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Winning business New orders and contracts
New contracts and orders in industry
MMK signs long-term contract for gas supplies from NOVATEK
Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK) has signed a long-term gas supply contract with OOO NOVATEK-Chelyabinsk, a fully owned subsidiary of OAO NOVATEK, to support the group’s operating performance and future development. Total deliveries under the contract, which runs for 10.5 years through 31 December 2022, will be 50 billion cu m of gas.
Under the contract, NOVATEK-Chelyabinsk will deliver 2.3 billion cu m of gas to MMK in 2012, with 4.5 billion cu m planned for 2013.
MMK deputy general director Vitaly Bakhmetyev said: “NOVATEK supplied its first 500 million cu m of gas to MMK back in 2003. The contract that we have signed meets the interests of both sides, and will secure MMK Group’s energy safety requirements. NOVATEK is a reliable partner, and we welcome the establishment of long-term bilateral relations between our companies.” Visit: www.mmk.ru
Major order for Mercedes-Benz Trucks
IN yet another major order for Mercedes-Benz Trucks, Iraq’s State Company for the Automotive Industry (SCAI) recently purchased 250 trucks to assist in reconstruction efforts in the country. The last of the ordered vehicles were delivered to SCAI just a few days ago. “We’re very pleased to help with the reconstruction of Iraq by supplying 250 MercedesBenz Actros trucks to SCAI,” says Hubertus Troska, head of Mercedes-Benz Trucks. “Our vehicles are perfect for use in rough terrain, where they clearly demonstrate their quality and reliability.”
This was the first time that Mercedes-Benz Trucks has supplied vehicles to SCAI. The contract between Daimler and SCAI, which covers the delivery of Mercedes-Benz trucks to Iraq, represented a clear commitment to the country’s reconstruction efforts when it was signed in Baghdad in February 2010. The delivery of the 250 Actros trucks marks a further important step toward this goal.
The 250 Actros were manufactured at the Mercedes-Benz plant in Wörth and delivered to Iraq as complete vehicles. SCAI is equipping the trucks onsite with equipment for various construction applications. Visit: www.media.daimler.com

E.ON wins long-term gas supply contracts
E.ON AG and OAO Gazprom have reached an agreement in the negotiations of their longterm gas supply contracts. The settlement includes a retroactive adaptation of pricing conditions for the price review period since Q4/2010. “We are pleased about the completion of our negotiations and the good result for both sides. Gazprom and E.ON have shown once more that, as long-term strategic partners, they are able to arrive jointly at viable solutions. By signing the agreements we are strengthening our long-standing, successful partnership with Gazprom,” said Johannes Teyssen, CEO of E.ON AG. With the successful completion of the talks with Gazprom, E.ON has now successfully renegotiated the pricing conditions of all of its currently oil-indexed volumes under its long-term gas supply contracts. This marks a major milestone in restoring the competitiveness of E.ON’s long-term gas contracts. With the existing agreement the risk of the group’s gas supply portfolio has been substantially decreased.
In connection with the settlement reached with Gazprom, E.ON has also raised its outlook for 2012. Visit: www.eonenergy.com
Balfour Beatty JV awarded Highways Agency contract
Balfour Beatty, the international infrastructure group, has been awarded a £300 million contract to operate, maintain and improve part of the Highways Agency’s strategic route network in the north-west, in a 70:30 joint venture with Mott MacDonald, mobilised in November 2012. The JV will maintain and improve over 500km of motorway and trunk roads in Manchester, Cheshire, Merseyside and parts of Lancashire.
The Area 10 Asset Support Contract (ASC) runs over the next five years and adds to Balfour Beatty Mott MacDonald’s current portfolio which includes the Area 4 contract in the south-east. Balfour Beatty is a leading partner in the design, finance, operation and maintenance of the strategic route network in England.
Balfour Beatty chief executive, Ian Tyler, said: “As a group, we are committed to growing our share of the transport maintenance market, both in the UK and overseas, and are one of the longest established providers in this vital service-led sector.” Visit: www.balfourbeatty.com
CG to power Belgium’s Northwind offshore wind farm project
CG has been awarded the contract for the grid connection study and supply of main transformer 275 MVA and 2 reactors of 65 MVAr at the Northwind offshore wind farm in Belgium.
The Northwind wind farm, previously named ‘Eldepasco’, will have an installed production capacity of 216 MW. The connection between the Offshore High Voltage Substation (OHVS) and the onshore grid connection will be realised with a 220 kV submarine export cable. Eventually, the Northwind wind farm will be connected to the future 165 MW Belwind 2 wind farm, which is also situated in front of the Belgian coast. For this connection, a second 220 kV subsea cable with a length of approximately 10km will be installed.
CG’s scope in this project would be to design and supply the high voltage installation including all necessary measures to comply with ELIA (Belgian Transmission System Operator) grid connection requirements. This comprises mainly the Offshore High Voltage Substation (OHVS) and the onshore location including all auxiliary systems to ensure proper functioning of the HV installation. Visit: www.cgglobal.com
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Tristone Flowtech Group signs Technical Assistance Agreement with Bony Polymers
Tristone Flowtech Group, with its headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany, has signed a Technical Assistance Agreement (TAA) with Bony Polymers Pvt. Ltd, located in Faridabad, India. “This signed TAA is supporting Tristone Flowtech Group’s penetration of the Indian Automotive market and will be the basis to establish our manufacturing footprint in the Indian region,” says Günter Frölich, president and CEO of Tristone Flowtech Group.
Mr Saket Bhatia, director of Bony Polymers, said: “This association will help Bony to add value to its current product portfolio by offering complete solutions in the area of engine cooling and turbocharger.”
The TAA signed will provide a framework within which Tristone Flowtech Group and Bony Polymers will be able to combine the strengths of both companies. The objective is to further penetrate the Indian automotive market by working together on common projects. It is expected that Tristone Flowtech Group will provide technical support in the production and logistic areas of Engine cooling hoses, PA Pipes, Surge tanks and turbocharger hose applications via the signed TAA and later a joint venture company in India. Visit: www.tristone.com

STRABAG awarded tunnelling contract at world’s largest copper mine in Chile

STRABAG SE, central and eastern Europe’s largest construction company, has won a new tunnelling project at the world’s largest copper mine in Chuquicamata in the Chilean desert. The tunnellers from STRABAG, together with those from STRABAG subsidiary Züblin Chile and a local partner, will build several tunnels to improve the infrastructure of the mine. The contract is worth about €100 million and will be executed over a period of three years.
Dr Hans Peter Haselsteiner, CEO of STRABAG SE, explains the strategy of STRABAG: “In markets outside of Europe, we work on selective projects which require special technical know-how. This is especially true for tunnelling.”
Both the mine and the nearest city of Calama are located in one of the driest places on Earth, in Chile’s Atacama Desert, approximately 1250km north of the capital of Santiago. The client is Chile-based Codelco, the largest copper-producing company in the world. Visit: www.strabag.com
Beijer Electronics wins breakthrough order in the US
Beijer Electronics has through its subsidiary Westermo won a large order of some 30 million SEK ($4 million) from Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) as the end customer.
The order is a breakthrough for Beijer Electronics and Westermo’s new solution for IP communication to the railway segment (Westermo IP-train solution) and it confirms the group’s world leading position in this area.
The order comprises communication equipment such as switches and routers for 364 rail cars. First deliveries will take place during the fourth quarter 2013 and deliveries will run for 2.5 years. There is a potential for additional orders as part of WMATA’s upgrade of Washington’s metro and train network. Beijer Electronics’ order for communication equipment is a part of an information system for the trains that will be delivered by Toshiba, thus Westermo’s direct customer. Crucial for Toshiba’s choice of Westermo’s IP-train solution is the system’s robustness and reliability in very harsh environments. Visit: www.beijerelectronics.se