Industry Europe – Issue 33.3

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VOLUME 33/3 – 2023





From Lab to Table: The Rise of Synthetic

Meats in European Gastronomy T

he global discourse on sustainable food sources has been heightened in recent years due to rising concerns about environmental conservation, animal welfare, and food security. In this context, synthetic or lab-grown meat emerges as a promising contender. Europe, given its stature as a prominent consumer and producer of meat products, offers a fascinating lens through which to study the introduction and adaptation of these synthetic meats. Firstly, to appreciate the conversation around synthetic meats, it's essential to understand what they are. Termed variously as cultured, lab-grown, or cell-based meats, these are products biologically akin to conventional meats. However, their production process diverges significantly as they are cultivated in labs from animal cells instead of being sourced from farm-raised animals for slaughter. The ambition is to emulate the taste, texture, and nutritional value of traditional meats, eliminating the environmental and ethical dilemmas posed by conventional animal farming. The European context offers a unique backdrop to this discussion. With a vast tapestry of culinary traditions where meat plays a pivotal role, from the Spanish chorizos to the German bratwursts, Europe's gastronomic legacy is profound. Yet, concurrently, Europe has been at the forefront of championing sustainability. The European Union has been an ardent advocate of environmental protection, stringent animal welfare, and sustainable food production practices. This juxtaposition of culinary heritage and sustainability creates a dynamic arena for synthetic meats. Environmental sustainability remains one of the paramount motivations for considering synthetic meats. Conventional livestock farming is a significant contributor to

greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water pollution. With Europe increasingly cognizant of its carbon footprint, the prospects of synthetic meats, which according to certain studies can curtail land use by up to 95%, water utilization by 90%, and slash greenhouse gas emissions by 80%, appear ever more appealing. In nations like Denmark, which aspires to attain carbon neutrality by 2050, the environmental merits of synthetic meats hold immense promise.

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is instrumental in green-lighting novel foods, ensuring their safety for human consumption. Simultaneously, the moral compass of the European populace leans heavily towards animal welfare. Europe's stringent animal welfare regulations are a testament to this sentiment. The inhumane aspects of factory farming have spurred many to seek alternatives. Synthetic meats offer this alternative, a means to savor meat without the ethical conundrums associated with animal rearing and slaughter. However, the road to widespread acceptance of synthetic meats in Europe isn't devoid of hurdles. Cultural reverence for meat-based dishes could pose challenges in persuading consumers to embrace lab-produced alternatives. Additionally, there's a surging movement advocating the consumption of organic and natural foods in Europe. Many view lab-grown meat with skepticism, deeming it "unnatural" or "artificial". Economic repercussions also loom large. The traditional meat sector, a colossal

employer, could witness job losses and necessitate significant restructuring with the advent of synthetic meats. Regulatory mechanisms also play a pivotal role. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is instrumental in greenlighting novel foods, ensuring their safety for human consumption. This rigorous framework guarantees consumer safety but can elongate the time synthetic meat products take to penetrate the market. Yet, despite these challenges, synthetic meat's footprint in the European market is expanding. Substantial investments are being channeled into startups like Mosa Meat and Meatable. Concurrently, food industry behemoths are exploring the sector, signaling a burgeoning faith in its potential. For instance, the British-Dutch conglomerate Unilever's foray into partnerships with biotech entities to innovate plant-based meat and dairy substitutes underscores a shifting orientation in the food industry. Looking forward, while synthetic meats currently cater to a niche, the signs indicate a broader acceptance on the horizon. Technological advancements are anticipated to reduce production costs, making these meats more economically viable. As awareness spreads about the multifaceted benefits of synthetic meats, their market share is poised to surge. In summation, Europe's simultaneous embrace of sustainability and its cherished meat-centric culinary traditions offers an intriguing setting for the ascent of synthetic meats. Their promise, both in environmental and ethical dimensions, positions them as potential mainstays in Europe's future food landscape. The forthcoming years will be instrumental in dictating whether synthetic meats transition from being a niche curiosity to a dominant force in European gastronomy. n Industry Europe 3



VOL 33/3

Comment 3

Editorial: From lab to table: the rise of synthetic meats in European gastronomy

Focus on – Consumer Goods 5

Consumer mobile messaging tech is risky chat

Focus on – Chenicals & Biochemicals 8

Editorial Director Roger Sullivan

Art & Design Editorial Office

Profile Writers Romana Moares Dariusz Balcerzyk Emma-Jane Batey


Focus on – Healthcare 9

Katarzyna Pozoga

Europe's pioneering role in healthcare manufacturing

In the Limelight 10

Breakdown silos to solve your company’s top challenges and drive greater profitability this year TBM

Aerospace & Defence 12

Director of Sale & Business Development

Alchemy to bio-economy: Europe's vibrant voyage in chemicals and biochemicals

Aerospace & Defence news The latest developments in the sector

Chemicals & Biochemicals 14

Chemicals & Biochemicals news The latest developments in the sector

Business Partner, Poland Magdalena Grzempczyńska

Construction & Engineering 16

Construction & Engineering news The latest developments in the sector

Consumer Goods 18 24

Industry Europe

HG Robotics: packaging machines and lines tailored to individual needs HG Robotics JK’s lighter and stronger containers maximise payload ZPUH Janusz Kiedrowsk Consumer Goods news

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Energy & Utilities

The latest developments in the sector


Energy & Utilities news The latest developments in the sector

Healthcare 32

Healthcare news The latest developments in the sector

Metals & Mining © Industry Europe 2023 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form for any purpose, other than short sections for the purpose of review, without prior consent of the publisher.


Metals & Mining news The latest developments in the sector

Politics & Economics 36

Politics & Economics news The latest developments in Politics and Economics

Technology & Innovation 38

Technology & Innovation news The latest developments in Tech and Innovation


Transportation 40 4 Industry Europe

Transportation news The latest developments in the sector



Allowing unfettered use of mobile messaging creates compliance and security issues


t is widely understood that substantial computing power is now available in a device that slips into the pocket. With great power comes greater risk, though. Mobility and mobile messaging have empowered employees and, as the financial services sector recently discovered, broken down vital areas of customer and employee trust, contravening important compliance measures. Business, technology, and security leaders need to embrace mobile messaging but also guarantee security. Last autumn, eight well-known and trusted banks, together with 15 of their brokerages and dealing employees, received fines totalling $1.1 billion from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Those fines were penalties resulting from the use of consumer mobile messaging by brokers and dealers.

Appropriately conducting communications Brokers and traders must communicate with one another using platforms that provide record keeping so that the regulators, customers, and banks can see that all brokerage and trading behaviour is above board. “As technology evolves, it's even more important that registrants appropriately conduct their communications about business matters within only official channels, and they must maintain and preserve those communications," SEC Chair Gary Gensler said in a statement about the fines he 6 Industry Europe

imposed on Barclays Capital, Bank of America Securities, Citigroup Global Markets, Credit Suisse Securities, Deutsche Bank Securities, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and UBS Securities. Personal devices and personal messaging services were "routinely" used by the bankers from January 2018 to September 2021, in violation of federal securities laws. "If there are allegations of wrongdoing or misconduct, we must be able to examine a firm's books and records to determine what happened," Gurbir S. Grewal, Director of the SEC's Division of Enforcement, said in a statement. The eight banks have suffered financial loss and reputational damage. Across the Atlantic, former Conservative Party Leader and Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been exposed for using the WhatsApp mobile messaging platform for vital communications during the Covid-19 pandemic. An inquiry into why the UK has the highest Covid-19 death rate in Europe is trying to secure access to Johnson's WhatsApp messages to understand the disaster. Together these leadership and governance failures demonstrate the risks organisations face from using consumer mobile messaging platforms. Despite these concerns, employees and customers like mobile messaging, and it has become a vital communications tool for organisations. Banks, utility firms, healthcare providers, and airlines rely on mobile messaging to provide timely and important

communications. Here at NetSfere we recognise that employees and consumers like the power of mobile messaging because messages are typically responded to more quickly than email and this positively impacts productivity.

Rising risk Consumer mobile messaging platforms are easy to use; perhaps too easy. Family groups sprang up during the pandemic, and employees soon applied the same approach to work, leading to the creation of team and even project groups. It was a similar type of behaviour that led to the trader group breaking down the compliance protocols of eight banks. This ease of use opens organisations up to risk, however. For example, during the pandemic, I was placed in a business continuity WhatsApp group set up by a major mobile telecoms operator by mistake. Employee teams turned to consumer mobile messaging applications because they were not being given the tools and functionality to be productive. Where the SEC fine is concerned, several financial service providers initially claimed they weren't exposed to mobile messaging risk. Then the conversation changed; some said they would ban the use of mobile messaging, but human nature tends to find a way to overcome resistance. Realistically, businesses cannot put the genie of mobile messaging back in the bottle. That’s why we firmly advocate organisations embracing mobile messaging, but using enterprise-grade platforms that provide the compliance tools to protect customers and the organisation. Business advisory group McKinsey is concerned that mobile messaging provides a back door for data breaches. "Mobile platforms, remote work, and other shifts increasingly hinge on high-speed access to ubiquitous and large data sets, exacerbating the likelihood of a breach," McKinsey wrote in its forecast for security issues. Adding: "During the initial wave of Covid-19, from February 2020 to March 2020, the number of ransomware attacks in the world as a whole spiked by 148 per cent, for example. Phishing attacks increased by 510 per cent from January to February 2020." In another paper, the advisory firm predicts that the number of threats organisations and business technology leaders face will continue to rise. By 2025 there will have been a 300 per cent increase in damages to enterprises from cybercrime when com-

pared to the levels of 2015. Certainly, Covid and political events have accelerated the cybercrime threat, and many organisations are struggling; employees are often the soft underbelly that allows criminals to target a business. In fact, 92 per cent of cyber breaches start with employees.

Design benefits Business technology leaders need to design and implement security strategies that embrace mobile messaging, deliver the productivity gains the technology offers, but also protect the organisation. "Focusing on people in control design and implementation, as well as through business communications and cybersecurity talent management, will help to improve business-risk decisions and cybersecurity staff retention," Richard Addiscott, Director Analyst at Gartner, says of the importance of designing with the end user in mind. Security technology has been made unnecessarily complicated. Good usability is essential to ensure end users adopt and continue to use secure mobile messaging technology. Gartner believes that a more human-centred approach to designing security strategies and technologies will grow, with 50 per cent of CISOs taking this approach by 2027. The $1.1 billion fines of eight high-profile international banks last September have acted as a warning. As a result, healthcare, regulated, and non-regulated verticals are taking a closer look at mobile messaging security and the risks it poses. Unfortunately, many mistakenly believe that the encryption offered by consumer mobile messaging systems is all the security they need, but relying on it could leave the business exposed to risk if security is not bespoke to the specific data sharing regulations of your industry, or the expectations of your customers. A final word on privacy. In the App stores, if you go to Microsoft Teams, Slack, or WhatsApp and look at the profile it shows the data that the app collects. I am always amazed by the amount of data being collected; this is an organisation's data that is also highly valuable to those application providers. This makes it abundantly clear that consumer mobile messaging is not as secure or as private as first imagined, and that an organisation’s data is not necessarily protected when it is managed and processed by a third party. n Industry Europe 7




he chemicals and biochemicals industry stands as a pivotal facet of Europe's industrial mosaic, driving significant contributions to the region's economic vitality, innovation reservoir, and international competitiveness. With its expansive reach that encompasses everything from foundational chemicals to advanced biochemicals, this industry is a beacon of historical significance, rigorous research endeavors, and exacting sustainability and regulatory norms. Europe's tryst with the chemical domain can be traced back to the earliest chapters of the industry's global narrative. Milestone events, such as the revolutionary discovery of the Haber-Bosch process in Germany, which changed the face of ammonia production, serve as testament to the continent's central role. The European landscape, during the industrial revolution, emerged as a cradle for chemical innovations, nurtured by a confluence of academic research, burgeoning industrial growth, and evolving market demands. Fast forwarding to the contemporary epoch, the European Union (EU) proudly wears the badge of one of the globe's most expansive chemical marketplaces. Data from the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) puts the EU's contribution at a formidable 15% of global chemical sales, with Germany as its standard bearer, closely trailed by nations like France, Italy, and the Netherlands. This industry, a veritable employment engine, offers direct job roles to over 1.2 million individuals while simultaneously underpinning numerous other connected sectors. However, the script of Europe's chemical narrative is being rewritten with a distinct 8 Industry Europe

emphasis on the burgeoning biochemical sector, an offshoot largely catalyzed by the bio-economy paradigm. The march towards biochemicals is animated by a trilogy of driving forces: the surging demand tide for sustainable solutions, quantum leaps in biotechnology, and the EU's unwavering commitment to carbon footprint diminution. Central to Europe's prominence in the chemicals and biochemical arena is its fervor for research and development (R&D). European chemical conglomerates, in a symbiotic relationship with premier academic citadels, channel consistent investments into R&D, pushing the frontiers of innovation. Collaborative initiatives, exemplified by programs like Horizon Europe, lay the foundation for synergy between the industrial realm, academia, and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), creating a fertile ground for research breakthroughs. A quintessential outcome of this innovation ecosystem is the ascent of biochemicals. As torchbearers of sustainability, they're progressively elbowing out traditional chemicals, finding resonance in diverse applications, from bio-plastics to alternative fuels. The European ethos, when it comes to chemicals and their bio-counterparts, is underscored by stringent regulatory yardsticks. The REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals) framework embodies this ethos, championing the protection of human health and environmental sanctity. With the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) at its helm, REACH underscores the industry's onus in comprehending and navigating chemicalassociated risks. This vigilance extends to

the biochemical realm too, ensuring that the green transition is anchored in safety and ecological equilibrium. But, for Europe, sustainability isn't a mere tick-box exercise in the chemical tapestry. It's an embedded philosophy. The continent's vocal support for global initiatives like the Paris Agreement and the UN's Sustainable Development Goals mirrors in its industry's trajectory. The metamorphosis towards a circular economy, where resources oscillate in a loop of use and reuse, minimizing wastage, is a case in point. Here, the chemical industry is the lynchpin, crafting materials that are either recyclable, biodegradable, or sprout from renewable cradles. Yet, the journey isn't devoid of challenges. The shadows of global competition, especially from Asian quarters, loom large. The pivot to a green and digitized economic fabric, while promising, demands a workforce skilled in emergent technologies and sustainable methodologies. To retain its edge, Europe's chemicals and biochemicals bastion must accentuate its innovation pulse, amplify skill enhancement endeavors, and knit collaborative tapestries across its value chain. Engaging in dialogues with policy architects will be key to sculpting a regulatory milieu that harmoniously balances growth impulses with societal imperatives. In encapsulation, Europe's chemicals and biochemicals industry is an evolving tapestry—anchored in history, yet casting its gaze forward with innovation and sustainability as its compass. As it charts its course through the intricacies of the 21st century, it promises to mold a future marked by sustainable n prosperity for Europe.




urope stands as one of the global pioneers in the realm of healthcare and medical advancements. A substantial contributor to this prestige is its healthcare manufacturing industry. The European healthcare manufacturing sector is a diverse and vast ecosystem, encompassing pharmaceuticals, medical devices, biotechnologies, and other associated fields. The development and expansion of this industry have played a pivotal role in ensuring that Europe remains at the forefront of global healthcare solutions. The roots of Europe's prowess in healthcare manufacturing can be traced back to the early days of modern medicine. Prestigious educational institutions, combined with an innate spirit of curiosity and innovation, set the stage for Europe to lead the way. As early as the 19th century, European researchers and businesses were pioneering the commercial production of vaccines, antibiotics, and a host of other medicinal products. Arguably the most significant segment within the European healthcare manufacturing industry is pharmaceuticals. Home to several of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies, Europe contributes immensely to the global drug market. Brands like Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline, and Sanofi are just a few household names originating from the continent.

The European pharmaceutical sector is not only driven by the commercial interests of these giants but also by the region's robust regulatory frameworks. The European Medicines Agency (EMA), for example, plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety, efficacy, and quality of medicines distributed throughout the European Union. The medical devices segment is another dynamic sector within Europe's healthcare manufacturing industry. From advanced imaging equipment to everyday use items like syringes and stethoscopes, Europe's medical device manufacturers cover a broad spectrum. The continent's approach to innovation, combined with strict regulatory standards, ensures that devices produced are of the highest quality and safety. Moreover, with the rise of digital health and wearable technology, European manufacturers are also making headway in producing devices that integrate seamlessly with advanced technologies. European biotech companies are at the cutting edge of some of the most exciting and transformative developments in medicine. Collaboration between the academic and industrial sectors is prevalent in Europe, fostering an environment of continuous learning and development. The European healthcare manufacturing industry is a significant economic pillar, provid-

ing millions of jobs, contributing to European GDP, and playing a role in export dynamics. By being a hub of medical manufacturing, Europe ensures its citizens have access to high-quality healthcare products, building trust in the region's healthcare system. Challenges such as regulatory complexities, especially post-Brexit, patent expiration, competition from Asian markets, and the need for R&D funding are prevalent. Addressing these challenges requires strengthening regional cooperation, increasing R&D investment, fostering an environment conducive to startups and innovation, and developing adaptive regulatory frameworks. The European healthcare manufacturing industry was at the epicenter of global efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. From the rapid development and production of vaccines to scaling up manufacturing for PPE and medical devices, Europe played a vital role in the global response. The European healthcare manufacturing industry remains a beacon of innovation, quality, and resilience in the global landscape. Its commitment to excellence ensures it will continue to play a critical role in shaping the future of global health. Adaptability and foresight will be key to navigating the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. n Industry Europe 9



BM Consulting Group Europe’s Managing Director of Operations, Robert Vrugtman, dives beneath the surface of manufacturing challenges to better explain how they evolve, how workplace silos exacerbate the issues, and how good operations process controls can help resolve and prevent one your biggest operational headaches.

Your Biggest Challenge Runs Deeper Than You Think In a recent LinkedIn survey by TBM Consulting Group Europe, 50 European manufacturers responded to the “single biggest challenge” question by highlighting sourcing as the most common culprit, followed by organizational capabilities, sales, and manufacturing performance/productivity.

The real challenge lies in the silo conundrum. Sales, procurement, and manufacturing typically operate autonomously within their own reporting structures. They tend to communicate, interact, and exchange only through conditionality. Leaders fail to coordinate efforts beyond their own domains, synergize, and reflect on the bigger picture, which often fosters a blaming culture. As a real-world example, a major gas company was experiencing what it believed to be a performance problem on its oil platforms. During a typical nine-hour shift, the company was recording only two hours of hands-on tool time per employee. But the root cause of the inefficiency was not the lack of capacity, training, motivation, or non-engagement. Instead, it lay in communication and the failure to plan accordingly and align the various functions to ensure the right people with the right skillsets were made available in the right business context at the right time. By diagnosing the misalignment and addressing the underlying issues, the company was able to more than double hands-on tool time, saving billions in contractual and logistical costs.

Establish cross-functional operational process controls to cut across silos. Operational process controls provide formalized structure for cross departmental communication and sharing data-driven information that aligns the entire organization, establishes accountability channels, and ensures business area optimization. Ultimately, good operational process controls promote Precision of Execution within the organization. While a manufacturer’s most acute pain point usually manifests around one specific area, it almost always is a symptom of a much deeper organization-wide issue. However, business leaders cannot see or solve the widespread issue due to the multitude of barriers and complexities hampering their resolve.

10 Industry Europe

Here’s how to quicky integrate operational process controls and start driving net profits within a year: •

Commit to eliminating the silos. Experts are hired for area-specific skills, and it is to be expected that they want to focus on what they do best. The CFO wants to cut costs by eliminating extensive

training for positions with high attrition. But the COO sees a need for more investment to keep people onboard. The most effective leaders are the ones who are willing to check their egos at the door, listen to each other, and collectively identify where the real barriers and opportunities for improvement lie. •

Perform a diagnostic to identify root causes and interconnections. Nine times out of 10, the issue you think is your biggest challenge is just the tip of a much larger iceberg that spans many areas of the organization. An end-to-end diagnostic that dives deep into the data and maps the interconnections between different divisions can be completed in a matter of weeks, providing the big picture outlook to make better organization-wide business decisions and understand the ensuing implications of such decisions on each department. Design and implement multiple workstreams. It is often impossible to fix one issue without addressing other contributing factors outside of the domain. This can be particularly true with planning challenges where internal organizational capabilities and reporting structure nuances can lead to external complications. With any improvement initiative, it is important to ensure that the right people, with the proper training and skills, are assigned in the areas where they can provide most value with a formalized practice to measure success, attainment to plan, and adherence to compliance requirements.

Establish processes for ongoing collaboration. Manufacturers hoping to sustain and build on gains need to be diligent about keeping silos from reemerging. Regular formalized cross-functional meetings are key to reflecting on the track record and collectively setting goals, designating responsibilities, and establishing accountabilities channels for the entire organization.

Get support from change management experts. While companies can successfully put operational process controls

into place and begin benefiting from the results in a matter of months, breaking down silos and fostering collaboration between departments represents a major cultural change. Those that are most successful rely on established external change management expertise and a neutral, third-party perspective to objectively oversee the work. A change management consultant can work alongside the manufacturing leaders across departments to make sure the work stays on track and delivers the anticipated benefits in the shortest amount of time.

Be your best as an organization, not just a department. Whether you think sourcing, sales, manufacturing, or organizational capabilities is your biggest challenge, the real problem is the barriers between departments and functions. A siloed approach will continue to hamstring your business and unnecessarily increase costs, whilst preventing the performance gains you need to remain competitive. Make 2023 the year you commit to putting operational process controls in place and unifying all areas of your organization around n shared success. Click here to read the full version of this article:

About TBM Consulting Group TBM Consulting Group is a global operations and supply chain consulting firm committed to driving rapid performance gains. Contact us today to start a conversation about operational speed and how to achieve your goals faster.

Industry Europe 11


New developments in the Aerospace & Defence

Polish demand for fighter jets sparks competition

between US and European suppliers P oland is eagerly awaiting the delivery of 32 F-35 fighter jets, which were ordered in 2020. Furthermore, there are considerations of expanding their combat fleet with another 32 aircraft, Polish defense officials have revealed. “We own 48 F-16s. We have ordered 32 — two squadrons — of F-35s. Next year, the first units will be in the hands of Polish pilots. We have ordered 48 FA-50s,” National Defense Minister Mariusz Błaszczak told Radio Dla Ciebie. “But it is not enough, we need at least two more squadrons of … multi-role aircraft. What kind of aircraft will they be? We are working on this.” In the aftermath of Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Poland, like many neighboring countries, has amplified its military procurement efforts. For Poland's air force to have adequate operational capabilities, it must be equipped to challenge Russian Sukhoi Su-34 fighter bombers and Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets. This necessitates the acquisition of aircraft capable of establishing air dominance.

When considering potential options, Tomasz Smura from the Casimir Pulaski Foundation in Warsaw said, “realistically, only two options are available on the market.” He was referring to the Eurofighter Typhoon and the F-15EX Eagle II by Boeing. Highlighting the importance of controlling airspaces in the context of the Ukrainian conflict, Boeing's Tim Flood mentioned, “one of the lessons from the war in Ukraine.” He also posited that if Poland opts for the F-15EX fighters, they would be a “perfect combination with the F-35s.” Historically, Poland has shown a preference for U.S. defense systems, owing to both their performance and the diplomatic relations they foster. However, recent political shifts in Poland could potentially alter this pattern. Earlier procurements include 116 M1A1 Abrams tanks and 250 M1A2 Abrams tanks. Additionally, the U.S. has approved the sale of 96 AH-64E Apache helicopters to Poland. Smura added, “Regarding previous procurement decisions and the fact that the Polish

government is keen on U.S. cooperation, I would rather consider the F-15 as a front runner.” On the other hand, the Eurofighter consortium has been pitching their aircraft in Poland for years. Costa Panvinirosati of Leonardo remarked at the Polish Radom Air Show in 2023 that Poland is “a really good” market for the Eurofighter. Highlighting Leonardo's significant presence in Poland, Panvinirosati said, “Leonardo is often seen as an Italian defense company, but in fact has had a large presence in Poland for many years. It has around 3,000 employees there and this level is increasing thanks to new programs, like the AW149 helicopter that will be produced here.” While Smura believes the Eurofighter might have a competitive edge due to potential technology transfer agreements, Leonardo has not commented on whether any deal might include local Eurofighter production in Poland.

Finland's 2024 defense budget prioritises weapons replenishment and border fortification


n preparation for 2024, Finland's defence budget has been proposed to fortify its expansive 830-mile border with Russia and to replace the military hardware previously supplied to Ukraine. Expected to gain approval by October's end, the budget plans for defence spending to stand at approximately €6.2 billion (U.S. $6.6 billion), an increase of nearly 5% from 2023's allocation. This proposal got the green light, with adjustments, from the Defence Ministry in September. This increase is a reflection of Finland's recent entry into NATO and the ongoing regional tensions due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Subsequently, Finland's proposed defence expenditure for 2024 will account for 2.3% of its GDP, comfortably surpassing the 2% target set by NATO for its members. One significant component of the 2024 budget is the plan to build 125 miles of 'smart fencing' equipped with advanced sensors and drones, under the surveillance of the Finnish Border Guard. This sophisticated border protection, slated for strategic locations along the Finnish-Russian frontier, carries an estimated cost ranging from $400 million to $500 million. Another budgetary provision earmarks $272 million for the ministry to recoup costs associated with the replacement of military gear donated to Ukraine. Once formalized, this budget will also allocate $1.6 billion for defence equipment procurement in 2024. Speaking about the increased allocation, Finnish Defence Minister Antti Häkkänen said, “We cannot ignore how the war instigated by Russia has

12 Industry Europe

changed the security landscape in our Nordic region and in the wider neighbourhood. The world around Finland is becoming an increasingly dangerous place. Despite Finland’s economic challenges, we are now part of NATO and with membership comes added costs and responsibilities.” While Russia is fortifying its military installations along Finland's border, Häkkänen underlined that Finland doesn't feel threatened. Regarding Russian bases, such as the Alakurtti which lies east of Finland's Lapland and accommodates Russia's arctic motor rifle brigade, enhancements are evident. The Petrozavodsk base, south of Alakurtti, witnesses development activities indicative of its gearing up for increased military storage, tank accommodation, and mobile artillery units. Drawing from intelligence data, Finnish Army reports suggest that the Petrozavodsk base operates as a logistical hub, providing equipment to Russian forces engaging in the Ukraine conflict. Regarding this, Häkkänen commented, “Russia repeatedly warned us that it would strengthen its near-border bases if Finland joined NATO. We are not surprised by these activities. Our intelligence is that these new structural works at military bases are part of normal Russian operations. We do not believe they pose a threat.” For context, Finland's defence expenditure, as reported by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, was about $3.87 billion in 2020. This was followed by $3.8 billion in 2021 and $4.8 billion in 2022, with 2023's allocation pegged at around $6.3 billion.


INDUSTRYNEWS New Tech Hub to Accelerate Next Generation Airbus Wings


irbus is investing further in its UK innovation capabilities, with the opening of a new Wing Technology Development Centre (WTDC) at its Filton site today. The facility, which will be used to build and test demonstrators for a range of programs and research projects, was opened by Nusrat Ghani, UK Minister of State at the Department for Business and Trade. Airbus says the new facility will help accelerate the design, build and testing of wings for next generation aircraft, by using the latest technology and worldleading demonstrators to further improve the performance of its wings. Alongside engine optimization, making wings longer, leaner and lighter is one of the biggest opportunities to improve fuel efficiency, reduce CO2 and ultimately work towards the aviation industry’s ambition to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. “The new Wing Technology Development Centre will help us to ground our research in practicality,” said Sue Partridge, Airbus head of Filton site and Wing of Tomorrow Program. “A key element of how we deliver technology for next generation aircraft wings is through Wing of Tomorrow (WoT), our largest research and technology program led by the team in the UK. Last week, we achieved a critical milestone in the program when our second wing demonstrator was completed by the team in Broughton, Wales and delivered to the WTDC. Here it will be prepared for structural testing in our Aerospace Integrated Research and Technology Center (AIRTeC).”

The WoT program allows Airbus to explore new manufacturing and assembly technologies so future generations can continue to benefit from flying. “It’s about preparing our people, technology, industrial system, supply chain and digital and physical capabilities for next generation aircraft. We’re leveraging industry partners and the very best digital tools and automation to identify potential technology bottlenecks that may slow us down in the future. The foundations we lay now will help us build better and faster when the time comes.” The WTDC adds to Airbus’ existing research and technology footprint in the UK, including the Advanced Manufacturing Research Center (AMRC) in Broughton and both the ZEROe Development Center and Aerospace Integrated Research & Test Center (AIRTeC) at its Filton site. Since 2014, Airbus has been awarded £117 million by the Aerospace Technology Institute for Wing of Tomorrow related research.

Here's an overview of the military assets the US is supplying to Israel deter entities like Hezbollah, Iran, or others from exploiting the volatile situation. However, the U.S. is prepared for broader actions if required. Looking into potential U.S. military assistance:


n response to a harrowing assault by Hamas, the U.S. promptly positioned its warships and aircraft closer to the region, preparing to support Israel. A second U.S. carrier strike group departed from Norfolk, Virginia, that Friday, while numerous aircraft were rerouted to U.S. bases across the Middle East. Israel now receives assistance in planning and intelligence from the U.S. special operations forces. The first consignment of additional ammunition has been delivered. More aid is anticipated soon. Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin is set to visit Israel on Friday to discuss further U.S. support. The increased military activity reflects the U.S.'s apprehension about the escalating conflict between Hamas and Israel, potentially leading to a larger regional war. Thus, the primary goal of the U.S. military presence is to

Missiles for Iron Dome: The U.S. is supplying both personnel and essential munitions to Israel. Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin mentioned that a special operations unit is currently aiding Israel with intelligence and planning, and offering counsel to the Israeli Defence Forces, especially on matters of hostage recovery. Yet, this team hasn't been assigned to direct hostage rescues, which would involve ground combat – a move not sanctioned by the Biden administration. As White House spokesman John Kirby stated, Israel doesn't desire this either. Furthermore, the U.S. is expediting weapon orders from U.S. defence companies that Israel had previously placed. The primary focus is on the Iron Dome's munitions. “We’re surging additional military assistance, including ammunition and interceptors to replenish Iron Dome,” said President Joe Biden. “We’re going to make sure that Israel does not run out of these critical assets to defend its cities and its citizens.”

Ships and aircraft: After a recent exercise with the Italian Navy, the Gerald R. Ford carrier strike group was redirected towards Israel. A week post the attacks, the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower carrier strike group was also directed to join the Ford in the Eastern Mediterranean. The carriers offer numerous strategic capabilities. They can act as central command units, handle information warfare, launch surveillance aircraft, and manage the airspace. They also provide humanitarian capabilities, including onboard medical facilities. Air Force action: There's a bolstering of A-10, F-15, and F-16 squadrons in the Middle East, with the Pentagon ready to deploy more as required. Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall mentioned that units that were scheduled to return home would now remain stationed, accompanied by their replacements. He also revealed that U.S. Air Force C-17s have been operating in Israel since the onslaught of attacks, primarily evacuating U.S. military personnel previously in Israel for a pre-attack military exercise. The exact roles of these air units in the conflict, if any, remain undisclosed by the Air Force and Central Command. Industry Europe 13


New developments in the Chemicals & Biochemicals

40 years of MAGNESIA – International distributor of mineral raw materials


nnovation has always been part of the history of MAGNESIA GmbH in Lüneburg: When the salt business was no longer profitable, Wolfgang Bornmann, managing director of the long-established Saline Lüneburg, founded MAGNESIA GmbH in 1983 with the aim of continuing the trading business with minerals – today the Lüneburg-based company is celebrating its 40th anniversary. Lüneburg, October 1st , 2023 – For more than a thousand years, the Lüneburg salt works shaped the history of the city. The extracted salt made Lüneburg one of the richest cities of the Middle Ages. When this chapter closed with the end of salt production in 1980, the pages of a new book opened: in 1983, Wolfgang Bornmann, one of the last managing directors of the salt works, founded MAGNESIA GmbH. 70 employees, nearly 20,000 tons annual trade volume and customers in more than 90 countries, make the distribution company an important employer for the region today. Growth, internationalization, digitalization, the focus on sustainability, the compatibility of family and career as well as an awareness of diversity and social commitment shape the mission statement. MAGNESIA has thus developed into an important supplier of mineral products for the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food and technical industries worldwide.

For them, the Lüneburg-based company is not only a distributor for, among other things, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, as well as selected vitamins, mineral yeasts and lightweight fillers with a great competence in providing individual services. The company is also a specialist for customers in need of minerals with special for product properties and requirements. MAGNESIA has branded products such as MagGran®, granulates of various mineral compounds for nutritional supplement production, ingredients especially for natural cosmetics such as sea salt and red algae powder, or MagSpheres®, so-called lightweight fillers for technical-industrial applications, as well as mineral compounds as raw materials, excipients and active ingredients for the pharmaceutical industry.

More than just a distributor for minerals

From vitamins and minerals to lightweight fillers

Individual advice from experienced sales experts. Guaranteeing product quality through qualification of suppliers. Consistent compliance with the company's own quality standards according to IFS, ISO 9001 as well as HACCP. Regular quality monitoring of the products. The preparation of certificates of analysis and product specifications. Warehousing, commissioning and organization of international logistics and seamless document management make MAGNESIA GmbH a strong partner that is much more than just a mineral distributor.

The customers are companies from the fields of food and nutritional supplements, pharmaceutical and technical-industrial production as well as cosmetics.

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SABIC reduces carbon footprint in collaboration with Charge Amps through

certified renewable LEXAN™ polycarbonate for electric vehicle charger housings


ABIC, a global leader in the chemicals industry, is enabling Charge Amps to manufacture electric vehicle (EV) chargers with a housing made from certified renewable polycarbonate (PC)[1], a first for the industry. SABIC is supplying Charge Amps with its certified renewable grade LEXAN™ PC, supporting the EV charger provider’s commitment to develop the circular bioeconomy and help mitigate climate change issues. SABIC’s renewable PC from its TRUCIRCLE™ portfolio is made from second-generation bio-feedstock that is not in competition with the food chain. The new industrial process contributes to reduce CO2 emissions in manufacturing and installation and fully meets EVSE (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment) regulations. EVs are an essential component of decarbonization strategies being adopted by governments and enterprises around the world. EV is now an increasingly viable alternative to internal combustion engines to reduce the carbon footprint. The availability of charging facilities is recognized as one of the key factors associated with conversion to EVs. Charge Amps Dawn is the latest EV charging station with a charging capacity of 22 kW in one socket, a certified MID (Measuring Instrument

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Directive) meter and 4G connectivity. Charge Amps Dawn Chassis contains in the range of 50 percent of ISCC PLUS certified bio-based renewable material from SABIC. The collaboration with the Nordic manufacturer that has a strong focus on sustainability throughout the whole production chain is yet another example of SABIC’s commitment to help accelerate the world’s shift to electric power, encapsulated in the company’s BLUEHERO™ initiative. Majed Al-Saadan, Director, Building & Construction Segment, SABIC, commented, “SABIC offers selected plastic solution from our building & construction segment that can fulfil stringent industry standards for the making of EV support equipment in terms of safety, reliability, and in addition, offers efficiency in manufacturing, as well as better aesthetics compared to incumbent solution. Together with Charge Amps, we are going one step further by

cutting carbon footprint from the production phase to support the world’s transition to an electric future.” Jonas Hellström, Mechanical Design Manager at Charge Amps, commented, “Design, innovation and sustainability are key priorities for Charge Amps. The bio-attributed plastic based on renewable feedstock from SABIC allows us to combine lower carbon emissions with the premium exterior design that Charge Amps is known for. We strive to be in the forefront of technology. This strategic partnership with SABIC is a natural step to being a responsible player in the EV charging ecosystem.” On top of sustainability gains, EV charger manufacturers can benefit from increased functional integration and design freedom. For example, inner panels, indoor cabinets and consoles can be produced from a flame retardant (FR) PC to achieve dimensional stability, high impact resistance and aesthetic finishing. Furthermore, thin-wall FR capability can help reduce weight beyond that achieved by simply replacing metal, and can also free up space for additional components. Read further:



Terrafame initiates operation of Kelluu’s autonomous airships as part of safe and efficient battery chemicals production


errafame, a responsible battery chemicals producer for electric vehicles, has selected Finnish airship development company Kelluu to provide accurate and geo-referenced terrain data for continuous monitoring of its 60 km² industrial site in Finland. The aerial monitoring has been done mainly using satellites or helicopters, battery-powered drones, or land-based surveys. Kelluu develops long-distance, self-flying, and hydrogen-powered airship concepts mounted with several spectral cameras, sensors, and scanners that can gather real-time data on terrain, vegetation, and infrastructure. Kelluu then processes the data to create an accurate 3D digital twin of the environment, enabling ​​Terrafame to monitor and forecast dynamic changes at the industrial site and optimize its infrastructure maintenance and production processes, and further strengthen the environmental safety of the site. “The combination of high-resolution RGB, multispectral, and Flir images, combined with the same 3D mesh, is a fascinating tool, especially in heap leaching and open pit slope stability modeling. We're happy to welcome Kelluu to the group of

monitoring services we use to promote safety and efficiency at our Terrafame site,” says Aki Ullgren, Senior Geotechnical Engineer at Terrafame. Kelluu’s airships are highly efficient, emitting 99.5% fewer CO2 emissions than traditional aerial monitoring, and frequently cover mission times of over 12 hours. The airships are effectively operational in subzero temperatures. Kelluu’s facility in Finland is the only airship factory and product development laboratory in Northern Europe. “It is truly mesmerizing to see the Kelluu's airships in the air at Terrafame. We felt a strong connection with Terrafame's commitment to positively impacting the world by reducing emissions of electromobility. What Terrafame does for mobility and we do it for aviation. Together, we provide increased safety using Kelluu's breakthrough intelligent airship technology,” says Janne Hietala, CEO of Kelluu. Terrafame enhances low-carbon mobility by delivering responsibly produced battery chemicals to the global battery industry. The company has one of the world’s largest production lines for chemicals used in electric car batteries on its industrial site in Finland. The plant can produce nickel sulphate for around 1 million electric cars per year. The carbon

footprint of the nickel sulphate produced by Terrafame is among the smallest in the industry. As Terraframe produces hydrogen onsite and the airships are powered by hydrogen, Kelluu has built a ground base for its airships on Terrafame’s industrial site. Kelluu will autonomously transfer its airship from its current base in Joensuu, Finland, to Terrafame’s base in Sotkamo. In addition to Kelluu, Terrafame has multiple other partners helping to monitor its site and develop its operations and occupational and environmental safety. Founded in 2018, Kelluu is currently raising its series A funding round. In addition to monitoring sites, such as mining areas and industrial production sites, Kelluu’s airships can be used to safeguard biodiversity by monitoring large forest areas for pests, enabling quick action in case infected trees are detected.

Repsol launches the first range of 100% circular EVA copolymers


n its commitment to the sustainability of plastic materials, Repsol has launched the first range of 100% circular EVA copolymers on the market, which offers customers a 100% ISCC Plus certified circular solution. The Repsol Reciclex® range of EVA copolymers is the first product on the market to incorporate 100% circular AV from chemical recycling. This new solution contributes to reducing the carbon footprint and promoting the circular economy of polyolefins, reducing Repsol's consumption of virgin raw materials. Repsol takes another step in its commitment to the sustainability and reduction of the emissions in the materials it manufactures. The company is a pioneer in placing a 100% circular solution of EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) copolymers in the market. These new products are already marketed under the Repsol Reciclex® brand and complement the company's conventional EVA range, Repsol Primeva®. This new

range offers customers a 100% circular solution certified under the ISCC Plus mass balance approach. The raw materials used to produce Repsol's 100% circular EVA are derived from various waste streams that undergo specific recycling processes, eliminating the need for disposal in landfills or incineration plants. This new solution offers a net carbon footprint material, considering a "cradle-to-grave" approach compared to the virgin material alternative. The project has been developed as part of the company's strategy to offer sustainable solutions to its customers, contributing to reducing the carbon footprint. It will be marketed under Repsol Reciclex®, the company's range of polyolefins made from recycled materials. This chemical recycling solution is especially relevant for EVA applications that cannot use mechanical recycling due to the properties required by the final product. With this new range, Repsol ensures the suitability of products for sensitive applications such as food contact products, cosmetics, or in the healthcare sector. Repsol's Industrial Complex in Puertollano, where the Repsol Primeva® range is manufactured, has been vital in developing, testing, and finally producing this solution. This initiative supports Repsol's commitment to achieving net zero emissions by 2050 and Repsol’s goal of recycling the equivalent of 20% of its polyolefin production in 2030. Industry Europe 15


New developments in the Construction & Engineering

Sulzer: Cementing generator reliability


arge-scale manufacturing facilities in remote areas often rely on independent power generation sources to deliver the vast amounts of energy needed for operations. Turbo generators are often the cornerstones of these power sources. However, if they suffer unforeseen downtime, this reliance can result in a 100% loss of production. This was the situation faced by an Indonesian cement producer, which turned to Sulzer to resolve the failure quickly and upgrade its generator to protect uptime.

Ground to an unscheduled stoppage The breakdown of the 55 MW generator was caused by strand-to-strand faults that eventuated into a stator connection phase ground fault. Due to the excessive amount of winding oil contamination from a leaking bearing labyrinth seal, the ground fault flash resulted in a stator fire. As this was the only power source for the facility, production was immediately halted, risking the delivery of orders to customers. Any order obligations would need to be met by other facilities, placing stress on the cement producer’s regional operations. To resolve this, root cause analysis and a rapid temporary repair was requested by the cement plant management, followed by a full stator rewind at a more convenient time to suit their production commitments A thorough investigative inspection by Sulzer’s experts revealed that the failure was attributed to the stator winding design having parallel stranding, which caused high circulating currents. The tracking across the surface of the stranding resulted in excessive winding temperature, eventually instigating the ground connection phase fault.

Rapidly responding to an urgent repair Due to a proven track record supporting the customer’s various production facilities, Sulzer was awarded the repair and upgrade project by direct appointment for the scope of winding and incorporating a 360° Roebel bar. A leading independent service provider for rotating equipment, Sulzer is a global expert in generator repairs and upgrades for steam and gas turbines with a local presence in Indonesia. The technical proposal of utilizing 360° Roebel bars presented by Sulzer’s global technical team convinced the cement plant management that it was the most optimal solution, along with timeline assurance. Furthermore, the customer 16 Industry Europe

was aware of Sulzer’s robust global supply chain, which would expedite the project and support the generator long into the future. Compounding these advantages, Sulzer could offer a lead time of 10 weeks, while other vendors were still offering parallel strand conductors and completion schedules of several months. To get the plant temporarily operational as soon as possible, Sulzer quickly completed a partial repair to the failed stator windings. This allowed the cement producer to work through their material stockpile and meet existing orders – which helped to reduce any loss of revenue caused by the generator failure. Illustrating its global engineering flexibility, Sulzer was the only vendor which could offer this partial repair - a testament to the company’s customer centricity.

A question of half-bar engineering and manufacturing Meanwhile, Sulzer worked on re-designing the new stator windings. The 360° Roebel bars would eliminate future circulating current problems compared to the original designed parallel conductors. However, this required overcoming numerous engineering challenges due to the short length of the stator core First of all, fitting the Roebel bars into the short stator core was going to take exceptional technical expertise. The OEM did not offer Roebel bars for this generator model, so Sulzer would be breaking new ground. Precision reverse engineering was required to ensure that the new top and bottom bars with a 360° Roebel would fit. Finally, the replacement bars would have to be engineered and manufactured specially for this generator. Thankfully, all these requirements were accomplished in-house by Sulzer’s experienced engineering and design team.

A generator upgrade uncoiled Leveraging its global network, Sulzer Indonesia connected with the Birmingham Service Center in the UK, one of the numerous facilities within Sulzer

which has the engineering and manufacturing facilities for high voltage stator coils and half bar production, backed by a comprehensive database and automated design capabilities. This overseas collaboration is common practice at Sulzer, with each facility in its network offering seamless access to the full global capabilities of the company. Using data collected from the stator and existing top and bottom bars, the Birmingham Service Center reverse engineered the winding to incorporate a 360° Roebel. With this complete, engineers precision manufactured a half stator section to confirm the correct fit of winding pitch to expedite installation on-site. Sulzer produced 48 top bars and 48 bottom bars in 10 weeks – a lead time much shorter than the several months quoted by other service providers. To ensure a continuous workflow and minimize the duration of the winding process, the bottom bars were shipped first, followed by the top bars. This phased delivery allowed the Sulzer Indonesia team to complete the generator rewind sooner, as waiting for a single shipment would’ve increased the project timeline by several days. Furthermore, this scheduling ensured that the project could be completed within a planned shutdown period of 10-12 weeks, reducing disturbance to their production operations.

A concrete foundation for reliability The benefits of switching to Roebel bars were quickly apparent. Winding temperatures were greatly reduced, allowing the generator to be run more efficiently, providing energy cost savings to the cement plant. In terms of reliability, electrical circulating currents were all but eliminated, greatly reducing the risk of any future premature failures. Reduced winding temperatures also meant less thermal stresses on the winding insultation, improving service life. With the generator up and running, the pressure on the customer’s other facilities was alleviated too, with the plant now operating at full capacity. When critical equipment suffers a breakdown, operations and production are always at risk. However, by trusting in the global expertise of Sulzer, this cement producer was able to avoid the worst-case scenario. The customer centric approach of Sulzer prioritized the needs of the cement producer, minimizing any impact to operations or business reputation. Beyond providing a stop-gap repair to keep production running, Sulzer employed its coil manufacturing and reverse engineering skills to build a new foundation for future generator reliability.


INDUSTRYNEWS GKN Automotive Completes Construction of New Production Facility in Hungary


KN Automotive, the global leader in drive systems, has completed construction of a new manufacturing facility in Felsőzsolca near Miskolc, north-eastern Hungary, to remain close to its OEM customers and maintain its marketleading position. The automotive industry has become a dominant industry in Hungary, with 420,000 cars and 1.9 million engines produced every year. With many of its current and potential OEM

customers already present in the region, GKN Automotive’s new site will allow car manufacturers to benefit from a leading tier one supplier within close proximity. The site, which will be in operation in October 2023, will be responsible for producing sideshafts. GKN Automotive estimates the site will produce approximately 230,000 sideshafts for customers between October and December 2023, with further capacity expected to follow. By increasing the production of components used in electric vehicles, GKN Automotive can continue to drive the transition to electrification. Covering approximately 29,000sq. metres, the site consists of a production and logistics hall, office building, and engineering centre complete with testing facilities, and has been constructed with a focus on sustainable design and best-in-class flow production processes. The plant will complement GKN Automotive’s existing network of production sites in the region, further improving its competitiveness.

These include Oleśnica in Poland and Zreče in Slovenia. In the long term, these plants, along with other GKN Automotive sites globally, will also support the growing demand for eDrive systems and components. Markus Bannert, CEO at GKN Automotive, said: “We’re delighted to be opening our new manufacturing facility in Hungary, which has become a key location for many of our customers. Once production begins in October, this site will be strategically important in delivering our market-leading sideshafts, for which there is growing demand.” Following a comprehensive site selection process, the location – Felsőzsolca Industrial Zone – was decided on as the most suitable due to its advantageous position in terms of international transport and trade. Its nearby city, Miskolc, also has a strong and diverse education system and is home to the second largest technical university in Hungary, University of Miskolc, providing a pipeline of skilled technicians.

SABIC and SINOPEC announce commercial operation of PC plant at joint venture SSTPC


ABIC and SINOPEC announced the commercial operation of a new polycarbonate (PC) plant at their 50-50 joint venture (JV) – SINOPEC SABIC Tianjin Petrochemical Co. Ltd. (SSTPC). Khalid Hashim Al-Dabbagh, SABIC Chairman and Ma Yongsheng, SINOPEC Chairman attended the ceremony. Established in 2009, SSTPC is a mega-size petrochemical complex that already consists of nine world-scale production plants producing chemicals, polyethylene, and polypropylene. With an annual designed capacity of 260 kT, the new PC plant is a vital component of SABIC’s PC growth strategy in China, allowing for further collaborations with global and local customers. The development of the PC plant marks the next chapter of the JV and strengthens the partners’ capability to meet regional PC market demands. Abdulrahman Al-Fageeh, SABIC CEO said, “By working in partnership, SABIC and SINOPEC are unlocking significant and mutual growth opportunities that complement the national agendas of Saudi Arabia and China. Building on our position as one of the world’s leading polycarbonate manufacturers, our first-ever PC plant in Asia underlines our commitment to operate and manufacture in markets

that are close to our customers to increase service capabilities, agility, and supply reliability.” Al-Fageeh continued, “For almost 40 years, China has been a key strategic market for SABIC and our investment in Tianjin reflects our position as a trusted supplier, investor and partner for sustainable and inclusive growth.” The availability of SABIC’s polycarbonate will primarily be for customers in the Greater China region, targeting major PC-related industries such as Electricals & Electronics, Consumer Goods & Appliances, automotive, healthcare products and Building and Construction applications. SABIC’s portfolio of PC materials produced at SSTPC will be marketed under its LEXAN™ resin brand. Ma Yongsheng, Chairman of SINOPEC said, “SINOPEC consistently strives to propel the development

of SSTPC and facilitate China-Saudi petrochemical cooperation. The successful commercial operation of the PC plant marks a successful case of SINOPEC towards high-end chemical materials. Looking ahead, SINOPEC will further leverage its advantages to accelerate the development of PC materials, contributing to satisfying the needs of high-performance petrochemical materials generated by the Chinese people’s pursuit of a better life.” Polycarbonate is a transparent, high-impact, and strong yet lightweight material, used widely in automotive parts, home appliances, medical products, and many everyday products. Future demand for polycarbonate and other engineering plastics is expected to grow in China, to support the increasing production of electronics, automotive, information technology and building materials. SSTPC has served as the epitome of close China-Saudi economic ties. In 2016 and 2017, during King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, and Xi Jinping, President of China’s mutual visits, SABIC and SINOPEC signed a series of memorandums of cooperation under the patronage of the leaders of two countries, with the polycarbonate plant’s joint construction being underlined as one of the most important projects. Industry Europe 17


MACHINES AND LINES TAILORED TO INDIVIDUAL NEEDS HG Robotics from Sobiekursk near Warsaw is Poland’s leading manufacturer of packaging machines. The company’s specialty is the production of dosing, labelling, and capping machines, robotic systems for the automation of production processes and the installation of vision systems in customer lines. Dariusz Balcerzyk talks with Agnieszka Dąbrowska, the HG Robotics’ Export Director.

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The history of HG Robotics is relatively short but very spectacular. What are the company’s main areas of activity? HG Robotics has been active on the market for almost 13 years. Since the very beginning our core specialty is the production of universal dosing, labelling and capping machines as well as robotic systems for the automation of production processes. We provide our partners with both single packaging machines (dispensers, capping machines) and complete packaging lines equipped with specialized vision systems. Our machines can be fit out with robotic sorters for feeding packages or caps to the production line. We supply devices to manufacturers from various kind of businesses, such as the cosmetic, chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries. Currently the company employs 50 people, of whom 25 per cent are engineers: constructors and automation specialists.

Looking back on past 13 years, what would you consider standing behind the HG Robotics market success? We build our success on four pillars: customer relations, device quality, dedicated solutions, modular production. First of all, we listen to what our clients say. It is the customer who knows best what he or she expects from the device, what needs are to be met by this investment. An initial interview with the client is fundamental for creating the proper specification of the device. When the machine layout is created, we continue to consult the client, explaining any doubts that arise in the process of creating the machine. We have been cooperating for years with local, proven suppliers, as well as with distributors of the world’s best suppliers of electronic solutions, such as Mitsubishi, Bosh, ABB, Kuka, Siemens or Endress+Hauser, Festo, SICK, COGNEX. We have built a network of trustworthy cooperators and thanks to that we can count on competitive terms of deliveries, short lead times and high quality.

Our success is measured by returning customers. The purchase of packaging machines is not a small investment, and yet our professionalism and quality of our devices make customers coming back to HG Robotics. We also get clients from recommendations it’s our great satisfaction.

Do you focus on an individual approach to the needs of each client or are there specific implementation options available to choose from? Definitely an individual approach is our competitive advantage. We offer specific solutions, but each time they are tailored to the needs and capabilities of the individual client. Consultations with the customer are ongoing until the machine layout is created and approved by the investor. The size of the machine is adjusted to the space available to the customer. The equipment of the device is determined by the packaging that the client uses now or is supposed to use in the future. We share our knowledge on the market, suggest what solutions can help optimize the customer’s production process. Customers greatly appreciate such cooperation. Moreover, the HG Robotics machines are designed in such a way that new modules would be easily added in the future without disassembling the entire device. Due to problems on the labour market, we often encounter the need to add a sorter that will feed packaging to the production line or cartoners, or palletizing stations.

What is the current position of HG ROBOTICS on the domestic and European markets? We are proud that our machines are located in every corner of Poland. We win tenders; we are invited to the industry events, where Mr. Hubert Grodowski, the owner of HG Robotics, is a speaker as a spe-

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GG TRADING GG Trading is a manufacturer of seals for power hydraulics and pneumatics. Speed, reliability and professional service have guaranteed us a strong position on the market, and over twenty years of experience have allowed us to become an expert in the field of technical seals. We can offer you seals made using Seal-Jet technology, i.e., machining, or Water-Jet technology, i.e., water jet cutting. We also offer a wide range of seals such as O-rings, simmering’s, quad-rings, v-rings, and sealing cords. We cooperate with renowned companies in the technical sealing industry, including from SKF, Eriks, CFW, Trelleborg, Parker. Both seals made using Seal-Jet and Water-Jet technology have various applications in many industries, including in the steel, refinery, shipbuilding, automotive, mining, pharmaceutical, food, and power and heating industries.

CORO-TECH Sp. z o. o. CORO-TECH Sp. z o. o. is a qualified and experienced company offering metal and plastic processing using CNC technology. We are among the top ten Polish companies that specialize in the production of prototype parts, small series production and spare parts manufactured using machining. Thanks to our passion, knowledge and commitment, we are present in many sectors of the automotive, food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. We contribute to the robotization and automation of production of various companies. As part of our services: • we perform milling, turning, drilling and threading using materials such as: aluminum alloys and other non-ferrous metals, structural steels, stainless steels, plastics and other materials, • we offer laser engraving, • we create machine parts in accordance with technical documentation.

Elements made in our company are also subjected to heat and chemical treatment. We use processes such as nitriding, carburizing, anodizing, blackening, hardening and many others.

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cialist in the field of packaging equipment. We definitely have a strong position on the domestic market. This gives us confidence that we can also be competitive in Europe and now we boldly enter the foreign markets. All the more so that Polish market is not so different from the European one. The fact that we also supply devices to such a demanding industry as pharmacy, means that we have no complexes.

What is the share of exports in the company’s total sales? What are its main export markets? At the moment the share of our foreign sales is still small, about five per cent of the total. Our customers come mainly from the Baltic republics, Spain and Sweden. We are actively looking for business partners in Germany, France, Great Britain and Scandinavia. In May 2023, we took part in the INTERPACK international packaging fair in Dusseldorf. There, we gained new contacts and opportunities to start cooperation not only in Europe, but also around the world. Observing competitive solutions at the fair, we know that we have nothing to be ashamed of. Both the concepts of our machines and the quality of the components used, and the quality of workmanship are as good as solutions from Italy, Germany or other European suppliers.

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What investments have been made recently to increase the production capacity of HG Robotics and its competitiveness? The company owns the production hall and offices in Sobiekursk, a small town 30 km from Warsaw. In May this year, we launched an additional production hall, thanks to which we can carry out more orders in a shorter time. Ultimately, we would like to invest in the construction of the second plant with appropriate storage facilities. Last year we employed 10 new people in various departments. We work with interns - students or graduates of technical universities. We expand the machine park to become independent from suppliers of components and services. Noteworthy is that our R&D department extends our offer with innovative solutions, such as the instrumentation for automatic stacking of cardboard packages (cartoner) and the possibility of palletizing finished products on pallets of various types. Our replaceable dosing system enjoys considerable success. It allows to change the line to another dosing medium within 10 minutes. Recently, our offer has included an application for data collection, using PLC controllers that, via communication interfaces or I/O


modules, connect to machines at the customer’s plant and read the process status, measure the effectiveness of machines based on the OEE index and archive data and create reports.

Hubert Grodowski, CEO

What are the plans for the company’s development in the future? The construction of a second plant will be the most important investment. We need more space for machines and components, and more people to build and service machines. At the same time, we build our strategy to enter European markets. We are looking for partners for cooperation in particular areas of Europe; we also undertake promotional activities on the international markets. Social media, like LinkedIn admin/feed/posts/ and FB, play an important role in building HG Robotics’ brand awareness. We also work on online advertising to reach our potential n customers in the country and abroad.

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Professionalism, experience, commitment, and high quality of the components used allow ZPUH JK Miłosz Kiedrowski to create containers that meet the highest requirements of customers. Industry Europe talks with Supply Manager, Karol Górka.

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1) What is the development history of the company ZPUH JK Miłosz Kiedrowski? What are the main areas of activity, the most important markets? The company ZPUH Janusz Kiedrowski was founded in 1988 Janusz Kiedrowski was the founder after his death on 03.03.2016 Miłosz Kiedrowski became the owner of the company. The name of the company has changed to “ZPUH JK Miłosz Kiedrowski”. The company is engaged in the production and supply of containers for the Scandinavian market, Western European market and, of course, also for the domestic market.

2) What is the secret of the company’s success in summing up its experience and activity in the market? The company’s main goal is to constantly strive to improve its products and services by optimising its production processes. The company’s goal is to constantly strive to grow in a sustainable manner.

3) What is the current position of ZPUH JK Miłosz Kiedrowski in the domestic and European markets?

At present, we are a leader on the European market in the production of municipal, scrap metal and debris containers. In the last two years, we have started producing intermodal containers and platforms for rail transportation.

4) Do you have any special partners or suppliers that you would like to highlight and mention? Our strategic customers are ILAB Container AB (Sweden) and Ellermann Container GmbH. Major suppliers of steel are SSAB, Celsa and Novol paints.

5) What investments improving the production capacity of ZPUH JK Miłosz Kiedrowski, increasing its competitiveness, have been made recently? We have recently invested in 3 welding robots thereby increasing productivity and stable product quality. We are currently in the process of designing/building a photovoltaic farm that will fully meet the plant’s energy needs.

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6) What makes ZPUH JK Miłosz Kiedrowski’s offer stand out from the competition?

The company currently employs about 500 employees. On the turnover and profit, we do not want to publish data.

The scale of production volume in one location undoubtedly sets us apart - about 16 thousand of containers per year.

11) Development directions: new investments, new products, and innovations. What does this look like?

7) How does the production process of Containers proceed and how long does it take?

We have now started work on a photovoltaic farm project that will directly power the plant. Next, we will be investing in the expansion and modernisation of the metallurgical products warehouse. As I wrote in earlier paragraphs, further automation and robotisation of n production processes is our main goal for the next few years.

From the moment the order is received to the delivery of the containers to the customer, a time of 4 to 8 weeks passes, provided that all production materials are in stock.

8) What is the company’s current vision and, most importantly, mission for the next few years? The current vision for the company’s development is aimed at reducing emissions of harmful substances in the production process and in the selection of raw materials for production. To achieve this, we are successively introducing low-emission painting systems for our products and verifying steel suppliers to what extent they use recycled material. In addition, we are working on the continuous improvement of our products to minimise production waste. Further automation and robotisation of production are JK’s goal for the next few years.

9) And exports? What is its share of production and sales, and what are the main export markets? Exports account for 95% of production. The main markets are Scandinavia, Finland, Western Europe and to a lesser extent Southern Europe and Africa

10) How many people does ZPUH JK Miłosz Kiedrowski employ, and what profit/turnover does the company generate in 2022/2023?

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New developments in the Consumer Goods

Retail POS needs and wants: data, security and the best the market has to offer


t’s no secret that point of sale (POS) systems and receipt printing are crucial to retailers and hospitality businesses. Without them, they cannot enable sales effectively and grow their businesses optimally. In fact, to say they are important, for many, is an understatement. Especially when you consider their strategic importance to not only drive sales efficiency; but to track and record sales data, and provide an optimum customer experience. What is more, within this, retailers and their customers have many different needs when it comes to managing and accepting payments. So, as the market evolves and businesses grow, what should retail and hospitality organisations consider when deploying POS systems and related technologies? Jay Kim, Managing Director, BIXOLON Europe GmbH explains what the retail market, and wider value chain, needs to consider when exploring options that enable retail sales more effectively.

POS Needs Vs Wants Within busy retail and hospitality environments it is vital that POS systems are “always on” and that these systems do not experience downtime. Simply put: failure to execute transactions can lead to lost revenue and a poor customer experience. Therefore, when purchasing these kinds of technologies, retailers typically consider an array of important factors. This includes network connectivity options; the performance of POS systems; how these system looks aesthetically when installed; how they integrate into the business; and the price of the investment.Additionally, with the need to keep up-to-date with the latest technology trends and requirements, many retailers are turning away from only using Serial or Parallel connectivity for printers. Instead, they are and moving to Ethernet, USB, Bluetooth and WLAN for integration with tablets and other peripherals as part of POS systems. Since technology has always been central to buying decisions, many retailers now build their hardware solutions around their software – whether this be a simple payment solution for an independent company, or part of a more complex omnichannel ecosystem. Naturally, the performance of hardware within these systems is key. Printers form a vital component here at checkout. They enable the printing of receipts, coupons, vouchers, and more depending on the scenario. They are rated not only on the speed and reliability of the printing hardware, but also the performance of the cutter and print head, 28 Industry Europe

which leads to less maintenance and possible downtime. Within retail situations, sleek, compact printer designs are becoming increasingly popular, because retailers are looking to streamline their cash desks. For instance, cube printers have increased in popularity with their compact features and front exit feed for either on-the-desk or underdesk integration – which allows it to just fit into a POS set up easily and attractively. Ease of integration is also essential here. With many retailers looking to upgrade their systems, many look for hardware which they can essentially plug in and play. As time means money, retailers look for installs which take hours rather than days, to avoid costly downtime and loss of productivity. Pricing is also a factor; however, a lower priced printer doesn’t always provide the quality and reliability required. Typically, when you buy cheap, you buy more, as the old adage goes. Driving insights and protecting data Data and reporting is important to retailers. They need to know what inventory is being sold and when to restock. Sure, smaller companies can keep a written tally; however, larger companies often link their Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) systems with their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to allow a seamless reordering of supplies – and, sometimes they also combine both their store and e-commerce sales if that makes more sense and is more effective. This kind of approach can be crucial when used in conjunction with a more sophisticated just-in-time stock control methods. Security is also important. Whether it takes the form of employee log-ins, systems to track transactions, or security systems to maintain secure transactions. In many European countries, fiscal law has been brought in to avoid retailer fraud. With reporting done through the cash register, fiscalisation is always done through software. However, measures can be put in place which cover both software and the POS hardware. For example, in Slovenia fiscalisation is handled through software; in Italy and Poland it is done through a specialised module and hardware within a POS device; or in

Germany’s case, the software used needs ensure it meets criteria set out by the government. The Best The POS Market Has To OfferThere are many types of POS solutions on the market for retailers and hospitality organisations to consider. Standout options include mPOS, mobility solutions and kiosk solutions.mPOS – The days of traditional bulky POS setups are dead, mPOS solutions are now taking centre stage as more compact, cost-effective solutions. These interchangeable setups typically consist of a tablet, printer, card reader, scanner, customer display and cash drawer; which are commonly bundled together by resellers with additional EPOS software (electronic point of sale). These interchangeable solutions provide a cost-effective solution which can be upgraded as a business’ POS estate evolves. But these types of solutions now require more intelligent printers too, such as those that can seamlessly connect to a host tablet device while supporting a charging port and up to four USB peripherals. This solution is a great way to use existing peripherals which are operated through the printer as it communicates to the tablet device via Bluetooth.Mobility Solutions – For busy seasonal retail periods and pop-up stores, the need for accessible printing is becoming more popular. Mobile printers are the perfect solution as they easily connect to a smart device and can print receipts or labels. As batteries continue to improve, many printers can now be used for a complete shift and recharged outside of opening hours. Many proven printer providers offer technologies that enable receipt, ticket and labelling solutions. Alternatively, another market innovation in the POS printer space is a battery-powered POS receipt printer. Much like a mobile printer, battery-powered POS receipt printers offer fixed location printing; such as at a pop-up where power is not available. This type of printer is attractive for higher volume receipting for pop-up locations; which take larger quantities of transactions; so a larger receipt roll can be used.Kiosk Solutions – Kiosk systems are becoming increasingly popular, which has been accelerated by the pandemic. These self-service solutions typically come with two types of printers, either a packaged printer or a kiosk mechanism, which are chosen based on the kiosk design and user requirements. Typically, stand-alone unmanned solutions are fitted with kiosk printing mechanisms which use a presenter; allowing for larger paper rolls to be used, which require fewer changes and thus less maintenance. Read more at:


INDUSTRYNEWS Lenzing and Kentaur to develop circular

workwear for the culinary sector


enzing – Lenzing Group, a leading global producer of wood-based specialty fibres, has collaborated with Denmark-based Kentaur, a global specialist in the manufacturing of innovative and functional workwear, to develop a pilot collection of chef uniforms centred around circularity, durability, and functionality. Aimed at reducing the usage of virgin raw materials in the workwear segment without reducing quality and comfort, the chef uniforms comprise 50% of TENCEL™ branded lyocell fibres with REFIBRA™ technology and 50% of recycled polyester. “Our extended partnership with Kentaur marks a significant milestone in our efforts to transform the textile industry, including the workwear sector, into a circular model,” said Alexandra Steger, Business Development Workwear, Lenzing AG. “The pilot collection of chef uniforms with Kentaur is a great example of Lenzing’s circular solutions that combine circularity with functionality. The collection is not only made with quality fabrics of recycled materials which are the same high quality as virgin raw materials, but it comes with the added value of giving textile waste a second life. We are confident that the comfort and quality of the recycled materials in TENCEL™ Lyocell fibres with REFIBRA™ technology will also spread into other types of workwear, like healthcare and hospitality sectors.”

Unwavering commitment to circularity and durability in workwear “At Kentaur, we aim to make workwear with a focus on sustainability available for everyone in the textile service industry. When customers buy from us, they can expect our products to be of high durability

and are produced using a socially and environmentally responsible approach. Our partnership with Lenzing started in 2018 based on our shared value and mission to drive the circular transition of the workwear industry. Our latest collaboration in incorporating recycled cellulosic materials made with TENCEL™ Lyocell fibres with REFIBRA™ technology represents a key milestone in driving circularity for workwear as we demonstrate that using recycled content does not compromise on performance of the product,” said Christian Beirholm, Chief Commercial Officer, Kentaur.

Collaborative efforts to accelerate transition to a circular economy With Lenzing’s ongoing efforts towards placing responsible practices at the heart of the industry, the collaboration on the chef uniforms showcases the commitment of Lenzing and Kentaur towards workwear circularity. Kentaur has ambitions to take responsibility and play an active role in the circular transition of the textile and workwear segments. By taking a holistic approach on sustainability, Kentaur has set clear goals and ambitions in tackling social and environmental challenges of the supply chain and is committed to living up to that promise in their everyday business operation, product, and supply chain. The partnership with Lenzing has been valuable in enabling Kentaur to produce high quality and circular textile products which is a crucial part of their journey in driving the circular transition of the workwear segment. At the upcoming A+A trade fair, October 24–27, 2023, Lenzing will be showcasing its latest portfolio of protective wear and workwear, including the new pilot collection of chef uniforms through the partnership with Kentaur.

Joint development including Henkel and Siegwerk

partnership wins German Packaging Award


rue sustainability in the packaging industry can only be achieved with close partnerships along the entire value chain. The German Packaging Institute has recognized this approach with its Packaging Award in the category of Sustainability, which has been awarded to a deinkable, recyclable pouch produced through a unique value chain collaboration between Siegwerk, ExxonMobil, Henkel, Kraus Folie and Windmöller & Hölscher. “This submission to the German Packaging Award has achieved this in an outstanding way,” the German Packaging Institute writes on their website. “By using a highly effective printed oxygen barrier in combination with a new type of primer for delamination and de-inking, as well as an adhesive certified for recyclability for this process, a mono-PE packaging with an internal barrier and color layer has been produced to meet the highest demands.” The award highlights the close partnership between Henkel and Siegwerk, who have

worked closely together to co-develop an oxygen barrier coating solution. “By sharing knowledge and working toward a common goal, we were able to develop an industrially validated oxygen barrier coating that enables mono-material flexible packaging for dry food products,” Tilo Quink, Head of Henkel Packaging Adhesives, says. “This achievement also underscores the necessity to consider the properties of adhesives and coatings in the design phase of packaging." Mono-material package designs are growing in popularity as they are easy to sort, leading to cleaner recycling streams. Smithers forecasts mono-material plastic packaging film consumption to grow during 2023–28 at an annual average rate of 4.5%. However, the main challenge is creating a mono-material package that offers the same performance and functionality as its multimaterial counterpart. Henkel and Siegwerk’s

jointly developed single-component oxygen barrier turns mono-materials into a sustainability powerhouse by combining the functionality of multi-layer design with ease of recycling. “When expertise and knowledge is shared, it creates benefits and innovation across the value chain. This initiative is testament to that. Siegwerk is proud to have contributed our expertise on deinking as well as towards the development of the oxygen barrier coating to make this possible,” said Dr. Ralf Leineweber, Head of Global Technology Development for Siegwerk. “This technology, which now also allows internally printed laminates to become highquality recyclate again in material recycling, has set another milestone on the path towards a fully functioning circular economy,” the German Packaging Institute concludes in its decision. The German Packaging Award is open to international participants and is decided by an independent panel of experts. Recipients are awarded based on the best innovations and solutions in 10 separate categories. The ceremony will take place on September 13 in Berlin. Industry Europe 29


New developments in Energy & Utilities

Swedish electricity supplier embraces sustainable retrofit solution


s part of its efforts to achieve net zero fossil carbon dioxide emissions, Mälarenergi has partnered with ABB to upgrade its switchgear with retrofit solutions at its cogeneration plant in Västerås. By replacing the plant's aging circuit breakers with modern Emax2 models – featuring Ekip Hi-Touch relay protection and energy metering – the electrical circuits are not only fully protected, but feature new technologies that reduce energy consumption, saving valuable time, costs and resources. It also means most of the critical infrastructure has had its lifespan extended, avoiding the carbon emissions associated with manufacturing an entire new system, as well as additional transportation costs and inevitable emissions. Mälarenergi's cogeneration plant in Västerås is one of Sweden's largest and plays an important role in the sustainable development of the city, with 98 percent of all properties in

the locality connected to the district heating network. Only renewable and recycled fuels are used in the cogeneration plant, which produces 1800GWH of heat and 700GWH of electricity annually and has been continuously upgraded with modern technology to maximize uptime and minimize environmental impact since the 1960s. Rolf Bäckström, maintenance engineer at Mälarenergi explains: "This retrofit project is a step in our journey towards achieving net-zero emissions of fossil carbon dioxide. The fact that we are doing it together with a supplier who is on the same sustainability journey as Mälarenergi feels extra special.” The retrofit, which was carried out in three stages with customized solutions required for each of the switchgear cabinets, also resulted in operational benefits for the plant. By modernizing its electricity system and upgrading the switchgear with up-to-date electronics that will

work for many years to come, Mälarenergi can avoid unplanned downtime, maintain predictable delivery to its customers and increase safety for both personnel and equipment. Amer Filipovic, project manager for ABB’ Electrification Sweden business area, explains: “By modernizing its electricity system and upgrading the switchgear, Mälarenergi is reducing its total cost of ownership, maximizing the return on investment and avoiding unplanned downtime. Using this method, we've seen some of our customers' facilities reduce equipment operating costs by a third while extending their life cycle by as much as 30 years.”

Water positivity pushes ABB factory in India to the next level of sustainable manufacturing


BB in India is leading the way in sustainable and responsible resource consumption in manufacturing after achieving water positivity ratings and Mission to Zero™ status for one of its factories in Nashik. Water positivity is the concept of returning more water to freshwater sources than is withdrawn and maintaining sustainable water stewardship by establishing a framework for water management. The Nashik site, which covers 49,000 m², has been certified as water positive with a water positivity index of 1.14 by the GRIHA Council (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment), India. Mission to Zero is ABB’s global initiative to enhance energy efficiency and enable building decarbonization, creating best practice solutions for manufacturing and production sites. The Nashik facility produces medium voltage (MV) switchgear as well as primary and secondary gas insulated switchgear (GIS) equipment to provide efficient power solutions across India. This equipment is critical to the continued urbanization and electrification of the country and the provision of energy systems for sustainable transportation. As water is a critical issue for the country and globally, ABB in India made achieving water positivity a key goal. ABB hopes its operations will become a blueprint for its partners and customers in India – and globally – where water neutrality is quickly becoming as important as carbon neutrality in the fight to save the planet. To achieve water positivity, the Nashik site introduced a range of measures including a rainwater harvesting system to reduce run off and recharge the groundwater table and reuse the stored rainwater to meet other domestic requirements. The installation of water-efficient fixtures reduced water consumption by 30 percent and a drip-based irrigation system, and sewerage treatment plant allow wastewater to be reused for irrigation and other domestic purposes. This ensures there is zero 30 Industry Europe

liquid discharge (ZLD) from the factories. The annual rainwater harvesting potential of the system is 34.486 million liters, which translates to 14 Olympic swimming pools worth of rainwater annually. ABB also established water meter monitoring and analysis to allow suitable action to be taken on water conservation. The company also invested in water management structures for the local water scarce area to capture rainwater in streams to be used by nearby rural villages for drinking and agriculture. The scope of the GRIHA water positivity certification is for the site only and does not include upstream supply chain for the water positivity analysis. ABB’s approach to responsible resource management includes reducing energy use and carbon emissions. Understanding that you can only improve what you can measure, Nashik achieved full visibility of energy use for the Mission to Zero factory using ABB Ability Energy Manager, a cloud-based solution that collects data from 76 sensors to monitor energy consumption and identify inefficiencies. To further reduce emissions, ABB’s factory in Nashik also invested in measures to improve energy efficiency using LED lighting, insulated wall and roof panels, more efficient air conditioning, demand-based lighting, and cooling in meeting rooms all managed via a KNX and Cylon building management system. Finally, 1 MWp of rooftop solar panels were installed which provide 35 percent of the electricity needed annually to run the factory at a much lower cost than electricity from the grid. The factory operations use 100 percent green electricity, 35 percent from solar and the remaining 65 percent from International Renewable Energy Certificate (IREC). All these measures combined earned the Nashik facility a Green Factory Building, Platinum Rating Certification from the Indian Green Building Council. For more info, visit:


INDUSTRYNEWS Hydrogen: Big Potential, Big Safety Challenges – Are You Ready?


ight, simple, abundant. That’s hydrogen (H2). Because hydrogen doesn’t create carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions when burned, it holds the promise of becoming essential for global energy transformation, pollution remediation, and decarbonising the planet. In fact, H2 production, distribution, and usage is skyrocketing, having been fuelled, in part, by environmental legislation and worldwide demand for clean energy. H2 is extremely attractive as a fuel source because of its ability to be both environmentally friendly and sustainable. However, before the adoption of hydrogen becomes even more widespread, there’s work to be done; namely, H2 must be produced, distributed, and used safely. Despite hydrogen’s potential to become a widespread clean-energy source, there are very real safety issues to contend with. Therein lies the challenge and the paradox. On one hand, hydrogen’s unique chemical properties make it an exciting fuel alternative. On the other hand, those same properties are what hold the potential for these dangers: • •

Hydrogen has a propensity to leak. It is colourless, odourless, and taste-

• • •

less, making it undetectable by human senses. Hydrogen has an invisible, high-temperature flame with low thermal radiation. It is fast detonating and more explosive than natural gas. Leak Monitoring and Detection

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, all fuels—including hydrogen—pose some degree of danger. While hydrogen’s non-toxic nature and ability to dissipate quickly when released are just a few of the reasons hydrogen may be safer to handle than other fuels, there’s still a need for safe use.

Specifically, hydrogen has a wide range of flammable concentrations in the air and lower ignition energy than gasoline or natural gas, which means it can ignite more easily. Consequently, adequate ventilation and leak detection are important elements in the design of safe hydrogen systems. Because hydrogen burns with a nearly invisible flame, special flame detectors are required. Consistent monitoring, therefore, is imperative for hydrogen producers, distributors, and users. The question is, how? Although the need for monitoring and detecting hydrogen leaks is a relatively new challenge, here’s the good news … Here at MSA, we’ve been at the forefront of hydrogen gas and flame detection solutions. As one of the world’s largest and most experienced global suppliers of gas and flame detection equipment, MSA has pioneered the detection of combustible gases like hydrogen, methane, and propane. In fact, our in-house Research and Development team develops, tests, and manufactures its own fully certified portfolio of products and safety solutions—including the very latest hydrogen gas and flame detection technologies.

Kordsa, Once Again, Receives the Ecovadis 'Gold Medal' Award in Sustainability


ordsa, a global leader in tire, construction reinforcement and composite technologies, has once again maintained the prestigious 'Gold' rating from EcoVadis, a world-renowned platform for sustainability assessments. A subsidiary of Sabancı Holding, Kordsa continues to hold its "Gold Medal" in the EcoVadis global sustainability assessment. Operating with 13 manufacturing facilities across 4 continents in line with its vision of ‘Reinforcing Life’, Kordsa reaffirmed its strong commitment to sustainability through its "Gold Medal" rating in the EcoVadis assessment. In the 2022 assessment, the company ranked within the top 1% of its industry peers, further underlining once again that sustainability lies at the core of its advanced material technologies. Nevra Aydoğan Gürsoy, Director of Sustainability and Marketing Communications of Kordsa, remarked, “We are reshaping the industries we operate in—tire, construction reinforcement, and composite technologies. Our vision of 'Reinforcing Life' drives us to develop more efficient and eco-friendly technologies at every turn. As part of this effort, we have maintained our "Gold Medal" status for another year in EcoVadis, where environmental, human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement criteria are evaluated, by increasing our score.

EcoVadis employs a comprehensive assessment methodology that evaluates companies of all sizes, from large corporations to small enterprises, with a focus on holistic sustainability. Assessment criteria encompass factors such as company size, geographical location, and industry. The company's rating is derived from evidence-based evaluations conducted throughout the assessment process.

Industry Europe 31


New developments in Healthcare

AI breast cancer screening is safe and detects 20% more cancers


esearch conducted at Lund University indicates that AI breast cancer screening is not only a viable alternative to conventional screening but also a more efficient one, detecting more cases of cancer. The findings from the Mammography Screening with Artificial Intelligence (MASAI) trial showcased that AI-enabled screening diagnosed 20% more instances of cancer while reducing radiologists' burden by over 40%. This technological innovation could drastically reduce wait times for millions of global breast cancer patients and enhance treatment outcomes. Conventional diagnostic procedures are time-consuming Approximately one million women undergo mammography screening annually in Sweden, with each examination requiring review by two breast radiologists to maintain a high sensitivity 'double reading.' However, the scarcity of breast radiologists and the increasing backlog can pose a risk to patients. Therefore, specialists are considering the potential of AI breast cancer screening. The MASAI trial is a pioneering randomized controlled study assessing the impact of AI-supported screening. The MASAI trial's methodology The MASAI trial assigned 80,033 women randomly into two groups: 40,003 women participated in AI breast cancer screening (intervention group), and 40,030 women underwent standard double reading without AI assistance (control group). Kristina Lång, the study leader and an associate professor in diagnostic radiology at Lund University, detailed the trial's promising results.

Lång stated, “The application of AI led to the identification of 20% (41) more cancers compared to traditional screening, without impacting false positives. A false positive during screening happens when a woman is recalled but cleared of cancer suspicion after workup.” Screen readings with AI-supported screening stood at 46,345, compared to 83,231 with traditional screening, reducing the screen-reading workload of radiologists by 44%. This substantial improvement in screening efficiency is critical as radiologists typically read 50 screening examinations per hour. Predictions suggest that AI breast cancer screening could trim down screen reading times by five months. Future plans for the breast cancer project The team intends to examine the types of cancer detected with and without AI, with the trial's main outcome being the interval cancer rate. Interval cancer rate refers to cancer diagnosed between screenings and often has a worse prognosis than screen-detected cancers. The trial's women will have their interval cancer rate evaluated once they have a minimum of a two-year follow-up. Lång concluded: “Screening is intricate. The balance between benefit and harm must always be weighed. The fact that a screening method detects more cancers doesn't necessarily mean it's superior. Read further at:

Haleon named founding member of the Blister Pack Collective which aims to

reduce plastic usage and drive circularity for tablet blister packaging


A Consulting (PA), the company bringing ingenuity to life, and PulPac, the Swedish R&D and IP company behind Dry Molded Fiber (DMF), are pleased to announce that global consumer health company Haleon has joined its Blister Pack Collective as a founding member. PA and PulPac created the Blister Pack Collective to limit the use of non-recyclable plastics in over-the-counter and prescription drug packaging through cross-industry collaboration. It brings together pharma, consumer health, and FMCG businesses to accelerate progress towards a world of more sustainable tablet packs, free from problem plastics like polyvinyl chloride (PVC). PA and PulPac seeded the collective and developed the underlying technology for the blister packs after an early initiative driven by Haleon. This has 32 Industry Europe

brought a functioning Dry Molded Fiber tablet blister pack to life. The adoption of Dry Molded Fiber tablet packs could help remove 100,000 tonnes of plastic medicine packaging used every year. Dry Molded Fiber technology minimises CO2 emissions – leaving a 90 percent lower CO2 footprint than Wet Molded alternatives – and requires minimal water usage. It enables the production of versatile tablet packs that are comparable to PVC packs in terms of design and tablet count. Jamie Stone, PulPac Design and Innovation Lead at PA Consulting, said: “We are thrilled to announce renowned global consumer health company Haleon as founding partner of the Blister Pack Collective. A fiber-based blister tablet package offers a versatile, tangible, and scalable alternative for pharmaceutical and healthcare companies. It can effectively replace existing prevalent and environmentally disruptive PVC packaging. By collaborating with leading brand partners like Haleon, we can accelerate development and have a significant and rapid impact on reducing plastic waste on a global scale.” Sanna Fager, Chief Commercial Officer at PulPac, said: “When a leading company like Haleon validates our technology, it’s a testament to the innovative power of Dry Molded Fiber worldwide.

By joining forces, we can move faster and tackle challenges collaboratively and effectively. When we started PulPac, we set out to replace singleuse plastics at scale, by building an ecosystem of changemakers around Dry Molded Fiber. We are excited to see that vision come to life and be embraced by the industry.” Alex James Orchard, Head of R&D Packaging at Haleon, said: “Haleon intends to take a lead role in creating a future for consumer health packaging which is more sustainable and easier to use by all of our consumers. So, we’re excited to see an initial piece of upstream joint development work kickstarted by Haleon with PA Consulting and PulPac expand and become more impactful through the creation of the Blister Pack Collective. Through this initiative, we’re looking to partner and collaborate with other brands across consumer health and other sectors to develop new packaging solutions using alternative materials which help drive circularity.” This Collective is one element of PA and PulPac’s mission to leverage Dry Molded Fiber to convert renewable plant fibers into a wide range of sustainable packaging and products. DMF delivers a better environmental footprint than single use plastics at comparable speed, scalability, and cost. Read further at:


INDUSTRYNEWS A third of nurses report witnessing patients die due to staff shortages, new global survey finds


recent worldwide survey underscores the significant strain that healthcare systems are under due to staff shortages. One in three nurses reported deaths of patients in their care attributed to understaffing. Over half of those surveyed considered leaving their profession, voicing deep concerns about their national healthcare situations. Conducted three years post the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, this study of 2,000 healthcare professionals globally sheds light on the increasing pressures faced by the healthcare sector. Amid the pandemic, many healthcare facilities found it challenging to cope with patient demands. Concurrently, many professionals are leaving their roles, citing poor compensation and overwork. This Thursday saw health workers rally in Geneva at the United Nations headquarters to emphasize the staffing crisis. Public Services International (PSI), a union representing a vast majority of healthcare workers in 154 countries, released the survey.

A disturbing finding from PSI's survey revealed that over two-thirds of healthcare workers witnessed patients experiencing unnecessary pain or complications due to staff inadequacies. Daniel Bertossa of PSI stated, "Many leaders blame the pandemic, but COVID has only exacerbated an existing shortage." He further highlighted, "COVID has exposed the underfunding, but it hasn't caused it. The real problem is decades of underfunding, lots of privatisation, and austerity which have made working in the sector increasingly hard." Bill Muriuki, a Kenyan doctor, shared his personal experience: "I was the only doctor in the casualty and emergency department of the biggest facility in the region. Critically ill patients would often have to

wait for me to return to work, sometimes for hours." Muriuki also mentioned facing supply shortages during critical times and reflected, "I have also seriously considered quitting my job time after time often after feeling that I was really not able to do enough for my patients." The survey also highlighted a preference among respondents for public over private investment in the healthcare sector. Bertossa urged governments to prioritize healthcare, stating, "We need our governments to start putting the interests of our frontline workers and the users of our healthcare services ahead of the billionaires and the corporations." While Europe grapples with its own shortage of doctors, particularly as many retire, Natasha Assopardi-Muscat of the WHO's European office highlighted a "huge health workforce crisis and shortage" considering demographic shifts. With health workers across Europe protesting poor working conditions, Bertossa finds it alarming that underfunding is resulting in patient fatalities. He commented on the dire consequences for both families and health workers, emphasizing the need to support healthcare professionals in their mission to provide care.



D SYNNEX (NYSE: SNX) is bringing WaitTime, a leading AI-driven crowd intelligence and management solution to the UK market. The technology is already used by a number of renowned venues, such as the NEC and Manchester City, to collect real-time data for the effective management and analysis of crowds in large spaces. WaitTime measures exceptionally high volumes of people with a high degree of accuracy, helping venues to alleviate crowd congestion and enhance safety and efficiency. As well as high-profile UK sites, it is also widely used in stadia and shopping and conference centres across the globe, in addition to airports and transport hubs, retail complexes, amusement parks and concert venues. In addition to the software, smart IP cameras and reliable networking technology is needed to support the solution, so it presents a good opportunity for partners, said Elliet Hall-Jones, senior business manager, IoT and analytics, UK, at TD SYNNEX. “WaitTime is really innovative and effective way to make use of AI and edge devices. It’s an excellent addition to our growing ecosystem. We are always on the lookout for great ideas that deliver genuine value and result in better outcomes for customers. WaitTime fits that definition perfectly and we’ll be looking to engage with partners who are already active in relevant market sectors. Hopefully, those partners will then become part of our ecosystem and add even more value to our communities.” TD SYNNEX runs a number of industry ecosystems that bring ISVs, innovators and developers together with partners that have access to

markets. There are TD SYNNEX ecosystems for retail and distribution, for manufacturing, and for healthcare. Built using patented AI, WaitTime provides real-time data and historical analytics on crowd behaviour and provides users with live information on wait times, crowd movement, density and occupancy. It can also be used to provide guests with information they need to navigate their way around a site.

Industry Europe 33


New developments in Metals & Mining

Cooperation between Retech and GeniCore in the area of spark plasma sintering


etech, an American subsidiary of the SECO/ WARWICK Group, has established cooperation with GeniCore, a company dealing in composite materials engineering. Thanks to the cooperation, Retech will expand its offer in powder metal processes with spark plasma sintering. The Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) process bonds materials using a combination of pressure and thermal energy applied to materials in a mold. It resembles Hot Pressing, but the SPS process consumes far less energy and, most importantly, can bond a broader range of materials into novel composites unachievable by other processes.

RETECH with innovative technology The “spark” in spark plasma sintering is more of a powerful pulse of electric current that passes directly through the material in the mold form while it is under pressure. To withstand the heat and pressure, the molds are made of graphite, which is machined into a negative shape. As the material is compressed in the mold while under vacuum, a pulse of direct current is passed through the material, producing the high temperatures necessary for sinter bonding to occur. The current pulse heats the material via Joule heating rather than radiant, applying the heat only where needed, thereby using less energy than traditional hot pressing or sintering

dous energy directly into the materials being consolidated. This precision pulse control, in turn, breeds the greatest precision in sintering, resulting in uniform consolidation with minimal grain growth. GeniCore has developed multiple SPS systems, called U-FAST (Upgraded Field Assisted Sintering Technology), each one optimized for specific applications.

Capabilities of spark plasma sintering

methods. “As the global leader in vacuum metallurgical equipment, bringing SPS into our repertoire and representing its capabilities is a win for Retech, GeniCore, and our customers,” – said Earl Good, Retech Systems Managing Director and President.

What distinguishes SPS technology? GeniCore’s pioneering advancement in SPS technology is in their Direct Current (DC) electric pulse switching, enabling the most precise DC waveform control in the emerging SPS industry -- including each pulse’s current, duration, and spacing. Generating square pulses of under one millisecond, and even precisely programmable square-pulse packets, delivers tremen-

Many SPS applications are already employed in manufacturing, and the broad spectrum of SPS capabilities and applications are still being researched and discovered. GeniCore SPS processes are being used by manufacturers and research institutions alike, including a national laboratory, NASA, and the large EU industrial engineering company. “The GeniCore mission is to deliver superior value to our customers through innovative SPS technology. Cooperation with Retech gives us the honor to serve discerning and distinguished customers in the North American market” - said Marcin Rosiński, GeniCore CEO. Retech is one of the leaders in powder metallurgy, constantly seeking innovations. The partnership with GeniCore and the opportunity to offer spark plasma sintering technology will be another boost for development.

Almina to use Metso technology for their new copper and zinc concentrator in Portugal


lmina Minas do Alentejo S.A. is proceeding with the preparations to upgrade the copper and zinc concentrator at their Almina mine in Aljustrel, in the Iberian pyrite belt in Portugal. The company placed an order with Metso as the key equipment supplier for this project in the first quarter of 2023. Metso has now completed the basic engineering of the grinding island. Delivery of the concentrator plant equipment will take place around the end of the second quarter in 2024, with the project expected to be commissioning by the end of the first quarter of 2025. “Collaboration between Almina Minas do Alentejo S.A and Metso is strong. We are excited to continue working with Almina on this project, for which they selected us to supply the grinding island, ultra-fine grinding technology, as well as flotation, filtration, and thickening equipment, as well as all slurry pumps. The deliveries will be fast as the plant will be built already within the next 24 months,” explains Saso Kitanoski, President for Metso’s Europe Market Area. According to Miguel Santos, Senior Sales Manager for Metso Minerals in Iberia & Italy, Almina chose to collaborate with Metso on the engineering for the grinding island as Metso was able to bring extensive expertise and confidence that the project will deliver robust performance, availability, 34 Industry Europe

and sustainability results. “Almina trusts Metso as a partner for this project as we can provide them with a comprehensive package of solutions to help them achieve their targets. Several of the solutions to be delivered to Almina feature our Planet Positive technology.” Read more at:


INDUSTRYNEWS Wheaton Precious Metals Announces the Acquisition of a New Silver Stream on the Mineral Park Mine


heaton Precious Metals™ Corp. (“Wheaton” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Wheaton Precious Metals International Ltd. ("WPMI") has entered into a definitive Precious Metals Purchase Agreement (the “Silver Stream”) with Waterton

Copper Corp., a subsidiary of Waterton Copper LP (“Waterton Copper”) in respect to its 100% owned Mineral Park Mine located in Arizona, USA (the “Project” or “Mineral Park”). “Wheaton is excited to bring Mineral Park back into our portfolio given our long history with the mine, particularly given the work Waterton Copper has done to optimize the operation,” said Randy Smallwood, Wheaton’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “Our unique understanding of Mineral Park, and its potential, positions us well to assist Waterton Copper in bringing the mine back into production in a sustainable manner. As global efforts to transition to a low-carbon economy accelerate, critical metals, such as copper, that are produced responsibly within politically stable jurisdictions, have never been more important. “Waterton Copper is delighted to have Wheaton Precious Metals' support,” said Isser Elishis, Executive Chairman of Waterton Copper. “Waterton is investing approximately $600 million to optimize Mineral Park including significant capital investments in new primary crushers, secondary and pebble crushing circuits, and new higher-power SAG mills, which are expected to result in decades of operational excellence.” Read further at:

Creaform Launches the New Truly Portable Metrology-Grade 3D

Scanner for Large Parts HandySCAN 3D|MAX Series


reaform, a business unit of AMETEK, Inc. and the worldwide leader in automated and portable 3D measurement solutions, announced today the latest addition to its flagship HandySCAN 3D lineup, the MAX Series. The handheld MAX Series line of industrial 3D scanners, designed and manufactured in Canada, offers an impressive 3D scanning area of approximately 1m x 1m and was developed to acquire accurate 3D measurements of any large and complex surfaces. Featuring multiple scanning mode that allows users to choose between the fastest scanning time or maximum resolution, the new portable 3D scanners offer a level of versatility that will enable professionals to optimally measure any large parts and assemblies (up to 15 m). Combining the effect of speed, extra-large measuring volume, accuracy, portability, and simplicity, the new scanners will allow for an easy, efficient and robust measurement process of parts typically present in the aerospace, transportation, energy, mining and heavy industries, amongst others. Thanks to its volumetric accuracy of 0,100 mm + 0,015 mm/m, ISO 17025 accreditation and compliance with the VDI/VDE 2634 part 3 standard, the MAX series provides metrologygrade results, making it ideal for quality control, precision link between parts with tight

tolerancing and demanding reverse engineering of large parts. Additionally, the new scanners still feature Creaform’s powerful dynamic referencing algorithms, allowing for accurate and rigorous 3D scans of any object, whether in the lab, on the shop floor or in the field. The system is plug-and-play and quick to set up. The 3D scans can be easily and seamlessly integrated into any CAD software, speeding up and simplifying product development, 3D inspection and reverse engineering processes of large parts and assemblies. The MAX Series has all the attributes that made the HandySCAN 3D line-up the reference in the industry: true portability, blue laser technology, integrated photogrammetry, live meshing, and more. It also offers new key features, guaranteed to simplify any scanning process: • Flex Volume: This enables the user to scan with remarkable quality at a short standoff distance and measure large parts at very high speed from a longer standoff distance. • Smart Surface Algorithm: Its sophisticated image processing, combined with artificial intelligence, optimizes surface measurements

for unparalleled tracking, better performance, better readings of difficult, contrasted finishes, and a simpler scanning process. • Real-Time Calibration: The MAX Series integrates the calibration step directly into the scanning workflow, performing it automatically and seamlessly. “Again, Creaform brings impressive measurement capabilities outside of the metrology labs and enables manufacturers around the world to accurately measure anything, anywhere. Measuring large and complex 3D surfaces with a handheld device was previously very challenging or, in certain cases, even impossible. The MAX Series’ unique capability closes the gap and provides innovative dimensional measurement solutions for many manufacturers we’ve met over the years,” said Simon Côté, Product Manager at Creaform. Industry Europe 35


New developments in Politics & Economics

Leveraging Online Marketplaces To Reach New Customers


oing business in the 21st century involves navigating and mastering a bustling digital landscape vastly different from the more traditional markets of former decades. As technology continues to reshape the way we do business, entrepreneurs are finding innovative ways to expand their customer base. One such avenue that has gained immense popularity is leveraging online marketplaces. These digital emporiums offer a veritable treasure trove of opportunities for businesses to connect with new customers, amplify their reach, and – best of all - turbocharge their sales. Keen to maximise this wealth of opportunity for yourself? To get you started, let’s embark on a journey through the exciting realm of online marketplaces and discover how they can become a game-changer for your business!

The Online Marketplace Revolution Remember the days when bustling bazaars were the epicentre of commerce? Well, those bazaars have transformed into virtual marketplaces that span the globe. Online marketplaces, like Amazon, eBay, Shopify, and Etsy, provide a platform for businesses to showcase their products to a vast audience, without the limitations of geographic boundaries. These platforms have become the modern-day crossroads where buyers and sellers converge.

Setting Up Shop: The Gateway To A Global Audience One of the most compelling advantages of joining an online marketplace is instant access you’ll gain to a massive (and diverse) customer base. With millions of users browsing these platforms daily, your products can reach corners of the world you might have never imagined. What’s more, setting up shop is often a streamlined process, merely requiring you to create a seller account, upload product listings, and define your shipping and payment preferences. Of course, you don’t have to go it alone if you don’t want to. For instance, if you’re keen to get started on Shopify, this leading Shopify Agency – known as Charle – can take care of everything for you, from the design of your new store to its successful launch. 36 Industry Europe

The Power Of Visibility In the age of information overload, visibility is a precious commodity. Online marketplaces offer a front-row seat to your target audience. When a potential customer searches for a product you offer, your listings appear alongside those of competitors. Cleverly optimised listings and high-quality images can set your products apart, catching the eyes of curious shoppers. Moreover, the trust customers place in established marketplaces translates into a level of credibility that can take years to build independently.

Tap Into Existing Trust The trust that established online marketplaces have amassed over the years is invaluable. Shoppers associate these platforms with reliability, secure transactions, and hassle-free returns. By aligning your business with a reputable marketplace, you ride on the coattails of this trust, making it easier for new customers to take the leap and make a purchase.

Navigating The Marketplace Ecosystem Each online marketplace has its unique features and audience demographics. Amazon, the titan of e-commerce, boasts an enormous customer base looking for everything under the sun. eBay, on the other hand, thrives on the auction model and offers a platform for both new and pre-loved items. Etsy caters to the artistically inclined, with a focus on handmade and vintage products. Depending on your product offerings, choosing the right marketplace can be pivotal in reaching your ideal customers.

Optimise, Optimise, Optimise The digital marketplace arena is competitive, and standing out requires strategic optimisation. Crafting compelling product titles and descriptions with relevant keywords can significantly improve your search ranking. Quality images that showcase your products from all angles are your virtual storefront windows, so investing in professional photography is a smart move. Finally, customer reviews can make or break your reputation, so provide exceptional service to encourage positive feedback.

Beyond Borders: Global Expansion Simplified Remember the days when entering international markets required a complex web of logistics and resources? Online marketplaces have torn down those barriers. With built-in tools for currency conversion, multilingual support, and international shipping, tapping into global markets has never been more accessible. Your products can seamlessly travel across continents, introducing your brand to a global audience.

Managing The Marketplace Maze While online marketplaces offer a bounty of benefits, navigating the intricacies can be a challenge. From managing inventory across platforms to staying on top of pricing fluctuations, a robust strategy is essential. Fortunately, an array of third-party tools and software are available to streamline operations, enabling you to focus on what you do best – delivering exceptional products and service.

The Long-Term Game: Building Your Brand While online marketplaces provide an excellent launchpad, building your brand presence is an ongoing endeavour. Establishing a strong identity, fostering customer loyalty, and driving traffic to your independent website are crucial steps toward sustainable growth. A well-rounded approach that combines marketplace presence with a long-term branding strategy ensures that you harness the benefits of both worlds. Continue reading more at:



How TV ads are bought is changing H ollywood writers and actors are currently striking because of concerns about AI. But this isn’t the only way technology is changing the entertainment industry. How we consume television has shifted in recent years, and that has resulted in a rethink by those responsible for buying TV advertising. Platforms have increased beyond what seemed impossible just twenty years ago. Audiences are ever more fragmented, and technology has changed the way advertising is bought and measured. And the changes show no sign of slowing. So, what does this mean and who or what will win the battle to attract the biggest share of ad-spend? TV Upfront week in New York is the ultimate litmus test for this. It came and went this year with something of a whimper, a victim of the tectonic changes shifting around it both in the advertising industry and the wider world. A war in Ukraine has led to mass inflation which is hurting consumers’ wallets just at a time when the massive TV conglomerates are finding out that the streaming model isn’t quite as profitable as they might have hoped. [1] Add to this a writer and actor strike in Hollywood that has decimated the media production line leading to movies and shows being put on hiatus with no clear resumption in sight.

The rise of the programmatic ad deal Unsurprisingly, it is difficult to sell a future market to advertisers when the future you are selling seems more uncertain than ever with the possibility of the entire paradigm shifting in the span of a week, let alone a year. However, there is one recent and massive change to this year’s upfront (and for the wider world of advertising too) that is here to stay and that is the rise and dominance of the programmatic ad deal. What is programmatic ad buying? Essentially, it is the use of automated technology to buy ad space at scale. Instead of choosing media space manually, ads are served algorithmically to the right user at the right time across their digital devices in a process called Real-time bidding (RTB). This is happening with billions of devices at speeds beyond comprehension and can be measured in real time. For far too long programmatic ad buying was an afterthought of the event but now is an integral part of the discussion. This was signalled by Netflix presenting at the Upfronts for the first time ever. It comes at an apt moment for streaming as last year,

also for the first time, overall streaming viewership overtook cable viewership. [2]

Sea change The very existence of the legacy Upfront event itself could be under threat. Some are theorising that the shift to programmatical deals will lead to marketers adopting an ‘always on’ model in which steady streams of ads are delivered to consumers and bought on the fly as opposed to being bought in bulk at an earlier date. And perhaps advertisers are right to do so. Perhaps they need flexibility to adjust ad spend on the go or turn it off altogether at certain times to avoid being associated with whatever terrifying world event appears around the corner next. Marketers seem to be becoming more and more comfortable with this form of ad buying in general, as fewer of them are doing one-off purchases and more are beginning to set up recurring executions of programmatic ad buys. Many traditional linear ad buyers bought less at the Upfronts this year, giving them room to increase their programmatic spend.

What does this all mean? It’s highly probably that linear ad buys will survive this transformation in one shape or another but it’s clear that digital is becoming the dominant ad buy. With that shift in spend comes the new battleground: the device wars. Which devices will attract the biggest advertising spend? Right now, the clear winner is the mobile phone. US mobile ad spending accounts for two-thirds of total digital ad spending in the USA, and it is expected that both the dollar amount and the percentage will grow steadily in the coming years, rising to $247.68 billion and 68.3% respectively in 2026. [3] It’s not hard to see how we’ve arrived here. The mobile smart phone offers the greatest penetration of users that advertisers have ever seen. Plus,

engagement seems to grow year on year with many adults spending four or more hours a day on their device. Younger users are getting smart phones earlier and advances in targeting technology provide advertisers with succinct placement opportunities in front of their desired target market, no matter how niche or small that market may be. Even for those who traditionally buy linear TV placements, there is a growing awareness of people ‘second screening’ or browsing on their phone while they are watching TV.

Challenging mobile phones While its dominance today is untouched, going forward the mobile phone will face steeper competition than ever. While the tablet has failed to present a meaningful threat with average usage appearing to decline year on year, there is a hunger among advertisers for a more ‘premium’ form of digital ad. The answer has emerged in the form of CTV (Connected TV). Much sought after for many years, this ad format promises to be the fastest growing of any available currently. Connected TV is a more costly video placement that plays on a smart TV via your streaming service. It currently holds a relatively low market share. It averages less than 10% of total US ad spend but it is set to skyrocket in the coming years as there is a growing desire among marketers for it. [4] The high CPM (cost per thousand ads served) is a clear indicator of this with advertisers fighting tooth and nail for the relatively low amount of inventory that is available. Streaming giants are happy to comply. When Netflix reversed its long-held policy not to offer ads, marketers began frothing at the possibility of buying this inventory. That inevitably led to the exorbitant price tag of $55 CPM (initially $65 CPM). This is especially the case as the major media conglomerates attempt to extract more profit from the streaming model. It's uncertain to what extent this emerging format will carve out from mobile devices. There may be less excitement for CTV as some of the sheen and freshness begins to settle but it’s clear that will not be happening anytime soon. What the desire for CTV does signal is that marketers want to advertise on the latest muchhyped high-budget TV shows without sacrificing the flexibility that comes with digital, programmatic buys and the advanced targeting. The deciding factor will always be whether you can get your ad to the right person at the right time. Industry Europe 37


New developments in Technology & Innovation

Productive Machines Launches Web App for Force Optimization


smart cloud-based application designed to enhance machining strategies by offering cutting forces predictions and feed rate optimization for the $96 Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine tool market is being launched today by Productive Machines, one of just ten ambitious start-ups around the world to have been invited to the Boeing innovation accelerator programme. The new Feed Rate Calculator web app – the first in range of smart tools being developed by the team at Productive Machines –- empowers manufacturers to make fast decisions about the use of untested milling processes and to obtain accurate forecasts of cutting forces expected on the cutting tool, thus unlocking significant cost and time savings time. The startup’s founder, Erdem Ozturk, said: “Our goal is to do nothing less than to put an end to the age-old machining challenge of destructive chatter vibrations. This new app is the first in a line of easy-to-use tools that harnesses the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to provide simple, easy-to-use tools that will enable manufacturers to increase cutting

efficiency, reduce machine times, prevent waste and improve product quality.” Richard Nevill, Commercial Director of Productive Machines added: “We are proud to introduce Feed Rate Calculator to the manufacturing community and welcome users to create their own free account to have a go. We work closely with our trusted channel partners to provide an effective strategy for both their customers and their own machining processes to efficiently produce superior parts.” To celebrate the launch, Productive Machines is offering a limited-time opportunity for manufacturers to try their Feed Rate Calculator for free. This exclusive offer allows businesses to experience the benefits of precision machining optimization first-hand and witness the potential improvements in their operations. Erdem added: "Our team has been working tirelessly to develop tools that will not only make precision machining more efficient but also more accessible to manufacturers of all sizes. We believe that Feed Rate Calculator will pave the way to our upcoming suite of cloud-based optimization and predictive maintenance prod-

ucts due to be released in October 2023 and will have a huge impact on improving productivity in the CNC arena worldwide." The Productive Machines team will be at EMO Hannover, the world's premier metalworking event, to showcase Feed Rate Calculator and its future roadmap for chatter-free milling optimization. Visitors will have the exclusive opportunity to experience first-hand the capabilities of this advanced tool and witness the future of milling optimization. This reaffirms Productive Machines’ commitment to sustainability and filling the technology skill gap supporting growth of industries reliant on precision machining.

Bridging the gap in the UK’s manufacturing sector tion. These businesses will often have legacy systems that were not


he past few years have been incredibly challenging for UK manufacturers. Much like the rest of the world, the COVID-19 pandemic led to severe supply chain disruptions, import restrictions and heightened uncertainty on demand and supply. As we look to the present day, it still seems bleak. There has been a continued sluggish global demand and workforce challenges. Only recently, UK manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) hit a seven-month low, as the downturn continues to deepen. Economic uncertainty and inventory corrections compound weak demand. Despite these challenges, manufacturers can grow through digital investment to enable greater agility and supply chain visibility. According to a recent survey by Rockwell Automation, over 50% more manufacturers are using advanced technology such as machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) compared to last year. Certainly, these new technologies will help to unlock new growth opportunities for the sector. The promises of Industry 4.0, to enable a more efficient, connected and flexible ecosystem will also help drive competitiveness for UK factories. However, to simply say that putting these new technologies into an existing architecture will fix everything is a tad ambitious. Rather, they must take a holistic approach to these initiatives to truly create the smart factories of the future. The reality is that many of the existing and underlying technologies used in the manufacturing sector are typically quite old, acting in isola38 Industry Europe

built to scale so are unable to handle modern demands or manage the more advanced security requirements they now face. These outdated systems often aren’t able to integrate with newer technologies or processes. What’s worse, continuing to run and maintain these technologies can be expensive, increasingly so as they continue to age. These lead to an increase in siloed data, maintenance costs, and operational inefficiencies which all result in an overall loss of productivity. Attempting to still function on outdated systems is foolhardy and will severely hinder the ability to compete in today’s global landscape. To many, smart factories are simply where the processes take place with the aid of cloud technology and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. When, in fact, getting all of these processes to work harmoniously together is the real challenge. Smart factories should ideally provide manufacturers with the opportunity to self-optimise performance, to adapt and learn from new conditions in an instant, and to help autonomously run the entire production process. These interactions, or events, happening in the process must be made instantly available to interested applications and parties, both in and out of the organisation. For manufacturers to do this, they need to first unlock and then leverage real-time data to allow them to learn and make predictions. The end goal is to help maximise overall equipment effectiveness while not sacrificing operational efficiency. Continue reading at:


INDUSTRYNEWS XPO Logistics rolling out Hunic Exoskeleton to all parts of the UK and Ireland after a highly successful safety and wellbeing trial


PO, a leading provider of innovative and sustainable end-to-end logistics solutions across Europe, has successfully completed a pilot trial of Hunic exoskeleton suit safety equipment at specific business sites and will deploy the technology across the UK and Ireland before the end of this year. The suits were introduced to XPO Logistics network sites and some dedicated warehouses in January, including Crick (Scania), the Leicester shared user warehouse (Samsung), and the Volkswagen Group UK National Parts Distribution Centre in Dordon, Glen Dimplex, and Daimler in Milton Keynes. Current users at each site are helping to train wider groups on how to use the suits.

Hunic Exoskeleton technology assists wearers with heavy lifting duties, ensuring their posture is correct to reduce the chance of injury. It significantly reduced the fatigue felt by those working in the five XPO depots where the suits were tested. Productivity improved as well: After using the suits at the Samsung operations, there was a 15-20% reduction in unloading time. Ian Fox, head of health and safety – UK and Ireland, XPO Logistics, said: “The feedback from our XPO colleagues using the exoskeletons during the pilot was hugely positive. The wearers reported significantly less fatigue and effort required in the routine handling activities, which has supported the decision to expand the use and invest in the equipment for the benefit of our colleagues. Additionally, we found that the exoskeleton assists in forming good postural habits that will benefit the wearer even while not using the equipment.” The Hunic Exoskeleton is designed to prevent the wearer from lifting with incorrect posture. It will only allow the body to move in connection with safe manual handling techniques. For example, it will not allow the back to make an incorrect posture movement. The suit helps the wear undertake repetitive lifting safely while also improving turnaround time." XPO’s innovative, end-to-end service offerings include technology-enabled logistics, truckload, less-than-truckload, truck brokerage, managed transport, last mile and freight forwarding. The company tailors its solutions to customerspecific needs across consumer, trade and industrial sectors.

Three things you need to know about Industry 5.0


hile manufacturers are still getting accustomed to methods for interconnecting new technologies to improve efficiency and productivity — the guiding principle behind Industry 4.0 — the next phase of industrialisation is already on the horizon. Here, Richard Mount, Director of Sales at ASIC design and supply specialist Swindon Silicon Systems, provides an overview of Industry 5.0 and the role custom ICs will play in its development. It’s pretty well understood that Industry 4.0 refers to the integration of automation and data exchange in manufacturing. Underpinning the era are an enhanced use of data and connected devices, advanced analytics and machine learning, a deeper human-machine connection and advanced engineering technologies such as 3D printing. Industry 5.0 takes these qualities a step further. Broadening the concepts of Industry 4.0, this new industrial revolution is described by the European Union as providing “a vision of industry that aims beyond efficiency and

productivity as the sole goals, and reinforces the role and the contribution of industry to society”. Talking about Industry 5.0 right now may appear hasty. After all, we’re still very much in the midst of Industry 4.0. However, given the rapid rate of technological advancements such as AI and machine learning, it’s helpful to start considering how the next industrial era could take form.

Hyper personal There are many instances where personalisation already succeeds — no two Netflix homepages look the same depending on the user’s preferences, and the menus of some of the world’s biggest restaurant chains allow diners to add and subtract meal components to their liking. But what about in a manufacturing context — how can it embrace the mass customisation era? Mass customisation sounds like something of an oxymoron. However, with the principals of Industry 5.0, it will become possible to

bespoke manufacture at scale. Advanced technologies, like 3D printing and computer aided design, will certainly be central to its development. Production techniques aside, mass personalisation relies on gathering and using data to understand individual preferences and deliver customised products. Manufacturing companies can leverage big data analytics, AI and machine learning to process vast amounts of data. By analysing customer preferences, purchasing patterns and demographic information, manufacturers can tailor products to meet individual needs. This data-driven approach helps in creating personalised product configurations, packaging, branding and pricing. At a manufacturing level, data is also crucial to making personalisation happen. For instance, through digital systems and databases, manufacturers can access the specifications of individual customers to guide the manufacturing process and ensure that the personalised products are produced according to the desired configurations. Continue reading at: Industry Europe 39


New developments in Transportation

George Blankenship, developer of Apple and Tesla stores globally, joins the Verge Motorcycles team one decade ago when we took a big step forward to completely redefine their industries,” says Blankenship. Verge, which is scaling up its international business, can now call on Blankenship’s expertise and extensive understanding of the customer experience. “George is known for the fact that no matter where he goes, he revolutionises the prevailing operating methods in the industry. We want Verge’s stores to be in exactly the right places in terms of brand awareness and sales. George's holistic vision, excellent networks and industry experience will make this possible,” says Verge CTO Marko Lehtimäki.

Head-turning showrooms to present the Verge lifestyle


eorge Blankenship, who led, developed and brought to life the first stores for Apple and Tesla, will be responsible for Verge Motorcycles’ international brand centres and will lead in developing the customer journey. “I see the same potential in Verge today as I saw in Apple two decades ago and Tesla one decade ago” Electric superbike manufacturer Verge Motorcycles has appointed respected business and retail visionary George Blankenship as its new Chief Revenue Officer. With a career spanning more than 40 years, Blankenship is known for developing acclaimed retail strategies for world-renowned brands such as software and computer maker Apple and electric car manufacturer Tesla. Blankenship will be responsible for developing Verge Motorcycles’ customer interface and customer journey, as well as its global store strategy. “Motorcycles have been manufactured with the same underlying format for the past 150 years. At Verge, I was particularly inspired by its boldness to shake old habits. Verge has literally reinvented the wheel to better serve both their riders and the environment. I see the same potential in Verge today as I did in Apple two decades ago and Tesla

Brick-and-mortar stores will play an important role for Verge as a manufacturer of luxury motorcycles, even though at the moment most orders come through the online store. The stores, which function primarily as showrooms and brand centres, will offer not only test rides but also impressive experiences that arouse people’s interest and attract them to become part of Verge’s community and lifestyle. “In addition to a central and easily accessible location, successful stores must offer something unprecedented that creates added value for consumers and engages them. The goal is to open head-turning Verge stores by next summer both in major European cities and the United States,” says Blankenship. “We intend to surprise and delight with our innovative approach,” he adds. “A company's commercial success is influenced not only by an excellent product but also by the customer experience. George has proven time and again how to successfully engage people as part of a companies’ brand and the lifestyle built around it. We want Verge to become, like Tesla, globally renowned and a pioneer in its field,” says Lehtimäki. The Verge brand centre journey commenced to great critical acclaim in Monaco earlier this year and significant global openings are planned for 2024 and beyond.

Major order of 53 Renault E-Tech: Schenker France pushes fleet electrification


ommitted to its ambition of reducing emissions, DB Schenker, one of the world’s leading logistics service providers, invests in electric technology and acquires 53 Renault Trucks E-Tech D for its operations in France. Frédéric Vallet, CEO Schenker France: “We have the ambition to be the world leader in green logistics. Electric powered trucks are an integral part of our vehicle portfolio. We ensure that their share is continually increasing. The implementation of the new Renault Trucks vehicles will be another step towards achieving these ambitious targets.” This order for 53 electric carriers is to date the largest by Schenker France. It follows several tests performed in French agencies.

40 Industry Europe

Schenker France starts receiving 50 electric Renault Trucks E-Tech D of 16 tons and 3 E-Tech D of 19 tons. The vehicles will arrive in branches starting September 2023. The deployment is already underway in 19 metropolitan agencies with the installation of electric charging infrastructure and will be completed until March 2024. Depending on the needs of the branches, these vehicles will ensure urban, suburban or regional trips with an average distance of 150 to 200 kilometers day. Their average reach is about 300 kilometers. With this acquisition, Schenker France affirms its commitment to decarbonize its fleet of vehicles. Its objective is to reduce its CO2e emissions in absolute terms by 50% for road activity in 2030 compared to 2021.

DB Schenker’s ambition is to be a leading provider of green logistics. To succeed in its energy transition, the company uses an energy mix and constantly innovates in the deployment of new solutions. In high acceleration, battery-powered electromobility reduces CO2e emissions by more than 90%.


INDUSTRYNEWS XPO Logistics celebrates major Partnership Award win at the Motor Transport Awards


PO, a leading provider of innovative and sustainable transport and logistics solutions in Europe, has won the Partnership Award

with Saint-Gobain UK & Ireland at the Motor Transport Awards 2023, held at the Grosvenor House Hotel, London. There are four key pillars underpinning the partnership: safety, sustainability, customer experience, and cost delivery, all of which create fundamental approaches that deliver the best working environment for colleagues of both companies and the best service for customers. For example, in 2022, there were more than 1.2 million working hours without a lost time injury, something both XPO and Saint-Gobain are proud of. Brian Fisher, Head of Distribution for SaintGobain UK & Ireland, said: “We have partnered with XPO Logistics since 2018 and we have seen this partnership go from strength to strength. We are very focused on a partnership that delivers benefits for our customers and supports our purpose to

make the world a better home. It is a testament to all those involved both at Saint-Gobain and XPO to have been recognised externally by the Motor Transport Awards with the Partnership Award. Colleagues in both companies show real commitment to improving what we do and how we do it each day, so this is firstly recognition for them and their commitment to constantly improving what we do for customers who rely on us.” Dan Myers, Managing Director – UK and Ireland, XPO Logistics, said: “I am proud of the combined teams that brought this project to fruition. The results from the one team approach achieved are delivering meaningful improvements to the way we work. To win an award in such a strong field is recognition indeed of what a great initiative it is.” XPO’s innovative service offerings include technology-enabled truckload, less-than-truckload, truck brokerage, managed transport, last mile, and freight forwarding. The company tailors its solutions to customer-specific needs across consumer, trade, and industrial sectors and world-class events.

Incat Tasmania selects Wärtsilä solutions for world’s first zero emissions, lightweight Ro-Pax ferry


echnology group Wärtsilä will power the biggest battery electric ship ever built with its battery electric propulsion system and waterjets. The vessel is a new ferry being built by Incat Tasmania and has been ordered by Incat’s long-term South American customer, Buquebús. With an overall length of 130 metres, the ferry will be the largest ever vessel of its type. It will also be the world’s first zero emissions, lightweight catamaran. The order with Wärtsilä was booked in July 2023. The uniquely designed vessel will be fully battery powered, with e-motor driven Wärtsilä waterjets as the main propulsors. The battery modules and energy storage system package is four times larger than on any electric/ hybrid ship currently operating. “We are very happy to have taken this big leap forward towards decarbonised operations. Incat Tasmania has always been at the forefront of innovating and pioneering new technology and design, and this project further cements our market position. The design addresses the market’s needs and requirements by utilising batteries, making it a very viable option for owners and operators looking to increase the sustainability of their fleets. We would also like to thank Wärtsilä for supporting us with an extremely efficient, completely integrated propulsion package, and are really looking forward to working with them to make this project a huge success,” said Robert Clifford, founder and Chairman of Incat. “The overall high-efficiency of this next-generation ferry represents a game-changing advance in catamaran design. We are proud to have contributed our strong know-how in integrating our ship electrification solutions and propulsion equipment. The battery power pack that we are supplying will be the largest ever supplied with a unique eight waterjet propulsor configuration. The eight e-motor waterjet propulsion configuration is the most efficient available on today’s market for this speed range

and type application while boasting all the benefits from Wärtsilä’s axial flow waterjet technology – low weight, shallow draft, superb manoeuvrability, and low maintenance,” commented Roger Holm, President of Wärtsilä’s Marine Power business. The full Wärtsilä scope of supply includes Wärtsilä’s own energy management system, the power conversion system, DC shore charging system, the 40 MWh battery modules, the DC hub, the eight electric motors, eight Wärtsilä axial flow WXJ1100 waterjets, and the ProTouch propulsion control system. Delivery of the Wärtsilä equipment is scheduled for the latter part of 2024, and the vessel will be delivered in 2025. The vessel will operate between Argentina and Uruguay. It will carry 2,100 passengers and 225 vehicles.

Industry Europe 41

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