Pursue the Secret
Chambers of Eternal Health
Many Lives One Soul
Meet Theresa Caputo! Long Island Medium
Edible Flowers For Elegant Cuisine
A Health & Wellness Publication Apr / May 2015 Magazine Southwest Ohio’s Leading Health Magazine Vol. 61
L etter from the editor Dear Readers,
There is a clear dawn awakening to a brand new day! As we take one deep breath, we can breathe in the freshness of Spring. Every fiber of our being allows us to shed old patterns, break away from all that does not serve you anymore. Step into the light of the world, bathe in it, drink it in, let it fill your soul as the warmth of the sun heals every cell in your body. It is time now to fulfill your destiny, travel in your mind’s eye to a place where there is total peace. Sacred space allows the healing to begin. Let Mother Earth cradle and nourish you, it is time for renewal of all living things. The season of Spring brings abundance and new beginnings. Blessed are those who recognize the opportunities that lie ahead of them. The key to success is unlocking the missing link, all things adorned have already been appointed for you, just claim it. The hidden treasures of Life are closer than they appear, you can see them more clearly through rose colored glasses. Everything evolving in the universe right now is taking flight, the bird, the bee, and the butterfly. Lift your spirits high and let the wind carry you to new heights that you never thought were possible. Experience the impossible! Yours in health,
Jane Phillips Editor in Chief Publisher
Welcome to Infinity Welcome readers to Infinity magazine’s April/May issue! This issue is packed full of innovative ways to improve one’s quality of life. Read valuable information and proven methods that will enrich, enhance and create a healthy lifestyle. Be inspired, with each article, let Infinity magazine guide you every step of the way to improve your well being physically, emotionally and spiritually. We are committed to bring to you the latest in health and wellness technology, and we will continue to keep you updated on exciting events throughout the year. The Infinity staff would like to thank all our readers, writers, and supporters that make each issue possible. Have a wonderful Easter, on April 5th. Do your part and help keep Mother Earth clean and thriving, celebrate Earth Day, April 22nd. Also, don’t forget that Mother’s Day is Sunday May 10th.
MISSION STATEMENT Infinity Magazine is dedicated to those individuals who are searching for a healthier, alternative way to enrich their lives while embracing the sacred healing heart within.
Contacting Infinity 866-243-6900 “Infinity Health Magazine” on Facebook 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, OH 45036
Editor in Chief / Publisher Jane Phillips Creative Director & Design Nina Covington Executive Assistant to the Editor Michael McAdams Editorial Consultant Cynthia M Brown Advice Columnist Sage Woman Associate Graphic Designer Debbie Limpach Infinity is under copyright by Sedna Marketing LLC. 2005
On the cover: Picture Perfect Spring!
Cover Photo Courtesy: Nina Covington
We welcome the Season of Spring with great joy and abundance! The cover represents the season of new beginnings and a freshness in the air. Discover the beauty of the earth in all its splendor!
Infinity is a bi-monthly publication designed to promote health, and natural well-being. The information in Infinity is not intended as medical advice, and should not replace the advice of your physician. Infinity is not responsible for typographical errors, omissions, or misinformation.
Signature Profile
4 Many Lives, One Soul by Peter Woodbury 6 Living Beyond Limits by Kathy Vaske 7 On Angels’ Wings 8 Religious Software by Wayne Holmes
Meet Theresa Caputo! The Long Island Medium
8 “I Am So Worried About My Son” by Brian Eastman 10 Cayce Astrology as a Tool for Self-Understanding by Nicholas Theo 12 Baker Chiropractic Testimonial 14 Unheard Whispers by Jill Mattson 16 Ask Sage Woman: Spiritual Advice for the Real World by Sage Woman 18 Chives A Fresh Spring Herb 19 Recipes 20 Strength is Given to Those Who Serve Willingly by Michael McAdams 22 Edible Flowers For Elegant Cuisine 23 Author’s Spotlight: Recommended Reads 24 Spring – From the Animals’ Perspective by Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger 26 Enlightenment Comes from Being Authentic by William L. Molitor 27 Meet Matthew the Astrologer 28 It’s Your Future: Horoscopes by Matthew Currie 30 Eternal Knowledge: Events & Classes
Many of us are familiar with Theresa Caputo, a TV personality that is larger than life; she is adored and admired by thousands of people. It is not just about the glitz, glamour and bling. She is a woman with a profound gift that enables her to speak to spirits that have crossed over. Behind all of what we see with her candid humor, charismatic charm, her genuine love for her family, and all of humanity, Theresa is a person of compassion and kindness. She is truly an inspiration to all people, especially those who are healed by her messages from spirit. We were very fortunate to have been able to ask Theresa some questions and we are very thankful for her reply, as we know it will benefit so many of our readers. Q: Theresa, you have a beautiful and amazing gift that helps to heal those who have lost a loved one, for those who have not read your books, what wisdom could you give our readers who may be going through a grieving process of their own? A: Know that your loved ones are still with you. Be open to everything that’s going on around you and embrace them as signs and symbols. Q: For the people who feel that they are stuck in Life and have not realized their soul purpose for being here on earth, what are a few steps they can take to begin on their spiritual path? A: Don’t look at the negative, and let go of negativity. Try to embrace the positive things in life, and embrace and honor yourself the way you deserve to be. (Continue reading on pg. 5)
M any Lives, One Soul: Understanding Karma, Grace & Reincarnation by Peter Woodbury
I remember when I picked up Edgar Cayce’s biography, “There is a River” and was absolutely loving it. I found such an inspiring synthesis of so many different ideas that I had explored in my years of spiritual seeking. But then I came across reincarnation and took pause. I wasn’t born into a belief in reincarnation and in the time when I was reading the book, Shirley MacClaine was being lampooned in the national media for her book “Out on a Limb” and her belief in reincarnation. I realized that I thought I would also be marginalized if I believed in reincarnation. But as I thought more about it, I wanted to look at why so many religions include the belief in reincarnation. What does the belief offer? First of all, if we are going to entertain a belief in God, we want to believe that God is somehow fair and just. If we look at life in the world today, it seems anything but just or fair. For example, I have hardly ever missed a meal. But as a child, my parents took me across the world. I remember as a boy of 6 or 7, seeing a beggar somewhere in North Africa. What stood out for me was how his eyes were moving. As I looked closer, I saw that he had flies crawling over his eyes! That memory has stayed with me since and has taught me that there is real poverty and suffering in the world. How can life be fair if I am in my privileged life in the United Sates and there are those who are so poor and handicapped? Reincarnation offers the possibility that we have multiple turns in life and that we get to experience the gamut of life possibilities – races, genders, social standing and all the other diaspora. That can seem to make life seem more fair. The other belief I had in my upbringing as a Christian was that I had an eternal soul and that my soul would live on after my physical death. Well then, what does the soul do after death and where was it before birth? Reincarnation offers some possible answers to those questions. So slowly, though more and more exploration of the Cayce work, I came to believe in the doctrine of reincarnation and have come so far as to become both a practitioner and teacher of past life regression. Brain Weiss and his book “Many Lives, Many Masters” was the contemporary breakthrough book that brought reincarnation once again onto the Western stage. He is such a credible person, like Edgar Cayce, that he has brought a generation to once again consider reincarnation as a
possibility. A recent poll by CBS News showed that 24% of Americans believe in reincarnation and 60% believe it is a “reasonable possibility.” I will be speaking on May 30 here in Cincinnati on the subject of reincarnation and some corollary spiritual laws, namely Karma and Grace. From the perspective of Edgar Cayce, we are spiritual in nature and came into the earth, drawn by curiosity about this physical world. As we delved deeper and deeper into the material, we began to lose touch with and eventually forget our spiritual origins. As we got lost, so to speak, in the physical, we began to act “nonspiritually.” We became motivated by power, greed and selfishness. But just as the earth has physical laws, such as gravity, so are spiritual laws also in effect. The first law is the law of cause and effect, reaping what you sow, or as you do unto others, so shall it return unto you. As we acted non-spiritually, we contracted these “viruses” onto the soul of selfishness and greed. After we left the physical world at death, the soul was still tethered to the earth with these non-spiritual “viruses” that kept us earthbound. The only way to release the viruses, was to return to the consciousness where they were created and release them through kindness, forgiveness and compassion. The great masters throughout the ages have come to teach us just that, how to release Karma through Grace, which is forgiveness, love and compassion. Each one of us travels in a “soul group” which is mostly our family. In our families, we will find our greatest supports and our greatest challenges. We are here to work through those grudges, resentments and hard feelings so that we can return to our original soul purity and eventually raise the vibration of the earth to a place of peace and harmony. I hope to see you Saturday May 30 at the Cincinnati Airport Hilton where we will have a full day to look into these issues in more depth, have some experiences with hypnosis and past life regression and plenty of time to address any questions that will inevitably arise. About the Author: Peter Woodbury studied reincarnation with Dr. Brian Weiss. He is a graduate of Harvard University and is a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist practicing in Virginia Beach, Virginia, the home of the Edgar Cayce Center. Peter can be reached at peter.woodbury@ or at (757) 217-7159. You can also visit his website:
Apr / May 2015
(Continued from pg. 3) Theresa grew up in Hicksville, Long Island with a loving family, when she was only four years old, she saw her first spirit. It was not easy for her throughout her childhood and as a young adult, it was hard to lead a normal life. “There’s More To Life Than This,� one of two amazing books she has written gives the reader a glimpse inside Theresa’s world.
personal journey, leaving no stone unturned with profound understanding of the human soul and an in depth perspective on life, death and the afterlife. You can watch the current season of Long Island Medium on the TLC channel, Sunday evenings at 9:00 pm. To purchase her books, go to
Theresa suppressed her gifts of spirit until her anxiety attacks were too difficult to cope with. It wasn’t until she embraced her gifts that she began to live a happier and more balanced life. “You Can’t Just Make This Stuff Up!� is her second book, and she speaks to the reader about soul development. Theresa guides you every step of the way, with humor and great wisdom as she shares her gifts from spirit about God, heaven, and crossing over to the other side.
Explore the Edgar Cayce information on the nature of the soul. Understand the process of hypnosis and experience guided imageries and group regressions.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Hilton Cincinnati Airport 7373 Turfway Road Florence, KY 41042 Tuition: $74/$84, add $20 at-door Time: 9:30am-4:30pm
There are life changing lessons to be learned before we all leave this earth. She takes the reader on a
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Living Beyond Limits by Kathy Vaske
We can stay in a safe space of doing everything the same way as we have always done them, or we can push ourselves to see just how much we are capable of. Let’s not allow ourselves or anyone else to set limits in our life. We can think outside the box to come up with new ways to keep ourselves interested in life, interesting to others, and reaching for new goals. We have not begun to scratch the surface as to what our own bodies are capable of if we just push the envelop a little more every time we do our workout or we just pay attention to the nutritional plan we are using. We can always adjust the things that are not working for us along the way each day. Let’s work at keeping a positive mental attitude every day. We can stay focused on what we do want in our life and not what we don’t want in it. Always remember to take the time to help someone else that really needs help, it draws into our life more of the positive outcomes we are looking for. People that keep believing things are getting better every
day, even though the circumstances around them seem to say differently, isn’t because they are unaware, they are practicing manifesting their future. We first have to believe something is possible to be able to move toward it with confidence, then the universe will take care of the rest. Anytime there are negative circumstances surrounding us we have to keep our positive energy high and our sights set on the outcome we want, this pushes the negative energy away from us, allowing us to manifest the life we truly desire. We are all capable of living beyond limits. Time to get a reading soon? Come see me at the Victory of Light on April 11th and 12th 10:00 am to 7:00 pm at Sharonville Convention Center Cincinnati Ohio. I will have readings available on flash drives for those that want them. Readings available daily both in person or by phone - by appointment. All major credit cards accepted.
Apr / May 2015
On Angels’ Wings
Inspiring Stories of Divine Intervention
This feature has inspired many, and we ask you to send us a short story about something that happened in your life that inspired you. A situation in your life that changed you and that you believe happened with divine intervention – an angelic experience or simply a profound feeling you had that changed your path of direction. We will publish articles, as we receive them. Please type or print. You do not need to put your whole name and please give a phone number in case we need to reach you if we have a question. The phone number will not be published. Send us a message on Facebook, email to, or mail to: Infinity magazine, 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, Ohio 45036. The next issue is June/July; Infinity must receive your story by May 10th.
Heaven-Sent Birthday Greeting I was turning a year older in a couple of days, my family decided they would take me out for dinner and was asking what special thing I wanted to do on my birthday. I really did not want anyone to go to any trouble or fuss, but I was excited to get the family together where we would be all in one place celebrating the occasion. It was the morning of my birthday, as I awoke I was feeling a little bit older with stiff joints etc., but felt better as I began to get moving. I was anxious to get started with my day, when I got a call from my brother-in-law telling me my Mom had just been rushed to the hospital. My Mom had been suffering heart problems for years and had some serious close calls, after all being 83 years old, it was not easy to battle with heart disease. I arrived at the hospital and quickly inquired about the status of my Mother’s condition. She was in stable condition, I sat with her throughout the day, they had moved her on the cardiac floor for observation, my brothers and sister lived out of town, so I was calling most of the day to let them know her condition.
My family still hoped to at least take me out later for dinner since my Mom’s condition improved, but I did not want to leave my Mothers side, I told them I could always move birthday plans to another day. As I was sitting with my Mom, she awoke out of a deep sleep, she asked me what day it was. I told her it was Tuesday, she responded saying it is not just any Tuesday, it is your birthday. She fell back to sleep, day turned into night. I felt there was nothing else I could really do, and feeling rather tired, I told my Mom I would see her in the morning. I began to walk towards the parking lot to drive home. It was raining, in fact it really started to rain hard and the wind was blowing, I began to open the exit door of the hospital and knew I was in for a good soaking when at the corner of my eye a mylar balloon came out of nowhere being forced by the wind in my direction. I grabbed the ribbon because no matter how hard I tried I could not free it away from my face. I finally took a good look at it, it had a rainbow on it, then I could not believe what the large letters had read, “Happy Birthday!” What a surprise! The wind sailed the balloon towards the sky. I smiled in the pouring rain as I made my way to my car! – Ann C.
Kathy Vaske
Try something different for entertainment for the evening out with the girls. Try an all message circle. Each person in your group gets a mini psychic reading set up as a group Nationally known Psychic, demonstration. Angel Clairvoyant, & CHT
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Visit Kathy at the Victory of Light Psychic Festival - April 11 & 12 Contact Kathy for spiritual path guidance, psychic readings, or hypnosis for change.
Located in Kenwood, OH
Call (513)218-8448 7
Religious Software by Wayne Holmes
Anyone can write a new software program. Religion is like personal software. Every child is born with a clean hard drive. But soon after birth, religious software is downloaded: “Buddhism 101” or “The Essentials of Hinduism,” for example. Over time, individuals see bugs or viruses in their software and they wonder if there isn’t a better program: “Islam for Beginners,” or “Christianity for Dummies.” Changing software requires learning new ways of doing things. Often the challenges seem difficult, and we abandon the new program and return to the old because at least we knew what went where and when, and we had at least an inkling of how. Religious software, much like computer software, is often updated. Christianity 2011 was replaced by Christianity 2012, then 2013, 2014, and so on. How does Christianity 2014 differ from Christianity 1814, or from Christianity 1014, or from Christianity 60? I’ve used a scanner program for a number of years. After my computer crashed and died, I upgraded to a new computer with the latest operating system, but my scanner program was no longer compatible. When I looked to buy the new version of the old software, reviews from customers dissuaded me from the purchase. According to many, the “latest and greatest” wasn’t all it was advertised to be. Some reviewers suggested sticking with an older version. Religious software presents the same problems. Just because it’s the newest version doesn’t make it the best—or even better. Some features that were discontinued perhaps should have been retained. Bugs may not have been worked out. Someday, someone may devise a way to incorporate all programs into one. I doubt it, but I don’t deny the possibility. In the meantime, we have the ability to try different computer programs and certainly different religious software. Yes, your parents may have downloaded one particular world religion, and even one specific version of that religion, but as adults we are free to investigate for ourselves. New computer programs are created on a regular basis, just as new religions are formed. We don’t
flock to the “latest and greatest” simply based on the manufacturer’s recommendation. We have learned to make informed decisions. We ask others who have tried the product, we read reviews, and ultimately we make our own decision. We don’t have to accept the software that was downloaded into our brain by other people, be they family, friends, or religious leaders. We are free to find our own way. About the Author: Pastor Wayne Holmes is an ordained minister with Divinity Spiritual Church and also Revelation Spiritual Church. He is the co-founder of Religious Recovery, an organization dedicated to healing wounds inflicted by religion or the religious. He is not opposed to religion, but he sees the hurts and endeavors to help. Wayne is the author of seven books including his latest title, Every Path Leads Home: Opening to Your Spiritual Journey. Learn more about Wayne’s healing work at
I am so Worried About
My Son...”
by Brian Eastman One of my clients was calling. Last weekend, “Ron” had unexpectedly come home from the college he had transferred to. The visit had been disturbing. My client explained, “Ron spent the entire weekend complaining. He doesn’t like the school. He hasn’t made any friends. The courses are being taught by incompetent professors and he’s having trouble understanding the material. He found reasons to yell at our dog. He’s talking about dropping out. “Is there anything LIIFT can do to help him, even though he’s back at school?” she asked.
Apr / May 2015
I responded, “In fact, there is. You know how effective LIIFT is when done in person. We can use the same methods to heal Ron at college. I use this LongDistance approach especially when I am asked to heal a child or young person.”
“Ron came back this weekend,” she said. “What a change! He was talking about some new friends. He has become involved in the Chess Club. He has gotten A’s on a couple of quizzes! He’s even agreed to assist one of the professors in a project . . .”
I hear so many stories of damaged children from teachers, parents and clients. The two primary healing options offered to parents are various therapies, and psychotropic drugs. Many parents dislike the outcomes of both. I have heard similar dissatisfaction from teachers and clients who have seen the results.
And that’s what should happen, when we have LIIFTed a child or young person to a better life.
LIIFT provides an alternative approach suitable for any troubled youth. LIIFT, a healing process rather than a therapy, is so simple and straightforward that a young client quickly understands how the process works. S/he quickly sees the changes. Depending on the circumstances, LIIFT may be most appropriate for in-person sessions. But LIIFT can also heal in a Long-Distance mode and often this is better. With the Long-Distance mode, LIIFT helps a young person heal without any awareness the healing is happening.
About the author: Brian Eastman invested 30 years’ research to create the LIIFT healing process. He sees people privately and in group sessions. He is available to lead LIIFT training seminars and LIIFT Prosperity Workshops throughout North America.
Feel Better Fast!
Ron, a college-age person, is a good example. But LIIFT has been equally effective for troubled children as young as seven. Ron’s mother came in for Ron’s Long-Distance LIIFT session. We found a high level of fear (level 10 on a scale of 10) which we healed down to level 1. Ron had the Belief Statement, “I expect the worst to happen in my life,” which we changed to “I expect the best to happen in my life and it usually does.” He had the Belief Statement, “I can’t,” which we changed to “I can, I do, and I do it very well.” And he had the Belief Statement, “The world is an unfriendly place,” which we changed to “The world is a friendly place.” The final change: from “I am unable to get what I need and want,” to “I get what I need and want so easily.” Two weeks later, Ron’s mom called to update me.
Brian Eastman, LIIFT Practitioner 513 541 1257 - Offices in Cincinnati, West Chester, Dayton. 9
Cayce Astrology as a Tool for Self-Understanding by Nicholas Theo When the Edgar Cayce readings spoke about astrology, the view was far different than those of traditional astrologers who saw astrology as a method only used to describe fixed traits and destinies. It is only in the past 20 years that the greater astrology community has caught up with Cayce’s perspective. Cayce explained how astrology could be used as a tool to gain self-understanding. His view of astrology was that its goal was for us to gain soul growth from understanding the use and direction of our free will in expressing our drives, goals, and energies. Astrology is a way for us to see that we are an integral part of the ecosystem within our solar system. In 1936, in a life reading for a woman from Canada, Cayce clearly explained astrology’s objective in relation to our own soul experience, “Considering then life, a soul, an entity as a continuous stream of experience—and the activities in the earth’s plane as a lesson that is learned by the entity— the experiences through the astrological sojourns
become rather as a digesting or an assimilating of that which has been experienced or gained in the lesson.” (Edgar Cayce reading 1230-1) An astrological birth chart then becomes a useful and active tool of learning and guidance when an astrologer interprets the chart from this vantage point. An astrologer trained in this method offers others a reason and a goal for understanding their life purpose. A trait of shorttemperedness shown by a planetary aspect from Mars to Uranus, for example, as seen from this perspective gives the native an insight on why their soul chose this energy to experience, and from that conscious realization, they then have an active role in deciding how to work with anger in their current life. Through exercising free will this individual may choose to consciously work on directing their anger into productive channels, or may decide to do nothing at all, and thus meet the events of daily life with ever a short temper.
Apr / May 2015
Cayce consistently reiterated that we control our own destiny because of free will. In one of the first readings Cayce gave on the subject of astrology in 1923, he stated: “…but let it be understood here, no action of any planet or phases of the Sun, the Moon or any heavenly bodies surpass the rule of man’s will power, the power given by the Creator of man, in the beginning, when he became a living soul, with the power of choosing for himself.” (Edgar Cayce reading 3744-3) It is within this statement that Cayce presents us with the blueprint of our existence: when we choose to live actively self-aware, we acknowledge our relationship with the Creator, and consequently we approach our potential for the expression of our creativity and will. Cayce’s view on astrology, in recent years there is an ever widening circle of astrologers whose focus is to ensure that an astrological chart is interpreted from the understanding that the human soul is eternal, and thus the current life is but a chapter within its experience, and that the soul exercises free will. Astrology is a language of the subconscious mind where its symbols reflect the tendencies and drives of the person, but it is in no way rigid and fatalistic in its interpretation. British therapist and astrologer Mark Jones eloquently states this in, Healing the Soul, “The natal chart is not a cage from which we must be released. It is not a reality imposed upon us from without. The natal chart is the symbolic expression of the infinite field as it has been translated into human form and it is the expression of our karmic potentiality as held within that field. That potentiality emerges from the nature of who we really are.” When you choose to use your astrology chart as a means for self-discovery, make sure that the astrologer reading your birth chart adheres to the two basic principles that Cayce instructed us on astrology: a guide for soul growth and free will choice. In the weeks after the reading, allow time for your insights and understanding to surface into your consciousness. Take the information and guidance from your chart analysis, and then actively apply it to your life.
About the Author: Nicholas Theo is an operations and strategic manager and has done work for organizations including A.R.E. and Atlantic University. He was raised with the Cayce materials and his interest in astrology started as a teenager. Because the Cayce readings on astrology consistently emphasize the importance of using astrology as a tool for self-discovery and understanding rather than as a primarily predictive system, over the years, his interest in astrology evolved into a side vocation with research on the application of soul astrology ( He has been doing astrology readings since 1980. References: Astrology Part 1, The Edgar Cayce Readings (Vol. 18, p. 522, 551). (1985). Virginia Beach, VA: A.R.E./Edgar Cayce Foundation Jones, M. (2011). Healing the Soul (p. 13). Portland, OR: Raven Dreams Press.
Divinity Spiritual Gathering of Fairfield “A Place of Love, Light, Truth, & Freedom” 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield, OH 45014 One Mile North from Jungle Jims On Rt. 4, Left on Hicks Blvd., Right on Holiday Dr.
Visit us at DivinitySpiritual. All services are archived and available 24/7.
Every Sunday Service starts at 11:30 AM 11
BTestimonial aker Chiropractic
satisfied with any references I received. I went online and looked at the websites of local chiropractors. The Baker Chiropractic website was definitely the most impressive, so I called and I am so glad I did. On my initial visit to Baker Chiropractic and Wellness, they took x-rays (my previous chiropractor never did). When Dr. Baker went over the results with me I cried. My neck had no natural curve at all; my pelvis was 12 mm shorter on the left side than on the right side, the vertebrae in my lower back were close to being fused and my mid-spine showed misalignment. No wonder I was in so much pain and discomfort all the time.
Janice Martin and Dr. Patrick Baker
My name is Janice Martin and I am 62 years young. I lead a healthy lifestyle, eat close to a vegan diet, exercise on a regular basis and look physically fit, yet I have been suffering from neck, back, shoulder and leg pain for over 25 years. Before coming to see Dr. Patrick Baker, the pain in my mid-back and lower back was becoming unbearable; I could not sit in any chair for more than a few minutes. Sleeping was not any better. When I got out of bed in the morning, I could not straighten- up for several minutes. My left leg was also radiating with pain from my groin down to my ankle. I was never comfortable. To give some background; I was born with a dislocated hip and was positioned different ways in a body cast during the first year and a half of my life. Because of this my left leg always turned inward. I think this along with stress, excessive weight-bearing and lifting, (especially when I helped care for my invalid mother), caused my whole spine to become misaligned. I had been seeing another chiropractor for many years and he did give me some â&#x20AC;&#x153;relief therapyâ&#x20AC;?. Over the past year though, I was coming to the realization that I was feeling much worse. There had to be another chiropractor out there who could help me? I had asked around, but was not really
Dr. Baker said I was fixable, although I found this hard to believe after seeing my x-rays. I could not take the pain any longer, so I had to put my trust in this chiropractor. A treatment plan was set up for me, which I followed as directed. I started treatment in July and began feeling relief after just a few adjustments. Within 3 months I was feeling better than I had felt in 25 years! The pain that radiated down my left leg was gone. I was able to sit for much longer periods of time; I was sleeping better, and got out of bed standing straight, no more morning hunchback. I was feeling very happy and optimistic. It was October 26th (about 3 ½ months since I had started treatment), and I did a really stupid thing. I took my 7-year old granddaughter to a roller-skating party. I was skating around the rink like I was 12 again. I was going a little too fast, and my feet went out from under me. I landed flat on my backside. I caught myself with my hands so my head did not hit the floor and got a good whiplash too. I knew I was really hurt, but somehow managed to get myself and my granddaughter home. Within an hour I could not get off the floor. I was in excruciating pain. My son and daughter came over and wanted to take me to the emergency, but I knew what would happen in the ER and said I would wait and see Dr. Baker in the morning. I could barely move and could not hold my head up. I had to lie in the car as my daughter drove me there. Dr. Baker took x-rays and nothing was broken, but I was misaligned worse than before I had started treatment. For 3 days I could not even hold my head up. My neck and spine had compressed and needed to decompress.
Apr / May 2015
patients in a relaxed and comfortable environment. I highly recommend Baker Chiropractic and Wellness!
Dr. Baker and his very helpful and friendly staff helped me get through this entire ordeal. They saw plenty of tears from me, but helped me to relax and heal. I went for adjustments and then home to sleep on my back with icepacks as they advised. For 2 weeks I went for adjustments and massages, then back home to sleep and apply ice. As one part of my body would heal the pain would manifest itself in another body part; but little by little everything healed. Slowly I began to start exercising again and building myself back up with the guidance of Dr Baker and his staff.
- Janice Martin If you or someone you know suffers from any type of pain or health condition, please contact us by calling (513) 561-2273 or schedule an appointment on-line by visiting our website at We will help!
It took about 3 months, but I am finally about where I was before my accident. My recovery time was truly remarkable. If I had not been in chiropractic care, I do not know what state I would be in right now. Baker Chiropractic is like a big family. The atmosphere is very friendly and stress-free. Everything is done in an open area so you get to interact with the staff and other
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Does not include xrays. Exp. 5/31/15
Unheard Whispers by Jill Mattson
Plants respond to music, growing better while listening to classical music, but how does sound change the physicality of the plant?
we feel uplifted in a botanical garden or calm down in nature. Unconsciously these “plant songs” lull us into harmony and a sense of wellbeing.
In the book, The Secret Life of Plants, researchers hooked plants to machines resembling lie detectors, which revealed their response to threatening behavior. Wow! Plants possess an awareness of their wellbeing and surroundings. Even more startling, the plants showed a response to their owner’s well-being, even if the owners were across the country. This seems like quantum entanglement (when two energies link on the quantum level, and effect another, even at long distances). Maybe the plants’ have emotions and care about their owners?
People have hooked electrodes to plants’ leaves and roots, and then connected them to musical instruments, producing fairy-like music: a new genre? A Mexican, named Aerial Guzik, hooked cacti to lutes and used their tiny these energetic impulses to create strangely beautiful music. Another experiment at Dananhur in Italy showed plants connected to electronic instruments, producing exquisite music. You can listen to this concert at the You Tube video in the footnotes.1
If this idea is not delightful enough, researchers display plants “singing.” The plant’s tiny vibrations are too soft for us to hear, but may account for why
Ancient stories of Atlantis suggest that highly psychic people telepathically “tuned” into the vibrations of the plants, asking the plants what they needed for optimal growth. According to legends in Central America, this “inside information” improved crop growth. The
Apr / May 2015
stories suggest that plants possess intelligence and consciousness. The Kairos Institute of Sound Healing in New Mexico tested if sound vibrations enhanced crop growth. They played tuning forks and hand chimes over seedlings. The forks were tuned to the frequency made by Mars and Venus moving in their orbits and other frequencies found in space (raised octaves into hearing range).2 Their findings showed that sound vibrations improved seed germination, quantity and quality of produce, longevity of production, pollination, and plant size.3 The author has created heavenly music full of star tones, offering this technique to humans! Dan Carlson, of Sonic Bloom, noticed that plants’ use of nutrients spikes at dawn. Plants do not benefit nearly as much when fed at other times. He wondered how the plant knew when dawn was. He experimented with bird chirps, local to the natural habitat of the plant, because the birds’ choruses sing loudly at dawn. Carlson discovered that when he played local bird chirps at any time of the day, the plant acted as if it was dawn and utilized more nutrients. At least one way that the plants told time was with sound. Carlson sells plant food packaged with recording of bird chirps and boasts of 100 percent increase in plant growth.4 Once again a link appears between sound and the plants’ well-being. Joel Sternheimer, a French physicist, calculated the vibrations of the amino acids in plants. After he calculated the tones of each, and then he organized the amino acids in the same way that they were in the plant’s protein. When he played the “plant’s song” back to the plant, the plants growth nearly doubled with resistance to drought and disease. What do we learn from all this? Plants are far greater beings than we expected? They are also exquisite musicians? Perhaps the biggest lesson in that sounds, below our hearing range, have a significant impact on the energies of living things: body, mind and emotions. At very least, in a romantic picture, we are bathed unconsciously in plant songs and lullabies of the stars. Sound and music enhance the health of plants. Yet,
we stubbornly believe that we are not influenced by sound in the same way. What would make us exempt? The science of bioacoustics, developed by Sharry Edwards, has shown that we can use targeted sounds to enable the body to heal itself.5 We can use the energy of sound in music in targeted positive manners. The author has devoted her life to bringing forth healing vibratory patterns in musical CDs, including star sounds and vibrational patterns found in healing nature. In the future mankind will use sound to be more in control of their body, mind and emotions, harnessing sound for benefits. About the Author: Jill Mattson is a prolific Artist, Musician and Author. Jill is a four - time author, and widely recognized expert and composer in the field of Sound Healing! She has produced seven CD’s that combine intricate Sound Healing techniques with her original Award winning musical compositions (Deep Wave Beauty CD – Best New Age CD – Silver Award). The CD’s consist of intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern techniques - with sound energy & special healing frequencies to achieve profound benefits. Available on her sites are free mp3’s of her Sound Healing compositions, including Solfeggio Tones, Star Energy, Flower Frequencies, Fibonnaci and nature tones. Gallery and music at,, ____________ 1. 2.They also used planetary gongs tuned to the “three cycles of the Earth: the four seasons, the Earth spinning on her axis, and the Earth going through its processional cycle.” 3.Leeds, Joshua. The Power of Sound: How to be Healthy and Productive using Music and Sound, Healing Arts Press: Vermont, 2001, 2010, Pgs. 207209. 4. 5.For more information see the book, Secret Sounds Ultimate Healing by Jill Mattson at www.
ASpiritual sk Sage Woman: Advice
for the Real World with Sage Woman
Sage Woman is an Ordained Minister, Shamanic Priestess and Spiritual Life Coach. She is also a gifted writer and author. In a busy world, we all struggle at some point to find balance and to heal from old wounds. Let Sage answer any question you might have to help guide you along your path of self discovery and healing. Email your question to infinity@ or send a letter to Infinity Magazine, 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, Ohio 45036. You may remain anonymous if you wish. Infinity will print Sage’s answers in the upcoming issues. Not all advice is applicable to all situations. Infinity has the right to refuse any information that would not be in accordance with our Mission Statement and the standards of our publication. Our next issue is June/July, the deadline to participate and ask your question is May 10th. Dear Sage Woman, My question is: How do you deal with a negative person that sucks the energy out of you? S.S. ________ Dear S.S. This is a powerful question, with a radical and simple answer. Stop allowing it! Once we take complete responsibility for our life and how we live it, we can stop giving our power away. We have zero control on how another chooses to show up in the world. No matter how positive we live our own life we still live in the world of many different personalities. Personally, I know that if someone is draining my
energy, it is because I am allowing it. Instead of looking at that person, I must look inside of myself, looking deeply into the core of why it seems I need to absorb such negativity as my own. No one can truly affect you unless you allow it. We can’t change someone else’s behavior, but we can change our reaction to it. We also can ask ourselves again, “why are we allowing it?” This is the real question within the question. If we absorb someone’s negativity, we must look at our own energy and how, through it, we are showing up in the world. If I am affected by someone else’s energy, whether good or bad, it leaves me powerless. We must focus on self and how we choose to think, speak or act. When we face our deepest fears and look in the mirror, we may find that we have compromised ourselves out of habit, fear of change and loss. If we are in a current relationship that we are not ready to leave for whatever reason, then it is crucial we don’t take their behavior personally. Most people who are negative are simply in deep need of self-love and acceptance. Remember, you cannot control anyone else, only your own actions and reactions. Though this doesn’t mean you have to stay in the toxic relationship. That also is a personal choice. As we heal the self, we become stronger and our own choices become more empowered. We leave old toxic ways of life behind for a renewed way of looking at the other person. No one can make us feel anyway. It is our choice how we choose to feel any emotion. Wishing you peace, love and a renewed sense of empowerment. Blessings, Sage
Apr / May 2015
About the Author: Sage Woman is a spiritual life coach & intuitive reader. She is also the co-host of Inner Divinity: Empowering your True Self on WAIF Cincinnati, 88.3 fm, every Wednesday after-noon from 2-3 pm. Sage is a Shamanic Priestess, an ordained minister and intuitive who facilitates Goddess Chakra workshops and individual coaching. She is also available for readings of the ancient Tarot. For more information, contact her at 513-490-4693, or email
SAGE WOMAN Ordained Minister, Shamanic Priestess, Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach, Intuitive Readings Take a journey with Sage Woman and discover a path of healing and self empowerment.
Available for Appointments & Phone Readings Call 513-490-4693
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A Fresh Spring Herb
Chives are not only a common topping for a baked potato or soup, they are quite nutritious, packed with healthy benefits. Chives contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can help fight disease. This little Spring herb contains allicin, an ingredient that has been studied for its ability to help lower blood pressure and reduce stiffness in the blood vessels. Chives also contain quercetin, which can help reduce the risk of plaque buildup in arteries. Quercetin has properties that help protect against many types of cancers. A rich source of vitamin K, A and C, chives may even relieve a stuffy nose, ease an upset stomach and treat anemia as well. Chives are very easy to grow, it is an excellent choice for a child to begin with when introducing herb gardening. Plant seeds can be started indoors or
outdoors. If planting outdoors chives need rich soil and a lot of sunlight. If your chive plant starts to flower, the flowers are edible as well, they make a beautiful display of color for salad and soup. Chives have a slight taste of onion and can flavor many dishes and add a brightness to any dish. It is easy to store chives, wrap in a damp paper towel, place in a bag in the refrigerator. To freeze: wash, trim and chop the chives, let them dry completely before placing them in freezer bags. They can last up to 4 to 6 months in the freezer. Chives add a beautiful and very healthy addition to any garden and are easy to grow. The freshness of the bright green stems and colorful flowers are a Spring delight, a pleasant welcome to the season of abundance!
Apr / May 2015
Deviled Eggs with Chives INGREDIENTS: • 4 large organic eggs
• 1 tablespoon organic mayonnaise, style dressing
Combine the parsley, chives, thyme, and pepper in a bowl. Lay enough plastic wrap on a flat surface to tightly wrap around the cheese log. Place herb mixture on plastic wrap. Roll the cheese log in the mixture, coating all sides while retaining the shape of the log. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate until needed.
• 3 tablespoons sun-dried tomatoes packed in oil, finely chopped • 3 tablespoons sliced green olives, finely chopped • 3 tablespoons fresh chives, finely chopped plus more for garnish • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper DIRECTIONS: Place eggs in large saucepan. Add enough cold water to cover by 1-inch. Cover the pan and bring just to a boil. Remove pan from heat and let eggs stand, covered, for 10 minutes. Remove eggs to bowl of cold water and let cool, about 15 minutes. Peel eggs, cut in half lengthwise and remove the yolks to a bowl. Set aside the whites. Use a fork to mash the yolks with the remaining ingredients. Mound the yolk mixture back into the hollow of the egg whites, spooning about 1 tablespoons in each half-egg. Sprinkle with reserved chives and serve.
Fresh Herbed Goat Cheese INGREDIENTS: • 3 teaspoons chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley • 3 teaspoons chopped fresh chives
Note: This can be done a day ahead. As always use as many organic ingredients you can find for optimum flavor and health.
Chives and Onion Dip Mix INGREDIENTS: • 8 tablespoons chives • 4 1/2 tablespoons chopped onion • 2 tablespoons garlic salt • 2 tablespoons granulated garlic • 1 1/2 tablespoons celery seed • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper DIRECTIONS: Combine ingredients in a plastic bag or air-tight container. Makes about 10-15 dip servings. To prepare the dip for chips and vegetables, combine together one tablespoon of the above mix with 1/2 cup organic mayonnaise and 1/2 cup organic sour cream (or substitutes). A tablespoon of fresh parsley, cilantro or 1/4 teaspoon of paprika can be sprinkled over the top of dip at serving time for added color.
• 2 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme leaves • 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper • 9 ounce log of goat cheese (Plastic wrap)
Cover and refrigerate for 1-2 hours before serving. Keep prepared mix refrigerated. The dry dip mix can also be used as seasoning for meats, vegetables, etc.
Strength is Given to Those Who Serve Willingly by Michael McAdams Blessed is he who remains always in understanding of his calling. With receptive willingness we are called each in his own way. Our lives are a journey of discovery that allows us the freedom to choose a higher road, a higher level of understanding that carries our beings above daily experiences leaving behind doubts and fear. Each day opportunities are presented to teach, to inform, to guide and direct those we come into contact with towards a higher path, with concepts that enlighten minds immersed in worldly affairs too distracted by physical desires and pursuits to see the passageway through which all who truly believe in the divine light and grace of His Spirit and allow themselves to be open to the leadings and teachings of our spirit teachers shall enter with calm and comfort, confidence and peace. From the collection of messages and teachings received directly from spirit teachers/angels that compose Wilma Jean Jones’ upcoming book “An Angel Told Me So” comes this high teaching. The depth and quality of these teachings received and the personal nature of this material engages and allows readers to feel they are being spoken to on a level that reflects what they personally are experiencing and speaks to the heart of those willing to accept the divine nature of these dictated messages. This message presented to Wilma compliments her on her efforts and advises of success in future work. Yet again this message speaks directly to all sincere seekers of truth on a personal level as each reader feels they are being addressed as they deal with what is transpiring in their lives. Note the references by these spirit teachers’ to themselves as “we”, “our”, and “us.” This message was received by Wilma on Friday, September 25, 1998. “Tremendous pressure will be necessary in order to receive adequate information concerning your role in these challenging times. There is little room for doubt that you are entitled to serve in this manner. You are given strength in order to comply with what has been given before, and as you continue on the path that has been prepared for you, options will
assume their rightful position so that you are ready to proceed. Caution those who are already establishing themselves to receive instructions that although their methods may be different than yours, nonetheless the information will be legitimate. Always we make ourselves known to those who are ardent followers of the Master and realize the importance of His coming. There are many who will scoff at the mention of this subject, but they are left without the benefit of His presence. Countless times warnings have been given and received and yet seldom do those who have been counted worthy to receive take the message forward as they are expected to do. Reason does not play a part in this scenario that has gained attention but not compliance. “Choose to take your place in order that we may relay information of a nature that will grasp the attention of the weakest vessel and fill to overflowing the Spirit as He moves from place to place bringing about changes in their lives as well as others. Tokens will be received as confirmation that His Spirit indeed is taking a path that will bring together all that He has promised and will reckon with forces in disagreement. Times have progressed to eliminate the need of His presence and reliance upon self has produced chaos. Happenstance will bring opportunities not expected but will result in the appearance of a greater desire to serve in this capacity. “Never before have so many been unnerved by the episodes happening in rapid succession. This is but the beginning and added turmoil will ascend to confuse many who are still wrapped up in there own selfishness and not cognate of the winds that are blowing around them. Fasten your eyes on the very One who will make Himself known to your consciousness and will partake of your communion with Him as you take your place among those who have gained entrance in His abode. Winds are gathering the harvest that was promised in these last days, and those who have benefited from His presence will once again come to realize that He alone does represent the ultimate power of the universe. “Precautions will be taken to see that you are
Apr / May 2015
protected here as well as those you are holding dear to your heart. Linger in preparation of what is to be given and you will be repaid for your sacrifice. Terminal is a word that implies final, however your nature is not prepared to accept worn out conclusions. Once again we praise you for your aptitude and your willingness to accommodate our wishes. Everlasting remembrances will hold you close in spirit and our desires that hold promise for you are representative of the deep love and gratitude for the service you provide. “Countless times we have examined the records and found you in compliance, therefore as we reach the end of this time together let us reiterate that life holds much in store for your enjoyment even yet and in spite of all that has tried to eliminate your efforts. Projects you have mentioned will be accomplished and in reach even as we prepare our departure, as your desires are important to us and your adventurous nature is a delight. The light shines brighter by your willingness to receive these episodes and the revelations that have been given will heighten your ability to achieve the accomplishments we have ahead for you. Know always that in tune with our spirit is the light of His revelations for only by His entitlements can we relay His desires to those who are committed to serve His purpose, and in keeping with His Spirit we are held in compliance also. Taken together we are capable to restrain or release those energies necessary to see that issues are completed that are in compliance with His will. Regardless of attitudes and situations, we are standing by to fortify your efforts and to substantiate your existence by the very presence of God’s Holy Spirit as an undeniable example of His existence.”
About the author: Michael offers a set of his own writings called Spiritual Parchment Prints as a fundraising item for youth groups, churches, and to the public. He and his mother, Wilma Jean Jones, worked closely together as she received these messages and teachings dictated from spirit teachers over a 22-year period. This collection of messages and teachings is being published as the
book “An Angel Told Me So.” Michael owns Starpath Satellite, performs satellite and digital off-air antenna service, and owns Aqua “Doc” Spa and Pools. Learn more about Michael’s work and view Wilma Jean Jones television interview at
• Subscribe to Infinity - $15 a year Check, Visa, MC, Disc accepted Infinity Magazine 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, OH 45036 or Call: 1-866-243-6900
Edible Flowers
For Elegant Cuisine
Cooking with flowers is an ancient art, and it is making a comeback in modern day cuisine. The art of using flowers to add taste and texture to any dish is a fun and innovative way to introduce a new flair to a favorite dish. Desserts can be served with a delicate and beautiful design. Rose petals on a wedding cake or any cake for celebration, etc. is a great way to decorate if one desires to take the time to do it. Provided below is a list of edible flowers, and these all must be organic, of course, and free of any pesticides. Allergies must be taken into consideration, and common sense applies. Marigold- can be used as a substitute for the expensive spice saffron, great in salads
Lilac- has a lemony taste, can be slightly bitter, great to crystallize with sugar and egg whites very fragrant Nasturtiums- beautiful colors, sweet, spicy flavors, the leaves add a tangy peppery taste to salads, entire flowers are great for garnish Peony- the petals are used for tea, add to summer salad or with water or lemonades Scented Geranium- petals can be sprinkled over desserts, freeze in ice cubes, or drinks. Do not use Citronella variety. Roses- all varieties are edible, may be used for garnish, petals can be used in salads, butters, syrups, sweet spreads and added to drinks. Remove any white bitter part of petals, before using.
Apr / May 2015
Dandelions- young flowers have the sweetest petals, that taste like honey, the leaves are good in salads. When serving rice, sprinkle the petals into the dish. Chive Blossoms- use when a slight onion flavor is needed for a savory dish or separate the florets and toss in salads Lemon Verbena- leaves and flowers can be used as a tea and flavor various desserts Mint- flowers and leaves can be used with a savory cuisine, tea and to flavor desserts Pansy- consists of a velvety texture, have a mild tangy flavor, they make a beautiful garnish Carnations- the petals are sweet and a bit spicy, must be tasted before using can turn bitter, great for garnish and salads Zucchini Blossoms- can be chopped and sautéed added to soups, or fried and stuffed with cheese Johnny-Jump-Ups- a mild taste, like iceberg lettuce without the crunch, looks great in salads Impatiens-flowers have a sweet flavor, well suited for drinks or desserts, instant color floating in a punch bowl
Visit Raven at the Victory of Light Psychic Festival April 11 & 12
Call Raven for a Life Changing Experience! Raven is a Psychic Medium with experience in: •Psychic Readings •Hypnotherapy Healing Sessions •Spiritual Counseling •Group Parties Available
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Author’s Spotlight Recommended Reads A Kid’s Herbal Book, For Children of All Ages by Lesley Tierra Quote from the book- “We also get medicines from plants. Trees, barks, leaves, flowers, seeds, berries, grains and roots are all used for healing or nourishment.” The season of Spring is the perfect time to introduce planning and planting a garden with your children or grandchildren. A Kid’s Herbal book, written by Lesley Tierra defines the value and importance of herbs in a fun way so children will enjoy learning, the extra bonus is that parents can obtain a great deal of knowledge as well. Packed with a variety of recipes, remedies, projects, stories and songs, this herbal workbook will be a fascinating journey for your family or yourself as we head into Spring and the season of Summer. Lesley Tierra was inspired by her husband Michael to write the first herb book for children, he is the author of the book, “The Way With Herbs.” With her husband’s vast knowledge of herbs and her creative experience with writing children’s books, this book was produced. A Kid’s Herbal Book, For Children of All Ages is a recommended read, it can be purchased at
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Spring – From the
Animals’ Perspective by Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger
I decided that instead of talking about Spring in the usual human terms (longer days, warmer temps, etc.); I would ask our animals for their views on Spring. Their answers were, at times, very predictable and at other times quite unexpected. I started by asking our dogs for their perspective. Our oldest dog, Obi, gave me a rather unexpected answer. “More sun.” Yep, ok, got that part. What came next was a story about the Father Sun, Mother Earth, and how dogs experience Spring. Obi says that the Father Sun begins to visit longer with Mother Earth each day. At a certain point, the Father Sun is around long enough that Mother Earth wakes up in her very core, and begins to raise her energy level. When she does that, the warmth radiates up from her crystal core center up through the rock layers and to the top layer of earth. What came next from all three dogs was a description of their experience when the energy reaches that top layer of earth. Obi shows how rich the scents become as they waft up from the surface of the ground He says that in “cold time” that the scents are frozen into the earth, and that in spring Mother Earth wakes up and frees them. Dogs love to not only smell the smells; they literally roll in them in utter joy and contentment. Obi also showed how sensual it is to feel warm dirt/ mud beneath your paws – how their toes spread out and sink into this delicious stuff. At this point the horses interjected that this mud is Mother Earth’s gift in another way. Mud is also how the coated animals are able to shed their extra fur from the cold time. Plus, the horses say it is absolutely blissful to just roll in and enjoy! How many of us humans have had that experience? I will confess I have once and I enjoyed it immensely, but that was a long time ago and I was not allowed in my dorm room until I had taken a shower.
The other two dogs talked about how the energy gets “faster” in everything – animals, plants, even rocks and dirt. They react to this (and I suspect we humans do as well) by raising their energy, becoming more active. Lukas says he also gets hungrier as a result <smile>. The “faster” energy makes perfect sense, if you think about how you are feeling as opposed to how you felt in the middle of February. The Divine Design (no, not the HGTV show) behind this higher energy allows trees, for example, to begin to move their sap up into their limbs so that leaves can begin to form. I’d challenge the readers to go and put your hands on a tree, and see if you can feel this heightened energy UP. It’s really an amazing experience. The horses interjected that this is what also causes the grass to start to grow. Are we sensing a reoccurring food theme here? In all seriousness, isn’t that also a wonderful design feature of Spring – after a food deprived winter, the animals have more energy to seek food to replenish them. I asked one of our cats what Spring meant to him. He says that what is wonderful is, of course the smells, but also the movement of everything – plants, birds, and rodents in particular. The cats find this fascinating, and it stimulates their prey drive so they hunt more. Our sighthound TJ agrees with the cat. Thank you for sharing this view of Spring from the perspective of our animals. Please take a few moments to experience the difference in your own energy, and notice how your pets may be reacting as well. Happy Spring! – Cindy & Terri
Apr / May 2015
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Enlightenment Comes from Being Authentic Become the Person You Know You Can Be
by William L. Molitor, BCH, CI I have written many articles about the positive effects that the use of hypnosis, as practiced at the Tri-State Hypnosis Center, has had on people. This article explains it from the words of one of my clients. I always ask my clients for feedback or a testimonial about the experiences that they have as a result of working with me, most send a quick “doing great” email or leave a brief voice mail. The person who wrote the following testimonial gave me permission to use her words in this article. I did request however that she edit her message to remove all the names and personal information to comply with my confidentiality requirements.
“I was at the lowest time in my life when I heard about Tri-State Hypnosis Center and William. My relationship with my husband was nonexistent, I felt that my job was a dead end and my anxiety attacks and depressive moods where ruining my life. The psychiatrist that I have been seeing for almost three years had just suggested raising the dose of my meds again. I felt trapped.
almost as if he knew exactly what I was going through. Then the most incredible thing happened. We began the session and in what felt like 5 to 10 minutes the session was over. When I looked at the clock I discovered that over 45 minutes had passed. How I felt afterwards can only be described as free, peaceful and focused. I felt a sense of calm that I had not experienced for years. What I didn’t know was that these feelings where just the tip of the iceberg. As I drove the one hour trip back home I could feel the many years of suppressed anger just floating away. I was able to think so clearly and peacefully that I began to wonder if maybe I was still in a trance. The next day the real effects began to happen. I woke up with an actual desire to go to work. I had absolutely no desire to drink the usual 5 to 10 cans of diet coke that I had every day for what seems an eternity. I didn’t have the constant nagging hunger feeling all day, and people seemed to be so nice to me.
One of my dearest friends had just come back from taking her Daughter for her second hypnosis session with William and she was giddy about the results that she was seeing in her 12 year old daughter. She told me that in one session with William her daughter had completely overcome a fear that up until then had ruined her love for gymnastics.
By day three people at work started asking me what I was doing that made me so happy and energetic. I decided not to say anything about hypnosis because I was afraid that I would jinx myself. I wanted to wait until after my second session with William before I let the cat out of the bag that I was seeing a Hypnotherapist in Cincinnati.
I was skeptical at first but thought what do I have to lose. I asked my psychiatrist what she thought about using hypnosis and she said that it wouldn’t conflict with anything that we were doing so I called William and set up a session with him.
Jump ahead two months after my second session, which was as incredible as the first, I can’t remember the last time that had an anxiety attack, my last visit to my psychiatrist resulted in her drastically decreasing my meds. I have more energy and have started a new career. My relationship is no longer a daily burden. I have taken control of my weight, my mood, and feel great. Now I tell everyone that asks that I saw a hypnotherapist in Cincinnati. I could go on and on but I will stop here by saying if
What happened next was miraculous. I drove to Cincinnati and spent one hour with William. He explained what hypnosis was and then we talked about what I wanted to change in my life. It was
Apr / May 2015
Mthe eet Matthew Astrologer you feel out of control in any aspect of your life call William. William thank you, thank you, thank you,” – (Name removed) Just like this client many of you may be living an emotionally painful or unfulfilling life due to the habitual thoughts that plague your mind. The old conventional wisdom that time heals all wounds may be true but we know that, with the use of hypnosis, the time to heal or change is dramatically decreased. When my clients discover, through hypnosis, that they have everything they need to be happy and healthy already deep inside of themselves they quickly take control of their lives in many ways that they may not have known to be possible before. Nothing is more self-empowering than the ability to change. The hypnotic process that we use at the Tri-State Hypnosis Center is all about self-empowerment and self-control. Hypnosis is simply the tool that we use to unleash the power of your mind so that you can enjoy being your authentic self.
About the Author: William L. Molitor BCH, CI is a Board Certified Hypnotist with over a decade of experience and advanced training in the art self-development. William has designed a method of applying traditional hypnosis with advanced hypnotherapy techniques that can accelerate any personal change. William is also a certified Hypnosis instructor with the NGH and the Director of TriState Hypnosis Center, an Ohio State registered school for hypnosis and advanced hypnotherapy training and certification. For more information regarding William Molitor or the Tri-State Hypnosis Center visit or email
We would like to introduce the new author of “It’s Your Future,” a new take on Horoscopes. Matthew Currie is an astrologer, counselor and writer with over 20 years of experience and numerous appearances on television, radio and podcasts. He is the author of “Conquer The Universe With Astrology,” (available on Amazon) and is available for private consultations at or send him an e-mail. Matthew likes hearing from you. He also predicted that yes, you WOULD end up here reading this. Like everyone else, he is on Twitter: @matthewcurrie and on Facebook at Read more at author/Matthew%20Currie#kMsKwU6bYP17UXMS.99 Please check out this new Horoscopes feature, starting on page 28!
A reading (astrological consultation) can give you direction, clarity, insight… and just maybe, it can change your life! Learn more about yourself and the people around you. Contact me for details!
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One of the great paradoxes of practicing astrology in the modern world is having to address the issue of “free will” while still plainly admitting that lots of stuff is completely out of our control. Astrology used to have a reputation for being pretty fatalistic, it’s true. If your birth chart says something like “you’re ugly and your mother dresses you funny,” that’s the end of the story and you better work on your personality or making money or something to compensate. Modern astrologers like myself love to talk about how planetary placement speak of “potential” and “possibilities.” You’re not really ugly and your mother doesn’t really dress you funny: you just have a unique look and style you inherited from Mom. Yeah, that’s it. Your birth chart and the planetary transits you experience throughout the course of your life are a little like a poker game. Yes, to a certain extent, you are limited by the hand you were initially dealt. A skillful player can win with a “bad hand,” and if you’re not paying attention you can blow it even if you’re holding a Royal Flush. My reason for bringing up the gambling metaphor and mentioning Free Will is that in April and May, one of the major players in the Zodiac will be the planet Jupiter. It’s in Leo, and although it’s retrograde in April, it will soon start rolling forward again, passing through most of the middle third of Leo throughout April and May. Jupiter loves games and gambling and having a good time, and loves the thought of having Free Will and being totally awesome and creating your own reality and stuff like that. In April and May, Jupiter we will be getting a hand from the Mad Scientist of the Zodiac: the planet Uranus. During the next two months, Jupiter will be forming a trine to the planet Uranus. Trines are a nice helpful aspect, but they have a tendency to be lazy. They present opportunities but don’t shove them down your throat. When Jupiter, the ruler of good luck and good times and good fortune is forming this aspect to the freaky weird and electrical Uranus, there is a chance to move your life forward in new and exciting ways.
Put another way: if you are a chronic optimist but have noticed that approach to life doesn’t always pay off, this could be a good couple of months for you to make things go more your own way. And if you are a chronic pessimist, I have even better news for you: Pluto, the scariest of the planets, is still in a very tough square aspect to Uranus. So if you’re a big fan of finding things to gripe about, the pickings should be excellent in the next two months. Also noteworthy is Mercury retrograde, which begins on May 19. Mercury retrogrades are considered to be a time when it’s a bad idea to enter into contracts or agreements, and things can go wrong with otherwise mundane communications like phone calls and emails and such. I keep trying to tell other astrologers not to worry about Mercury retrograde as much as they do, but they just won’t listen. Either that or my emails to them on the subject keep going astray. Venus starts off this forecast in Taurus, but moves into Gemini on April 12 and spends the rest of April and May there. Venus is the “love planet,” but it also has a lot to do with finances and material comforts. The funny thing about Venus is that she’s always welcome somehow, whether or not she’s in a “good” Sign for her or a “bad” one. Theoretically Taurus is an excellent placement for her, since Venus rules that Sign. Gemini on the other hand is a slightly more problematic place for Venus to be. But think of it this way: Venus in Taurus is like that gorgeous woman in the bar who sits in the back and smiles at everyone, but everyone’s a little afraid to approach her because she’s so good looking, and she’s a little too lazy to get off her seat and come talk to you. Venus in Gemini is a little more like that quirky, oddly dressed stranger who may not fit the usual mold of what you’re looking for but nonetheless gets your attention. One of these strategies is a lot better than the other if you are looking to find a mate in your local bar. I leave it to you and to your experience as to which one will have more success. Saturn, the planet that astrologers are most likely to point at
Apr / May 2015
and scream with superstitious terror, is retrograde and passing through the first few degrees of Sagittarius on its way back to taking one last stab at Scorpio. Don’t fret about Saturn. When Saturn wants you, it will come for you. Besides, Saturn is square Neptune these days. This means that Saturn’s sniper-like ability to pick off the structures you’ve built for yourself and your life are obscured by a duck blind of confusion, delusion, and false optimism. Don’t panic about this though: you’ve survived worse transits in your time. Worst case scenario? If things are getting out of control in your life, contact an astrologer for a consultation. That’ll help you get a grip on things and let you know how to handle them, and will tell you when the difficult times will be over. (See how I concealed a blatant pitch for my services in that last paragraph? Didn’t see that coming, did you? Saturn square Neptune can act a bit like that. If Saturn throws a wrench into your life in the next couple of months, send me an email and we’ll figure out what you can do about it.) There are a few other noteworthy astrological events coming up in the next two months. April 4 is a Lunar Eclipse in Libra. Eclipses are complex to understand astrologically, but you shouldn’t panic over them nearly as much as many people like to. Just keep in mind that this Eclipse is like a Full Moon on steroids, and your Aries and Libra friends are likely to be the most agitated by it. In the middle week of April, Mars in Taurus is square Jupiter. Watch your temper. Watch other people’s tempers. Stand back and watch others lose their cool and try not to get involved with their drama yourself. Finally, the last week of May sees some interesting transits to Neptune, which is the planet the rules spirituality, glamour, wonderment… and delusion. If you meet the Buddha on the path to enlightenment, make sure he’s not just trying to sell you a used car. Now, here is a brief Sun Sign Summary for how the JupiterUranus trine will be affecting you in the next couple of months. Why a Sun Sign forecast? Because in astrology the Moon is your emotional self, but the Sun is your Ego. And it’s always the Ego that skips to the end of this sort of thing and says “what’s my horoscope say?” ^ Aries, March 20 – April 19: Your energy levels will be pretty high, and you’ll be able to use some of that for pursuits involving your Higher Mind. That’s a nice change of pace from the usual grinding to make a buck, isn’t it? _ Taurus, April 19 – May 20: Are the people around you a constant disappointment, or are you just holding them to an unreasonably high standard? Heck, why can’t both be true?
` Gemini, May 20 – June 21: That busy little brain of yours is probably going to be involving itself in a lot of your friends and family’s business in the next couple of months. You’ve got answers, but is anyone listening? a Cancer, June 22-July 22: They say that money can’t buy you love, and for the most part that’s true. Make money and impress your boss in the next two months, and we’ll look into the love thing later, okay? b Leo, July 22 – August 22: Who’s awesome? You’re awesome! Now that we’ve established that, it’s time for you to work on your Higher Self. Who knows? Maybe The Universe will discover you’re pretty awesome too. c Virgo, August 22 – September 22: Life is a wonderful adventure and is ready to embrace you. Unless, that is, you can’t get rid of your sneaking suspicions and you remain hidden in the closet. Try to avoid paranoia. d Libra, September 22 – October 23: So many wonderful people in the world! So many fantastic adventures to be had! Now if only you could get away from the mundane daily details of your life and go out and enjoy some of it! e Scorpio, October 23 – November 21: The Boss is watching you. It’s a good thing you’re doing a good job and hitting all your marks. Keep up the good work and at this rate you won’t have to shoot anyone to get a promotion, even though secretly you’ve always known that was an option. f Sagittarius, November 22–December 21: Are we having fun yet? Oh good. Just one thing though… you’re scaring the kids. Your chainsaw juggling act is really impressive, but you’ve got to play safe, okay? Don’t get carried away with your own entertainment value. g Capricorn, December 21 – January 19: Capricorns don’t get nearly enough credit for how sexy they are. It’s true! Maybe if you weren’t having such a nice safe time hiding at home and/or work and just thinking about it, more people would notice. Get out and have some fun, will you? h Aquarius, January 19 – February 18: Generally speaking, you’re the life of the party and people love you. Yeah, I know, you’re all about bigger ideas than just that. Get out there and work that thing. Remember: you can’t lead The Revolutionary Party without having a “party” now and then. i Pisces, February 18 – March 20: You will have many opportunities during this time to take care of a lot of the fiddly annoying details of life that are holding you back. Yeah, I know, Pisces isn’t usually thought of as “detail oriented,” but you might just surprise some people that way. For once.
Eternal Knowledge: Classes & Events
Plus you will:
•Divinity Spiritual
Each and every Sunday at 11:30 AM Divinity Spiritual Church Service, 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield, OH 45014 Call 513.892.0623 for details. Divinity Spiritual Church, 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield, OH 45014 Call Rev. Mary Margaret Denholm at 513.892.0623
•Dr. Jim’s Center for Advanced Medicine
Shots for Health - B-12 Shots given by Dr. Jim Smith at Health Foods Unlimited Dayton, Oh. every Monday Evening 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and Susan’s Natural World every Saturday, 10:30-11:30am. Walk- ins welcome For more info, call 513-942-3226 visit our website,
• Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. Many Lives: One Soul
NEW HYPNOSIS & REGRESSION PROGRAM A full-day workshop for healing the past, building the future. During this fascinating day of self-exploration and personal enlightenment you will gain firsthand experience of accessing the deeper recesses of your mind and consciousness—the very realm in which pastlife memories and your soul’s connection to the Divine exist. Through regressions and self-guided imageries during this one-day Edgar Cayce focused workshop, you will learn: •How souls were created and came to inhabit the earth •The school of earth: karma and grace •The role of soul groups, soul mates, and twin souls •The importance of the extraordinary times we are
Understand the process of hypnosis and past-life regression and how it can be used for healing and selfawareness—even if you don’t believe in reincarnation! Clarify personal ideals and align your spiritual intent with the pathway for your soul’s journey to wholeness Explore the Cayce information on the nature of the soul and the various levels of consciousness beyond the third dimension Have a personal experience channeling your Higher Self for guidance, soul healing, and an awareness of your divine connection Travel to the Akashic “Hall of Records” and glimpse the record of your own soul’s journey Tap into past lives that are having a major impact upon the present You’ll leave with a greater understanding of your soul purpose and the limitless potential of your incarnation in this lifetime! Speaker: Peter Woodbury, MSW PROGRAM LOCATION: Hilton Cincinnati Airport 7373 Turfway Road Florence, KY 41042 Time: Saturday, May 30, 2015 – 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. At-door registration/ book tables open at 8:30 a.m. Meal break: 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. (Restaurants are within walking/driving distance.)
•Enchanted Moments
Enchanted Moments Gift Shop & Metaphysical Center 127 Main Street Milford, OH 45150 Call 513-831-5508 for more information on any of our class offerings Shop on-line and get “real time” class up-dates at
living in
•Hope Springs
•The grand plan of “returning to Oneness”
April 24-26, 2015. Taking Back Ourselves: A weekend of recovery for women survivors of sexual abuse and violence. Experience the power of community in the healing process. Find your voice, speak your truth. Visit their website or for more information and to register.
•AND your particular place in the grand scheme You will experience a special group hypnotic regression with emphasis on reaching the life-between-lives state and contact with your personal guides!
Apr / May 2015
May 30, 2015: Hope Springs Institute’s second annual Picnic on the Pergola at Harmony Hill Winery. Enjoy a picnic for two, a bottle of locally produced wine, music and the sunshine of a late spring afternoon. Visit our website for ticket information. To sponsor this event send an e-mail to Write Picnic Sponsorship in the subject line.
forming co-ed drumming circle meets every third Friday at the Elemental Om in Lebanon. April 17th, May 15th, June 19th. 7:30 to 9 pm - Donations welcome. Come and join the fun!, Wild women and brave men welcome. Don’t have a drum? Come anyway, one can be provided for you. Contact Patti Lightflower for more info. 46 E. Mulberry St. Lebanon, Oh 45036 Visit for details
Last Sunday Guided Meditation, Apr 26th, May 31st. 10:45 to 11:15 am, Soul Crafting with Sage & Patti, 46 E. Mulberry St. Lebanon, OH 45036
Every Tuesday, 7P-9P - Class - Learn to Heal with LIIFT. Students become Certified LIIFT Practitioners, able to help folks heal their emotions and their lives. Northside area of Cincinnati. Soon in Dayton too. For information or to enroll: Or 513 708 0563.
•Mills Pharmacy Holistic Health Center FREE PRANIC HEALING CLINIC Apr 12th. For additional information call Joanne Miller at 513687-7465. Please arrive by 2:00. Clinic begins with a 40 minute meditation to generate healing energy. The entrance will be locked during the meditation. 640 Wessel Dr Fairfield, OH (next to the Fairfield Post Office) TM
•Religious Recovery
Religious Recovery: Healing for those Hurt, Disappointed, or Abused by Religion. Religious Recovery is a free mutual-support, nonprofessional 13-step program loosely based on the concept of traditional 12-step meetings. The meeting is open to all religions but is not affiliated with any church or religious organization. Atheists and agnostics are also welcome. For meeting times and locations, or to contact an individual to speak about Religious Recovery, visit our web site: For information contact Wayne: or call/text: (513) 205-1057. We also have a Facebook page at
•Soul Crafting Classes at the Elemental Om
All Soul Crafting activities take place at the Lebanon Elemental Om studio at 46 E. Mulberry St., Lebanon, OH 45036, See our website for details, directions and contact information.
•Tri-State Hypnosis Center
Tri-State Hypnosis Center Hypnosis Certification training, Classes begin in Fall of 2015 at our Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. Call (513) 943-1444 or visit our website at to register.
•Whatever Works
Whatever Works Center and Gift shop 7433 Montgomery Rd. Cincin. Oh. 45236 Ph. #(513)7919428 At Whatever Works Wellness : Mondays 6:30 to 8:00 pm Manifestation Class: Hands on training from the material of Abraham - Hicks. Wayne Dyer, Sonia Choquette & others. Understand the universal law of attraction, the art of allowing & power of emotions that can help you create the life you desire. $10.00 per class - call (513)791-9428 for info or to reserve a seat. Wednesdays - 6:30 to 7:30 pm Wellness Wednesdays. Ongoing support group dedicated to sharing natural holistic ways to maximize your health & well being. Call (513)791-9428 for info or to reserve a seat. Other fun studies and services offered for your daily life: Crystal & Stone readings, Numerology readings & chart printouts, Dream & symbol interpretation & Energy Cleansing. For Center’s future events, check out or www.
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