Messer Benelux is the service leader in the supply of industrial gases. Philip Yorke spoke to Frank Borgenon, the company’s commercial & technical director, about its innovative customer services.
esser is the largest owner-managed industrial gas company in the world and has been associated with the industrial gas industry for more than 115 years. Its subsidiary for The Netherlands, Messer BV, celebrated its 25th anniversary last year. The Messer Group manufactures and supplies a wide range of gases including oxygen, nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and helium. In addition, the company produces inert welding gases and special gases for medical use and tailor-made gas mixtures for highly specialised applications. The variety of gases available from Messer is as broad as the type of industries that utilise them. These include the steel and metal industries,
chemicals, food and pharmaceuticals, as well as the automotive, electronics and high-tech environmental industries. Today industrial and medical gases are indispensable in a large number of sectors and Messer supplies them on a customised basis by developing innovative application technologies. In addition to its core business, Messer also provides components for producing, storing and using dry ice, as well as supply systems, cutting systems and oxyfuel technology. In 2013 the Messer Group employed more than 5400 people and recorded sales of over €1 billion, of which €200 million was invested in a new plant and new technology. Industry Europe 91