Hirtshals Havn

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The Right Port of Call

A vital resource for the Danish maritime industry, the Port of Hirtshals is considered to be one of the major commercial enterprises of the region. Looking to support business development, alongside the more usual port activities, this is one impressive piece of infrastructure that keeps evolving.

totalworld.industry Hirtshals Havn

The Right Port of Call Victoria South


A vital resource for the Danish maritime industry, the Port of Hirtshals is considered to be one of the major commercial enterprises of the region. Looking to support business development, alongside the more usual port activities, this is one impressive piece of infrastructure that keeps evolving.

Hirtshals Havn totalworld.industry

are the days when ports were simply used to moor and/ or repair ships, as now, they are becoming commercial hardhitters that offer unique business development opportunities for enterprising operations that would benefit from a waterside location. Few locations prove this as succinctly as the Port of Hirtshals, which has grown throughout the years and evolved into something far more than a simple shipyard.


A harbour with history Intrinsically linked to the city of Hirtshals, found on a peninsula of Northern Denmark, the port has continued to grow in line with the needs of the population, meaning that expansion has been consistent and predictable. Today, the port is of such a size and the portfolio of operations is so diverse that as a commercial operation, it has an impact on the whole of Denmark. The most impressive part of this is that it wasn’t considered to be a good idea to build a port where it is, thanks to the unusual shape of the coastline, but pioneers always find a way. Made operational in 1929, after being given authorisation to be built in 1917, the port was a labour of love for civil engineer Jørgen Fibiger, who both designed and built it, while living on site. In fact, his contribution to the maritime landscape was so significant that the building he appropriated for his lodgings has been kept and now plays host to the Skagerak Group’s headquarters. From day one, the port proved its worth, with foreign fishing vessels flocking to it, thus setting into motion a lifetime of expansion plans and a rather surprising added bonus, “The port and the companies that established themselves here grew in harmony with each other in a common goal of development, and the city grew rapidly in line with the port.” The ultimate in symbiotic growth, this paved the way for extensive expansion in later years and in the 1970s, things really went up a notch. As the fishing industry had become enormous, so too was the transport side of things becoming a far larger interest area, thus demanding improved facilities and plans for dealing with increasingly large vessels. Such developments total-world-industry.com | 3

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continued into the 2000s, when things really changed.

A new direction 2001 brought about huge change for the port, as the company acknowledges, “One of the more landmark events for the Port of Hirtshals took place on January 1, 2001, when Hirtshals Municipality took over the Port of Hirtshals from The Danish State for a purchase price of DKK 115 million kr. With the local presence was the foundation created to develop and launch new visions for Hirtshals as a modern company based on the potential that its unique geography gave, and in close cooperation with businesses in and around the harbour.” From humble beginnings as a simple port with a focus on the fishing industry, the Port of Hirtshals was suddenly thrust into the commercial big leagues, with strategic initiatives, considered financial investments Referencer and development opportunities

being actively sought out. Though you might assume that dramatic expansion would take a considerable amount of time to put into practice, the opposite was true in this case, “As part of the strategic Pejling in container traffic, the investment port purchased a mobile crane with Pejlebådene hos Rohde Nielsen A/S er alle udstyret med den nyeste teknologi og er i stand a lifting capacity of 100 tonnes. The til atwas leveredelivered detaljerede multibeam-pejlinger, crane on December 31,der giver et komplet billede af havbundens beskaffenhed. 2001, and at the same time it was decided to build a new quay stretch Skjold R er den seneste tilføjelse til virksomhedens gruppe af pejlebåde. Båden er baseret of 300 meters with a water depth of i Grenå og kan sejles til alle havne i Danmark på kort tid. Båden er med sine lille 9.5 centralt metres.” dybgang og høje manøvredygtighed ideel til opgaver i havne og smalle sejlrender, men kan The quay was completed in little oversamtidig a year, which point attention ogsåat operere i mere udsatte områder. was turned to the fisheries division, Skuld R2004 er et ubemandet fartøj medport en længde på ca. 1,2m, der er trådløst opereret fra land. “…in and 2005 the built ’Dronen’ transporteres i en varevogn og kan udsættes af blot én enkelt person. Skuld R’s støra new auction hall, FiskeTerminal Hirtshals. It a total concept relse betyderis at den kan løse opgaver påthat smalle og ellers ufremkommelige steder, samtidig meets requirements for optimal medall at den med fordel også bruges på åbne områder. Dronen kan ligeledes opereres på andvanddybder documentable of the på underhandling 1m. fish from landing to transport to the processing companies. It contains all the activities associated with landing, sorting, auctions and transport of fresh fish.” The port of today is unrecognisable from its inception

“The port and the companies that established themselves here grew in harmony with each other…”

Rohde Nielsen A/S har stor erfaring med uddybning og oprensning samt udførsel af pejlinger i danske havne og sejlrender: Toste R har de seneste år arbejdet i nogle af landets vigtigste havne såsom Esbjerg, Frederikshavn, Aalborg m.v. med både tilbagevendende og akutte oprensningsopgaver. Fartøjet har desuden stået for uddybning af havneområder – af bl.a. en lystbådsmarina i Tyskland. Pejlebådene, Skjold R og Skuld R, assisterer både Toste R og rederiets andre fartøjer i havne og sejlrender i hele landet. Udover ovennævnte havne har Skjold R udført opgaver i bl.a. Nakskov og Vordingborg havne og sejlrender. Skuld R har leveret pejlinger af flere dele af Esbjerg Havn samt af de vigtige svenske havne i Gøteborg og Falkenberg.

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and there’s no sign of the developments slowing down.

A port for the future Working to a vision of being a “basis for growth and development in the Hjørring Municipality”, the Port of Hirtshals has become a recognised business centre that does more than simply operating as a port. Rather, it oversees these duties and offers support and potential for any companies that identify as being within the maritime industry. Manoeuvring itself into a position to be less of an independent company and more of a partner to countless others than operate within the same business sphere, the port has a 2020 master plan being put into action, “The future objective of the Port of Hirtshals is to be Scandinavia's focal point for freight transport, Denmark's leading consumer fishing port and an important player in the Danish sector within service to the maritime industries.” Objectively, it could be argued that these goals have already been accomplished, but there is always room for improvement. By focussing resources on securing even more solid financial footings and by

investing in the human resources in situ, the port looks set to be an unstoppable force. Perhaps this is why a presence in the political aena has also been initiated, “The Port of Hirtshals is constantly working to improve the framework conditions for the Danish ports and for the industries that are dependent on the ports. Therefore, the port also participates in the public debates on themes that are relevant to ensuring the port's business opportunities and themes that can ensure that Denmark is stronger in international competition.” This final element gives more insight into the Port of Hirtshals than anything else. Having been operating as a successful port for a number of interests, from fishing to transport and logistics and everything in between, for many years, it is now expanding its reach, for the good of the community. By tying the success of the region and even the country to its profit margins and opportunities for development, the Port of Hirtshals has proved, categorically, that in terms of a bright future, it is the right port of call.

“The Port of Hirtshals is constantly working to improve the framework conditions for the Danish ports and for the industries that are dependent on the ports.”


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