8 minute read
Evolution of the Soul
The first song he sent to me, which was one of his favorites to sing to was “Guitar Man,” by Bread. Some of the lyrics below were especially touching to me and my memories will never fade of the wonderful love we shared so many years ago.
“Then the lights begin to flicker, and the sound is getting dim, the voice begins to falter, and the crowds are getting thin. But he never seems to notice, he’s just got to find another place to play.” “Either way, got to play.” –J.P.
by Angela Angel to Rev. Marcia Cantrell
We are entering a new phase in the evolution of mankind. You might call this evolution an evolution of Spirit. Since the beginning of time man has been in evolution. However the evolution I am speaking of now is the evolution of the Soul.
Throughout the beginning the soul has seeked growth and knowledge. There have always been those who have been able to progress their souls’ evolution through maintaining God’s word, as later was taught by his son and before who received knowledge by God.
We must first come to realize this evolution of the soul has taken a side trip as forces of darkness have been able to infiltrate this wondrous world so drastically the soul has been in darkness by so many that it has created less light for many. One would think this is normal as it has gone on for so long.
My Brothers and Sisters now is the time for what has been called the Great Awakening. For it is this great awakening of those souls who have been sleeping. to realize the battle that is raging between darkness and light. Now is the time for all souls to answer the call of our Creator to stand up for the light and to claim victory. For it is the righteous that will claim this victory and progress the soul evolution.
Know this evolution is required before Beloved Earth and the righteous can ascend. God is calling his people with the call of love to be ready for the time to move with Earth to the new dimension. As from the beginning of Earth’s creation, we have been given choices, freedom of choice. We ask, “What is your choice?” Soul evolution to a world of peace and love or another 26,000 years of death and birth?
About the Author: Marcia is an ordained minister of the Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking founded by James Twyman. She has a Masters of Social Work degree and with the assistance of her Angels and Guides, provides spiritual counseling for those seeking healing. She offers other healing modalities including Seichim energy and Past Life Regression Therapy. Marcia is humbled and honored to channel other Light Beings including Yeshua and her Guardian Angel Angela.
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by Cynthia White Flower
“There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved,” wrote 19th Century novelist, George Sand. Nothing gives our lives more meaning than loving and being loved. Our relationships are the arena where our love plays out. Our relationships spiral us into new heights of awareness. They show us parts of who we are and help us to define personally - what makes our lives worth living. Our relationships are also our mirrors. They confirm what we are giving out in life by demonstrating what we are drawing back to ourselves. Love is the glue that holds our relationships together. It is the link that connects us. Love is our reason for living.
Experiencing love is the most fulfilling feeling in the world. Love transports us. Taoist Master, Lao Tzu tells us that “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” As we love, we grow. We develop who we are based upon the love in our relationships. How we grew up shaped our foundation for love. Some say that we take our whole lifetime overcoming our up-bringing. While it definitely influences us, it does not have to define us. We have the free will to make choices that bring us happiness. Choosing to love, and deeply, purely, honestly, with integrity – moves us into higher states of awareness, fulfillment and fills us with the sense of belonging. When we feel deeply loved, we feel secure and strong. Love is our mirror. We can see ourselves through the eyes of love. Love is the vehicle that drives us! Paramahansa Yogananda said “In the state of love, no matter what you do, it’s going to be good.”
How wide our door is open for us to love and to be loved determines the levels and magnitude of our love – that which we give, and that which we receive. How high can we take our love? There are layers to work through and layers to achieve. We relate to the world as we see it. We look through our own unique eyes. We
bring all of who we are in that moment in time into our relationships. We also bring all that we are over coming, as well as ideas and feelings for where we want to be. We are taught that, with love, comes expectation – preconceived ideas. The other side of that coin is unconditional love. To love one where he or she is- without imposing who we think he or she is or what we think he or she should be doing, but actually accepting who we see - is a big step towards The Divine and unconditional love. We all have our stories of how we arrived where we are. Removing the word “should” from our vocabulary is a step towards our own freedom. It takes away some judgment and limitations. Love at any level is a gift from The Divine. To love unconditionally is to understand, opening our hearts to compassion.
Achieving a spiritual balance within ourselves can help us to open our door wider to unconditional love. We do have a relationship with ourselves, so this is a good place to begin. Canadian American actress, Jenn Proske recommends, “Love yourself. It is important to stay positive because beauty comes from the inside out.” To live in gratitude allows us to be more positive daily. To say “Thank You” for all of our blessings allows more to enter. Beauty is an attribute of love - the reflection of all Creation in All That Is. To love ourselves is to feel the beauty of life within. To give back to ourselves provides more for us to give to others. Self reflection is necessary. Ask yourself, “How do I feel? How do I want to feel?”
Paramahansa Yogananda says that the key to spiritual balance in love and relationships is meditation. He passionately asserts: “The greatest romance you can have is the romance with God… The greatest love you can experience is in communion with God in meditation. The love between the soul and Spirit is the perfect love, the love you are all seeking. When you meditate, love grows. Millions of thrills pass through your heart....If you meditate deeply, a love will come over you such as no human tongue can describe; you will know God’s divine love, and you will be able to give that pure love to others.”
Meditation helps us to become calm, to feel peace and to rebalance ourselves. Through meditation, we learn to quiet our argumentative thoughts and slow down our active body to allow ourselves to focus beyond the physical and mental limitations that surround us. We open the doors to The Divine that is available to us from within. Jalaluddin Mevlana Rumi explains further, “Love said to me, there is nothing that is not me. Be silent.”
Spiritual balance surrounds us. We have only to quiet ourselves to feel it. We can sit in the sun and feel its warmth, because warmth is a manifestation of love. We can hear music inside the sounds of a bubbling brook, serenading us to be calm. We can look into the eyes of a child, and know that we are looking into the eyes of love. We can listen to the leaves of the trees as they rustle in the breezes, sharing their tranquility. We can look into the center of a flower and see it rejoicing as it shares its beauty with us. We can look into the eyes of a fellow human being and know that we are also looking into the eyes of God.
The Delphi Oracle says: “Heed these words…If you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither will you find it outside. In you is hidden the treasure of treasures. Know Thyself and you will know the Universe and the Gods.”
“Love calls - everywhere and always. We’re sky bound. Are you coming?” - Jalaluddin Mevlana Rumi
About the Author: Cynthia McNabb, BS, M.S., (aka, Cynthia, White Flower) is an author, teacher, counselor and an ordained spiritual minister. The late James McNabb is her beloved and is with her in spirit as she carries on her journey. Please contact Cynthia for an appointment, email:cynthialynnmcnabb@yahoo.com or phone/ text 734-904-0075
References in the order they are sited: George Sand: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/george_sand_383232 Lao Tzu: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/lao_tzu_101043 http://yogananda.com.au/gurus/yogananda02quotes.html https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/jenn_proske http://yogananda.com.au/gurus/yogananda02quotes.html https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/643826-love-said-to-me-there-isnothing-that-is-not http://ageac.org/en/ageac/know-thyself/ https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/201611-love-calls---everywhere-andalways-we-re-sky-bound-are