Pursue the Secret
Chambers of Eternal Health
The Impact
of Human Kindness
Release the Past Cherish the Present
Healing Your Ancestral Roots
A Health & Wellness Publication Aug / Sept 2016 Magazine Vol. 69 Southwest Ohio’s Leading Health Magazine
L etter from the editor Dear Readers, Question not what it will take to lead in a new direction on the road of life. Map out the choice of destination with a divine plan in obtaining each and every goal. With fortitude and diligence you will achieve greatness and your life’s desire. Reach for the highest points of light illuminating all that you say and do. Relinquish all that does not serve you and move forward to a new and bright tomorrow. Delve into the lighter side of living, let go of heavy baggage. Travel with a free spirit into the space of time, encapsulated into tiny fragments of our mind. Keep joyous and trust the process, it is based on total acknowledgment of self love in the breath of each soul. Determine the outcome before each step as it will greatly enhance the acceptance of victory if only in the smallest part. It is within the free spirit that the way of the world is chosen, be it good or bad. Acknowledge the good in all people, this will help sustain light against the dark. Step into the perimeters of light bringing all dimensions of reality to calm troubled waters on every shore. Seek not what you can do for yourself. Seek what you can do for others and be of service without expectations of any kind. Sample a taste of peace, dine at your table of gourmet and relish what happiness truly is. Happiness is the ability to see through the murky waters of fate and change the course of humanity. Humanity echoes the voice of hunger, starving for love of all measures to feed into a languishing Universe. Envision a brighter place for you and me, together we can change the face of mankind. Each soul has an opportunity to unfold the truth and reveal the very nature of our souls purpose for being here. Allow love to pour into your heart without delay. It begins with peace and harmony as the foundation on which we will stand, hand in hand with destiny. Let the infinite love of the divine guide us to create everlasting peace. Yours in health, Jane Phillips Editor in Chief Publisher On the cover: Summerina’s Endless Glory! Adorning our cover are the lovely and cheerful flowers most appropriately named Summerina’s. As we move closer towards the end of summer, let us celebrate and reflect on one of natures gifts that reminds us of the beauty that the season beholds!
Welcome to Infinity Welcome readers to Infinity magazine’s end of summer issue! This issue is packed full of innovative ways to improve your quality of life. Read valuable information and proven methods that will enrich and enhance your health and your lifestyle. Be inspired, with each article, let Infinity magazine guide you every step of the way to improve your well being, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We are committed to bring to you the latest in health and wellness technology, and we will continue to keep you updated on exciting events throughout the year. As we approach the end of summer, a day for all to celebrate is Labor Day, September 5th. Have fun and enjoy the warmth that the season offers, even if it is only a short duration of time left that the hot weather turns to cool Autumn breezes.
MISSION STATEMENT Infinity Magazine is dedicated to those individuals who are searching for a healthier, alternative way to enrich their lives while embracing the sacred healing heart within.
Contacting Infinity 866-243-6900 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, OH 45036 “Infinity Health Magazine” on Facebook Editor in Chief / Publisher Jane Phillips Creative Director & Design Nina Covington Editorial Consultant Cynthia M Brown Advice Columnist Sage Woman Infinity is under copyright by Sedna Marketing LLC. 2005
Cover Photo Courtesy: Nina Covington Infinity is a bi-monthly publication designed to promote health, and natural well-being. The information in Infinity is not intended as medical advice, and should not replace the advice of your physician. Infinity is not responsible for typographical errors, omissions, or misinformation.
Contents 4 Ask Sage Woman: Spiritual Advice for the Real World by Sage Woman 6 Random Acts of Kindness by Cynthia McNabb
Signature Profile Awesome End of Summer 2016 Sale The Friends of the Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County
8 Lost by Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger 10 Release by Wayne Holmes 12 Family Constellation Work by Anne Bernard Becker 14 Author’s Spotlight: Recommended Reads 14 Baker Chiropractic Testimonial
8456 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45216 (Hartwell)
Thursday, August 18 10:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Friday, August 19 10:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Saturday, August 20 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sunday, August 21 Noon - 5:00 p.m.
19 Recipes
The Friends of the Library has assembled an awesome collection of children’s books, young adult fiction, graphic novels, mysteries and classics. Non-Fiction, Teaching Texts, Learning Tools and other back-to-school gems are available at the Friends’ Hartwell warehouse for teachers, parents, and students of all ages. Beach and vacation reads are still available for late summer vacationers.
20 Little-known Causes of Ongoing Financial Distress by Brian Frederick Eastman
The Friends’ Warehouse is bursting its bindings with books on the arts, sewing, crafts and quilting, and these pristine copies will be featured. Do-It-Yourself Helpers, How-To’s and beautiful cookbooks are plentiful.
16 Longevity Resources 18 Tomatoes – Let’s Get Saucy!
22 Why Heat Exhaustion is so Dangerous by Dr. Joeseph Mercola 24 The Interconnectedness of Humankind by Kevin J. Todeschi
This Friends’ sale offers a last chance on our $2.00 hardback fiction before prices go up in the fall. There are CDs, DVDs, VHS, Books-On-CD, and even a few classic Laser Discs with the player! Prices range from as little as $1.00 for children’s books and paperbacks, to $6.00 for current fiction and non-fiction. Beautiful children’s picture books and classic literature will be priced to sell
27 Blueprints in the Heavens: Horoscopes by Laura Conner
Friends of the Library members will receive the customary 10% discount on all of their purchases; on Sunday, August 21 only current Friends members will receive a 50% discount on everything they buy at the Warehouse. Don’t forget to renew or join The Friends of the Library, now or at the door during the sale.
30 Eternal Knowledge: Events & Classes
Cash, Personal Checks and major Credit Cards accepted. Call us at 513-369-6035, for details.
26 Lycopene Linked to Reduced Stroke Risk by Dr. Joeseph Mercola
ASpiritual sk Sage Woman: Advice
for the Real World with Sage Woman
Dear Sage Woman, I would love to know some ways to increase my own psychic and intuitive gifts. Thank you in advance. -Lori L. ______ Namaste and blessings Lori! It is my pleasure to share some of the techniques and beliefs I have used in tapping into my own gifts. I believe all human beings are psychic and our intuition can be used as a compass through life. The root word of “psychic” means “soul”. Psychic abilities are truly abilities of the soul and gifts of Spirit. Many times we cover up our psychic birthright with fear, doubt and lack of faith in our connection with Source. When we separate ourselves from Creator we often lose sight of our inner wisdom. This occurs when we seek too much validation from outside of ourselves, instead of tuning to the signs that show up and should lead us forward. The most important practice for me is daily meditation. Meditation is listening to the Divine within. I set aside a minimum of fifteen minutes each morning to simply tune out and tune in. This is the opportunity to clear the mind of clutter and chatter. The more often one does this, the easier it gets. In this meditative state, Spirit offers messages and creative solutions to all of life’s experiences. The key is to let go of expectations and allow the quiet to simply be what it is. As this becomes a part of your daily routine the benefits multiply. Not only are you taking time out to connect with your higher self and God/Goddess, you are benefiting body,
mind and spirit. When I have a situation requiring clarity, I set the meditation’s intention to open me to limitless possibilities. I may not receive a direct answer, but as I continue devoting time each day to the practice with intention, I always find clarity in perfect divine timing and order. When we tap into our gifts it is important to clear all doubt around ability. The less negativity and conflict in our life the more in alignment we remain with our higher self. It is beneficial to release all resentment, anger and hostility. As we experience balance in our personal life, we are able to hear our inner voice and begin trusting our intuition as we do our analytical mind. Keeping a journal by your bed to record your dreams is a great tool. Many evenings before I go to bed, I will ask Spirit to send me signs during my dream-time to enhance my psychic connection. Most often I will experience a meaningful thread weaving the dreams together. I always make note of anything in the dreams that become repetitive. Practice! When your phone rings take a second and tune in to whom you think may be calling. Before your get the mail, picture what you believe may be in your mailbox. One of my favorite exercises is to make three predictions for the next day. I love to see how they unfold. Don’t be too attached to the outcome, free will and Divine Order have their place in the equation. We create our future by our thoughts, words and actions. As you begin to incorporate these things into your daily life, it will become routine. Listen to your body and trust what you feel at your core. My belief
Aug / Sept 2016
is the answers to all of our questions are inside of us. We just might not like the answer. Lastly, use your imagination. Remember the vivid, expansive imagination you had as a child. Bring it back full force into your life. Anyone with a great imagination is intuitive. Teach yourself to visualize right down to the finest details. Remember to stay as playful as a child. As always be in gratitude for the all the gifts of Creator: intuition, imagination and soul knowledge.
Divinity Spiritual Gathering of Fairfield “A Place of Love, Light, Truth, & Freedom” 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield, OH 45014 One Mile North from Jungle Jims On Rt. 4, Left on Hicks Blvd., Right on Holiday Dr.
513-892-0623 Visit us at All services are archived and available 24/7.
Blessings, Sage
Every Sunday - Service starts at 11:00 AM About the Author: Sage Woman is a spiritual life coach & intuitive reader. Sage is a Shamanic Priestess, an ordained minister and intuitive who facilitates Goddess Chakra workshops and individual coaching.
She is also available for readings of the ancient Tarot. For more information, contact her at 513490-4693, or email Are you looking for guidance in career choices or to build your business? Ask Sage for spiritual wisdom and receive profound messages for business or romance!
Healing Prayers For All Every Monday from 4:00 PM- 7:00 PM
Kathy Vaske
Try something different for entertainment for the evening out with the girls. Try an all message circle. Each person in your group gets a mini psychic reading set up as a group Nationally known Psychic, demonstration. Angel Clairvoyant, & CHT
Contact Kathy for spiritual path guidance, psychic readings, or hypnosis for change. Located in Kenwood, OH
Call (513)218-8448
SAGE WOMAN Ordained Minister, Shamanic Priestess, Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach, Intuitive Readings Call for a Phone Session – 513-490-4693
Find Us on Facebook! “Infinity Health Magazine”
Random Acts of Kindness by Cynthia McNabb
Kindness is a gift that we give to ourselves and to others, but we must be at peace to feel it. Kindness and karma go hand in hand. If we want to receive kindness, we must give it. Come on a journey with me to embark on a passage from stress to tranquility to feel the compassion within your heart. Let’s leave our thoughts for a while and get into our feelings where our personal truth rings true. If you will, take three deep, slow cleansing breaths. Continue with the slow deliberate breathing and imagine putting a concern that you may have for an issue or a person, into a blue balloon. Take another deep breath and envision that balloon floating up and away from you as you exhale. Visualize as many balloons as needed in any colors you desire, filled with your concerns – floating away from you as you consciously breathe deeper. Now see yourself sitting in a comfortable chair under a palm tree with the
water swishing up and back. Close your eyes and imagine you hear the water lapping to and fro. Feel the calm enfold you as you experience the peace of the moment. When you are ready, open your eyes and immediately identify something that you are grateful for. It could be a special person in your life, an upcoming event, a culinary treat that you enjoy… Feel the delight flutter within your heart. Now recognize something of beauty within your presence and marvel, as you continue breathing deeply. Picture the faces of those whom you love and feel how treasured they are within your heart. Feel the love flowing from you to them. This love enfolds you. This is a good moment. Consciously recognize that there is good in your life and good in your world. Feel it. When you are at peace, you have the space to live within the moment. This brings a whole new set of gifts such as enjoying
Aug / Sept 2016
who you are, where you are, who you are with, and feeling the beauty of the moment. Feelings are more accurate than thoughts. We live in the world of polarities (negative and positive), where one can conceivably prove that there are as many pros as there are cons within any given subject. Example: “Vitamin C is good for you, but if you take too much vitamin C in one dose, it can become toxic.” To live in your head consistently is to live in the world of argument and conflict, where the polarity of thoughts play out continuously. When you say, “I think that…” one can argue with self or with others. When you say, “I feel…” there can be no disagreement with any one’s feelings. You feel what you feel. When we are focused on life through our heart, we feel compassion. There is an elderly woman struggling to lift a bag of groceries. Without another thought, you immediately assist her because the compassion in your heart allows you to see instantly that she is struggling, why she is grappling, and you chose to take responsibility to step in and help. This is indeed a “random act of kindness” that is born from the compassionate understanding in your heart blended with the assessment from your mind. Kindness is a gift, an action that stems from the compassion in one’s heart. You are concerned. You care. “Random acts of kindness” are without judgement. You see, feel, ascertain and act. The Dalai Lama says that “our prime purpose in this life is to help others.” How can we be of assistance? There are lists of “Random Acts of Kindness,” but living in the moment filled with peace and gratitude allows us to assess what we see, and to step in where needed.
to include, as necessary to one’s own happiness, the happiness of others.” Let’s live in our hearts, enjoy the moments of bliss and become a blessing in someone else’s life.
About the authors: James, Little Eagle Standing Strong, and Cynthia, White Flower, are a husband and wife team. They combine their skills of Shamanism, Mediumship, Vibrational Therapy and Karmic Counseling to provide a wide range of services: psychic and past life readings, exorcisms, “Advice from your guides,” karmic life coaching, vibrational therapy. Please see and http:// or email james@jamesshaman. com or phone and/or text 586-773-1861.
Subscribe to Infinity - $15 a year Check, Visa, MC, Disc accepted Infinity Magazine 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, OH 45036 or Call: 1-866-243-6900
Princess Diana said, “Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” That is what we can all hope for. Paramahansa Yogananda said, “The happiness of one’s own heart alone cannot satisfy the soul; one must try
by Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger
We wanted to talk about working with lost pets. We receive so many calls, especially this time of year, from people and rescue organizations about a lost dog or cat. We occasionally get a call about a lost snake, but we will confine this article to lost cats and dogs. First of all, let’s talk about how pets can get lost in the first place. One way that dogs and cats get lost is to run out of an open door – either a house door or a car door. Let’s talk about some ways to help prevent this. Regardless of whether it is a dog or cat, it’s important to ask the animal to move away from the door before you open it. For dogs, you can teach them to move back from the door, and then ask them to sit and then wait (not stay) until you open and shut the door. Teach this with a leash and treats. If you have children, make sure they practice this with the dog too. If your dog is in a car, always put the leash on the dog BEFORE you open the car door to let them out. If you are putting your dog into the car, do not remove the leash until they are away from the open door and you’ve asked them to wait. Again, teach your children this as well. The other very important thing to remember about doors is to be aware of any dogs or cats around the door you when you open it. Cats can lurk in the background and quickly dart out, so please be diligent especially if you have a cat that likes to make a run for it! The other very practical and inexpensive thing that ALL pet owners should do is microchip your pets. All of our animals – even our horses – are microchipped and registered so that they can be identified if they get lost. One situation we have been consulted about several times involves a dog that is adopted out from a rescue or shelter. The dog comes home with his or her new family. They pull in the driveway, and open the car door after making sure the leash is on the dog. The dog, not knowing where they are or who these new people are, panics and slips
their collar. They run away. This is a particularly heartbreaking situation for both the new family and the adopting organization. These dogs often are loose for a long period of time, especially if they have a fear of people and are difficult to catch. They don’t trust anyone, and they begin operating on pure survival instincts. There is no known home for them to find their way back to, no strong ties yet established with the adopting family. One way to reduce the chances of this happening is to have two leads on the dog – perhaps one to a collar and one to a harness or second collar. That gives the people a little more time to react before the dog can get away. Another way to help prevent this situation is to anticipate that the dog will be frightened and nervous, and to take precautions accordingly such as pulling the car into the garage and closing the garage door before getting the dog out. It is also important to take the dog out into even a fenced yard on a leash for awhile until they begin to understand that they are home and loved. Cats can be escape artists as well, as we mentioned before. If you have an indoor cat that does get out, remain very calm and try encouraging the cat to come to you in a friendly tone of voice. Sit calmly and quietly, and talk to them softly. If they run away, then one way to attract them back is to put food and water out for them at the times they are normally fed, and to sit outside and call them. Cats can be very challenging when they get out, simply because they can decide to stay gone for sometimes months at a time before making their way home. Be patient, post flyers, talk to your neighbors, and keep putting food and water out at their feeding times. Animal communicators can help with lost pets as well. We have both been trained in Remote Viewing, so when we connect with the lost animal, we ask them to describe what is around them in detail. We get mental images based on
Aug / Sept 2016
that information that we provide to the client as a way of helping them focus the search. We ask the animal if they remember how they got where they are from where they live, and if there are people around. If an animal runs away in fear (such as a cat being chased), they may not remember how they got where they are. We remind the animal that they are very loved, and missed by their family. We coach the family on how to send loving energy to their lost pet, creating a strong energetic beacon home. We also cover the basics – calling local vets, shelters, rescue organizations several times a week, posting flyers, using Internet resources like PetFinders and social media to get the information out to a broader audience. If you find a dog or cat that may be lost, one of the first things to do is to find out if they are microchipped. A local vet or shelter should be able to scan the animal for you. Next, take several pictures of the animal and post them out on social media, hang posters, and call shelters, vets and rescues in your area. Keep in mind that animals can travel several miles from home before they are found, so expand out your calling circle accordingly. We and our neighbor have found 3 dogs in the last few years, located the owners, and returned the dogs home. We were lucky – none of these dogs were microchipped. In the first case, we found a lost dog poster with the dog’s information at a convenience store. In the second case, our neighbor posted the dogs’ pictures and location on her vet’s Facebook page. A friend of the owner saw it and called them. We hope that we have given you some things to think about that will help you and your family keep your pets safe and at home. – Cindy & Terri
Animal Communication & Wellness Services Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger
(513) 310-3997 (513) 309-0957 •Animal Communication •Healing Touch for Animals •Flower Essence Consultations •Canine & Equine Massage •& Other Healing Modalities
• Specializing in Bio-identical Hormone compounding, Herbal Therapy and Nutritional Supplements
by Wayne Holmes
It is important to feel all of our emotions, but it is also important to release them, too. Not just the negative ones, but at times we can also hold onto positive emotions long after they have served their purpose. One example of this entails the high school football star who relives his glory days. Or, a beauty queen who relives those moments when the world admired her for her beauty and poise. Dwelling in the past prevents us from living fully in the present. The past also taints our future, especially when we make comparisons. Nothing in the past was ever as great or as bad as we remember. It simply was. We can make it a shrine or a prison, or we can simply catalog it and move on without giving it any intrinsic value other than the emotions we felt at the time. Fortunately, we have the ability to discard our emotions. This may be difficult for those who have spent years dwelling in the past or planning for a future based upon the events of the past. The simplest way to begin is to start focusing on the present moment. Not tomorrow, or an hour from now, or even in five minutes. Focus on this second. Grab this moment in time and choose what you will make of it. Release, not repress. Even though the difference might seem small at first, there is a difference between releasing our thoughts and repressing them. If we repress our thoughts, it is like trying to deny them or push then away. When we release our thoughts, they can float away like a feather in a breeze. This allows us to consider other thoughts and other feathers in the breeze that will float our way. As these other thoughts come to us, we can observe them and then determine if we want to give them more than just a casual acknowledgment. Repressed thoughts return, and then we have to push them down again. Released thoughts return,
but it’s not like we weren’t expecting them. Just because we release or repress a thought, it doesn’t mean it won’t return, but when a repressed thought returns, we might feel guilty for having the thought again. When a released thought returns, we can understand that its return is normal and can be dealt with without guilt or fear. Consider someone who is trying to lose weight. The thought might come to them: I want an ice cream sundae. The repressed thought says, No! That is wrong and will make you blow your diet. The released thought acknowledges that it would like to eat a sundae, and then considers whether or not to act on that thought. Perhaps the diet has gone well and the individual wants to act on the thought. She or he can do so without guilt. They might be disappointed later, but then they can acknowledge the disappointment and act on it by deciding differently the next time a thought comes to eat something they know might not be in keeping with their long-term goals. They might also make the same choice and “blow” their diet again. In reality, the ultimate decision of what to do is not a moral issue. Our bodies will respond differently to the things we consume and eating healthy is often in our best long-term interests, but there is no need to beat ourselves up over decisions that weren’t necessarily the best. We don’t always choose what is best, and often we don’t even know what is best. Sometimes an ice cream sundae can be just what we needed. By understanding that thoughts come and go, we can more easily let them go or at least say No for the time being, knowing that we will have another chance to choose again. After all, we do have to eat something. Take some time to consider the difference between a repressed thought and a released thought. Why is releasing more useful than repressing? If we are used to repressing our thoughts, it might take some practice to learn how to release them. One helpful concept is to know that those released thoughts might or might not return, but we don’t
Aug / Sept 2016
have to feel guilt or shame. We can simply choose to release them again. About the Author: Pastor Wayne Holmes is an ordained minister with Divinity Spiritual Church and also Revelation Spiritual Church. He is the co-founder of Religious Recovery, an organization dedicated to healing wounds inflicted by religion or the religious. He is not opposed to religion, but he sees the hurts and endeavors to help. Wayne is the author of seven books including his latest title, Every Path Leads Home: Opening to Your Spiritual Journey. Learn more about Wayne’s healing work at
Every Path Leads Home:
s’ Every Path Leads Home is a beautiful book Our lives on this plane of existence are of , and we are all “headed home.� Different faith efine “home� differently, and each suggests a
–Jane Phillips LVKHU ,QÀ QLW\ 0DJD]LQH
nate way e—they vibrate th. I absolutely best bridge I ional religion, itual nature of
It wasn’t until I donned a clerical collar that I came to understand how people viewed religious leaders differently. Some were comforted by my presence while others seemed ill at ease. “Before long I realized that many had been damaged through judgment, guilt, rejection, and condemnation by a religion or by someone religious. I’m happy to report that these people do not have to languish in fear, depression, or resentment. “In Every Path Leads Home, Wayne Holmes has created a brilliant and very gentle way out of religious abuse and intolerance into peace, happiness, and personal freedom. “It is a way to heal us all.� –Rev. Gary Pennington &RQWLQXXP +HDOLQJ 3UDFWLWLRQHU Founder of Spirit Hospital Alliance
R e l i g i o u s R e c ove r y P r e s s
–Liz Loring ch & Group Facilitator
V By Wayne Holmes
standing ind author who heart through his thousands of r spirits with his mor, bringing us ove and peace.�
O p e n i n g t o Yo u r S p i r i t u a l J o u r n e y
who has been abused by the supposed rules and church or congregation or pastor, for anyone to see religion not as a faith experience but of ironclad rules, for anyone who has grown truggle to find God by whatever name: Leads Home is a must-read.
author in is authentic, manness of all t wrapped in ness throughout ct this book will t.�
Feel Better Fast!
Wayne Holmes
Every Path Leads Home Opening to Your Spiritual Journey
Opening to your spiritual journey, healing for the past, peace for the present. Direction for
Wayne Holmes’ Every Path Leads Home is a beautiful book of acceptance. For anyone who has been abused by the supposed rules and strictures of a church or congregation or pastor, for anyone who has come to see religion not as a faith experience but rather as a set of ironclad rules, for anyone who has grown weary of the struggle to ďŹ nd God by whatever name: Every Path Leads Home is a must-read.
It can be purchased on Amazon.
The goal of Religious Recovery is to reach out to those in need of healing from religious organizations or religious individuals.
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Call Raven for a Life Changing Experience! Raven is a Psychic Medium with experience in:
Wayne Holmes
•Psychic Readings •Hypnotherapy Healing Sessions •Spiritual Counseling •Group Parties Available
Phone: 513.205.1057
Call for a private appointment
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the future,
The goal of Religious Recovery
is to reach out
Find Us on Facebook! “Infinity Health Magazine�
to those in need of healing
Wayne Holmes
from religious
Phone: 513.205.1057
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or religious individuals.
FThe amily Constellation Work: Root of Ancestral Healing by Anne Bernard Becker, M.A. Family constellation work explores the impact of our ancestors’ trauma on our daily lives, and leads to profound transformation. Physical and mental illness, struggles with intimacy, parenting issues, and addiction can all be addressed through this mindfulness-based group process that could well be called “reiki for the family soul.” In family constellation workshops, participants serve as representatives for key members of each other’s families, sometimes going back generations. Gradually, with the guidance of the facilitator, a gentle, collaborative and meditative process unfolds, using subtle movement and spare dialogue. The client begins to perceive the hidden truths within the family system. Perhaps she notices that her grandfather cannot even look at his children because his attention is forever riveted in grief over his mother who died in childbirth. Maybe
she observes a great-uncle who is numbed out after being involved in genocide, or a great-aunt who was locked up in an institution and never mentioned again. As the representatives engage with the powerful energies of love and loss within multiple generations, a truer image of the family system emerges. The new, wider-lens image has a direct neurological and spiritual effect on the client. It can lead him over time to disentangle from his ancestors’ difficult fates. He may perhaps be freed from carrying the shame of a perpetrator, or the grief of a teenager who had to leave behind her homeland. Such a loosening and honoring of family history leads to startling transformation. The idea that our struggles might be intricately tied to traumatic events in past generations is
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new to most Americans, since one thing most of our ancestors have in common is a history of being radically uprooted. We mostly come from immigrants who learned to “tough it out” in a land not their own. We were as a nation implicit in the genocide of natives and the enslavement of Africans on our soil. We have not confronted our past. We are indoctrinated to believe that we must all stand on our own. And yet it is obvious that trauma creates huge ripples in future generations. We know this through the emerging science of epigenetics, which looks at how trauma can permanently alter the way our genes express themselves. Family Constellation work targets the energetic impact of earth-shaking events like war, immigration, and slavery, as well as family wounds like mental illness, the early deaths of children, adoption, or the loss of a first love. A family over multiple generations functions as a closed system, with its own order, stubborn notions of right and wrong, and particular vulnerabilities. It could be compared to a mobile, always needing to balance itself. If a tragedy rocks one generation, and that event gets suppressed or hidden, often a child in a later generation will pick up the burden unconsciously. They may live out an ancestor’s very limited life out of a kind of misguided loyalty, without even knowing their story. We often see our families as “dysfunctional,” and try desperately to free ourselves from them. Many of the stories we have come to believe about our families are smokescreens the family system erects for survival’s sake. They offer us half-truths at best. We separate the family often into good guys and bad guys, and feel victimized. But what family constellation work demonstrates, again and again, is that we become internally stronger when we truly honor those through whom we were given the gift of life. When we experience the complex, often tragically blind, but surprisingly loving web of life into which we were born, we can be freed up to live more purposefully and vibrantly.
Family constellations work at a level deeper than psychotherapy, and feel more akin to great art, or prayer. They allow us to experience with exquisite clarity the beauty and power of being human.
About the Author: Anne Bernard Becker, M.A., has been offering regular constellation workshops in the Cincinnati-Dayton area since 2006. The work combines her core passions of spirituality, psychology, radical social change, and history. She is an ordained minister and the author of a memoir exploring childhood grief, Ollie Ollie In Come Free, as well as a variety of essays found on
See Theresa Caputo
Live! The Experience
Theresa Caputo Live! The Experience Wright State University Nutter Center, Dayton, OH Sat, Oct 8, 2016 07:30 PM Theresa Caputo, star of the hit TLC show, Long Island Medium, will share personal stories about her life and explain how her gift works. She will deliver healing messages to audience members and give people comfort knowing that their loved ones who passed are still with them, just in a different way. Theresa has been practicing medium for over 15 years. She helps individuals find closure by delivering healing messages. The purchase of a ticket does not guarantee a reading. For more information, visit www.TheresaCaputo. com or
Author’s Spotlight Recommended Reads
BTestimonial aker Chiropractic I Hadn’t Considered Asking Dr. B for Help with Treating GERD. He Helped Me Find Relief from My Hiatal Hernia!
Enlightening, Adjusting and Saving Lives, 8th Edition by Dr. Paul Baker & Dr. Patrick Baker
When it comes to chiropractic care, many people are skeptical. This book contains inspiring real-life stories from patients who turned to chiropractic care for answers and found them for a wide variety of injuries, illness, disorder and disease. This is the 8th Edition of a popular book filled with even more real-life stories from patients of veteran Cincinnati area physicians and twin-brothers, Dr. Paul Baker and Dr. Patrick Baker. Learn how the chiropractic care and guidance provided by Dr. Paul and Dr. Patrick over the last 20 years made and continues to make a positive impact on the lives of so many people. About the Authors: Dr. Patrick Baker, and Dr. Paul Baker have been serving their chiropractic patients for over 20 years. They are authors, and dedicated physicians that offer lectures to inspire and inform all people who wish to achieve a new and powerful, healthy lean body through chiropractic care, nutrition and exercise. This book is available to purchase online through,, or at Baker Chiropractic offices, see ad for locations.
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Aug / Sept 2016
a rumor and told me to keep doing whatever works. Well, I know what works – getting the body aligned with all systems in order works.
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Longevity Resources
Discovering Optimal Health Naturally
Welcome to our newest feature, “Longevity Resources.” Each issue we will cover topics that will explore endless possibilities in achieving optimal health. We are honored to feature one of own past writers, Dr. Paul Fulk (1935-2014). The article written below is just one of many he had written over the years. He was a true pioneer in the field of alternative health and nutrition. The statements or content of the article in this feature is strictly to educate and inform. It is not intended to replace the care and advice of your regular physician.
Sport Drinks – Power or Not? by Paul F. Fulk, D.C., F.A.S.A. How do you contaminate something as good as water. Just plain old H2O. But believe it of not, there is a lot of power in a gallon of water. I know, because a number of years ago I cleared a large high school building with all it’s students in it with a gallon of water. I had done an experiment of electrolysis with a gallon of water. In a separate gallon can I put the hydrogen and in another gallon can I put the oxygen. Water, having two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen can be separated by electrolysis. Some of you may know how this is done. By using a simple battery and two electrodes, it is a very simple process. As I explained to the principal of the high school, I wanted to understand the propulsion ability of each substance. So I ignited the opening of the can of hydrogen, which was accompanied by a very large BOOM! And proceeded to by propelled across the classroom, rocking the foundation of the school building. Needless to say, the fire alarms went off and all students were told to exit the building. I spent the rest of the afternoon in the principal’s office explaining why I did such a thing. So I know there is a lot of power in water.
However, do you have to contaminate water with chemicals such as caffeine, dyes, carbonic acid, sugar, corn syrup laced with mercury, nutrasweet (pheylalanine and aspartine) as well as other mineral products that add to the flavor? In addition there is added coloring agents and preservatives such as sorbates and BHT which are known to be toxic agents to the body. I know all these things make the drinks taste good, but are they good for you? Some of the drinks are so loaded with caffeine that the adrenal glands are bouncing off the wall. Yes the adrenal glands, which sit on top of your kidneys, are a power source that makes your heart go so fast and your legs go like gangbusters. When stimulated it is better known as “adrenaline” being produced, which makes your heart beat accelerate. This action gives you strength for the occasion, but can be very short in endurance. Weight lifters use some of these drinks to increase their capacity to lift a lot of weight. However, I wonder if they are aware of the damage they are doing to their bodies. The over stimulation to the adrenal glands is short lived and with constant stimulation can wear the adrenal glands out, better known as adrenal exhaustion. When the adrenal glands quit, they put you on a slab and take you to the morgue. Fatigue is another result of this constant over-stimulation. So why do we want to drink such high powered drinks that could possibly cause you to have a heart attack? I tested one of the most popular drinks used for restoring electrolytes that is often given away at ball games only to find that it is a heart attack in a can. When testing the microsiemen (MS) level of this drink it was 2,125,00. Anything above 1,200 MS can cause clots to form in your body according to Dr. T. C. McDaniels, who is still living a very healthy life at 97. Colloidal chemistry is not commonly understood in todays food chemistry field. It is a way of measuring
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the electro-potential of fluids in our body and other fluids as well. Even Dayton’s city water has a measurement microsiemen level of 465,000. But many of the power drinks and even the more common colas are very high in microsiemen levels anywhere from 493,000- 2,500,000 MS. All could be very devastating to the organ function in your body. This may be one of the reasons our life span is so short. Stress alone is hard on the adrenal glands without using some of the sport drink to get a buzz, or to hype them up. They can get exhausted very easily without any extra help.
There are fortunes being made by selling these power drinks, but at the expense of exhausted adrenal glands of the general public. The addition of caffeine can be very strong and hard to break away from the habit of drinking highly caffeinated drinks.
Copyright 2011 Paul F. Fulk, D.C., F.A.S. A
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Let’s Get Saucy!
The tomato is one of the most popular and versatile fruits available and it is packed with delicious nutrient value, do we need any more reasons to love the tomato? Is the tomato a fruit or vegetable? Botanically speaking it is a fruit, but we can call it a vegetable if that makes anyone feel more comfortable. No matter how you slice it, tomatoes come in many different sizes and shapes, they are available year round but the best varieties can come from your very own garden. Containing a high level of lycopene, adding tomatoes to your diet can prevent and help to reduce chances of developing cancer of the stomach, prostate and colon. Lycopene is a natural antioxidant that slows the growth
of cancer cells. Cooked tomatoes produce even more lycopene, which can lead to many possibilities from hot tomato soup to creating a big hearty and healthy pot of chili! Tomatoes help to maintain strong bones, adding strength and performing minor repairs with bone tissue because of the amount of calcium and vitamin K they contain. To receive the most benefits it is important to note that the redder the tomato, the more beta-carotene it contains. Eating the tomato raw ensures an extra dose of vitamin C as well. There is plenty of potassium and vitamin B in tomatoes to effectively prevent heart attack and strokes, lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol
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levels. The amazing tomato also consists of vitamin A which can keep your hair, skin, eyes, and teeth healthy and beautiful.
• 2 teaspoons organic sugar, or sugar substitute
To regulate blood sugar, tomatoes contain the mineral, chromium, which can help anyone who needs to stay on a restricted diet due to a diabetic condition. Tomatoes are high in bioflavonoids and carotenoids, which are known to be anti-inflammatory agents. Chronic pain can be associated with inflammation, tomatoes can actually reduce inflammation.
• Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
When storing tomatoes at room temperature, they are best when placed in a cool dry area away from sunlight, and consumed within a couple of days. Overripe tomatoes that are soft to the touch are best kept in the fridge. The cold air keeps them from ripening more. Tomatoes are a wonderful addition to your diet and there are so many ways to enjoy preparing them with thousands of recipes to choose from. They are an incredible healing food that can be incorporated into your daily routine, the garden varieties are quite fresh and delicious at this time of year. Make it your pick of the day, choose the tomato and treasure the benefits of optimal health!
Fresh Tomato Salsa
• 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice
DIRECTIONS: Quarter and seed tomatoes. Dice the tomatoes and transfer to a bowl. Finely chop enough onion to measure 1/2 cup, and chop cilantro. Stir chiles, onion, cilantro, and garlic into tomatoes with sugar and lime juice and season with salt and pepper.
T&omato, Fresh Mozzarella, Basil Salad INGREDIENTS: • 4 organic tomatoes, each cut into 6 slices (about 1 1/2 pounds) • 1/2 pound fresh organic mozzarella cheese, cut into 12 slices • 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
INGREDIENTS: • 4 pounds organic vine-ripened red and/or orange tomatoes (about 5 medium) • 1/2 medium organic onion (preferably white)
• 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil • 1/2 cup fresh basil leaves
• 1 cup fresh cilantro sprigs • 4 fresh organic serrano or jalapeno chiles, seeded and chopped • 2 teaspoons minced organic garlic
DIRECTIONS: Arrange 4 tomato slices and 2 mozzarella slices on each of 6 salad plates. Sprinkle evenly with salt and pepper; drizzle with oil. Top evenly with basil.
LOngoing ittle-Known Causes of Financial Distress Part 2 of a Series by Brian Eastman In our last article Bob said, “I’ve always struggled to have enough money, I’ve attended many prosperity classes. I do the work and say the affirmations. But every time I start to get ahead, something still goes wrong.” * Bob remained stuck because of hidden damage passed down from his Family Ancestors. The article explored two of nine little-known root causes of financial distress: Family Ancestor Experiences, and broken father relationships. In this article we will explore two more of the root causes. Little-Known Root Cause 3. Money Allergies Vicki, a veterinarian, told me, “I have never been able to make a good living in this work that I love.” She has a good-sized practice of very loyal clients. But in a LIIFT session we discovered she was allergic to money! WebMD says that allergies cause a disruption of normal functions. LIIFT has identified 37 energy allergies (as contrasted with physical allergies). One can be allergic to being healthy, or to living a tranquil life. One can be allergic to money.
As discussed in the previous article, a broken father relationship can be directly linked to financial scarcity and lack. In contrast, a broken mother relationship can generate turmoil and obstacles to moving forward in life. The results may look the same on the outside. The cause, however, may be very different. Consider two of my clients. One works 60 hours a week on her business, but the business is always just barely supporting itself. She has a broken father relationship. Another, with mother issues, has worked in sales both for himself and for other firms. He always starts with quick results, good sales. Then something will go wrong. Company will go bust. He gets sick for several months. A manager keeps taking away his best accounts on one pretext or another. Same pattern, different cause. This second client will benefit from doing a healing ritual for the mother relationship. It doesn’t matter whether his mother is living or deceased. The ritual will remove the broken relationship which is attracting troubles and obstacles to him.
I administered LIIFT’s 8-Part Money Test to Vicki. She flunked all eight parts.
LIIFT Practitioner Ria Roth also creates relationship-healing rituals. If you suspect you might have issues arising from a broken mother relationship, contact her for an assessment.
So we healed Belief Statements about money for the rest of her session. At the session’s close we re-tested her. She passed all eight parts.
*Names and situations have been changed for privacy.
Several weeks later Vicki emailed me. “I’m suddenly getting bunches of new clients, and they are paying my full fees,” she reported. Little-Known Root Cause 4. Broken Mother Relationship
About the mentioned:
Creator of the LIIFT healing, Brian Eastman sees people in person, via Skype and in group/ family sessions in Ohio and
Aug / Sept 2016
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Indiana He is also leads LIIFT training seminars and LIIFT Prosperity Workshops. Contact Brian at 513.541.1257 or Ria Roth combines LIIFT sessions with Oneness work and private/group Father/Mother Ritual work. Contact her for information: 937.304.9595 or
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Whyis soHeat Exhaustion Dangerous by Dr. Joeseph Mercola According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), on average, extreme heat causes 658 deaths in the U.S. each year. This is more than those in tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and lightning combined.1 Sadly, many, if not all, of these deaths are preventable. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reported 2,630 heat illnesses in 2014. These included all conditions related to overheating, such as rhabdomyolysis, heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.2 In a study released by the CDC in 2013, researchers found 7,233 heat-related deaths in the U.S. between 1999 and 2009. This data also indicates the numbers are rising.3 In a two-week period in 2012, excessive heat resulted in 32 deaths over four states in the U.S. This is four times the typical average for those same states for the same two-week period between 1999 and 2009. Just under 70 percent of deaths happen at home and 91 percent of those homes did not have air conditioning. Most of the people who died were either unmarried or living alone.
Factors Affecting Your Potential Risk for Heat Stress Factors that affect your risk for suffering heat stress include your environment, your work and rest schedules, and your nutrition and training schedules.4 You are most prone to suffering heat stress if you are elderly, have high blood pressure or work or exercise in a hot environment.5 You might think you can only suffer heat stress when temperatures outside are very warm, but it need only be 57 degrees Fahrenheit (13.8 degrees Celsius) to suffer the effects of heat stress. Humidity is another environmental factor affecting your body’s ability to evaporate sweat, and cool your core temperature. Days of high humidity reduce sweat evaporation, and therefore affect your body’s cooling system. Wind speed will help evaporate sweat and cool your body. Acclimating to extreme heat is important if you plan
to spend time outside working. In this process, you physically adjust to the temperature in your outdoor environment. In a healthy person, this can take up to two weeks; a little faster in the heat and slower in the cold.6 Your physical condition, age and weight are all factors in how quickly you acclimate to your environment. However, this is effective only when you have access to cooling off in times of heat stress. You cannot acclimate to living in an apartment without air conditioning during high temperatures. Age, medications and metabolic rate are also factors impacting your response to heat.7 As you age, your body’s response to temperature change is reduced, causing higher risk in elderly individuals. Some medications may also interfere with your brain’s temperature regulation. If your metabolic rate is high, you may feel warm at 72 degrees F (22.2 degrees C), whereas someone with a slow rate will feel cool. How often you rest in the heat, seek a cooler environment and schedule water breaks will also affect your response.
Mild to Moderate Heat Stress There are varying degrees of heat stress, starting with heat rash and culminating in heat stroke.8 You may have experienced heat rash or prickly heat in the past. It is caused from heat and humidity and usually disappears quickly once you enter a cooler environment. Clusters of red pimples or small blisters may appear on your neck, groin, and chest, or under your breasts or your armpits. You may use powders to keep the area dry and reduce the irritation, but ointments and creams may only exacerbate the discomfort. Heat cramps are involuntary muscle contractions. In heavy working conditions and hot temperatures, your body can lose as much as 2 pints (1 liter) of fluid every hour.9 Replacing water is important, but so is replacing minerals and sodium. However, typical sports drinks are not the solution. Rehydration with coconut water10 supplies your body with minerals, salts and energy without the disadvantages connected to sports drinks, which can contribute to tooth corrosion and high sugar levels
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spiking your insulin and increasing your potential risk for metabolic syndrome.
from the secondary effects of the toxins.19 As explained by Scientific American:
Heat syncope (fainting) or dizziness happens more frequently after prolonged periods of standing in one place in the heat.11 Dehydration and lack of acclimatization contribute to the problem. You may have sweaty skin but will have a normal body temperature. Go to a cool area and drink to rehydrate.
“Proteins in the spleen start to clump as a direct result of heat; they’re essentially cooked. The blood-brain barrier that normally keeps pathogens out of the brain becomes more permeable, allowing dangerous substances into the brain … and 30 percent of heat stroke survivors experience permanent damage in brain function, according to Wilderness Medicine.”
Rhabdomyolysis is the medical term to describe a rapid breakdown, destruction and death of muscle tissue. This can happen in times of extreme heat, causing muscle cramps, weakness and exercise intolerance.12 The large amounts of proteins and electrolytes suddenly flooding your body from ruptured muscle cells can damage your kidneys, and trigger seizures and irregular heart rhythms. It is important to stop what you’re doing, drink water, get to a cool place and seek immediate medical attention.
Mercola, J. “Why Heat Exhaustion Is so Dangerous” Retrieved July 30, 2016, from http://articles.mercola. com/sites/articles/archive/2016/07/06/heat-exhaustion. aspx ________ 1, 3 CDC urges everyone: Get ready to stay cool before temperatures soarCDC urges everyone: Get ready to stay cool before temperatures soar. (2016). 2 OSHA’s Campaign to Prevent Heat Illness in Outdoor Workers. (2016).
Act Quickly If You Suspect Heat Stroke Heat stroke is a medical emergency requiring immediate medical treatment. Give the same first aid you would for heat exhaustion while waiting for emergency personnel. Heat stroke causes specific changes in your cells, triggering large scale inflammation in your body that may result in death when left untreated. When your core temperature rises too high (hyperthermia), it quickly triggers a response as your body tries to correct the temperature elevation.17 Your blood vessels on the surface of your skin dilate in an attempt to cool the blood and body. This results in red (flushed) or blue coloring to the skin.
Retrieved 27 June 2016 4, 9, 20, 23, 25 Survive HEAT STRESS - How to Avoid Heatstroke and Death In Hot Climate | Army Survival Video. (2016). YouTube. 5 17 Shocking Heat Exhaustion Statistics - HRFnd. (2015). HRFnd. 6, 7 Clinics, U. (2016). Acclimatization: Adjusting to the Temperature. University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. 8, 11, 12, 13, 16 CDC - Heat Stress - Heat Related Illness - NIOSH Workplace Safety and Health Topic. (2016). 10 Rehydration after exercise with fresh young coconut water, carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage and plain water. - PubMed - NCBI. 14 Surviving the Hot Weather. (2016). 15 5 Tips for Preventing Heat Stroke at Work and at Play. (2014). 17, 18, 19 Stephanie Pappas, L. (2016). Deadly Degrees: Why Heat Waves Kill So Quickly. Scientific American. Retrieved 27 June 2016 21, 22, 27 How to Survive a Heat Wave (with Pictures) - wikiHow. (2016). 24, 26 Science, L. (2014). Roasting? 8 Scientific Ways to Beat the Heat. Live Science.
To shunt more blood to the skin, the body constricts the blood supply to the gut. This reduces blood flow and increases the movement of bodily fluids between the cells, a structure designed to keep fluids and toxins in your gut from leaking into your abdominal cavity, usually a sterile environment.18 The leaking that occurs is not the slow trickle of leaky gut, but rather a sudden onslaught of toxins. In fighting the massive amount of toxins, your body also damages other organs and tissues. According to an article in Scientific American, which quotes a chapter in the textbook, “Wilderness Medicine,” it can be challenging to differentiate between damage from overheating and
Tofhe Humankind Interconnectedness by Kevin J. Todeschi
The Edgar Cayce readings respond to the Old Testament question, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” with a resounding YES! From the perspective of the Cayce information, we are ultimately responsible for one another. That responsibility prompted countless thousands to reach out to the Haiti disaster last year and continues as people the world over respond to the recent earthquake and tsunami tragedy in Japan and the thousands who have died, more who have been injured, and those who have not yet been found. Given the Cayce information on service and the importance of reaching out to others whether they are “next door” or “on the other side of the world,” perhaps it isn’t surprising that so many people feel a need to do something in times like these. What may come as a surprise, however, is that the Cayce
material links each of us to personal responsibility long before addressing the after-effects of a tragedy. In 1935, a 29-year-old man asked Cayce about the possibility of cataclysmic earth changes. Rather than responding with an exact date or a possible scenario as to what might happen, the reading instead connected potential disaster with the actions, thoughts, and deeds of humankind. Cayce said, in part: “Tendencies in the hearts and souls of men are such that these [disasters/cataclysms] may be brought about. For…man–by his compliance with divine law– bring[s] order out of chaos …by his disregard…bring[s] chaos and destructive forces into his experience.” (416-7) On another occasion (reading 5751-1) Cayce made
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the astonishing observation that the phenomenon of “sunspots” was inextricably connected to instability and turmoil upon the planet earth itself. In fact, the readings state that whenever war, strife, and turmoil occurred in the affairs of humankind, sunspots would occur as a natural consequence. In other words, instability among people leads to instability upon the planet and throughout the universe! When a 40-year-old woman asked for more information about herself and her relationship to the universe, the response came that for all individuals everything that was out of accord with spirit and divine laws somehow had an impact upon the heavens itself. In the language of the readings: “For, faults and failures, sin and sorrow, are the outgrowth of disobedience to the divine law, and influence the heavens in the experiences of individual souls!” (2408-1) Is this science fiction? Or is it rather in accord with the laws of physics? After all, isn’t Isaac Newton’s third law of motion, “To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”? What if we were collectively just a little bit responsible for the initial “action” behind all kinds of “natural” disasters involving earthquakes, horrendous storms, wildfires, mudslides, and everything else that makes people too often ask, “Why did God let that happen?” What if we had the capacity to affect the world and the people around us in ways that we often overlook? After all, Cayce suggested that the ultimate goal for each and every one of us was to bring spirit into the earth. Rather than being overwhelmed by the magnitude of this interconnectivity, the readings suggest that we can become a leavening influence that ultimately impacts the whole. This was described to Thomas Sugrue, Cayce’s biographer, as follows: “Not in mighty deeds of valor, not in the exaltation of thy knowledge or thy power; but in the gentleness of the things of the spirit: Love, kindness, longsuffering, patience …” (849-11) On another occasion, when a 49-year-old
accountant asked how he could be of the greatest service to humankind, Cayce recommended that he simply begin working with the daily practice of prayer and meditation. (270-33) Yes, we absolutely need to reach out to others in need–especially during times of human tragedy– but perhaps ultimately we need to understand that we are responsible for one another in ways that we have not yet dared to imagine.
About the Author: Kevin J. Todeschi is executive director and CEO of Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. and Atlantic University. As both student and teacher of the Cayce material for thirty-five years, he has lectured on five continents in front of thousands of individuals. A prolific writer, he is the author of more than twenty books, including Edgar Cayce on Auras & Colors: Learn to Understand Color and See Auras, The Rest of the Noah Story, and Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records. Known for his ability to explain complex subjects in a straightforward and easy-tounderstand manner, Kevin is popular for his insight and his sense of humor. One focus of his work has been to assist individuals in seeing how they are very much responsible for bringing about the new age of enlightenment.
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LReduced ycopene Linked to Stroke Risk by Dr. Joeseph Mercola Lycopene, a carotenoid antioxidant that gives fruits and vegetables like tomatoes and watermelon a pink or red color, is one nutrient you should be sure you’re getting enough of. Lycopene’s antioxidant activity has long been suggested to be more powerful than that of other carotenoids, such as beta-carotene, and now researchers have revealed that it may significantly reduce your stroke risk (while other antioxidants did not). Lycopene May Reduce Your Stroke Risk by 55 Percent A new analysis followed over 1,000 men in their mid-40s to mid-50s for more than 12 years. After controlling for other stroke risk factors, such as older age and diabetes, they found that men with the highest blood levels of lycopene were 55 percent less likely to have a stroke than those with the lowest.1
source. One caveat: when making your tomato sauce, start out with fresh tomatoes, as canned tomatoes typically have a lining that contains bisphenol-A (BPA) which exhibits hormone-like properties that have been linked to many illnesses. The problem worsens when the cans contain acidic food such as tomatoes, which leach more BPA into the food. One other point: if you eat a lot of ketchup, you might want to consider choosing an organic version (as well as one that is unsweetened, as regular ketchup is a common source of sugar and high fructose corn syrup). Organic ketchup has been found to contain 57 percent more lycopene than conventional national brands.4 Of course, tomatoes are not the only source of lycopene. Others include: • Apricots • Guava • Watermelon
Other antioxidants, including alpha carotene, betacarotene, alpha tocopherol (vitamin E) and retinol (vitamin A), showed no such benefit.
• Papaya
The high blood levels of lycopene were said to be a marker for intake of tomatoes and tomato-based products, as these are a particularly concentrated source. It’s estimated that 85 percent of dietary lycopene in North Americans comes from tomato products such as tomato juice or tomato paste.2 In addition to lowering your risk of stroke, lycopene has also been shown to be very helpful in treating prostate cancer.
Eating a wide variety of lycopene-rich foods makes sense, as in addition to stroke prevention, this antioxidant has been shown to have beneficial effects for heart disease, cancer, skin health and even sperm count.
Lycopene Must be Eaten With Fat for Proper Absorption Lycopene is a fat-soluble nutrient, which means eating it with some dietary fat is essential in order for it to be properly absorbed. So a slow-cooked tomato sauce that contains olive oil or another source of healthy fat, such as grass-fed beef, may be an ideal
• Pink grapefruit
Mercola, J. “Lycopene Linked to Reduced Stroke Risks” Retrieved July 30, 2016, from http://articles.mercola. com/sites/articles/archive/2012/11/01/lycopenereduces-stroke-risk.aspx ________ Neurology October 9, 2012 vol. 79 no. 15 1540-1547 October 15, 2012 1 Neurology October 9, 2012 vol. 79 no. 15 1540-1547 2 MedlinePlus Supplements: Lycopene 3 J Agric Food Chem. 2002 May 8;50(10):3010-4. 4 J Agric Food Chem. 2004 Dec 29;52(26):8017-20.
Aug / Sept 2016
Today’s Stars August - September 2016 Leo ( July 23 - August 22) Attention naturally turns to money and whatever you value. You might find you must define your sense of values to another person so that they know where you stand. This is brought to you by Mercury in house of money, assets and values. Mars is in the house of amusement and self expression. Mars is not amused with staring fondly into the eyes of his beloved over a candlelit dinner. Self expression, to Mars sex is a form of self expression. There will be considerable lack of self -denial, discipline, postponing gratification, or taking a back seat to another. Virgo (August 22 - September 22) Virgos will experience increased activity in the home with lots of comings and goings during this time. An urge to travel will find you out and about quite often. Money and resources owned jointly with another such as a spouse will be cause for attention and concern. Solar Eclipse September 1 kicks off the beginning of an inner journey defining what love and sex is all about. Or what Sex and love is all about; you are as yet unable to establish your priority. It looks like that will be a focus for the balance of 2016. Libra( September 23 - October 22 ) Mercury is in your 12th house of hidden things.... you probably will decide to keep your opinions to yourself. Venus here makes you want to relate to
everyone. Who will win out? Probably a little of both. Be social and have a good time, however keep secrets to yourself. Lucky angel Jupiter moves into Libra September 9 for the first time in 12 years. This angel brings with it a feeling of security within yourself. Relationships and encounters with others should work out to your advantage consistently. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Mercury is in the 11th house of hopes, ambitions, friends and groups you belong to. Now is the time to reassess your life goals and the groups you identify with. Make time for your friends, their support is invaluable. Saturn and Mars in second of money, assets and values will require you to figure out what is really important to you. Friends figure strongly in this time period. You are likely to hear from friends you haven’t seen in years. If you are looking for a new love connections are likely to be made through friends. Friends of all kinds are helpful at this time. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) Your tenth house of career holds Mercury making it a favorable time to talk to those in authority or make plans concerning your professional life. Pluto hovering in your 2nd house of money , resources and values producing a metamorphosis that can affect your material wealth as well as your sense of values on the psychological level. The Solar Eclipse in September is especially favorable for your health and your love life. Venus will inspire you to travel
for pleasure or sign up for a class just for the fun of learning something new. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) Good time for any kind of study and higher education. You may find yourself fascinated with subjects relating to foreign places, foreign languages, the law and philosophy. This would be a great time to do some traveling and broaden your experience of the world. Pluto in the first means it is time to reshape your personality and maybe even your physique. August- you need to get away from your work and relax. Then in September your career will show signs of progress even though you may see cutbacks, you will be fine. Aquarius (January 19 - February 18) Mercury in the 8th can bring about discussions of and negotiations concerning property and joint finances. Thoughts of your mortality and of those you love can intrude on daily thoughts. Don’t allow yourself to dwell there. Venus is transiting your ninth of long distance travel . Go enjoy an expanded perspective of your world. You may have feelings of loneliness getting out and getting some much needed rest and relaxation spending time with your family will help. Your career or work is going extremely well. Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Lots of conversations with your marriage partner or anyone you might work closely with. You may need to revisit some of your conversations for further clarification as Mercury is retrograde August 29th to September 22. If you are single this is a great time for love affairs and romance. You are very magnetic to the opposite sex. Mars in your tenth of career may arouse your ambition to achieve in your profession. Mars can also come along with conflicts with parents, employers, bosses or any authority figure. Aries (March 21 - April 19th) Poor beleaguered Aries you still have rebellious and freedom loving Uranus in your sun sign. It has revolutionized your relationships of all kinds and caused you to redefine your life, goals, and relationships. As unwelcome as this upset is to the
more stable amongst you it is ultimately for the good. Right, that is what they always say about pain, chaos and trauma. Pluto will be demanding that you truly know who you are and what your life is about and it better be good as there will be no relief until you do. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) You will be relieved that Mars is leaving the opposition to your sun and moving into Sagittarius until the end of September. Say goodbye to Mr. Grumpy pants and hello to impulsive actions that seemed excellent at the moment you thought of them. Mars will catch up with Saturn by the third week of August and he put the brakes on this impulsive behavior before you leap into something you might regret. This period bodes well for romantic relationships started this month. Gemini (May 21st - June 20) Goodness gracious Gemini! Those planets that are usually the heavies in the cosmos bring you a much needed break from the challenges, conflicts and confusion that is heaped on your plate from most everyone else this period. The radical planet Uranus is treating you gently, bringing unexpected events with opportunities for excitement and growth. This planet is the antidote for the comfortable ruts we all settle into and find it difficult to leave for more expanded horizons. Cancer ( June 21st - July 22) There will be a new moon in Leo to go along with Venus in Leo in your second house of money, money, money! Both August and September are great for finances, both financial agreements and negotiations as well as investments. Please guard against Venus’ tendency to extravagant spending. Venus starts out with a trine to wild Uranus and you can look for unexpected pleasures, new friends and the possibility of new romance. You are in a dreamy , romantic mood. Love and romance should be exceptional. Mercury Retrogrades 2016- 2017 There are three periods a year of three weeks
Aug / Sept 2016
duration each when the planet Mercury, which affects communications and travel is retrograde in motion. This means that it appears to be traveling backward because of its position relative to the other slower moving planets. During these periods it is wise to take extra care in any travel you are planning and be prepared for delays and mix-ups. During these periods it is wise to take extra care in any travel you are planning and be prepared for delays and mix-ups. Be certain you understand others and you have been understood in important matters. it is recommended to delay signing contracts until Mercury is direct in motion again. I personally look forward to this time as it gives me space to reconsider issues I am about to act on. I get lots of phone calls from those I have not heard from in a while, do not know why, just happens like that each time. Mercury retrogrades 2016 - 2017 August 30 until September 22 , 2016 December 19 until January 8, 2017 April 9 until May 3, 2017 August 13 until Sept 5, 2017
About the Astrologer – Laura Conner I have been a student of Astrology for over 30 years and assisting clients in examining their birth charts the last 15 years, both in the u.s. and abroad. My Astrology is psychological, spiritual and transformational. I am a Reiki Master. I am a student of natural and energy healing as were my father and grandmother before me. Life on Earth is magical and fascinating with endless choices and opportunities. Let me expand your life’s perspectives. Your birthchart is unique. It is said that it takes 25,000 + years to duplicate a combination of planets and positions. Your astrological chart is a means of objectively viewing the intangible dimension of yourself; your very own “Owner’s Manual” and a map of your spiritual journey. An expanded perspective of your life is one of the benefits of exploring your birth chart.
with an Astrology Report by Laura Conner
Astrological Reports Available: The Merlin report - $45 bound copy/ $30.00 as a digital attachment emailed The Child Report - $25.00 bound copy/ $15.00 as a digital attachment emailed Advanced Forecast Report - $50.00 bound copy/ $35.00 digital attachment emailed The Composite & Compatibility Report - $60.00/ $45.00 digital attachment emailed Relocation Report - $25.00 bound copy/ $18.00 digital attachment emailed Consultation $75.00 an hour Please include $7.98 for mailing for each order Ask about multiple order discounts Please include birth information: Name, month, day, year, time w/AM or PM clearly indicated and location (city/state/country). Natal Reports and Advanced Forecast Reports make great gifts especially for birthdays. Gift Certificates are available.
Contact Laura for more information:
Eternal Knowledge: Classes & Events
•Divinity Spiritual Divinity Spiritual Service starts at 11:00 AM EST at 4800 Holiday Drive Fairfield Ohio. All are welcome. Call Rev. Mary Margaret Denholm for more information at 513.289.2914. Divinity Spiritual Online Service Sundays Ongoing at 7:00 PM EST at your online location. To access the DSC service for you,, your friends, and family, call Rev. Mary Margaret at 513.289.2914. Healing Prayers for All” Mondays Ongoing 4:00 PM – 6:30 PM 4800 Holiday Drive Fairfield Ohio Everyone is welcome to receive clearing and healing facilitation for disease, addictions, depression, etc. Call Rev. Mary Margaret at 513.289.2914. “Healing Prayers for All” Online Tuesdays Ongoing Everyone is welcome to receive clearing and healing facilitation for disease, addictions, depression, etc. 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM. EST. Donations welcomed. Call Rev. Mary Margaret at 513.289.2914.
•Dr. Jim’s Center for Advanced Medicine Shots for Health - B-12 Shots given by Dr. Jim Smith at Health Foods Unlimited Dayton, Oh. every Monday Evening 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and Susan’s Natural World every Saturday, 10:3011:30am. Walk- ins welcome For more info, call 513-942-3226 visit our website, www.drjimsmith. com
•Enchanted Moments Enchanted Moments Gift Shop & Metaphysical Center 127 Main Street Milford, OH 45150 Call 513-831-5508 for more information on any
of our class offerings Shop on-line and get “real time” class up-dates at
•Family Constellation Work Family Constellation Workshop Sunday, August 14, 1:30 to 5:30 Dharma Center of Cincinnati 16 Moline Ct. 45223 This event is free, but please e-mail to register. CELEBRATE A GREATER FLOW OF LOVE AND CONNECTION Two Workshops with Francesca Mason Boring, renowned teacher and facilitator of SYSTEMIC AND FAMILY CONSTELLATI0N WORK Friday through Sunday, October 7-9 Jesuit Spiritual Center, Milford, Ohio (Greater Cincinnati) 5361 South Milford Road, Milford, OH 45150 Friday, October 7th: Nature Constellation Workshop: $200.OO (early bird/before Aug 31: $150.00) Sat & Sun, October 8-9th: Family Constellation Workshop: $300.00 (early bird/before Aug 31: $250.00) Registration for both workshops, Oct 7-9: $400.00 (early bird/before Aug 31: $375.00) Time: 9AM-6PM (Lunch: 12-2) Lunch included Information about Francesca’s systemic constellation work: Information about workshops/REGISTER: Anne Bernard Becker, Coordinator: annebbecker@gmail. com,
•LIIFT Discover New Healing Methods & Network with Other Healers.
Aug / Sept 2016
Cincinnati Healers’ Gathering offers you free opportunities to create a Community of Healers while learning about the latest developments in healing modalities. Occurring monthly, these gatherings enable healers to discover and experience new healing processes. Healers will network, too, and give healings to one another. Introducing Health Network Center – a Healers’ hub connecting healers to new clients and clients to healers. Gatherings occur Tuesdays from 7-9 PM. Email to receive updates and location information. Now, in Just 2 Days You can learn to help people quickly heal emotionally damaged lives! 2016 Fall Seminars - 9-3 each day 11 and 18 September (2 Sundays) Cincinnati-Dayton Area 5-6 November (Saturday-Sunday) Indianapolis Note: Private training sessions are available in person and by Skype. Inquire. Fees: Your investment to learn LIIFT consists of: $495 seminar fee plus $99 for all the materials you need to get your practice started. Payment plans available. Credit cards, check, and Paypal accepted.
•Religious Recovery Religious Recovery: Healing for those Hurt, Disappointed, or Abused by Religion. Religious Recovery is a free mutual-support, nonprofessional 13-step program loosely based on the concept of traditional 12-step meetings. The meeting is open to all religions but is not affiliated with any church or religious organization. Atheists and agnostics are also welcome. For meeting times and locations, or to contact an individual to speak about Religious Recovery, visit our web site: For information contact Wayne: Wayne@ or call/text: (513) 205-1057. We also have a Facebook page at
•Whatever Works Whatever Works Center and Gift shop 7433 Montgomery Rd. Cincin. Oh. 45236 Ph. #(513)791-9428 At Whatever Works Wellness : Mondays 6:30 to 8:00 pm Manifestation Class: Hands on training from the material of Abraham - Hicks. Wayne Dyer, Sonia Choquette & others. Understand the universal law of attraction, the art of allowing & power of emotions that can help you create the life you desire. $10.00 per class - call (513)791-9428 for info or to reserve a seat.
Note: You can purchase the oils and sounds any time. To Enroll or ask questions contact: Brian Eastman at 513.541.1257 -
•Mill’s Pharmacy Pranic Healing TM - Meditation and Healing Nights1st and 4th Mondays of the Month 6:30pm-8pm at Mills Pharmacy 640 Wessel Dr Fairfield OH. Donations welcome. Contact Tina Weisenberger for more information at 513-207-0875
Wednesdays - 6:30 to 7:30 pm Wellness Wednesdays. Ongoing support group dedicated to sharing natural holistic ways to maximize your health & well being. Call (513)791-9428 for info or to reserve a seat. Other fun studies and services offered for your daily life: Crystal & Stone readings, Numerology readings & chart printouts, Dream & symbol interpretation & Energy Cleansing. For Center’s future events, check out or www.
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