AT ANY TEMPERATURE For over 50 years Cisaplast SpA has been a leading refrigeration brand on an international scale. “Our door frame systems for commercial refrigeration cabinets are installed in every continent, for a variety of operational uses, providing convenience and efficiency in thousands of retail outlets,” says company president Barbara Guiducci. Barbara Rossi reports.
112 Industry Europe
isaplast is specialised in the production of frames and glass doors for low temperature refrigerating cabinets and cold rooms, as well as in manufacturing glass doors with frames for normal temperature multi-deck wall cabinets.
Innovative products The range offered by the company is very wide and fulfills all market needs. “We offer various solutions tailored to what customers require. Our main strength lies in interpreting and implementing every single project in such a way as to fulfill our customers’ needs,” Ms Guiducci explains. At Euroshop and Chilventa 2014 Cisaplast presented its new range, the result of a long and complex research process carried out by its