Jan 2016 Winter issue

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Winter Issue 2016


Charity Spotlight Easter Seals, Habitat for Humanity & The Nevada School of The Arts


BRIAN patchett CEO of Easter Seals Nevada


More Than Just a Networking Group

Infinity Networking Group offers education to help other businesses grow, expand and succeed.

Photo provided by Mike Strahan

Our Lunch & Learns are a valuable learning tool for our members. We have business professionals from the community come in to share their knowledge and experience.

Here’s what our members are saying about our most recent speaker Steve Schorr.

Dana Earhart Litif August 26 at 2:42pm

It was a rebalancing-of-my-life-day today. Still pondering about the content of Steve Schorr's speech this afternoon. I've met handful of well respected people in Vegas for the past 30 yrs here and he's definitely one of my favorite !! Mia Miyagi I wrote down every word he said! Leslie Johnson

Thank you Tony Ferriera for leading the charge and bringing this group of successful business owners and leaders together and Steve Schorr, thank you for sharing you, your knowledge, and your family. Truly, thank you.

“ “

Wow, I just got back from a FANTASTIC networking lunch with the Infinity Networking Group and a bold, confident, charismatic and inspiring speaker, Steve Schorr. When you have a room of 40 people and are able to get more than half of them to actually take notes at a lunch event, have the confidence to share the real, authentic, vulnerable you and touch almost every person in the room by moving them to tears - you've had an impact.

If you ever have the opportunity to hear Steve speak, go for it! Barb Lent

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Letter from The Publisher









When we decided to do this first issue of 2016 on The Business of Running a Charity I could not help but to think about how giving our community is. No matter the situation, the time of year, or what is going on around us this community gives. It's not just the big corporations either, just look at the Holiday's and how this community comes out to support the ones in need from food, clothing and of course toys. We are lucky enough to work with a great local charity here in Las Vegas and Reno, Easter Seals of Nevada. I had the privilege to site down with Brian Patchett, CEO of Easter Seals of Nevada for an interview. What struck me the most was Brian's passion and how his vision of running a charity was no different than of one running a business. Easter Seals of Nevada's programs to help those with autism and other disabilities are truly amazing and the efforts are second to none. Infinity Business Magazine continues to reach out to offer business owners articles that motivate, educate, and give you the tools needed to succeed. As we head into our third year I would like to thank everyone for your continued support and look forward to a very exciting and successful year.

Happy New Year

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Tony Ferriera

Managing Editor Copy Editing

Dawn Ferriera Impressa Solutions impressasolutions.com

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Contents TABLE OF

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Chalkboard Style Hipster Posters


The Five Magic Ingredients of Going Viral


5 Ways Incorporating Gratitude Can Increase Your Business


Should Leaders Admit Their Flaws?


The Gift of Content


The Sliding Scale


Jerry’s Corner


What Not To Display on Display Signs


New Year’s Resolutions


Brands Can Be Lost By Digital Trends



Why Running a

CHARITY Like a Business is Important

Page 6

New Year, New Decisions

Should Leaders Admit Their Flaws?

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Cliff W. Marcek

Recipient of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers Award in 2014

Ÿ Has over 24 years of experience Ÿ Tried over 50 cases to verdict or judgment Ÿ Member of the Million Dollar Advocate Forum Ÿ Past president of The Nevada Justice Association,

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700 South Third Street Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 Page 7 Infinity Business Magazine Winter issue | INBLV.COM

New Year By Rodney Rich

We are surrounded daily by decisions. We make hundreds every day. We decide what we will eat for breakfast. We decide what shoes we will wear today. We decide which route to take to work. We decide which email we will read first. We decide what we will watch on television. Those may seem like small decisions but there are decisions we make every day that are even smaller. We decide whether our right foot hits the ground first when we get out of bed or our left, or maybe both feet at the same time. We decide what cup we are going to drink our coffee out of. We decide which section of the newspaper we will read first.


You might say those things are not decisions, they are automatic habits. You are correct that they are habits; however every one of them started as a decision. These decisions create every bend and turn we experience. They shape our present and they lay the foundation for our future whether we realize it or not. Decisions have immense power. Every action we take starts with a decision. We tend to believe that the power is in the action when in reality the power is in the decision. They create your character; your personality is a reflection of those decisions. The key is to recognize the end result of these decisions. If you are not happy with where you are in your life, it is time to look at the decisions you make every day and begin the process of self-examination. It is time for you to find out why you make the decisions that you do. There are three questions to ask yourself as you begin your battle against poor decisions. These three questions are the beginning of your enlightened journey to a better future. 1. Why am I continually making the same poor decisions? The reality here is that you have not firmly fixed in your mind that you made a real decision. When you allow yourself to act as if you really didn't make any sort of decision, you prevent yourself from achieving any level of success. You are giving yourself permission to act without considering the future results of your choices, or you are subconsciously thinking that the results of the decisions you made won't come to pass. If your current situation is less than what you desire, you must make better decisions. You see the time has come for action and those actions are not necessarily the hard part here. The hard part is being a person of conviction and following your decisions. Page 8

2. What do I want to change in my life and what decisions do I need to make in order for change to happen? You don't want to stay in your current condition. You want change. It all starts with a decision. For example, say you want to improve your health. Depending on your lifestyle, you may need to do things such as, change your eating habits, exercise more, lose weight, stop smoking or get more sleep. Let's focus on changing your eating habits. The primary decision you need to make is that you are going to eat a healthy diet. So every day, at every meal, you need to make a secondary decision about which healthy foods you will eat. You will also need to be conscious of how much food you eat. . Throughout the day, you will also need to make other choices that support your primary decision: Will you have a snack? If so, what will that snack be? What will you drink? All of those choices are secondary decisions. It is important that you make choices that will support the primary decision. Every time you make a secondary decision contrary to the primary decision, it negates the power of the primary decision.

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3. What will be the future result of this decision? Decisions are all around you at every level of importance or significance. The decisions we make every day create patterns in our lives. They may bring positive results and they may bring negative results. Therefore, it is extremely important to consider the future results of your decisions. In our first example, the food choices you make each day will either bring you closer to or push you further from your desired outcome - eating a healthy diet. I have heard that in the northern parts of Canada there are only two seasons, winter and July. In July the ground gets very soggy and wet from the thawing snow pack. As vehicles drive down the back roads they create very deep ruts. When July is over the ground begins to freeze solid. The ruts become hard and very challenging to drive in. In one particular area there is a sign that reads: "Driver, please be careful which rut you drive in, because you will be in it for the next twenty miles." I use this example because many times we make decisions that prevent us from moving forward and keep us in a rut. If we make a poor primary decision and do not make a change, we just continue to support the first wrong decision. Sometimes we may feel ashamed if we subconsciously make secondary decisions that do not support the first decision. We feel that people may look at us as foolish or that it will highlight the initial mistake if we made a poor primary decision. Do not let these fears keep you from doing what you know you have to do. Make changes or get yourself back on track. Your life depends on it. To sum it all up, when you need to make a decision, ask the following question: Does this corresponding action bring me closer to my goals or further away? ASK YOURSELF… What decisions have I pushed aside? What is the current outcome of avoiding these decisions? What is my motivation for avoiding these decisions? How can I make these decisions so that I will move closer to my goals?


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Chalkboard Style Hipster Posters By Dorian Grey

Hipster social movement is NOT responsible for the Chalk Board advertising style phenomenon, however strange that sounded. Instead, it was first started by James Pillans, headmaster of the Old High School of Edinburgh, Scotland, wanting to offer geography lessons to his students that required larger maps, connecting a number of smaller slates into a single grand field. By 1840 blackboards were manufactured commercially, smoothly planed wooden boards coated with a thick, porcelain-based paint. Between 2010 and 2015 Chalkboards began entering into mainstream art thanks to the movement that brought us back long beards, tight pants, and pointy mustaches.

piece of chalk that kids use all the time. A piece of cake, right? I know you're now tempted to buy the boards and chalks and to start swirling ribbons, anchors and pretty text lines. You would probably give up after few hours, trashing the board, and the idea. But wait. What if I tell you that you can EASILY create your own amazing chalkboard posters, price lists, menus, lists of services, invitations, flyers, etc. Yes, no design talent needed, no hard learning skills required. Thanks to the nice people that call themselves Scarab13, you are in for a treat for some downloadable pre-designed creative goodies in a style we all love to see - the new/old chalkboard art!

So we all know it - Its the hipster cultural phenomenon that's sweeping over the world and media. We can't help but to join the latest fashion / lifestyle / art craze and grow some pointy mustache. Well, maybe not that per se, but we can all contribute in the art department. You have to admit that those new (but old), simple (but well known) chalkboard styles don't look bad. Now we even question our previous judgement of the same ones, done in the early 20's and 30's and ask ourselves how come that we never saw them as magnificent pieces of art which they were. Well, to us, it was just something "long gone," a "blast from the past,� something to remember in literature and film. Well, I can tell you that those sexy chalkboard designs are back and boy do they look even older than the old, original ones!

Head right to http://scarab13.com/chalkboard-style-holidayposter/ and take a look for yourself. It's the place to start your decorative, artistic journey. Download the provided files and open them in Photoshop (yes, there is a free CS2 version you can download if you are one of those few people that still don't have Photoshop). You will realize that the awesome results come standard, no matter what you do to it! It has all the elements premadeand all the font lists are included. It all comes down not to your creativity (assuming that it's not your biggest point) but to the message you want to spread. Just edit text, move things around if needed, turn "grunge" overlays on or off at will. Just go ahead and try it, you'll love it! And at the end of the day, you will keep your hands clean! Also when you get hooked, don't forget to check out the over 360 Chalkboard elements computer technology articles, easy to use and combine in minutes. Fun for the whole family.

Chalkboarding is the new “in thing.� We see chalkboard menus, chalkboard price lists, chalkboard invitations, and more. Of course the style, look, and feel is drastically different based on the art quality and talent. Afterall, its just a black board and a white

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A viral post is definitely a huge plus for any business or content writing service provider. Read on for tips on how to make your content shareable. A viral post is definitely a huge plus for any business or content writing service provider. The more likes, comments, and shares they get, the more likely their content is going to be seen by more people and, of course, potential customers. Put the odds in your favor and include these five ingredients when cooking up viral content.

readers tasty little chunks of vital details to chew on. It's an excellent structure for writing and the favorite type of content most social media users enjoy. It's the most shareable, as well as, easy to skim and often straight to the point. 3. Surprise and Inform. If your post surprises and informs, congratulations! You’ve just earned your content a golden ticket! That's why "hack" posts have become so popular recently from kitchen hacks to parenting hacks to hacks for increasing fuel efficiency. People can read content like this quickly and use the info instantly.

The Five Magic Ingredients Of

By Dominic Cruz

vi·ral, adjective a word that describes a video, image, story, etc. that spreads quickly and widely among internet users via social networking sites, e-mail, etc. 1. Create Emotion. Readers are more likely to share an emotion-rich content that they can relate to easily. To trigger their sentiments through your content, provide interesting facts that are useful to their daily lives. You may share a real-life story, too. Just make sure your content is funny, heartbreaking, or inspiring to your target readers.

4. Add Relevant Images or Video. To give your awesome content an even better chance of going viral, invest in good imagery. When you pair a stellar picture or video with an awesome copy, you have a combo that your audience would not resist. 5. Make Share Buttons Visible. Share buttons increase the likelihood of your content being shared at least seven times. So be sure to add and place these buttons in a prominent spot-feature articles, such as beneath the headline or immediately after the conclusion.

2. Love the List. Besides being clear and organized, bulleted contents give

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Increase Your Business

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By Dana Earhart Litif

Wow, we did it‌we survived one of the busiest times of year‌ between holiday shopping and tying up end-of-year business, all of our plates were undoubtedly full. And while the holidays often inspire us to take time to appreciate and give thanks for our blessings, I believe this is something we should intentionally be doing throughout the year, both in and out of the office. "Feeling gratitude and not expressing it, is like wrapping a present and not giving it." ~ William Arthur Ward I feel strongly that you should not only stop and give thanks in the traditional sense, rather to really sit down and take a moment to think about all of those who made 2015 what it was for you. And, with the new year upon us it is also a great time to gain clarity on what you want to accomplish in 2016; and how you want to show up in your own life and the life of those around you, personally and professionally. Having an attitude of gratitude is good for the soul, as well as your business. By now you know my motto: Serve More. Earn More. Enjoy More!, and gratitude can help you better achieve all three of those things! Here are five ways your business can grow by simply showing a little thankfulness.

1. Personal Appreciation A small handwritten thank you note can go a long way. In this day of "shoot from the hip" text messages or emails, a personalized piece of snail mail is such a nice touch. I'm sure you could even name the last person who sent you a written card/note. Throw in a gift card or coupon for your services and you're doing even better! It leaves a wonderful, lasting impression of thoughtfulness and creates loyalty. The cost of stationary and stamps will prove to be minuscule when you see an increase in your profits and repeat business from satisfied customers/clients. 2. Bookend Your Thanks This is a wonderful habit to get into. Start and end each conversation, meeting, or event by showing your gratitude. Thank the person or group for their time, expertise, or purchase (whatever the case may be) and end with another round of thanks. This even applies for complaints. Acknowledge them and thank the person for bringing the particular issue to your attention so that you have the opportunity to prevent it from happening again in the future. Turn a negative into a positive with your gratitude; in the end this could prevent you from having larger problems and shows the person your true professionalism.

"Gratitude, like faith, is a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it grows and the more power you have to use it on your behalf. If you do not practice gratefulness, its benefaction will go unnoticed,and your capacity to draw on its gifts will be diminished. To be grateful is to find blessings in everything. This is the most powerful attitude to adopt, for there are blessings in everything." ~Alan Cohen


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Should Leaders Admit Their Flaws? By Lance Winslow

No one is perfect, we all know or should have known that, still typically we try to choose leaders or hope to follow a leader who is more perfect than ourselves. Surprisingly all too often we are underwhelmed - why? Well, maybe because we've built up that leader too much in our minds, or they've been built up too much by their PR team, or the media. The other day a very good leader in training told me that he wasn't perfect, none of us are, true enough, and yet, it was that admission that made me more confident in his leadership - as he is striving to be all he can and take serious his role. Let's talk about this philosophically for a moment, shall we?

achieve their branded status or drive them to a depression if they can't. A little introspection on this can help one look in his or her own mirror and rise to the occasion. If they can't cut it, hopefully they will work to find more suitable employment - which in turn can be the best for all concerned. Some leaders in hindsight have noted they try to be open about who they are and what they are about, yet still, there are those who will use this against them. So sometimes it's best to 'play it close to the vest' and remember the saying; "Say Little, Know A Lot." Also remember that "Familiarity Breeds Contempt" and as a leader it's best if your followers have little of that in their minds.

You see, the problem with being human and making mistakes as a leader, is that if the branding of your persona is done right you appear to be 10-foot tall. Once that image is set, followers will note your mistakes - even if it is they who caused them, perhaps due to poor communication of the goals, or sabotaging the process because they didn't really have interest in it. The problem with being portrayed as a perfect human can lead to other challenges of the leadership psyche, Such as those who start believing they are as great as their image portrays or supersedes them and they end up with what I like to call "unearned egos". Some leaders in this scenario suffer from The Impostor Phenomenon - which can be good if they work extra hard to

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Sliding SCALE By Dale Krause

You Get What You Pay For

What should you expect from your IT service firm? Do you believe they should be fast, efficient and have a technician at your beck and call? Answer is; maybe, maybe not!

speaking down to a customer. Ask yourself do you feel better or more confused when you are finished with a phone call to your IT department? This is what matters most.

Below are 4 important questions you should ask and get answered before hiring a firm to manage your IT solutions.

3. When you tour the facility of the IT company, yes that is right, when you do the walk through. Walk around and look for that comfortable feeling. The feeling that says, “okay I can rest now� because the place looks like a quality IT company. Think about auto repair, the shop is expected to be dirty, greasy, grimy, with a guy that talks auto. Is it organized, semi clean? We have all been to a shop where you feel uneasy, and question if you will actually receive "new" parts. Same applies here. If you don't walk around the IT shop and see the piles of old computers and disorganization you may not know what you are in for.

1. When you have a problem and you call your provider who answers the phone? The wrong answer is the technician. I know what you are thinking, I want an answer now. Think about it, if you have a good tech he should be busy fixing computers. Techs are a valuable resource, they should be used wisely. So, back to the question - who should answer the phone? The correct answer is a coordinator who can triage the severity of the call, and allocate resources appropriately. You may disagree, but really would you like the tech working on your problem also talking on the phone thinking about and fixing another problem at the same time? Do you want a surgeon operating on you while on the phone with someone else? Lets agree that focus is better. 2. When you talk to the tech, do they speak in terms you can understand or use that geek speak. I am a tech and sometimes I can geek out. I always try to educate in layman's terms without

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4. Lastly, ask what was the latest certification they received? IT moves lightning fast. As a tech, they should keep up with the most up to date training. On the job is the best training hands down. But, certifications means they are keeping up to date on the newest technology, which in turn, means a better tech. Asking these 4 questions will allow you to be on the quality side of that infamous sliding scale.

Page 25

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Is Important By: Tony Ferriera

Over the years of publishing Infinity Business Magazine, we have had questions from readers who are contemplating starting a non-profit. Many have the misperception that it's as easy as asking for donations and providing services. While doing our research we found that running a charity is no different than running a traditional business. A charity, while it is started with good intentions, charities have many of the same pitfalls and obstacles to overcome. A traditional business earns income through sales or services while a charity must raise its funds through donations, which, in my opinion, is a harder obstacle to overcome. When a business sells a product or service it is usually something a customer wants or needs. However, when raising funds, you have to find a way to connect to potential donors and why they should donate to your organization. That connection is usually from an experience that the donor has had or knows someone who has suffered in the case of a disease or disability. These personal experiences are what helps to motivate donors, this is not true in all cases, but can be the motivating factor. Traditional businesses only need to worry about being competitive in pricing and quality. While I am talking in simplistic terms, there are other factors as well, but usually having an emotional connection is not a necessity in most businesses. We had the opportunity to sit down with Brian Patchett, CEO of Easter Seals Nevada, to find out what it takes to run a charity. Tony F: Your educational background includes degrees in rehabilitation counseling, did you know early on in life that you wanted to help people with disabilities? Brian P: I really wasn't sure. I knew at one point I enjoyed working with people and thought counseling might be a good direction to go. However, when I first left undergraduate school I was actually going to go in another direction. The direction was to pursue a PHD in Russian studies. I spent two summers in the former Soviet Union and spoke the language. I studied history and politics in Russia. But while I was an undergraduate at Utah State University I became involved with the disabilities resource center there and I was working person to person with those with disabilities. When I came back from Russia the last time I really started to think it wasn't the direction I wanted to go. I really felt I could have a much greater impact helping people with disabilities. I ended up at Syracuse University and pursued a Masters in Rehabilitation Counseling then ultimately I worked towards a second Masters in Public Page Page28 28

Administration. I knew part of what I wanted to do was help people with disabilities directly as a counselor but I also wanted to influence disability policy. Now in Nevada, I have had an amazing opportunity to spend so much time with the legislature and work with great legislators there who have had a great impact on disability funding and services. TF: Do you feel like you have been able to accomplish all that working with Easter Seals? BP: I do, I think Easter Seals has been great. I have been with Easter Seals working in three different states. I started in Washington for a couple years, then Arizona and now have been here in Nevada as CEO for eleven years. Nevada has just been a great place to work. You work with so many great leaders of other non-profits in town and a lot of the folks who help fund Easter Seals like MGM Grand and Vons as well as other supporters who have been great to work with. TF: Before becoming CEO of Easter Seals in 2004 you spent many years helping others, how did this prepare you to run this organization. BP: I think for me it was really important that I had the direct service experience were I was providing services directly to people with disabilities. I have done a lot of counseling over the years, I was able to build programs as a program director and work with technology. Those experiences really helped so that when I got here and accepted the position as CEO, I could really make sure that our programs and services are focused on the individuals and families we serve. I understand what it takes and what it means to be more independent for those children and adults with disabilities. TF: Many people have a misperception that most non-profits spend the bulk of the donations on exorbitant payrolls, fund lavish events and perhaps a small portion of the funds go to pay for some of the programs. What are your thoughts on this? BP: First off I think that needs to be reversed. If you are going to run a non-profit or start a non-profit, you really need to focus a vast majority of those funds on the direct services. For Easter Seals our focus is, and my goal is to make sure the people who come to us become more independent tomorrow than they are today. In the case of Easter Seals 90 cents of every dollar goes directly to program and services.

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TF: I believe that because non-profits are more highly regulated than traditional businesses, it is harder to run a non-profit. What is your experience? BP: I think that is true, and not necessarily just because of the regulations, because there's lots of regulations for any business, but we have to report every year how our money is spent through the 990 that gets sent to the IRS and we have to be accountable to the community. In the case of Easter Seals, we raise money in the community and we also have some contracts with the State governments. Therefore, there is a lot of accountability with everything we do. I suspect that at least every month someone is coming by to make sure we are delivering our services and to me that makes it a challenge. Another challenge is you don't have a lot of resources as a non-profit. Like traditional businesses you don't have the ability to go out and put your company on the stock market to raise capital so you have to make do with what you have. Unless you are really focused on the mission of what you are doing then it can be even more difficult. We run Easter Seals like a business. We do this to make sure we spend the donor's money and utilize the state funds very wisely. That means we don't have a really nice building or private jets or anything fancy like that (laughs). We run it very lean because at the end of the day we know that when we go home we have made a significant impact in people's lives and that's what really matters. TF: What services and programs does Easter Seals offer to the community?

intellectual disabilities with a place to go in the day. We provide them with training, employment and recreational activities. Then there are our autism services. We deliver services to children and teenagers with autism across Nevada. TF: What is your advice to someone who wants to start a charity or non-profit? BP: My first advice would be to someone who wants to start a charity or nonprofit is to look around and see if it is already being done. If there are already two or three groups out there that are already doing it, then see what you can do to support them. See if your philosophy and their philosophy can work together. There are a lot of non-profits out there and we see a lot of “mom and pop� non-profits that are starting to go away. During the economic downturn I think there was around 1500 non-profits that have gone out of business in Southern Nevada. So I tell folks that this is the first place to look. However, if you don't think a need is being met then figure out how you can meet those needs. For instance, going back to the history of Easter Seals, which was started over a hundred years ago, there was not any rehabilitation services for people with disabilities and the original organizers saw a real need. So, when you see needs like that not being met then my advice to you is to think about what it is going to take to get those needs met. How you can do it Brian Patchett, CEO & Liz Grable

BP: We offer services to any persons with any type of disabilities. There is no one specific disability that we focus on, we are looking to help everyone. We started out by serving children, right at birth really, with our early intervention program that provides physical occupational speech therapy along with other services to help a child who is born with a disability. The program focuses on helping them to become more independent, prepare them for school, and also to help the parents to know how to help their child. You can accomplish more in the first 3-5 years of life than you would be able to after that. Because that is when we develop and if someone was born with a disability and we can be helpful with early intervention, then they will be very successful. The other thing we can do is assist with technology. Technology helps people with disabilities. For example, someone who maybe can't see very well, we can enlarge things on a computer screen or add a program that can talk to someone and basically speaks what is on the screen. For someone who can't hear, there are devices that are able to help them. For someone who has trouble getting around, there are mobility devices. For someone in their home, there are push button devices that can help turn on and off things. We provide anything that is going to help them become more independent whether it be at home, work or school, we will help. We are the largest provider of services across Nevada. We also do lots of work with employment. We help people with disabilities and veterans find jobs. Every day we help with training or putting someone into a job. In fact, we do a lot with veterans including the technology I previously mentioned. At any given time, we are serving at least 100 veterans in that program. Many of them are coming back from war, or have previously been in a war, and are coming back with injuries or disabilities, whatever the case may be, we are just helping them to be successful. Then we have an adult day program. This program helps adults with Infinity Business Magazine | INBLV.COM

better or meet the needs at the highest quality level. You have to think about where your funding is going to come from. Are you going to raise money first then think about the biggest challenge, which is sustainability. Because you might be able to go out and raise fifty thousand dollars to help some folks, but then are you going to be able to go back and get that money again? What things can you do to make it sustainable so that 10 years from now you are still around. I think that the biggest challenge most non-profits have is sustainability. People often ask me how did I weather the storm through the economic downturn. I just tell them we have a diversity of funding. Diversity of funding is important so when one source of funding goes away there are other sources there to take its place. You really have to have that diversity in funding to be able to go on long term and be sustainable. I personally would really hate to provide a service and then tell them that we have to close the program because we no longer have the money to fund it. Page 29

OUR MISSION IS TO SPREAD HELP, HOPE & ANSWERS Since 1919 Easter Seals has been creating solutions that help people with disabilities become self-sufficient through education, community partnerships and direct services. Please contact us for information about how we can help your loved ones. Autism (ASD) Services Services for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Children's Services

Senior Services

Military & Veteran Services

Make A Difference! www.easterseals.com/nevada/ways-to-give/ Employment and Training


Jerry’s Corner Do you agree a well placed question can spark a new way of thinking? Blog By Jerry Zimmerle

Many times when I write my blog I will include anecdotes, useful information and ideas you can include in your everyday life. I usually write about things that have happened in my life. In doing so I hope to help you, the readers, expand your horizons or maybe see something you can change or improve on. It is always my hope that you have gotten at least one useful bit of information that has helped you in your personal or business life. However, this issue of Infinity Business Magazine is about Charity. When the publisher gave me this topic to blog, I thought about what charity means to me, and in doing so, I realized that

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there is no right or wrong way to give. Only right or wrong "reasons" to give and each of these are individual to each person. So, instead of giving you a lecture on "donating" and telling you why you should give (as we all know that answer). I decided I would post some thought provoking questions. These are questions only you can answer that are personal to you. I believe these questions, if you answer honestly, can help you in the coming year to be not only a better person but enlighten you in how you can improve your interpersonal skills when working with others, whether they are your peers or customers.

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Do you expect people to be appreciative when you help them? Are you entitled to gratitude?


Do you give as a regular routine or hit and miss when you feel like it?


When you see someone in need, do you question why they are in need before you give? Do you worry about what they will do with the money? Do you believe they should have been more careful with their money so they would be in better shape now?


When you consider giving, do you consider the fact that if you yourself were more responsible with your money, you would have more to give?


Do you love people or do you love the feeling you get when you give?


The last person you denied a gift, did you see them less than you? The last person you gave a gift too, did you see them less than you or do you see them as equal?


Does your giving structure increase your ability to give? Would you like it too?


When you consider giving, do you feel you give enough already? Do you feel you can and will give more?


A high percentage of people on their death bed wish they had given more and not spent so much money on frivolous things, what will you wish?


What do you wish when you're capable of action?


Why do you feel you are able to discern who is worthy of your gifts when you never have all the facts?


Ask yourself, why do you give to charity?


Do you give to feel better? Do you tell others you gave or do you keep it to yourself?


When is the last time you took your last five dollars and sacrificed your wants and filled the needs of another?


Why do you think you can possibly know who deserves your help and who doesn't?


When is the last time you denied yourself something and put the other guy first?


What will you change about your giving as a result of these questions?


Would you like to know what has changed in me as a result of these questions?


Do you use the leftover plan? Meaning you only give when you have extra?

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To Display on Display Signs By: Jay Conners

If you are promoting a product and you are doing some advertising with displays, don't allow for your customer to know everything. Otherwise, they won't have a reason to call you, or come visit you.

If a customer has gone as far as contacting you, they have pretty much placed the ball in your court. You now know that they are interested, and it becomes your responsibility to finish the advertisement and close the deal.

For instance, when I was working in the banking industry, we displayed our rates on a fancy looking board in the middle of our main lobby.

When putting an advertisement together, you want people to be wowed by it. But you also want to save some of that magic for when they contact you.

Customers would come in, take care of their business, glance at the rate board, and walk out the door.

So when you get their attention with your product’s great features, make sure you save some of that magic to pique their interest even greater once they contact you.

Then one day, some genius decided to take the rate board down, forcing the customer to come into an associate's office, have a seat, and verbally ask for the rates. This gave the sales associate an opportunity to sit down with the customer, discuss rates one on one, and also have the opportunity to go over some other products the customer might be interested in. When you put together an advertisement, put on just enough information to pique your customer’s interest. Enough to get them to pick up the phone and call you, or come in to see you. Never underestimate the power of meeting one on one with a potential customer. And remember, props don't sell, people do.

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An example of this would be a bank advertising a free checking account. The advertisement would read: Open a free checking account today, and receive a free gift. The customer would take interest because they would be getting a free checking account, but it is the free gift that will spark their curiosity. And of course they wouldn't know what the free gift was until they came inside and sat down. So once again, don't let your advertisements do all of the selling for you, only allow them to kick open the gates, so your customer can come inside, sit down and talk to you.

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Life Works Better With Joy! Joy Huntsman, Coach, Facilitator, Consultant Joy Huntsman uses over 30 years of experience and expertise to renew a sense of personal power and positive self-regard with her clients. The resulting clarity regarding self, relationships, career, and personal contribution has been declared "profound" by her clients. Joy welcomes comments or questions.

Please contact her at joy@joyandassociates.com or call 702-721-8569 to schedule a complimentary consultation.


Active or Passive

What have you learned from your experiences? What are your values? What matters most to you? The more aware you are of you, the more you are Master of your Life. Some people drift through life without direction, purpose, and lacking a sense of selfworth. They are like sheep, following the flock, without their own identity. Or some people are like zombies, the walking dead, numb to feeling anything and simply existing from day to day.

Understanding how the mind and body work together allows us to take an active role in thought and choice. Instead of being passive and vulnerable to the whims of our thoughts and feelings, with awareness of how our mind and body work, we take charge of our lives and become the director, orchestrating the life we choose to live.

Awareness You have incredible powers that you were born with and they are there for you to tap into whenever you choose to use them. The mind is extraordinary. We think it resides in our brain, yet, if you examine the brain, there is no part of it that is "mind". Mind is thought of as spirit or soul. The brain is the physical headquarters of the mind, and the mind emerges from the brain at work. The mind is not a thing, but rather a distributed process. Consciousness is awareness and being aware is the gift. Awareness of awareness gives you power. The power of choice/free-will.

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It’s All Connected Cognitive behavioral therapy is the foundation of coaching. Therapy is about healing and healing is about change. Coaches are not therapists, however, coaching is very therapeutic because it promotes healing and change. Coaches, like therapists, are trained to ask questions that allow the client to seek the answers within them. The process is very simple and very complex. First comes awareness of a behavior, then the behavior is tied to a thought and the resulting feeling or emotion. The thought is examined for its validity and the possibility of another perspective that might create a more pleasant emotional reaction and therefore a preferred outcome. Sounds pretty simple, and yet, deep beliefs held onto for years are often difficult to

let go. Change is desired and at the same time, change is feared.

Choice Nothing has meaning except the meaning you give it. Become aware of your thoughts. They arise from an experience. You make a judgment on the experience (you give it meaning) and that creates a thought. Thought determines how you feel (emotionally and physically). This affects what you do! Now you have choice. What judgments are you making throughout the day? Follow the trail that leads to your feelings. What you do is based on your feelings. At this point, before you react, stop, and check in with yourself - are you operating at choice or are you on automatic pilot?

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Building Homes

Building Lives

Building Futures

Habitat Las Vegas' 100th home frame day, Jan. 31, 2015_Credit Joe Boggio Our Mission: Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity Las Vegas brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. Since 1991, Habitat for Humanity Las Vegas has provided simple, decent and affordable housing to low-income families in need in Clark County. To date, we have served 105 local families - 379 people and 243 children have a place to call home.

DONATE The entire ReStore inventory is comprised of donated items. We partner with individuals and businesses to get quality merchandise to sell to the public. All donations must be in good and working condition, whether new or used. Schedule a Donation Pick-Up – If you have larger items to donate and need assistance getting them to the ReStore, we offer a donation pick-up service. To schedule a pick-up, please call our Donation Line at (702) 638-7736 or email restore@lasvegashabitat.org Drop-Off – We accept donations at both ReStore locations Monday – Friday between 8:00am – 5:30pm, and Saturdays 9:00am – 3:30pm.

RESTORE LOCATIONS: 4580 W. Sahara Ave. Suite 120 Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 638-7736

3455 East Flamingo Rd. Suite135 Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 458-1640

Celebrating 25 Years Serving Southern Nevada Page 38

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Ortiz ichael By: M



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Page 39

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AN EVENING HONORING CLINT HOLMES TO BENEFIT THE NEVADA SCHOOL OF THE ARTS Las Vegas – At a benefit early next year, local non-profit music school, The Nevada School of the Arts, will honor Clint Holmes, the legendary Las Vegas entertainer whose name is synonymous with musical perfection and community generosity. An Evening Honoring Clint Holmes is a musical celebration to benefit the Nevada School of the Arts, which provides affordable, world-class music classes, lessons and ensembles to students from all over the Las Vegas valley. Located at the Historic Fifth Street School in downtown Las Vegas, NSA ignites a lifelong passion for the arts by educating, empowering and inspiring young people with an appreciation of music. “Filling the world with music is my passion in life,’’ says Clint Holmes. “ I am thankful for this honor and truly grateful to Nevada School of the Arts for providing an encouraging and creative venue where young, gifted and talented people -- some who may not have the means – are given an opportunity to learn how to play music to their hearts content.” “A musical education offers benefits beyond the classroom,” says NSA school dean Shakeh Ghoukasian. “Music builds imagination and intellectual curiosity; it teaches people to problem solve and to rise to the challenge. It gives strength to our community and fills it with harmony.” For more than 30 years, the Nevada School of the Arts has offered arts education to residents of the Las Vegas valley. A non-profit 501(c)(3) educational institution, NSA is the state’s only member of the National Guild of Community Schools of the Arts and hold “Certified Member” status. NSA students are recognized locally, regionally and nationally for the excellence of their work. The faculty includes many of Southern Nevada’s most gifted music and art educators. Community leaders, parents and faculty serve on our Board of Trustees. An Evening Honoring Clint Holmes is a musical celebration to benefit the Nevada School of the Arts will be held on January 29, 2016 from 6pm to 9pm at the Ghostbar Las Vegas at the Palms Casino Resort. Special guests are George and Kathy Garlock and the host is Beth Fisher, anchor at Channel 13 News/Good Morning Las Vegas. Tickets are $150 and includes entertainment, hosted wine and specialty drinks and light bites. For tickets, sponsorships and advertising opportunities, call the Nevada School of the Arts at 702-384-2787 or visit www.nsamusic.org Infinity Business Magazine | INBLV.COM

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We all remember our BlackBerry phones and how nostalgic that feeling is! It was an essential element of our lives and they attained market leadership because of the 'Push Email' adaptation - which meant it became a business tool. "They sold millions of handsets but today they are really just trying to break even." Why? "They got too attached to a trend that they created and stopped innovating." BlackBerry was once the market leader in smartphones and that leadership was gained through the use of push emails. BlackBerry was way ahead of the competition, but they stopped there.

Because of not getting attached to trends, we now have business behemoths splitting up into smaller arms, just like HP has now split into Inks and Enterprises. The trend of the corporate behemoth with a 50-floor corporate headquarters and 50,000 staff is coming to an end as small companies will do more than the big companies are even doing right now. So as a rule, businesses must learn to differentiate between natural laws and trends. If they do not, they might just fall, literally and business-wise, for the latest fad and fade out of business.

It was probably the most business friendly phone. The fact is that being a business executive does not mean he/she does not listen to music or watch videos. Because on the way to a presentation, they might want to listen to any kind of music to calm their nerves. Or they might just want to show a video from the phone - a scenario that would have been hard to envision just some years ago. But what Blackberry did not see, was a world where business was converging fast with entertainment and education. Blackberry became too attached to a trend that they created and they stopped innovating. But brands like Samsung and Apple did! Sometimes you actually find a trend, but getting too attached to a trend or making that trend too almighty can also become the downfall of the company or brand. The other side of the story is when you actually allow the current trend to dictate what the future holds. We also remember the story of IBM and the idea of personal computing on which they said there was no way that it could be reduced to the various sizes that we enjoy today - and their summation was based on science. Moore's Law states that processor speeds, or overall processing power for computers will double every two years. But fortunately for us, Moore's law was not invented by God!

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(BPT) - More American families than ever before have two parents working, but recent studies show many employers haven't adapted to this change in the workforce demographics. Working parents feel burnt out and unloved at work, making them less creative, less productive and more likely to quit because of workrelated stress, according to the 2015 Bright Horizons Modern Family Index.

their managers. Often, managers are unaware if an employee is struggling to balance work and home demands. Talking to a manager means you can work together to find a solution. "Don't just point out a problem," she says. "Be prepared to suggest a viable solution. You can also take advantage of the annual employee opinion survey most employers conduct and share your concerns in an anonymous forum."

Employers can do their part to create a culture that supports working parents and reduces the risks of valuable employees quitting or experiencing burn out. Managers should watch for signs of employee burnout and provide opportunities for working parents to voice their concerns. The Modern Family Index, which surveyed working parents across the country and in different industries, found:

In addition to speaking up, parents can also take other steps toward a more satisfying work-life balance.

* Sixty-two percent of working parents don't believe their employers care about them. They also say employers are inattentive to the needs of working parents (64 percent) and don't have their best interests at heart (76 percent). * Just 34 percent of managers are concerned working parents struggle to balance work and life demands, while just 30 percent worry about whether working parents feel their company doesn't care about them. * Although nearly all parents say they experience burnout, 70 percent don't speak up about it. Meanwhile, 60 percent of managers say working parent burnout can be avoided. The same percentage of parents say their manager wouldn't even realize when parents experience burnout. * Seventy-nine percent of working parents and 77 percent of managers say to curb burnout, changes need to occur in the office, not at home. The first step is for parents to begin voicing their concerns. "Many of the parents we surveyed expressed frustration with their employers and indicated they feel their companies don't really understand or care about the stresses they face," says David Lissy, CEO of Bright Horizons, a provider of employer-sponsored child care and other work/life solutions. "All employers must consistently look for new ways to ensure the culture they are cultivating is one that resonates with and is valued by their employees. The labor market is tightening. Jobs are expected to outnumber workers by 5 million by 2020, and competition for top talent will continue to intensify." However, the survey indicates the blame does not fall squarely on employers. Both employers and parents need to do better to adapt to the new realities of modern families. "Good communication between employers and working parents will benefit both groups," Lissy added. Working parents can take several steps to improve their work/life struggles. Kim Callaway from Horizons Workforce Consulting agrees that the first step is communication. Parents should talk to

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* Learn more about your employee benefits. You may be unaware of some, such as back-up child care or a telecommuting policy that can help. * Be realistic and honest about your work and personal goals. When both you and your employer understand your goals, you can work together to achieve them. * Take a vacation. Employees who take less than 25 percent of their earned vacation are more likely to feel burnout, according to a recent study by Horizons Workforce Consulting. * Rest is vital to your overall well-being, and a lack of sleep negatively affects satisfaction with life, health, work and financial success. The Horizons Workforce Consulting study also found 60 percent of working adults don't get enough sleep each night. * Managers should watch for signs of employee burnout and provide opportunities for working parents to voice their concerns. Regular meetings about work-life issues can help generate ideas for solutions and give employees a better sense of community. "People want to work for employers who understand and support their needs," Lissy says. "This year's study shows communication among employees, managers and company leadership needs to improve. When working parents express their needs and employers listen and respond, the whole organization benefits."

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What You Can Do To Protect Yourself From Card Fraud In 2016 (BPT) - You may have already received your new credit or debit card equipped with a microchip. If you haven't received your new chip card, you most likely will by the time your card expires. The EMV chip technology is intended to help reduce debit and credit card fraud, and thanks to a collaboration between America's payment networks and card-issuers, you'll see many more merchants using EMV-equipped card readers over the coming months. Chip-enabled cards store the same basic information that's already in the magnetic strip on the back of your card, such as the card number and expiration date. They add a layer of fraud protection by producing a single-use code to validate every transaction. While EMV technology is intended to reduce card fraud, it's still important to be aware of how fraud happens, what you can do to prevent it and what your card-issuer does to help protect you. "Fraud prevention is a partnership between cardholders and the bank," said Pam Codispoti, president of Chase Consumer Branded Cards. "By working together, we can help customers keep their accounts safer and more secure." Chase offers some tips to help you stay alert to fraud while you holiday shop and in the New Year: * Keep your contact information, including phone number and email address, up to date so the card issuer can contact you quickly if they detect signs of fraud on your account. * Review your card agreement to be sure you understand what anti-fraud measures the issuer takes. For example, Chase uses specialized monitoring tools to keep an eye on your account 24/7.

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* If your card company or bank offers it, sign up for account alerts to monitor your finances and keep your accounts safe. Most issuers will allow you to choose to be alerted to any unusual account activity via text, email or phone call. * Review your statements every month to ensure all charges are accurate and authorized by you. If you spot a charge you don't recognize, contact the card issuer or bank immediately. With the shift to greater use of EMV technology, if fraud occurs on your account and you have a chip-enabled card, the merchant will be responsible for the costs in most situations. Also, banks like Chase offer zero liability protection - you won't be held responsible for unauthorized charges made with your card or account information. * Monitor your credit reports. Although you're entitled to a free report from all three major credit bureaus once a year, checking your report more often can help catch signs of fraud earlier. * Opt for secure paperless billing. Theft of paper documents, such as from your mailbox or trash, is still a top way fraudsters obtain information. By going paperless, you eliminate an opportunity for someone to steal your statement and get your account information. * Switch to secure online or mobile payments to help protect your account information. Online payments add layers of security to your transaction and can help ensure you never miss a payment. * When using your card in a store, never allow the card out of your sight. If you have to enter a PIN number to use the card, be aware of who's standing around you and shield the keypad from view when you type in your PIN.

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