Infinity April / May 2019

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Infinity Pursue the Secret

Chambers of Eternal Health

Timeless Journeys with Sage

Thyme to Start Your Garden

Spring Clean Your Emotions

A Holistic Healing Publication World Reaching Globally to Heal the World

Apr / May 2019 Vol. 85

L etter from the editor Dear Readers, As we step into the green evolution of our world, let us begin by being one with nature. Nature heals on a level that is so often misunderstood. The changes in the earth’s atmosphere is on the axle of infinity’s edge. Will mankind step in to save it? The frog, fish, butterfly, bird and bee would like to think so. The outcome does indeed rest on the shoulders of humanity. The season of Spring gives us an opportunity to stop at heavens gates and peer in if only for an encapsulated space of time. Behold the beauty of the landscape, the lushness of new growth on the forest floor. A gentle reminder for us to never take for granted the richness of the earth and all it has to offer. With tenderness and grace, serenity speaks as the delicate flowers bloom. The butterflies glide through the air in perfect harmony, in rhythm within the very heart of nature. Will we slow our pace and really stop to smell the roses? Plant your garden with exuberance and joy, choosing seeds of happiness. Watch them grow as they are embraced by the warmth of the sun. Reach for the stars, dance in the moonlight as it glows upon you. The energy of the moon has the ability to reset your internal clock, it is time to examine and re-evaluate what really matters the most in this journey that we call life. Step back, take a closer look, what is missing? It may not be what you would expect. The answers are there in the spirit of nature. The signs of a new life emerging are given to us in the season of Spring. Rebirth and new beginnings are prevalent. We will at times resist change, but it is all designed as the blueprint of our destiny. It only takes an ounce of courage, a dash of optimism and a touch of bravery that will empower you to create your dreams into reality. Begin a new chapter, discover the possibilities that are waiting for you!

Happy Spring! Yours in Health,

Jane Phillips Editor in Chief Publisher / Owner

Welcome to Infinity Welcome readers to Infinity magazine’s newest issue! This issue is packed full of innovative ways to improve your quality of life. Read valuable information and proven methods that will enrich and enhance your health and your lifestyle. Be inspired, with each article, let Infinity magazine guide you every step of the way to improve your well being, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We are committed to bring to you the latest in health and wellness technology, and we will continue to keep you updated on exciting events throughout the year. April 21 - Easter April 22 - Earth Day May 12 - Mother’s Day May 27 - Memorial Day Wishing you all the best this season!

MISSION STATEMENT Infinity Magazine is dedicated to those individuals who are searching for a healthier, alternative way to enrich their lives while embracing the sacred healing heart within.

Contacting Infinity 866-243-6900 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, OH 45036 “Infinity Health Magazine” on Facebook Editor in Chief / Publisher / Owner Jane Phillips Creative Director & Design Nina Covington Editorial Consultant Cynthia M Brown Travel Editor Kimberly “Sage” Pridemore Infinity is under copyright by Sedna Marketing LLC. 2005

On the cover: The First Sign of Spring! Embracing the cover of this issue is the lovely and bright purple crocus, reflecting the beautiful season of Spring! Enjoy the gifts of nature, with the spirit of new beginnings and abundance. The crocus represents gladness, cheerfulness, and a sense of youthful innocent joy! A special thanks to our wonderful neighbor and friend, Amy Flynt for letting us photograph her amazing flower garden.

Cover Photo Courtesy: Nina Covington Infinity is a bi-monthly publication designed to promote health, and natural well-being. The information in Infinity is not intended as medical advice, and should not replace the advice of your physician. Infinity is not responsible for typographical errors, omissions, or misinformation.

Contents 4 Timeless Journeys with Kimberly “Sage” Pridemore 8 Pets Take Us Back to the Garden by Doug Knueven

Signature Profile Visit Fort Ancient A National Historic Landmark Built 2.000 Years Ago by Pam Hall

10 5 Ways to Connect with God by Josh Bickers 12 Experience Spring Through the Eyes of a Child by Jody Johnston Pawel, LSW, CFLE 14 Six Simple Steps to Spring Clean Your Emotions by Jocelyn Dietrich 16 Just in Thyme For Spring Herbs! 17 Recipes 18 Baker Chiropractic Testimonial 20 Becoming Again by Cynthia M. Brown 21 Author’s Spotlight: Recommended Reads 22 Jewels of Atlantis: Crystal Skulls by Jill Mattson 24 The Palette of Many Colors 25 Understand to Forgive by Wayne Holmes 26 Life Cycles by Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger 28 Longevity Resources: Growing Thyme in Your Garden by Dr. Joeseph Mercola 30 Eternal Knowledge: Events & Classes

Fort Ancient Earthworks and Nature Preserve is a National Historic Landmark situated on a wooded bluff 245 feet above the Little Miami River in Oregonia, Ohio. There are 125 acres featuring nearly 18,000 feet of earthen embankments built 2,000 years ago by the American Indians during the Hopewell culture. Rich in flora and fauna, as well as having a unique archaeological history, it is the largest and best preserved prehistoric hilltop enclosure in the United States. Two thousand years ago the Hopewell, carrying woven baskets of soil weighing 35 to 40 pounds each, constructed 3.5 miles of earthen walls at Fort Ancient containing approximately 67 openings. The earthworks presently range from 4 feet to 23 feet in height and set off the space for sacred ceremonies and social gatherings. Portions of these walls were used in conjunction with the sun and moon to provide a calendar system. The museum at Fort Ancient offers students a detailed exploration of 15,000 years of American Indian history in the Ohio Valley. The education classroom has several hands-on activities depicting (Continued on pg. 7)

TWest imeless Journeys with Sage Texas – Part 1: Marfa by Kimberly “Sage” Pridemore

We are happy to announce Infinity Magazines new and exciting feature, “Timeless Journeys with Sage.” Sage has been with the Infinity team for several years, her wisdom, knowledge and experience makes her a perfect fit as Infinity’s Travel Editor for this special feature. Each issue will be a wonderful adventure with Sage as she travels to amazing destinations. Sage will share her travels with helpful tips, interesting facts about her fun filled and relaxing get-aways! West Texas ~ The experience of a Lifetime Part One ~ Marfa and the Marfa lights I am a Spiritual Life Coach, Intuitive, Writer and Yoga Teacher.


I am in such gratitude to have the opportunity to share my Timeless Journeys with you. It is so appropriate that my first article is a visit to West Texas. In 2015, I moved to Texas because of a not so subtle push from Spirit and a best friend (Mimi) who intuitively knew I needed an opportunity to heal and had the best place for that to happen! What began as a sabbatical has now become my home! Texas is in my blood. I came to Texas with a broken heart and a soul riddled with grief and loss. This turned out to be a very dark night of the soul. Yet, I emerged a Phoenix! My heart and soul opened back up in a way that could not have happened without the time to go within and let go, let God. In a way, Texas enveloped me like a womb. I spent the last three years recreating my life in a way that has been a no short of a miracle. My life now revolves around a lake in Texas Hill Country and a new found freedom

Apr / May 2019

of living life to the absolute fullest. As it is said, time heals. Spirit opened up a whole new world of travel to me these past three years and I still finding healing in the Zen experience given through each trip. Come along with me as I continue to heal and grow through the magnificent, mystical vortexes of Mother Earth. If you want to experience some of the untouched beauty of Texas, including Big Bend, the majestic Chisos Mountains, a ghost town and an eclectic artist community called Marfa. Join me and my partner Ray on a road trip from Buchanan Dam Texas to the Lone Star State’s wide-open spaces! I have spent the past two years in my boyfriend’s face requesting a road trip to Marfa, Texas. His response was always, “honey, now that’s a road trip!” Ray, a retired Geologist and native Texan, had not been back to West Texas in over 30 years. My draw to Marfa was the allure of the eclectic artist town in the middle of the Chihuahuan Desert, but even more is the mystery of the Marfa lights. Finally after months of my “I wanna go to Marfa” rants - and insisting I would help drive - a road trip was planned! We decided to stay in Marfa for two nights and head to Big Bend for another two nights in Terlingua, leaving the final night open. Our road trip through the rugged wilderness was ready to begin. Ray mapped out our route. We packed up the truck and off we went. Our drive to Marfa took about six hours. We chose to leave around 8am and take our time, as check in was not until 3pm. While the drive from our Lake to Marfa is six hours of real time and we had to factor in six hours of Texas time. They are totally different concepts. We leisurely headed towards Llano, making our way to Fort Stockton, and then the final stretch south to Marfa. I happily lost track of time and space as the Texas sky seemed even bigger on the open road. During our ride, we played every one of our favorite country music albums, because there’s nothing like a little Waylon to take you into the homestretch of Marfa.


Marfa, home to fewer than 2,000 people, was once a purely ranching town when artists such as Donald Judd relocated in the 1970’s. Ranching and art now co-exist, but today it’s Marfa’s unique quirks that draw road trippers. Our first stop was to El Cosmico, a quirky hotel and campground on 21 acres, filled with vintage trailers, teepees and yurts. Ray and I stayed in a Sioux-style teepee. We unpacked our suitcases, surveyed the land and reserved a wood-fired, barrel-like hot tub for later that evening. Soon it was time for food! We decided to hit the popular happy hour at Hotel Saint George’s Bar George. It was a posh place in the middle of nowhere! We shared the smoked brisket mac and cheese with green chilies and the seared ahi tuna. I enjoyed a spicy margarita and Ray opted for a nice cold Texas beer. As we dined at the bar, I engaged my bartender for as much information as I could on the Marfa lights. Our bartender said he had seen the lights about 100 different times over the course of his decade living in Marfa. He shared how the lights are visible on many clear nights between Marfa and Paisano Pass as one looks towards the Chinati Mountains. He said the lights change colors, collide and split into two and appear and disappear. A visitor center had also recently been built on the right-hand side of the road about 8 miles out of town. Ray and I made plans to head that way at dusk. Before leaving, I popped into Marfa Book Company located in the Hotel Saint George lobby. They offer a unique selection of books, art and some very cool gifts. It also host readings, performances and exhibitions by renowned writers, musicians and artists. As dusk approached, we made our way down a patch of highway out of town to set up camp and wait for the lights. Wrapped in a blanket in a cool February evening, as the sun was no longer heating the desert, I sat down in my camping chair and stared off into the sky. I closed my eyes and let Ray watch for any appearing lights. In my mind, I envisioned orbs dancing over the mountains. I knew there was no way to predict when the lights will appear, as they’re seen in various


weather conditions, but only a dozen or so nights each year. When I finally reopened my eyes, I saw the most beautiful Texas sky ablaze with stars. I even witnessed two shooting stars, but no lights. I was totally fine with this outcome. I made two wishes on the shooting stars and felt deep gratitude for simply being where the Marfa mystery lights have danced for ions. I was ready to get back to our camp and for that woodfired hot tub with Ray and a glass of wine. The steam rose high above our tub, towards a million stars in the sky. The moon lit our way back to the teepee for a restful night of dreams. Day two. Morning came early and there was a chill in the air for our walk to the communal bathhouse. I made my way knowing for sure I would not take a shower that morning. Instead, I would save it for the Hotel Paisano later in the afternoon. I love Glamping, however, I was fine forgoing a morning shower this one time. To my surprise, on the way back from the bathhouse, a wild Javelina made its way past me less than fifty feet away.

On our way out of Marfa towards Valentine, we came across a freestanding, larger than life plywood cutout scene titled, “Giant Marfa.” This is a tribute to the movie Giant that was filmed in Marfa in 1955. This was yet another creative and unexpected art experience in the vastness of the desert. Ray and I spent the remainder of the day driving into the Davis Mountains and where we simply enjoyed majestic scenery and the road’s solitude. We visited thrift stores in the quaint little town of Fort Davis. Fort Davis is nestled among the Davis Mountains and it truly feels like the Old West. We later made our way to Alpine for lunch at the historic Holland Hotel and enjoyed the window-shopping. Our final night in Marfa was spent at the charming and historic hotel, the Hotel Paisano. This is where Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson and James Dean, along with 150 other cast members and crew made their gathering place for six weeks of their summer filming.

Our plans for day two were to explore Marfa and the outskirts of town. We planned to visit some of the art installations and, of course, drive to Prada Marfa, a minimalist, stand-alone building on a desolate highway.

After checking in, I got my long-awaited hot shower. We then made our way to Restaurant Cochineal for a Valentine’s Day dinner. We both enjoyed the cocktails and entrees. Ray had the Mesquite, a grilled filet mignon. I had the mushroom ancient grain pasta with herbed ricotta, another treasure to be found.

But first, breakfast! I had read fabulous things about breakfast at Marfa Burrito, and no twisting of Ray’s arm was required. Marfa Burrito is a little house with wood-paneled walls, Mexican decorations and pictures of Matthew McConaughey. What a burrito! We shared the primo, which is stuffed with bean, potatoes, onion, tomatoes, salsa and cheese. That and two hot cups of coffee fueled us for a big part of the day!

The first half of our road trip saw a remarkable mix of artists and cowboys, burritos and fine dining, teepees and historic hotels. It was exactly how I envisioned. Ray and I ended our evening with a nightcap at the hotel bar, Jett’s Grill, and then took advantage of an outdoor patio along our room. We sat in front of the fireplace and once again watched the stars in the Texas sky!

Our second day in Marfa also just happened to be Valentine’s Day and Prada Marfa (a pop architectural land art project) is about a mile outside of Valentine, Texas. Score! We had a photo opportunity on Valentines Day in Valentine, Texas and a visit in the middle of a fully stocked Prada store that is never open in the middle of the West Texas desert.

My Zen moment: The vastness of an empty road and giant sky, driving into Marfa. Truly, it was pure Zen.


To be continued… June/July will feature the second part of Sage’s Big Bend journey.

Apr / May 2019

(Continued from pg. 3) About the Author: Sage Woman is an Intuitive and Spiritual Life Coach. Contact her to schedule an individual session with her. Her passion is to assist you in empowering and co-creating the life you desire with tools and practical applications along with intuitive messages to guide your journey. For more information, contact her at 513-490-4693, or email sagewomen61@

Last Sunday Guided Meditation & Drumming April 28th and May 26th 1-3pm Drumming Circle forming co-ed drumming circle. Donations welcome. Come and join the fun! No experience necessary. Don’t have a drum? Come anyway, one can be provided for you. For more details email Contact Patti Lightflower for more info.

SAGE WOMAN Ordained Minister, Shamanic Priestess, Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach, Intuitive Readings

• Personal Empowerment • Co-create your future, tap into your own divine energy with Spiritual Counseling


Call and schedule a session with Sage


the daily life of American Indians as well as a time line. A prehistoric garden adjacent to the building offers a look at the archaeological plants and planting methods of the Woodland cultures. Fort Ancient is currently in the final stages to become a designated World Heritage site. This earthwork is on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO’s) list as it meets the criteria for international cultural sites as a “Masterpiece of Human Creative Genius,” with “Outstanding Universal Value.” The Federal Register has made a formal invitation to make the Hopewell earthworks in Chillicothe, Newark, and Oregonia the next United States nomination for the World Heritage designation. Such a listing, should it be achieved, would include the earthworks on a list that includes notable sites such as the Great Wall of China, the Pyramids of Giza, the Statue of Liberty, and Yellowstone National Park to name a few. While the latest news does not guarantee that the Hopewell sites will receive the designation, it does insure that no U.S. site will be included on the list before Hopewell. Every indication from folks directly affiliated with the process have stated that these Hopewell sites are unquestionably worthy of World Heritage designation. Editor’s Note: Visit beautiful Fort Ancient Earthworks and Nature Preserve in Oregonia, Ohio. Ohio’s first state park, this historic National landmark is perfect for hiking adventures and nature enthusiasts. For more information about membership, attending workshops and more, visit 7

Ptoetsthe Take Us Back Garden D by Doug Knueven

In the Garden of Eden, mankind was at one with nature. Humans melded seamlessly with the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms. It is no wonder that the Cayce readings suggest that one way to get closer to the Creative Forces is to immerse our-selves in nature. Unfortunately, our modern world makes such attunement difficult. We live and work in buildings that separate us from the sights, sounds, smells, and feel of our environments. For many of us, our lifestyles are such that we rarely have the time or opportunity to get outside and truly enjoy the natural beauty of our world. The animal-lovers among us have filled this gap in our existence by welcoming dynamic parts of nature (our pets) into our homes. For us, our animal companions are a major focus of our energies. We play together, eat together, and live our lives together. It is comforting to come home after a rough day to a wagging tail or


a gentle purr. Our pets somehow seem to know just what to do to comfort us. But our beloved animals do not just help us emotionally. Numerous studies in the past three decades have shown that pets help us physically as well. People who live with cats have a 30% reduced risk of suffering a heart attack. Heart attack patients with pets live longer than those without animals. Petting a dog boosts a person’s immune system. Nursing homes that allow pets in the living quarters have reported lower death rates and a drop in the need for medications. Pet owners in general have fewer doctors’ visits and they live longer than those who do not have pets. Just how do these special creatures affect us so profoundly? My research into this mystery has brought me to the hormone called oxytocin. But before we get to the fun facts, we need a little understanding of the basics. A hormone is a bodily messenger-molecule

Apr / May 2019

that is released by one of the many endocrine glands. It travels through the bloodstream to affect distant organs, glands, or tissues. Hormones regulate metabolism, mood, and emotions. Our hormone of special interest, oxytocin, (aka the “love hormone”) was originally believed to be released only by the pituitary gland (associated with the crown chakra). In fact, recent studies have found that not only does the heart have receptors for oxytocin, the heart is also a major source of this hormone. How appropriate it is that the organ linked to the heart chakra responds to and releases the hormone associated with love. The physical is truly a reflection of the spiritual. Whatever the source, oxytocin has many effects on the individual. First and foremost, oxytocin is a key player in reproduction, which is what earned it the moniker “the love hormone.” Its release is in part responsible for the pleasurable feeling that sex gives. Oxytocin is responsible for uterine contractions during the birthing process as well as milk production for the newborn. Studies also show that oxytocin can increase trust and generosity, and decrease stress, anxiety, and fear. But, oxytocin has physical effects as well, which makes sense since the mind and body are parts of the same system. Oxytocin has been shown to modulate inflammation and improve wound healing. It can slow the heartbeat and breathing, and lower blood pressure. Oxytocin enhances social bonding. That includes marital partnering, parent-child bonding, and even friendship with others. These others with whom we connect of course include other people, but research shows oxytocin also augments our relationships with animals.

physical explanation falls short. Why would a certain pattern of photons on the retina trigger oxytocin release? Perhaps the eyes truly are the windows to the soul. According to Cayce, the body, mind, and soul are intimately intertwined and the love we feel for others and our animal companions flows freely within us and between us. Oxytocin is a physical reflection of a spiritual condition. “Spirit is the life, mind is the builder, and the physical is the result.” Animal companions are spiritually imbued and affect their people spiritually, mentally, and physically. Pets can keep us in touch with “The Garden.” Reprinted from Venture Inward magazine, Apr-June 2017 edition, member publication of Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. Learn more at

About the Author: DOUG KNUEVEN, DVM, is a practicing veterinarian in Beaver, Pa. He has earned certification in veterinary acupuncture, veterinary Chinese herbal medicine, and veterinary chiropractic, and has advanced training in natural nutrition, massage therapy, and homeopathy. He is the author of The Holistic Health Guide: Natural Care for the Whole Dog. For more information, go to

A recent study demonstrated that gazing behavior from dogs, but not wolves, increased oxytocin in their owners. The people now influenced by the oxytocin, in turn showed affection toward their dogs, which increased the animals’ oxytocin. The researchers called this “an interspecies oxytocin-mediated positive loop facilitated and modulated by gazing.” All I can say is, “Let the love and healing flow.” But why is it that gazing into the eyes of a beloved animal causes the release of oxytocin? A strictly



5 Ways to Connect with God by Josh Bickers

We are all a part of God, Source, The Universe, or what ever you label it! The problem we see in our current society is that we are not allowing ourselves to connect and be in alignment with God. When we are connected and aligned with god we can truly see all of the magic of this universe! For me it opened up a whole new world and changed my life for the better! I took my connection a bit further than some want to. I developed my intuition and opened up to the spirit world. Now I am able to speak with God directly and receive guidance in my life like never before! I use this connection to help others in multiple ways! You can use this connection any way you like! If you want to make the connection to be more aligned to receive guidance and help in life, that’s perfect! If you want to connect and learn to talk to God, that’s perfect also! There are several ways we can connect to God! In this article I am going to give you my top 5 ways to connect to God! 1. Meditation One of the most effective ways to connect to God is to practice meditation! When you meditate it connects you to universal energy. It is the biggest factor in myself finding connection! The type of meditation I am talking about is where you sit silently and cleat your mind. Just doing this for 10 minutes a day will drastically change your life! Not only will it help you spiritually, it will also help you physically and mentally! Meditation is proven to lower blood pressure, anxiety and provide a ton of other physical benefits. Give it a try!! 2. Prayer Praying can be a great way to let God know you are ready to make that connection! By simply sitting down and voicing/praying that you are ready to receive guidance and connect with God, you will 10

open up that connection and start to see signs God is trying to reach out! 3. Believe When we start to open our connection with God it is important to make sure you have complete faith and believe that God is there and waiting for you to make that connection! When we truly believe it removes any resistance in place and allows an opened flow for that connection. 4. Be Opened It is extremely important to make sure that once you have reached out with the intent to connect you allow yourself to be opened. What I mean by this is allow God to communicate with you. Don’t create and hold onto a predetermined idea of how God will reach out to you and help you! Just allow it to come and flow the way it is meant to! 5. Align Yourself With God Energy When we open ourselves up to God Energy it is important for us to make sure we are resonating with that energy. It’s key to work on your own personal growth. Work on being a good person and treating others with love and respect. Help others when you can and understand that we are all in this together. Try to let go of our egos and let our higher self come through! Connecting with God takes work from us also. We have to resonate with that type of energy. We have to work towards bettering yourself, helping others, being a good person and shine our God light out into the world! When you are connected with God and shining that high frequency light out into the world we help raise the vibration of each person we come in contact with! Apr / May 2019

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About the Author: Josh is a Spiritual Advisor, Spiritual Life Coach and Healer. It is his passion to help others make sure they are going down the best path in life! Through his healing he helps others clear blockages and traumas. He also does hands on and remote energy healing. His Spiritual Advisor work helps people with their awakenings and teaches them how to open and control their spiritual abilities. Through Life Coaching he helps people make important life choices using his and their spirit guides to help give them the highest guidance possible. Josh has a lot to offer! If you have any spiritual needs he can help you!

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Spiritual Advising Spiritual Life Coaching Healer Josh Bickers

Helping people take the best possible path in life, clearing traumas and blockages, energy healing, remote healing, energy readings, spiritual consulting. Phone- 513.748.3571 Website- Email- Call, Text or Email for a appointment!

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Ethrough xperience Spring the Eyes of a Child! by Jody Johnston Pawel, LSW, CFLE

Theme: Refresh and renew the many facets of your life with the season of Spring! Celebrate new beginnings and energies in the spirit of light and harmony! As Spring arrives, we often feel grateful to see signs of new life and new beginnings, as Mother Nature brings new light and energy for new growth. Whether it’s a crocus popping through the snow, buds sprouting from the trees, longer days, or warmer weather, we notice these changes and appreciate their return after Winter. One facet of life that is constantly celebrating new beginnings and is full of energy to grow are children. Whether you are a parent or simply observe children, one of the most enjoyable present-moment activities you can do it so experience life through the eyes of a child and notice how it can positively change you.


As adults, we rather often assume that is up to us to teach children about life. In reality, children can teach adults a lot about life that we don’t know or have forgotten. For example, have you ever seen a child see or do something for the first time? Like feel grass between toes … see an airplane … taste ice cream … smile or respond to laughter? Seeing their amazement can remind you that the things you see all the time, every day, can be experienced, enjoyed and appreciated like they are new, every day. Children are so present moment, they usually don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future. How often do adults do that? It might take more conscious intention and thought for adults to be present moment, but what inner peace and harmony it can bring us!

Apr / May 2019

Children observe the world around them, noticing little details most adults overlook. How many times have you been so caught up in whatever you are doing or whatever your mind is thinking about that you are oblivious to where your body was or is experiencing. There are miracles happening all around us, but because we’ve seen them before, we forget what miracles they still are! Children know how to play, which is something many adults have forgotten to do. Children sing whether anyone is listening and dance even when others are watching. They just flow with the rhythm, not caring about what other people think. How freeing would that be? Children often speak what they are thinking, with total honesty, not knowing how to lie or be fake. They have little self-consciousness and are totally authentic. Aside from having a polite-manners filter, which is important, wouldn’t it be great to feel free enough to be authentic and real all the time, without worrying about being judged or criticized? You can probably think of even more ways children teach us adults how to live more fully. So as you notice the signs of Spring this year, pay attention, with gratitude, to the signs of life, love, joy and harmony all around you. In addition to noticing new beginnings, how about noticing and showing gratitude for the people, places, events, and things that are constants in your life. Imagine they were suddenly gone and you can re-connect with your appreciation for their presence and how they enrich your life every day.

About the Author: Jody Johnston Pawel, LSW, CFLE is the award-winning author of The Parent’s Toolshop® and CEO of Relationship Toolshop® International Training Institute, LLC. She has 30 years’ experience training over 50,000 parents and family professionals worldwide. She’s a top-rated speaker and parenting expert to


the media worldwide, including serving as the Co-Producer and Parenting Expert for the Emmynominated Ident-a-Kid television series. If you want to improve your relationships with children or adults, attend Jody’s local, live classes. See the Events section for the Parents Toolshop® T.I.P.S. course (Tools for Improving Parenting Success) or The 6 Keys to Creating Heartful Relationships.

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Six Simple Steps to

Spring Clean Your Emotions by Jocelyn Dietrich

The Spring season is such a beautiful time of renewal and growth not only for the weather and our garden but also for our soul and emotional health. For many people the winter months can feel dark, dull and long. It’s easy to feel pulled into the doom and gloom feelings and even easier to stay there. Well, I’m here to let you know that spring cleaning isn’t just for our household and wardrobe but can be easily tailored to our emotional health. The following is my six simple steps to spring clean your emotions and enjoy all of the blessings Spring and Spirit send our way. 1.Acceptance One of the first steps in working to balance our emotional health is difficult yet simple all at the same time. In order to work on our emotional health, we must acknowledge the emotions that we are feeling. Our goal should be to strive to accept them and acknowledge them as they come and go and try not to hold onto them. When we hold onto these emotions this is when they start to fester and potentially become a larger issue then they really are. It’s important to acknowledge where we feel these emotions in the body and identify them weather it be anger, anxiety, sadness etc. It’s also important to realize that we are not our emotions. We are not our anxiety, we are not our anger. Observe them, acknowledge them and let them pass. Remember, this is a life long journey and something we will all have to continually work on. 2.Let Go of Control After acceptance, another integral step in balancing our emotions is releasing the need to control any sort of outcome. Be open to whatever 14

that outcome may be and whatever will unfold. While routine and expectation can be beneficial – when it’s regimented it can be detrimental to healing. We become stuck on the never-ending hamster wheel relying to heavily on either our masculine or feminine energy rather than experiencing the bliss of duality and all that it can bring. Letting go of control doesn’t have to happen all at once. Allowing change to come in little by little makes a big difference in being able to balance our emotions. 3.Adventure I feel as if society and especially the adults in today’s society have forgotten what it was like to feel that child like sense of wonder. Some of us may have NEVER experienced adventure even in our childhood which is no fault of our own. This has made it quite difficult to feel and express our emotions as adults. What would it feel like doing a cannon ball into the pool?? What would it feel like to go camping, roast marshmallows, catch a fish and leave our phone and social media at home? We are so busy evaluating everything and making things picture perfect to share via social media – carefully curating each experience that we aren’t really experiencing adventure or lighthearted fun and sense of wonder. Adventure doesn’t have to be this big grand production – it can be as simple as taking a walk around the park, picking a flower and noticing the birds flying over head. If you do only one thing for your emotional health this season – please let it be an adventure! 4.Essential Oils I know essential oils might seem like “all the rage” right now however they have been put Apr / May 2019

to good use by our ancestors in many years past and can be used in multiple ways today. Essential oils have the ability to change your outlook on life. Oils can help to balance the mind, lift our emotions, clarify our thoughts, reduce anxiety and relieve stress. My personal favourite lately has been a blend of orange, lemon and grapefruit oils to uplift the senses. Orange oil is very inexpensive and helps to bring a sense of positivity to our environment and our emotions. Grapefruit oil works as a natural energizer and mood booster and lemon adds such a fresh and invigorating scent to the mix. Other oils to include for emotional balance include; clary sage, frankincense, geranium, lavender and bergamot. One of the easiest ways to introduce oils into your life is by an inexpensive diffuser which you can grab at any health food or home store. 5.Early to bed early to rise One of the biggest contributors to illness, disease and stress in today’s society is the disruption of our natural circadian rhythm otherwise known as our internal body clock – the time we naturally sleep and wake up in the morning. Once we disrupt this natural rhythm due to lifestyle changes such as shift work, lack of sleep, inconsistent eating times, or sustaining on a high stress lifestyle it can lead to an imbalance in our hormone health and overall emotional imbalance. Simply put… you just don’t feel good! Restoring our natural circadian rhythm is a journey, not an overnight process. Little changes you can make to help this process along include dimming your lights 30 minutes before bed time in order for your body to prepare for sleep, turn off the tv and stop looking at any sort of screen 30 minutes before bed time, try to eat breakfast and supper at the same time each day and try not to eat at least 2 hours before bed time, going to bed at an appropriate,


consistent hour each night and rising with the sun in the morning and finally enjoy the seasons including this Spring Season! Connecting to the gradual change in seasons will help our bodies and emotions to gradually change also in a positive direction. 6.Food from Mother Earth Lately I have been focusing on food as a major source of healing and grounding in my body and for my emotions. The benefits and simplicity of fresh foods knows no limits. Stick to local and organic whenever possible. Vegetables and fruits from the earth can lighten our physical body, refresh our senses and enhance our moods not to mention is a great source of vitamin and minerals. Depending upon your location some fabulous seasonal fruit and veggies to incorporate into your daily routine this season includes but not limited to; strawberries, rhubarb, asparagus, spinach, lettuce and chives.

About the author: Jocelyn Marie Dietrich is the creator and author of the Intuitively Healing website and blog over at www.intuitivelyhealing. com Jocelyn writes about her struggle with food addiction, weight loss, and spiritual journey that has intertwined throughout it all.. Jocelyn is currently pursuing her passion of writing and sharing intuitive readings full time. She lives in a small rural town in Ontario Canada with her husband Brent and rambunctious Chocolate Lab, Lola. You can connect with Jocelyn on her website or over on Facebook at https://www. 15

Just in Thyme

For Spring Herbs!

Its that time of year again to plant a garden full of edible delights or flowers just for the beauty and enjoyment of it. Don’t forget the wonderful fragrant and delectable Lemon Thyme or any variety of thyme is useful and provides several benefits for your health.

An essential oil from thyme that is called thymol, is an antiseptic and anti-fungal property and may provide relief with many illnesses including respiratory tract infections like bronchitis, tonsillitis and coughs. It is easy to make an infusion tea by using fresh or dried leaves of thyme to receive the medicinal qualities.

Thyme is very popular in the herb family, lemon thyme has many compounds that can prevent diseases and has been known to boost and enhance the immune system.

Lemon thyme is best for the lymphatic and immune system healing the body overall with its powerful healing essence. It is effective for the digestive system as it can help with bloating, indigestion and nausea because it relaxes the stomach muscles.

The leaves of thyme are very high in minerals that are excellent with providing ways to achieve superior health such as potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium and much more. These minerals help control heart rate and blood pressure. This amazing herb contains a high level of antioxidants and vitamins that help fight infections, improve vision, can create glowing skin and relieve stress.


It is important to note that women who are pregnant or nursing should not use this herb. Thyme tea is the perfect way to calm the nervous system, treat depression, soothe headaches and may heal symptoms of exhaustion. Lemon thyme essential oil can be useful in aromatherapy for many remedies. It will improve concentration and memory, and it

Apr / May 2019

Lemon Thyme Dressing INGREDIENTS: can be used topically on painful joints and muscle injuries. Lemon thyme has been used since ancient times, it is an herb that can enhance your health, is delightfully scented and excellent to use in the kitchen creating exquisite cuisine. It is one of the herbs to include in your garden and quickly could become one of your favorites, Lemon thyme is a powerhouse herb, discover the benefits and enjoy one of natures gifts in your own back yard!

LCucumber emon Thyme & Spa Water INGREDIENTS: • ½ unwaxed organic cucumber sliced and seeded • 1 cup of fresh lemon thyme • 1 cup of soda water

• 1 cup of organic plain yogurt • 2 Tsp. organic olive oil • 2 Tbs. water • ½ cup fresh lemon thyme • 1 tsp. Salt • 1 tsp. Red pepper flakes DIRECTIONS 1. Make sure lemon thyme is rinsed and patted dry 2. Add Yogurt, spices and lemon thyme to food processor 3. Blend on low, slowly drizzling in oil and then water 4. Taste and adjust seasoning. Note: Make sure to pull thyme leaves from stems before processing.

Divinity Spiritual Church “A Place of Love, Light, Truth, & Freedom”

• ½ gallon of spring water • Cracked ice • Thinly sliced organic lemon for garnish DIRECTIONS: 1. Put cucumber and thyme in a small infuser back or basket 2. Drop into ½ gallon of water. 3. Let stand in refrigerator for 30 minutes. 4. Add soda water

4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield 45014 Contact Rev Mary Margaret Denholm at 513-289-2914 for more information

Visit us at All services are archived and available 24/7.

5. Pour over cracked ice in chilled glasses 6. Garnish with a thin slice of lemon and serve.

3rd Saturday of the Month at 5:30 pm. All are welcomed.

Recipes submitted by Cynthia M. Brown



BTestimonial aker Chiropractic After Failed Treatments Elsewhere, My Daughter is Finally Free from Hip Pain, Back Pain and Knee Pain

Much to my surprise, we walked into Dr. Patrick’s office and after one visit, I was feeling like we were finally in the right place! Not only because Dr. Baker and his ENTIRE staff were warm, friendly, caring, knowledgeable, and accommodating, but because they had such a comprehensive system in place to truly assess the patient’s issues and aggressively solve those issues! I felt comfortable about their plan because they educated us on how chiropractic care works and how they were planning to help us. There was no mystery or uncertainty after they explained their approach and plan. I also felt comfortable asking Dr. Baker and all of the staff members any questions I may have had. The only surprise was how quickly my daughters pain was relieved after only a few visits.

Brooke Tartar and Dr. Patrick Baker

I reluctantly made an appointment with Baker Chiropractic and Wellness for my 12 year old daughter due to hip pain, back pain and knee pain she had been experiencing for about one year. Although we had sought chiropractic care elsewhere, months prior to our first appointment with Dr. Patrick Baker, Brooke’s pain continued and actually got worse over time. I had also taken Brooke to see a specialist at Children’s Hospital for a pricey exam and x-rays. The doctor at Children’s Hospital explained to us that Brooke was suffering from “Growing Pains.” Not the case! The chiropractic treatments she was receiving from previous chiropractors seemed to help for a temporary time, but always resurfaced shortly after her treatments. This is why I was not optimistic about seeking additional chiropractic care for my daughter… because the treatments previous to Baker Chiropractic and Wellness were not successful or long lasting.


Brooke was examined, x-rayed and weighed on the scale by Dr. Patrick. As it turns out, my daughter weighed 11 pounds more on her left side than her right due to hip placement issues! I was shocked. She also had alignment problems with her spine and neck. I am grateful to say she weighed only 3 pounds more on her right side after only 2 months of treatment! And after about 8 months of treatment she is pain free and fully mobile and flexible! Before Dr. Patrick treated her, Brooke was complaining daily of pain when she walked through Kings Island, cheered or tumbled. Brooke is now pain free and is walking, cheering and tumbling with great success and pleasure, thanks to Dr. Baker and his wonderful staff! Baker Chiropractic and Wellness truly cares about their patients. My daughter looks forward to seeing Dr. Patrick for each visit, not only because he alleviated her pain, but also because he is so kind and gentle. He and his staff do whatever it takes to help her and I appreciate their professionalism and attentiveness! I have total faith and confidence in Dr. Baker and

Apr / May 2019

his staff and I am grateful to them for improving my daughter’s quality of life! In short … they really know what they are doing and they do it well! Thank you, Dr. Baker and thanks to your competent staff. Betsy Tartar If you or someone you know is having to live with any type of pain, stiffness or discomfort, please contact us by calling (513) 759-4666 or schedule an appointment at any time on our website by visiting We will help!

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Enlightening, Adjusting and Saving Lives Enjoy Late Summer Activities, with New Vitality, Flexibility and Live Pain Free with the Baker Chiropractic Team! BACK PAIN ANALYSIS & TREATMENT PLAN • Back Pain Consultation • Pain Exam & Assessment • Explanation & Diagnosis of your back pain • Pinched Nerve Evaluation • Back Pain Treatment Plan Act Now To Get Your Appointment...

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15 Dr. Patrick Baker, D.C.

Dr. Paul Baker, D.C.

Becoming Again by Cynthia M. Brown Rebirth, renewal… we talk of it each new year. We celebrate it each spring as the weather warms and the greening of the earth begins anew. We renew vows. We renew memberships, subscriptions… we refresh computers…. It feels as though so much of our time is spent starting over. I don’t want to start over. I want to continue becoming. We often tell ourselves we would love to go back to our twenties with the knowledge we have now. What about deciding that the wisdom of our experience makes it possible for us to continue becoming more ourselves? What if it helps us move closer to our purpose in this life? I have learned so much in my life. I hope to keep learning. I have learned to cook and to cook well and to enjoy beautiful foods that my income would never allow me to purchase in a white tablecloth establishment. I have learned that making beautiful food and sharing it those whom I love is an act of intimacy and connection I cannot get in a public setting. I have learned to listen to my body and its cravings. I have studied seasonal foods and correlated my own body’s needs and I am convinced that eating seasonally is exactly how our bodies and our natural world were designed to work… in harmony. I have experienced pain, trauma and serious illness and learned to spend time and energy on the things and relationships that truly matter because time and energy are precious commodities that cannot be reclaimed. I have learned to live with grace and dignity from my parents and how to die with humor and 20

acceptance from my grandmother. I have learned the art of forgiveness and the gift of friendship from my sister. I am learning everyday to rejoice in the simple things and to live in the moment. My greatest teacher in these things is my overly nervous, boundlessly enthusiastic dog TeddyBear. Nothing is more important than a good hug to start the day and to mark my return home. Playing ball and eating cookies are the best parts of the day and nighttime is for snuggling on the couch and burrowing in the blankets at bed time. These simple pleasures are always new and equally important and meant to be shared everyday, without fail and with total dedication and wild abandon. So while it is spring and so much of our world is reborn and we do give thanks and celebrate it, I would like, this spring, to celebrate that I am not finished, not in need of a new beginning. I am still on my journey and still becoming my better, more complete self. Here’s to growth and all its possibilities.

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Apr / May 2019

Author’s Spotlight Recommended Reads Acknowledging the harvest of each season and incorporating it into a meal is a great tradition for families. Kami suggests involving the children when using herbs, it will teach them how to heal and take care of themselves, passing it to the next generation. With over 250 recipes to choose from and valuable information about herbs and how they can improve your overall health, The Healing Kitchen by Kami McBride is a recommended read and can be purchased at

The Herbal Kitchen by Kami McBride Foreword by Rosemary Gladstar

Human Horse Connection Melanie Wiechel (513) 578-4141

Quote from the book- ”Food is one of our most powerful medicines. We create millions of cells every few seconds. What we eat is what we use to build those cells.”

A multi-faceted and holistic program with a focus on healing the mental, physical and emotional bodies • Life Coaching • Home and Land Blessings • Animal Communication • Spiritual and Medical Intuitive Readings • Online Spiritual Development Classes Available Now

Kami McBride has created an herb book filled with delicious recipes that will nourish your body and soul. She demonstrates in her book simple strategies and basic information about the amazing healing qualities of herbs and spices. Kami opens up a whole new world for readers on how to discover a new way to introduce herbs into your life and onto your table. It does not matter if the reader is experienced with herbs or not, The Herbal Kitchen by Kami McBride is an herbalist who cares about helping people to heal, she states that food is one of our primary medicines. It is easy to begin with just one or two herbs and it is fun to create infused oils with them, and so much more.



The Jewels of Atlantis: Crystal Skulls by Jill Mattson Legend has it that when the twelve lost Crystal Skulls of Atlantis are recovered and reunited - it will signal the beginning of the ascension of Mankind to the Divine realm. Crystal Skulls have captivated people’s imaginations for many years, and for good reason. Crystals are widely used for empowering and healing in a variety of ways, as well as enhancing meditation, balancing emotional states and restoring inner-harmony. Ancient Masters understood the power of crystals to focus and manipulate energy, as well as to channel energy and psychic information at incredible bandwidths (Our computers do something similar via the silicon chip which is a crystal). In legends and newly emerging interpretations of South and Central American writings, we find stories of the early Atlanteans as highly evolved beings, with technology and a connection to spirit that is far more advanced than that which we possess today. As lightworkers raise their energies, these technologies, abilities and tools will be once again available to mankind. Atlantis is rising! At one time Atlantis had 12 ancient temples, each containing a crystal that had been skillfully crafted into the shape of a human skull. These Crystal Skulls served many functions and were incredibly powerful. They were repositories for information and used for generating energy. They were used to align and strengthen the chakras. Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), the Sleeping Prophet, was known for his highly accurate and detailed psychic readings. Cayce often described that the Atlanteans used crystals to condense light and sent energy to remote home devices, as well as ships, and air vehicles, to purify the water and earth. Large crystals focused energy from the sky to produce electricity. In a somewhat similar way, technology will soon exist for satellites to collect energy from the sun and beam


it to earth in the form of microwaves. Is The Lost Continent revealing her secrets? Crystal skulls were used to induce profound visions and psychic experiences. Many profess that crystal skulls have consciousness and can communicate telepathically. Crystal skulls have been used in many ways: •Connect to the original skulls of Atlantis •Connect to higher-dimensional crystal energy •Enhance meditation •Enhance manifesting •Uplift and protect your surroundings •Expanding intuitive abilities •Connect with your chakras •Clear Negative energy blockages Crystal skulls can house your Akashic Records: Use the skulls to purify the karmic energy of your soul throughout all time! These 12 skulls have been hidden until mankind can handle this great energy. They are now allowing themselves to be found. Each holds the mastery of one of the 12 temples of Atlantis. For example, let’s consider the skull from the legendary Temple of Animals in Atlantis. The world today treats many animals with dreadful cruelty, but compassion for the animals is rising. It is at the greatest level I have ever seen, although there still is long way to go. When we honor, respect and love the animal kingdom at the appropriate level, that skull will be found. As we work with the crystal skull energies, they lift up our world and our lives.

Apr / May 2019

SHAPE RESONANCE Crystals are not crafted into skulls for symbolic or aesthetic reasons. The Ancient Atlanteans understood the power of shape resonance. Resonance is a phenomenon that has been recognized in modern physics for years. Frequencies that are equal transfer energy between one another. We tend to only think of resonance as happening between frequencies- but ancient wisdom held that there is also resonance between similar shapes. In ancient Egypt, if someone broke a bone, cracked their skull for example- they would sleep with an undamaged skull next to them, to heal their own skull with shape resonance. It’s in this way that ancient mystery schools healed objects with undamaged versions of the same object. Crystal skulls send vibrational information to your head based on the principles of shape resonance. Just as computers can communicate all over the world, so the crystal skulls of today can tie into the great Atlantean skulls. The original skulls hold light information, consciousness and energy of the most elevated time the earth has ever known. It is said that crystal skulls facilitate higher dimensional downloads and enhance psychic abilities, while simultaneously removing obstacles and blockages. CRYSTAL RESONANCE Crystal skulls transfer energy to you through the piezoelectric crystal in your pineal gland (in center of your head). The Piezoelectric effect is electricity resulting from pressure, which holds an accumulated electric charge as a solid material. Inside the Pineal Gland are Calcite Micro Crystals consisting of Calcium, Carbon and Oxygen that produce bioluminescence. Think of a halo. Putting a crystal skull near your third eye, impacts the pineal gland as well as the crown and third eye chakras. Just being near one of these skulls is like a massage for the pineal gland.


At the Seraphim Institute in Germany, a photon camera visually documented an exchange of energy between crystal skulls. These modern crystal skulls have been activated with intention, channeling, prayer and ancient techniques to connect to the 12 original Skulls which housed the glory and the wisdom of the Golden Age of Atlantis. The author has a 2 hour free interview on this topic at, this spring/summer 2019 season. About the Author: Jill Mattson is a prolific Artist, Musician and Author. Jill is widely recognized expert and composer in the field of Sound & Color Healing! She has also produced nine musical CDs with intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern techniques, & special healing frequencies to achieve profound benefits. Jill is a four - time author. (Crystal Realms CD – Best Sound Healing CD of 2017, Best Overall Music (popular Vote and Industry Leader’s Choice – Gold Awards), The Lost Waves of Time – Best Book of 2016 and Best Alternative Science book of 2016, Deep Wave Body Healing CD– Best Sound Healing CD of 2016, Contacting Angels & Masters CD – Best CD of 2015 and Deep Wave Beauty CD – Best New Age CD – Silver Award). Jill was featured at many hundreds of teleseminars, radios shows and magazines! She offers an online Sound (& Color) Healing School. Jill presents new ways of approaching health and everyday issues using the benefits of sound and color! Free music & School of Sound Healing at

Find Us on Facebook! “Infinity Health Magazine”


The Palette of Many Colors Ready to paint a new color on your boring walls? Adding a few new pieces to your wardrobe to brighten things up? Whatever the reason, the best choice is to select a color that you will love. Color is very powerful. Which color soothes your soul, helps you to create or simply just makes you feel happy? Below are colors with meanings that may help you understand why you are drawn to a specific color. What is your favorite? Blue: Calming, cool and soothing, helps to communicate, creating a peaceful feeling. Green: Creates balance, harmony, helps with change, attracts prosperity, helps with healing Red: Increases energy and vitality, confidence, associated with passion.


Yellow: Connects to joy and happiness, helps with creative endeavors, clarity for decision making Orange: Stimulates enthusiasm and creativity, promotes personal power, also used for healing Purple: Gives peace of mind broadens imagination, creates inspiration, good for meditation Pink: Color of Universal Love, calming, relaxing, creates contentment and acceptance Gold: Creates optimistic outlook, symbolizes good health and wealth, enjoyment and success Indigo: Develops intuition, helps one to focus on personal issues, creates profound insight Brown: Stabilizes, creates wholesomeness, connects with earth, grounding Black: Symbolizes self control and resilience,

Apr / May 2019

mean that person is working from hurtful, vicious, or selfish motives. They could simply be misguided, and if we look a little deeper, we may find the behavior that seems wrong to us might simply be a call for love.

prepares for unknown, poweful, represents strength and elegance White:Wholeness and purity, clears blockages, helps with mental clarity Gray: Symbol of security, creates a neutral, noninvasive feeling

About the Author: Pastor Wayne Holmes is an ordained minister with Divinity Spiritual Church and also Revelation Spiritual Church. He is the co-founder of Religious Recovery, an organization dedicated to healing wounds inflicted by religion or the religious. He is not opposed to religion, but he sees the hurts and endeavors to help. Wayne is the author of seven books including the title, Every Path Leads Home: Opening to Your Spiritual Journey. Learn more about Wayne’s healing work at

Understand to Forgive by Wayne Holmes The Buddha said, “To understand everything is to forgive everything.�[1] There were times when my parents didn’t understand my motivations, and also times when I didn’t understand theirs. If we could have talked and shared our reasons, perhaps some of our turbulent years would have been easier. Understanding another person is not always easy because of our preconceived ideas. Religion has plenty of preconceived ideas, rules, and doctrines that often create walls of right and wrong which prevent us from understanding one another. Battles are drawn over trivial questions of doctrine, and men and women are willing to die to defend their beliefs. Understanding one another can seem like weakness. Anyone who understands me can be converted to my way of thinking — or so we might believe. Understanding and agreeing with someone is not necessarily the same.

Opening to your spiritual journey, healing for the past, peace for the present. Direction for the future, Religious Recovery. Y

–Jane Phillips 3XEOLVKHU ,QÀ QLW\ 0DJD]LQH

–Liz Loring Educator, Life Coach & Group Facilitator


It wasn’t until I donned a clerical collar that I came to understand how people viewed religious leaders differently. Some were comforted by my presence while others seemed ill at ease. “Before long I realized that many had been damaged through judgment, guilt, rejection, and condemnation by a religion or by someone religious. I’m happy to report that these people do not have to languish in fear, depression, or resentment. “In Every Path Leads Home, Wayne Holmes has created a brilliant and very gentle way out of religious abuse and intolerance into peace, happiness, and personal freedom. “It is a way to heal us all.� –Rev. Gary Pennington &RQWLQXXP +HDOLQJ 3UDFWLWLRQHU Founder of Spirit Hospital Alliance

R e l i g i o u s R e c ove r y P r e s s

Mr. Holmes’ words resonate way beyond the printed page—they vibrate within your heart as truth. I absolutely LOVE this book! It is the best bridge I have seen joining traditional religion, spirituality, and the spiritual nature of us all. “The integrity of the author in revealing his own story is authentic, reminding me of the humanness of all of our experiences. I felt wrapped in the arms of loving kindness throughout the whole book. I predict this book will enlighten all who read it.�


V By Wayne Holmes

Wayne Holmes is an outstanding individual, a one-of-a-kind author who speaks to you from the heart through his writing. He has inspired thousands of readers and touched our spirits with his gentle teachings and humor, bringing us back to a safe haven of love and peace.�

O p e n i n g t o Yo u r S p i r i t u a l J o u r n e y

Wayne Holmes’ Every Path Leads Home is a beautiful book of acceptance. Our lives on this plane of existence are of short duration, and we are all “headed home.� Different faith experiences define “home� differently, and each suggests a path or paths. For anyone who has been abused by the supposed rules and strictures of a church or congregation or pastor, for anyone who has come to see religion not as a faith experience but rather as a set of ironclad rules, for anyone who has grown weary of the struggle to find God by whatever name: Every Path Leads Home is a must-read.

Every Path Leads Home:

Understanding helps us walk a mile in someone’s moccasins. It doesn’t, however, give us the right to take their shoes, or to tell them our shoes and our ways of walking are the only right ways. Forgiveness often begins through understanding, continues through acceptance, and can end in peace when“ we comprehend that by understanding another, we are actually learning to understand ourselves. When“ we are not willing to try to understand someone, we block them from our friendship, care, and love. Just because someone’s behavior is difficult to understand, it doesn’t

Wayne Holmes’ Set Your Course shares six months of reflections that will give readers a path to spiritual freedom and help them connect to their soul and inner spirit. Not only does it provide healing from past religious abuse, but also abuse of nearly any form, and beyond that, it provides a path towards taking solid control of one’s religious and spiritual journey.

Wayne Holmes

Every Path Leads Home Opening to Your Spiritual Journey

Wayne Holmes Phone: 513.205.1057 Email: Web Site:



is t

t Wayne Holmes’ Every Path Leads Home is a Wayne Holmes beautiful book of acceptance. For anyone who has been abused by the supposed rules Phone: 513.205.1057 and strictures of a church or congregation or pastor, for anyone who has come to see Email: not religion as a faith experience but rather as a set of ironclad rules, for anyone who has Web Site: grown weary of the struggle to find God by whatever name:

Both books can be purchased through Amazon.







Life Cycles by Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger As all of us here in the Midwest know, Spring is trying to start early this year. We are delighting in walking outdoors at 9 p.m. without a coat to see the stars shining brightly. The sun is not only out some days, it’s WARM. Families are strolling outdoors, airing themselves out after a rainy winter. Dogs are smiling widely, cats are prowling for careless mice venturing out, and the robins are back in town already. For us in the country, the small frogs that live in our drainage ditches have come alive in song, luring eligible female peeper frogs to their ditch for a little procreative fun. Our horses have started their mud rolling early, much to their delight, and they are beginning to shed. Squirrels are venturing down from the trees, and the grass is beginning to green. Daffodils are blooming, trees are budding, and all seems right with the world – unless you are one of the many people devastated by early year tornadoes. Our hearts go out to those families, and we are grateful for all those who are trying to help them. Left to my own devices I could keep going on and on in this vein as Spring and Fall are my favorite seasons. Terri gently suggested that perhaps readers might be more interested in the fascination that animals have for young humans, and vice versa. I think that fits quite nicely with our early season of renewal and hope, don’t you? Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal for all the elements – the sky grows brighter, the sun warmer, the tree sap begins to flow and new leaves appear, weeds spring up all over, birds return and have babies, and we see newborn horses, lambs, and calves begin to show up in the fields. Insects reappear, and in the late evenings we begin to see the baby rabbits hop about. If you think about it,


perhaps that is one of the reasons why we humans enjoy the season so much – we are drawn to the young of others. They remind us of new beginnings, new possibilities. We are fascinated by their rapid change from blind baby to curious youngster to full grown adult, sometimes in the matter of a week or two. How many of us will take time even when we are very busy, to stop and smile when we see our first baby rabbit or raccoon or bird of the season? We have lived on our property for 13 years now, and we have noticed that we have generations of birds that return to us – some like the Wrens and Towhees that nest every year. Others, like the Blue Jays and Red Headed Woodpeckers, seem to return every other year or so back to where they, or their parents and grandparent, were born. If you visit a farm or zoo, you will perhaps notice that the reverse can also be true. We visited the Cincinnati Zoo a couple of years ago, and I was drawn to the Polar Bear area by the laughter of children. There I noticed that an adult polar bear was in the water tank right by a full window filled with children. He would slowly sink to the bottom of the water, then push back up to the surface blowing air bubbles the entire time. He did this over and over, and the children were delighted. Terri’s horse Rohan is very curious when our neighbor’s little girls come over to see the horses – he will come clear over to the fence just for them. The horse cookies don’t hurt either, but that’s not his main focus, it is the children themselves. Wild animals will sometimes approach human children (providing they are sitting quietly) more readily than human adults at times. Why? We believe the answer is very simple. Animals connect with others through their heart center. We humans, especially adult humans, tend to reach out mentally first and decide whether or not to connect with another. Human children, in general, tend to reach out from their hearts first just as animals do. Simply put, animals and children connect to others

Apr / May 2019

in the same way. Human children have open hearts, and the animals recognize this, and relax into that invitation for connection. This ability to form and nurture a heart-to-heart energetic connection is also the basis for animal communication. Spring is the time where this interaction, this connection, can be more likely for adult humans as well. The season of renewal reminds us all of the invitation to connect to the Divine through Nature, to our animal friends, and to each other – with open hearts.

Animal Communication & Wellness Services Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger

(513) 310-3997 (513) 309-0957 •Animal Communication •Healing Touch for Animals •Flower Essence Consultations •Canine & Equine Massage •& Other Healing Modalities

Happy Spring!

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Longevity Resources Discovering Optimal Health Naturally

Welcome to our feature, “Longevity Resources.” Each issue we will cover topics that will explore endless possibilities in achieving optimal health. The statements or content of the article in this feature is strictly to educate and inform. It is not intended to replace the care and advice of your regular physician.

Growing Thyme in Your Garden When someone decides to begin growing an herb garden, thyme is one of the most often-chosen herbs, in part because it’s very useful in a number of dishes to create depth and complexity. It’s becoming more and more clear how beneficial thyme is to health and, serendipitously, as a perennial thyme reappears year after year. There are several thyme varieties that are delicious in a range of dishes from soup to eggs, bruschetta and in savory sauces and salad dressings. Recipes can be enhanced by using different thymes with recognizable foodie fragrances, such as lemon thyme, or lime, orange, balsam, nutmeg, caraway, coconut and oregano thyme. Creeping thyme is often used as a hardy ornamental ground cover or between flagstone pavers. These are designated Thymus serpyllum, with a crown of tiny white, lavender, bronze or rose-colored flowers and even tinier leaves, but they’re still edible. Thymus vulgaris, however, is the type most used for cooking. Medicinal Uses for Thyme While thyme is considered a popular herb in today’s modern world (along with the parsley, sage and rosemary mentioned in the classic Simon & Garfunkel song) it’s just a continuation of the cultivation that was going on prior to its 14th century use as a treatment for diarrhea, stomach ache, arthritis, colic, sore throat, cough (including whooping cough), bronchitis and flatulence, and to increase urination, according to Medical News Today.1 It’s an ancient herb, highly esteemed in many different cultures and areas of the world. Sort of like the cod


liver oil of the 18th century, all of thyme’s healing capabilities weren’t known; people knew it had a lot of remarkable advantages, so they used it for practically everything, almost like a talisman: “Ancient Egypt, thyme was used for embalming … The Romans used thyme as a flavoring for cheese and alcoholic beverages. They are also said to have offered it as a cure for people who were melancholic or shy. They are believed to have introduced it to the British Isles. Hippocrates, who lived around 460 B.C. to 370 B.C., and who is known today as ‘the father of Western medicine,’ recommended thyme for respiratory diseases and conditions. It was grown in gardens and gathered in the countryside.”2 Thyme gained a reputation for both healing and protecting; in Rome, for instance, it was thought to protect from poison, making it a safety net of sorts for royals whose thrones were coveted. Emperors and kings bathed in warm water sodden with thyme branches in case they’d been poisoned. In Europe of the 1340s, the Black Death killed a third of the population, but millions used thyme for protection, as a garland worn around their necks to “ward off” the illness, or as a poultice applied directly to blistered skin. Centuries later, nurses soaked cloth bandages in thyme-infused water, and that was well before they had the information we have today regarding infections and sterilization. Every Green Herb adds: “Thyme essential oil stimulates blood flow to tissues. It helps heal bruises, sprains and other injuries. The oil is antiseptic, antispasmodic, diuretic and a good decongestant. Thyme essential oil is used in the treatments of the respiratory system, the immune system and as an aid to digestion. It is also a good home remedy when treating gout, rheumatism, wounds, sores, water retention, menstrual problems, menopausal symptoms, bad breath, body odor, fatigue, nausea, depression, colic, gas, scar tissue, oily skin, colds, poor circulation, sore throat, sinusitis, anorexia, cellulite, eczema, athlete’s foot, dermatitis, insect bites, stings and laryngitis.”3

Apr / May 2019

The ‘Active Ingredient’ That Makes a Point in Thyme According to Medical News Today, thymol, aptly called “oil of thyme,” has antibacterial, antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, even standing up against such virulent bacteria as E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis and Shigella.4,5 In fact, as much as 60 percent of thyme essential oil may be made up of thymol.6 Other volatile oils in thyme include carvacrol, borneol and geraniol. The scent thyme emits that was — and is — beneficial as a purifier is still a frequently used fragrance in relaxing aromatherapies and even helps deter moths, fleas, mosquitoes and lice, while stimulating your mind, strengthening your memory and calming your nerves.7 In one study, thyme was found to support brain health. Animal experiments supported its potency in two different ways. Mice were divided and half were given a thyme supplement while the others got a placebo. When their brains were analyzed, scientists found that the animals receiving thyme had significantly higher antioxidant enzyme activities and total antioxidants than mice given a placebo. Secondly, the levels of healthy fats, including omega-3s, were “significantly” higher in the thyme-treated mice.8 Healthy Fellow9 reports findings from another study, which revealed: “ … [T]he addition of 5 percent of either rosemary or thyme could mitigate the ill effects of a ‘Western-style high-fat diet’ in a group of mice that was examined for 12 weeks. The authors theorized that the benefits were the result of positive changes relating to the ‘inhibition of platelets and stimulation of endothelial cells.’”10 Thyme can even be found in popular brands of mouthwash and Vicks VapoRub, which testifies to the fact that as arguably not-so-natural as these products may be, makers chose to incorporate one of the most ancient healing remedies known in the natural world. ‘Thyme’ to Start Your Herb Garden The first thing you have to decide when you bring home a small pot of thyme or seeds for backyard planting is where to place them to ensure they’ll get plenty of sun. Then, besides what Rodale’s Organic Life19 describes as needing “dry, gritty soil,” the only other prerequisites for healthy growth are good drainage and plenty of water in the heat of summer.


If you start with a root, thyme will multiply very quickly, so you may need to keep your eye on it every few weeks to make sure it doesn’t overtake other herbs and plants, according to Yolanda Vanveen,20 a sustainable gardener from Kalama, Washington. In fact, while timid gardeners may feel they need more specific information about how to grow thyme, you can relax because as the saying goes, if you plant it, it will grow. You can also start thyme from seed indoors. In northern planting zones that are particularly harsh, covering plants with evergreen boughs is one way to help protect them so they’ll return again in the spring. Beds of thyme don’t require a severe cutback in the fall, either, as some plants do. Another succinct perspective worth noting comes from Every Green Herb, making a few more excellent points regarding the successful cultivation of thyme: “It may grow to a height of 12 inches with woody twig like stems and tiny oval leaves. Creeping or wild thymes may have a more delicate appearance. Clip often to encourage new growth. Propagate by divisions, stem cuttings or root cuttings. Thyme should be harvested before and during flowering. Store dried thyme in a cool, dark, dry place.”21 Harvesting the plant is easy, too: When thyme begins to flower, cut the top half off the branches and hang them in a shady place, say in the garage or barn, or place them on baking sheets in the oven or in a food dehydrator. Once they’re dry, you can strip the leaves off and store them in a dark corner of your pantry until you’re ready to use them. Mercola, J. “Growing Thyme in Your Garden” Retrieved March 20, 2019, from https://articles. ____________________ 1, 2, 6 Medical News Today History of Thyme November 7, 2016 3, 21 Every Green Herb Using thyme essential oil in herbal medicine 4 J Food Prot. 2003 Apr;66(4):668-73 5 Food Microbiology 21 (2004) 33-42 7 Science Daily December 10, 2015 8 British Journal of Nutrition January 2000 9 Healthy Fellow June 8, 2009 10 Thromb Res. 2008;122(4):517-22 19 Rodale’s Organic Life June 5, 2017 20 Growing Herbs : How to Grow Thyme


Eternal Knowledge: Classes & Events

•Divinity Spiritual Divinity Spiritual services every 3rd Saturday of the month at 5:30 pm. All are welcomed. 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield 45014 Divinity Spiritual Online Service Sundays Ongoing at 7:00 PM EST at your online location. To access the DSC service for you, your friends, and family, call Rev. Mary Margaret at 513.289.2914.

•East City Yoga East Cincy Yoga classes available All classes for Beginners, Masters and everyone in between 503 West Main St. Batavia 513-331-9525

•Enchanted Moments Enchanted Moments Gift Shop & Metaphysical Center 127 Main Street Milford, OH 45150 Call 513-831-5508 for more information on any of our class offerings S hop on-line and get “real time” class up-dates at

•Jody Johnston Pawel’s Toolshops Parents Toolshop® T.I.P.S. (Tools for Improving Parenting Success) This 8-week interactive, edu-taining workshop series offers a proven parenting system you can personalize to your needs. Discover how to prevent most common challenges or ask 3 questions, take 5 steps and use 5 tools to plan helpful responses that are customized to that situation at that moment with that child. This course, presented by an award-winning author and internationally-known parenting expert, has empowered over 50,000 parents worldwide to be more conscious, effective parents, while reducing stress and bringing harmony to their families. Get more info at: www.


The 6 Keys to Creating HEARTFUL RELATIONSHIPS Transform ALL your relationships, at work and home, from the inside-out, in this 6-session series. Discover a simple holistic system for opening your heart, healing damaged relationships, and bringing effortless, joyful harmony to all your relationships. The Relationship Toolshop® F.I.R.S.T. System (Formula for Improving Relationship Success Tools) uses reality-creation tools, based on the science of consciousness, to empower you to prevent and resolve conflicts, remove trigger buttons, and heal physically, emotionally and spiritually. Get more info at:

•LIIFT Cincinnati Healers’ Gathering offers you free opportunities to create a Community of Healers while learning about the latest developments in healing modalities. Occurring monthly, these gatherings enable healers to discover and experience new healing processes. Healers will network, too, and give healings to one another. Introducing Health Network Center – a Healers’ hub connecting healers to new clients and clients to healers. Gatherings occur Tuesdays from 7-9 PM. Email brian. to receive updates and location information.

Cincinnati (2nd Tues) Indy (3rd Thurs) Dayton (4th Tues) WHERE TO FIND US - EACH CITY ---------------------------CINCINNATI Where: LIIFT Offices at Revelation Spiritual Church Bldg. 4251 Hamilton Ave. Cincinnati 45223 (Look for the BIG WHITE SIGN in front yard, directly across street from BIG GREEN & WHITE SIGN for a dentist.) Phone me if you need help finding the place: 513

Apr / May 2019

853 6180. ----------INDIANAPOLISWhere: Progressive Spiritualist Church

Recovery is a free mutual-support, nonprofessional 13step program loosely based on the concept of traditional 12-step meetings. The meeting is open to all religions but is not affiliated with any church or religious organization. Atheists and agnostics are also welcome.

2201 E 54th St. Indianapolis IN 46220 Trouble finding it? Call Jim Lasher - 317 777 4633 -------------------DAYTON Where: Anjali’s Ayurveda Natural Health Center 1342 N Fairfield Rd Dayton OH 45432 Note: park in the Strip Mall lot just north of the Shell Station. The biggest listing on the store sign is for Alpha and Omega Church. Follow the mall building where it goes behind the Shell station. Ayurveda store is the last entrance. Phone me if you need help finding the place. 513 703 8196. Brian Eastman at 513.541.1257 -

•Meditation & Drumming Last Sunday Guided Meditation & Drumming, April 28th, and May 26th at 1-3pm. Drumming Circle Newly forming co-ed drumming circle. Donations welcome. Come and join the fun! No experience necessary. Don’t have a drum? Come anyway, one can be provided for you. Contact Patti Lightflower for more info. For more details email

•Religious Recovery Religious Recovery: Healing for those Hurt, Disappointed, or Abused by Religion. Religious


For meeting times and locations, or to contact an individual to speak about Religious Recovery, visit our web site: For information contact Wayne: or call/text: (513) 205-1057. We also have a Facebook page at https://www.facebook. com/pages/Religious-Recovery/598915013454248.

•Whatever Works Whatever Works Center and Gift shop 7433 Montgomery Rd. Cincin. Oh. 45236 Ph. #(513)7919428 At Whatever Works Wellness : Mondays 6:30 to 8:00 pm Manifestation Class: Hands on training from the material of Abraham - Hicks. Wayne Dyer, Sonia Choquette & others. Understand the universal law of attraction, the art of allowing & power of emotions that can help you create the life you desire. $10.00 per class - call (513)791-9428 for info or to reserve a seat. Wednesdays - 6:30 to 7:30 pm Wellness Wednesdays. Ongoing support group dedicated to sharing natural holistic ways to maximize your health & well being. Call (513)791-9428 for info or to reserve a seat. Other fun studies and services offered for your daily life: Crystal & Stone readings, Numerology readings & chart printouts, Dream & symbol interpretation & Energy Cleansing. For Center’s future events, check out www. or


Earth Day is April 22 Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Help Protect Our Planet

Greater Cincinnati Earth Day Celebration at Summit Park 2019 – “Farm Your Yard” Blue Ash, Cincinnati April 27, 12 - 5 pm

The theme for 2019 will be “Farm Your Yard” to promote gardening activities with the City of Blue Ash, Gorman Heritage Farms, Greater Cincinnati’s Green Umbrella’s Food Action Team, the Civic Garden Center of Cincinnati and other environmental education groups in the Tri-State. Over 125 exhibitors, local music, local vegetarian foods, and Madtree Brewing Company’s craft beer will make the festival one of the best environmental education events in the region. Activities and presentations about environmental education, home gardening, local foods and composting will be featured at the event.

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