Infinity December / January 2014

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Pursue the Secret

Chambers of Eternal Health

The Music Is In You!

Live the Life You Deserve

Envision Your Dream For 2014 A Health & Wellness Publication Dec / Jan 2014 Southwest Ohio’s Leading Health Magazine Magazine Vol. 53

L etter from the editor Dear Readers, By the divine sacredness of the holy light of all that is, this Holiday season, reach out to one another and celebrate divine Love that exists within the core of our Universe, evolving with peace among all people. It is within each soul that we yearn for peace, let it be known that each of us have played a divine part or even the smallest measure of bringing peace and harmony to all of humanity. Is it not our quest, our destiny to generate Love to all nations and deliver with principle and the domain right to honor all that is, all that we can become and all that ever shall be?

Welcome to Infinity Welcome readers to Infinity magazine’s December/January issue! This issue is packed full of innovative ways to improve one’s quality of life. Read valuable information and proven methods that will enrich, enhance and create a healthy lifestyle. Be inspired, with each article, let Infinity magazine guide you every step of the way to improve your well being, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We are committed to bring to you the latest in health and wellness technology, and we will continue to keep you updated on exciting events throughout the year. The Infinity staff would like to thank all our readers, writers and supporters that make each issue possible. Happy Holidays to everyone and may all your dreams be fulfilled in the coming New Year!


Time travels through centuries unraveling mysteries of mankind, don’t be the problem, be the solution. Challenge yourself to unlock all the greatness and goodness that each one of us is bestowed with at our time of arrival.

Infinity Magazine is dedicated to those individuals who are searching for a healthier, alternative way to enrich their lives while embracing the sacred healing heart within.

Seize every opportunity to brighten someone’s day. Keep a treasure chest of good deeds, pay it forward whenever a chance may arise.

Contacting Infinity

It is in giving that we are receiving, the kindness that exists in our hearts, let it beat as one. The light everlasting is the gift that glows not only in our hearts, but can shine upon our lives through the darkest nights, let the light cast a shadow on a dim reality, create your own destiny. Speak only of truth, bring joy to your table of abundance and share with a loving thought or prayer, a single soul or many can be healed by a simple act of kindness. It is within the human experience, that we learn the many facets of life, let divine grace lead us to a path of joy, abundance and bliss this season and throughout the New Year.

Yours in health,

Jane Phillips Editor in Chief Publisher

866-243-6900 “Infinity Health Magazine” on Facebook 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, OH 45036

Editor in Chief / Publisher Jane Phillips Creative Director & Design Nina Covington Executive Assistant to the Editor Michael McAdams Editorial Consultant Cynthia M Brown Advice Columnist Pastor Wayne Holmes Associate Graphic Designer Debbie Limpach Infinity is under copyright by Sedna Marketing LLC. 2005

On the cover: Merry & Bright!

Cover Photo Courtesy: Nina Covington

Rejoice this Holiday season with sparkle and light! Let the joyous moments at this time with family and friends become beautiful memories. Begin the New Year with unwavering faith, profound enthusiasm and a cup of good cheer!

Infinity is a bi-monthly publication designed to promote health, and natural well-being. The information in Infinity is not intended as medical advice, and should not replace the advice of your physician. Infinity is not responsible for typographical errors, omissions, or misinformation.

Contents 4 Life the Life You Deserve Today by William Molitor 5 Secrets of the Adepts by James Phillips 6 Gemstones & the Edgar Cayce Readings by Alison Ray

Signature Profile Making Magical Memories Happen By Cynthia M. Brown

8 S.O.S. Spiritually Oriented Solutions by Pastor Wayne Holmes 9 The Loss of an Influential Spiritual Pioneer by Dr. Rick Sheridan 10 That Still Small Voice That Speaks Within by Michael McAdams 12 You Are Your Music! by Jill Mattson 14 Get “OVER” Yourself by Olivia Pierce 14 Baker Chiropractic Testimonial 16 SAD or Depression by Dr. Paul F. Fulk 17 Core Exercises and Mental Health by Lisa Gerard 18 Ruby Reds One Tangy Grapefruit! 19 Recipes 20 Sacred Karma by Lisa Pratt 22 Pranic Healing by Christina Weisenberger, RPh 23 Everything Sacred by Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger 24 Save the Best Until the Last! by Kathy Vaske 25 On Angels’ Wings 26 Beyond Beliefs: Discovering Spirituality by Wayne Holmes 26 Metal Phase Element in the Winter Season by Dr. Tommy R. Thompson 28 Bi-monthly Horoscopes by Mary Bauer 30 Eternal Knowledge: Events & Classes

Tommy Rueff, co-founder, art director and copywriter from Barefoot Advertising, decided to follow his dream of helping parents and children connect through shared creative experiences in 1998. Happen Inc. was born. Since its inception, Happen Inc. has helped over 7,000 children each year experience the arts through its programs. Happen Inc.’s mission and vision are simple. The vision is to create a positive environment where creative experiences are shared everyday. The mission is to make those experiences life changing! Programming is simple: The studio is open daily from 3:30-6. There is a Happen Session from 6-6:45 and more open studio time at 6:45. The studio has room for 10 parent and child team per session and is filled on a first come, first served basis. Happen Northside is located at 4201 Hamilton Ave. (at the corner of Chase Ave.) Happen also offers travelling programs for schools. Call 513-751-2345 for more information about this program. There is also the amazing Happen Toy Lab, located adjacent to the studio at 4203 Hamilton Ave. Participants can create their very own toys from “recycled “ toy parts. The possibilities are endless; the experience is magical. Tommy Rueff has been awarded the prestigious Corbett Award for Education through the Arts. He has also been named as CityBeat’s person of the year for his vision and drive to bring it to reality. For more information on this wonderful organization, please visit their website, www.

Live the Life

You Deserve Today By Living Life Intentionally by William L. Molitor, BCH, CI

Living in conscious thought is living your life intentionally. To be in a conscious state that is often referred to as “present”, “centered”, “in the NOW” or “at peace”, can be as simple as choosing thoughts that best suit how you want to feel at the current moment. Living consciously enables you to see your current position without the limiting views of Past or Future, and suddenly things become clearer. Your course of action becomes clear, your intentions become clear and your enthusiasm for life increases. Many people use words like karma, fate or destiny to explain or excuse their current situations. Often these words are used to greatly decrease or eliminate responsibility for their individual choice of actions or their experiences. When you decide to live your life intentionally the need for explanations and excuses become a thing of the past. As you begin to examine “what is” instead of “what if” you find answers that can change your life for the better each and every time. You have many tools available to you that, when used, can begin to create ways to find peace in every moment of your life. Hypnosis and Self-hypnosis are one of these tools. Unfortunately, for many people hypnosis is used as a means to mentally escape their current situation rather than to experience or change it. When properly used to explore the thoughts that are surrounding your feelings hypnosis can have profound results. I work with people every day that have a desire to use hypnosis to change their lives for the better in some way. It may be a desire to change a habit that is causing them some distress such as smoking, poor eating habits or nail biting. Others wish to find more peace in their lives by eliminating fears and anxiety. Some simply want to discover the feeling of being self-empowered. Each of these desires can be achieved by becoming proficient at creating conscious thoughts. The state of mind called Hypnosis allows you unlimited access to your subconscious thoughts; this in turn creates a profound ability for you to begin choosing the thoughts that promote how you want to feel. This is called living your life intentionally. Your subconscious thoughts are thoughts that, if left


unchecked, will become your habits, good or bad. Your automatic emotional response to speaking in public can give you the ability to be a dynamic speaker or to freeze up at the podium. This is primarily a response to what you are thinking at the subconscious level. Your emotions are a perfect guidance system. They can never be wrong because they simply tell you how you feel about the thought that you are thinking at any given moment. Through individual dynamic hypnosis sessions such as those used at the Tri-State Hypnosis Center you are taught how to use this natural state of mind called hypnosis to achieve a high level of conscious proficiency. Techniques employed during a hypnosis session ensure that you have every opportunity to not only change the way that you choose to think, but to also become self empowered. Understanding how you made the positive changes will ensure that you can maintain those changes and continue to live your life intentionally. Inaction comes from thinking in the past or the future. Searching your subconscious mind is like going to a library or doing a Google search. You are not searching for something new because you know that you have already thought the thoughts in your subconscious mind. This does not mean that you cannot learn something new from the information that you discover but if all you do is research then you will find yourself in a perpetual loop of inaction. Change will happen when you take the thoughts that you have found and create something new with them. This can only be done in the present moment, the “NOW”, and when you become proficient at using the results of the researched information in the present moment, then and only then will you begin to see significant changes in your life. Living consciously can only be done “in the NOW”, it is impossible to do it in the past or the future because we do not “have” a past or a future. We think we do, by saying things like “my childhood” or my “retirement plan”; if we become very still and aware we realize that we can only do anything right now. Using the expanded states of awareness facilitated by hypnosis can help us become more aware of the Now, which can then have remarkable effects on our respective intentions for our lives. Don’t wait to discover your true potential by accident, experience it NOW. Live your life intentionally and you will discover the wonderfully exciting life that you are capable of living today.

Dec / Jan 2014

About the Author: William L. Molitor BCH, CI, is a Board Certified Hypnotist with over a decade of experience and advanced training in the art self-development. William has designed a method of applying traditional hypnosis with advanced hypnotherapy techniques that can accelerate any personal change. William is also a certified Hypnosis instructor with the NGH and the Director of Tri-State Hypnosis Center, an Ohio State registered school for hypnosis and advanced hypnotherapy training and certification. For more information regarding William Molitor or the Tri-State Hypnosis Center visit or email

Secrets of the Adepts by James Phillips

The old Egyptian Adepts knew a lot about their world and beyond and possessed secret knowledge about enlightenment and immortality. However, that secret knowledge was made available only to a select few individuals who passed seven progressively more difficult initiations and achieved a new birth, a beginning over again, a turning away forever from past habits, past ideals, and past actions. In the temples, candidate-initiates into the sacred mysteries were divided into several classifications. Neophytes, who entered the temples at 7 years of age, devoted their first seven years studying history, mathematics, philosophy, and astronomy. At 14 years of age, the Neophyte was initiated into the First Degree which symbolized his or her descent from Heaven and rebirth into a physical body. Over the next seven years, the candidate-initiate experienced five more initiations and, at 21 years of age, he or she went through the Seventh and Final Initiation. The candidate-initiate emerged from the last initiation a fully realized Adept into the Sacred Mysteries. Liberated from the bondage of karma and imprisonment in matter, for the newly minted Adept, the grave had lost its victory and death its sting. The powerful, entertaining, and interactive Secrets of the Adepts Workshop is a brief immersion into the treasure trove of wisdom teachings from ancient Egypt. Come to the Workshop to cleanse your mind and body of negative thoughts, feelings and strong emotions with the “Cleanse Mind and Body imaginization”. Come to the Workshop to rejuvenate your source of loving energy with the “Living in


Truth imaginization” and align yourself with Mother Earth and her basic energies with the “Mother Earth imaginization”. But, most of all, come to the Secrets of the Adepts Workshop to help us birth a new ethic, a stronger sense of community, and a heartfelt desire for a new world grounded in the kind of love -- compassion, kindness, caring, sharing -- that we all want to receive and so desperately need to give to each other. As the ancient Egyptians used to say, “Get ready to think with your heart and feel with your mind.” Experience James Phillips -- speaker, author and co-founder of Living in Truth LLC – is dedicated to making the wisdom of ancient Egypt relevant for today’s contemporary audiences and assisting in the birth of a truth-grounded world for us all. Jim is the creator of the best-selling imaginization series of prerecorded creative visualizations as well as the Total Relax and Super Study CD Albums, all of which use his exclusive Total Mind multi-layered audio guidance system to support listeners in deep relaxation, rejuvenating sleep cycles, power napping, laser-like concentration and other extraordinary states of awareness. Jim is a graduate of the prestigious Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia and travels extensively presenting the two hour “Living in Truth Lecture” and day-long “Living in Truth Foundation Workshop” and “Living in Truth Lift-Off Workshop”. Please check out for more information about his schedule of lectures/ workshops and audio products currently available through Living in Truth. Secrets of the Adepts Workshop at Agape Journey of Awakening Spiritual Center on Sunday, December 22, 2013 from 1pm to 3pm – Cost $35.00/$20 for students with student ID. Quality Inn Hotel - 250 Byers Road – Miamisburg, Ohio – For more information call 937-397-2668.

AgapeJourney Journey of Agape of Awakening Awakening Agape Awakening AgapeJourney Journey of of Awakening Agape Journey of Awakening

“Charting Your Divine Course” Spiritual Community “Charting Your Divine Course” “Charting Your Divine Course” “Charting Your Divine Divine Course” Course” “ChartingEvery Your Every Sunday Sunday Every Sunday Every GetInspirited Inspiritedby by an an Sunday Awakening Message Get Awakening Message Get by an Awakening Message Get Inspirited Inspirited by an Awakening 11:00 AM AM to 12 11:00 12 Noon Noon Message 11:00 11:00 AM AM to to 12 12 Noon Noon QUALITY & SUITES SUITES QUALITY INN INN & QUALITY INN & SUITES rdrd QUALITY INN & SUITES floor conference room 33 rd floor conference room floor conference room 33rd Road, floor room 250 Miamisburg OH45342 45342 250Byers Byers Road,conference Miamisburg OH 250 Byers Miamisburg OH 250 Byers Road, Road, Miamisburg OH 45342 45342 – Call Prayer Request or Additional Information Prayer Request or Additional Information – Call Prayer Request or Information –– Call Nancy -- Terrance 937.718.5164 Prayer Request or Additional Additional Information Call Nancy937.397.2668 937.397.2668 Terrance 937.718.5164 Nancy 937.397.2668 Terrance 937.718.5164 Edith 937.262.8106 Nancy 937.397.2668 - Terrance 937.718.5164 Edith 937.262.8106 Edith Edith 937.262.8106 937.262.8106


Gemstones & the Edgar Cayce Readings by Alison Ray

The psychic readings of Edgar Cayce are filled with references to gemstones, crystals, and precious metals, often recommended for their vibratory nature. While many “stones” seem to share universal qualities, others have a more individual, almost personal nature. The readings suggest that they can be used for healing and strength, to raise ones vibration when connecting with the higher self, for stabilizing mental health, to increase psychic abilities. Working with stones may also have harmful results—from amplification of a negative personality trait to the destruction of a civilization.

colors; with the opal and pearl being those minerals that will attract and influence the entity.” (314-1)

According to the readings, each stone has a unique spirit, vibration and “fire” that has the power to “bring that which fires the imagination of those who are very selfish or it may bring peace to the wearer.” (3657-1) The reading goes on to explain that the vibration can be determined by how the stone was formed: “The pearl is a natural consequence of irritation and it will bring either peace or irritation to the wearer…”

“Wear…the pearl with moonstone…as rings or amulets or anklets; but never those upon the neck or in the ears rather upon the extremities; for they will make for the bringing out in the experiences of those the entity meets.” (1406-1)

Another important influence on the individual is the color, shade, and mineral composition of the stone: “Hence the colors that will influence the developing years… will be blue and yellow, or shades and tones of these particular


The combination of stones and placement on the body were also important. Not only for the individuals wearing them but also for their influence upon the people in contact with the wearer: “Hence the opal…with the moonstone, should be…about the body or entity oft. Wear the fire opal as a locket about the neck… Not upon the hands nor upon the wrists, but about the neck.

The most frequently mentioned gemstone is lapis, including the forms lapis lazuli, lapis linguis, and lapis ligurius. Lapis is generally a deep-blue opaque stone, but it may have a green, violet, or even red tint, making recognition more challenging. Many early cultures, including Egyptian, Chinese, Tibetan, and Persian, have references to lapis lazuli. A number of artifacts from Ancient Egypt verify its use. The

Dec / Jan 2014

material known as lapis lazuli today is a silicate of sodium and aluminum with only trace amounts of copper. Since the readings indicate that lapis, or lapis lazuli, was composed of copper, it is difficult to know if it is the same gemstone. The readings identify lapis linguis as azurite, which can be used for “greater mental and spiritual development” (559-7) and “strength to the body” (691-1). It was recommended as an aid to meditation and a “helpful influence towards making… decisions in dealing with mental attributes.” (1058-1) Lapis ligurius, most likely malachite, is described as a green stone with “crystallization of copper” with a “protective influence” (1931-1) over the individual. The pearl and ruby were the next most popular gemstones in the readings. The pearl was to be worn “close to the body; not as an ornament, but rather as that which gives strength to the body.” (3374-1)The pearl “should be worn upon the body, or against the flesh” for “its vibrations are healing, as well as creative…” (951-4) It could be used for “keeping the even temperament, yea the temper itself.” (2533-1) The ruby was to be worn “on hand or body” to “develop greater abilities for concentration.” (531-3) The vibrations of a diamond and ruby together could keep “vibrations of the body in better attune with infinity and not with the purely mental or material things of life.” (5322-1) The inner influence of the ruby was “valor and the strength.” (1144-2) In addition to wearing particular gems and gemstones, the Edgar Cayce readings often suggested that individuals wear different metals for their vibratory influence. Choosing which gemstone or metal to use is an important decision that can involve the body as well as the mind and spirit. According to the readings, gemstones and metals work because our bodies are vibrational in nature. “Each element, each stone, each variation of stone, has its own atomic movement, held together by the units of energy that in the universe are concentrated in that particular activity.” (531-3) For, the very elements of body through which spirit and mind manifest are atomic in their nature. Hence so are the elements of this stone indicated, that partakes of most of the elements that are to man of great influence or power, because of their representations in the body. (1931-1)

with that to keep your animation in accord with the best you may accomplish.” (1620-2) A piece of carbon steel was recommended for one individual to prevent colds, congestion, and irritation to the mucous membranes of the throat and nasal passages: Do not take this as…superstition or…a good luck charm but if the entity will wear about its person, or in its pocket, a metal that is carbon steel preferably in the groin pocket it will prevent, it will ionize the body from its very vibrations to resist cold, congestion, and those inclinations for disturbance with the mucous membranes of the throat and nasal passages. This is a needed element, then, about the body. (1842-1) The readings also reminded the user that while these items were helpful and useful tools, the ultimate responsibility was for the individual to do all the work. “As these are but lights, but signs in your experience, they are as but a candle that one stumbles not in the dark. But worship not the light of the candle; rather that to which it may guide you in your service. So, whether from the vibrations of numbers, of metals, of stones, these are…influences to make you in attune, one with the Creative Forces; just as the pitch of a song of praise is not the song.” (707-2) Choosing jewelry with gemstones is a very personal experience, as each individual has a unique vibration that may change over time. A piece may be selected for aesthetic qualities as well as vibratory. The body’s physical reaction to an individual piece of jewelry must also be considered. One woman had a rash develop every time she wore a silver and turquoise ring which had belonged to a friend. She was told in a reading that it was due to “the supersensitiveness of the body to vibrations of this particular ring from those vibrations that are a part of the ring.” (4009-1) One woman asked about the influence of a pearl necklace she was wearing. Mr. Cayce suggested that “When its vibrations have taken the body-forces, it will be well.” In order to accomplish that, he recommended that the necklace be “demagnetized” by exposure to an ultra-violet ray. (951-6) The following reading expresses some fundamental ideas for using gemstones and minerals:

Metals such as gold and silver could be worn on the body as well as absorbed by the body by using a device such as a radial appliance for “the strengthening influences of gold, the stabilizing influence of silver.” (1931-1)

For, each soul, each entity, has within its inner being the sum of what it has done, is doing, about its relationships to the whole. And this is the stone [bloodstone] to which the entity [2163] vibrates. Thus it is a helpful force physically, an encouragement to the mental, and vibrates upon the real or inner self. (2163-1)

Another reading recommended “…lots of bangles at times become confusing and at others almost necessary. Hence those things that are stable as plain gold, or plain silver, or platinum, with the finishings are those influences that are strongest about the entity for helpful forces.” (2390-1) Platinum was suggested since its “vibrations are in accord

About the Author: Alison Ray works as marketing manager for Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. where she is responsible for membership, public information, Venture Inward magazine, and the Web. A long-time Egypt enthusiast, she regularly practices meditation, Tai Chi, and makes jewelry.




Spiritually Oriented Solutions Healing Hearts, Connecting Lives

with Pastor Wayne Holmes Welcome to our newest feature! S.O.S.! Infinity Magazine has designed this feature for our readers who may be facing a situation, or dilemma in their lives and are seeking Spiritually Oriented Solutions. It may involve a job or relationship. Just simply state your question briefly, and email to Wayne@sednamarketing. net. or mail to 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, OH 45036. Pastor Wayne is eager to assist and will help you find a solution to your question. Infinity will print Pastor Wayne’s answers in upcoming issues. You may remain anonymous or you may use initials if you wish. Not all advice is applicable to all situations, Infinity magazine has the right to refuse any information that would not be in accordance to our Mission Statement and standards of our publication. Our next issue is the February/March issue, the deadline to participate and ask your question is January 10th. _________ Dear Wayne, “Our family loves the Holiday season, but by the time we see all our family and friends, especially the ones that we don’t get to see very often, we are all exhausted! Is there an easier way to get through the Holiday season and keep it joyful?” –L.A. Dear L.A., Many people struggle with time and schedule management during the holiday season. To answer your question from a spiritual perspective, I highly recommend meditation. If it’s a practice you’re familiar with and perform regularly, try to increase the amount you spend connecting to your Higher Power. I realize time demands might interfere, so if you cannot increase your mediation time, then try to maintain as much of your meditation schedule as possible. Along with mediation, practice deep breathing as you go about your day. Remember to breathe in deeply, hold the breath, and breathe out, pushing out as much of the stale air as possible. On a more practical side of your question, I offer common sense advice that probably won’t be new, but may be something we need to be reminded of. Don’t try to do everything alone. Accept help when offered, and don’t


be afraid to ask for help. If you’re hosting, ask people to bring a dish for the meal. Don’t try to do everything in one day. The old saying, “Make a plan, or plan to fail,” is appropriate for the holiday seasons. Some plan weeks and months in advance, and others plan at the last minute. There are pros and cons to both methods, but if your method produces stress, then try to change it up. Eliminate some regularly scheduled events during the holiday season. Pick any added seasonal events carefully, making certain you’re not creating more stress. Cut back on decorations. Maybe even consider having a minimalist season which creates less stress to decorate and less stress when it comes to putting things away. Often it’s not the time visiting our family and friends that we find overwhelming, it’s the extra things we try to do that make us feel as if we’ve been going nonstop. Major on the majors—family, friends, love, and feeling connected to The Divine. About the Author: Pastor Wayne Holmes is an ordained minister with Divinity Spiritual Church and Revelation Spiritual Church. He is the Editor/Contributor of “” — a site dedicated to helping you create happily-ever-after. Pastor Wayne officiates weddings and has been involved with marriage and pre-marital counseling. He is the author of six books; his latest book is, “Every Path Leads Home: A Guide for Religious Recovery.” Wayne is married and has four children. For more info visit www.

Dec / Jan 2014

TSpiritual he Loss of an Influential Pioneer by Dr. Rick Sheridan Unity, known informally as Unity Church, is a spiritual movement that emphasizes spiritual healing, prosperity and practical Christianity in its teachings, and is known for its acceptance of other faiths and belief systems. Unity was founded in Kansas City, Missouri in 1889 by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, and Unity has spread around the world, largely because of their granddaughter’s radio and television program ‘The Daily Word.’ Rosemary Fillmore Rhea, granddaughter of Charles and Myrtle, and a key figure in the Unity Church herself, was a religious broadcasting pioneer, author, and spokesperson for Unity. She is best known for her television broadcast, ‘The Daily Word’ which ran for twelve years in the 1950s and 1960s. Her and her late husband Ralph Rhea started the public service television program which eventually was on more than a thousand radio and television stations across the country. They began syndication with twenty-three stations, and eventually they were in eighty-seven cities, which included all the major markets. Millions first became aware of Unity through these broadcasts, myself included. The Daily Word included a narration by many “A List” Hollywood personalities who would choose a theme and describe why it is important. A few examples included: Ed Asner on Confidence; Eddie Albert on Balance; Ernest Borgnine on Love; Robert Wagner on Beginnings; Sugar Ray Robinson on Determination; Richard Bach on Trust; Steve Allen on Time; Bob Barker on People; Jim Neighbors on Endeavor; Gary Burghoff on Individualism; Pearl Bailey on Will Power; Shirley Jones on Potential; and David Hartman on Doing Good. I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Rosemary Fillmore Rhea during the summer of 2010, and I talked with her several times during three different summers while visiting Unity Village in the Kansas City area. She enjoyed spending the lunch hour in the Unity Cafe, and she shared lots of memories about spending her life with the Unity movement.

Just How My Spirit Travels, a book Rosemary wrote in 2003. Having grown up in the Kansas City area myself, I remembered all of those Daily Word broadcasts as a child, with Rosemary as the host and narrator. The next few times that I talked to Rosemary, I was able to ask more specific questions about her life at Unity Village and the movement itself. The last conversation that I had with Rosemary during the summer of 2012, we talked about her yearly trips to Jamaica, where she was involved in raising funds to build the Unity Preparatory and Kindergarten School in Montego Bay. She had just returned from her last trip to Jamaica, and died a couple of months later, on October 11, 2012, at her home in Unity Village, Mo. She was 86. Rosemary was also involved in the International Relations Council, the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, the White House Conference for Education for Missouri, American Women in Radio and Television Broadcasting, and, most recently, the Advisory Council for the Association for Global New Thought. Rosemary also co-produced three documentary films, Around the World in Search of Faith; Charles Fillmore: American Mystic; and Unity, A School of Christianity.

About the Author: Dr. Rick Sheridan is an assistant professor of communication at Wilberforce University in Ohio. He has taught college-level journalism, graphics and business courses for the last 16 years at Wilberforce, California State University and Stanford University. Rick has also worked as a journalist. His news and feature articles have been published by the Chicago SunTimes, St. Petersburg Times, Winston-Salem Journal, New Orleans Times-Picayune, and by spiritual and metaphysical publications, including: Sedona- Journal of Emergence; Magical Blend; Christianity Today, and others.

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Fortunately, right after meeting her the first time, I went over to the bookstore and purchased a copy of That’s



That Still Small Voice That Speaks Within by Michael McAdams It has been there always. That still small voice that speaks within. When you are alone with your thoughts in need of encouragement and support - it is there. When trying times persist and you know not which way to turn - it is there. Quite, comforting, and forgiving - it is there. Advising you upon your journey as you make your way in this existence, Spirit speaks to you in a manner that not only touches your heart but lifts your spirit, counsels your being, lends reason to rhyme, and promotes your advancement with confidence and support that allows you to persevere in all that you must deal with upon this Earthly sojourn. Quieting your mind of conscious thought and acceptance is the key that opens the door to communication in this form. Your desire and a benevolent seeking heart is all that is required. Recognition of incoming thoughts from a high source of divine nature insures your success in receiving insight, perspective, and direction from your own spirit teachers. Their joy at our receptiveness and openness to these spirit teachings enables a closeness with our spirit teachers that builds at an accelerated pace. Once awareness and exact meanings become evident, calmness comes upon your being that fills you with a sense of purpose and confidence that cannot be denied. The weight of the world is lifted from upon your shoulders as information, perspective, and teachings are instilled within you. You have made the transition. Your path is clear. Choices and decisions are made easier for you now. Divine guidance is available as you have made the conscious decision to incorporate this guidance into your thought system. Blessings be upon you as you make your way in this existence. Be an inspiration to others as you share this insight and new found perspective that lifts you above all that would deter your progress. Blessed is he who remains always in understanding of his calling. From the collection of messages and teachings received directly from spirit teachers/angels that compose Wilma Jean Jones’ upcoming book “An Angel Told Me So” comes this message on the still small voice that speaks within. This was a personal message to Wilma but I believe it applies to all sincere seekers who allow themselves to be open to these communications. Note again these spirit


teachers repeated references to themselves as “we” and “us.” This message was received by Wilma on October 2, 1977. “This message contains the information that is needed at this present time. There are many who need your advice and expression of love and your ever willingness to control this procedure has greatly increased your power and ability to receive that which is given to you in a manner that is difficult to conceive. However, your progress has been ever constant and you have increased the power at hand by constantly being aware of us and desirous of communication that will allow you to see into the realities of the universe and know truth that will not be revealed but to a very small handful of people. Allow yourself the opportunity to perceive what we have given you, therefore reflect upon it. Consider the alternatives. Come to know your place in life and realize that the needs of others are to be important to you always. There comes a time when we must choose between those who hold for us the expectations that we have and those with whom we may find great rapport with. Little can we accomplish when we are torn between implications that cause us to remind ourselves that we are unworthy of what has been given to us when in reality we are given that which we have been promised as a result of deeds of kindness and thoughts of God and a desire to walk ever so close to Him and to know His favor, aware that He is supreme being, and therefore all that we do must be with regard for Him and the fact that as His creation we are therefore united with Him in spirit and being and must always strive to be that for which He created us and allowed us to be that we may glorify Him and behold the brightness of His being.” “In the stillness you will hear the voice of one who listens to the very heartbeat of your being/entity. When you least expect this presence know that always there is beside you one who bears the responsibility of your instruction and who guides your way in preparation for the day that you too will become a guiding force in the lives of others. Prepare yourself for a meeting in which you will recognize the one who leads you and who will continue on behalf of your progress into a greater internment at which time you will learn and understand great mysteries and revealments of consequent happenings that will allow you to see the workings of this mysterious force that controls more than you are aware. There are

Dec / Jan 2014

many sequences to what has been revealed to you thus far. There will be an advancement on your part to allow you to enter into an area that has thus far been denied to you but now that you have accepted and appreciated all that has come your way and are hungry and desirous of deeper and explicit happenings we want to share with you what we feel will benefit you in your work and will forward your progress at a rapid pace.” “This information will prepare your mind for what lies ahead for you. There will be no fear within your being as you are closely associated with us in thought and deed and therefore as we come to you we are to be one with the other. Acceptance is the whole. Endurance will mean more to you because you have experienced so many instances where you have had to endure but only for short periods. Show yourself to be worthy only in the manner of your acceptance. We require no more effort than this. Your acceptance has been the greatest gift that you could give to us and we will see that you are given in return that which you so desire and choose to

do. This much we promise as we are intended to fulfill your wishes at this present time.” – Copyright 2013

About the author: Michael offers a set of his own writings called Spiritual Parchment Prints as a fundraising item for youth groups for churches and to the public. Michael has signed a contract to publish Wilma Jean Jones’ book “An Angel Told Me So.” Wilma and Michael worked closely together as she received these dictated messages and teachings from spirit teachers over this twenty two year period. Wilma is Michael’s mother. Michael owns Starpath Satellite, performs satellite and digital off-air antenna service, and owns Aqua “Doc” Spa and Pools. Michael can be reached via his web site

You Are Your Music! by Jill Mattson

Music makes you feel – it interacts with your emotions. Everyone has snapped their fingers to a lively beat, and relaxed to the soothing sound of the ocean. We all experience sound waves interacting with our emotions. Sound waves don’t isolate our emotions and ignore all the rest of the waves in our bodies. Sound waves interact with all of the waves in close proximity. That is simply science! Sound waves interact with our brain waves, taking them to alpha, beta, theta and delta ranges. How significant is this? When operating at certain brainwaves, our bodies produce healthy chemicals and repair our bodies. At other brain waves, one can quit smoking with greater ease. In short, controlling a population’s brain waves shapes their behavior and influences their health. Focusing on this presents a whole new way of looking at our world. Sound can help or harm us. We must be aware of the


power of sound - for our own good. Sound can be used as a weapon and can slowly make a person sick. We are vulnerable, if sound is used to control us. This can be done without our knowledge, making us puppets. How about our physical health? Does sound impact that? Researcher Sharry Edwards demonstrated that if she plays the frequency associated with the supplement niacin, then the listener’s face flushes without taking the pill. This makes sense as we ingest sounds in our ears and skin. Perhaps sound interferes with neurotransmitters or other signals in the body. Sound is invasive! With Sharry Edward’s free software, a Fast Fourier Transformer breaks your voice into component pitches, letting you see how your voice’s component frequencies change after taking a pill or eating. This strengthens the connection between what you eat and frequencies in our body’s symphonies.

Dec / Jan 2014

One might question why people haven’t noticed that sound interacts subtly with matter. Sound waves are subtle energy, with tiny influences. We have to listen to the very same tone for a long time to notice its impact. In the mean time we hear different sounds that can cancel each other out. Think of running water on a rock. Of course the water runs off and the rock remains the same. The force of the water is miniscule compared to the strength of the rock. However after gazing at the Grand Canyon, it becomes clear that the pliable water flow does change the rock - slowly but surely the water carves mountains. And so it is with the tiny waves of sound. Slowly, but continually they shape and mold us … just like the relentless impact of ocean waves that grind small pebbles into sand. The use of sacred and uplifting music impacts us all far more than we ever dreamed. Right along with good nutrition is good music – for a better tomorrow! We are what we eat, but equally we are what we listen to! Assuming that sound waves intermingle with waves in our body, how do we know what kind of music to listen to? Music with rhythms that match a healthy heart rate improves our well being, because our heart matches the beat. Studies show that rock and heavy metal music exposure can kill a plant, while classical music stimulates the plant’s growth. Even more intriguing is that recorded sounds of nature improve plant growth more than classical music. Mother Nature’s lullabies are the most healing sounds for plants. Ancient people suspected this to be so - as they observed numeric patterns that repeatedly occur in nature. .. such as patterns found in a bee hive, a sea shell or a galaxy. They observed Mother Nature’s own signature and converted these numbers to music. They also listened to the “sounds of the stars.” Ancient music reflected numeric structures found in Heaven and Earth. Even their musical scales, upon which all music was played, incorporated nature’s fingerprints. Ancient music was controlled by the governments – to consistently maintain these beneficial patterns. It is difficult to imagine this today with the great freedom that we enjoy to listen to anything that we want, but this was not so in ancient times. For example in ancient Egyptian art there were NO changes in any aspect of it during 3,000 years. Really? Today, art changes day by day. Long ago no creativity was


tolerated. This practice can be observed in stone art that has survived many years, while the memorized or improvised music perished. However, ancient China’s Department of Measurement regulated and policed the length of musical instruments to control the pitches the population heard. This is evidence that music was controlled – just like art. Creativity was not acceptable in art or music and in fact was considered dangerous, akin to our perception of terrorism today. Sages of many great civilizations warn of danger when new vibratory patterns (music) are heard by its citizens – they strived to preserve their blessed sonic patterns copying nature and the stars that uplifted and stabilized their citizens. Some musicians today are replicating ancient techniques to tune to the vibratory patterns found in nature. The author has been utilizing these ancient practices in her music by incorporating Fibonacci, Solfeggio, flower frequencies and star tones and elements into her music. The quest to regain another level of health through sound has begun, and cannot be stopped.

About the Author: Jill Mattson has spent the past 20 years researching Vibratory Sound Energy for healing and a wide array of other remarkable uses. She specializes in Sound Secrets of Ancient Civilizations. She has written three books on the subject. Mattson composes and produces her own CD’s employing Sound Healing techniques & energies, plus her original musical scores. Her latest CD, Deep Wave Beauty, recently won a silver COVR award for best specialty CD of 2012.,


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Get “OVER” Yourself by Olivia Pierce Take time and look back at how far you have come! Take more time to reflect and listen to your soul self for guidance.

Baker Chiropractic Testimonial

Pauline’s Hearing Has Been Restored with Our Chiropractic Care

See the good and great gifts that have been experienced. These experiences are not always gentle, however when the highest intentions and prayers for peace and the Highest Good for All are applied how can there be limitation. The waiting has been very long as well as no time at all. Rise above yourself. Raise your heart and remember. Now celebrate! By Olivia Pierce, Create Sacred Space, sunhawk@

Pauline Grunden, Dr. Patrick Baker, & Ken Grunden “It was over a year ago when I noticed that I was having difficulty hearing in my right ear. The left ear was fine, but I had to turn up the volume on the TV, couldn’t always hear my cell phone ringing, and was asking people to repeat themselves. I thought this was a normal aging process. My husband was having issues with his neck and hips misaligned. He began going to Baker Chiropractic and Wellness for adjustments. They took x-rays and found exactly what areas needed to be adjusted. After he began his chiropractic visits, he insisted that I go and get X-rays too. I wasn’t having any back or neck issues and didn’t think I needed to go, but he insisted. So I went. The X-rays showed a serious problem with the L5 vertebrae in my lower back. Actually, I had 3.5 degeneration, the worse being 4.0, and Dr. Patrick Baker said it would take time to bring it back to normal, or at least to 2.5.

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After I began the adjustments, I mentioned that I was having a problem hearing and had a ringing in my right ear. Dr. Patrick said he could correct the hearing by adjusting my atlas/axis near my ear. After 6 visits, one morning I woke up and heard a crackling sound as the ear opened up and I had no more ringing in my ear. I was so elated! It was unbelievable and so wonderful to hear clearly again! Imagine going to a chiropractor to get your hearing restored! I continued my visits and Dr. Patrick said x-rays would be taken again after three months of adjustments. The x-rays were taken and much to my amazement, my

Dec / Jan 2014

whole body was in complete alignment. My neck was off by 9% and is now in perfect alignment, and L5 vertebrae in my lower back, which had a 3.5 degeneration was now 0%. I am now on a health maintenance plan and don’t go as frequently as I did, however, I want to maintain good health and maximize my energy. Overall, we feel much better now as our energy has been maximized. My husband is continuing his chiropractic treatments and wellness exercises and has shown much improvement having chronic sinus and neck problems. His hips are being realigned and straightened out to become even. We are staying faithful and are committed to follow the treatment plan that has been given to us by Dr. Baker.

Chiropractic. We highly recommend both Dr. Patrick Baker and Dr. Paul Baker to fix your problems as they have done for us. They are the best!” Pauline & Ken Grunden If you or someone you know suffers from pain or any type of health condition, please contact us by calling (513) 561-2273 or schedule an appointment on-line by visiting our website at http://www.bakerchiropractic. org/. We will help!

We know you will enjoy going to the Baker Chiropractic and Wellness Center, as the environment is friendly, relaxed, and uplifting with a team of excellent, caring, and professional staff! We have been telling everyone about the amazing results we have had with Dr. Baker’s expertise. We hope you will visit the practice soon, as some of our friends are already receiving the same excellent care! God has richly blessed us through Baker

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Does not include xrays. Exp. 1/31/14

SAD or Depression by Paul F. Fulk, D.C.,


Better known as winter blues. It has many titles but all of it boils down to a malfunction of a tiny little gland in the center of your skull. There are several nutrients that make this gland work. When they are lacking for one reason or another, many symptoms occur. The pineal gland is in total control of many functions in your body. If you can envision the pineal gland is the major boss in your brain that controls the whole show. But if it is asleep on the job, many of the body functions fail to work as they are supposed to. In China the pineal gland is called the “third eye” because of the major jobs it is responsible for. If it does not function, one of the symptoms is “depression.” This is a result of the hypothalamus not being told what to do. This is the computer in the brain that has many jobs to do. All but two, of the stimulating hormones are secreted by the hypothalamus. Ovaries in the female and testicles in the male do not function if they lack of instruction from the hypothalamus. Then the thyroid does not do it’s job because the hypothalamus is not doing what it needs to be doing. Also the adrenal glands which sit on top of each kidney, are not up to “par” of running the show from the chin down. Without instruction there are a number of other functions that are lacking because of the malfunction of the pineal gland and the hypothalamus. We could go into a lot of detail about what happens, however, it is better known as “depression”. The body functions are very sluggish, you can’t sleep and you just “feel like a dimes worth of dog meat”. This is how it was described to me by a fellow from Louisiana. In any case he felt pretty bad and just did not want to do anything. Getting out of bed every day was a challenge. The pineal gland is also responsible for your circadian rhythms that change as you travel through time zones across the country. The SAD syndrome or seasonal affective disease as it is called, is prevalent during the entire year. Specifically in the winter season when days are short and the atmospheric pressures are low (when it snows) are peak months for SAD occurrences. This pea-sized organ regulates and controls the production of melatonin which is your sleep inducer.


The pineal gland needs lithium plus tryptophan which is an amino acid in order to function. Did you ever notice that after eating turkey on thanksgiving, you get very sleepy? It is because turkey has a abundant amount of tryptophan in the meat. Para Health Foods Inc. has a product named Para Pineal that has all of the necessary ingredients in it to make the Pineal gland functional. It helps to overcome depression, but is not a drug. You can order it by calling 937-434-8066. This product has been around since 1988 and has proven itself over and over. The study of mental health and relationship that various foods and nutrients play on our mental health has proven it’s effectiveness. People who suffer from this disorder, until now, have only had to rely on antidepressant drugs. Para Pineal represents a technological breakthrough that corrects nutritional imbalances safely and, most importantly, naturally. Most important is the fact that the pineal gland has some direct connections which affect the adrenal glands and the gonads, (testicle and ovaries). In the medical text books very little is described about the function of the pineal gland except that it has to do with skin color and gonadal function. But I will have you to understand that this little pea size organ is very important and I would call it the “master glands”, instead of the pituitary gland. Since the discovery of the formula for para pineal, the scientific explanation of what affects the pineal gland, was a discovery by Dr. F.C. Odds from England and his studies on candidiasis. Also some research done in Canada, found that candida albicans, when in the blood stream, leaches the lithium out of the pineal gland causing it to malfunction, thus depression evolves. There are over 25 million people in the US that are suffering from depression and many of them are not aware that they are depressed. This condition presents itself with fatigue, self neglect, insomnia, deep sadness, and lack of interest in surroundings. If drug oriented medical treatment fails and if the psychiatrist’s couch can’t do much to help, my hope is that they will try Para Pineal to regain the nutritional balance that they need to help make the pineal gland function normally. When a person starts thinking about suicide, they

Dec / Jan 2014

become very desperate. They, nevertheless, become mentally incapable of making rational decisions and sometimes resort to taking their own life. Para Pineal has helped people even at this stage. Please don’t allow yourself to get to this point. Call Para Health Foods at 937-4348066 and order some Para Pineal today for enjoying the winter months.

breathing improves your heart, lungs, and circulation health.

Copyright 2013

The holidays can be stressful. Take a few extra deep breaths before driving, while driving, and even when you shop. Even if you’re not driving but simply riding with a stressed-out driver you can experience stress. Breathe. Slow down. Relax your shoulders.

Paul F. Fulk D.C.,F.A.S.A

Cand ore Exercises Mental Health by Lisa Gerard In my last few articles I explained how core exercises structurally stabilize the skeleton. Everyday exercises strengthen and improve your heart, lungs, and your bladder as well as your muscles. In addition I wrote about how everyday activities, such as walking, are core exercise. The holidays are quickly approaching along with the hustle and bustle of getting things ready. I’m receiving comments about how difficult it is to make time to exercise and how people are struggling to even remember to exercise. Here is another approach to help you realize just how easy it is to do core exercises. Sit up straight, head up, shoulders back. Take a deep breath in through your nose to a count of seven. Now, release your breath through your mouth to a count of seven. Repeat. This time when you take a deep breath in, say to yourself “I am ready, willing, and able to exercise”. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Say the following: “Exercising makes my body stronger.” Again, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. One more time say “Core exercising is easy and enjoyable.” Finish by breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth again. You just performed a core breathing exercise. Yes. Breathing is another core exercise.

Deep, purposeful breathing sends oxygen throughout your body and into your brain. That’s how simple it is to do core exercises. Not remembering to exercise or claiming you don’t have the time should no longer be an issue.

Speeding actually increases your stress levels and strains muscles that can cause other health problems. Slow your pace and start your day at least 15 minutes earlier than usual. Think of alternate routes or plans in case they change. Breathing helps put things back into perspective. You will think clearer, experience less stress, and be more organized when you simply slow down and breathe. Need more information on how to relieve stress while in the car? Or sitting at work? Contact Lisa Gerard for help. or call 512-708-0563 Smile and Laugh Often About Lisa Gerard: Gymnastics Coach and Instructor, Core and Conditioning Coach/ Instructor, Second degree black belt and instructor/coach in Tae Kwon Do, Liift Practitioner. I am also a Mother to three teenage children, a wife of Twenty-Four years. I have Twenty-One nieces and nephews and fourteen great nieces and nephews. I owned a design company for twenty years. Email Lisa Gerard at: Or call 513-708-0563

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Taking a few seconds throughout the day to do intentional



Ruby Reds

One Tangy Grapefruit!

All varieties of grapefruit have nutritional value, but the ruby red grapefruit is loaded with vitamins and minerals that help to fight off many health conditions and illnesses. High in Vitamin C, the red grapefruit is the perfect way to keep the immune system strong throughout the winter season. The juice of red grapefruit contains lycopene which helps to slow the process of buildup of plaque on the inside walls of blood vessels. This juice can also reduce high blood pressure as well. However, it is important if taking prescription drugs, grapefruits may not interact well, consult with your doctor to be sure. An excellent way to detoxify the liver and lose weight is to add red grapefruit to your diet. There is a good amount of fiber and the fruit is low in calories. Grapefruit helps the body repair damaged DNA and can prevent many types of cancer. The ruby red is great for diabetics, it helps lower the starches and sweets in the body. Anyone suffering with


digestive disorders, red grapefruit juice increases the flow of gastric juices aiding with digestion and can help to avoid constipation. It may be odd to think that grapefruit could produce an alkaline effect in the body, when it can taste so sour, but actually it helps get rid of acid. It has been documented through research that red grapefruit juice can help people who suffer with fatigue and exhaustion, it is a quick boost at the end of a long day. The best way to store your ruby reds is at room temperature, make sure they are not stacked, the fruit is very tender and can bruise which can change the taste and texture. If you are planning to eat the grapefruit in the future, store them in the refrigerator, keep dry and place them in a bag or bowl, or they can be stored in a crisper drawer for several weeks as long as they remain chilled. A wonderful and fresh way to begin your day is to reach for your ruby reds, with a touch of honey, reap the rewards of good health with this amazing fruit!

Dec / Jan 2014

Broiled Grapefruit Crisp INGREDIENTS: • 1 large grapefruit-cut in half • 1/4 cup old fashioned oats • 1 tablespoon sweetener (honey or turbinado sugar)

DIRECTIONS: 1. Toss grapefruit together with coconut, macadamia nuts and brown sugar. 2. Let stand for 30 minutes 3. Toss again.

• 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

4. Place bibb lettuce leaves on plates and top with mixture

• 2 teaspoons Butter

5. Drizzle vinegar and oil as desired.

• dash of salt

Recipe Submitted by Cynthia M. Brown

DIRECTIONS: 1. Preheat the oven’s broiler and set oven rack about 6 inches from heat source 2. Remove all seeds from the grapefruit and loosen sections from membrane with a sharp knife 3. Place grapefruit halves cut side up in a baking dish 4. Stir the oats, honey or sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a small bowl 5. Add the butter and mash with a fork to incorporate oat mixture into the butter 6. Spread about half of the butter mixture over the top of each grapefruit half 7. Cook under the broiler until the topping is golden brown, about 10 minutes

Nutty Grapefruit Salad INGREDIENTS: • 3 red grapefruit, peeled and sectioned • 3 yellow grapefruit, peeled and sectioned • 1/4 cup organic brown sugar • 1 cup unsweetened coconut, toasted • 1 cup crushed macadamia nuts, toasted • 4 heads bibb lettuce • raspberry vinegar and olive oil, for drizzling


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Sacred Karma by Lisa Pratt

I’m a little passionate about karma. A couple of years ago I decided to explore karma to a deeper level. I wanted a different perspective from thinking that something hurtful was always coming to me. My wishing that something bad happened to someone else also didn’t seem to help me. If that is also karmic, what was I wishing for myself and the entire world? I wanted a loving perspective and relationship with karma. I was tired of waiting for the bad things - tired of trying to control everything and tired of thinking that I was “bad” and that bad things were always coming to me. I was holding onto some things from my past that were preventing me from living the life that I wanted to live because I was afraid of what would return to me. So, I explored. I played around with it. What comes back to me? If I change my mind set toward karma, does that change my entire experience with it? We hear a lot about karma and recycling. I see these two as the same. Karma = Action. Recycling = Action. Karma is the cosmic laws of opportunities (lessons, experiences) coming to us in order for us to evolve. Karma and Recycling are the acts of giving and receiving. Both are helping us to evolve and this is how we and the Universe work. Think of karma as a recycling program. Before we became more environmentally aware, a plastic bottle would go to the landfill and remain there for years and years. Now that we are more aware, we are able to take that same plastic bottle and recycle it into something useful and beautiful. We’re able to recycle it again and again into something new and different beautiful. When we become more aware in our own lives, we’re able to recycle in the same way. A kind act may be received back with kindness or even an unkind act can be returned with kindness if we are aware of our actions and choose to recycle in a useful and beautiful way. In yoga, there are 8 limbs of guidances to help us in our lives. Within those 8 limbs are the yamas and niyamas (ethical and spiritual practices). One of the yamas within the 8 limbs of yoga is Ahimsa – non-violence or non-harm. This starts first with the way you treat your own self mentally, physically, emotionally and


spiritually. Your thoughts and how you treat yourself are karmic. If you think about that in karmic terms via recycling, even if you do something unkind, you can recognize it (be aware of it) and have kindness returned to you – even if someone else treats you unkindly but you decide to treat your own self with kindness. This is likened to using a plastic bottle, recycling it and having it come back as another item. It isn’t just going out and filling up a land fill that turns into poison, it’s coming back as something useful and quite beautiful. Yoga teaches us how to take care of ourselves during our practice and how to take that into our lives. Practice Ahimsa today starting with your own self. If there’s anything that you’re holding on to and it’s preventing you from living your best life, explore the idea of letting it go today. Explore recycling it. You are sacred. Treat yourself as sacred and allow yourself to be so full of kindness and love for yourself that it naturally overflows to everyone else. It starts with your own self. You are an essential part to the whole of the Universe. Treat yourself as you are sacred and see what recycles within you. Lisa Pratt YINtuitive Life, Relationship and Intuition Guidance & Yoga About the Author: Lisa Pratt, YINtuitive Connections, is an Intuitive; Life, Relationship and Intuition Guide and Yoga Instructor (RYT-200). Lisa is passionate about intuition, relationships and helping others to live their best life. She loves to meet with individuals and groups with the hope of helping you to bring to light your ultimate desires and to help you in bringing your desires to life. Her intention when meeting with you is to encourage and guide you to connecting to your intuition (your inner guiding light and guidance system that is set up for you). Did you know that your mind, body and spirit could

Dec / Jan 2014

be sending you different messages? Through different experiences in Lisa’s life, she discovered that she was receiving different messages from her mind, body and spirit… all of them taking care of her but in different ways with the same goal: Love. Born tuned into energy and a natural counselor, in 2005 she stopped working “Corporate World” and started her business as an intuitive. As time went on, she knew there was another piece that she wanted to incorporate. In 2012, the desire to uncover the other piece became clearer and she decided to take her yoga practice to the next level. She graduated in June 2013 with her CYT-200 from Grace Tree Yoga & Growth Studio in West Chester, Ohio. Lisa continues to discover how intuition and yoga can unite the mind, body and spirit together with beauty and ease. Lisa Pratt, YINtuitive Connections, is available for individual or group sessions and workshops.

Divinity Spiritual Gathering of Fairfield

Humane Association of Warren County

Animal Shelter & Adoption Center Celebrating 37 years of Saving Homeless Pets

Spay/Neuter is the only answer to the tremendous overproduction of abandoned and homeless pets. The Humane Association of Warren County’s Spay/Neuter Programs are working. Help us ELIMINATE this deplorable overpopulation problem with a Donation to the

Karen Nixon Heaberlin Spay/Neuter Fund. To donate, call 513.695.2076 The Humane Association of Warren County Animal Shelter and Adoption Center 230 Cook Road Lebanon, OH 45036

“A Place of Love, Light, Truth, & Freedom” 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield, OH 45014 One Mile North from Jungle Jims On Rt. 4, Left on Hicks Blvd., Right on Holiday Dr.

513-892-0623 Every Sunday - Service starts at 11:30 AM Visit us at All services are archived and available 24/7.

Divinity Spiritual Church 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield, OH 45014 Call 513-892-0623 for more info.

Healing & Message Services December 11th, & January 8th


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Pranic Healing:

Dispensing Energy Medicine by Christina Weisenberger RPh, Pranic Healer

In pharmacy school, I learned about the anatomy and physiology of the human physical body. I learned about the pharmaceuticals which are used to treat the physical body for illness or disease. During this education, I was struck by how often we don’t actually know the origin of malfunction of the body- hypertension, for example. 95% of all hypertension cases are what are called “essential hypertension”. The cause of essential hypertension is unknown. What if the origins of these malfunctions are not in the physical anatomy but in the energy anatomy?

Most chakra systems teach 7 chakras of the body. Pranic Healing focuses on 11 major chakras of the body. Think of them as spinning vortexes coming out perpendicularly from the body. They spin alternating between clockwise and counterclockwise, just like our lungs when they expand and contract with each breath we take. Our chakras spin clockwise to take in energy and counterclockwise to expel energy. Our chakras very often become congested due to our emotions. The chakras connect our emotional body to our physical body. Congested and dirty chakras cannot funnel the energy efficiently to the corresponding organs and tissues of the body. So unresolved emotions, stress and resentments can be causing the physical problems in the body. Pranic Psychotherapy is a Pranic Healing technique used for addressing psychological based problems. Once the emotional issues are resolved, the physical symptoms many times will resolve.

I was introduced to Pranic Healing when I went into a book store in 2002 and Master Stephen Co, a Master Pranic Healer, was there on a book tour for his new book “Your Hands Can Heal You”. He was doing a demonstration to show us how to sensitize our hands to feel energy. I felt something and was intrigued. I bought the book and went home and my husband and I started doing the energy experiments in the book. That night our teenage son Anthony became the guinea pig. We enlisted him to see if he could feel the energy being sent to him. I remember my husband was standing behind him and was sending energy to his back solar plexus. After less than a minute, Anthony became alarmed because he felt a great heat on his back. I knew then, there was something to this thing.

Pranic Healing has opened me to a deeper understanding of our anatomy- physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual. If you would like to learn how to apply this healing system to yourself, your friends and family, classes are available. Go to the Pranic Healing website at www.pranichealing. com to find the next class in our area. Also, I am pleased to be offering a free Pranic Healing clinic once a month at Mills Pharmacy in Fairfield where you can come experience an energizing meditation followed by a Pranic Healing treatment. See the events calendar in the back for the dates and times. Please arrive promptly, the pharmacy doors will be locked during meditation and clinic.

Pranic Healing is a non-touch system based on ancient healing practices such as acupuncture and chi kung. Acupuncture involves manipulation of the flow of energy through the body’s energy channels, or meridians, using needles. The needles are inserted at strategic locations to unblock these meridians. Pranic Healing uses the hands instead of needles to clean out dirty energy from the body and replace it with healing energy. It teaches students how to draw in energy from outside the body and to project it to facilitate the healing. Pranic Healing was created by a Chinese-Filipino spiritual teacher and energy master, Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui. After many years of refinement, he introduced Pranic Healing in the Philippines in 1987. It is now practiced all over the world. It is easy to learn and anyone can do it.

Mills Pharmacy, 640 Wessel Dr. Fairfield, OH 513-868-6397

The energetic “organs” of the body are called chakras.


Namaste. Christina Weisenberger RPh, Pranic Healer

Animal Communication & Wellness Services Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger

(513) 310-3997 (513) 309-0957 •Animal Communication •Healing Touch for Animals •Flower Essence Consultations •Canine & Equine Massage •& Other Healing Modalities

Dec / Jan 2014

Everything Sacred

by Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger

I confess that this issue’s theme of “Everything Sacred” initially stumped me; nothing immediately leapt into my brain connecting animal communication and animal healing with the Sacred. I immediately went (like a good geek) to the Internet and searched for the definition of sacred. This is one I liked: “highly valued and important; deserving of great respect; worthy of [religious] veneration”. Ah-hah, I was only having a senior moment. Of COURSE the sacred is very much involved in how we work with animals and humans. When I begin to work with communication or healing with an animal, the first thing I do is set intention for the highest and best good of the family I am working with; and for the optimal health and well being of all members of that family. I then request the help of the SOURCE of all understanding and healing – the Universe/Goddess/God/the One. The communication and healing come from the Source of all that is sacred. We facilitate or channel it to where it needs to go, with some help from the Elders, our Spirit Teachers and Guides, our Animal Council, St. Francis, the Angels… you get the idea. What has occurred to me is that the work itself, since it comes from a sacred Source and is highly valued by those who seek it, is also sacred. I found this to be a very humbling thought. It also explains why, when I drum before I begin my normal routine of preparing for a session, the session seems to go so much better. Drumming is a respectful way to invite the Universe, Elders, Teachers, Angels, and Guides to assist us in the work. It also can put one into a relaxed and semi-hypnotic state which facilitates healing and communication. When we meditate or pray, I believe we connect not only with the Universe/Goddess/God/the One itself, but we also connect with all that the Source has caused to be - past, present, and future. This ability to connect with each other and with our animals, allows us to understand one another better. It allows us to communicate; it allows us to facilitate healing. Connection to everything sacred is the catalyst. In this busy time of shopping, cooking, traveling, and just general busyness we often can put off taking


time to connect and communicate with ourselves, our families and friends, and with our animals. Our animal family members don’t understand the purpose of Thanksgiving or Christmas or New Years. They see their humans worried and tired, and often they get pushed aside as visitors take center stage at home. I would like to invite you to take 5 minutes each day during the Holidays to sit with each of your animals quietly, to connect to the sacred in them, and to communicate your love to them. Really focus on them, and nothing else. Help them understand that they are loved and important members of the family. Take the time to tell them when visitors or coming or when you must travel. Respect and honor the sacred in them, as they love the sacred in you.

Namaste’ and Happy Howlidays from Cindy, Terri, TJ, Obi, Lukas, Diana, Sophia, Simba, Rohan and Cheyenne.


Save the Best Until the Last! by Kathy Vaske

As the Holidays approach and we are all busy getting ready for our family traditional celebrations, let us remember to save some of the really best things till last. We can save some time during January and February to go check on family and friends that can’t get out much during the Holiday season. These are great months to attend promotional events around town together with our family members that can’t get to those events by themselves. Why not make a new family tradition during the early part of the year and invite a local medium to come and visit with passed on loved ones. A session for you and your surviving family members would be a wonderful experience. Invite a psychic in to do a projection ahead at the New Year’s party in your home. We can pick a really sunny Sunday morning and meet with friends at our favorite local church. Several times during the colder days of the winter, we can put together some really great tasty hearty soup with baked bread and take it to one of our older family members that find themselves living alone.


These are small things to those of us that are still working and can get out easily and take care of ourselves, but to those we know that may be just a little depressed at this time of the year it can mean a whole lot. The surprise alone of an unexpected visit of a close friend that just wanted to see how we are doing, can lift our spirits high and let us know someone cares. Sometimes that is all it takes to get us moving forward again. Doing these sorts of things can make the winter seem a whole lot shorter for all of us. The importance of spending time with family and close friends over a lifetime can never be under estimated. We only really appreciate those times when they are gone and out of our sight. Then we wish we had taken the time to visit with them and talk to them a little longer. The really great part about life is, that those passed on loved ones will live in our hearts forever. Isn’t it funny how we remember the little things they said and did that mean so much to us after they are gone? Our loved ones really do shape our lives and give it meaning.

Dec / Jan 2014

On Angels’ Wings

Inspiring Stories of Divine Intervention

Back by popular demand! This feature has inspired many, and we ask you to send us a short story about something that happened in your life that inspired you. A situation in your life that changed you and that you believe happened with divine intervention. An angelic experience or simply a profound feeling you had that changed your path of direction. We will publish articles, as we receive them. Please type or print. You do not need to put your whole name and please give a phone number in case we need to reach you if we have a question. The phone number will not be published. Email to or mail to: Infinity magazine, 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, Ohio 45036. The next issue is February/March; Infinity must receive your story by January 10th.

The Miracle of Midland It was July 1961 and I had just gone through an eleven-day divorce in New Mexico. My wife had found someone else and I pleaded No Contest at the advice of my Catholic lawyer. She had taken off to California for a period of time with this other man. We had two children, two and three years of age, and I was awarded shared custody, although I had them most of the time. I was seeing and getting counseling from Father Saxon at our local church all the while. I had taken the same job I had in the Air Force and was on T.D.Y. with my balloon launch crew in Midland, Texas. We had launched earlier that day and the convoy headed for home in Alamogordo, New Mexico. I was the last in the convoy, driving a helium tanker semi-truck and as it was approaching dusk, I pulled into a large parking lot of a small Spanish Mission church. I always liked to explore these primitive little Missions because there was so much reverence there. I parked the truck and walked to the front double doors of the Mission and it was open, to my surprise. I walked in and saw the votive candles burning all around and at the altar and took a seat at the second row of pews. I knelt down and peered over the next pew and saw a pamphlet and was curious and put it in my shirt pocket. I then lit a candle at the altar and came back to say my


prayer. “Dear God, may I have my family back,” I prayed. After a few moments, I left the church and went back to the truck. It was already dark and I turned the dome light on in the cab and pulled the pamphlet I found out of my pocket. It was a Novena to Saint Martha. It said if one prayed for nine days, at the same time and day (usually Tuesdays) and said the same prayer, you prayer would be answered. I returned to Alamogordo and went to church nine Tuesdays at 7pm and prayed the same prayer, “Dear God, may I have my family back.” On the Wednesday after the ninth Tuesday, I visited Father Saxon again and told him, “I prayed this Novena to Saint Martha for nine Tuesdays and so far nothing has happened!” Father answered, “What are you going to do about it?” I quickly answered back, “I’m going to start all over again with the Novena.” The tenth Tuesday I prayed again that simple prayer, “Dear God, may I have my family back.” The very next day I received a phone call from my ex-wife, exclaiming, “You’ll have to come and get the kids. I can’t keep care of them anymore.” I called my lawyer and had the papers at my wife’s door the next day. The court reversed all the previous decisions, and I was given full custody of my two little children. My two little children, who were in diapers and training pants at the time, are now, as of this writing, ages fifty-five and fifty-four and have given me six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. I am blessed. –RKB

Kathy Vaske

Try something different for entertainment for the evening out with the girls. Try an all message circle. Each person in your group gets a mini psychic reading set up as a group Nationally known Psychic, demonstration. Angel Clairvoyant, & CHT

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Call (513)218-8448 25

Beyond Beliefs:

Discovering Spirituality by Wayne Holmes

“Rules were made to be broken, or at least bent. Better to break a rule than to be broken by it.” Religious Recovery is in its infancy and still a new concept to most people. Some mistakenly believe we are trying to help people recover through the use of religion. That is not accurate. Our purpose is to help people recover from religious hurts, disappointments, and abuses that have happened as a result of a religious institution or a religious individual. An example of a religious institution inflicting hurts might be a religion that teaches their members to “shun” any member of their faith who decides to leave. An example of a religious individual inflicting hurt or abuse might be a leader who shames or “guilts” a member in order to keep them in line with their religious rules or doctrines. We facilitate this healing by using a modified version of the successful 12-step programs. Religious Recovery has 13 steps instead of 12 and our steps are similar in some ways, but definitely not the same as A.A. or any other self-help program. In addition to the 13 steps, Religious Recovery has 13 “stones” that are the foundation for building—or returning to—a spiritual path versus a religious path. The spiritual aspect of Religious Recovery takes the individual beyond beliefs to help them discover a spiritual life based on connecting with that which is greater than self. Let me try to explain with the following example. A common rule or guideline in nearly all religious belief systems is “do not steal.” But, what is an individual to do when they are out of work, there are no relief systems to care for them, and their children are starving? Hard core religion says it doesn’t matter. Stealing—even if to keep your family from dying of starvation—is wrong. Religion has given us a rule—do not steal—that works 99.99% of the time, but in that one incident where the rule would cause a greater harm, namely the neglect of children, then the solution is either break the rule and suffer the consequences of the religious organization, or keep the rule and allow a greater harm to occur. The answer here is to follow the path of spirituality and go beyond the rules of organized religion. Follow the dictates of the heart. What does my Higher Power and my intuition say, and what does Love say about this situation? Every situation is different and problems occur when


religious institutions try to lay down rules and regulations assuming everyone should conform to one specific way of doing things. Yes, there may be a set of guidelines that gives wisdom which applies in the majority of situations, but when those guidelines become rigid and unbending, people who fall outside of the norm often break because they have tried to live up to a standard that didn’t take into account their specific needs. Rules and regulations often fail to take into account the greatest of all rules, namely to love and to know that you are loved no matter how different you may be.

MinetalthePhase Element Winter Season by Tommy R. Thompson, DC, NMD, LaC We are still experiencing the Metal phase in the 5 element theory in traditional Chinese medicine. Last issue we discussed the concept of phlegm retention and latent heat and blood stasis the pathologies of aging. This discussion is based on the influence of the large intestine, the lung and large intestine are paramount in immunity and building of CHI, (body electric) I cannot emphasize the importance of the bio-electric field, it’s like saying the sun does not have an effect on the earth. Many yogi’s and mediators try to balance the mind body connection for higher awareness, health and longevity. Practicing deep breathing techniques produces relaxation and building of CHI, the bowels and skin are also related to excretion of toxins. The Large intestine can be connected to the condition of dysbiosis or disease of the bowel and is intimately related in producing the immune system and some brain function. “Dysbiosis (also called dysbacteriosis) refers to a condition with microbial imbalances on or inside the body. Dysbiosis is most prominent in the digestive tract or on the skin, but can also occur on any exposed surface or mucous membrane such as the vaginal, lungs, mouth, nose, sinuses, ears, nails, or eyes. It has been associated with different illnesses, such as inflammatory bowel disease, as imbalances in the intestinal microbiome may be associated with bowel inflammation and chronic fatigue syndrome.” The recent literature shows how the condition of the gut represents a profound effect on the pancreas, stomach,

Dec / Jan 2014

liver, heart, muscles and adipose or fat tissue. I find the most fascinating effect on the brain is depression and anxiety. There is a misconception about the bacteria in the gut, that it can simply be replaced with some yogurt intake. The use of antibiotics over time can be a large factor in dysbiosis, including traditional Chinese medicine definition of “Latent Heat” which I had written about last issue. Remember the gut produces most of your neurotransmitters, not the brain itself. Most people who have gut issues are diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome and are put through diagnostic test after test. Most people feel all they have to do is add good bacteria; however most the commercials don’t mention the short transient life of this bacteria. Also most people don’t understand that we inherit the gut flora from our mothers and most problems in the bowels start early in life, especially if the child is inoculated several times. However, you can improve the environment of the bowels with diet and remove offending foods that can rapidly degenerate the beneficial flora. The big offenders are the sweet drinks, dairy and gluten. Most people should go through a bowel de-toxification at least 2 times a year, most obvious during the fall and again in the early spring. There are great herbals and nutritional products to make the change including,

Standard Process Inulin, whole food fiber, lactic acid yeast, Zymex, enzymes, betaine hydrochloride. Mediherb’s Gymnema, Echinaca, Gut Flora Complex, Wormwood and Viatonox. If you are suffering from depression, anxiety and are tired of taking toxic medications and if you suffer from IBS or any bowel disorder. Just call and make an appointment at THOMPSON CHIROPRACTIC and ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC. 513-874-1222 or visit my website at for more information. Holiday health to all and may you have great New Year.

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Astrology by Mary

Sagittarius November 22–December 21

Sag, this period begins with a strong sense of new excitement, typically in areas of recreation, romance, new life, vacations, time with friends, etc. However, the longer it goes, the more of an increase you will discover in matters financial. There are several planets clustering in your pocketbook, with the basic vibration of reworking the financial picture, and especially on matters that reflect home or housing, children and/or parents, etc. Jupiter, your ruling planet, is also in a money house, and as usual, will increase the action there, and there will be a seesaw effect of money coming and going, with emphasis on longterm expense patterns. For free-wheeling Sag, this is a drag, but you will thanks the stars later.


Capricorn December 21 – January 19

Again, the overriding energy around Capricorn is that the transiting planet, Pluto, in your sign is demanding a reworking of everything that is in the past. This may seem arduous, but you are nothing if not thorough, so this will be done, slowly but surely, with a new you at the helm. Venus in your sign will go retrograde, and spend longer than usual, so you will have a chance to see how this slow but profound transit will benefit your career. Part of this lesson for you is to accept (gracefully) the actions of others, for in truth, their goal is the same as yours. Partners and families will come in for some sudden changes in the home base.


Aquarius January 19 – February 18

Aquarius, the most prominent planet affecting your chart now is Saturn (which used to be ruler of Aquarius), and Saturn will slow down the natural haste of Aquarius, and help you to move slowly but carefully. Career matters are at risk (including parent figures), so just learn to bide your time. In your quiet time you are pondering what comes next, and taking a long look at obligations – either family or career. On the plus side, you are never very far from embracing something new, and some exciting ideas are surfacing – perhaps representing new learning and/or travel. Connections with friends and new groups will be excellent.



Pisces February 18 – March 20

Your ruling planet, Neptune , is in its own sign, and Neptune dissolves slowly and replaces with new life, but it is very subtle in the doing. However, friends and new groups are coming in with real support which appears to be long term, and can offset some of your fears. The first half of this period may make you feel as though you are moving too fast, but as January comes in the new goals will be cementing themselves. Sudden new expenses will show up, but will be balanced by support from others. Please be aware of the symbology of “new money” experiences which imply that you are becoming aware of new talents and values within yourself.


Aries March 20 – April 19

Those of you who are born in the first 10 degrees of Aries are really feeling the impact of Uranus, the planet of originality and independence, in your sign. You are truly being pulled in many directions right now. This is similar to a grand-cross which shows up from you personally to significant others, and is then offset by family, home and career matters. Just about every significant area of life is involved here. Matters will take a bit longer because Venus will be retrograde (meaning longer time spent) in getting problems decided upon. So, as they say, “cool your jets” and try to be more patient than usual, even though you have good reason to be annoyed.


Taurus April 19 – May 20

A major influence on you, Taurus, in this coming period is that your ruling planet, Venus, is going retrograde late December and will be that way for several months highlighting your solar house of higher learning, long journeys, spiritual beliefs, and possibly relatives from a distance. There does seem to be more influence than ever with relatives, siblings, and also, not to be outdone, there is potential for finding a relationship with someone from your past. Not only that, but the sense of new life and new friends coming in is not to be ignored. For some of you, please have a checkup with the doctor for what could seem like some unexplained symptoms showing up.

Dec / Jan 2014


Gemini May 20 – June 21

This period starts out for you with a lively sense of celebrating the holidays, especially with close friends and intimate others. To add to that and make things ever better, there are unexpected gatherings with friends and you just could find your date book full. For those who are employed there will be, obviously, extra time and effort on the job, but this will of course pay off. You may even be tempted to make some necessary, long term purchases, which you might have put off before, and the chances are that some of them relate to purchases for family and/or home. For the early Geminis, there is still a bit of a problem, no doubt relating to parent figures, as well as career position. You may be in doubt about what the best procedure should be, so don’t be in a hurry here.


Cancer June 22-July 22

This period, moon child, finds you being pulled in many directions, as a number of planets are affecting you from various angles. There is a pronounced effect from the house of significant others, either marriage partners, close friends, and even implying some legal situations demanding attention. You may even be called upon to choose about career vs. home matters, but the good news is that there are serious, long term aspects that could mean love affairs, babies coming, or pleasant travels in the offing. The new moon in December brings new life at the job (or new insights healthwise. The full moon close to Christmas says you are possibly a bit under the weather what with all the mental stress of coming and going.


Leo July 22 – August 22

This period starts with you planning to have some really fun times, as there may be sudden invitations, and excitement over unexpected travel plans, and even some busy times with relatives, siblings, etc. Also the marker is showing up very seriously in the house of health, or working patterns. There is a tremendous amount of effort here, and if you want some changes, then it is up to you to incorporate them. You may be feeling a bit put-upon in this period, because it would be easier to delegate work, but you might be carrying the load yourself. Matters that may indicate some restoring projects at home are on the line, but much of it will be rewarded, so don’t get too frustrated at the effort that will be required.


Virgo August 22 – September 22

Virgo, you start this period with much attention in the home, especially with movement in and out. It could be you or other members of the family. If children, they do seem to be “growing up” and handling more responsibility, and/ or some of you will be grandparents. You are still looking


at close partners either “fading away” (i.e. gone a lot), or maybe feeling a bit put upon. You could easily find yourself in a serious learning situation, with an intense drive to dig much deeper. Old Virgos will have children making some abrupt changes in their monetary picture.


Libra September 22 – October 23

You, like the other cardinal signs (Capricorn, Aries, and Cancer) are finding that the major issues in life (you, your partner(s), your home and family and your career) are all going through tremendous change. A very important one is connecting with parent figures or living quarters, and there is or will be overhaul of all sorts. This is also parallel with your career situation which, right now, revolves around assisting or dealing with the careers of your children. Your ruling planet, Venus, is retrograde, so you are rethinking your role as a parent, and very likely are throwing away old stuff, with an eye to redesigning the home more to your liking.

e Scorpio

October 23 – November 21

Scorpio, in a manner of speaking, you are experiencing the best and the worst of Scorpio, for the time frame here is somewhat more intense than usual, as you need to uncover information that appears to affect the extended family and relatives. Because you naturally never quit when it comes to finding things out, you will definitely succeed. Also, some of the other planets have lined up to help, namely Venus (loved ones), Mercury, especially Jupiter (which means success), and even the lunar cycle in January is helping here. In your “search for truth” you may have to rely on others, which really doesn’t come easily for you. Just smile and say thanks.

✩ Astrology by Mary ✩ Providing Personal Natal Chart Interpretation, and several other Astrological Charts. Mary R. Bauer, Mountaintop Center, 6967 Salem Pike, Clayton, OH 45315

(937) 837-6807 Email – 29

Eternal Knowledge: Classes & Events

•Agape Journey of Awakening Agape Journey of Awakening “Charting Your Divine Course” Every Sunday Get Inspirited by an Awakening Message 11:00 AM to 12 Noon Speakers Line-Up Dec. 01 Asha Mahambrey, Spiritual Teacher The Abundant Life of God Dec. 08 Lynn McCown, Karmic Astrology 11am Yellow Springs, Ohio to 12pm Dec. 08 Families & Friends Lunch 12pm Bring Your Favorite Dish to Share! to 12:30pm Dec. 08 Receive Ancient Blessing 12:30pm Registration Required to 2:30pm Call 937.397.2668 or email Dec. 15

Rev. Gary Hayden A New Deliverance from an Old Situation

Jan. 13 Nancy Caldwell, Spiritual Practitioner 7 PM Prosperity Plus 10 Wks Program Call 937.397.2668 or email Jan. 19 Terrance Bullock, Spiritual Practitioner How Much Can You Believe Jan. 26 Ron Esposito - Channeler & Energy Healer Love and Happiness Feb. 09 Gerri Blumgold, Channeler & Energy Healer The Greatest Love of ALL QUALITY INN & SUITES 3rd floor conference room 250 Byers Road, Miamisburg OH 45342 For more info. contact Nancy Caldwell, Agape Journey 937-397-2668 or email: njcaldwell7@ Secrets of the Adepts Workshop at Agape Journey of Awakening Spiritual Center on Sunday, December 22, 2013 from 1pm to 3pm – Cost $35.00/$20 for students with student ID. Quality Inn Hotel - 250 Byers Road – Miamisburg, Ohio – For more information call 937-397-2668. Prosperity Plus Workshop …A New Way of Living Produced by Mary Morrissey - Life Solutions Author of “No Less Than Greatness & Building Your Field of Dreams” A 10-Week Video Course to Unleash Your Abundance! Through This Course: Learn a proven method to access new financial energy and resources Attract more abundance, effortlessly! Discover available wealth that you don’t even know you have Release your financial blocks and embrace a life of more ease and flow. Uncover your hidden assets and create the life of your dreams.

Dec. 22 Jim Phillips, Speaker & Author 11am Introduction to the Sacred Mysteries to 12pm

You Will Receive: A full-color Prosperity Plus package that includes an Inspirational course workbook and 18 professional audio CDs for each class for your study reference.

Dec. 22 Jim Phillips, Expert on Ancient Egyptian Wisdom 1pm Secrets of the Adepts Workshop to 3pm Dec. 29 Nancy Caldwell, Spiritual Practitioner We Are the Light of the World

Facilitated by Nancy Caldwell, Spiritual Director Agape Journey of Awakening Start Date – 7 pm – Jan. 13, 2013 Agape Journey of Awakening 1901 Tennyson Ave Dayton Ohio 45406 Call to register now! 937-397-2668 Course Materials – $52.00

Jan. 05

Asha Mahambrey, Spiritual Teacher In the Beginning

•Divinity Spiritual

Jan. 12

Nancy Caldwell, Spiritual Practitioner The Road to Freedom

Jan. 12 Families & Friends Lunch 12 pm Bring Your Favorite Dish to Share! to 12:30 pm Jan. 12 Receive Ancient Blessing 12:30pm Registration Required to 2:30pm Call 937.397.2668 or email


Each and every Sunday at 11:30 AM Divinity Spiritual Church Service, 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield, OH 45014 Call 513.892.0623 for details. Healing and Message Services - Dec 11th & Jan 8th

•Dr. Jim’s Center for Advanced Medicine

Shots for Health - B-12 Shots given by Dr. Jim Smith at Health Foods Unlimited Dayton, Oh. every Monday Evening 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and Susan’s Natural World every Saturday, 10:30-11:30am. Walk- ins welcome For more info, call 513-942-3226 visit our website,

Dec / Jan 2014

•Enchanted Moments Enchanted Moments Gift Shop & Metaphysical Center 127 Main Street Milford, OH 45150 Call 513-831-5508 for more information on any of our class offerings Shop on-line and get “real time” class up-dates at

•Hope Springs December 6-8, 2013: Women’s Winter Retreat. Visit our website, and click on PROGRAMS or call 937-587-2602 for more information. Dec. 21-22, 2013: Sacred Darkness: A Solstice Event with the Arc of Appalachia and the Friends of Serpent Mound. This very special event celebrating the 10th annual lighting of the serpent and Solstice is filling fast. Please contact Hope Springs for more information or visit our website and click on CALENDAR. December 30-Jan. 2, 2014: Dharma Yoga New Year. Start the New Year off right with this Intentional Weekend. Visit the Hope Springs website and click on our Calendar for more information. Jan. 10-12, 2014: Join Pamela Quinn and Elemental Om for a weekend of yoga. Visit our website and click on the CALENDAR for details. Jan. 31-Feb. 2, 2014. Join the Kitchen Table Revival for the first of three retreats in 2014. The Breadcrumb Chronicles arrives at Hope Springs. Visit our website and click on the CALENDAR for all the details! Feb. 7-9, 2014: Proprioceptive Writing. Join author and storyteller Mary Bok for a weekend of exploration in what we mean when we choose our words. Visit our website and click on PROGRAMS for details. Space is limited. Feb. 14-16, 2014: Enter the Quiet. A Silent Weekend for Women. Learn the beauty of silent community during the deepest winter at Hope Springs. Visit our website and click on PROGRAMS for details. Feb. 21-23, 2014: The Women Couples Retreat. A perfect chance to meet other women couples and spend time together away from the every day routine. The perfect gift to yourselves. Visit our website and click on PROGRAMS for more information. March 8, 2014: Wild Design Your Life. Creating a life with intention-aromatherapy, herbal bath preparations and more. Spend time learning what nature has to offer as you try to create a healthier routine for yourself. Day program includes lunch. Visit our website and click on PROGRAMS for details and registration.

organization. Atheists and agnostics are also welcome. We meet on Tuesday evenings from 7-8 PM. The location is 4800 Holiday Drive in Fairfield, Ohio. For information contact Wayne: Wayne@ or (513) 755-0560. Dayton Religious Recovery Every Tuesday Meets at “Reflexology and More”303 East Stroop Rd.Dayton, OH 45429 Time: 7:00 - 8:00 PM (weekly) Contact: Christy Johnson Phone: (937) 8374680 E-mail: Indianapolis Religious Recovery starting in October: details will be posted at as they become available. •Whatever Works Whatever Works Center and Gift shop 7433 Montgomery Rd. Cincin. Oh. 45236 Ph. #(513)791-9428 At Whatever Works Wellness : Mondays 6:30 to 8:00 pm Manifestation Class: Hands on training from the material of Abraham - Hicks. Wayne Dyer,Sonia Choquette & others. Understand the universal law of attraction, the art of allowing & power of emotions that can help you create the life you desire. $10.00 per class - call (513)791-9428 for info or to reserve a seat. Wednesdays - starting in Sept. - 6:30 to 7:30 pm Wellness Wednesdays. Ongoing support group dedicated to sharing natural holistic ways to maximize your health & well being. Call (513)7919428 for info or to reserve a seat. Other fun studies and services offered for your daily life: Crystal & Stone readings, Numerology readings & chart printouts, Dream & symbol interpretation & Energy Cleansing. For Center’s future events, check out or •Valley Chiropractic Center Dr.Fulk - Valley Chiropratic Center 7865 Paragon Rd. Dayton,Oh. 937-434-8066 We will continue the classes on the first Tuesday of each month for the next four months. All 25 seats have been sold, unless someone is unable to get to the class. The class time is 7:00-8:00. PM Call to see if there is any possible openings. “If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired,” call to see if any spots are available.

•LIIFT Every Tuesday, 7P-9P - Class - Learn to Heal with LIIFT. Students become Certified LIIFT Practitioners, able to help folks heal their emotions and their lives. Northside area of Cincinnati. Soon in Dayton too. For information or to enroll: Lisa.g@LIIFT. info. Or 513 708 0563.

•Religious Recovery Religious Recovery: Healing for those Hurt, Disappointed, or Abused by Religion. Religious Recovery is a free mutualsupport, nonprofessional 13-step program loosely based on the concept of traditional 12-step meetings. The meeting is open to all religions but is not affiliated with any church or religious



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