Pursue the Secret
Chambers of Eternal Health
Reawaken the Spirit This Holiday Season
Resolutions? The Case for Heart Union
Pomegranate Power! Jewels of Nutrition Dec / Jan 2015 A Health & Wellness Publication Magazine Vol. 59 Southwest Ohio’s Leading Health Magazine
L etter from the editor Dear Readers,
Sacred light of the world, shine down upon us and surround us with unconditional Love. With childlike innocence and wonderment, behold the gifts before us, as the Universe holds and stores for each and every soul. Step into the unknown, break free from old patterns. Rekindle the glowing embers of the flame that ignites the passions of your dreams. It is in giving of ourselves that we learn the true essence of eternal life.
Welcome to Infinity Welcome readers to Infinity magazine’s Dec./Jan. issue! This issue is packed full of innovative ways to improve one’s quality of life. Read valuable information and proven methods that will enrich, enhance and create a healthy lifestyle. Be inspired, with each article, let Infinity magazine guide you every step of the way to improve your well being physically, emotionally and spiritually. We are committed to bring to you the latest in health and wellness technology, and we will continue to keep you updated on exciting events throughout the year. The Infinity staff would like to thank all our readers, writers, and supporters that make each issue possible. We wish you a very Merry Holiday season and a healthy and prosperous New year!
Let the spirit of the season inspire us to share warmth among all people. Kindness heals both the recipient and the person who gives.
Infinity Magazine is dedicated to those individuals who are searching for a healthier, alternative way to enrich their lives while embracing the sacred healing heart within.
Be the light that shines throughout the world, touching lives in a positive way will bring comfort to not only yourself but to all of mankind.
Contacting Infinity
Humanity seeks as we shall find that within every beating heart there is salvation and strength to carry on. There is a cry out for peace in every corner of the earth, let us declare peace and healing among all nations. May we pray for the light of the world being reborn unto all that is and all that ever shall be. Yours in health,
Jane Phillips Editor in Chief Publisher
866-243-6900 “Infinity Health Magazine” on Facebook 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, OH 45036
Editor in Chief / Publisher Jane Phillips Creative Director & Design Nina Covington Executive Assistant to the Editor Michael McAdams Editorial Consultant Cynthia M Brown Advice Columnist Sage Woman Associate Graphic Designer Debbie Limpach Infinity is under copyright by Sedna Marketing LLC. 2005
On the cover: All Things Merry and Bright!
Cover Photo Courtesy: Nina Covington
In this wonderful season of glory, let the light of the world be reborn with peace and joy! Let us rejoice and experience the magic, now and throughout the New year!
Infinity is a bi-monthly publication designed to promote health, and natural well-being. The information in Infinity is not intended as medical advice, and should not replace the advice of your physician. Infinity is not responsible for typographical errors, omissions, or misinformation.
Contents 4 Your Beliefs...Friend or Foe? by William Molitor
Signature Profile “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.” – Mother Teresa
6 Let’s Reawaken the Spirit this Holiday Season by Kevin J. Todeschi 8 Priestess in a Material World by Sage Woman 9 A Season of Hope by Cynthia M. Brown
From Donor to Dinner: How We Feed American Children Every hour of every day a child is hungry and does not know where their next meal is coming from. One small donation can make a huge difference in a child’s life with Feed the Children.
10 Baker Chiropractic Testimonial
It’s easy to claim we provide tens of millions of meals to children each year. It sounds simple – your gift of $20 a month provides $100 worth of food and essentials to children in need.
12 Powerful Healing Herbs & Spices to Guide Us Through the Winter Season
But making that happen requires generous donors, hard work, and people who are determined that no child or family should go to bed hungry.
10 Author’s Spotlight: Recommended Reads
13 Looking Ahead – Doing Our Part! by Kathy Vaske 14 Understanding and Joy by Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger 16 Ask Sage Woman: Spiritual Advice for the Real World by Sage Woman 18 Pomegranate Jewels of Nutrition 19 Recipes 20 Our Spirit Teachers Reach Out to Us by Michael McAdams 22 You Are Not Alone by Wayne Holmes 23 On Angels’ Wings 24 Resolutions...BAH! The Case for Heart Union by Rev. Gary Pennington 26 The Problem with so many Prosperity Training Programs... by Brian Eastman 28 Bi-monthly Horoscopes by Mary Bauer 30 Eternal Knowledge: Events & Classes
Our story begins with three donations: Mary sends $20 each month, Marcus volunteers once a week in our Oklahoma City distribution center, Ragu donates 2,000 jars of spaghetti sauce with an offer to sell another 12,000 jars of sauce for pennies per jar. Mary’s $20 enables Feed the Children to purchase the discounted spaghetti sauce from Ragu or send a truck for the entire eight skids . Next month, her $20 donation sends sauce to food banks in Ohio and Florida. Mary’s donation and others like hers are multiplied by Marcus’s donation of time. When product donations and purchases arrive in the distribution center, Marcus spends his donated hours unpacking the pallets, adding essential items like shampoo, spaghetti sauce, and toilet paper to hundreds of boxes, and loading filled boxes onto trucks bound for community partners like the Salvation Army in downtown Cleveland. Twenty-five thousand volunteers like Marcus donate their time, both in Oklahoma City with our headquarters and around the country, saving Feed the Children distribution center costs. Dozens of corporations like Ragu and CVS donate products or sell them for pennies, allowing Feed the Children to send essentials to more people in need. Thousands of donors like Mary send cash, multiplying all the other contributions as Feed the Children transforms money into food and essentials with the help of volunteers and corporations. The relationships Feed the Children has with donors like Mary and companies like Ragu transform her $20 into $100 in food and essentials. And relationships with agency partners like the Salvation Army and local food banks places food and essentials into the hands of hungry children and families in the most effective way possible. Providing millions of meals to children each year requires many people working together, united with one vision – that no child or family goes to bed hungry. Visit
Your Beliefs... Friend or Foe? by William L. Molitor, BCH, CI A belief is a thought that your subconscious stores as “factual”. You hold many beliefs about yourself and others as well as your environment. Your beliefs can have a tremendous effect on your life both positive and negative. When you accept a thought as “factual” two things begin to occur. First your subconscious mind locks in the thoughts and feelings which make up the belief and begins to regard them as unchangeable. The second thing to occur is that your subconscious mind begins to reject, as believable, any information that is contrary to that belief. Every time that you create a belief you begin to block out your choices in that specific area. This is why when I work with a client the most important thing is to help them discover and change their limiting beliefs. If a person believes they cannot stop smoking their mind rejects any information to the contrary. If a person believes that every time they get on an airplane, go to a doctor or go out in public they will have an anxiety attack then their mind will reject any information to the contrary. If a person believes that they have little or no will power, again their mind will reject any information that does not support that belief regardless of the benefits that they could experience with these new thoughts. When you start to understand what beliefs are, as well as how your beliefs affect your life it becomes much easier to change anything in your life that you desire to change. Beliefs, just as all of your other thoughts, are stored in the subconscious part of your mind. The subconscious part of your mind organizes, stores and replays your thoughts. Your subconscious mind does not judge the information that it receives - it simply analyzes information for the purpose of storage and then stores it in a way so that it may be replayed most effectively when called to do so.
Your subconscious mind is a highly effective data storage unit. Similar to a computer it will only replay information in the way that it was received. So if it is your intent to modify this information in any way it is imperative that you learn how to operate within your subconscious mind. The most effective way that is known today is through modern hypnosis. For many people hypnosis is believed to be some kind of mind control. I guess if you call having uninhibited access to all the data stored in your subconscious mind “mind control” then I would say you are accurate. However, the control and access of this data is all yours. A Hypnotist can never have that access, only you can. When you achieve uninhibited access to your subconscious data through hypnosis you will have the ability to accept new information in a way that can bypass the natural safety measures that surround your limiting beliefs. You can then begin to change limiting beliefs as well as add new beliefs that will serve to supercharge your desired change. The reason that I use the words “desired changes” is because since only you can have this access and control over your mind the information that you wish to change has to be desired by you, it has to have a perceived benefit for you or it will be rejected. The biggest advantage to using a modern hypnotherapeutic process such as the “Hall of Thoughts” that we teach in our Hypnosis Certification courses and use every day with our clients is that when you know what you have changed in your mind that created the change in your actions or habits you have the ability to maintain that change. This process was developed over a decade of studying hypnosis techniques and thousands of hours of private sessions with clients.
Dec / Jan 2015
A Professional Hypnotist will use the many tools available to help you fully understand what your limiting beliefs are so that you can not only choose what thoughts you wish to change but also what you wish to change them to. When this is done in hypnosis, which is a heightened state of awareness, you are able to make informed decisions about the changes you wish to occur in your life. When your subconscious is open and receptive to your decisions about the changes that you choose to make you can easily create a new belief that strongly supports your choices. You have to admit that life is life, and your life will change. If you do not know how you were able to make a desired change using hypnosis you will not know how to maintain that change and this is why most of the traditional methods used by hypnotists fail. The next time that you are considering taking back control of your life by changing any habit such as smoking, eating and nail biting or to overcome unnecessary feelings of stress, fear or anxiety think about using hypnosis to discover and change the limiting beliefs that control your actions or inaction. Modern hypnosis has become a fast, easy and unobtrusive way to change anything that you desire.
About the author: William L Molitor BCH, CI, is a Board Certified Hypnotist, Hypnosis Instructor, Hypnotherapist, and the Director of the Tri-State Hypnosis Center an Ohio State Registered School for Hypnosis and Advanced Hypnotherapy Training located in Cincinnati Ohio. He is certified by and is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH). For information about hypnosis or to contact William Molitor call (513) 943-1444 or email
Hypnosis Training Classes begin February 21st 2015 Register before Dec 31st and save over $600 Visit our website and learn more Certification through the National Guild of Hypnotists, the world’s largest and oldest hypnosis organization. Accelerated hypnosis training program that focuses on exactly what you need. Instructor William L. Molitor BCH, CI, Board Certified Hypnotist & Certified Instructor and Award winning Hypnotherapist. This is a comprehensive course covering modern hypnotism, including instant and rapid hypnotic inductions, direct and hidden deepening and testing techniques, How to construct suggestions, age regression techniques and more. You will learn how to build your business from those who know how. We are the most successful Hypnosis Center in Cincinnati, Ohio Call and guarantee your seat in this exciting class
CALL (513) 943-1444 to register today!
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Let’s Reawaken the Spirit this Holiday Season by Kevin J. Todeschi
I still remember with awe an experience I had 30 years ago in my first Search for God Study Group. Each December the group had a tradition in which we would have a potluck dinner made up of foods that would only have been available 2,000 years ago – unleavened bread, olives, cheese, wine, and fruit. One of the group members decided to read an excerpt from a Study Group reading (the 262 series) that had been given in December 1936. Even though I didn’t fully comprehend the meaning, I remember being moved and inspired when I heard the following quote: “For time never was when there was not a Christ and not a Christ mass.”(262-103) Today, I still find inspiration from that statement, and in spite of how it might first appear, the phrase is not just about Christianity or even simply about Jesus. It is in fact about the certainty
of each soul’s unique ability to ultimately bring spirit into the earth. While it certainly explores the season of Christmas and the important and unique contribution of Jesus, it also goes on to suggest that every time a child is born, the Christ Consciousness (defined as the awareness of the soul’s oneness with God) has the opportunity to enter into the earth. Because of our focus on the material things in life, much of humankind has forgotten its true birthright as a child of a loving God. From Cayce’s perspective, we are not simply physical bodies; instead we are spiritual beings who are having a physical experience entailing personal growth and development. Many individuals have believed that the goal of being in the earth is to reach heaven, find enlightenment, or somehow “get out of the earth.” Instead, the perspective from the Cayce
Dec / Jan 2015
material is that as children of God, our mission is to somehow bring spirit into the earth. In the language of the readings: “For this, then, is in every birth–the possibilities, the glories, the actuating of that influence of that entrance again of god-man into the earth that man might know the way.” Perhaps even more surprisingly, Cayce stated that with every birth the angelic realms sing at the possibility of spirit being made manifest. Many years ago at a conference I asked a longtime obstetrician if she had ever heard the angels sing during a child’s birth. She paused, seemed to ponder the question, and finally replied: “Yes – many times.” There is much more to us than we have ever dared to imagine. It may not be happenstance that so many of our holidays occur during the months of November and December. Perhaps there’s a part of us that truly wants to reawaken to the awareness of our connections with one another and with the spirit. After all, November brings us All Saints Day (Nov 1) and All Souls Day (Nov 2) – designed to celebrate our connection to departed loved ones and saints. Veteran’s Day/Armistice Day (Nov 11) honors the service of Military Veterans. The Baha’i faith celebrates the birth of Baha’u’llah, their founder, on Nov 12. Thanksgiving is celebrated on Nov 27. And the month ends with Advent Sunday (Nov 30), which Christians see as the beginning of their year of worship. December brings us Bodhi Day (Dec 8), observed by Buddhists to commemorate Gautama’s attainment of enlightenment under the Bodhi tree. It is also when we commemorate International Human Rights Day (Dec 10), established by the United Nations in 1948. The Jewish Festival of Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, is an eight-day festival (Dec 17-24) for playing games, celebrating, visiting loved ones, and giving gifts. The Winter Solstice or Yule is on Dec 21. Certainly, the birth of Jesus, one of the most important Christian holidays, is Christmas and occurs every Dec 25. And the African-American Holiday of Kwanzaa – a weeklong cultural celebration – begins on Dec 26. Ending
the month every year, we also have an opportunity to review the past year and make resolutions for the next on New Year’s Eve (Dec 31). This time of year is really about celebrating our connections with one another. It’s about celebrating our families, our friends, and our loved ones (both here and departed). It’s about celebrating our diversity, our cultures, and our religious heritage. It’s about celebrating our spiritual nature and our personal convictions to live more in accord with the spiritual potential we all possess. It’s about the celebrating the possibility of bringing love, service, and oneness into the earth. I wish each of you a joyous Holiday however you might choose to celebrate this season. And as Cayce told those gathered for that Holiday reading back in December 1936: “May the Peace, the Joy of His Consciousness, His Presence, His Joy be yours this day…all your days in the earth! For…He is in your midst!”
About the Author: Kevin J. Todeschi, MA, is Executive Director and CEO of Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. and Atlantic University. A popular conference presenter, he is the best-selling author of Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records, Edgar Cayce on Vibrations, and Edgar Cayce on Auras & Color. To learn more or find a local or online study group, visit Offering Spiritual Readings through Mediumship
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Priestess in a Material World by Sage Woman In 2010, I went through the Shamanic Priestess Process facilitated by Anyaa McAndrew and followed with the Shamanic Magdalene Mysteries Circle. I received my calling from Spirit to carry on the lineage and am beginning my apprenticeship with Anyaa in a few weeks. As a facilitator of the Shamanic Priestess Process, I will be bringing my own Medicine Woman Mystery School to the Process in 2015. Many times I have been asked: what is a Priestess? Often, I have not been able to really articulate an answer. For that reason, among others, I have decided to make this month’s article about what I believe it means to be a Priestess in 2014. Every woman carries the lineage of the Priestess. Somewhere deep down inside each of us is a memory of our Divinity. We are healers, caretakers, nurturers and peacemakers. We show up in the world through every profession. The Priestess chooses to live her life from a place of spiritual intelligence and maturity. She embraces her shadow -self and does the work. The work consists of interior cultivation, facing demons of the past, choosing love over fear, and knowing how to live with passionate detachment. It becomes more and more obvious to me, as we move into the Age of Aquarius and the return of the divine feminine, we are being called to stand in our power. It is power that does not compete, judge, nor overshadows another. This is the time of the Priestess, the time more than ever to remember why we are here on earth. We have the opportunity to bring gentle power back into the mainstream and reclaim our birthright of peace and freedom. When one becomes fully responsible for her thoughts, words and actions, she stays conscious and makes empowered choices. The first step is to love our selves in order to be an example of unconditional love and forgiveness. When we take on the task of being true to ourselves and live our dreams instead of holding back and hiding in the corner, we open that possibility for others. A major part of being a Priestess concerns interacting with others, especially with woman. We must remove our masks and fears in order to work and play together without competition and judgment. This gives us
the opportunity to share unique gifts and empower one another. As we release the old tapes of scarcity, lack and limitation, we are then able to rebuild our life with abundance, support and trust. It takes spiritual maturity to be able to release projections and conflict. Once we stop taking on each other’s mirrored images as our own, we allow our truths to be seen authentically. Letting go of the fear of not being perfect is a great place to begin. I have witnessed the magic of surrender through the sharing of our stories. My story is your story; your story is my story. We carry this torch from generation to generation. Now, perhaps more than ever before, is the time to be the light bearer, to be the love. We are a powerful force on the planet and as Priestesses we must act the change first from within. Working through personal struggle collectively, we will begin to see a more abundant, peaceful Mother Earth. Priestessing in the material world must begin within. Being a true Priestess requires nothing more than showing up as love in daily interaction and action. When I Priestess to myself, I am healing old wounds and letting go of the past and the future, choosing to live fearlessly in the present. Under these conditions, I am able to make conscious and empowered choices in order to live from a neutral mind. Ownership of my own happiness, joy, bliss, abundance and wellbeing is my ultimate freedom. With such freedom comes the ability to give and receive effortlessly without expectation of another. What is a Priestess? A Priestess is a vessel and a conduit of Spirit. She is a woman awake in her femininity and the power of the Goddess in her body-temple. She is a spiritual activist doing the work of the Divine in the physical world. She is the maiden, the mother and the crone. She is the mystic, the poet, the artist, the dancer and the magic maker. To walk the path of the Priestess, she must embrace unconditional love and forgiveness for self and others. Wherever she goes and with whomever she meets, she uplifts and empowers as a vehicle of love. Her life is of service and ritual. Being a Priestess isn’t just a title, or a certificate on your wall. Being a Priestess is a way of life and a state of being.
Dec / Jan 2015
In Universal Love and Blessings, Sage Woman THE SHAMANIC PRIESTESS PROCESS™ ~ DANCING WITH THE MEDICINE DATE: Saturday, January 31st, 2015 & Sunday February 1st, 2015 TIME: 10am -5pm each day TUITION: $260.00 LOCATION: Cincinnati area For more information about this class, see the classes and events section of this issue, or Contact Sage Woman at 513.490.4693 or email Sage at
A Season of Hope
by Cynthia M. Brown
Another year has come and gone. I have much to be thankful for. I have good health. My mother is in remission. My father has recovered from two broken hips and is relearning to walk. I have a good job doing work I love. My partner works with me. And, even as we celebrate all we are blessed to have, there are dark shadows around us. In one day we learned two very dear friends were diagnosed with cancer. I am a survivor. I have a very visceral reaction whenever someone I know and care for is diagnosed with this disease. I am transported back to that terrible phone call telling me to make an appointment to see a surgeon because there was something troubling in my mammogram. I remember every slow moment between the call, the appointment, the second opinion, the surgery, the recovery, the prognosis, the treatment consultations…. Calling my family, my job, my friends…. So, I hear these words from my friends and I say all the right things. Call me if you need anything, even just to rage… Ask for help, even though it is hard to do…. Make sure you have confidence in your treatment team. Don’t just look at their credentials…How do they make you feel about this journey you are beginning together? Do they make you feel like you can have hope? What do you hope for? Recovery, remission, a cure?
The cliché, “Cancer is a gift” always wants to visit this moment. I refrain because no one wants to hear that when the shock and fear is so raw. And yet, when we ask about hope, we are in the realm of gifts. This life, every moment IS a gift. Sometimes it take a life-threatening disease, a blow like a cancer diagnosis, to make us really slow down and think about what really matters. Even learning to have hope, if we have hope, can we have hope and what is it that we truly do hope for, is a gift. This world is a troubled, violent place these days. It has probably always seemed that way to every generation before us… It seems important to know what we hope for ourselves, our children, our world? I work in a place called Hope Springs. Our tag line is ”from this place springs hope for inner and global peace.” I hope for that. I do but mostly I hope that each person finds a reason to hope. I pray that we learn the preciousness of each moment of life; that we learn what a true gift it is; that we cherish the beauty of the natural world; the perfection in each of us; the miracle of finding someone to love who loves us in return. I think of my two friends who are now facing so many unknowns and I think what do they hope for? What a gift it really is to be able to hope, to dream, to breathe each breath of this amazing life. I will hope for each of them, that they find hope and that whatever they hope for, comes to fruition. May your holiday and New Year be filled with hope and the gifts of life and love.
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Author’s Spotlight
BTestimonial aker Chiropractic
Recommended Reads Enlightening, Adjusting and Saving Lives, 5th Edition by Dr. Paul Baker & Dr. Patrick Baker
When it comes to chiropractic care, many people are skeptical. This book contains inspiring real-life stories from patients who turned to chiropractic care for answers and found them for a wide variety of injuries, illness, disorder and disease. This is the 5th Edition of a popular book filled with even more real-life stories from patients of veteran Cincinnati area physicians and twin-brothers, Dr. Paul Baker and Dr. Patrick Baker. Learn how the chiropractic care and guidance provided by Dr. Paul and Dr. Patrick over the last 20 years made and continues to make a positive impact on the lives of so many people. About the Authors: Dr. Patrick Baker, and Dr. Paul Baker have been serving their chiropractic patients for over 20 years. They are authors, and dedicated physicians that offer lectures to inspire and inform all people who wish to achieve a new and powerful, healthy lean body through chiropractic care, nutrition and exercise. This book is available to purchase online through,, or at Baker Chiropractic offices, see ad next page for locations.
Mrs. Lewis and Dr. Patrick Baker
After a knee replacement last summer I thought I was finally going to resume my busy life pain free. Over the last ten years arthritis had made its claim on me and resulted in two back surgeries, two foot surgeries, an ankle surgery and two knee surgeries. After years of suffering I made the decision to have a knee replacement and thought it was going to be the answer to my physical challenges. I wanted to reclaim my active lifestyle as a teacher, performer and sports enthusiast. The knee replacement itself was successful, but approximately two months after recovering from the surgery I began having horrific back and leg pain again. This time I was determined to find an answer without surgery. My son, who is studying to be a chiropractor himself, insisted that I go to a chiropractor. So, with some hesitation and uncertainty, in January of 2011 I sought treatment with Dr. Baker. I remember my first several visits being overcome with emotion. Dr. Baker and his staff were warm and welcoming; I immediately felt they genuinely cared. They gave me hope. I was impressed with the patient education and realized how uninformed I was regarding the whole realm of chiropractic care. It was clear that treatment would take time and would require patience and a commitment on my part. After the first few treatments I could feel a difference. I improved more and more with each visit. Now, after eight months, I feel stronger and healthier than I have
Dec / Jan 2015
in years and plan to continue chiropractic care as a way of life.
Thank you, Dr. Baker. Thank you for giving me my life back!
So how has chiropractic care changed my life? I’m back on the golf course, riding my bike, and enjoying roller coasters again. I’m able to walk long distances and run up stairs. I’m performing on stage without pain for the first time in years. But it is in my profession as a music teacher where I have felt the most dramatic results of my treatment. I’ll never forget the afternoon one of my sweet second grade boys smiled at me after we had just been dance partners in class. The innocent sincerity of his words warmed my heart and will remain etched in my memory. “I am so happy you can dance with us again, Mrs. Lewis.”
- M. Lewis If you or someone you know is battling knee pain, or arthritis, choose our safe, effective chiropractic care by calling (513) 561-2273 or schedule an appointment at any time by visiting our website at
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Comprehensive Chiropractic Care Watch the New TV Show:
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Powerful Healing Herbs & Spices
to Guide Us Through the Winter Season
ANISE SEED A sweet and aromatic spice, it is an anti-spasmodic, and expectorant. It is very healing for the digestive tract when experiencing bloating, nausea and indigestion. Excellent remedy for relieving symptoms of asthma, bronchitis, coughs and colds.
and anti-inflammatory properties, basil stops bacteria growth, fights viruses, infections and flu. It is a very effective herb for maintaining a healthy heart and is excellent for nourishing the skin and hair. TUMERIC
Nutmeg is a warm spice that has antibacterial properties that can be used to protect the teeth and gums. Keeps your brain sharp, preventing Alzheimer. May relieve muscular and joint pain.
This powerful spice can help with heartburn and indigestion, because of its anti-inflammatory properties it can also relieve arthritis. Studies have shown, this spice promotes repair to stem cells in the brain and kills cancer cells. This spice is good for helping with circulation and can detox the liver.
A spice that has been used for treatment of mouth ulcers, digestive problems and depression. Good to use for a detox, helps clean the bladder, kidneys and combats infections as well.
An herb that is very good for boosting the immune system, helps to flush out excess fluids from the body and heals the nervous system. It is good for digestion and helps to freshen breath.
A good stress buster, this herb has anti-anxiety effects
Cloves contain antiseptic properties that fight
Dec / Jan 2015
infections, like colds and flu, is used as an expectorant, aids in digestion and arthritis pain. This spice is highest in antioxidants, and is used to treat dental problems. It can relieve a toothache, and help to prevent blood clots, ailments and diseases.
getting around on slippery walkways and being out in the severe cold to go get their own groceries in etc. Check with them and see if they have enough of all their prescriptions on hand, this can be crucial during a snowstorm that lasts many days.
Loved ones that are getting on in years are many times embarrassed to ask for help when they need it. Often times it is hard for them to take care of things in good weather without all the problems that come with winter. Severe cold and snow make it doubly hard for most of us to function, so just a quick phone call or visit helps to let others know that help is available if they need it and most of the time just the knowing that we have someone kind of watching out for us is enough. It is always about the love and support system that each of us has surrounding us that makes us stronger to deal with whatever comes up. If we ourselves find that we need help during the severe cold spells, our local churches are always a good source to contact. Many times their parishioners are willing to help the community out in some way for short periods of time.
This spice heals the digestive tract, stimulating the breakdown of fat cells, helping to maintain weight and boost energy levels. It can be used as a detox for skin and studies have been shown that this spice may prevent breast cancer. *Facts and research about these herbs and spices are not intended for diagnosis or to treat a medical condition without consulting a professional.
Looking Ahead –
Doing Our Part! by Kathy Vaske
Winter can be rough on many of those we love. The severe cold and the snow can really take it’s toll on the people that have no one to help them get groceries in or shovel their own walkways and driveways. Let us take the time out of our busy schedules to check in on any elderly people in our families that may be living alone. We want to take special care when we let our dogs out for even a short period of time, it doesn’t take long for our animals to become distressed in this weather. Check on their water bowls that may be outside and be sure their water hasn’t frozen and be sure to keep a close eye on them. The snow as it melts during the day tends to freeze solid at night, which makes getting around for our animals really hard, if not impossible. Check on the elderly people that may be living in your area that may not be able to get out in this weather and be sure they have enough supplies in to tie them over till the weather gets a little nicer. Winter can be rough on all of us but especially so on the elderly. Many of them are just not equipped to deal with
That all being said about this winter, stay warm, take care of yourselves and those you love. Enjoy this upcoming wonderful holiday season. When things in your life are taking too long to turn around or change, check in with one of the local psychics in your area, many times they can foresee when the energy of the situation is going to change for the better.
Kathy Vaske
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Understanding and Joy by Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger Recently I was reminded once again of how utterly wonderful it is when you have a breakthrough moment in a relationship. I liken it to an image that is in black, white and grey that suddenly bursts into full blown Technicolor right in front of you. I’m sure you’ve all seen this used in television advertising, and it certainly catches our attention. In our relationships with animals, it seems easy to fall into habits of communicating and interacting with each other… just as it is in our long term human relationships. With animals, we can easily fall into the habit of communicating primarily around what we want them to do – go outside to go potty, come eat your food, go lie down, don’t lay on my head (you might think this one is limited to cats, but we have a dog that does this too), come when I call you, don’t run me over… on and on. Especially at this time of year, when our busyness gets busier, and we have less time for ourselves and our loved ones… we fall into these brief, automatic ways of communicating with one another. Let’s get back to relationship breakthrough moments. I’d like to share something that happened to me recently that falls in this category. For readers not familiar with horses, let me preface this by saying that, unlike dogs, horses generally do not ask to be let out to go potty <grin>. As most of you who read this magazine know by now, Terri and I have horses, with whom we are learning a different way of working together using natural horsemanship techniques. The foundation of doing this type of work with horses is relationship/partnership. Two essential ingredients for a good relationship are communication and understanding, so we spend a lot of time on those ingredients on our journey together. One Saturday morning I was out early feeding the horses in their stalls, where they had been all night. My horse Cheyenne, who dives into her food like it
was her last meal, seemed to eat a few bites, walk to the door of her stall, and then walk back to her food. A minute or two later she began pawing LOUDLY at her door, and then walked back to her food. This was very unusual for her, so I walked into her stall to check on her. I got a strong sense that she was very uncomfortable about something, but I wasn’t getting what that something was. I did, however, get a clear suggestion from her that I should walk out and leave her stall door open – something I never do. I did that, and went about my chores. A couple of minutes later she came running out of her stall and out of the barn. I followed, and she had gone outside and was urinating. She then calmly walked back into her stall on her own and finished her breakfast. I was astounded that our relationship had come far enough that she trusted me to hear that she was uncomfortable, and to trust her by doing something that I normally do not do – leave her door open. When I went to lead her out of the barn, she walked up to me and stood calmly in front of me, and just looked at me with very soft eyes. She connected, and held that connection, and I felt a very strong sense of gratitude and trust. Our relationship had just changed in a profound way, all because my horse does not like to urinate in her stall, and because I respected that and listened to her. Take a moment during this very busy time of year, and make a commitment to the animals and people that you live with… promise them that you will take 5 minutes every day to connect with them, tell them that they are loved and treasured, and that they are very important to you. HOLIDAY REMINDERS: If you are traveling and leaving your pets at home, tell them how many darks you will be gone, and that you ALWAYS come back to them.
Dec / Jan 2015
For those having company over the holidays, please provide a quiet place for your pets to be away from the noise and energy of lots of people in their space. Watch what you have sitting out on end tables and coffee tables. Make sure your decorations and holiday plants are not harmful to your pets, and be sure to keep candy and especially grapes and chocolate well away from areas where dogs can get to them. Do not allow your pets to be out in very cold weather for long periods of time. They can get frostbite and hypothermia easily. For dogs, be sure to clean out the ice balls that can adhere to the hair between their paw pads. Horse owners, be sure to pick the ice and snow out your horse’s feet when they come in for their safety. Watch their ears for frostbite as well. Happy Howlidays from Cindy, Terri, and our Four Legged Family!
New Year’s Traditions Greece: A cake is baked to honor St. Basil, inside the cake a silver or gold coin is placed. A slice of cake is given to each family member, the one who has the coin will be blessed with luck during the coming year.
year. In some areas of Finland, on New Years Eve, a bucket of snow is brought in and tin metal is melted on the stove for each family member. After it is melted for that person, they throw it quickly in the bucket of snow. Whatever the shape the metal forms, represents a symbol of what your future will be for the coming year. Canada: The traditional polar bear swim takes place, people of all ages with bathing suits plunge into the icy water, which surrounds Vancouver, during the winter. Ireland: One ancient Irish custom on New Year’s Eve was to take a large loaf of bread or large slice of Christmas cake and hammer it against the door or window. This was done to drive out any misfortune and, allow happiness to enter. Portugal and Spain: The people of the Iberian Peninsula pick and eat twelve grapes from a bunch just as the clock strikes twelve on New Year’s Eve. This tradition is said to ensure twelve happy months in the coming year. United States: New Year’s Eve in the United States is a major social event, party goers stay out until dawn. The traditional New Year ball is dropped every year in Times Square, New York city at the stroke of midnight.
Animal Communication & Wellness Services Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger
Netherlands: Many cultures believe the shape of a ring is good luck, for this reason, the Dutch often eat donuts to ensure good fortune for the coming year. Scandinavia: Some popular food items are consumed for good luck, like herring, accompanied by carrots and cabbage for assurances of wealth in the coming
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ASpiritual sk Sage Woman: Advice
for the Real World with Sage Woman
Sage Woman is an Ordained Minister, Shamanic Priestess and Spiritual Life Coach. She is also a gifted writer and author. In a busy world, we all struggle at some point to find balance and to heal from old wounds. Let Sage answer any question you might have to help guide you along your path of self discovery and healing. Email your question to infinity@ or send a letter to Infinity Magazine, 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, Ohio 45036. You may remain anonymous if you wish. Infinity will print Sage’s answers in the upcoming issues. Not all advice is applicable to all situations. Infinity has the right to refuse any information that would not be in accordance with our Mission Statement and the standards of our publication. Our next issue is February/March, the deadline to participate and ask your question is January 10th. Dear Sage, How do you recognize your Inner Voice and learn to trust it? Too often, I wonder if it’s my inner voice telling me to do something or if I just really want to do it and I’m telling myself it’s my inner voice. K.K. ________ Dear K.K., Oh, the amazing inner voice; it is the compass of our Soul. Let me share one of my favorite quotes with you. Shakti Gawain once said, “Every time you don’t follow your inner guidance, you feel
a loss of energy, a loss of power and a sense of Spiritual deadness.” The secret to tuning in and trusting your inner voice is having a heart filled with gratitude. When your heart is opened wide by gratitude, your inner voice becomes loud and clear and the most life-expanding messages enter your mind with ease. I encourage you to pay attention to your senses and emotions. In time, you will learn how valuable and informative they truly are in helping direct your life and move forward with more confidence, flow and presence. Trust your heart. Trust your soul. Trust your inner voice. This is the only way to live the life you are meant to live: an honest, heartfelt, and authentic life. Pay attention to those gut feelings. Learn to quiet your mind so you may hear when they are speaking. Quiet your mind through yoga or meditation. Your inner voice will put few or no limits on your life. Your inner voice will keep you on course. It is fearless and will lead you to action. It is always supportive and encouraging. So, how can you tell if you’re truly hearing your inner guide or if your egoic mind is just telling you what you want to hear? Understand that any message not from love is not your inner voice. Spirit purifies every message, empowered by the love of Creator. When your mind brings to you thoughts of fear, lack, limitation or doubt, rest assured, those are not messages from Spirit or your inner voice. Doubt and fear kill the inner voice. Through prayer and contemplation, you begin to
Dec / Jan 2015
reconnect with your highest self. When messages come to you through symbols, words or feelings, they will be clear and no-nonsense messages. Your inner voice always provides the one true answer you’ll know is precisely right. When you ask your inner guide for an answer or a message, you must have faith completely. Trust that the messages you receive are from your inner voice coming to you always in divine love. Sending you love and gratitude, Sage “Everyone who will can hear their inner voice. It is within everyone.” Mahatma Ghandi About the Author: Sage Woman is a spiritual life coach & intuitive reader. She is also the co-host of Inner Divinity: Empowering your True Self on WAIF Cincinnati, 88.3 fm, every Wednesday after-noon from 2-3 pm. Sage is a Shamanic Priestess, an ordained minister and intuitive who facilitates Goddess Chakra workshops and individual coaching. She is also available for readings of the ancient Tarot. For more information, contact her at 513-490-4693, or email
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SAGE WOMAN Ordained Minister, Shamanic Priestess, Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach, Intuitive Readings Take a journey with Sage Woman and discover a path of healing and self empowerment.
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Jewels of Nutrition
The Pomegranate fruit is one of the oldest fruits known to civilization. This tough skinned fruit is nutrient dense, the juice and seeds are very beneficial for your health and vitality. Pomegranates are power packed with antioxidants which offer protection against heart disease and cancer. There are more antioxidants in one glass of pomegranate juice than red wine, blueberries, cranberries and green tea. Clinical studies of this amazing fruit have shown that pomegranates contain a compound called Punicalagin. This compound is only found in pomegranates, it is the major component responsible for lowering blood pressure and reducing plaque in the arteries of the heart. Pomegranates can protect against many diseases and minor health issues. This fruit has been instrumental in preventing diabetes and Alzheimerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s disease. Boosting the immune system, pomegranate seeds and juice will
relieve arthritis, and help with digestive disorders. It is a wonderful juice for pregnancy as it can help with nausea and morning sickness. High in vitamin C, pomegranates also contain potassium and fiber. Other common problems that pomegranates can help with are teeth and gum infections, poor appetite, fevers, and can reduce the signs of aging. The properties of this fruit are very powerful, one must use caution if taking prescription drugs such as blood pressure medications or antidepressants. Pomegranates actually help with depression and moods creating a sense of well being. The best way to experience this super fruit is to make vertical incisions and break it apart, lift clusters of the fruit sacs out removing as much pith and membrane as possible. Place pomegranate seeds in cool bowl of water for 10 minutes, remove and pat dry.
Dec / Jan 2015
There are many ways to enjoy this incredible healing fruit, pomegranate seeds and juice can be used in baking, soups, sorbets, sauces or simply eat the seeds by hand. The refreshing juice is so beneficial to your health, and all that is needed is one glass a day to maintain optimal health.
and raisins. Drop mixture by rounded tablespoonfuls, 2 inches apart, onto lightly greased baking sheets. Bake for 12 to 14 minutes until edges are golden brown; do not overbake. Transfer cookies to wire rack with spatula; cool. Store in a tightly covered container or freeze for up to several months.
PDrop omegranate Oatmeal Cookies
Yields 5 dozen cookies
INGREDIENTS: • Juice from 1 large pomegranate, or 1/4 cup 100% pomegranate juice • 1 cup arils (pomegranate seeds)
PPersimmon, omegranate, & Pecan Salad INGREDIENTS:
• 2 1/2 cups quick-cooking rolled oats
• 2 cups all-purpose organic flour (or substitute of your choice)
• 1 cup arils from 1-2 large pomegranates
• 1 teaspoon baking soda
• 1/2 cup thinly sliced green onion
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 2 ripe persimmons, peeled and cut into thin wedges
• 3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) organic butter, softened
• 1/2 cup finely chopped pecans
• 8 cups baby romaine lettuce
• 1 cup granulated organic sugar • 1 cup firmly packed organic brown sugar
• 1 large egg
• Juice from 1 large pomegranate, or 2 tablespoons 100% pomegranate Juice
• 3/4 cup chopped dried apricots, cranberries, cherries or apples • 1/2 cup raisins DIRECTIONS: Score 1 fresh pomegranate and place in a bowl of water. Break open the pomegranate under water to free the arils (seed sacs). The arils will sink to the bottom of the bowl and the membrane will float to the top. Sieve and put the arils in a separate bowl. Reserve 1 cup of the arils from fruit and set aside. (Refrigerate or freeze remaining arils for another use.) Prepare fresh pomegranate juice.* Preheat oven to 375ºF. In a bowl combine oats, flour, baking soda and salt. In a large bowl beat together butter and sugars until smooth. Beat in the pomegranate juice and egg. Stir in the flour mixture, reserved arils, apricots
• 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar • 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon • 1 teaspoon organic honey • 3 tablespoons olive oil • salt and pepper to taste DIRECTIONS: In a large bowl, combine baby romaine lettuce, arils, green onion, ripe persimmons and pecans Mix all the dressing ingredients together and toss into the salad. Serve this pomegranate recipe immediately. Serves 6. Selected from POM Wonderful’s website: http://www.
Our Spirit Teachers Reach Out to Us by Michael McAdams We each at times must deal with situations, circumstances, family members, and individuals who cause us to question why we are being so tested and drawn into conflicts that we feel are undeserved. It is not for us to always know why but to know always that we are not alone in the trials and tribulations that we face. For with every situation that we deal with in a positive manner a door is opened and we are given solutions that allow us to advance upon our journey. The manner in which we face situations and circumstances brought before us determines the direction that our future path leads. Many choices are we given. It is up to us to choose wisely. We are given opportunities to receive but the distractions of life and our own needs and desires tend to get in the way. Like a child separated from their parent in the market who feels lost and alone not realizing that the protecting and nurturing parent is so close by, we many times feel lost and alone not realizing the closeness of our protecting and nurturing Heavenly Father and the leadings of His direct representatives beckoning from within, guiding and directing our path if we will but open our hearts to the advice and direction available from the angels and spirit teachers who have our best interests at heart. From the collection of messages and teachings received directly from spirit teachers/angels that compose Wilma Jean Jones’ upcoming book “An Angel Told Me So” comes this personal message dictated and given for Wilma. Note the references by these spirit teachers’ to themselves as “we” and “our”. This message was received by Wilma on Monday, September 12, 1977. Wilma, “While you wait there are many instructors who are preparing guidelines that you are to follow at this time. Some of the things that you are to do will be prepared for you in a manner that you can accept when it is presented to you. When it is time for you to move ahead in your progress things will become
clear to you and you will understand exactly in what manner you are to proceed. Difficult times lie ahead in some areas of your life but these will not be of long endurance. Just like a moment in time they will all be over and you will not have had to suffer or experience bad circumstances that would last for any length of time. There are certain conditions that you must pass through but we will help you so that these will not be hard for you to bear. It is just a matter of time put in until you will receive the fullness of all that has been promised you. There are but a few more circumstances that need be fulfilled until you can come to the place where you are seeking to be at this time. We will see that all goes well for you and that you will be given all the strength and fortitude that is necessary to deal with changes that are taking place in your life. “Which way you choose to walk will always be blessed and ordained but that will be up to you as to the direction you may wish to go. However, always we walk with you. Now that we are committed to serve you we are anxious to see you fulfill your obligations to this purpose. There are always ways that you will come to know as the proper way in which to use your new found gifts. Love plays an important part in your life. Your heart will go out to those whom you feel love for and you will express your love at the same time. You are doing them this service. Combine your abilities to work with those who are in need of you. Whether you are torn between this decision or that, you will always be guided to make the right choice. Know this. “There are but few people who can listen as you do and few people who can be worked with in this manner. When you receive these messages you are influencing other people because there can be no doubt but what these messages are indeed being transmitted to you from a much higher power than you can imagine or comprehend at this time. However, one day you will understand. Little by little we have led you along but now we see that you are ready to receive in great abundance what was given to you to be yours. We keep some in store but we now give you this much
Dec / Jan 2015
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more as you have proven that you will use what you are given. This pleases us. We consider you to be higher than the usual human being as you have the ability to comprehend this difficult manner in which we choose to speak with you. You are acceptable in very high circles of entities who look upon you with favor and who are seeking to work with you in the near future. They have planned great experiences for you and are anxious to see how you will respond. They are not the least in doubt that you will come through and will complete their utmost confidence in you and have all the joy in knowing that you are there when they choose to speak with you. You are constantly aware of their existence in your thoughts and they acknowledge this. They are willing to work with vessels such as yours who are so receptive and anxious to please. “Come to us again and let us counsel you further. We stand always in waiting and look forward with great pleasure in greeting you each time we have this opportunity.”
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About the author: Michael offers a set of his own writings called Spiritual Parchment Prints as a fundraising item for youth groups, churches, and to the public. He and his mother, Wilma Jean Jones, worked closely together as she received these messages and teachings dictated from spirit teachers over a 22-year period. This collection of messages and teachings is being published as the book “An Angel Told Me So.” Michael owns Starpath Satellite, performs satellite and digital off-air antenna service, and owns Aqua “Doc” Spa and Pools. Learn more about Michael’s work and view Wilma Jean Jones television interview at
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You Are Not Alone by Wayne Holmes Sometimes we might think that our thoughts are unique, that we are the only ones who question or doubt our religious beliefs, rules, and practices. If we are involved in a particular religion it might be difficult to give voice to those questions because too much doubting and second-guessing can put us in a bad situation with religious leaders, our friends, and even our family. But isn’t questioning healthy? Doesn’t it prevent us from falling into bad decisions and unhealthy life choices? If questioning is healthy in the majority of our life choices, shouldn’t it be useful when it comes to our religious beliefs? Not only is religious questioning healthy, it is also paramount to discovering deeper realms of spirituality that is often not available on a singular religious path. Rest assured that you are not alone when it comes to questioning one’s faith. Everyone—no matter what religious faith they hold—should at some time in their life ask the difficult questions of their religion. Why is it different? Is it better than other religions, and if so, in what ways? Does it make me a happier, more loving individual, and does it encourage spreading that love to everyone regardless of whether they are part of our faith or not? Does it make sense? Because of the strictness of some religions, these questions cannot be asked and answered honesty within their religious faith because of possible retaliation or ostracism. The questions must be kept private, and this can cause a division between them and their religious society. That division might be internal and not visible to observers, but it can erode an individual’s peace. How do these people find answers for their queries when their religion discourages questions, doubts, common sense, and even the leading of one’s own heart? Some people ignore the voices of doubt and go along with the crowd. And if that works for them, who are we to judge? As long as they are loving and caring individuals and seek peace among all men, what better way to live one’s life? Other people choose to break away and find answers through an intellectual
study of religion and choose to find a path that works for them either through a different religion, or through a spiritual path. Still others go the way of the agnostic or atheist. Even in these paths we can still choose to live by The Golden Rule and live happy, productive, and loving lives. There are those, however, who need to voice their doubts and who need someone who will listen without judgment and who will keep strict confidences. This can be done in a number of ways: confiding to a total stranger, confiding to someone who is not affiliated with the same religious organization, or chatting with someone on the Internet. The problem with some of these methods is that quite often the ones we talk with have their own (religious) agenda. I know of few groups or organizations that are set up to be non-judgmental and without an agenda. After all, we’re talking about religious beliefs, which is one of the most controversial and opinionated topics we can raise. But the whole point is to remind us that we are not alone in our questions and doubts. There are people who will listen without an agenda and without judgment. Religious Recovery is one organization that is listening with an open mind and whose only agenda is healing. We are here—to hear—not to judge or to tell you what to believe. Your spiritual path is unique, and we want to encourage you to find your own way—with or without the aid of religion. Remember, you are not alone. About the Author: Pastor Wayne Holmes is an ordained minister with Divinity Spiritual Church and also Revelation Spiritual Church. He is the co-founder of Religious Recovery, an organization dedicated to healing wounds inflicted by religion or the religious. He is not opposed to religion, but he sees the hurts and endeavors to help. Wayne is the author of seven books including his latest title, Every Path Leads Home: Opening to Your Spiritual Journey. Learn more about Wayne’s healing work at
Dec / Jan 2015
On Angels’ Wings
Inspiring Stories of Divine Intervention
This feature has inspired many, and we ask you to send us a short story about something that happened in your life that inspired you. A situation in your life that changed you and that you believe happened with divine intervention – an angelic experience or simply a profound feeling you had that changed your path of direction. We will publish articles, as we receive them. Please type or print. You do not need to put your whole name and please give a phone number in case we need to reach you if we have a question. The phone number will not be published. Email to infinity@sednamarketing. net or mail to: Infinity magazine, 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, Ohio 45036. The next issue is February/ March; Infinity must receive your story by January 10th.
Christmas Blessing It was Christmas Eve, my husband was out of town on a work assignment. I was feeling an emptiness in the house since my pet had passed the day after Thanksgiving. I told myself I would never have any more pets because I had my sweet cat for 15 years as a constant companion, I knew that no other pet could fill that void, even though I found myself longing for a furry friend to dwell in the house once more. I did not need to make myself busy, I was so excited to get the last minute things done and needed to hurry because of family coming in for the Holiday’s, I could not wait to see everyone. Our usual Holiday travel on Christmas Eve was to see my Dad and Stepmom, I always looked so forward to it because my Dad is the best Father anyone could ask for and he always has a great sense of humor, especially around this time of year. It was a rainy but somewhat an unseasonably warm night out, my Dad greeted us at the door and said, “Your gift just arrived, it is sitting on the porch.” I
looked around and seemed a bit confused that he stood smiling and did not hand the gift to me, he simply pointed and said there it is! I could not see a thing and was thinking the whole time, it must be some sort of a joke because my Dad was fun loving and liked to kid around sometimes. He kept pointing towards the side of the porch and I saw too tiny eyes sparkling in the light. I was excited and amazed when this little kitten just stood in front of me, she was so precious and beautiful. My Dad told me someone had dropped her off on their doorstop just hours before I arrived. At first I did not believe him, but he went on to tell me he knew it was suppose to belong to me because of it being on his doorstep and he had been thinking of getting me a kitten for Christmas. I declared her as my pet that day and what a blessing she has been! She has been by my side through good times and situations that have been stressful for me. It is underestimated how much having a pet can balance your life and fill a void that you never thought could be possible, she is part of our family now, we all adore her, especially at this special time of year! - Sara H.
The Case for Heart Union by Rev. Gary Pennington
Yes, I’ve grumbled about making resolutions around the New Year holiday. I have even made righteous noises about how I am just so above that sort of thing. Underneath all of that bluster is the knowing that setting my resolve could make me happier. After all, we resolve to do things every day. I resolve to get up and go to work. I resolve to make lunch for the kids, to be kinder to the ones I love, and to change the oil in my car. It’s just that some things are much harder to change. It feels much harder to follow through with resolutions to reduce my weight, or save money, drink less…alcohol, drink more water, manage stress, quit smoking, or manage debt. When you read this list, does your throat constrict and your eyes start to bulge? Yes? Mine too! Wouldn’t it be great if we could just push some sort of reset button on life and instantly reorganize everything so that life actually works?
The Universe didn’t gift me with a golden burnished reset button, but I did receive something that I would like to share. It is called Heart Union, and it helps to make resolutions easier to keep with myself. This Heart Union thing is a little counterintuitive, because it asks that we let go of the usual inner pressure to do something, to achieve something. We know that we are doing Heart Union properly when we can find little if any inner “push” to accomplish something. This process “is” the doing. One more thing; Heart Union employs the use of a mantra, a word-like sing-song phrase. If you sing, this won’t feel weird. If you don’t sing, it may seem a little strange. Please, give it a try anyway. After you have practiced it a few times… then you can just say it silently in your mind. It works just as well when performed silently as long as you breathe deeply during the process.
Dec / Jan 2015
Heart Union •Heart Union is a process of opening the awareness of heart-mind through sound, movement, and stillness for the purpose of life transformation; transformation from the crazy chaos to well-being, abundance, and loving relationship.
wonderful feeling of serenity. Don’t you just love it when that happens?
•Set your intention, your new intention to begin each day as you honor yourself, the true essence of light that you are. Think the thought, “I am my own best friend.”
About the Author: Rev. Gary Pennington is an ordained minister with Revelation Spiritual Church. He maintains a healing practice that involves the use of Continuum Techniques, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Meridian Tapping Techniques, and Liift.
•Begin Heart Union as you take three deep breaths and hold each one for a count of five.
Visit the Healing Continuum Website:
•Take a deep breath and repeat this four syllable mantra aloud three times: Eye Oh Lah Oom •Place your attention on your heart center and continue regular breathing. As you exhale, slightly close your throat until you can hear the sound of your breath slowly release in your ears. •Place your palms together in the traditional prayer position (even though this is not a prayer) in front of your sternum, the heart vortex, as you close your eyes and pretend that you are flying, drifting and gliding through blue sky. Hold this for a few moments. •After a few moments, separate your hands and slightly extend them palms down in a gentle representation of wings; then allow them to drift down as you place your hands on your thighs in your lap. •Continue the silent Heart Union through blue sky as you listen to the sound of air moving through your throat in the stillness. •After a few moments, repeat the mantra, Eye Oh Lah Oom, three times.
You may have read that the present moment that we are experiencing is untainted by the emotional stories of the past, or the “what if” anxiety of the future; nevertheless, it certainly does feel as if the present moment is flooded with the sometimes overwhelming events of the past. Heart Union takes us out of the crazy feelings of chaos, and replaces them with the
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Divinity Spiritual Gathering of Fairfield “A Place of Love, Light, Truth, & Freedom” 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield, OH 45014 One Mile North from Jungle Jims On Rt. 4, Left on Hicks Blvd., Right on Holiday Dr.
Visit us at DivinitySpiritual. All services are archived and available 24/7.
Every Sunday Service starts at 11:30 AM 25
The Problem with so many
Prosperity Training Programs....
and how LIIFT addresses that problem by Brian Eastman Dave Ramsey and others who provide financial management courses give you great training on how to take care of your money. This is important information which every adult needs. But there is a missing element in those programs: they don’t change your Internal Operating Software even if it is programmed to keep you from having any money! I have a friend who insists that the only way to love God is to live a life of poverty and service. She lives a poverty life-style, donating most of her time to help others. She won $40 at her church fair. “I took the money and put it carefully in my pants pocket,” she told me. “I walked two blocks to my house, and when I reached for the money to put it away, the pocket was empty!” It looked to me that, because of her life-beliefs about money, she had to lose this windfall. I also remember my long-ago client “Tad”. He was a performer touring a one-man show. He got great reviews, but he wasn’t getting much work and wasn’t getting paid much either. During our LIIFT session, we found some very limiting Belief Statements. Two of them were: “My work has no value,” and “I am uncomfortable around money.” We replaced those beliefs with “I get wonderful pay for my wonderful shows,” and “Money is my friend and I like having my friend around me all the time.” The results? Within a month Tad was getting gigs “from places I’ve never heard of before!” He also
reported he was asking for – and getting – much more pay per show. Tad’s money-healing session showed me that LIIFT could heal finances. So I decided to create a LIIFT program which would remove a person’s obstacles to getting lots of money. After a year of testing, the LIIFT Prosperity Seminar is now available to the general public. Using a full range of LIIFT healing processes, we are able to help individuals and groups heal their relationship with money so they can have more of it. Typically we begin with the 8-part Money Test. The test visibly demonstrates to each participant where their issues with real money reside. We also identify how big are their obstacles to prosperity. The participants then work together to heal their negative Belief Statements about prosperity. They also heal any emotional damage which is restricting their access to prosperity. Many participants report almost-instant changes in their financial well-being. One participant, a practitioner of alternative medical healing, reported that the next week for the first time she had enrolled 5 new clients in one day. A massage therapist found herself extra-busy with new clients. A minister unexpectedly started receiving big tips at weddings. In fact, even the financially successful have reported new inflows of money after attending a seminar. The LIIFT Prosperity Seminar is a good partner program to use in support of any money management programs a person attends or sponsors. It is available for individual sessions and group sessions in Cincinnati, Dayton and Indianapolis.
Dec / Jan 2015
About Brian Frederick Eastman: For 30 years Brian Frederick Eastman gathered the information which led to creation of the LIIFT healing process. LIIFT has practitioners now in 6 states. The LIIFT Prosperity Seminar is now available to individuals, in group events sponsored by, and to groups who want to sponsor a seminar to benefit their own members. For more information contact, Brian.Eastman@, or call him: 513 541 1257. or phone 513 708 0563.
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Astrology by Mary
Sagittarius November 22–December 21
Sag, you should be in a great mood as this period begins, as your ruling planet, Jupiter, is in the sign of Leo, very favorable for you, and gives hint of good times to come. However, your expectations may be premature, as Jupiter will go retrograde soon, and you may have to do a lot of work behind the scenes. The sign of Capricorn comes up strong for the rest of this period, and says that Sag will be double checking to see if funding and endurance will be there to make sure that the program will work. Partners of all kinds will be offering suggestions, but check everything out before you sign on the dotted line.
Capricorn December 21 – January 19
This is truly a very transitional period for you as your wheel indicates a time of completion as well as a time of new beginnings. Saturn, your planetary ruler is finishing a 2 and ½ year period of being in Scorpio dealing strongly with monetary obligations that must be addressed if you are to make any forward motion. This period coming in is a seeding time for you to look slowly yet seriously at what new values and skills are in store for you. An outward excitement regarding new financial pictures is a signal that you are on the right track. Expect some unusual activity on the home front!
Aquarius January 19 – February 18
This period begins with an emphasis on obligations that could be related to employment situations or health factors of family members. A new moon at Christmas could register this. At the same time, you are rolling up your sleeves to find a “new you” which is almost a daily experience for you, but now is stronger than ever! With Mercury going retrograde now, you will do some quiet research on how best to accomplish this. Both Saturn, the old ruler of Aquarius, and Uranus, the new ruler of Aquarius are in excellent position with you to help you achieve this very desirable goal. Also, the full moon early December is shedding light on this plan. You could be a bit concerned about the possible monetary picture but it won’t stop your upward motion.
Pisces February 18 – March 20
True to the dual nature of Pisces, you seem to be caught right now especially in demands from Saturn, (the reality check) and Neptune, the dreamer and/or vision of what could truly be! There is great potential on the horizon, but it will require that you “get real” about what you want, and take the time to write up and pay attention to a “game plan”. Mercury retrograde in this period will be talking to you in dream time or in the subconscious, so do be alert and listening. The future holds much, but do watch your health, and get plenty of rest. Early Pisces are especially affected.
Aries March 20 – April 19
Things are truly looking up for you, as your ruling planet, Mars, is in a sign very favorable for you which indicates that new and exciting plans are on the horizon. Mercury retrograde in this period suggests you review carefully the ideas and suggestions that come in, and take your time before signing on the dotted line. There is a heavy emphasis at the start of this period about obligations or concerns regarding older members of the family, and/or demands from the career situation. So, make sure you cover the bases as you begin, as the future indeed is looking very bright. Just give it time to develop slowly!
Taurus April 19 – May 20
For you, Taurus, at the beginning of this period, you will no doubt be joining with family and loved ones, and there appears to be much travel involved, and a longing for the good old days! But as the new year comes in, several planets plus Mercury retrograde in Aquarius can bring about some sudden surprises in regard to family an/or career changes. There may be reactions in relation to home and/or dwelling, which could be exciting, but a bit overwhelming for Taurus, as you like to move slowly and easily into new situations, but the demand here is for haste! A bit of pre-planning will help you deal with the surprises.
Gemini May 20 – June 21
Your solar chart is quite unique, as all the planetary energy relates,
Dec / Jan 2015
except one, to your outer world – meaning relationships, family and career matters, and future trends. One planet stands alone and is sort of a director of all this activity, as it is Jupiter in Leo, which affects everything else from its position as maestro! There is simply a tremendous amount of mental gymnastics going on, with new ideas and travel bursting all over. For early Gemini, the house of partners is up for review, and this will be taking several years to follow through. Your ruler, Mercury, is going retrograde in January in the sign of Aquarius, but because it is so supportive of Gemini, this looks to be quite an opportunity to explore more learning or travel than anything else.
Cancer June 22-July 22
OK moon child, this year ends with a major emphasis on the house of partnerships, with some responsibility and obligations showing up here. The kicker here is that changes are being made in the area of career, and some rather rapidly. However, all is not lost, as there appear to be some elements of your life, including labor, finances, and worldly position that are beginning to show some excitement. The money houses boil down to fair amounts going out, but the changes involved here are actually in your favor. The new moon at Christmas time shows up as a turning point for partner, and the full moon in January sees you doing a balancing act between self and partner. Your Cancer heart as a parent, and protective figure is working overtime!
Leo July 22 – August 22
You are in high focus these days, Leo, as the planet Jupiter is in your sign for another 8 months or so. And Jupiter will always deliver something that will greatly benefit you. As the year ends, it looks as though you are analyzing your work/ health area to see if any corrections need to be made. Then as the holiday period arrives, you are super busy with loved ones and close associations. For Leo, anyway, all the world is a stage to play on! You are, like the lion symbol, beginning to explore new realms of self worth, and this may include some sudden journeys or explorations into new learning realms. Money appears to be shaky, but will improve come spring.
Virgo August 22 – September 22
Virgo, you really don’t get much of a break in this time frame, as Mercury, your ruling planet is spending lots of time with children or grandchildren, and in addition, the area of work and health (your 2 areas) is being all-torn-up, with new surprises, and new techniques, which you can do, but dislike the upsetting of a routine. Is quite likely that you are being called upon to help out in the home and family area, and you are, of course, the one they call for! Your
ruling planet, Mercury, is going retrograde in January, and will bring a basket full of changes and new equipment in the work place. Perhaps you might begin to ponder what it would be like if your star were rising! Think on that for awhile. It will—later!
Libra September 22 – October 23
Well, lovely, you truly would like things to be a bit easier right now, but it looks as though planets on the home front are keeping you in charge, and some of those obligations may include some learning skills, including facts and figures. The area of partnerships – including husband, best friends, etc. is quite active with sudden changes and new arrivals, and you are excited to find friendly fun and games activities. Jupiter (which always acts like Santa Claus) is carving out new friends and more excitement for you in this coming year, so be prepared. Venus, your planetary ruler is very pleasant indeed as the year ends with new fun times, and/or a new love affair. As the year ends, do protect your health, and do what is needed to get through this yo-yo period.
e Scorpio
October 23 – November 21
This period begins with a grand amount of investigation or analysis going on, some of which is done because of or for the partnership area of your wheel. You do that so very well. There is a lively shakeup going on in the home or with parent figures, and new activities are showing up, and much coming and going! You are seriously beginning to look at the income and how you can improve that picture, and so the best solution at this point says that you need to make more of an appearance in the public eye. This next year is quite favorable for some applause, so come into the limelight and take a bow!
✩ Astrology by Mary ✩ Providing Personal Natal Chart Interpretation, and several other Astrological Charts. Mary R. Bauer, Mountaintop Center, 6967 Salem Pike, Clayton, OH 45315
(937) 837-6807 Email – 29
Eternal Knowledge: Classes & Events
•Divinity Spiritual Each and every Sunday at 11:30 AM Divinity Spiritual Church Service, 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield, OH 45014 Call 513.892.0623 for details.
•Dr. Jim’s Center for Advanced Medicine Shots for Health - B-12 Shots given by Dr. Jim Smith at Health Foods Unlimited Dayton, Oh. every Monday Evening 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and Susan’s Natural World every Saturday, 10:3011:30am. Walk- ins welcome For more info, call 513-942-3226 visit our website,
•Enchanted Moments Enchanted Moments Gift Shop & Metaphysical Center 127 Main Street Milford, OH 45150 Call 513-831-5508 for more information on any of our class offerings Shop on-line and get “real time” class up-dates at
•Hope Springs December 5-7, 2014 Women’s Winter Retreat- Relax and restore your energy as we move into the Winter holidays, nurturing your mind, body and spirit. Designed for you to choose what you want to do. There will be opportunities for Yoga, Tribal Dance, Connection to the Land, Breathwork and meditation. Facilitated by Katherine Stewart. http://www. December 20-21, 2014 The Sacred Darkness- A Winter Solstice Retreat. Come just for the day on 12/21 or celebrate with us all three days. Visit the lighting of the Serpent at Serpent Mount, participate in a ceremonial meal and Solstice ceremony, then welcome the midnight sun with an (optional) all-night fire vigil with drumming. wintersolstice.html January 14-18, 2015 The Queen’s Cloak: Reclaiming the Power of Woman: A Heroin’s Journey- Dive Deep into Joan Chamberlain Engelsman’s book, The Queen’s Cloak. Explore your own journey through story, art, ritual and song. The book will be your map, the Dagara Medicine Wheel your compass. Facilitated by Mary Alice Arthur & Quanita Munday. http:// February 6-8, 2015 Hope Springs: Proprioceptive Writing: Explore the principles of meditative writing. Discover the wonder of unhindered thought and the pleasure of getting it down on paper. Mary Bok, a farmer, writer and teacher from Camden, Maine gently leads the way. pw.html
February 13-15, 2015 Hope Springs Enter the Quiet Silent Retreat for Women- Create a space of sacred quietness for yourselves in the midst of community. Commit to yourselves an each other support, respect and presence. Using the practice of silence deepen your connections to yourselves, nature and experience your connection to one another in a completely different way. Facilitated by Mary Manera. http://www.
•LIIFT Every Tuesday, 7P-9P - Class - Learn to Heal with LIIFT. Students become Certified LIIFT Practitioners, able to help folks heal their emotions and their lives. Northside area of Cincinnati. Soon in Dayton too. For information or to enroll: Lisa.g@LIIFT. info. Or 513 708 0563.
•Mills Pharmacy Holistic Health Center FREE PRANIC HEALINGTM CLINIC First Sunday of the month. For additional information call Joanne Miller at 513687-7465. Please arrive by 2:00. Clinic begins with a 40 minute meditation to generate healing energy. The entrance will be locked during the meditation. 640 Wessel Dr Fairfield, OH (next to the Fairfield Post Office)
•Religious Recovery Religious Recovery: Healing for those Hurt, Disappointed, or Abused by Religion. Religious Recovery is a free mutualsupport, nonprofessional 13-step program loosely based on the concept of traditional 12-step meetings. The meeting is open to all religions but is not affiliated with any church or religious organization. Atheists and agnostics are also welcome. For meeting times and locations, or to contact an individual to speak about Religious Recovery, visit our web site: For information contact Wayne: or call/text: (513) 205-1057. We also have a Facebook page at pages/Religious-Recovery/598915013454248.
•Shamanic Priestess Process - Sage Woman DATE: Saturday, January 31st, 2015 & Sunday February 1st, 2015 TIME: 10am -5pm each day TUITION: $260.00 LOCATION: Cincinnati area THE SHAMANIC PRIESTESS PROCESS™ ~ DANCING
Dec / Jan 2015
WITH THE MEDICINE is an experiential shamanic process for women which comes through the lineage of Anyaa McAndrew (The Shamanic Priestess Process and The Shamanic Magdalene Mysteries), Nicole Christine (author of Temple of the Living Earth and creatrix of The Priestess Process), and Linda Star Wolf (founder of Venus Rising Institute and author of Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt).
FOR THE INTRODUCTORY WEEKEND, we will explore the Priestess/Goddess Archetypes and Women’s Mysteries/The Inner Maiden. Attend for just these two days, or join us for the entire journey which will take place over (three) four day sessions. (March/May/July)
Wyld Womyn Drumming Circle, 3rd Fridays, 7:30 to 9 pm, Dec. 19th & Jan 16th, Feb 20th, Donations welcome, Soul Crafting with Sage & Patti at 46 E. Mulberry St. Lebanon 45036
THE JOURNEY overall is a six month shamanic initiation which will take you into your very core as your retrieve and merge all parts of you. During our time together, you’ll learn, among other things, how to embrace the shadow places we all carry, walk the Spiral Path of Life, Death, and Rebirth, create living ritual and emerge as your awakened Priestess self with your Soul Purpose/Sacred Work realized. This is deeply profound work processed in the safe and sacred container of a women’s circle. WHEN YOU ANSWER THIS CALL FROM YOUR HIGHEST SELF, YOU AND YOUR LIFE WILL CHANGE. BE A SHADOW DANCER INSTEAD OF A SHADOW MAGNENT. DANCE THROUGH YOUR FEARS AND RECLAIM YOUR LIFE FORCE ENERGY. FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO REGISTER: Contact Sage Woman at 513.490.4693 or email Sage at Circle is limited to twelve women, so please register early. Tuition for the remaining three weekends is $520 each weekend, payable by cash, check or credit card. Payment arrangements can be made. ABOUT THE FACILITATOR: Sage Woman is an ordained Magdalene High Priestess in the lineage of Anyaa McAndrew, Linda Star Wolf, and Nicole Christine. She is a certified Shamanic Priestess Process™ Facilitator, and will be apprenticing for the Shamanic Magdalene Mysteries ™ Facilitator. Sage is an Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach and is the co-host of Inner Divinity – Knowing the Source Within radio show in Cincinnati. Sage has a featured column in Infinity Health Magazine, “Ask Sage Woman ~ Spiritual Advise for the Real World.” Sage will also be licensed as a Yoga Instructor and Holistic Life Coach specializing in Ayurveda Nutrition in February 2015. She is the author of Connecting With The Goddess Within, Live a Magical, Mystical Life filled with Miracles.
“Within every weakness, lies strength.” Sage Woman
•Soul Crafting Classes at the Elemental Om
Last Sunday Guided Meditation, Dec 28th & Jan 25th, Feb 22nd, 10:45 to 11:15 am, Soul Crafting with Sage & Patti, 46 E. Mulberry St. Lebanon, OH 45036 All Soul Crafting activities take place at the Lebanon Elemental Om studio at 46 E. Mulberry St., Lebanon, OH 45036, See our website for details, directions and contact information.
•Tri-State Hypnosis Center
Tri-State Hypnosis Center :Hypnosis Training Classes begin February 21st 2015 Register before Dec 31st and save over $600 CALL (513) 943-1444 to register today! www.tri-statehypnosis. com
•Whatever Works Whatever Works Center and Gift shop 7433 Montgomery Rd. Cincin. Oh. 45236 Ph. #(513)791-9428 At Whatever Works Wellness : Mondays 6:30 to 8:00 pm Manifestation Class: Hands on training from the material of Abraham - Hicks. Wayne Dyer, Sonia Choquette & others. Understand the universal law of attraction, the art of allowing & power of emotions that can help you create the life you desire. $10.00 per class - call (513)791-9428 for info or to reserve a seat. Wednesdays - 6:30 to 7:30 pm Wellness Wednesdays. Ongoing support group dedicated to sharing natural holistic ways to maximize your health & well being. Call (513)7919428 for info or to reserve a seat. Other fun studies and services offered for your daily life: Crystal & Stone readings, Numerology readings & chart printouts, Dream & symbol interpretation & Energy Cleansing. For Center’s future events, check out or www.
Make Your New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Resolutions Come True
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