Infinity Pursue the Secret
Chambers of Eternal Health
The Causes
of Hypertension
Planning for
Peace and Prosperity
Relax with Musical Sound Energy!
A Health & Wellness Publication Dec / Jan 2017 Magazine Southwest Ohio’s Leading Health Magazine Vol. 71
L etter from the editor Dear Readers, Quietly, softly the snow falls covering us in a blanket of peaceful surrender. As we move forward in this space of time, let us be reminded of all that is precious and real. Each snowflake that falls is uniquely different, at times in stark contrast from one another. With all our differences, let us share one common denominator, that the heart of man requires nothing less than unconditional love for healing to begin. There is beauty in authenticity, let us not bear false witness to all things that can lead to despair. The heart of humanity beats in every living soul, let us not judge each other, as we know not in which the path that they walk. There is a definitive line from the divine that separates dark from light, let us dwell in the light. Drink it in, let it warm your soul by igniting the flow of passion for truth as it is revealed. Those that value life and choose the road less traveled, may seek paths to enlighten others along the way. One tiny impression can make an invaluable mark in the magnitude of changing the world one step at a time. The power of prayer surmounts all of our endeavors for peace, and can create essential blessings. Sweet Angels of mercy, please dwell upon us, embrace us with divine guidance, peace and everlasting joy now and throughout the new year. Happy Holidays and wishing all of you a glorious new year!
Yours in health, Jane Phillips Editor in Chief Publisher
Welcome to Infinity Welcome readers to Infinity magazine’s holiday issue! This issue is packed full of innovative ways to improve your quality of life. Read valuable information and proven methods that will enrich and enhance your health and your lifestyle. Be inspired, with each article, let Infinity magazine guide you every step of the way to improve your well being, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We are committed to bring to you the latest in health and wellness technology, and we will continue to keep you updated on exciting events throughout the year. Happy Holidays! The staff of Infinity would like to wish you all the best for 2017. Thank you for your continued support.
MISSION STATEMENT Infinity Magazine is dedicated to those individuals who are searching for a healthier, alternative way to enrich their lives while embracing the sacred healing heart within.
Contacting Infinity 866-243-6900 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, OH 45036 “Infinity Health Magazine” on Facebook Editor in Chief / Publisher Jane Phillips Creative Director & Design Nina Covington Editorial Consultant Cynthia M Brown Advice Columnist Sage Woman Infinity is under copyright by Sedna Marketing LLC. 2005
Cover Photo Courtesy: Nina Covington On the cover: Holiday Elegance! Behold the beauty of the Holiday season as it is about to unfold. May your days be bright and the joy of the Holidays be with you now and throughout the New Year!
Infinity is a bi-monthly publication designed to promote health, and natural well-being. The information in Infinity is not intended as medical advice, and should not replace the advice of your physician. Infinity is not responsible for typographical errors, omissions, or misinformation.
Contents 4 6 Strategies to Beat Holiday Depression by Brian Eastman 5 Past Blessings by Wayne Holmes
Signature Profile Welcome to Krohn Conservatory’s Magical and Whimsical Wonderland!
6 Planning for Peace and Prosperity by Cynthia, Little Flower 8 Author’s Spotlight: Recommended Reads 8 Ask Sage Woman: Spiritual Advice by Sage Woman 10 Home by Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger 12 No, Leonard Cohen, I Want it Lighter, Please by Patti Lightflower 14 A Campaign for Dignity 14 Baker Chiropractic Testimonial 16 Seeking Hope this Holiday Season by Cynthia M. Brown 18 Old Mother Hubbard, What’s in Your Cupboard? 19 Recipes 20 How GMOs, Pesticides and Processed Foods Contribute to Common Bowel Disorders by Dr. Joeseph Mercola 22 Longevity Resources 24 The Healing Energy of Music by Jill Mattson 26 The Giving Tree by Heather Preston 27 Blueprints in the Heavens: Horoscopes by Laura Conner 30 Eternal Knowledge: Events & Classes
If cabin fever is setting in, and the kids are bored, it is time to take a trip to Krohn Conservatory, Eden Park, Cincinnati, Ohio! This beautiful attraction is available to the public now and is open until Jan.8,2017. Special Holiday hours and price of admission are provided on the website, http://www.cincinnatiparks. com/krohn-conservatory. Discover a wonderland of one of the most colorful and imaginative Holiday displays around the TriState area. Full of surprises and festive gardens that delight the senses, there is something for everyone to enjoy. There are trains of all designs speeding down miniature tracks with fantasy hot air balloons and quaint little villages to charm people of all ages. The Schmalz Family Village will take you down memory lane, with decorations that came from store windows in Cincinnati from the end of 1940’s and early 1950’s.With the addition of their own decorations and the Caroler Village modeled after the story of Ebeneezer Scrooge, the Schmalz family donated all of these display’s to Krohn Conservatory to carry on the Holiday tradition. There are beautiful poinsettias of unique and vibrant colors, other flowers as well are decorated in a carefree and whimsical way. After viewing the display, take a walk through the conservatory and enjoy waterfalls, exotic plants and more!
6 Strategies to Beat
Holiday Depression by Brian Eastman
“I always feel depressed during the holiday season,” said my new client. “I don’t know what is wrong with me.” I explained the true facts to her. According to one study, 45% of Christian Americans experience depression during the lead-up to Christmas. And why might that be? Let’s begin with the definition of depression provided by Transactional Analysis leader Claude Steiner in his book Scripts People Live. “Scarcity of essential life support causes depression. People need food, shelter, space, safety, drinkable water, breatheable air and human contact. . . Hungry, crowded, scared and alienated people are sad and unhappy . . . no matter what else is going on.” If the depression cycles directly around the December time period, I usually find that a client’s sad and unhappy feelings arise from issues of human contact and of emotional safety. I also see one event-specific cause: continuing emotional burdens which a client is carrying from past painful holiday events. Whatever the cause, if you expect a sad and unhappy time every November and Decemember, here are some simple strategies which can help you to change your experience and expectations. 1. Release past painful memories. Contact a practitioner of healing programs such as LIIFT, Pranic Psychotherapy or Neuro-Modulation Technique (NMT) to assist you to quickly process and release previous emotional pain associated with the holidays. 2. Create your own community with whom to share holidays. In Cincinnati, Vegans have holiday celebrations with non-meat potlucks. My wife and I host potlucks for each holiday so friends and community members can feel welcomed and appreciated, even if they lack quality family relationships.
3. Create new positive memories. First you decide that you will replace the old painful with new positive. Then you create opportunities to do so. In addition to creating or participating in events such as mentioned above, you could volunteer to bring happiness to others and share the pleasure. Examples: On Thanksgiving and Christmas, one lady volunteers with Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly, bringing meals and companionship to the homebound. Another friend volunteers at a hospital to bring extra love to the hurting, scared and alone. A third takes children from difficult family situations out to a child-friendly event or even a kiddie park for an afternoon, so they get extra nurturing attention. 4. Befriend some animals at a shelter. An appreciative pooch or a purring cat can really lift one’s mood. 5. Take a hike, preferably with others. Exercise and nature-anchoring improves moods. And to share it with others adds another positive dimension. 6. Concentrate on gratitude. If you often think about what you don’t have or what should have happened, you create a negative-emotion loop. You must use your intentionality to cut the loop. Be grateful for the good you are experiencing. Enjoy the “ positive now”, and begin anchoring these happy experiences by writing a journal. The LIIFT healing process actually uses the process of write/see/say to help people permanetize new good memories and thoughts into their being. You don’t have to do everything mentioned here all at once. If you do one thing now and add another thing next year, you will discover that each year you feel better. I did, and I do. Best Wishes to you on your happiness journey! About the Author: Creator of the LIIFT healing, Brian Eastman sees people in person, via Skype and in group/ family sessions in Ohio and Indiana He is also leads LIIFT training seminars and LIIFT Prosperity Workshops. Contact Brian at 513.541.1257 or
Dec / Jan 2017
by Wayne Holmes “
–Jane Phillips 3XEOLVKHU ,QÀ QLW\ 0DJD]LQH
A song by Garth Brooks titled “Unanswered Prayers� reminds us that sometimes we pray for things and the answer appears to be “No.� As time goes by and we see the way things could have been had our prayers been answered, we can smile and say with Garth, “I thank God, for unanswered prayers.�
–Liz Loring Educator, Life Coach & Group Facilitator
Truth is, The Divine answers prayers, and sometimes we are grateful when The Divine says “No,� or “Not now,� or one of my personal favorites, “I’ve got a better idea.� If The Divine created us, then no one knows us better. Not only are our compulsive wants and desires known to The Divine, but also our deepest wants, needs, and highest ambitions. One request we need to include in our prayers is this, “Divine Spirit, show me what I want — what I truly want — and grant that request.� We can be assured that this is a safe prayer, because at the heart of all of God’s children — and for some it is buried way down deep — is the desire to love and be loved, to extend love to everyone we meet, and to be accepted for who and what we are without judgment. Divine Spirit; answer the deepest desires of our hearts — to be like You. About the Author: Pastor Wayne Holmes is an ordained minister with Divinity Spiritual Church and also Revelation Spiritual Church. He is the co-founder of Religious Recovery, an organization dedicated to healing wounds inflicted by religion or the religious. He is not opposed to religion, but he sees the hurts and endeavors to help. Wayne is the author of seven books including his latest title, Every Path Leads Home: Opening to Your Spiritual Journey. Learn more about Wayne’s healing work at
It wasn’t until I donned a clerical collar that I came to understand how people viewed religious leaders differently. Some were comforted by my presence while others seemed ill at ease. “Before long I realized that many had been damaged through judgment, guilt, rejection, and condemnation by a religion or by someone religious. I’m happy to report that these people do not have to languish in fear, depression, or resentment. “In Every Path Leads Home, Wayne Holmes has created a brilliant and very gentle way out of religious abuse and intolerance into peace, happiness, and personal freedom. “It is a way to heal us all.� –Rev. Gary Pennington &RQWLQXXP +HDOLQJ 3UDFWLWLRQHU Founder of Spirit Hospital Alliance
R e l i g i o u s R e c ove r y P r e s s
Mr. Holmes’ words resonate way beyond the printed page—they vibrate within your heart as truth. I absolutely LOVE this book! It is the best bridge I have seen joining traditional religion, spirituality, and the spiritual nature of us all. “The integrity of the author in revealing his own story is authentic, reminding me of the humanness of all of our experiences. I felt wrapped in the arms of loving kindness throughout the whole book. I predict this book will enlighten all who read it.�
V By Wayne Holmes
Wayne Holmes is an outstanding individual, a one-of-a-kind author who speaks to you from the heart through his writing. He has inspired thousands of readers and touched our spirits with his gentle teachings and humor, bringing us back to a safe haven of love and peace.�
O p e n i n g t o Yo u r S p i r i t u a l J o u r n e y
Wayne Holmes’ Every Path Leads Home is a beautiful book of acceptance. Our lives on this plane of existence are of short duration, and we are all “headed home.� Different faith experiences define “home� differently, and each suggests a path or paths. For anyone who has been abused by the supposed rules and strictures of a church or congregation or pastor, for anyone who has come to see religion not as a faith experience but rather as a set of ironclad rules, for anyone who has grown weary of the struggle to find God by whatever name: Every Path Leads Home is a must-read.
Every Path Leads Home:
Past Blessings
Wayne Holmes
Every Path Leads Home Opening to Your Spiritual Journey
Opening to your spiritual journey, healing for the past, peace for the present. Direction for
Wayne Holmes’ Every Path Leads Home is a beautiful book of acceptance. For anyone who has been abused by the supposed rules and strictures of a church or congregation or pastor, for anyone who has come to see religion not as a faith experience but rather as a set of ironclad rules, for anyone who has grown weary of the struggle to find God by whatever name: Every Path Leads Home is a must-read.
It can be purchased on Amazon.
The goal of Religious Recovery is to reach out to those in need of healing from religious organizations or religious individuals. Wayne Holmes Phone: 513.205.1057
Email: Web Site:
the future,
is t
nee Wayne Holmes
Phone: 513.205.1057
Feel Better Fast!
Email: Web Site:
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Pand lanning for Peace Prosperity by Cynthia, Little Flower Now is the moment that we are given. This is our time to make a difference in our lives and in the world. This is a magnificent gift! We can shine in the knowledge that we are here for a purpose. Indeed, we are here to fulfill a role that no one else can fulfill. We are here to create something of value and to leave it for generations to benefit. How can we best serve ourselves and others at this time in our lives? Peace is required. When we are peaceful, our thoughts and our creativity flows. When we are peaceful, we experience clarity that does not exist without peace. We are here to reflect the peace that we want, and the prosperity that exists – both waiting for us to realize that all is born within us. Peace begins with our desire for tranquility and our actions that follow. To attain peace, we must consciously carve out quiet time and fill it with that which transforms us from chaos to calm. The true
prosperity is in giving to ourselves first. By giving ourselves the gift of peace, we create a pattern for life to give peace back to us, and for us to have more peace to give back to life. Giving ourselves peaceful moments creates peace in our hearts and a flow that supports our inner strength. Sound is the earliest level of emanation that creates, and we are given this example in ancient texts. In the Christian Holy Bible, for example, Genesis 1:3 says, “And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.” So with thought and emotion, we speak, and sound takes the command, blends it with light to transform the command into form. We can use this beautiful gift in the conscious practice of affirmations. They are statements of whatever we want to manifest, repeated, with the purpose to shift the energies to bring our desires into manifestation. However, we must be strategic in our planning.
Dec / Jan 2017
There is a special phrase that we use that calls our creative Higher Self into action - even when we don’t use the phrase consciously that way. That phrase is “I AM.” I AM means “The Creator in me is…” When you say “I AM peaceful,” you are also saying that The Presence of the Divine in Me and I am peaceful. Essentially “We are peaceful.” As The Creator, every time we say “I AM,” we are calling upon our God Presence to do whatever we are commanding. We also renew our Divinity every time we say the phrase “I AM.” We put into motion that which we say “I AM” about. To help create peace in your life, you could use intention with sound to create affirmations that say, “I AM peaceful. I AM calm. I AM relaxed. I AM undisturbed.” We are surrounded with the energies of transformation. Sparkling holiday lights remind us that we are The Light manifest. We are here to be the light, shine the light, share the light and leave that legacy of light. Happy holiday music transforms us - taking us to times that seem simpler in our minds, reminding us of how sacred life is. Being peaceful and prosperous takes transformation. Be kind to yourself by giving yourself moments of tranquility. Sit in the window and let the sun caress you and with intent and purpose, seek the music that is simple and filled with warmth. Take deep breaths and imagine that you are breathing in the sunlight and exhaling your worries. At this beautiful time of the season, realize how special you are. Give yourself the gifts that you desire the most for yourself and for the world. Know that the gift of peace opens the door to your prosperity for yourself and for the world. Namaste.
About the authors: James, Little Eagle Standing Strong, and Cynthia, White Flower, are a husband and wife team. They combine their skills of Shamanism, Mediumship, Vibrational Therapy and Karmic Counseling to provide a wide range of services: psychic and past
life readings, exorcisms, “Advice from your guides,” karmic life coaching, vibrational therapy. Please see and http:// or email james@jamesshaman. com or phone and/or text 586-773-1861.
Divinity Spiritual Gathering of Fairfield “A Place of Love, Light, Truth, & Freedom” 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield, OH 45014 One Mile North from Jungle Jims On Rt. 4, Left on Hicks Blvd., Right on Holiday Dr.
513-892-0623 Visit us at All services are archived and available 24/7.
Every Sunday - Service starts at 11:00 AM
Healing Prayers For All Every 3rd Monday of the month from 4:00 PM- 7:00 PM
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Author’s Spotlight Recommended Reads Medical Medium Life-Changing FOODS by Anthony William
dictate on the subject of food. His goal is to provide to you through the knowledge of spirit, valuable information he has obtained and to pass it along to the reader. Being aware of his extraordinary gift to channel through spirit as a small child, Anthony William educates and informs all who are searching to improve their health and keep their family safe from illness and debilitating disease. Medical Medium, Life-Changing Foods by Anthony William is a recommended read and can be purchased through
ASpiritual sk Sage Woman: Advice
for the Real World with Sage Woman
Quotes from the book, “This book is meant to pack as much real, detailed, usable health information inside as possible.”
Dear Sage Woman,
Anthony William’s new book about life changing foods is a must have. Anthony William is a medical medium channeling profound information from spirit about improving your health by consuming super foods to your daily diet. This book is easy to read with vibrant pictures and plenty of recipes to enjoy.
How do I find passion when I don’t feel any? I want to know what my soul’s purpose is and how to make a difference in the world. I am in my last year of college and still have no idea what I want to do with my life. I feel like I am missing something when everyone else around me seems to be passionate about something.
This is not just another book on the importance of eating your fruits and veggies. Anthony gives you an in depth look at the critical points on how to improve one’s health and prevent disease. He uncovers the real facts about the major four toxins that can cause serious damage to our bodies and that we must simply try to avoid them at all costs to keep our bodies strong.
Sara B. _____________
With each veggie, fruit, spice and herb, Anthony William gives in detail the health benefits and what it can do for the body specifically by adding them to your diet. He gives real meaning to “Soul Food” and how to consume the right foods for our bodies. He lets us know that comfort foods are ok when the majority of people probably have the opinion that we need to avoid eating them. Never preachy or hard hitting, Anthony does not
Dear Sara, “Don’t worry about what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and do that, because what the world need is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman I love your question! I could have written this question thirty-five years ago. Thank you. In my experience, those of us who question our passion and soul’s purpose are usually the ones with the most passion of all. The fact that you are aware of the importance of becoming one with your calling means it is just around the corner. That being said, it is perfectly normal throughout life to feel as though passion has been lost. No matter what age we are, there will be circumstances that can and will test us on every level. During these times when we are
Dec / Jan 2017
not sure about the future, it may appear that everyone else has their life in order. Passion is not relaxing in a beautiful place and saying: “Wow, it’s great to be alive!” That is a side effect of passion. Passion is working hard every single day to stay in the moment and find gratitude in all there is, both the mundane and the artistic or exotic sides of life. Take your focus away from the word “passion.” I suggest you identify all of the activities you love doing and start from there. Get out your journal, make a cup of tea and take a trip down memory lane. Write down what you were passionate about when you were younger. Focusing on what brought you joy in the past can move the energy of joy into the moment. There is so much pressure to just get it right, and to find the exact issue or cause that will solve all problems. Take a deep breath right now and let go of the idea that you have one shot to get this passion thing right. The truth is we are multidimensional human beings with many interests. So the first step to finding your passion when you feel like you have none is to recognize that you are a person with many passions and interests. Don’t over think it. Relax into it and have fun. Over our lifetime we often experience a variety of passions. Certainly, we should more than a single soul calling. Be gentle and patient with yourself. You deserve to enjoy the journey. You are at one of the crossroads of life, finishing college. Congratulate yourself on even getting to this point and remember all you have done to accomplish this. Passion basically is defined as having a strong feeling or emotion for something. There is an ebb and flow with passion. Even if you are passionate about your soul’s calling, you will experience moments that might not feel very different. It’s all about balance. These are some of the questions I’ve asked myself when thinking about my own passions: What can I do to help other people? What does my ideal day look like? What do I find intolerable? (Knowing what you don’t want can almost be as helpful as knowing what you want)
Lastly, ask your higher self. A great way to solve problems and get ideas, is to sit in solitude and meditate. Simply focus on your breath to silence your mind and then ask for guidance. When using this tool to find your passion, don’t shy away from deeply asking yourself what your passions are, and what you are meant to do in this lifetime. You will be surprised at the answers you get. I send you blessings and gratitude, Sage About the Author: Sage Woman is a spiritual life coach & intuitive reader. Sage is a Shamanic Priestess, an ordained minister and intuitive who facilitates Goddess Chakra workshops and individual coaching. She is also available for readings of the ancient Tarot. For more information, contact her at 513-490-4693, or email Are you looking for guidance in career choices or to build your business? Ask Sage for spiritual wisdom and receive profound messages for business or romance!
SAGE WOMAN Ordained Minister, Shamanic Priestess, Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach, Intuitive Readings Call for a Phone Session – 513-490-4693
by Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger
The idea of “home” always seems to come to mind at this time of year. Whether we are traveling to where we were raised to be with family and friends, or preparing our own space for others to visit us, “home” during the holidays is a place to gather, to share love and food and conversation. It is a place of community, of the family of our birth, the family we have created for ourselves, or a unique combination of both. Home is where we set aside differences and come together in connection and hopefully, love. Home for Terri and I has always been our sanctuary, where we have created a space of safety, love, security, and peace for us and for our family of four legged animals. It is our space to which we invite in the friends and, at times, members of our family of birth. It has also become a place of work for me, as I now work full time there. Home for us ebbs and flows, changes and grows, and transforms with the seasons. Our family changed a few months ago when our senior Basset Hound Obi passed away at home. We were able, with the help of Angel’s Paws (a home hospice program for pets), to support him at home for his last days, and to allow him to transition here surrounded by his humans and his animal friends. Obi’s energy and spirit were such a big part of our home – he anchored us and watched over us, and he taught our other two dogs a lot about being good house dogs. Our home felt empty without his physical presence, although he visits us frequently in spirit. We also have moved our horses to a boarding facility close by, and the loss of horse energy here has also been difficult to adjust to. Recently, a friend contacted us about a client whose elderly parent needed to move in with her due to the death of their spouse. They had some dogs and one cat that the family was seeking to place in good homes. One of those dogs – of course – was a young Basset Hound. After much consulting with our two dogs and with each other about whether
we were ready to have a new dog in our home, we agreed to allow the dog to come for a short visit here. Things went well, and yesterday Beau came to live with us. Normally we do not recommend bringing a new animal into a home at this time of year. However, we do not have birth family locally, we have no plans to travel over the holidays, so this is actually a very good time for us to bring a new animal into our home. This time of year is less stressful for us, as we have more time off to be here with our animals. We have followed our own guidelines for introducing a new animal into your home, and so far we have had only minor issues that were expected. Beau is grieving the loss of his former home and family, and he does not yet understand that he is not going back to them. This will make some time for him, but we are confident that he will adopt us in time. When he does, his energy will fully become part of the energy of our home and our family. In the meantime we are careful to have him move back from open doors to the outside, and do not allow him access to our back yard without keeping a close eye on him. When we do take him in to be microchipped, he will have a martingale collar on (which will not come off over his head), and we will be very careful not to open the car door until one of us has a firm hand on his leash. Our home energy is feeling both unsettled and at the same time it feels more complete. Beau will never be Obi, nor do we expect him to be. He is uniquely himself, and his energy is very different, so it will take time for it all to blend, for the dogs to allow that blending between themselves. Our home will be redefined in a new way. In the meantime, we will allow home to be whatever it is, day to day, and be consistent in feeling peace, security, and love. If we focus there, our animal family members will feel safe and allow things to blend energetically, and our home will be transformed. Please find guidelines around family pets and the holiday season. Thank you and Happy Howlidays
Dec / Jan 2017
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from our family to yours. Cindy, Terri, and the four legged members of our family. HOLIDAY REMINDERS: If you are traveling and leaving your pets at home, tell them how many darks you will be gone, and that you ALWAYS come back to them. For those having company over the holidays, please provide a quiet place for your pets to be away from the noise and energy of lots of people in their space. Watch what you have sitting out on end tables and coffee tables. Make sure your decorations and holiday plants are not harmful to your pets, and be sure to keep candy and especially grapes and chocolate well away from areas where dogs can get to them. Do not allow your pets to be out in very cold weather for long periods of time. They can get frostbite and hypothermia easily. For dogs, be sure to clean out the ice balls that can adhere to the hair between their paw pads. Horse owners, be sure to pick the ice and snow out your horse’s feet when they come in for their safety. Watch their ears for frostbite as well.
Animal Communication & Wellness Services Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger
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No,I Want Leonard Cohen, it Lighter, Please by Patti Lightflower The darkest time of the year is upon us. Our cyclic journey on a tilted mother Earth takes us to our farthest distance from our greatest source of light and warmth, our own star, our Sun. We are reminded that endings are followed by new beginnings and opportunities lie ahead for fresh growth and renewal. As we enter these days of long shadows and early twilights we find ourselves surrounded by, and even immersed in, the spirit of celebrations from many different cultures and perspectives. These holidays bring friends and family together and remind us to take time away from our busy work and projects to relax, enjoy life, and to think about others and pray for Peace on Earth. These past few weeks have felt very dark for many of us here in the United States. Faced with choices for candidates that left people feeling uncertainty,
anger and concern, as well as for others these same candidates represented hope, change, and new beginnings. No matter who won, the division was so strong it became a lose-lose feeling rather than a win-win or any kind of compromise. Each side feeling to lose would be dire. A bard, an archivist, Leonard Cohen has captured the essence of our times much like Jack Kerouac was of his times, and Shakespeare of his. He understood and spoke to the hearts of the free spirited idealistic romantics in his classic, “Suzanne” . Immortalizing romance in his slightly raspy voice to a lost love, Marianne, he whispers how it’s time to laugh and to cry all over again. Perhaps they are together again in spirit. In a poem just for her in her final hours a short time ago, he wrote for her she only needed reach out her hand, he wasn’t far behind. He speaks of both the raw realities and of the sheer beauty of being a human. After 80 plus years on
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this planet he leaves us with some of his most soul searching and thought provoking lyrics only a few weeks before his death. He writes of his concerns for where we’ve come to as a society and where we are going. Is it a question or a statement he presents to us with “You Want it Darker”? During this season where we may have more star light than sun light, at least if you’re a night owl like me, I like to light candles creating an ambiance of warmth and golden flickering light. I bring out bright colored table decorations and linens and hang crystals in windows to catch rays of light transforming them into dancing rainbows throughout my space. There’s a point that the sun no longer shines in my Northwest windows as it sets. But then just a week or two later I find I’m delighted to see the return of the light and know that spring is not so far off. This is also a good time to look back on the past year and to think about things that are completed or need to be left in the past. It’s a good time for journaling, self-discovery, and of making and editing lists with fresh new goals for the coming new year. Getting a reading from someone who has the ability to interpret your path using tools like Palmistry, Astrology and Tarot can be helpful in bringing clarity and illumination. The words and voice of Leonard Cohen will stay with us for generations reminding us that although times may seem dark and sometimes even broken, “that’s how the light gets in”. Darkness is always extinguished by the light. If we shine our brightest we’ll keep the fires of life and inspiration burning. Shine! About the Author: Patti Lightflower is a Professional Hand Analyst practicing in the greater Cincinnati area for over three decades. Her experience reading hands at corporate events, social gatherings as well as in depth private sessions, coupled with her love of research and science led to understanding how our hands have features that combine uniquely in each
individual to tell our stories. As we develop from genetic code, along with how our experiences shape us, our preferences and personalities are inscribed into our hands. Want to learn to read hands? Patti offers classes and workshops teaching the basic and advanced methods of reading hands which include how science is now able to connect our sense of touch to our emotional selves. We store our experiences in our bodies, our hands hold these stories. Patti reads hands fluently. Patti Lightflower can be contacted via her email or call/text 513-317-1535 Patti Lightflower
Founder of Hand Analysis of the Future Learning Center
Specializing in Bio-identical Hormone compounding, Herbal Therapy and Nutritional Supplements
A Campaign for Dignity Metamorphosis: Holistic Wellness Center LLC
“Women are going to form a chain, a greater sisterhood than the world has ever known.” - Nellie L. McClung Metamorphosis: Holistic Wellness Center LLC, located in the Historic District of Columbia Tusculum is dedicated to changing the lives of people in the Greater Cincinnati area. Within our walls, we host a variety of programs dedicated to the body, mind and spirit. One of our most cherished programs is our Sisterhood Circle, in which women come together to do the work of the Divine Feminine. On the last Thursday of every month we meet to provide light, love and service to each other, as well as to the City of Cincinnati through our outreach programs. In a difficult world, it is easy to have your light dimmed by the pain and suffering around us. Our Sisterhood Circle meets to re-fill the well of life that lives deep in the womb of all women. Each quarter we develop an outreach program to meet the needs of women within our city. Upon seeing a video on social media regarding how women manage their monthly menstrual cycle while living in deplorable and homeless conditions, I knew we had to help. Kristy MeinekeBrandabur, Owner of Metamorphosis and Sisterhood Facilitator, dedicated the Fall project to reaching out to women temporarily experiencing homelessness in our community. Upon meeting in our October Circle, we planned our November/December program as an outreach to provide a campaign for dignity to the women of Cincinnati temporarily experiencing homelessness by providing feminine hygiene products, bras and underpants. One of our Sisters had previously participated in projects with Bethany House and Tamar’s Place, therefore we had a direct connection to these locations within the City of Cincinnati. Bethany House Services (BHS) empowers homeless and at-risk families with solutions to achieve housing stability and long-term self-sufficiency and Tamar’s Place is a safe haven of support, empowerment, and hope for women engaged in prostitution who struggle with the disease of addiction. As we set our sites on our quest, our sisters reached out via social media, friends and family to coordinate efforts to collect the products in need. The outpouring from the community has been
amazing. Our sisters have been amazing. Volunteering their time and hearts, they picked up donations from those unable to drop off at Metamorphosis. A collection box was placed on the deck at Metamorphosis, where people could drop off supplies at their convenience. We currently have approximately 20 large bags of feminine products and undergarments. A wonderful donation, but not nearly enough to provide help to all of the women in our homeless community. Clearly, this is monthly issue for these women, so if you care to donate products, we will gladly accept throughout the year, and will make this a permanent donation opportunity for our Circle. If you are interested in donating to our campaign of dignity, please feel free to contact Kristy Meineke-Brandabur at 513-235-7567. We also have a drop-off bin on the deck of Metamorphosis: Holistic Wellness Center. Our Sisters are also more than happy to come pick up donations from your home or business. “”Women working together weave a tapestry that nothing can penetrate. We are strong, fearless, and loyal. We are gentle, compassionate and willing.” stated Kristy Meineke-Brandabur. If you are interested in joining our Sisterhood Circle, we meet the last Thursday of every month for the new moon, at 6:30pm. All women are welcome. Metamorphosis: Holistic Wellness Center LLC. 3567 Columbia Parkway. Cincinnati, Ohio 45230. 513-235-7567.
BTestimonial aker Chiropractic Five Medical Doctors Couldn’t Help Me But Dr. Baker Got Me Out of My Wheelchair and Off My Walker!
Carol with Dr. Patrick Baker I was bound to a wheel chair and a walker since March of last year. I couldn’t walk or put any weight on my right leg. When I tried it would just give out. My leg just wouldn’t
Dec / Jan 2017
support my weight. I couldn’t even drive my car because my right leg wouldn’t work well enough to push the gas pedal and the brake.
The results I have seen are amazing. Just not having to use a cane is unbelievable. When I first consulted with Dr. Baker I never thought I would ever walk without some kind of walking device.
The pain in my back and leg was so bad I would rate it a 10 on a scale of 1 to 10.
For the first time since March 2015, I was recently able to drive to Dr. Baker’s office myself for my chiropractic adjustment. Before this, I had to rely on someone to bring me to the office. What a relief it is now to be able to drive myself.
I had been to 5 medical doctors: Different orthopedics doctors who both said they couldn’t help me; my regular medical doctor who said I had to live with it; and my oncologist who said, “I just don’t know what to do for you.” So after 5 doctors said they couldn’t help me, I was lost.
Today my pain is virtually gone and I’m improving with every continued chiropractic adjustment.
Then one day Kathy, a patient of Dr. Patrick Baker, said I had to see him. Kathy told me Dr. Baker has helped many patients with peripheral neuropathy and a pinched sciatic nerve. So I made an appointment and consulted with Dr. Patrick Baker.
I can’t thank Dr. Patrick Baker and his amazing staff enough. You helped me get my life back! – Carol L.
Dr. Baker performed an initial examination. A nerve scan showed I had multiple areas of subluxation, and x-rays confirmed it. I was put on a treatment program to correct my subluxations.
If you or someone you care about is struggling with any type of health condition or pain, please contact us by calling (513) 561-2273 or schedule an appointment on-line by visiting our website at We will help!
To my amazement I went from a wheelchair, to a walker, to a cane and now I do not need anything at all to walk!
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Seeking Hope
This Holiday Season by Cynthia M. Brown
I am trying to remember when I felt the way I do right now. I want to talk about positive things. I want to make a holiday wish for everyone who reads this magazine. Instead, as the election cycle, which has made our nation a laughing stock worldwide, nears its end; as local state and federal forces shoot live rounds of ammunition into a peaceful demonstration by over 2,000 First Nations in North Dakota, as war rages in more than two thirds of the world; as climate change continues to accelerate; as fracking continues to destabilize the earth and pollute groundwater; as a more and more militarized police force needlessly uses deadly force in more and more cities and communities throughout this country; I am having trouble feeling hopeful at all. Perhaps this funk I am in is further exacerbated by the fact that in September, I was walking across the street in my neighborhood and I was hit by a car. While I crossed the street, the light changed and a motorist plowed into me, breaking my leg in four places. Yes, it was my fault; the light was with me when I started across but changed as I crossed the centerline. The motorist stopped but only because of the crowd of people yelling at her. She got out of her car and began screaming at me. This was so surreal because just one week earlier my son’s boss had crossed the same street two blocks further north when she was struck by a car and killed. When I was hit, my son was at his friend’s funeral. Sarah, was her name, was jay-walking so the driver bore no responsibility in the incident. According to Ohio law, pedestrians only have the right of way, in a designated crosswalk and with the light. Since my accident, I have watched the news every evening. Not a day has gone by when someone was not hit, walking across the street somewhere in this city. One man, after hitting a pedestrian, jumped out of his car and ran away leaving his car and the injured person right in the intersection. My son helped organize a community council meeting with city officials. He helped stage a walk-about where residents and business owners placed signs with the
speed limit along the street and crossed the streets at all crosswalks. One driver was speeding and slammed on his brakes, sliding into a cross walk. As pedestrians chanted, “Shame, shame, shame,” he got out of his car and threw food at them. Police cited the driver for disorderly conduct and for speeding. Our community has had to beg the police for additional traffic patrols. We finally got speed limit signs, indicating the 25 miles per hour speed in our business district. Unfortunately if one does drive 25, motorists honk, pass on the right and gesture their impatience as they speed by. I am troubled by all of this: by the complete disregard for people in all of these things. We conduct wars with drones and bombers so we do not put our soldiers in harm’s way. I suppose if our countrymen do not die and we flatten villages from afar, we can sleep better. We won’t know about any lost life. The Lakota who are protesting the pipeline are concerned not just about their sacred sites but about the potential for catastrophic water pollution along the Missouri River should the pipeline fail. Why don’t the rest of us care about safe drinking water? It is not just the Lakota who will suffer should that happen. I think it is really about scale…. I moved to this neighborhood because it felt like a small town. I could look out my kitchen window and see my son playing in the backyard of my house and my neighbors’ yards. We could walk to two parks. There were small shops and restaurants to visit. Now my neighborhood has new high rise apartments along the business corridor. The school across the street from my house has been converted to 40 apartments. There is a sign to keep dogs off the 8 acres of green space. When it was a school the sign said “clean up after your dogs.” Tenants in the apartments are allowed to have dogs but they must walk them across the street, in my and my neighbors’ yards. Motorists, avoiding highway construction, speed along the main road with no regard for the legal speed limit. The street is just a shortcut back to the highway. Sarah and I were not victims, we are merely highway statistics…. I guess I want my life to matter. It is really dehumanizing
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to be in a hospital bed awaiting test results after being hit by a car and having the police come and cite me for breaking the law. I am tired of all the catchy slogans…. I want ALL lives to matter. As I listen to the election rhetoric, I think back to when a mosque in a nearby neighborhood was bombed shortly after 9/11. I called my son’s Jewish grandmother and asked her how she felt about me taking him to a peace vigil there. She asked me why I wanted to take him. I told her that if our country was really founded on religious freedom then no one’s church should ever be bombed by anyone in this country. She said she thought it was wonderful and thanked me for even asking her feelings. My son and I sat for hours in the that mosque listening to religious leaders from every faith imaginable, offer prayers for peace. I want our natural world to matter. I want the continued plight of first nations to matter. I want the lives of
every person in the inner city, every immigrant fleeing persecution and war to matter. In this country, Christmas is celebrated as a time of hope. The story goes that a savior had been born; a prince of peace. This holiday season make it one of hope. Have compassion for the cashier with 40 people in line waiting to check out. Make sure to give yourself more time for driving and don’t get enraged that the highways are crowded: they are crowded with other people JUST LIKE YOU- human beings trying to shop, trying to get to friends and relatives. This season do something to give hope to those with less. Don’t just write a check or throw money in a red kettle. Go work in a soup kitchen; go hand out blankets and coats. Make it personal. See the desperation and gratitude up close. In this ever increasingly, digitally isolated world, find your humanity. If we all do that, there might just be reason to hope after all.
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Old Mother Hubbard,
What’s in Your Cupboard?
Blue Hubbard Squash The Blue Hubbard squash, Curcubita Maxima, has its origins in South America. It has been documented in North America as early as the late 1700s but found its way into common cultivation in the mid 1800s. There are two origin stories about this winter squash. The first is that the squash came to Marblehead, MA through Captain Knot Martin. A local washer woman, Elizabeth Hubbard is said to have taken the squash to seed cultivator James J.H. Gregory, who grew it for seed and introduced it to the market in 1859. The second story is that the squash was introduced by a woman named Bela Hubbard, a settler of Randolph Township, Ohio, in the Connecticut Western Preserve. The dusty blue to grey teardrop shaped squash is large, averaging 12 inches in diameter and weighing an average of 11-20 pounds. The peak season for hubbard
squash, like most winter squashes is, mid-fall, October, to mid-winter, January. The squash stores well for up to six months if kept dry in an environment of about 50 degrees. When buying hubbard squash, make sure the skin is hard and has no brown or soft spots. The flesh of the Hubbard is bright orange. It is dense and starchy. The flavor is sweet and nutty, the sweetness, comparable to the sweet potato. The flesh can be used in recipes that call for sweet potatoes: hubbard custard pie and sweet potato pie are extremely similar in taste and texture. The squash can be baked whole by poking holes throughout and baking at 400 degrees until the skin is soft and brown. It may also be roasted by slicing in half, removing seeds and baking cut side up in a shallow pan of water for one hour at 400 degrees. Scoop flesh out of shell once it has cooled. Measure what you need, mash and freeze the rest for future use.
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If the Blue Hubbard is too large for you, there is a miniature cultivar. It is a cross between buttercup and blue hubbard that weighs between 3-5 pounds. Its flesh is almost as sweet as the Blue Hubbard. The benefits of eating Blue Hubbard squash are very good for inflammatory conditions. It is an outstanding source of antioxidants. Winter squash contains vitamin C and manganese as well. The compounds found in winter squash are known to have potential benefits in helping to prevent cancer. Squash helps to balance blood sugar levels in the body because of an important and unusual B vitamin complex found in the flesh. When choosing winter squash it is best to pick organic if possible, Blue hubbard squash packs a powerful punch in creating a strong defense system against colds and flu.
Winter Squash Soup Serves 6 INGREDIENTS: • 1 organic yellow onion diced • 4 ribs of organic celery diced • Juice and zest of 1 organic lemon • 3 Tbs. olive oil • 1 tsp. Cardamom • 2 tsp. Cinnamon • 10 cups of organic vegetable stock
7. Add lemon juice and zest. 8. If soup is too thick, slowly stir in additional stock. 9. Adjust seasonings and bring to simmer. Serve with salad of winter bitter greens and your favorite bread. Recipe and article by Cynthia M. Brown
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• 5 pounds of roasted, mashed hubbard squash • Salt and pepper to taste DIRECTIONS: 1. Saute onion and celery in olive oil 2. Add 8 cup of vegetable stock and bring to a boil. 3. Add mashed squash, salt and pepper. 4. Simmer for 40 minutes. 5. Add spices 6. Puree or use stick blender.
HContribute ow GMOs, Pesticides and Processed Foods to Common Bowel Disorders by Dr. Joeseph Mercola Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) — not to be confused with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) — is an autoimmune disease that can have very serious consequences.
Ultimately, GMOs create bowel hypersensitivity, increase inflammation and damage to the intestinal lining. This makes IBD and IBS cases much worse, as they contribute and in some cases, may actually trigger these diseases.” How Glyphosate Affects Your Health
According to the latest statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), IBD affects more than 3 million American adults, nearly triple previous estimates.1 There are two types of IBD: •Crohn’s disease •Ulcerative colitis
While Monsanto insists that Roundup is safe and “minimally toxic” to humans, independent research6 strongly suggests that glyphosate residues “enhance the damaging effects of other food-borne chemical residues and toxins in the environment to disrupt normal body functions and induce disease.”
Both of these IBD conditions involve chronic inflammation in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Symptoms include abdominal cramps, fatigue and diarrhea. IBD also raises your risk of developing colorectal cancer, the third most common cancer in the U.S.2
According to Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., a research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Anthony Samsel, Ph.D., a research scientist and consultant:
What’s Behind the Rise in IBD?
“Negative impact on the body is insidious and manifests slowly over time as inflammation damages cellular systems throughout the body.”
As with many other autoimmune disorders, IBD cannot be traced back to any single cause; rather, it appears to be influenced by several factors, including: •Genetics •Toxic environmental exposures •Diet •Altered intestinal microbiome •Immune dysfunction Researchers believe the rise in IBD may be linked to dietary changes, as more people are now eating primarily processed foods high in sugars and synthetic chemicals. Other factors thought to play a role in IBD include:3,4 •Air pollution •Excessive exposure to antibiotics •Pesticide exposure (glyphosate being identified as being particularly harsh on gut microbes) •Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) As noted by Digestive Medical Solutions:5 “[I]n addition to the rising economic, ecological and ethical questions raised by GMOs, there is a growing health risk … Specifically, a higher risk for allergies, toxic intestinal bacteria, reduced immune function, liver problems and many other highly controversial links. These risks apply to everyone, but especially those with irritable bowel diseases. For a patient with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, they’re devastating, making it difficult for patients to recover properly, especially with so many other complications involved.
Samsel and Seneff have also published research tying glyphosate exposure to Celiac disease and gluten intolerance.7 While genetically engineered (GE) crops such as corn, soybeans and sugar beets tend to contain higher levels of glyphosate due to them being more heavily sprayed, conventional non-organic crops such as wheat are also routinely doused with glyphosate pre-harvest to boost yield, a practice known as dessication. In summary, studies have found that glyphosate: • Inhibits cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes that catalyze the oxidation of organic substances. This, Samsel and Seneff believe, is “an overlooked component of its toxicity to mammals.” One of the functions of CYP enzymes is to detoxify xenobiotics — chemical compounds found in a living organism that are not normally produced or consumed by the organism in question. By limiting the ability of these enzymes to detoxify foreign chemical compounds, glyphosate enhances the damaging effects of those chemicals and environmental toxins you may be exposed to.
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• Impairs the serum sulfate transport system in your body. Consequences of glyphosate interfering with CYP enzymes and impairing sulfate transport include GI disorders, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, autism, infertility, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. • Destroys the tight junctions in the cell membranes in your gut, thereby leading to “leaky” gut and absorption of undigested foods you were never designed to absorb. • Makes the gliadin in wheat highly indigestible. Moreover, by attaching to gliadin, glyphosate may promote immune reactions. Alarming Levels of Glyphosate Found in Popular Foods According to independent testing by The Detox Project, glyphosate (the active ingredient in Monsanto’s bestselling herbicide Roundup) is present at “alarming levels” in many popular processed foods.8 Scientists have found glyphosate can alter gene function in the livers and kidneys of rats at levels as low as 0.05 parts per billion (ppb). Meanwhile, Cheerios was found to contain more than 1,125 ppb of glyphosate, Doritos more than 481 ppb and Ritz crackers more than 270 ppb. According to Dave Murphy, executive director of Food Democracy Now!: “It’s time for regulators at the EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] and the White House to stop playing politics with our food and start putting the wellbeing of the American public above the profits of chemical companies like Monsanto.” Protect Your Health by Avoiding GMOs As noted by Digestive Medical Solution:16 “The first and more important step you can take to protect yourself from damages that may be caused by GMOs is to change your diet. Non-GMO, free-range and otherwise organic foods should replace any GMOs you regularly consume. It also helps to avoid the most common food allergens, such as gluten and sugar products … However, the damage caused may be long-lasting. GMOs may make you allergic to non-GM foods. Since the genetic material in GM soy transfers to the bacteria
living in the intestines, it continues to function and spew proteins continuously. Clearing the body of these harmful substances is no easy task.” The most commonly consumed GMO crops (which includes both herbicide-resistant and Bt varieties) are:17,18,19 • Corn (found in most processed foods in the form of corn meal, corn syrup, corn starch, corn flour and so on) • Soy (which can hide under descriptions such as lecithin and starch, among others) • Canola (rapeseed oil) • Sugar beets You may also be exposed to Bt toxin via meat from animals fed Bt corn, and glyphosate via herbicideresistant GE grain feed such as corn and soy, all of which are common staples in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). This is one of several good reasons for making sure your meats come from organically raised grass-fed animals. For Optimal Health, Opt for Organic Food A large number of studies have shown that organic foods:23,24,25,26,27,28 • Are less likely to be contaminated with pesticide residues. (Synthetic chemicals are not permitted in organic agriculture, yet can occur due to contamination from nearby conventional farms.) • Contain fewer heavy metals (on average 48 percent lower levels of cadmium,29 for example). • Contain anywhere from 18 to 69 percent more antioxidants than conventionally grown varieties. • May in some cases be more nutrient-dense. For example, one 2010 study,30 which was partially funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), found that organic strawberries were more nutrient-rich than non-organic strawberries. _________
(continued on pg. 22)
(continued from pg. 21)
Mercola, J. “How GMOs, Pesticides and Processed Foods Contribute to Common Bowel Disorders” Retrieved November 29, 2016, from sites/articles/archive/2016/11/23/inflammatory-boweldisease-rise.aspx#_edn2 ____________________ 1, 3 Live Science November 4, 2016 2 Medical News Today November 7, 2016 4 World Journal of Gastroenterology 2015 Oct 28; 21(40): 11371–11378 5, 16 Digestive Medical Solutions, GMOs and Their Link to IBD 6 Entropy 2013; 15(4): 1416-1463 7 Interdisciplinary Toxicology 2013 Dec; 6(4): 159–184 8 Sustainable Pulse November 14, 2016 9, 15 Naked Food Magazine, Does GMO Equal IBS? 10 EPA’s Regulation of Biotechnology 11 Federal Register, Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1F Protein in Soybean; Exemption From the
Longevity Resources Discovering Optimal Health Naturally
Welcome to our newest feature, “Longevity Resources.” Each issue we will cover topics that will explore endless possibilities in achieving optimal health. We are honored to feature one of own past writers, Dr. Paul Fulk (1935-2014). The article written below is just one of many he had written over the years. He was a true pioneer in the field of alternative health and nutrition. The statements or content of the article in this feature is strictly to educate and inform. It is not intended to replace the care and advice of your regular physician.
Requirement of a Tolerance 12 Reprod Toxicol. 2011 May;31(4):528-33. 13 J Agric Food Chem. 2008 Dec 10;56(23):11533-9. 14 Journal of Applied Toxicology November 19, 2011 DOI 10.1002/jat.2712 (PDF) 17, GM Crops On the U.S. Market
The Causes of High Blood Pressure
18 Time April 30, 2015 19 GMO Compass, GM Crops, the Big Four 20 Cancer Research November 7, 2016, DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-1359 21 Time Magazine November 7, 2016 22 Medical News Today November 14, 2016 23 Annals of Internal Medicine September 4, 2012; 157(5) 24 British Journal of Nutrition 2014 Jun 26:1-18. [Epub ahead of print] 25 Time Magazine July 17, 2014 26 LA Times July 14, 2014 27 July 15, 2014 28 Bloomberg July 15, 2014 29 Cadmium 30 Reganold JP, Andrews PK, Reeve JR, Carpenter-Boggs L, Schadt CW, et al. (2010) Fruit and Soil Quality 31 The Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund 32 The Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund, State by State Review of Raw Milk Laws
In today’s society high blood pressure is very common, but why is this? It is the cause of many heart attacks, aneurysms, and headaches. There are several things that can be done to avoid the excessive blood pressure readings more than 120/80 spgometer readings. What you may ask? First of all, lifestyle is something to consider. Staying up late at night, and getting up early in the morning, therefore not getting enough sleep. This doesn’t allow your body to do its house cleaning while you are asleep, which is necessary to allow your body to function in a normal manner. This creates a lot of stress on the adrenal glands, which will initiate an elevation in the blood pressure. The adrenal glands are trying to speed up the function of the heart and all of the organs that keep your body running because of the lack of sleep. The heart rate is speeded up, your thyroid goes on a faster pace, your liver has to work harder, the kidneys are in high gear and the brain, believe it or not, is on a fast pace, at least it is supposed to accelerate it’s function in order to keep everything running at a high speed. In many situations the blood is too acidic, which will cause your organs to swell and malfunction. The posterior pituitary may be the cause of this event. The posterior pituitary gland in your head controls the acidity and alkalinity in your body. This gland
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requires potassium in order to be functional. The craving for chocolate is saying to your body that it needs potassium. This is also an indicator that the first vertebra in your neck is displaced to the right. The posterior pituitary only controls two hormones, but two very important ones. The ADH or antidiuretic and oxytosin which are the two hormones that are secreted by the posterior pituitary gland which sits in the sphenoid bone just behind your eyes in your head. The functioning of this gland is very important because your body is 60%-80% water and this gland is responsible for controlling the water levels in your body. This gland is many times responsible for the blood pressure being elevated. When you are considering that your body is to a major degree, water. This gland plays a big role in swelling and the tension placed on the heart when you are under a lot of stress. Particularly, if you smoke, because the nicotine in cigarette smoke will constrict the size of arteries throughout your body. This causes an elevation in blood pressure when the arteries are trying to distribute the blood throughout your body through some very narrow pathways. It makes the transportation of blood go faster, and the pressure becomes elevated. Also when the diet is that of a lot of fats and sweets, atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries occurs which will cause a narrowing of the arteries. This narrowing will also cause an increase in blood pressure. Drinking too much coffee or liquor will cause the restriction of the blood flow. This happens when there is too much caffeine from coffee. This causes the adrenal gland to react. This is why we drink the first cup of coffee in the morning when we get up. It serves as your accelerator pedal to get you going. One cup is all you need and are allowed. I had a patient who could not remember how many cups he drank, but could remember how many pots he drank instead. I asked him “how many cups were in each pot?” His reply was “twelve cups.” This meant that he was drinking 72 cups of coffee per day. He had just been a resident for six months in the psychiatric ward of Miami Valley Hospital. I was thinking that if I drank 72 cups of coffee per day I would have done likewise. Needless to say his blood pressure was off the charts, so to speak. Anxiety can create dramatic temporary spikes in your blood pressure. You may be saying, “what causes anxiety?” Many times it is the lack of biotin, which
is a water soluble “B” vitamin that is necessary for transporting cholesterol to the spleen and gonads (testicles and ovaries) where in the spleen it is used to make red and white blood cells. If the cholesterol does not get transported to these organs, anxiety occurs. Just think, smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, arguing with your spouse, or overeating can sometimes create anxiety. However, the medical answer to this problem is serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, (SNRIs) which can raise your blood pressure. The best rule is “don’t do either one” and there will not be a reason to take any medication which has side effects. Not only alcoholic beverages, but also soda pops have a direct affect on the kidneys. When the kidneys get swollen due to the intake of carbolic acid from carbonation in pop, the sodium and potassium levels will get upset and cause a backup of blood pressure. Remember, all the blood has to be cleansed by going through the kidneys. When you eat too much ice cream, or drink too much milk you will cause a hardening of the arteries. Not only this, but also trauma to the head which causes the tilting of a bone behind your eyes to the right will affect the water content of your body and the acidity which is called “diabetes” or hyperacidosis, or the blood being too acidic. Also, too much coffee will add to this acidity. This affects the posterior pituitary gland that controls the acid-base balance in your body. The trauma can be corrected via manipulation if the doctor has been trained to do so. All the above are clues and many more of what may be the causes of an elevated blood pressure.
Copyright 2014 Paul F. Fulk, D.C.,F.A.S.A.
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The Healing Energy of Music by Jill Mattson
Must buy the perfect present… What to have for Christmas dinner… Get those Christmas cookies baked. When are we trimming the tree? Clean the house... Who will I be with this Christmas? YIKES - I CANNOT HANDLE THIS: ( ... Stress! Stress! Stress! These familiar feelings of dread make a sharp contrast with the true significance of Christmas – Peace on Earth, Goodwill, Joy and Love; Celebration! So how do we reconcile the hustle and bustle and Christmas EXHAUSTION – with the deep feelings of peace and love that we all want? The fastest way that I know of - to enjoy a healthy and balanced Holiday - is right in front of our noses - Music. Not just traditional holiday music, but peaceful, uplifting music that radiates the feeling of
joy and goodwill to all who listen! Everyone knows that music alters our emotions, yet we diminish its value by considering music as only entertainment. Music is much more. Music (and other special sounds) makes you feel - it interacts with your emotions. Everyone has snapped their fingers to a lively beat, and relaxed to the soothing sound of the ocean. Music and a wide array of special sound waves interact with our emotions and environment, which are actually energies. Music is comprised of sound waves, which combine with YOU (best when in close proximity). This opens up a whole new way of looking at our world. With each listen you absorb a tiny amount of this precious energy (feeling) via the musical sound
Dec / Jan 2017
energy. If you ingest enough, this fluid energy begins to alter your inner frequencies. Music sets a mood, but with repeated exposure to relaxing and calming music, you gain a peaceful habit. You can listen over and over to relaxing music to until the feelings of the music surface from your subconscious mind as an automated response – no matter how much stress you have. Music’s ability to change our very essence is something we all know, yet inevitably underestimate. Tune your Christmas this year. Enjoy life-long family traditions, family, friends and love without letting materialism, chaos and obligation get in the way. Ingest uplifting music. Use the carols you loved in happy times to transport back into those good spaces and energies. Not just listening to the Christmas channel, but consider soaking in a number of classical selections or music with nature sounds, and bask in a bath of calming energies. Use music to awaken and strengthen your sense of wonder, beauty and magic. My musical compositions typically include carefully crafted healing music; I inject nature sounds, healing frequencies, and rhythms designed to calm your heartbeat and gently transport you into a dimension of peace and relaxation. Music provides a bountiful selection of Christmas gifts - for free or very low cost. In addition to playing music, while driving or baking Christmas cookies, you can relax for just ten minutes and focus on the subtle alterations you receive from listening. Your attention strengthens the healing abilities of music. Science resoundingly reports the positive changes that meditation has on our well-being; but music is “automatic mediation”, if we allow it to get under our skin. With no effort, but just slipping into its mood, music alters and uplifts your consciousness… transporting you to the space of “goodwill towards men”! Music is the continual Christmas tonic to calm the holiday stress and anxiety. The music you play around others is your subtle gift of calming energy. Although we don’t unwrap this gift, or even consider it a gift, the selection of music for our loved ones is precious and influential. Other gifts are material,
but this one is deeply absorbed and the energies become part of the fabric of the listener. Here is a simple specific step that we can all take during the Holidays to calm and nourish and have fun too. Go Christmas Caroling. When we return to this old-time tradition we are engaging in a very healthy and uplifting activity. Think about it: We are with folks we love, we are outdoors, we are singing! We are revisiting loved songs that we know intimately from our childhood. The energy surrounding caroling is sublime. Try it! So this blessing of music is something I encourage everyone to try this year. Take the time to truly LISTEN and special music will continually bestow the feeling of peace and love – the ever giving gift of goodwill and inner harmony - a healthy respite during the Christmas mania season. Need ideas for Christmas presents? Visit www. JillsWingsofLight Jill Mattson is a prolific Artist, Musician and Author. Jill is a four time author, and widely recognized expert and composer in the field of Sound Healing! She has produced eight CD’s that combine intricate Sound Healing techniques with her original International Award Winning musical compositions (The Lost Waves of Time – Best Book of 2016 and Best Alternative Science book of 2016, Deep Wave Body Healing CD– Best Sound Healing CD of 2016, Contacting Angels & Masters CD – Best CD of 2015 and Deep Wave Beauty CD – Best New Age CD – Silver Award). The CD’s consist of intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern techniques - with sound energy & special healing frequencies to achieve profound benefits. Free music at
The Giving Tree by Heather Preston Leaning on the deck rail of my little Sausalito house one spring day, straining to see through the upper leaves of a large tree obscuring the hill beyond, I wished idly that if only the top two feet of the tree were gone my view could be restored. Within the next few days, leaves began dropping from the top of the tree, but only from the top two feet. A few days later the last leaf dropped from that area of the tree. I could once again see the hill across the valley. It became apparent, a couple of weeks later that no more leaves were going to follow, that the remaining lower leaves were intact, healthy, and secured. Then it dawned on me that something utterly remarkable had happened. I caught my breath in confusion and amazement. Was this possible? There, indeed, was the view I had wished for. It was as if the tree had “understood” and granted my wish. A thrilling idea. I was grateful. But as time passed, I became uneasy, for even though I couldn’t have expected what happened, the tree had granted my wish at its own expense. I read once that a tree’s topmost leaves are unique in that they protect it in some way, processing the sun’s energy differently from its other leaves. After telling a few friends this story and showing them the empty top branches, some were silent and some squinty-eyed. Cold observation proved the tree to be bare on top. “Right, it’s bare on top,” they would say and point out possible reasons, “Not enough water?” Pretty soon the novelty turned into concern for the tree’s well-being. I wanted those leaves back more than I wanted the view. I went out and pleaded with the tree to grow the leaves back, and said that I was really sorry to have caused it any harm. Slowly, to my great relief, buds started reappearing on the empty branches, tiny ones at first, only a scattering of green here and there. Then more and more popped open and stretched into leaves. Within a short time the treetop was filled with beautiful new green leaves. I was weak with gratitude. Friends now marveled to
see the perfectly normal tree. The rationalizers still rationalized. But I knew what I knew. I had a friend back then named Francis Rath who, prior to becoming a bookstore owner, had been a rather imposing law enforcement officer. He found that in the course of his work, when he put his hands on people in trauma, they would instantly stop convulsing and breathe normally; he was a true healer and a sensitive. Francis came to a party at my house more than a year after the leaf-dropping incident. He told me that when he stepped outside for a breather during the evening he had leaned against this tree and felt it to be remarkable. Its emanations were compassionate and giving. Did I know that this was one special tree? I told him the story that I have just told you. “Compassion is no attribute. It is the Law of Laws…a shoreless universal essence, the light of everlasting right and fitness of all things, the love of love eternal.” From Buddhism: The Seven Portals. About the Author: Heather Preston, named one of the outstanding artists of Chicago, is the author and artist of Tree Spirits: Tales and Encounters (Sweet Olive Press); winner Silver Finalist Medal 2010 INDIE Book Awards. She is a regular contributor to A.R.E.’s member magazine, Venture Inward available at Her website is
Dec / Jan 2017
Today’s Stars December - January 2017 Messages from the Stars The planets today are reflecting the energies of change we are all experiencing. What no longer serves us is disappearing and we must give room in our life for the constructing of the new. Find within yourselves that which is your passion that you must share with the world. Lending your energy to creation of the new and standing up for what is most important to us will buoy us up. Refusal to acknowledge our gift and share of ourselves will lend our energy to deconstruction instead. We are not victims. The planets keep entreating us to take responsibility for our reality. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) Ahhh! A well earned rest and relaxation for Sagittarius. This R & R is necessary now so do not allow yourself to get drawn into projects and elaborate celebrations for the Holidays. What you find most important is spending time with those who mean the most to you. Expect the unexpected in your romantic involvements. Refrain from idealizing your memories of the past. If you do you will likely miss out on the joy and wonder of now. Great for anything to do with career and/ or work, very motivated. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) Trust your intuition in December. The fortuitous taps on your shoulder could benefit your business as well as keeping you safe. Being attuned to a particular energy
in society allows you to react in the best interest and benefit to your business. This Holiday season you will want to give personalized gifts from the heart that you invest time in choosing or maybe even creating. Your sensuality as an earth sign will be much appreciated by your lover now. Be cautious in signing anything 12/19/16 through 1/8/17. Aquarius (January 19 - February 18) Venus and Jupiter conjoin to give you love and romance throughout December but particularly around Christmas time. Aquarian artists can be truly inspired in December/January. Attracting money and people is easy at this time but guard against extravagance. Be cautioned, great care is needed in all finances, you are easily duped at this time. Avoid gambling and taking risks. Exercise and relaxation can allow you to be ready to appreciate the amazing developments that occur for you in January. Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Discipline and consistency are required to achieve your year’s end business goals. Pisces are feeling quite amorous and will be exceedingly passionate in their advances in December. Jupiter here will bring an abundance of hot, passionate lovemaking. Better news than that is that Jupiter is there until October. December 19 to January 8th is not a time for entering into binding agreements or life - altering commitments. Changes in your finances could be revolutionary, sudden windfalls or sudden losses.
Aries (March 21 - April 19th) The demanding schedule of 2016 will let up for now, allowing the exhausted Aries a bit of fun with a romantic partner or family holiday festivities. It is important to recharge your batteries for in January 2017 career and partnerships will engage much of your energy. Focusing on your career could attract some appreciated increase in pay. December 19 through January 8th is best to reflect and reassess your career strategies for the new year. Go to new places, try new things. There is love in the air for you. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) You are feeling sentimental this holiday season inspiring romantic fantasies to be indulged in creating a magical holiday season if you play your cards right. Some type of behind the scenes activity going on or events that you wish to keep private this month. Work opportunities expand for you in January with increased confidence could come a pay raise. Between December 19 - January 8 decline taking action in regards to issues of shared finances. Explore your creativity and increased intuition, join a psychic group. Gemini (May 21st - June 20) Your ability to get things done fast could help you accomplish quite a bit by the end of 2016. More than a little romance is happening during this period. You may even find yourself looking for commitment, a new experience for flirty Gemini. The feelings of freedom and confidence will help create an exciting January. Taxes, partnership monies and inheritances will be highlighted however take no action from December 19th through the 8th of January. Your intuition will be enhanced regarding your career now. Cancer ( June 21st - July 22) There have been a lot of achievements as well as challenges this year for the Crab. This period will bestow some mental clarity on Cancer allowing them to tie up loose threads. You are able to relegate your challenges to a distance awaiting your attention in the New Year so you will be able to experience
some light heartedness during the holiday. Order out of chaos is the gift awaiting you. This period is an excellent time for businesses having to do with advertising, law, education, media and publishing. Leo ( July 23 - August 22) New interests seem to arise out of nowhere for you this period. You can be inspired by foreign cultures, places of higher education and long distance journeys with friends. It is a time to work on relationships with friends and lovers. In romantic relationships January 1st you are ready to take commitment to the next level. There could be confusion or even deception regarding jointly held finances, taxes or legacies. Creativity and your work are important now. Pay attention to your health there is a lot happening there. Virgo (August 22 - September 22) Devoted to home and family this December will be Virgo’s strength. Career will be relegated to second place until January. A patient and non judgemental ear will greatly improve things between you and your spouse. The end of the first week in January brings changes; new job, or a new country, maybe just a new haircut. Try your best to remain flexible in the face of uncomfortable changes. A regular dose of unwinding may be required so this stress will not affect your health. You will find finances a bit erratic. Libra( September 23 - October 22 ) December is great for business in sales, international trade and all types of communications. Routine is not your friend right now though. You will prefer to celebrate the holidays in a non-traditional way. A little spice and spontaneity in your love life is also in order. A little novelty could aid in the rediscovery of why you two love being together. There should be many opportunities for social interaction, travel and even education. Seek professional advice if you must sign a contract 12/19/2016 through 1/8/2017. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) As far as the Christmas Holiday is concerned it’s
Dec / Jan 2017
all about the company, tradition, sharing, caring and the joy of family. If single, friendships are more interesting than an intimate relationship now. Routine does not attract you this December/ January. You LOVE to be excessively impulsive and spontaneous, your friends will just have to try to keep up. Jupiter can bring on foreign travel, love and expansion. Wise handling of your finances is now a focus. Trust your knowledge, hunches and intuition on the first.
with an Astrology Report by Laura Conner
Astrological Reports Available: The Merlin report - $45 bound copy/ $30.00 as a digital attachment emailed
About the Astrologer – Laura Conner I have been a student of Astrology for over 30 years and assisting clients in examining their birth charts the last 15 years, both in the u.s. and abroad. My Astrology is psychological, spiritual and transformational. I am a Reiki Master. I am a student of natural and energy healing as were my father and grandmother before me. Life on Earth is magical and fascinating with endless choices and opportunities. Let me expand your life’s perspectives. Your birthchart is unique. It is said that it takes 25,000 + years to duplicate a combination of planets and positions. Your astrological chart is a means of objectively viewing the intangible dimension of yourself; your very own “Owner’s Manual” and a map of your spiritual journey. An expanded perspective of your life is one of the benefits of exploring your birth chart.
Last Sunday Guided Meditation & Drumming, Jan 29th, 1-3pm. Donations welcome. Come and join the fun! Wild women and brave men welcome. Don’t have a drum? Come anyway, one can be provided for you. Call for more details 1-866-243-6900 or email
The Child Report - $25.00 bound copy/ $15.00 as a digital attachment emailed Advanced Forecast Report - $50.00 bound copy/ $35.00 digital attachment emailed The Composite & Compatibility Report - $60.00/ $45.00 digital attachment emailed Relocation Report - $25.00 bound copy/ $18.00 digital attachment emailed Consultation $75.00 an hour Please include $7.98 for mailing for each order Ask about multiple order discounts Please include birth information: Name, month, day, year, time w/AM or PM clearly indicated and location (city/state/country). Natal Reports and Advanced Forecast Reports make great gifts especially for birthdays. Gift Certificates are available.
Contact Laura for more information:
Eternal Knowledge: Classes & Events
•Divinity Spiritual Divinity Spiritual Service starts at 11:00 AM EST at 4800 Holiday Drive Fairfield Ohio. All are welcome. Call Rev. Mary Margaret Denholm for more information at 513.289.2914. Divinity Spiritual Online Service Sundays Ongoing at 7:00 PM EST at your online location. To access the DSC service for you, your friends, and family, call Rev. Mary Margaret at 513.289.2914. “Healing Prayers for All” has been changed to the 3rd Monday of the month Ongoing 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM 4800 Holiday Drive Fairfield Ohio Everyone is welcome to receive clearing and healing facilitation for disease, addictions, depression, etc. Call Rev. Mary Margaret at 513.289.2914. “Healing Prayers for All” Online has been changed to the 3rd Tuesday of the month Ongoing 7:00PM- 8:30 PM EST Everyone is welcome to receive clearing and healing facilitation for disease, addictions, depression, etc. Donations welcomed. Call Rev. Mary Margaret at 513.289.2914. Christmas Potluck Divinity Spiritual Church 4800 Holiday Drive Fairfield Oh 45014 Sunday Dec.18, 2016 After Service at 12:30 PM Everyone is invited. Please call Mary Alice at 859.801.3674. Your family and friends are also welcomed to attend. .
•Dr. Jim’s Center for Advanced Medicine Shots for Health - B-12 Shots given by Dr. Jim Smith at Health Foods Unlimited Dayton, Oh. every Monday Evening 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and Susan’s Natural World every Saturday, 10:30-11:30am. Walk- ins welcome For more info, call 513-942-3226 visit our website,
•Enchanted Moments Enchanted Moments Gift Shop & Metaphysical Center 127 Main Street Milford, OH 45150
Call 513-831-5508 for more information on any of our class offerings Shop on-line and get “real time” class up-dates at
•LIIFT Discover New Healing Methods & Network with Other Healers. Cincinnati Healers’ Gathering offers you free opportunities to create a Community of Healers while learning about the latest developments in healing modalities. Occurring monthly, these gatherings enable healers to discover and experience new healing processes. Healers will network, too, and give healings to one another. Introducing Health Network Center – a Healers’ hub connecting healers to new clients and clients to healers. Gatherings occur Tuesdays from 7-9 PM. Email brian. to receive updates and location information. Brian Eastman at 513.541.1257 -
•Meditation & Drumming Last Sunday Guided Meditation & Drumming, Jan 29th. 1-3pm. Wyld Womyn & Brave Men Drumming Circle Newly forming co-ed drumming circle. Donations welcome. Come and join the fun! Wild women and brave men welcome. Don’t have a drum? Come anyway, one can be provided for you. Contact Patti Lightflower for more info. pattilightflower2@gmail. com Call for more details 1-866-243-6900 or email
•Mill’s Pharmacy Pranic Healing TM - Meditation and Healing Nights1st and 4th Mondays of the Month 6:30pm-8pm at Mills Pharmacy 640 Wessel Dr Fairfield OH. Donations welcome. Contact Tina Weisenberger for more information at 513-207-0875
Dec / Jan 2017
•Religious Recovery Religious Recovery: Healing for those Hurt, Disappointed, or Abused by Religion. Religious Recovery is a free mutual-support, nonprofessional 13-step program loosely based on the concept of traditional 12-step meetings. The meeting is open to all religions but is not affiliated with any church or religious organization. Atheists and agnostics are also welcome. For meeting times and locations, or to contact an individual to speak about Religious Recovery, visit our web site:
MasterWorks III: The Human Requiem 3pm, Sunday, March 19, 2017 featuring the SSO Chorale with Vance George, guest conductor, Katy Shackleton Williams, soprano, and Errik M. Hood, baritone Brahms: Ein Deutsches Requiem
For information contact Wayne: Wayne@ or call/text: (513) 205-1057. We also have a Facebook page at pages/Religious-Recovery/598915013454248.
The German Requiem, often called The Human Requiem by the composer, is a masterpiece offering some of the most sublime and stirring melodies ever written. Experience it under the leadership of master choral conductor Vance George, and featuring our SSO Chorale, soprano Katy Shackleton Williams, and baritone Errik M. Hood.
•Springfield Symphony Orchestra
Visit for more information or call 937-325-8100.
MasterWorks II: Going for Baroque 7:30pm, Saturday, January 14, 2017 featuring Nokuthula Ngwenyama, viola Bach: Brandenberg Concerto No. 3 Jean Baptiste Lully: Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme Suite Handel: Viola Concerto Handel: Water Music Our ever popular Baroque bash promises to thrill with favorites from masters of that era. The viola, often relegated to the shadows of the string texture, will dazzle as soloist Nokuthula Ngwenyama joins the SSO. NightLights II: Movie Magic 5pm, Saturday, February 25, 2017 featuring Lindsay Deutsch, violin Korngold: Captain Blood Suite Corigliano: Chaccone from The Red Violin Jarre: Suite from Lawrence of Arabia Gershwin: Fantasy on Porgy and Bess An early evening at the movies as the SSO traverses several iconic film scores – Captain Blood, The Red Violin, Lawrence of Arabia and Porgy and Bess. Melodies both majestic and haunting will conjure memories of these immortal films and remind us that music completes the cinematic experience.
•Whatever Works Whatever Works Center and Gift shop 7433 Montgomery Rd. Cincin. Oh. 45236 Ph. #(513)7919428 At Whatever Works Wellness : Mondays 6:30 to 8:00 pm Manifestation Class: Hands on training from the material of Abraham - Hicks. Wayne Dyer, Sonia Choquette & others. Understand the universal law of attraction, the art of allowing & power of emotions that can help you create the life you desire. $10.00 per class - call (513)791-9428 for info or to reserve a seat. Wednesdays - 6:30 to 7:30 pm Wellness Wednesdays. Ongoing support group dedicated to sharing natural holistic ways to maximize your health & well being. Call (513)791-9428 for info or to reserve a seat. Other fun studies and services offered for your daily life: Crystal & Stone readings, Numerology readings & chart printouts, Dream & symbol interpretation & Energy Cleansing. For Center’s future events, check out or www.
Give the Gift of Music! What better gift this holiday season than the gift of music? Give the musiclovers in your life a single concert or choose our Select Three option for big savings over the single ticket price. We still have four concerts to choose from, on January 14, February 25, March 19 and May 6. Visit for complete information on each of the concerts.
TICKETS: 937-328-3874 OR SPRINGFIELDSYM.ORG Clark State Performing Arts Center
Easy Access. Free Parking.
Peter Stafford Wilson, music director