Infinity Magazine Feb/Mar 12

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Pursue the Secret

Chambers of Eternal Health

Celebrations of Love

Heart Healthy Choices for Life

Positive Programming For Success A Health & Wellness Publication Feb / Mar 2012 Southwest Ohio’s Leading Health Magazine Magazine Vol. 42

L etter from the editor Dear Readers, Celebrate Love in all its glory and divine! Let Love carry your soul to new heights and dimensions that you never thought would be possible. Let Love define you and set your heart apart from all the mundane circumstances that slows the process of living and loving in your life. There is splendid beauty and Love in every living thing if you choose to acknowledge it. Love is a choice, choose wisely and let Love guide you, surrounding yourself with the glowing light of Love everlasting. Immerse yourself in Love, drink it in, feel enlightened with every step you take in the journey of Love. Begin each day with good intention, demonstrate an act of kindness, even a small measure of Love can put a smile on someone’s heart. Giving the gift of Love can dramatically change a life, even your own, creating a more fulfilling and complete existence. The spirit of Love can transform and heal all who allow themselves to experience the gift of Love. Love can captivate, spellbind and mesmerize your senses. With a touch of grace, challenge yourself to dwell in the infinite realm of Love. True Love has been written in the greatest novels of all time, but Love itself still remains a mystery. Love is magical, mystical and unexplained, but can be as simple as a gentle touch. In the depth of every living soul, there is a desire to Love, and to be Loved with each breath we take. Love is profound with intelligence of one’s heart. Create your own song to the sound of Love, play a different tune to resonate to the melodies of your heart. Ignite your passion for life. Keep the flames burning bright, may you be blessed with eternal Love. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Yours in health,

Jane Phillips Editor in Chief On the cover: Love is in the Air! These two Lovebirds are quite happy to be together. They are a member of the Lorikeet family. Visit the Newport Aquarium and check out the bird exhibit for a colorful display of exotic birds and more!

Welcome to Infinity Welcome readers to Infinity magazine’s Feb./March issue! This issue is packed full of innovative ways to improve your quality of life. Read valuable information and proven methods that will enrich and enhance your health and your lifestyle. Be inspired, with each article, let Infinity magazine guide you every step of the way to improve your well being, physically, emotionally and spiritually. At this time, the Infinity team would like to thank all of our dedicated readers, advertisers and writers. We are committed to bring to you the latest in health and wellness technology, and we will continue to keep you updated on exciting events throughout the year. Remember to celebrate St. Valentine’s day, Feb.14th and St.Patrick’s day, March 17th, another important date we can look forward to is the first day of Spring! March 20th!

MISSION STATEMENT Infinity Magazine is dedicated to those individuals who are searching for a healthier, alternative way to enrich their lives while embracing the sacred healing heart within.

Contacting Infinity 866-243-6900 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, OH 45036

Editor in Chief Jane Phillips Marketing & Editorial Consultant Cynthia M Brown Director of Marketing & Design Nina Covington Associate Graphic Designer Debbie Limpach Infinity is under copyright by Sedna Marketing LLC. 2005 Cover Photo Courtesy: Nina Covington Infinity is a bi-monthly publication designed to promote health, and natural well-being. The information in Infinity is not intended as medical advice, and should not replace the advice of your physician. Infinity is not responsible for typographical errors, omissions, or misinformation.

Contents 4 Programming for Success by William L. Molitor 5 What is Love? by Marcia Cantrell 6 Celebrations of Love by Gay Glasscott 7 Got a Problem? Who You Gonna Call? by Kathy Vaske 8 Is it Time to Learn a New Way to Love? by David Mahen 9 Baker Chiropractic Testimonial 10 Holistic Heart Health - Part I by Dr. Cathy Rosenbaum 12 The Power of Love by Victor Paruta 13 The Universal Prayer for Peace by Rev. David Mahen 14 Five Minerals for the Heart by Chris Matthews 14 Wood Element by Dr. Tommy R. Thompson 16 A Teacher Speaks with Divine Inspiration by Michael McAdams 17 Heartbreaking Body Stories by Mary Jane Brigger 18 Walnuts A Heart Healthy Snack 19 Recipes 20 Welcome to the Family - Now What? by Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger 21 The Frog and I by Ráven 22 The Absolute Need to be Healthy - Part II by Dr. Paul F. Fulk 24 Rose-Colored Glasses by Mike Perry 25 Breathe, Eat, and Stretch this April with Nancy Willman 26 The Universe as a Symphony of Strings by Jill Mattson 27 On Angels’ Wings 28 Bi-monthly Horoscopes by Mary Bauer 30 Eternal Knowledge: Events & Classes

Signature Profile Meet Claude AnShin Thomas

Claude AnShin Thomas was born in rural, Northwestern Pennsylvania in November of 1947. He was introduced to a practice of sitting meditation through the study of Martial Arts (Hop Ki Do) in 1961. He graduated from High School in 1965. Upon graduation he enlisted in the United States Army, completed training and volunteered for duty in Vietnam where he served as a helicopter Crew Chief from September of 1966 to November of 1967 During his service in Vietnam he was shot down on 5 separate occasions and wounded. He was honorably discharged from the US Army in August of 1968. The next several years he completed a Bachelor of Science degree in English Education and complete the majority of course work towards a Master of Fine Arts in English (concentrating on creative writing). All of this education was at Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania. He then wandered about Europe, Asia, and the Far East before returning back to the United States to pursue a musical career that spanned 11 years, yielding 4 independent albums of what has been defined as Socially Conscious Rock and Roll. Throughout this period of his life he was also very politically and socially active working to end the war in Vietnam, working for student rights and later working to address the plight of many of fellow veterans who were being socially ostracized suffering homelessness, drug addiction, unemployability, social isolation, and abnormally high rates of suicide, divorce, and imprisonment. All of these were conditions with which he was intimately aware and personally familiar. After struggling with his own re-entry into society, he stopped taking drugs and alcohol in 1983 and began his Buddhist Studies in 1991. In 1995 he became ordained as a Zen Buddhist Monk in the Japanese Soto Zen Tradition by Baisen Tetsugen Roshi. He is the author of ‘AT HELL’S GATE – A Soldier’s Journey from War to Peace’ (Shambhala, 2004) and he is the founder of the Zaltho Foundation, a nonprofit organization that promotes reconciliation, change, and nonviolence. Claude AnShin Thomas will be presenting his “Living with The Costs of War,” retreat for Veterans and their families at Hope Springs Institute in Peebles, Ohio April 5-8. For more information on this program visit the Hope Springs website, or the Zaltho Foundation website,

Programming for Success by William Molitor, BCH, CI Is it time to upgrade your way of thinking? Now that New Years Eve has come and gone and with it most of the determination that fueled the resolutions you made for 2012. Have you ever stopped to wonder why is it that you can feel so strong about making a positive change in your life one day and then the next day you find yourself doing the exact same things that you wanted not to do? The answer is in the way that you “made up your mind”. Like many others you probably started by telling yourself what you aren’t going to do. You may have said something like I am not going to eat sweets, I’m not going to smoke or I’m not going to bite my nails or waste time watching TV or playing games on the computer. All of these are good things not to do and you may have really, really wanted not to do them so you have to wonder why do you continue to do them? In most cases it was because the decision to change was only processed at the conscious level. Information that needs to be recorded in your subconscious never got there the way you wanted or needed it to for many possible reasons. A common reason is that your goals were filled with negativity as mentioned earlier and you simply rejected the negativity. Another reason, one which is the most serious, is that what you wanted was not believable to you. Your beliefs are the single most important factor in making a change in your habits. And let’s face it, everything that you are currently doing, that you want to change, is a habit. So it only makes sense to start by adjusting your beliefs. When you have a belief your mind will automatically reject any thoughts that do not support that belief. So if your belief is that you are overweight and under motivated then any thoughts that contradict that belief will be rejected. If your belief is that you need a cigarette to relax or enjoy a meal then any attempt to take that away will be met with resistance. The biggest and most damaging belief is “I have no will power”. So what can you do to tap into these beliefs in a way that can alter or modify them? One way is through professional hypnosis. I use the word professional hypnosis to distinguish the difference between using a trained and certified hypnotist and those individuals that use prewritten scripts and electronic aids such as CD’s, DVD’s and other recordings. The significance in using professional hypnosis is that a trained hypnotist will address your personal beliefs


that are contrary to your desired changes. A properly trained hypnotist will use custom designed hypnotic suggestions that will resonate with their individual clients. Whereas pre-written scripts and electronic aids use a “one size fits all” generic suggestion for everyone. Hypnosis is a process by which the hypnotist uses the natural state of hypnosis to help you as a client tap into the subconscious part of your mind and properly address the beliefs that have been preventing you from experiencing the ability to create positive changes in your life. Nearly everyone has beliefs that run the various aspects of their lives. The state of hypnosis allows you to move past the barriers of the conscious mind commonly referred to as the critical faculty and move into where thoughts and beliefs are stored. This allows the introduction of new thoughts to take hold as a beneficial belief and then grow into the new healthy habits that you want. When old beliefs are replaced by a new supportive belief you will ultimately experience a new positive behavior or emotion in place of the old one. In the end a whole new possibility will exist that did not exist before. This process is not unlike installing new software on a computer. You can place the new software on the monitor of your computer but until you access the hard drive nothing will change. If you have found that your New Years resolution has bottomed out you now have information that explains why. Or, if you just haven’t been able to fully achieve your goals and want the extra advantage of mental control you now know how. Where ever you find yourself whether it is in the planning phase or doing phase of personal change proper programming is essential to your success. If Hypnosis Is So Great, Why Aren’t More People Using It? The truth is they are! The use of professional hypnosis has grown in popularity over the past decade in both the medical and psychological fields as well as in the professional performance arena such as police and emergency responders, athletes, actors and teachers. As more people experience the rapid and permanent success that can be experienced; with various hypnotherapeutic processes for issues such as pain management, fear and

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phobia removal, anxiety control and sports enhancement just to name a few, there will be a far greater demand for properly trained hypnotist in the very near future. Hypnotists that are trained in Schools such as the Tri-State Hypnosis Center, which is an Ohio State registered school for hypnosis and advanced hypnotherapy located in Cincinnati, are in more demand now than ever before. About the author: William L Molitor BCH, CI, is a Board Certified Hypnotist, Hypnosis Instructor, Hypnotherapist, and the Director of the Tri-State Hypnosis Center an Ohio State Registered School for Hypnosis and Advanced Hypnotherapy Training located in Cincinnati Ohio. He is certified by and is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH). For more information or to contact William Molitor call (513) 943-1444 or email

What is Love? by Marcia Cantrell Love is the most precious element of life. Without Love the world would be dark. For it is Love that creates light in the Universe. When God planned the Universe he wanted each of his creatures, his creations to experience the internal feeling of peace. He knew that peace can only follow Love. He gave mankind freewill along with freewill comes the choice to make ourselves happy or not. Happiness is a state of mind that can only come from true Love. Many of us fool ourselves believing we do have Love in our hearts. What is the true definition of Love one might ask ? Our Creator defines Love as the true essence of life. Love is caring about others feelings and well being regardless if it is a family member you share a home with, your next door neighbor or your brother and sister who reside in a country half-way across the Universe. Love is letting go, allowing, not judging, that peace you feel when you are truly emerged in the light of Creator.

Celebrations of Love by Gay Glasscott

Barbara De Angelis, New York Times best selling author in the field of relationships and personal growth wrote this about love: “Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible-it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could.” Three years ago I completed the training necessary to become a Celebrant and Inter-faith minister. Since then I have had the honor and privilege of creating and performing unique and personal ceremonies for marriages and commitments. Working closely with each individual couple, we create a ceremony together that reflects their personal values, philosophies, goals and dreams. I have witnessed, first hand, love in many forms and at many different levels. I have chosen several ceremonies to share, where for me, love was apparent and abundant, but, also, very different. One bride and groom chose to have their ceremony on the bride’s grandparent’s beautiful farm. The bride had


asked her grandfather to be a part of the ceremony; to be invited up to speak on love and what makes a good marriage. He and his wife had been happily married for over 50 years. Hesitant at first, he finally agreed. He spoke simply and eloquently about the love he shared with his wife and offered some advice to his granddaughter and new husband. I watched the bride’s face as he spoke... she loved her grandfather and was so proud of him and it showed. My very first ceremony comes to mind. The couple was in their sixties and each had lost a beloved spouse to cancer after long, happy marriages. Their families stood at their sides during the ceremony and when it came time for the vows to be spoken, the bride and groom looked deeply into each other’s eyes as they spoke of a second chance at love and happiness together. There was a depth of love and commitment revealed and everyone felt it. Wedding parties vary greatly in size. Some couples choose to stand alone; others with just a maid of

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honor and best man; and still others with numerous attendants. Recently, the bride and groom had chosen 12 little girls(daughters of relatives and close friends) to be included in their ceremony as flower girls. They ranged in age from 13 months(and newly walking!) to 11 years. As these beautifully dressed little girls walked the aisle, I watched the faces of their parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Tears, smiles, oohs and aahs and lots of love... The setting for this final ceremony I’d like to share was a state park. The brides did not have much money to spend for their most special commitment ceremony, so family and close friends all pitched in to decorate, bring food to share, including a beautiful wedding cake, set up chairs, arrange homegrown flowers, and at the end, surrounded the couple as they spoke their vows to one another. I saw the love and devotion in the eyes of the brides as they spoke to each other making their promise to spend their life together...I saw the love in their eyes as they looked at their families and friends and thanked them for all they had done to make their day so special. Gay Glasscott

Got a Problem?

Who You Gonna Call? by Kathy Vaske

When the problem seems in-surmountable and there is no one that you trust to tell your problem to, it’s time to run it past your own angels and guides. A session of sitting with your guardian angel and guides, and getting insight form them, just may be what you need. Guardian angels can give insight on the situation at the moment, they can raise the vibration around you so the negativity has to fall away, they can help you decide on a better plan of action. Angels cannot intercede on your behalf unless you ask them to, because we live in a free will universe.


Take some time soon, to learn how to tune in to your own guardian angel and pick up their messages. Readings are not written in stone and the future is always subject to change. Improve your daily outlook and raise your vibration, to give yourself the best opportunity to draw to you what you want in life. Whether it is things in life you want to change or draw a partner in life you want to walk along side of you, or just find out if you are with the right partner, a session of sitting with your own angels and guides can give you the confirmation from spirit that you are, or are not, on the right tract. Sessions available daily, at Whatever Works Wellness, with Kathy Vaske - psychic, angel clairvoyant, CHt

Kathy Vaske

Nationally known Psychic, Angel Clairvoyant, & CHT

Contact Kathy for spiritual path guidance, psychic readings, or hypnosis for change. Psychic readings daily by apt. with Kathy

call (513)218-8448 Located in Kenwood, OH 1st Time visit - 1/2 hr. reading at regular price gets a 1/2 hr. spirit journey to visit with your guardian angel or a guide Must mention this ad when booking appt. Not good with any other offer. Exp. 3/28/12

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Is it Time to Learn

a New Way to Love?

by David Mahen February is a month when our attentions turn to new growth, new beginnings, and love. Perhaps it’s because Groundhog’s Day signals the end of winter which in turn leads our thoughts to spring. When we think of spring, we think of all things new and renewed. We look forward to a time when new life abounds and winter’s desolate landscapes fade. Valentine’s Day falls in mid-February, a time for flowers, chocolates, and marriage proposals. Many of us remember exchanging Valentine cards and candies as far back as our early school days. We didn’t really know the meaning of love in those days. But we felt it just the same, that glow we feel when exchanging hugs and feeling that all is perfect in our world. Teenager’s often struggle with the concept of love. Their growing bodies are flooded with hormones and their minds try to understand the nuances of love. What is it? What does “true love” feel like? How do I know if I am in love? And typically, their parents struggle with the words to explain all the variations of love that they have experienced. Unconditional Love is perhaps the most difficult space to stay in. In Byron Katie’s words, it’s” Loving What Is.” Unconditional Love implies having no judgments’ of others—a most difficult state of being because we live in judgments like fish living the in water. Judgments are so pervasive that we seldom notice their existence. To live in a space of Unconditional Love seems nearly impossible to most, but fortunately there are new ways to access this space.

Universal Love and we cannot hold two opposing vibrations at the same time. Are you a healer? Yes, you are! Healing through energy is as natural as eating, breathing, and enjoying the wonders of living. If you don’t think you are a healer it is because you have not been acquainted with your own built-in talents and abilities. Most of us aren’t. The good news is that energy healing training is available and affordable. These awesome techniques unleash your ability to love unconditionally and are easy to learn. In a single weekend you can learn to channel the loving energy of the universe toward healing others. Imagine the impact of helping another to feel less pain and experience rapid healing. Imagine how your life will change when you open to Universal Love and share its gifts with your family and friends. On a more practical note, imagine relieving pain without pills or correcting skeletal alignments without manipulating bones. Even more is possible when you connect to Universal Love through Energy Healing. About the Author: Rev. David Mahen is an Energy Healer and Life Coach. He resides in Wilmington Ohio and is a founding Member of the Blue Ash Spiritual Center where he teaches and heals.

Love, after all, it the creating power of the universe. It is not judgmental. It creates and sustains all that we know, and all that we judge as good and bad. When we live in the space of universal love we have access to all it has to offer. But, how do we get there? How can we love more when we have been conditioned to continuous judgment of our friends, family, and peers? One method of loving unconditionally is to practice the ancient art of energy healing. Love is the vibration and energy of healing. As we practice healing, we are in a space of unconditional love. People trained and any of the energy healing arts know this and live in the space of Unconditional Love more than most. In my personal experience, I have found this to be true. I have found that is not possible to remain in judgment while practicing energy healing. How can this be? Simple, because when we choose to offer healing energy, we become the vibration of


Feb / Mar 2012

Baker Chiropractic Mary T. Holbert’s Testimonial I became a patient of Dr. Baker’s on August 5th, 2011. I could barely walk and I was considering taking a leave of absence from work. The pain was so bad and I had zero energy. It all started in the Fall of 2007 when I hurt my knee. My regular physician sent me to physical therapy for my back. I started taking 2-4 Aleve per day. My back felt better but my knee continued to hurt. I began to walk funny because of the knee pain. My whole body got messed up because of my walk. I was afraid of chiropractic care even though my husband and daughter had been seeing Dr. Baker for over 2 years. I had no choice but to go because by then I had taken more than 2,820 Aleve over the span of 4 years. I bought my Aleve from Sam’s Club in the big 500 count bottles and always carried them with me, but now I

don’t even think about them. I also took Benadryl and Sudafed on a regular basis and ever since my first adjustment I no longer have taken either of those. Also, I had only taken 14 Aleve in the first 2 months of my chiropractic care. My x-rays showed that I had no curve in my lower back, my spine was crooked and I had a disk pressing into my spinal cord. I’ll be honest – the first 4-6 weeks of my care, I felt worse and wanted to quit. Dr. Baker told me to hang in there and that I wasn’t going to get better overnight when it took years to get in this shape. By the 10th week, I had energy and was able to move again. Suddenly the pain was disappearing and I was feeling good. I’m not 100% yet, but I am getting there with regular chiropractic adjustments. My whole life is changing because of it. I’m 58 years old and not ready to sit in a rocker for the rest of my life. I have 8 grandkids with another on the way and a great grandchild due in March. I want to enjoy life with them. I would definitely recommend to everyone to try chiropractic first before giving up or having surgery. Dr. Baker is fantastic and the girls in the office are so sweet and helpful. They make you feel right at home. And if you hurt at anytime, Olivia and Jess will help with therapy. My knee feels great now! My husband is a Happy Captain and I am his Happy First Mate. Life is worth living again! Thanks Baker Chiropractic! - Mary T. Holbert

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Holistic Heart Health - Part I by Dr. Cathy Rosenbaum February is American Heart Health Month. Move over gentlemen! I need to chat with the ladies for a moment about taking good care of our hearts from a body, mind, and spiritual perspective. This is the first of a two-part article, the second of which will be published in the summer edition of Infinity. Did you know that (Body: The Complete Human 2007): • the average heart weighs only eleven ounces and pumps 2,000 gallons of blood through 60,000 miles of blood vessels each day. We could travel farther with our blood than with our Delta frequent flyer miles! • the term ‘heartfelt’ comes from Aristotle who believed that the heart collected sensory input from peripheral organs through their connection with blood vessels. It was from those beliefs that emotions arose. Perhaps this was the beginning of a connection between mind and body. • a woman’s heart beats faster than a man’s heart – but of course, everyone knows we have more work to do so we expend more energy. • cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading killer of women over age 25, claiming almost twice as many US women than all types of cancer. • CVD in women has increased 24% since 1997 and can be preventable. • only 25% of participants in past heart related research trials were women. • women’s risk for heart disease increases after menopause. • symptoms of heart attack may resemble those of men, but may also be different and include fatigue, indigestion, anxiety, and dizziness. Prescription Medications Prescription medications have a place in the treatment of heart disease, but long term use can increase risk of medicationrelated side effects. We should ask questions of our primary care physician about the pros/cons of medications BEFORE she/he prescribes medications for us. New medication safetyrelated information is published all the time. There are usually invasive and non-invasive interventions from which you and the physician can choose together. For example, one class of prescription medications, angiotensin


II-receptor blockers (ARBs like Cozaar, Diovan), are prescribed for high blood pressure, post heart attack, or for chronic heart failure. Regarding their safety, a 2010 metaanalysis of ARBs for cardiac indications was associated with a small increase in risk of new cancers (Am J Health Syst Pharm 2011). Although incidence of cancer was not the primary outcome evaluated in this meta-analysis, it prompted the FDA to continue reviewing post marketing ARB data to better understand risk to consumers. Alternatives to ARBs include angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs like lisinopril, captopril, enalapril) which can many times achieve the same outcome at ARBs. You can be an active partner in the medication decision making process. Talk with your physician about this new information if you are currently taking an ARB for any reason. Next, prescription hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for the treatment of menopausal symptoms and other medical problems has been frequently discussed in the published medical literature regarding bone and heart protective effects and breast cancer related side effects over the years. Estrogen is bone protective and has benefit in women with osteoporosis. However, estrogen replacement therapy may actually increase risk of heart disease in older women due to risk of HRT-related blood clots (U.S. Pharmacist 2011). It’s best to talk over the pros/cons of HRT with your primary care physician before HRT is prescribed. Dietary Supplements Many women take a daily multiple vitamin or other individual vitamins for heart health. We may think a daily multiple vitamin will enhance our health when eating habits suffer. Here’s some new information that may interest you. A study by Mursu assessed the use of vitamin and mineral supplements in women enrolled in the Iowa Women’s Health Study (Arch Intern Med 2011; baseline mean age, 62 years). Researchers found that the use of multivitamins, vitamin B6, folic acid, iron, magnesium, zinc, and copper were all associated with an increased risk of mortality compared with nonuse of these dietary supplements. The association with iron intake and increased mortality risk was the strongest among the supplements indicated. Use of calcium was inversely related to mortality in this same study. For perspective, calcium and vitamin D are bone protective supplements – see http://ods.od.nih. gov/factsheets/calcium. Yet, a second study of calcium supplementation (without vitamin D) indicates that taking more than 500 mg – 800 mg elemental calcium daily may

Feb / Mar 2012

modestly increase women’s risk of heart attack (BMJ 2010). One can choose to limit calcium supplementation from a bottle to 500 mg -800 mg daily and include foods rich in calcium for the rest of the daily recommended 1,000 mg elemental calcium, if less than 65 years of age and 1,200 mg daily, if over 65 years. Current Institute of Medicine bone health recommendations for daily vitamin D intake are 600 IU for those under 70 years and 800 IU for those over 70 years of age. Oh, and did I mention, please don’t forget the importance of bone stressing exercise to protect wrists, hips, and spine. How effective and safe are antioxidant dietary supplements? In a third clinical study (NEJM 2001), Brown researched men and women with coronary disease and high cholesterol over a three year time period, looking at the effects of antioxidant combinations on heart health. Study participants were randomized into four treatment regimens. The first group received prescription Zocor and high dose niacin; the second group received antioxidant vitamins/minerals; the third group received Zocor, niacin, and the vitamin/antioxidant combination, and the fourth group received sugar pills. Results indicated that the vitamin/antioxidant combination reduced the good effects of Zocor/niacin on cholesterol lowering and coronary athlerosclerosis. Wow, who knew! The next time you visit your primary care physician, remember this study and how important it is to disclose your supplement use. Over-thecounter supplement use can influence prescription medication effects on your heart more than we would have expected. Part two of this article detailing ‘smart’ nutrition and mind, body, spirit interventions for holistic heart health (for women and men), along with references, will be included in the next edition of Infinity. About the Author: Dr. Cathy Rosenbaum is a holistic clinical pharmacist, and Founder & CEO of Rx Integrative Solutions, a consulting practice in holistic medicine. Dr. Cathy believes that prescription medications are running our lives and there is a more sustainable path to healing through an eight balance point model and back-tobasics living. She has traveled to China to study herbal research and global healthcare solutions. Dr. Cathy is Founder & Chair of the Cincinnati Holistic Medicine Networking Group and hosts her own weekly talk radio show called Your Holistic Health on WMKV 89.3 FM Mondays @ 5:30 pm @ Visit for more information on her private wellness consultations or email her at drcathy@ .

Anne Miller, D.O. and Associates in Centerville, OH are incorporating a holistic approach to wellness.

We are looking for an acupuncturist, massage therapist, or other holistic practitioner to rent space and join us in this developing Wellness Center.

Please email inquiries to, or call 937-432-0766 ext. 110.

The Power of Love by Victor Paruta I’ve been a professional psychic for 22 years and have provided my clients with mediumship readings for much of that time. These readings provide an opportunity for communication between clients and deceased loved ones, usually known family members and friends, often resulting in healings, resolutions and insights. Not long ago unknown distant ancestors started coming through for clients, often from many generations back. And I started to gain insight into the powerful gifts (or challenges) some of these ancestors passed down to their progeny over many generations. One client was naturally very happy and loving, a quality she thought she had inherited from her parents. But the reading indicated that this loving feeling had had its origins several generations back and could be traced to a male ancestor whose heart was so pure, loving and joyful that its joy permeated his ancestral line for centuries. His love could not be dimmed by the vagaries of time and circumstance, and it lived on long after he was forgotten. A few years ago I was doing readings at a large event. A woman sat down for her reading and I saw that there was a great deal of sadness inside her. I mentioned the sadness and she said that she


had had it all her life but could never figure out where it came from. I saw where it came from. Her great-grandmother’s son had been murdered many decades ago. The woman confirmed that she had heard something about this in her family’s stories. In her grief the great-grandmother decreed that her loss and pain would never be forgotten. And so the sadness was passed down through her family to the present day and could keep going for generations to come. “You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me.” (Exodus 20:5) The great-grandmother’s iniquity – darkness or ignorance leading to injustice – had indeed cursed her family for generations. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” (Martin Luther King Jr.) A few minutes later another woman sat down for a reading. I “saw” that she had a young son who was truly precious and loving. But she was a moody woman and took out her nearly

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daily bad moods on her son, who wanted nothing but her love. I asked her, “Is giving in to your bad moods worth sacrificing your life-long relationship with your son?” Of course not. The moral of this story is to become more aware of the profound effects of your choices of whether to love or not love. To choose not to love is always a mistake. The effect of this decision can be the closing off of your own heart and its ability to love. This choice can affect those in your ancestral line for generations. Because we are more powerful than we realize, our choices may have consequences for years to come. I’ll close with one of my favorite verses from the Bible. ‘Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. . . And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.’ (Corinthians 13:4-13) About the Author: Victor Paruta is one of Cincinnati’s most trusted psychic mediums and founder of the Victory of Light Expo, Cincinnati’s premier body, mind and spirit event which takes place April 21 & 22, 2012 at the Sharonville Convention Center. For information about Victor’s readings and the expo, please go to

U niversal Prayer

For Unconditional Love

by Rev.David Mahen I pray this day for a special gift, one that only You can offer, one that can only You can give and receive, one that cannot purchase at any price. This is the gift of love. I pray this gift for You and me in infinite, unlimited measure. I pray for Unconditional Love, as deep as the ocean and as vast as the sky without limits. I pray that all hearts awaken to the joy of infinite love and extend that love to all life and to our mother and protector Earth. I pray that I drop all judgments of all men and women. I pray to be blind to the countless beliefs and colors and politics of men so that love can flow freely and with full measure to all. Thank You, I love You, Forgive me, I’m Sorry, I Love you. About the Reverend: David Mahen is a Certified Life Coach, Ordained Minister, and co-founder of the Blue Ash Spiritual Center

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Five Minerals for the Heart by Chris Matthews 1. Emerald for Understanding: A green variety of Beryl (pronounced “bear-uhl”). Both Hindu and Renaissance sources associate Emerald with clear thinking, transmuting poisons, and strengthening vision. Sacred to love goddesses from Hathor to Venus, it also traditionally strengthens marriage, eases childbirth, and promotes harmony. This combination of virtues makes Emerald a good support for couples working on their relationship, promoting open communication, understanding, and overcoming issues. Alternative: Chrysocolla and Malachite (pronounced “chrisoh-coh-luh, mal-uh-kite”), a combination of minerals that aligns the Heart and Throat Chakras. 2. Lodestone for Attraction: The pull between magnet and iron is an ancient symbol of love. The Chinese, French, and Sanskrit words for magnet all derive from roots referencing affection. Lodestone is a natural magnet, a variety of the mineral Magnetite. In gemstone folklore it attracts love, strengthens relationships, and supports fidelity. Alternative: Amber, also associated with attraction because of its electromagnetic properties. 3. Rose Quartz for Love: A pink variety of Quartz. The name comes from its resemblance to a rose in color, symbol of love, beauty, and devotion, especially to the Divine Feminine, from Isis to Mary. Rose Quartz resonates deeply with the Heart Chakra, not only the seat of emotion but a place to connect personally with the Divine, like the sacred hearts of Jesus and Hanuman. Use Rose Quartz to strengthen all types of love, from self acceptance, romance, to faith. Alternative: Morganite, the pink variety of Beryl, also associated with the Heart Chakra. 4. Rutilated Quartz for Harmony (pronounced “roo-teh-layted quartz”): A variety of Quartz with needle like inclusions of the mineral Rutile. Poetically called the hair of Venus, Cupid’s net, or fleches d’amour (French, “arrows of love”), its appearance echoes the motif of Aphrodite bathing, a symbol of purification and renewal in antiquity. Use Rutilated Quartz to harmonize the realm of Venus. Not only love, desire, and beauty but all one on one relationships, from romantic and business partners to sources of open conflict. Alternative: Pearl, also associated with purification and love. 5. Spodumene for Cleansing the Heart (pronounced “spaju-mean”): Comes in a range of colors but most notably a


pink variety called Kunzite (“koon-zite”) and a green called Hiddenite (“hid-en-night”). The name comes from the Greek spodoumenos, meaning “burnt to ashes”, since the non-gem deposits are typically smoky gray. Use Kunzite or Hiddenite to purify the Heart Chakra, letting go of past trauma, emotional wounds, and the remnants of old relationships. Alternative: Pink Tourmaline, also associated with purifying the heart. Working with stones metaphysically is one tool among many for helping us with our problems. This information is not intended to replace the care of your doctor or mental health professional. About the Author: Christopher Matthews works at Amethyst Books and Gifts in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is a land artist and energy worker, using crystals, toning, and sacred sound. You can reach him at For more information about the shop, call us at 513-677-0220 or find our page on Facebook: Amethyst Books and Gifts. Thank you.

Wood Element

Purify & Cleanse for Optimum Health Benefits by Tommy R. Thompson, DC, NMD, LAcp

The 5 element cycle in Chinese medicine is moving out of the water element in acupuncture and now is moving to the wood element. Wood is expansive and involves the tendon and muscle junctions. Even though the days are not seemingly getting longer, they are. The winter solstice is Dec 21st the shortest day of the year. As we begin the cycle anew, the body will go thru and reassess itself. The liver and Gall Bladder energy will begin to stir. This is a good time of the year to look toward purifying, cleansing and weight loss. Last couple of articles I have written talks about the kidney deficiency or hypo adrenalism, run down tired depressed/anxiety and no energy. Which, by the way is running rampant in our society, 90% of people suffer from exhausted adrenals. If the adrenals are being treated with glandular, manipulation, acupuncture with no benefit to the body; We should seriously look at the liver and Gallbladder function. As much as we try to isolate problems and sickness we can’t forget, there are multiple systems involved. There is a ricochet romance between the Liver, pancreas and adrenals

Feb / Mar 2012

As the cycles turn, the relationship is called in acupuncture as the “mother/son relationship” elements are in familial relationships of the organ systems. Again the winter or water element is prior to the wood element. So water element sedates wood element, Water is the mother to wood. Traditional Chinese Medicine is about metaphors, so mother and son relationship is sedation and tonification. The son sedates the mother, the son tonifies the mother. The name of this flow is called the “SHEN”cycle, it is normal and healthy. The destructive cycle (KO cycle) is called father son relationship, which is the strained relationship and destructive, an example is the wood element (liver, gallbladder) vs. earth element (stomach and spleen) the wood is expansive and can be very destructive to earth. Imagine the roots of a tree can grow down thru the earth in search of water. So if the Liver is stagnant then the Stomach and pancreases are affected. Here is the example of congested liver and gallbladder stones, then the patient is on acid blockers, medications and over processed foods; pills before and after meals because people are suffering from heart burn, bloating and all matter of bowel manifestations. Long term

we see IBS, diverticulitis, chrones diseases. Traditionally the gut needs to be treated north to south. The spring time is expansive. If we are thinking about detoxing and purifying our system this is the time of year to start looking to clean up your diet and start an exercise program. Before long the days will quickly accelerate into the wood then to the fire element. I recommend that people receive a balancing acupuncture treatment as the cycles change. During the wood element we can revisit old problems and we just don’t feel as energetic. We keep waking up in the middle of the night with night sweats and irritability staring up at the ceiling and toss and turn most the night. These organ systems are out of balance and need to be treated. If you are having these symptoms, or maybe considering a detox purification program call today and get started. The spring time is about growth and reawakening or it can be a time of re-hashing old health problems. At “THOMPSON CHIROPRACTIC AND ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC” 513-874-1222 we recommend acupuncture treatments with the changes of the season. So call today, this allows the body to have a better chance for balances and longevity. It will prepare your body for the seasons and changes coming.

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Limit one coupon per patient. Exp. 3/31/12

A Teacher Speaks

With Divine Inspiration by Michael McAdams

On April 1, 1979 Wilma Jean Jones was led to receive a message from spirit teachers/angels. As she had been led many times since these sessions first began in 1977 she sat down at her table, inserted a sheet of paper in her electric typewriter, dropped down five lines and indented just as you would do to type a letter. She lit a candle and said a prayer asking for protection. As she relaxed her mind she was unaware how extraordinary this session was to be. Little did she realize that during this session two different spirit teachers would make an appearance and present messages with such a different tone and phrasing that it was clear two different entities were moving in to present these teachings. As she relaxed her mind that Sunday morning these words became visible in thought: There is a resurrection period through which man must travel in order to come into the realm of things God-like. You are to consume and digest all that is given here as this comes from one highly qualified to meet the needs of this generation. You are not the sole property of yourselves. God still holds the everlasting command over your being, and in Him must one take refuge. You are to be considered as one who has been stripped of all belongings and left to die by the wayside. In this manner are you then open to any help that would be forthcoming. You are by your very nature ones who would depend upon your own intellect to carry you through, however, by giving of your soul into the hands of God do you prosper and develop more freely into that which denies the outcome of some situations, knowing full well that it is the hand of God leading and directing you so that you may arise victorious in the end. There is never a time when you will be without the Father nor His ever loving approaches to see that you follow the path that directs you homeward. Take note that we say homeward, as your heavenly Father so resides in that vast insurmountable environment of time and space, so shall ye abide in joint communication with Him by the grace with which He covers you and by your ability to accept this grace and use it for your own development. There are others here who wish to make themselves known to you, so I will step aside for this time. My love and devotion follows you as you trod onward but ever faithful to your goal. – Your loving Guide


Excerpt from Wilma Jean Jones book “An Angel Told Me So” Copyright 2001 Who are the others and where is here are the first questions that come to my mind as I read this message. Are these teachers truly on the “other side?” Or are they on this physical plane but existing at such a high level of vibration that we are unaware of their existence in any other manner except by their ability to communicate with us in thought? Inquiring minds want to know. This spirit teacher then moved aside and another teacher moved in presenting two additional pages of highly inspirational teachings. Advance your ability to communicate with your spirit teachers/angels by receiving with an open mind. Establish your filter of protection as you open these avenues of communication allowing God’s direct representatives into your thought system. Our spirit teachers/angels lead, advise, and guide our path with divine inspiration. They have our best interest at heart and serve our Heavenly Father by serving us. Many are the times we are led by forces, inclinations not of our own making but always of our own choosing. The gift of free will, the ability to choose grants to us all the responsibility to choose wisely.

About the author: Michael offers a set of his own writings called Spiritual Parchment Prints as a fundraising item for youth groups for churches and to the public. Michael has signed a contract to publish Wilma Jean Jones book “An Angel Told Me So” with Balboa Press, a division of Hay House. Wilma and Michael worked closely together as she received these dictated messages and teachings from spirit teachers over this twenty two year period. Wilma is Michael’s mother. Michael owns Starpath Satellite and sells satellite systems and Clearwire high speed internet for a living. Michael can be reached via his web site

Feb / Mar 2012

Heartbreaking Body Stories by Mary Jane Brigger I am a woman whose heart has been broken by love lost, found, given, betrayed and rejected. I have built fortresses around my heart to protect it from the piercing of life’s wounds. I know now that a broken heart disconnects a woman from her True Essence and Spirit. Mind and Wound Bleeding When a woman’s heart disconnects from her True Spirit, it allows a “bleeding” into the mind from a deep wound suffered. Wound bleeding from a broken heart flows into the mind with its painful memories and experiences. As the mind processes a constant flow of replayed painful memories, it triggers a “mind bleeding”, which then becomes a toxic overspill into our bodies. Toxic Overspill This toxic overspill invades our bodies down to one’s cellular level. Research now shows that extreme emotional stress can actually alter the shape of one’s cells and cause illness and disease. The mind becomes very powerful against the body when disconnected from one’s Spirit and True Essence. This disconnection builds fear barriers around a broken heart that prevents it from healing. Fear barriers allow “wound bleeding” to distort one’s thoughts, continuing the toxic “mind bleeding” that overspills into the body. Over time, the mind and body become stuck in the high stress mode of “fright and flight”. When this happens, the mind and body begin to weaken and break down. Body Stories Toxic overspills from a broken heart flow through the body, surging with painful memories and experiences, which we call Body Stories. These body stories become embedded in vulnerable areas of our bodies causing energy blocks. The result is the gradual breakdown of our bodies as they replay over and over the suppressed stories of our lives.

As time went by and my illness became more and more debilitating, I realized I had a choice. Either I begin the process of inner healing or stay stuck in my broken body and soul. I chose healing. Three Choices to Heal or Not To Heal There are three choices that either lead or prevent the healing of your body stories. One can choose to be: The Victim, which prevents healing from occurring due to the constant negative replay of wounds and mind bleeding, thus strengthens the Fear Barrier. The Survivor, which leads to the steps of healing but slows it down due to the constant replay of how one survived the ordeal. The Thriver, in which the process of healing reconnects with a woman’s True Spirit and Essence. She flourishes with a healthy life full of love for her spirit and walks freely with a healing soul, filled with healing grace. I chose to be the Thriver. As I released each layer of the stories my body was telling me, healing took place. As healing took place my life purpose became activated. I manage my depression, Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue with the techniques I learned, becoming a Certified Body Story™ Expert. My life has purpose and meaning again. What’s Your Choice? You can have healthy flourishing mind, body and spirit. Or you can have a broken heart full of grief and anger that prevents you from Becoming the Woman You Are Meant To Be. It’s a choice that begins with yourself and no one else. Hearken; Your True Spirit and Essence is waiting to fill your heart with Light, Love, and Healing! Mary Jane Brigger is a Certified Body Story™ and Reiki Master/ Teacher. Receive a Free Body Story™ Inventory by contacting MJ at:

Shut It Down! Women are often conditioned to suppress how they feel or how they view life, and I was one of them. My anger, revenge and frustration increased internally over the many heart breaks in my life. These stressful emotions caused severe depression, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. The energy blocks caused by my unexpressed Body Stories shut down my mind, body and spirit. Healing is a Choice A woman’s body story can be rewritten to reflect new body stories of forgiveness, hope, life and love. Emotional and physical pain is life’s way of telling her to make a decision as to whether she wishes to be healed or not. It reminds her of the disconnection she has from her True Spirit and Essence.




A Heart Healthy Snack

People are becoming more aware these days of the food they consume in order to maintain or acquire good healthy eating habits. One perfect way to add nutrients to your daily diet is to keep walnuts on hand for a snack or to add them to your meals.

A healthy snack of walnuts provide fiber and protein as well, but they are high in calories, so it is a good idea to eat them in moderation. It is best to eat them whole to derive the most health benefits because a lot of the nutrients are found in the skin of the walnuts.

Walnuts contain heart healthy compounds like potassium, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids and more. Vitamin E, which is also found in walnuts, helps to prevent plaque from building up in the arteries.

Many delicious recipes contain walnuts, they add a unique flavor to salads, oatmeal and other cereals, fruit dishes, a variety of breads and muffins. Black walnuts have a more intense flavor, but can be a lot of work to crack and remove the shell. Always store walnuts in a cool place or freeze them to maintain freshness.

Walnuts have a high number of antioxidants, twice the amount than other nuts, they can provide protection against cancer, specifically breast and prostate cancers. A study from Marshall University found that eating a daily dose of walnuts can reduce the growth of breast tumors by about half.


Reach for the heart healthy snack with benefits, walnuts can help keep you on the fast track towards optimum health!

Feb / Mar 2012

WLinguine alnut Portabella Serves 4 as an entrée and 6-8 as a side dish. INGREDIENTS: • 1 pound dried whole wheat linguine • 6 quarts of water • 2 Tbs. sea salt • 3 Tbs. extra virgin olive oil • ½ cup of organic sweet cream butter • 3 large portabella mushrooms, washed stemmed and cut into juliennes about ¼ inch thick • 2/3 cups loosely packed sage leaves • ½ cup walnuts toasted and chopped • ½ cup fresh shredded Parmesan cheese • salt and pepper to taste DIRECTIONS: Bring pot of water (6 quarts) with sea salt to boil. Add linguine and cook to al dente 7-8 minutes. Reserve 1 cup of cooking water and drain pasta and set aside Heat olive oil and 2 tbs. of butter in skillet over medium high heat until butter is melted. Add mushrooms and cook until tender 4-5 minutes. Remove mushrooms and set aside.

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In the same skillet add remaining butter and melt over medium heat. Add sage leaves and cook until they darken and are crisp around the edges (3-5 min.) Return mushrooms to pan; add walnuts, cooked pasta and ½ cup of reserved water. Toss well until pasta is hot and well coated. (Add more water a little at a time if needed) Season with salt and pepper. Top with cheese.

Adapted from The Hope Springs Almost Vegetarian Cookbook, 2011.



Welcome to the Family - Now What?

by Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger We get a fair number of calls from people wanting to know how to introduce a new pet into their family, or with problems resulting from bringing a new pet home. We actually were feeling pretty good about our list of suggestions, which has grown over the years from personal experience, reading, and discussions with trainers, veterinarians, breeders, rescue foster parents, and other animal communicators. We have worked extensively with some of our clients to help them through the process. We have introduced new cats (which is akin to watching paint dry – a VERY slow process), dogs, horses, and even an iguana into our family. For the most part, things went very well. We did learn that each group of animals will integrate a new addition differently, so we had to vary our strategy not only based on the new animal, but also the family grouping we had at the time, and who thought they were head cat, dog, or horse. Then came TJ – our new little dog. He is a Portuguese Podengo Poqueno. They are sight hounds, very active and intelligent, and the Poquenos look like Terriers with big upright ears. TJ came to us from a very good breeder in Indiana whom we met at a dog show. We fell in love with the breed – or more accurately, Terri fell in love and I conceded that yes, this was a little dog I could live with. We educated ourselves about them, and asked the breeder if she had a pet quality dog that needed a good home. It so happened she did – a year old neutered boy that had been placed twice without success, through no fault of his. We met him, we spent time with him, we prepared the animals at home (more on that later), and we brought him home. What has ensued since then is waking up every day at 5 a.m. to let him out to the pen to potty, convincing him that area rugs are not chew toys, and that cats are to be respected, not chased. We advised him that it was not a good idea to land on a sound asleep Obi (our older Basset) with no warning, and that toys are to be shared. We have learned the joys of tethering a dog to you as you move through the house so he won’t sneak off and pee or chew the rug, as well as standing outside in all types of weather and at all hours to encourage him to potty outside. We have had the absolute joy of watching him run loose in the back yard for the first time. He is very quick and fast, we now understand why they are considered rabbit hunting dogs. TJ is also learning to sit for a treat and his food, to play tug with Lukas, and to be quiet in his kennel unless he has to go out.


Through this whole process we have worked with our animals, reassuring the Bassets that they are our special boys, reminding the cats that they have a “dog free” zone to go to, and to not run from the dogs. We always pet Lukas and Obi first, they get fed first, and we make sure they get plenty of “mom” time individually and together. We introduced the dogs to each other outside, one at a time, and on leash. The cats were in the gated off bedroom, so they felt safe to watch the newcomer from a distance. We did not leave the dogs together unsupervised for any length of time until we saw signs of positive interaction and play developing in the group. So far, things are going fairly well except for the sleep deprivation! Here is our revised list of how to introduce a new pet into your family: Research and think – what kind of pet would fit with your family (including existing pets)? If you are thinking about a new dog, research the breed or mix of breeds to see what they are about. Is a young kitten the best idea if you have 2 elderly cats? Probably not. Do you work long hours? If so, a herding breed like a Border Collie is not a good idea unless you plan to place them in daycare every day. Plan ahead. Be sure you can spend some time at home with the pets to supervise, and to be sure your existing pets get extra attention and time with you. When introducing dogs, do so outdoors and on leash. If you have multiple dogs in the family, introduce them to the new dog one at a time. If introducing a new cat, make sure that they meet your other cats and dogs through a gate. Keep the new cat separate from your other cats for a time, giving plenty of sniff and stare time through a gate, before attempting to put them together. Prepare your pets. Talk to the pets that live with you now about how much you love them, and explain about the new addition – what they look like, why they are coming to live with you, etc. Reassure them that they (your current pets) will always come first, and that there is enough love for everyone. Supervise the newcomer, even if they are not a puppy or

Feb / Mar 2012

The Frog and I by Ráven

kitten, for the first few weeks they are with you. We know some people object to crates, but if used correctly they can be a new pet’s “safe space” as they get used to their new home. Cats take longer to integrate because they do everything much more slowly than most dogs do. Be patient and trust that, in a month or three, your cats will figure things out one way or another. Supervise the cats when you do place them together, and be ready to separate them if things escalate. If you have dogs and cats, make sure your cats have a safe space to go if you are bringing home a new dog. Remind your cats not to run away from dogs, it triggers their chase instinct. Leadership – be sure you understand your role as the leader of the house, and provide guidance and structure so that the newcomer understands what is expected of a dog/cat that lives in your home. Be patient, teach slowly, and repeat. And yes, this includes cats too! Training – enroll your new dog in a reputable obedience class after they have been with you a month or so. Yes, even little dogs like TJ need training – it helps them understand what their job is, it gives their brain something to do, and it makes life much easier for everyone in the family. Good luck, and give us a call if we can be of assistance!

Love is always on the side of compromise, a dance of a different kind. It is kindred to a small child’s discovery of the tree frog. There is the discovery, the impulse to catch and observe it, but ultimately to let it go. The nature of the frog can be somewhat predictable but highly unpredictable at the same time. It defines the nature of love. Allowing love to develop in its own direction acquires trust and intuitive guidance in life. Love will bring unexpected surprises, even in the frog. Either way, the experience of loving is a walk towards self exploration. Joy is always earned. Joy is releasing from an unbalanced reality. Faith results in the healing of fractures in one’s spiritual house. If you can be happy in hand with a good book, a cat purring to a “bird song”, the sound of melodic rain outside your window…sense the quiet joy! Spiritual balance in life requires trust and faith in your inner self projection. Peace is the reward for your efforts. Trust that you are never alone. You are always a heartbeat away from divine protection and inspiration. Be sure to share your small wisdoms, sense of humor, expression of love for others, even if it is not returned in that moment. Your efforts never go unnoticed and believe me, all your efforts will be rewarded. Love is around the corner and on its way. The frog always knows that its playground is heaven, here and a frog hop away!

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The Absolute Need

to be Healthy - Part II

by Paul F. Fulk,

D.C., F.A.S.A. To continue “ the need to be healthy”, there are several more factors to consider. Water to the body is like gasoline to your automobile. Your body consist of 60-80 percent fluid better known as water. Years ago it might have been possible to drink water provided by many municipalities, but not so today. You can do without food, but you cannot do without water for any great length of time. Your body functions need water in order to operate. Drinking city water is so contaminated with chemicals that makes it unfit to drink. Used to flush the toilet and to do your dishes are probably okay. Please consider that there is a measurement called microsiemen (MS) in colloidal chemistry that Dr. T.C. McDaniels taught me. He stated and it has been proven that the body chemistry must maintain a 12,000 MC or less to avoid having heart attacks and strokes. Above the 12,000 mark can cause clots to form that can cause severe heart attacks. Dayton city water measures 435,000 MC the last time I checked it. But don’t fret, one of the most popular drinks that is given to athletes measures at 2,30,000 MC. Literally a heart attack in a can. It is important to drink reversed osmosis or distilled water to keep the microsiemen below the 12,000MC mark. A group of people which were a part of the macrobiotic diet advocates are promoting the use of alkaline water. They have a machine that sells for $2-4,000 which alkalizes your water. It would be cheaper to buy a reverse osmosis system for your house. By adding a de-ionizing filter to it, you will have water equivalent to distilled water that is fabulous. This will keep you MC below the 12,000 mark. A good reversed osmosis system will keep your measurements about 1,200 MC. There are certain foods that will also help you keep it in the lower numbers. Apples, being the best. But most carbonated drinks are in the 400,000 MC plus range which is not good.


MSG-(mono-sodium-glutamate), is a flavor enhancer used in many frozen foods. It will wipe out your adrenal glands. It goes under several different names such as hydrolyzed protein, and many others. You can sell garbage foods that with the addition of MSG, will taste good. I will pass out if I get it in my food. Watch out for food in the Oriental restaurants and their food. Unless you request “ NO MSG”, you will get it on your food in many Oriental restaurants. They use it as a final preparation. They make it in China and send it over here, but if they get caught using it in China, I am told that they will put you in jail. It is not good for your body. Some of the many symptoms that accompany glutamate that is in MSG is severe headache, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, irregular heart beat, or elevated blood pressure, racing heart, depression or mood change, SADs, abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, colitis, IBS, dizziness, seizures, mini-strokes, sleep disorders, blurred vision, chronic fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pains, asthma, swelling, pain, numbness of hands and feet, pain in joints or bones, gagging reflex, hyperactivity, behavioral problems, chronic post nasal drip, skin rash, itching, hives, All of which you would not like to experience if you plan to stay healthy. Dyes in food and red dyes in things such as cool-aid are very toxic. They are all aldehydes which convert to alcohol. Not very good for your children. Look at your children’s tongue after they have had some cool-aid. One of the most important things you can do for your health’s sake is to get candida albicans out of your blood stream and back into your small intestine. According to Dr. Tullio Simoncini, of Rome Italy, he has declared in his book, “Cancer is A Fungus”, that candida albicans bacteria is the cause of cancer. He has been treating it very successfully for years by treating candida albicans. His main concern has been cancer tumors, whether it be in the breast, kidneys, lungs or uterus-prostate. Dr. Hans Neiper of Hanover, Germany, taught me how the Germans have treated candida successfully for the last sixty years. It can be treated very easily with diet and enzymes. Dr. F.C.Odds, from England has discovered that every “itis” is caused by candida. In other words,

Feb / Mar 2012

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pneumonia or pneumonitis is cause by a form of candida. Dr. Odds also found out that there are over 150 forms of candida abicans including endocarditis, pericarditis, hepatitis, vaginitis, prostatitis and even meningitis and many more. “It is” simply means “inflammation of” whatever organ or structure that is involved. However, regardless of the form, candida can be treated and returned to the small intestine where it has a function of absorbing the “B” vitamins into the blood stream. It really is a good bacteria, but is in the wrong place in the blood stream. By getting candida back where it belongs, many conditions can be corrected, including multiple sclerosis, lupus, pneumonia, bronchitis, cancer, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and any inflammatory condition according to Dr. Odds. In Europe and other world countries their main concern is keeping people healthy inside of treating the sick. In other words the main concern is to not have to pay out government money to pay for medical expenses, but more to prevent illness and to promote how to get well and stay that way. Their major concern is that of wellness. This should be our major concern as well. The insurance benefits of the future are going to be greatly reduced and our medical care is not going to be what it has be in the past. When I lectured in Europe, the statement was made to me that “you do not want what we have as medical care and socialized medicine”. It was not a pretty picture that was related to me and which is being predicted for our country’s medical care system. Copyright 2012

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Rose-Colored Glasses by Mike Perry

All around us is something that we often overlook. It is so simple and yet still very complex. What is this thing that I speak; it is love. The same kind of thing that can move a mountain or set butterflies loose in your tummy. Everything that we see is a product of love. Look around you, all that you see was created out of love. It’s creation may have been for a reason that does not seem to fit in the scope of love, but love was what created it. Be it love of money or power, love is energy and energy is either good or bad, black or white. It all depends on how it is used. We draw in energy all the time, through breathing, eating, resting, and through the opening of our chakras (energy centers in our bodies that help to maintain health and well being. Here are the seven majors one: the root, sacral, solarplex, heart, throat, third eye and the crown. Each one as different responsibilities that come together in order for you to be happy and healthy). People are showing so much more concern for others than in times passed. People are helping each other more and working closer to help solve bigger issues. This is because the heart chakra is opening more, especially in men. Where as before, men were driven by the ego, “the more power and money I have, the better person I am.” Now we are seeing


more support for stopping things like abuse and neglect. Also men are tuning more into their emotions, which is a good thing, in order to move and grow humanity needs. Everyone needs to know themselves, understanding their strengths and acknowledge their weaknesses. This step which has taken us many years of learning and evolving, is a pivotal moment on a universal scale. With this expansion of our understanding of love and learning how to truly except ourselves for who we are, there is only peace and love to look forward to. I shall leave you with this, every emotion is based in love. Yes it is. All fear, doubt, anger and even hate has a base in love. When we love, we are open to receiving and giving and when we are angry and fearful, we are still open to giving and receiving. What we give is what we get. Or as a famous songwriter once said “The love you get, is equal to the love you make.“ So live in love, look for it all around you. There is nothing that love does not touch. When in doubt, put on your rose-colored glasses, and look through the eyes of love and live. Many bright blessing to you, Rev Mike Perry

Feb / Mar 2012

Breathe, Eat, and

Stretch this April with Nancy Willman

Spring cleaning your home is a time honored tradition in most cultures and countries throughout history. Spring cleaning your mind and body is also an old tradition, which can also be your new tradition. It’s time to open the windows and clean out the closets of your digestive system and your respiratory system. It’s time to stretch your muscles and clear the cobwebs that have accumulated in and around your mind body and spirit. Spring is coming– and it’s time to renew. Over the winter we have all consumed and built-up toxins through the consumption of processed foods, alcohol, medicine, second-hand smoke, and enclosed re-circulated air. Winter is also a time of increased physical stress and decreased physical activity and exercise to release that stress. Many people may add a few additional pounds that go unnoticed – until the day when they become well obvious. Like a spring cleaning weekend at your house – why not a spring cleaning weekend retreat where your will learn to detox the digestive system by eating healthy foods and detoxifying teas. You will learn yoga stretching, flexibility and breathing techniques. And you will be able to reconnect the mind, body and soul to nature in a beautiful relaxing outdoor setting. The Spring Cleansing Retreat at Hope Springs Institute, April 13th-15th, is your chance to jumpstart the renewal process. Just like spring cleaning your house, it requires the commitment and concentration of a weekend, a weekend free of distractions, a weekend of determined focus to be successful. The 3 Day Spring Cleansing Weekend Retreat Includes: • Room and Delicious Healthy Meals • Gentle Hatha Yoga • Breath work and Meditation • An Educational Program • Massage • A Beautiful Outdoor Environment for Walking & Hiking For more information or to register please go to: www. .html or Call 937.587.2602.

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Spring Cleanse: Breathe, Eat, Stretch February 3-5 friday 6pm to sunday 2pm with Nancy Willman, owner of and instructor at register before Jan. 1 and receive $25 discount on tuition Main Street Yoga in Cincinnati, April 13-15 Explore the principles & practice of meditative writing. Exercise your capacity to listen to yourself and others, or visit in aCall way937-587-2602 that may be new to you. for more information

The Universe as a Symphony of Strings

by Jill Mattson What do Fifth Century B.C. Pythagoreans have in common with modern state-of-the art cosmologists & physicists? In a word - strings! For the ancient Greek Pythagoreans it was the lyre string; modern scientists postulate infinitesimally small strings as the ultimate building blocks of the universe. The Greeks found that the tone of a plucked lyre string corresponded to its length. Changing the length of the vibrating string changed the tone in a precise way; double the length and the tone goes down by a full octave; reduce the length by two-thirds, the note changes by a fifth. The laws of music and harmonics are discovered and reduced to mathematics. The Pythagoreans believe everything is based on music and math. The Pythagoreans extended this thinking in attempt to explain the entire universe. They partially succeeded but ultimately failed in their attempts. Modern scientists now feel that they have the theory-ofeverything , based on incredibly small strings. These vibrating strings are the fundamental unit of all matter and energy. When a string vibrates in a certain way, an electron results; change the vibration of this same string and another particle appears - the electron changes into a neutrino. As with the plucked lyre, it is the string that is fundamental; the tone (in the musical example) or the subatomic particle, arise from the way that the string is vibrating. Modern string theory also had its roots in mathematics. The proposed strings are far too small to ever view directly. Their existence was slowly recognized as the “theory of strings” solved formerly impossible problems in physics. The beauty of the theory is that we eliminate the numerous “fundamental” particles that exist today and unite the (formerly) conflicting theories of Einstein & the Quantum theory. We potentially have a real theory-of-everything. Same as the Pythagoreans sought thousands of years ago. There is another group, growing in popularity today, that share an important links with the ancients & scientists of today, Vibratory Healers. The string is the primary element with our first two groups, but it is the vibration, more precisely vibrational energy, that modern Alternative Healers utilize to produce wondrous results.


Vibrational energy has been found to be extremely versatile and effective, in its benefits to living things; why is this? The form of the energy - vibrations - seems to be easily absorbed; frequencies are available for almost any need - in the exact amount of energy required. The spectrum of vibratory frequencies is immense, offering precise and selective remedies to tune all elements of the Holistic Being... Body, Mind & Soul. Vibratory Energy of the right frequencies has shown the ability to greatly accelerate the growth and resistance to disease and pests of many plants. “Melodies” of frequencies derived from plant DNA was studied by French physicist Joel Sternheimer, and found to consistently produce accelerated plant growth. Certain Sound Healing practitioners have achieved impressive results “tuning” individuals with the use of unique tuning forks (Hulse). For example, a tuning fork that emits a single frequency would be placed on the spine, or on key meridians to help loosen subtle energy, or alleviate back pain. Tones, rhythms and harmonics have been associated with chakra clearing, allowing vital subtle energy to enter our systems, producing health and vitality. Sharry Edwards has spent a lifetime demonstrating that the voiceprint of a human voice is a window on the underlying physical and emotional wellbeing of its owner. Edwards has learned to read and correct imbalances in the human voice - all with vibratory energy - restoring health in the process. In Edwards BioAcoustics, frequencies can be used in place of physical substances, such as vitamins, muscles and so on. Cousto learned to interpret the motions of the planets and stars into Star Tones, powerful forces for using and understanding Astrological Energies. He played the music of the Stars literally! Fibonacci tones mirror patterns found throughout nature and the cosmic realm. This set of frequencies is revealed in every aspect of creation, including the human body. The ancients believed that tuning to this pattern not only harmonized their souls and bodies, but connected them to the divine. Through the ages the idea of a vibrating string has been used again-and-again to help thinkers better understand the universe around us - and to gain insight into unseen mysteries - be that super-submicroscopic strings or the workings of the human body and the chakras... Einstein had it right, matter IS energy, all is vibration, everything is One, all can be shown to

Feb / Mar 2012

be the same - and we will evolve out of matter - and one day, all is united in the divine. About the Author: Jill Mattson~ Artist, Composer, Author Jill Mattson brings her deep spiritualism and intense curiosity to the many creative passions that she pursues. She is a threetime author and widely recognized expert and composer in the emerging field of Sound Healing! Jill lectures throughout the United States on “Ancient Sounds ~ Modern Healing” taking followers on an exciting journey revealing the Healing Power of Sound.

On Angels’ Wings

Inspiring Stories of Divine Intervention

Back by popular demand! This feature has inspired many, and we ask you to send us a short story about something that happened in your life that inspired you. A situation in your life that changed you and that you believe happened with divine intervention. An angelic experience or simply a profound feeling you had that changed your path of direction. We will publish a story in each issue, as we receive them. Please type or print. You do not need to put your whole name and please give a phone number in case we need to reach you if we have a question. The phone number will not be published. Email to or mail to: Infinity magazine, 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, Ohio 45036 The next issue is April/May; Infinity must receive your story by March 10th.

“Three Angel Interventions” I have had three angel interventions that came at the perfect times to reveal God’s incredible supreme divine love for me! They were messengers, signs that I am loved by an everlasting love which supersedes all the earthly problems/experiences I was going through. I know, too, that this love is for everyone-and I hope that everyone can come to know this love!


The first came during a dream, but was clearly not a “normal” dream, but so much more vivid and meaningful to me. I was seated at a small round table with a white tablecloth. Over the top of the table levitated a young (Asian) Indian girl, all dressed in white. Without using words, she communicated to me God’s incredible unconditional all-consuming love for me. This was a wonderful thing to experience, and I awoke with a delicious remembrance of her loveliness and message that I have never forgotten. I felt so incredibly assured of this extraordinary love that my problems and struggles of trying to find my way paled in comparison! The second time I was visited by an angel, I was receiving Healing Touch at a church in Montgomery. I had been suffering from many aches and pains and was seeking relief. I was lying on a table, and soft meditative music played. The practitioners were saying a prayer aloud. Although my eyes were closed, I saw the room as if my eyes were open. Suddenly a vision of a glorious shimmering beautiful angel with long golden hair, a white robe and a golden belt was floating above me. The angel bent down and gave me a light, quick kiss on the lips, which communicated to me healing and again, the unconditional love of God, then was gone. I felt assured again that God was even greater than this gorgeous vision, but it was a small representation of God to me. I knew my healing process was underway, and indeed, my pain subsided. Thirdly, I was praying very hard for my son one night. I had been very upset by his behavior and lack of responsiveness to my husband and my guidance for him. I was lying in bed silently crying out to God with such a terrible emotional pain, when suddenly it seemed the roof of our house was gone over the spot where my son lay in bed in the bedroom next to mine. I could clearly see in the cut-away section of the ceiling a whole group (multitude?) of angels in long robes and swirling (flying) around in circles above where my son was. I was so assured then, of God’s protection for him and me, and of the angel’s intervention on his behalf, that I was filled with a sense of peace. I knew then that my prayers were being answered, and my son was being protected. I hope these experiences make more real the awesome love of God to someone, and that many others will be able to similarly experience angels as messengers of God’s healing, unconditional love and protection. Sincere Blessings, Laura D.




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Astrology by Mary

Aquarius January 19 – February 18

You begin this period with a delightful sense of change and innovation, and after socializing with friends, you now have some brand new goals for the year. This could entail taking a bit of a risk in the pocket book, because the money or effort to make your dreams come true may not have an exact amount. Take the time in March to reflect on all the conditions involved. Some of you will go out on an impulse and buy a new car, and if you have to take a second job or tighten up on other expenses, so be it. Your subconscious is asking you to double check all the fine print. You want to make your home your castle. Look for a good bargain!


Pisces February 18 – March 20

will register this. If this is so, then there will be an accompanying rush of activity to bring the ideas into fruition. In March, the Mercury retrograde will find you taking the time to rethink these new projects, and it will be wise to make sure that you haven’t overlooked some important pieces of the puzzle. This is a good time to get more information, especially if it relates to government regulations or legal matters. Jupiter in Taurus is blessing you with all sorts of opportunities, so do the homework, and sign up!.


Gemini May 20 – June 21

This month will register as a time when you “let go and let God” for you are now aligning with your ruling planet, which is Neptune . Allow yourself to open up to embrace this and don’t allow nagging self doubt to get in your way. The urge to spend some money is definitely there, but this is accompanied by Mercury Stationary Retrograde in mid March, and this will cause you to check the facts here. There may be partners or significant others approaching you with big ideas that involve lots of work. Take the time to get all the facts.

This period begins with a thrust of new learning or possibly sudden travel for you. A major transit will affect early Geminis either in career matters or situations regarding parent figures. It will seem that people or positions are “dissolving” around you. The new moon late February will tie into this, and then your ruling planet, Mercury, will go retrograde in mid March, indicating that you are considering several plans of action, meaning “where do we go from here”. You may be looking at a job change, but it is a bit early. Home base sees you in a whirlwind of activity and it will likely be in the area of clean up, fix up, organize and throw out.



Aries March 20 – April 19

Early in this period you may have some concerns either about health issues of loved ones, or possibly the loss of some. Early Aries are ready and eager for some new beginnings and are ready to let go of situations or conditions that have run their course. Some will find that the new ideas take a lot of work to get them off the ground, but by March it will appear that these efforts are adding to your pocket book, as well as to your self worth. As spring comes in the sense of new adventures will be very strong, but the Mercury Retrograde may ask you look before you leap!


Taurus April 19 – May 20

This period starts out for you with a ground swell of hope for new beginnings, new friends, new ideas. The new moon late in February


Cancer June 22-July 22

Early Cancers may be going through some major life-style shifts as some of the slow planets are demanding a rethinking in the area of partnerships, and also a break away from current career or status in life. Mercury retrograde in mid March will have you doing some serious thinking here, and the new moon late March will be a turning point. There are opportunities showing up which deal with new learning and/or travel experiences, and the effort you put into these will definitely pay off for you. Early in this period some of the planets will activate your money houses, and you could be surprised by unexpected factors requiring new expenses.


Leo July 22 – August 22

This period begins with the emphasis on your house of death and

Feb / Mar 2012

taxes, and there may be mixed blessings here. For early Leos, the new moon at the end of February will register this. Also, connecting with this could be a culmination of responsibility about a parent or a home. Close friends are important. In a very positive note, there are growing opportunities at work, and a sense that major renovations at work will provide potential career moves. This period also finds you putting a lot of effort into re-figuring your pocket book (no doubt relating to tax time). In March there could be sudden information, new trips, and/or relatives coming and going. The new moon in mid March will kick off much of this potential.


Virgo August 22 – September 22

Virgo, you are busier than a fox in the hen house! Mars in your sign has you working even harder than before, if that is possible, but it is all paying off. Other planets are rewarding you with opportunities to develop skills, learn new procedures, and yes, even bring in new romance! This is good news, because for a long time, you have felt restricted, especially in the money department, but this will be changing. In a major money house, there will be some major surprises, and Mercury, your ruling planet, will be looking at new methods of keeping track. The full moon in early February makes you feel that you have been overlooked, and it is time to demonstrate your exceptional talents. It’s time to put down the broom and put on the crown!


Libra September 22 – October 23

This period begins with a loaded house of partners and significant others. There is nothing ho-hum here, as the sign of Aries wins the day. And that can mean surprising events, people, experiences are there for you. Mercury retrograde in mid March will signal a time to take a deep breath and do some rethinking. For early Libras, a new theme comes in work wise, or health wise. If need be, check with a doctor, and don’t overlook the alternative health arena. You continue to work hard behind the scenes, and this could affect your health. Good news is coming up in the money part of your chart, and a renovation of your home may be in order.

e Scorpio

October 23 – November 21

For early Scorpios, there is beginning to be a new lease on life, and this may be in the areas of children, creative ventures, or even enjoyment. The new moon at the end of February will give a good idea of what this could be. You have felt as though you were running an uphill battle for quite some time, and there are still a few months to go, but you can see the open door from here. Lots of changes show up in your labor area, and you will spend some time in rethinking and refiguring, but the effort is well worth it. Opportunities are showing


up in the partnership area, and these partners just may have some money. Your efforts to listen to some other people and understand their point of view will pay off.


Sagittarius November 22–December 21

This period begins for you with sudden new information of even trips showing up. Possibly some of this relates to siblings or other relatives. Your ruling planet, Jupiter, is currently busy in your labor house, and will be extra rewarding come March. The effort you put in at being slow and steady will pay off and is preparing you for new methods of making and handling money. Another plus is that there are new creative energies and possible new romances showing up. Or your children are moving on. Home matters, relating to parents or even dwelling, are “dissolving”, and the new moon at the end of February will highlight this situation. Mercury retrograde in mid March will give you a chance to rethink the issues.


Capricorn December 21 – January 19

Early Capricorns have decided to reinvent themselves, and your effort to learn new procedures, and step up the advertising will definitely pay off. There is even the promise of recreation and romance that is part of this “new” you. This period also begins with a new look at the pocketbook. Of particular importance will be the house that represents learning, short trips, or even siblings, with possibly some sorrow here. On the plus side, your imagination and writing skills are beginning to take root. Another area that denotes new energy is the home base, or property. Surprising new factors are coming to play here, and the Mercury retrograde in mid March will cause you to take a long and careful look at what is at hand.

✩ Astrology by Mary ✩ Providing Personal Natal Chart Interpretation, and several other Astrological Charts. Mary R. Bauer, Mountaintop Center, 6967 Salem Pike, Clayton, OH 45315

(937) 837-6807 Email – 29

Eternal Knowledge: Classes & Events

•Advanced Healing Weekend Workshop Feb.25th & 26th Learn Quantum Touch Level 1 In a single weekend you can learn To straighten bones and accelerate Healing. Call 513-267-2615

We offer a variety of weekly programs listed on our web calendar at: Register for all classes 48 hours before the class Call 513-276-2615 or 513-910-7486 to register Quantum Energy Health Presents: Healer, Heal Thyself A full day of advanced techniques you can use to effortlessly heal yourself Rev.Mike Perry Events & classes Meditation Group call for details (513)824-4886

Or email for Registration Visit http:/ to register

•Body Design by Thérèse Exerdance and Personal Training Classes -Tailor made for one or small group sizes. For dance, exercise, training and fun. Tone up everywhere! Call 513-465-8859 to schedule

•Ascension Paranormal March 3rd Pass-Life Regression with James Little Eagle @ Mother Earth’s Well in Bethel call for details (513)824-4886 March 24th Psychic Development with Mike @ Mother Earth’s Well in Bethel call for details (513)824-4886 Ascension Paranormal Research Team is looking for new members. Contact us for information or visit our website. (513)824-4886 Many positions available.

•Divinity Spiritual Services held every Sunday Morning 11:00am, each month At 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield Call Rev. Mary Margaret Denholm for more info. 513-892-0623 Spring Equinox March 20, 7:00 pm

•Dr. Jim’s Center for Advanced Medicine Shots for Health - B-12 Shots given by Dr. Jim Smith at Health Foods Unlimited Dayton, Oh. every Monday Evening 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and Susan’s Natural World every Saturday, 10:30-11:30am. Walk- ins welcome For more info, call 513942-3226 visit our website,

Mike - Founder of Ascension Paranormal Research Team

•Enchanted Moments •Blue Ash Spiritual Center 10921 Reed Hartman Hwy, #304G To Register: Call: 513-276-2615 or 513-910-7486


Enchanted Moments Gift Shop & Metaphysical Center 127 Main Street Milford, OH 45150 Call 513-831-5508 for more information on any of our class offerings

Feb / Mar 2012

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Whatever Works Center and Gift shop 7433 Montgomery Rd. Cincin. Oh. 45236 Ph. #(513)791-9428 Mondays Weekly - Beginning Art and Painting class. 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm. Already in progress. Each class complete within itself. Get creative and have fun and relax. This class starts you where ever you are in your ability level. Taught by our own local artist and Tai Chi instructor. Mike $15.00 per class. Please pre register. Pay at the door. Thursdays weekly - 6:30 - 7:00 Beginners 7:00 - 8:00 pm Advanced student’s class. Beginners welcome to stay & join in. Spirit Communication class $10.00 per person per class With Kathy Vaske psychic medium CHt. Delve into spirit art - tarot reading - medium ship - past lives - absentee healing and more. Call before you come, to be sure class is being held. Must have 6 students or more to hold. Tuesdays and Thursdays weekly - 3:00 - 6:00 pm with Kathy Vaske Drop in - 1st come 1st served. As available.

The Humane Association of Warren County’s Spay/Neuter Programs are working. Help us ELIMINATE this deplorable overpopulation problem with a Donation to the

Karen Nixon Heaberlin Spay/Neuter Fund. To donate, call 513.695.2076 The Humane Association of Warren County Animal Shelter and Adoption Center 230 Cook Road Lebanon, OH 45036

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