Infinity Pursue the Secret
Chambers of Eternal Health
Global Transformation Time for Positive Change
Healing Songs of the Stars
Love & Relationships Spiritual Balance
Feb / Mar 2018 A Health & Wellness Publication Magazine Vol. 78 Southwest Ohio’s Leading Health Magazine
L etter from the editor Dear Readers, In this world, the essence of true Love exists in the hearts of mankind. To Love unconditionally is the very nature of every kindred and pure soul. The sacredness of the Divine dwells in the confines of our subconscious mind. Let us be aware that Love holds the key to happiness and joy. It is Love that opens doors to the mysteries of life, as it unfolds, let the power of Love, reveal or heal a broken heart. The simplicity of Love is the common thread that mends a life torn by complicated measures. Where it has been ripped and taken, like a thief in the night. Allow Love to flow through every fiber of your cells, let it extend to all who are open to receive the spirit of Love. In this journey, don’t miss the opportunity to achieve spiritual balance with the language of Love. Speak with kindness, reaching out with Loving support. The innocence of a child shows us the vulnerability of a soul. Children demonstrate an abundance of unconditional Love with all their hearts, overflowing. The potential to change just one life for the better, begins with one gesture of Love. A smile, a hug, can help to heal and replenish those who need it the most. Treasure those who show Love without boundaries and who are fully present in your life through good and bad. A glimpse of Love is in the eye of the beholder. The beauty of Love is an all knowing, never seeking and ever lasting fulfillment of your heart and soul. Love cannot thrive in an unforgiving world. Love conquers and sustains, in every beginning and until the end of time, Love will be all that really matters.
Jane Phillips Editor in Chief
On the cover: The Eternal Love of the Rose The beloved rose still remains to take center stage as one of the many flowers to represent everlasting love. Our cover reflects the celebration of the love and beauty of the enduring rose.
Welcome to Infinity Welcome readers to Infinity magazine’s newest issue! This issue is packed full of innovative ways to improve your quality of life. Read valuable information and proven methods that will enrich and enhance your health and your lifestyle. Be inspired, with each article, let Infinity magazine guide you every step of the way to improve your well being, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We are committed to bring to you the latest in health and wellness technology, and we will continue to keep you updated on exciting events throughout the year. Wishing everyone a lovely Valentine’s Day, and a lucky St. Patrick’s Day!
MISSION STATEMENT Infinity Magazine is dedicated to those individuals who are searching for a healthier, alternative way to enrich their lives while embracing the sacred healing heart within.
Contacting Infinity 866-243-6900 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, OH 45036 “Infinity Health Magazine” on Facebook Editor in Chief / Publisher / Owner Jane Phillips Creative Director & Design Nina Covington Editorial Consultant Cynthia M Brown Advice Columnist Sage Woman Infinity is under copyright by Sedna Marketing LLC. 2005
Cover Photo Courtesy: Nina Covington Infinity is a bi-monthly publication designed to promote health, and natural well-being. The information in Infinity is not intended as medical advice, and should not replace the advice of your physician. Infinity is not responsible for typographical errors, omissions, or misinformation.
Signature Profile
4 Love & Relationships – Achieving a Spiritual Balance by Cynthia White Flower 6 Seeing Face to Face: The Power of Family Constellation Work by Ann Becker 8 The Healing Songs of the Stars by Jill Mattson 10 Ask Sage Woman: Spiritual Advice by Sage Woman 12 Global Transformation by Mark Thurston, PhD 14 Heart Strings by Cynthia M. Brown 14 Sing by Wayne Holmes 16 Dear Valentine – My Heart BEETS for You! 17 Recipes 18 Baker Chiropractic Testimonial 20 Spiritual Connection by Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger 22 Love is in the Cards by Patti Lightflower 24 Author’s Spotlight: Recommended Reads 24 The Hidden Cause of Relationship Trouble by Brian Eastman 26 Longevity Resources: Love Your Lungs with Tomatoes and Apples by Dr. Joeseph Mercola 30 Eternal Knowledge: Events & Classes
A Promise of Spring! There are plenty of wonderful events scheduled around the Tri-State area this upcoming season of Spring. Usually by the month of April is when we can begin to feel that the worst of winter weather is behind us. The Cincinnati Zoo has so many things to offer. We all admire and love one of their newest additions of the zoo family, the ever popular and adorable baby hippo Fiona. In the month of April, the Zoo begins to transform into a beautiful botanical garden with over 100,000 blooming tulips. This is one of the largest displays in the Midwest. The tulips are brightly colored with every shade you can imagine, complimenting the flowers are over one million daffodils, hyacinths, trees and shrubs. Be sure to mark your calendars for another special event at the zoo, Tuesday, February 27, 10 am-2 pm, the zoo is celebrating International Polar Bear Day! Discover and learn about the steps that can be taken to save these amazing animals by saving their sea ice. Polar bears need sea ice for hunting their food. More information about this special event is provided on their website. Every Thursday in April, the Cincinnati Zoo has free concerts in the garden from 6 to 8:30pm. Zoo admission after 5pm for these events are free and parking is $10. These are just a few exciting events taking place at the Cincinnati Zoo. To find out the scheduled list of events, visit
LAchieving ove and Relationships – a Spiritual Balance by Cynthia White Flower “There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved,” wrote 19th Century novelist, George Sand. Nothing gives our lives more meaning than loving and being loved. Our relationships are the arena where our love plays out. Our relationships spiral us into new heights of awareness. They show us parts of who we are and help us to define personally - what makes our lives worth living. Our relationships are also our mirrors. They confirm what we are giving out in life by demonstrating what we are drawing back to ourselves. Love is the glue that holds our relationships together. It is the link that connects us. Love is our reason for living.
our foundation for love. Some say that we take our whole lifetime overcoming our up-bringing. While it definitely influences us, it does not have to define us. We have the free will to make choices that bring us happiness. Choosing to love, and deeply, purely, honestly, with integrity – moves us into higher states of awareness, fulfillment and fills us with the sense of belonging. When we feel deeply loved, we feel secure and strong. Love is our mirror. We can see ourselves through the eyes of love. Love is the vehicle that drives us! Paramahansa Yogananda said “In the state of love, no matter what you do, it’s going to be good.”
Experiencing love is the most fulfilling feeling in the world. Love transports us. Taoist Master, Lao Tzu tells us that “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” As we love, we grow. We develop who we are based upon the love in our relationships. How we grew up shaped
How wide our door is open for us to love and to be loved determines the levels and magnitude of our love – that which we give, and that which we receive. How high can we take our love? There are layers to work through and layers to achieve. We relate to the world as we see it. We look through our own unique eyes. We
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bring all of who we are in that moment in time into our relationships. We also bring all that we are over coming, as well as ideas and feelings for where we want to be. We are taught that, with love, comes expectation – preconceived ideas. The other side of that coin is unconditional love. To love one where he or she iswithout imposing who we think he or she is or what we think he or she should be doing, but actually accepting who we see - is a big step towards The Divine and unconditional love. We all have our stories of how we arrived where we are. Removing the word “should” from our vocabulary is a step towards our own freedom. It takes away some judgment and limitations. Love at any level is a gift from The Divine. To love unconditionally is to understand, opening our hearts to compassion. Achieving a spiritual balance within ourselves can help us to open our door wider to unconditional love. We do have a relationship with ourselves, so this is a good place to begin. Canadian American actress, Jenn Proske recommends, “Love yourself. It is important to stay positive because beauty comes from the inside out.” To live in gratitude allows us to be more positive daily. To say “Thank You” for all of our blessings allows more to enter. Beauty is an attribute of love - the reflection of all Creation in All That Is. To love ourselves is to feel the beauty of life within. To give back to ourselves provides more for us to give to others. Self reflection is necessary. Ask yourself, “How do I feel? How do I want to feel?” Paramahansa Yogananda says that the key to spiritual balance in love and relationships is meditation. He passionately asserts: “The greatest romance you can have is the romance with God… The greatest love you can experience is in communion with God in meditation. The love between the soul and Spirit is the perfect love, the love you are all seeking. When you meditate, love grows. Millions of thrills pass through your heart....If you meditate deeply, a love will come over you such as no human tongue can describe; you will know God’s divine love, and you will be able to give that pure love to others.” Meditation helps us to become calm, to feel peace and to rebalance ourselves. Through meditation, we learn to quiet our argumentative thoughts and slow down our active body to allow ourselves to focus beyond the physical and mental limitations that surround us. We open the doors to The Divine that is available to us from within. Jalaluddin Mevlana Rumi explains further, “Love said to me, there is nothing that is not me. Be silent.”
Spiritual balance surrounds us. We have only to quiet ourselves to feel it. We can sit in the sun and feel its warmth, because warmth is a manifestation of love. We can hear music inside the sounds of a bubbling brook, serenading us to be calm. We can look into the eyes of a child, and know that we are looking into the eyes of love. We can listen to the leaves of the trees as they rustle in the breezes, sharing their tranquility. We can look into the center of a flower and see it rejoicing as it shares its beauty with us. We can look into the eyes of a fellow human being and know that we are also looking into the eyes of God. The Delphi Oracle says: “Heed these words…If you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither will you find it outside. In you is hidden the treasure of treasures. Know Thyself and you will know the Universe and the Gods.” “Love calls - everywhere and always. We’re sky bound. Are you coming?” - Jalaluddin Mevlana Rumi
About the Author: Cynthia McNabb, B.S., M.S., (aka, Cynthia, White Flower) is an author, teacher, counselor and an ordained spiritual minister. She also works with her husband, James McNabb, (aka, James Shaman, Little Eagle Standing Strong) specializing in psychic readings, exorcism, and mediumship. Please contact Cynthia: email: cynthialynnmcnabb@ or phone/text 734-904-2322. To contact James, email or phone/text 586-773-1861. Websites:, www. You can visit them in 2018 at the Victory of Light Psychic Festival in Sharonville, OH, April 7 & 8, 2018 at the Sharonville Convention Center, 11355 Chester Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45246 listed in the program under Readers: James and Cynthia, 21 Century Apostles References in the order they are sited: George Sand: Lao Tzu:
Seeing Face to Face: The Power of Family Constellation Work by Ann Becker Over ten years ago, when I was in my fifties and tempted to give up on ever having a good relationship with my mother, I attended my first family constellation workshop. A trusted spiritual counselor encouraged me to do this after I had told her that I had finally reached a point where I was no longer actively angry, that I was ready to settle for just feeling kind of neutral. This seemed like the best life could offer me. I had been through years of psychotherapy, and many other challenges had resolved themselves beautifully. But my mother was a difficult woman, and I had never felt I had gotten the kind of love from her that I’d needed as a child, and still longed for. I arrived at the workshop completely clueless about what it would entail. This was just as well, because it is impossible to understand family constellation work until you experience it. We opened by going around the circle of the thirty or so participants, each person stating his or her issue. The facilitator chose to set up my family’s constellation first. This surprised me, since I hadn’t conveyed any sense of urgency. I learned later that in the experience of constellation facilitators throughout the world, resentment of the woman who gave us life, so common among North Americans, sets an individual up for fundamental struggles with emotional health, spiritual emptiness, and problems with intimacy. The facilitator, after learning a few bare-bones facts of my life, had me choose representatives among the group for my parents, my six living siblings, and the three older siblings who died when I was a child. The other workshop participants, as new to this modality as I was, somehow stunningly managed to tap into the energy of my family members by simply following the instructions to empty themselves of agenda and just notice the sensations that welled up within them. We engaged in a lengthy series of interactions, interspersed with occasional, sparse dialogue and simple sentences like “I see you.” I remember how thrilling it was to suddenly “see” the members of my family face to face, rather than through
our customary veil of pretense and self-consciousness. As I stood before the representative for my mother, the decades-old block between us was overshadowed by our love. I was suddenly looking at her with a deep respect that felt entirely new to me. I could not have put into words that day what was essentially an energetic shift and a profound change in my nervous system. During the rest of the two-day workshop, I wept and marveled as I participated in the constellations of the other people in the room, who were no longer strangers, but intimate companions in a wondrous exploration of what it means to be a human being. Each family’s “field” held its own unmistakably unique energy, yet universal themes emerged again and again. I came to realize how we all live our lives fundamentally out of line with the truth. When we experience ourselves as “bigger” than our parents, we are plagued with anxiety. When we don’t take into account our real birth order in a family where children have died, like mine, we feel perpetually ungrounded. When we try to forget we are adopted, we carry our unacknowledged grief into every aspect of our lives. When a grandparent or great-grandparent never felt permission to mourn their lost child, we may feel compelled to do the mourning on their behalf, and thus have trouble being present to our own children. All of these dynamics showed up in the constellations I witnessed, not just as insights, but as an energetic force that called out for recognition and resolution. My mother visited me a few months after that first workshop. The barrier between us had fallen away. Whatever had changed in me seemed to have created a shift in her. I felt joy surging during her entire visit, as I experienced the love between us as warm and real. I was able to meet her chronic anxiety with respect rather than pity and resentment, and was filled with unaccustomed gratitude. This shift continued until her death eight years later. While sometimes it felt as if things were not going so smoothly, in fact I continued to see her with new eyes. A couple of times this meant confronting her rather
Feb / Mar 2018
dramatically with my anger, which I had never dared to do in my entire life. Instead of feeling horrified at hurting her, I trusted the situation, trusted that she could handle it, trusted my love for her and her love for me. Over the last ten years, after undergoing a lengthy training, I have facilitated many constellations. It has been a deep privilege, an experience that reminds me of what I picture happening in heaven! Words of love that have never been spoken, words of truth and sorrow, simple acknowledgement of responsibility for our actions-- all these dynamics overcome falsehood and strip us of the perpetual “veil” that hangs between us. Some of us seek to tap into this deeper spiritual reality in our personal meditation and spiritual practices. Yet
usually such authenticity eludes us in our families and communities. Family constellation work allows us to do the work of healing and reconciliation, even if our family members are not physically present, on this side of the grave. Acknowledging, honoring, “bowing to” our family history, in all its tragedy and beauty, expands our reality in ways I once found unimaginable.
You can find more information about Anne’s family constellation workshops at www. She is the author of a memoir about the impact of her siblings’ childhood deaths on her family: Ollie Ollie In Come Free. You can read her essays at
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The Healing Songs of the Stars by Jill Mattson
The shepherd plays the harp at night, while watching over his sheep. His celestial music twinkles and sings along with the stars. The ancient musician seems to “play the night sky.” I wonder, “Just how would one do that?” Planets orbit and rotate. Both actions create pitches (which can be determined by physics). Albeit, these pitches are below our hearing range, but when raised up octaves - we can hear them. These star tones twinkle in the background of my Star Dust musical CD. The literal star tones create a heavenly feeling.... go figure. But how did ancient man “play the stars”? They weren’t using simple physics, like I did. There are numerous ways to “play” the stars. Here is one: Look at the night sky and divide it into quadrants (in your imagination). Notice that your feelings are slightly different when gazing at the different quadrants. Choose the quadrant that you are attracted to, divide it into quadrants again and select the most compelling
area. Keep doing this until you narrow down to one star or constellation. Some Ancient Masters believed that this is your star of origin. This star or constellation feels vitalizing and good to you. Some people believe that they have ties to “beings” from these stars, as if all souls came from other planets. Can you feel the subtle differences in your feelings by gazing at one star versus the other? A full moon feels different than a crescent moon. Studies show violent behavior rises with the full moon. The full moon lifts the world’s oceans 18 feet or more. That is a powerful force. Everyone can feel the difference in their feelings with the changing phases of the moon, and that includes you, dear reader. So there are no excuses for those who protest that they cannot feel the difference between stars, when we all notice the difference from phases of the same moon. Recall the feeling of gazing at the full moon. Can we amplify its impact? We absorb a greater volume of subtle energy when we focus on something. Remember being in
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fourth grade and the teacher is droning on about fractions, while the hot gossip is whispered from the juicy mouth of the hot girl in the next row of desks. When paying attention to the gossip, it increases in volume, while the voice of the teacher gets softer. When we focus on something, we link to it and its volume increases. Gazing at Venus, with her pinkish glow, I feel soft and loving. Gazing at Venus always feels the exact same for me. Yet another star, such as Mars, creates tiny “fiery” feelings. Venus is the love God and Mars the warrior. The stars get their reputations and stories from how ancient sages subtly felt when they gazed at them. So when we want to be more loving, we gaze at Venus. If you are preparing for a fight, bathe in the warrior-energy of Mars. Subtle vibrations, such as the stars, change us in tiny ways. Just like - to get in a loving mood, we listen to love songs. The midnight sky was ancient man’s medicine cabinet. Stars were prescriptively used, for example: If someone was too timid, gazing at Mars (the heavenly warrior energy) may restore inner strength – slowly but surely. If you were down-in-the-dumps, the energies from Jupiter provide a light and jovial energy. Stars provide tiny bits of energy that can be accumulated – softly effecting the physical body and offering an emotional smorgasbord. Each star has its own set of frequencies (in part from its orbit and rotation).... Just like other people have their own unique matrix of frequencies. We are attracted to the energy of one person and not the other. Likewise, we are also attracted to one star and not another (if we pay attention). Our subconscious mind releases endorphins when we encounter frequencies that we need. Subconsciously we seek out frequencies that slowly heal us. Our healing frequencies can be in the form of a star, person, food or color. Let’s say a star’s frequency corresponds to the musical note of C. We can listen to a C on the piano, but the stars presents a higher version (octave) of C. In an analogy, think of the feeling of love. There is a low and high version of love. A person loves ice cream, but a higher octave of love is demonstrated by Jesus, Mohammad and Buddha. By star gazing and identifying the star that trips our trigger, we download the star’s high frequencies. Why are the benefits of star-energies not acknowledged today? In an analogy, with a monkey mind, we are clueless about the benefits of meditation – of prolonging one thought for a period of time. The night sky is also like a monkey mind (sounds like nonstop mind chatter with thousands of stars vibrating). The gamut of star frequencies
twinkle at us, but selecting one star and “attuning” to it demonstrates its benefits that we have ignored for centuries. Mathematician Barbara Hero calculated the pitches of the orbits of stars, such as those in the Pleiades, Arcturus, Syrian and Orion star clusters. Hero mathematically showed that Earth has a reciprocal relationship with the orbital frequencies of many of the stars in the above star groupings. Reciprocal relationships can be compared to complementary colors, such as red and green. If we correlate Earth to the color green, then Arcturus would be red. Complementary colors balance each other like two kids playing on a see saw. The stars above have a “seesaw” relationship with Earth. It follows then that if Earth is out of balance, then these star clusters are negatively impacted. We are linked sonically. Are beings from these stars here to help us and hence, save themselves? When we help ourselves, do we subtly “tune” them? You can listen to the stars with the Star Dust CD, with the frequencies of planets in our solar system. Testimonies claim that this music, heals animals, uplifts people with autism, and makes one’s garden growth faster. The fast track to ascension, could it be found in the heavens - that we have access to and with attention - we can download - little by little! Video of the stars Video for sound healing music
About the Author: Jill Mattson is a prolific Artist, Musician and Author. Jill is widely recognized expert and composer in the field of Sound Healing! She has produced nine CDs with intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern techniques, & special healing frequencies to achieve profound benefits. Jill is a four - time author. (The Lost Waves of Time – Best Book of 2016 and Best Alternative Science book of 2016, Deep Wave Body Healing CD– Best Sound Healing CD of 2016, Contacting Angels & Masters CD – Best CD of 2015 and Deep Wave Beauty CD – Best New Age CD – Silver Award). She offers an online Sound Healing School. Jill presents new ways of approaching health and everyday issues using the benefits of sound! Free music & School of Sound Healing at www.
ASpiritual sk Sage Woman: Advice
for the Real World with Sage Woman
Dear Sage Woman, Good afternoon. I am curious on your thoughts about Soul Mates. I am not sure if I have met mine in this lifetime yet. What is a Soul Mate and how will I know if I have met mine? -David C. __________ Blessings to you David, As a Shamanic Priestess, I walk the path of unconditional love and forgiveness for self and for others. I believe the purpose of human life is to return to unconditional love, and to choose love over fear. Our soul families are here to help to learn unconditional love. Our soulmate families travel with us through time and space, through as many lives as are needed for our awakening. My belief is that during our lifetime, we certainly may have more than one soul mate. A soul mate is someone aligned with your soul, who is sent to challenge, awaken and stir different parts of you. The purpose is for your soul to transcend to a higher level of consciousness and awareness. Soul mates serve as mirrors of the self. What we see in the other, is reflected by our own soul. Our soulmates always arrive when we are ready for them - not one minute sooner. They arrive when we are ready to learn the lessons we’re already destined to fulfill. The relationships we create with soul mates, romantic or otherwise, fall into different categories. Some of these roles are affectionate, while others may be painful or unpleasant. Dave, you ask how you’ll know whether you’ve met your soul mate, but I am certain you have met at least one or two this far on your journey. I will share some of the soul relationships we can call into our lives. Perhaps with these descriptions you may better answer your own question. Karmic soul mates come together specifically for the
purpose of teaching or working out an issue. Many times they show up as friends, family, co-workers, or simply as people merely passing through. I call them Master Teachers. They can push our buttons and trigger us in ways others do not. Karmic soul mates usually do not make good romantic partners. The main point of a karmic relationship is to be able to learn crucial lessons your soul wants and needs. Perhaps they show up to help us learn patience, no judgment or forgiveness. We normally keep attracting the lesson, possibly in the form of many similar relationships, until it is understood. Therefore, usually once we are no longer triggered, we have learned the lesson, gain healing, and can move forward. A soul companion is someone with whom we experience soulful harmony. We often feel as if we have known them forever. With a soul companion, there is deep understanding of the other person, and often the feeling of sharing a similar “wave length” of thought and emotions. These connections often last a lifetime. There are at least two different types of romantic soul mates. These are the subjects everyone usually seeks to know most about. The first is a soul mate we aren’t meant to be with forever, yet nevertheless delivers powerful lessons. These soul mates tend to be the most influential teachers in our lives. They’re the ones who provide the heartache, the ones who don’t work out and genuinely are not meant to work out. Love is not always enough. You may love someone, and they may love you, but it doesn’t mean you’re meant to be together. The second type allows you to be your true self and the relationship stays with you forever. When you’re with this person you’re meant to be with, they don’t bring out your insecurities. They bring out the best in you, not the worst.
Feb / Mar 2018
Why do soul mates come into our lives? For a reason; for a season; for a lifetime. When you come across a soul mate, it is usually to meet a previously expressed need in your life. Then there are soul mates for a season, people who come into our lives only momentarily. They may serve as catalysts to share, grow and learn, or when we need someone to challenge our belief system. They normally leave once their gift has been passed on and received. Lifetime soul relationships teach us lessons that are so deep and intricate, they require a lifetime of loving growth. During our lives, we may encounter an infinity of soul mates. With these lessons and shared moments of bliss, we learn to grow spiritually and come closer to finding wholeness as human beings. In closing, remember on this journey, when we look into the eyes of another, we look into the eyes of God. When we remember this and act without judgment, our awareness of the divine lessons we experience from each person is heightened. Sending you abundance, peace and love. In gratitude, Sage Woman About the Author: Sage Woman is a spiritual life coach & intuitive reader. Sage is a Shamanic Priestess, an ordained minister and intuitive who facilitates Goddess Chakra workshops and individual coaching. She is also available for readings of the ancient Tarot. For more information, contact her at 513-490-4693, or email
SAGE WOMAN Ordained Minister, Shamanic Priestess, Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach, Intuitive Readings Are you looking for guidance in career choices or to build your business? Ask Sage for spiritual wisdom and receive profound messages for business or romance!
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Global Transformation by Mark Thurston, PhD
Do not try to [open the doors of light for self]… but rather smile upon those that are downhearted and sad; lift the load…in kindness…brotherly love. And…the gates of glory open before thee. -- Edgar Cayce reading 272-8 Deep and radical change—the kind that deserves the label transformational—can happen on many scales. At the tiny scale of molecular transformation, consider what happens when two atoms of hydrogen bond with one atom of oxygen to produce a molecule of water. At the other end of the scale are galactic transformations evident in photographs from the Hubble Space Telescope. In between those extreme examples of transformation is the realm of humanity. Though, at times the world can seem like quite a mess, and it can be easy to lose heart and conclude
that the changes we observe on the daily news are simply for the worse. This kind of pessimistic thinking might leave us to conclude that all we can really concern ourselves with is personal transformation. We can work on ourselves, but that’s about it. Unfortunately, that line of reasoning cannot be fruitful in the long run. Each of us as an individual is too much connected to the whole of humanity for us to realistically aim only for a private spiritual awakening. I can remember years ago as a college student I heard a lecture by Hugh Lynn Cayce on the “World Affairs Readings.” He stated emphatically that “none of us are going anywhere until we all go together.” In a way, that was the central message for those readings that his father had given about international affairs and the destiny of the world. As a 19-year-old, I was both inspired
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and troubled. This business of spiritual growth and the transformation of consciousness was going to be a lot more complex than I had thought at first. I was going to need to be just as concerned about other people’s personal transformation as I was about my own. What would it look like and feel like if we were willing to buy into the idea that there’s no personal transformation unless there is collective transformation? I think it starts with us each day affirming that we are planetary citizens. There are far more things that unite us than there are factors that separate us—contrary to what the evening news may suggest. As Cayce tells us: “All souls are from one.” (1770-2) Recognition of that which unites us makes it easier to “serve” others, a life purpose that all souls have in common, as Cayce has repeatedly admonished us. I had an experience of this recognition just a few months ago when my wife Mary Elizabeth and I conducted two weekend workshops in Shanghai for the Edgar Cayce China organization. I was both enthusiastic and worried about this trip as the time approached. I knew about one of the most memorable prophecies in the Cayce World Affairs Readings about China and spirituality. [China] will be one day the cradle of Christianity, as applied in the lives of men. Yea, it is far off as man counts time, but only a day in the heart of God—for tomorrow China will awake. Let each and every soul as they come to those understandings, do something, then, in his or her own heart. -- Edgar Cayce reading 3976-29 That vision strongly suggests that the spirit and philosophy of the Cayce material has a vital future in the world’s most populous country. Maybe this trip was my own chance “to do something, then”—to contribute to this momentous transformation. But I was also worried. As a boy growing up in the 1950s, I developed some pretty strong conditioning about the Chinese and what to expect if I were ever to visit there (a prospect that seemed highly remote). I was told by the cultural forces of my boyhood years that those people were different from us. They didn’t
believe what we believe. They didn’t think the way we think. Now surely by 2016 I had matured enough and the world had changed enough that I had a whole different intellectual understanding of China than I did as a boy. But unconsciously and emotionally, there was still this lingering unease and a sense that my own personal transformation didn’t really have much to do with what goes on in the minds and hearts of 1.3 billion people 10,000 miles away. The experience of that trip was profound for me. First, I was deeply impressed with the grassroots work in China to build a spiritual community interested in the Cayce material. Just take a look at their website It’s in Chinese, but you’ll see their good work. They deserve our support and help. Second, my wife and I were touched by the way that each person who came to our workshops shared the same issues, challenges, and hopes that we do here in North America. The Cayce teachings of reaching personal enlightenment through serving and helping others are universal in their appeal. These principles and practices connect us to the power of personal transformation and just as surely to a collective transformation as the human family. Mark Thurston, PhD
About the Author: Mark Thurston, PhD, is an author, psychologist, and educator who worked at A.R.E. and Atlantic University from 1973 through 2008. He is now a faculty member at George Mason University’s Center for the Advancement of Well-Being where he teaches courses about consciousness, mindfulness, and spirituality. He and his wife, Mary Elizabeth Lynch, founded the Personal Transformation and Courage Institute (, where they do transformational work with small groups. He is the author of Discovering Your Soul’s Purpose, which is based on the Edgar Cayce readings. More about his work can be found at
Heart Strings
by Cynthia M. Brown
I have been thinking a great deal about love and what it means to love. I just became a great aunt. My new grand-nephew is beautiful: sandy hair, brown eyes, perfect skin…. His arrival in our lives fills every one of us, his great-grandma, grandma, grandpa, mother, father, aunts and uncles with love and joy. It is the love of life; the joy and amazement at new life: the shared connection we all feel at bearing witness to this new being…. It is the love that makes us all feel that the world is new again and held in his thin, pink fingers and curious gaze. I look at my dog: my silly, nervous, curious, energetic little furry buddy. He loves unconditionally: that is why we have animal friends. We need to feel needed, adored, without words, without pause or reason. They do that for us and we return it. My dog TeddyBear teaches me everyday about being in the moment; about being authentically myself and about simple love, loyalty and faith He sits in the window waiting for me to come home from work, with absolute faith that I will return and we will have our daily joyful reunion and begin the evening rituals of ball and snuggle. I love him because he is himself and because he loves and lives with absolute abandon every moment of every day. I love my family; my son, my wife. My sister and brothers; my mother. All of these relationships are a fundamental part of me and my being. Family anchors us; it gives us a sense of belonging, of history. Our children give us a sense of hope. Our partners complete us, make us more of our best selves…. All of these complex connections are part of love. They enrich this miracle of life every day. But, I have been thinking about love of self and nurture of self recently. I have been wondering how, in my 50s, do I get back to that place of knowing exactly where I begin and end in all those connections and where are the lines that define what I do for me and me alone? At what point am I nurturing myself and when am I being self indulgent? I am realizing how fleeting this life is. I have so many things I want to do but I have obligations… I must work; care for my family; take care of aging family. Yet there is a gnawing
in me that demands I love myself more as time goes by; that I must spend more time simply being myself, not a partner, a worker, a mother, or friend...How do I say no to those loves and relationships and yes to myself without doing damage to either? So, as I look at photos of the newest member of my family, as I wrestle with my dog after dinner, as I hold my partner’s hand while she sleeps, as I walk to work, I try to remember that in these deep connections there is a part of me, the part of me that is my best, that demands that I remember myself, that I take time to be that creative, spirited, open human being that my dog, my family, and myself need me to be… I think that is the core truth of it: if I cannot attend myself I am less of myself in all of those connections and relationships and we all suffer for it. I am not sure how to do this or where those lines are yet but I do love myself and all of my life connections enough to try and find the balance.
by Wayne Holmes
The goal of religion and spirituality should be peace, joy, love, and harmony. In Stone Ten we read about adding our voice to the music of the earth. I recall a song that was popular in a television commercial that said, “I’d like to build the world a home, and furnish it with love, I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony.” I don’t know about perfect harmony, that would leave me out, but I like the idea of having a song the world could sing that would unite us in peace and love. Singing is important in most religious societies. For those who have decided to follow a spiritual path that doesn’t involve organized religion, I would like to encourage you to remember the importance of music. Singing lightens our mood and can bring tears of joy to our hearts. It helps us remember we are brothers and sisters having a spiritual journey together.
Feb / Mar 2018
As I listened to a remake of that song from the television commercial, the last line resonates loudly with me. Let’s sing together “A song of peace that echoes on, and never goes away.� Don’t worry about harmonizing with the music. Just sing. Sing in your way — from your heart. Unfettered, loud, and strong.
About the Author: Pastor Wayne Holmes is an ordained minister with Divinity Spiritual Church and also Revelation Spiritual Church. He is the co-founder of Religious Recovery, an organization dedicated to healing wounds inflicted by religion or the religious. He is not opposed to religion, but he sees the hurts and endeavors to help. Wayne is the author of seven books including his latest title, Every Path Leads Home: Opening to Your Spiritual Journey. Learn more about Wayne’s healing work at
Wayne Holmes’ Set Your Course shares six months of reflections that will give readers a path to spiritual freedom and help them connect to their soul and inner spirit. Not only does it provide healing from past religious abuse, but also abuse of nearly any form, and beyond that, it provides a path towards taking solid control of one’s religious and spiritual journey.
Opening to your spiritual journey, healing for the past, peace for the present. Direction for the future, Religious Recovery. Every Path Leads Home:
–Jane Phillips 3XEOLVKHU ,QÀ QLW\ 0DJD]LQH
esonate way page—they vibrate truth. I absolutely the best bridge I ditional religion, piritual nature of
–Liz Loring Coach & Group Facilitator
It wasn’t until I donned a clerical collar that I came to understand how people viewed religious leaders differently. Some were comforted by my presence while others seemed ill at ease. “Before long I realized that many had been damaged through judgment, guilt, rejection, and condemnation by a religion or by someone religious. I’m happy to report that these people do not have to languish in fear, depression, or resentment. “In Every Path Leads Home, Wayne Holmes has created a brilliant and very gentle way out of religious abuse and intolerance into peace, happiness, and personal freedom. “It is a way to heal us all.� –Rev. Gary Pennington &RQWLQXXP +HDOLQJ 3UDFWLWLRQHU Founder of Spirit Hospital Alliance
R e l i g i o u s R e c ove r y P r e s s
he author in ry is authentic, humanness of all felt wrapped in ndness throughout edict this book will ad it.�
V By Wayne Holmes
outstanding a-kind author who he heart through his red thousands of our spirits with his humor, bringing us of love and peace.�
O p e n i n g t o Yo u r S p i r i t u a l J o u r n e y
mes’ Every Path Leads Home is a beautiful book ce. Our lives on this plane of existence are of on, and we are all “headed home.� Different faith define “home� differently, and each suggests a s. e who has been abused by the supposed rules and a church or congregation or pastor, for anyone me to see religion not as a faith experience but et of ironclad rules, for anyone who has grown e struggle to find God by whatever name: th Leads Home is a must-read.
Wayne Holmes
Every Path Leads Home Opening to Your Spiritual Journey
Wayne Holmes Phone: 513.205.1057 Email: Web Site:
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Contact Rev Mary Margaret Denholm at 513-289-2914 for more information or to attend. All are welcomed. Visit us at All services are archived and available 24/7.
Online Sunday Evenings at 7:00 pm The goal of Religious Recovery
is to reach Call out
Wayne Holmes’ Every Path Leads Home is a Wayne Holmes beautiful book of acceptance. For anyone who has been abused by the supposed rules Phone: 513.205.1057 and strictures of a church or congregation or pastor, for anyone who has come to see Email: not religion as a faith experience but rather as a set of ironclad rules, for anyone who has Web Site: grown weary of the struggle to find God by whatever name:
Both books can be purchased through Amazon.
RĂĄven to for thosea in Life Changing need of healing Experience from RĂĄven religious is a Psychic Medium with experience in: organizations
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Dear Valentine –
My Heart BEETS for You!
Beets! Gotta love them! There are some people who hear about this hearty red vegetable, and may remember their Grandmother saying to you as a child, to please eat your beets! Like them or hate them, Grandma was right when she was explaining how beets are good for you. This beautiful root vegetable has amazing nutritional benefits, they can help to fight cancer, inflammation and lower blood pressure. Beets also help the body to detoxify and can help to boost your stamina.
natural sugar, so it must be consumed in moderation. The greens of the beets can be eaten in unlimited quantities. Most people can consume beets a few times a week and it is well worth the effort to add them to your diet. Beets contain a high amount of vitamin C, minerals such as manganese and potassium. They contain fiber and vitamin B folate, which can help reduce risk of birth defects. They can help to purify your blood and liver as well.
Beets have existed for thousands of years. The beet greens were first consumed and the “red beet” as we know it was used for medicinal purposes.
Don’t throw away the beet greens! The leafy tops of beets are packed with important nutrients and have more iron than spinach. Beet tops can be consumed in a salad with beets or sauteed lightly.
This sweet veggie does contain a fair amount of
Beet tops fight Alzheimer’s disease, strengthen
Feb / Mar 2018
bones and your immune system. To store beets, place them in the refrigerator, without washing them. They can be frozen, but wash before freezing, trim tops, leaving 1/2 inch of stem. Cool and peel, cutting into slices or cubes, place in airtight container or freezer bags. Beets have a unique flavor and can be prepared in many ways. They are simply delicious roasted along with other delectable veggies and are wonderful added to a salad. Put a smile on your heart with beets and enjoy the healthy benefits!
Rwith oasted Beets Herbs
B&eetGoat Salad with Walnuts Cheese INGREDIENTS: • 2 bunches medium organic beets, (about 1 ½ pounds) tops trimmed • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper • 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar • 1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil • ½ cup walnuts • 1 bunch organic arugula, trimmed and torn • ½ medium head organic escarole, torn • 4 ounces goat cheese, (preferably aged goat cheese) crumbled
INGREDIENTS: • 2 bunches organic baby beets, peeled and halved
• Olive oil, for roasting
Put the beets in a saucepan with water to cover and season generously with salt. Bring to a boil over high heat and cook until fork tender, about 20 minutes. When the beets are cool enough to handle, peel them--the skins should slide right off with a bit of pressure from your fingers. If they don’t, use a paring knife to scrape off any bits that stick. Cut each beet into bite-sized wedges.
• Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh tarragon DIRECTIONS: Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Toss the beets in enough olive oil to thoroughly coat. Season with some salt and pepper. Spread the beets on a large baking sheet without crowding.
Whisk the vinegar with salt and pepper, to taste, in a large bowl. Whisk in the olive oil in a slow steady stream to make a dressing. Toss the cut beets in the dressing; set aside to marinate for at least 15 minutes or up to 2 hours. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Spread the nuts on a baking sheet and oven-toast, stirring once, until golden brown, about 8 minutes. Cool.
Roast until browned around the edges and forktender, about 35 minutes.
Toss the arugula and escarole with the beets and divide among 4 plates. Scatter the walnuts and goat cheese on top. Serve.
Toss them with the parsley and tarragon and serve.
Recipes selected from
BTestimonial aker Chiropractic how much better I feel. If I hadn’t experienced it for myself I would never have believed it. My son is now seeing Dr. Baker for his back after he had a wreck in 1998 and broke his back. He is feeling a lot of relief already and it has only been a short amount of time for him. I would recommend Dr. Baker for anyone living with any kind of chronic pain. Thank you to Dr. Baker and all his staff! Harry L. Holbert Sr.
Dr. Baker with his patient Harry
I’m a 62 year old retired concrete man. I have been doing concrete work for 40 years with 30 years of back pain. I have had two carpal tunnel surgeries and one shoulder surgery. I do not believe in taking pain pills and will not have back surgery. My dad and brother both had back surgery and it did them no good.
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4 Steps to
Improved Immunity
by Baker Chiropractic
My daughter was seeing Dr. Baker for back pain after having two children and she asked me to try him. I did not believe in chiropractors but I decided it could not hurt so I called. Within four weeks of three times per week visits my pain was less and after eight weeks it is almost nonexistent. I went in one day on crutches with groin pain and came out without them. I can move my neck right and left further than I have ever been able to.
Find yourself getting frequent colds? Your immune system may not be functioning as it’s supposed to.
I did not know what it was like to live pain free again. My sex life has doubled, which was an added bonus that makes my wife very happy. I can get down on the floor and play with my grandkids again. I can shovel snow and work on restoring my 1955 Chevy, all without pain. If something does hurt I just tell Dr. Baker and he fixes me right up. I am a happy captain now.
1. DO take probiotics. Probiotics are the good bacteria that go into the digestive system and aid in the digestion of food. Research has linked the strength of the immune system to the quantity of probiotics inside the stomach.
The staff is excellent and ready to help with anything. They work with you and your insurance. I enjoy coming in for every appointment. I can not describe
A properly functioning immune system is necessary for optimal health. But how do you get one? Follow these do’s and don’ts to help your body fend off sickness and make room for health.
2. DON’T subject yourself to sugar. Sugar is what many people know as an anti-nutrient. I am talking about the refined simple sugars that contain no nutrients and, upon entering the body, take nutrients
Feb / Mar 2018
away from the body’s storage to be metabolized into the system. Once these storehouses are depleted, then we have created a mess for our body and our immune system faces a greater challenge in fighting off colds and flus.
immune system. The key here is to practice stressrelieving techniques such as meditation, yoga and exercise. If you or someone you know is having to live with any type of pain, stiffness or discomfort, please contact us by calling (513) 759-4666 or schedule an appointment at any time on our website by visiting We will help!
3. DO get nervous system checked. Your nervous system (brain and spine) controls every cell, tissue, organ, and organ system within your body. The key here is to be sure that your spine is in its proper alignment so it can send out clear signals to the rest of your body. Give our practice a call to schedule your next visit! 4. DON’T let stress get to you. The more stress you subject yourself to, the weaker your immune system becomes. When our body is under stress we produce more cortisol, which is a stress hormone that increases blood pressure and blood sugar leading to a weakened
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Spiritual Connection
by Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger
Spiritual Connection - How Our Relationship with Our Pets Enhances our Connection with the Divine One way of looking at what the Divine/Universe/ God/One may simply be to say that God is the Love that binds all life together. To put it more simply, God is Love and Love is the expression of the Divine connection of all things. For me, this simple definition works mostly because it makes sense and it is experientially based. When we feel love in it’s simplest, most uncomplicated form, we touch the Divinity that resides in us, and in that which we feel love towards. If you have a pet that you love, I’m sure you have spent some time just connecting with that pet. By connecting I mean you simply “be” together, and enjoy the experience of each other… no demands,
no distractions, just you and your pet. The rest of the world recedes, time seems to stop, and you are fully present with each other. This may last a brief moment, or it may last for a few minutes. Let me give you a couple of examples. Imagine sitting with your cat on your lap, and your cat just settles in and purrs. Imagine the feeling of utter contentment you feel in that moment, and how close you feel to your cat as you gently stroke their fur. You walk by your Bearded Dragon’s cage and you stop, and look over at him. He is gazing at you in utter stillness, and you catch each other’s eye, perfectly motionless for a few seconds. Imagine sitting on your sofa, and your dog jumps up and lays her head on your lap, looking at you with those adoring eyes. You gently stroke her head, and you both sigh in utter contentment. The bills you were worrying about being able to pay don’t seem so important for those few minutes.
Feb / Mar 2018
Think about standing in a pasture with your horse. He walks over to you, lowers his head, and places his forehead gently against your chest. You both stand motionless in the sun, experiencing the utter bliss of sharing a beautiful day together. Nothing else matters for either of you in that moment, except each other. In all these examples, you and your pet choose spontaneously to “be” together in connection and contentment. In that moment of communion, of being together, you have touched into the Divine Love that resides in each of you. You experience this together. You are able to do so because your bond is one of love for each other - however each of you experiences that feeling of connection. In order for us to do this, we each have to be willing to trust each other, to be able to reach out to each other with our hearts, not our heads. We have to be willing to be open, to share ourselves, our spirits with each other. I believe that when we experience these rare moments together, our pets have reminded us of the beauty of absolute Divine Love, have invited us to experience it together with them for a few brief moments. It is very simple - the human mind is what tries to make it more complex. We humans sometimes need things like special holidays to remind us to connect with one another in love. Our pets seem to choose to do this with us spontaneously, and that spontaneity allows the most pure experience of the Divine in all of us. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Animal Communication & Wellness Services Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger
(513) 310-3997 (513) 309-0957 •Animal Communication •Healing Touch for Animals •Flower Essence Consultations •Canine & Equine Massage •& Other Healing Modalities
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“Infinity Health Magazine”
Love is in the Cards by Patti Lightflower
“…and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” – John Lennon / Paul McCartney Many people come to me for readings because they seek a deeper insight into their relationships. The tools I most frequently use are the tarot and analysis of hands. The tarot reflects back to us our current situations, while our hands show how we are emotionally able to give and to receive love. Each of us has our own unique way of expressing our feelings to others. We also are unique in how we can receive love. Our genetic makeup along with our experiences create our preferences and need for emotional security. So often we expect others to feel in the same way as we feel, and to be as open to loving as we believe we are ourselves. Yet everybody’s comfort zones are set at different levels. In reading hands, we see that there are different skin textures which show how sensitive a person is to incoming sensations, with creases of various depths showing how superficial or deeply involved a person is likely to become, and the arrangement of these lines tells a story of a genetic background carrying forward ancestral gifts and baggage. It is said that we are attracted to those with whom we have most in common, those with whom we can best work out our issues, with people guaranteed to push all of our buttons and triggers. Some say we should view those pheromones as a warning sign to bolt rather than to mate. But, isn’t this why we are here in the physical, so that we can evolve and grow as individuals and as the human race? How can there be peace on earth if we cannot learn to love and to respect those who are nearest and dearest to us? Our hands can be read and interpreted because the patterns that form in the features are unique to each individual, yet common to us as human beings. As the letters of the alphabet combine to make words and sentences to tell a story, the creases and features of our hands combine to tell our story. I frequently combine hand analysis with tarot. While
hands show personal preferences, the tarot reflects through the patterns of the falling cards a reflection of the current vibrations which surround us. Together they show what is happening in a person’s life and how they can, based on their own experiences and natural tendencies, respond or take action. In the tarot deck I use, the Rider Waite deck, there are a number of cards that relate to a variety of relationships. When they come up in a reading they give me insight into what the relationship is about. Here are a selected few from the suit of Cups, which are like the suit of hearts in the regular playing deck, and symbolize the concept of the human being as a spirit experiencing the senses and emotional connections with others. We become embodied so we can touch, and our hands show how we touch and allow ourselves to be touched. We start with the Ace of Cups, a hand from the heavens presenting a cup with five streams of water overflowing. Aces announce the beginning of opportunities and here we have the opportunity to open our hearts, for the first time or for the hundredth. Sometimes out of fear of being hurt, from insecurities or other personal reasons, we hold back from permitting ourselves to love and be loved, and the cup appears to be spilling out upon the ground. There are creases in our hands that relate to how we trust, our openness, and to being emotionally balanced. These show our preferences and boundaries, along with what motivates us to take action toward our heart’s desires. The Two of Cups shows a couple each holding a matching cup, and relate to an agreement between each to meet the other half way. Each is offering to be a partner and work with the other on equal terms. These agreements can be based on a variety of needs and interests. When this card is reflected in its negative aspect one or both of the two no longer agree to the original terms, and a new arrangement must be made, or the two must agree to disagree. People change, and our needs change too. Control issues can arise when it’s difficult to compromise and make adaptations. Here we can look to our hands for how willing we are to be flexible and understanding of these changes. In the Six of Cups we see a woman selling flowers which are being purchased by a gentleman. This card can represent a number of situations, and is traditionally interpreted as relating to nostalgia. Frequently this card shows up in readings to illustrate relationships where each partner is bringing something different to the
Feb / Mar 2018
relationship, but both are of value to the wholeness. An example of this is where one partner stays home and takes care of the home and family and the other earns money to pay for their lifestyle. When this arrangement becomes unbalanced it is usually because at some point one feels they are doing most of the work of holding the relationship together, and the other feels that what they offer is of equal value. Other aspects of this arrangement going wrong are co-dependency and enabling. In our hands we see our needs for security and our sense of self-worth, and how these emotions can affect our relationships. In the Ten of Cups we’re shown the dream of the happy couple, beautiful family, perfect home, white picket fence and all the trimmings of ‘happily ever after’. Here we have the contentment and satisfaction of building a home and family with someone very special. Tens in the tarot relate to some level of attainment or completion. With the Ten of Cups there is the feeling of having it all. When difficulties arise it is sometimes due to the illusion of perfection and unrealistic expectations. Often we are more aware of what makes us unhappy than of what makes us happy, so this card coming up in an adverse way can show that we are working to eliminate the unhappiness with the hope of finding happiness. Looking at our hands we can see the importance of putting down roots and establishing ourselves, and also our need to stretch our wings and be free to come and go as we please.
About the Author: Patti Lightflower is a Professional Hand Analyst practicing in the greater Cincinnati area for over three decades. Her experience reading hands at corporate events, social gatherings as well as in depth private sessions, coupled with her love of research and science led to understanding how our hands have features that combine uniquely in each individual to tell our stories. As we develop from genetic code, along with how our experiences shape us, our preferences and personalities are inscribed into our hands. Want to learn to read hands? Patti offers classes and workshops teaching the basic and advanced methods of reading hands which include how science is now able to connect our sense of touch to our emotional selves. We store our experiences in our bodies, our hands hold these stories. Patti reads hands fluently. Patti Lightflower can be contacted via her email or call/text 513-3171535 Patti Lightflower Founder of Hand Analysis of the Future Learning Center
The major arcana of the tarot are a group of cards that relate to archetypes and what I refer to as our current issues. The Lovers in this group takes the idea of human relationships to a higher level than a mundane sharing of daily lives; it moves into a deeper commitment and relates to the idea of a spiritual union with another. It is associated with long term commitments, moving beyond as well as embodying all of the previous cards mentioned. One-night- stands and lack of commitment characterize this card when it shows itself in conflict. Our hands also contain features that can be interpreted to show how close we are able to get to others, and how deeply we are capable of bonding. This may be due to experiences, or just one’s nature. It can take courage to explore this realm of self in the reflection of other. Carl Jung suggested that we need a partner to trigger growth and be a mirror to ourselves for this deeper reflection. It appears that unless we live in total isolation from others we have daily opportunities to work out our issues, to heal old wounds, and to refill our cups when they tip over, replenishing our souls.
Hidden Cause of Author’s Spotlight TheRelationship Trouble Recommended Reads
How We Love, Expanded Edition: Discover Your Love Style, Enhance Your Marriage by Milan Yerkovich & Kay Yerkovich
by Brian Eastman Could this be the cause of troubles in your Romance or Marriage? An oft- overlooked source of relationship difficulties and how to fix it.
Often when a couple seeks relationship assistance they each present the counsellor with a list of complaints about the other. Or one partner presents a list of complaints and the other reacts defensively.
Quote from the book- “Our early experiences are so deeply woven into the fabric of our being, that they determine how we respond in all our future relationships.”
The counsellor then helps the couple navigate or negotiate the areas of difficulty. This frequently involves teaching the couple communication and other relationship-building skills.
How We Love, Discover Your Love Style, Enhance Your Marriage is written by the husband and wife team, Milan and Kay Yerkovich.
That takes care of the “here and now” aspect of relationship stabilization and maintenance. Traditional counselling is good for that type of work.
This book is a brilliant guide to help you gain a greater understanding of yourself and your partner. Each person has a style in how they love and manage relationships in their life.
But there is a hidden aspect to relationship problems which can sabotage the relationship-building training which couples do with their counsellor. LIIFT calls this aspect toxic Belief Statements. These toxic statements are hidden in a person’s Internal Operating Software but have a powerful influence on relationships.
Profound wisdom on the pages of this book help you discover what unhealthy patterns you and your partner could have that are wreaking havoc on your relationship. These patterns are from imprints that began from infancy and all the years of growing up with your parents, whether they were good or bad. Milan and Kay Yerkovich give you the keys to improve situations and solve problems with your partner that could have undermined and damaged your relationship for years. They give examples in the book to help you understand the concept of imprints and patterns you bring into the relationship and how you can make positive changes. These changes can lead you to a more fulfilled and happy marriage, or even if you are just dating someone. How We Love, Expanded Edition: Discover Your Lovestyle, Enhance Your Marriage by Milan and Kay Yerkovich is a recommended read and can be purchased at
“Sam” and “Georgina” came to see me because their relationship had deteriorated. (Names have been modified to protect their privacy.) Georgina was mad at Sam for a long list of things that “he did to me.” Sam was defensive, complaining that whatever he did to try to make Georgina happy she always said that he didn’t do enough, or had done it wrong. That was the problem they wanted fixed. LIIFT is not designed for that kind of repair work, I explained. Traditional counsellors can help you learn a healthier way to communicate and solve these issues. I provided the name of a counsellor I respect. I then explained that LIIFT would help them discover and repair the underlying toxic beliefs which enabled the relationship problems to keep happening. We discovered Georgina and Sam both have some
Feb / Mar 2018
beliefs that are toxic to any relationship. Georgina believes, “If I am loved I am going to be hurt,” and “I expect the worst to happen when I am with a man.” Sam believed, “I’m unlovable,” and “I’m a mistake.” When Belief Statements such as the above exist in our Internal Operating Software, our life experiences follow the path set by those beliefs. So in their lives together, Georgina unconsciously sets up situations which will prove that Sam will hurt her. Or she will see every event through the filter of those beliefs. So where anyone else might see ordinary interplay of couples she will see intentional hurtful action.
Group Healing Sessions and Family Healing Sessions. He offers LIIFT Your Prosperity workshops. As LIIFT’s founder he teaches the LIIFT Healing Process. Contact Brian at 513.724.HEAL (4325) or brian.
Sam will experience events which prove to him that he is unlovable and a mistake. The two of them together can create a perfect storm of hurt and pain in each other without wanting or intending to. Caught between the toxic belief structures of Sam and Georgina, their relationship has little hope of succeeding and thriving in a healthy way. The toxic Belief Statements need to be replaced by positive, life-affirming Belief Statements. For instance, Georgina could adopt, “I am safe and I thrive when I receive positive, nurturing love.” Sam could adopt “I am appreciated, valued and much-loved by the Universe.” He could also add a statement like, “I know how to give positive, nurturing love to those I care about, and I do it often.”
Feel Better Fast!
Imagine how they could enjoy their relationship, once their toxic beliefs have been replaced with appropriate positive ones like the above! Where to find help to improve your own relationship – Call me for suggestions of good counsellors and LIIFT practitioners in Cincinnati, Dayton, Northern Kentucky. 513 724 HEAL (4325) or brian.eastman@ About the Author: Creator of the LIIFT healing process, Brian Eastman sees people in person, via Skype and phone in his offices in Cincinnati, Dayton, Indianapolis and Louisville. He also conducts
Brian Eastman, LIIFT Practitioner 513 541 1257 - Offices in Cincinnati, West Chester, Dayton. 25
Longevity Resources Discovering Optimal Health Naturally
Welcome to our feature, “Longevity Resources.” Each issue we will cover topics that will explore endless possibilities in achieving optimal health. The statements or content of the article in this feature is strictly to educate and inform. It is not intended to replace the care and advice of your regular physician.
Love Your Lungs with Tomatoes and Apples by Dr. Joeseph Mercola One of the most encouraging studies to come out recently concerns the dramatically improved lung function of people who’ve recently stopped smoking, especially those who like eating tomatoes and apples. The research, which appeared in the December 2017 issue of the European Respiratory Journal,1 shows that when former smokers increase their intake of these two foods — essentially making them their new habit — the decreased capacity of their lung function begins to lessen, and their chances for restored lung function is increased. Former smokers who consumed an average of more than two tomatoes or three portions of fresh fruits, particularly apples, per day experienced a slower decline in lung function compared to people who ate fewer than one tomato or less than one portion of fruits on a daily basis, who didn’t show the same benefit. Poor lung function is associated with a higher risk of death from any cause, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (aka COPD), lung cancer and heart disease. Even if you don’t smoke, lung function naturally starts to decrease around age 30. As Well+Good quipped, “In other words, if you hope to reap the benefits of fruit consumption, quantity counts.”2 Besides the goal of convincing people to stop smoking
to reduce the likelihood of developing one or more chronic lung-related diseases, the study noted two major points related to lung function: • How your lungs function is a predictor of mortality for anyone, including patients with lung disease, as well as people who have never smoked. • Maintaining lung function and preventing chronic respiratory diseases are also important public health objectives.
Apples and Tomatoes for Better Lung Function Lead study author Vanessa Garcia-Larsen, an assistant professor in the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’s department of international health, noted that a diet rich in fruits can slow the natural aging process of your lungs even if you’ve never smoked, and might even help repair damage caused by smoking. Their research was part of the Ageing Lungs in European Cohorts (ALEC) Study, funded by the European Commission and led by Imperial College London. In 2002, Garcia-Larsen and her colleagues examined the lung function and diet of more than 650 adults from Britain, Norway and Germany, using questionnaires as well as spirometry to measure forced expiratory volume and forced vital capacity (aka the capacity of the lungs to take in oxygen), then tested the lung function of the same individuals a decade later. According to Vanguard: “The researchers found a more striking diet-lungfunction among former smokers, who had around 80 ml slower decline over the 10-year period because their diets were highly rich in tomatoes and fruits. Such a result suggests that the nutrients in their diets are beneficial to repairing the lung damage done by smoking.”3 Also noted in the study was that a major part of the benefit of the foods noted in the study (including bananas and herbal tea) was the flavonoid content, which is corroborated by earlier research: Tomatoes,4 as well as apples, are an important source of dietary flavonoids.
Feb / Mar 2018
An Apple a Day: Better for Your Health Than You Realized
other fruits, as well). Specifically, a typical 8-ounce glass of organic Honeycrisp juice contains:
Plenty of studies show how healthy fruit is for you, and apples are no exception. One study5 noted the peel in particular as capable of benefiting endothelial function, blood pressure and atherosclerosis and reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease.
120 calories
In the realm of lung function alone, the research shows that the valuable compounds in apples may help prevent and treat lung cancer,6 asthma and respiratory diseases, bronchial hyperactivity and persistent allergic rhinitis, not to mention Type 2 diabetes, asthma7 and several other types of cancer. But while it’s true that apples are a healthy food, moderation is key. As the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)8 notes, the amounts of fruit you should eat per day vary depending on certain factors:
A medium-sized apple itself has:10
Children under 8 — 1 to 1 1/2 cups per day Children and teens — 1 1/2 to 2 cups of fruit per day Women age 19 to 30 — 2 cups per day, while women older than 30 — 1 1/2 cups per day Men of any age — 2 cups of fruit per day What they don’t note, however, is that while fruits offer many vitamins, enzymes and minerals, they should be eaten in moderation due to fructose content, especially if you’re insulin resistant. And please understand that drinking fruit juices does not provide the same benefit as consuming whole fruits. As far as servings of apples go, the same site broke it down to show that one small apple or half of a large one each constitute 1 cup, as does 1 cup of sliced, chopped, raw or cooked apples. A 4-ounce snack container of applesauce counts as one-half cup. Here’s why that’s important: Portion sizes, particularly for those eating a typically Western diet, are often bigger than they should be. And while many think drinking an 8-ounce glass of juice would be good for you, the USDA National Nutrient Database9 shows that 8 ounces of apple juice have more sugar and less than a minute amount of fiber compared to a mediumsized apple. (Similar numbers can be assumed for
0.1 gram of dietary fiber 24 grams of sugar
95 calories 4.4 grams of dietary fiber 18.91 grams of sugar Apple Cider Vinegar — Balances Your Blood Sugar, Optimizes Your Gut Health If you’ve never seen a list of all the ways apple cider vinegar, or ACV, benefits your health, you should definitely take a look. Besides remedying things like bug bites, cuts and scrapes, athlete’s foot, sunburn, dandruff and more, fermented apple juice, with its active ingredient, ascetic acid, has been shown by clinical studies to: • Lower blood sugar levels — Three groups of adults with Type 2 diabetes, prediabetes and a healthy control group were given an ounce of ACV, after which all had lower glucose levels, and those with either diabetes or prediabetes showed dramatic improvement.11 • Sore throat soother — Combinations of ACV with the added bonus of other bacteria-fighting substances like lemon juice, honey, ginger and cayenne pepper not only soothes but heals sore throat pain. • Boosts gut health — As a prebiotic, ACV helps maintain a beneficial balance in microbiota, and may as a consequence help prevent cardiovascular disease. As one study noted: “Up to 90 percent of dietary plant polyphenols including apples, reach the colon intact. The interaction with the gut microbiota is reciprocal, (Continued on pg. 28)
(Continued from pg. 27)
since commensal bacteria transform polyphenols into simple aromatic metabolites while polyphenols have the ability to modulate the gut microbiota composition, inhibiting some bacterial populations and stimulating others.”12 • Weight loss — A Japanese animal study13 reveals that mice given ACV with their meals developed 10 percent less body fat compared to their no-ACV counterparts, even when eating the same amount of high-fat food. Researchers concluded that humans could expect the same benefit. • Urinary tract infections (UTIs) — Besides UTIs, studies show apple cider vinegar may have an antibacterial effect on interstitial cystitis, aka painful bladder syndrome. Part of the action may come from the presence of quercetin in ACV, as well as the potassium, which Organic News Room14 says may inhibit bad bacteria and promote the growth of healthy bacteria. Tomatoes: A Fruit With Unique Nutritional Advantages Ask nearly anybody what their favorite vegetable is, and many will answer that it’s a tomato. You may already know that a tomato is actually a fruit, but probably thought of it as a vegetable because it’s used most often in savory rather than sweeter recipes as fruits usually are. One of the most advantageous compounds in tomatoes is lycopene, known to have an anticancer effect, but which also may help prevent stroke. Imparting tomatoes their bright red color, lycopene was identified in one study as being associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer.15 One study observed that human lungs are particularly vulnerable to oxidative damage and that “concentrations of dietary antioxidants in the lung epithelial lining and lining fluids may provide protection against oxidative damage.”16 Another study rather carefully notes: “Increasing evidence suggests that tomato lycopene may be preventive against the formation and the development of lung cancer. Experimental studies
demonstrated that lycopene may inhibit the growth of several cultured lung cancer cells and prevent lung tumorigenesis in animal models through various mechanisms … Our understanding of the anticancer role played by tomato lycopene will be enhanced and help us to develop complementary strategies for the prevention, treatment and management of lung cancer.”17 Notable Facts on Tomato Storage, Consumption and Cooking A few things are important to know regarding tomato consumption, however. One is that, as a nightshade plant along with white potatoes, bell peppers, legumes, grains and some gourds, they contain lectins. Lectins are plant proteins that bind sugar and attach to cell membranes, causing weight gain, interfering with gene expression and disrupting endocrine function. They can also contribute to leaky gut and act as “antinutrients” that can wreak havoc on not just your gut health but your health as a whole. You may be able to get away with eating tomatoes sparingly, but especially if you love tomatoes and other nightshade foods, sprouting, fermenting, soaking and cooking them will effectively diminish much of the lectin problem. Further, cooking tomatoes to diminish the lectin content will simultaneously increase the lycopene content. Importantly, when you eat tomatoes, do so with a fat such as olive oil or avocado oil, since lycopene is a fat-soluble nutrient. Also, whether it’s ketchup, salsa, tomato sauce or the whole tomato, choose organic whenever possible. Here’s a tip that is crucial for the best tomato taste: Never refrigerate tomatoes, as it breaks down the flavor as well as the texture, making them mushy and tasteless. Room temperature is best. In addition, avoid canned tomatoes because the acidity of tomatoes increases leaching of toxic, endocrine-disrupting chemicals like bisphenol-A (BPA) tainting the lining of many canned foods (as well as plastic water bottles, baby bottles and plastic storage bowls).
Feb / Mar 2018
A Few Things to Note Regarding Plant-Based Foods Many foods today don’t have the same health aspects you may once have counted on to keep your family healthy. “Modern” farming techniques, industrial food production, additives, preservatives, nutritionally depleted soils and many other factors have harmed, not helped, in the quest for ever better food. Genetically engineered (GE) foods, including apples, are now part of the landscape, so to speak, since the Powers That Be want to help with things like browning (oxidation) when apples are sliced.
archive/2018/01/08/apples-tomatoes-for-better-lungfunction.aspx ____________________ 1 European Respiratory Journal 2017 50: 1602286 2 Well+Good December 26, 2017 3 Vanguard December 24, 2017 4 J Agri Food Chem. 2008 April 9;56(7):2436-41 5 Government of Western Australia Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Apple flavonoids and human health 6, 7 Nutr J. 2004 May 12; 3: 5 8 November 2, 2017 9 USDA Nutritional Nutrient Database December 2017 10 USDA Nutritional Nutrient Database May 2016 11 Diabetes Care 2004 January;27(1):281-282 12 Nutrients. 2015 June;7(6):3959–3998 13 J. Agric. Food Chem., 2009, 57 (13), 5982–5986
Through the lab-assisted suppression of polyphenol oxidase (PPO), a GE product known as Arctic apples, pre-sliced and non-browning, has been released, but it won’t even have to be labeled as GE. There’s also the fact that many conventionally produced apples, like the (once) Red Delicious, are often cross-bred within an inch of their lives to make them look more appealing, while rendering them mealy and practically inedible. They can also be dyed with color-enhancing pigments.
14 Organic News Room 5 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar 15 JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 6 March 2002 Volume 94, Issue 5 16 Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2002 Nov;227(10):894-9 17 Cancers (Basel). 2011 Jun; 3(2): 2333–2357 18 Ann Intern Med. 2012 September 4; 157(5):348-66
Pesticide use is arguably one of the worst ways food is compromised with harmful chemicals. Eating organic foods as much as possible is important for several reasons, as organic foods have a much lower risk of pesticide contamination compared to foods grown conventionally. In fact, studies show (through urine analysis) that people who eat organic foods whenever possible have fewer pesticides in their bodies.18 Apples, cucumbers, lemons, bell peppers and other fruits and vegetables are often given a difficult-toremove wax or other coating to resist scarring and insects, which can be petroleum-based. Whenever you buy plant-based foods, especially unpackaged, “wash before eating” should be a rule of the house, but perhaps “buy organic” should be rule No. 1.
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Mercola, J. “Love Your Lungs With Tomatoes and Apples” Retrieved January 20, 2018, from
Cynthia M. Brown Culinary Genius & Midwife of the Local Food Revolution 740-285-7136
Eternal Knowledge: Classes & Events
•Baker Chiropractic Valen-Spne Day! Join us at our West Chester office location on Tuesday, February 13, 2018 or our Red Bank Rd. and Fairfield locations on Wednesday, February 14, 2018 (Valentine’s Day) for very special Patient Appreciation Days at Baker Chiropractic and Wellness. Take advantage of these special one-day offers and giveaways! Consultation, Spinal Exam, Tytron Thermal Imaging, All X-rays, and an adjustment – all for only $59! If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us by calling 513-759-4666 We look forward to seeing you!
•Divinity Spiritual Divinity Spiritual Online Service Sundays Ongoing at 7:00 PM EST at your online location. To access the DSC service for you, your friends, and family, call Rev. Mary Margaret at 513.289.2914.
•Energy Healing from Ancient Egypt with Jill Mattson Try subtle-energy techniques - so powerful - they change Your World! Remember past lives from ancient Egypt. The ten sephirot symbols of the ancient Egyptian/ Kabballah Tree of Life are gateways to higher energies... they are hidden sound codes. Experience the sephirot attunements/sound gateways and receive higher dimensional energies. Listen to them free at Darius’s You Wealth Revolution when he interviews Jill Mattson! Sign up for this powerful & transformative free telesummit at www/YouWealthRevolution. Experience the ultimate awakening project … the World’s largest On Line Energy Summit.
•Family Constellation Workshop Anne Becker will be hosting her next family constellation workshop, “Healing Inherited Trauma,” on Saturday, April 14, 10 am to 5 pm, at the Dharma Center of Cincinnati, 16 Moline Court, in Northside. E-mail her at to register. More information on her website
•Dr. Jim’s Center for Advanced Medicine
Shots for Health - B-12 Shots given by Dr. Jim Smith at Health Foods Unlimited Dayton, Oh. every Monday Evening 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and Susan’s Natural World every Saturday, 10:30-11:30am. Walk- ins welcome For more info, call 513-942-3226 visit our website,
Discover New Healing Methods & Network with Other Healers.
•Enchanted Moments Enchanted Moments Gift Shop & Metaphysical Center 127 Main Street Milford, OH 45150 Call 513-831-5508 for more information on any of our class offerings S hop on-line and get “real time” class up-dates at
Cincinnati Healers’ Gathering offers you free opportunities to create a Community of Healers while learning about the latest developments in healing modalities. Occurring monthly, these gatherings enable healers to discover and experience new healing processes. Healers will network, too, and give healings to one another. Introducing Health Network Center – a Healers’ hub connecting healers to new clients and clients to healers. Gatherings occur Tuesdays from 7-9 PM. Email brian.
Feb / Mar 2018 to receive updates and location information. Brian Eastman at 513.541.1257 -
•Meditation & Drumming Last Sunday Guided Meditation & Drumming, February 25th and March 25th 1-3pm. Drumming Circle Newly forming co-ed drumming circle. Donations welcome. Come and join the fun! No experience necessary. Don’t have a drum? Come anyway, one can be provided for you. Contact Patti Lightflower for more info. For more details email
•Religious Recovery Religious Recovery: Healing for those Hurt, Disappointed, or Abused by Religion. Religious Recovery is a free mutual-support, nonprofessional 13step program loosely based on the concept of traditional 12-step meetings. The meeting is open to all religions but is not affiliated with any church or religious organization. Atheists and agnostics are also welcome. For meeting times and locations, or to contact an individual to speak about Religious Recovery, visit our web site: For information contact Wayne: or call/text: (513) 205-1057.
•Mill’s Pharmacy
We also have a Facebook page at https://www.facebook. com/pages/Religious-Recovery/598915013454248.
Pranic Healing TM - Meditation and Healing Nights1st and 4th Mondays of the Month 6:30pm-8pm at Mills Pharmacy 640 Wessel Dr Fairfield OH. Donations welcome. Contact Tina Weisenberger for more information at 513-207-0875
•Whatever Works
•Palmistry for Self Awareness Your hands contain a personalized map to knowing yourself. In this fun and fascinating series of workshops you will learn the basics of reading hands and gain more insight into your self and others. March/April 2018
Whatever Works Center and Gift shop 7433 Montgomery Rd. Cincin. Oh. 45236 Ph. #(513)7919428 At Whatever Works Wellness : Mondays 6:30 to 8:00 pm Manifestation Class: Hands on training from the material of Abraham - Hicks. Wayne Dyer, Sonia Choquette & others. Understand the universal law of attraction, the art of allowing & power of emotions that can help you create the life you desire. $10.00 per class - call (513)791-9428 for info or to reserve a seat.
Tuesday Afternoons 12:30 to 2:30 or Thursday Evenings 7 to 9 pm Location: Near Historic Downtown Lebanon See website for details: or email
Wednesdays - 6:30 to 7:30 pm Wellness Wednesdays. Ongoing support group dedicated to sharing natural holistic ways to maximize your health & well being. Call (513)791-9428 for info or to reserve a seat. Other fun studies and services offered for your daily life: Crystal & Stone readings, Numerology readings & chart printouts, Dream & symbol interpretation & Energy Cleansing. For Center’s future events, check out www. or