Is Batik a Value or a Material Culture? Knitting Noken, Knitting Life Be proud of Pencak Silat, Live the Value ISSN 2406-8063
Do not Doubt the Authority of Panrita Lopi 9
Arts and traditions are part of Indonesia Zul Lubis
RESTU GUNAWAN Director for Culture Development and Ultilization, Directorate, General of Culture
Foreword P
raise be to God Almighty so that
rubric which this time presents the
and Technology, through programs that
Indonesiana Magazine Volume 14
figure of Navy Major, Sugeng Hariyanto
are supervised by the Directorate of
2022 can be issued again for the
who is currently entrusted as the
Culture Development and Utilization in
readers. We are grateful because this
Commander of KRI Dewaruci. Muhibah
carrying out cultural missions that refer
year, Indonesia’s condition can rise and
Jalur Rempah itself is one of the efforts
to Law for the Advancement of Culture
begin to recover to return to normal life,
of the Directorate General of Culture in
Number 5 of 2017 and Law Number 11
slowly but surely. Indonesiana Magazine
submitting the Spice Route as a World
of 2010 concerning Cultural Properties
still continues to faithfully summarize
Heritage UNESCO. The implementation
Preservation. Hopefully this reading will
various cultural stories from all over
of various cultural activities under the
become an inspiration for every reader,
Indonesia which increasingly show the
Directorate General of Culture becomes
especially the Indonesian people, to
cultural richness of the Archipelago.
evidence that all Indonesian people have
continuously contribute in advancing
This is also inseparable from society’s
a strong spirit and belief to continue to
culture, appreciating works from various
appreciation and enthusiasm to broaden
preserve and appreciate the diversity
regions in Indonesia, and continuously
their insight about Indonesian culture.
of Indonesian culture that comes back
trying to recover faster, rise stronger.
Coming back in two languages, namely
offline and can be enjoyed by the public
Indonesian and English, Indonesiana
directly. In implementing its programs,
volume 14 is expected to be a medium
the Directorate General of Culture always
of cultural diplomacy that continues to
involves the society as the main partner.
introduce and disseminate information
This is done so that the sense of love and
on cultural wealth from various regions in
belonging to Indonesian culture is getting
higher and continuously maintained.
Various interesting stories are presented
Various cultural stories in the Archipelago
in this volume, starting from the main
that have been recorded and illustrated
topic of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
in Indonesiana Magazine volume 14,
that has been recognized by UNESCO,
become evidence of the commitment
the implementation of Muhibah Budaya
of the Directorate General of Culture,
Jalur Rempah activity, to the profile
Ministry of Education, Culture, Research
2021 2022
Greetings from Editors
Direktur Jenderal Kebudayaan Managing Director YAYUK SRI BUDI RAHAYU
Penanggung Jawab RESTU GUNAWA N Editor in Chief SUSI IVVATY Direktur Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatan n ExecutiveKebudayaa Editor SINATRIYO DANUHADININGRAT
Koordinator Umum & Content Editor ALFIAN SIAGIAN Pemimpin Redaks i BINSAR SIMANULLANG Language Editor MARTIN SURYAJAYA
Redaktur Photo Pelaksana Editor SYEFRI LUWIS SUSI IVVATY Secretary Redaktur Naska h JESSIKA NADYA OGESVELTRY
arm regards… Dear Indonesian readers, various post-Covid 19 cultural activities seem to be getting more and more enthusiastic, not only being organized by the government, especially the Directorate General
of Culture, but also being held offline by cultural communities. The cultural celebration is starting to get stronger and we all hope that this good ecosystem can be maintained. The main topics in Volume 14 still continue the previous volume, namely looking back at the intangible cultural heritages that have been inscribed at UNESCO. In
the previous edition, we reviewed wayang, gamelan, angklung, and three genres
Translator DONTY TataWIDAGDO Letak
Heritage (ICH) Lists that have also been recorded in UNESCO as Intangible Cultural
Heritage of Humanity, namely the art of batik (including batik education and
of Balinese dance. In this edition, we review four Indonesia Intangible Cultural
training), noken, pinisi, and pencak silat. As we know, Noken Papua, for example, is a cultural work that urgently needs to be preserved and even saved because it is almost extinct. Noken, which should be made from natural materials such as forest pandanus, bark, and gnemon or melinjo tree fibers, is increasingly rare because it is difficult for people to find raw materials. Now there are many noken made of factory thread embroidery. In fact, it is precisely the noken philosophy that becomes the strong basis for the determination of noken to become the UNESCO ICH List. Noken is interpreted as a mother’s womb, which is a symbol of fertility and the inheritance of life values.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, and Technology Republic of Indonesia dan TeknologiGeneral Republik Directorate ofIndonesi Culture a Direktorat Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatan Kebudayaan Directorate of Culture Development and Ultilization Gedung E. Lt. 9, Building E. Lt. 9, Jl. Jl. Jenderal Jenderal Sudirman Sudirman Kav. Kav. 4-5 4-5 Senayan, Senayan, Jakarta Jakarta 10270 10270 (021) 5725534 (021) 5725534 indonesiana.diversity@gmail.com http://kebudayaan.kemdikbud.go.i d http://kebudayaan.kemdikbud.go.id
Indonesiana Magazine at promoting Indonesian Culture Majalah aims Indonesiana bertujuan and is not forbudaya sale Comments of dan articles, etc, untuk promosi Indonesia, tidakPhotographs diperjualbelikan. Komentar atas artikel,can fotobe dan lain-lain send to: ditujukan kepada: indonesiana.diversity@gmail.co m indonesiana.diversity@gmail.com Front Cover: Story: Maritime Odepabrik for Indonesia SampulSpice depan: Gaya A bertenaga buruh genteng Jatisura . – Editorial Jalur Rempah (foto:Team Panduof Rahadian ) Back Cover: Sampul belakang: Penari Caci dan kain Songke. Dance from Tidore, which was performed in (foto: Dodi Sandradi)
Horu-horu the release ceremony of ‘Laskar Rempah’ from Tidore toward Banda Naira - Naval Public Affair Fleet Command II, Surabaya
Noken is not only used as a medium of exchange but also a symbol of dispute resolution and peace and payment of fines. That’s it, the challenge is right before us. The Muhibah Budaya Jalur Rempah activity attracted tremendous attention and received widespread public appreciation. Therefore, it is inevitable that notes about it will also be published in Indonesiana Vol 14, including an in-depth interview with the Commander of KRI Dewaruci, Major (P) Sugeng Hariyanto. A review of Gita Bahana Nusantara is present in this edition, as an example of an activity that has a strong foundation so that it can be held continuously. The rubrics for the advancement of culture are very interesting to be explored. Sinrilik performing arts in South Sulawesi, menumbai ritual in Riau, Bumiayu sites and cultural properties, and many more. And don’t forget, the G20 Presidency has made us more aware that the cultural sector can be the key to global economic recovery. Happy reading…. Editor in chief
HILMAR FARID Director General of Culture Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Repulic of Indonesia
Acknowledgement from the Director General of Culture C
ultural values are the fruit of so-
Indonesia exist, but also a reflection of a
nation is: “Indonesia is Happy”. The fourth
ciety practices that are produced
collective will to think about and advance
paragraph of the Preamble to the 1945
through various trials and adap-
the nation as well as efforts to realize col-
Constitution then outlines the mission to
tations to the surrounding environment
lective goals. The thoughts of the found-
achieve this vision, namely “to protect the
and various cultures that come from
ers of the nation in the past were not
entire Indonesian nation and the entire
other places. Therefore, the cultural val-
something that appeared suddenly, but
homeland of Indonesia, promote public
ues of a society always have an inclusive
were born from a long process involving
welfare, educate the nation’s life, and par-
character, always accept and adapt the
dialogues with various different cultural
ticipate in carrying out world order based
cultural wealth of every community that
groups in the Archipelago to achieve the
on independence, eternal peace and
contacts with that society. Cultural values
same goal, namely independence and
social justice.” This is a collective agenda
are very important as a reference for
that unites every citizen of the nation as
society’s actions in dealing with changing eras and life contexts.
The Indonesian nationality was not
an Indonesian nation.
formed on the basis of the same race
In that spirit that the Indonesian nation-
A cultural value becomes noble because
or religion. A person does not become
ality must be seen as a nationality bound
it is proven to survive in social life from
an Indonesian because they come from
by the recognition of diversity, namely
generation to generation. These noble
the same ethnicity or the same religion.
the diversity of elements united by the
values are a ‘barn’ of social imagination
A person becomes Indonesia because he
collective goal of realizing an indepen-
and local knowledge that can guide us
has a collective imagination of an inde-
dent society. Nationality and unity in
through the challenges of the eras. This
pendent society. This unifying collective
diversity are two sides of the same
is reflected in various aspects of people’s
imagination and hope are formulated in
historical coin.
lives, such as traditional ceremonies,
the vision and mission of the Republic
ruwatan bumi, prohibitions and taboos
which is clearly stated in the Preamble to
that have sacred and mystical values.
the 1945 Constitution.
All these local practices and values are intertwined and form the identity of the Indonesian nation.
Therefore, I welcome the publication of Indonesiana Magazine Volume 14 which was published in conjunction with the
The first paragraph of the Preamble to
anniversary of the independence of the
the 1945 Constitution clearly states our
Republic of Indonesia and raises the na-
vision as a nation, namely “an inde-
tion’s cultural diversity. Hopefully through
Indonesia is the result of a society’s
pendent, united, sovereign, just and
this reading, we can all get inspiration
collective agreement to bind themselves
prosperous Indonesia.” Or if you want
to foster a sense of brotherhood that
into a single nation in the midst of ethnic,
to formulate it more briefly by referring
views cultural differences as a collective
religious, or group diversity. The agree-
to the second stanza of the national
ment is not only to make the state of
anthem Indonesia Raya, our vision as a
Director for Culture Development and Ultilization, Directorate, General of Culture
Director General of Culture Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Repulic of Indonesia
GITA BAHANA NUSANTARA Gita Bahana Nusantara, Guardians of Unity in Diversity
MUHIBAH BUDAYA JALUR REMPAH Trace the Road of the Past, Explore the Spices of the Future
DEVELOPMENT G20 Cultural Sector, Key to Global Economic Recovery
BATIK Is Batik a Value or a Material Culture?
NOKEN Knitting Noken, Knitting Life
PENCAK SILAT Be proud of Pencak Silat, Live the Value
PINISI Do not Doubt the Authority of Panrita Lopi
Comic Tradition (Belief and Customary Law Communities) Directorate of Belief in the God Almighty and Customary Law Communities
Map of Distribution of Customary Law Communities
Sinrilik: A Stage of Makassar Society’s Collective Memory
Exploring Hikayat Seribu Masalah
Bumiayu Sites that Continue to Beat
Manumbai, Seducing Bees Seducing Nature
Learn Gotong Royong from Poto Village
From Maritime to Contemporary at Museum BI
Be Guling Bali, Offerings to God
FIGURE: (Mayor Sugeng) 78
Panggungharjo Residents’ Innovation of Paper Batik Stamp
Women and Kampong Feasts in Seram
Commander of KRI Dewaruci Serving with heart
Passionate about Muhibah Jalur Rempah
Is a Value or a Material Culture ?
o wonder batik was initially contested by many nations in the world. Concerns about the claim to the science of batik in a country will continue being a threat. It is not easy to prevent let alone stop. Batik as the subject of discussion in the study has been widely developed abroad. In the meantime, we are more interested in the
creation of batik cloth, but neglect and do not care about the value and meaning contained in decoration variety, color, and function of batik cloth.
Is batik a value or an object? We start to
for traditional ceremonies and sacred
form of batik as a piece of cloth. In fact,
find many similar questions. The shift to
rituals. In its development, batik becomes
intangible aspects should always be
changes in the aspects of making and
sarongs, clothing materials, to household
attached to tangible cultural objects,
using batik cloth continues. The process
utensils such as bed sheets and
namely those that can be touched, in
of making batik begins with Applying
tablecloths. Ironically, all variants of these
the form of concrete objects that are
the wax with Canting Tulis on the fabric
products are still called batik although
man-made and made to meet certain
using a canting tulis (a copper pen-like
their manufacturing process as well as
needs, as said by Edi Sedyawati in
instrument) or canting cap (stamp).
their decoration, colors, and functions are
Warisan Budaya Takbenda Intangible yang
The next is the process of dyeing and
much different.
Tersisa dalam Tangible (the Intangible
removing the wax by boiling. The stages of the process change to dyeing directly on the fabric using a silk screen (screen printing) to make batik motifs called printed textile with batik motif. Intrinsically, batik is
The high quality of batik art and culture has become very low, eroding its noble value. The destruction of batik is indeed real. The strength of the intangible value is weakened, what remains is only the
Cultural Heritage which Remains in Tangibles (Archeological Academic Lecture, University of Indonesia, December 18, 2003) The intangible cultural heritage is exploited for purely economic purposes.
a long piece of cloth
Tjanting, wax, cloth and batik makers are one unit Syefri Luwis
It is as if we no longer care about the
Intangible Cultural Heritage in Abu Dhabi,
traditional knowledge and handicrafts
United Arab Emirates on September
stored in batik and deliberately let the
28-October 2, 2009 has decided that
symbolic meaning of batik be buried in
Indonesian Batik is inscribed on the
myth. We are trapped in developments
Representative List of the Intangible
that do not preserve, innovations in
Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The
decoration and colors that do not protect
agreement among countries is based
batik. Do not be surprised if you suddenly
on the Convention for the Safeguarding
hear arguments about wooden batik or
of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. It is
bamboo batik. Many people demand that
stated that Indonesian Batik represents
what they make is recognized as batik
three of the five domains of intangible
such as printing, night screen printing,
cultural heritage, namely oral traditions
as well as a combination of printing and
and expressions, including language as
written batik.
a vehicle of the intangible cultural
The meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the
heritage (oral traditions), social practices, rituals and festive events (social habits), and traditional craftsmanship (traditional
Canting Tulis (a copper pen-like instrument) and Canting Cap (Stamp)
handicrafts). (Nomination for inscription on the Representative List Reference No. 00170, 2009). The establishment should be able to make us aware that batik contains a value of intangible cultural heritage left by our ancestors. The intangible cultural domains of tradition and oral expression are the results of interviews with batik craftsmen communities in several regions. It turns out that many batik craftsmen’s have been involved with the batik making tradition from generation to
generation until 3 or 4 generations for
habits is batik cloth that is used for
400 years. Batik craftsmen are making
society’s customary activities, rites, and
the batik pattern on the paper, ngeblat
celebrations as a social habit in society.
(tracing/copying the pattern on paper
The domain of traditional craft skills is a
to cloth using a pencil), ngelowongi
collective skill starting from making tools
(applying the hot-melt wax over the
and equipment, raw materials, and batik-
pencil-in outline of the pattern), ngelir
making techniques by using hand skills.
(the whole colouring process), nyelup (a
This collection of skills are skills since
dye technique to give base colour on
the beginning when batik was being
cloth by dipping the cloth in dye bath), and ngelorod (removing the wax on the cloth by dipping in boiling water) by seeing and hearing
discovered until now. The domain of traditional handicraft skills is described in the following table. Table of Batik Traditional Craft Skills
from other people, not studying at school or formal courses.The domain of social
Skills in Making Tools and Equipment
Skills in Making Raw Material
Skills in Batik Making Techniques
Making a Canting
Making candle
Making batik patterns
Making Stamps
Making Natural Dyeing Materials
Sticking candles on the cloth
Making an open jigger
Making Synthetic Dyeing Recipe
Dyeing cloth
Making a Stamp Table
Removing the wax
Residents use batik during the ritual of planting tobacco in Legoksari Village, Temanggung Susi Ivvaty
We know that the two domains of
A motif is the overall form of the
One of the batik motifs for wedding
intangible cultural heritage, viz. the oral
elements of decoration, colours, and its
ceremonies is the Sido Mukti motif, worn
traditions and social customs contain
function. The motif determines who the
by the bride and groom at the wedding
historical, cultural, and economic values.
maker is, how it is made, how the ritual
ceremony. Sido means continuous
Traditional handcrafts skill contains an
process is done (meditation or fasting),
and mukti means life in sufficiency and
intellectual value which is realized in the
and also when the decoration will be
happiness. This decoration symbolizes
expertise in making tools, making raw
made into batik. Then, how it is dyed,
the hope of a good future, full of eternal
materials, and batik making techniques.
where the plant of the material is taken
happiness for the bride and groom (Nian
Thus, batik is not just a piece of cloth
from, and where the springs for the water
S Djoemena, Ungkapan sehelai Batik: Its
(batik as an object) but it is rich with
come from are the process of making
Mystery and Meaning, Djambatan, 1990)
values which materialized through
batik. In addition, it is also determined
symbols in the form of decoration, colour, and use called a batik motif.
who wears the motif of long cloth batik, when, where, and how it is worn. Traditional batik originating from Solo and Yogyakarta has certain rules: how to use it, when to use it, and who wears it.
The intangible cultural heritage domain of Indonesian Batik can be used as the basis for making policies, strategies, and programs in an effort to preserve, protect, and develop Indonesian Batik. The clear boundaries for the development of batik decoration and technology are necessary. Not all decorations can be used in batik. Not
Abdi dalem wear batik in their daily life - Kurniawan Rizqi Kurniawan Rizqi - https://www.shutterstock.com/g/kurniawanrizqi
10 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
all technological developments could
heritage of 400 to 500 years ago. Natural
for sogan (reddish brown, yellowish), and
replace batik-making techniques. The
and environmental condition are very
indigofera (Indigofera tinctoria) leaves for
public’s understanding of batik as an
much different from now. The need
deep blue.
intangible cultural heritage is still not
for clothes and how to wear them has
enough so that there is less appreciation
been different. There are shifts up to
for the inscription of Indonesian Batik
changes in the aspects of making and
on UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage
using batik cloth are unavoidable, as
List.Even determining which is batik and
well as the development of technology
not is still difficult. Long cloth batik worn
that we are not able to stop. Variants of
in traditional ceremonies and rituals
batik and nonbatik products continue
is called batik, while the clothes we
to emerge, competing in seizing the
(Zahir Widadi, S.S., M.Hum/Lecturer at the
wear everyday are also batik. However,
market, competing each other in
Batik Technology Study Program, University
there is a difference between batik and
reducing production costs, and having
of Pekalongan and Management of the
batik cloth. Batik cloth is a cloth with
an orientation for economic value. That
Association of Indonesian Batik Craftsmen
batik motif which is only for clothes, a
is one of the biggest impacts of changing
and Entrepreneurs).
commodity that everyone can make and
the use of natural dyes with synthetic
can wear. It is not easy to accept the fact that the meaning of “heritage” is the ancestral
Now, almost every batik centre is always identical to the impression of dye waste. We all hope that the narrative about batik is getting better and the making of batik cloth today does not trigger environmental damage.
dyes. In fact, traditional batik uses mangrove bark extract, jambal (YellowFlamboyant/Peltophorum pterocarpum), and tegeran (Cudrania javanensis) wood
VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 11
Knitting Noken Knitting life
Various adaptations of motifs in noken Saberia
When visiting Jayapura Papua,
personal items, food, farm products, to
in Depapre, Jayapura Regency, call noken
we will be spoiled by beautiful
baby and toddler carriers. Other ethnic
by the name tangke moro which means
nature and vendors on the side
groups in Papua process Tikar leaves
noken bag.
of the street. One of the merchandises
(the term for the type of forest pandanus
that catches our eye is the traditional
plant), bark, genemo or melinjo tree fibers
Papuan bag, noken. Yes, noken is not
(Gnetum gnemon), forest orchid skin, and
only a Papuan cultural identity and a
swamp grass to make noken.
tool for keeping goods, but now also a souvenir that many mama-mama Papua/the Mamas of Papua (the term for married Papuan women) sell on the roadside. They make their own noken, and if we are lucky, we can see them making it right on the side of the road. Although not as famous as batik, noken is an ancestor heritage of ethnic groups in Papua which had been inscribed by UNESCO on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding on December 4, 2012. Needless to say, this becomes a distinctive pride, although
Khangge is a small bag that is used by hanging or as a sling bag. Hoboi is a large bag that is quite helpful for people in placing or carrying large items or a
Each ethnic group has its own
considerable number of items. Khangge
characteristics in knitting and weaving
and hoboi are made from materials that
techniques so that each noken in Papua
grow around the villages of the Central
becomes a kind of ethnic identity. Most
Sentani people, namely bark (huisaa/bark
of the Papua ethnics has their own
fiber) and genemo. The making of hoboi
term for traditional bag based on their
and khangge takes about 1-2 weeks.
mother tongue, even some ethnic groups
Hoboi size is usually 1 x 1 meter, while
identify different words for noken based
khangge is 30 x 50 cm.
on several categories. For example, the Sentani community in Ifar Besar Village, Sentani District, Jayapura Regency, calls noken with the term khangge (small bag) and hoboi (big bag). The Tepera society
not everyone in Papua knows it.
Tangke moro, if interpreted in Indonesian, is a bag. Tangke moro is a traditional craft which is a masterpiece of Tepara people’s knowledge in weaving moro bark into something useful. Tangke moro has been made and used by the people of Depapre since a long time ago and
In general, noken is known
continues to this day as well as becomes
as a traditional Papuan bag,
a distinctive pride for the people of
but actually there are various
Tepera. Tangke moro is made from the
different terms to call it. Noken
kanya tree or maro tree or maro bark.
which is commonly known
For the making of tangke moro, first
as unique to Papua is the
the bark of the maro is cleaned,
“noken Wamena” although this
then soaked in salted water
noken does not come from
in order to produce a more
Wamena, the capital of Jayawijaya
durable tangke moro. After
Regency. This noken becomes a
that, the bark is formed, it can
distinctive characteristic of the
be woven or folded. To make it
Mepago ethnic groups in the
look more beautiful, the outside
Central Mountains of Papua. The
of the bag is made into tassels. If
sizes also vary, from the small size
the material is ready, it only takes two
to the large ones. The “mama-mama”
days to make it.
in the Mepago customary territory drape it on their head and let it dangle behind their back. The contents are varied, from
One of the noken motifs Bortolomeus Abdi W. - https://www.shutterstock.com/g/abdiwidyatama
It seems simple, but it’s actually
time. This process keeps repeating into
laughing out loud, sharing stories and
complicated. Each of ethnic groups
a pattern that is inherent in Papuan
life experiences between the old and the
has different materials and production
culture. When someone is going to
young. The moment of gathering while
techniques. Some plants for raw material
make a bag, then the material is spun
making noken indirectly becomes a place
are still easy to find at forest edge area
again into cords, then woven. The typical
for internalizing cultural values because
and gardens, but some are hard to find
knitting technique results in crochet
the process of inheritance often occurs.
and in the middle of forest.
which intertwined one another with a
Not only the inheritance of forms, but
the raw materials (branches or stems or
looser distance but stronger. This crochet
also the process of meanings and values
bark of certain small trees or shrubs) are
pattern allows noken to be elastic.
of life that should be appreciated.
Noken Craftswomen
In the socio-cultural life of the ethnics in
Noken craftsmen are generally women,
Papua, noken becomes a cultural symbol
who use their spare time after doing
that is multifunctional, full of meaning
household chores and taking care of the
and philosophy that is always carried
farm. Usually, the women make noken by
everywhere. Noken is interpreted as a
sitting in groups while taking care of the
mother’s womb, which is a symbol of
children, although there are also those
fertility and the inheritance of life values.
who do it alone. Noken craftswomen are
The ability to make noken is a symbol of
called “mama-mama” noken, although
a woman who is mature and ready to get
some of them are still single. In certain
married. Noken is used as a medium of
ethnics, noken is also done by men.
exchange, a symbol of dispute resolution
In general,
cut, skinned, and soaked in water to be cleaned of all dirt including tree sap. The sheets of material (wood fibre) are then dried in the sun until dry, then separated or torn into small sheets following the direction of the fibres.Sheets of genemo tree bark, forest orchid skins, forest pandan leaf sheets, and swamp grass that have been previously processed are then twisted into one long strand like thread. The twisting technique is still traditional; take several materials, spun them with the palm of the hand on the thighs until the strands of the material are tightly joined together like thread or small cord. After twisting process is finished, all material become cords, roll it up and store it so that it can be used at any
When women gather and make noken, that is their quality time with children and other women, it can even become a kind of me time. At that moment, they can relax while joking and
A Papuan man carries a Khangge or small bag Saberia
14 14 INDONESIANA INDONESIANA VOL. VOL. 14, 14, 2022 2022
and peace, payment of fines, a symbol of social status among the socio-cultural layers of society, and so on. With a complicated process and full of life values, a natural fiber noken has “plus value”.
Factory Threads
cultural activists, craftsmen, SME (Small
conduct a collaborative effort in nursery
Currently, noken made from factory
and Medium Enterprises) activists, the
and cultivation of plants for raw materials
threads with Papuan characteristics
private sector, and the government to
between the society, government, and
are widely available on the market.
maintain the existence of noken, not only
other parties. Another effort is to include
Initially, it was done by immigrants, but
as an object but also as an intangible
noken as teaching material in local
gradually now noken craftsmen are also
culture. One step that has been
content curriculum so that knowledge of
starting to work on noken variants with
implemented is the recommendation to
noken and its values can continue.
factory threads. These two types of
use noken for student and employees,
noken compete in price in the market,
both government employees and private
with the cheaper selling price for the
employees. Despite the fact, there are
factory thread noken. For example, one
also those who wear factory thread
natural fiber noken with the size of a
noken. In Jayapura City, there are already
small notebook is sold for around IDR
considerable spaces provided by the local
200,000, while factory thread noken is
government and private sector for mama-
sold cheaper. The more difficult the raw
mama noken to sell their merchandise, for
materials, the more expensive the price.
example at the Danau Sentani Festival,
Noken made from orchids, also known as
Humbolt Bay Festival, PON XX, and
orchid noken or yellow noken, is the most
PEPARNAS XX. Noken has also been sold
(Windy Hapsari, S.Sos., M. Si/ A Senior
expensive noken in its class. Orchid noken
Cultural Administrator at the Regional
with the size of a notebook is sold for around IDR 1,000,000. This type of Noken is more complicated to process and the raw material in the form of yellow forest orchids is increasingly difficult to obtain.
The cooperation of all party indispensable for maintaining the status of noken as a UNESCO’s intangible cultural heritage, by
Actually, there has been a Noken Museum which was inaugurated on April 10, 2013 in Jayapura City. However, the museum has not functioned optimally as a means of information and education, as well as the protection and utilization of this Papuan icon. In fact, a museum can also be a pleasant tourist destination for tourists from outside Papua.
Office for Cultural Values Preservation in Papua Province, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology )
providing the availability of raw materials for noken. Natural raw materials are
Although it is sold more expensive than
starting to decrease, partly because of
factory thread noken, natural fiber noken
forest clearing and land expansion for
is still interesting and has its own fans.
settlements and other land use interests.
Various efforts continue to be done by
To overcome this, it is necessary to
A Mama makes noken Bortolomeus Abdi W. - https://www.shutterstock.com/g/abdiwidyatama
VOL. VOL. 14, 14, 2022 2022 INDONESIANA INDONESIANA 15 15
Be proud of
Live the Value I
ndonesia should be proud after
the Representative List of the Intangible
moves and style that are
some of its natural and cultural
Cultural Heritage of Humanity. These
passed down from generation
property was recognized as a
two important moments have become
to generation. West Sumatra
world heritage by UNESCO, including
a source of pride for the people of
with its Minangkabau ethnicity has a
the Ombilin Coal Mining Heritage
West Sumatra in particular, because
historical record as a source of inspiration
of Sawahlunto (OCMHS) which was
the cultural heritages are located and
for the Indonesian people. Minangkabau
inscribed on World Heritage List
originate from West Sumatra.
Silat or silek has also become an
(Culture Category) on June 6, 2019 in Azervaijan. Six months later, in Bogota, Colombia, on December 12, 2019, UNESCO inscribed one of element of Indonesia intangible cultural Heritage, namely Traditions of Pencak Silat on
16 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022 16 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
This West Sumatra’s pride is reasonable. As we know, pencak silat is a tradition of Indonesian that originated from West Sumatra and West Java, then it has grown to spread all across Indonesia with each region having its own characteristic of
Indonesian Intangible Cultural Heritage List (ICH List) and is registered in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology with registration number 201400096. After growing nationally, pencak silat as a form of martial art has
From Indonesia, pencak silat is now one of the world’s types of martial arts Taufik Imran - https://www.shutterstock. com/g/taufik-imran
The Minangkabau society knows silat/
birth, aqeeqa (the Islamic sharia of the
silek in various activities. If silat is
sacrifice of one or two sacrificial animal
to dozens of
associated with the various movements
on the occasion of a child’s birth), khatna
countries in the
with their various moves are performed
(circumcision), marriage, and death. All
in the arena, then silat in this context is
of them use the skills of bersilat lidah in
called pancak/pencak, or bapancak which
doing them.
even spread
world. UNESCO recognizes that pencak silat has
means doing pencak silat movements.
an identity and
Meanwhile, bersilat in the context of
nation unifier
that contain the
speaking skills or bersilat lidah, the
values of friendship, mutual respect, and
Minangkabau people apply it in the form
social cohesion campaigns. Not only does
of basurah adaik (writing traditional
pencak silat teaches us techniques to deal
cases) and pasambahan speeches
with attacks, but it also teaches us to hold
(traditional speeches) which are used
in various activities and life cycles of the Minangkabau society starting from
Silat as an activity of various movements and games, whether it is a martial art or a folk sparring that grows and lives and develops in Minangkabau society is used in order to maintain sovereignty and dignity. If in a silat game a person cannot fend off and dodge his opponent’s attack, then in the Minangkabau language it is
VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 17 VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 17
known as buluih (who lost in silek match)
Cultural Heritage of Humanity, what can
Sumatra in order to preserve traditional
which causes those who are buluih not to
we do afterward? Is it just a matter of
silat in the midst of society’s lives. Before
dare to go back to the arena in the sense
pride that will be told to the children and
being named GSB, the activity related to
that they have lost in everything. Usually
grandchildren in the future? We need to
appreciation of Minangkabau traditional
the surau (a place to pray) becomes their
think about those questions and reflect
silat was called the Minangkabau
place for self-introspection and correcting
on them because they happen and can
Traditional Silat Festival (FSTM) which
their mistakes.
be seen with the naked eye. Buildings
was held in Padang in 1981. In 1984
marked with cultural heritage signs are
and onwards, the name was replace
protected by law are just a label. The
by Gelanggang Silih Berganti through a
follow-up to world heritage labelling is
decision issued by Indonesian Pencak
very less, if it can’t be said that there is
Silat Association (IPSI) of West Sumatra
none. It also happens to pencak silat, to
Number 074-BX / PENGDA /1984 until
what extent the values of intangibles
In addition, the silat maestros have also a view that the performance, done by silat as a form of martial arts game, is a series of movements that are displayed with the patterns they set in which there is a charge of society’s cultural values, meaning that in every silat movement, the cultural values have a relationship between the physical readiness (silat movement) and the inner (spirituality) of a cultural community group in keeping and maintaining self-respect and honor.
After being listed in UNESCO, then…. When pencak silat has been inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible
18 INDONESIANA INDONESIANA VOL. VOL. 14, 14, 2022 2022 18
internalize and they can be preserved. Several efforts have been made by the government through various activities, but it should be remembered that the values in it should not be neglected.
Silek Art Festival (SAF) is a program that is held under the Indonesiana Platform initiated by Directorate General of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. This
Gelanggang Silih Berganti or GSB (The
program aims to elevate self-identity and
arena of taking turns) is an activity
explore existing values that are stored
initiated by the local government of West
and used as a formulation of knowledge
Sumatra and carried out alternately
and understanding of Minangkabau
in various cities and districts in West
ancestors. This SAF activity has been
started since 2018 involving 8 Regencies-
Jambak Ba Tujuh in Kuranji, Caniago
because Kubu Gadang has become a
Cities in West Sumatra Province. The
Korong Gadang, the Koto Ba Tujuh Tribe
popular tourist village with many visitors,
first SAF was opened in Padang City
in Pasa Ambacang, and the Tapian for
silek lanyah is currently performed not
by presenting a series of activities and
the Sikumbang Tribe in Anduriang, and
only during the harvest season, but
culture related to silek. During the series
then, the tapian for Malayu tribe in Lubuk
also during a special moment which is
of SAF activities, seminars related to
Lintah, Tanjuang tribes in Ampang, Koto
provided by activists of tourist village.
silek and screening of art films related
Baduo in Kalumbuk, Jambak Baduo in
to silek were also held. The event was
Gunung Sarik and Guci in Sapih River. It is
closed in Bukittinggi City by performing a
also the same in Pauh V which consists of
silek-based dance by Nan Jombang Dance
five tribes and five tapian.
With the existence of several programs and activities pioneered and initiated by the government and the society, it is hoped that pencak silat as UNSCO ICH List
Silek lanyah appearance in the tourist
which originated from the West Sumatra
Maurak Balabek in Pauh V and Pauh IX,
village of Kubu Gadang is usually held
silek can become a cultural heritage
Padang City is a cultural event carried
after rice-harvesting season. Every
that is not only for romanticization but
out by the Pauh society in raising Tuo
movement that is demonstrated in silek
more than that, as a sustainable cultural
Tapian (Silat Elders) on 14 tapians or
lanyah is derived from the silat movement
practice. Many efforts have been done as
silek colleges around Pauh V and Pauh
in Minangkabau. Silek lanyah usually
a form of commitment to development
IX. This activity is routinely held by the
begins when plowing the fields after the
and preservation, so that concerns
Pauh society in order to maintain the
harvest is over. This silek lanyah action is
about the loss of values and messages
silek existence and pencak silat. Tuo
performed by young people in the local
contained in pencak silat may be avoided.
Tapian is the leader of the tapian whose
village who care about local wisdom.
job is to lead the tapian as a support for
Although it looks simply, the challenge
Ninik Mamak Bajinih’s duties in each of
of bersilat in the puddle field is certainly
the tapian tribes. Those tapian are the
very difficult and heavy. However,
(Bahren, S.S., M.A/Lecturer of Minangkabau Literature, Andalas University)
One of the silat performances performed in Bukittinggi Taufik Imran - https://www.shutterstock.com/g/taufik-imran
VOL. 14, 14, 2022 2022 INDONESIANA INDONESIANA 19 19 VOL.
do not Doubt Authority of Panrita Lopi
e careful when you return to
of a boat is like the process of human
of the hope that expects the boat will be
your hometown, our ancestors
creation. The series of boat materials
as strong as steel, while the palului that
were sailors, not racers.” This
are closely attached to the anatomical
has been wrapped in cloth is symbolized
joke inserts a historical narrative that
system of the human body. Starting
as sperm. Palului seeds are planted on
our ancestors lived in maritime culture.
from the initial process of boatbuilding
the connection of boat keels, following
The sea became a place to to make a
until it is launched into the sea. The
the footsteps of the process of human
living and a place to build their identity.
keel is identical to the main skeleton of
creation. The process of building the boat
They knew very well how to adapt to
the human body as a strong spine that
is done under the command of panrita
climate changes at sea, and would not
supports the body. The length of the keel
get lost by relying on the navigation
is based on the size of the hand span
of constellations. To conquer the sea
or the foot span of the panrita lopi (ship
requires guts, courage, perseverance,
builder maestro). Calculating the length
tenacity, and patience because the wide
of the keel uses a special method to
sea is full of threats such as hurricanes,
determine the strong ‘chemistry’ between
storms, waves, sea animals, and sea
a boat and its owner, including in terms
corals that can destabilize the boat’s
of luck in sailing.
steering wheel.
and dexterity in forming the material, but also traditional knowledge and sense in building it. This knowledge is knowledge that is inherited from generation to generation in the boat builder communities in Lemo-Lemo
The keel piece is divided into 3, 4, or 5
(Tanah Beru), Ara, and Bira, South
Sailing boats are not simply formed
parts which are called tatta. The front part
Sulawesi. The transmitted knowledge is
by putting together wooden planks
of the keel piece
not just knowledge learned at school,
like a puzzle. It takes local knowledge
as a man
inherited by ancestors from generation
is symbolized (husband). the keel on
to generation. The production of local
the back is
knowledge is very philosophical, full of
symbolized as a
meaning, and is wrapped with rituals
woman (wife). At the
as a reinforcement of community
meeting of the front and
belief in the process of
rear keel pieces, a palului is
boatbuilding. Building
inserted which contains kapasa’ rurung-rurung (stranded cotton),
20 INDONESIANA INDONESIANA VOL. VOL. 14, 14, 2022 2022 20
but there is an intake of the science of sufism related to human self-knowledge. It uses not only logical mathematical calculations in measuring boat materials, but also measurements which are attached to human. For example, one segment, a span, one elbow, and six feet. All these processes are carried out traditionally, using local knowledge
needles/steel, coconut slices, brown
without modern measuring tools.
sugar slices, and rice crust. All of these
The calculation of the architectural
materials are wrapped in white cloth
framework of the boat carried out by
and tied with threads. These materials
panrita lopi is very balanced. The way
contained in the palului become the hope
of measuring the balance refers to the
and motivation for the sustainability of
framework of the human body that is
the boat when sailing at sea. The piece of
very balanced between the left and right.
steel (needle), for example, is a symbol
The boat’s architectural design which is
The science of making boats is a science inherited from generation to generation Husnul Fahimah Ilyas
In building a boat, it takes not only skills
philosophically depicted in panrita lopi’s mind is not depicted in detail on paper. This is the great skills of the boat builders’ knowledge, so UNESCO recognized it
Pinisi making in Bulukumba Bastian AS - https://www.shutterstock. com/id/g/BastianAS
as an Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2017 “Pinisi, Art of Boatbuilding in South Sulawesi.”
Pinisi Preservation After Pinisi is inscribed at UNESCO, what is the next step? The Bulukumba Regency Government issued a Regional Regulation on the Preservation of the Pinisi Boat Number: 2 of 2019. The regulation is intended to safeguard, to preserve, and to conserve the pinisi boat; as well as the preservation and development of the Pinisi boat which is a culture and identity as a symbol of pride for the local community.The objectives of the regional regulation are to 1) increase public awareness of the conservation of pinisi boats; 2) increase concern, awareness, and role of the community towards the preservation of pinisi boats; 3) awaken motivation, enrich inspiration, and expanding the repertoire for the community in preserving pinisi boats; and 4) develop pinisi boats to strengthen national cultural identity and regional characteristics of the province of South Sulawesi. Since 2018, Bulukumba has been accelerating actions towards the development of the pinisi business, including the pinisi festival activities. The government and the community collaborate in the activities of songkabala ri bantilang and anyyorong lopi as a sequence of building pinisi boats. Songkabala ri bantilang is a ritual
VOL. 14, 14, 2022 2022 INDONESIANA INDONESIANA 21 21 VOL.
A pinisi maker and a pinisi he is working on Ichmunandar - https://www.shutterstock.com/id/g/ichmunandar
performed in a location where the boat
The people’s attention is focused on the
between the central government,
is made (bantilang), and it is believed
building of pinisi that returns to nature,
provincial governments, local
that the ritual will resist disasters and all
namely pinisi with traditional concepts,
governments, society, communities, and
forms of tragedy. Meanwhile, anyyorong
starting from the pre-production process
non-governmental institutions related
lopi is a ritual of pushing a boat to be
called songkabala ri bantilang then wood
to the sustainability of pinisi boats. The
drifted into the sea.
selection, logging, and traditional boat
existence and fate of the pinisi now
ing. This is different from conventional
and in the future become a communal
pinisi which uses engine as the main
responsibility. There are a number
source of power. The traditional pinisi is
of programs that urgently need to be
made by using sails as the main source
carried out together.
Another effort is dissemination of implementation of character education learning which internalizes the local cultural values of the pinisi boat since 2018, referring to character education learning at the elementary school level. However, this has not been done optimally in all schools. Next, advancement efforts through the development and protection of regional culture are a strategy to maintain people’s culture in today’s globalization.
of power which will be launched in the anyyorong lopi process. The traditional process of building this boat becomes a unique means of tourism and is expected to become a distinctive attraction for tourists. This on-going program is driven by the Endangered Material Knowledge Program (EMKP).
The first is realizing the creation of a living museum around the construction site of traditional boats in Tanah Beru or Ara. The concept of the museum, first is as a gathering point to obtain information about traditional boat building, digital documentation, and a place to store collections of equipment and examples
The activity is a dialogue about pinisi and
Pinisi conservation efforts must be
of materials used in boat building. The
maritime culture.
carried out collaboratively and in synergy
second concept is that the museum is
22 22 INDONESIANA INDONESIANA VOL. VOL. 14, 14, 2022 2022
as a place of education, and visitors can
and the trees that are cut down as
of boat craftsmen is also constrained
see directly the building of boats in the
material are trees that grow naturally.
by administrative matters, such as the
batilang (shipyards) around the museum.
At some point in the future, there will
obligation to make a grand plan of boat
be a period of scarcity or extinction of
drawings that will be used for processing
trees that are used as boat materials,
ship documents. Even though building a
such as sappanwood (Biancaea sappan
traditional boat does not have a pattern
L.Tod.) which was formerly used as boat
or image that is drawn into paper. The
pegs. Sappanwood is now replaced
concept of the boat image is recorded in
The second program is making the place of traditional boat building a safe, comfortable, and attractive tourist destination so that it can increase regional income and develop the people’s economy. To achieve this goal, spatial planning and cleanliness of the tourist environment is needed. So far, visitors have made bad record regarding
with kandole wood (Diploknema
the memory of the panrita lopi, including
oligomera). Therefore, the society and
the concept of safety and balance of
the government need to carry out
the boat which is analogous to human
organs. Do not doubt the scientific capacity and authority of the panrita lopi
cleanliness, garbage is scattered on the
Fourth, reviewing the harbour master
seaside around bantilang. This is very
rules after getting a pacak (a letter of
important considering that the bantilang
recommendation for ship ownership
tourist destination which is mainly in
from the district). The continuity of
Bontobahari District is one of the highest
building pinisi boats until now is still
sources of Original Local Government
going on, and the knowledge on how to
(Husnul Fahimah Ilyas/Center for Research
Revenue. Naturally, this district receives
build boats is also is also inherited with
on Manuscripts, Literature, and Oral
special attention on waste management.
traditional and oral inheritance patterns.
Traditions, BRIN)
Third, planting trees as the main material in boat building. The production of boat building is still ongoing until now
who use pakkasia’ (sense) and logic in creating boats that are ready to sail into the ocean wilderness. Let’s respect the panrita lopi.
The flow of modern technological development (the use of machines) that accelerates the production of building pinisi boats is inevitable. The society
VOL. VOL. 14, 14, 2022 2022 INDONESIANA INDONESIANA 23 23
Nathania Karina, the first female conductor at the Gita Bahana Nusantara 2022 performance who performed twice and orchestrated 17 songs Working Group for Development
Gita Bahana Nusantara
Guardians of Unity in Diversity
very celebration of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia at the State Palace,
all eyes are on the appearance of the
Your presence is always awaited, Blaring your melodious voice, Presenting various songs, That is my country’s Gita Bahana Nusantara. Looking brave and cheerful, Representatives of selected children throughout the archipelago Wearing costumes in Unity in Diversity, Protecting the dignity of Indonesia.
Every seventeenth of August, Your appearance is remarkably excellent, All eyes fixed and focused, Gita Bahana Nusantara always appears anesthetizing.
nation’s best sons and daughters who also colour the course of the ceremony. All television stations as well as social media compete to raise the event which takes place solemnly led by the Head of State, the President of the Republic of Indonesia. The seconds of
Similar to Paskibraka (heirloom flagraising troops), All eyes are on it, Carrying the heirloom flag, Nothing compares to Gita Bahana Nusantara.
raising the flag become the awaited focus; selected young people from 34 provinces appeared valiant. In addition, there is a presidential speech that contains the direction of national policy for the next year. After that, young people in colourful costumes from all over the country perform songs of encouragement, expressions of love for
24 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
Appear to entertain the country Working Group for Development
the country, nationalism, and a medley
meaning, Gita Bahana Nusantara consists
and oneness within the framework of
of the archipelago, which is arranged and
of three words rooted in Indonesian
Unity in Diversity. This directive was then
sung in a neat, compact, and enthusiastic
culture. Gita comes from Sanskrit which
carried out by the Minister of Culture
manner. That is Gita Bahana Nusantara
means a chant or a song. Bahana is an
and Tourism I Gde Ardika and Prof.
(GBN), the orchestra and choir prepared
echo, sound, boisterous voice, while
Dr. Sri Hastanto as Director General
by the Directorate General of Culture,
Nusantara is the term for the Indonesian
of Cultural Values, Arts and Film. In
Ministry of Education, Culture, Research
archipelago. Gita Bahana Nusantara can
2002, President Megawati’s ideas were
and Technology.
literally be interpreted as a blaring song
finalized and the typical Indonesian
from all over Indonesia.
Choir and Orchestra was formed and the
History of GBN
technical implementation of the GBN was
Gita Bahana Nusantara (GBN) is a joint
The formation of the GBN started from
performance of an orchestra and vocalist
the ideas of the 5th president of the
consisting of the best young musicians
Republic of Indonesia (serving 2001-
The Directorate of Arts, which was
and vocalists selected through rigorous
2004), Megawati Soekarnoputri who
then led by Surya Yuga, became the
auditions from all provinces in Indonesia.
wanted the appearance of a national
technical executor of the activity. With his
They are the best Indonesian children
choir and orchestra, a combination of
coordination, the GBN implementation
who have academic abilities, musicality
the young generation of the country so
began, starting with auditions for
techniques above average and the
that a sense of nationalism, patriotism,
participants in both the choir and
ability to read notation (prima vista) from
love for the homeland grew and this
orchestra, training camps, inaugural
all provinces in Indonesia. In terms of
formation could foster a sense of unity
titles, and performances in the State
VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 25
Gita Bahana Nusantara takes a group photo after the Flag-Raising Ceremony is over Working Group for Development
Archipelago before the commemoration of Indonesia’s Independence Day Jessika Nadya Ogesveltry Just before the Gita Bahana Nusantara 2022 performance Jessika Nadya Ogesveltry
of the Republic of Indonesia speech
Amplifier for National Identity
basis for guidance and
at the Plenary Session of the DPR/
The vision that underlies the birth of GBN
requirements for GBN
MPR. At its peak, they appeared on the
is to strengthen national identity and
commemoration of the independence
character, the ideals to grow a sense of
of the Republic of Indonesia. From 2003
nationality, respecting differences, and
to 2011, GBN was facilitated by the
fostering a sense of togetherness among
Ministry of Culture and Tourism and
the younger generation through a high-
received full support from President
quality national choir and orchestra.
Megawati and her successor, Susilo
This is all based on the high enthusiasm
Bambang Yudhoyono. The change in the
and motivation of selected children
nomenclature of the ministry in charge
from 34 provinces who have high ability
of culture made the 2011-2014 GBN
and creativity in the fields of music
be handled by the Ministry of Tourism
and art, especially vocal. Since 2005, in
and Creative Economy, specifically the
line with the vision and mission of the
Directorate General of Cultural Arts-
Ministry of Education and Culture of the
Based Creative Economy. In 2015, the
Republic of Indonesia, the strengthening
implementation of GBN was handed
of character and identity among the
over to the Ministry of Education and
younger generation has continued to
culture and supervised by the Directorate
be intensified. The values of character
General of Culture. This determination
education which include religiosity,
applies until now.
nationalism, independence, mutual cooperation, and integrity become the
26 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
Training Center, Candradimuka Crater An excellent, compact, confident and enthusiastic appearance is determined by thorough preparation, strong motivation to perform best, and maximum trust given to GBN participants. The training camp becomes Candradimuka Crater or a training center which is quite heavy and fun for the participants. During the two weeks leading up to August 17, participants are brought to Jakarta, together with trainers and resource persons, to practice per section or a combination of choir and orchestra. They also learn about the importance of discipline, tolerance, and
and Development” and a briefing on
the development of national awareness
“Tolerance and National Insight”. The
in Indonesia. The GBN alumni’s network
committee of the Directorate General
can also act as a vehicle to motivate
of Culture and Music Corps of the
young people to develop their vocal and
Indonesian National Police guide them to
musical abilities to the fullest in their
make optimal preparations. Meanwhile,
respective regions.
the trainers consist of teachers from well-known music schools in this country and practitioners. One of them is a wellknown music teacher, Purwacaraka, who is also involved in composing songs and as a resource person.
Looks different The appearance of GBN in 2022 is a special gift. After two years of appearing online due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, now they will perform live on the field. There is
Equivalent to Paskibraka
a passion and a sense of nostalgia to
The existence of the GBN is like
gather, share stories and mingle together
the heirloom flag-raising troops
for one purpose: to perform an heirloom
(PASKIBRAKA); they are the best children
song at the State Palace.
in this country who are recruited through stages starting from the selection at the school level at the districts, regencies, provinces and the best two represent 34 provinces. Their training period is longer. Usually one month before August 17, a centralization is held under the command of the Garrison, KOGARTAP and the Presidential Security Forces (PASPAMPRES) at the PPPON Cibubur Field, East Jakarta. Their kinship bond is very strong during the training camp. living together for the same goal, which is
They feel that they share the same fate
to perform perfectly in the palace.
in carrying out the task of the state which is not easy. Therefore, Paskibra alumni
Gathering young people aged 16-23
bond is very strong and compact; their
years with high musicality technique,
network has a positive impact on the
Gita Bahana Nusantara consists of two
future of the ex-PASKIBRAKA participants.
teams, namely the choir team and the
GBN participants in 2022 are the results of auditions in 2019 (before the pandemic). They were tested in joy and sorrow when they performed at the August 17, 2020 and 2021 ceremonies when COVID-19 hit this country. With all their limitations, they performed online from their respective homes by being recorded so that they appeared to be separated in boxes as a result of the editing of the recording. It may be less interesting and seem monotonous, but actually it is the result of creativity in responding to all obstacles in order to present extraordinary works. A total of 206 young people perform together in GBN with the same spirit and motivation, voicing songs with nuances of struggle,
orchestra team. The choir team consists
The same expectation also happens to
nationalism and patriotism within the
of 136 boys/girls auditioned from 34
former Gita Bahana Nusantara alumni.
framework of Unity in Diversity. That is
provinces, while the orchestra team
Even though their alumni bond is not
consists of 66 teenagers/students from
very strong at this time, in the future
all over Indonesia. In addition to the
the bond will be even stronger thanks
preparation of musical performances,
to the joint activities carried out after
during the practice in Cibubur, they are
undergoing GBN training. The solidity of
also given a briefing on “Self-Motivation
GBN alumni will have a positive impact on
(Yayuk Sri Budi R./ Coordinator for Cultural Development Working Group of Directorate of Cultural Development and Utilization)
VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 27
Muhibah Budaya Jalur Rempah
28 28 INDONESIANA INDONESIANA VOL. VOL. 14, 14, 2022 2022
Trace the Road of the Past, Explore the Spices of the Future
Dewa Ruci moves across Banda Naira Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
The activity, entitled Muhibah Budaya
This Spice Route trail activity was carried
enthusiasm are radiated from
Jalur Rempah, is an activity initiated by
out at six knot points of Spice Route ,
the faces of the Laskar Rempah
the Directorate of Development and
namely Surabaya, Makassar, Baubau and
which number 147 people and come
Utilization, Directorate General of Culture,
Buton, Ternate and Tidore, Banda Naira,
from 34 provinces. That happiness never
Ministry of Education, Culture, Research,
Kupang, and ends back in Surabaya.
and Technology in collaboration with the
Participants were divided into four
Indonesian Navy, local governments, and
routes, namely the Surabaya – Makassar
local communities located at every knot
route which was successfully traversed
point of the archipelago’s Spice Route
by the Lada batch, the Makassar –
. This activity will originally be held last
Baubau and Buton – Ternate and Tidore
using the legendary ship, KRI Dewaruci,
year, but due to the pandemic conditions
route which had been explored by the
from the point of departure to the time of
at that time, this activity can only be
Clove batch, the Ternate and Tidore –
landing at the destination.
carried out in 2022.
Banda Naira – Kupang route which was
he expressions of joy and
from the faces of the participants of the activity of Muhibah Budaya Jalur Rempah who have sailed for
32 days from June 1 to July 1, 2022
VOL. VOL. 14, 14, 2022 2022 INDONESIANA INDONESIANA 29 29
KRI Dewaruci is anchoring in the Madura Strait Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
Jejer Gandrung dance in the release of KRI Dewaruci Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
Acknowledgement from the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology during the release of KRI Dewaruci at the Madura Pier Koarmada II, Surabaya Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
Gandrang Bulo dance, a unique dance from South Sulawesi which is a form of the artists’ struggle during the colonial era Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
explored by the Nutmeg batch, and the last route, namely Kupang – Surabaya and Mojokerto, which was tested by the Sandalwood batch. The naming of the batch refered to the uniqueness of the spice type at each knot point that was passed by and the uniqueness of the spice type from each point was marked by the planting of spice tree seeds at each point as a symbol of the presence of the Laskar Rempah as well as in harmony with the concept of sustainable living.
Knot Points of Spice Route The first and last knot points in the series of Muhibah Budaya Jalur Rempah activity in 2022 were Surabaya and Mojokerto. Apart from being the base of KRI Dewaruci, Surabaya in the past had a role as an economic supporter, especially during the Majapahit era. Therefore, this knot point was attached directly to the City of Mojokerto as an interesting unitary knot for the Laskar Rempah to explore. The trail started from Kalimas Harbor, Syahbandar Tower, and Customs
Market, exploration of spice trading centers in the Surabaya area continued to the center of the Majapahit kingdom in Trowulan District, Mojokerto as one of the largest archaeological site areas and to the school of the first president of Indonesia, Soekarno. In the city of Makassar, there are sites and museums for storing Archipelago’s cultural works, such as the Phinisi ship and the La Galigo manuscript which are designated by UNESCO as intangible cultural heritages and
The knot points of Baubau city and
as a memory of the world. In addition,
Buton regency on Buton Island become
the Laskar Rempah visited the site and
significant because they are mentioned in
museum of the Sumba Opu Fort, Karaeng
Mpu Prapanca’s Negarakertagama book
Pattingaloang Museum, Rotterdam
(1365 AD), namely; Butuni. This island is
Fort, La Galigo Museum, Makassar City
a ‘Zone of Connector’ and as a ‘Trader
Museum, and the Raja Tallo Dining
of Agency’ between the spice center in
Complex. Next, the Troops visited and
Eastern Indonesia and the center of the
discussed at the Balla Lompoa Museum
spice processing industry in western
in Gowa Regency, which was suspected
Indonesia. The Laskar Rempah then
to be the former palace of the Gowa
visited Wolio Fort in the former Buton
Kingdom as an important point for Karaeng Pattingaloang’s character.
30 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
Reog in the release of KRI Dewaruci Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
Sultanate. In addition, the Laskar Rempah
village. While in Tidore, Laskar
also visited Bung Hatta’s house, Tjipto
Rempah visited Kedaton Kie
Mangoenkoesoemo’s house, and Iwa
(the palace of the Sultan of
Kusumo Sumantri’s house, the former
Tidore), Fort Torre, and Fort
residence of several national figures who
had been exiled to Banda.
The easternmost point is
The Muhibah Budaya Jalur Rempah is
Banda Naira which is located in
also a moment of realizing a historic
the Banda islands. The Banda
visit through the Baku Dapa Basudara
Islands were known as the only
Wandan event (the Meeting of Wandan
nutmeg and mace producing
Brothers) which for the first time in
area until the 18th century.
401 years, since their ancestors were
This island is referred to in
expelled from Banda by the VOC, return
the Negarakertagama book as
to Banda land. Basudara Wandan is the
Wandan and is considered to
descendant of Banda who now live in the
be included in the territory of
Kei Islands called Banda Eli/Ely and Banda
were also invited to get to know more
the Majapahit Kingdom and during the
Elat. During the colonial period, their
about the life of the Bajo tribe in Wabula
colonial period it had become a prima
ancestors survived the VOC massacre
donna among European nations so that
because they refused the monopoly of
in 1667, the British exchanged Run island
nutmeg and spice trade there.
The knot points of Ternate and Tidore
with Manhattan island, New York.
are reminiscent of the four old Moluccan
The last point, namely Kupang, is an area
sultanates, namely, Ternate, Tidore,
Traces of spices on the island of Banda
famous for sandalwood, an endemic
Bacan, and Jailolo called Moluku Kie Raha.
were traced by Laskar Rempah in
plant in East Nusa Tenggara and its
In Ternate, Laskar Rempah visited Kastella
several locations such as Belgica Fort,
quality smells good to India, China, Saudi
Fort, Oranje Fort, Ternate Sultan’s
Kampung Baru Old Mosque, Nassau
Arabia, and Europe. At this point, the
Kedaton, and Clove Plantation in Tubo
Fort, and Mini Palace. In addition, they
troops stopped by in Kupang and had
VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 31
the opportunity to visit and see directly
about sail roles which included how
and discuss at the sandalwood garden
to billow and use a sail became
in Nitneo village. In addition to getting to
relevant to be given to participants. In
know the sandalwood plant more closely,
addition, participants were also given
Laskar Rempah were also given education
an introduction to navigation, namely
about weaving.
two ways in determining the navigation
Learning Maritime Culture on the Dewaruci Ship “My ancestors are sailors” That is roughly the spirit in the Muhibah Budaya Jalur Rempah activity which in each batch sails on average for 2-5
a way to determine the position of ships inherited from their ancestors. The other material was the knowledge of reading a star chart (a map of constellations) to determine a position of a ship.
days. While sailing, participants were
What is interesting was that when the
given maritime material and basic
ship crossed the equator, namely on the
safety training provided by the crew
Baubau - Ternate route and the Tidore
of KRI Dewaruci, a ship owned by the
- Banda route, KRI Dewaruci carried
Indonesian Navy which is still actively
out the Equatorial Bathing Tradition.
using sails during the voyage. The use of
This equatorial bathing tradition was
the sails is similar to the experience of
mandatory for all ship occupants,
earlier sailors who used traditional ships
including the Laskar Rempah. By the time
whose pushing power relied on wind
KRI Dewaruci crossed the equator, all the
crew and the Laskar Rempah gathered
Therefore, the material
position through GPS or constellations,
32 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
on the deck. Some of the ship’s crew played the role of Neptune (god of the seas), Amfirite (wife of Neptune), Davy
Jones (religious messenger of Neptune), and retainers (loyal follower of Davy Jones). Next, one of the ship’s crew guided the participants to contemplate and proceed to face Neptune one by one. Neptune then watered each participant with flower water which was given a Dewaruci’s special mixture. After bathing, participants were given a specially formulated herbal concoction. At the end of the event, the participants took a group photo and were given a certificate which marked them having taken an equatorial bath. According to Sugeng Hariyanto, this equatorial bathing tradition is also still carried out when crossing the equator in foreign territories. Another important moment experienced by the participants while sailing was the flower-sowing procession in the Bali Sea in memory of KRI Nanggala 402 which sank a year ago. This procession lasted about 30 minutes. All the crew and Laskar Rempah one by one sowed flowers into
Soya-soya dance that is watched by school children Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
the waters of Bali. When the procession took place, all crew members wore white Indonesian Navy uniforms, while the Laskar Rempah wore the typical clothes of their respective regions. Nabila Putri Delinda, a Laskar Rempah of East Java Province, felt very lucky to be able to join the procession. According to Nabila, although they did not know the victims one by one, at least they could represent the Indonesian Laskar Rempah and paid their last respects and wished the best for KRI Nanggala 402.
Spice Route as Part of World Civilization The Muhibah Budaya Jalur Rempah activity is just one of the efforts of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology to propose the Spice Route to UNESCO as one of the cultural heritages. The Spice Route is not just a spice trade road from the archipelago to the world trade market. The road that was created in the past has left various
cultural traces such as the creation of forts, various kinds of food, medicine, cosmetics, up to works of art. Traces
Acknowledgement from the Director General of Culture of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Hilmar Farid - Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
of this spice artefact are also found in classical world civilizations, such as Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, India, and China. The Director General of Culture, Hilmar Farid, stated that the spices of the archipelago had an important role and became the main commodity that was able to influence political, economic, and socio-cultural conditions on a global scale. Director General of Culture of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Hilmar Farid said, “The Spice Route is not only a spice trade, but also a cultural exchange. We hope that the Laskar Rempah can revive cultural exchanges and associations as happened thousands of years ago through the Spice Route ”. (Anny Veradiani/ A Senior Cultural Administrator of Directorate of Cultural Development and Utilization)
Sekar Mojo Dance by Students of Mojokerto State Junior High School – Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 33
Hilmar Farid, Director General of Culture and Coordinator of the G20 Culture Ministers Meeting through a talk “Kebudayaan untuk Bumi Lestari” with Maudy Ayunda Documentation of the Directorate General of Culture
Cultural Sector, Key to Global Economic Recovery I
34 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
Five Major Issues There are five main issues raised in the G20 Culture Ministers Meeting. First, regarding the role of culture as an enabler and driver of sustainable living. What is the role of art and culture in the transition from the Old Normal to the New Normal that can encourage more sustainable lifestyles? Questions about the best reasons to invest in the culture and arts sector will also be discussed. Second, regarding the economic, environmental and social impacts of culture-based policies. What can encourage heads of state and government, ministers of finance, economy, education and culture, as well as business leaders and financial investors, and local authorities to pursue policies directed towards more
Sira tracer, Karo Documentation of the Directorate General of Culture
sustainable lifestyles based on cultural resources? In addition, what economic, environmental and social benefits can lead them to apply new and more innovative approaches and invest more in the arts and culture sector? Third, about cultural commoning or joint management of cultural resources that promote sustainable lifestyles at the local level. Cultural communication or collective participation in the management of cultural resources is
Wor Fannaggi, Biak Documentation of the Directorate General of Culture
increasingly being seen as the key to promote endogenously sustainable lifestyles. What can be learned from
countries and/or regions that have he Indonesian government is
(1) to build global consensus for a more
provided breakthroughs in this practice?
the host of the G20 Culture
sustainable new normal and (2) to initiate
What can be learned from the best
Ministers Meeting or the Culture
a global recovery agenda through the
practices in countries with different levels
Ministry Forum which will be held in the
establishment of the Global Arts and
of development?
Borobudur Temple area, Central Java,
Culture Recovery Fund. The purpose is an
on 12-13 September 2022. This forum
agreement among G20 countries on an
is designed with the aim of promoting a
integrated strategy to restore the global
global recovery agenda based on cultural
economy through recovery priorities for
potentials. Its two main objectives are
the cultural sector.
Fourth, regarding the challenge of realizing a fair access to cultural economic benefits. What is the best alternative for deepening future
VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 35
Appapole Ritual, Makassar Documentation of the Directorate General of Culture
to the economies of every country in 2020 (a drop of more than 12% during the 2008 Financial Crisis). This impact is felt in every cultural subsector: 13% of museums worldwide are permanently closed due to the pandemic in 2020 (27% in Asia), revenues from the music sector in Germany fell by 75% in 2020, the average lost income experienced by every artist in the US reached USD 21,500 in 2020, as well as for other cultural subsectors. The existence of a global funding scheme for culture has proven to be effective in encouraging an appreciation
collaboration between member countries
pioneer global gotong royong (working
and the global community to achieve a
together) to restore the cultural sector
fair and balanced distribution of cultural
that can play a role as a driver of a more
economy through effective support for
sustainable world’s economic recovery.
the production and distribution of local
This gotong royong is realized through
content and talent? How can technology,
the establishment of the Global Arts
and the benefits of modernization, be
and Culture Recovery Fund.
used to open up equal opportunities for
This proposal is based on
the growth of the cultural economy and
consideration of the severity of
ensure fair appreciation for creators and
the impact of the pandemic on
artists affected by the pandemic?
the cultural sector.
Finally, about the form of international
The COVID-19 pandemic has had
resource mobilization needed to
a severe impact on the cultural
mainstream sustainable recovery. What
economy sector. According to
challenges must be overcome in the
a recent UNESCO report, 750
mobilization and allocation of domestic
billion USD of the economic
and international resources to achieve a
contribution of the global culture
more sustainable lifestyle? What forms
industry sector disappeared in
and mechanisms should be taken in the
2020 (equivalent to Thailand’s
resource mobilization strategy in order
total GDP in 2019), more than 10
to accelerate the recovery of the cultural
million jobs in the global culture
sector affected by the pandemic?
industry sector disappeared in
Global Recovery Fund for the Cultural Sector To be able to answer these five issues, the G20 Culture Ministers Meeting will
of cultural diversity and the cultural economy that grows on this foundation. One of the examples is the International
2020 (approximately 80 % of the jobs lost were in big cities), and there was a 21% decline in the economic contribution of the global culture industry sector Seba’ Baduy, Banten - Documentation of the Directorate General of Culture
36 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) which is managed by UNESCO. Since 2010, this funding platform has successfully funded 105 projects in 54 developing countries with a value of US$7.5 million enabling structural change in the cultural and creative sectors by investing in projects that strengthen governance and public policy, vocational and entrepreneurship training, market access, and participation and inclusion.
The Nyobeng Sebujit Ritual by the Dayak Bidayuh Tribe Documentation of the Directorate General of Culture
The Indonesian Presidency commits to initiating the development of the Global Arts and Culture Recovery Fund (GACRF) by providing an initial funding of USD 1 million. This funding platform is expected to be a platform for restoring the cultural economy
sector, especially in developing and less
support not only for actors in developed
developed countries, which have been
countries, but also and especially for
severely affected by the pandemic, with
actors in developing countries. There
a focus on the community of artists and
will be no recovery of the global cultural
cultural workers working on projects to
economy if developed countries only
promote sustainable life. This platform
focus on restoring the cultural economy
is practices to create a
sector in their own countries. This is
sustainable New Normal.
where the global community can really
With GACRF, the global
benefit the gotong royong philosophy
arts and culture sector can
because the global cultural economy
recover more quickly and
forms an ecosystem in which each
again play a major role in
country plays an important role in the
encouraging the realization
movement of the entire supply chain of
of the ideals of sustainable
cultural products.
development. With the support of G20 member countries and UNESCO, it is expected that the GACRF can be launched on September 13, 2022, on the occasion of the G20 Culture Ministers Meeting.
Global Recovery Agenda The restoration of the arts and culture sector can
For this reason, GACRF is needed as a means to accelerate the process of recovering the cultural economy sector, especially in developing countries that have been severely affected by the pandemic. With this GACRF, the global arts and culture sector can recover more quickly and play a major role again in encouraging the realization of the ideals of sustainable development. (Martin Suryajaya, Indonesiana).
only be done if there is
VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 37
Debby Lukito
Ngakop Ikan is a tradition of catching fish by using both palms during the dry season, which is usually done by the Anak Dalam Tribe, Jambi Province
38 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
Debby Lukito The Rae Tafi indigenous people in West Papua Province have a tradition of Wuon Initiation. In this tradition, boys who enter the adult phase will be specially forged and educated for six months until a year to become responsible and independent men.
VOL.1414, 2022 INDONESIANA 39 VOL. 2022W
107 Aceh
19 West
48 North Sumatra
66 12 Riau Riau Island 50 Jambi
1 D.K.I Jakarta
6 South
13 Bengkulu
18 West Java
20 East Java
1 Banten,
West Java
49 West Sumatra I
40 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
33 Banten
2 D.I. Yogyakarta
5 Bali
2 East
2 North
1 West
4 North
11 Maluku
60 West Papua
247 Papua
28 South Sulawesi
1 Nusa Tenggara Timur 16 Nusa Tenggara Barat
Map of the Distribution of Customary Law Communities (Recorded at Directorate of Belief in the God Almighty and Customary Law Communities since June 2022) that can be accessed through webpage http://sidakerta. com
VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 41
performing arts
Pasinrilik Daeng Aco (75 years) Muhammad Mughiits
t turns out that people in rural South
adequate lighting in the style of modern
long-awaited full moon. The moment of
Sulawesi are secretly longing for the
its arrival is called pannyaleori or solace.
kesok-kesok rhythm. The proof is,
when the people of Labbakkang listen to the chanting of Sinrilik I Manakku Caddi-caddi by Arif Daeng Rate, various
framed in the memory of both the individual and the collective of Makassar
In some areas visited by the author, active pasinrilik are barely found (sinrilik artists).
society. Therefore, the sinrilik’s organic
According to the Makassar-Indonesian
stage has practically become a “recalling”
dictionary, sinrilik means prose-lyric.
space or as a stage for Makassar human
Meanwhile, according to Syarifuddin
memory. Indeed, the people of the
Daeng Tutu, sinrilik is a performance
society have not watched the sinrilik
that combines the art of speech and
performances for a long time, but
instruments called kesok-kesok. Akkesok
That occurrence recalls the memory of
once they are presented again, various
in Makassar language literally means
(late) Syarifuddin Daeng Tutu, the Sinrilik
memories of their past slowly emerge
swiping one object’s surface against
maestro from Gowa. Daeng Tutu once
and fill their minds.
another. In this context, kesok-kesok is
expressions suddenly appear. Some are solemnly silent; occasionally wiping away tears; some even hit the floor and cheer while listening to fragments of their flagship story.
said that the sinrilik stage is a medium of interaction between the pasinrilik (actors) and the audience so as to create a warm sense of togetherness. This stage is called an organic stage, namely is a stage that does not require loudspeakers or
In fact, sinrilik is a tradition that is neatly
42 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
Sinrilik and Makassar Human Sinrilik is a speech accompanied by kerek-
a musical instrument that is played by swiping.
kerek gallang or kesok-kesok which is one
In the daily context, sinrilik is known by
type of oral tradition of the Makassar
the Makassar society as a type of marine
society. Its existence is like a rare and
fish with the Latin name Caesionidae Sp.
A Stage of Makassar Soclety’s Collective Memory
It is suspected that there is a relationship
indicates that sinrilik has become part of
goat/teenage goat skin, buffalo tripe, or
between the sinrilik fish and the sinrilik
the local identity of the Makassar family.
monitor lizard skin. Components for the
oral tradition, namely the structure of the sinrilik fish which is analogous to kesokkesok instrument.
Sinrilik Organology Organologically, the kesok-kesok instrument is classified as a musical
bow use a horse’s tail to swipe strings that are stretched on curved wood which looks like a bow.
Pa’rasanganna tu Mangkasaraka
instrument with cordophone type, in
According to Yusuf, a traditional musical
(Makassar society) has a unique type
which the sound source comes from the
instrument craftsman in Gowa, the
of sinrilik according to their respective
strings. Then, in terms of the structure
strings which are used in kesok-kesok
regions in Makassar, Gowa, Maros,
of the shape, kesok-kesok has similarities
used to come from animal intestines, and
Pangkep, Takalar, Jeneponto, Bulukumba,
with the rebab instrument, which has two
later they are switched to copper wire.
and Selayar. No wonder if some sinrilik
strings and a skin membrane as a cover
As time goes by, there is an innovation
use the character names as a title,
for the tube resonator. How to play it is
in the kesok-kesok instrument. The use of
such as, I Maddi Daeng ri Makka, from
by swiping the bow on the strings that
strings from animal intestines and copper
Jeneponto; I Manakku Caddi-caddi, a
are tensed.
is replaced by the use of guitar strings as
nobleman with a bloodline of Luwu and Bone whose background story developed in Labbakkang-Pangkep; Tuanta Salamaka Sheikh Yusuf, from Gowa; Datu Museng and Maipa Deapati, lovers from Gowa and Sumbawa, and several others. This
The materials which build kesok-kesok instrument consist of selected wood. For the body, champac wood, jackfruit wood, and white teak wood are generally used, while the membrane uses young
it is often found today. The head part of kesok-kesok or headstock functions as a peg holder, consisting of two tuning holes and two string turners on the right and left side of the headstock.
VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 43
Sinrilik caretakers Muhammad Mughiits
Kesok-kesok Muhammad Fadhly Kurniawan
Sinrilik’s Treasures
contain lamentations or advice. This type
Basically, sinrilik is divided
of sinrilik does not require a responder or
into two types, namely This kind of
sinrilik pakkesok-
thing seems to
kesok and sinrilik bosi timurung.
have been found again. Currently, if
Sinrilik performances can be found
someone wants to invite pasinrilik, it is
when the Makassar society carries
enough to visit him or even by telephone.
out a celebration such as weddings,
The sinrilik performance takes place after
circumcision, inauguration events,
the Isha prayer until before the call of
housewarming, harvest parties, and so
Subuh prayer, which causes pasinrilik
or pakesok-kesok to have excellent stamina in order to create an attractive
In the past, the conduct that needs to
be considered before inviting pasinrilik
(sinrilik artists) is to bring a package of
Meanwhile, sinrilik bosi timurung (heavy
betel nut by the owner of the celebration.
rain sinrilik) is a performance that is
If the package is accepted, it means that
carried out without the use of kesok-kesok
pasinrilik is willing to attend the invitation.
instruments, and the content tends to
44 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
an audience. Daeng Tutu said that being pasinrilik is not a profession but a part-time activity for a pakoko—a gardener or farmer. But in this era, pasinrilik is a popular performing artist who has become a profession that has economic value. Daeng Tutu also said that the sinrilik performance was previously performed by sitting in a circle. This, if examined, contains the aspect of sipakatau—respect each other, sipakalabiri—appreciate each other, in order to sipakainga namely remind each other. These three aspects are the basic values that bind Makassar people’s morals in society.
Sinrilik and the Stage of Memory
Makassar society. Many past memories
when he had succeeded in his business,
are brought back to the stage. The proof
he would invite pasinrilik as a form of
In an observation for the last few years,
is, occasionally they tease each other
gratitude for the spirit—the fruit of the
organic sinrilik performances are no
and argue during the performance. This
work ethos—of the sinrilik. The event can
longer created on popular stages,
is what sinrilik says as pannyaleorina tu
be said as appalappasa tinjak or letting
especially in the city of Makassar. It can
Mangkasara, which means the solace of
go of one’s desire as well as releasing
be said that currently the packaging of
Makassar people.
the longing to listen to sinrilik again after
sinrilik performances focuses on the aesthetic aspect of the stage and is only seen from a mono-visual point of view where the concentration of the performance is only focused on the pasinrilik, whereas, ideally, the unity of the sinrilik performance lies in the interaction between pasinrilik and the audience. Fortunately, on 10/04/2021 sinrilik lovers had the opportunity to
The story of I Manakku Caddi-caddi, for example, recalls the story related to the
Sinrilik is an inseparable part of the
working ethos experienced by Daeng
life of Makassar society and is not just
Rate when he received an invitation to
a complementary entertainment for
perform sinrilik at Labbakkang-Pangkep
the event. The sinrilik stage is a space
(22/01/2021). The performance was
for cultural knowledge and memory of
carried out as the celebration for the host
Makassar people which are high-quality,
who had succeeded in living overseas and
and do not let this stage be tarnished by
entered a new home in Labbakkang.
merely using it as an “identity formality”,
watch an organic sinrilik performance at
It is said that before leaving overseas,
the host was inspired by the work ethos
Here is a sinrilik organic performance; a space for recalling the memory of the
or even making it as a “sticker” for popular performances.
contained in the sinrilik I Manakku Caddi-
(Muhammad Fadhly Kurniawan/ Alumni
caddi. The host vowed that one day
Program Magister Kajian Tradisi Lisan Universitas Indonesia)
Daeng Aco the caretaker of the collective memory stage Muhammad Mughiits
VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 45
Exploring Hikayat Seribu Masalah ikayat Seribu Masalah or also
known as Kitab Seribu Mas’alah or Kitab Seribu Mesail is a literary
work with the genre of the holy book literature. This book is about a Jewish priest named Abdullah Ibnu Salam who comes from the continent of Khaibar and he asks and answers questions with the Prophet Muhammad. If all the questions can be answered by the Prophet Muhammad, then Abdullah and his people will embrace Islam. The questions asked are so many. This is in accordance with the title “Seribu Masalah (A thousand problems)” although the problems raised are not up to a thousand. This book was first mentioned in Al-Tabari’s summary in Persian in 963. In the book, it is mentioned about a book with a title Mesail written by Abu Ali Muhammad in Arabic. This story was quite popular in its era. This is proven from the many languages and writings that record it through the process of translation, copying, and adaptation. Winsteadt (1969), an English
The Book of a Hikayat Seribu Masalah - Syefri Luwis
46 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
orientalist and colonial administrator,
In 1994, Edwar Djamaris made a
The themes of questions proposed are
argues that the story of Seribu Masalah
summary of the story of Hikayat Seribu
divided into four, namely:
was not only recorded in Arabic and
Masalah. The story began with the arrival
Persian, but also recorded in translations
of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca
into Latin, Turkish, and Malay in the 16th
to Medina. The Angel Gabriel sent a
century. Next, in the 18th century, this
message to the Prophet Muhammad to
story was translated into Portuguese,
send a letter to a Jewish priest named
Dutch and Javanese.
Abdullah Ibnu Salam (sometimes in the
The popularity of Seribu Masalah story invites researchers to study the story. In 1924, G.F. Pijper used Hikayat Seribu Masalah as a subject matter for his doctorate. In his writings, Pijper (1924) found that Hikayat Seribu Masalah
questions, namely about the earth, sky, moon, sun, and stars. b.
questions, namely about
text referred to as Samud Ibnu Salam).
things that are unseen,
After Abdullah received the letter, he realized that the Prophet of the last days had been born because of his prophetic signs as stated in the Torah, Zabur, and
such as heaven, hell, doomsday, angels, and demons. c.
the Bible.
Riddle questions, such
as “What kind of child is
was an adaptation of a Persian text
Abdullah immediately gathered his
tougher than their father?”,
written in India. According to a report
people to explain the contents of the
“What is harder than
written in his book entitled Het Boek
Prophet’s letter regarding the invitation
fire?”, “What is noble but
der Duizen Vragen, Pijper said that there
to embrace Islam. The Jews responded to
were 15 manuscripts entitled Hikayat
the contents of the letter with skepticism.
Seribu Masalah stored in Indonesia and
Abdullah and 700 of his people came
meaning of numbers, such
Netherlands. Meanwhile, Edwar Djamaris
to meet the Prophet and would ask “a
as “What is one and does
(1994) who has transliterated this saga
thousand problems” contained in the
not become two, what is
stated that the current existence of
Torah, Zabur, Bible, and Furqan. The
two and does not become
the manuscript could be found in the
Prophet agreed and was willing to answer
three”, and so on up to the
National Library of the Republic of
all questions. Beside the Prophet, there
hundredth number.
Indonesia and the Leiden University
were the Angel Gabriel on the right
Library, Netherlands.
and the Angel Michael on the left of the
Then, Ronit Ricci also made the story of Seribu Masalah as an object of study for his doctorate (2006) and published the
Questions about the
Prophet to help answer questions. Manuscripts studied frequently by researchers Syefri Luwis
results of his research in a book entitled Islam Translated: Literature, Conversation, and the Arabic Cosmopolis of South and Southeast Asia (2011). In his writings, he uses the story of Seribu Masalah as the basis for proving the process of spreading Islam in South Asia and Southeast Asia (Nusantara) not only through trade and da’wah, but also through textual channels (literary network). This literary network takes the form of translation of Arabic texts (in this case the story of Seribu Masalah) into local scripts and languages, such as Tamil, Malay, and Javanese.
VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 47
Books recorded in various languages Syefri Luwis
In the summary made by Liaw Yock Fang
Regarding the questions about numbers,
and the stars. While the answers to the
(2011), for questions concerning faith
it is said that one cannot be made into
questions about the riddle are “The child
(including eschatological topics), the
two because Allah Taala is the only God
who is tougher than their father is iron
Prophet Muhammad answers that he
and has no partners. Two does not
that comes from stone”; “The one which
is a prophet and apostle, that religion is
become three because Prophet Adam
is harder than fire is the wind”; “The one
many and varies according to its people,
and Eve are two. Similarly, substance and
which always flies into the air is a Paksa
Islam is the religion of Allah, and the
Allah, moon and sun, day and night, high
bird”; “the woman who gave birth without
one who enters Paradise is the one who
and low, far and near, are all two. Why
husband is Siti Mariam”; “The woman
recites the two sentences of testimony
three does not become four, four does
who comes out of the man is Siti Hawa”;
and confession. Regarding Gabriel’s
not become five and so on until 30 are
“The person who lives in the grave is the
appearance, it is said that Gabriel is
questions that are already available with
Prophet Yunus”;, and “A child who is born
neither male nor female, Gabriel’s face
suitable answers.
will be like his mother, if their mother is
is like the full moon for fourteen days whose light is brilliant, and the wings are many and large.
48 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
The cosmogonic questions are a discussion about the creation of nature, the sky, the earth, the sun, the moon,
turned on first. If the father is turned on first, then the child will be like his father.”
The next story is about the creation of the
After hearing the Prophet Muhammad’s
Prophet Adam, his banishment into the
answers to his questions, Abdullah Ibnu
world, and his sons Kabil and Habil. This
Salam also admits that “the substance of
story is followed by the story of Prophet
Allah is one, without partners, without
Moses who struck his stick on the sea,
mothers and without fathers, and does
Noah and his long ship. After that, there
not beget and is not begotten, and has no
are the answers regarding the creation
form, and has no example.” Abdullah with
of the earth, the hill of Saud which is the
his people then embraced Islam. Then
place where the disbelievers go to hell,
the Prophet Muhammad entertained
the state in heaven, the creation of Nur,
Abdullah and his people while giving
hell and its nature, and the Judgment
thanks to Allah swt.
Day. This book ends with the topic of the age of the Prophet Adam.
Books that help the spread of Islam in South Asia and Southeast Asia Syefri Luwis
(Iik Idayanti, Lecturer of Regional/Malay Literature Study Program at Lancang Kuning University)
VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 49
aleontological data show that
been studied by several researchers
The results of this biostratigraphic
the occupancy of Java Island is
such as H.G Stehlin (1925), F.H van der
formulation were then reactualized
estimated to have taken place
Maarel (1932), and G.H.R Koenigswald
by P.Y Sondaar and John de Vos in the
at the end of the Pliocene, about 2
(1935). The oldest fauna is marked by the
1980s. Both of them presented the
million years ago, based on evidence of
discovery of ancient elephants Mastodon
concept of the oldest to the youngest
the discovery of the ancient elephant
sp and Tetralophodon bumiayuensis, aged
fauna as Satir Fauna (1.5 million years
Archidiskodon at Bumiayu sites. Bumiayu
about 1.5 million years. Other species
ago), Cisaat Fauna (1.2 million years
is a special place, because it can show
include the water horse Hexaprotodon
ago), Trinil HK Fauna (1 million years),
the oldest traces of the presence of
simplex, the Cervidae deer, and the giant
Kedungbrubus Fauna (0.8 million years),
mammals on the island of Java. The first
tortoise, Geochelon. This fauna shows
Punung Fauna, and Wadjak Fauna.
fossils have been found since 1920s
a species-poor fauna because the
In addition, research on Bumiayu in
in the Kaliglagah Formation, and have
environment is isolated, insular.
the past was an absolute dating study
50 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
Bumiayu Landscape Aditya Indro Waskito - https:// www.shutterstock.com/id/g/ Aditya+Indro+Waskito
presence of the oldest faunas on the
Another important finding from this latest
border of West Java and Central Java,
research is the discovery of paleolithic
which at that time was interpreted as
stone tools consisting of rectangular adze
an insular environment commensurate
and also flake tools, which is the first
with the conditions of the east coast of
data on the discovery of early human
West Java at the beginning of the Lower
tools in Bumiayu, framed in the tradition
Pleistocene, about 1.8 million years ago.
of rectangular adze (chopping-chopper
The latest Research in Bumiayu Research updates were also carried out in 2019 and 2021 by Harry Widianto and his team (at that time affiliated with Regional Agency for Archaeological Research in D.I. Yogyakarta Province, in order to understand the presence of
Kaliglagah and Kali Biuk, which yielded an ancientness between 2.15 and 1.67 million years. The results of this dating have “given soul” for previous biostratigraphic research so that it can be related to its chronological succession. These discoveries in Bumiayu prove the
common to mention that the presence of paleolithic stone artifacts is considered the result of Homo erectus culture, and is an indicator of the presence of Homo erectus in an area.
island of Java. The latest data are soon
piece in this study are coming soon, the
revealed from the bowels of the earth. A
findings of the local people, in the form
number of new faunas can be placed on
of 2 (two) pieces of the upper femur
the succession chronology of Javanese
(caput femoralis) which are included in the
fauna representing the Satir Zone (lower
Homo erectus variation, originating from
Kaliglagah Formation) and Cisaat (upper
the bottom of Kali Bodas. This finding has
Kaliglagah Formation).
identified its stratigraphic position based
swamp crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis)
carried out mainly on ancient deposits in
of the human who created it. It is very
Sure enough, the findings of the master
species (deer and Muntiacus sp), Bovidae,
François Sémah in the decade of 1980s,
artifact gives new hope for the discovery
the oldest humans and faunas on the
The in situ discovery of Cervidae fauna
through the paleomagnetism method by
tool complex). The discovery of this stone
in the lower Kaliglagah Formation during excavations has complemented the
on the correlation of various measured stratigraphic columns, which refer to the stratigraphic position of the lower Kaliglagah Formation in the lithological succession of Kali Bodas.
lack of fauna at the beginning of land
The discovery of the two upper human
formation in this area. Therefore, the
femur is the first evidence of the
discovery of this new fauna species has
discovery of a human fossil component
been able to change the understanding
in Bumiayu, and is the first indicator of
of the oldest fauna on the island of Java
human arrival in the area.
so that the bio-stratigraphy and biochronology of the presence of the oldest fauna must be revised, by adding them to the Satir Fauna scope, becoming: elephant, deer, water horse, giant tortoises, Bovidae, and swamp crocodiles.
Therefore, this finding is very important for efforts to understand human migration because it has emerged from an area that is quite separate from the distribution of early humans which so far
VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 51
Homo Erectus from Bumiayu - Harry Widianto
has only been known in eastern Central
foraminifera in the Biuk and Kaliglagah
Thus, the identification of the ancientness
Java and also East Java. Bumiayu is a
deposits, it is known that the change from
of these two hominid fossils has placed
new window. These two components
the marine environment to the terrestrial
them in a very old period, at about 1.8-1.7
of the femur -- Bumiayu 303, Bumiayu
environment occurred at the boundary
million years ago, far beyond the oldest
310 --, based on the interpretation of
between Kali Biuk and Kaliglagah, namely
Homo erectus from Sangiran which so
the stratigraphic position and their
in the Late Pliocene, the upper part of
far has been placed in the middle Lower
morphological and biometric characters,
N20-N21 (Sudijono, 2005).
Pleistocene chronology, around 1.5
are hominid remains of the Homo erectus taxon. One thing that can be
Meanwhile, still related to ancient
million years.
formations in Bumiayu, Prasetyo et al.
If the result of determining the age of
(2012) stated that N22 was equivalent
these two upper femur is confirmed, it
to the beginning of the Pleistocene. The
will have extraordinary implications for
statements from geologists who have
the arrival and distribution of humans
Geo-lithological and geo-stratigraphic
dated the Kali Biuk and Kali Glagah
in the Bumiayu and Java islands: it is the
analysis of the slopes of Kali Bodas shows
Formation have come to the same
oldest Homo erectus, which has never
that the two upper femurs originate from
conclusion that the Kali Biuk Formation is
been known. This situation provides two
the carbonate layer, namely from the
the result of deposit of marine facies, and
new understandings, namely the wider
bottom of the Kali Glagah Formation.
the Kaliglagah Formation is the first land
lateral distribution in western Central Java
Experts note, among others, Sémah
deposit in Bumiayu, shortly after being
and also a significant vertical chronology:
(1986), that the ancient deposits at this
lifted from sea level. The boundaries
older than the oldest Homo erectus from
location are old deposits related to the
of these two formations are tied at the
genesis of Java Island during the Plio-
end of the Pliocene, and the age of the
Pleistocene, aged, for example in Kali
Kali Glagah Formation itself is at the
Biuk, between 2.1 to 1.7 million years.
beginning of the Pleistocene.
stated here is that Homo erectus had been present in Bumiayu. However, when did they come to Bumiayu?
Based on research on the existence of
The richness of Bumiayu’s - Harry Widianto
52 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
With the presence of Homo erectus in Semedo (Tegal) and Rancah (Ciamis, West Java), the results of this study have
The formation that produces ancient creatures between 2.15 to 1.67 million years - Harry Widianto
widened the lateral distribution of Homo erectus on the island of Java, up to West Java. From Bumiayu, the heartbeat of the humans and faunas migration is still echoed. The new data further enrich the spectacular history of human in this area.
Important Role in the Path of Time This is the novelty achieved by this research, Homo erectus has explored further west and arrived earlier on the island of Java. This new understanding will provide a new “migration map”. The first phase of the presence of humans and faunas on the island of Java has
of human migration took turns in the
The situation has been increasingly
been able to describe the origin of the
Archipelago, with the presence of Early
diverse due to the arrival of other
diversity of the Archipelago today, which
Modern Humans since 100,000-20,000
ethnicities and races since the beginning
at that time was still running linearly with
years ago, followed by waves of migration
of AD, which eventually form the genetic
a simple and clear migration line, at least
from the Australomelanesid Race in the
diversity of the Archipelago people who
up to a period of 150,000 years ago.
period of 20,000-5,000 years ago, and
are currently united in a political unity,
ended with the presence of the Mongolid
the Indonesian Nation.
When compared with the period after 70,000 years until now, the migration and diversity are described as more complex and complicated because migration and retro-migration happen continuously along with local micro-evolution due to ecological and cultural factors. Waves
Race -- the Austronesians from Taiwan -- who entered Indonesia 4,000 years ago. They then spread to the western part of Indonesia and reduce the actual
(Harry Widianto/ Researcher Specialist and Research Professor, National Research and Innovation Agency)
population in Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Java, and Sumatra today.
Excavation for evidence - Harry Widianto
VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 53
ral tradition in the archipelago
The process is mainly a ritual carried out
has a close relationship with
so that the bees do not injure people who
Menumbai as an Oral Tradition of the Petalangan Society
the environment where the
take honey from the hive. The Menumbai
Menumbai is a ceremony that consists
oral tradition exists and it can be said
ritual uses a set of language that is sung
of mantras and poems which are sung.
that the environment (ecology) is a
and spoken voicelessly, accompanied by
Mantras are a form of requesting
determinant of the preservation, change,
certain actions and equipment.
permission to God as the ruler of the
or death of the oral tradition. One of the oral traditions that are closely related to the physical, biological, social, and composite environments is the Menumbai in the pebatinan Petalangan society, the Malay ‘original tribe’ who live in parts of Pelalawan Regency and in Siak Regency, Riau Province.
Menumbai is done in a dark, moonless night, started with the voiceless recitation of mantras by Juagan lobah (the owner of the bees), who is the leader of a small group of bee honey takers. The ritual then continues with the process of climbing the Sialang tree while singing rhyming words in the form of poems
universe. Mantras are also used as a tribute to the ancestor spirits, guardian spirits and all the spirits found around the Sialang Tree. Mantras are believed to be able to maintain and provide safety to the juagan while undergoing the ritual process. While the poems sung have a theme of persuasion and seduction between lovers, namely the juagan as a
The Menumbai tradition, according to
in alternating rhythmic patterns. The
observations done in the pebatinan
poem sung by Juagan contains a series of
Petalangan, is the whole process of an
seduction words that personify the bee
The role of the juagan in the menumbai
activity to take honey from the beehives
as a beautiful girl and Juan who climbs as
ritual is as a speaker who recites the
found in the branches of the Sialang tree.
a guest or lover of the beautiful girl.
mantras and poems that are sung, while
man and the bee as a beautiful girl.
Menuo Sialang Adrian Eary Lovian
54 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
the audience is the Petalangan society as
tuo is in charge of reciting the mantras
By using the concept of the life of the
the owner of the tradition or outsiders
throughout the ritual, while the juagan
Petalangan society which is divided into
which means that anyone can be the
mudo acts as the bee’s honey collector.
two, namely alam golap and alam toang,
audience in the menumbai ritual. In
In addition, the juagan is also assisted by
the mantra is specifically addressed to
traditional performances, it is possible
a welcomer who acts as a recipient of a
the ancestor spirits and other creatures.
to interact between speakers and
timbo containing honey wax and juru ubo
Mantras are also believed to come from
audiences, speakers with speakers, and
who acts as a beeswax squeezer to get
ancestor spirits which are also considered
participant speakers who help speakers
to be words that come from God which
in the performance, for example, musicians or accompanists.
In practice, juagan uses equipment for menumbai: tunam, timbo and ubo. Tunam
The menumbai ritual is not always done by
is a beehive sweeper made of bark. Timbo is a container that is used to drop
are passed on to ancestors. Mantra is a means of communication to connect with supernatural beings and then connected with the highest power, namely God.
the beehive then to be received by the
The manumbai ritual uses two mantras,
one juagan, but
welcomers. While Ubo is a container for
namely the Pelangkahan (stepping)
can be done
squeezing beeswax to get bee honey.
mantra and the menuo sialang mantra.
by two or more juagan. Therefore, it is necessary to determine who is the juagan tuo who is determined not because of age and experience but rather the task of reciting the mantras. The juagan
Mantras As a Permission Request Menumbai is a ritual full of belief in the existence of spirits or supernatural beings who become guardians of life and are always respected by the Petalangan society. It is not surprising that mantras are often used as a form of respect among God’s creatures. The Petalangan people believe that these spirits are in the unseen world (alam golap) and must
Both have in common, namely the influence of Islam. Islam, which is the official religion of the Petalangan society, is actually able to reduce the thoughts of the Petalangan people who initially adhered to the beliefs of their ancestors, namely animism and dynamism, into a view of believing in the highest authority in life, namely God the owner of the universe. Islam is then used as a source of culture.
be respected. Respect for these spirits is
Old beliefs that have been firmly rooted
recited through mantras before and after
in the living space of the Petalangan
the ritual.
people do not necessarily disappear, just as the mantra that was born from resam or the habits of the ancestors actually
Tunam, a beehive sweeper made of wood Adrian Eary Lovian
VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 55
Menumbai and Ecological Wisdom
allowed to be cut down until the bees
of Islam enters as a form of cultural expression of the Petalangan people. The
The process of harvesting Petalangan
tree can be uprooted for the purpose
influence of Islam makes the function of
honey must be preceded by a
of housing for children and nephews.
the mantra which was originally used to
menumbai ritual that takes place at
get magical powers from the ancestor
night. But now, harvesting honey by
spirits turn into a prayer addressed to
other residents is done during the day.
This behavior certainly has a negative
undergoes a change where the colour
The Pelangkahan Mantra is recited by the juagan before leaving for the Sialang Tree. After the spell is recited, then juagan can see the Sialang tree that will be addressed through the eyes of the heart. After the sialang tree is visible, it becomes a sign
impact on the continuity of the menumbai tradition, because according to the Petalangan society, harvesting honey during the day causes the bees to no longer want to nest in the Silang tree.
The relationship between menumbai and four types of environmental classification, among others, is that menumbai is always carried out in a forest environment where there are many sialang trees, which in Petalangan custom is called kepungan sialang forest. A sialang tree is a tree that has a height of 40 to 50 meters. The relationship and association
that juagan is allowed to continue the
In the customary rules and the
of menumbai with the biological
ceremony held in the evening.
knowledge system of the Petalangan
environment refer to the presence
people, each tree is called silang if the
of the sialang tree, bees, and other
bees nest in the tree. If the bees have
plants that produce flowers for bees to
nested in a previous tree, but due to
extract, which is an important factor in
various reasons the bees no longer
the tradition of Menumbai and the taste
nest in that tree, then the tree is no
and type of honey obtained.
This menuo sialang mantra is recited right under the Sialang tree that will be climbed. Apart from being a request for permission to all supernatural beings around the tree, this mantra is also recited with the aim of being safe while climbing and not being disturbed by supernatural beings.
longer called a Sialang tree, but an ordinary tree, and the name of the tree returns to its original name, for example Kempas. According to the Petalangan custom, a sialang is not
Menumbai is a part of life from the Petalangan society Adrian Eary Lovian
are no longer nesting there so that the
56 INDONESIANA INDONESIANA VOL. VOL. 14, 14, 2022 2022 56
In relation to the social environment, Menumbai can be related to the belief system of the Petalangan society which uses sialang trees as a ritual
medium. These trees are considered
call Okuan (Kang. 2002:10). Therefore,
is explored, studied, absorbed, and
sacred because they are guarded
as a tribute to the guardian spirit of
then positioned as a subject in sharing
by the spirit of forest guards. In the
the forest, it is necessary to recite a
knowledge or cognition, emotions and
Petalangan society’s knowledge
magical mantra as a sign of asking for
necessities in fulfilling needs.
system, every creature in the world
permission and praying for safety.
has a guardian spirit or what they
Thus it can be concluded that the life
The menumbai ritual and ecology has
of the Petalangan society does not
2 relations, namely: (1) a referential
make humans but nature as the center
compliance relation in which the
of life. Their custom which respects
culture moves following a given or
with nature, nature being a teacher,
pre-existing ecological movement.
nature being oneself further confirms
(2) Interactive-reciprocal relations,
that the Petalangan society rejects the
which means that the environment
understanding of anthropocentrism
of the Petalangan society’s life spaces
which only makes the environment as an object to fulfill humans’ pragmatic necessities in life. (Adrian Eary Lovian: Lecturer at Lancang Kuning University, Riau)
VOL. 14, 14, 2022 2022 INDONESIANA INDONESIANA 57 57 VOL.
Learn Gotong Royong
from Poto Village Desa Poto ta sia e Adat budaya samantan Nonda tumpan pang gili len (An excerpt of lawas Sumbawa)
n excerpt of lawas or the Sumbawa poem above illustrates how Poto Village upholds customs and culture
that have independent and mutually supportive characteristics. The village, which is located at eastern part of the Sumbawa city with a travel time of 15 minutes from the city center, still has traditions and culture that are preserved and maintained from generation to generation so that they are not eroded
Cultural Talk Samsun Amri
58 INDONESIANA VOL. 11, 14, 2021 2022
by the times, in the midst of increasingly
main event from each village which is
rapid technological advances.
held in one of the villages in turns. Art
Practicing Gotong Royong One of the traditions and culture that is preserved to this day is Pasaji Ponan, an activity that expresses the people’s gratitude for the success of last year’s harvest as well as a prayer for the success of this year’s harvest. A long time ago, Pasaji Ponan was held by praying and doing zikr in a ceremony attended by villagers. As time goes by, the ponan tradition has become one of the tourism events. Pasaji Ponan is organized by three villages, namely Poto, Lengas, and Malili villages with an art performance as a
performances are performed in the form of dances, music, and rabalas lawas or Sumbawa poetry reciprocations at night, before the Pasaji Ponan is held the next day. During Ponan, usually started at dawn, zikr and prayers are said by the residents from the three villages who come together to come to a hill in the middle of the rice fields. On this hill, residents gather and bring food in the form of snacks and fruits to be presented to visitors. Along with the times, not only are residents from the three villages present to enliven the event, but the Sumbawa
people from various placess also attend
many more. Usually this process lasts
unique and in-depth philosophy. Using
to enliven Ponan. They all get buras,
in a whole day; if there are guests who
traditional looms on their houses or on
petikal, and tepung dange which are
have just arrived at Poto Village in the
bale panggung, the women of Poto Village
typical snacks from Pasaji Ponan. What
afternoon, food will still be served by the
finish their weaving during their spare
is unique is that the food or cake served
owner of the house. The raw materials
to visitors must be cooked by boiling.
for food or cakes served in this Ponan
Cakes fried in oil or foods bought from
come from their agricultural or plantation
stores are not allowed. It is believed that
each steam from the food/cake stew
Pasaji Ponan and Kre Alang prove that Poto Village is the guardian of cultural values in Sumbawa Regency. The cultural
Cultural Expression, Expression of Citizen’s Life
ecosystem in this village is still well
Poto Village is also enriched with
daily lives of the people who still use
Not only that, after the ceremony ends
Sumbawa’s typical cloth craft, namely Kre
traditional patterns in carrying out their
at the Ponan hill, the visitors are directed
Alang. Poto Village has been the weaving
daily lives. We can see the examples in
to stop by or ‘ngesar’ (the Sumbawa
center of Sumbawa for quite a long
the habits of the people in Poto village to
people call it) at the residents’houses
time. The process of making Kre Alang
preserve folk games such as horseback
of of the three villages, one of which is
which takes quite a long time and high
riding or ‘tungang jaran’ and the folk game
Poto Village. Every resident from outside
accuracy that must be possessed by the
of buffalo racing or ‘barapan kebo’.
the village who is ‘ngesar’ will be treated
craftsmen makes the price of this cloth
to various foods, such as Ayam Sirasang,
quite expensive. Kre Alang has typical
Singang Udang, Singang Jangan, Sepat
Sumbawa patterns such as Kemang
Jangan, Siong Sira, Jangan Sira Bage, and
Satange and Lonto Engal which contain a
will evaporate into the sky and turn into rainwater that fertilizes their farm.
maintained, as it can be seen from the
The games are often played by various age groups, from children to adults. Horseback riding is usually done by
The making of Kre Alang Samsun Amri
VOL. 11, 14, 2021 2022 INDONESIANA 59
the villagers of Poto Village as a mode of transportation to travel around the village or to the garden or ‘gempang’. While the barapan kebo is usually used as a competition event when the planting season comes, when the rice fields are still in a hard condition and are about to be plowed. At that time, this game is usually held, namely with the intention of softening the rice fields while cultivating brotherly ties.
In addition, Poto Village also keeps
as part of medo desa (village medicine)
talents in terms of literary and musical
which the people of Poto Village believe
arts, including ratib rabana kebo and
that through the art of ratib, there will be
sakeco. Ratib Rabana Rea or known
a feeling of calm and peace.
as Ratib Rabana Kebo is one of the attractions of arts from Sumbawa region which is often performed in various traditional ceremonies or folk entertainment performances. In the past, ratib was a means of delivering Islamic religion teachings and as a ritual to reject catastrophes for the Sumbawa people. Poto Village today interprets this ratib
60 60 INDONESIANA INDONESIANAVOL. VOL.14, 14,2022 11, 2022 2021
Kemang Sange and Lonto Engal are the motifs of Kre Alang Samsun Amri
Ratib contains three values at once, namely spiritual, social, and entertainment values. The three elements contained in this ratib can unite the society with an entertainment that is performed and calm the hearts of the people through chanting verses of praise to Allah and His Messenger. While
Sakeco is an art form that comes from
The heritage of the ancestors is still
the lawas (poem). Sakeco is played by
maintained in the midst of the eras that
two men and each holds a similar rabana
always change. Children to adults work
(tambourine) to be beaten using a typical
together to maintain and preserve the
Sumbawa temung (musical tones). Sakeco
culture that exists in the land of Samawa
is sung like a song containing advice on
(Sumbawa) through this culture-centered
life, education, and youths and children.
Sakeco has a racik part or is like a chorus part in Western music.
The activeness of the youths in preserving the existing customs is the
The various customs and arts that have
main reason why these customs are still
been entrenched in the land of Poto
maintained. Through youth organizations
seem to be inherent for the local society.
and art studios, the youths of Poto Village
are routinely active in every traditional event. Therefore, Poto Village is still able to provide an example to other villages that when new things are incessant in cyberspace, there is still a cultural heritage that is no less interesting to be deeply learned, maintained, and preserved. (Samsun Amri/Chairman of the Tourism Awareness Group in Poto Sumbawa Village)
Barapan kebo welcomes the planting season, loosens the rice fields while cultivating brotherly ties. CatwalkPhotos - https://www.shutterstock.com/id/g/ martinkay
From Maritime to Contemporary at
Museum BI
Collection management is the heart of
Museum Bank Indonesia (MuBI) is one of
The oldest collection of currencies owned
museum life. It becomes an attraction
the special museums in Indonesia. The
by MuBI is ma money. This money comes
and even the main choice for people
museum which was officially opened on
from the ancient Mataram Kingdom
to come to the museum. Based on its
July 21, 2009 displays the long history of
which stood around the 8th century until
collections, a museum is divided into two,
the economy, banking and numismatics
the 11th century AD. Ma money also has
namely the general museum and the
in Indonesia. Its numismatic collections
a small size. Having a shape like a dice
special museum. Public museums are
include rare coins that are hard to find
and having a size like a corn seed, ma
museums whose collections consist of a
anywhere else in the world.
money is divided into two groups. The
collection of material evidence of humans or their environment related to various branches of arts, scientific disciplines and technology. Meanwhile, special museums are museums whose collections consist of a collection of material evidence of humans or their environment related to one branch of art, one branch of science and or one branch of technology. This second type of museum runs a very specific collection management by involving specialist experts.
Precolonial Money In Indonesian language, the word ‘bahari’ does not only mean the sea, but also long time ago, ancient, sacred, and beautiful or very beautiful. The numismatic collection in MuBI is related to all of these things. Apart from originating from the maritime heyday of the Archipelago, the collection also has a very high value in the present era.
first group has a picture of a sandalwood flower with the words ma, while the second group has a picture of sesame seeds and the word ta is written there. Ma means masa, while ta means tahil (weight measurement unit); both refer to the weight unit of the precious metals. One ma or masa weighs 2.4 grams, while tahil is equivalent to 16 masa. Ma money became a marker of the era when society in Archipelago had used their own money at that time.
Ma money continued to be used by later
brought by Islamic traders. Dirham
Colonial Money
kingdoms such as the Kingdom of Kediri,
coins, which were originally made of
After the Islamic kingdoms had achieved
Jenggala and Majapahit. However, since
silver, in several Islamic kingdoms in the
dominance over the archipelago,
the era of the Majapahit Kingdom from
Archipelago were made of gold. Likewise,
Europeans then found their way to the
the 13th to the 16th century, the use
dinar coins, which were usually made of
region. Those who came to trade, and
of foreign money in society began
later controlled, brought their own
to occur. The use of gobog money or
money. As mentioned earlier, there
also known as picis or Chinese kepeng
were Spain’s reals, United Kingdom’s
had been carried out by the royal
shillings and Portugal’s crussades. In
community. From here, we can see
addition, the Dutch trading company,
how close the relationship between
VOC, also came with their own money
Majapahit and China was. Later, this
such as doit, rijksdaalder, and so on.
Chinese gobog money was adapted
Nonetheless, the European currency
into a local form under the name picis
that became usable in various regions
Majapahit. There are decorations with
in the Archipelago at that time was the
pictures of weapons, animals, banyan
Spain’s real, which had a silver base
trees, writings, human reliefs in the
weighing 25.2605 grams.
form of wayangs, and so forth. The
The heyday of the Spain’s real in
decorations depict the daily life or work of the Majapahit people, such
Spain’s Real - MuBI Collection
monetary consolidation of Archipelago
as cowherds, hermits, fishermen, bull hunters, breeders, nobles, and so on.
gold, in several Islamic kingdoms in the
After Majapahit had collapsed, this picis
Archipelago were made of silver.
money changed its function as a lucky
Archipelago ended in 1826 with the under The Dutch control. In 1828, the first bank of circulation, De Javasche Bank, was established in the Dutch East Indies,
One of the MuBI collections related to
which was also the first bank in Asia.
these Islamic coins is a coin belonging
De Javasche Bank then issued its own
to the Samudra Pasai Kingdom. They
money, the gulden De Javasche Bank. On
printed their own dirhams. This dirham
the other hand, the Department of Van
coin is made of gold with a grade of 70%,
Financien or the Financial Department of
22 carat. The money that was made for
the Dutch East Indies also issued its own
the first time during the era of Sultan
money and this money was called the
Muhammad Malik Az-Zahir (1297-1326)
Colonial Government money. There was
also applied to international trade at
a dualism in the circulation of money.
that time. In international commerce,
However, the party that regulated the
Each of them
16 dirhams are equal to 1 Spain’s real, 5
circulation of money to keep it organized
had their own
dirhams are equal to 4 United Kingdom’s
was De Javasche Bank. This gulden could
money. Because
shillings, and 1 dirham is equal to 9
also be a sign that the spread of The
the Archipelago
Portugal’s crussades. This of course shows
Dutch power in the Dutch East Indies was
became the center
how many nations have come to trade
getting stronger.
of the global trade of
in the Aceh region in particular, and the
charm used by people who believed in the occult. Nevertheless, Chinese picis were still produced and used in various regions of the Archipelago. When the Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms collapsed, Islamic kingdoms rose and began to dominate various regions in Indonesia.
spices, they adapted
Archipelago in general.
Islamic royal coins such as dinars and dirhams
Picis or gobok of Majapahit MuBI Collection
The Money of Republic of Indonesia Government - MuBI Collection
When the Japanese came and took
use ORI. During the Revolutionary era,
ORI and ORIDA from circulation and
control of the Dutch East Indies, they
there was so much money circulating in
replaced them with RIS currency which
banned the circulation of money from
Indonesia. Not only ORI and NICA money,
had been in effect since January 1, 1950.
the De Javasche Bank and the Colonial
but also De Javasche Bank money,
However, in August 1950, Indonesia
Government. Japan also issued and
Colonial Government money and
returned to the form of the Unitary State
circulated its own money, namely
Japanese money, that
Japanese money. They also closed De
had existed before,
Javasche Bank and replaced it with Nanpo
were circulating.
Kaihatsu Ginko. At this time, the use of
The reopened
the word rupiah was first appeared,
De Javasche
along with the prohibition on the use
Bank also
of the Republic of Indonesia, and the RIS money was declared inapplicable. In 1951, the Government of Indonesia issued
of the Dutch language. However, the money from the Dutch East Indies era in fact remained in circulation because the
its first publication,
VOC’s Doit Coin MuBI Collection
namely, the paper money with
process of currency transfer took a very long time and was uneven.
Money during Independence Era After independence on August 17, 1945, the newly born Republic of Indonesia succeeded in printing and circulating its money in October 1946. The birth of Oeang Republik Indonesia or ORI became a monetary marker of the birth of the Indonesian nation. Even though NICA as
Landscape series
circulated its
I. Then, in 1953,
own money,
immediately after De
namely the Federal
Javasche Bank had been
Series De Javasche Bank Money. This was still complicated by the fact that because NICA hindered the circulation of ORI, many regions in Indonesia then circulated their own money called Oeang Republik Indonesia Daerah or ORIDA.
officially nationalized to become Bank Indonesia, this bank issued its first paper money, namely the Culture Series publication. However, it should also be noted that during this period, there was a dualism in the circulation of money. On the one hand, the Government of
a military force that wanted to carry out
The Round Table Conference in
the Republic of Indonesia through the
recolonization brought its own money,
December 1949 agreed to form the
Ministry of Finance issued rupiah money
namely NICA money, the people were
United States of Indonesia (RIS). On May
in five rupiah denominations and below,
reluctant to use it and preferred to
1, 1950, the RIS government withdrew
Bank Indonesia’s bimetal Coins MuBI Collection
64 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
64 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
frame series of De Javasche Bank’s money - MuBI Collection
issued rupiah money in five rupiah
From Maritime for Contemporary
denominations and above.
Money that comes from the maritime
while on the other hand, Bank Indonesia
This dualism ended in 1968. Through the Constitution No. 13/1968, Bank Indonesia was confirmed as the sole right holder in circulating money. As a sign of this, Bank Indonesia then circulated money with Soedirman series in various denominations. It should be noted that since the beginning of the printing of Bank Indonesia money, this money was always signed by the Governor and the Director, but later signed by the Board of Governors, Bank Indonesia. Since 2016, the NKRI denomination has been introduced to the public, starting with the Rp. 100,000. The NKRI money is no longer signed by the Governor and the
era, both the era of the ocean glory in the Archipelago and also the era of the past, until the contemporary era is almost all collected and exhibited at MuBI. These numismatic collections become important markers of various changes taking place in Indonesian society. Understanding the history of numismatics also helps us understand how people in the maritime era until the contemporary interpret the money they
Stone Real money of Sumenep Kingdom MuBI Collection
have. From maritime for contemporary, numismatic stories in Indonesia are summarized and presented in MuBI
Board of Governors of Bank Indonesia,
(Syefri Luwis,
but by the Governor of Bank Indonesia
and the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia. This Rp. 100,000 denomination becomes a sign in which Bank Indonesia money changes into NKRI money.
VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 65
VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 65
Women and Kampoeng Feasts in seram
A resident of Seram on her boat Christina Desitriviantie - https://www.shutterstock.com/ id/g/Christina+Desitriviantie
66 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
Wedding party in Parigi, Seram Geger Riyanto
time the prayer for salvation is recited,
the house after the prayer, with the aim
is similar to the feasts in many other
they are in the kitchen preparing drinks
that the jinns who cause miscarriages will
kampongs in Indonesia. The event is
and snacks. When the prayer is over, they
also leave the house. Those who prepare
hosted by officials or village elders. They
will swiftly serve the dish. The host, khatib
the snacks the day before the recital of
are usually grown men. If the event is the
or imam, and guests then chat casually
the prayer are of course the women at
recital of a prayer for salvation, which in
and pleasantly while enjoying the dish.
home or their female relatives.
Java is called a slametan, the participants
The women will come out after the men
are only adult men.
have gone home and cleaned up the
he feast in Parigi, North Seram,
So is wedding. This event is of course
utensils and leftovers.
The importance of women’s work is even more evident at big events such as weddings and tahlilan. With so
attended by women, but from the
There are prayers for salvation that
many guests who attend, these events
process of negotiating the dowry to the
require snacks with more elaborate
require a dish in a large number. Female
day of the wedding, it is the fathers who
preparations such as a prayer for those
neighbours and relatives will be invited or
are at the front and lead the procession.
who have had a miscarriage. These
come themselves to help the feast owner
However, the role of women is
snacks—usually cucur, wajik, and karas—
to prepare the dish. The preparation of
will be prayed for and placed in front of
this dish can take several days.
irreplaceable in kampong feasts. By the
VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 67
When kampong residents attend a
for someone else’s feast becomes
being stated explicitly, this tendency
big feast in another kampong, the
something strange for them.
is carried out more. However, there is
first thing the women do is go to a crowd of local women who are preparing a dish. They will then help those who are still working, even if the two parties do not know each other personally. Once upon a time, when the kampong residents went to another kampong to attend a relative’s wedding and the owner of the feast insisted that he did not want to be helped, the mothers of Parigi were confused. “Katong [kita] lalu bikin apa di sini? (What are we doing here then?)” said a mother to the other mothers. The helping instinct for the kitchen work has been implanted in the minds of mothers, so not doing anything
68 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
Where are the fathers on such visits to other kampongs? They will chat usually with a man from the host’s side while looking for a way to pass the time.
Marking the Moment of Life A feast are a core activity in kampong life. It marks life’s key moments,
one occasion when it is expressed in such a clear way: when a young man affirms to his younger sister that his work is tougher. This affirmation pops up when the older brother is lazy to help his sister who is cooking dinner. “Why don’t we exchange jobs,” he said. “You do the fishing.”
strengthens during difficult times,
The younger sister finally gave up and
and provides existential security
the debate was not continued.
when needed. Men lead the activities. However, it is the invisible work of women that makes it possible.
Faced with all these situations, I think it is important for culture and tradition observers to examine carefully the role
In the daily situation in Parigi, as it
of women in the beat of kampong life
is also in the case of women’s work,
that they observe. Observers are often
“earning” or working like men and its
focused on what is performed in a
scope outside the house, whether it is
feast or ritual and ignore the activities
fishing, gardening, or something else
that support it. In a landscape like in
is recognized as working. Instead of
Seram Fisherman Riana Ambarsari - https:// www.shutterstock.com/id/g/ p3nnylan3
One of the mosques in Parigi, Seram Geger Riyanto
Parigi, this situation will lead to a narrow perception of tradition as something that only revolves around men. Also, we need to consider the activity of helping and caring for each other among mothers as a tradition. In Java, for example, there is a careful sight which was made into a film with the same title. Why has this activity, like the tendency of gotong royong among mothers in Parigi, not been treated so far as a tradition which is worth being noted and paid attention to? These thoughts may help us navigate the other cultures in Indonesia. (Geger Riyanto/ a PhD candidate of Heidelberg University)
Women prepare kasuami Geger Riyanto
VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 69
Panggungharjo Residents’
Innovation of
an paper be used as a batik print?
That morning, Friday (6/18/2022) we had
accustomed to being encouraged to seek
What paper? The question arises
a fun conversation about the world of
authentic ideas. However, the trigger for
spontaneously because so far
Indonesian batik with the crew of the
the emergence of the idea is actually the
we only know copper as a means of
Sanggar Inovasi Desa at Omah Kreatif
need to survive in an urgent condition. At
stamping batik. Nur Rohmat, the pioneer
Dongaji in Panggungharjo Village, Sewon,
that time he and his community received
of paper batik stamps, apparently has
Bantul, DIY. We were welcomed by
orders for batik but they did not have
conducted several trials to determine
Nur Rohmat and Joko Hadi Purnomo,
enough money for production costs.
the most suitable paper for batik prints,
the leaders of the Sanggar Inovasi
Then, Nur Rohmat explored paper,
paper that is quite stiff but easy to shape
Desa. Hot coffee and chicken lemper
from cigarette packs, paper cups,
into motifs. Nur Rohmat also creates the
accompanied the conversation. One by
to cardboard.
weton batik motif, which is a motif that
one the community members came to
depicts the weton or someone’s birthday
the headquarters, bringing their batik
in the Javanese calendar. These ideas
emerge during the Covid-19 pandemic. How abundant the creativity is when our steps are really limited. The body may be restrained, but the imagination is unstoppable.
is much cheaper than copper stamps. The price for renting a copper stamp is
The innovation of paper batik stamps is
already expensive, let alone ordering or
actually not too surprising considering
buying it. Some motifs may be capable,
that Nur Rohmat is a graduate of the
but many motifs make the pocket empty.
Craft Department at the Institute of
The rental price for a stamp is Rp. 2,500
Indonesian Arts Yogyakarta who is
per sheet, whereas on average it takes
70 70 INDONESIANA INDONESIANA VOL. VOL. 14, 14, 2022 2022
The production cost of paper stamps
two or three stamps for one cloth. If 10
process of becoming thick and stiff is also
synthetic or with natural dyes whose
pieces of cloth? Just multiplied it.
not instant. Therefore, it is not any type
raw materials were still available in the
of paper that can be used for stamps.
environment but were increasingly rare,
It is true that the paper after being
Newsprint, for example, is very difficult.
such as mangrove bark, jambal, tegeran,
dipped in paraffin or batik candles will
Thick, stiff cardboard is possible, but
and mahogany, as well as mango leaves,
become stiff, not soft, so that when
it is less elastic. “Well, this is the most
longan leaves, kenikir, and water henna.
pressed on the
appropriate,” said Rohmat, while showing
However, because the natural dyeing
a paper stamp made of playing cards.
process required more time and the
does not get
cloth it bent.
However, the
I held the paper print. Indeed, the paper was stiff because it had been dipped
batik was more expensive, the majority of participants chose synthetic dyes.
in batik wax dozens of times. However,
The manager of Sinau Batik Program at
what made me suddenly happy was that
Sanggar Inovasi Desa, Joko Hadi Purnomo
the pictures of jacks, kings, and queens
or popularly known as Koko, said that the
were still visible, as well as some pictures
potential for the batik as a home industry
of spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs
had already existed in Panggungharjo
in the upper half of the print. Playing
and a gathering place had also existed,
cards that are usually used to play trump,
namely at Omah Kreatif Dongaji. In the
poker, casino, solitaire, and the most
midst of concerns during the pandemic,
serious to be contested to the world level, bridge, are now “stepped down” in a meaningful way: cut into batik prints.
Sinau Batik (Learning Batik) When Nur Rohmat was ready
food security must be realized. A participant of Sinau Batik, Dewi Lestari, created the sekar gadung motif, which was inspired by the tunggul wulung traditional ceremony in her village. “In the past, this ceremony was carried out by Majapahit guards, then now it is held every year
to share his experience, the
on Friday Pon in August or September in
studio then held an activity
Dukuhan Village, Sendang Agung Village,
entitled Sinau Batik (Learning
Minggir. Sleman. During the ceremony
Batik) by inviting various
there is a carnival and the Sekar Gadung
participants, including
dance, so I make the kembang gadung
people with disabilities. They
motif, then combine it with the Parijoto
were already familiar with
motif. The color is purplish according to
the process of making batik. It
the color of tunggul wulung ceremony,”
was through this program that the
said Dewi, explaining the philosophy of
manufacture and use of paper stamps
the batik motif she developed.
were introduced. The dyeing could be
Indonesian motifs in stamped batik Zul Lubis
VOL. VOL. 14, 14, 2022 2022 INDONESIANA INDONESIANA 71 71
For Koko and Nur Rohmat, making a
which later poured water (the cloud
Among the 100 participants at Sinau
batik motif must be accompanied by
shape is different from the cloud in the
Batik, there are 25 people with disabilities
a background and reason, not just
Cirebon’s mega mendung motif). Then
who are, on average, physically disabled,
drawing flowers, for example. This is also
there was the kitiran toy, this was related
due to accidents or polio. Among them,
emphasized by Dwi Hening, a retired
to the elders who made children’s toys
there are also people who are deaf.
teacher at the Textile Department of the
every day in Panggungharjo so that
Especially for people with disabilities, the
Yogyakarta Fine Arts High School (SMSR),
the village was popularly known as the
practice of making batik is done in groups
who created the Panggungharjo and
dolanan village. Then there were pictures
so that they can help each other even
Karangkitri motifs. How to translate the
of kawung which were very useful and
though each participant is allowed to
name of the village into a form of batik
pictures of deer cages on the Krapyak
produce their own batik, such as Sutrismi
motif? Dwi explained, “Panggungharjo
Stage. The fabric seemeed to be full of
with the flower motif of randa tapak or
village is included in the DIY imaginary
various motifs, but it turned out to be just
dandelion and Sri Lestari with the motif of
line, from Parangtritis, Panggung Krapyak, Kraton, Tugu, to Merapi. Well on the Krapyak Stage, there is Karangkitri, a large area where crops are grown. Merapi as the highest place implies that there is the highest one, namely God. Panggungharjo itself means a prosperous stage.”
the stamp was not too close.
frangipani leaves.
Weton Motif Recently, Nur Rohmat has made and developed the weton motif. It started from the anxiety of the increasing loss of knowledge about local wisdom that became identity due to latah of using properties from other cultures such as
Then how to describe it? We’re
the zodiac. He said, “I am actually against
getting curious. Dwi then showed
it. That does not mean you cannot use
his batik work. There was a
the zodiac, but do not forget those who
combination of tamarind leaves, symbol of adem (cold) ayem (comfortable) mesam-mesem (smiles), then there was water depicted as a cloud
Creating new motifs Zul Lubis
right because
72 72 INDONESIANA INDONESIANA VOL. VOL. 14, 14, 2022 2022
are close. Our culture must be down to earth so that it becomes a product that can bring up social institutions.”
weton, for example, the person born on
human life. The life cycle from birth
Thursday Wage has elements of wind,
to death will always be spelled and
lightning, and earth with elephant and
translated so that humans can live in
grain rice. Next there is the translation
peace and have support. Every ethnic
of the linga-yoni, characters, and power
and nation actually has an equal footing
domination. “After reading the books, my
in interpreting the life cycle, translating
job is to convert them into batik motifs,”
human character, up to scanning the
Nur Rohmat said, who then showed the
body’s energy, namely by connecting
remaining collection of weton batik.
three elements: God, humans, nature. Thus, a narrative of four elements emerges, namely water, fire, wood, and stone, or there are those who use the
aji -
will never be completed throughout
there have been translations of human
if Kreat
From various readings in the past,
and macro cosmos and the circle of life
ah by Om Batik is b Zul Lu
The discussion about the micro cosmos
“Well, I don’t have a weton motif,” I said. “Indent, ok,” Nur Rohmat said. Alright… (Susi Ivvaty/Indonesiana)
elements of water, air, and fire. That is how it is.
Sri Lestari is holding batik with weton Jumat Kliwon motif by Nur Rohmat Zul Lubis
Nur Rohmat Zul Lubis
VOL. VOL. 14, 14, 2022 2022 INDONESIANA INDONESIANA 73 73
Guling Bali Offering to God
Preparing be guling Syefri Luwis
n addition to having natural beauty,
At first, be guling is a typical dish served
Sanghyang Sangkara or the god who
the island of Bali also stores cultural
in a ceremony; both traditional and
controls the fertility of all plants and
creativity that has been created from
religious ceremonies. Along with the
trees. This worshipping ceremony uses be
the ancestors of the Balinese people.
development of eras and current food
guling (spit-roasted pig) as a complement
The combination of Hinduism and local
consumption patterns, be guling has
which is interpreted as a request for
customs produces cultural works that
become a common food for the general
safety for plants so that they can flower,
are unique, lively, and full of cultural
public which is sold as a dish in stalls,
bear fruit, and have thick leaves as a
values. This integration of customs and
restaurants, and even restaurants in
source of life.
culture can be easily found in every
certain hotels in Bali.
district, sub-district and village. Among the cultural products resulting from the combination of the custom-culture are traditional foods that are still found in the community. Not only that, the traditional cuisine also appears with its own characteristics in each district. One of the traditional foods that is typical of the Balinese people that has been passed down from generation to generation is be guling (spit-roasted pig) which has now become one of the culinary icons of Bali province.
In the Lontar of the King Purana (Ancient
There is no definite record of when this
Script of Raja Purana), it is also stated that
spit-roasted pig culinary was created.
the spit-roasted pig is used as a means in
However, a note about the existence
the Usabha Posya ceremony (a sacrificial
of this be guling has been published in
reversal of the oath) in the Bhatara
the Lontar Sundarigama (Ancient Script
Turun Kabeh ritual at Besakih Temple
of Sundarigama) which states that the
in December. In the ancient script, it
spit-roasted pig is a complement in the
is explained that Bhatara Turun Kabeh
offering to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa.
uses ceremonial means; two pinudhukan
Balinese people, who are predominantly Hindu, perform yajna on days that are seen as holy days. One of them according to the pawukon count is Tumpek Penguduh which falls on Saturday Kliwon Wariga. This day is a holy day for worshiping
pigs chopped, one pajuwit, one be guling (spit-roasted pig), one black buffalo. Thus it can be concluded that the use of spitroasted pig as a means of offering to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa has been going on since ancient times. Pande Egi, the maker of spit-roasted pig who has been in the spit-roasted pig business for generations and for decades, stated that the culinary
term be guling comes from the way it
Ida Bhatara, the god who gives protection
ceremony of dewa yadnya, pitra yadnya,
is cooked, namely by rotating or rolling
to mankind, as a request so as not to
manusa yadnya. Be guling as an offering
it continuously over hot coals until well
experience tragedies in daily life.
is often used as a package with banten
The tradition of making be guling for
Next, Pande Egi said that in ancient
consumption is called nguling. The
As a means of the dewa yadnya
times there was a myth which stated
ceremony of making be guling in a
ceremony, be guling is also used as an
that making spit-roasted pig and eating
particular way is usually carried out in
offering at the practice of Usabha Pura
it immediately was believed to bring bad
a ceremony called ninggungin. Indeed,
Dalem which takes place once a year on
luck and misfortune to the family who
ninggungin is a tradition of slaughtering
Tilem Kaulu day (January-February) in
made and ate it. Therefore, in the making
piglets which is usually done by members
Timbrah Village, Karangasem District,
of spit-roasted pig for consumption,
of the pig farming community. When the
Karangasem Regency. At this ceremony,
when the spit-roasted pig is well done
pet pig gives birth, at the age of about
there is a tradition of making be guling as
and ready to be eaten, the body parts
three to four months, one of the piglets is
an offering to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa
such as a small portion of the fingernails,
spit-roasted and the meat will be divided
with all its manifestations by each family
a small portion of the tail, a small portion
and eaten with neighbors and close
head of the indigenous people.
of the nose, a small portion of the mouth,
and a small portion of the ears must still be offered in offerings to the creator first. This tradition is known as kuku rambut.
As a means of ceremony for manusa
Functions of Be Guling
yadnya, especially at the three-monthly
The be guling culinary preparation has
ceremony or one otonan, be guling is
several functions in the community,
adapted to the village of kala patra and
Balinese people believe that, before being
one of which is as a complement to
the ability of the baby’s parents. The
enjoyed, be guling must first be offered to
the yadnya ceremony, especially at the
Nelubulanin ceremony (a three-monthly
Spit-roasted pig in the procession of the threemonthly human yadnya Dwika Decka
76 INDONESIANA INDONESIANA VOL. VOL. 14, 14, 2022 2022 76
ceremony) is performed by the Hindu
bebangkit, the spit-roasted pig must be
to cooking. This must be done together
community in Bali to celebrate the 105th
presented as a means. Even, in ngaben
and in cooperation with each other. In
day or three months of a baby’s birth
that takes place in the Duda Wates
the end, be guling, after performing a
according to the Balinese calendar.
Tengah Traditional Village, be guling is
ceremony or ritual, is of course also eaten
Balinese people believe that at that
danced in a procession of taking bade or
together by the whole big family.
age every part of the baby’s five senses
corpse to the grave.
has started to be active, including the
The economic value of be guling is seen
Cultural Values of Be Guling
in the development of the spit-roasted
In the context of culture, food is not only
pig business which of course requires
as a supply of nutrients and nutrition
manpower, supplies of spices, pork
but also as a tradition that contains
ingredients and so on. Of course, this
religious values, togetherness values and
culinary business opens up economic
economic values. Religious value appears
space for the surrounding society. The
Be Guling is also used as a means of
in its use as a means or complement to
culinary companies of spit-roasted pig
ceremony for pitra yadnya, especially at
the yadnya ceremony. In this case, be
have the potential to bring in profits and
the ngaben ceremony. As it is known,
guling is a form of gratitude offered to
economic opportunities which are very
the Ngaben ceremony itself is actually
God who has given blessings in the form
tempting because there are more and
a procession of burning corpses or
of safety, welfare, success, health and so
more fans of spit-roasted pig in Bali. This
cremation for Balinese Hindus. The ritual
type of business has now become one of
digestion. Their gratitude is expressed by presenting be guling as a means of the ceremony. Then, after the ceremony is over, the be guling can be eaten together by the whole family member.
of burning the corpse is a symbol for the purification of the spirit of the dead person. If the ngaben ceremony uses a
The value of togetherness is reflected in the process of taking pigs from the cage, slaughtering, preparing spices, up
the most promising because the benefits are worth taking into account. (Kadek Dwikayana: BPNB Bali Province)
Be guling is taken to the restaurant Syefri Luwis
As a prayer and offering Dwika Decka
VOL. 14, 14, 2022 2022 INDONESIANA INDONESIANA 77 77 VOL.
of KRI Dewaruci
Serving with hearth A glimpse of Sugeng Hariyanto Full Name : Sugeng Hariyanto, M.Tr.OPSLA Rank : Major Corps : Sailor Religion : Moslem Born : Surabaya, October 5, 1981 Ethnicity : Java Position : Commander
Military Educational Background 1. Naval Academy 50 : 2004 2. Dikpasis : 2005 3. International Seminar Group Refresh : 2014 4. SUS Principle Warfare Officer TNI AL 2014 : 2014 5. SUS dan KRI : 2014 6. DIKLAPA KOUM Batch 24 : 2015 7. DIK REG SESKOAL Batch 57 : 2019
Military Awards: SATYA LANCANA KESETIAAN VIII TAHUN (Armed Forces Long Service Medal for 8 years of service) SATYA LANCANA KESETIAAN XVI TAHUN (Armed Forces Long Service Medal for 16 years of service) SATYA LANCANA DWIDYA SISTHA (Medal for Service as A Military Educator) TANDA PENGHARGAAN TNI AL KELILING DUNIA (Mark of Commendation for completing the Indonesian Navy mission of voyage around the world) PIAGAM PENGHARGAAN KASAL (Certificate of Merit as The Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy)
etting the opportunity to be on
the condition of the troops at that time
“This ship changes everything. Our
board on the last sailing route of
looked weak and less enthusiastic. He
journey into the dimensions of distance
the Muhibah Budaya Jalur Rempah
tried to provide supplies in a different
and time has made them and me go
from Kupang to Surabaya made me so
style. Pak Sugeng started to tell who
through an extraordinary process,” said
lucky. Not only because of my rare sailing
Dewaruci was, why the ship was called
the Commander. He was proud of the
experience, I also had the opportunity to
Dewaruci and why being on KRI Dewaruci
spirit of loyalty that grew as the journey
talk with the legendary Commander, KRI
was a matter of pride. This ship was a
went on. They wanted to take care of
Dewaruci, Sugeng
legend for the Indonesian Navy because
sick friends, help drunk friends, and feed
Hariyanto, M.Tr.
it had produced many reliable sailors
OPSLA or as read
for the Navy. From there, he saw the
by Sailor Sea Major.
Laskar Rempah started to get excited. “I
He has served in the Indonesian Navy for more than 18 years. He has been on various kinds of ships, ranging from battleships, patrol boats to sailing ships. He started his service on sailing ships such as KRI Dewaruci in January 2011. In 2012, he had the opportunity to sail around the world using the historic KRI Dewaruci. He and his entire crews have sailed from Indonesia across the Pacific Ocean for 10 months. That afternoon on the deck we talked.
said, I want to see these sparkling eyes tomorrow when you guys are on board the ship.” said Commander Sugeng.
A sense of ownership of this ship was instilled by the Commander by giving a pin that had the KRI Dewaruci logo and inscription. The pin had a meaning and it was an honor that when they receive
He admitted that the contrast
the pin, they were already part of us,
between the enthusiasm of the wave
the crew of KRI Dewaruci. “My hope is
of participants who had disembarked
to take care of this ship the same way
from the ship and the new wave of
we take care of this ship. Don’t dirty
those who were still on land was very
this ship, don’t fool around with this
strong. The solidarity and loud voice
ship. This is where we sleep, where we
of the troops who had sailed felt even
rest, and where we eat together.” said
more intense. This was a small proof
the commander. Apart from instilling
that the Muhibah Budaya Jalur Rempah
a sense of ownership, he also relied
had become a medium for the troops
on a combination of coordination and
to find their identity. During the process
communication to strengthen personal
Building a Sense of Loyalty
they learned to accept others, dared
closeness with the participants of the
Laskar Rempah are the proudest people
to express themselves and discovered
Intangible Cultural Treasure. If he found
from 34 provinces in Indonesia who
their hidden talents. Pak Sugeng was
a violation that was quite serious, he
also pleased with the closeness that
would take action, such as when one of
existed between the Laskar Rempah and
the troops tried to climb without using
the crew of KRI Dewaruci until they held
a safety rope. “When I came down, I
were chosen to sail using the KRI Dewaruci in order to participate in Muhibah Budaya Jalur Rempah. When they
a vote to give awards to several crew
scolded. I gave the choice of wearing a
first met, Commander
members such as the most handsome,
safety rope or not going up at all!” he said
Sugeng Hariyanto saw
the most caring, and the friendliest.
firmly. This was very important, because
Major Sugeng in various activities on the Muhibah Budaya Jalur Rempah – Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah and Naval Public Affair Fleet Command II, Surabaya
Sugeng Hariyanto together with the Director for Cultural Human Resource and Cultural Institutions Empowerment, Yudi Wahyudin, and Laskar Rempah dance together at the Gala Dinner – Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
in the end the safety of everyone who got
For thousands of years, the spices of
The effects of this intangible cultural
on this ship was under the Commander’s
the archipelago have influenced world
treasure journey began to be seen
civilization. Even one kilogram of nutmeg
from the Laskar Rempah’ effort to
was once equivalent to one kilogram of
speak about the Spice Route in their
respective provinces. They talked about
Spirit of Spice Diplomacy The journey of the Muhibah Budaya
Commander Sugeng views that one
undertaken by KRI Dewaruci. Different
day we will develop spice diplomacy,
from the naval education missions
disseminate knowledge about Indonesian
that are usually carried out by this
culture and other values. This of course
ship, this trip is full of various cultural
cannot be carried out by the ministry
performances. The commander himself
alone, but is strengthened through
learned a lot from various performances
synergies with the society, communities
and cultural activities in each city. His
and Laskar Rempah which are now
knowledge of the local wisdom of each
representatives of each province. What
The meeting between the four Sultans
region increases, because when he
was carried out for 32 days at the
of Ternate-Tidore is one of the authentic
arrives in a new city, he and his crews
Muhibah Budaya Jalur Rempah was a
proofs of this journey. The Sultans only
must adapt to the prevailing local
stepping stone, a starting point, to gain
want to meet if the meeting is carried out
world recognition of the Spice Route
on a ship. KRI Dewaruci played a major
as the Archipelago’s cultural heritage.
role as a neutral party when the meeting
Despite many challenges, Commander
took place. They were able to let go of
Sugeng really appreciates the courage
their egos, meet, chat and hug each other
of the Ministry of Education, Culture,
on the KRI Dewaruci. When the meeting
Research and Technology to take that
took place, they did not talk about politics
Eager to learn more about the Spice Route , the Commander bought a book about an island in the archipelago which was exchanged with Manhattan, which was very interesting for him.
what the Spice Route was, that spices
Jalur Rempah is the first cultural mission
80 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
first step.
were not just nutmeg, clove pepper and sandalwood, that this trail was not just about spices, but how cultural acculturation took place in each region. This activity also builds concrete awareness about how big is Indonesia and its cultural diversity.
Dewaruci’s commander, Marine Major (P) Sugeng Hariyanto, hands over a souvenir in the form of a miniature of Dewaruci ship to the Secretary of Directorate General of Culture, Drs. Fitra Arda, M. Hum at the closing ceremony of MBJR – Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
as they had done before, but about the
worked with the Ministry of Education,
refeel a link between them and history.
progress of Indonesian culture. The
Culture, Research, and Technology to
Through this intangible cultural treasure,
sailing of intangible cultural treasure and
fight for this recognition. “This is an honor
we understand that history is not a
the KRI Dewaruci ship proved to change
for me and of course with the permission
foreign land hidden in the past. History
everything. This is the place where Unity
of The Only One God,” he said.
is the present, sitting on this deck, sailing
in Diversity is realized.
When the sky was getting dark and
across our ancestors’ seas, creating the future together. Softly heard the old
The Importance of History
the wind was blowing from the stern,
Commander Sugeng was impressed
Commander Sugeng conveyed his
with the series of Muhibah Budaya Jalur
message to the younger generation.
Rempah. He realized that, at his age, he
“Don’t make this just as a passing
had to learn more about spices and the
moment. The completion of this journey
history of the Spice Route itself, which
is the first point, the first step for the
“Don’t let the incitement that happened
turned out to be more than just a colonial
Laskar Rempah to spread the Spice Route
in the past happen again in the present.
trade road. He began to recognize the
that belongs to Indonesia.” Just like
The unity and integrity of Indonesia
influence of Archipelago’s spices for
when we graduate from a university, we
must be upheld. The Unitary State of the
many regions of the world, thousands
have to think about what contribution
Republic of Indonesia is absolute!” That
of years before colonialism entered the
we can make to the surrounding
was what Sugeng Hariyanto, Commander
archipelago. He sincerely hoped that the
environment. That is what Mr. Sugeng
of KRI Dewaruci, concluded when it was
Spice Route would become a cultural
said. This Intangible Cultural Treasure
heritage that was recognized by UNESCO.
has provided an important lesson for all
The commander felt very lucky if that
participants. By sailing across the same
dream came true, because he took part
archipelago waters like ancient sailors
as the Commander of KRI Dewaruci who
from thousands of years ago, they can
message: a great country will not forget its history. Because we are the ones who will shape history in the present that will be remembered in the future.
(Jessika Nadya Ogesveltry, Directorate of Culture Development and Utilization)
VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 81
Passionate about Muhibah Jalur Rempah
Back to exploring the ocean – Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
Belang Adat Competition in Banda Naira during the release of Laskar Rempah Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
82 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
Cloves that always accompany the people of the Archipelago Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
Laskar Rempah is performing a role of the sails with KRI Dewaruci’s crews Naval Public Affair Fleet Command II, Surabaya
he trail of Spice Route at the six knots, namely Surabaya, Makassar, Baubau and Buton,
Ternate and Tidore, Banda Naira, and Kupang is truly nostalgic. Feelings of emotion, excitement, happiness, and joy collide into one. Of course. Sailing for 32 days (1 June - 1 July 2022) with KRI Dewaruci, then tracing historical places and meeting many friendly people made us feel a nostalgic atmosphere that penetrated our pores. We explored the once famous spice trade centers, revisited the temples of the Majapahit era, visited the pinisi boat and museums such as La Galigo and Karaeng Pattingaloang, then tasted a variety of local culinary delights. The forts that stand proudly are truly amazing, such as Fort Wolio (Buton), Fort Kastella (Ternate), and Fort Belgica (Neira). It is impossible to say that This inner experience could not leave a deep impression, including visiting a sandalwood garden and touching the beautiful hand-woven fabrics in Kupang. See you again in the next Muhibah Jalur Rempah. Long live the spice! (Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah, Directorate of Culture Development and Utilization)
Ja’i dance, a dance that reflects togetherness among members of the Ngada society, NTT Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
Pedoa dance, a dance from the Sabu ethnic group which is a social dance Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 83
The Verbond Mortar Confederation which is an alliance between Ternate, Tidore, Jailolo and Bacan that happened 700 years ago is repeated on the deck of KRI Dewaruci – Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
The placard of the Inauguration of the Mini Pati Kiat Museum by the Director for Cultural Development and Utilization – Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
Mancak Dance, Buton – Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
84 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
Cakalele Dance – Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
Spice Route ’s Excursion in Mojokerto – Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
The routines of KRI Dewaruci’s crews – Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
Hand in hand becomes the routine at KRI Dewaruci Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
Woven fabrics are part of wastra which is one of Indonesia’s identities Editorial Team of Jalur Rempah
VOL. 14, 2022 INDONESIANA 85
Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Republic of Indonesia Directorate General of Culture Directorate of Culture Development and Ultilization Building E. Lt. 9, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 4-5 Senayan, Jakarta 10270
86 INDONESIANA VOL. 14, 2022
(021) 5725534 (021) 5725534 indonesiana.diversity@gmail.com http://kebudayaan.kemdikbud.go.id