A1 GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE ORGANIZATION Some general information about the organization As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. A2


A statement of their position, but also their views on role and responsibility. The role of the respondent will contextualise the answers.


As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT What do you understand by the term sustainable development? How does sustainable development manifest at the building level?

For sustainable development mean a development that does not result in a compromise of the natural resources that is reproducible in a long time. Sustainable development of a building today is manifested through the energy covering the complete structure of the building itself. Is it easy to sell a green property?

Yes, I believe that today is appreciated and requested by the user even if knowledge is often limited by the users themselves; but more and more people require information on the energy class of the object or service that is going to buy. As for the buildings I believe that the energy class is now an even more important parameter of the position as the quality of the product (see building) that is on the market is independent of the state of affairs of the places; is in fact an intrinsic quality of the object and not linked to environmental factors that cannot be changed during the process of construction. Do you think Sustainable development issues are taken seriously by your customers or public bodies (local/national level/international level)?

Yes, but mainly in large municipalities; in smaller municipalities the problem of interventions is less relevant because the housing market is even smaller. What do you expect will be the evolution of the market? Opportunities?

The designers expect that in the face of sustainability there is a reduction / elimination of landscape and urban constraints such as the parameters on the positioning better from the point of view of natural flows to a building sometimes clashes with the best location in terms of regulatory (e.g. Constraints landscaped to view, uniformity of shape with the existing built). The evolution of the market must mean a renewal of the existing buildings. Each building sustainable resolves well in small buildings and in outdoor areas (e.g. Campaign) but it is very difficult to realize in urban areas even though it is here that concentrates most of the construction work, so the stress of the market will have to go to find a solution to the existing built. C1



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Why was the decision made to carry out this energy efficient project? What was your role in it?

The decision is from by Galliera Hospital who, having to do with an obsolete building has difficulty performing the activity and health in this historical context bound. The position expressed by the hospital was met by public entities; my role at the time was divided into two separate proceedings:  Approval of the zoning variance in order to change the intended use of the buildings subject of future alienation by the entity;  Approval of the draft of the new hospital Galliera regarding its compliance with the plan. What are your objectives and expectations?

For the regional dimension of the project for the new hospital Galliera has come from large hospitals structures, so currently the Galliera is no longer contemplated between the large regional hospitals (still, however the new hospital of La Spezia, the S. Martino and the hospital of the west ). What are your organization’s roles and tasks within the project? And yours?

My role was Director of Urban Planning at the City of Genoa. My task was the study of planning of the district after the developing of new hospital Galliera; in order to understand the interaction of the buildings. Which information are the most important for implementing in an efficient way an energy efficiency renovation project?

One of the most important changes was the accessibility tied to the impact of the new structure on regional planning. The surplus energy from hospital activities seen as an additional feature of the new building was not a decisive factor in our opinion. The benefits with the new Galliera are doubles: a new hospital and the re-appropriation of the old hospital from the citizens. Which parameters do you think it would be important to monitor in the life cycle of a building and/or a district?

The monitoring of the structural elements of the buildings today is very important. In Italy there is the thought that a building is forever. This also applies to everything that has been built in true historical period when the facilities were oversized for the low cost of manpower; in the 50s and 70s the building were developed with low quality and structural elements today are very weak. The problem is that the built of the 50s and 70s is the big chunk of the construction of our cities. What kind of difficulties have you encountered in the definition the project planning? How do you stepped in to solve them? And what kind of tool you used?

Have the approval of the citizens to insert a modern building in an ancient setting. How do you intend to make in the field of reduction of energy consumption and carbon emission?

The urban planning is all subject to environmental assessments. The problem of reducing fuel consumption is expressed in the municipal offices and the regulations for the implementation of municipal plans. What kind of choice do you implement to optimize the existing systems and buildings?

For existing buildings, knowing the heritage of Liguria are more concerned about the issue of structural strength, the Liguria climate helps not to have large energy consumption, certainly personal habits affect today we are accustomed to very high levels of comfort, but until a few years ago in Liguria houses did not even exist the heating system. What are the main drivers that may lead to improve the energy performance of a building while undertaking a 30/09/2014

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renovation project?

Now the main driver is the compliance with regulation. The materials are not yet able to answer all the needs as the industry tends approval while our territory species subject to many constraints landscape while environmental design solutions are required to detail that often do not have the answer yet floor insulation materials. What constraints are you subject? How will you solve them?

The main constraints are the rules of urban planning and landscape. The constrains are not aligned with the rules of civil nature (distances) or planning (alignments). Moreover the Liguria land is building saturated so there is little space to build new buildings. Do you or your suppliers apply software or IT tools to inform decision-making in terms of product selection?

At energy level no. We have used a GIS system to have a greater precision for hydrogeological aspects. We had a law data on environmental level; in fact there was no detailed analysis of the ground. The climatic information was poor: the climate in Liguria is very different also in similar location conditions (e.g. insolation). C2

PROJECT RESULTS How do you envisage that this project will add value to your organisation’s activities?

All procedures that improve the urban fabric urban environment constitute an added value to the community, in this case we could get a new hospital building and then be able to better respond to the health needs and citizenship could take advantage of a great historic building to be redeveloped with cultural activities. What are the success criteria which you will apply as owners/planner?

City Urban Planning well structured. C3

FINANCIAL ASPECT How have you determined financial feasibility of the project? How have you calculated this figure?

The new hospital is part of an analysis of the detailed requirements. How is the project being funded?

30% funds of the hospital, 30% of regional funding, 30% through the enhancement of buildings owned by the hospital Have you received any grant aid or support for this project? If so, was this a decisive factor in undertaking the project?

Yes, the 30% consists of the regional funding

ID: 06 - developer Questions 30/09/2014

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GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE ORGANIZATION Some general information about the organization As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed.



A statement of their position, but also their views on role and responsibility. The role of the respondent will contextualise the answers.


As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT What do you understand by the term sustainable development? How does sustainable development manifest at the building level?

Building self-sufficiency. Although for particular uses such as hospitals and factories self-sufficiency is not always accessible. Is it easy to sell a green property?

Yes, it is easier. Do you think Sustainable development issues are taken seriously by your customers or public bodies (local/national level/international level)?

Yes for the end-users for the management cost; while fir the public bodies it is not even important. C1

PROJECT EXPECTATIONS & F OUR PILLARS Why was the decision made to carry out this energy efficient project? What was your role in it?

The Galliera directors want a hospital that does not: pollute, consume resources. They need also a hospital that improves the environment around the hospital, and have the best quality of internal light, air, and microclimate. What are your objectives and expectations?

Develop a friendly hospital, to be able to feel good inside both as a patient and staff What are your organization’s roles and tasks within the project? And yours?

Feasibility study, starting from organizational and functional characteristics, typological and performance. Which information are the most important for implementing in an efficient way an energy efficiency renovation project?

Data from the scientific literature. We made comparisons with the standard data of the literature of other similar structures, for example, standardized data on building consumption. Which parameters do you think it would be important to monitor in the life cycle of a building and/or a district?

Material information. What are the main drivers that may lead to improve the energy performance of a building while undertaking a renovation project? 30/09/2014

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The energy savings has been a driving. Since 20% of the cost of hospital is spent on energy. What constraints are you subject? How will you solve them?

Hospital regulations, nationally and internationally guidelines. We modify the project according to the constraints. What do you consider the main barriers in the project? What kind of help you will need to solve them?

The main barriers are political. Was there any stage of the project which you felt suffered from a deficiency of information or lack of technical know-how or support? How do you stepped in to solve them? And what kind of tool you used?

We needed a communications system to make a promotional campaign for the project. Do you or your suppliers apply software or IT tools to inform decision-making in terms of product selection?

No. It would have been useful a common database to retrieve information. C2

PROJECT RESULTS How do you envisage that this project will add value to your organisation’s activities?

The training and research leads me to continue to do these applications What are the success criteria which you will apply as owners/planner?

A compact building, with little hospital inpatient and outpatient very highly specialized. Do you foresee replicability of this type of project?

Of course the project itself, it is not replicable as such, but the concepts of the hospital for intensive care, maybe not everything, but it is certainly the concept of green hospital and also on a larger scale and more complex starting from demographic analysis

ID: 07 – Utility companies, RET suppliers Questions A1 GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE ORGANIZATION Some general information about the organization As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. A2


A statement of their position, but also their views on role and responsibility. The role of the respondent will contextualise the answers.


As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT What do you understand by the term sustainable development? How does sustainable development manifest at the building level?

In general, I believe that the term sustainability is very overused as a term; are sustainable buildings that draw from local resources and take account of international obligations (Kyoto) and national, that 30/09/2014

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you must repay within a reasonable time according to the type of investment; in order to achieve a reduction in fuel consumption and therefore a reduction of CO2 emissions. Is it easy to sell a green property?

In this period it is difficult to sell any kind of service. Sell a green property means sell a service that allow to saves fuel. Do you think Sustainable development issues are taken seriously by your customers or public bodies (local/national level/international level)?

Surely the issues of sustainable development are taken seriously by us as in the technical field all that is rational is our goal; in terms of public policy is more a matter of good image. C1

PROJECT EXPECTATIONS & F OUR PILLARS Why was the decision made to carry out this energy efficient project? What was your role in it?

In the plan of tri-generation the goal was maximize energy efficiency system. In Liguria there are problems of space so we could not focus on systems like photovoltaic, solar, small wind turbines. What are your objectives and expectations?

Consumption Reduction, increase efficiency of the system and improving customer service (especially greater cooling capacity in summer) Which information are the most important for implementing in an efficient way an energy efficiency renovation project?

Historical data in order to balance the demand according to the real time temperature. What constraints are you subject? How will you solve them?

A constraint particularly difficult to achieve is related the level noise. We have chosen proper equipment or machinery silenced and / or installing acoustic barriers. Do you or your suppliers apply software or IT tools to inform decision-making in terms of product selection?

Could be useful a database of buildings behaviour and their energy consumption.

Ireland interview ID: 08 – Public Authority Questions A1 GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE ORGANIZATION Some general information about the organization As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. A2


A statement of their position, but also their views on role and responsibility. The role of the respondent will contextualise the answers.


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As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT What do you understand by the term sustainable development? How does sustainable development manifest at the building level?

Planning around transport and the built environment (including retrofitting) in order to minimise the negative effect on the environment. In an ideal situation there would be an environment gain from development as the result of planned green spaces and renewable energy initiatives. Is it easy to sell a green property?

Does not apply to a local authority so far but all things being equal a green property should sell over another property not development to be green. Do you think Sustainable development issues are taken seriously by your customers or public bodies (local/national level/international level)?

People are more conscious of for example the BER rating of properties. This will impact more and more as the cost of heating increases. Settlement patterns will be changed by the need to provide smarter services. For example there will be a move back to city centres where there is likely to be better infrastructure. Households will either not have a car or at most have one car. What do you expect will be the evolution of the market? Opportunities?

There will be a greater emphasis on design and sustainability in housing. The aim will be to reduce costs as much as anything. The green agenda will benefit from that. C1

PROJECT EXPECTATIONS & F OUR PILLARS Why was the decision made to carry out this energy efficient project? What was your role in it?

The decision stemmed from a national policy initiative on in this particular case a Sustainable Transport Project (walking and cycling). What are your objectives and expectations?

The objectives were to reduce car use and promote walking and cycling to schools. What are your organization’s roles and tasks within the project? And yours?

The organisations role was to promote the project overall and my task was to lead a multidisciplinary team of engineers, behavioural change experts and teachers to change behaviour in 3 target schools and 6 observers schools. We looked to Holland and Denmark for examples and translated some to Ireland. That proved to be a good idea. The biggest factor was "buy in" at the schools. We needed a local champion. Some observer schools did better than the test schools due to having a local champion. What kind of difficulties have you encountered in the definition the project planning? How do you stepped in to solve them? And what kind of tool you used?

The team dealt with the problems as a unit. The local champion was important and there was no software tool used.


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How do you intend to make in the field of reduction of energy consumption and carbon emission?

Walk and bike will replace car usage. A survey was done on the number of cars used and the CO2 saved was calculated. What technology / solutions are being used in the project? Did you consider other technical options? Why did you choose this one?

Very little technology used. What constraints are you subject? How will you solve them?

Finance was limited so the test group was small. We struggled to manage the media. Their perception of the project was poor as it was based on the disruption caused by the laying of bike lanes. They didn’t share the vision and were driven by those opposed to change in the town. What do you consider the main barriers in the project? What kind of help you will need to solve them?

Finance, managing media, selecting a champion. We would need to use social media to keep control of the story. Was there any stage of the project which you felt suffered from a deficiency of information or lack of technical know-how or support? How do you stepped in to solve them? And what kind of tool you used?

We never managed the positive spin and our lack of use of and knowledge of social media proved to be a major issue. E1

ORGANISATION PARTNERS AND STAKEHOLDERS Do you have a consolidated network of contacts to implement energy efficient renovation projects? Other that your organisation, who else is involved in the project? And what are their roles?

We have a network via the Holistic Project of a good range of consultants and contacts with the SEAI. The latter are big stake holders and policy makers.

ID: 09 - Business Communities Questions A1 GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE ORGANIZATION Some general information about the organization As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. A2


A statement of their position, but also their views on role and responsibility. The role of the respondent will contextualise the answers.


As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. ENERGY USE What is your relationship with energy use and energy use management of the building? Are there any issues?

The building is heated by electrical convector heaters with no installation and is very cold and hard to heat. Lighting is good. Could you comment on your current levels of expenditure on energy use in the building and your views on this? 30/09/2014

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It cost €500/month to heat the building and he is willing to invest in energy saving measures with the owner. It cost €1000/month for heat and lighting. What are the main influencing factors on this level of energy expenditure?

To reduce my energy consumption by at least 30 per cent and to see an energy master plan for the Town. Yes one of my clients have a Manufacturing company (Dawn Paper) which has high energy cost (€55k in 2012) and I have been asking the CEO to do an Energy audit and have ask him to get involved in LCC energy management intern programme. He is also involved with a number of Building Contractor who he is encouraging to be more energy efficient. Pay back on the investment of energy efficient materials in the building. Would you be prepared to invest with the owner in energy savings measures in return for a share of the energy savings?

Yes C1

PROJECT EXPECTATIONS & F OUR PILLARS What are your objectives and expectations?

Planning and how we Insulate a listed building when we are restricted with removing window's, door's, etc,. Are you involved in the development of building project?

Get agreement with the Planning Authority and the Heritage Officer.

Which parameters do you think it would be important to monitor in the life cycle of a building and/or a district?

Energy consumption Was there any stage of the project which you felt suffered from a deficiency of information or lack of technical know-how or support? How do you stepped in to solve them? And what kind of tool you used?

Lack of technical know-how was an issue

Do you apply software or IT tools to inform decision-making in terms of property state?

No C2

PROJECT RESULTS How do you envisage that this project will add value to your life style?

Proper use of energy and cost saving. Feel good factor. What are the success criteria which you will apply as occupier?

Reduced cost, emission reductions, new heating system – Quantum Heater How are the successes criteria measured?

Energy consumption and saving added onto client. Do you recommend this project to someone? 30/09/2014

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ID: 10 - Pubblich Communities Questions A1 GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE ORGANIZATION Some general information about the organization As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. A2


A statement of their position, but also their views on role and responsibility. The role of the respondent will contextualise the answers.


As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. ENERGY USE What is your relationship with energy use and energy use management of the building? Are there any issues?

The building was extended and refurbished in 2012/2013, during the building of the extension there was a large focus on green technologies. The roof is pitched at a good angle (28 Degrees) for the Photovoltaics. All cabinets, the keg room and the beer lines are all on one Lacer System, which is a closed loop and there is heat recovery. The bulk of any heat generated is being reused. There is a Charge Point for an Electric Car outside the premises which is used to transport customers. There is a bicycle rack also Could you comment on your current levels of expenditure on energy use in the building and your views on this?

  

Oil €275 per month. Solid Fuel Logs: €48 per month. Electricity- 3 phase system has night save, costs about €1000 every two months. (His new Lacer system means that he should save about €2000 per year, although he has not done a comparison of pre and post figures yet)His system is from a Kilkenny Based Company (http://www.rel.ie/contact-us/ )who currently have their system in 50/60 pubs in Ireland. The Spirit Store is the first system in the North East to have a Lancer Glycol System.

What are the main influencing factors on this level of energy expenditure?

Nature of business. Would you be prepared to invest with the owner in energy savings measures in return for a share of the energy savings?

Already done. C1

PROJECT EXPECTATIONS & F OUR PILLARS What are your objectives and expectations?

To see a measurable reduction in energy consumption and commissions. Are you involved in the development of building project?

Has been, project is complete. Which information are the most important for implementing in an efficient way an energy efficiency renovation project?

Information is the key. Detailed information on the potential financial returns. Commitment to 30/09/2014

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What are the main drivers that may lead to improve the energy performance of a building while undertaking a renovation project?

Accelerated Tax Relief: ability to write down liability for corporation tax. Mark was not about to recount the full details of the incentives during the interview, he stated the Department for Energy Website was a very useful resource. Incentives work if they are well understood. Carbon Tax led to him removing the traditional open fire and implementing a wood burning stove. Pricing Carbon, massive driver to behavioural change. Which parameters do you think it would be important to monitor in the life cycle of a building and/or a district?

Temperature, humidity, noise, energy consumption, energy produced, footfall, amount of water used (water meter), recording the modes of transport people use to get there car journeys versus foot/cycle journeys. Proximity of buildings to people. What constraints are you subject? How will you solve them?

There are some constraints which cannot be worked around, for example, it is an old building, front door is an integral feature of the building, considered changing it but felt it would remove from the charm of the building. Upstairs windows are old sash windows, they are single glazed and cannot be changed to double glazed. Site not suitable for rain water collection unit, there are 14 Toilet Cisterns are being flushed with treated water that Mark has to pay for. The site location in the quay offers some constraints also. The cost of implementing green technologies is also an important consideration. Was there any stage of the project which you felt suffered from a deficiency of information or lack of technical know-how or support? How do you stepped in to solve them? And what kind of tool you used?

As a small SME, there was only partial knowledge. Utilised the following sources for information: Vintners Association were very useful, offered valuable advice on Health & Safety, negotiations with Brewery. He didn’t actually contact the SEAI himself, but believes they do have valuable advice they could offer. He found EBS in general very useful, but found ESB Networks very difficult and uncooperative

Do you apply software or IT tools to inform decision-making in terms of property state?

No C2

PROJECT RESULTS How do you envisage that this project will add value to your life style?

Sense of satisfaction, feels like he has done the right thing. What are the success criteria which you will apply as occupier?

Reduced cost, emission reductions How are the successes criteria measured?

Customers’ happy, will analysis savings and reduction in costs and use of energy. 30/09/2014

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Do you recommend this project to someone?

Believes it would be worthwhile talking to The Marshes Shopping Centre, The people he purchases his solid fuel logs from Brian Allport, from Edenappa, eco product. Barry’s Shop in Grange have a PV Exchange.

ID: 11 – RET, Technologies Supplier Questions A1 GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE ORGANIZATION Some general information about the organization As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. A2


A statement of their position, but also their views on role and responsibility. The role of the respondent will contextualise the answers.


As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT What do you understand by the term sustainable development? How does sustainable development manifest at the building level?

Development which considers future impact of a building, operational costs, and the impact on the environment and ecology. Is it easy to sell a green property?

Traditionally it was a challenge, but feels people are coming round to it more now, people care more. It is becoming an easier sell. Do you think Sustainable development issues are taken seriously by your customers or public bodies (local/national level/international level)?

Doesn’t think so, a lot of companies/bodies at a corporate level would have a sustainable development mission statement to tick a box, but they may not operate in a sustainable way. What do you expect will be the evolution of the market? Opportunities?

Thinks that from an Irish Point of view, sustainable development will become a core focus of Government, other Public Bodies and large businesses, it will filter down to local business levels. C1

PROJECT EXPECTATIONS & F OUR PILLARS Why was the decision made to carry out this energy efficient project? What was your role in it?

Development of a new data centre operation in Blanchardstown, decisions were based on cost. It cost more to set up the data centre, but the running costs are lower so there is a long term return on the investment. What are your objectives and expectations?

  30/09/2014

Objectives: create an environmentally friendly data centre in Ireland. Expectations: Produce a data centre with reduced running costs. Grant No. 608775


What are your organization’s roles and tasks within the project? And yours?

Running a data centre day to day. Role: Sat on the project team for the commissioning of data. Which information are the most important for implementing in an efficient way an energy efficiency renovation project?

Information on renewable technologies and suppliers, consultation with a green expert/advisor. Which parameters do you think it would be important to monitor in the life cycle of a building and/or a district?

There is a 24/7 Monitoring Team who constantly monitor temperature, air flow, routing of air flow, minimize wasted air. Power consumption is monitored. Customers are charged for the amount of power their equipment uses. Can tell how much power each rack is using. Cooling of building, flow of energy. Also monitor leaks of air, externally monitor the building for hot/cold air leaks. Power usage, done to individual racks, because of these the Company offer advice to customers on the energy consumption of different servers make and models which are more efficient. Also monitor levels of data connectivity, consumption of data. Each rack has 16 Amps of power, depending on the type of equipment in the rack it may be full or only have a couple of servers. Have cloud based servers – customers can use part of the cloud. Customers pay per use. They can increase their use during busy times and decrease during quieter times. For example Boyle Sports ramp up their cloud usage while Cheltenham is down and then decrease again when it is over. This reduces the amount of power they use. Previously they would have had to purchase the equipment for a power a physical server for the busy period and then they would still have this equipment and have to power it. Another example given was for coverage of the presidential election they ramped up their cloud based server for two weeks and then removed this service. They were billed per hour. The company also expands and contracts their cloud solutions throughout the day for the internet streaming of their radio. Server instances scale based on how listeners listen to the show. Internet listenership high during the morning tends to be lower in the evening time when people listen in their cars. What kind of difficulties have you encountered in the definition the project planning? How do you stepped in to solve them? And what kind of tool you used?

Difficulties obtaining the right power supply from the Networks. They had hoped to have the data centre in Dundalk, but the power supply could not be guaranteed in the site they were looking at. Power supply is a key challenge. The difficulty was solved by selecting a building in Blanchardstown that had the potential to have the correct power supply, had to work with and lobby the ESB. How do you intend to make in the field of reduction of energy consumption and carbon emission?

Energy consumption is reduced by reusing the heat generated by the servers to heat the office space in another part of the building. Also advise customers on the most energy efficient equipment. Constant monitoring of usage so that any wastage is identified quickly. What technology / solutions are being used in the project? Did you consider other technical options? Why did you choose this one?

All different monitoring system would have gone to tender decision based on cost and functionality.


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What kind of choice do you implement to optimize the existing systems and buildings?

Humans. 24/7 monitoring team based in the Data Centre. Also monitor the national network also. Monitor equipment e.g. Air conditioning units for efficiency, and they have an SLA with a service company who will repair any inefficient equipment within 2 hours. What are the main drivers that may lead to improve the energy performance of a building while undertaking a renovation project?

Cost, improve thermal comfort. What constraints are you subject? How will you solve them?

They have expansion plans for the Blanchardstown Data Centre. Suite 1 is operating at 100% capacity; Suite 2 is operating, so they are investigating developing Suite 3. The main constraint is that while suite 3 is being developed Suites 1&2 must be operation 100% of the time. Power supply needs to be consistent. These constraints are solved during the planning phase. They will hire a data centre specialist consultant who will manage the project along with the Data Centre Manager. What do you consider the main barriers in the project? What kind of help you will need to solve them?

Recently ungraded Air Con in Suite 1, the contracts involved had to work in a clean room environment when they were doing this. No dust/debris could get near the server equipment. Use specialist contractors who have the correct equipment to operate in such a manner. Was there any stage of the project which you felt suffered from a deficiency of information or lack of technical know-how or support? How do you stepped in to solve them? And what kind of tool you used?

Contract relevant specialists for advice, have the resources necessary to do this. Do you or your suppliers apply software or IT tools to inform decision-making in terms of product selection?

Software used to monitor airflow, cooling, heat sensors which can identify heat pockets (anti fire), security, HD CCTV (stored for 90 days). C2

PROJECT RESULTS How do you envisage that this project will add value to your organisation’s activities?

Information on the green technologies included in this tender and included in every tender Company are submitting, for some large multinationals, this information is weighted very highly, sometimes even as high as cost. What are the success criteria which you will apply as owners/planner?

Constant revenue stream, low overheads, long term return on investments, measured. How are the successes criteria measured?

Comparison of power usage and costs. Do you foresee replicability of this type of project?

Experience gained on the development of the Data Centre has been reused within the company to 30/09/2014

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develop subsequent data centres; same footprint has been rolled out again.

ID: 12 - Developers Questions A1 GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE ORGANIZATION Some general information about the organization As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. A2


A statement of their position, but also their views on role and responsibility. The role of the respondent will contextualise the answers.


As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT What do you understand by the term sustainable development? How does sustainable development manifest at the building level?

Minimise the negative effect of building by choice of construction materials. Attempt to be carbon neutral. Is it easy to sell a green property?

Not necessarily, it comes down to cost. A buyer may not be willing to pay a premium for a property that is green or seen to be green. Do you think Sustainable development issues are taken seriously by your customers or public bodies (local/national level/international level)?

Yes the project I am working on is proof of that commitment. People are favourably disposed to it however it is not an imperative. More legislation is required to support the area (perhaps a carbon tax or support from Government for installation of solar panels). A lot of businesses have “green” as part of their value proposition. The aim is to sell products to customers. What do you expect will be the evolution of the market? Opportunities?

The market will be driven by costs but it will be more and more significant as technology improves. If development can be “green” at competitive prices then the market will grow quickly. Some sections of the public may be willing to pay a small premium for green products but increasingly the ability to compete on a cost level is required. Increasing energy cost will boost the sector. There is an economic benefit from driving more sustainable developments. That is the reason for the establishment of the Smart Eco Hub I am involved in. The reduction of costs and pay back (once that pay back is not too drawn out). Ultimately it is based on what the buyer wants and demands and is prepared to pay for. A good BER rating is desirable only is the cost is not too high or the pay back is reasonable. C1

PROJECT EXPECTATIONS & F OUR PILLARS Why was the decision made to carry out this energy efficient project? What was your role in it?

There is an economic benefit from driving more sustainable developments. Therefore that was the reason for forming the Smart Eco Hub. The aim is to stimulate the sustainable industry and create jobs.


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What are your objectives and expectations?

Our objectives are to collaborate and innovate and look for synergies between companies involved in renewables. The INDICATE project will make a difference by ensuring that the environment is even more attractive to companies. The involvement of the local authorities and the Institutes of Technology will be seen as positive. There is commitment and access to expertise (for example Casala). This will help Foreign Direct Investment. Businesses usually look at what and who make up the environment before they locate somewhere. INDICATE and the obvious pool of competency and talent and the availability of staff will prove attractive. What are your organization’s roles and tasks within the project? And yours?

Our roles and tasks have already been laid out above. At a high level we give awareness and introduce companies to each other. On a day to day basis we act as a source of information. Which information are the most important for implementing in an efficient way an energy efficiency renovation project?

Normally wall and attic insulation, double glazing and efficient boilers and temperature control. Which parameters do you think it would be important to monitor in the life cycle of a building and/or a district?

Cost of heating, temperature, humidity. What kind of difficulties have you encountered in the definition the project planning? How do you stepped in to solve them? And what kind of tool you used?

No difficulties except in measuring the success. We will be looking at turnover and staff employed at the end of the process and total membership of the Staff Eco Hub. We don’t have a tool. How do you intend to make in the field of reduction of energy consumption and carbon emission?

We are interested in energy consumption and carbon emissions but our principle drive is in creating synergies between companies involved in renewable businesses What technology / solutions are being used in the project? Did you consider other technical options? Why did you choose this one?

We are using Zoho project management to assist us with our work but no software tool specifically in the energy area What kind of choice do you implement to optimize the existing systems and buildings?

Money is at the centre of this issue. Choices are constrained by cost and payback. Every system and building is unique and thus this is a labour intensive issue. What constraints are you subject? How will you solve them?

Staff and funding are tight and we are constrained in what we can do by the letter of offer. What do you consider the main barriers in the project? What kind of help you will need to solve them?

Critical mass – we need enough companies on board with the project to create that synergy. 30/09/2014

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Do you or your suppliers apply software or IT tools to inform decision-making in terms of product selection?

There is a Building Info Management package (BIM) that assists with planning and design and energy efficiency C2

PROJECT RESULTS How do you envisage that this project will add value to your organisation’s activities?

Yes they success criteria in this case will match up. How are the successes criteria measured?

As stated previously by success of the network Do you foresee replicability of this type of project?


ID: 13 – RET / Technologies supplier Questions A1 GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE ORGANIZATION Some general information about the organization As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. A2


A statement of their position, but also their views on role and responsibility. The role of the respondent will contextualise the answers.


As expressed in the consensus form this information will not be disclosed. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT What do you understand by the term sustainable development? How does sustainable development manifest at the building level?

Development that is effective/efficient for both the near term and future. In building terms this would be Highly energy efficient, adaptable design to allow efficient alterations / extension. It should also be in keeping with its environment, with a very low overall impact on same. Is it easy to sell a green property?

At this point the green credentials allow you get into the market – in general they will not sell the product – price sensitivity is a bigger player at present Do you think Sustainable development issues are taken seriously by your customers or public bodies (local/national level/international level)?

Multinationals are all raising the bar in relation to sustainability at present, in the US many companies have ‘sustainability’ built into their tenders with ever increasing requirements. At a consumer level I do not believe sustainability is as critical – the recent economic crisis has sharpened the focus on value. Importation of Chicken breasts from the far east is clearly an unsustainable process – yet it is highly utilised for cost at present – there are many examples of this. 30/09/2014

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What do you expect will be the evolution of the market? Opportunities?

Sustainability will become more regulated into the marketplace in the future; companies need to have a strong strategy in relation to same, the target being to achieve sustainable goods/services with good margins at lower cost which is the sweet spot in the market. As the economy recovers there will also be good opportunities for premium in the sustainable space C1

PROJECT EXPECTATIONS & F OUR PILLARS Why was the decision made to carry out this energy efficient project? What was your role in it?

We have worked with the SEAI and the Local Authority through the Concerto programme and see the benefit of this project. What are your objectives and expectations?

To retain our benchmark position in terms of energy management and to potentially gain advantage from the local authority by way of rates reduction for sustainable manufacturers. What are your organization’s roles and tasks within the project? And yours?

To support the Local authority in matters relating to manufacturing best practice and improvement opportunities.


Grant No. 608775


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