WIRE AND ROPE SOLUTIONS FOR THE WORLD Bridon’s high performance wire and ropes are meeting the most demanding challenges in construction, mining and oil and gas extraction around the world.
ridon International is the world’s leading specialist in the manufacture of steel wire and ropes for technically demanding applications in mining, construction, offshore oil and gas and in many other specialised areas of engineering. Its steel and wire rope has been used in high-profile projects across the world, from Wembley Stadium and the Newport City Bridge in Wales to the Inchon Munhak Stadium in Korea and the Kiev Olympic Stadium. “There are many rope manufacturers across the world but I think it’s fair to say that Bridon has no real direct competitor,” says
managing Director Jonathon Templeman. “We produce technically advanced, very high performance ropes and wires that are almost like a machine – they are highly engineered, with moving parts that often require lubrication and they can cost as much as £1 million for a single rope. The core of our business is very heavy lifting – ropes for deep shaft mines, for example, can go down to more than 3 km in a single fall and deepwater offshore lifting can also require 3 km ropes that have to be able to withstand extreme pressures, low temperatures and corrosion from the sea. Industry Europe 161